487 Science of Soul is the Soul of Science Mali Ram Soni Shekhawati Engineering College, Dundlod, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan" India Email: info@shekhawatienggcollege.com ABSTRACT position. All theodes of Nature and ndamental physical constants determine the dimensionless difference between universe particle and soul particle by way of mass, less and energyless quantum theory of gravity. Science tell us how soul particle escape the universe to attain her Ultimate Light Ke,'words: Spacetime, Massenergy, Quantum gravity, Fine-tuned universe, Fundamental physical constants, Dhyan and Samadhi , Cosmoverse. 1 INTRoDUcTIoN It is the eagerness mystery of man for many many eons and eras to understand Science and Soul. SCIENCE belongs to Study Covers Intelligent Enhancing Notions, Concepts & Expedments whereas SOUL pedains to Self Ongoing Ultimate Light. In modern era as a term Science is the study of Spacetime (unification of space and time expressing the distarrce in units of tine, dividing the distance measurement by the speed of light in the Cosmoverse) as all physical phenomena like events and happenings occur within the diameter, volurne and mass of this 4D universe. All discoveries and inventions are the subject matter of the physical world for betterment of the society. It also covers the study of spfuituality to escape the topology of this physical world forever to achieve the Ultimate light to the self. The topology of the spacetime determines the 2 FrHorHcs Our universe may be open, closed or flat, but the matter density is homogeneous and isotropic in every large volume of the space in all directions. lt is assumed that all matter is evenly distributed. According to topology all qualitative properties of the universe including three spatial dimensions are equal in length. So universe has a simply connected and compact topology. IJOART quantum gravity whereas theory of relativity deterr nes the gravitational athaction towards the particles and their behaviour, So quantum gravity created the universe of particles. Science describes the qualitative invadant properties of the Soul as a particle. Though all particles either mediated by mass or energy but Soul is not mediated by mass and energy that is why it is called Self Ongoing Ultimate Light- AII particles travel in their prelirninary source field. As far as soul is concerned, there is no any soutce house or field but it is absolute ultimate light which is not nature made. Natural Forces are parameters to determine the energy of the particles and critical energy density of the universe as a whole. The first part of the study is to understand the particle having no mass and no energy. There are no. of particles in the superluminal galaxies haveling faster than the speed of light cal1ed Tachyons. But these particles are not capable to escape even the gravitational field of the interstellar space. As they travel faster, they decay instantly into other Particles. The second part of the study is to know the escape velocity of the universe and whether it may be escaped or not and by whom it is possible. Copyright @ 2013 SciResPub. There are only two types of particles travel in the spacetime. First is matter particle, the building block of the universe and the second is soul particle permeated into all life forms. This is the reason that universe is habitable and hence the fundamental constants of the universe are ultimately the result of the antfuopic principle. In other words, the universe we are in, is fine-tuned to permit intelligent life. No properties and charactedstics are different from these two particles since the origin of the uriverse till date. There is no such particle in the universe which belongs to God or such equivalent element. It seems that no such power or authodty exists in the universe. Here the whole game is between the soul and the hole. It is also noted that Natural Forces ate not the subject of soul particle and can not destroy it. All physical laws, universal theories and fundamental interaction of natural forces are the subiect to understand and study the matter particle from sub-atomic level to super structure level and determine the total mass and energy of the universe. The particle which is bounded by the body but also can escape the spacetime is called - The Ulti, mate Light i.e. the Soul. Soul is the truth rests in the body but body does not know how to get this ultirnate position because soul is not a part of the body. It exists in the body without existence. Similarly science is the tuuth rests in the universe but universe does not know absolute position of the science because science is not a part of the universe. It is the study of intelligent notions, concepts & expedments, It also exists in the universe without existence. Universe is destroyed but science never. In other words science of soul is the soul of science. It means by whom the soul become understood proceeds towards irltimate IIOART 488 International Joumal ofAdvancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013 ISSN XXXX-XXXX Only science tell us how universe works and how the soul can attain her uli-imate rest position. According to science of Yoga the soul escapes the spacetime by way of Dlryan and Somodhi. These lwo processes are only meant for transforming the properties of the soul particle from the physical body into massless and energyless position. Soul particie also travel in the spacetirne without massenergy. (Unification of mass and energy expressing the soul in units of powel dividirg the soul measurement by the speed of ultimate light). We know the mass and energy of the soul is zero massenergy unit. If soul power in units is divided by the speed of ultimate light, the result will be zero. So it is certain that the speed of ultimate light is also zero. Here massenergy is like a coin whose parts are mass and energy. We can't divide and separate both the parts of the same coin even though both are inter linked having individual importance separately separately. Sinilarly we can't divide mass and energy from the massenergy. According to the theory of mass and energy equivalence, total energy density of the universe is calculated. A11 light particles like photons or sirrrilar are energy carder, it means they are not energy. SiInply they carry the energy so the universe is massive. Sirnilarly, soul is also energy carder, it means soul is not energy. Simply it carrries the energy so the body is massive. Suppose we decay the particle and separate it ftom mass and energy. What remahs in the end? Similarly after death if body is burnt and separated from mass and energy, what remains? 3 Aruarysrs Do you know the escape velocity of the universe? We know the diameter of the universe is 92.94 billion light years within a volume of about 3.4x1080 cubic meters. The figures quoted above are distances now (in cosmological time) not distances at the time the light was emitted. For example, the cosmic microwave background radiation that we see right now was emitted about 13.7 billion yeals ago by natter that has, irl the inteNening time, condensed about 3 to 5 x 1022 stars organized in around 80 billion galaxies. Those galaxies ale now about 46 billion light years (radius of the universe) from us, but at the time the light was emitted, that matter was only about 40 miilion light lears away from the matter that would eventually become the Earth. Now lhe universe is accelerdhng al lhe rdte ol lxl0B metre It means that light rays starting fron1 here can never go out mote than a finite distance - even though there is more universe out there beyond that distance. It also rneans that the universe from us satisfies the definition of a Black Hole, from our point of view our light can't escape from this particular part of the universe surrounding us. So out at that distance, it is as though the escape velocity had reached be yond the speed of light. per second. Similarly the totai mass of the universe is like that a star IJOART This massless and energyless particle (Soul) is only capable to escape the universe. Though the subject matter of science is supposed to be the study of happenings because it is the heart of spacetime. Physical world depends on mass and energy (particle physics) which is called the Soul of Science means the Science of physical body as a whole. Every element in this universe is a part of spacetime building relation between cause and effect making range of phenomena and behave as they appear to in nature which are direct consequences of events on these elements. In otler words our universe itself is a part of the spacetime. So it is very difficult to think about the particle which stays beyond the spacetime. Because the subject matter of the Thoughts (the power of thinking) are certainly limited upto the dimensions of the universe. No physical body is capable to travel, escape and go beyond the limitation of spacetime. Likely thoughts have no power and capability to understand the soul. In this way we may define the soul such a particle which is not only massless but also energyless. According to Vedas the building block of human physical b-ody is no more than the properties of the universe. No human or celestial body can have the escape velocity to go beyond the gravitational field of the universe. It is impossible for any particle that has mass to be accelerated to the speed of Iight. Copyright @ 2013 SciResPub. has mass of about 2x1030 kg which is about 1x1057 atoms of hydrogen per star. A typical galaxy has about 400 billion stars so that means each galaxy has 1x1057 x4x101't = 4x1068 hy- drogen atoms. There are possibly 80 billion galaxies in the universe, so that neans that there are 4x1068x8x1010 = 3x1079 hydrogen atoms in the universe. So the total mass of the universe comes to 2x1030 x1022 = 2x"1052 kg. Accordingly the escape velocity of the universe will be (2x2x1052 x 4.6x1011 /6.4xL011)5 goes to something like 1.9x1023 m/s. It is also noted that this is only escape velocity of the universe but not the spacetime (cosmoverse). A11 massive particles get thet mass from the Higgs Boson through Higgs field which fills the whole universe. In other words all particles are part of universe in the form of matter or body because body is constituted by matter particles, so they are not in a position to escape the universe because by them only the universe came into existence. Though before universe came into existence, the universe itself was massless and energyless. At the time of origin of the spacetime, both particles were massless and energyless. Due to this reason soul particle came into contact with universe by way of life forms. By this way universe and the life forms got their mass. Think if both were not massless and energyless, it was impossible for them to come 4 irto CoNcLUSToN existence. & Resurrs The theory of quantum gravity describes the behaviour and origin of the universe when the volume, mass and energy was zero and how very high energy was combined into space less volume. It is very much surprising that the soul particle IIOART 489 Intemational Joumal ofAdvancements in Research & T€chnolog, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN L\\X-XXI\ which has no mass and no energy rotates and revolves outside the nucleus of the universe particle. In this way universe built by positive charged particles which attain negative energy from outside. The observed value of electon mass at the lower bound energy scale at Quantum loops is 1/137.036 of the fine structure constant (a dimensionless quantity) at zero energy, the coupling constant characterizing the shength of the electromagnetic interaciion. Quantum gravity works below Planck level. According to special relativity, when time dilation and length contraction works below Planck level, also then these lengths and times would be observable. At this condition length and time quantized at the scale of 1.6x10-35 metes divided by 5.4x10-44 seconds. If you want to measure the diameter of an atom in Planck length, and that you counted off one Planck length per second, it would take you 10,000,000 times the current age of the universe. The Planck mass is (ch/ 2r:G)1/z = 221tg. This can be converted into energy by multiplying by c2 to get 2.0x109 joules or 1.2x1028 eV. So 2 billion joules concentrated in one atomic particle. Tfus is the reason that attraction between both particles (matter and soul) is also below Planck level with negligible difference between them. At this point, space, mass and time would be zeto. So in the absence of time, protons and electrons would be unstable. It causes body particles to be destroyed. Also at this conditiory physical laws could not work. It is noted that the soul particle rotate outside the universe particle, not in the universe itself but both particles are inter-linked very closely so it seems that [1] Wiithrich, C., 2010, "No presentism in quantum gravity,,, in V. 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Anlrals of the New York Academy of Sciences,, 950(1): 139-153. Bibcode:2001NYASA.950..1398. aoi:10.1777 / j.17 49 -6632.2001,.b02133.x. [8] "CODATA Value:fine-structure constantsr. Tlr l/1ST Reference on Crnstants, Llnits, ttfid Llnuertainly. IJS IJOART soul particle travels inside the universe. According lo scierce of Yoga, in the Dhyan stage the soul particle travels at the speed of ultimate light which is no more than the Dhyan itself. So RerenEruces it is proved that due to soul particle existence, Dhyan exists. Without soul particle existence there is no sense of Dlryan. So Dhyan exisls without existence. ln other words velocity of soul particle and Dhyan both are the same. Likely the universe particle baveling at the speed of light which is no more than the light. National Institute of Standards and Technology. [9] June 2011. Science of Yoga : Various publications written by Maharshi Patanjali. So it is proved that due to particle existence, light exists. Without particle existence there is no sense of light. Now we can say drat light exists without existence. In other words velocity of light as well as particle both are the same. It is also proved that emergence of life is only due to existence of soul particle. Similarly emergence of spacetime is only due to existence of universe particle. The Yoga scientist destroys the interaction and inter linkage between both particles by way of Samadhi. This is the last stage where gaavity does not work failing the weak and strong interaction and resulting the soul at massless and energyless ultimate position. At that zero time only soul particle remains. At this stage the soul particle rests in her ultimate tight position who would have been already escaped from the spacetime. .It is noted that the body particle have already been destroyed now there is no meaning for the whole cosmoverse to the scientist. Copyright @ 2013 SciResPub. IIOART