Web-based Programming Lanjut Pertemuan 4 Matakuliah : M0492 / Web-based Programming Lanjut Tahun

Matakuliah : M0492 / Web-based Programming Lanjut
: 2007
Web-based Programming Lanjut
Pertemuan 4
The Scripting Runtime Library Objects
• Scripting Objects
• Scripting.Dictionary Object
• Scripting.FileSystemObject Object
– Drive Object
– Folder Object
– File Object
• Scripting.TextStream Object
Bina Nusantara
Scripting Objects
• Scripting languages have an object model.
– The model is for the objects that the scripting language provide
– As opposed to the objects like Request and Response that are
provided directly by the ASP DLL
• The scripting objects are provided by the Microsoft Scripting
Runtime Library (scrrun.dll), which installed with the default Active
Scripting script engine.
Bina Nusantara
Different Types of Objects and Components
• ‘Object’ and ‘component’ are all accessible in the same way through COM.
• Conceptually, can be divided into 4 groups:
– Intrinsic ASP objects such as ObjectContext, Request, Response,
Application, Session, Server and ASPError.
– Scripting objects that are made available through the Scripting
Runtime Library. These are Dictionary, FileSystem and
– Installable components are those provided by Microsoft in a
standard installation of IIS 5.0 and ASP 3.0.
– Other components that we either buy from independent vendors,
find on the Web, or create ourselves.
Bina Nusantara
The VBScript and JScript Scripting Objects
• Microsoft provides 3 main objects as part of the Scripting Runtime Library:
– The Dictionary object provides a useful storage object that we can use to
storage values, accessed and referenced by their name rather than by index.
For example, it’s ideal for storing the name/value pairs that we retrieve from
the ASP Request object.
– The FileSystemObject object provides us with access to the underlying file
system on the server. We can use FileSystemObject object to iterate through
the machine’s local and networked drives, folders and files.
– The TextStream object provides access to files stored on disk, and is used in
conjunction with the FileSystemObject. It can read from or write to text
(sequential) files. It can only be instantiated via the FileSystemObject object,
so you might prefer to think of it as a child of that object.
Bina Nusantara
The VBScript and JScript Scripting Objects
Scripting Run-time
TextStream Object
FileSystemObject Object
Drives Collection
Dictionary Object
Drive Object
FileSystemObject object acts as
‘parent’ for a series of other objects
and collection that we use to interact
with the file system.
Folders Collection
Folder Object
Files Collection
File Object
Bina Nusantara
Creating Instances of Objects and Components
• Using the Server.CreateObject Method
Dim objThis
Set objThis = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
• Using the <OBJECT> element
<OBJECT ID = “objThis” RUNAT=“SERVER” PROGID=“This.Object”>
<PARAM NAME=“param1” VALUE=“value1”>
<PARAM NAME=“param2” VALUE=“value2”>
Bina Nusantara
Creating Instances of Objects and Components
• Specifying a ClassID
<PARAM NAME=“param1” VALUE=“value1”>
<PARAM NAME=“param2” VALUE=“value2”>
When we come to instantiating objects on our own server, we should
be aware of what actually is installed in the way of objects and
So when we create instances of objects in our ASP code, we can
safely use the PROGID string.
This is why the ClassID is rarely used in ASP pages.
Bina Nusantara
Creating Instances of Objects and Components
Setting the Scope of Object Instances
– By default, all object and component instances have page scope. This means that they
exist only as long as the page is executing in ASP.
– If we place the <OBJECT> declaration in the global.asa file that exists in the root
directory of our Web site or virtual application, we can specify that an object or
component should have application or session scope instead.
Creating objects with Application-Level Scope
<OBJECT ID = “objThis” RUNAT=“SERVER” PROGID=“This.Object”
Creating objects with Session-Level Scope
<OBJECT ID = “objThis” RUNAT=“SERVER” PROGID=“This.Object”
Bina Nusantara
Creating Instances of Objects and Components
The Difference between Server.CreateObject & <OBJECT>
– Server.CreateObject
• creates an instance of the object immediately.
• can remove objects from a Session or Application
– The <OBJECT> element
• only creates an instance of the object it specifies when we first
reference that object. So if we stop using the objectin our code,
it won’t get created.
• cannot remove objects from a Session or Application if they
were created using <OBJECT>
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.Dictionary Object
• Many Microsoft languages provide collections. We can think a
collection as being like an array, but we don’t have to worry about
which row or column the data is in, we just access it using a unique
• VBScript and JScript both offer a similar object with the collection,
known as the Scripting Dictionary (or just Dictionary) object. This
acts like a two-dimensional array, holding the key and the related
item of data together.
Bina Nusantara
Creating and Using Dictionary Objects
‘ In VBScript
Dim objMyData
Set objMyData = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)
// In JSCript
var objMyData = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)
<!-- Server-side with an OBJECT element -->
PROGID=“Scripting.Dictionary” >
The Dictionary object can also be used client-side in Internet Explorer.
Bina Nusantara
The Dictionary Object Members Summary
The Dictionary Object’s Properties
(VBScript only). Sets or returns the string comparison mode for the keys.
Read only. Returns the number of key/item pairs in the Dictionary.
Item (key)
Sets or returns the value of the item for the specified key.
Key (key)
Sets the value of a key.
The Dictionary Object’s Methods
Add (key, item)
Adds the key/item pair to the Dictionary.
Exists (key)
Returns True if the specified key exists or False if not.
Items ( )
Returns an array containing all the items in a Dictionary object.
Keys ( )
Returns an array containing all the keys in a Dictionary object.
Remove (key)
Removes a single key/item pair specified by key.
RemoveAll ( )
Removes all the key/item pairs.
Bina Nusantara
Adding Items To and Removing Items From a
‘In VBScript :
objMyData.Add “MyKey”, “MyItem”
objMyData.Add “YourKey”, “YourItem”
blnIsThere = objMyData.Exists(“MyKey”)
StrItem = objMyData.Item(“YourKey”)
StrItem = objMyData.Remove(“MyKey”)
‘Add value MyItem with key MyKey
‘Add value YourItem with key YourKey
‘Returns True because the item exists
‘Retrieve value of YourKey
‘Retrieve and remove Mykey
‘Remove all the items
// In JScript :
objMyData.Add (‘MyKey’, ‘MyItem’);
‘Add value MyItem with key MyKey
objMyData.Add (‘YourKey’, ‘YourItem’);
‘Add value YourItem with key YourKey
var blnIsThere = objMyData.Exists(‘MyKey’); ‘Returns True because the item exists
var StrItem = objMyData.Item(‘YourKey’);
‘Retrieve value of YourKey
var StrItem = objMyData.Remove(‘MyKey’); ‘Retrieve and remove Mykey
‘Remove all the items
Bina Nusantara
Changing the Value of a Key or Item
To change the value of the item with the key MyKey, we use :
objMyData.Item(“MyKey”) = “NewValue”
‘ in VBScript
objMyData.Item(‘MyKey’) = ‘NewValue’;
// in JScript
If the key we specified isn’t found in the Dictionary, a new key/item pair is created
with the key as MyKey and the item value as NewValue.
If we try to retrieve an item using a key that doesn’t exists, we not only get an
empty string as the result (as we’d expect) but also a new key/item pair is added
to the Dictionary. This has the key we specified, but with the item value left
To change the value of a key, without changing the value of the corresponding
item, we use the Key property. If the specified key isn’t found, a Runtime error is
objMyData.Key(“MyKey”) = “MyNewKey”
‘ in VBScript
objMyData.Key(‘MyKey’) = ‘MyNewKey’;
// in JScript
Bina Nusantara
Iterating Through a Dictionary
‘In VBScript :
arrKeys = objMyData.Keys
arrItems = objMyData.Items
‘Get all the keys into array
‘Get all the items into array
For intLoop = 0 To objMyData.Count -1 ‘Iterate through the array
strThisKey = arrKeys(intLoop)
‘This is the key value
strThisItem = arrItems(intLoop)
‘This is the item (data) value
// In JScript :
// Get VB-style arrays using the Keys() and Items() method
var arrKeys = new VBArray (objMyData.Keys()).toArray();
var arrItems = new VBArray (objMyData.Items()).toArray();
for (intLoop = 0; intLoop< objMyData.Count ; intLoop++) { // Iterate through the array
strThisKey = arrKeys[intLoop];
// This is the key value
strThisItem = arrItems[intLoop];
// This is the item (data) value
Bina Nusantara
Iterating Through a Dictionary
• Alternatively in VBScript, we can use For Each… Next construct to
do the same:
‘ Iterate the Dictionary as a collection in VBScript
For Each objItem in arrItems
Response.Write objItem & “ = “ & arrItems(objItem) & “<BR>”
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Object
• The FileSystemObject object
– provides access to the computer’s file system
– allowing us to manipulate text files, folders and drives
– Available in VBScript and JScript for use in ASP pages on the server.
– Can also be used client-side in IE 5
– providing that the pages have the .hta file extension, to indicate that they are
part of a Hypertext Application (HTA).
• A Hypertext Application is made up of a special ‘trusted’ pages that contain the
<HTA:APPLICATION> element in the <HEAD> section of the page, for example:
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Object
We can create an instance of the FileSystemObject object using:
‘ In VBScript
Dim objMyFSO
Set objMyFSO = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
// In JSCript
var objMyFSO = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
<!-- Server-side with an OBJECT element -->
PROGID=“Scripting.FileSystemObject” >
The type library for the complete scripting Runtime library can be added to any
ASP page using:
<!-- METADATA TYPE=“typelib” FILE=“C:\WinNT\System32\scrrun.dll” -->
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
The FileSystemObject’s Property
Returns the collection of Drive objects that are available from the local machine. This includes network drives that
are mapped from this machine.
The FileSystemObject’s Methods for Working with Drives
DriveExists (drivespec)
Returns True if the drive specified in drivespec exists, or False if not. The drivespec parameter can be a
drive letter as a string or a full absolute path for a folder or file.
GetDrive (drivespec)
Returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive specified in drivespec. The format for drivespec can
include the colon, path separator or be a network share, i.e. “c”, “c:”, ”c:\” or “\\machine\sharename”
Return the name of the drive specified in drivespec as a string. The drivespec parameter must be an
absolute path to a file or folder, or just the drive letter such as “c:” or just “c”.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
The FileSystemObject’s Methods for Working with Folders
BuildPath (path, name)
Adds the file or folder specified in name to the existing path, adding a path separator character (‘\’) if
CopyFolder (source,
destination, overwrite)
Copies the folder (s) specified in source (wildcards can be included) to the folder specified in
destination, including all the files contained in the source folder(s). If source contains wildcards or
destination ends with a path separator character (‘\’), then destination is assumed to be a folder into
which the copied folder(s) will be placed. Otherwise it is assumed to be a full path and name for a new
folder to be created. An error will occur if the destination folder already exists and the optional
overwrite parameter is set to False. The default for overwrite is True.
Creates a new folder which has the path and name specified in foldername. An error occurs if the
specified folder already exists.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
DeleteFolder (folderspec, force)
Deletes the folder or folders specified in folderspec (wildcards can be included in the final
component of the path) together with all their contents. If the optional force parameter is set
to True, the folders will be deleted even if their read-only attribute (or that any contained
files) is set. The default for force is False.
FolderExists (folderspec)
Returns True if the folder specified in folderspec exists, or False if not. The folderspec
parameter can contain an absolute or relative path for the folder, or just the folder name to
look in the current folder.
GetAbsolutePathName (pathspec)
Takes a path that unambiguously identifies a folder and, taking into account the current
folder’s path, returns a full path specification for the pathspec folder. For example, if the
current folder is “c:\docs\sales\” and pathspec is “jan”, the returned value is
“c:\docs\sales\jan”. Wildcards and the “..” and “\\” path operators are accepted.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
GetFolder (folderspec)
Returns a Folder object corresponding to the folder specified in folderspec. This can be a relative or
absolute path to the required folder.
Returns the name of the parent folder of the file or folder specified in pathspec. Doesn’t check for
existence of the folder.
Returns a Folder object corresponding to 1 of the special Windows folders. The permissible values for
folderspec are WindowsFolder (0), SystemFolder (1) and TemporaryFolder (2).
MoveFolder (source,
Moves the folder or folders specified in source to the folder specified in destination. Wildcards can be
included in source, but not in destination. If source contains wildcards or destination ends with a path
separator character (‘\’) then destination is assumed to be the folder in which to place the moved
folders. Otherwise it is assumed to be a full path and name for a new folder. An error will occur if the
destination folder already exists.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
The FileSystemObject’s Methods for Working with Files
CopyFile (source,
destination, overwrite)
Copies the file or files specified in source (wildcards can be included) to the folder specified in
destination. If source contains wildcards or destination ends with a path separator character (‘\’), then
destination is assumed to be a folder. Otherwise is assumed to be a full path and name for the new file. An
error will occur if the destination file already exists and the optional overwrite parameter is set to False.
The default for overwrite is True.
(filename, overwrite,
Creates a new text file on disk with the specified filename, and returns a TextStream object that refers to
it. If the optional overwrite parameter is set to True, any existing file with the same path and name will be
overwritten. The default for for overwrite is False. If the optional unicode parameter is set to True, the
content of the file will be stored as Unicode text. The default for unicode is False.
DeleteFile (filespec,
Deletes the file or files specified in filespec (wildcards can be included). If the optional force parameter is
set to True, the file(s) will be deleted even if the Read-only attribute is set. The default for force is False.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
FileExists (filespec)
Returns True if the file specified in filespec exists, or False if not. The filespec parameter can contain
an absolute or relative path for the file, or just the filename to look in the current folder.
GetBaseName (filespec)
Returns just the name of a file specified in filespec, i.e. with the path and file extension removed
Returns just the file extension of a file specified in filespec, i.e. with the path and filename removed.
GetFile (filespec)
Returns a File object corresponding to the file specified in filespec. This can be a relative or absolute
path to the required file.
GetFileName (pathspec)
Returns the name part of the path and filename specified in pathspec, or the last folder name of there
is no file name. Doesn’t check for existence of the file or folder.
GetTempName ( )
Returns a randomly generated file name, which can be used for performing operations that require a
temporary file or folder.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.FileSystemObject Members Summary
MoveFile (source,
Moves the file or files specified in source to the folder specified in destination. Wildcards can be
included in source but not in destination. If source contains wildcards or destination ends with path
separator character (‘\’), then destination is assumed to be a folder. Otherwise it is assumed to be a
full path and name for the new file. An error will be occur if the destination file already exists.
OpenTextFile (filename,
iomode, create, format)
Creates a file named filename, or opens an existing file named filename, and returns a TextStream
object that refers to it. The filename parameter can contain an absolute or relative path. The iomode
parameter specifies the type of access required. The permissible values are ForReading(1 –the
default), ForWriting (2), and ForAppending (8). If the create parameter is set to True when writing or
appending to file that doesn’t exists, a new file will be created. The default for create is False. The
format parameter specifies the format of the data to be read from or written to the file. Permissible
values are TristateFalse (0-default) to open it as ASCII, TristateTrue (-1) to open it as Unicode, and
TristateUseDefault (-2) to open it using the system default format.
Bina Nusantara
Working with Drives
Get a list of available drive letters using the DriveExists method.
‘ In VBScript
Response.Write "<H1>Using the DriveExists Method<HR></H1>“
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
For intCode=65 To 90
‘ANSI Codes for ‘A’ to ‘Z’
strLetter = Chr(intCode)
If objFSO.DriveExists(strLetter) Then
Response.Write “Found drive “ & strLetter & “ : <BR>”
End If
Bina Nusantara
The Drive Object
Returns the amount of space available to this user on the drive, taking into account quotas and/or other
Returns the drive letter of the drive.
Returns the type of the drive. The values are Unknown (0), Removable (1), Fixed (2), Network (3), CDRom (4), and
RamDisk (5). However, note that the current version of scrrun.dll does not include the pre-defined constant for
Network, so you may have to use the decimal value 3 instead.
Returns the type of file system for the drive. The values include “FAT”, “NTFS”, and “CDFS”
Returns the actual total amount of free space available on the drive.
Returns a Boolean value indicating if the drive is ready (True) or not (False).
Returns the path for the drive as a drive letter and colon, i.e. “C:”.
Returns a Folder object representing the root folder of the drive.
Returns a decimal serial number used to uniquely identify a disk volume.
Returns the network share name for the drive if it is a networked drive.
Returns the total size (in bytes) of the drive.
Sets or returns the volume name of the drive if it is a local drive.
Bina Nusantara
The Drive Object
'In VBScript:
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives 'Create a Drives collection
Response.Write "<H1>Using the Drives Collection<HR></H1>"
For Each objDrive in colDrives 'Iterate through the Drives collection
Response.Write "DriveLetter : " & objDrive.DriveLetter & "<BR>"
Response.Write "DriveType : " & objDrive.DriveType
If objDrive.DriveType = 3 Then
If objDrive.IsReady Then
Response.Write "Remote drive with ShareName: <B>" & objDrive.ShareName & "</B><BR>"
Response.Write "Remote drive - IsReady property returned False<BR>"
End If
Response.Write "FileSystem: <B>" & objDrive.FileSystem & "</B>, "
Response.Write "SerialNumber: <B>" & objDrive.SerialNumber & "</B><BR> "
Response.Write "Local drive with VolumeName: <B>" & objDrive.VolumeName & "</B>, "
Response.Write "AvailableSpace: <B>" & objDrive.AvailableSpace & "</B> bytes, "
Response.Write "FreeSpace: <B>" & objDrive.FreeSpace & "</B> bytes, "
Response.Write "TotalSize: <B>" & objDrive.TotalSize & "</B> bytes<BR><BR>"
End If
Bina Nusantara
The Drive Object
If you don’t have a disk in your A: drive or CD-ROM drive, you’ll get a ‘Disk
Not Ready’ error
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
The RootFolder property of the Drive object returns a Folder object
Returns the attributes of the folder. Can be a combination of any of the following values: Normal (0),
ReadOnly (1), Hidden (2), System (4), Volume (name) (8), Directory (folder) (16), Archive (32), Alias (64)
and Compressed (128). For Example, a hidden read-only file would have the value 3.
Returns the date and time that the folder was created.
Returns the date and time that the folder was last access.
Returns the date and time that the folder was last modified.
Returns the drive letter of the drive on which the folder resides.
Returns a Files collection containing File objects representing all the files within this folder.
Returns a Boolean value indicating if the folder is the root folder of the current drive.
Sets or returns the name of the folder.
Returns the Folder object for the parent folder of this folder.
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
Returns the absolute path of the folder, using long file names where appropriate.
Returns the DOS-style 8.3 version of the folder name.
Returns the DOS-style 8.3 version of the absolute path of this folder.
Returns the size of all files and subfolders contained in the folder.
Returns a Folders collection consisting of all folders contained in the folder, including hidden and system folders.
Returns a string that is a description of the folder type (such as “Recycle Bin”) if available.
Copy (destination,
Bina Nusantara
Copies this folder and all its contents to the folder specified in destination. If destination ends with a path
separator character (‘\’) then destination is assumed to be a folder into which the copied folder will be placed.
Otherwise, it is assumed to be a full path and name for a new folder to be created. An error will occur if the
destination folder already exists, and the optional overwrite parameter is set to False. The default for overwrite
is True.
The Folder Object
Delete (force)
Deletes this folder and all its contents. If the optional force parameter is set to True the folder will be
deleted, even if the Read-only attribute is set on it or any contained files. The default for force is False.
Move (destination)
Moves this folder and all its contents to the folder specified in destination. If destination ends with a path
separator character (‘\’) then destination is assumed to be a folder in which to place the moved folder.
Otherwise, it is assumed to be a full path and name for a new folder. An error will occur if the destination
folder already exists.
(filename, overwrite,
Creates a new text file within this folder with the specified filename, and returns a TextStream object
that refers to it. If the optional overwrite parameter is set to True, any existing file with the same name
will be overwritten. The default for overwrite is False. If the optional unicode parameter is set to True,
the content of the file will be stored as unicode text. The default for unicode is False.
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
'In VBScript
Response.Write "<H1>Using the Folders Collection<HR></H1>"
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDriveC = objFSO.GetDrive("C:")
'get a reference to drive C
Set objRoot = objDriveC.RootFolder
'get a reference to the root folder
Set colFolders = objRoot.SubFolders
‘get a reference to the Folders collection
8. For Each objFolder in colFolders
Response.Write "Name: " & objFolder.Name & "   "
Response.Write "ShortName: " & objFolder.ShortName & "  "
Response.Write "Type: " & objFolder.Type & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Path: " & objFolder.Path & "  "
Response.Write "ShortPath: " & objFolder.ShortPath & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Created: " & objFolder.DateCreated & "  "
Response.Write "LastModified: " & objFolder.DateLastModified & "<P>"
16. Next
17. %>
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
• Working with Special Folders
GetSpecialFolder method returns the Folder object for any of three ‘special
folders’ on the machine:
– WindowsFolder – the %Windows% directory, by default WinNT (or Windows on
a non-NT/2000 machine)
– SystemFolder – the %System% directory, by default WinNT\System32 (or
Windows\System on a non-NT/2000 machine)
– TemporaryFolder – the %Temp% directory, by default WinNT\Temp (or
Windows\Temp on a non-NT/2000 machine)
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
'In VBScript
Response.Write "<H1>Using the SpecialFolders Method<HR></H1>"
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder)
Response.Write "GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder) returned:<BR>"
Response.Write "Path: " & objFolder.Path & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Type: " & objFolder.Type & "<P>"
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(SystemFolder)
Response.Write "GetSpecialFolder(SystemFolder) returned:<BR>"
Response.Write "Path: " & objFolder.Path & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Type: " & objFolder.Type & "<P>"
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
Response.Write "GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) returned:<BR>"
Response.Write "Path: " & objFolder.Path & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Type: " & objFolder.Type & "<P>"
Bina Nusantara
The Folder Object
Bina Nusantara
The File Object
• Provides access to the properties of file, and implements methods to manipulate
that file.
• Each Folder object exposes a Files collection, containing File objects that
correspond to the files in that folder
Returns the attributes of the file. Can be a combination of any of the following values: Normal
(0), ReadOnly (1), Hidden (2), System (4), Volume (name) (8), Directory (folder) (16), Archive
(32), Alias (64) and Compressed (128).
Returns the date and time that the file was created.
Returns the date and time that the file was last access.
Returns the date and time that the file was last modified.
Returns a drive object representing the drive on which the file resides.
Sets or returns the name of the file.
Bina Nusantara
The File Object
Returns the Folder object for the parent folder of this file.
Returns the absolute path of the file, using long file names where appropriate.
Returns the DOS-style 8.3 version of the file name.
Returns the DOS-style 8.3 version of the absolute path of this file.
Returns the size of all the file in bytes
Returns a string that is a description of the file type (such as “Text Document” for a .txt file) if available.
Copy (destination, overwrite)
Bina Nusantara
Copies this file to the folder specified in destination. If destination ends with a path separator
character (‘\’) then destination is assumed to be a folder into which the copied file will be placed.
Otherwise, it is assumed to be a full path and name for a new folder to be created. An error will occur
if the destination file already exists, and the optional overwrite parameter is set to False. The default
for overwrite is True.
The File Object
Delete (force)
Deletes this file. If the optional force parameter is set to True the file will be deleted, even if the Read-only
attribute is set. The default for force is False.
Move (destination)
Moves this file to the folder specified in destination. If destination ends with a path separator character (‘\’) then
destination is assumed to be a folder in which to place the moved file. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a full path
and name for a new file. An error will occur if the destination file already exists.
CreateTextFile (filename,
overwrite, unicode)
Creates a new text file within this folder with the specified filename, and returns a TextStream object that refers
to it. If the optional overwrite parameter is set to True, any existing file with the same path and name will be
overwritten. The default for overwrite is False. If the optional unicode parameter is set to True, the content of the
file will be stored as unicode text. The default for unicode is False.
OpenAsTextStream (iomode,
Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the
file. The iomode parameter specifies the type of access required. The permissible values are ForReading (1- the
default), ForWriting (2), and ForAppending (8). The format parameter specifies the format of the data to be read
from or written to the file. Permissible values are TristateFalse (0 - the default) to open it as ASCII, TristateTrue (1) to open it as Unicode, and TristateUseDefault (-2) to open it using the system default format.
Bina Nusantara
The File Object
<% 'In VBScript
Response.Write "<H1>Using the Files Collection<HR></H1>"
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDriveC = objFSO.GetDrive("C:")
'get a reference to drive C
Set objRoot = objDriveC.RootFolder
'get a reference to the root folder
Set objFolders = objRoot.SubFolders
' get a reference to the Folders collection
'get a reference to the first folder in the SubFolders collection
For Each objFolder In objFolders
Set objFolder1 = objFolders.Item((objFolder.Name))
Exit For
For Each objFile in objFolder1.Files
Response.Write "Name: " & objFile.Name & "   "
Response.Write "ShortName: " & objFile.ShortName & "  "
Response.Write "Size: " & objFile.Size & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Type: " & objFile.Type & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Path: " & objFile.Path & "  "
Response.Write "ShortPath: " & objFile.ShortPath & "<BR>"
Response.Write "Created: " & objFile.DateCreated & "  "
Response.Write "LastModified: " & objFile.DateLastModified & "<P>"
Bina Nusantara
The File Object
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
• Methods for creating TextStream Object
CreateTextFile (filename, overwrite, unicode)
OpenTextFile (filename, iomode, create, format)
OpenAsTextStream (iomode, format)
FileSystemObject object
Folder object
File object
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
• Creating New Text Files
‘In VBScript
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set objTStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(“C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt”, True, False)
‘In JScript
var objFSO = Server.CreateObject(‘Scripting.FileSystemObject’);
var objTStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(‘C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt’, True, False);
Once the file has been created, we can use the objTStream reference to
work with the file.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
Opening Existing Text Files
‘In VBScript
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(“C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt”, ForReading)
‘In JScript
var objFSO = Server.CreateObject(‘Scripting.FileSystemObject’);
= objFSO.OpenTextFile(‘C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt’);
file for writing,
and create a new file if the one specified doesn’t exists
‘In VBScript
Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(“C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt”, ForWriting, True)
‘In JScript
var objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(‘C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt’, ForWriting, true);
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
• Opening Existing Unicode File ready to append data to it, but not create a new file
if the one specified doesn’t already exists
‘In VBScript
Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(“C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt”, ForAppending, _
False, TristateTrue)
‘In JScript
var objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(‘C:\TextFiles\MyFile.txt’, ForAppending, _
false, true);
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
Opening a File Object as a TextStream Object
‘In VBScript
Set objTStream = objFileObject.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending, False)
‘In JScript
var objTStream = objFileObject.OpenTextFile(ForAppending, false);
To start with a new empty file
‘In VBScript
Set objTStream = objFileObject.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting)
‘In JScript
var objTStream = objFileObject.OpenTextFile(ForWriting);
To read from the file
‘In VBScript
Set objTStream = objFileObject.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)
‘In JScript
var objTStream = objFileObject.OpenTextFile(ForReading);
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
Returns True if the file pointer is at the end of a line in the file.
Returns True if the file pointer is at the end of the file.
Returns the column number of the current character in the file, starting from 1.
Returns the current line number in the file, starting from 1.
All the properties are read-only.
The AtEndOfLine and AtEndOfStream are only available for a file that is
opened with iomode of ForReading. Referring to them otherwise causes an
error to occur.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
Close ( )
Closes an open file.
Read (numchars)
Reads numchars characters from the file.
ReadAll ( )
Reads the entire file as a single string.
ReadLine ( )
Reads a line (up to a carriage return and line feed) from the file as a string.
Skip (numchars)
Skips and discards numchars characters when reading from the file.
SkipLine ( )
Skips and discards the next line when reading from the file.
Write (string)
Writes string to the file.
WriteLine (string)
Writes string (optional) and a new line character to the file.
WriteBlankLines (n)
Writes n new line characters to the file.
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
Writing to a Text File
‘ In VBScript
objTStream.WriteLine “At last I can create files with VBScript!”
objTStream.WriteLine “Here are three blank lines : “
objTStream.WriteBlankLines 3
objTStream.Write “… and this is “
objTStream.WriteLine “the last line.”
// In JScript
objTStream.WriteLine (‘At last I can create files with JScript!’);
objTStream.WriteLine ();
objTStream.WriteLine (‘Here are three blank lines : ‘);
objTStream.WriteBlankLines (3);
objTStream.Write (‘… and this is ‘);
objTStream.WriteLine (‘the last line.’);
Bina Nusantara
The Scripting.TextStream Object
Reading from a Text File
‘ In VBScript
Do While Not objTStream.AtEndOfStream
intLineNum = objTSTream.Line
‘get the line number
strLineNum = Right(“000” & CStr(intLineNum), 4) ‘format it as a 4-character
strLineText = objTStream.ReadLine
Response.Write strLineNum & “ : “ & strLineText & “<BR>”
// In JScript
while (! objTStream.AtEndOfStream) {
intLineNum = objTSTream.Line;
‘get the line number
strLineNum = ‘000’ + intLineNum.toString(); ‘format and convert to a string
strLineNum = substr(strLineNum, strLineNum.length – 4, 4);
strLineText = objTStream.ReadLine();
Response.Write (strLineNum + ‘ : ‘ + strLineText & <BR>’);
Bina Nusantara