PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CONDUCTING POLYANILINE AND POLYANILINE-TITANIUM(IV) OXIDE COMPOSITE BLENDED WITH POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) CHAN YEN NEE UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS♦ JUDUL : PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CONDUCTING POLYANILINE AND POLYANILINE-TITANIUM(IV) OXIDE COMPOSITE BLENDED WITH POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) SESI PENGAJIAN : 2004 / 2005 CHAN YEN NEE Saya (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 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PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CONDUCTING POLYANILINE AND POLYANILINE-TITANIUM(IV) OXIDE COMPOSITE BLENDED WITH POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) CHAN YEN NEE A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JULY 2005 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Preparation And Characterization Of Conducting Polyaniline And Polyaniline-titanium(IV) Oxide Composite Blended With Poly(vinyl alcohol)” is the results of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : CHAN YEN NEE Date : 22 JULY 2005 iii Specially dedicated to my parents and siblings with love and to Leong Mun Hon, my best friend for their patience and encouragement iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor Professor Dr. Ramli Bin Hitam for his supervision and encouragement. I am also gratefully acknowledge my co-supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Satapah Bin Ahmad for his guidance and valuable comments. I am also thankful to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karim Bin Deraman from the Department of Physic, UTM for his advice and helps in the four probe resistivity and Hall Effect measurement. I am also grateful to the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, especially Dr. Muhammad Azmi Abdul Hamid for allowing us to use the TEM facility. I also thank all academic and technical staffs of the Department of Chemistry, UTM for their advice and assistance. The financial support from Short Term Grant is earnestly and greatly acknowledged. Finally, I would like to express the utmost thanks to my parents and my family members for their faithful love and support throughout the entire tenure of my studies. To all of them, I extend my gratitude and thanks. v ABSTRACT Conductive polyaniline (PAni) and polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide (PAniTiO2) composites were prepared by chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline in the presence of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid (DBSA) in HCl medium, which played both the role as dopant and surfactant. Such processable conductive PAni and its composite were blended with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in water, which was then cast into film by solution casting, resulting a flexible, free-standing and conductive blend films. The morphology of the PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends was confirmed by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Generally, the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) curves of the blends showed gradual weight loss due to absorbed moisture and solvent upon initial heating up to around 100 oC, followed by a slow weight loss until around 225 oC, which could be attributed to the elimination of dopant. The final degradation of the polymer occurs from around 227 to 900 oC. The presence of a single Tg as revealed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and its shifts to higher value with increasing PAni and PAni-TiO2 content, revealing the miscibility between PAni and PAni-TiO2 with PVA through hydrogen bonding as shown by FTIR. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the blends revealed that the degree of crystallinity of PAni-TiO2/PVA blends was lower than that of PVA and TiO2, showing that the amorphous nature of PAni may inhibit crystallization of TiO2 and PVA. The electrical conductivity of the PAni-TiO2/PVA blends increase with the increase of TiO2/aniline weight ratio and reaches a saturation value at weight ratio of 0.13. All the blends samples exhibit similar pattern, i. e. the conductivity increases with temperature from 30 oC to 50 oC, following with decreasing conductivity, and reach the maximum at 140 oC, then decrease with further increasing temperature. PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA show maximum conductivity at 40 oC, 1.69 and 1.78 S/cm, respectively. The blends films exhibited good conductivity even at low weight fraction of conductive components, with conductivity value around 10−5 S/cm. The electrical conductivity of the films increases with increasing content of conducting PAni and PAni-TiO2 content in the PVA matrix; indicating the dependence of the blended film conductivity upon the PAni and PAni-TiO2 content. This was due to the growing of continuous network formation, which is confirmed by TEM. The percolation threshold was about 2.0 wt. % for both PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends. From the Hall effect studies, the conductivity and carrier mobility are linearly related while the carrier mobility are inversed of the carrier density. At room temperature, PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend (40 wt. %) shows the highest carrier mobility (4878 cm2 volt−1 sec−1) among the samples. Finally, the conductivity of the blends decreases as the temperature is increased and deviates strongly from variable range hopping equation above 300 K. vi ABSTRAK Polyaniline (PAni) dan polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxida (PAni-TiO2) yang bersifat mengkonduksi telah disediakan secara pempolimeran pengoksidaan kimia dengan kehadiran asid dodecylbenzene sulfonik (DBSA) dalam medium HCl. PAni dan PAni-TiO2 yang bersifat mengkonduksi dicampurkan dengan poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). Dengan menggunakan kaedah “solution casting”, filem yang berciri terlenturan, “free-standing” dan mengkonduksi telah dihasilkan daripada larutan “blend”. Morfologi PAni/PVA dan PAni-TiO2/PVA telah dipastikan dengan menggunakan mikroskop electron pengimbas (SEM) dan mikroskop electron penghantar (TEM). Secara umum, corak analisis termogravimetrik (TGA) ‘blends’ tersebut menunjukkan kehilangan berat yang perlahan akibat air dan pelarut yang terserap semasa dipanaskan hingga kira-kira 100 oC, diikuti dengan kehilangan berat hingga kira-kira 225 oC, mungkin disebabkan oleh penghapusan dopan. Penguraian terakhir polimer berlaku kira-kira dari 227 hingga 900 oC. Kehadiran Tg tunggal seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dan didapati menganjak ke nilai yang lebih tinggi dengan penambahan kandungan PAni dan PAni-TiO2 dalam ‘blends’ menunjukkan keterlarutcampuran antara PAni dan PAni-TiO2 dengan PVA. Corak pembelauan sinar X menunjukkan bahawa darjah kehabluran ‘blends’ PAni-TiO2/PVA adalah lebih rendah berbanding dengan PVA dan TiO2. Sifat amorfus semula jadi PAni mungkin mengurangkan darjah kehabluran PVA dan TiO2. Kekonduksian elektrik PAni-TiO2/PVA meningkat dengan peningkatan nisbah berat TiO2/aniline hingga suatu tahap (0.13). Kesemua sampel menunjukkan corak yang hampir sama, iaitu kekonduksian elektrik meningkat dengan peningkatan suhu dari 30 oC hingga 50 oC, diikuti dengan pengurangan kekonduksian elektrik, mencapai maksimum pada suhu 140 oC, kemudian menurun dengan peningkatan suhu seterusnya. PAni/PVA and PAniTiO2 (I)/PVA menunjukkan kekonduksian elektrik maksimum pada 40 oC, masingmasing 1.69 and 1.78 S/cm. Filem-filem itu menunjukkan kekonduksian elektrik yang bagus dengan nilai sebanyak 10−5 S/cm walaupun pada komposisi komponen bersifat mengkonduksi yang rendah. Kekonduksian elektrik filem-filem meningkat dengan peningkatan kandungan PAni dan PAni-TiO2. Ini menunjukkan kekonduksian filem bergantung kepada kandungan PAni dan PAni-TiO2 akibat pertumbuhan jaringan yang terbentuk secara berterusan dan telah dipastikan dengan menggunakan TEM. ‘Percolation threshold’ untuk kedua-dua PAni/PVA and PAniTiO2/PVA adalah sebanyak 2.0 % berat. Daripada kajian kesan Hall, kekonduksian dan mobility cas berkaitan secara linear, manakala mobility cas dan ketumpatan cas adalah berkaitan secara songsang. Pada suhu bilik, PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (40 wt. %) menunjukkan mobility cas yang tertinggi (4878 cm2 volt−1 sec−1). Kekonduksian elektrik menurun dengan peningkatan suhu dan tidak mematuhi persamaan model lompatan pelbagai-jarak (variable-range hopping) pada suhu melebihi 300 K. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi CONTENT vii LIST OF TABLE xi LIST OF FIGURE xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvii LIST OF APPENDICES xx INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Percolation theory 2 1.2 Conducting blends 7 1.2.1 Blends with water-soluble polymers 8 9 1.3 Materials 1.3.1 Electrically conductive polymer Electronic properties of conductive 9 11 polymer Polyaniline (PAni) 13 Conduction mechanism in PAni 17 viii 1.3.2 Water-soluble polymer – Poly(vinyl alcohol) 28 (PVA) 1.3.3 Metal oxide Titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) 1.4 Characterization of polymer blends 2 30 31 32 1.4.1 Four-probe method 33 1.4.2 Hall Effect measurement 33 1.5 Research background and challenges 34 1.6 Research scope 36 1.7 Research objective 36 EXPERIMENT 38 2.1 Chemicals 38 2.2 Instrumentation 38 2.2.1 Vibrational spectra 39 2.2.2 Electronic spectra 39 2.2.3 Themogravimetry analysis (TGA) 39 2.2.4 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 40 2.2.5 X-ray diffraction (XRD) 40 2.2.6 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 41 2.2.7 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 41 2.2.8 Four-probe resistivity measurement setup 41 2.2.9 Hall Effect measurement setup 43 2.3 Synthesis 2.3.1 Synthesis of DBSA doped PAni (PAni- 44 44 DBSA) 2.3.2 Synthesis of PAni doped with DBSA in HCl 46 medium (PAni) 2.3.3 Synthesis of PAni-TiO2 composites 48 2.3.4 Preparation of conducting blends 50 2.3.5 Preparation of free-standing films 51 2.4 XRD diffraction analysis 52 ix 2.4.1 Bragg’s law 2.5 Preparation of test samples for four-probe resistivity 52 56 measurement and Hall effect measurement 3 2.6 Four-probe resistivity measurement 56 2.7 Hall effect measurement 59 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 61 3.1 Synthesis of PAni and PAni-TiO2 61 3.2 Vibrational spectroscopic characterization of PAni 63 and its composites 3.2.1 Infrared spectra of acids doped PAni 69 3.2.2 Infrared spectra of PAni composites 71 3.2.3 PAni and its composite blends 71 Interaction between PAni and PVA 71 TiO2 incorporation in PAni/PVA 73 3.3 Electronic spectra 73 3.4 Thermal profile of PAni and its composites 75 3.4.1 Thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) 76 3.4.2 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 80 3.5 Structural analysis 84 3.5.1 X-ray diffractogram (XRD) 84 3.5.2 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 90 3.5.3 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 94 3.6 Electrical properties of PAni and PAni-TiO2 blends 97 with PVA 3.6.1 Effect of TiO2/aniline weight ratio 101 3.6.2 Effect of temperature 104 3.6.3 Effect of weight fractions 107 3.6.4 Percolation threshold 110 3.7 The Hall effect 115 x 4 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 124 4.1 Conclusion 124 4.2 Suggestions 126 REFERENCE 127 APPENDIX A 136 APPENDIX B 137 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Chemical structure of some conjugated polymers 10 2.1 Different composition of polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide composites 50 3.1 Percentage yield of PAni and its composites 63 3.2 Observed characteristic infrared absorption bands (cm─1) of TiO2, PVA, PAni, PAni-TiO2 (I), PAni/PVA, PAniTiO2 (I)/PVA 66 3.3 Observed electronic absorption of PAni, its composite and their blends 74 3.4 Weight loss (%) of PAni, its composites and their blends 79 3.5 Observed glass transition temperature and melting temperature of PVA and different content of PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) 84 3.6 Position of peaks of PAni, TiO2 and PAni composite blend in Figure 3.9 and 3.10 88 3.7 The XRD data and conductivity data of PAni and PAniTiO2 blends 90 3.8 Conductivity of PAni and PAni-TiO2 composites at various temperatures 98 3.9 Conductivity of blends films (40 wt. %) at various temperatures 99 3.10 Conductivity of the blends films (40 wt. %) with various weight ratio of TiO2/aniline at room temperature 101 3.11 Detailed room-temperature conductivity data of the blend films with different PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) composite 110 xii loading for both blends, PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 3.12 The conductivity at room temperature σRT, Hall coefficient R, carrier density n and carrier mobility µ 117 3.13 The conductivity at room temperature σRT, Hall coefficient R, carrier density n and carrier mobility µ for PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend with various weight fractions 118 3.14 Carrier density, carrier mobility and conductivity of iodine doped poly[(6-N-pyrrolylhexyl)hexylsilane] (PSiPy) 123 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Square array percolation problem. (a) First is the empty array (b) Then, squares are randomly filled in (c) The cluster of squares that creates a complete path across the lattice is called the spanning or infinite cluster (d) Parallel paths are created (Adapted from reference [7]) 4 1.2 Random circle problem − demonstrate continuum percolation (Adapted from reference [6]) 4 1.3 Electrically conductive polymer blend (Adapted from reference [8]) 6 1.4 Typical percolation theory plot (Adapted from reference [8]) 6 1.5 Schematic diagram shows the energy level scheme and optical transition for the positively charged polaron, bipolaron and the neutral polaron-exciton (Adapted from reference [18]) 13 1.6 Various states of oxidation and protonation of polyaniline (Adapted from reference [17, 22]) 14 1.7 Protonic acid doping of PAni (emeraldine base) to PAni (emeraldine salt) (Adapted from reference [17]) 16 1.8 Chemical structures of (a) camphorsulfonic acid, CSA and (b) dodecylbenzenesulfonic acids, DBSA (Adapted from reference [21]) 16 1.9 Defects in conjugated chains: a “physical − chemical dictionary” (Adapted from reference [23]) 19 1.10: Polaron and bipolaron lattice. (a) Emeraldine salt in bipolar form. (b) Dissociation of the bipolarons into two polarons. (c) Rearrangement of the charges into a 20 xiv ‘polaron lattice’ (Adapted from reference [24, 25]) 1.11 Spin-charge inversion of a conjugational defect. Charged solitons are spinless; neutral solitons carry a magnetic moment [26] 20 1.12 Scheme of the protonation process leading to formation of polaron and bipolaron in doped PAni (a) Emeraldine salt in bipolar form (b) Dissociation of the bipolarons into polarons (c) Rearrangement of the charges into a “polaron lattice” (Adapted from reference [21, 27 – 28]) 22 1.13 Propagation of polaron through a conjugated polymer chain by shifting of double bonds (alternation) that give rise to electrical conduction (Adapted from reference [30]) 25 1.14 Energy band diagrams and defect levels for polarons and bipolarons in undoped, lightly doped and heavily doped conducting polymers (Adapted from reference [30]) 25 1.15 (a) Hopping transport: a man crossing the river by jumping from stone to stone and (b) Electronic level scheme of disordered PAni to demonstrate the hopping conductivity (CB = conduction band, VB valence band, EF = Fermi energy, W = energetic distance between states, R = local distance between states, Eg = energy gap) [26] 26 1.16 Conducting network of a conducting polymer with A indicating intrachain transport of charge, B indicating interchain transport, C indicating interparticle transport and arrows showing path of charge carrier migrating through the material [26] 28 1.17 Structure of PVA 29 2.1 Diagram of the Four-Probe Set-Up 42 2.2 Diagram of the Hall Effect Set-Up 43 2.3 Synthesis of PAni-DBSA 45 2.4 Synthesis of PAni 47 2.5 Synthesis of PAni-TiO2 49 2.6 Preparation of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends into conducting films 51 2.7 Deriving Bragg’s Law using the reflection geometry and applying trigonometry. The lower beam must travel the 54 xv extra distance (PQ + QR) to continue traveling parallel and adjacent to the top beam 2.8 Model for the four probe resistivity measurements 57 2.9 Circuit used for resistivity measurements (Four Probe Set-up) 58 2.10 Schematic diagram of sample placement in constant magnetic field (H) to measure the Hall voltage as a function of current (I) 60 3.1 Structure of acid doped PAni (Adapted from reference [21]) 62 3.2 FTIR spectra of (a) PAni (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) (c) TiO2 64 3.3 FTIR spectra of (a) PVA (b) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (6 wt. %) (c) PAni/PVA (6 wt. %) 65 3.4 Interaction between PAni and PVA (intermolecular Hbonding) (Adapted from reference [70]) 72 3.5 Absorption bands of (a) PVA, (b) PAni/PVA and (c) PAni-TiO2(I)/PVA 74 3.6 TGA curves of (a) PAni ( ( ) 77 3.7 TGA curves (a) PVA ( ), (b) PAni/PVA (40 wt. %) ( ) and (c) PAni-TiO2 (I) /PVA (40 wt. %) ( ) 78 3.8 DSC curves of (a) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (6 wt. %) (b) PAni/PVA (0.4 wt. %) (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.4 wt. %) (d) PVA 81 3.9 XRD patterns of (a) TiO2 (b) PAni (powder form) (c) PVA (d) glass 86 3.10 XRD patterns of (a) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (6 wt. %) (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) /PVA (6 wt. %) (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.4 wt. %) 87 3.11 SEM micrographs of (a) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (10 wt. %) (b) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (40 wt. %) (c) PAni/PVA (40 wt. %) (d) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (10 wt. %) with magnification of 10,000 x 91 3.12 SEM micrographs of particles (a) PAni (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) (c) PAni-TiO2 (IV) 93 3.13 TEM micrographs of PAni/PVA blends at (a) 0.2 wt. % (b) 0 4 wt % 95 ) and (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) xvi (b) 0.4 wt. % 3.14 Conductivity of films (40 wt. %) at various temperatures 100 3.15 Variation of room temperature conductivity of films 102 (40 wt. %) with the weight ratio of TiO2/aniline 3.16 Conductivity of blends as a function of 1/T1/2 106 3.17 Conductivity of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blends at room temperature with various weight fractions 109 3.18 (a) Plot of electrical conductivity of PAni vs weight fractions in PAni/PVA films, (b) Plot of log (conductivity) vs log (f – fc) 113 3.19 (a) Plot of electrical conductivity of PAni-TiO2 (I) vs weight fractions in PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA films, (b) Plot of log (conductivity) vs log (f – fc) 114 3.20 Hall Voltage, VH OF (a) PAni-DBSA/PVA (b) PAni/PVA (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (d) PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA (e) PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA (f) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 116 3.21 The samples (40 wt. %) plotted against (a) conductivity and carrier density, (b) carrier mobility and density and (c) conductivity and carrier mobility of the samples 120 3.22 The samples with various weight fractions plotted against (a) conductivity and carrier density, (b) carrier mobility and density and (c) conductivity and carrier mobility of the samples 122 xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PA - Polyacetylene PAni - Polyaniline PEO - Poly(ethylene oxide) PT - Polythiophene PPY - Polypyrrole PPV - Poly(phenylenevinylene) PPS - Poly(phenylene sulfide) PPP - Poly(p-phenylene) Eg - Energy gap eV - Elektron volt LEB - Leucoemeraldine PNB - Pernigraniline EB - Emeraldine base ES - Emeraldine salt Cl− - Ion chloride CSA - Camphorsulfonic acid DBSA - Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid APS - Ammonium persulphate S/cm - Siemen per cm HCl - Acid hidrochloric Na - Sodium K - Kalium Li - Lithium Ca - Calcium xviii BF4 - Boron tetrafluoride PVA - Poly(vinyl alcohol) TiO2 - Titanium(IV) oxide UV - Ultra violet SEM - Scanning electron microscopy TEM - Transmission electron microscopy AFM - Atomic force microscopy FTIR - Fourier transform infrared TGA - Thermal gravimetry analysia DSC - Differential scanning calorimetry XRD - X-ray diffraction Ge - Germanium ρ - Resistivity σ - Dc conductivity W - Sample thickness S - Probe distance DC - Direct current I - Current V - Voltage VH - Hall voltage RH - Hall coefficient n - Carrier density µ - Carrier mobility H - Magnetic field q - Electron charge PAni-TiO2 - Polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide composite PAni-TiO2/PVA - Polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide composite blend with poly(vinyl alcohol) PAni/PVA - Polyaniline blend with poly(vinyl alcohol) Å - Angstrom 2θ - Angle of incidence of X-rays diffracting planes CB - Conduction band VB - Valence band xix EF - Fermi energy Tg - Glass transition temperature Tm - Melting temperature σdc - Conductivity of direct current Wt. - Weight VRH - Variable range hopping I2 - Iodine PSiPy - Poly[(6-N-pyrrolylhexyl)hexylsilane] xx LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Equations and calculations for the resistivity and conductivity of PAni/PVA (40 wt. %, 30 oC) by using four-probe method 136 B Sample calculation of Hall Effect measurement for PAni/PVA (40 wt. %, 30 oC) by using Hall Effect measurement 137 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Plastics, fibers, elastomers, coatings, adhesives, rubber, protein and cellulose − are all common terms in our modern vocabulary, and all part of the fascinating world of polymer chemistry. Plastic materials have displaced traditional materials such as natural polymers (e. g. wood), metals, ceramics and glass in many applications owing to their physical and mechanical properties (light weight combined with physical strength) and ease of processability (the ability to mold the shape of plastic materials or extrude into sheet and rod through a die). The combination of conventional polymers with conductive polymers or fillers is an important alternative to obtain new polymeric materials with designed properties. In such blends, the insulating polymer provides good mechanical properties and processability while the conducting polymer would provide electrical conductivity. In addition, through blending, the brittleness and lack of processability that are the main drawbacks hindering conducting polymers better utilization could be overcomed by new polymeric materials with improved processability, flexibility and controllable conductivity [1–2]. An essential requirement for the commercial breakthrough of conducting polymers in blend applications requires that conductivity is achieved at a small 2 weight fraction of the conducting polymer. Further, there is increasing demand for polymeric materials whose electrical conductivity can be tailored for a given application, and that have attractive combined mechanical and other properties. Thus, this have been the driving force for many of the researches in conductive blends to obtain a wide range of conductivity, which is controllable with varied weight fraction of the conducting polymer for various potential applications [3–4]. Consequently, there are many approaches towards preparation of such blends with desirable properties and are finding a growing number of applications in commercial market, including antistatic (microelectronic packaging), electrostatic dissipation (ESD), static discharge and electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI) [4–5]. For ESD and EMI, the required conductivity levels are approximately 10─5 10─9 S/cm and > 1 S/cm, respectively [4–5]. At present, conducting plastics in these applications are prepared by mixing conductive solid fillers, such as special carbon black or metal fibers into the matrix, or coating the material with a conducting layer. Percolation takes place at volume fraction of approximately 16 % vol. spherical rigid fillers used. Though mixing of solid fillers stiffens the material, it may cause undue brittleness and processing difficulties at the same time. 1.1 Percolation Theory Percolation theory deals with the effects of varying, in a random system, the richness of interconnections present [6]. It can be used to model many things including flow of liquid through a porous medium, spread of disease in a population, polymer gelation, and conductor-insulator composites. 3 From the perspective of condensed-matter physicists (who have been the main ones to adopt this mathematical subject for use in their own discipline), the single most seductive aspect of the percolation model is the presence of a sharp phase transition at which long-range connectivity suddenly appears. This percolation transition, which occurs with increasing connectedness or density or occupation or concentration makes percolation a natural model for a diversity of phenomena. The classic example of a percolation theory problem is an array of wires connecting one communication station with another. The communication network, represented by a large square-lattice network of interconnections, is attacked by a crazed saboteur who, armed with wire cutters, proceeds to cut the connecting links at random. Thus, what fraction of the wires must be cut to sabotage the communications array? This fraction, which is 0.5, is the percolation threshold [6]. When half of the bonds are broken, the communications array fails to work. There are three major categories of percolation − bond, site, and continuum. Bond and site are used when talking about arrays. Site percolation occurs when there is a connected path of sites from one side of the array to the other. Bond percolation is utilized when there is a connected path of bonds across the array. Continuum percolation is used for system where an array model is inappropriate. Imagine an array of squares (Figure 1.1). Now randomly shaded in one square at a time. A group of touching shaded squares is called a cluster. When enough squares are shaded to make a path across the array, the cluster to which the path belongs is called the spanning cluster [7]. Now, as this cluster grows, the path across the array becomes less tortuous. At the same time, other paths may be forming − parallel paths. This concept of parallel paths explains the increase in conductivity of a system even after the percolation threshold has been passed. The same thinking exercise above can be done by throwing random circles on a sheet of 4 paper (Figure 1.2). These circles can overlap. This is an example of continuum percolation [6]. Figure 1.1: Square array percolation problem. (a) First is the empty array (b) Then, squares are randomly filled in (c) The cluster of squares that creates a complete path across the lattice is called the spanning or infinite cluster (d) Parallel paths are created (Adapted from reference [7]) Figure 1.2: Random circle problem − demonstrate continuum percolation (Adapted from reference [6]) 5 Before addressing the specific issues associated with suspension-based conductive composites, it is important to understand the basic concepts of these types of materials in general. Figure 1.3 illustrate the key features of a generic polymer-based conductive blend and Figure 1.4 is a generalized loading curve that represents the changes in electrical conductivity that occur as a function of conducting polymer loading. As conductive filler, such as conducting polymer, is added to an insulating polymer matrix a network begins to form and begins to span large distances. Once this conductive network reaches a critical size, on the order of the composite sample size, the two-component material makes a transition from insulator to conductor. The critical amount of filler (usually expressed as a volume fraction or percent) required to cause this insulator-to-conductor transition is known as the percolation threshold. Composite electrical conductivity typically obeys a power law as a function of conducting polymer concentration [6]: σ = C (f − fc)t (1.1) where σ is the property of interest, C is a proportionality constant related to the conductivity of the filler (e. g. conducting polymer), f is the probability of a site (or bond) being filled or in other words the volume fraction of conductive filler, fc is the critical volume fraction of filler associated with the percolation threshold and t is the power law exponent (typically 1.6 2.0 in 3−dimension) [6, 7]. This is graphed in Figure 1.4. In continuum percolation, f and fc can be thought of in terms of volume fractions. In an insulating matrix composite with conductor inclusions added, f would be the volume fraction of the conductor at any time, and fc would be the volume fraction of conductor it took to make a complete path across the material. One problem with percolation is that it never allows for a leveling out of the property. The property in question keeps increasing as the second phase is added. Since properties tend to level out away from the percolation threshold, a balance 6 Polymer film Conducting polymer particle Stage I (f < fc) Film exhibits insulating behavior here Substrate Film jumps from insulating to conducting here Stage II (f = fc) Substrate Stage III (f > fc) “Percolation threshold” reached when one conductive pathway created Polymer modulus, crystallinity and surface tension will influence loading at which pathway formed Electrical conductivity plateaus here Substrate Figure 1.3: Electrically conductive polymer blend (Adapted from reference [8]) Percolation Zone (Stage II) Insulation Zone (Stage I) Conducting Zone (Stage III) Volume Fraction of Conductor Figure 1.4: Typical percolation theory plot (Adapted from reference [8]) 7 between percolation theory and effective media theory is a good way of modeling material behavior. 1.2 Conducting Blends In a limited way, all polymers can be considered blends since their diversity in molecular weight and microstructure makes it unlikely that two adjacent macromolecules are identical. However, the term “blend” is usually reserved for a mixture of two or more polymers with noticeable differences in an average chemical composition or microstructure. It is not necessary for both polymers to mix at a molecular level. However, mixing at the molecular level occurs if the polymers are miscible. The great majority of polymer pairs are immiscible but this does not preclude their effective use. However, the mixing and subsequent fabrication procedures are crucial to performance since they determine the final morphology of the composite. Polyaniline has been categorized as an intractable material. Nonetheless, it is possible to process polyaniline from its solution in concentrated acid such as HCl, p-phenolsulfonic acid (PSA), camphorsulphonic acid (CSA) and other acids with a polymer concentration ranging from extremely dilute to more than 20 % (wt/wt) [9– 11]. 8 1.2.1 Blends With Water-Soluble Polymers The strong affinity of polyaniline for water has motivated many groups to investigate the compatibility of polyaniline with water-soluble polymer such as polyvinyl alcohol and carboxy methyl cellulose. A. Mirmohseni [12] reported the preparation of a homogeneously dispersed polyaniline by chemical polymerization of aniline in a media containing 10 % polyvinyl alcohol, which can be cast to form a mechanically robust film. The uniform composite films of nanostructured polyaniline (e. g. nanotubes or nanorods with 60 − 80 nm in diameter) were fabricated by blending with PVA as a matrix [13]. It was found that the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of the composite films were affected by the nanostructured PAni-β-NSA content in the PVA matrix. The composite film with 16 % PAni-β-NSA showed the following physical properties: room temperature conductivity is in the range of 10─2 S/cm, tensile strength ~ 603 kg/cm2, tensile modulus ~ 4.36 x 105 kg/cm2. Pallab Banerjee [14] had reported conductive polyaniline composite films formed by chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline inside carboxymethylcellulose matrix films, exhibiting extremely low percolation threshold (fc ~ 1.12 x 10─3). Manisara Peesan et al. [15] have reported the preparation of blend films of β-chitin and PVA by solution casting from corresponding solutions of β-chitin and PVA in concentrated acid. The glass transition temperature of the blend films was found to increase slightly with an increase in the β-chitin content. 9 1.3 Materials 1.3.1 Electrically Conductive Polymer From the initial discovery of nearly 12 orders of magnitude of enhancement in conductivity in the first intrinsic electrically conducting organic polymer, doped polyacetylene, in 1977 [16], spurring interest in “conducting polymers”. These polymer systems containing highly loosely held electrons in their backbones, usually referred to as π-bonded or conjugated polymers or conducting polymers, with a wide range of electrical and magnetic properties, are a field of increasing scientific and technical interest. Inspired by by polyacetylene, many new conductive polymers were developed, including polypyrrole (PPy), polythiophene (PT), polyaniline (PAni), poly(p-phenylene) (PPP), poly(phenylene vinylene) (PPV) and etc (Table 1.1). Later generations of these polymers were processable into powders, films, and fibers from a wide variety of solvents, and also air stable although these intrinsically conducting polymers were neither soluble nor air stable initially. Some forms of these intrinsically conducting polymers can be blended into traditional polymers to form electrically conductive blends. The conductivities of these polymers spans a very wide range from that typical insulators (< 10─10 S/cm) to that typical of semiconductors such as silicon (~ 10─5 S/cm) to greater than 104 S/cm (nearly that of a good metal such as copper, 5 x 105 S/cm), depending on doping [17]. The principal interests of researchers on conductive polymers are the potential applications of conductive polymer in the electronic industry. They could 10 Table 1.1: Chemical structure of some conjugated polymers ( )n ( ) O ( ( S N H n (a) Polyacetylene (PA) (b) Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) (c) Polythiophene (PT) ) n (d) Polypyrrole (PPy) )n ( )n ( S )n (f) Poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) ( N )n (g) Polyaniline (PAni) ( )n (e) Poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV) (h) Poly(p-phenylene) (PPP) be applied in antistatic and electromagnetic shielding protection, as capacitors, electrode in polymer batteries, sensors and actuators, protective coating materials, light-emitting polymer for electronic display devices (such as polymer-based LED, monitor or large area display) and much more. The advantages of conductive 11 polymer over conventional materials are the relative ease of processing, cost effectiveness by mass production and fabrication of smaller electronic devices. But conductive polymers not remained as an “ideal” material as long as some basic problems regarding its properties unresolved. Two main problems that greatly affect the performance of conductive polymers include environment instability (stability against thermal heating, water vapour and sunlight irradiation) and difficult of processing (where most conductive polymers are in- or weakly soluble in organic or inorganic solvents). Technological uses depend crucially on the reproducible control of the molecular and supramolecular architecture of the macromolecule via a simple methodology of organic synthesis. Electronic Properties of Conductive Polymer The essential feature of the conjugated polymer is that it provides bands of delocalised molecular orbitals, the π bands, within which the full range of semiconductor and metal behaviour can be achieved through control of the degree of filling. At the same time, the integrity of the chain is preserved by the strong sp2 π bonds which are unaffected by the presence of the excitations within the πelectron manifold [18]. From the point of view of the solid-state physicists, what distinguishes these semiconductors from inorganic materials, which are well used in technology, is the strong anisotropy of the lattice and of the electronic excitations. This has the effect of allowing very strong local interactions between the geometry of the polymer chain and electronic excitations, such as injected charges or excitons. This coupling between lattice and electrons is an important example of a non-linear system, and there has been great interest in the characterization of resulting excitations. 12 Conjugated polymers in the undoped state possess one pz electron per site, thus giving occupation of one half of the molecular orbitals within the manifold. All these polymers show an energy gap (Eg) between filled, π states (for bonding) and empty, π* states (for antibonding) so that semiconducting behaviour is observed. The semiconducting gap or energy gap (Eg), which is the energy separation between π and π* states, ranges from around 1 eV for poly(isothionaphthene), 1.5 eV for polyacetylene, to 3 eV for poly(p-phenylene) [18]. The size of this gap is directly related to the magnitude of the alternation of bond lengths along the chain. The conducting properties of conjugated polymers are seen when band filling is altered away from the semiconducting ground state. This is accomplished by chemical doping, photoexcitation of electrons and holes, or by charge injection to form regions of space or surface charge density, and each of these methods for introducing excitations is considered in the following sections. Chemical doping, through formation of charge transfer complexes, can either remove electrons from the π valence band (oxidative doping) or add electrons to the π* conduction band (reductive doping), and in the usual band models, should then give metallic properties. However, the coupling of the π band structure to the size of the local geometry of the polymer chain (in the form of bond alternation amplitude) gives a range of novel non-linear excited states. All conjugated polymers, such as polyaniline, poly(thienylene), polypyrrole, poly(p-phenylene) and etc except polyacetylene, show a preferred sense of bond alternation. For these polymers the ground-state geometry is the so-called aromatic configuration, with long bonds between rings, and an aromatic structure within the ring. The other sense of bond alternation gives the quinoidal configuration, with shortened bonds between rings, and a quinoidal structure in the ring. The electronic excited states are described as polarons [19–20] and the excited-state geometry of the chain is shifted towards the quinoidal structure; this geometrical change pulls a pair of states away from the band edges into the gap. Polaron-like excitations can exist in different charge states, as is shown in Figure 1.5. 13 For conjugated polymers which preserve electron-hole symmetry (hydrocarbon polymers such as poly(phenylenevinylene), polyaniline and poly(phenylene), the polaron has associated with it two gap states pulled away symmetrically from the band edges, as illustrated in Figure 1.5. The presence of the gap stated allows several new sub-gap optical transitions, as indicated in Figure 1.5; for the charged polaron and bipolaron these are commonly detected through induced sub-gap optical absorption, and for the neutral singlet polaron-exciton transition from upper to lower gap state can be detected through photoluminescence. Conduction Band P2 P3 Eg P4 P1 BP1 BP2 Valence Band Polaron Bipolaron Polaron-Exciton Figure 1.5: Schematic diagram shows the energy level scheme and optical transition for the positively charged polaron, bipolaron and the neutral polaronexciton (Adapted from reference [18]) Polyaniline (PAni) Electrically conducting polymers in their pristine and doped states have been the materials of great interest for their applications in modern technologies. Among all conducting polymers polyaniline (PAni) has a special representation, probably due to the fact that new applications of PAni in several fields of 14 technology are expected. The first report on the production of “aniline black” dated back to 1862 when Letheby used a platinum electrode during the anodic oxidation of aniline in a solution containing sulfuric acid and obtained a dark-green precipitate [21]. This green powdery material soon became known as ‘aniline black’. The interest in this material retained almost academic for more than a century since “aniline black” was a powdering, intractable material, a mixture of several products which is quite difficult to investigate. Green and Woodhead [21] performed the first organic synthesis and classification of intermediate products in the “aniline black” formation and five different aniline octamers were identified and named as leucoemeraldine base, protoemeraldine, emeraldine, nigraniline and pernigraniline. These names are still used, indicating various oxidation states of PAni (Figure 1.6). (a) Polyaniline (PAni) N H (b) N H N N y (1-y) Leucoemeraldine N H (c) N H N H N H N N n Pernigraniline N N n (d) Emeraldine base (EB) N H N H N N n Figure 1.6: Various states of oxidation and protonation of polyaniline (Adapted from reference [17, 22]) x 15 Polyaniline is a typical phenylene-based polymer having a chemically flexible —NH— group in a polymer chain flanked either side by a phenylene ring. It is a unique polymer because it can exist in a variety of structures depending on the value of (1–y) in the general formula of the polymer shown in Figure 1.6 (a) [17, 22]. The electronic properties of PAni can be reversibly controlled by protonation as well as by redox doping. Therefore, PAni could be visualized as a mixed oxidation state polymer composed of reduced {–NH–B–NH–} and oxidized {–N=Q=N–} repeat units where –B– and =Q= denote a benzenoid and a quinoid unit respectively forming the polymer chain (Figure 1.6 (a)), the average oxidation state is given by 1–y. Depending upon the oxidation state of nitrogen atoms which exist as amine or imine configuration, PAni can adopt various structures in several oxidation states, ranging from the completely reduced leucoemeraldine base state (LEB) (Figure1.6 (b)), y–1 = 0, to the fully oxidized pernigraniline base state (PNB) (Figure 1.6 (c)), where 1–y = 1. The “half” oxidized (1–y = 0.5) emeraldine base state (EB) (Figure1.6 (d)) is a semiconductor and is composed of an alternating sequence of two benzenoid units and a quinoid unit. The protonated form is the conducting emeraldine salt (ES). The electronic structure and excitations of these three insulating forms (LEB, PNB, EB) are contrasted. However, the LEB form can be p-doped (oxidatively doped), the EB form can be protonic acid doped and the PNB form can be n-doped (reductively doped) to form conducting ES systems. The EB, intermediate forms of PAni can be non-redox when doped with acids to yield the conductive emeraldine salt state of PAni as demonstrated in Figure 1.7. It can be rendered conductive by protonating (proton doping) the imine nitrogen, formally creating radical cations on these sites. This doping introduces a counterion (e.g. Cl─ if HCl was used as the dopant), and recently, the counterion was affixed to the parent polymer by partially sulfonating the benzene rings in the polymer, resulting in a so-called “self-doped” polymer. Both organic acids such as HCSA (camphor sulfonic acid), and inorganic acids, such as HCl, are effective, with the organic sulfonic acids leading to solubility in a wide variety of organic solvents, such as chloroform and m-cresol. The protonic acid may also be covalently bound to the 16 PAni backbone, as has been achieved in the water-soluble sulfonated PAni (Figure 1.7). Similar electronic behavior has been observed for the other nondegenerate N H N H N N n 2 HA A + N H - A · + N H - · N H N H n Figure 1.7: Protonic acid doping of PAni (emeraldine base) to PAni (emeraldine salt) (Adapted from reference [17]) a. O O S O O H b. O S O H O Figure 1.8: Chemical structures of (a) camphorsulfonic acid, CSA and (b) dodecylbenzenesulfonic acids, DBSA (Adapted from reference [21]) 17 ground state systems as for protonic acid doped PAni. That is, polarons are important at low doping levels. For doping to the highly conducting state, a polaron lattice (partially filled energy band) forms. In less ordered regions of doped polymers, polaron pairs or bipolarons are formed. During doping all the hetero atoms in polymer, namely the imine nitrogen atoms of the polymer become protonated to give a polaronic form where both spin and charge are delocalized along the entire polymer backbone. The conductive emeraldine salt state can be converted back to the insulating emeraldine base state through treatment with a base, indicating that this process is reversible. This protonated emeraldine salt form is electronically conducting, the magnitude of increase in its conductivity varies with proton (H+ ion) doping level (protonic acid doping) as well as functionalities present in the dopant [22]. In the doping acid, the functional group that present, its structure and orientation can influence the solubility of a conducting form of PAni or for obtaining aqueous dispersion and compatibility with other polymers. The chemical structures of two organic acids, which are recently used in doping PAni are shown in Figure 1.8. Thus, PAni owns advantages over other conducting polymers owing to its moderate synthesis route, superior environmental stability and undergoes simple doping by protonic acids easily. Conduction Mechanism in PAni Before the details of conduction in polyaniline are discussed, three frequently used physical terms in describing conduction in solid have to be 18 understood; namely soliton, polaron and bipolaron as shown in Figure 1.9 [23]. Soliton, sometime called as conjugational defect, is lone electron created in the polymer backbone during the synthesis of conductive polymer, in very low concentration. Conjugational defect is a misfit in the bond alternation so that two single bonds will touch. Soliton can be generated in pairs, as soliton and antisoliton. Three methods were used to generate additional solitons − chemical doping, photogeneration and charge injection. An electron will be accepted by the dopant anion to form a carbocation (positive charge) and a free radical during the chemical doping (oxidation) of the polymer chain, known to organic chemists as radical cation or polaron to physicists. Both the soliton and polaron can be neutral or charged (positively or negatively) as shown in Figure 1.9. The conductivities of PAni can be transformed from insulating to conducting through doping. Both n-type (electron donating, such as Na, K, Li, Ca) and p-type (electron accepting, such as I2, BF4, Cl) dopants have been utilized to induce an insulator-to-conductor transition in electronic polymers. The common dopants for PAni are hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acids and sulfonic acids. For the degenerate ground state polymers, the charges added to the backbone at low doping levels are stored in charged soliton and polaron states for degenerate polymers, and as charged polarons or bipolarons for nondegenerate systems. Such a situation is also encountered in PAni, which do not have two degenerate ground states. That is, the ground state is non-degenerate due to the non-availability of two energetically equal Kekule structures. Therefore there cannot be a link to connect them. In the doping process, the heteroatoms − nitrogen will be protonated and become a bipolar form (Figure 1.10). The motionless charged states are known as carbonium (+ve) and carbanion (-ve) radicals by organic chemist. The conventional distortion of molecular lattice can create a localized electronic state, thereby lattice distortion is self-consistently stabilized (Figure 1.10). Thus, the charge coupled to the surrounding (induced) lattice distortion to lower the total electronic energy is known as polaron (i. e. an ordinary radical ion) 19 Undisturbed conjugation Vacuum state · Neutral Soliton Free radical + Carbocation (Carbenium-Ion) Positive Soliton ·· Negative Soliton Carbanion + Positive Polaron ·· Negative Polaron Positive Bi-Soliton (Bipolaron) Negative Bi-Soliton (Bi-Polaron) · Radical Cation · Radical Anion + Carbodication + ·· ·· Carbodianion Figure 1.9: Defects in conjugated chains: a “physical − chemical dictionary” (Adapted from reference [23]) 20 H N + N (a) + N H (N H H N (b) +. N H (N H (c) (N H N +. ) H .N+ ) H .N+ n ) N H H n n Figure 1.10: Polaron and bipolaron lattice. (a) Emeraldine salt in bipolar form. (b) Dissociation of the bipolarons into two polarons. (c) Rearrangement of the charges into a ‘polaron lattice’ (Adapted from reference [24, 25]) . . Charge, Q = +e Spin, S = 0 + .. Q=0 Q = -e S = 1/2 S=0 . ... Figure 1.11: Spin-charge inversion of a conjugational defect. Charged solitons are spinless; neutral solitons carry a magnetic moment [26] 21 with a unit charge and spin = ½. A bipolaron consist of two coupled polarons with charge = 2e and spin = 0. The polaron and bipolaron have a unique property called “spin-charge inversion”: whenever soliton bears charge, it has no spin and vice versa (Figure 1.11) [26]. Bipolarons are not created directly but must form by the coupling of pre-existing polarons or possibly by addition of charge to pre-existing polarons (Figure 1.12) [21, 27–28]. At the molecular level a polymer is an ordered sequence of monomer units. The degree of unsaturation and conjugation influence charge transport via the orbital overlap within a molecular chain. The charge transport becomes obscured by the intervention of chain folds and other structural defects. The connectivity of the transport network is also influenced by the structure of the dopant molecule. The dopant not only generates a charge carrier by reorganizing the structure (chemical modification) it also provides intermolecular links and sets up a microfield pattern affecting charge transport. Any disturbance of the periodicity of the potential along the polymer chain induces a localized energy state. Localization also arises in the neighbourhood of the ionized dopant molecule due to the coulomb field. The conductivity of various conducting polymer tends to be relatively insensitive to the identity of the doping agent. The most important requirement for a dopant is sufficient oxidizing or reducing power to ionize the polymer. For example, though I2 is a relatively weak electron acceptor, it induces conductivity in polyacetylene (550 S/cm), which is comparable to that achieved on doping with AsF5, a strong electron acceptor (1100 S/cm) [29]. It is well known that polyaniline with conjugated π-electron backbones can be oxidized or reduced more easily and more reversibly than conventional polymers. Charge-transfer agents (dopants) effect this oxidation or reduction and in doing so convert an insulating polymer to a conducting polymer with near metallic conductivity in many cases. Since PAni behave like amorphous solids and the 22 ·· ·· ·· N H N ·· N H ·· N H N ·· N H N ·· N ·· x (4x) H+AH N + A- (a) ·· N H H H N ·· A- N + ·· N H N H ·· N H A- + A- + N x H (2 Bipolarons) Internal redox H N +· (b) ·· N H A - A- H ·· N H +· N H N +· ·· N H A- A- ·· N H +· N H x (4 Polarons) (Polarons migration) (c) H N +· ·· N H A- ·· N H H N +· H N +· - A- A ·· N H H N +· ·· N H Ax Figure 1.12: Scheme of the protonation process leading to formation of polaron and bipolaron in doped PAni (a) Emeraldine salt in bipolar form (b) Dissociation of the bipolarons into polarons (c) Rearrangement of the charges into a “polaron lattice”. (Adapted from references [21, 27–28]) 23 simple band theory fails to explain the conduction of electricity in polymers, we have to assume the validity of the band theory of solids for polymers to the nearest approximation to explain the conduction in polymers [30]. Further, we have to look at the basis of doping effects on the PAni in order to wholly understand the conduction mechanism in PAni. During the synthesis of PAni, the polymer backbone can have inherited a certain concentration of conjugational defects, which is also known as solitons (Figure 1.9). On doping of PAni with oxidizing DBSA (p-doping) in present study, protonation is realized in which DBSA accept the electrons, conferring positive charges on the PAni chain and the positive charges of the cationic PAni chains are balanced by the anionic part of the acids [31]. When electron is removed from the top of the valence band (by oxidation) of PAni, conjugational defects are generated from the distorted PAni’s backbone lattice as PAni is a one-dimensional material, resulting in a vacancy (a radical cation or called positive polaron, which composed of neutral and positively charged solitons) equivalent to a hole is created [30, 32]. A polaron give rise to two levels (polaron bands) in the band gap due to the formation of polaron lattice defect state. The dopant, DBSA itself on the other hand, would be incorporated into the PAni and sits as counter-ions somewhere between the polymer chains. If the concentration of defects on the PAni backbone is high enough, the wave functions of the individual defects will overlap and the Peierls distortion† will be suppressed not only locally but also globally, leading to the disappearance of energy gap and PAni chain will becomes metallic [23]. Figure 1.12 indicates the formation of polaron and bipolaron states in polyaniline. Nevertheless, before the wave functions of the polarons (combination of neutral and charged solitons) overlap are suggested, the electrostatic interaction between the charge of the polarons and that of the counterions has to be taken into account. One may proposes that the charged solitons themselves might move and † Peierls distortion: The typical one-dimensional phenomena for metal-to-insulator transitions described by Bloch wave where a gap opens between the electronic density of states (Ref [23]). 24 thus contribute to the conduction mechanism. Yet, this is not very likely, because the charged solitons will be electrostatically bound to the counter-ions and therefore they are not expected to be mobile [23, 26]. Thus, the remaining unpaired electron on the PAni chain contributes to the propagation of polaron through a conjugated polymer chain by shifting of double bonds alternation that give rise to electrical conductivity (Figure 1.13) [30]. Such polaron is not delocalize completely, but is delocalized only a few monomeric units deforming the polymeric structure. The energy associated with this polaron represents a destabilized bonding orbital. It has a higher energy than the valence band, (to the nearest band theory approximation) and lies in the band gap. If another electron is subsequently removed from the already oxidized polymer, another polaron or a bipolaron will be created. Low doping level gives rise to polarons and with increase in the doping level more and more polarons interact to form bipolarons [30, 33]. The energy levels in polymers as a result of doping are indicated in Figure 1.14. Moreover, the midgap states could acts as hopping centers and the electrical transport mechanism could well be variable-range hopping (VRH) for PAni, as has been proposed in amorphous semiconductors [23, 26, 29]. In general, doping will not be homogeneous and a sample doped moderately will consist of lightly and heavily doped regions. Owing to the local anisotropy of the samples caused by the polymer chains (one-dimensionality), the percolation behavior (formation of connected paths of highly doped regions) is very difficult to predict and the observed conductivity will very often be a combination of variable-range hopping in lightly doped regions and tunneling between more heavily doped domains in the PAni and its composites. 25 Unpaired Electron · + · + · + Figure 1.13: Propagation of polaron through a conjugated polymer chain by shifting of double bonds (alternation) that give rise to electrical conduction (Adapted from reference [30]) Conduction Band Polaron Levels Bipolaron Levels Valence Band Undoped Low Doping High Doping Figure 1.14: Energy band diagrams and defect levels for polarons and bipolarons in undoped, lightly doped and heavily doped conducting polymers (Adapted from reference [30]) 26 In a VRH model [26], the conduction of charge carriers could be explained by the hopping mechanism (Figure 1.15). Hopping is like a man crossing a river by jumping from stone to stone, where the stones are spread out at random, as illustrated in Figure 1.15 (a). It is obvious that the more stones available, the higher the conductivity, σdc because he can jump effortlessly from stone to a nearer stones compared to hopping from stone to a far apart stone. (a) (b) CB Eg R EF ... ... ..... .. .. . W VB = electron Figure 1.15: (a) Hopping transport: a man crossing the river by jumping from stone to stone and (b) Electronic level scheme of disordered PAni to demonstrate the hopping conductivity (CB = conduction band, VB valence band, EF = Fermi energy, W = energetic distance between states, R = local distance between states, Eg = energy gap) [26] 27 To discuss the temperature dependence of hopping conductivity, it is more reasonable to look at the band structure represented in Figure 1.15 (b). There are localized states in the energy gap (Eg), distributed randomly in space as well as in energy. The Fermi energy level (EF) is about at the center of the Eg with the states below EF is occupied and the states above empty (except for thermal excitations). Electrons will hop (tunnel) from occupied to empty states. Most of the hops will have to be upward in energy. There are many phonons available at high temperature, which can assist in upward hopping. As these phonons freeze the electron has to look further and further to find an energetically accessible state. As a result, the average hopping distance will decrease as the temperature decreases – hence the name “variable range hopping”. Since the tunneling probability decreases exponentially with the distance, the conductivity also decreases. It is well known that doping process produces a generous supply of potential carriers, but to contribute to conductivity they must be mobile. And, it is found that the hopping conduction of conducting polymer (including PAni) may be hampered by three elements contributing to the carrier mobility [29], namely single chain or intramolecular transport, interchain transport and interparticle contacts. These three elements comprise a complicated resistive network (illustrated in Figure 1.16), which determines the effective mobility of the carriers. The polarons and bipolarons are mobile and under the influence of electric field, can move along the polymer chain, from one chain to another and from one granule to another. At higher temperature, softening process will eventually alter the macroscopic and microscopic properties of PAni. However, there are many other factors that also influence such conduction mechanism, such as doping level, method of preparation [32] and temperature [34]. 28 B C A A A B B C C A A B A B A Figure 1.16: Conducting network of a conducting polymer with A indicating intrachain transport of charge, B indicating interchain transport, C indicating interparticle transport and arrows showing path of charge carrier migrating through the material [26] 1.3.2 Water-soluble Polymer Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) Water-soluble polymer provide the best matrix for a model blend because polyaniline can be incorporated into a blend system with the presence of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid (DBSA) which helps in the form of dispersing. Poly(vinyl alcohol), a polyhydroxy polymer, is the largest volume, synthetic, water-soluble resin produced in the world. With the gradual reduction in cost, various other end uses began to be exploited. Figure 1.17 shows the chemical structure of PVA. 29 CH2 CH n OH Figure 1.17: Structure of PVA The biodegradable and non-toxcity PVA is highly soluble in highly polar and hydrophilic solvents, such as water, acetamide and glycols. The solvent of choice is water and the solubility in water depends on the degree of polymerization and hydrolysis. The polymer is an excellent adhesive for corrugated board, paper and paper board and in general purpose adhesives for bonding paper, textile and porous ceramic surfaces. It possesses solvent, oil and grease resistance matched by few other polymers. The excellent chemical resistance and physical properties of PVA resins have led to broad industrial use [35]. PVA forms tough, clean films, which have high tensile strength and abrasion resistance, oxygen-barrier properties under dry conditions are superior to those of any known polymer. Furthermore, the unsupported films cast from aqueous solutions of PVA and plasticiser have resistance towards organic solvents. The use of PVA film in the cold water-soluble packaging of materials such as detergent, bleach, for pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other materials which pose health or safety risks, enable dissolving in water without the removal of the package. Owing to low surface tension, emulsification and protective colloid properties are excellent. Moreover, it has high electrical resistivity (3.1 − 3.8) x 107, leading to the extremely excellent antistatic properties of the film [35–36]. The main uses of PVA are in fibers, adhesives, emulsion polymerization, production of poly(vinyl butyral) and paper and textile sizing. Furthermore, 30 significant volumes are also used in joint cements for building construction. In addition, it is used in water-soluble films for hospital laundry bags, temporary protective films and other applications. In this study, water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was selected to blend with the electrically conducting polyaniline (PAni) and polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide (PAni-TiO2) composite to form a free-standing conducting film and investigate the electrical properties of the films. 1.3.3 Metal Oxide Nowadays, the physical and chemical requirement of a material has been even greater than ever. This demand cannot be fully met neither a handful of elements having semiconducting properties nor some relevant chemical compounds, which are already understood. Therefore, increasing attention is being paid to studies on less known chemical compounds able to act as semiconductors to meet the need of the future technology. One of the most important aspects of a “new” material is most probably the electrical property. This is because the development of the technology has put electronic and electrical appliances in our daily life. Among them, semiconductor oxides may be considered as most promising. Owing to their electrical properties like conductivity, magnetic, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, electroluminescence and optical property, some of the metal oxides have been successfully applied in electronic and microelectronic for the production of electronic components such as transistor, capacitor, resistor, microchip and others. 31 In this study, titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) was utilized to form composite with PAni and then blended with water-soluble PVA. Titanium(IV) Oxide (TiO2) Titanium(IV) oxide, occurring in three polymorphic forms − rutile, anatase, brookite, is a very common pigment utilized in various industries. Rutile and anatase are produced commercially in large quantity for the use as pigments, catalysts and in the production of ceramic and electronic materials. Their electrical conductance is between 1.1 x 10─5 − 3.4 x 10─3 S/cm [37]. TiO2 is widely used in welding-rod coatings, specific paints, inks, acid-resistant vitreous enamel, etc. owing to its high refractive index, durability, dispersion, tinting, strength, chemically inert nature and non-toxicity. However, below a critical size, TiO2 clusters can absorb the energy of ultraviolet (UV) to release electron and radical by oxidation under irradiation of UV. Thus, they are also used as protectant against external irridiation and sunlight. Thus, it is used as a sunblock in suncreams because it reflects, absorbs, scatters light, does not irritate skin and it is water-resistant. In plastic industries, TiO2 is incorporated on the package of fat-containing food to prevent UV radiation. It is also utilized in the production of anti-static plastic and as electrically conducting materials. Further, the absorbed organic compounds on TiO2 clusters can be decomposed by oxidation owing to the presence of a radical released by irradiation. So, TiO2 is known as photocatalyst [31]. Anatase TiO2 have high potential for 32 application in diverse areas of environmental purification, such as purification of water and air due to the unique properties. The polyaniline-TiO2 composite had been investigated on its electrical property, effect of thermal treatment and TiO2 content [31]. According to Somani and co-workers [38], this composite exhibits high piezosentivity and being maximum at certain PAni-TiO2 composition. 1.4 Characterization of Polymer Blends There are several methods could be employed to evaluate a material or composite, whether they are in the category of nano- or submicron-sized materials. The most common methods used are Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). For the SEM, the resolution ranges from sub-milimeter to sub-micron while the TEM and AFM could go up to nanometer. Both SEM and TEM are very useful to determine the morphology and particle sizes of samples where direct imaging of the material structures can be perform. The AFM is suitable for scanning the 3dimension surface morphology and surface imaging of the samples. Apart from the morphology and particle sizes of the conducting polymer blends, we have to look also into another important physical properties, i.e. electrical properties of the blends. The electrical properties of a conducting polymer blends involves the charge transfer within the nanocomposite matrix whereby is a complex and difficult to study. Two of the measurements used in this research are described below. 33 1.4.1 Four-probe Method Resistivity measurements are generally made on desired materials to determine their suitability as materials for electronic components. The resistivity must be measured accurately since its value is critical in many devices. Many conventional methods for measuring the resistivity are unsatisfactory for semiconductors because metal-semiconductor contacts are naturally rectifying. An excess concentration of minority carriers will affect the potential of other contacts and hence modulate the resistance of the material. The four-probe method overcomes the difficulties mentioned above and also offers other advantages. It permits measurements of resistivity in samples having a wide variety of shapes, including the resistivity of small volume within bigger pieces of semiconductor. This method of measurement is also applicable to silicon and other semiconductor materials such as conducting polymer [10, 39–42]. 1.4.2 Hall Effect Measurement Conductivity measurements could not distinguish the types of carriers present. But Hall effect measurement, which is basic tools for determination of mobilities could. This method was discovered by Hall in 1879 [43] when he was attempting to prove the magnetic field effect on a current. With this method, parameters such as Hall coefficient, carrier density, mobility and other values could be derived from the measured resistivity data. 34 1.5 Research Background and Challenges The principal problem encountered with the potential utilization of conducting polymers is their poor processability and environmental stability. Attempts have been made earlier to incorporate plastics or rubber with conducting polymer in order to improve the processability of the said mixed material without losing the mechanical properties [14]. Currently, polyaniline (PAni) is one of the most investigated intrinsically conducting polymers due to its easy synthesis and good conductivity. Significant progress in the preparation of processible forms of polyaniline has been reported in recent years. The use of selected sulphonic acids [42], phosphonic acids [11] and hydrochloric acid [9, 44] as protonating agents has led to the solubilisation of the conductive polyaniline; enabling its processing from solution. Furthermore, some of the polyaniline dopants plasticize it upon ptotonation which, in turn, facililitates thermal processing of PAni. For all these reasons, polyaniline is considered as one of the most promising candidates for the fabrication of conductive blends with industrially important classical polymers. Such a great demand for flexible, conductive plastic film and the latest progress on the fabrication of polyaniline and its blends has attracted enormous industrial interest. The ability to process PAni into tough, free-standing, air stable films has been a pulling factor for the intense research and great number of published material related to this promising conducting polymer. Nevertheless, one of the difficulties associated with the processing of conjugated polymers is their poor solubility in common volatile organic solvents. PAni in its emeraldine form (PAni-EB) is commonly processed by dissolving the polymer in N- methylpyrrolidone (NMP) or m-cresol, both high boiling point solvents, resulting in cast films containing a non-negligible amount of residual solvent, often associated with residual water from the polymerization reaction [45–46]. The resulting PAni film normally contains a considerable amount of N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), 35 about 18 % by weight due to the high boiling point of NMP (202 oC) and the presence of the hydrogen bonding interaction of the carbonyl group with the NH group in PAni. The residual solvent will affect the electrical conductivity and degree of crystallization and crystalline structure apart from mechanical and thermal properties [47]. Interactions between the two blended polymers would greatly influence the conductivity and physical properties of the films. In terms of percolation theory [6], the conductivity is very small at sufficiently low concentration where there is no connected path. As the concentration of the conducting polymer is increased, the conductivity shows a sharp increase at a certain concentration of conducting polymer, which is called the percolation threshold. Several works have been reported on the preparation of interpenetrating composites of polyaniline (PAni) with several matrix polymer such as poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(vinylalchohol), polycarbonate etc [2, 12, 15, 48–50]. Several studies also reported conducting polyblends prepared with polyaniline and a classical polymer (polystyrene, poly(vinyl acetate), polyimide, etc) in organic solvents, which exhibit good mechanical properties associated with interesting electrical properties [9–10, 45]. Those polyanilene blends are all in an organic system. Recently, Shi-Jian Su and Noriyuki Kuramoto had reported that polyaniline blends in organic system obtain higher conductivity than in aqueous system [46]. The information about the polymer blends in aqueous is much more scarce. In this respect, in this works we explored and studied polyaniline blends in aqueous system. 36 1.6 Research Scope The scope of this research is as listed below: a) To synthesis conductive polyaniline (PAni) and polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide composites through in situ polymerization method. b) To form conductive, free-standing films of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA by using solution casting method. c) To study the effect of TiO2 content on the conductivity behavior of the blends with varying TiO2/aniline weight ratio, ranging from 0.13 – 0.53. d) To study the heating effect on conductivity behavior within temperature range from 30 oC – 160 oC. e) To study the influence of weight fractions of conductive components (PAni and PAni-TiO2), ranging from 0.1 wt. % – 40 wt. %, on the blends’ conductivity behavior. 1.7 Research Objective: Polymer blends have been extensively studied in recent years due to their significant importance in applied as well as basic sciences. They are formulated to provide a material with an appropriate balance of thermal performance, processability and toughness among other properties that cannot be met with single polymers. Even though the metallic conductivity of certain conductive polymer blends came close to those of metal, the main problems of long-term stability of charge carrier and its mobility in conductive polymer blend yet to be addressed. The focus of this research is to synthesis conductive polyaniline (PAni) and polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide, and consequently to process PAni and PAni-TiO2 conducting blends into tough, free-standing, flexible and conductive films in 37 aqueous system through blending with water-soluble poly(vinyl alcohol). PAni has been selected as the conductive polymer candidate to be synthesized and used to composite with titanium(IV) oxide by in situ polymerization, doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid in hydrochloric acid medium. The chemical and physical characterizations of these systems were emphasized on those related to antistatic films properties, such as electrical conductivity and charge carrier mobility. These two activities, namely synthesize and characterization, were carried out in tight interaction with each other. On one hand, the aim of physical investigation is to account for the influence of TiO2 content, temperature and weight fractions of conductive components (PAni and PAni-TiO2) on the conductivity behavior of the films. Besides, the electrical transport properties such as electrical conductivity, charge carrier mobility and density are studied and correlated by using the four-probe and Hall effect measurement. On the other hand, the objective of the chemical study is to confirm and defined feature of the polymer and its composite blends and is meant to innovate better synthetic method for better quality conducting films. CHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENT 2.1 Chemicals Aniline (99.5 %, Merck) as the monomer was purified by double distillation under reduced pressure prior to use. Ammonium persulphate APS (min. 98 %, Merck) and 4-dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA, 90 %, Fluka) were used as oxidant and dopant, respectively. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, Mw 100,000, Fluka) was used as matrix polymer. Hydrochloric acid (HCl, 37 %, Merck), titanium(IV) oxide TiO2 (99.99 %, Aldrich) and nitrogen N2 were used as received without further purification. The deionized water was used in this research. 2.2 Instrumentation Samples were characterized by using the instruments as listed below. 39 2.2.1 Vibrational Spectra Vibrational spectra of the samples were recorded with Shidmadzu FTIR8300 Infrared Spectrophotometer in the range of 400 – 4000 cm─1 with 4 cm─1 resolution. All the FTIR-analyzed polymer samples were free-standing films. The only exception was the PAni and PAni-TiO2 composites single material sample. The PAni and PAni-TiO2 powder was triturated together with KBr powder to form PAni and PAni-TiO2 KBr pellet. The interaction between PAni and its composites with PVA was examined. 2.2.2 Electronic Spectra A Shidmadzu UV-1601 PC UV/VIS spectrophotometer was used to measure optical absorption of aqueous PAni, its composite and blends suspensions. The suspensions were diluted 500 times with deionized water and the electronic absorption spectra were measured using a 0.5 cm quartze cell. The scanning was obtained within the wavelength range from 200 to 900 nm with the absorption (0 – 2 A) measuring mode. 2.2.3 Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA) Thermogravimetry analysis of PAni, its composites and blend films were investigated by using Mettler TG50 thermogravimetric analyzer with nitrogen as purge gas. The heating rate was 5 °C per minute from 30 °C to 900 °C. 40 2.2.4 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Differential scanning calorimeter measurement was performed with a Perkin Elmer DSC System (Pyris 1 DSC) to analyze the thermal properties and determine Tgs of PAni, its composites and blend films. Temperature readings were firstly calibrated with an empty pan. Approximately 4 mg sample was weighed and sealed in an aluminium pan. The samples were equilibrated at 30 oC for 10 min and hold for 1 min at 30 oC. The samples were subsequently heated from 30 oC to 250 oC at a heating rate of 10 oC/min. After keeping the temperature at 250 oC for 1 min, the samples were cooled to 30 oC at the same heating rate. The second heating scans were run from this temperature to 250 oC to record stable thermograms. The Tg of the samples was determined from the second heating run. In this study, the initial inflection of slope in the differential scanning calorimetry curve was taken as the Tg. All the measurements were performed at a heating rate of 10 °C/min under N2 purge at 20 mL min─1 from 30 °C to 250 °C. 2.2.5 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) The X-ray diffraction of PAni and its composite blend in powder and film form were obtained from Siemen D-5000 X-ray diffractometer using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å) operated at 40 kV and 30 mA. The scanning range was between angle 2 θ of 2 – 60 o in a step of 0.04 o s─1. The samples were in both powder and films form. The XRD patterns for the films were recorded on a glass slide. 41 2.2.6 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The fracture surfaces of the PAni and its composites in powder and their blends in films form were examined by using FEI Quanta 400 Scanning Electron Microscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to check the particle size distribution, surface morphology and dispersal of particle in material matrices. 2.2.7 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) For transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the blend films were cast directly on carbon-coated copper grids (400 Mesh Square Grids) from dispersions containing 0.2 to 0.4 wt. % blends. The lower concentrations were used for blends with higher PAni and PAni-TiO2 loadings. The details of the conducting doped PAni and its composite network in the blend were checked and confirmed using a TEM Model Philips CM12. 2.2.8 Four-probe Resistivity Measurement Setup The four probe method is one of the standard and most widely used method to measure the resistivity of semiconductors. The four probes are collinear in its useful form. The error due to contact resistance, which is especially serious in the electrical measurement on semiconductors, is avoided by the use of two extra contacts (probes) between the current contacts. In this arrangement the contact resistance may all be high compare to the sample resistance, but as long as the resistance of the sample and contact resistances are small compared with the 42 effective resistance of the voltage measuring device (potentiometer, electrometer or electronic voltmeter), the measured value will remain unaffected. The arrangement is also specially useful for quick measurement on different samples or sampling different parts of the same sample due to the pressure contacts. The schematic diagram of the Four-Probe Set-Up is shown in the Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: Diagram of the Four-Probe Set-Up The whole four probes set-up Model DFP-02 produced by Scientific Equipment Roorkee was used to measure the resistivity of the film samples in various temperatures. The set-up unit consists of three sub-units enclosed in one cabinet, including a multi range digital voltmeter, constant current generator and oven power supply. The temperature variation for the small oven to achieve is from room temperature to 200 °C. This equipment was calibrated by using standard Germanium (Ge) slice before measuring the samples. The resistivity of the sample was calculated using equation shown in Appendix A [51–53]. Some assumptions are necessary to be made in order to use this four probes method in conducting polymer blend films. It is assumed that the resistivity of the 43 material is uniform in the measurement area. The surface on which the probes rest must be flat with no surface leakage. Instead of this, the four probes for resistivity measurements must contact the surface at points that lie in a straight line. Furthermore, the diameter of the contact between the metallic probes and the material should be small compared to the distance between probes. 2.2.9 Hall effect Measurement Setup The Hall Effect experiment was carried out by using the whole Hall Effect set-up (as shown in Figure 2.2) supplied by Scientific Equipment & Services, which consist of Hall Effect Set-Up (DHE-21), Digital Gaussmeter (DGM-102), electromagnet (Model EMU-75V), constant current power supply (DPS-175). Figure 2.2: Diagram of the Hall Effect Set-Up 44 The collected data can be used to calculate hall coefficient (RH), carrier density (n) and carrier mobility (µ) by using equations shown in Appendix B [52– 55]. A set of data for the calculation was shown in the Appendix B. 2.3 Synthesis 2.3.1 Synthesis of DBSA Doped PAni (PAni-DBSA) DBSA (0.1611 mol) was stirred mechanically for 2 hours in a four-neck round bottom reaction flask in ice bath (0 − 5 oC) for the DBSA to dissolve in 111 mL H2O. Aniline (0.1611 mol, stirred in 10 mL deionized water) was added dropwise into the DBSA solution and stirred vigorously for 3 hours to obtain optimum homogeneity in N2 atmosphere. A solution of ammonium persulphate (0.1933 mol, cooled prior to use) in 120 mL H2O was then added slowly to the solution with stirring to initiate the polymerization of anline. After 2 hours of APS addition, the reaction was allowed to take place with vigorous stirring for 24 hours at room temperature. The polymer suspension was centrifuged and washed with deionized water repeatedly until the washing liquid was completely colorless. The resulting wet product was dried under vacuum at 60 − 80 o C for more than 8 hours until a constant weight was obtained to calculate its water content and to determine yield. DBSA solution (half amount of the DBSA used, 220 mL H2O) and the other portion of wet product were then blended vigorously. The dark green PAni-DBSA solution was later centrifuged and large particles were removed, resulting the final dark green PAni-DBSA wet product for subsequently further experimental works. The steps of synthesis process are shown in Figure 2.3. 45 Aniline (0.16 mol) • Stirred in 10 mL • • DBSA (0.16 mol) • Dissolved in 111 mL H2O Vigorous stirring 0 − 5 oC • • • • • Added dropwise 0 − 5 oC APS (0.19 mol) • Dissolved in 120 mL H2 O • Vigorous stirring 0 − 5 oC Vigorous stirring 0 − 5 oC, N2 Milky dispersion of anilinium-SA complex • Vigorous stirring • Room temperature • 24 h Dark green PAni suspension • • • • • Washed with H2O repeatedly Added DBSA (dissolved in H2O) Vigorous stirring Centrifuged Removed large PAni-DBSA (wet product) Figure 2.3: Synthesis of PAni-DBSA 46 2.3.2 Synthesis of PAni Doped With DBSA In HCl Medium (PAni) Polymerization was carried out by the chemical oxidation of aniline in the presence of DBSA and APS in an aqueous HCl (1N) medium, both played the role as dopant and oxidant respectively. DBSA (0.1611 mol) was dissolved in 111 mL of HCl in a four-neck round bottom reaction flask under mechanical stirring in ice bath (0 − 5 oC) for 2 hours. Aniline (0.1611 mol, distilled under reduced pressure prior to use) was stirred in 10 mL of HCl for 30 minutes. The solution was then added drop-wised into the DBSA solution with vigorous stirring for 3 hours to disperse the aniline homogenously, resulting a milky dispersion of particles anilinium-SA complex. The dispersion was stirred in an ice bath maintained at 0 − 5 oC under N2 atmosphere. A solution of APS (0.1933 mol, cooled prior to use) in 120 mL HCl was latter added drop-wised for 2 hours into the solution to initiate the aniline polymerization. The temperature of the solution was kept between 0 − 5 oC under vigorous stirring until the addition of APS solution was completed. The reaction was later carried out for 24 hours at room temperature with stirring. A dark green colored PAni suspension was obtained without precipitation. The synthesized PAni was ontained as finely dispersed particles, which were recovered from the polymerization mixture by centrifugation and washed with deionized water repeatedly until the washing liquid was completely colorless. Finally, the polymer was transferred to a beaker containing 1 N aqueous solution of protonic acid (HCl). After keeping overnight, the PAni was obtained by centrifugation and excess acid in PAni washed with deionized water and centrifuged each in sequence for several times. A portion of the resulting wet product was dried under vacuum at 60 − 80 oC for more than 8 hours, then its water content could be calculated. Another fraction of the wet product was then redispersed in DBSA solution (half amount of the DBSA used, 220 mL H2O) and blended vigorously using a commercial blender for the PAni to disperse homogeneously into the solution. The dark green PAni solution was later centrifuged and large particles were removed, resulting the final dark green PAni wet product for subsequently further experimental works. The flowchart of the synthesis process was depicted in Figure 2.4. 47 Aniline (0.16 mol) • Stirred in 10 mL HCl DBSA (0.16 mol) • Dissolved in 111 mL HCl • Vigorous stirring • 0 − 5 oC • Vigorous stirring • 0 − 5 oC • Vigorous stirring • 0 − 5 oC, N2 atm • Added dropwise • 0 − 5 oC APS (0.19 mol) • Dissolved in 120 mL HCl Milky dispersion of anilinium-SA complex • Vigorous stirring • Room temperature • 24 h Dark green PAni suspension • Washed with H2O, HCl and H2O repeatedly • Added DBSA (dissolved in H2O) • Vigorous stirring • Centrifuged • Removed large particles PAni (wet product) Figure 2.4: Synthesis of PAni 48 2.3.3 Synthesis of PAni-TiO2 Composites The synthesis steps of PAni composite are similar to the synthesis method of PAni. Various amount of TiO2 was dispersed into the DBSA solution (being stirred for 1 hour in 111 mL HCl) and stirred for 1 hour prior to the addition of aniline. Aniline (0.1611 mol) stirred in 10 mL of HCl were added drop-wised into the DBSA-TiO2 solution and stirred vigorously to form homogeneous dispersion. The dispersion was stirred in an ice bath maintained at 0-5 °C under N2 atmosphere. After 3 hours, APS (0.1933 mol, cooled prior to use) in 120 mL HCl was then added to the dispersion to commence the polymerization reaction. After 2 hours of APS addition, the reaction was carried out for 24 hours by maintaining the condition at room temperature under vigorous stirring. The resulting PAni-TiO2 suspension was obtained by washing with deionized water, immersed in HCl (overnight) and washed again with deionized water each in sequence for several times. Then, the green PAni-TiO2 wet product was dried under vacuum at 60 − 80 o C for more than 8 hours until reaching a constant weight, so that its water content and yield could be calculated. The PAni composite was chemically characterized by infrared spectroscopy. Another fraction of the wet product was then redispersed in DBSA solution (half amount of the DBSA used, 220 mL H2O) and blended vigorously using a commercial blender for the PAni to disperse homogeneously into the solution. The green PAni-TiO2 solution was later centrifuged and removed large particles, resulting the final dark green PAni wet product for subsequently further experimental works. The flowchart of the synthesis process was depicted in Figure 2.5. For convenience, polyaniline doped with DBSA is designated as PAniDBSA while PAni doped with DBSA in HCl medium is designated as PAni. Besides, PAni composites with various TiO2/monomer weight ratio were recognized as PAni-TiO2. Table 2.1 shows the PAni-TiO2 composites prepared with varied amount of TiO2 at different TiO2/monomer (TiO2/aniline) weight ratio. 49 TiO2 • Ultrason icated in H2O DBSA (0.16 mol) • Dissolved in 111 mL HCl • • Aniline (0.16 mol) • Stirred in 10 mL HCl • • Added dropwise 0 − 5 oC APS (0.19 mol) • Dissolved in 120 mL HCl • • Vigorous stirring 0 − 5 oC Vigorous stirring 0 − 5 oC, N2 atm Milky dispersion of anilinium-SA-metal oxide complex • Vigorous stirring Room Temperature • Dark green PAni-TiO2 • • • • • Washed with H2O, HCl and H2O repeatedly Added DBSA (dissolved in H2O) Vigorous stirring Centrifuged Removed large PAni-TiO2 (wet product) Figure 2.5: Synthesis of PAni-TiO2 50 Table 2.1: Different composition of polyaniline-titanium(IV) oxide composites Sample Amount of TiO2 (g) Weight Ratio of TiO2/ monomer PAni-DBSA PAni PAni-TiO2 (I) 2 0.13 PAni-TiO2 (II) 4 0.27 PAni-TiO2 (III) 6 0.40 PAni-TiO2 (IV) 8 0.53 2.3.4 Preparation of Conducting Blends Stock solution of doped conducting polymer or polymer composite (PAni or PAni-TiO2) and PVA were prepared separately in aqueous system. Different proportions of conducting PAni and PAni-TiO2 dispersion were mixed with the insulating matrix PVA in water, respectively, in order to obtain the desired composition of blends according to the following procedure. First, PVA was fully dissolved in water at 80 oC and cooled to room temperature. Then, various amount of PAni and PAni-TiO2 dispersion in aqueous solutions were each added to PVA aqueous solution, and stirred until each solution was homogeneous under ultrasonication for 3 h. The steps of conducting blends preparation process are shown in Figure 2.6. Blends containing various wt. % of PAni and PAni-TiO2 were prepared and denoted as PAni x % or PAni-TiO2 x %, where x % represents the percentage of PAni or PAni-TiO2 in the blends. 51 PAni or PAni-TiO2 (wet product) • Disperse in H2O PVA (0.16 g/mL) • Dissolved in H2O • 80 oC • Cooled to room temperature • Vigorous stirring • Ultrasonicated PAni/PVA Or PAni-TiO2/PVA Blends • Solution casting Casting on polyethylene petri dish • Drying at room temperature Conducting film Figure 2.6: Preparation of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends into conducting films 2.3.5 Preparation of Free-standing Films Polyethylene petri dishes were precleaned with deionized water and dried at room temperature. Free-standing films (40 – 60 µm) were prepared by casting the conducting blend solution (PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA) onto the polyethylene petri dishes using a solution casting method. The films were thoroughly dried on a flat surface at room temperature for a period of 1 − 2 days and kept in silica gels filled desicator before the measurement. For preparation of PVA films, the fully dissolved PVA aqueous solution was cooled from 80 oC to room temperature, and 52 then cast into films using the same procedures as for the blends. The steps of freestanding films preparation process are shown in Figure 2.6. 2.4 XRD Diffraction Analysis The most dramatic progress in understanding minerals perhaps came with the discovery of X-rays. In 1912, German physicist Max von Lane (1879 – 1960) had provided that minerals posses a regular and repeating internal arrangement of atoms by demonstrated that crystals would diffract X-rays. Since then, the English physicist Sir William Henry Bragg (1862 – 1942), pioneered the determination of crystal structure by X-ray Diffraction methods, for which he and his son Sir William Lawrence Bragg (1890 – 1971) received the 1915 Nobel Prize in physics for their work in determining crystal structures beginning with NaCl, ZnS and diamond. 2.4.1 Bragg’s Law In common with other types of electromagnetic radiation, interaction between the electric vector of X-radiation and the electrons of the matter through which it passes through results in scattering. When X-ray are scattered by the ordered environment in a crystal, interference takes place among the scattered rays owing to the same order of magnitude of the distances between the scattering centers as the wavelength of the radiation. Thus, resulting in diffraction. 53 When X-ray beam strikes a crystal surface at some angle θ, a portion is scattered by the layer of atoms at the surface. The unscattered portion of the beam penetrates to the second layer of atoms (Figure 2.7). The cumulative effect of this scattering from the regularly spaced centers of the crystal is diffraction of the beam. Bragg expressed this in an equation now known as Bragg's Law nλ = 2d sin θ, for n = 1, 2, 3 etc (2.1) to explain why the cleavage faces of crystals appear to reflect X-ray beams at certain angles of incidence (theta, θ in degree). The variable d is the distance between atomic layers in a crystal, λ (lambda) is the wavelength of the incident Xray beam, n is the positive integer (the index) and θ is the angle from the crystal plane (not the usual normal). Bragg’s Law can easily be derived by considering the conditions necessary to make the phases of the beams coincide when the incident angle equals and reflecting angle. The rays of the incident beam are always in phase and parallel up to the point at which the top beam strikes the top layer at atom S (Figure 2.7). The penetrating second beam travels down to the next layer where it is scattered by atom Q, reflects and travels back over the same distance before being back at the surface. Thus, the path of an X-ray reflected off of the top surface is shorter than the path of the X-ray reflected off of the plane of atoms inside the crystal. The distance traveled depends on the separation of the layers and the angle at which the X-ray entered the material. In other words, the second beam must travel the extra distance PQ + QR for the two beams to continue traveling adjacent and parallel. For the two beams to be in same phase, this extra distance must be an integral (n) multiple of the wavelength (λ): 54 Incident X-rays Reflected X-rays Ray 1 Ray 2 S θ θ d θ θ P R d Q S d θ P Q Figure 2.7: Deriving Bragg’s Law using the reflection geometry and applying trigonometry. The lower beam must travel the extra distance (PQ + QR) to continue traveling parallel and adjacent to the top beam 55 nλ = PQ + QR (2.2) Recognizing d as the hypotenuse of the left triangle PQS, trigonometry can be use to relate d and θ to the distance (PQ +QR). The distance PQ is opposite θ, thus PQ = d sin θ (2.3) Because PQ = QR Equation (2.3) turn into, nλ = 2 PQ (2.4) Combining equations (2.3) and (2.4) gives, nλ = 2d sin θ Note that X-rays appear to be reflected from the crystal only if the angle of incidence satisfies the conditions that sin θ = nλ 2d At all other angles, destructive interference occurs. (2.5) 56 Bragg’s Law indicates that diffraction is only observed when a set of planes makes a very specific angle with the incoming X-ray beam. This angle depends on the inter-plane spacing d, which itself depends on the size of the molecules which make up the structure. Thus, the size of the unit cell of the studied crystal can be derived by the positions of atoms and Bragg’s Law and then intensity maximums give the atomic positions within the crystal lattice, enabling the structure of crystals to be investigated. 2.5 Preparation of Test Samples For Four probe Resistivity Measurement and Hall effect Measurement The films cast from solutions on the polyethylene petri dishes were peeled off, cut into pieces and thoroughly dried before the measurements. The thicknesses of the films were between 40 – 60 µm. 2.6 Four-probe Resistivity Measurement DC resistivity of samples was measured in a chamber with controlled temperature. The basic model for all these measurements is indicated in Figure 2.8 [51–53, 56]. The sample was put on the base plate of the four-probe arrangement. The zinc-coated probes were rested gently on the sample. Then the four-probe arrangement was placed into the oven and a thermometer was fixed in the oven through the hole provided. 57 V I I Probes Sample S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 Support Glass slide Figure 2.8: Model for the four probe resistivity measurements Then, the ac power supply of Four Probe Set-up was switched on and the digital panel meter was put to the current measuring mode. The current was adjusted to a desired value. The digital panel meter mode was subsequently adjusted to voltage measuring mode and the voltage between the probes can be read. Lastly the oven was on and the rate of heating can be chosen between low and high as desired. The voltage of sample was collected every 5 °C increment in the temperature range from 30 to 160 o C. The experimental circuit used for measurement is illustrated schematically in Figure 2.9. A nominal value of probe spacing which, has been found satisfactory, is an equal distance of 2.0 mm between adjacent probes. This permitted the measurement of resistivity of semiconducting material with reasonable current from 0.001 to 50 ohm cm [51]. 58 Galvanometer Potentiometer Milliammeter Direct current Millivoltmeter V I I Probes Figure 2.9: Circuit used for resistivity measurements (Four Probe Set-up) (a) Measurement for low resistivity to medium resistivity sample The measurement of low resistivity and medium resistivity sample at various temperatures (30 to 160 oC) was carried out using the whole Four Probe Set-up (Model DFP-02, Scientific Equipment Roorkee). (b) Measurement for high resistivity sample Low constant current sources are needed when the sample resistance, either inherently or due to contact resistances, is large. Because of the constant current provided by the Four Probe Set-up was not sufficient enough for the measurement of high resistivity sample, some adjustments were made. A programmable current source (Model 220, Keithley) was connected to the outer probes to provide a low constant current and a multimeter (FLUKE 189 True RMS) was connected to the inner probes so that the voltage between the probes could be read. The zinc-coated probes were rested gently on the sample, which placed on the base plate of the four- 59 probe arrangement. Then the four-probe arrangement were placed into the oven connected to the Four Probe Set-up and a thermometer was fixed the in the oven through the hole provided to measure the high resistivity of the sample at various temperature. The four-probe set-ups, for both low resistivity to medium resistivity sample and high resistivity sample were calibrated with a standard germanium chip before measurements. Both set-ups give similar data for the resistivity measurement of Ge Chip. 2.7 Hall effect Measurement In order to do the Hall Effect measurement, sample must be connected to a constant current power supply and millivoltmeter (as shown in Figure 2.10). As the set-up was switched on, the current was adjusted to a desired value. The voltage value was then adjusted to zero (zero field potential). The test sample was placed in the magnetic field (as shown in Figure 2.10) [52–55] and electromagnet power supply was switched on. When the magnetic field was applied on the sample, current was adjusted to a desired value. Then the sample was rotated until it become perpendicular to the magnetic field and at the same time, hall voltage will be maximum in this adjustment. Measurement of Hall Voltage was made for both directions of the current and magnetic field. Lastly, a graph of Hall voltage versus current and Hall voltage versus magnetic field were plotted. From the graphs, Hall coefficient (RH), charge carrier density, (n) and carrier mobility (µ) can be calculated [52, 54]. 60 I H Milivoltmeter SS N Constant current power supply Sample Figure 2.10: Schematic diagram of sample placement in constant magnetic field (H) to measure the Hall voltage as a function of current (I) CHAPTER 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Synthesis of PAni and PAni-TiO2 A single route ‘in-situ’ deposition polymerization method was employed to synthesis PAni and PAni-TiO2. In this research, titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) was incorporated in PAni doped with dodecylbenzene sulfonic acids (DBSA) in the presence of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Initially, during the polymerization of DBSA doped PAni and PAni-TiO2 composite in HCl medium, the acidic aqueous solution was colorless. Nonetheless, 10–20 minutes after the addition of the initiator APS solution into the aqueous solution, the milky color of the solution turned blue and later green and turned dark green at the end of the polymerization, indicating the formation of protonated emeraldine form PAni. For the polymerization of PAni-TiO2 composite in the presence of TiO2, the PAni was formed preferentially on the oxide particles giving a higher yield than bare PAni, which is consistent with the previous result [31]. By using organic sulfonic acids as dopants, many advantages could be enjoyed. Many other functional groups could be attached to the aromatic nucleus of 62 the acid so as to change its property, and thus would modify the physicochemical properties of the conducting polymer. For example, alkyl chain substituted aromatic acids in DBSA was known for its surfactant properties. Hence, it may help to induce solubilization of PAni by micellar action. Figure 3.1 shows the likely chemical structures of PAni doped with DBSA [21]. n Figure 3.1: Structure of acid doped PAni (Adapted from reference [21]) Table 3.1 shows the percentage yield of the PAni and its composite (PAniTiO2) calculated by the ratio of the weight of PAni and its composite to the weight of monomer (aniline) and TiO2 content used. The yield of PAni was high (~ 86 %), but after the incorporation of TiO2 with the ratio of 0.13, the yield of the PAni composite was increased (~ 91 %). This could be due to the enhancement of the polymerization process of the monomer in the presence of particles of TiO2. Nevertheless, with increasing TiO2 content in the PAni composite, the yields of the composites were decreased. This could be due to the structural disturbance, which 63 was caused by the overloaded TiO2 content in the composites, as could be observed in the SEM micrographs of PAni composites particles (Figure 3.12, Section 3. 5. 3). Table 3.1: Percentage yield of PAni and its composites Amount of TiO2 Weight Ratio of Yield (g) TiO2/monomer (Weight %) PAni-DBSA 88.67 PAni 85.67 PAni-TiO2 (I) 2 0.13 90.94 PAni-TiO2 (II) 4 0.27 79.53 PAni-TiO2 (III) 6 0.40 57.48 PAni-TiO2 (IV) 8 0.53 41.96 Sample 3.2 Vibrational Spectroscopic Characterization of PAni and Its Composites Infrared absorption spectra are long known and well established in characterizing the chain structure of polymers. This includes the configurational and conformational structure of the chains and the identification of defect structures and end groups. The infrared spectra of PAni, PAni-TiO2 composite and composite blends obtained from this study are shown in Figures 3.2 and 3.3. The position and characteristic bands observed (Table 3.2) are in good agreement with those reported in the literatures. 4000 Transmittance, % T 3000 2000 1500 (b) Wavenumber, cm─1 1000 Figure 3.2: FTIR spectra of (a) PAni (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) (c) TiO2 (c) TiO2 (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) (a) PAni 400 64 4000 3000 2000 (c) PAni/PVA (6 wt. %) 1500 Wavenumber, cm─1 (b) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (6 wt. %) Figure 3.2: FTIR spectra of (a) PAni (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) (c) TiO2 (a) PVA 1000 Figure 3.3: FTIR spectra of (a) PVA (b) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (6 wt. %) (c) PAni/PVA (6 wt. %) Transmittance, % T 400 65 1553 m 1461 m 1709 w 1658 w 1560 m 1480 m νs(CH2) δ(O–H) of OH groups of PVA C–N 1664 sh 1734 s, shp 2922 w 2925 s Aromatic CH stretching 2942 s, shp 2930 s C–H stretching 3355 s, br 3300 s, br 3247 sh PAni 3230 br PVA 3453 s, br TiO2 3450 br references From O–H stretching >N–H stretching Characteristic vibration 1461 m 1553 m 2929 m, shp 3232 sh 3439 m, br (I) PAni-TiO2 Observed Wavenumber, cm─1 1443 m 1572 w 2928 m, shp 3343 s, br PAni/PVA 1441 m 1572 w 2934 m, shp 3335 s, br (I)/PVA PAni-TiO2 Table 3.2: Observed characteristic infrared absorption bands (cm─1) of TiO2, PVA, PAni, PAni-TiO2 (I), PAni/PVA, PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 66 1230 m, sh Deprotonation of aromatic amines O=S=O C–N+ stretching +C–C C–N stretching +C–C or 1008 sh 1111 s, shp 1236 m, shp 1295 m, shp 1410 w, sh PAni 1074 sh 1259 s 1329 w 1375 m, shp 1431 br, s PVA 1030 sh TiO2 1172 sh 1120 s, shp 1143 s 1293 m, shp Aromatic amine C–O stretching 1330 m, shp 1375 w 1380 w, sh 1429 br, s references From δ(OH) coupled with CH wag CH2 bending C–N+ to the δ(CH) wag δ(OH) In-plane bending coupled Characteristic vibration 1026 sh 1070 sh 1107 s, shp 1236 m, shp 1292 m, shp 1410 sh (I) PAni-TiO2 Wavenumber, cm─1 1004 sh 1034 sh 1144 w, sh 1315 m 1220 w 1236 w 1373 w, sh PAni/PVA 1002 sh 1033 sh 1115 w, sh 1317 m 1224 w 1233 w 1373 w, sh (I)/PVA PAni-TiO2 67 Ti–O Degenerate bending of SO3- And H2O deformation 550 br 500 br m: medium 699 br TiO2 660 br 570 m, shp 660 m, br s: strong Out-of-plane C–OH deformation 703 w S–O 854 m, shp C–C–O in-phase stretching 800 m 900 w, sh Undissociated acids C–H(op) 1099 s references From ν(CCO) out-of-phase Characteristic vibration w: weak 565 w 658 w 613 w 698 w 794 m br: 934 w, sh (I) PAni-TiO2 shp: sharp 573 m, shp 661 m 794 m 875 w, sh PAni sh: shoulder 607 m, br 851 m, shp 1095 s PVA Wavenumber, cm─1 584 w 602 w 683 w 829 m 916 w, sh 1096 m PAni/PVA 665 w 584 w 602 w 682 w 829 m 916 w, sh 1095 m (I)/PVA PAni-TiO2 68 69 3.2.1 Infrared Spectra of Acids Doped PAni The doping of PAni leads to the formation of –Q=N+H– groups. The positive charge on the polymer chain may lead to an increase in the dipole moment of the molecule, resulting in an increase in the intensity of the infrared bands [57]. The bands related to N–H stretching of an aromatic amine (> NH stretching) normally appear in the region between 3100 and 3500 cm─1 [41]. Due to the presence of moisture in the samples, we saw a broad band near 3453 cm─1 and a shoulder band at 3247 cm─1 with medium intensity. Both bands could be assigned to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of –NH2+ group, respectively [57]. It is reported that these bands are absent in the dedoped sample. The –NH+ stretching could have overlapped with the asymmetric NH2 stretching mode and the –NH2+ group may have participated in a hydrogen bonding formation [57]. The band around 2922 cm─1 is due to the aromatic CH stretching. The two bands observed in the 1440 – 1600 cm─1 region are related to the stretching of the C–N bonds of the benzenic and quinonic rings, respectively and are present due to the conducting state of the polymer [58–59]. The intensity of these bands illustrates an idea of the oxidation state of PAni. When they appear in equal intensities, PAni is in the emeraldine base form [60]. The bands corresponding to quinoid (N=Q=N) and benzenoid (N–B–N) ring stretching modes were observed at 1553 cm─1 and 1461 cm─1, respectively. Another characteristic band in the infrared spectra for the acids doped PAni is the C–N+ stretching absorption of the QBQ or quinoid (B refers to cis-benzenoid unit and Q refers to quinoic unit) at about 1380 cm─1, which arises due to protonation of PAni, by dopant [21, 57]. According to Nayanna C. [61], leucoemeraldine does not absorb at this frequency in contrast to the emeraldine and 70 pernigraniline form. We observed this frequency as a weak shoulder band at 1410 cm─1. Peaks in the region close to 1300 cm─1 are attributable to the presence of aromatic amines in all forms of PAni [58, 60] whereas a shoulder band at 1230 cm─1 has been associated with deprotonation of the aromatic amines of the polymer [60]. We observed both bands at 1295 and 1236 cm─1, respectively. The existence of the shoulder peak may also imply that PAni doped with various acids has not been fully oxidized. The band characteristic of the conducting polymer due to the delocalization of electrical changes [21, 60, 62] was observed as a sharp and strong band at around 1111 cm─1. The absorption peaks of the sulfonic group dopant were observed partially obscured by the consonation band of C–N or C–N+ + C–C stretchings at 1111 cm─1. We attributed the two shoulder bands at 1030 and 1008 cm─1 as the asymmetric and symmetric O=S=O stretching vibrations of sulfonic group, and peaks at 661 cm─1 assigned to S–O [40, 62–63]. Protonic acids, which are used as dopants are never fully associated, particularly when they are incorporated into a solid matrix such as PAni. Therefore, the two extra absorption bands observed near 875 cm─1 and 573 cm─1 are due to undissociated acids [21] and the degenerate bending mode of the SO3─ group, respectively [57]. The evidence of the formation of poly(p-aniline) with 1,4-substituted phenyl rings could be established by the C–H out-of-plane bending band occurred at around 800 cm─1 [58, 60, 64, 65]. We observed this characteristic band at 794 cm─1. 71 3.2.2 Infrared Spectra of PAni Composites The infrared spectrum of the PAni-TiO2 (I) composites is very much similar to the spectrum of the doped PAni with additional bands at 658 and 565 cm─1 belonging to the TiO2 (Figure 3.2, Table 3.2) [66]. The shear sharpness of the metal-oxides absorption bands and remained at almost the same frequencies of pure metal oxides strongly suggest that the metal oxides were well dispersed in the polymer matrices [67]. Slight shifts and changes in intensities in certain bands among the PAni salts and PAni composite were observed [38]. 3.2.3 PAni and Its Composite Blends Interaction Between PAni and PVA The characteristic bands of both PAni and PVA [13, 68–69] were observed in the blend films and the characteristic vibrations are summarized in Table 3.2. Some peaks have been altered both in intensity and position upon blend formation. Undoubtedly, these changes indicate structural and chemical alterations of the PAni framework in the blends. The band assigned to C–O stretching of PVA and the Caromatic–N stretching of PAni either diminished or shifted upon blending. The most probable explanation for this occurrence is by considering the possibility of the formation of hydrogen 72 bonding between hydroxyl groups of PVA and amine and positively charged amine and imine sites of PAni as illustrated in Figure 3.4 [10, 48, 70]. The formation of hydrogen bonding between the two components has caused a decrease in crystallinity of PVA in the blends, as was confirmed by a XRD result [70]. Similar formation of H-bonding between the H-acceptor hydroxyl groups of PVA and Hdonor imino group of PAni has been related by K. S. Ho et al. [40]. However, the sulfo-group in the doped PAni, which is another source of H-acceptor, is shielded by the long alkyl chain of the DBSA dopant and itself could not be free to form Hbonding with H-donating group [40]. C C O O +· N R SO3- N R +· N H SO3- O C H H N x H H O C N R H N R + N H SO3- SO3- O H + N H y C Figure 3.4: Interaction between PAni and PVA (intermolecular H-bonding) (Adapted from reference [70]) Earlier than that, Dhawan [62] revealed that the characteristic bands of nitrogen quinoid and benzenoid show the blue shift from 1571 to 1603 cm─1 and from 1483 to 1501 cm─1 when dopant was removed from the polymer, indicating the conversion of the benzenoid ring to quinoid rings in the PAni matrix. Much more later, a paper [39] reported that some quinoid rings in the emeraldine base of PAni were transformed into benzenoid through doping with HCl, LiPF6 and LiBF4, which the C–N stretching suffers a major set-back. The peak at 1461 cm─1 in PAni shifted to 1443 cm─1 in PAni/PVA blend. The large shift and enhanced intensity in the blend manifested the conversion of C=N– (quinoid) to C–NH– (benzenoid) and its promotion. Undoubtedly, this spectral feature arises due to the involment of the benzenoid –NH in intermolecular hydrogen bonding with oxygen of PVA. The 73 effect on other vibrational groups also leads to the same view, and such interaction becomes the driving force for the quinoid to benzenoid conversion. TiO2 Incorporation In PAni/PVA The additional characteristic bands of PAni and PVA in the PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend films confirm the presence of both components in the composite blend film. Nevertheless, the Ti–O band cannot be observed clearly in the PAniTiO2 (I)/PVA blend film because it appears as a weak band at 665 cm─1. 3.3 Electronic Spectra The observed electronic absorption bands (Figure 3.5) are consistent with the emeraldine salt form of PAni [71]. The observed optical absorption frequencies of the samples are presented in Table 3.3. The conducting emeraldine salt form in water has two characteristic absorption bands at 420 and 800 nm owing to the radical cation (polaron) state formed on the PAni backbone chain [71–72]. Thus, the absorption pairs observed at 430 nm and 846 nm for PAni and 433 nm and 811 nm for PAni-TiO2 (I) composite are related to polaron band transition after doping and correspond to localization of electrons. UV absorption bands at 360 nm and 361 nm for PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) composite, respectively are attributable to the π π∗ transition on the PAni backbone [13, 63, 70]. But, the absorption for PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA is increased due 74 to overlapping of the absorption of TiO2 in this region [31]. As seen from the bands at around 800 nm, all these spectra exhibit strong evidences for the protonation of PAni. (c) (b) (a) Figure 3.5: Absorption bands of (a) PVA, (b) PAni/PVA and (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA Table 3.3: Observed electronic absorption of PAni, its composite and their blends λmax/nm Transition PAni-TiO2 PAni PAni-TiO2 (I) PAni/PVA π π∗ 360 361 360 361 Delocalized polaron 430 433 430 432 free-carrier tail 846 811 846 826 absorption (I)/ PVA 75 The electronic spectra for PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I) blended with PVA exhibited similar characteristic bands of both π π∗ transition and polaron transition (Figure 3.5) albeit with some slight shifts of the wavelengths. PVA does not have an absorption peak in the region of the interest. Furthermore, since there is no evidence for the electronic absorption of fully oxidized pernigraniline (supposed to be at 528 nm and 320 nm [71]) once again reestablished the oxidation state of the synthesized PAni used in this study is in its emeraldine salt form. 3.4 Thermal Profile of PAni and Its Composites TGA is widely used to study all physical process involving the weight changes, such as to measure the diffusion characteristic and the moisture uptake of a sample. In addition, it is also employed to investigate the thermal degradation, phase transition and crystallization of polymers. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) has been selected as a tool to extract more information on the thermal behavior and characterize the miscibility of polymer blends. The determination of the Tg of the blend compared with the Tgs of the two components separately is one of the most commonly used methods to estimate polymer-polymer miscibility. In the case where one component is crystalline, observation of a melting point depression of this polymer may also be used as evidence to support the miscibility of the polymer pair, as reported by Kenshi Miura et al. [73] and others [10, 58]. 76 3.4.1 Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA) The thermogravimetric profiles of acids doped PAni and PAni-TiO2 composites (Figure 3.6) exhibited a similar pattern, with a small variation in degradation temperature, even though they were found to have different degradation kinetics. Generally, the thermograms indicate three major stages of weight loss. In the first stage, 3 – 4 % weight loss at temperature up to 125 oC is associated with the loss of water molecules from the polymer matrix [57, 59–60, 74]. The second stage that commences after 125 oC until 225 oC, the weight loss (about 1 %) is due to the removal of the acid dopant bound to the polyaniline chain and low-molecular-weight oligomers. A slow and somewhat gradual weight loss profile observed starting at 225 oC onwards, represents degradation of the skeletal polyaniline chain structure after the dopant has been removed [57, 59–60]. Above 600 oC, the results obtained are associated with the residues only. The interaction between the polymers could also be deduced from the oxidative degradation curves through thermogravimetric analysis studies. TGA thermograph of PVA, PAni/PVA and its composite blend (PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA) are presented in Figure 3.7. For pure PVA, it has been reported that the decomposition occurred in two stages and it is thermally stable up to 265 oC [75]. However, from our study, the PVA (curve (a) in Figure 3.7) exhibited a gradual weight loss of about 8 % upon initial heating up to 225 oC. This weight loss is associated with the loss of moisture from the sample. Subsequently, rapid weight loss occurred up to 500 oC (almost 96 % weight loss). This followed by a gradual weight loss with a nearly complete decomposition after 800 oC (weight loss of 98 %). Similar complete weight loss of thermal degradation of PVA has been observed by other authors earlier [75–76]. The PAni blends and its composite blends TGA curves (Figure 3.7) showed gradual weight loss due to absorbed moisture and solvent upon initial heating up to Weight Loss, % w 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 100 125 oC 300 400 500 o 700 (b) (a) ) and (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) ( 600 600 oC Temperature, C Figure 3.6: TGA curves of (a) PAni ( 200 225 oC ) 800 900 1000 77 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 100 o 100 C o 200 125 C o 400 o Temperature, C 500 ), (b) PAni/PVA (40 wt. %) ( 300 226 C Figure 3.7: TGA curves (a) PVA ( Weight Loss, % w 120 700 (a) 800 (c) 900 (b) ) and (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (40 wt. %) ( 600 o 626 C ) 1000 78 30-126 (3.2) PAni-TiO2 (I) 30-126 (7.2) 30-75 (6.6) 30-85 (5.8) PVA PAni/PVA PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (b) PVA, PAni and its composite blends 30-125 (4.0) 1 step st PAni (a) PAni and composite Sample 85-185 (17.7) 75-175 (17.5) 126-226 (7.9) 126-226 (4.1) 125-225 (5.3) 2 step nd 185 175 226 226 225 3 step rd Temperature range (oC) (Weight loss, %) Table 3.4: Weight loss (%) of PAni, its composites and their blends 22.3 18.7 1.5 21.2 22.4 % residue 79 80 around 100 oC. The PAni and its composite showed a slow weight loss between 125 o C and 225 oC, which could be attributed to the elimination of dopant. Weight loss (11–12 %) due to the elimination of acid dopant and the degradation of PVA chain in the blends have been reported to occur in the temperature range 100 – 227 oC [10]. Upon heating, the crosslinking reaction occurs through a conversion of quinoid rings to benzoid rings [70]. Besides, the samples are thermally undoped, accompanying a loss of majority of the polarons after the thermal treatment, which is consistent with the concomitant loss of conductivity as discussed later (Section 3. 6. 2). The final degradation of the polymer occurs from around 227 to 900 oC with the corresponding rapid weight loss of about 60 – 65 %. The overall TGA curves shape of PAni and its composite blends is similar to a combination curve of its components, indicating that PAni is a dominant factor affecting the thermal stability of the blends films. The percentage weight loss for doped PAni, its composites and their blends are tabulated in Table 3.4. 3.4.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) PAni and its composite blend films cast from the stable, mixed polymer solution (PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA) showed good homogeneity to the naked eye over the whole range of the composition. Thus, visual inspection gave no indication of phase separation in any of the blends. Figure 3.8 compiles the DSC thermograms of pure PVA, PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA with different composition. 81 (a) (b) 82 (c) (d) Figure 3.8: DSC curves of (a) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (6 wt. %) (b) PAni/PVA (0.4 wt. %) (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.4 wt. %) (d) PVA 83 The PVA homopolymer (curve (d) in Figure 3.8) exhibited a broad crystalline melting endotherm with a peak at 189 oC and a clear baseline gap reflecting the glass transition at around 78 oC [35, 69, 73]. Meanwhile, the PAni does not show glass transition temperature because PAni has a rigid main chain and degrades before the melting temperature of PAni, resulting in the difficulty in determination of its Tg [10, 48]. The results reported by S. Palaniappan also confirmed the absence of any glass transition and melting temperatures for the polyaniline salt systems [59]. Concerning the blends of PAni and its composites (PAni-TiO2 (I)) with PVA, a single glass transition was detected for all the compositions investigated. However, the resulting blend films have different Tgs from PVA. The Tg values of various blends shift to higher temperatures with increasing PAni and its composite content as compared to PVA. It implies that the PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blends are not a simple blend but have some intimate interaction among components that makes the Tg higher than that of PVA itself [48]. This increase with the PAni and PAni-TiO2 content is taken to indicate the miscibility as reported by Raji K. Paul [58] and others [10, 48]. Furthermore, our results are in agreement with those reported by Byoung Ho Jeon et al. [48]. Thus, the glass transition behavior and the homogeneous appearance of the blends indicate miscibility between PAni and its composite with PVA, through the existent of H-bonding between both component, which is confirmed by our FTIR and DSC data, and others [10, 48]. Table 3.5 lists Tg and Tm for PVA and blends with different content of PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) in the blends. It can be seen in Figure 3.8 that the melting temperature Tm of PVA component is depressed systematically to lower temperatures with increasing PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) content. Furthermore, the development of crystallinity of PVA component becomes less prominent with increasing PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) content in the blends and finally the Tg and the Tm are difficult to detect. Such effects in thermal transition behavior observed for the present system, with the compositiondependent shift in Tg of the blends, the depression in Tm and the repression in the degree of crystallinity of the crystallizable component (PVA), owing to the addition of second component (PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I)), are common features which are 84 shared with other crystalline/amorphous polymer pairs that are capable of forming a miscible phase in blends [10, 48, 73]. However, the presence of the third inflection of slope in the PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.4 wt. %) DSC curve is unexplainable. Table 3.5: Observed glass transition temperature and melting temperature of PVA and blends with different content of PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) Sample content (wt. %) Temperature (oC) PVA (100) Glass transition temperature, Tg Melting temperature, Tm 3.5 PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA PAni/PVA (0.4) (6) (0.4) 78.10 72.22 81.91 76.05 189.04 189.00 185.00 182.50 Structural Analyses 3.5.1 X-Ray Diffractogram Many materials, especially polymers, have a substantial volume fraction without crystalline order. Though these regions are often termed amorphous, they frequently have specific local order. Structural information and crystallinity of the doped PAni and its composites blends are very important in order to understand the interchain interaction that could affect the electrical conductivity of the polymer composites and its blends. The variation of the crystallinity has been known to be 85 affected by the synthetic methods, substitution, protonation doping, redox processes, and solvent casting. The X-ray diffraction analysis is a powerful tool to determine the structure and crystallization of polymer matrices. The effect of TiO2 addition and PVA blending in the PAni and its composite blends were analyzed through the same XRD technique. The respective diffraction patterns of pure PVA, TiO2, PAni and its composite blends with different TiO2/monomer weight ratio and PAni-TiO2 composite weight fractions are shown in Figures 3.9, 3.10 and diffraction data are tabulated in Tables 3.6 and 3.7. Just like the regular rigid polymers that own lots of benzene rings, the XRD pattern of PAni obtained is very similar to previous reports [13, 77–80] where the orientation of the polymer has been taken on the basis of a pseudo orthorhombic cell [77–78]. As reported in most literature, most of the forms of PAni essentially amorphous and show the presence of broad high-angle asymmetric scattering peaks stretching from 2θ between 15 – 25o. The main peaks of the synthesized PAni itself seems to comprise at least three broad separate peaks situated at approximately 4.80o, 11.20o and 25.40o, corresponding to d-spacing of 18.38, 7.89 and 3.50 Å, indicate a low degree of crystallinity of the polymer and consistent with those reported by D. Djurado et al. [77] and M. Laridjani et al. [79]. Some peaks located at 2θ = 23 – 30o are attributed to the periodicity perpendicular to the chain direction [13]. The pure PVA film exhibits two main peaks at 2θ = 19.60o and 23.60o [75– 76] and that of TiO2 reveals peaks at 2θ = 25.20o, 37.80o, 48.00o, 53.80o and 55.00o, which corresponding to d = 3.56 Å, 2.38 Å, 1.89 Å, respectively. According to reference [81], all these three peaks belong to TiO2 anatase. Nevertheless, it is noted that these peaks become broader and the intensity is reduced in the blends, possibly owing to the low TiO2 content in PAni composite in the PVA blends and the amorphous nature of PAni. For PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (0.53 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 wt. % of PAni-TiO2) blend, the peaks at 25.60o, 38.00o, 48.80o, 50.80o and 56.60o, which are attributed to TiO2 can hardly be seen and these peaks 86 Intensity (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 2 θ (degrees) Figure 3.9: XRD patterns of (a) TiO2 (b) PAni (powder form) (c) PVA (d) glass 87 Intensity (a) (b) (c) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 θ (degrees) Figure 3.10: XRD patterns of (a) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (6 wt. %) (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) /PVA (6 wt. %) (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.4 wt. %) 88 Table 3.6: Position of peaks of PAni, TiO2 and PAni-TiO2/PVA blend in Figure 3.9 and 3.10 2θ (o) d-spacing (Å) PAni 4.80 18.38 d-spacing (Å) 11.20 7.89 When 2θ = 4.80o, 25.40 3.50 25.20 3.53 37.80 2.38 48.00 1.89 53.80 1.70 55.00 1.67 PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 5.80 15.22 (0.53 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 11.60 7.62 6 wt. %) 25.60 3.48 19.80 4.48 22.60 3.93 38.00 2.37 48.80 1.91 50.80 1.80 56.60 1.62 Sample d= nλ = 2 sinθ (1)(1.54 x 10 −10 ) 4.80 2 sin ( 2 ) = 18.38 Å TiO2 89 disappear in the PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.13 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 wt. % of PAni-TiO2) blend with lower TiO2 content at the same weight fraction. This can be due to the highly disordered in the composite blends. The XRD patterns of the PAni-TiO2/PVA blends do not show sharp peaks characteristic of crystalline materials and suggest generally an amorphous nature to all the PAni-TiO2/PVA blends samples. However, the PAni-TiO2/PVA blends display one broad peak in the region of 2θ = 15o – 25o, with a maximum around 20.0o for PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.13 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 wt. %) blend. For PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (0.53 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 wt. %) blend with higher TiO2 content, these peaks, which attributed to PVA becomes sharper and reduced amorphous scattering region. It can be observed that as the content of TiO2 in the PAni composite blend (PAni-TiO2/PVA) is increased, with weight ratio of TiO2/monomer ranging from 0.13 to 0.53, there is an increase in crystallinity. Nevertheless, the degree of crystallinity of PAni composite blends, however is lower than that of PVA and TiO2, showing that PAni may inhibit crystallization of TiO2 and PVA. Furthermore, the diffraction pattern of the bare PAni reveals the amorphous nature and the peaks of PAni can hardly be observed in the PAni composite blends. Table 3.7 displays the peak values and the corresponding d-spacing values. According to R. Murugesan [39], this d-space is the characteristic distance between the planes of benzene rings in adjacent planes and is the interchain distance or the close contact distance between two adjacent chains. Further, it is a general observation that the polymer chain array and the interchain distance are affected by the size and shape of the interlying dopants which result in an increase in electron delocalisation length and conductivity on higher d-space. Perhaps, this may be the prime factor for the lower conductivity of PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (0.53 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 wt. %) blends, which has smaller d-space than PAni. However, the introduction of appropriate amount of TiO2 (0.13 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer) for PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend slightly improves the d-space and 90 hence the conductivity. Such change in d-space upon blending is analogous to the trend in d-space of polyaniline-poly (vinyl alcohol) blend with the introduction of Cu(II) [39]. Table 3.7: The XRD and conductivity data of PAni and PAni-TiO2 blends XRD data Sample PAni PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (0.53 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 Conductivity (S/cm) 2θ (o) d-spacing (Å) 25.40 3.50 1.03 x 10o 25.60 3.48 6.53 x 10−5 20.00 4.04 4.37 x 10−4 wt. %) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (0.13 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, 6 wt. %) 3.5.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The surface morphology of PAni and PAni-TiO2 composite in powder form and their blends in film form were studied with SEM to elucidate the structure responsible for the electrical conductivity behavior. The micrographs of the blends films x 10,000 magnification are presented in Figure 3.11. In the case of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA, at the content of 10 wt. %, the apparent separation of PAni from PVA with agglomeration at place could be observed (d) (c) Figure 3.11: SEM micrographs of (a) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (10 wt. %) (b) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (40 wt. %) (c) PAni/PVA (40 wt. %) (d) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA (10 wt. %) with magnification of 10,000 x (b) (a) 91 92 (Figure 3.11 (a)). The PAni-TiO2 (I) composite appears as white spots and the others are grey or black in the micrograph. However, at 40 wt. %, the separation of PAni-TiO2 (I) composite and PVA in the film is less apparent (Figure 3.11 (b)). Even though without TiO2 in the blend, the PAni is even well distributed in the PVA matrix polymer (Figure 3.11 (c)). Nevertheless, the surface of the PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA film appears rougher than the PAni/PVA blend with the same weight fraction. Increasing the weight ratio of TiO2/monomer in the PAni-TiO2 (IV) composite would only cause the formation of agglomerates, were evident, and the distribution of the agglomerates is fairly evenly distributed in the blend film (Figure 3.11 (d). Raji K. Paul [58] has also reported the distribution of PAni agglomerates in the polymer matrix for a solution mixing blend. The formation of the agglomerates would normally interfere the conduction activity and would eventually lower the conductance of the blend system. Generally, the electrical conductivity of a film is strongly influenced by the way a blended film was made (i. e. the process and the mixture composition). Furthermore, the difference in conductivity of the films probably stems from the different composition of TiO2 in the samples, affecting the structures of the particles and hence the conductivity of the blends [82]. It can be observed that PAni particle has fine surface compared with other samples. If the surface morphology of PAni-TiO2 (I) and PAni-TiO2 (IV) particles are compared, it is evident that the PAni-TiO2 (I) synthesized at 0.13 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer, are intimately associated with TiO2 particles, only little TiO2 particles (brighter region) “glued” on the particle, implying a homogeneous mixing between PAni and TiO2 particles. For that reason, the linking between the PAni moieties is improved due to intimate association of PAni moieties with TiO2 particles in the composite [41] and hence the conductivity of PAni-TiO2 (I) blend with PVA is higher than bare PAni/PVA blend. The latter (PAni-TiO2 (IV) with excess TiO2 particles revealing an aggregative nature surface with many TiO2 particles (brighter region) “glued” on (b) (c) Figure 3.12: SEM micrographs of particles (a) PAni (b) PAni-TiO2 (I) (c) PAni-TiO2 (IV) (a) 93 94 the surface of the particle. The excess TiO2 content (at 0.53 weight ratio of TiO2/monomer) in the composite may have disturbed the structure of PAni, leading to poor linking of PAni particles and agglomerates formation in the PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA film, resulting in decrease in conductivity of its blend film. In comparison with the bare PAni, for which linking between the grains is very poor. Figure 3.12 shows the micrograph of the particles. 3.5.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The remarkably good conductivity in the present conducting polyblends indicates an unusual morphology, with connected pathways existing even at remarkably very low loading of PAni and Pani-TiO2 composite in the blends, and the conductivity increases with increasing loading of conducting components (PAni and its composite). This phenomenon implies the formation of a self-assembled interpenetrating fibrillar network of PAni during the coarse of liquid-liquid phase separation [83]. Thus, we have undertaken an investigation of the morphology of the PAni and its composite in the polyblends with PVA using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The implied networks are directly imaged through TEM studies of the blends. Through studies of films with different contents of conducting PAni, we demonstrate the correlation between the morphology, as observed by TEM, and the electrical conductivity of the blends. Figure 3.13 represents the TEM micrographs of blends made from 0.2 wt. % and 0.4 wt. % PAni in PVA, respectively. The details of the PAni network can be seen quite clearly. Here, as well as in the following micrographs, the brighter regions indicate the PAni, which forms the interconnected network, and the darker regions are the voids that had been occupied by PVA. The micrographs resemble the typical scenario imagined for a percolating 95 (a) (b) Conductive network Host polymer matrix 5 µm 5 µm Figure 3.13: TEM micrographs of PAni/PVA blends at (a) 0.2 wt. % (b) 0.4 wt. % 96 medium with “links” (PAni fibrils), “nodes” (crossing points of the links), and “blobs” (dense, multiply connected regions) [6]. The micrographs are interesting in that the structure is very “stringy” and tenuous. As the content of PAni in the polyblend is decreased (0.2 wt. %, Figure 3.13 (a)), the interconnected network becomes less dense, even the dispersed PAni remains organized and appears in a fibrillar morphology indicative of connected pathways. This indicates that the network is unstable and tends to break up at fractions below 0.2 wt. % PAni in PVA. From the figure, one can also observe isolated and weakly connected segments or cluster. At the higher loading of PAni (0.4 wt. %, Figure 3.13 (b)), the PAni domains appear interconnected and the connected pathways become denser. There are of course some isolated clusters remaining. Thus, the TEM results establish the evidence for a continuous network formation of the conducting phase in blends. The interconnected network becomes denser with increasing weight fraction of PAni in the blend, which is in good agreement with the conductive components dependence of conductivity of the blends that will be discussed later (Section 3. 6. 3). According to Pallab Banerjee [84], the PAni particles are directly involved in the formation of the globules of the network and also in forming contacts between the globules in the network in the polyblend. The network is found to be considerably empty with nanoparticles pervading through it. It is clear that the particles involve in making the bridge in the networks. According to C. Y. Yang et al. [49], the morphology observed for the solution-processed blends is drastically different from the usual filled polymers in which conducting particles are dispersed into non-conducting matrix polymers. The electrical conductivity in filled polymer systems is observed to turn on sharply at a volume fraction (f) of conducting particles corresponding to the percolation threshold (f ~ 0.16) predicted for conducting globular particles in an insulating 97 matrix [6]. The electrical conductivity of many polyblend systems, which utilize the counter- ion-induced processibility of PAni, commences at concentrations that are at least an order of magnitude below this standard percolation threshold. Although the driving force for formation of the stringy interconnected microsturcture of PAni in the blends, as shown by the micrographs in Figure 3.13, remains obscure for the time being, it provides a basis for understanding this remarkable behavior [49]. Furthermore, the relationship between conductivity and volume fraction of PAni is critically depend on the nature of mass distribution among the links, nodes, and blobs in the sample which in turn is determined by various parameters involved in the sample preparation, such as the molecular weight of both polymers in the blends, the viscosity of the polyblend solution, the drying temperature, the solvent and others [83]. 3.6 Electrical Properties of PAni and PAni-TiO2 Blends With PVA Our approach consists of the preparation of blends containing electrically conducting PAni and PAni-TiO2 composite, which have been preliminarily formed. Besides its simplicity, this approach allows control of the design of blends with the host polymer by attaining the controlled design in ‘organized’ systems (polymer dispersions and networks). The percolation behavior of the resulting films is affected by the design of the blends. Further increase of the particles (above the percolation threshold) in the blends result in improvement of the conducting network and hence enhance the conductivity of the blends, which will be discussed later (Section 3. 6. 3). Detailed conductivity data of all samples are listed in Table 3.8 and 3.9. PAni-DBSA 0.84991 0.86156 0.86761 0.86184 0.84428 0.81694 0.76703 0.72291 0.68736 0.65856 0.64178 0.64192 0.652 0.66945 Temperature, o C 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 0.7368 0.7199 0.7054 0.71332 0.74051 0.77547 0.8327 0.87221 0.9273 0.92293 0.99559 1.06031 1.06.392 1.03251 PAni 0.49951 0.49068 0.48263 0.49688 0.48164 0.49538 0.50128 0.52727 0.55818 0.58041 0.58096 0.61512 0.63924 0.63418 0.81674 0.82143 0.8447 0.87286 0.92087 0.97227 1.05592 1.14321 1.16563 1.18895 1.19857 1.17071 1.17071 1.14801 Conductivity of samples, S/cm PAni-TiO2 PAni-TiO2 (I) (II) 0.90028 0.8736 0.89742 0.9129 0.94553 0.99917 1.06729 1.14538 1.23582 1.27704 1.33453 1.3689 1.38343 1.37817 PAni-TiO2 (III) Table 3.8: Conductivity of PAni and PAni-TiO2 composites at various temperatures 0.628851 0.631477 0.625492 0.631477 0.643839 0.66883 0.708717 0.749901 0.77501 0.803458 0.813683 0.809356 0.79414 0.777146 PAni-TiO2 (IV) 98 0.95283 0.96196 0.97534 0.95593 0.93951 0.88841 0.82889 0.76588 0.72375 0.70705 0.72965 0.76955 0.64397 0.12887 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 PAniDBSA/PVA 30 Temperature, o C 0.16785 0.93845 1.20308 1.19722 1.21405 1.27087 1.3554 1.44532 1.53597 1.59716 1.64442 1.66714 1.68649 1.67478 PAni/PVA 0.18071 0.85208 1.19309 1.23087 1.25066 1.2992 1.40065 1.50413 1.62086 1.70929 1.73947 1.76734 1.77534 0.404018 1.040717 1.146397 1.125273 1.129945 1.179466 1.263562 1.386579 1.489159 1.56286 1.604205 1.622961 1.623104 1.616729 PVA PVA 1.76729 PAni-TiO2 (II)/ PAni-TiO2 (I)/ Conductivity of samples, S/cm 0.20235 0.67269 0.83587 0.81431 0.7928 0.81657 0.87261 0.98002 1.08088 1.13717 1.17597 1.18943 1.19494 1.18634 PVA PAni-TiO2 (III)/ Table 3.9: Conductivity of blends films (40 wt. %) at various temperatures 0.23565 0.66936 0.82305 0.77526 0.74798 0.75517 0.78503 0.82834 0.87189 0.90193 0.91729 0.92106 0.91953 0.91035 PVA PAni-TiO2 (IV)/ 99 100 2 1.8 1.6 Conductivity, S/cm 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA 60 80 100 o Temperature, C PAni/PVA PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 120 140 160 180 PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA PAni-DBSA/PVA Figure 3.14: Conductivity of films (40 wt. %) at various temperatures It is reported that higher acidity of the reaction medium leads to the increase in the conductivity [85]. The efficient polymerization of aniline is achieved only in acidic medium, where aniline exists as an anilinium cation [85]. Therefore, the electrical conductivity of DBSA doped PAni in the HCl medium has higher conductivity than PAni doped with DBSA without in HCl medium, as indicated in Figure 3.14. Overall, it is observed that the electrical conductivity of the PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends at 40 wt. % are higher than the pure PAni and PAni-TiO2 composites at all temperatures, despite the fact that the major component of the blends is nonconducting (Table 3.8, 3.9). This could be due to the barriers to conductivity in PAni and PAni-TiO2 composite sample are reduced in the blending process, same as reported result [50]. According to W. Jia et al. [86], the increase in conductivity of the PAni-DBSA/MMT blend compared with bulk PAni-DBSA is because of the conducting polymer chains in the interlayer spaces are assumed to take a more extended conformation than in the bulk form. Thus, the conductivity of 101 the composites is increased due to the free motion of charge carriers. In the present case, the higher electrical conductivity of the blends compared to the bare PAni and PAni-TiO2 may be also due to this factor. 3.6.1 Effect of TiO2/aniline Monomer Weight Ratio PAni and its composite (PAni-TiO2) synthesized with various TiO2/aniline weight ratio have been blended with insulating PVA and characterized with respect to their DC electrical conductivity. Conductivity of the samples with various compositions of TiO2 (at 40 wt. %) at room temperature is shown in Table 3.10. The electrical conductivity of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends at 40 wt. % of conductive fraction are plotted as a function of weight ratio of TiO2/aniline (Figure 3.15). Table 3.10: Conductivity of the blends films (40 wt. %) with various weight ratio of TiO2/aniline at room temperature Amount of Weight Ratio of DC conductivity TiO2 (g) TiO2/aniline (S/cm) PAni-DBSA/PVA 0.95 PAni/PVA 1.67 PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 2 0.13 1.77 PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA 4 0.27 1.62 PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA 6 0.40 1.19 PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 8 0.53 0.91 Sample 102 Since PAni and its composites are disordered and in amorphous system, the micro- and macroscopic conductivity play a vital role on the overall conductivity of the samples. The samples were prepared in identical conditions. Thus, the microscopic conductivity, which depends upon the doping level, conjugation length or chain length etc. are expected to be more or less equal [87]. However, the physical properties, viz. compactness and molecular orientation, are significantly varied depending upon the polymer content in the samples. Whereas, the macroscopic conductivity depends on some external factors, such as compactness of the sample, orientation of the microparticles etc. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity of the films is provided by the conductive components (PAni and PAni-TiO2), not PVA, the bare PAni and PAni-TiO2 composite have major effect on the conductivity. 2 Conductivity, S/cm 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Weight ratio of TiO2/aniline (g/g) Figure 3.15: Variation of room temperature conductivity of films (40 wt. %) with the weight ratio of TiO2/aniline A number of distinct features are indicated by the samples at room temperature. It is interesting to notice that, despite the insertion of an insulating 103 inorganic oxide, the DC conductivity of the PAni-TiO2 blends at 40 wt. % (with appropriate weight ratio of TiO2/aniline) is found to be significantly higher than the bare polymer blend at room temperature (Figure 3.14). The electrical conductivity of the blends substantially increased with the TiO2 incorporation, reached a maximum at 0.13 weight ratio of TiO2/aniline, and finally decreased with further increase of the weight ratio of TiO2 in the blends (Figure 3.14, 3.15). The conductivity of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA is appreciably enhanced compared to the conductivity of the unmodified PAni/PVA (~ 1.67 to 1.77 S/cm at room temperature). Pure PAni itself is a lightweight polymer with poor compactness, thus the microparticles are very randomly oriented and the linking among the polymer particles through the grain boundaries is very poor, resulting in relatively lower conductivity [82]. The higher conductivity of the PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend compared to bare PAni/PVA blend could be attributed to the grain boundaries or the localized defects that separate the grains of different orientations in the polymer and its composite [82]. The comparatively large value of resistivities of the polymer samples was due to the random orientations of microcrystals and their weak coupling through the grain boundaries, as reported for the case of conducting polypyrrole-Zirconium oxide (PPy-ZrO2) nanocomposite [82]. The formation of composites leads to an improvement on compactness of the material. This apparent physical change runs in parallel with the improvement in the internal ordering of the polymer planes as revealed by the XRD studies. Thus, it may be proposed that the weak links between the grains are improved and coupling through the boundary becomes stronger with the formation of PAni-TiO2 composite (with appropriate weight ratio of TiO2/aniline), resulting in the increased conductivity of the PAniTiO2 (I) composites and subsequently increase the conductivity of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blends. Nevertheless, it is noted that the electrical conductivity of the PAniTiO2/PVA blends increases with the increase of TiO2/aniline weight ratio and 104 reaches a saturation value (Figure 3.14, 3.15). This may imply that the conductivity value can be increased up to a certain limit by improving the coupling strength between the grains, which is consistent with previous results [82, 87]. In PPy-ZrO2 system, the large increase in conductivity was attributed to an improved linking between PPy moieties due to intimate association of PPy moieties with ZrO2 particles in the nanocomposite [82]. According to results reported by Suprakas Sinha Ray [41], the conductivity of PAni-ZrO2 nanocomposites showed only a marginal change tending to level off with increasing ZrO2 content in the composites. In other words, the nanocomposites exhibited increasing conductivity with increasing PAni loading in the composite. In addition, there is evidence for a continuous network formation of the conducting phase in blends [11, 13, 14, 58, 83–84]. The formation of agglomerates would interferes with the conduction phenomenon, resulting in the disconnected or weakly connected parts of the fractal network and eventually lowers conductivity for blend system [58]. Thus, the decreasing conductivity with overloaded TiO2 content (weight ratio of TiO2/aniline more than 0.13) in the composite may be due to this factor, as indicated in SEM micrographs. 3.6.2 Effect of Temperature Figure 3.14 shows the variation of conductivity (S/cm) of PAni and its composite blends films at 40 wt. % with temperature. The temperature dependence of the conductivity of the films is shown in Table 3.9. It is noted that the conductivity of the films increases slowly with the increase of temperature until a temperature of around 50 oC is reached, after which the conductivity decreases gradually. The increase in conductivity with temperature is a property of 105 semiconductor. Such phenomenon has been reported for polypyrrole and poly(methylacrylate) or poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate) composites [88]. The decreasing conductivity above 50 oC could be due to the presence of absorbed water and its removal may have caused structural changes in the hygroscopic PAni polymer chains [47, 88], as indicated in the TGA curves shown in Figure 3.7, which revealed a small weight loss below 125 oC. According to Byoung Ho Jeon et al. [48], the decreasing conductivity with increasing temperature is owing to chemical change, its degradation or evaporation of dopant. Furthermore, it has been reported that a dry sample has lower conductivity than a hydrated sample and the loss of moisture results in a decrease of conductivity for polypyrrole and poly(methyl acrylate) or poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate) composites [88]. Further, the chain segmental motion of host as well as the conducting polymer itself is related to the electrical conductivity of the blends [48]. Nevertheless, the samples subsequently show an increase in conductivity at around 120 oC, reach the maximum at around 140 oC and finally drop rapidly with increasing temperature. The increase of conductivity until the critical point is attributed to polymer chain mobility and activation of dopant while the decrease of conductivity can be attributed to the volatilization of dopant, followed by structural change [45]. Moreover, decomposition of PVA takes place above 130 oC [35]. One fact that may pass over is that under mild thermal annealing, PAni also experiences conversion to be more ordered structure [89]. The change of chain structure by thermal treatment and interchain interaction between two components has an effect on the morphological change. In addition, with increasing temperature, the intermolecular spacing between adjacent chains of the blends is decreased. All samples exhibit similar pattern, i.e. the conductivity increase with temperature from 30 to 50 oC, following with decreasing conductivity, and reach the maximum at around 140 oC, then decrease with increasing temperature. 106 According to Show-An Chen and G. W. Hwang [70], the condensation reactions of –OH groups with the protons of –SO3H groups (which lead to a crosslinked structure) and acid-catalysed dehydration of PVA occur after thermal treatment at 150 oC. The crosslinking reaction occurs through a conversion of quinoid rings to benzoid rings. Therefore, a permanent thermal undoping occurs, accompanying a loss of majority of the polarons after the thermal treatment, resulting in decreasing conductivity in the samples, which is consistent with the concomitant loss of conductivity at the temperature higher than 140 oC, as discussed above. 0.4 Log Conductivity (S/cm) 0.2 0 0.046 -0.2 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.054 0.056 0.058 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1/2 T (K -1/2 ) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA PAni-DBSA/PVA PAni/PVA Figure 3.16: Conductivity of blends as a function of 1/T1/2 Variable range hoping model is generally utilized to describe the temperature dependence of conductivity for disorder semiconductors. The overall pattern is illustrated in Figure 3.16, which showing a logarithmic scale conductivity of the blends over a wide temperature range (high temperature). Normally, the approximate linearity of the plot reveals that the conductivity over a wide 107 temperature range (but not at high temperatures) is generally consistent with the usual form [24, 90] for granular metals: σ dc (T ) = σ 0 exp T − T 0 1 2 3.1 where σο and To are constants. Nevertheless, as can be seen from the figure, the conductivity of the blends decreases as the temperature is increased and deviates strongly from equation 3.1 above 300 K. Kaiser et al. attributed this behavior to the contribution of the intrinsic metallic conductivity of the conducting polymer [50]. This phenomenon is consistent with previous reported results [9, 50, 91] where the conductivity only fits the equation 3.1 well at low temperatures (below 250 K). Furthermore, the temperature dependence of conductivity of conducting polymers is predominantly of non-metallic sign (i. e. conductivity increases with temperature), but often shows a change to metallic sign at higher temperatures [50, 91]. 3.6.3 Effect of Weight Fractions Flexible, free standing conducting blends of PAni and PAni-TiO2 with PVA were prepared as films by solution casting from appropriate weight fractions of both the conductive components (PAni and PAni-TiO2) and the insulating host polymer (PVA). The conductivity of the films was measured for several samples in all cases and the resulting conductivity values were taken as average of the respective samples values. The conductivity value of the films for each sample was almost the same order of magnitude. In this study, thickness of the films was in between 40 µm to 60 µm. Blends containing various wt. % of PAni and PAni-TiO2 were 108 prepared and denoted as PAni/PVA x % or PAni-TiO2/PVA x %, where x % represents the percentage of PAni or PAni-TiO2 in the blends. The PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends present green coloured films. As the weight fraction of PAni and PAni-TiO2 is increased, the green colour becomes denser. Blends with low conductive component content are flexible while those containing more than 40 wt. % conductive components are brittle and can’t form films, thus these blends were not further examined. Figure 3.17 shows the variation of room-temperature conductivity of the blend films with different PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) loading for both blends, PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA. Detailed data of the conductivity is tabulated in Table 3.11. The sample with 0 wt. %, i.e. PVA only, there was low reading for its conductivity as expected for a non-conductive plastic. Nevertheless, reference [35] reported that PVA electrical resistivity is in the range of (3.1 – 3.8) X 107 Ω cm or electrical conductivity 0.29 x 10−7 S/cm. In the present study, the electrical conductivity of PVA film is 8.51 x 10−6 S/cm. It can be noted that the room temperature electrical conductivity depends strongly on the fraction of PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) in the blends. The conductivities of these blends increase with increasing content of conductive PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I), showing the conductive fractions dependence of the conductivity, in agreement with previously reported results [13–14, 45, 48, 84]. The enhancement of conductivity of the blends films with increasing PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) loading is owing to the conductive paths formation through the blends [13]. At low weight fractions of the conductive components, the conductivities of the films change slightly and approach that of PVA. At the region near to percolation threshold, the conductivity increases rapidly and subsequently steadily with increasing conductive components content in the blends. Nonetheless, when PAni and PAni-TiO2 content was higher than 40 wt. %, the films turn cloudy, could not form free standing films, hence could not be measured. 109 2.0E+00 1.8E+00 Conductivity, S/cm 1.6E+00 PAni/PVA 1.4E+00 1.2E+00 1.0E+00 8.0E-01 6.0E-01 4.0E-01 PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 2.0E-01 0.0E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 wt. % of PAni or PAni-TiO2 (I) Figure 3.17: Conductivity of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blends at room temperature with various weight fractions The PAni and PAni-TiO2 composite can be redispersed in deionized water in the presence of appropriate amount of DBSA and no aggregation was found after redispersion. In this aqueous system, DBSA plays as dopant as well as surfactant, which presents the well dispersion of PAni and PAni-TiO2 and their complex with DBSA. So, appropriate amount of DBSA can increase the dispersity of PAni and PAni-TiO2 in aqueous system as well as their stability, resulting in enhanced conductivity [46]. Hence, the blends exhibit reasonably good conductivity even at very low PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) loading. The conductivity is 3.67 x 10−5 S cm−1 and 1.00 x 10−5 S cm−1, at the lowest loading used, namely, 0.1 wt. % for PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA, respectively. 110 Table 3.11: Detailed room-temperature conductivity data of the blend films with different PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) composite loading for both blends, PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA Weight Fraction, f Conductivity (S/cm) (wt. %) PAni/PVA PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 0.001 (0.1) 3.67 x 10−5 1.00 x 10−5 0.002 (0.2) 3.68 x 10−5 1.10 x 10−5 0.004 (0.4) 5.02 x 10−5 1.27 x 10−5 0.008 (0.8) 5.69 x 10−5 4.27 x 10−5 0.02 (2) 6.63 x 10−5 6.53 x 10−5 0.03 (3) 1.20 x 10−4 1.38 x 10−4 0.06 (6) 1.69 x 10−3 4.37 x 10−4 0.1 (10) 2.23 x 10−2 1.51 x 10−2 0.2 (20) 4.92 x 10−1 4.78 x 10−1 0.3 (30) 1.03 x 10o 6.94 x 10−1 0.4 (40) 1.67 x 10o 1.77 x 10o 3.6.4 Percolation Threshold The value of percolation threshold is of a crucial importance in the preparation of highly conductive blends of polyaniline and classical polymers. Interactions between the two blended polymers can greatly influence the conductivity and physical properties of the films [14]. The desired mechanical 111 properties of the insulating host polymer can be retained only in the case of small admixtures of polyaniline. In addition transparent films can be fabricated only at extremely low content of conductive phase in the blend. Thus, special morphology of the self-assembled network type must be created upon casting in order to obtain low percolation threshold [11]. It is acknowledged that the formation of such networks is facilitated by the extended chain conformation of protonated polyaniline. Table 3.11 shows the conductivity data of the samples at various weight fractions. Commonly, there is a sharp change in conductivity until the weight fraction of a conductive component reaches a percolation threshold. The percolation threshold depends on the shape and the distribution of the conductive particles in the matrix polymer [48]. Figure 3.18 (a) and 3.19 (a) shows the variation of conductivity with PAni and PAni-TiO2 (I) loading. The percolation threshold has been determined from the conductivity data using the following scaling law derived on the basis of the percolation theory [6]. In our study, we expressed the percolation threshold in a weight fraction, which is proportional to the volume fraction. Percolation theory [6] predicted that at concentrations sufficiently dilute, there are no connected paths and the conductivity is zero. As the concentration of the conducting polymer is increased, the conductivity shows a sharp increase at a certain concentration of conducting polymer. This concentration is called the percolation threshold. The conductivity becomes finite and increases slowly as f is increased above the percolation threshold (fc) as the connectivity (i. e., the number of conducting paths) increases. In agreement, the data presented in Figure 3.18 (b) and 3.19 (b) indicate the well-defined percolation threshold for the systems. 112 Figure 3.18 (b) and 3.19 (b) show the fitting of the conductivity of our experimental data (the conductivity vs composition data) to the above scaling law. Thus, the method yields an estimated value of critical percolation threshold (fc) of 0.02 for both PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend. These values are much lower than the theoretically predicted value of fc = 0.16 for spherical conducting particles dispersed in a nonconducting matrix in three dimensions [6]. The exceptionally low value of fc can be attributed to the formation of a self-assembled interpenetrating fibrillar fractal network of PAni [9, 88]. Such a low fc has been reported by Pallab Banerjee [79] for blends of HCl-doped polyaniline nanoparticles and poly(vinyl chloride) with extremely low percolation threshold (fc = 4.02 x 10−4 and t = 1.87). The lower percolation threshold is also consistent with the results of Byoung Ho Jeon [48] for polyaniline-polycarbonate composites by emulsion polymerization (fc = 0.13). Tarun Kumar Mandal and Broja M. Mandal [88] reported similar low percolation threshold (fc = 0.023, 0.045 and t = 2.42, 2.26 for polypyrrole-poly(methyl acrylate) and polypyrrole-poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate), respectively). For polyaniline-polyvinyl alcohol blends, P. Dutta et al. [92] reported a low fc = 3.4 x 10−4 and t = 2.80. The critical exponent t can be simulated by plotting log σ = log C + t log (f – fc) above the percolation threshold fc of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends, as shown in Figure 3.18 (b) and 3.19 (b). From the slope of the straight lines (Figure 3.18 (b), 3.19 (b)), the values of the critical exponent, t, are determined to be 2.81 and 2.86 for PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA films, respectively. It is noted that t in present systems are different from a universal value of tun = 2.0, which is the most widely accepted universal value is in three dimensions. In the past years, it was believed that simulation and real continuum media both belonged to the same universal class, and that t only depended on dimension. Nevertheless, many experiments have indicated that t may be more than 2.0, or even larger in a number of continuum system until recently [88, 93–94]. Moreover, small values of the critical exponent t has been already reported for polyaniline and polyanilinepolystyrene blends, which is attributed to a thermally induced hopping transport between disconnected or weakly connected parts of the fractal network [9, 83]. A 113 1.E+01 (a) 1.E+00 Log Conductivity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 f 1 (b) 0.5 0 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Log Conductivity -2.5 -0.5 0 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 fc = 0.02 t = 2.81 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 Log (f – f c ) Figure 3.18: (a) Plot of electrical conductivity of PAni vs weight fractions in PAni/PVA films, (b) Plot of log (conductivity) vs log (f – fc) 114 1.E+01 (a) 1.E+00 Log Conductivity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 f 1 (b) 0 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Log Conductivity -2.5 0 -1 -2 -3 fc = 0.02 t = 2.86 -4 -5 Log (f – f c ) Figure 3.19: (a) Plot of electrical conductivity of PAni-TiO2 (I) vs weight fractions in PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA films, (b) Plot of log (conductivity) vs log (f – fc) 115 higher value of t indicates that the cluster of conducting particles becomes incorporated into the network at a faster rate around the critical concentration region [88]. As a conclusion, the percolation threshold at which a good electrical conductivity is measurable is associated with the formation of a continuous network structure. The correlation between the continuous networks and the electrical conductivity is observed in the films. 3.7 The Hall Effect Hall effect is a mutually perpendicular force on the current-carrying sample directed perpendicular to a magnetic field, resulting in a generated voltage in a direction perpendicular to both the current and the magnetic field, called Hall Voltage. This observation, known as Hall effect, arises from the deflection of charge carriers to one side of the conductor as a result of the magnetic force they experience. It provides valuable information regarding the sign of the charge carriers, Hall Voltage, Hall Coefficient (RH), carrier density (n) and carrier mobility (µ) of the sample. Hall effect measurement is the basic tool for the determination of charge carrier mobilities. In this study, the PAni and its composite were doped chemically by protonic acid, DBSA, a known p-type dopant or electron acceptor that have been widely used. By measuring the Hall Effect of PAni and its composites, it is noted that generally there is a linear relationship between the Hall voltage and the applied current under constant magnetic field (Figure 3.20). The calculated DC conductivity at room temperature (σRT), Hall coefficient (R), carrier density (n) and carrier 116 (a) PAni-DBSA/PVA 9 30 7 Hall Voltage, Hv (mV) Hall Voltage, Hv (mV) (b) PAni/PVA 35 8 y = 2.123x - 0.0319 6 5 4 3 2 25 y = 5.8805x - 0.0792 20 15 10 5 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 2 Current, I (mA) (c) PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 20 9 16 y = 3.1989x - 0.0588 Hall Voltage, Hv (mV) Hall Voltage, Hv (mV) 6 (d) PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA 10 18 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 8 y = 2.9733x + 0.105 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 4 6 Current, I (mA) 8 0 (e) PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA 9 1 2 Current, I (mA) 3 4 (f) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 4 8 3.5 Hall Voltage, Hv (mV) Hall Voltage, Hv (mV) 4 Current, I (mA) 7 6 y = 2.342x - 0.3786 5 4 3 2 3 y = 0.6227x - 0.0313 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 1 0 0 0 1 2 Current, I (mA) 3 4 0 2 4 6 Current , I (mA) Figure 3.20: Hall Voltage, VH OF (a) PAni-DBSA/PVA (b) PAni/PVA (c) PAniTiO2 (I)/PVA (d) PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA (e) PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA (f) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 1.67 PAni/PVA 4878.48 2961.89 2806.47 352.19 2.27 3.57 4.35 16.53 1763.39 2525.41 379.03 1.63 1.19 0.91 PAni- TiO2 (II)/PVA PAni- TiO2 (III)/PVA PAni- TiO2 (IV)/PVA 3311.94 1174.57 (cm2 volt−1 sec−1) Carrier Mobility, µ 2748.09 3.04 5.77 (x 1015 cm−3) Carrier Density, n 1.77 2057.28 1213.78 (cm3 coulomb−1) Hall Coefficient, R PAni- TiO2 (I)/PVA PAni composite/PVA: 0.95 (S/cm) Conductivity, σ PAni-DBSA-PVA Films (40 wt. %) Table 3.12: The conductivity at room temperature σRT, Hall coefficient R, carrier density n and carrier mobility µ 117 PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA Films 0.48 0.02 10 0.69 30 20 1.77 (S/cm) fractions 40 Conductivity, σ Wt. % of conductive with various weight fractions 226462.08 2354.86 5627.75 0.03 2.65 1.11 2.27 (x 1015 cm−3) (cm3 coulomb−1) 2748.09 Carrier Density, n Hall Coefficient, R 2883.46 1128.03 3721.00 4878.48 (cm2 volt−1 sec−1) Carrier Mobility, µ Table 3.13: The conductivity at room temperature σRT, Hall coefficient R, carrier density n and carrier mobility µ for PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA blend 118 119 mobility (µ) of PAni and its composite films are summarized in Table 3.12, 3.13 and consequently plotted into graphs in Figure 3.21 to 3.22. From the results of the present measurements, the Hall coefficient of PAni and its composites are positive since all the samples were doped by p-type doping. Hence, it is suggested that the hole acts as a major carrier in the PAni and its composites, not electron, which is consistent with previous results [95–96]. It is noted that the electrical conductivity of PAni/PVA was increased almost two times upon polymerization with the presence of HCl (1.67 S/cm), compared to the PAniDBSA/PVA (0.95 S/cm), which was synthesized with the absence of HCl. Moreover, PAni/PVA possesses higher carrier mobility (3311.94 cm2 volt−1 sec−1) and lower carrier density (3.04 x 1015 cm−3) than PAni-DBSA/PVA (carrier mobility, 1174.57 cm2 volt−1 sec−1, carrier density, 5.77 x 1015 cm−3). As can be seen (Figure 3.21), the conductivity of all the samples is inversed of the carrier density, showing that the carrier density is not the main criterion for high conductivity. The plots of carrier mobility against the carrier density tell us that the samples with higher carrier density possess lower carrier mobility and vice versa. This result is very much consistent with the previous report [95]. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity of the samples has a linear relation with carrier mobility. PAni and its composite blends with higher carrier mobility exhibited higher electrical conductivity. Thus, it can be concluded that the main limiting factor of the DC conductivity of the sample is the carrier mobility with a little effect from the carrier density. According to Kohshin Takahashi et al. [63], the conductivity values increased about three orders in magnitude when the concentration of free radical is doubled. Further, the carrier mobility is dependent on the concentration of free radical, indicating that the conductivity is limited by the carrier mobility. This means that holes as a carrier rapidly becomes more mobile as the polaron band is enhanced with increase of free radical in the conjugation system of polyaniline. Conductivity (S/cm) 2 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1.5 1 0.5 0 PAniDBSA/PVA PAni/PVA PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA (x 1015 cm-3) Conductivity Carrier Density (n) (a) Carrier Density, n 120 PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 3000 2000 1000 0 Conductivity Carrier Mobility 2 Conductivity (S/cm) PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA 6000 5000 1.5 4000 1 3000 2000 0.5 1000 0 (cm volt sec ) (c) PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA -1 PAni-TiO2 PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (II)/PVA ) Sample (40 wt. %) -1 PAni/PVA 2 PAniDBSA/PVA cm ) 4000 (x 10 5000 -3 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Carrier Mobility, (cm2 volt-1 sec-1) Carrier Mobility, 6000 15 Carrier Mobility Carrier Density (n) (b) Carrier Density, n Sample (40 wt. %) 0 PAniDBSA/PVA PAni/PVA PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (II)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (III)/PVA PAni-TiO2 (IV)/PVA Sample (40 wt. %) Figure 3.21: The samples (40 wt. %) plotted against (a) conductivity and carrier density, (b) carrier mobility and density and (c) conductivity and carrier mobility of the samples 121 The carrier density of PAni/PVA is higher than its composites (PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA) because of the presence of metal oxides between the polymer chains may have interrupted the orientation of the chains and hence causing the spacing between the chains to expand. Since the carrier density is expressed in unit per cm3, so the carrier density of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA becomes lower compared to the polymer blend itself as a result of volume expansion in the PAni-TiO2/PVA. Nevertheless, it can be clearly seen that the carrier density increased with the increasing weight ratio of TiO2 in the PAni composite blends and it shows the highest value of carrier density among the samples, 16.53 x 1015 cm−3 for PAniTiO2 (IV)/PVA blend with overloaded TiO2 content. This may imply that the overloaded TiO2 content in the PAni composite leading to a more jam-packed condition, resulting in a higher carrier density and narrower d-space (as can be seen in XRD results) and will even lower the carrier mobility and electrical conductivity. In other words, the encapsulation of the PAni on TiO2 during the composite formation simply increases the carrier mobility and conductivity of the PAni-TiO2 blends, but to certain TiO2 content. For PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA composite blends with various weight fractions of conductive component (Figure 3.22), generally there are no distinct relation between the conductivity and the carrier density. The same inverse pattern is also found for the composite blends with 20 to 40 wt. % between the carrier mobility and density. The conductivity is directly proportional to carrier mobility. Nevertheless, for PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA with 10 wt. % having the lowest conductivity among the samples, is unexpectedly having relatively high carrier mobility. This phenomenon may be owing to the low carrier density in the sample, leading to an increase in carrier mobility. Compared to iodine doped poly[(6-N-pyrrolylhexyl)hexylsilane] (PSiPy) in Table 3.14 [96], the carrier density of PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends (shown in Table 3.12) with higher conductivity are almost the same as the reported carrier density value, which support the earlier discussion that carrier density is not 122 Conductivity 3 Carrier Density (n) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 (x 1015 cm-3) 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Carrier Density, n Conductivity (S/cm) (a) 0 40 30 20 10 Wt. % of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA Carrier Mobility Carrier Density (x 1015 cm-3) 2.5 Carrier Density, n (cm2 volt-1 sec-1) Carrier Mobility 5000 3 Carrier Mobility 6000 (cm2 volt-1 sec-1) (b) 4000 2 3000 1.5 2000 1 1000 0.5 0 0 40 30 20 10 Wt. % of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA (c) 2 Conductivity Carrier Mobility 1.8 Conductivity (S/cm) 1.6 1.4 6000 5000 4000 1.2 3000 1 0.8 2000 0.6 0.4 1000 0.2 0 0 40 30 20 Wt. % of PAni-TiO2 (I)/PVA 10 Figure 3.22: The samples with various weight fractions plotted against (a) conductivity and carrier density, (b) carrier mobility and density and (c) conductivity and carrier mobility of the samples 123 the main factor limiting the electrical conductivity. On the other hand, the PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends with higher carrier mobility explain the higher electrical conductivity than the PSiPy. The carrier mobility seems to be the factor determining the conductivity of the samples. Table 3.14: Carrier density, carrier mobility and conductivity of iodine doped poly[(6-N-pyrrolylhexyl)hexylsilane] (PSiPy) Sample Hall Carrier Carrier Coefficient, R Density, n Mobility, µ 3 I2-PSiPy −1 −3 2 −1 −1 Conductivity, σ (S cm-1) (cm C ) (cm ) (cm V s ) 6.09 x 104 1.03 x 1014 1.07 x 103 1.75 x 10−2 4.45 x 103 1.40 x 1015 5.70 x 10 1.28 x 10−2 3.63 x 103 1.72 x 1015 4.61 x 10 1.27 x 10−2 2.06 x 103 3.03 x 1015 1.91 x 10 9.26 x 10−3 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusion In situ chemical polymerization has successfully produced conducting PAni and PAni-TiO2, resulted in a homogeneous dark green polymerization mixture, which showed the presence of emeraldine salt, as confirmed by UV results. We have improved the process in making a conductive film out of inherently conductive PAni and its composites, which were known impossible to cast or fabricate, especially in aqueous system. Highly conducting free-standing films were also successfully prepared by blending with water-soluble PVA as a matrix and subsequently formed through solution casting method, resulting from a fractual network structure of the conducting phase. The blending of electrically conductive PAni and its composite with a water-soluble polymer, PVA, enabled the formation of free–standing, flexible and conductive film with ease. The presence of a single Tg, which shifted to higher value with increasing PAni and PAni-TiO2 content because of the hydrogen bonding between PAni and PAni-TiO2 with PVA as shown by FTIR, revealing the miscibility between PAni 125 and PAni-TiO2 with PVA. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the blends revealed that the degree of crystallinity of PAni composite blends was lower than that of PVA and TiO2, showing that the amorphous nature of PAni may inhibit crystallization of TiO2 and PVA. Furthermore, the peaks of PAni could hardly be observed in PAni composite blends. The electrical conductivity of the PAni-TiO2/PVA blends increase with the increase of TiO2/aniline weight ratio and reaches a saturation value. All the blends samples exhibit similar pattern, i. e. the conductivity with temperature from 30 oC to 50 oC, following with decreasing conductivity, and reach the maximum at 140 o C, then decrease with further increasing temperature. It was found that the protonated PAni and PAni-TiO2 with PVA exhibited low percolation threshold in the relation of the electrical conductivity as a function of the PAni and PAni-TiO2 loading in the blends, which is characteristic of the formation of a self-assembled interpenetrating fibrillar fractal network of PAni. The increasing conductivity of the films by the increasing content of conductive components due to the growing of continuous network formation is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The percolation threshold was about 2.0 wt. % for both PAni/PVA and PAni-TiO2/PVA blends. The carrier density and mobility of the PAni and its composites blends shared the same trend as semiconducting materials (Ge, Si etc.) where the higher the carrier density, the lower the carrier mobility, and vice versa. The transportation between holes, which is major carrier in the system dominated the conducting mechanism. Finally, the charge transport mechanism of PAni and its composites blends are compatible to the variable-range hopping model, where charge carriers migrate through intrachain, interchain and interparticles transport, mainly from hopping mechanism between polaronic clusters in the PAni network. 126 It can be concluded that the wt. % of conductive fractions, TiO2 content, temperature, charge mobility and the conductivity behavior of the films are in tight interaction with each other. The blending procedures could lead to innovation in synthetic method for better conducting films. 4.2 Suggestions To further understand the PAni and PAni-metal oxide composites blended with water-soluble polymer in aqueous system, future effort should focus on the study of how the carrier density and mobility of the samples are affected by the preparation method; namely the synthesis temperature, the duration of the polymerization, the choice of dopant, metal oxides and water-soluble polymers used and finally the way of film preparation method. In addition, the thermal heating and ageing effect on the microscopic and macroscopic level of the sample could be carried out to investigate the conduction and transport properties. The investigation on the low temperature conductivity of the films is suggested. 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These data were used to calculate the Hall Coefficient, carrier density and mobility for each position, respectively. The average value of the Hall Coefficient, carrier density and mobility are then calculated. V Position ABCD: Coil 1 (The value of H = 5.8805) I Carrier Density (n) Hall Coefficient (RH) 1 V z n = = ( H )( ) RH R .q H I 1 0.006 = = (5.8805)( ) 3 (3.528 x 10 ) (1.6 x 10 −19 ) 1000 = 3.528 x 10-5 volt cm amp-1G-1 = 1.77 x 1015 cm-3 3 3 -1 = 3.528 x 10 cm coulomb q = Charge of electron Carried Mobility (µ) µ = RH x σ = (3.528 x 103)(1.67) = 5.89 x 103 cm-2 volt-1 sec-1 Position ABCD: Coil 2 (The value of Hall Coefficient (RH) V z RH = ( H )( ) I H 0.006 ) = (5.8691)( 1000 = 3.521 x 10-5 volt cm amp-1G-1 = 3.521 x 103cm3 coulomb-1 VH = 5.8691) I Carrier Density (n) n = = 1 R .q 1 (3.521 x 10 ) (1.6 x 10 −19 ) 3 = 1.77 x 1015 cm-3 (continued) Appendix B: Sample calculation of Hall Effect measurement for PAni/PVA (40 wt. %, 30 oC) by using Hall Effect measurement 138 Appendix B (Continued) Carried Mobility (µ) µ = RH x σ = (3.521 x 103)(1.67) = 5.88 x 103 cm-2 volt-1 sec-1 Position BCDA: Coil 1 (The value of Hall Coefficient (RH) V z RH = ( H )( ) H I 0.006 = (5.8713)( ) 1000 = 3.522 x 10-5 volt cm amp-1G-1 = 3.522 x 103cm3 coulomb-1 VH = 5.8713) I Carrier Density (n) n = 1 R .q 1 (3.522 x 10 ) (1.6 x 10 −19 ) = 1.77 x 1015 cm-3 = 3 Carried Mobility (µ) µ = RH x σ = (3.522 x 103)(104) = 5.883 x 103 cm-2 volt-1 sec-1 Position BCDA: Coil 2 (The value of Hall Coefficient (RH) V z RH = ( H )( ) I H 0.006 ) = (5.8909)( 1000 = 3.5345 x 10-5 volt cm amp-1G-1 = 3.534 x 103cm3 coulomb-1 VH = 5.8909) I Carrier Density (n) n = 1 R .q 1 (3.534 x 10 ) (1.6 x 10 −19 ) = 1.77 x 1015 cm-3 = 3 Carried Mobility (µ) µ = RH x σ = (3.534 x 103)(104) = 5.902 x 103 cm-2 volt-1 sec-1 Average Hall Coefficient, RH = 2.06 x 103 cm3 coulomb-1 Average Carrier Densisty, n = 3.04 x 1015 cm-3 Average Carrier Mobility, µ = 3.31 x 103 cm-2 volt-1 sec-1 Appendix B: Sample calculation of Hall Effect measurement for PAni/PVA (40 wt. %, 30 oC) by using Hall Effect measurement