International Student Application Office of International Admissions

International Student Application
$40 nonrefundable application fee required
Office of International Admissions
1971 University Blvd.
Lynchburg, Va. 24515
Phone: (434) 592-4118 • Fax: (434) 522-0430
International Student Application
STEP 1 Proposed Date of Entry
Spring Semester
Fall Semester
STEP 2 Personal Information
Last Name/SurnameFirst/Given NameMiddleMaiden
Street Address
CityStateCountryPostal Code
(Country & City Code) Home Phone
(Country & City Code) Cell Phone
Country of Citizenship
Date of Birth:
Country of Birth
Month / Date / Year
Primary Language
Female Marital Status:
STEP 3 Background Information
Are you a Christian?
If yes, name the church you attend
If no, what is your religious affiliation or background?
Liberty University is a regionally accredited and nationally acclaimed university which teaches from a biblical worldview and promotes Christian values
and ethics among its students. The university welcomes international students from other faiths, but desires that they be aware of Liberty’s position
before they apply.
Liberty students are expected to participate in the Christian activities of the campus community, including thrice-weekly Convocation and hall meetings.
Liberty students enroll in courses designed to help them understand Christianity and to become better Christians.
Students are required to participate in Christian/Community Service, devoting a certain amount of time each semester to serving others.
They are also required to follow the student code of conduct known as The Liberty Way. Violations of this conduct code can result in fines and
possible dismissal from school, so it is important that international students be aware of the code of conduct before submitting an application.
Expected conduct of Liberty students includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Abstain from using tobacco in any form.
Abstain from drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs in any form.
Abstain from entering the residence halls of members of the opposite sex.
Abstain from touching members of the opposite sex in inappropriate ways.
Abstain from viewing sexually explicit material or movies.
Return to assigned residence hall by required curfew each evening.
Attend each Convocation.
Wear appropriate clothing. See The Liberty Way for dress
code parameters.
• Refrain from using inappropriate language.
• Show proper respect for students, faculty, and staff.
• Respect the Christian philosophy held by Liberty, and use the time at
the university to better understand the Christian faith.
• Refrain from participating in any distinctively non-Christian religious
rituals. Also refrain from displaying distinctively non-Christian religious
material on campus.
Download a PDF of The Liberty Way in its entirety at
After reading Background Information (Step 3), please answer the following questions:
If you answer “yes” to Questions 1-3, you must provide a brief explanation on a separate piece of paper or in an email to
1. Have you ever been dismissed from school for academic or disciplinary reasons?
2. Have you used alcohol, tobacco, or nonmedical drugs in the last 12 months?
3. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
4. Do you understand the Christian position of Liberty University?
5. Do you wish to study at a Christian university and responsibly participate in the life of the campus?
6. Do you intend to follow the code of conduct in The Liberty Way, which is summarized in Step 3?
STEP 4 Enrollment and History
Please indicate your area of academic interest.
You may change your major after arriving; however, you must select a major for your I-20.
Your Enrollment Status
New (First time at any college)
Housing Requirements
Residence Hall (Required if single or under the age of 21)
English as a
Intend to enroll in the English Language Institute
Second Language
Transfer from another college or university
Off campus (Required if married or age 25 and older)
Do NOT intend to enroll in the
English Language Institute
STEP 5 Academic Record
List your high school information plus all colleges or universities you have attended.
Name of School
Dates Attended
Date & Degree
Check if
was taught
in English
STEP 6 Agreement
The candidate must read and sign the statements below before the Admissions Committee can consider this application.
The undersigned agrees that:
1. The university may make such investigations as it deems proper in connection with this application and will treat as confidential all information
submitted herein or received by the university from any source including, without limitation, the applicant or his/her family. An applicant may review
any information gathered.
2. The provision concerning fixing the amount, adjustment on withdrawal or late arrival, and other terms of comprehensive fee payments as set forth
in the university’s annual catalog are incorporated herein and are hereby accepted.
3. An applicant applying for admission shall pay a $40 application fee. This application fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. This fee cannot be
applied toward other university charges. The application and its fee may be deferred for one academic year.
4. The Liberty Way addresses both academic and nonacademic misconduct and is an integral part of the Liberty University community. This
community consists of individuals of diverse backgrounds and experiences who are dedicated to obtaining a superior education in fidelity to the
Christian faith. Central to preserving this community is the commitment of students to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the highest
ideals of moral virtue and professionalism. To this end, The Liberty Way sets forth the disciplinary procedures that apply when misconduct by a
student is alleged to have occurred. Students are charged with notice of, and are bound by, this code. All students shall agree to comply with the
terms of The Liberty Way.
5. I certify that all of the information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
The mission of Liberty University is “to develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to positively
impact the world.” We expect our students to understand and respect our mission and purpose while enrolled at Liberty University.
Signature of ApplicantDate
STEP 7 Other Requirements
Sign your application.
$40 Application Fee. Required and nonrefundable.
Essay. Complete a 200-400 word essay answering the following question: How will your personal faith and beliefs contribute to Liberty’s mission
to develop Christ-centered leaders? Include your full name, address, and date of birth. You may email your essay to or
send it by mail to the address provided below.
Transcripts. Provide official transcripts (including English translation, if needed) from your high school and all colleges or universities you have attended.
College transcripts from institutions outside of the U.S. must be evaluated by an approved credential evaluator, such as World Education Services, before
an admission decision can be made and transfer credit granted.
Passport photograph page. Provide a clear copy of the photograph page from your passport. If you do not have a passport, provide a copy of your
nation’s identity card, which must include a photograph.
Test scores. Provide official test scores from any standardized tests you have taken, including the SAT, the ACT, the Teaching of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) test, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test, or the International Test of English Proficiency (iTEP). The
TOEFL test, the IELTS test, or the iTEP is required if your native language is not English unless you plan to enroll in the English Language Institute.
Please contact your international admissions counselor if you wish to request an exception to this policy.
Affidavit of Financial Support. This includes a completed and signed Affidavit of Financial Support form along with bank verification of your
sponsor’s ability to provide the funds for you. The International Affidavit of Financial Support form can be found at
NOTE: Campus employment is generally not available for first-year students, and therefore may not be used as part of your affidavit.
$250 Confirmation Deposit. In order to receive an I-20 immediately following an acceptance decision, the $250 Confirmation Deposit must
accompany this application. This will enable the applicant to qualify for up to $1,500 in Early Deposit Awards. The Confirmation Deposit is
refundable if you are not admitted or if you are denied a visa. If this application is submitted without the Confirmation Deposit, it will be required
before receiving an I-20. Make your check or bank draft payable to Liberty University. If the Confirmation Deposit is sent by wire transfer, please
make your payment in the amount of $270 to account for wire transfer fees charged by Liberty’s bank.
English Language Institute Application. Non-native English speakers who do not obtain the required score on a standardized test of English
proficiency will be enrolled for one or more semesters in the university’s English Language Institute (ELI). Upper-level ELI students may enroll in
undergraduate courses for credit with approval from the ELI Director.
Liberty University | Office of International Admissions
1971 University Blvd., Lynchburg, Va., 24515 • Phone: (434) 592-4118 • Fax: (434) 522-0430 • •
Liberty University considers applicants for admission without regard to race, color, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, or disability, who meet the university’s academic criteria.