International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue4, April‐2013 322 ISSN 2278‐7763 Wireless sensor networks to monitor Glucose level in blood Author Name: Dr .S. Padmapriya (Guide) (per 1st) Affiliation , Authors Name/s 1.V.Abhishek Chowdary ,2.V.S.Dinesh (per 2nd) Affiliation 1 (1st Affiliation) HOD-Information Technology,Prathyusha Institute Of Technology And Management,Thiruvallur,Tamil Nadu,INDIA; (2nd Affiliation)Students of Information Technology,Prathyusha Institute Of Technology And Management,Thiruvallur,Tamil Nadu,INDIA; 2 Email:,, . ABSTRACT With advancements in Sensor Technology, the Wireless Sensor networks (WAN) offer attractive solutions to many problems in process monitoring systems. The WSN has abundant applications in continuous or discrete monitoring systems irrespective of the field. The Biocompatible wearable sensors allow vast amounts of data to be collected and mined for clinical trials, reducing the cost and inconvenience of regular visits to the physician. Implying this concept, our project is used to track diabetes using a wireless sensor network as an implant to continuously monitor the patient’s blood glucose level. The sensor implanted in the body identifies the level of glucose in blood. The level thus measured needs to be monitored. The most conveniently used method to monitor the implant would be to use a detector to telemeter the collected sugar concentration to an external receiver. In the case of our project, we aim to replace the detector by transmitting the monitored data as a message to the patient’s cell phone itself. This is a simple and an efficient way to make the process less strain full for the patient and also relatively cheaper. Thus the sensor can effectively monitor the glucose level and can also send a notification message to the patient, thereby reducing the need of tedious physical processes by the use of smart futuristic technology. Keywords: Diabetic, Tissue Layer, Wireless sensor, Electromagnetic Frequency, TransImpedance Amplifier, Reactive Electrode Introduction: Advances in wireless sensor networking have opened up new opportunities in healthcare systems. The future will see the integration of the abundance of existing specialized medical technology with pervasive, wireless networks. They will co-exist with the installed infrastructure, augmenting data collection and real-time response. Unobtrusive, wearable sensors will allow vast amounts of data to be collected and mined for next-generation clinical trials. Data will be collected and reported automatically, reducing the cost and inconvenience of regular visits to the physician. Therefore, many more study participants may be enrolled, benefiting biological, pharmaceutical, and medical-applications research. The aim of our project is to monitor one of the most widespread diseases, the diabetes using a wireless sensor network as an implant to continuously monitor the patient’s blood sugar level and update it as a message to the patient’s cell phone. Customary diabetic testing:Control and outcomes of both types 1 and 2 diabetes may be improved by patients using home glucose meters to regularly measure their glucose levels. Glucose monitoring is both expensive (largely due to the cost of the consumable test strips) and requires significant commitment on the part of the patient. The effort and expense may be worthwhile for patients when they use the values to sensibly adjust food, exercise, and oral medications Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. or insulin. These adjustments are generally made by the patients themselves following training by a clinician. Regular blood testing, especially in type 1 diabetes, is helpful to keep adequate control of glucose levels and to reduce the chance of long term side effects of the disease. There are many (at least 20+) different types of blood monitoring devices available on the market today; not every meter suits all patients and it is a specific matter of choice for the patient, in consultation with a physician or other experienced professional, to find a meter that they personally find comfortable to use. [1]The principle of the devices is virtually the same: a small blood sample is collected and measured. In one type of meter, the electrochemical, a small blood sample is produced by the patient using a lancet (a sterile pointed needle). The blood droplet is usually collected at the bottom of a test strip, while the other end is inserted in the glucose meter. This test strip contains various chemicals so that when the blood is applied, a small electrical charge is created between two contacts. This charge will vary depending on the glucose levels within the blood. In older glucose meters, the drop of blood is placed on top of a strip.[1-2] A chemical reaction occurs and the strip changes color. The meter then measures the color of the strip optically. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue4, April‐2013 323 ISSN 2278‐7763 Fig.1: Customary glucose level measurement using test strips A Wireless implanted glucose monitoring sensor: As a replacement to the conventional diabetic testing, new techniques for monitoring blood glucose levels, includes an implantable glucose sensor. The analog output current is proportional to the glucose concentration of the body fluid electrolyte and is therefore directly indicative of the blood glucose level. On the whole, the glucose monitoring system is divided into two units: The Sensor unit which consists of the components that are responsible for measuring the blood glucose level and generating corresponding analog signals. The Transmitting unit which has the components for converting the received analog signals into digital data and transmitting them to a base station attached to the patient’s cell phone. Sensor unit: Structure of the sensor:The glucose monitoring sensor has a sensing system- glucose dependent oxygen measuring sensors and base level oxygen measuring sensor. These sensors are arranged on an alumina disc. The sensor unit includes a titanium encased battery and microprocessor, a silicone-sheathed platinum electrode, and a glucose oxidase enzyme system enclosed in a semi permeable cellulose acetate membrane. [3][6]This unit is placed inside a container of dimensions 1.3 X 0.6 inches. Biocompatible Titanium, being inert to human fluid, is used as material for the container. This Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. sensor unit is implanted in the subcutaneous tissue layer of the body, with the sensor surface facing inwards. Working Principle of the sensor: EQUATIONS When a sensor is implanted in the body, the foreign body invasion doesn’t go unnoticed. The environment around the sensor changes after initial implantation of the sensor. The body remodels the cells and moves the blood vessels around the device. The sensor relies on the chemical reaction in which glucose, oxygen, and water, when exposed to an enzyme that catalyzes (speeds up) the reaction, are recomposed into gluconic acid C6H12O6 + H2O+ O2 C6H12O7 + H2O2 (Glucose) (Gluconic acid) The sensors focus on the amount of oxygen consumed for the chemical reaction. The hydrogen peroxide produced in the above reaction breaks down into oxygen atom and water. 1/2 H2O2 O2 + H2O Therefore the net reaction can be given as: gluconic acid Glucose + 1/2O2 Here, two glucose oxidase enzymes with platinum electrodes are employed to act as catalysts – one to speed up the reaction of glucose with oxygen and the other to speed up the breaking down of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. [3]The enzyme electrodes are covered with a semi permeable cellulose acetate membrane to prevent its reaction with unwanted molecules of the body fluid. Now, any oxygen that is left over is measured. Intern national Journal o of Advancementss in Research & T Technology, Volu ume 2, Issue4, Ap pril‐2013 324 ISSN 22278‐7763 Fig.22: Overall sttructure of Glucose G Bio osensor Fig.3: F 2 Dim mensional str tructure of th he sensing unit [3]Thhe above diagraam shows a 2 dimensional d im mage of the oxy ygen sensor unit. The coree of the sensing unit is the oxyg gen sensor. The sensor has a processo or that would provide the ratio o of b glucose. But there can be b variation in the left ovver oxygen to blood levelss of oxygen produced due to various factors f like bo ody tempeerature, lack off sleep, inadeq quate food intak ke, remodeling g of surrouunding tissue, etc. e To overcom me that, the mon nitoring sensor has another sensor attach hed to it which h keeps track of o the base oxy ygen level in the implanteed area. The chaange in the base levels of oxy ygen can be subtracted ou ut of the changee in levels of ox xygen found in the glucose-dependent reaction, r and on nly the changee in oxygen lev vels that iss unique to the glucose-depend dent reaction is used to determ mine how m much the levels of glucose hav ve changed. So, whenev ver there is a ch hange in the oxy ygen levels, it will w be reeflected in the measurement of both the sensors. s Thus the implaant is successfullly able to deterrmine the amoun nt of sugar leveel in bloodd without any ph hysical strain to o the patient. Tran nsmitting Unit: U The mo ost conveniently y used method d to monittor the implantt would be to use a detectorr to telemeter the colleccted sugar conceentration to an external e receiveer. [4][6]In the case of our project, we aim to replace the detecttor by the patieent’s cell phon ne itself. This is a simple and d an efficieent way to maake the processs less tedious and a also relativ vely cheapper considering the money aspeect. Practical Impllementation: This is made practical by attachhing an integratted base station n to the user’s cell phone. [6]For Copy yright © 2013 SciResPub. S wireless communicatioon inside the huuman body, thee tissue medium m a acts as a channel thhrough which the informatiion is sent as magnetic (EM) rradio frequencyy (RF). [4-5]So,, the information n electrom is transsmitted as eleectromagnetic (EM) radio ffrequency (RF F) waves.T The MICS bannd (Medical im mplant communnication service band) rranging betweeen 400 MHz and 406 MHz, meant fo or communnication in meddical implants is allocated fo for data transfe er betweenn the glucose ssensor and the base station.T The transmission n unit of thhe glucose senssor has the folloowing componeents: [4][5][6]]Flash memoryy of 8 kb to sttore abnormallyy high and low w values too notify the user under such coondition. EEPROM M of 64 kB to sstore the measuured value till traansmission. Real tim me clock. A transs impedance amplifier thatt converts thee current from m electrodees into voltage and conditions the signal. 8 bit A ADC(analog to digital converrtor) that convverts the analog signals ffrom the ampliffier into digital ssignal. 8 bit DA AC (digital to analog converttor) that conveerts the received digital siignals into anallog signal. Operatioonal amplifier LM611 actinng as a com mparator whose referenc e voltages are preset dependinng on the abnoormally low and high valuues. An integgrated antenna to transmit siggnals at radio ffrequencies. The MICS b and, having a ffrequency rangge of 401 MHz to 406 MHz, is i allocatedd for data transffer between thee base station. Intern national Journal o of Advancementss in Research & T Technology, Volu ume 2, Issue4, Ap pril‐2013 325 ISSN 22278‐7763 Fig.4: Scheematic diagrram of Microocontroller The Transceiv ver is chosen k keeping in min nd the followin ng factors: size requirement, impedance matching b between the sending and d d, low power consumption..[5] [6]The transmission and d receiving end reception inv olves radio frrequency rang ge. An approp priate software hich allows the application iss installed in tthe user’s smart phone wh received data to be sent as a notification tto the cell pho one. The eentire represen ntation of the system s can be expressed by the followingg diagram: Conclusion: Thus, our approachh monitors the blood b glucose leevel continnuously and seend message ov ver period by using a real tiime clock. This approaach also notifiies when the glucose levell is abnorrmally low orr high. This technology prrovides affordaable solutionss for continuoous glucose moonitoring. The sensor implan nt keeps thhe diabetic updaated with the bllood glucose leevel and reduce es the burdden of frequent vvisit to the physsician. Refeerences: [1]:Guang-Zhong Yaang, Body Senssor Networks, London: L Springeer 2006 Guang-Zhong Yang, Y Body Senssor Networks, London: L Spring ger 2006 for cheemical reaction onGlucoseDeteection [2]: G [3]:H. Baldus, K. Klabunde and G. Müsch, Reliablle Set-Up of Meedical Body-Sennsor Networks,, New York: Sppringer-Verlag [4]:L. Gu and J. Sta ankovic, t‐kern nel: Providing Reliable OS Su upport to Wirreless Sensor N Networks n and Multidisciiplinary Aspectts of Wireless S Sensor Networks, New York: S Springer 2011 [5]:LiiljanaGavrilovska, Application [6]:D David D Cunningham, C Julia A. Stenken, In n vivo glu ucose sensin ng, Hoboken n, N.J. : Wiley 2010 0. Wireless Sensor Network Prot N ocols. Mark A. A Perillo and d Wendi B. H Heinzelman. D Department o of Electrical aand Compute er Engin neering. Univeersity of Rocheester ... Copy yright © 2013 SciResPub. S International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue4, April‐2013 326 ISSN 2278‐7763 AUTHOR’S Guide: Dr. S. Padmapriya Mrs.S.Padma Priya received her BE (Electronics and Communication ) from Madras University in the year 1991. and M.Tech (Information Technology ) from Punjab University and M.E.(Embeded Systems) from Anna University, and Ph.d (Computer Science) from Berhampur University . She has been the member for evaluation committee for projects and served has Resource coordinator for Bharathdasan University and IGNOU. She has published papers in many national level conferences on Embedded systems. She is now presently Heading over the Information Technology Department in Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management . Students: 1:V.Abhishek Chowdary: I am undergoing my B-Tech (III Year)of Information Technology Technology and Management in Prathyusha Institute of 2:V.S.Dinesh: I am undergoing my B-Tech (III Year)of Information Technology in Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.