CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF PLATINUM-DOPED STANNIC OXIDE CERAMICS FOR METHANE SENSING IN AIR ZUHAIRI BIN IBRAHIM A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2005 PSZ 19:16(Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF PLATINUM-DOPED STANNIC OXIDE CERAMICS FOR METHANE SENSING IN AIR. SESI PENGAJIAN : 2004/2005 ZUHAIRI BIN IBRAHIM Saya (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut : 1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 4. **Sila tandakan (9 ) √ SULIT ( Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD ( Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD ___________________________ (TANDA TANGAN PENULIS) Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) PROF. MADYA DR. ZULKAFLI OTHAMAN Nama Penyelia Disahkan oleh Alamat Tetap: 97, JALAN MEWAH RIA 4/4, TAMAN BUKIT MEWAH, 81200 JOHOR BAHRU, (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) PROF. DR. MOHD MUSTAMAM ABD KARIM Nama Penyelia Disahkan oleh JOHOR. Tarikh: 16.6.2005 _____________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) DR. DIANE HOLLAND Nama Penyelia CATATAN : * Potong yang tidak berkenaan. ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I/We* hereby declare that I/we have read this thesis and in my/our* opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of Doctor of Philosophy” Signature : Name of Supervisor I : P.M. DR. ZULKAFLI OTHAMAN Date : 16.6.2005 Signature : Name of Supervisor II : PROF. DR. MOHD MUSTAMAM ABD KARIM Date : Signature : 16.6.2005 Name of Supervisor III : DR. DIANE HOLLAND Date 16.6.2005 *Delete as necessary. : BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara __________________________ dengan __________________ Disahkan oleh : Tandatangan : …………………………………....… Nama : ……………………………………… Jawatan : ……………………………………… Tarikh : ………… (Cop rasmi) * Jika penyediaan tesis / projek melibatkan kerjasama. BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus 14300 Nibong Tebal Penang Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam I : Prof. Madya Dr. Karim Deraman Fakulti Sains UTM, Skudai Pemeriksa Dalam II : Prof. Madya Dr. Yusuf Wahab Fakulti Sains UTM, Skudai Nama Penyelia Lain (jika ada) : Disahkan oleh Penolong Pendaftar di Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah: Tandatangan : ……………………………………… Tarikh : …………. Nama : GANESAN A/L ANDIMUTHU ii DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled “CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF PLATINUMDOPED STANNIC OXIDE CERAMICS FOR METHANE SENSING IN AIR” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : Zuhairi Bin Ibrahim Date : 16.6.2005 iii This thesis is dedicated to my my beloved wife (Rohanin Ahmad) and my dearest son (Faisal Zuhairi). Thank you for being with me all along. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my thanks to all my supervisors; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulkafli Othaman (UTM), Prof. Dr. Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim (UPSI, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris) and Dr. Diane Holland (University of Warwick, Coventry, England) for being very resourceful, inspiring, supporting and understanding during my study. Thank you too to Prof. Dr. Mohd Rahim Sahar (UTM) for getting me started, for his supervision and for being a very helpful whilst he was the head of the Physics Department. I am also grateful to Assoc. Prof. Dr Khairi Saidin who have provided me with the platinum powder and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli Hussin for providing the aid for the construction of the probe in the SECS. To all the staffs in the Physics Department (UTM) thank you for visiting, caring and the encouragement you gave all along. My progress would be slow without the ever helpful hands of Mr. Mohd Jaafar bin Mohamed Raji, Mr Lee Siak Kuan and Mr. Chin Keng Kwang. I am also grateful to Dr. Johari Adnan for getting the internet facilities going. My special thanks to friends I made Dr. John Ojur Dennis and Dr. Agus Steyo Budi who were always there when needed. To all the friends I had and made during the time of my study, you made my days went on like there was always something to look forward. I am ever so grateful to Allah Almighty who chose me as his visitor to Mecca and Madinah via my Hajj 2003. v ABSTRACT Pure SnO2 and Pt-SnO2 ceramics were prepared by the dry-pressing method using a pressure of 40 MPa and sintered at various temperatures between 100-000oC from a mixture of powders of (100-x)SnO2.xPt (0 ≤ x wt % ≤ 5). The electrical properties of the ceramics were studied using a home-made Sensor Element Characterization System (SECS) and an Impedance Analyzer. The sensing probe of the SECS was modified so it was much slimmer with most of the electrical connections concealed and could measure either the bulk or surface resistance of the ceramic. The optimum composition for detecting methane in air was 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC and the optimum operating temperature was at 400oC. The resistance of the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 in 25000 ppm methane decreases from ~ 54.0 kΩ to ~ 4.6 kΩ at temperatures of 200oC up to 440oC respectively. The activation energies were between 0.30 eV and 0.45 eV for temperatures between 200oC and 400oC. The corresponding conductance (G) decreased with Pt loading and the gas partial pressure (p) or methane flow rate (χ). As such, it indicates that the doped SnO2 is an n-type semiconductor. The conductance power law takes the form G ~ p-0.5 and this indicates that the chemisorbed ions on the doped ceramics depended only on temperature. The conductance (G)methane concentration (c) takes the form G = kc0.35. A linear relationship ln G = 0.35 ln c – 11.9 was obtained when plotting ln G against ln c. The relative conductance change (∆G/G) and the square root of methane concentrations (c½) obey the relationship ∆G/G = 0.08c ½ which indicates the doping with 0.5 wt.% Pt increased the sensitivity of the base material (SnO2) to methane by a factor of 133. The response and recovery times were affected by the methane flow rate, operational temperature, level of doping with values between 30 s up to 154 s and between 600 s up to 1317 s respectively. The doping of Pt at 0.1 wt.% up to 5 wt.% in SnO2 produced ceramics with densities of 7.01g/cm3 up to 7.03 g/cm3 which exceeds the full density of pure SnO2 (6.90 g/cm3). The strength and stability were indicated from the doped SnO2 measurements of Vickers hardness (10 GPa and up to 19 GPa), Young modulus (20 GPa and up to 55 GPa) and Bulk modulus (20 GPa and up to 80 GPa) for Pt loadings between 0.1wt.% and 2.5 wt.%. High resolution X-ray diffraction showed that the mean crystallite size ranges between 25 nm and 55 nm for Pt loadings from 1 wt% up to 5 wt.% in SnO2. The strain in doped samples could not be eradicated by either sintering at high temperature (1000oC) or high Pt loading (5 wt.%). X-ray photoemissions spectroscopy (XPS), Mössbauer and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis showed that the doped SnO2 has additional chemical environment (compared to pure SnO2) can be attributed to the ease of detecting methane in air via electrical measurements. vi ABSTRAK Seramik Timah Oksida tulen dan timah oksida yang didop dengan Platinum telah disediakan dengan kaedah Tekanan Kering dengan menggunakan tekanan 40 MPa dan disinter pada suhu antara 100-1000oC daripada campuran dalam bentuk bedak berkomposisi (100-x)SnO2.xPt (0 ≤ x %berat ≤ 5). Pencirian elektrik bahan tersebut dilakukan dengan mengunakan alat yang dibina dinamakan Sistem Cirian Elemen Sensor (SECS) and Penganalisa Impedans bagi mengesan gas metana di udara. Prob pengesan Sistem Cirian Elemen Sensor diubah agar ia lebih langsing dengan sambungan elektriknya terlindung dan boleh mengukur rintangan padu atau rintangan permukaan seramik. Adunan optimum untuk mengesan metana di udara adalah 0.5 % berat Pt-SnO2 dan suhu operasi optimumnya pula ialah 400oC. Rintangan elektrik bagi 0.5 % berat PtSnO2 di dalam 25000 bahagian per juta metana di udara susut dari ~ 54.0 kΩ ke 4.6 kΩ pada suhu 200oC hingga ke 400oC, masing-masing. Konduktans (G) pula susut dengan tambahan Pt dan tambahan tekanan separa gas (p) atau kadar aliran metana (χ). Dengan itu tertunjuk bahawa SnO2 yang didop ialah semikonduktor jenis-n. Hukum kuasa konduktans dinyatakan dalam bentuk G ~ p-0.5 dan ini menunjukkan ion-ion yang diserapkimia pada seramik yang didop hanya bersandar kepada suhu. Hubungan antara konduktans (G) dan kepekatan metana (c) adalah dalam bentuk G = kc0.35. Hubungan linear ln G = 0.35 ln c – 11.9 diperolehi bila memplot ln G lawan ln c. Perubahan relatif konduktans (∆G/G) dan punca ganda dua kepekatan metana (c1/2) mematuhi hubungan ∆G/G = 0.08 c½ , yang menunjukkan 0.5 % berat Pt meningkatkan kepekaan bahan asas (SnO2) kepada metana dengan faktor sebanyak 133. Masa respons dan masa pemulihan dipengaruhi oleh kadar aliran metana, suhu operasi, amaun dopan dengan nilai- nilai 30 s hingga 154 s dan antara 600 s hingga 1317 s, masing-masing. Mengedop Pt dari 0.1 % berat sehingga 5 % berat dalam SnO2 menghasilkan seramik dengan ketumpatan 7.01 g/cm3 hingga 7.03 g/cm3 yang melebihi ketumpatan penuh SnO2 (6.90 g/cm3). Kekuatan dan kesetabilan SnO2 yang didop ditunjukkan oleh ukuran dari kekerasan Vickers (10 GPa sehingga 19 GPa), Modulus Young (20 GPa sehingga 55 GPa) dan Modulus Pukal (20 GPa sehingga 80 GPa) bagi tambahan Pt dari 1 % berat sehingga 5 % berat dalam SnO2. Pembelauan sinar-X resolusi tinggi menunjukkan min saiz kristalit berada dalam julat 25 nm sehingga 55 nm untuk tambahan Pt dari 1 % berat sehingga 5 % berat dalam SnO2. Spektroskopi fotopancaran sinar-X (XPS), Mössbauer dan salunan-magnetik-nuklear (NMR) menunjukkan SnO2 yang didop memiliki suasana kimia tambahan (berbanding dengan SnO2 tulen) yang mungkin menjadi atribut mudahnya mengesan metana di udara melalui pengukuran elektrik. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE Title page i Declaration ii Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Abstract v Abstrak vi Table of Contents vii List of Tables xiii List of Figures xv List of Symbols xxv List of Appendices xxviii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 General introduction to gas sensing 1 1.1.1 Methane gas 1 Anthropogenic methane sources 2 Natural methane sources 3 Ceramics 4 Electronic ceramics 4 1.1.2 1.2 Justification for research 6 1.2.1 Methane gas and global warming 7 1.2.2 Methane gas explosions 7 1.2.3 The importance of methane sensing in Malaysia 8 viii 2 1.3 Scope of study 10 1.4 Statements of hypothesis 11 1.5 Objectives of the study 12 1.6 Thesis plan 12 GAS SENSORS REVIEW 15 2.1 Overview 15 2.2 Methane gas sensing 22 2.2.1 Pellistors 23 2.2.2 Semistors 23 2.2.3 Planar heat wire 24 2.2.4 Pd-SiC or Pt-SiC Schottky diodes 24 2.2.5 TWPF –Thermal Wave Pyroelectrics Film 24 2.2.6 Metal oxides 25 2.3 Stannic oxide as a sensing element 2.4 Problems and improvements with SnO2-based methane 2.5 3 25 sensor 27 Current research trend on SnO2-based methane sensor 29 SENSING MECHANISMS AND MODELS 31 3.1 Sensing parameters 31 3.2 Sensing mechanisms 31 3.2.1 Defect formation 32 3.2.2 Depletion layer formation 32 3.2.3 Polycrystalline materials 34 3.2.4 Grain size effects 36 3.2.5 High temperature sensing 36 3.2.6 Catalyst doping 36 Fermi energy control 37 Spillover mechanism 40 Current status on methane sensing mechanisms 40 3.3 ix 3.4 4 Methane detection 40 EXPERIMENTS AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 45 4.1 Introduction 45 4.2 Ceramics preparation 45 4.3 Bulk density and porosity 48 4.4 SECS-Sensor Element Characterization System 48 4.4.1 49 Response and recovery time 4.5 Impedance spectroscopy 50 4.6 Elastic modulus 51 4.6.1 The ultrasonic mechanical characterization system (UMC) 52 4.6.2 Young modulus 55 4.6.3 Bulk modulus 56 4.7 Vickers hardness 4.8 Brunauer-Emnett-Teller (BET) and Barrett-Joyner- 56 Halenda (BHJ) 57 High resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) 58 4.10 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and EDAX 60 4.11 Transmissions electron microscope (TEM) 60 4.12 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 61 4.9 4.13 Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) and FT-Raman Shift spectroscopy 61 4.14 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 63 4.15 Mössbauer spectroscopy 64 4.16 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 65 4.17 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) 65 4.18 Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) 66 x 5 SECS-OPTIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE AND OPTIMUM COMPOSITION 72 5.1 Measurements from SECS 72 5.1.1 Improvements on the SECS 72 5.1.2 Resistance (R), conductance (G) and sensitivity (S/) determination 74 5.1.3 Effects of RL on RS in dry synthetic air 77 5.1.4 Effects of RL on RS in 25000 ppm methane 5.1.5 5.2 5.3 6 (in air) 79 Reproduciblity 80 Optimum operating temperature and composition 81 Conclusion 85 RESISTANCE, CONDUCTANCE AND SENSITIVITY 86 MEASUREMENTS 6.1 Introduction 86 6.2 Resistance in air 87 6.3 Resistance in methane 89 6.4 Conductance in air and methane 92 6.5 Conductance-time dependent 97 6.6 Conductance-power law 98 6.7 Conductance-methane gas concentrations 100 6.8 Sensitivity-time dependent 101 6.8.1 Relative conductance and sensitivity 103 6.8.2 Effects of flow rates 104 6.9 7 Discussion and conclusion 105 RESPONSE AND RECOVERY TIME 110 7.1 Response and recovery time 110 7.2 Effect of flow rate 110 xi 8 7.3 Effect of methane concentrations 114 7.4 Effect of operational temperature 116 7.5 Effects of Pt loadings 118 7.6 Conclusion 119 MICROSTRUCTURE AND PHYSICAL 120 PROPERTIES ANALYSIS 8.1 Introduction 120 8.2 TGA 120 8.3 Density 122 8.4 True porosity 123 8.5 BET and BJH 128 8.6 Vickers hardness 133 8.7 Elastic modulus 135 8.8 High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) 136 8.8.1 Starting powders 136 8.8.2 Pt-SnO2 ceramics 140 Sintering effects on pure SnO2 140 Effects of Pt loadings on pure SnO2 141 Intensity ratio (I211/ I220) 147 Intensity ratio (Ihkl/ I110) 149 Induced strain calculations 151 8.9 Raman-Shifts spectroscopy 159 8.11 FTIR spectroscopy 161 8.11 Surface analysis 166 8.11.1 EDAX 166 8.11.2 SEM and AFM 171 8.11.3 X-ray photoemissions spectroscopy (XPS) analysis 172 8.11.4 Mössbauer spectroscopy analysis 177 8.11.5 NMR analysis 180 xii 9 8.12 Summary and conclusion 181 CONCLUSIONS 183 9.1 Sumamary and findings 183 9.2 Recommendations 187 REFERENCES APPENDICES PUBLISHED PAPERS 188 226-235 236 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE Development in the research field of gas sensors PAGE 17 1960s – 1980s. 2.2 Development in the research field of gas sensors 18 late 1990s until 2001. 5.1 Load resistance and sensor resistance with voltage 78 supply VC = 20 V in synthetic air. 5.2 Load resistance and sensor resistance with voltage 79 supply VC = 20 V in 25 000 CH4 in air. 5.3 Sensitivity of various composition of Pt-SnO2 82 ceramics at operating temperatures 250-430oC. 5.4 Sensitivity of 0.1-1.0 wt.% Pt in SnO2 at operating 84 temperature of 400oC extracted from Figure 5.10. 6.1 Activation energy for various Pt loadings in SnO2 88 in intrinsic and extrinsic regions. 6.2 Resistance of 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 in 25 000 ppm CH4. 90 6.3 Conductance and gas flow rate. 99 6.4 Flow rate and maximum sensitivity. 105 7.1 Response and recovery time for various flow rates. 112 7.2 Response and recovery time for various 114 CH4 concentration. 7.3 Response and recovery time for various operating temperature. 116 xiv 7.4 Response and recovery time for various Pt 118 loadings in SnO2. 8.1 Distance dhkl calculated using Bragg formula for 154 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered between 700-1000oC. 8.2 Summary of microstructure/physical properties of Pt-SnO2. 181 xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE Microstructure of a fine ceramic showing the PAGE 5 grain and grain boundary of a typical ceramic. 3.1 Formation of surface depletion layer in SnO2. 33 Ec is the conduction band energy, Ef is the Fermi level energy and Ev is the valance band energy and ES is the surface barrier energy. 3.2 Model of a typical compressed powder and 34 Schottky barrier formation. 3.3 Well-sintered polycrystalline formation of 35 undepleted neck region. 3.4 Effect of noble metal in SnO2-Fermi energy control. 37 3.5 Band model for catalyst and n-type semiconductor. 38 Ecs is the surface conduction band edge of the n-type semiconductor. Ev is the valance band and Ef is the Fermi energy. 3.6 Depletion region formed by a well-dispersed catalyst. 38 3.7 Spillover of oxygen and hydrogen on a catalyst 39 doped semiconductor. 3.8 Chemical model of spillover mechanism of SnO2 40 doped noble metal. 3.9 Stoichiometric SnO2 (110) surface with bridging oxygen atoms on the top. 41 xvi 3.10 Non-stoichiometric (reduced) SnO2 (110) surface with 42 in-plane oxygen only. 3.11 Reaction scheme: methane with oxygen on a sputtered 43 SnO2 film at 774 K. 4.1 Preparation of the Pt-SnO2 ceramics. 46 4.2 Sensor Element Characterization System (SECS). 49 4.3 Configuration of sample between electrodes. 49 4.4 Schematic diagram for the determination of response 51 and recovery time. The quantity in the vertical axis can be VL, RS, G or S/. 4.5 Impedance spectrometer at the Physics Department, 52 University of Warwick, England. 4.6 Ultrasonic Mechanical Characterization (UMC). 53 (a) simple pulse ultrasonic system, (b) envelope of pulse echo train, (c) echo as seen on an oscilloscope. 4.7 Pulse echo overlap waveforms. 55 4.8 Acoustic wave propagation in sample. 56 4.9 The average length of the Vickers diagonals. 59 4.10 Autosorb Micromeritic (Model ASAP 2010). 59 4.11 BET classification of absorption isotherms. 60 4.12 Scanning Electron Microscope (JEOL, model 63 JSM-6100) at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. 4.13 Transmission Electron Microscope (JEOL Electron 64 Microscope (JEM), model 2000FX) at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. 4.14 Atomic Force Microscope (ARIS, model 3300), at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. 65 xvii 4.15 Equipment used for FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy 67 at Institute of Ibnu Sina, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 4.16 Mössbauer spectrometer (schematic diagram). 70 5.1 The sensor probe used in the GSCS (left) and SECS 73 (right). 5.2 Electrical circuit for sensor resistance measurement. 74 5.3 Typical data collection from SECS, graph of VL 75 versus time (t). Methane gas was introduced at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The sample used was 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 and operating at 400oC. VC = 20 V and RL = 700 Ω. 5.4 Corresponding sensor resistance (RS) versus time (t) 76 graph. Methane gas was introduced at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. 5.5 Corresponding conductance (G) versus time (t) 76 graph. 5.6 Corresponding sensitivity (S/) versus time (t) graph. 77 5.7 Graph of RS against RL in dry synthetic air. 78 5.8 Graph of RS against RL in 25 000 ppm CH4. 80 5.9 Graph of load voltage (VL) against time (t) showing 81 the reproducibility feature. 5.10 Sensitivity curves (S/) at various operating temperature 82 (T). 5.11 Graph of sensitivity (S/) against Pt loading (W*) at 84 operating temperature of 400oC. 6.1 Graph of resistance (R) against temperature (T) 87 in air. 6.2 Arrhenius plot for samples at temperatures between o 50-450 C. 88 xviii 6.3 Graph of Activation energy (EA) against Pt loadings 89 (W*) for temperatures between 21-200oC and 200-450oC. 6.4 Plot of resistance (R) in 25 000 ppm methane 90 against temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2. 6.5 Arrhenius plot for 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2 in 25 000 91 ppm methane. 6.6 Graph of conductance (G) against temperature (T) 92 in air. 6.7 Graph of conductance (G) against temperature (T) 93 in air (for doped samples only). 6.8 Graph of conductance (G) against temperature (T) 94 in methane for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 6.9 Graph of conductance (G) against 1000/T in methane 95 for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 6.10 Graph of conductance (G) against inverse temperature 96 (1000/T) of a thick film sensor. 6.11 Graph of conductance (G) against time (t) in 97 methane for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 at temperatures 300, 330, 350, 380 and 400oC. 6.12 Graph of ln G against ln χ. 99 6.13 Graph of conductance (G) against CH4 100 concentration (c). 6.14 Graph of ln G against ln c. 101 6.15 Graphs of sensitivity (S/) against time (t) of 102 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 in air and in 25 000 ppm CH4 at operating temperatures 350– 440oC at flow rate of 400 sccm. 6.16 Graph of relative conductance change (∆G/G) against square root of concentration (c1/2) for pure SnO2 and 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 103 xix 6.17 Sensitivity curves (S/) against time at flow rates 105 (χ). 6.18 Graph of intensity (I) against binding energy (EB). 106 XPS spectrum of the modified sample showing Pt(0) and Pt(2) states. 6.19 Comparison of sensor resistance (RS) for 0.5 wt.% Pt- 107 SnO2 in air. 7.1 Sensitivity (S/) curves against time (t). 111 7.2 Response and recovery time (t) at various 112 flow rates (χ). 7.3 Sensitivity (S/) against time (t) at various CH4 113 concentrations. 7.4 Graph of response and recovery time (t) against CH4 114 concentration (c). 7.5 Sensitivity (S/)-time (t) curves at operating 115 temperatures 250-400oC. 7.6 Response time (t) against operating temperatures (T). 116 7.7 Graph of sensitivity (S/) against time (t) for 117 various Pt loadings. 7.8 Response and recovery time (t) against Pt 118 loadings (W*). 8.3 TGA of unsintered 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 powder. 121 Graph of weight loss (W) against temperature (T). 8.2 Graph of density (ρ) of pure SnO2 against 122 sintering temperature (T). 8.3 Graph of density (ρ) of doped SnO2 against 123 Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.4 Graph of true porosity (p/) of pure SnO2 against 124 sintering temperature (T). 8.5 Graph of true porosity (p/) of doped SnO2 against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 124 xx 8.6 SEM micrographs. A: Pure SnO2 sintered at 500oC 125 and B: Pure SnO2 sintered at 700oC. 8.7 Graphs of true porosity (p/) and bulk density (ρ) 126 o against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000 C. 8.8 SEM micrographs. A: 0.1 wt.% Pt sintered at 1000oC 127 and B: 0.5 wt.% Pt sintered at 1000oC. 8.9 Graph of BET specific surface (S) area and particle 128 size (R/) versus sintering temperature. 8.10 Graph of BET specific surface (S) area and particle 129 size (RX) versus Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.11 Adsorption/Desorption curve from BET analysis. 130 8.12 TEM: A fresh Pt powder; B fresh SnO2 powder. 131 8.13 Pore size distribution by the BJH method. 132 8.14 Graph of Vickers hardness (HV) against 133 temperature (T). 8.15 Graph of Vickers hardness (HV) and bulk density (ρ) 134 versus Pt loading (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.16 Graph of velocity (v) of transverse/longitudinal wave 135 o versus Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000 C. 8.17 Graph of bulk, Young and shear modulus versus 135 Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.18 XRD pattern of fresh pure SnO2 powder. Plot of 137 intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). 8.19 Typical TEM images of fresh pure SnO2 powder. 137 8.20 XRD pattern of fresh Pt powder. 138 8.21 Typical TEM images of Pt powder: A; scale bar 139 50 nm, B; scale bar 20 nm. 8.22 XRD pattern of pure SnO2 sintered at temperatures 500-1000oC. Diffractograms show the plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). 140 xxi 8.23 Calculated mean crystallite size (Rx) of pure SnO2 141 against sintering temperature (T). 8.24 XRD pattern of Pt-SnO2 at Pt loadings 0.5 – 5.0 wt.% 142 sintered at 1000oC. Diffractograms show the plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). 8.25 Mean crystallite size (Rx) of Pt-SnO2 at Pt 143 loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.26 Mean crystallite size (Rx) of 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 144 against sintering temperatures (T). 8.27 XRD of doped (3 wt.% Pt) and undoped sample 144 sintered at 1000oC in the (101) direction. Diffractograms show the plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). 8.28 Dispersion of 0.5 wt.% Pt. The white speckles 145 are Pt clusters against the dark background of SnO2. 8.29 Broad shoulder formation of Pt (111) at high angle 146 side of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 8.30 Peak shifts of 0.01o to lower angle side of doped 146 o (3 wt.% Pt-SnO2) sintered at 1000 C with respect to peak of undoped SnO2 sintered at 1000oC in the (101) direction. 8.31 Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against sintering 148 temperature (T) for pure SnO2. 8.32 Graph of intensity ratio (I211/I220) against Pt loadings 148 o (W*) sintered at 1000 C. 8.33 Graph of intensity ratio (I211/I220) against sintering 149 temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 8.34 Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against sintering 150 temperature (T) for pure SnO2. 8.35 Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against sintering temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 150 xxii 8.36 Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against Pt 150 loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.37 Graph of mean strain (<e2>1/2) of the atoms in 152 plane (hkl) in the normal direction to the plane against sintering temperature (T) for undoped SnO2. 8.38 Graph of mean strain (<e2>1/2) of the atoms in 152 plane (hkl) in the normal direction to the plane against sintering temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.%Pt-SnO2. 8.39 Graph of mean strain (<e2>1/2) of the atoms in 153 plane (hkl) in the normal direction to the plane against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.40 Distortions δc and δa against sintering temperature 155 for pure SnO2. 8.41 Distortions δc and δa against sintering temperature 156 (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 8.42 Distortions δc and δa versus Pt loadings (W*) 157 o sintered at 1000 C. 8.43 Raman Shift spectra of the undoped SnO2 dry- 159 pressed ceramics sintered at temperatures 100-1000oC. 8.44 Raman Shift spectra; plot of intensity (I) against 160 Raman shift (δ) of the Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramics sintered at 1000oC. 8.45 FTIR spectra of the fresh SnO2 powder. 161 8.46 FTIR spectra of the fresh Pt powder. 162 8.47 FTIR spectrum of Pt- SnO2 ceramics sintered at 163 o 1000 C at various Pt loadings. 8.48 FTIR absorption spectrum of Pt-SnO2 ceramics 165 sintered at 1000oC at various Pt loadings after exposure to 25 000 ppm CH4 at 400oC. 8.49 EDAX spectrum of undoped (pure SnO2) sintered at 1000oC. 167 xxiii 8.50 EDAX spectrum of 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 167 1000oC. 8.51 SEM micrographs of 0.5 wt.%Pt- SnO2 sintered at 168 1000oC. The white speckles are Pt metal clusters and the dark background is SnO2. 8.52 SEM micrographs 1-3 of pure SnO2 sintered at various 170 sintering temperature and SEM micrographs 4-6 of pure SnO2 doped at various Pt loadings and sintered at 1000oC. 8.53 AFM topography of 0.5wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 171 1000oC. Scanned area 14x14 (µm)2 in the x-y direction with maximum height-z direction, 2.55 µm. 8.54 XPS spectra of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic 172 o sintered at 1000 C. Plot of intensity (I) against binding energy (EB). 8.55 O 1s of doped (3 wt.% Pt-SnO2) and undoped 173 (SnO2) sintered at 1000oC. 8.56 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic 174 sintered at 1000oC. 8.57 Graph of of intensity (I) against binding energy (EB). 175 Pt 4f 7/2 and 4f5/2 of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic sintered at 1000oC. 8.58 Peak ratio Pt 4f 7/2 and 4f5/2 of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry- 176 pressed ceramic sintered at 1000oC. 8.59 XPS valance band of the pure and doped SnO2 177 o sintered at 1000 C. 8.60 Mössbauer spectrum for pure SnO2 sintered at 1000oC 178 8.61 Mössbauer spectrum of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered 178 at 1000oC. 8.62 Combined Mössbauer spectrum of undoped (pure SnO2) o and doped (3wt.% Pt-SnO2) sintered at 1000 C. 179 xxiv 8.63 Chemical shift (δ) with respect to SnCl2 solution for pure SnO2 and 3wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 180 xxv LIST OF SYMBOLS A - area of cross-section A/ - absorbance Å - Angstroms B - bulk modulus β - Full Width Half Maximum c/ - velocity of light c - gas concentration cps - count per second χ - flow rate of methane dV - average length of the Vickers diagonals δ - shifts (Raman, chemical) δa - distortions in the lattice parameter a δc - distortions in the lattice parameter c e - electronic charge E - elastic modulus Eg - forbidden band gap energy EC - conduction band energy EV - valence band energy ED - ionization energy of donors EA - ionization energy of acceptors Ea - activation energy Ef - Fermi energy eVS - work function of an electron εo - permittivity of free space xxvi εr - relative permittivity F - force F/ - structure factor G - conductance in methane Go - conductance in air HV - Vickers hardness hkl - Miller indices h - Planck constant Io - intensity of incident beam IT - intensity of transmitted beam K - absorption coefficient kB - Boltzmann constant ∆L - increase in length L - original length l,z - thickness λ - wavelength of X-ray radiation (e.m. radiation) µ - shear modulus Ni - net density of ions in the space charge region n - refractive index of a medium NS - negative surface charge ρ - bulk density p/ - porosity P - load Po - partial pressure of oxygen p - partial pressure p/ - porosity R/ - particle size R - electrical resistance RX - mean crystallite size RF - radio frequency S/ - sensitivity xxvii Š - selectivity S - specific surface area sccm - standard cubic centimetre per minute σ - electrical conductivity θ - diffraction angle / θ - phase angle T - transmission VC - voltage supply VL - voltage across load resistor VS - voltage across sensor vL - longitudinal velocity vS - shear velocity W - weight loss W* - Pt loading W1 - weight in air W2 - weight in toluene Y - Young modulus xxviii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Tin oxide powder specification 226 B Platinum powder specification 227 C SECS 228 D Data from SECS 232 E Calculation of FWHM, β 235 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction to Gas Sensing A sensor is a form of transducer which converts physical or chemical quantity into an electrical quantity for the purposes of measurement. A transducer is a device which converts one form of energy into another. A gas sensor is then a chemical sensor whose sole purpose is to determine the gas composition and concentration via an electric signal. The use of sensors has increased as it was necessary where environmental, health and safety issues are concerned to improve the quality of life (Brailsford and Logothesis, 1998). For example, low level toxic gases emission from exhaust systems could only be possible if high efficient sensors are realised (Ogita et al., 2001). 1.1.1 Methane gas Methane gas is colourless, odourless and lighter than air. The methane gas is a molecule which is made up of 1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms. Natural sources of methane include wetlands, grass hydrate, termites, oceans and freshwater bodies. Human related (anthropogenic) activities like fossil fuel production, animal husbandry, rice cultivation, biomass burning and waste management also release methane into the atmosphere and alter the atmospheric 2 composition. Also, almost all (95%) of the methane emissions are from coal in underground mines. This is still the main danger in coal mines all over the world. Methane gas sensing is difficult because it is colourless and odourless. A crude method of methane sensing is by its pungent smell when an additive such as mercaptan is added in low dosage. Mixtures of methane and air between 5 to 15% methane when ignited can burst into flame and explode (Leer, 1992). This will then cause widespread fire and can claim many lives. Anthropogenic methane sources Amongst the anthropogenic sources of methane are landfills, natural gas and oil systems, domesticated livestock, coal mining, livestock manure, rice cultivation, biomass burning and wastewater treatment. Under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) landfills and open dumps decompose and generate methane. The volume of methane generated depends upon the waste mass and the moisture content. One of the primary component of natural gas is methane which escapes to the environment during the production, processing, storage, transmission and distribution stages. The fact that the gas is found in conjunction with oil means that the production, refinement, transportation and storage of crude oil is also considered as a source of methane. Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats are amongst the ruminant animals kept as domesticated livestock. These animals produce methane as part of their digestive processes. It is in their large forestomach or rumen that microbial fermentation takes place where the feed is converted into products that can be digested by the animal. The byproduct of the microbial fermentation is methane which is eructed or released by the animal. Human too produces methane via their digestive processes but the emissions from this source is insignificant compared to the case of livestock. Methane which is trapped in coal deposits and in the surrounding strata is released during coal mining operations. Methane is also emitted during the combustion of coal. Reducing the emissions of methane from coal mining is environmentally beneficial as it also a greenhouse gas. Liquid manure from ponds, lagoons and 3 holding tanks also promotes methane production as the manure is produced from decomposition of the organic matter in the livestock and poultry manure. A flooded rice field is an ideal environment for methane production as it contains high levels of organic substrates, oxygen-depleted conditions and moisture for anaerobic decompositions. The level of emissions varies with soil conditions and production practices. In countries like Indonesia, biomass is burned as part of their agricultural system as well as for fuel. A small but significant amount of methane is produced - 95% is carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Waste water treatment can only produce methane if the organic matter in the waste water is treated anaerobically. If methane is produced, it is directly released to the air. Natural methane sources The known natural sources of methane are wetlands, fossil, termites and freshwaters. Natural wetlands are a rich anaerobic environment and abundant in organic matter. As such, it is a conducive habitat for methanogenic bacteria (methane producing bacteria) and enhances the decomposition of the organic matter, thus producing methane. Methane was created in the geologic past and found in the earth’s crust in the form of gas hydrates and permafrost. Hydrates are solids comprising water molecules that contain methane molecules which are found in both the polar regions and ocean sediments. Permafrost methane originates from biological processes and is trapped in shallow permafrost ice and soil before it reaches the atmosphere. Today, the amount of permafrost is decreasing and more methane is being released to the environment. Cicerone and Oremland (1988) reported the emissions of methane from termites depended on the termite population, amount of organic matter consumed, type of species and the methane-oxidizing bacteria activity. The freshwater environment is an ideal place for the decomposition of wetlands plants which then emits methane. Emissions from these natural sources are dependent on the temperature and rainfall. For example, temperature changes can promote microbial activity, thus enhancing methane production. 4 1.1.2 Ceramics The term ceramics is defined as the art and science of making and using solid articles which have their essential component, and are composed in large part of, inorganic non-metallic materials (Kingery et al., 1976). This definition is not limited to just pottery, porcelain, refractories, structural clay products, abrasives, porcelain enamels, cements and glass but it also applies to non-metallic magnetic materials, ferroelectrics, single crystals and glass-ceramics. Barsoum (1997) defined ceramics as solid compounds that are formed by the application of heat and sometimes heat and pressure, comprising at least one metal and a nonmetallic elemental solid or non-metal, a combination of at least two non-metallic elemental solids, or a combination of at least two non-metallic elemental solids and a non-metal. Today, ceramics are, in short “solid inorganic non-metallic materials made by firing” (Murata, 2000). The term ceramics is now classified as traditional and fine ceramics. These ceramics have common features; resistance to rust, heat resistance, non-flammability, extreme hardness and ease of forming. These features are meaningful because neither plastics nor metals have all these features. Today’s fine ceramics are a new breed or a new kind of material. To distinguish between fine and traditional ceramics, the latter are made of natural materials whilst the former are produced by putting the atomic compositions of various, refined elements together through scientific forming and sintering processes. In other words, fine ceramics are made by scientifically controlling chemical compositions and this brings the realisation of new materials customised to the unlimited amount of purpose they serve. Therefore, fine ceramics can be grouped as functional materials such as electronic ceramics, optical ceramics and catalyst or structural materials such as bio-ceramics, heat resistance structure and artificial jewellery. 5 Electronic ceramics The secret of the characteristics of fine ceramic is in its microstructure. To a layman it is like an artificially created small piece of stone as shown in Figure 1.1 grain grain boundary FIGURE 1.1: Microstructure of a fine ceramic showing grain and grain boundary of a typical ceramic. Technically, they are finely aggregated grains and traditional ceramics are comparatively far more porous and more irregular. The grains and grain boundaries are all scientifically controlled and show specific electrical responses to electrical potential or environmental changes. These specific reactions are utilised for specific purposes. For example, titanium dioxide (TiO2) ceramics or barium titanate (BaTiO3) ceramics are polarised when voltage is applied to them. On the other hand, other types of ceramics containing different additives, though mainly composed of the same BaTiO3, serve as unique semiconductors which turn an electric flow on and off under a given condition. This is therefore an application of the electrical changes in their grain boundaries. Another example is when the inclusion of a catalyst in semiconductor ceramics such as TiO2 or SnO2 affects the conductance of the material which can serve as sensing element in a gas detector. Thus the function of electronic ceramics varies according to their internal microstructure (Saito, 1988). 6 Most natural stones are insulators. In contrast, fine ceramics can be designed with different conductivities by adjusting their composition; some are conductors and others are insulators. This variation is one of the greatest advantages of electronic ceramics. Electronic ceramics can further sub-divided into magnetic ceramics, transparent ceramics, pyroelectric ceramics, semiconductive ceramics, piezoelectric ceramics, insulating ceramics and dielectric ceramics. 1.2 Justification for Research In the past, gas sensors were used to control industrial processes and to warn of poisonous gas leakages (Carotta et al., 1991). In Europe, controlling air quality was mandatory by 2001 as stipulated by Council Directives such 96/61/EC and 96/62/EC (Saul Garcia and Fernandez, 1999 and O’Malley 1999). For example, the National Air Quality Standard for CO adopted by the UK government in January 2000 is currently 10 ppm for a running 8 hours mean (Stewart, 2000). It was therefore necessary to focus research on sensors capable of monitoring pollutant gases and controlling combustion processes both at home and in industry (Ruiz et al., 2002). The demands for more accurate and dedicated sensors to monitor and control environmental pollution have led to the development of new sensing materials to improve sensitivity, selectivity and stability of sensors (Sharma et al., 2001). With reference to an environmental issue, gases like CO2, methane, water vapour, ozone, nitrous oxide and halocarbons play a significant role in enhancing the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is primarily a function of the concentration of water vapour, carbon dioxide and other trace gases in the atmosphere that absorb the terrestrial radiation leaving the earth surface. The changes in the atmospheric concentration of these greenhouse gases will alter the 7 balance of energy transfers between the atmosphere, space, land and the ocean which will give rise to global warming (Houghton et al., 1996). 1.2.1 Methane gas and global warming Methane gas is amongst the greenhouse gases and the atmospheric concentrations of methane have doubled over the last 200 years and continue to rise, although the rate of increase is slowing (Dlugokencky et al., 1998). The natural methane emissions to the atmosphere are 30% from wetlands, oceans, termites while the remaining 70% is anthropogenic, from human activities such as agriculture, usage of fossil fuel and waste disposal (Fung et al., 1991). When methane enters the atmosphere, it reacts with molecules of oxygen and hydrogen known as OH radicals. The OH radicals combine with methane and they decompose into carbon dioxide and water vapour. Increasing emissions of methane will reduce the concentration of OH radicals, a feedback which may increase methane’s atmospheric lifetime. While most greenhouse gas studies focus on CO2, methane is 20 times more potent as a heat trapping gas in the atmosphere (Houghton, 2001). Thus, methane gas is also a leading contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide. 1.2.2 Methane gas explosions Methane is the major component (95 %) of natural gas, thus it can be used to produce energy. The lower explosion limit (LEL) is 5% methane in air and the upper explosion limit is 15% methane in air. However, gas explosions are frequently reported in homes, pipelines and coalmines world wide. For example, an explosion at one of the gas pipeline owned by Brunei Shell company in Seria destroyed two homes and hundreds of residents in the vicinity were forced to abandon their homes (Othman, 2000). The cause of the explosion was due to a 8 corroded pipeline which leaked out methane gas (Teo, 2000). Another incident, at a Terengganu gas processing plant in Kertih, owned by Petronas Malaysia caught fire and killed three workers (Alias and Hamidah, 2002). Frequent gas explosions occurred in the 1960s in Japan largely associated with the popular usage of bottled liquid petroleum gas for domestic purposes (some 23 million households use them for cooking requirements and another 18 million used piped gas). In countries like the United Kingdom a similar problem was reported in the Ronan Point disaster. The disaster at Ronan Point in London, England in May 1968 was a gas explosion which led to the collapse of one whole corner of a high rise building and the death of three people. In Malaysia, closed packed condominiums, apartments and flats which utilize bottled or channelled gas pipeline are also prone to disasters like those in Japan. 1.2.3 The importance of methane sensing in Malaysia There are two main reasons for researching into methane sensing in Malaysia. Malaysia has substantial resources of natural gas from offshore fields such as those based in Terengganu and Sarawak. Its reserves of natural gas ranked 12th in the world (Wu, 2000a). The gas reserves here are dedicated to the Peninsular Gas Utilization Project which provided 37% of the main sources of primary commercial energy for the period 1996 to 2000. By 2005, the contribution is expected to rise to 39.9%. Under the 8th Malaysia Plan (20012005), the Government will continue to promote gas usage. Malaysia has the largest natural gas reserves among the Southeast Asian economies and is the third largest amongst the Asia Pacific economies. At the turn of the century, the recoverable gas reserves were 84.4 trillion standard cubic feet, 43% offshore east coast of West Malaysia, 48% located offshore Sarawak and 9% offshore Sabah. This introduces 1753 km of gas pipelines into the network of both domestic and industrial sectors (Balce, 2002). Ambitious constructions of natural gas pipeline in Malaysia like the one from Kuala Terengganu to Segamat and its branches and the 220 miles of gas pipeline from Gulf of Thailand to the northern state of Kedah 9 which will provide natural gas for industries and home would certainly need gas sensors to detect leaks and seepage of gases. It is foreseen that detection and measurement of natural gas leaks such as methane is required on a day-to day basis especially in the natural gas industry such as Petronas, Gas Malaysia and from gas appliances, gas piping inside buildings or buried gas piping. In modern, high rise flats, apartments and condominiums in Malaysia, methane gas is supplied via such a network of pipelines. The gas is normally used for domestic cooking or drying clothes. Such areas are enclosed due to the usage of air-conditioning. Therefore, methane leakages in the concealed pipeline network will accumulate in high concentrations in a very short time. This inevitably needs methane monitoring for both public safety and environmental issues. The early warning of methane presence would led to necessary steps that could save lives and preserve the environment. Malaysia also has large resources of tin and its tin reserves ranked as the world’s third largest (Carlin, 2001). Tin is mined by various methods; gravel pump (53.5%), open cast (20.2%), retreatment or Amang plant (12.6%), panning and underground (8.3%) and dredging (5.4%). Malaysia exported 20 614 tons of refined tin and the domestic demand was 5639 tonnes in 2000 (Wu, 2000b). The local consumption are from the Malaysian solder industry (56.3%), pewter industry (14.8%), tin plating industry (10.6%) and other end users (18%) reported by the Wu (2000b). An oxide of tin known as stannic oxide (SnO2) is easily obtained from pure tin or tin derivatives in the form of thin, thick film or pellet (ceramic) form. Stannic oxide is a well-known material used for CO and CH4 gas sensing. Nevertheless, the state of methane gas sensing using stannic oxide needs further investigation as it has not attained its projected capability (Clifford, 1981). 10 The proposed methane sensing project will contribute to future R&D in methane sensors for Malaysian natural gas pipelines, domestic actuators and an environmental monitoring system to reduce global warming. The usage of tin in the form of stannic oxide will introduce an alternative use of the local tin and promote a diversified Malaysian economy. 1.3 Scope of study The knowledge of gas sensors has led to high-volume applications which are publicised via periodic international sensor conferences which are devoted to fundamental research, for example Transducers/Eurosensors, Semiconductor Gas Sensors (SGS), Pittsburgh Conference (PITTCON), Electrochemical Gas Sensors and also a book series covering the state of sensor chemistry, physics and technology (Gopel et al., 1990). Much work has been done in the field of methane sensing, for example thick film based on SnO2 (Carotta et al.,1991) in relating the sensitivity to methane. The performance of the sensor material depends strongly on its composition and preparation conditions (de Angelis and Roberto, 1995). It was intended that the material chosen was SnO2 and takes the form of a sintered pellet. The sensor element that comprised SnO2 only has limited sensitivity to CH4 (Williams, 1987). The incorporation of noble metals is to enhance the sensitivity (Yamazoe et al., 1983).The use of additives like Pt was also reported to enhance sensitivity and selectivity and to reduce the response time and operating temperature of the sensing material in the form of thin film (Wu et al., 1993; Schierbaum et al., 1991; Zakrzewska et al., 1997 and Atashbar et al., 1998). Gélin and Primet (2002) reported that Pt as a catalyst has advantageous over Pd with respect to methane sensing. Firstly, Pd appeared to be more sensitive to poisoning than Pt and secondly Pt could fully and easily restored while the deactivation of Pd was irreversible. Therefore, a great interest in Pt-SnO2 ceramic to achieve a considerable degree of performance for methane sensing in air was anticipated mainly due to the catalytic behaviour of Pt. 11 The electrical properties of the ceramic semiconductor Pt-SnO2 was studied using impedance spectrometer and Sensor Element Characterization System (SECS) which are home-made at the Warwick University, United Kingdom and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia respectively. The measurements made were electrical resistance, conductance and sensitivity of the sensor element. The microstructure of the sensor element was studied using High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HRXRD), Energy Dispersive Analysis using XRay (EDAX), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR), Fourier Transform Infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman-Shift spectroscopy and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The physical properties of the ceramic was gauged via Vickers hardness, bulk density, porosity and elastic modulus measurements. Brunauer-Emnett-Teller (BET) method was employed to determine the specific surface area and the particle size of the ceramic whilst the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method is for calculating pore size distributions The highlight of the research was to relate where ever possible the sensitivity and the microstructure properties. It is reasonable to expect that if the same microstructure is present in the fabrication of a similar ceramic, then it will show the similar corresponding sensitivity. 1.4 Statements of hypotheses The hypotheses made are as follows; 1. The usage of Pt-SnO2 would form a stable and sensitive material for methane sensing in air via the dry pressing method, 2. The amount of Pt in SnO2 sintered will be minimized in obtaining the optimum composition of the ceramic and the optimum operating temperature of the gas sensor. 12 1.5 Objectives of the study The objectives of this study are; 1. To construct and improve a new sensing probe in the acquisition of electrical measurements, 2. To determine the optimum composition and optimum operating temperature of the methane sensing, 3. To determine the sensor resistance, conductance and sensitivity with varying ceramic compositions, operating temperatures of the methane sensor and flow rates of the methane gas, 4. To determine the physical and microstructural properties of the Pt-SnO2 ceramics. 1.6 Thesis plan This thesis comprises of nine chapters. In the introduction, the state of gas sensing is briefly mentioned with an emphasis on methane sensing with respect to global warming and perils of gas explosion. The notions of methane sensing as a research project with regards to Malaysian resources are highlighted. The research tools and expectations are stated. The second chapter deals with methane sensor viewed through the work by researchers in the last four decades, since the birth of the gas sensor in the 1960s. Various methane sensors are mentioned including the stannic oxide based sensors. The introduction of various dopants and their effects on the performance of the gas sensor are also mentioned. The problems that arise from the sensors are also pointed out. 13 The third chapter mentions the theory of sensing mechanisms known up to the time this thesis was written. These include the well known Spillover and Energy Barrier Model. The role of Pt in SnO2 in the sensing property is also highlighted. The fourth chapter states the experimental and measurement techniques which include sample preparation and the apparatus used for both electrical and microstructure analysis. The parameters and physical measurements are defined. The fifth chapter presents the results of the electrical analysis which are basically the measurement of sensor element resistance, conductance and sensitivity. The variables in the experiments are sintering temperature and the Pt loadings in the SnO2 ceramics. The effects of methane gas concentration and of methane gas flow rate are also reported. The stability of the methane is viewed via its long term performance. The sixth chapter highlights two important parameters which will gauge the performance of the methane sensor, namely optimum composition of the ceramics and optimum operating temperature of the sensor with respect to methane sensing in air. These two parameters are then related to the mean crystallite size of the ceramics. The seventh chapter looks at the response and recovery times of the methane sensor which are influenced by methane gas concentration, operating temperature of the sensor, doping level and the flow rate of the methane gas. The eighth chapter deals with microstructure analysis of the ceramics. The ceramics analysed using HRXRD, EDAX, SEM, TEM, XPS, NMR, Mössbauer, Raman-Shift and FTIR will lead to the understanding of the microstructure observed. The physical properties in relation to its stability are gauged via DTA, TGA analysis and measurements of density, porosity, BET and elastic modulus. 14 The ninth or final chapter summarizes the findings and comments on the Pt-SnO2 ceramics in relation to methane sensing in air. Recommendations for further work are also mentioned. 15 CHAPTER 2 GAS SENSORS REVIEW 2.1 OVERVIEW The earliest commercial gas sensor comprised of a hot platinum wire (Arai et al., 1986). Basically, the platinum filament is maintained at several hundred degrees centigrade and via catalysis it will detect any combustible gas in air. Such a phenomenon will cause a rise in temperature in the platinum wire and a measurable increase in resistance. For example, 1000 ppm of isobutene will show an output signal of a few millivolts via a resistance bridge circuit. The sensor was improved by introducing a catalyst such as palladium as done by Baker (1959). The output signal increased to a magnitude of 15 –20 mV. However, the setback was that the catalyst deteriorated with time but modern versions of the sensor known as pellistors and are still being used in coal mines until today (Ihokura and Watson, 1994). One remarkable development was to utilize the resistance change in a metallic oxide semiconductor which results from gas adsorption (Tarama,1958). This was realised in thin film zinc oxide gas sensors and the phenomenon is known as the semiconductor catalysis mechanism (Seiyama, 1962). Seiyama et al. (1962) reported on a gas detector which is based on the adsorption and desorption of gases which cause a change in electrical conductivity of semiconductors. The inclusion of a noble metal in the base material can improve 16 the sensitivity. The result is a patented stannic oxide gas sensor and the world’s first commercial device led by Taguchi (1962). In the 1970s and 1980s the search was on for the materials as a priority and the effects of additives for enhancing the gas sensor sensitivity. The selectivity of a gas sensor was also improved by changing the sensor temperature between limits (Murakami, 1982). A gas identification system was introduced as a result of combined sensors having different characteristics (Ikegama, 1985). Another method to approach selectivity involved surface modification of the base metal oxide with hydrophobic groups, calcium oxide, super-corpuscles of gold, zinc oxide, sulphur or lanthanum oxide (Kanefusa et al., 1985; Fukui, 1985; Nakahara, 1987; Haruta et al., 1989; Maekawa et al., 1990 and Matsushima et al., 1989). The approach operates different from valence control (as in the case of additives such as antimony or vanadium) or catalysis (as in the case of additives of noble metal). This led to further refinement in the quality of the gas sensor where efforts were made to detect gases (such as H2S, NOx, mercaptans, air pollutants) at low concentrations (Satakae et al., 1989). Exotic applications of gas sensors are for the sensing of trimethylamine (Takao, 1989) for testing the freshness of fish, cooking gases (Shiratori, 1985) in the control of microwave ovens, leaking freon and other refrigerants (Nomura, 1990) in evaluating the ozone destruction in the upper atmosphere. From the 1960s until 2001, the groundwork was followed to produce a series of commercial gas sensors covering a very wide variety of applications (Table 2.1). Table 2.2 shows the development from late 1990s until 2001 focussing on the stannic oxide based gas sensor. 17 Table 2.1: Development in the research field of gas sensors, 1960s – 1980s. (Ihokura and Watson, 1994). No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Material ZnO (thin film) SnO2 SnO2+ Pd, Pt, Ag ZnO, SnO2 SnO2+Al2O3 WO3 + Pt In2O3 + Pt 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SnO2 + SiO2 ZnO + Pt + Ga2O3 SnO2 + Pd La1-x Srx CoO3 V2O5 + Ag (thin film) ZnO + Ga2O3 + Pd, Pt TiO2 CoO 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Pd/CdS SnO2 + Pd + ThO2 γ-Fe2O3 Co3O4 Ag2O Pd/TiO2 Metal-phthalocyanine Anthracene 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ZnO (thin film) SnO2-ultra fine particle α-Fe2O3 ZnO + V2O5 + MoO3 ZnO (single crystal) SnO2 (thin film) SnO2 (thin film) Detecting gas H2, alcohol combustible gas combustible gas reducing gas combustible gas H2, N2H4, WH3, H2S H2, hydrocarbon combustible gas CH4, NH3 propane alcohol NO2 H2, CO, hydrocarbon O2 O2 H2 CO propane CO mercaptan H2 NO2 amine, carboxylic acid alcohol combustible gas CH4, H2 freon CO combustible gas combustible gas Researcher/s Seiyama, et. al.(1962) Taguchi (1962) Taguchi (1963) Seiyama, et. al. (1966) Taguchi (1966) Shaver (1967) Loh (1967) Taguchi (1969) Bott, et al. (1971) Seiyama, et al. (1972) Sakurai, et al. (1975) Nakagawa, et al. (1975) Ichinose, et al. (1975) Tien, et al. (1975) Logothetis, et al. (1975) Steele, et al. (1976) Nitta, et al. (1977) Matsuoka, et al. (1978) Stetter (1978) Subomura, et al. (1978) Subomura, et al. (1978) Sadaoka, et al. (1978) Suzuki, et al. (1978) Heiland, et al. (1979) Abe, et al. (1980) Nakatani, et al. (1981) Shiratori, et al. (1981) Jones, et al. (1982) Chang (1982) Sotomura, et al. (1982) 18 Table 2.2: Development in the research field of stannic oxide based gas sensorslate 1990s until 2001. No. 1 Topics/Acitvity Effects of gas diffusivity and reactivity on sensing properties of SnO2 Researcher/s Shimizu et al. (1998) 2 Computational approaches to the chemical sensitivity of semiconducting tin dioxide Rantala, et al. (1998) 3 New design of an SnO2 gas sensor on low temperature cofiring ceramics Teterycz, et al. (1998) 4 Transient response of thick-film tin oxide gas sensors multicomponent gas mixtures Llobet, et al. (1998) 5 SnO2-based thick-film-resistive sensor for H2S detection Malyshev & Pislyakov (1998) 6 SnO2-TiO2 solid solutions for gas sensors Radecka, et al. (1998) 7 Electrical and spectroscopic characterization of SnO2 and Pd-SnO2 thick films studied as CO gas sensors Chiorino, et al. (1998) 8 In-situ EXAFS analysis of the local environment of Pt particles incorporated in thin films of SnO2 semiconductor oxide used as gas sensor Gaidi, et al. (1998) 9 The influence of molybdenum on the properties of SnO2 ceramic sensor Ivanovskaya, et al. (1998) 10 Pd-doped SnO2 thin films deposited by assisted ultrasonic spraying CVD for gas sensing: selectivity and effect of annealing Briand, et al. (1998) 11 H2 selective gas sensor based on SnO2 Katsuki & Fukui (1998) 12 Electrical and CO gas sensing properties of Haeng Yu & Man Choi ZnO-SnO2 composites (1998) 13 Micromachined thin film SnO2 gas sensors in temperature pulsed operation mode Jaegle, et al.(1999) 19 No. 14 Topics/Acitvity Improvement of gas-sensing properties of SnO2 by surface chemical modification with diethoxydimethylsilane Researcher/s Wada & Egashira (1998) 15 High ethanol sensitivity in sol-gel derived SnO2 thin films Varghese, et al. (1999) 16 Humidity insensitive thick film methane sensor based on SnO2/Pt Licznerski, et al. (1999) 17 Selectivity improvement of SnO2 films by superficial metallic films Sauvan & Pijolat (1999) 18 Selectivity enhancement of SnO2 gas sensors: simultaneous monitoring of resistances and temperatures Heilig, et al. (1999) 19 Preparation and characterization of SnO2 and MoOx-SnO2 nano-sized powders for thick film gas sensors Chiorino, et al. (1999) 20 New method to obtain stable small-sized SnO2 powders for gas sensors Cirera, et al. 1999) 21 Ageing and p-type conduction in SnO2 gas sensors Ionescu, R. (1999 ) 22 A SnO2 microsensor device for SUB-PPM NO2 detection Cobianu, et al. (1999) 23 MCM-41 modified SnO2 gas sensors: sensitivity and selectivity properties Li & Kawi (1999) 24 Surface chemistry of SnO2 and MoOxSnO2 nano-sized powders and electrical responses of the related thick films Chiorino & Ghiotti (1999) 25 Electrical properties under polluting gas of Pt and Pd doped polycrystalline SnO2 thin film Matko, et al. (1999) 26 Integrated solid-state gas sensors based on SnO2 (Pd) for CO detection Renault, et al. (1999) 27 Relationships between sensitivity, catalytic Li, et al. (1999) activity and surface areas of SnO2 gas sensors 20 No. 28 Topics/Acitvity Role of water vapour in the interaction of SnO2 gas sensor with CO and CH4 Researcher/s Ionescu, et al. (1999) 29 Influence of oxygen concentration in the carrier gas on the response of tin dioxide sensor under hydrogen and methane Toumier & Pijolat (1999) 30 Electrical and CO gas sensing properties of Yu & Choi (1999) ZnO/SnO2 hetero-contact 31 CO2-sensing characteristics of SnO2 thick film by coating lanthanum oxide Kim, et al. (2000) 32 Determination of the Pd content in Pddoped SnO2 films Laureyn, et al. (2000) 33 Light enhanced gas sensing properties of indium oxide and tin dioxide sensors Comini, et al. (2000) 34 Improvement of humidity dependence in gas sensor based on SnO2 Fukui & Katsuki (2000) 35 Computational studies for the interpretation of gas response of SnO2 (110) surface Rantala, et al. (2000) 36 Gas chromatographic study on adsorption selectivity of tin dioxide gas sensor to organic vapours Wang, et al. (2000) 37 The effect of dopants on the electronic structure of SnO2 thin film Liu, et al. (2000) 38 The temperature change in SnO2 based gas sensors during sensing reaction Liu, et al. (2000) 39 Gas-sensitive properties of nanometerseized SnO2 Pan, et al. (2000) 40 Investigation of a new catalytic combustion type CH4 gas sensor with low power consumption Sun, et al. (2000) 41 Comparison study of SnO2 thin and thick film gas sensors Lee, et al. (2000) 42 Sprayed SnO2 thin films for NO2 sensors Leo & Rella (2000) 21 No. 43 Topics/Activity Effects of surface modification with platinum and ruthenium on temperature and humidity dependence of SnO2-based CO gas sensors Researcher/s Morimitsu, et al. (2000) 44 Detection and differentiation of CH4 hydrocarbon isomers over the Pd-SnO2 compressed powder sensor Bulpitt & Tsang (2000) 45 Effect of particle size and dopant on properties of SnO2-based gas sensor Zhang & Liu (2000) 46 Analysis of the noble metal catalytic additives introduced by impregnation of as obtained SnO2 sol-gel nanocrystals for gas sensors Cabot, et al. (2000) 47 Material properties and the influence of metallic catalysts at the surface of a highly dense SnO2 films Wollenstein, et al. (2000) 48 Reactivity of SnO2-CuO nanocrystalline materials with H2S Pagnier, et al. (2000) 49 PECVD prepared SnO2 thin films for ethanol sensors Hellegouarch, et al. (2000) 50 CH4 sensing characteristics of K-, Ca-, Mg impregnated SnO2 sensors Choi & Lee (2001) 51 Comparison of CO-gas sensing characteristics between mono and multilayer Pt/SnO2 thin films Kim, et al. (2001) 52 Pd and Pt-SiC Schottky diodes for detection of H2S and CH4 at high temperature Kim, et al. (2001) 53 A study on thin film gas sensor based on SnO2 prepared by pulsed laser deposition method Kim, et al. (2001) 54 SnO2 sol-gel derived thin films for integrated gas sensors Cobianu, et al. (2001) 55 Chemical diffusion of oxygen in tin dioxide Kamp, et al. (2001) . 22 No. 56 Topics/Activity Surface state trapping models for SnO2based microhotplate sensors Researcher/s Ding, et al. (2001) 57 The properties of strongly pressed tinbased gas sensors Kocemba, et al. (2001) 58 The influence of Rh surface doping on anomalous properties of thick-film SnO2 gas sensors Licznerski, et al. (2001) 59 Conductivity of SnO2 thin films in the presence of surface adsorbed species Kissine, et al. (2001) 60 Thin film sensors SnO2-CuO-SnO2 sandwich structure to H2S Yuanda, et al. (2001) 61 Effect of alumina addition on methane sensitivity of tin dioxide thick films Saha, et al .(2001) 62 Selective CO gas detection of SnO2Zn2SnO4 composite gas sensor Moon, et al. (2001) 63 Cerium oxide/SnO2 based semiconductor gas sensors with improved sensitivity to CO Khodadadi, et al. (2001) 2.2 Methane gas sensing The sensor element is the active part of a gas sensor. A complete instrument using such a sensor element can take the form of a gas monitor, gas detector, gas alarm or gas actuator. Table 2.1 on page 17 shows a variety of sensor element for sensing different gases. For methane sensing, the sensor element is usually a metal oxide such as SnO2 (Carotta et al., 1991), Fe2O3 (Malyshev et al., 1994), Ga2O3 (Fleischer and Meixner, 1995), BaSnO3 (Ostrick et al., 1996) or ZnO (Gruber et al., 2003). Amongst these the most reported metal-oxide methane sensor is the SnO2 based. The behaviour of this type of sensor element is characteristic of many sintered, thin or thick film metal oxide semiconductors (Hagen et al., 1983). There are other methods of detecting 23 methane reported such as pellistors (Jones, 1987), semistor (Williams and Coles, 1999), planar heat-wire (Quan et al., 2000), Pd-SiC or Pt-SiC Schottky diodes (Kim et al., 2001) and Thermal Wave Pyroelectrics Film(TWPFS) (Dorojkine, 2003). There are also commercial methane sensors such as Figaro sensors such as TGS 813 and TGS 842 studied by (Pascale et al., 1995) for methane detection in domestic premises. 2.2.1 Pellistors This is also known as a catalytic gas sensor and this is the earliest form of methane sensor developed in the 1960s. It comprised of thin Pt wire coils surrounded by a catalyst which is supported on alumina. The flammable gas such as methane is oxidised at the catalytic surface at an elevated temperature and this shows as an increase in the resistance of the coil. The operating temperature of this type of sensor is typically 700-1300 K (Jones, 1988). 2.2.2 Semistors This is similar to that of the pellistor but is semiconductor-based in which the alumina is replaced by a polycrystalline gas-sensitive ceramic such as stannic oxide as reported by Komatsu et al. (1984), Orlik et al. (1993) and Fukui (1991). However, the sensor-operating mechanism was not clearly defined (Williams and Coles, 1999). 24 2.2.3 Planar heat wire This was developed by Kokuen et al. (1990) to detect i-C4H10. The planar heat wire was incorporated on an Al2O3 substrate by RF sputtering. The resistance of the wire at a given temperature will be different in air and methane. 2.2.4 Pd-SiC or Pt-SiC Schottky diodes Lundstrom et al. (1975), Arbab et al. (1993) and Kang et al. (1994) used Schottky diodes in a gas sensitive device using silicon technology. Methane dissociates on the catalytic surface and hydrogen diffuses through the metal to the oxide interface thus forming an electric double layer on the internal surface of the electrode. This in turn causes a change in the electrical properties of the device when methane is being adsorped. In the case of Pt-SiC, the methane can dissociate on Pt metal at high temperature (Arbab et al., 1993). 2.2.5 Thermal Wave Pyroelectrics Film (TWPF) The sensor substrate is an Al2O3/SiO2 ceramic or sitall. The pyroelectric detectors which are organic polycyclic molecular microcrystals and belong to the P1 group are deposited onto the substrate. This will give rise to both pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity (Nye, 1957). When an electric current flows through the heating strip, the substrate will be heated steadily and the thermal wave will propagate into the bulk of the substrate. This material generates electrical current when its temperature changes. The sensor is capable of measuring the relative thermal conductivity (which is temperature dependent) of methane with respect to air and the TWPF studied by Dorojkine (2003) was able to measure rather low methane concentrations. 25 2.2.6 Metal oxides The metal oxide gas sensors for methane sensing can take the form of thin or thick film or sintered pellet. As already mentioned, the metal oxide alone has limited sensing ability. The metal oxides are usually semiconductors and problems like selectivity, sensitivity and stability still persist. Nevertheless, efforts are being made to overcome the problems. For example, in the case of Ga2O3, the sensor was operated at high temperatures between 600-900oC (Flingelli et al., 1998). At high temperature, the carrier mobility is not influenced by the grain boundaries as other types of conduction prevail (Fleischer, 1993). Also, at such elevated temperature, most organic vapours burn more readily than methane (Fleischer and Meixner, 1995; Reti et al., 1995). The novel doping of SnO2 in Ga2O3 enhanced the sensitivity and conductivity as reported by Frank et al. (1998). This is due to the influence of Sn4+ as a donor which fits the available lattice sites leading to improved gas-sensitive electrical properties. 2.3 Stannic oxide as a sensing element This is the most widely used metal oxide for methane sensing and can take the form of thin or thick film or sintered pellet. A typical method of producing stannic oxide is by reacting aqueous SnCl4.5H2O with an aqueous hydrazine monohydrate, N2H4.H2O (Popescu-Amalric, 1999). The reaction proceeds as follows: SnCl4.5H2O + 2N2H4 Æ SnO2 + 4HCl(g) +2N2 +4H2 + 3H2O. Another typical method is by pouring aqueous solution of HNO3 on highpurity metallic Sn powder (Donaldson and Fuller, 1968). The reaction produces NO2 gas which is reddish-brown and stannic oxide which is a white precipitate. 26 A new way of producing stannic oxide is microwave processing (Cirera et al., 2000). In this method microwave radiation is applied to a saturated solution of tin chloride in methanol. Rheotaxial growth thermal oxidation (RGTO) involves two steps: first, by means of dc sputtering, several metallic tin layers are deposited on a substrate which is maintained at a temperature higher than the melting point of tin. These layers are then thermally oxidized (Dieguez et al., 2000). Other methods include rf magnetron sputtering (Lee et al., 2001), atomic layer epitaxy deposition (Utriainen, 2000), sol-gel (Morazzoni et al., 2001), mechanochemical processing (Cukrov et al., 2001), PECVD (Hellegouarc’h, 2001) and atomic-layer chemical vapour deposition (Rosental, 2001). The stannic oxide produced by the methods mentioned above range from microns to submicrons to nano-sized particles. Commercialized stannic oxide is produced by Fluka-Chemika, Riedel-de Haën and Aldrich Chem. The performance of SnO2 alone as a gas senor element is rather limited. An effective method to improve its performance can be achieved by doping. The doping species can be either catalytic (for example Pd and Pt), electroactive (In, Sb, Cu, Ni and Mn) or stabilizer (Nb, Al and Si) (Kohl, 1990; Yamazoe, 1991; Xu et al., 1991 and Fliegel et al., 1994). Catalytic dopants increase the rate of reaction on the surface of SnO2 grains due to spill-over effect or modification of surface energy states. An electroactive doping metal, which acts as an acceptor contribute to the formation of an energy barrier at the grain boundary. It does so by changing the electron concentration in the bulk of the tin dioxide due to a compensation mechanism. Stabilizing dopants inhibit grain growth especially in a nanocrystalline material. Other reported metal dopant used in SnO2 are Ru, Ag, Bi, Ca, Fe, Au and Cd (Egdell et al., 1996; Kim et al., 1997; Zhou et al., 1997; Nomura et al., 1997; Chaudhary et al., 1998; Tianshu et al., 1999 and Gaidi et al., 2000). Metal oxide dopants like Bi2O3, Sb2O3, CeO2, CuO, Ag2O, TiO2 and MoO3 are also reported to be incorporated in SnO2 (Devi et al., 1998; Teterycz et al., 1998; Malyshev and Pislyakov, 1998; Radecka and Zakrzewska, 1998 and Ivanovskaya et al., 1998) for gas sensing. 27 The use of dopant in SnO2 is to make the sensing element sensitive to a particular gas and it is selective against interfering gases. For such tasks in particular methane sensing, a high Pt content in SnO2 enhances the sensor response to CH4 rather than CO (Khodadadi et al., 2001). 2.4 Problems and improvements with SnO2-based methane sensor Although the SnO2 based methane sensor is one of the earliest methane sensor and is widely used the sensitivity and selectivity need to be further improved (Watson et al., 1993; Gopel and Reinhardt, 1996 and Zhou et al., 1997). As mentioned in Section 2.3, an effective way to overcome this is by metal or metal-oxide doping. Operating the gas sensor at higher temperature makes it more selective to methane (Khodadadi et al., 2001). This is because CH4 gas is thermodynamically the most stable alkane, more stable than most other reducing gases and relatively difficult to sense at temperatures lower than 350-400oC. The SnO2-based gas sensor is more sensitive to interferent gas such as ethanol vapour in a domestic ambience and has caused false alarms. In such a case, the methane selectivity and sensitivity can be enhanced by using a filter (SiO2, Al2O3) containing noble metal catalysts (Dutronc et al., 1993; Papadopoulos et al., 1996 and de Angelis and Riva, 1995). The gas filter hinders the interfering gas from reaching the sensitive layer and transforms the gas mixture to be detected into a mixture which favours the detection of the gas to be detected or target gas (Madou and Morisson, 1989). Cross-sensitivity in stannic oxide based sensor can be decreased using thick-film (Corcoran et al., 1993; Fraigi et al., 1994 and Ménil et al., 1983) or differential conductivity sensors (Dutronc et al., 1993 and Logothetis et al., 1986). The common cross sensitivity is between CO and CH4 due to their same reducing character. Research using signal post processing to distinguish between these two gases use arrays or signal treatments algorithms (Ortega et al., 2000; Hahn et al., 2000 and Capone et al., 2000). Niranjan et al. (2001) reported that amorphous thin-film oxide has an enhanced selectivity and sensitivity as compared to pure tin oxide. The amorphous thin film is rough which provides a 28 good adsorption site and exhibit a highly porous structure. Chaudhary et al. (1999) improved the selectivity and sensitivity of tin oxide pellets by surface modification using Ru. In this method, the physical and chemical properties of tin oxide altered due to misfits created at the grain boundaries. This appears as large number of grains and is due to the presence of Ru species. Methane sensitivity in a stannic oxide based sensor can also be achieved by using alumina in admixture with SnO2 and without doping in SnO2 lattice. This is due to the electronic interaction between the semiconducting tin oxide grains and the Lewis acid sites of the alumina grains in close contact (Saha et al., 2001). One of the main disadvantages of a chemical gas sensor based on stannic oxide is its strong dependence on humidity (Fleischer, 1996). Bârsan et al. (1999a) stated that the presence of water increases the sensitivity towards CO and decreases the sensitivity towards hydrocarbons. It is assumed that tin oxide sensors work through the oxidation of the analyte, in this case CO. The resulting loss of ionsorbed oxygen on the sensor surface results in an increase in conductivity. This will be observed or read out electrically. This problem is not totally eradicated by using dopants (Sayago et al., 1995; Debeda et al., 1996 and Bauer et al., 1997). Solutions are sensor arrays with signal processing methods as reported by Huyberechts et al. (1997) and the usage of a new cerment composition based on stannic oxide and platinum black (Pt-black) (Licznerski et al., 1999). Choi and Lee (2001) reported that Ca in stannic oxide particle plays an outstanding role of crystallite growth stabilization especially above 350oC. This gives rise to high sensitivity when the crystallite size is twice the depth of space charge which is approximately 6 nm (Ogawa et al., 1982; Xu et al., 1991 and Yamazoe, 1991). This led to the usage of nano-sized SnO2 and dopants like the one reported by Fau et al. (2001). In the case of the catalytic methane sensor, poisoning of platinum surfaces by hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS) was reported by Ehrhardt et al. (1997). The 29 HMDS is a molecule-(CH3)3-Si-O-Si(CH3)3 and inhibited by silicon-containing compounds (Cullis and Willatt, 1984; Gentry and Jones, 1984 and Sommer et al., 1992). Exposure to minute amount of HMDS results in total poisoning of methane oxidation and the decomposition of HMDS is strongly catalyzed by transistion metals as reported by Cullis and Willatt (1984). As this type of sensor works in the high temperature range of 700-1300 K, it is widely accepted that the catalytic oxidation obeys the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism involving reactions between adsorbed species on the surface (Trimm and Lam, 1980; Lintz et al., 1962 and Cullis et al., 1970). At 873 K, Gentry et al. (1978) claimed the sensors are irreversibly poisoned towards catalytic oxidation of methane. Also as methane oxidation uses high energy adsorption sites, it is strongly influenced by the interaction with HMDS and this will give rise to surface polyorganosiloxanes or silica. Cullis et al.(1984) and Gentry and Jones (1986) also studied poisoning of catalytic methane sensors giving rise to chemical products with molecules containing sulphur, halogen and silicone. The poisoning effect is also a factor which cause ageing in the sensor. In normal practice, this needs scheduled replacement which makes it a relatively high cost of ownership. 2.5 Current research trend on SnO2-based methane sensor Barsan et al. (1999b) commented that metal oxide in particular SnO2 have attracted the attention of many users and scientists who are interested in gas sensing under atmospheric conditions. However, the Research and Development (R&D) of such sensors still leaves researcher with very poor basic understanding of practically useful gas sensors. This is because the understanding is based on different models due to different approaches. The first approach is chosen by the users of gas sensors. These users tested the phenomenological parameters of existing sensors, and envisaged that there exist minimum parameter to describe the sensor selectivity, sensitivity and stability. The second approach is chosen by the developers who empirically optimized the sensor material preparations, test structures, ageing, etc., for different applications and thus optimizing the sensor 30 technology. The third approach is chosen by basic research scientists, who attempted to identify the atomistic processes of gas sensing by applying spectroscopies in addition to phenomenological techniques of sensor characterization. Eventually all the different approaches lead to the well-known structural and pressure gaps between the ideal and the real world of surface science. The same trend of work done to improve selectivity, sensitivity and stability exist and are foreseen to be ongoing, with an emphasis on thick films with controlled nanocrystalline sizes and thin films with monolayers of nanocrystals. However, the nanotechnology has its drawbacks; high cost for material production and miniaturization of sensor, low yield and unstable structure at temperatures > 400oC. The basic understanding of SnO2-based sensors can be aided using spectroscopies which are in-situ measurements such as infrared (IR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Raman (Willett, 1991 and Lenaerts et al., 1995). Spectroscopies can also be done under ideal conditions such as thermodesorption, X-ray photoemissions (XPS) and ultraviolet photoemissions (Szuber, 1998 and Schweizer-Berberich, 1998). Atomic resolution may be obtained from Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM) or Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). This leads to better understanding of the molecule-SnO2 interaction. For example, Thermal Programming Desorption (TPD) and infrared (IR) studies show that at temperatures above 200oC molecular water is no longer present at the surface of SnO2 (Barsan, 1999b). Another example, IR studies can identify CO-related species on SnO2 (Barsan, 1999b). 31 CHAPTER 3 SENSING MECHANISMS AND MODELS 3.1 SENSING PARAMETERS It is customary that electrical measurements such as resistance and conductance are reported in most gas sensing procedures. The electrical conductance, G is defined as the reciprocal of the electrical resistance, R. Thus, G = 1/R and its unit in S.I. is ohms-1(Ω-1) or Siemens (S). The sensitivity of a gas is defined as the ratio of the change in conductance to the conductance in air. Hence, the sensitivity S/ = (G –Go)/Go, where G is the conductance in the test gas and Go is the conductance in air. Yamazoe et al. (1983) observed a distinct maximum in sensitivity at a particular temperature which is dependent on both dopant and the sensing gas. Another parameter is selectivity which is defined as the ratio of the sensitivity of two gases, Š = S/gas1/S/gas2. 3.2 SENSING MECHANISMS The sensing mechanisms in section 3.2.1 to section 3.2.3 are based on conductance, section 3.2.4 – section 3.2.5 are based on sensitivity and sections 3.2.6. are based on selectivity. These gas sensing mechanisms are for temperatures < 500oC. 32 3.2.1 DEFECT FORMATION SnO2 is an n-type semiconductor with band-gap approximately 3.6 eV (Kohl, 1989) and slightly non-stoichiometric, whereby the bridging oxygen in the SnO2 is removed. The removal of bridging oxygen atom does not provide additional donors and the non-stoichiometric configuration results in a stable surface as the Sn ion has two stable oxidation states, Sn4+ and Sn2+. In ambient atmosphere, oxygen vacancies are formed where the loss of bulk lattice oxygen causes the generation of oxygen lattice defects and electron donor states (McAleer et al., 1987). For sintered porous SnO2, the observable conductivity change is very substantial, even in minute concentrations of combustible gas like methane in a large excess of oxygen. Thus, it is assumed that the observable conductance change is a surface controlled process, not in equilibrium with the bulk (McAleer et al., 1987). 3.2.2 DEPLETION LAYER FORMATION Windischmann and Mark (1979) suggested a two step process for n-type semiconductor-electrical response to reactive gases. The first step is where oxygen from the ambient adsorbs onto the surface of the sensing material and extracts electrons from it as shown in the equation (Morrison, 1987a) : O2 + e- ↔ O2-ads (3.1) O2 +2e- ↔ 2O-ads (3.2) with O- dominating at temperatures > 160oC. At this stage the sensor surface is of high resistance. This initial high resistance in the sensor as observed by Windischmann and Mark (1979) is due to the adsorbed oxygen and is essential for a sensor response. On exposure to methane, the adsorbed methane reacts with the oxygen species and electrons are injected back into the material, thus increases the conductivity. 33 or CH4 + O2- ↔ CH4O2 + e- (3.3) CH4 + O-ads ↔ CH4O + e- (3.4) In the case of an n-type semiconductor, the oxygen acts as an acceptor on it and extracts electrons from the valence band. Thus, a positively charged double layer or space charge layer appears just below the very negatively charged surface (Figure 3.1). As the negative surface charge increases, the surface barrier potential increases too, according to the following equation; Vs = eNs2/2εoεrNi (3.5) where Vs is the surface barrier potential, e is the electronic charge, Ns is the negative surface charge, εo is the permittivity of free space, εr is the relative permittivity of the medium and Ni is the net density of ions in the space charge region. ES = eVS EC Ef surface EV FIGURE 3.1: Formation of surface depletion layer in SnO2 . Ec is the conduction band energy, Ef is the Fermi energy, Ev is the valence band energy and ES is the surface barrier energy (Yannopoulos, 1987). 34 The surface state energy approaches the Fermi energy with increasing band bending of the depletion layer. If there is a further increase in the amount of adsorbate, the increment in Vs would raise the surface levels above the Fermi level and the ion would lose their electrons. However, this cannot appreciably occur and the Weisz limitation of the surface coverage is about 1012-1013 cm-2. The corresponding band bending is about 1 eV and a Schottky depletion depth of 10-610-5 cm (Kohl, 1989). 3.2.3 POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS Sintered porous pellets or thick films are the typical fabrication for a gas sensor. In this form the electrical resistance of the material depends very strongly on gas adsorption (Moseley, 1992 and Morrison, 1987b). Figure 3.2 shows a model of a typical compressed powder. FIGURE 3.2: Model of a typical compressed powder and Schottky barrier formation (Morrison, 1987b). 35 In ambient atmosphere, oxygen is adsorbed on the exposed grains and electrons are extracted from the near-surface region, thus forming a depletion region. Electrons from the bulk must pass from grain to grain and cross a high energy barrier at the intergranular contacts for conductance to occur. Thus, the electrical resistance at this stage is fairly high. When methane is introduced, electrons are released and injected back into the conduction band and the barrier is lowered. This results in an increase in conductance. Lantto et al. (1988) expressed the conductance, G = Goexp(-eVs/kBT), where G is the conductance in methane, Go is the conductance in air and eVs is the barrier energy. Therefore, for a porous powder sample, the Schottky barriers limit the conductivity at the intergranular contacts. For a well sintered material, the conductivity is determined by a fully open and undepleted neck regions between the grains (Figure 3.3). Kiselev and Krylov (1987) then expected that fully sintered polycrystalline or single crystal will exhibit lower sensitivity than porous compressed powder as the conductance of the former material depends on the reduction of the Schottky barriers. FIGURE 3.3: Well-sintered polycrystalline-formation of undepleted neck regions. 36 3.2.4 GRAIN SIZE EFFECTS The sensitivity increases as the grain size decreases and approaches the Debye length or the thickness of the depletion layer for stannic oxide (Xu et al., 1991 and Yamazoe, 1991). In this case, the space charge region encompasses a large fraction of the grain bulk, hence the electrical resistance is sensitive to the adsorbed gas (Ippommatsu et al., 1991). 3.2.5 HIGH TEMPERATURE SENSING For gas sensing at temperatures < 500oC, the characteristics of SnO2 based gas sensors agree with the models already mentioned. However, it may be possible that at high temperatures (> 500oC), gas sensing occurs via different mechanisms. Sukharev (1993) reported that the reducing gas interacts directly with the semiconductor which does not involve adsorbed oxygen at all. 3.2.6 CATALYST DOPING The use of a catalyst in n-type semiconductor gas sensors is fundamentally to accelerate the oxidation rate of the reducing gas, thus improving the response time and enhancing the selectivity of the gas sensors (Morrison, 1987b; Ambrazeviciene et al., 1993). To enhance the effect of catalytic doping on the material, it is essential that the doping have a great influence on the electrical resistance of the material, for example, it is accessible to the intergranular contact regions between the grains. There are two processes in which it may be achieved namely Fermi energy control and spillover. 37 FERMI ENERGY CONTROL In this process, the adsorbing gas exchanges electrons with the supported catalyst, which then exchanges electrons with the support (Yamazoe, 1991) as shown in Figure 3.4. Yamazoe et al. (1983) reported for Ag-SnO2 or Pd-SnO2, that the electronic sensing is characterized by a change of oxidation state of the noble metal which acts as an electron donor or acceptor. The catalyst will control the barrier if the concentration of surface states is greater than 1012 cm-2. Initially, the Fermi level in the semiconductor is higher than that of the catalyst and electrons are transferred from the semiconductor to the catalyst (Figure 3.5). Thus, the Fermi energy is pinned and defines the surface barrier. The surface depletion layer which is determined by the Fermi energy of the catalyst will influence the intergranular contact resistance. If the catalyst is adequately dispersed, the depletion regions will overlap and extend across the intergranular contacts, thus dominating the resistance (Figure 3.6). FIGURE 3.4: Effect of noble metal in SnO2– Fermi energy control (Yamazoe, 1991). 38 ECS Ef EV FIGURE 3.5: Band model for catalyst and n-type semiconductor. Ecs is the surface conduction band edge of the n-type semiconductor. EV is the valance band and Ef is the Fermi energy. FIGURE 3.6. Depletion region formed by a well-dispersed catalyst. For Ag-SnO2, the AgO was reduced to Ag metal upon exposure to H2 (Yamazoe et al., 1983). The Fermi energy level shifted and an increase in surface conductivity was observed. Thus, an additive replaces adsorbed oxygen in controlling the Schottky barrier height and hence influencing the electrical resistance of the gas sensor. 39 SPILLOVER MECHANISM In this case, the reactive gas adsorbs itself to the catalyst, becomes activated and spillsover onto the semiconductor surface (McAleer et al., 1988) as shown in Figure 3.7. Sermon and Bond (1973) reported that Pt or Pd are the most efficient at initiating spillover. McAleer et al. (1988) reported Pt or Pd catalyst greatly modify the effects due to moisture in SnO2 gas sensors. In pure SnO2, the hydroxyl (OH-) group was reported to dominate the surface when exposed to moisture. Nevertheless, the ionosorbed oxygen will still dominate as an acceptor due to increasing oxygen adsorption from spillover effects. FIGURE 3.7: Spillover of oxygen and hydrogen on a catalyst doped semiconductor. For Pt-SnO2, Yamazoe (1991) reported the chemical sensing involved in the change of the oxidation state of SnO2 and the role of Pt is the activation and spillover of the sensing gas as shown schematically in Figure 3.8. 40 FIGURE 3.8: Chemical model of spillover mechanism of SnO2 doped noble metal. (Yamazoe, 1991). 3.3 CURRENT STATUS ON SENSING MECHANISMS Study on gas sensing still focuses on sensors operating at low temperature (<500oC). Reasonable explanations and models for selectivity enhancement using metal and metal oxide are still lacking in the published literature. High temperature gas sensing has not been successful and the existing models fail. 3.4 METHANE DETECTION Methane gas detection was extensively done by workers such as Heiland and Kohl (1985) and Yamazoe and Miura (1992) using SnO2 thick film doped with Pt and Pd and pure SnO2 thick film respectively. The doped samples were able to detect methane at optimum temperatures between 300-500oC (Kohl, 2001). The sol-gel route for obtaining SnO2 which was utilized for methane sensing was reported to detect methane at optimum temperatures between 400-600oC (Feng et al., 1993). 41 Activation of methane means excitation of the C-H bond as a consequence of the formation of radicals. Thus, methane can be activated on the SnO2 surface and forms CH3 radicals (Harber, 1984). The surface morphology does influence the activation process and in the case of hydrogen, it is strongly and nearly irreversibly absorbed on the surface of lattice oxygen of SnO2 as is a typical for semiconducting oxides (Bond, 1987). In the case of pure SnO2 which is exactly stoichiometric (Figure 3.9), it cannot chemisorbs oxygen. FIGURE 3.9: Stoichiometric SnO2 (110) surface with bridging oxygen atoms on the top. (Barsan et al., 1999b). However, in most cases, pure SnO2 is non-stoichiometric (Figure 3.10) and oxygen deficient and it can chemisorbs oxygen until the charge averaged over the depth of the depletion layer is balanced. For n-type semiconductor like SnO2 the concentration of the surface oxygen ions remains some order of magnitude lower than the concentration of lattice oxygen in the uppermost surface layer. The adsorbed superoxide O2- and O- species and the exposed oxygen atoms at the steps of terraced surfaces are electrophilic reactants which preferentially attack the C=C double bond of the adsorbates and abstract electrons. Hydrogen-containing gases such as methane produces oxygen vacancies which are known to be donor. 42 FIGURE 3.10. Non-stoichiometric (reduced) SnO2 (110) surface with in-plane oxygen only. (Barsan, et al., 1999b). However, de Fresart et al. (1982) deduced from conductivity measurements, that surface defects on SnO2 do not act as donor states. This fact is also supported by ultraviolet photoemissions spectroscopy (UPS) (Sinner-Hettenbach, 2001) and band structure calculations by Munnix and Schmeits (1987). However, surface oxygen vacancies may diffuse towards the bulk and this can activate the vacancies as donors. Kohl (1992), based on Lannto calculations, which show that the vacancies have to cross only two lattice planes, found that the onset for activation can be achieved at temperatures as low as 550 K. The decomposition of hydrocarbon molecules on a catalytically active metal is used in typical semiconductor-type sensors with metal cluster deposits. The sensitivity is enhanced only by partial oxidation of the target gas on the metal deposit and subsequent spillover of hydrogen to the semiconductor. The activity of a catalyst depends greatly on its oxidation state. Prolonged runs at the operation temperature and in the absence of the target gas will cause the semiconductor gas sensors (for combustibles gas like methane) to `fall into sleep’ (Kohl, 1996). 43 The role of lattice oxygen and ionosorbed oxygen is demonstrated via the reaction of methane in Ultra-High-Vacuum (UHV). In the thermodesorption spectra, CH4 show a maximum value at 500 K (Thoren, 1985) and methane dissociates to methyl and hydrogen; CH4(g) ↔ CH3ads + Hads (3.6) It should be noted that even in the presence of gaseous oxygen, total oxidation does not occur due to Weisz limitation of oxygen ion density (Weisz, 1953). Methyl groups are then formed on top of the O ion and the methoxy group CH3Ocan be converted to a formate group. The formate group then decays to CO, CO2 and H, hence consuming the ionosorbed oxygen (Figure 3.11). A B FIGURE 3.11: Reaction scheme: methane with oxygen on a sputtered SnO2 film at 774 K. (Kohl, 2001) A; decay of methane on a surface by adsorbed oxygen.B; decay of methane on a surface without adsorbed oxygen. 44 At temperatures well below 700 K, continuous exposure to methane will block further methane adsorption and reduce conductance which are caused by stable acetate-like species (Egashira et al., 1987). The methane sensing mechanism of noble metal doped SnO2 based thick film devices for hydrocarbons have been proposed by Morrison (1987a); Heiland and Kohl (1988); Lee and Chung (1993) and Lee (1994). The mechanism involves methane oxidation which yields CO2 and H2O via CHn or CHnO intermediates (0 < n < 4) and the reaction is promoted by noble metals such as Rh, Pt and Pd as reported by Pitchai and Klier (1986); Hicks et al. (1990); Ribeiro et al. (1994) and Burch et al. (1995). The noble metal catalyzes the methaneabsorbed oxygen reaction on the semiconducting oxides, leaving oxygen vacancies or conduction electrons behind which is supposed to explain the high sensitivity observed in the noble metal doped semiconductors sensors. The promoting effects of the noble metals are prominent and clear but the mechanisms are not. Researchers like Dutronc et al. (1993), Semencik and Fryberger (1990), Matsushima et al. (1989b) and Xu et al. (1990) which work on these sensors have failed to provide direct evidence for the mechanisms involved. Kim et al. (1997) suggested that the role of the noble metals in the sensor should be based on the dispersion states of the noble metals and the interactions between the noble metals and the support. 45 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTS AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 4.1 INTRODUCTION The experiments were basically categorized into electrical and microstructure characterization. The main aims of the electrical characterization were to determine the optimum operating temperature and optimum doping of Pt in SnO2. The electrical properties studied include resistance, conductance and sensitivity. The response and recovery times under the influence of various factors like methane in air concentration and flow rate were also determined. The microstructure characterization was emphasized on samples which exhibited the optimum operating temperature and composition. The experiments used techniques like HRXRD, SEM, TEM, BET, BJH, EDAX, FTIR, Raman Shift, Mössbauer, XPS and NMR. The physical properties of the ceramic which include density, porosity, Vickers hardness and elastic modulus were also investigated. 4.2 CERAMICS PREPARATIONS The raw material tin oxide powder (purity 99.995%, product number; 20471-4) and platinum powder (purity 99.99%, product number; 748303) obtained from Aldrich and Metalor (PUPT 518) respectively (Appendix A and Appendix B). The SnO2 powder was sieved using a sieve (Endecotts) with an 46 aperture of 50 µm, mixed mechanically with Pt powder (with size ≤ 13µm) in a beaker using a glass rod to give a nominal composition of SnO2 (100-x) Pt (x) with x in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 5 wt.%. The density of the pure SnO2 is 6.9 g/cm3 and the density of the Pt is 21.4 g/cm3 (JCPDS, 1997a and 1977b). To ensure the homogeneity of the mixture, the mixing of the powders was done for 15 minutes until the mixture appears to have the same colouration throughout. The total weight of a sample was (10.000±0.001) g. The weighing was done using an electronic balance (Mettler AE 163). The powdered sample was pressed between sheets of plastic in a dry pressing machine (Herzog) with a pressure of 40 MPa for a duration of 5 minutes at room temperature. The dry-pressed sample was a circular disc with a diameter of about 40 mm and a thickness of about 2 mm was then transferred onto a ceramic plate and heated in an electric furnace to the required temperature (100-1000oC) at a heating rate of 20oC per minute for a sintering time of one hour. The sample was cooled down at the same rate and to avoid contamination, only one sample was sintered at any one time. The preparation of the ceramics is schematically shown in Figure 4.1. The sample can be easily cut into any shape using a sharp knife. For example, for SEM analysis the sample was cut into a disc of about 12 mm in diameter and thickness of about 2 mm and for electrical measurements the sample was cut into a 10X10X2 mm3 cuboids. The pure SnO2 is also referred to as the undoped sample and the doped or modified sample have Pt incorporated in the SnO2. The differences between the sintered and the green-body was that the former was much whiter and stronger than the latter (buff-white and flaky). The green body was grey in colour due to Pt but became white after sintering. 47 SnO2 powder sieved using a 50 µm sieve. SnO2 and Pt powder were weighted in nominal composition of SnO2 (100-x) Pt (x) with x in wt % in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 5. Mixed mechanically Dry pressing at room temperature in cylindrical mould ( ~ 40 mm diameter) Pressure: 40 MPa Time : 5 minutes Sintering Temperature : (100-1000)oC Time : 1 hour Ceramic sample (Shape: Disc) Diameter: ~ 40 mm Thickness:~ 2 mm Colour: White FIGURE 4.1: Preparation of the Pt-SnO2 ceramics. 48 4.3 BULK DENSITY AND POROSITY The bulk density of the ceramics was determined based on Archimedes principle using a Precisa Model XT 220A. The sample was cut into 10X10X2 mm3 cuboids, weighed in air (W1) and then weighed in toluene (W2) (after immersing in toluene for two weeks). Toluene was used as it does not react chemically with the sample and a period of two weeks was long enough for the toluene to penetrate the pores in the ceramic. The bulk density (Jones and Bernard, 1991) was calculated using the formula; ρ= W1 ρ toluene W1 − W2 (4.1) where ρtoluene is the density of the toluene (0.8647 g/cm3). The porosity (Humaidi, 2000) was calculated using the formula; p/ = 4.4 W1 − W2 x 100 % W2 ( 4.2) Sensor Element Characterization System (SECS) This is a home-made equipment for measuring the electrical resistance of a sensor element at operating temperatures between 30-450oC (Figure 4.2). The SECS has already been used and described (John, 2001) as in Appendix C . The changes made to the system are; (i) construction of a new probe which is much slimmer, with springloaded holder to accommodate the sample, (ii) data acquisition in the form of Microsoft EXCEL plotted (plot of load resistance against time as in Appendix D), 49 The sample was cut into 10X10X2 mm3 and fitted snugly between the spring loaded electrodes (Figure 4.3). Typical load resistances were between 100999 Ω with supply voltage between 5-20 V. The temperature controller maintained temperatures between 30-450oC and mass-flow controller maintained flow rates of synthetic air or methane between 100-500 standard cubic centimetre per minute (sccm). Electrical measurement parts gas chamber methane supply FIGURE 4.2: Sensor Element Characterization System (SECS). electrodes sample 2 mm power supply 10 mm Variable Resistance FIGURE 4.3: Configuration of sample between electrodes. 50 The sensor resistance, Rs (John, 2001) can be calculated using the formula; R S = R L ( VC V L − 1 ) (4.3) where RL is the load resistance, VL is the voltage across the load resistor and VC is the voltage supply. The conductance G is simply the reciprocal of Rs in equation (4.3), i.e. G = 1/Rs (4.4) The sensitivity S/ is defined as; S/ = ∆G G0 x100% = G methane − G air x100% G air (4.5) where ∆G is the change in conductance, Go is the conductance in air and Gmethane is the conductance in methane. 4.4.1 Response and recovery time The performance of the gas sensor is also gauged on its ability to respond to the presence of methane. The response time is defined as the time taken for the signal from its initial value to reach 90% of its maximum or saturated value. The onset of the counting commences when methane is immediately introduced. The signal can take the form of load voltage, sensor resistance, conductance or sensitivity. The recovery time is defined as the time from the maximum or saturation value to return to its initial value. The counting starts immediately when the 51 methane was cut-off. Figure 4.4 shows schematically the determination of the response and recovery time. 2.5E-04 recovery time 2.0E-04 response time 1.5E-04 90% of max. value 1.0E-04 5.0E-05 0.0E+00 0 100 200 300 t400 (s) 500 600 700 800 FIGURE 4.4 : Schematic diagram for the determination of response and recovery times. The quantity in the vertical axis can be VL,, RS, G or S/. 4.5 Impedance spectroscopy The impedance spectrometer setup is shown in Figure 4.5a. It comprises of an impedance analyzer which is capable of measuring the impedance of the ceramic sample via a PC monitor. The ceramic sample was cut into a circular shape of diameter of about 5 mm and a thickness of about 2 mm (Figure 4.5b) which was placed between slabs of electrodes connected to the impedance analyzer (Hewlett Packard 4291A RF) at working frequencies from 50 kHz up to 800 kHz. The ceramic sample was heated up in an electric oven which houses the sample from room temperature to 450oC at a rate of 20oC per minute. The temperature of the sample can be monitored via the pc display. The data obtained from the run was saved in the form of an ASCII file. The resistance of the 52 sample, R was calculated using the relationship, R = Z cos θ/, where Z is the impedance and θ/ is the phase angle. To pc (a) Setup for the impedance spectrometer electrode sample (b) sample and oven Figure 4.5: Impedance spectrometer at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. 4.6 ELASTIC MODULUS The Ultrasonic System for Mechanical Characterization of Material (UMC) is a home-made system for measuring elastic modulus such as Young, Bulk and Shear modulus and other related measurements include Poisson ratio, compressibility via the velocities of both longitudinal and transverse wave propagated in the sample. 53 4.6.1 The Ultrasonic Mechanical Characterization System (UMC) Figure 4.6(a) shows the setup of a simplified pulse ultrasonic system of the UMC setup. Figure 4.6: Ultrasonic Mechanical Characterization System (UMC). (a) simple pulse ultrasonic system, (b) envelope of pulse echo train, (c) echo as seen on oscilloscope. 54 The quartz transducer which is piezoelectric, converts an electrical energy into mechanical energy, and vice versa at ultrasonic frequency. When a radio frequency signal from ultrasonic equipment arrives at the transducer, it causes the quartz to vibrate at its fundamental resonance frequency ~10 MHz and this will allow an ultrasonic plane wave to propagate in the sample. There are two types of cuts, namely X-cut and Y-cut. The X-cut generates and receives longitudinal waves and the Y-cut generates and receives shear or transverse waves. The difference between these two, the Y-cut transducer is marked by a flat edge perpendicular to the polarization direction. The acoustic waves transmitted by the quartz transducer can only be launched successfully into the sample by physically bonding the transducer to one face of the sample with Nonag stopcock grease. The ceramic sample was immersed in castor oil prior to the run. The samples as prepared have typical values of non-parallelism and misorientation of less than 1x10-4 radians and 8.7x10-3 radians respectively. The pulse echo overlap system verifies the sample parallelism, by ensuring that the echo train is exponential as shown in Figure 4.6(b) and Figure 4.6(c). As an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMATS) only generate on electrically conductive or magnetic materials, a thin layer of Al foil (< 1 mm) was used to transmit the energy from the EMAT into the ceramics. The foil was bonded with very thin layer of Nonag stopcock grease. The pulse echo overlap system used in this work extends the simple pulse echo single ended system by means of overlapping any two selected visually intensified echoes on the oscilloscope. The block diagram of the pulse echo overlap system is as shown in Figure 4.7. A pulse of 10 MHz radio frequency is generated by the pulse modulator and receiver unit as shown in Figure 4.7a. A high resolution oscillator set itself generates a synchronizer square wave which is used to power the decade divider and dual delay set as in Figure 4.7b. The frequency of this square wave is similar to that of the sine wave produced by a pulse modulator and receiver unit. This frequency is then reduced in the decade divider and dual delay set by dividing it with a factor of 10 in order to trigger the 55 pulse modulator and receiver (Figure 4.7c). Each triggered pulse creates a radio frequency burst which is in turn transformed by the quartz transducer into a mechanical vibration within the crystal (Figure 4.7d). Longitudinal and shear wave velocities (VL and VT, X-cut and Y-cut transducers plated with chrome gold were used to convert the rf input pulses to longitudinal and shear ultrasonic pulses, respectively) were determined from transit time of the ultrasonic waves using the pulse-echo-overlap technique. Figure 4.7: Pulse echo overlap waveforms The velocity of the ultrasonic wave, v = 2lf , where l is the sample thickness and f is the frequency of the superimposed echo ( Figure 4.8). 56 Transducer Bonding Material Sample l FIGURE 4.8: Acoustic wave propagation in sample. 4.6.2 Young Modulus If the shear and longitudinal wave velocities are known, the ultrasonic wave propagation in a solid can be used to determine the elastic constants of the polycrystalline ceramics. It is assumed that plane and nearly plane longitudinal and shear waves can exist with velocities, v L2 = ( λ + 2 µ ) / ρ (4.6) vS 2 = ( µ / ρ ) (4.7) where vL = longitudinal velocity vS = shear velocity ρ = density of the ceramics µ = shear modulus λ + 2µ = longitudinal modulus In order to express the relationships amongst the strain or elongation force and area, consider a block of initial length, L and cross sectional area A. If a force, F pulls at the end of this block, the elongation is ∆L and the fractional elongation is ∆L /L. This fractional elongation is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportionally to the area A, ∆L /L = 1/Y . F/A; thus 57 Y= ( ) F/A 2 2 = ρ 3v L − 4 v S / 3 ∆L / L (4.8) where Y is the Young’s Modulus. 4.6.3 Bulk Modulus The proportionality of strain and stress is also valid for compressional deformation defined as the ratio of decrease ∆ V of the volume, V to the initial volume and this fractional deformation is proportional to the force F pressing on each face of the block and inversely proportional to the area A of the face thus, ∆ V/V = 1/B. F/A; B= ( )( F/A 2 2 2 2 = ρv S 3 v L − 4 v S / v L − v S ∆A / A ) (4.9) where B is the bulk modulus. 4.7 Vickers Hardness This tests the hardness which is a measure of resistance against damage or permanent deformation. The resistance in this case is the resistance which the sample offers to indentation by an indenter which is a pyramid-shaped diamond under an applied load. The microhardness (when the load is in the order of grammes) is the ratio of load to the surface area of the pyramid-shaped permanent indentation (produced by the load). The Vickers hardness, HV can be calculated using the following formula; HV = 1854 xP dv 2 (4.10) where P is the load and dv is the average length of the Vickers diagonals in µm as shown in Figure 4.9. The unit of HV is GPa in the S.I. system or sometimes expressed in kg/mm2. The Vickers hardness test was performed using M12a 58 micro-hardness equipment (Vickers Instrument Limited). The load used was 9.807 N. As the ceramic was off-white in colour, it was blackened using a black marker. When the load penetrates into the sample, it leaves a white indentation which is easily resolved for d1 and d2 measurements. FIGURE 4.9 : The average length of the Vickers diagonals. 59 4.8 Brunauer-Emnett-Teller (BET) and Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) analysis Autosorb Micromeritic (Model ASAP 2010) as shown in Figure 4.10 was used to perform the BET and BJH analysis. FIGURE 4.10: Autosorb Micromeritic (Model ASAP 2010) The BET analysis calculates the specific surface area, average pore diameter and total pore volume whilst the BJH analysis calculates the pore size distributions in the ceramic (Barrett et al., 1951). About 100 mg of the powdered form of the ceramics was used. Initially, the chamber was fed with helium gas at a pressure of 30 mmHg for 30 minutes. The absorption was allowed to take place for 4 hours at the same pressure and at a temperature of 120oC. The absorption that took place may be classified into six types referred to as the BET classification (Gregg and Sing, 1982) and shown in Figure 4.11. 60 FIGURE 4.11: BET classification of absorption isotherms (Gregg & Sing, 1982). Isotherms Type IV and Type V show hysterisis loop, with the lower branch is the result of progressive addition of nitrogen to the system whilst the upper branch is the result of progressive withdrawal of the gas. Isotherms that are likely to yield a true value of the specific surface area are Type II and Type IV. On the other hand isotherms Type I, Type II and Type VI are unnameable to the BET analysis. From the isotherm, the amount of nitrogen can be calculated. It is assumed that the absorption of a monolayer of liquid nitrogen onto the surface of a mass of particles in the sample took place. Thus, the amount of nitrogen calculated is the vapourized monolayer of liquid nitrogen. Based on this quantity, the surface area can then be calculated. The particle size (Li et al., 1997 ) can be calculated using the following equation: R/ = 6 ρS (4.11) 61 where ρ is the density of the ceramic (kg/m3) and S is the specific surface area of the ceramic (m2/kg) determined by the BET experiment. The Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method for calculating pore size distributions is based on a model of the absorbent as a collection of cylindrical pores. The theory accounts for capillary condensation in the pores using the classical Kelvin equation, which assumes a hemispherical liquid vapour meniscus and a well-defined surface tension. The ratio of core radius of the fluid to pore radius of the sample is assumed to be constant. The BET isotherm was used as an input to the BJH calculation. 4.9 High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HRXRD) For solid samples, they were mounted onto the centre of a circular disc by means of blue-tack and if the samples were powder, it was filled onto a similar structure with a disc volume of approximately 57 mm3. The circular disc was then mounted snugly into a jig which was placed on the diffraction circle. The high resolution X-ray diffractometer used was a Bruker AXS D5005. The X-rays produced were from a copper target with a wavelength, λ = 1.54312 Å. The machine was operated at 30 mA, 40 kV and the jig holding the specimen and spun at 15 rpm for uniform scanning. The scanning was between 2θ values of 25o to 56o with a step time of 5 seconds per step and a resolution of 0.01o. The settings of these parameters were chosen using EVA software programme in a pc which was interfaced with the diffractometer. Each run lasted for approximately 4 ½ hours and the data was saved as an EVA file. The EVA file in its raw form was then converted as an ASCII file which was then analysed using Excel or Origin software. 62 The mean crystallite size of the samples can be calculated using Scherrer's equation (Cullity, 1978) , RX = 0.9 λ/β cos θ (4.12) where λ is the wavelength of the X-ray radiation, θ is the diffraction angle and β2 = βm2 - βi2 , where βm is the measured Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) and βi is the FWHM from a Si standard and β is the corrected FWHM (Appendix E). The FWHM is the full width (2θ) at half maximum value of the intensity (I). The Bragg equation proposed by Yu et al. (1997) was used to calculate lattice parameter a and c; 4 sin 2 θ λ2 = h2 + k 2 l2 + 2 a2 c (4.13) where θ is the diffraction angle, λ is the wavelength of the X-ray radiation and h,k,l are the Miller indices. The distortions in the lattice parameter were calculated according to the equations; δa = a220 - a110 (4.14) δc = c101-110 – c101-220 (4.15) and The mean strain (e) was calculated using the following equation; d relaxed − d T < e2 >1/ 2 = 100 hkl relaxed hkl d hkl (4.16) T represents the position of the plane with Miller indices (hkl) of sample where d hkl relaxed sintered at temperature T and d hkl refers to d values indicated in the JCPDS (1997a). 63 4.10 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The SEM enabled the examination of the microstructure of the sample. The ceramic sample was cut into a circular shape with a diameter of 10 mm and mounted on a stud by means of a carbon tape. The sample was carbon coated using a carbon sputter. The scanning electron microscope used was JEOL (Model JSM-6100) as in Figure 4.12. The typical voltage used was 25 kV and the magnification was between 15 000-25 000. FIGURE 4.12: Scanning Electron Microscope (JEOL, model JSM-6100) at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. 4.11 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The JEOL Electron Microscope (JEM), model 2000FX transmission electron microscope used for a higher magnification on the sample as compared to SEM (Figure 4.13). The sample was in a powder form which was emulsified in methanol. The suspended powder was pipetted onto a Cu grid and dried under the heat of a filament light bulb. The images were recorded on a film and then 64 developed for viewing. An EDAX was also incorporated so as to distinguished between SnO2 and Pt particles in the sample. FIGURE 4.13: Transmission Electron Microscope (JEOL Electron Microscope (JEM), model 2000FX) at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. 4.12 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) AFM operates by measuring the attractive or repulsive forces between the tip and the sample. It could operate either in repulsive contact mode or the noncontact mode. In the former case, the instrument lightly touches a tip at the end of the cantilever to the sample whilst in the latter mode, yield topographic images from the attractive force measurements and the tip does not touch the sample at all. However, in the contact mode, the AFM measures the repulsive forces between the tip and the sample. As a raster scan drags the tip over the sample surface, a sensor measures the vertical deflection of the cantilever which registers 65 as the height of the sample. High resolution of ~ 10 picometer (pm) and can image sample in air as well as in liquids makes AFM differs from conventional electron microscopes (Binnig et al., 1993; Albrecht et al., 1993 and Baselt, 1993). The sample was cut into a shape of a disc with a diameter of about 10 mm and a thickness of about 2 mm and mounted horizontally on the viewing platform of the atomic force microscope (ARIS, model 3300). The atomic force microscope used is shown in Figure 4.14. To pc FIGURE 4.14: Atomic Force Microscope (ARIS, model 3300), at the Physics Department, University of Warwick, England. The sample was illuminated by a He-Ne laser. The optical lever operates by reflecting a laser beam off the cantilever. The angular deflection of the cantilever doubles the angular deflection of the laser beam. The reflected laser beam strikes a position sensor which comprised of two photodiodes, side by side. The difference in signals between the two photodiodes is the position of the laser spot on the detector and thus the angular deflection of the cantilever (Putman, et al., 1992). The equipment was coupled to a personal computer (pc) in which the scanning can be viewed via a monitor. In this manner, data from the topography scans can be accessed and the scan can be controlled from the pc. The images captured were stored and processed using Photoshop 7.0 software. 66 4.13 Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectroscopy and FT-Raman Shift Spectroscopy FTIR spectroscopy has been widely used for both organic and inorganic materials such as ceramics for material characterization. Specifically, when applied to a semiconductor material, FTIR spectroscopy gives information such as electrical conductivity variations. FTIR spectroscopy is based on infrared absorption. The absorbance A/ of a sample at a given wavelength λ is related to the intensity transmitted, IT by the sample according to the equation; A/(λ) = log [Io(λ)/IT(λ)] (4.17) where Io is the intensity of the incident beam. According to the Beer Lambert law, the absorbance is directly related to the absorption coefficient K: A/(λ) = K(λ) z (4.18) where z is the thickness of the sample. However, for a semiconducting material, part of the infrared absorption is due to the free carriers. The Drude-Zener theory relates the absorption coefficient to the electrical conductivity σ as in the following equation (Gibson, 1958); K (λ) = σ(λ)/εoc/n (4.19) where σ(λ) is the electrical conductivity which is wavelength dependent, εo is the permittivity in free-space, c/ is the velocity of light in a vacuum and n is the refractive index of the material. Hence, the absorbance of a semiconductor at a given wavelength is directly related to its electrical conductivity. Also part of the absorption due to the free carriers is directly proportional to the free carrier density and is a linear function of λ2 ( Harrick, 1962 and Baraton et al., 1998). 67 In the customary setup of a FTIR, an infrared light source is sent through a transparent sample, the components brought into this cell absorb the infrared light at its specific wavelength. The absorption is proportional to the concentration. The equipment used in the experiments was a Spectrum GX Fourier Transform Infra-Red (Perkin Elmer). The sample was in the form of pellet embedded in KBr. Initially, KBr and the sample in the form of powder in the ratio of KBr to sample which is typically 100:1 were mixed (over a period of 15 minutes) homogeneously, then pressed in an evacuable die until a transparent disc was obtained. It was then mounted onto the spectrometer and scanned at wave numbers between 400 – 4000 cm-1. The same equipment was used for FT-Raman shift experiments covering the same range. The samples needed no further preparations as they can be mounted on a jig. Raman spectroscopy is a complementary technique to infrared spectroscopy and provides information on the vibrational energy levels of the molecules (Herzberg, 1945; Colthrup et. al., 1975; Long, 1997 and Durig, 1981). Figure 4.15 shows the equipment used for FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. FIGURE 4.15: Equipment used for FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy at Institute of Ibnu Sina, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 68 4.14 X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS) This is a technique for surface analysis in which monoenergetic soft Xrays are irradiated on a solid in ultra-high vacuum and the emitted electrons analysed by energy. The typical spectrum is a plot of the number of detected electrons per energy interval against their binding energy (X-ray photon energy – measured electron kinetic energy). XPS is a unique surface-sensitive technique for chemical analysis because the mean free path of electrons in solids is very small, thus the detected electrons originate from the first few atomic layers (from the irradiated surface). Data can be obtained from peak heights or peak areas and chemical state identification from exact measurement of peak positions and separations and spectral features. XPS data was acquired using a Scienta ESCA 300 X-ray photoelectron spectrometer at the RUSTI facility at the Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, United Kingdom. About 0.5 g of the powdered samples were used and filled in a cavity about the same level as the stub. A monochromated Al Kα source (hυ = 1486.6 eV) was used in conjunction with a 300 mm radius concentric hemispherical analyser and the acquisition parameters were typically 150 eV pass energy, 0.5 mm entrance slit size and 0.05 eV incremental step size. The absolute binding energies of the photoelectron spectra were determined by referencing to the C 1s transition at 284.6 eV which resulted from background hydrocarbons from the ultra-high-vacuum environment. The O 1s, Pt 4f and Sn 3d were taken before and after all region scans and the shape and intensity were consistent to approximately 1% and the binding energies were reproducible to within ± 0.05 eV. 69 4.15 Mössbauer Spectroscopy The Mössbauer effect is the recoil-free emission of γ radiation from a solid radioactive material. Such recoil-free gamma emission can be resonantly absorbed by atoms in a solid. The nuclear transistions are very sensitive to the local environment of the atom and such spectroscopy is a sensitive probe of the different environments an atom occupies in a solid material. This is because the line widths of the recoilless transistions are very small compared to their energies. The resolution of the Mössbauer effect is typically in the order of one part in 1012. The Mössbauer spectroscopy were conducted in collaboration with Professor C.E. Johnson of the Physics Department, Liverpool University, England. The spectrometer is shown schematically in Figure 4.8. The gamma source was mechanically vibrated back and forth to Doppler shift of the energy of the emitted gamma radiation. The Doppler shifts occurred in the energy of the photons as there was a relative movement between the emitter (source) and the absorber (sample). By varying the relative velocity of the emitter, it is possible to sweep photon energies over a range of values. As the energy of the gamma radiation was scanned by Doppler shifting, the frequencies of the gamma radiation that was absorbed by the sample was recorded by the dectector. In a typical Mössbauer spectroscopy, the absorption rate is measured as a function of source velocity. 70 FIGURE 4.16: Mössbauer spectrometer (schematic diagram). The detailed account of the instrumentation and experimental procedures are well documented by Benezer-Koller and Herber (1968), Spijkerman (1971) and Kalvius and Kankeleit (1972). The samples were powdered and made to their `optimum thickness’ as described in ‘The ideal Mossbauer Effect Absorber Thickness’ by Long et al. (1983). Calibration was done using an iron source (57CoRh) and the corresponding standard absorber (α-Fe metal) at room temperature. All measurements of the velocity were relative to the centroid of this 6 line reference spectrum. Both Pt-SnO2 and pure SnO2 were run at room temperature. The data was collected via a pc. 4.16 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) In nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the signal frequency detected is proportional to the magnetic field applied to the nucleus. However, the response of the atomic electrons to the externally applied magnetic field is to produce a small in magnitude magnetic field at the nucleus which are in 71 opposition to the externally applied field. This changes the effective magnetic field on the nuclear spin causes the NMR signal frequency to shift. This is known as the chemical shift of the NMR which depends on the type of nucleus and the electron motion in the neighbouring atoms and molecules. The NMR is able to measure precisely the chemical shift and from this, chemical bonds and structure of molecules can be ascertained. Bloch et al.(1946) and Purcell (1946) were amongst the pioneers who observed the NMR effect in protons (1H). Knight (1949) was the first to measure the chemical shifts in metals. 0.5 g of the sample was ground to fine powder for MAS-NMR analysis using CMX 11-B. The 119Sn and 195Pt static-NMR spectra were obtained using a 204 MHz spectrometer of frequency 71.54 MHz. The chemical shift of the peaks were referred to SnCl2(aq) as it is an interest to look at the doner states formed by oxygen vacancies (Sn2+ ions) with activation energies of 0.03 eV up to 0.15 eV (Ihokura and Watson, 1994). 4.17 Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) In this thermal analysis, the change in weight of the sample is recorded as it is heated, cooled or held at constant temperature. The equipment used was (Perkin Elmer) Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer, Series 7. The sample was in a powdered form and the amount used was < 15 mg. The data collected was in form of a plot of weight loss against sample temperature between room temperature up to 1000oC. 72 CHAPTER 5 SENSOR ELEMENT CHARACTERIZATION SYSTEM (SECS) OPTIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE AND OPTIMUM COMPOSITION 5.1 Measurements from SECS The SECS was setup to investigate the electrical characterization of the sensor material, Pt-SnO2 in the ceramic form. In this section, the improvements made on the SECS is reported; how the sensor resistance, conductance and sensitivity were derived from the load voltage measurement; the dependent of sensor resistance (Rs) and load resistance (RL) in air and methane environment were investigated and the reproducibility feature is shown. In section 5.2, the optimum composition and operating temperature were determined via the sensitivity measurements. 5.1.1 Improvements on the SECS The SECS was initially known as the Gas Sensor Characterization System (GSCS) and was used by John (2001) for sensing methane in air using Pd-SnO2 ceramic (Appendix C). A new probe was designed and constructed as shown in Figure 5.1 with the following features; 73 1. It is much slimmer and fits into the test chamber without problem of touching the heating element, 2. Most of the electrical connections are concealed using ceramics to avoid excess heating, 3. The new probe can be adjusted to measure either the bulk resistance or the surface resistance of the sample. Another new feature of the SECS is that it is capable of storing data for running time > 1000 s. This was not possible in the GSCS due to the software limitations. LEFT: OLD SENSOR PROBE RIGHT: NEW SENSOR PROBE FIGURE 5.1: The sensor probe used in the GSCS (left) and SECS (right). 74 5.1.2 Resistance (R), Conductance (G) and Sensitivity (S/) determination The electrical circuit for measuring resistance of the ceramic sample is shown in Figure 5.2. IS RS VS VC RL VL FIGURE 5.2: Electrical circuit for sensor resistance measurement. The data collected from SECS showed as the variation of the voltage across the load, VL with time, t and was also tabulated in an EXCEL file. A typical data set collected is shown in Figure 5.3. Between t = 0 s and t = 100 s, the sample was in dry synthetic air, showing an almost constant value of VL ~ 0.25 V. The flow rate of the synthetic air was maintained at 400 standard cubic centimetre per minute (sccm) cm3/min using a flow controller (Cole Parmer). At t = 100 s, 25 000 parts per million (ppm) methane in air was introduced but cut-off at t = 300 s. The choice of using 25 000 ppm CH4 and a flow rate of 400 sccm was because that was the only methane concentration available and the flow rate was easily monitored. The load voltage increased sharply from ~ 0.25 V to ~ 2.70 V. The spectrum in Figure 5.3 showing VL values for t > 200 s does not show much increase and almost saturates. As such any value in such a range is considered as a typical value of VL. With this value of VL , VC = 20 V and RL = 700 Ω and using equation 4.3, the sensor resistance R S = R L ( VC V L − 1 ) can be calculated (Figure 5.4). 75 3.0 CH4 out 2.5 VL (V) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 CH4 in 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 t (s) FIGURE 5.3: Typical data collection from SECS, graph of load voltage (VL) versus time (t). Methane gas was introduced at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The sample used was 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 and operating at 400oC. VC = 20 V and RL = 700 Ω. 76 70.0 CH4 in 3 RS x10 (Ω) 60.0 50.0 40.0 CH4 out 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 t (s) FIGURE 5.4: Corresponding sensor resistance (Rs) versus time (t) graph. Methane gas was introduced at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The conductance, G is the reciprocal of RS as in equation 4.4 and the sensitivity S/ can be evaluated using equation 4.5. Thus, the corresponding graph of G versus t and S/ versus t graphs are shown in Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 respectively. CH4 out 2.5 G x10-4 (S) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 CH4 in 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 t (s) FIGURE 5.5: Corresponding conductance (G) versus time (t) graph. 800 77 CH4 out 1400 1200 1000 S (%) 800 / 600 400 CH4 in 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 t (s) FIGURE 5.6: Corresponding sensitivity (S/) versus time (t) graph. 5.1.3 Effect of RL on Rs in dry synthetic air In this experiment the load resistor RL was varied with voltage supply, Vc = 20 V. In this case the sensor was in dry synthetic air. The results are tabulated in Table 5.1 and plotted in Figure 5.7. From Table 5.1 and graph in Figure 5.7, the sensor resistance Rs increased linearly between RL = (100-800) Ω. After RL = 800 Ω, there was an abrupt increase in RS with an increase in RL. As such, a suitable range of RL would be between 100-800 Ω for the experiment. At RL >800 Ω, the signal VL was infested with noise. The choice in most experiments followed reported uses RL = 700 Ω (unless otherwise stated) as the noise was tolerable. 78 TABLE 5.1: Load resistance and sensor resistance with voltage supply Vc = 20 V in dry synthetic air. Sensor Resistance RS ± 10 (Ω) 25501 29059 27629 26908 29619 30121 30467 31970 50303 55333 Load Resistance RL ± 5 (Ω) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 990 60000 50000 RS (Ω) 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 R L (Ω) FIGURE 5.7: Graph of sensor resistance (RS) against load resistance (RL) in dry synthetic air. 79 5.1.4 Effect of RL on Rs in 25 000 ppm methane (in air) In this case the sensor was in 25 000 ppm methane in air. The results are tabulated in Table 5.2 and plotted in Figure 5.8. From Table 5.2 and Figure 5.8. There are two distinct regions of linearity between RL and RS. For the values of 100 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 400 Ω, the slope is 3.64 whilst for 500 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 1000 Ω, the slope is 6.06. Thus, the relationships can be written as follows; and RS = 3.64RL + 1500 100 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 400 Ω RS = 6.06RL + 1000 500 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 1000 Ω TABLE 5.2: Load resistance and sensor resistance with voltage supply Vc =20 V in 25 000 CH4 in air. Load Resistance RL ± 5 (Ω) Sensor Resistance RS ± 10 (Ω) 100 1908 200 2268 300 2654 400 3071 500 3839 600 4436 700 4989 800 5454 900 6136 990 6633 The sensor resistance were much lower in methane than in the dry synthetic air. The ratio of RS in air to RS in methane ~ 12 ± 2 for RL between (100990) Ω. The RS versus time spectrum showed higher noise at RL values > 800 Ω. 80 7000 RS = 6.06RL + 1000 6000 RS (Ω) 5000 RS (Ω) 4000 3000 RS = 3.64RL + 1500 2000 1000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 RRLL (Ω) (Ω) FIGURE 5.8: Graph of RS against RL in 25 000 ppm CH4. 5.1.5 Reproducibility The methane gas was introduced at time t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 350 s as shown in Figure 5.9. The sample showed a response with a load voltage of 1.25 V. Then, when the sample was exposed to methane again at t = 900 s, the load voltage reached a value of 1.24 V. This indicates that the data obtained were almost reproducible. In a run, it was a common practice that such reproducible feature occurred. The good signal was attributed to the ability to maintain a constant temperature, air and methane flow rate in the SECS. The improved system makes it possible to perform experiments and record data for longer time (t > 1000 s). 81 CH4 out 1.60 1.40 VL (V) 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 CH4 in 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 t (s) FIGURE 5.9: Graph of load voltage (VL) against time (t) showing the reproducibility feature. 5.2 Optimum operating temperature and composition For this series of experimental runs, the following parameters were kept constant; methane gas in air concentration (25 000 ppm), flow rate (400 sccm), applied voltage (20 V), operating temperature (250 – 400oC), load resistance (RL = 700 Ω). The sensor element were cut into 10x10x2 mm3 pieces and placed between the slabs of electrodes in the SECS. The value of VL which varies with time was recorded using a ADC signal processor which can be monitored on a PC screen. A plot of load voltage (VL) against time (t) was obtained using Microsoft EXCEL program.The methane gas in air was introduced at t = 100 s for a duration of 300 s, in which the value of VL almost saturates. The value of VL at t = 400 s was taken for A plot of sensitivity versus Pt loading in stannic oxide was then 82 obtained so as to determine the optimum composition. The result are tabulated in Table 5.3 and plotted out as shown in Figure 5.10. TABLE 5.3: Sensitivity of various compositions of Pt-SnO2 ceramics at operating temperatures 250 – 430oC. Sensitivity of samples (%): in 25000 ppm Operating Temperature ± 1 (oC) 250 300 350 380 400 430 0.1 wt.% 0 0 66.99 167 200 100 0.3 wt.% 0 0 668.84 1012.39 1123.76 802.58 0.5 wt.% 0 0 767.39 1351.28 1577.85 1083.28 CH4 0.7 wt.% 0 0 200 401.96 403.94 200.58 1800 1600 1400 0.1wt.% S/ (%) 1200 0.3wt.% 1000 0.5wt.% 800 0.7wt.% 600 1.0wt.% 400 200 0 250 300 350 400 450 T (oC) Figure 5.10: Sensitivity curves (S/) against operating temperature (T). Methane in air could not be detected at temperatures below 200oC. This is because the electrical resistances of the samples were too high and the change in electrical resistance in synthetic air and methane (in air) was very small to show 1 wt.% 0 0 55.00 200.58 353.10 301.17 83 any sensitivity readings. However, there was a marked increase in sensitivity for all the samples when the operating temperature approached 350- 380oC. The sensitivity reached its maximum value in the vicinity of ~ 400oC and fell thereafter for all the samples. Thus, the optimum operating temperature was ~ 400oC. The maximum value of sensitivity at ~ 400oC is attributed to the dissociation of methane into carbon dioxide and water at this temperature. The sample which shows the highest magnitude of sensitivity was 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2. Hence, this is an indication that the sample is the optimum composition for methane sensing in air. The increase in sensitivity up to ~ 0.5 wt.% Pt is probably due to the uniform distribution of Pt in the ceramics which in turn increase the surface density. The effective density in terms of particles per unit area consequently decrease after ~ 0.5wt.% Pt loading, hence the decrease in sensitivity (Ihokura and Watson, 1994). Another probable reason could be the rate of oxidation on the particles reaches its maximum activity at ~ 0.5wt.% Pt loading at the optimum operating temperature of ~ 400oC. The sensitivity of the Pt-doped stannic oxide for the various composition at an operating temperature of 400oC (extracted from graph in Figure 5.10) is shown in Table 5.4 and plotted as in Figure 5.11. The sensitivity increases for Pt loading (0.1 - 0.3 wt.%) from ~ 200% to ~ 1124%. The sensitivity reaches its maximum value (~ 1578%) at ~ 0.5 wt.% Pt and falls gradually thereafter. This confirms that the optimum composition was 0.5wt.% Pt doped in SnO2 for methane sensing in air. As the maximum signal (sensitivity) with the above composition is maximum at an operating temperature of ~ 400oC, then this is the optimum operating temperature for methane sensing in air. These results have the same value of optimum operating temperature but lower value of doping level when compared to the work done by John (2001) on palladium doped stannic oxide ceramics. Such findings will economize the use of Pt in the making of the Pt-SnO2 ceramics for methane sensing in air. The working temperature is easily achieved using technologies available nowadays and the Pt-SnO2 ceramic is a good candidate for an active element for methane sensing in air. 84 TABLE 5.4: Sensitivity of 0.1-1.0 wt.% Pt in SnO2 at operating temperature of 400oC extracted from Figure 5.10. Wt.% Pt in stannic oxide Sensitivity (%) 0.1 200.00 0.3 1123.76 0.5 1577.85 0.7 403.94 1.0 353.10 2000 S/ (%) 1500 1000 500 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 W* (wt.%) FIGURE 5.11: Graph of Sensitivity (S/) against of Pt loading (W*) at operating temperature of 400oC. 85 5.3 Conclusion The SECS was capable of measuring the voltage across the load, hence the voltage across the sensor which is the base signal for the methane sensing. The sensor resistance, conductance and sensitivity were then easily derived. The sensor resistance and load resistance varied almost linearly for load resistance < 800 Ω with low noise, both in dry synthetic air and in methane (in air) environment. However, for almost all experiments conducted reported in Chapter 5 to Chapter 7, RL used was 700 Ω. Another noble feature of the SECS is the reproducibility which makes the data obtained reliable. The important results obtained from the experiments using SECS were the optimum composition of the Pt doped in SnO2 and optimum operating temperature. The optimum composition was found to be 0.5 wt.%. This result reflects the economy when incorporating Pt in SnO2. The addition of Pt in SnO2 was easily achieved as compared to methods like spin-coating and sol-gel route. The optimum operating temperature was ~ 400oC which was also achieved by other workers in methane sensing (Khodadadi et al., 2000.). This is a favourable operating temperature as at this temperature methane combustion occur which enhances the methane sensing activity. Furthermore, this temperature can be easily achieved by today’s technology like micro-hotplate (Cavicchi et. al., 1996) and micromachining (Isolde et. al, 2001). To sense methane at lower temperature for example between 200-300oC, would only cause cross-sensitivity problem with other gases like CO and NOx. 86 CHAPTER 6 RESISTANCE, CONDUCTANCE AND SENSITIVITY MEASUREMENTS 6.1 Introduction The following work focussed on the resistance, conductance and sensitivity measurements operating at a temperature of 400oC which is the optimum temperature for methane sensing in air as determined in Chapter 5. Both the SECS (temperature range: 200-440oC) and impedance analyzer (temperature range: 30-440oC, frequency: 50-800 kHz) were used for this purpose. Section 6.2 is an account of the resistance in air of the doped samples (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0) wt.% Pt in SnO2. As a comparison, the resistance of the pure SnO2 was also studied. It is expected that the resistance in air would differ greatly than in methane. It is the difference in resistance that is essential for methane detection. The resistance of the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 in air can then be compared to its resistance in methane in section 6.3. In section 6.3, the resistance of the 0.5 wt.% Pt –SnO2 in methane (25 000 ppm) was studied. Section 6.4 is a study of the conductance in air for the pure and doped samples described in section 6.2 and also the comparison of conductance in air and methane (25 000 ppm) for the sample with the optimum composition (0.5 wt. % Pt-SnO2). In section 6.5, the conductance-time dependent study was made on the 0.5 wt. % Pt-SnO2. The conductance power law was studied on the 0.5 wt. % Pt-SnO2 sample in section 6.6. The effect of methane concentration on conductance was investigated in section 6.7 using the 0.5 wt. % Pt-SnO2 sample. In the last section (6.8), sensitivity studies were made on the 0.5 wt. % Pt-SnO2. The reported resistance in all the sections is the bulk resistance. 87 6.2 Resistance measurements in air Samples of pure SnO2 and Pt doped SnO2 (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 wt.%) were studied using an impedance analyzer. The samples were heated from room temperature up to 450oC. The resistance in air for the samples in the temperature range are plotted out in Figure 6.1. 250000 200000 R (Ω) 150000 pure stannic oxide 100000 0.1wt.% Pt 1.0wt.%Pt 0.5wt.% Pt 50000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 T (oC) FIGURE 6.1: Graph of resistance (R) against temperature (T) in air. All samples show a decrease in resistance with an increase in temperature (for T > 150oC). The pure SnO2 shows the lowest resistance over the temperature range of 50 – 450oC. The doping of Pt increases the maximum resistance up to 200 kΩ for the 1 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sample. All the doped samples show a prominent maximum value which shifted to a lower temperature when the Pt loadings increased. However, for comparison the pure stannic oxide does not show any 88 maximum. An Arrhenius plot was also plotted as shown in Figure 6.2. The activation energies were calculated and are tabulated in Table 6.1 and plotted in Figure 6.3. There are two distinct regions with different activation energy. The activation energy changes in value around 200oC. The activation energy at temperature T < 200oC is lower than the activation energy well above 200oC. 7 6 ln (R/T) 5 4 pure stannic oxide 0.1wt.% Pt 3 2 0.5wt.% Pt 1 1wt.% Pt 0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 1000/T (K-1) FIGURE 6.2: Arrhenius plot for samples at temperatures between 50-450oC. TABLE 6.1: Activation energy for various Pt loadings in SnO2 in intrinsic and extrinsic regions. Pt loading (wt.%) 0 0.1 0.5 1.0 Activation energy (±0.01 eV) T > 200oC 0.40 0.29 0.36 0.43 Activation energy (±0.01 eV) T < 200oC 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.18 89 0.50 0.45 0.40 >200oC 0.35 EA (eV) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 < 200oC 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 W* (wt. %) FIGURE 6.3: Graph of Activation energy (EA) against Pt loadings (W*) for temperatures between 21-200oC and 200-450oC. 6.3 Resistance measurements in methane Only the 0.5 wt.%Pt-SnO2 was investigated using the SECS for temperatures between 200-450oC. The variation of the sample resistance in methane is tabulated as in Table 6.2 and plotted as in Figure 6.4. The resistance of the sample in 25 000 ppm methane in air decreases with temperature from ~ 54 kΩ at 200oC to ~ 4.6 kΩ when sample was heated up to 430oC. The value of resistance is much lower compared with the same sample heated in air from 200450oC. The Arrhenuis plot is shown in Figure 6.5. 90 TABLE 6.2: Resistance of 0.5 wt. % Pt-SnO2 in 25 000 ppm CH4. T ± 1(oC) 440 430 420 410 400 380 350 300 280 250 200 RCH4 ± 10 (Ω) 4650 4690 4814 4989 4989 6063 8042 16368 21701 31884 59442 70000 60000 RS (Ω) 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 200 250 300 350 400 450 T (oC) FIGURE 6.4: Plot of resistance (R) in 25 000 ppm methane against temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2. 91 7 6 ln(R/T) 5 4 3 2 1 0 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 1000/T FIGURE 6.5: Arrhenius plot for 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2 in 25 000 ppm methane. From the Arrhenius plot, there are two distinct regions with different activation energies. The transistion occurred at T ~ 400oC. For T between 200oC and 400oC, the activation energy was 0.48 eV and for T > 400oC up to 440oC was 0.21 eV. For the case of SnO2 thin film, de Angelis and Minnaja (1991) reported two different activation energies: at low temperature (< 427oC), its activation energy was 0.42 eV and higher temperature ( > 427oC K up to 527oC), its activation energy was 0.15 eV. Mandayo et al., (2003) who worked on thin film Pt-SnO2 reported two activation energies: 0.35 eV at temperatures (300< T< 400)oC and 0.19 eV at temperatures (> 400oC up to 500oC). The activation energy at temperatures T > 400oC, seemed to be in agreement with de Angelis and Minnaja (1991) whilst the activation energy at temperatures < 400oC has a value near to the value obtained by Mandayo et al.(2003). The difference in activation energies is associated with the formation of different chemisorbed oxygen species (O2-, O- and O2-) on the surface of the sample at different temperature range which is discussed in section 6.9. No value of activation energy was available at temperatures < 200oC as methane could not be detected by the SECS. 92 6.4 Conductance in air and methane The electrical conductance is the reciprocal of the resistance obtained in sections 6.1–6.3. The conductance in air for the samples in the temperature range investigated are plotted out in Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.7. 14.0 12.0 pure stannic oxide G x10-4(S) 10.0 0.5wt.% Pt 8.0 1.0wt.%Pt 6.0 0.1wt.% Pt 4.0 2.0 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 T (oC) FIGURE 6.6: Graph of conductance against temperature in air. 93 3.0 2.5 0.5wt.% Pt G x10-4(S) 2.0 1.0wt.%Pt 1.5 0.1wt.% Pt 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 T (oC) FIGURE 6.7: Graph of conductance (G) against temperature (T) in air (for doped samples only). In air, all the samples show an increase in conductance with temperature. All samples show a slow increase in conductance up to a temperature of 250oC. Above 250oC, all samples show an exponential increase in conductance with temperature. The magnitude of conductance was large for pure SnO2 compared to the doped samples for any given temperature. For the doped samples, increasing the Pt loading lowers the conductance value in air. The conductance of 0.5 and 1.0 wt.% Pt loadings was almost constant below 230oC. The conductance of 0.5 wt.% Pt loading in methane is shown in Figure 6.8. 94 2.50 2.00 in methane G x10-4 (S) in air 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 200 250 300 350 400 450 T (oC) FIGURE 6.8: Graph of conductance (G) against temperature (T) in methane for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. The conductance for the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 in methane is much greater than in air. The difference in conductance becomes more prominent at temperatures from 300oC up to 450oC. When the conductance is plotted against 1000/T, as in Figure 6.9, the behaviour is closer to the thick-film behaviour reported by Lantto et al. (1988), Figure 6.10. It also shows that curve obtained experimentally differs from the plot of G against 1000/T for a Taguchi Gas Sensor (TGS) which has a pronounced minimum and maximum. 95 2.50 2.00 G x10-4(S) in methane in air 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 1000/T (K-1) FIGURE 6.9: Graph of conductance (G) against 1000/T in methane for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 96 FIGURE 6.10: Graph of conductance (G) against inverse temperature (1000/T) of a thick film sensor (Lantto et al., 1988). 97 6.5 Conductance –time dependent The SECS provides resistance-time curves, hence the conductance-time curve was derived from such curves by taking the reciprocal of the resistance. Figure 6.11 shows the conductance-time curve in air and methane. x10-4 Conductance (Siemens) 2.5E-04 G (S) o 400 C 2.0 2.0E-04 380 C 1.5E-04 1.5 350 C o o pure SnO2, 400oC o 1.0 1.0E-04 330 C o 0.5 5.0E-05 300 C a 0.0E+00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time t (s)(s) FIGURE 6.11: Graph of conductance (G) against time (t) in methane for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 at temperatures of (300, 330, 350, 380 and 400)oC. The conductance-time curves show (i) the conductance of sample in air between time t = 0 s and t = 100 s, (ii) the conductance in methane between t = 100 s and t = 300 s and (iii) the conductance in air for t > 300 s. At a given constant temperature, (300-400)oC, the conductance in air initially was fairly constant and this is assigned as Go , then rose steeply as soon as the methane was introduced and finally decayed exponentially when methane was cut-off and the sample was once again in air. The high conductance in methane arises from bulk material transformation as a result of lattice oxygen consumption (Safonova et al., 2000). At high temperatures T > 300oC, the rate of diffusion is high as the rate of oxygen migration from the bulk to the surface predominates. Safonova et al. (2000) observed two successive stages of conductance increase. The first stage is a small rise in conductance which is small in magnitude which is attributed to the surface reactions of gas molecules with chemisorbed oxygen, typical of CO detection. 98 Since such a rise of conductance was absent in this study, it can be concluded that the gas sensed using the SECS was mainly methane. The second rise in conductance is similar to the one obtained in the experiment. It can also be asserted here that XPS could distinguish whether the rise of conductance observed from the experiment could be due to a deviation of SnO2 composition from stoichiometry or a change of the chemical state of doping metals from oxide to metallic. Such modifications could be brought about by the formation of doping metals at the grain boundaries. The pure SnO2 sample operated at 400oC shows similar characterization but exhibits a high Go value compared to the doped sample but shows a negligible change of conductance in methane. 6.6 Conductance –power law The observed dependence of sample conductance, G on the gas partial pressure, p or simply G(p) is frequently approximated by the power law (Kissine et al., 2001): G ~ pm (6.1) where m is an integer. The flow rate, χ was approximated as the gas partial pressure (p) (Kissine et al., 2001) . The slope of the graph of ln G versus ln χ will yield m. The data are shown in Table 6.3 and the graph is plotted as in Figure 6.12. From the graph m ~ - 0.5, hence, G ~ p-0.5 which is in agreement with Kupriyanov (1996). The relationship established from the experiment can be written as ln G = -0.5002ln χ – 6.3333. According to Kupriyanov (1996), the concentration of electrons in the doped material is varied with the oxygen chemisorption according to the reaction: O2 + e- Æ O2- or O2 + 2e- Æ 2Owhere the type of chemisorbed ions depends mainly on temperature. The graph also shows that the conductance decreases with the gas partial pressure which is an indicative that the Pt-SnO2 ceramic is an n-type semiconductor. Thus, the decrease in the sample conductance is related to the formation of chemisorbed oxygen at the sample surface according to the equations above. 99 TABLE 6.3: Conductance and gas flow rate χ (sccm) G (S) ln χ ln G 100 1.56x10-4 4.605170 -8.76565 200 1.43x10-4 5.298317 -8.85267 300 1.18x10-4 5.703782 -9.04483 400 9.52x10-5 5.991465 -9.25953 500 6.41x10-5 6.214608 -9.65507 ln ln χ χ -6 -7 ln G -8 ln G 3 4 5 6 7 ln G = -0.5002ln χ – 6.3333 y = -0.5002x - 6.3333 -9 -10 -11 -12 FIGURE 6.12: Graph of ln G against ln χ. 100 6.7 Conductance –methane gas concentrations The conductance of the doped sample (0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2) changes with the methane concentration as shown in Figure 6.13. The graph shows a sharp increase in conductance at low methane in air concentration (< 2500 ppm CH4 in air) but becomes monotonic at high methane concentrations. The conductance (G)-CH4 concentration (c) graph takes the form G = kcn, where k is a constant. A plot of ln G against ln c is shown in Figure 6.14. The graph shows a linear correlation between ln G and ln c. The slope of the graph yield a value of ~ 0.35, thus G = kc0.35. This value is 2.5 times larger than the value obtained by Tournier and Pijolat (1999) using a tin dioxide sensor developed by Coreci Company in Lyons, France. The difference could be due to the production of the ceramics which was undoped, cold pressed (4 tons/cm2) powder supplied from Prolabo (France) and sintered at 800oC. Interestingly the value obtained from experiment is similar to the value (slope ~ 0.38) when Tournier and Pijolat (1999) plot of ln G against ln O2 concentration. Graph of Conductance against CH4 concentrations x10-4 Conductance (Siemens) 2.5E-04 0.35 G =ln(x) kc - 0.0001 y = 3E-05 2.0E-04 G (S) 1.5E-04 1.0E-04 0.5 5.0E-05 0.0E+00 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 (ppm) CH4 cconc. (ppm) FIGURE 6.13: Graph of conductance (G) in methane against CH4 concentration (c). 101 ln CH4 concentration ln c 0 ln Conductance -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -4 ln G -6 ln G = 0.35ln c – 11.93 y = 0.3466x - 11.933 -8 -10 -12 -14 FIGURE 6.14: Graph of ln G against ln c. (G is conductance in methane and c is methane concentration). 6.8 Sensitivity-time dependent Samples of 0.5 wt.% Pt were analysed using the SECS. The sensitivity was calculated using equation (4.5) and the time dependent form is as shown; S / (t) = G(t)methane − G(t)air x100% G(t)air (6.1) where t is time in seconds. G(t)air is the conductance in air at any given time and this is constant for a given set of experimental conditions. G(t)air is also Go value of the sample in air and thus the sensitivity of the sample in air is zero. G(t)methane is the conductance of the sample in methane. Methane was introduced into the SECS at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s when there is not much change in the conductance. Graphs in Figure 6.15 shows the sensitivity curves for the 0.5 wt.%PtSnO2 in 25 000 ppm CH4 at operating temperatures 350 – 440oC. For all curves, between t = 0 s and t = 100 s, the sensitivity is almost constant and zero. 102 Graph of Sensitivity against time 1400 o Sensitivity (%) 1200 S/ (%) 400 C 1000 o 420 C 800 o 440 C 600 400 o 380 C 200 o 350 C 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 timet (s) (s) FIGURE 6.15: Graphs of sensitivity (S/) against time (t) of 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 in air and in 25 000 ppm CH4 at operating temperatures 350-440oC at flow rate of 400 sccm. At 100 ≤ t ≤ 300 s, the sensitivity increases sharply at first but plateaus-off. When the methane is cut-off at t = 300 s, the sensitivity falls off exponentially. Notice that the sensitivity increases for operating temperatures 350-400oC but decreases thereafter. This is attributed to the oxidation of methane which occurs in the temperature range (300oC up to 400oC). In the experiment, it was envisaged that the methane oxidation increased from 300oC, became maximum at 400oC and decreased thereafter. Therefore, the sensitivity of the Pt-SnO2 ceramic to methane is influenced by the methane oxidation activity in such a manner. 103 6.8.1 Relative conductance and Sensitivity The term G( t )methane − Go is called the relative conductance change. Go Kohl et al. (2000) states that the relationship between the amount of gas detected and the relative conductance change is: G (t )methane − Go = K c , where c is the Go concentration of the gas detected. A plot of relative conductance change versus square root of the concentration is shown in Figure 6.16. From the slope of the graph, K = 0.0006 (ppm)-1/2 for pure SnO2 and K = 0.0802 (ppm)-1/2 for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. Thus, doping with 0.5wt.% Pt in SnO2 increases the sensitivity of the base material by a factor of 133. 0.06 15.0 ∆ G/G = 0.0802c 13.5 1/2 + 1.2048 12.0 0.02 10.5 -0.02 7.5 ∆ G/G = 0.0006c 1/2 - 0.0727 6.0 -0.04 ∆G/G 0.00 9.0 ∆G/G 0.04 -0.06 4.5 doped undoped 3.0 1.5 -0.08 -0.10 -0.12 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 (c) 1/2 (ppm-1/2) FIGURE 6.16: Graph of relative conductance change (∆G/G) against square root of methane concentration (c1/2). Samples used were pure SnO2 and 0.5 wt.% PtSnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 104 This is a desirable feature for methane sensing in air as the signal are large in magnitude and easy to detect electrically. However, the conductance change in the pure stannic oxide which was sintered at 1000oC for 1 hour shows very small change in conductance when in air and in methane. Kohl et al. (2000) reported the introduction of Pt in WO3 produces a sensitivity increase of about a factor about 34 in sensing volatile namely 2,4-nonadienal. 6.8.2 Effects of flow rates The effect of flow rate of CH4 on the sensitivity was investigated on the optimum composition sample (0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2) operating at 400oC. The results are depicted in Figure 6.17. 25 000 ppm methane was introduced at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The sensitivity was calculated as in previous sections. The maximum sensitivity for each flow rate is shown in Table 6.4. For the flow rates 100-500 sccm, the sensitivity increases with the flow rate as shown in Table 6.4. This increase could be attributed to the efficient replenishment of oxygen species (O-, O2-), adsorption and desorption process on the sample. Thus, the flow rate of the gas can control the sensitivity of the sample towards methane. 105 500 sccm 400 sccm / Sensitivity (%) 1200 1000 300 sccm 800 200 sccm S (%) 600 100 sccm 400 200 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 time (s) t (s) FIGURE 6.17: Sensitivity curves (S/) against time at flow rates (χ). Table 6.4: Flow rate and maximum sensitivity Flow rate (sccm) 100 200 300 400 500 Max. Sensitivity (%) 559 751 921 962 1088 6.9 Discussion and conclusion As expected, the electrical characteristics (R, G and S/ measurements) are different from that of the pure SnO2 ceramics. This could arise from the modification of the surface and bulk due to the presence of Pt. Cabot et al. (2000) suggested that such different electrical characteristics is due to the variations of the grain barriers. The resistance in air for the doped sample showed a higher resistance than the pure stannic oxide sample. The resistance of the doped 106 samples also increased with an increase in Pt doping in SnO2. Similar result was obatained by Ambrazeviciene et al. (1993) but with chemically deposited SnOx films. The reason that causes the increase in resistance could be due to the Pt2+ states which are directly related to the density of the surface states of the sample. The presence of this band generates a marked increase in the resistance, of the order of 5 for the case of the 1 wt.%Pt-SnO2. Cabot et al. (2001) reported that from XPS analysis at the oxygen region in a Pt-doped stannic oxide the surface states facilitate the adsorption of oxygen and hence increase the negative surface charge. A higher grain barrier is needed to maintain the charge neutrality and this resulted in a higher resistance value compared to the undoped samples. This will give rise to an increase in electrical charge at the grain surface due to the variation of surface states density. Another explanation for the resistance increase in the modified samples is the tin oxide conduction-band depletion near Pt(0) as explained by de Angelis and Minnnaja (1991). The XPS technique shows the presence of Pt(0) in the modified sample as in Figure 6.18. Pt(0) 39000 38000 Pt(2) I (arb. unit) 37000 36000 35000 34000 33000 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 EB (eV) FIGURE 6.18: Graph of intensity (I) against binding energy (EB). XPS spectrum of modified sample showing Pt(0) and Pt(2) states. 107 De Angelis and Minnnaja (1991) also pointed out that introducing Pt into SnO2 will reduce the unstable behaviour of pure SnO2 because the shallow levels are affected by external atmosphere, thus undoped SnO2 is not a suitable candidate for a reliable sensing element. The high resistance in the doped sample corresponds to a higher grain barrier (Cabot et al., 2000) when compared to the undoped sample. The high grain barrier may be attributed to more oxygen absorption sites as seen in the SEM analysis introduced by the presence of Pt. Yamazoe et al.(1983) points out that the effects of noble metal such as Pt on the atomic (O-, O2-) and molecular (O2-) species is not the same and Cabot et al. (2001) deduced that at the regime where the resistance increase was measured, only the adsorption of O-, O2appeared to be enhanced by the noble metal introduced. Another reason could be directly related to the presence of Pt metal clusters more localised at the surface sample (Kang et al., 1994). In comparing the resistance values between the modified samples and the undoped samples, it can be said that the Pt states have an important contribution to the resistance values. This influence depends greatly on the Pt loadings in SnO2. The introduction of CH4 modifies the resistance of RS x103(Ω) the doped samples at higher temperature (T>300oC) (Figure 6.19). 140 in air 120 in methane 100 80 60 40 20 0 200 250 300 350 400 450 T (oC) FIGURE 6.19: Comparison of sensor resistance (RS) for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 108 The resistance change in air for the pure SnO2 is related to the presence of two donor levels, 30 and 150 meV below the bottom of the conduction band and oxygen adsorption on the sample surface (Jarzebski, 1972). In air, the resistance of the doped sample decreases with temperature up to ~ 280oC. This could be due to an activation of 30 meV shallow donor state as most shallow donor levels are fully activated near 250oC (Shim et al., 2002). Thus, an increase in temperature up to 450oC will not result in an increase in resistance. However, the observed increase in resistance for temperature above 280oC is due to the change of chemical state of oxygen which is adsorbed on the sample surface as suggested by Madou and Morrison (1989). It is suggested that at temperature between 200280oC, oxygen molecule (O2) are chemically adsorbed in the form of O2- and result in the following reaction; O2- + e Æ 2O-. Hence, O- species evolve at the sample surface. The next step is the transformation of O2- to 2O-. According to Chang (1983) and McAleer et al. (1987) the transition O2- Æ O- occurs at T > 150oC, O2- desorption occur at T > 150oC, O- desorption at T > 520oC from SnO2. The oxygen adsorbed on the sample surface led to the formation of depletion layer near to the surface of the sample. This resulted in the increase of resistance of the sample. The apparent result is that the sample resistance decreases up to 280oC and increases thereafter (up to 450oC). However, in methane, the resistance of the sample decreases with increasing temperature. The resistance is 2 order of magnitude less than the resistance in air for temperatures between 200-300oC. Between 300-450oC, the difference in resistance becomes as large as 10 order of magnitude. This is attributed to the onset of the methane oxidation which occurs at these temperature and in the case of the doped sample, the rate of oxidation is greatly promoted by the catalyst Pt. The activation energy in air for doped samples differs slightly from the pure SnO2 sample but increases slightly with an increase in Pt loadings. In air, there are two distinct values associated with temperatures below and above 200oC. The activation energy below 200oC has a lower magnitude than the activation energy above 200oC for both pure and doped samples. The mere difference of activation energy in the same sample with respect to the temperature (200oC) indicates that there is a change in the conduction mechanism for both 109 pure and doped samples as observed by Mandayo et al. (2003). Korotchenkov et al. (1999) concured these activation energies are related to O2-, O- and O2- which are surface chemisorbed species and that the activation energy is approximately equal to the energy of oxygen desorption from the SnO2 surface. The high values of the activation energy are associated with O- desorption and the low values of the activation energy are associated with O2- desorption, according to Williams (1987). The values obtained from the experiments are in agreement with other workers (Mandayo et al., 2003). In the present study, the difference in activation energy merely show that the sensing mechanism favours the chemical spillover model over the electronic energy barrier model as a mechanism for methane sensing in air. This is in agreement with researchers like Bond et al. (1975) and Yamazoe (1991). This is evident from the activation energy calculations which show that the activation energy in methane was higher than in air, making it impossible for enhanced electrical conduction via grain to grain and proceed via spillover. 110 CHAPTER 7 RESPONSE AND RECOVERY TIME 7.1 Response and recovery time The performance of a gas sensor is also discriminated via its response and recovery time. The response and recovery time can be in seconds or minutes. As a rule of thumb the shorter response and recovery times mean that the sensor is of a good quality. Many factors influence the response and recovery time, amongst them are flow rate of gas, level of doping in the base material, gas concentrations, operational temperature. The work reported here is based on the sensitivity curves in determination of the response and recovery times. 7.2 Effect of flow rate The effect of flow rate of CH4 on the sensitivity was investigated for the optimum composition sample (0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2) operating at 400oC. The sensitivity curves are shown in Figure 7.1. 111 500 sccm 400 sccm / Sensitivity (%) 1200 S (%) 1000 800 600 300 sccm 200 sccm 100 sccm 400 200 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 time t (s)(s) FIGURE 7.1: Sensitivity (S/) curves against time (t). Methane (25 000 ppm in air) was introduced at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The response and recovery times are shown in Table 7.1 and plotted as in Figure 7.2. For the flow rates 100-500 sccm, the response time decreases with flow rates. The shortest response time was 60 s and the longest response time was approximately 121 s. At flow rates ≥ 200 sccm, both the response and recovery time vary linearly with the flow rate. The values of the slope are -0.466 s/sccm for the recovery time and -0.083 s/sccm for the response time. This linear portion could be utilized to control the response and recovery time via the flow rates. The recovery time also show the same trend but the recovery times are much longer than the response times. This was probably due to the poor expulsion of excess methane at the top vent of the chamber. This vent was latter slightly enlarge and this reduces the recovery time appreciably. Flow rates above 500 sccm was not possible to be monitored and controlled in the setup. 112 Table 7.1: Response and recovery time for various flow rates. Flow rate (sccm) Response time (± 2s) Recovery time (± 2s) 100 130 1317 200 85 771 300 69 701 400 62 647 500 60 631 1400 1200 1000 Time (s) t (s) slope =-0.466 / 800 recovery time 600 t = -0.4664χ + 864.2 400 slope = -0.083 s/sccm 200 response time t = -0.083χ + 101.6 0 0 100 200 300 400 (sccm) Flowχ rate (sccm) 500 600 Figure 7.2: Response and recovery time (t) at various flow rates (χ). 113 7.3 Effect of methane concentrations The pure SnO2 was doped with 0.5 wt.% Pt. The experimental conditions were; operational temperature = 400oC, flow rate = 500 sccm, methane concentration = 500-25 000 ppm, VS = 20 V, RL = 700 Ω. The sensitivity curves are plotted as in Figure 7.3. The gas was introduced into the SECS at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. 1600 1400 25 000 ppm 1200 Sensitivity (%) S/ (%) 1000 800 5000 ppm 600 2500 ppm 400 200 500 ppm 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 time t (s)(s) Figure 7.3: Sensitivity (S/) against time (t) at various CH4 concentrations. The response and recovery times are shown in Table 7.2 and plotted in Figure 7.4. The response time decreases with CH4 concentrations and the recovery time increases with CH4 concentration. At low CH4 concentrations (≤ 500 ppm), the sensitivity continues to plateau-off for 10-20 s before decreasing exponentially. This characteristic is not shown at higher concentration. The sensitivity was still 114 high after the CH4 was cut-off because of the remains of CH4 in the chamber due to poor expulsion in the SECS. Table 7.2: Response and recovery time for various CH4 concentration. CH4 conc. (ppm) 500 2500 5000 25000 Response time (± 2 s) 154 100 70 56 Recovery time (± 2 s) 440 550 600 1000 1200 t = 50c -124000 1000 recovery time time (s) 800 t (s) slope = 50 s/ppm 600 400 slope = -0.024 s/ppm 200 response time t = -0.024c + 166 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 CH4 cconc. (ppm) (ppm) Figure 7.4: Graph of response and recovery time (t) against CH4 concentrations (c). For the response time curve, a linear relationship exists (the slope is ~ -0.024 s/ppm) from 50 ppm up to 5000 ppm CH4. For the recovery time curve, there exist a linear relationship (the slope is ~ 50 s/ppm at and above 2500 ppm CH4. This too shows that both the response and recovery time could be controlled via the CH4 concentrations. 115 7.4 Effect of operational temperature The experimental conditions were; operational temperature = 280-400oC, flow rate = 500 sccm, methane (in air) concentration = 25 000 ppm, VS = 20 V, RL = 700 Ω. The sample used was the 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2. The gas was introduced into the SECS at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The sensitivity curves are plotted in Figure 7.5. Graph of Sensitivity against time 1000 900 o 800 400 C Sensitivity (%) 700 / S (%) 600 o 350 C 500 400 o 300 C 300 o 280 C 200 100 o 250 C 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time t (s)(s) Figure 7.5: Sensitivity (S/)-time (t) curves at operating temperatures 250-400oC. The response and recovery times derived from the data are shown in Table 7.3 and plotted in Figure 7.6. 116 Table 7.3: Response and recovery time at various operating temperature. Operating temp. (oC) Response time (± 2 s) Recovery time (± 2 s) 280 134 600 300 124 > 700 350 100 > 700 380 100 > 700 400 87 > 700 t (s) Response time (s) Graph of response time against operating temperature 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 slope = -0.3917 s/oC 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 o Operating T temperature ( C) (oC) Figure 7.6: Response time (t) against operating temperature (T). The response time decreases with operating temperature in a linearly fashion. The slope of the graph t against T yield a value of ~ -0.4 s/oC. The recovery time for operating temperature 280oC was 600 s. For operating temperature > 280oC, the recovery times were > 700 s. The long response time could be due to the poor expulsion of methane in the SECS system and the oxidation of methane is favourable at temperatures 300-400oC. 117 7.5 Effect of Pt loadings The pure SnO2 was doped with 0.1-1.0 wt.% Pt. The experimental conditions were; operational temperature = 400oC, flow rate = 500 sccm, methane concentration = 25 000 ppm, VS = 20 V, RL = 700 Ω. The gas was introduced into the SECS at t = 100 s and cut-off at t = 300 s. The sensitivity curves are plotted in Figure 7.7. 1200 0.5 wt.%Pt 1100 1.0 wt.% Pt 1000 900 Sensitivity (%) S/ (%) 800 0.75 wt.% Pt 700 0.3 wt.% Pt 600 0.1 wt.% Pt 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 t (s) time (s) Figure 7.7: Graph of sensitivity (S/) against time (t) for various Pt loadings. The response and recovery times derived from the data are shown in Table 7.4 and plotted in Figure 7.8. 118 Table 7.4: Response and recovery time for various Pt loadings in SnO2. Doping level (wt.% Pt) 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 Response time (± 2s) 39 50 42 33 34 Recovery time ( ± 2 s) 600 600 600 600 600 700 600 Recovery time 500 Time (s) t (s) 400 300 200 100 Resopnse time 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 W* (wt. %) Pt) Pt loadings (wt.% Figure 7.8: Response and recovery time (t) against Pt loadings (W*). The response times decrease with Pt loadings but increase at 0.3 wt.% Pt then decrease thereafter. Note that 0.5 wt. Pt is the optimum loading in SnO2. The recovery times are almost constant with a value in the vicinity of 600 s. Thus, the recovery time is almost independent of the Pt loadings. 119 7.6 Conclusion The response and recovery time in the experiments were based on the parameters namely; flow rate of gas, gas concentrations, operating temperature and doping level. Each parameter has a unique variation with both the response and recovery time. The linear relationship between the parameters and the response/recovery time could be utilized to control the methane sensor operation. As the response time was adequately fast, the operation of the methane sensor using the Pt-SnO2 ceramics was satisfactory. It was found that the response and recovery time were sensitive to high flow rate of gas (500 sccm), optimum operational temperature (400oC) and high CH4 concentration (25 000 ppm) but less sensitive to Pt loadings in SnO2 (up to 1 wt.%). 120 CHAPTER 8 MICROSTRUCTURE AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS 8.1 Introduction This part of the experimental work was focussed on the microstructure and the physical properties of the active element Pt-SnO2 with an emphasis on the optimum composition (0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2). As shown in Chapters 5-7, this material has an optimum operational temperature at 400oC and its electrical properties can be utilized to sense methane in air. This material which is a candidate for methane sensing in air is in the form of a ceramic which was sintered at 1000oC for a duration of 1 hour. The analysis are as follows; Section 8.2: (TGA); Section 8.3: Density; Section 8.4: True porosity; Section 8.5: BET and BJH analysis; Section 8.6: Vickers hardness; Section 8.7: Elastic modulus; Section 8.8: High Resolution XRD; Section 8.9: Raman Shift spectroscopy; Section 8.10: FTIR spectroscopy; Section 8.11: Surface analysis-EDAX, SEM, AFM, XPS, Mössbauer spectroscopy and NMR spectroscopy. 8.2 Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) The TGA was performed on the powder of the unsintered 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 from room temperature to 1000oC. About 13.888 mg of the mentioned sample was used. The TGA result is shown in Figure 8.1. 121 W (%) T (oC) Figure 8.1: TGA of unsintered 0.5 wt.% Pt - SnO2 powder. Graph of weight loss (W) against temperature (T). The sample shows weight loss ~ 0.5% between (100 – 700)oC and almost no weight loss at temperatures > 700oC. Between 37oC and 100oC, the weight loss was mainly due to water molecules. The weight loss above 100oC up to about 700oC is probably due to hydroxyl ions. Heiland and Kohl (1988) pointed out that two types of OH- are generated by moisture which existed on the SnO2 through a reaction with O- and O2-. As such, the choice of sintering at temperatures > 700oC and up to 1000oC is a favourable choice as the powder shows no weight loss. 122 8.3 Density The densities of the ceramics were determined for pure SnO2 and (0.1-1.0)wt.%Pt-SnO2. The graph of density of pure SnO2 against temperature is shown in Figure 8.2. 7.00 3 ρ (g/cm ) 6.95 6.90 6.85 6.80 6.75 6.70 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 o T ( C) Figure 8.2: Graph of density (ρ) of pure SnO2 against temperature (T). From the graph, the density increases with temperature. The density of the ceramic sintered at 300oC is 6.870 g/cm3 and the density sintered at 1000oC is 6.920 g/cm3. Therefore, the fabricated SnO2 ceramics did not reach its full density. The theoretical (full) density of SnO2 is 6.994 g/cm3 and the melting point of pure SnO2 is 1127oC (Kumar Das, 1992). The graph in Figure 8.3 shows the variation of the density of the doped samples at various Pt loadings which were all sintered at 1000oC for 1 hour. The density of the doped samples increases with Pt loadings. The density at 0.1 wt.% Pt loading was ~ 7 g/cm3 and does not change much at Pt loading of 1 wt.%. The inclusion of Pt in SnO2 has inevitably caused the bulk density to exceed the bulk 123 density of the pure SnO2. This feature adds strength to the modified ceramic which was also shown by the elastic moduli calculated in Section 8.7. 7.10 7.08 7.06 3 ρ (g/cm ) 7.04 7.02 7.00 6.98 6.96 6.94 6.92 6.90 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 W* (wt.%) Figure 8.3: Graph of density (ρ) of doped SnO2 against Pt loading (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.4 True Porosity The corresponding true porosities for the samples mentioned in section 8.3 are shown in Figure 8.4 and Figure 8.5. The true porosity of the ceramics decreases very little with both sintering temperature and Pt loadings. The decrease in true porosity with sintering temperature was expected as at high temperatures less pores are present in the ceramics. This is evident from the SEM micrographs shown in Figure 8.6. 124 14.5 p/ (%) 14.4 14.3 14.2 14.1 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 T (oC) Figure 8.4: Graph of true porosity (p/) of pure SnO2 against sintering temperature / p (%) (T). 15.0 14.8 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.2 13.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 W* (wt. %) Figure 8.5: Graph of true porosity (p/) of doped SnO2 against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 125 A. Pure SnO2 sintered at 500oC B. Pure SnO2 sintered at 700oC Figure 8.6: SEM micrographs. A:Pure SnO2 sintered at 500oC and B: Pure SnO2 sintered at 700oC. Notice that the ceramic grains that were sintered at 500oC are smaller than the one sintered at 700oC and the pores are less visible in B compared to A. From the density measurements, the ceramic samples were more dense if sintered at high temperatures. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the true porosity change can be regarded as negligible. 126 The variations of both true porosity and density with Pt loading is shown in Figure 8.7. It shows the similar variation as in the case of sintering at 1000oC. The true porosity decreases with Pt loadings but the density increases with Pt loadings. This is evident from SEM micrographs as shown in Figure 8.8. The increase in bulk density is a desired feature for a gas sensing active element in a gas sensor. The negligible decrease in true porosity nevertheless still yielded a good sensitivity in the case of the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 ceramic sintered at 1000oC and operated at 400oC. The corresponding bulk density is ~ 7.04 g/cm3 and true porosity of 14.05%. The true porosity showed < 0.1% change when the Pt loading increased from 0.1-1.0 wt.%. From the SEM micrographs (Figure 8.8) it is also reasonable to assume that methane can easily pass through the pores and interact with the sample surface as to initiate the adsorption and desorption processes. 7.05 14.15 14.10 7.00 3 ρ (g/cm ) 6.95 14.00 / p (%) 14.05 13.95 6.90 13.90 ρ p 13.85 6.85 / 13.80 6.80 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 W* (wt. %) Figure 8.7: Graphs of true porosity (p/) and bulk density (ρ) against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 127 A. 0.1 wt % Pt-SnO2, sintered at 1000oC B. 0.5 wt % Pt-SnO2, sintered at 1000oC Figure 8.8: SEM micrographs. A:0.1 wt.% Pt sintered at 1000oC and B: 0.5 wt.% Pt sintered at 1000oC. 128 8.5 Brunauer-Emnett-Teller (BET) analysis The BET was performed on the undoped powdered sample and the effects of sintering temperature on the particle size is shown in Figure 8.9. The particle 10 200 9 180 8 160 7 140 6 120 5 100 4 80 3 R/ (nm) S (m2/g) size was calculated using equation 4.11. 60 S 2 40 R/ 1 20 0 0 25 500 700 1000 T (oC) Figure 8.9: Graph of BET specific surface area (S) and particle size (R/) versus sintering temperature (T). The BET specific surface area decreases with sintering temperature. This give rise to bigger particle size ceramic at high sintering temperature. The starting material has an average particle size of ~ 92 nm and when it was sintered at 1000oC the particle size grew to ~ 174 nm. The effects of Pt loading in SnO2 is shown in Figure 8.10. The ceramics were all sintered at 1000oC for 1 hour. The doped ceramics also show a decrease in BET specific surface area and increasing particle size with increasing Pt loading. The average particle size with 0.1 wt.% Pt loading was ~ 221 nm and Pt loading of 1 wt. % in SnO2 gave rise to an average particle size of ~ 358 nm. 129 4.5 350 4 300 3.5 S (m2/g) 2.5 200 2 150 1.5 1 0.5 S 100 R/ 50 0 R/ (nm) 250 3 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 1 W* (Wt. %) Figure 8.10: Graph of BET specific surface area (S) and particle size (R/) versus Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. The 0.5 wt% Pt-SnO2 which was found to be the optimum composition has an average particle size of 225 nm.The adsorption and desorption curves also indicate the presence of micropores with micropore volume of ~ 0.001847 cm3/g. Observations from TEM images (Figure 8.12) revealed that the starting powders have smaller particle size compared to the particle size obtained using BET analysis. This is attributed to the powder tends to be agglomerated and this contributes to the discrepancy. The typical adsorption and desorption curves obtained from the BET analysis was typically type III ( Figure 8.11) which according to Gregg (1982) will be unlikely to yield a true value of the surface area. 130 Figure 8.11: Adsorption/Desorption curve from BET analysis. 131 A B Figure 8.12: TEM: A fresh Pt powder; B fresh SnO2 powder. Typical pore size distributions for the powders were derived from the isotherms using the BJH method as shown in Figure 8.13. The pores are distributed in two distinct regions; (i) between 25 and 32 nm, with a distribution centred at ~ 28 nm, and (ii) between 10 and 100 nm, with a distribution centred at ~ 50 nm. 132 Figure 8.13: Pore size distributions by the BJH method. 133 8.6 VICKERS HARDNESS The Vickers hardness measurements were performed on the doped 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 ceramic samples by the microindentation technique with a 1.961 N load. The influence of temperature on the ceramic samples is shown in Figure 8.14. 15 14 HV (GPa) 13 12 11 10 9 8 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 o T ( C) Figure 8.14: Graph of Vickers hardness (HV) against temperature (T). The Vickers hardness of the doped samples decreases with temperature. The Vickers hardness for this doped material is similar to the value for TiO2 rutile ceramics (Hv = 7 -11 GPa) reported by Lackey et al. (1987). The decrease in Vickers hardness is attributed to the increase in density of the sample with temperature. This leads to a decrease in porosity and hence a decrease in the Vickers hardness. Wang and Hon (1999) suggest that the decrease in hardness, H as temperature increases can be fitted by a functional relationship of the form H = Hoe-aT, where Ho and α are constant and T is the test temperature (oC). As such, the dependence of hardness on density shows that hardness may demonstrate energy density characteristics. As temperature rises, the energy density and therefore the hardness decreases due to thermal expansion. 134 Figure 8.15 shows the influence of Pt loadings on the ceramic samples which were sintered at 1000oC. The Vickers hardness of the doped samples increases with Pt loading. The density of these doped ceramics increases with Pt doping but there was a negligible change in the true porosity of the ceramics. As such it is expected that the Vickers hardness to increase with Pt doping. The Pt which was incorporated in the SnO2 adds hardness to the modified ceramic. Thus this is also a feature of stability apart from the mechanical strength shown by the material which is discussed in the following section. As mentioned earlier, hardness is the resistance against force which causes damage. The doped ceramic 7.10 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7.08 7.06 7.04 7.02 ρ 7.00 H 6.98 0.5 1 2 2.5 W* (Wt. %) Figure 8.15: Graph of Vickers hardness (HV) and bulk density (ρ) versus Pt loading (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 3 ρ (g/cm ) HV (GPa) is therefore durable. 135 8.7 ELASTIC MODULUS The elastic moduli were determined for the ceramic samples by ultrasonic non-destructive testing. The results are shown in Figures 8.16 and 8.17. Both the transverse and longitudinal wave velocities increase with Pt loading. However, the magnitude of the transverse wave was much greater than the longitudinal wave. The elastic moduli show a sharp increase in magnitude for Pt loading < 0.3 wt.% and a gradual increase thereafter up to 1 wt.% Pt. However, the greatest magnitude was the bulk modulus followed by Young modulus and shear modulus. The magnitude obtained reflects the stability of the doped ceramic and for Pt loadings ≥ 0.5 wt.%, resulted in a slight increase only in magnitude of the bulk, Young and shear modulus. 7 transverse wave 6 v x103(m s-1) 5 4 3 longitudinal wave 2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 W* (wt. %) Figure 8.16: Graph of velocity (v) of transverse/longitudinal wave versus Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 1 136 90 80 Bulk Modulus 70 E (GPa) 60 Young Modulus 50 40 30 Shear Modulus 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 W* (wt.%) Figure 8.17: Graph of elastic modulus (E)-bulk, Young and shear modulus against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 8.8 HIGH RESOLUTION X-ray DIFFRACTION (HRXRD) 8.8.1 STARTING POWDERS X-ray diffraction was performed on both doped and undoped samples. Figure 8.18 shows the XRD diffraction pattern of the starting powder. The starting powder shows the main peaks at 2θ ~ 26.8o, 34o, 38o, 52o and 55o which correspond to the (110), (101), (200), (211) and (220) respectively. Thus, this shows that it is a typical rutile tetragonal cassiterite SnO2 with peaks as reported in the literature (JCPDS, 1997a). The mean crystallite size calculated using equation 4.11 was ~ 14 nm. TEM images of the starting SnO2 powder are shown in Figure 8.22. The mean crystallite size calculated was approximately (± 5%) the particle size of the powder shown in the TEM images. 137 2500 (110) ( (101) (211) I (arb. unit) 2000 1500 1000 (200 500 (220) 0 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 2θ ( ο) Figure 8.18: XRD pattern of fresh pure SnO2 powder. Plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). Figure 8.19: Typical TEM images of fresh pure SnO2 powder. 138 The XRD pattern of the platinum powder is shown in Figure 8.20. The peaks at 2θ ~ 40o and 46.3o are typical Pt metal peaks (JCPDS, 1997b). These two peaks are sufficient for the purpose of the experiment as they are no peak appearing at these 2θ values for the pure SnO2. 18000 16000 (111) 14000 I (c.p.s) 12000 10000 8000 (200) 6000 4000 2000 0 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 2θ ( Ο ) Figure 8.20: XRD pattern of fresh Pt powder. The calculated mean crystallite size was ~ 18 nm and the particle size of the platinum powder as observed from TEM images (Figure 8.21) was ~ 14 nm. As such, the observed particle size and mean crystallite size differs slightly but reliable as compared to BET particle size calculations. The starting powders of both SnO2 and Pt showed approximately the same magnitude of particle sizes. 139 . A B Figure 8.21: Typical TEM images of Pt powder: A; scale bar 50 nm, B; scale bar 20 nm. 140 8.8.2 Pt–SnO2 CERAMICS SINTERING EFFECTS ON PURE SnO2 The influence of sintering in pure SnO2 is shown in Figure 8.22. 16000 14000 o 1000 C 12000 I (arb. unit) I (arb.unit) 10000 o 900 C 8000 o 800 C 6000 o 700 C 4000 o 600 C 2000 o 500 C 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 οo 2θ2θ( ( ) ) Figure 8.22: XRD pattern of pure SnO2 sintered at temperatures 500-1000oC. Diffractograms show the plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). All diffractograms show the main peaks (110), (101) and (211) of the tetragonal cassiterite SnO2. An interesting feature of the XRD pattern is that the FWHM of the intensity decreases slightly with sintering temperature. Hence, the mean crystallite size of the SnO2 increased with sintering temperature. Figure 8.23 shows the calculated mean crystallite size which varies with sintering temperature. 141 60 55 (110) Rx (nm) 50 45 (101) 40 35 (211) 30 25 (220) 20 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 T (oC) Figure 8.23: Calculated mean crystallite size (RX) of pure SnO2 against sintering temperature (T). The mean crystallite size was the largest in the (110) direction and the smallest was in the (220) direction. In both cases, a marked increase in the mean crystallite size was observed at sintering temperatures of 800oC and above, whilst the mean crystallite size in both (101) and (211) showed almost monotonic growth between sintering temperatures 500-1000oC. EFFECTS OF Pt LOADINGS ON PURE SnO2 The XRD pattern of Pt-SnO2 ceramics sintered at 1000oC are shown in Figure 8.24. The modified ceramics show XRD reflections almost similar to that of the pure SnO2. Apart from the main peaks (110), (101) and (211) of the tetragonal cassiterite SnO2, at Pt loadings of 2 wt.% and above, prominent peaks of Pt (111) and Pt (220) metal evolved at 2θ ~ 39.9o and 46.3o respectively. It was noticed that there were no PtOx formed as they should show up as strong 142 diffraction peaks at 2θ = (50 – 55)o or (15-30)o (Morazzoni et al., 2001). This shows that the Pt have a remarkable thermal stability up to 1000oC in the SnO2 + + + + 3000 fresh SnO2 powder + I (arb. unit) 2500 + * Pt peak + Sn peak o SnO2 sintered 1000 C 2000 0.5 wt.% Pt 1500 1 wt.% Pt 1000 * * * * * 500 0 25 30 35 2 wt.% Pt 3 wt.% Pt * 40 45 5 wt.% Pt 50 55 60 ο 2θ ( ) Figure 8.24: XRD pattern of Pt-SnO2 at Pt loadings 0.5-5 wt % sintered at 1000oC. Diffractograms show the plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). matrix. The mean crystallite size of the Pt (111) was ~ 33 nm while the mean crystallite size of the Pt(111) in the fresh Pt powder was ~ 12 nm. Such large Pt crystallites like the one found in the modified sample are said to be resistant against oxidation (Balint et al., 2002) so it could be the reason for the absence of PtOx. The absence of the Pt peaks at lower doping could be either due to evaporation at high temperatures or buried well in the recess of the ceramic or too small to be diffracted by the X-rays. The mean crystallite size of the Pt-SnO2 ceramics at various Pt loadings is shown in Figure 8.25. 143 60.0 55.0 (110) RX (nm) 50.0 45.0 (101) 40.0 35.0 (211) 30.0 (220) 25.0 20.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 W* (wt. %) Figure 8.25: Mean crystallite size (RX) of Pt- SnO2 at Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. Again, the mean crystallite size was the largest in the (110) direction and the least growth was in the (220) direction and the mean crystallite size increased with Pt loadings. The mean crystallite size of the 0.5wt.%Pt-SnO2 at different sintering temperatures are shown in Figure 8.26. The mean crystallite size of the 0.5wt.%Pt- SnO2 increased by small amount (2-5 nm) with sintering temperature. Such increment is also small when compared to the case of sintering pure SnO2. Also, the inclusion of 0.5 wt Pt in SnO2 produces smaller mean crystallite size. Thus, the Pt inhibits the grain growth of the modified sample. It is obvious that the growth of the crystallites in this case is different from the mechanisms such as coalescence (Family and Meakin, 1988), Ostwald ripening (Lin et al., 1994) and nucleation (Yu, 1997). The XRD pattern of the doped ceramics has a higher intensity when compared to that of the pure SnO2 as shown Figure 8.27. 144 50 (110) 45 RX (nm) 40 (101) 35 30 (211) 25 (220) 20 500 600 700 800 900 1000 T (oC) Figure 8.26: Mean crystallite size (RX) of 0.5 wt.% Pt- SnO2 against sintering Intensity (arb. unit) temperatures (T). I (c.p.s) 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 doped undoped 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 2θ( ο ) 2θ Figure 8.27: XRD of doped (3 wt. % Pt) and undoped sample sintered at 1000oC in the (101) direction. Diffractogram shows a plot of intensity (I) against Bragg angle (2θ). 145 Morazzoni et al. (2001) suggested that Pt diffuses into the SnO2 structure, modifying the structure factors and therefore the reflection intensity of the phase. SEM micrographs of the doped ceramics (Figure 8.28) showed that Pt metal clusters on the surface of the modified ceramics (Pt-SnO2) which is an indication of the Pt diffusion. However, the difference in the intensity could also be attributed to density and grain size as observed from earlier experiments. There is also a broad shoulder on the high angle side of the Pt (111) peak (Figure 8.29) which is the Kα2. A closer look at both the doped and undoped XRD reflection in the (101) direction (Figure 8.30) revealed that the peak of the doped sample (3 wt.% Pt-SnO2) shifted ~ 0.01o to lower angle with respect to the peak of the undoped sample. This shift has a magnitude which is in the same order of the error in 2θ and this dismiss the probable of the shift in the d values. Figure 8.28: Dispersion of 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. The white speckles are Pt clusters against the dark background of SnO2. 146 400 Intensity (arb. unit) 350 I (c.p.s) 300 250 200 broad-shoulder 150 100 50 0 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 39.9 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 2θ2θ( ο ) Figure 8.29: Broad shoulder formation of Pt (111) at high angle side of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 12000 o 0.01 Intensity (arb. unit) 10000 I (c.p.s) doped 8000 6000 undoped 4000 2000 0 33.80 33.85 33.90 33.95 34.00 34.05 34.10 34.15 34.20 22θθ( ο ) Figure 8.30: Peak shifts of 0.01o to lower angle side of doped (3 wt.% Pt-SnO2) sintered at 1000oC with respect to the peak of the undoped SnO2 sintered at 1000oC in the (101) direction. 147 INTENSITY RATIO (I211/ I220) The peak intensity ratio for the SnO2 system (Cirera et al., 2000) can be expressed as, / 71.36 + 4.48α I 211 F211 = 2 ≈ / I 220 F220 69.79 + 9.98α 2 2 2 (8.1) where F/hkl is the structure factor and α is the occupation factor which keeps unit value when every oxygen position is occupied by an oxygen atom. For highenergy electron diffraction, the (220) reflection has a higher contribution from the oxygen. In the tin oxide rutile structure, the (220) plane intercept high number of oxygen atoms as compared to the (211) plane. It is predicted from the equation above that the intensities ratio decreases when the occupancy grows (relaxation of vacancies). The plot of such intensities from the experiment are shown in Figure (8.31 - 8.33). From graphs in Figures 8.31 and 8.33, the intensity ratio decreases with sintering temperature. The effect of sintering was to reduce the intensity ratio. Thus, the oxygen vacancies vanish (but not completely) with sintering temperature. However, this is limited by the amount of Pt in the SnO2. At doping levels > 2 wt.%, the relative intensity ratio rises as shown in Figure 8.32. 148 5.0 4.9 4.8 I 211/ I 220 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 500 600 700 800 900 1000 T (oC) Figure 8.31: Graph of intensity ratio (I 211/I 220) against sintering temperature (T) for pure SnO2. 1.05 1.04 1.03 I 211/ I 220 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0 1 2 3 4 5 W* (wt. %) Figure 8.32: Graph of intensity ratio (I 211/I 220) against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 149 1.04 1.03 1.02 I 211/I 220 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 o T ( C) Figure 8.33: Graph of intensity ratio (I211/I220) against sintering temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. INTENSITY RATIO (Ihkl/I110) Matsuhata et al. (1994), considered the numerical difference between the (220) and (110) reflections in the effects of occupancy growth. For high energy electron diffraction, the (110) reflections depends strongly on the ionicity of tin. Figures 8.34-8.36 shows the intensity ratio for undoped and doped samples. The intensity ratio in all cases shows a low magnitude and does not change much with either sintering temperature or Pt loadings. The intensity ratio was highest in the (211) and lowest in the (220) directions. Thus, this suggest that the incorporation of Pt in SnO2 has not much effect on the ionicity of tin. 150 1.6 (211) 1.4 1.2 (101) I hkl/ I 110 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 (220) 0.2 0.0 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 T (oC) Figure 8.34: Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against sintering temperature (T) for pure SnO2. 1.6 1.4 (211) 1.2 (101) I hkl/ I 110 1.0 0.8 0.6 (220) 0.4 0.2 0.0 700 750 800 850 900 950 T (oC) Figure 8.35: Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against sintering temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. 1000 151 1.6 (211) 1.4 1.2 (101) I hkl / I 110 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 (220) 0.2 0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 W* (wt.%) Figure 8.36: Graph of intensity ratio (Ihkl/I110) against Pt loading (W*) sintered at 1000oC. INDUCED MEAN STRAIN CALCULATIONS d relaxed − d T The mean strain, < e2 >1/ 2 = 100 hkl relaxed hkl was calculated and the d hkl results are shown in Figures 8.37-8.39. The undoped sample shows almost compressive strain except at sintering temperatures between 700 and 850oC. The most strain was observed in the (110) direction as the bond between metal and oxygen decomposes mainly in the (110) direction for TiO2 in the same rutile lattice (Mattossi, 1951). In the doped sample, the strain in the (220) direction was predominantly tensile for T > 700oC. According to Cirera et al. (2000), when an oxygen atom is removed, the resulting Sn-O bond relaxes, thus increasing the <e2>1/2 152 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1500 -0.2 (110) (220) (211) (101) 550 600 650 700 750 800 T (oC) 850 900 950 1000 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 Figure 8.37: Graph of mean strain (<e2>1/2) of the atoms in plane (hkl) in the normal direction to the plane against sintering temperature (T) for undoped SnO2. T (oC) 0 500 -0.1 550 600 650 700 <e2>1/2 -0.2 (( -0.3 -0.4 750 ( (220) 800 850 900 950 1000 (211) (101) (110) -0.5 -0.6 Figure 8.38: Graph of mean strain (<e2>1/2) of the atoms in plane (hkl) in the normal direction to this plane against sintering temperature (T) for 0.5wt.%PtSnO2. 153 0.8 0.7 (110) 0.6 <e2>1/2 0.5 0.4 (101) 0.3 0.2 (220) 0.1 (211) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 W* (Wt. %) Figure 8.39: Graph of mean strain (<e2>1/2) of the atoms in plane (hkl) in the normal direction to this plane against Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. distances between atoms and moving away from the (220) atomic planes. Note that the O-Sn-O bonds are orthogonal to the (220) atomic plane. It is possible that a deformation potential that mainly decomposes in the (220) direction was induced by a high density of oxygen vacancies in the lattice. The Pt loading at 1 wt. % shows the most strain but relaxes thereafter. The sintering at high temperatures or any level of Pt loadings does not reduce the strain in either the doped or the undoped samples. This is also shown (Table 8.1) in the discrepancies in calculating dhlk, the distance between planes with (hkl) Miller indexes by means of Bragg formula. Thus, the distortions are directly associated with the observed strain. The distortions were calculated using the equations (4.14) and (4.15) (Chapter 4) which consider the differences between planes (110) and (220). The results are shown in Figure 8.40-8.42. 6 154 Table 8.1: Distance dhkl calculated using Bragg formula for 0.5 wt% Pt-SnO2 sintered between 700-1000oC. T /dhkl d220 (Å) d110 (Å) d101 (Å) d211 (Å) 700oC 1.678 3.354 2.648 1.767 800oC 1.675 3.340 2.640 1.764 900oC 1.675 3.341 2.640 1.764 1000oC 1.672 3.327 2.632 1.761 Yu (97) 1.672 3.351 2.637 1.762 JCPDS(97a) 1.675 3.347 2.643 1.764 155 1.13 1.1295 δc (Ǻ ) 1.129 1.1285 1.128 1.1275 1.127 1.1265 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 T (oC) T (oC) 0.004 δa (Ǻ) 0.002 0 500 -0.002 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 -0.004 -0.006 -0.008 Figure 8.40: Distortions δc and δa against sintering temperature (T) for pure SnO2. 156 1.128 1.128 δc (Ǻ) 1.127 1.127 1.126 1.126 1.125 1.125 1.124 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 900 950 1000 T (oC) T (oC) δa (Ǻ) 0.002 0 700 -0.002 750 800 850 -0.004 -0.006 -0.008 Figure 8.41: Distortions δc and δa against sintering temperature (T) for 0.5 wt.%Pt-SnO2. 157 1.1258 1.1256 δc (Ǻ) 1.1254 1.1252 1.1250 1.1248 1.1246 1.1244 1.1242 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 W* (wt. %) δa (Ǻ) W* (wt.%) 0.0000 -0.0010 0 -0.0020 -0.0030 -0.0040 -0.0050 -0.0060 -0.0070 -0.0080 -0.0090 -0.0100 1 2 3 Figure 8.42: Distortions δc and δa versus Pt loadings (W*) sintered at 1000oC. 158 The effects of sintering in both doped and undoped sample was reduction in the distortions at high temperatures. For the doped sample, the evolution of the distortion with sintering temperature suggests that there was a strong reduction of the vacancies at temperatures between 700oC and 800oC. The distortions were greatly reduced when the sample was sintered above 800oC. This suggests that sintering at temperatures at and above 800oC is a way to minimize distortions w.r.t. the (110) and (220) planes. The reduction in distortions mentioned means the oxygen vacancies decompose. The magnitude of δa < δc and the incorporation of Pt in SnO2 does not reduce the distortions especially after 1 wt.% Pt loadings. The hypothesis of oxygen vacancy reduction with sintering temperature is inevitably likely. In the rutile structure of SnO2, the (110) and (220) planes intercept more oxygen atoms than the (101) and (211) planes. Thus, the changes in the morphology (distortions) of the mentioned planes can be related with the evolutions of the oxygen vacancies. These oxygen vacancies result in mechanical effects induced on the lattice which give rise to the induced strain. Consequently, the presence of the oxygen vacancies on the lattice parameters induced distortions. The calculated distortions calculations δa and δc were based on the formula proposed by Yu et. al (1997) in the form 4 sin 2 θ λ2 h2 + k 2 l2 = + 2 and a2 c Cirera (2000) computed δa = a220 - a110 and δc = c101-110 – c101-220. As such, the doped and undoped common characteristic is that they originate from oxygen defective tin oxide in which the oxygen vacancies diminish with sintering temperature. Other hypotheses that could also produce the variations in the structural parameter to be considered are interstitial tin in the tin oxide lattice (Agashe et al., 1991) and the presence of hydroxyl group. The former hypothesis showed that the defective tin oxide produced an anomalous increase in intensity in the X-ray diffractogram and the that high magnitude stress was observed due to O-H groups being substituted in the oxygen sites. However, these two hypotheses can be disputed from the samples investigated as the magnitude of stress is small, there was no evidences for the presence of O-H group from XPS, Raman, FTIR and no anomalous XRD peak intensity was observed. 159 8.9 RAMAN SHIFT SPECTROSCOPY The Raman-shift modes obtained for pure SnO2 sintered at temperatures 100-1000oC are shown in Figure 8.43. The main cited modes of vibrations are at 473, 633 and 773 cm-1. These active modes were also observed by Katiyar et al. (1971). I (arb. unit) δ (cm-1) Figure 8.43: Raman Shift spectra; plot of intensity (I) against Raman shifts (δ) of the undoped SnO2 dry-pressed ceramics sintered at temperatures 100-1000oC. An interesting feature in the Raman –shift spectrum is the appearance of an active mode at ~ 555 cm-1. This is identified as the A2g mode which was supposed to be inactive Raman mode in a perfect rutile (Yu et al., 1997). The appearance of this mode in the sample indicates that there is a high density of oxygen vacancies and with this the composition rule ω 2 ( A2 g ) = ω 2 ( B1 g ) + ω 2 ( B 2 g ) − ω 2 ( A1 g ) that can be verified. However, this mode vanishes at T > 300oC. Another feature of the spectrum is that the peaks become sharper as the sintering temperature increases. This indicates that the grain size of the SnO2 increases with sintering 160 temperature which was also shown by HRXRD. This is also observed by Yu et al. (1997). The Eg mode at ~ 473 cm-1, A1g mode at ~ 633 cm-1 and B2g mode at ~ 773 cm-1 become prominent with sintering temperature too. The Raman-shift obtained for doped SnO2 sintered at a temperature of 1000oC is shown in Figure 8.44. I (arb. unit) δ (cm-1) Figure 8.44: Raman Shift spectra; plot of intensity (I) against Raman shift (δ) of the Pt- SnO2 dry-pressed ceramics sintered at 1000oC. The main cited mode of vibrations is at ~ 633 cm-1. This A1g mode appears in all the doped samples but the intensity decrease and the FWHM increase slightly with Pt loading. The other two modes at 774 and 472 cm-1 almost diminishes at 1 wt.% Pt loading. The diminution of this effect is attributed to growth in grain size (due to Pt incorporation and sintering at 1000oC), thus surface/volume contribution to Raman spectra diminishes. Cabot et. al (2000) expected similar results for using Pt or Au and usage of such noble metals alters the tin oxide crystallography which was deduced by analysing the Raman spectra. The slight increase in FWHM of the A1g mode with Pt loading seemed to indicate the 161 inhibitions of grain growth up to 1 wt.% Pt loadings which is also shown in the HRXRD analysis. Such change is also considered as a distortion due to the addition of Pt in the SnO2 matrix which is again shown in the HRXRD distortion calculations. This distortion manifests not only on the surface but extends to the bulk as SEM micrographs show clustering of Pt, both on the surface and also in the bulk. 8.10 FTIR SPECTROSCOPY The FTIR on the fresh SnO2 powder showed very small concentrations of H2O and OH as shown in Figure 8.45. Sn-O T (%) cm-1 Figure 8.45: FTIR spectra of the fresh pure SnO2 powder. 162 If hydroxyl groups were present, they will appear as a broad band between 3200 and 3600 cm-1 as these are assigned to O-H stretching and deformation vibrations of weak bound water (Li and Kawi, 1998). The wet method of obtaining SnO2 based materials is reported to show prominent peaks of water and surface hydroxyls even at temperatures 400-440oC (Korotchenkov, 1999; McAleer, 1987). The broad bands between 400-800 cm-1 are attributed to the framework vibrations of SnO2 (Sala and Trifiro, 1974) and the intense band at 1518 is due to Sn-O stretching (Chaudhary, 2001). The FTIR spectrum of the pure Pt is shown in Figure 8.46. T (%) cm-1 Figure 8.46: FTIR spectra of fresh Pt. 163 The spectrum shows no contaminations and negligible amount of H2O. The evolution of the FTIR spectra with Pt loading is shown in Figure 8.47. 632 T (arb.unit) cm-1 Figure 8.47: FTIR spectrum of Pt-SnO2 ceramic sintered at 1000oC at various Pt loadings. The increasing amount of Pt led to the evolution of the prominent minimum at 632 cm-1 found in the pure SnO2 sample. This was also observed for the RamanShift spectrum in which this corresponded to the A1g mode. Also, the decrease in transmissions was due to the growth in particle size with Pt doping as the scattered light intensity is proportional to d3f4, where d is particle diameter and f is the frequency of the incident light (Sergent, 2002). A strong decrease of transmission is proposed to be induced by free electrons in the conduction band as Pt concentrations increase. This suggests the presence of oxygen vacancies at the surface of the doped SnO2 crystallites. Only the bands at 630 and 550 cm-1 were observed which correspond well to those given in the literature for SnO2 single crystal (Hofmeister et al., 1990) as stannic oxide belongs to the space group D4h for which four fundamental lattice 164 modes are expected to be IR active as predicted from the group-theoretical analysis of the rutile structure. However, the bands typical of SnO2 skeletal vibrations became progressively less defined as a result of sintering (Scarlat et al., 2003) and the incorporation of Pt in SnO2. Large and broad adsorption bands with low value of transmission as observed in the doped samples can be attributed to sintering too. However, there was an overall an increase in the absorption of the FTIR spectrum after exposure to 25 000 ppm of CH4 at an operating temperature of 400oC with a maximum shown by the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 as shown in Figure 8.48. The electrical conductivity of an n-type semiconductor decreases when the adsorption of oxygen on a semiconductor surface occurs. This is caused by a decrease in the electron density in the conduction band due to the formation of ionosorbed oxygen species such as O- or O2- (and electrons become localised). When CH4 gas is adsorbed, electrons are injected into the conduction band and the electrical conductivity increases. Thus, the free carrier density is modulated by CH4 gas adsorbing on the doped SnO2 sample surface. By observing the variation of the background infrared absorption under oxidizing and reducing gases, it will enable one to determine the type of its semiconductivity (Baraton et al., 2001). The results of these adsorptions on the FTIR of the doped SnO2 showed an increase in the overall absorption under the CH4 gas. This is attributed to the desorption and oxidation of methane on the surface of the sample which produces CO2 and H2O molecules which contributes to a higher absorption intensity in the FTIR spectrum as compared to air. This absorption becomes more pronounced in the Pt-SnO2 samples in which the activity is catalysed by Pt, hence increasing the absorption intensity. Such increase in absorption is observed in the samples and this indicates that the Pt-SnO2 is an n-type semiconductor. 165 A/ (arb. unit) cm-1 Figure 8.48: FTIR absorption spectrum of Pt-SnO2 ceramic sintered at 1000oC at various Pt loadings after exposure to 25 000 ppm CH4 at 400oC. 166 8.11 SURFACE ANALYSIS The surface analysis was based on EDAX, SEM, TEM, AFM, XPS, Mössbauer spectroscopy and NMR spectroscopy.The evolutions of the surface profiles due to sintering and Pt loadings are described. 8.11.1 EDAX The doped samples contained very low amounts of Pt and the EDAX analysis showed almost no Pt on the surface. Figure 8.49 shows the EDAX result for pure SnO2 and Figure 8.50 shows the EDAX result for the 0.5 wt.%Pt-SnO2. There were no prominent peaks that show the existence of Pt metal or PtOx. Thus, from the EDAX spectrum no Pt species were detected and the concentration of Pt species were too low to be detected. To ascertain this, the SEM technique was employed. Figure 8.51 shows the SEM micrographs of the surface and crosssection of the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2. The micrographs clearly show the existence of Pt metal clusters (shown as white specks) against the dark background of SnO2. The distribution of these clusters is fairly uniform which is not only found on the surface of the SnO2 but also in the bulk. Further more, there were more Pt clusters found on the surface as compared to the bulk (beneath the surface). This is probably due to the difference in density (the density of pure SnO2 starting powder was 6.95 g/cm3 whilst the density of the Pt powder was 21.5 g/cm3). Thus the Pt metal exists but is below the detectable level. The presence of Pt clusters at the grain surface favours the Fermi energy control during chemical sensing (which requires agglomeration of dopants at the surface). 167 Figure 8.49: EDAX spectrum of undoped (pure SnO2) sintered at 1000oC. Figure 8.50: EDAX spectrum of doped 0.5 wt.%Pt- SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 168 Surface of 0.5wt.%Pt-SnO2 ( scale-bar 20µm) Cross-section of 0.5wt.%Pt-SnO2 ( scale-bar 500µm) Figure 8.51: SEM micrographs of doped 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. The white speckles are Pt metal clusters and the dark background is SnO2. 169 8.11.2 SEM and AFM The effect of sintering and Pt loadings in SnO2 are shown in Figure 8.52. Figure 8.52 on the left shows the SEM micrographs (1-3) of pure SnO2 sintered at 500oC, 700oC and 1000oC. The SEM micrographs show that the samples have polycrystalline cassiterite structures with grain sizes of the order less than 1 µm. The sintering at 500-1000oC shows microstructure changes from a non-uniform agglomeration to grain coarsening without densification. This is clearly shown as rough surface with protrusions. The grain coarsening is mainly attributed to sintering as observed by Varela et. al (1999). However, in this case the dry pressed samples undergo grain coarsening without densification as also observed by Botter et al.(1994) who worked on SnO2 ceramic formed by pressure filtration. The grain size of SnO2 sintered at 1000oC is clearly larger than that sintered at 500oC. The average grain size of SnO2 is roughly 0.3 µm and 0.8 µm when sintered at 500oC and 1000oC respectively. Hence, an increase in sintering temperature will increase the grain size. This is generally true and in agreement with other researchers Choi and Lee (2001) and Lee et al.(2000) who worked on thin and thick film of SnO2. The pure stannic oxide was also doped with 0.5 , 1 and 2 wt% Pt and sintered at 1000oC. The SEM micrographs are as shown on the right (4-6) of Figure 8.52. For these samples of platinum doped stannic oxide with 0.5-2 wt.% Pt, the grain size increased and porosity decreased with the platinum loading. These are in agreement with the results mentioned in earlier sections of this chapter. It can be seen that at 0.5 wt.% Pt loading into SnO2, small size grains (~ 0.1 - 0.2 µm) are more abundant than the larger grains (~ 0.7 - 0.8 µm). However, the small grains grew comparable to the larger grain as the doping level increased from 1 to 2 wt.% Pt in SnO2. Hence, the increase in the amount of Pt loading in SnO2 resulted in the increase of the grain size. 170 1. SnO2 ceramic sintered at 500oC. 4. 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered 1000oC 2. SnO2 ceramic sintered at 700oC. 5. 1.0 wt. % Pt-SnO2 sintered 1000oC 3. SnO2 ceramic sintered at 1000oC. 6. 2.0 wt.% Pt -SnO2 sintered 1000oC Figure 8.52: SEM micrographs 1-3 of pure SnO2 sintered at various sintering temperature and SEM micrographs 4-6 of pure SnO2 doped at various Pt loadings and sintered at 1000oC. 171 As the grain size grew due to sintering and Pt loadings, this led to the rough surfaces morphology (with scanned heights of 0.00-2.55 µm) as shown in Figure 8.53 of an AFM topography of the 0.5 wt.% Pt-SnO2 which is sintered at 1000oC. y z x Figure 8.53: AFM topography of 0.5wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. Scanned area 14x14 (µm)2 in the x-y direction with maximum height-z direction, 2.55 µm. The rough surface are ideal adsorption sites for oxygen in ambient air (Lee et al., 2000). The faceted grains shown in Fig. 8.55 (plates 3-6) are an indication that it is a stabilised material due to high sintering temperature Cirera et al. (2001). The grain size and types of contacts that developed between the grains depend on the method of preparation and sintering temperature (Barsan et al., 1999; Tunstall and Patou, 1999). From all the figures shown, the pure SnO2 and Pt-SnO2 showed that the samples exhibit a rutile structure as most of the particles were round in shape. HRXRD analysis confirmed the above observation. 172 8.11.3 X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) The XPS survey spectrum of the 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC is shown in Figure 8.54. Sn 3d5/2 Sn 3d3/2 O 1s Sn MNN Sn 3p3/2 Sn 3p1/2 O KLL Sn 3s 1400 1200 1000 800 600 Sn 4d Sn 4p Fermi C 1s Sn 4s level 400 200 0 EB (eV) Figure 8.54: XPS spectra of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic sintered at 1000oC. Plot of intensity (I) against binding energy (EB). The spectra have all been referenced to a C 1s binding energy value of 284.6 eV. The XPS spectrum shows the Sn 4d, Sn 4p, Sn 4s, C 1s,Sn 3d5/2, Sn 3d3/2, O 1s, Sn 3p1/2, Sn 3s. The high resolution scan of O 1s in Figure 8.55 revealed that the binding energy was 530.2 eV which is lower than the expected value 530.6 eV. This lower value indicates that there were oxygen vacancies in the doped material. The FWHM of the doped (3 wt.%Pt-SnO2) XPS spectrum is broader than the 173 doped 50000 40000 530.2 undoped I (c.p.s) 30000 20000 10000 0 535 530 525 EB (eV) Figure 8.55: O 1s of doped (3 wt.% Pt-SnO2) and undoped (SnO2) sintered at 1000oC. undoped case, which shows that there is a greater range of environments and hence binding energies. The asymmetry in the O 1s also shows that adsorbed oxygen exists on the surface of the sample in ambient atmosphere (Yoo et al., 1995). The Sn 3d5/2 and Sn 3d3/2 XPS high resolution spectrum is plotted in Figure 8.56. The Sn 3d5/2 has a binding energy of 486.2 eV and the binding energy of the Sn 3d3/2 was 494.2 eV which is in agreement with other data (Perkin-Elmer, 1992). Thus the separation between the Sn 3d5/2 and Sn 3d3/2 is 8.0 eV which is smaller than the value reported (8.5 eV) by Yoo et al.(1995) who worked on thin film SnO2-x. The larger value reported is probably attributed to the non-stoichiometry in the SnO2-x. 174 I (c.p.s) 3d 5/2 5x10 4 4x10 4 3x10 4 2x10 4 1x10 4 8.0 eV 3d 3/2 0 478 480 482 484 486 488 490 492 494 496 498 500 E B (eV) Figure 8.56: 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic sintered at 1000oC. I is the intensity and EB is the binding energy. The Sn 3d5/2 is symmetric and has a small FWHM indicating that the compound has one component only. The atomic ratio of oxygen and tin (ratio of O 1s and Sn 3d5/2) is ~ 1.30 :1, a deviation of stoichiometry which was caused by oxygen deficiency on the surface region. Notably, the XPS is based on the photoelectric effect and the X-ray penetration is fairly low which gives information up to a depth of ~ 20 Å from the surface of the sample. The binding energies of both the Sn 3d5/2 and Sn 3d3/2 shifted by 0.01 eV with respect to the pure SnO2 XPS spectrum sintered at the same temperature (1000oC) and this is an indication that the chemical environment was changing (Wagner et al., 1986) due to the incorporation of Pt in SnO2. The Pt 4 f XPS spectrum is shown in Figure 8.57. The Pt(0) or Pt 4f 7/2 has peaks at ~ 71.17 and 74.63 eV and the Pt(2) or 4f5/2 has peaks at ~ 72.38 and 75.82 eV. 175 Pt(0) 39000 38000 Pt(2) I (c.p.s) 37000 36000 35000 34000 33000 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 EB (eV) Figure 8.57: Graph of intensity (I) against binding energy (EB). Pt 4f 7/2 and 4f5/2 of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic sintered at 1000oC. This intensity ratio Pt 4f 7/2 : 4f5/2 was found to 1.29 and 1.38 (See Figure 8.58). This result is in good agreement with Fildman and Mayer (1986) and Lee and Chung (1989). This photoemission from the f electronic states produces a spinorbit doublet which is the Pt 4f 7/2 - 4f5/2 lines. High resolution XRD only shows the Pt(0) states but not Pt(2). The Pt(2) which shows from the XPS spectrum was probably an oxide layer on the Pt metal or possibly dissolved in the SnO2. The latter case is supported by the observation of solid solutions as reported in the HRXRD analysis. However, the XPS analysis above showed that the Pt 4 f looks like mainly Pt(0) or Pt metal. This is further supported by the fact that Pt oxidation is known to be highly passivating (McCabe et al., 1988) and that platinum oxide, PtO2 which is a relatively stable oxide of platinum (Remy, 1956) was confined to particle sizes < 0.75 nm and temperatures below 875 K (Lee and Chung, 1989). None of the reported TEM work show such sizes even at room temperature nor in the ceramics that were sintered at 1000oC. 176 I (c.p.s) EB (eV) Figure 8.58: Peak ratio Pt 4f 7/2 and 4f5/2 of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 dry-pressed ceramic sintered at 1000oC. The XPS valance band of pure and doped SnO2 is shown in Figure 8.59. The introduction of 3 wt. % Pt has modified the valance band top edge. These band of surface states just above the valance band edge are associated with the Pt surface states. Altman and Gorte (1989) and Henshaw et al. (1996) reported similar bands in additive-modified oxide semiconductors in their XPS and UPS analysis. In their case, the band of surface states is directly associated to the additive presence whilst in another case it was an indirect association with the additive presence (Sanjines et al., 1994). In the case of SnO2, surface band states was observed in sputtered tin oxide surfaces. The bridging oxygen ions have been 177 Intensity 230 I (arb. unit) 180 130 3 wt.%Pt-SnO2 80 SnO2 30 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 (eV) (eV) BindingEBenergy 4 3 2 1 0 -20 EEFF Figure 8.59: XPS valance band of the pure and doped SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. The introduction of Pt introduce a higher density of states between the Fermi level EF and the valence band. EB is the binding energy and EF is the Fermi energy. removed which give rise to a local SnO-like configuration which is the source of the new valence states (Themlin et al, 1990; Manassidis et al., 1995). When SnO2 was exposed to CH4, Kawabe et al. (2000) found that the Sn2+ associated bands increased. Thus, the evolution of the total density of the mentioned surface states was identical to that of the Pt chemical state concentrations. The band could arise from Pt +2 ions at the outermost layers of the Pt localised in the surface of the modified tin oxide crystallite which was observed and mentioned earlier. 8.11.4 Mössbauer spectroscopy analysis The Mössbauer spectrum at room temperature for pure SnO2 and doped SnO2 samples sintered at 1000oC are shown in Figures 8.60 and 8.61 respectively. 178 The doped sample showed higher intensity than the pure sample by an order of a magnitude. This indicates that the doped sample has more chemical environment due to the incorporation of Pt in SnO2. Figure 8.62 showed the combined results. I (c.p.s) v (mm/s) Figure 8.60: Mössbauer spectrum of pure SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. I (c.p.s) v (mm/s) Figure 8.61: Mössbauer spectrum of 3 wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 179 doped sample undoped sample v (mm/s) Figure 8.62: Combined Mossbauer spectrum of undoped (pure SnO2) and doped (3wt.% Pt-SnO2) sintered at 1000oC. undoped sample, a velocity of 1.2 mm/s was adequate to drop the intensity to half its peak value. For the doped sample, the FWHM was 0.9 mm/s. It is also noted that the doped sample shows distribution of velocities lie closer to the fitted line. The isomer shifts in pure SnO2 was - 0.21 mm/s whilst the isomer shifts for the doped SnO2 was - 0.18 mm/s. The strongly negative values of isomer shifts supports the view that tin ionicity in the modified ceramic matrix are greater than those in the pure SnO2. As the isomer shift values of the pure SnO2 was in the vincinity of – 0.21 mm/s fourfold coordination is the most probable for Sn4+ ions residing in the pure SnO2. The quadraople splitting for the pure sample was 0.22 mm/s and the quadrapole splitting for the doped sample was 0.61 mm/s. The large isomer shift and quadraople splitting values in the doped sample suggests that it is unfeasible for the sample to be assign to tetrahedrally coordinated Sn4+ ions. 180 8.11.5 NMR analysis The NMR chemical shifts (δ) of both pure SnO2 and doped SnO2 samples are referred with respect to SnCl2 as shown in Figure 8.63. The standard reference for 119Sn for NMR is tin tetramethyl but this is a flammable toxic liquid and therefore a secondary reference is often used whose chemical shift relative to tin tetramethyl is accurately known. Hence, SnCl2 is chosen. The oxidation state of the compound used as reference does not matter as long as the chemical shift is not too far removed from that of the SnO2. SnCl2 liquid gives a much narrower line than a solid (even when spun). Furthermore, a saturated solution of SnCl2 can be easily made whereas it is difficult to produce aqueous solutions of Sn (IV) compound. Typical NMR chemical shifts components of 119Sn for δ11, δ22, δ33 and δiso for the magnetic field applied were observed for both the pure and doped samples. The marked difference that was observed in the NMR chemical shifts was the high intensity for the case of the doped sample, again reflecting a much richer chemical environment as observed in both XPS and Mössbauer results. 12000 11000 10000 9000 8000 I (c.p.s.) 7000 undoped 6000 5000 doped 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 δ (ppm) Figure 8.63: Chemical shift (δ) with respect to SnCl2 solution for pure SnO2 and 3wt.% Pt-SnO2 sintered at 1000oC. 181 8.12 Summary and Conclusion The microstructure and physical properties of the Pt-SnO2 ceramics are summarized in Table 8.2. Table 8.2 Summary of microstructure and physical properties of the Pt-SnO2. Analysis (TGA) Comments sintering powders at temperatures >700oC is favourable as powder show no weight loss. Bulk Density ceramics sintered at 1000oC attained bulk denity exceeding full density of pure SnO2 ceramics. Bulk density increases with Pt loadings. Porosity porosity decreases with Pt loadings. BET BET specific surface area decreases with Pt loadings. Particle size increases with Pt loadings. Vickers Hardness Vicker hardness decreases with sintering temperature but increases with Pt loadings (bulk density). Elastic Modulus Bulk, Young and Shear Modulus increase with Pt loadings. (XRD) Pt in doped ceramic exist as Pt metal, resistance to oxidation up to 1000oC, mean crystallite size grew with Pt loadings. FTIR spectroscopy shows purity of starting powders, attaining vibration at 633 cm-1. 182 Analysis EDAX Comments could not detect Pt due to low concentration. SEM growth of grains with Pt loadings. TEM starting powders SnO2 and Pt were nanosized. AFM rough surface profile. XPS existence of Pt 2+ as a crust on Pt metal, existence of additional band of states. Mössbauer spectroscopy existence of richer chemical environment compared to pure sample. NMR spectroscopy chemical shifts shows richer chemical environment compared to pure sample. The microanalysis carried out showed that the Pt-SnO2 ceramics were physically strong and stable as an active element for the methane sensor. The rough surface of the doped ceramic is an additional feature which enhances the adsorption of methane during sensing. The existence of additional band of states or richer chemical environment is suggested to be the contributing factor for the ease of electrical conduction and producing good signal for methane sensing activity. Samples with 3 wt.%Pt-SnO2 were used for XPS, Mössbauer and NMR as the equipment was unable to detect any change (from the pure SnO2) at Pt loading < 3 wt.%. The observation made on the 3 wt.%Pt-SnO2 is assumed to be equally observed in the lower Pt loading ceramics. 183 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS 9.1 Summary of findings The findings reported in this thesis are solely based on the Pt-SnO2 ceramics which were produced by the dry pressing method. The incorporation of Pt in SnO2 was done by mechanically, homogeneously mixing Pt powder and SnO2 powder followed by sintering. This ceramic form of Pt-SnO2 serves as an active element for methane sensing in air. Electrical and microstructure characterization as well as its physical properties were investigated. The notable features of the home-made SECS are the reproducibility which makes the data acquisition reliable, long running time with temperature control and stabilization and easy switching from synthetic air to methane and vice versa. The SECS was capable of detecting methane in air via the voltage drop across the load resistance which was in series with the sensor element. This known voltage was converted to sensor resistance, conductance and sensitivity. There are two distinct regions of linearity between RL and RS when operating at 400oC in 25 000 ppm of methane. For 100 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 400 Ω, the slope is 3.64 whilst for 500 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 1000 Ω, the slope is 6.06. It was found that the optimum operating temperature for methane sensing in air was 400oC and the optimum composition was 0.5 wt.% Pt in SnO2. This optimum operating temperature is in agreement with other researchers and none has reported lower values that work very well. This is probably due to methane combustion at 400oC. The optimum 184 composition which utilizes only 0.5 wt.% Pt is a low value reported which economizes the usage of Pt. The inclusion of such a small amount of Pt in SnO2 has inevitably showed a large signal compared to pure SnO2. The choice of sintering the ceramic Pt-SnO2 at 1000oC was mainly for stability. In air, the resistance of the doped samples (0.1-1.0)wt.% Pt-SnO2 showed a maximum between temperatures of 100-200oC and decrease thereafter while the pure SnO2 did not show any maximum in the same temperature range 50-450oC. The corresponding activation energy of the samples showed higher value (0.29-0.43 eV) at temperatures > 200oC than at temperatures < 200oC (0.08-0.18 eV). In methane, the resistance of the 0.5wt.%Pt-SnO2 decreased between temperatures of 200-450oC and the activation energy was 0.21 eV for T ≥ 400oC up to 440oC and 0.48 eV for 200 ≤ T ≤ 400oC. The conductance in air for the doped samples increased with temperature (100-450)oC but its magnitude was less compared to the pure SnO2. However, the 0.5wt.%Pt-SnO2 ceramic in methane showed larger conductance (than in air) between temperatures (200450oC). The sample also obeyed the power law in the form G ~ p-0.5 and as the conductance decreased with the gas partial pressure, it indicates that the sample is an n-type semiconductor. The decrease in conductance was associated with the formation of chemisorbed oxygen at the sample surface. The conductance (G) methane gas concentration (c) formed the relationship G = kc0.35. The response and recovery times were greatly influenced by operating temperature, material composition, gas concentration and gas flow rate. The linear relationships between the response/recovery time the parameters could be utilized to further enhance the sensitivity of the doped material to methane in air. The TGA result suggested that the ideal sintering temperature for the PtSnO2 powder was at temperatures between 700-1000oC as there were no thermal change and mass loss in this temperature range. The density of the doped samples increased with temperature and the inclusion of Pt in SnO2 and sintered at 1000oC yielded ceramics with bulk density greater than the full density of the pure SnO2. The porosity of the doped ceramics decreased very slightly (negligible change) 185 with temperature. The BET analysis showed that the specific surface area decreased with sintering temperature and the particle size increased with sintering temperature. The Vickers hardness decreased with temperature. The Vickers hardness increased with Pt loadings for ceramics which were sintered at 1000oC. The inclusion of Pt in the SnO2 showed little change in the magnitudes of the Young, Bulk and Shear modulus. The magnitude of the moduli indicated that the doped Pt-SnO2 ceramics were relatively strong for gas sensing purposes. The XRD results showed that the doped ceramics are tetragonal cassiterite polycrystalline in nature. The doped ceramics have a higher intensity than the pure SnO2 ceramics probably due to the modification of the structure factor. The relative intensities calculations showed that high sintering temperature decreased the oxygen vacancies in the doped material to a certain extend. The oxygen vacancies was also greatly reduced at Pt loadings < 2 wt.%. The strain calculations showed that both the sintering temperature and Pt loadings could reduce the strain but not totally eradicating it. The distortions calculation also showed that the distortions observed are directly associated with the observed strain. The Raman-shift spectra of the doped ceramics showed that the inclusions of Pt in SnO2 resulted in the diminishing the modes at ~ 773 and 473 cm-1 but the mode A1g at ~ 633 cm-1 remained dominant. The FTIR spectroscopy results showed that there was a small amount H2O and OH radicals in both the starting materials. However, the inclusions of Pt in SnO2 led to almost the reduction of the prominent minimum at ~ 632 cm-1. The decrease in the FTIR transmissions spectrum in the doped samples was due to particle growth with Pt loadings and there was an overall increase in the absorption of the FTIR spectrum after exposure to 25 000 ppm CH4 at an operating temperature of 400oC. 186 The surface analysis showed that the Pt in the doped ceramics were mostly found as clusters on the surface. SEM micrographs showed that the doped samples grew in grain size as Pt loadings were increased. Faceted feature on the doped sample was an indication that the material was stable. The rough surface as shown by AFM topography provides an ideal adsorption sites for oxygen in ambient air. As indicated by HRXRD, the material has a rutile structure and this is shown as rounded grains in the SEM micrographs of the doped material. XPS data indicated that the specific surface area and absorbability of the doped material were larger than the undoped material. The state of Pt in the doped material was dominantly Pt metal. The inclusion of Pt in SnO2 gave rise to additional band of states which were supported by the NMR and Mössbauer analysis. In the light of the results from both electrical and microstructure analysis, the sensitised mechanism involved is of the chemical type. In this mechanism, the Pt acts as a chemical catalyst. The role of Pt is to increase the rate of reaction of the methane gas, which adsorbed on the metallic Pt clusters and latter moved or fashionly termed as `spillover’ the SnO2 surface. In other words, the process is called spillover. The evidences for this type of mechanism was clearly shown by the activation energy calculations in air and in methane and SEM micrographs which show Pt clusters both on the surface and in the bulk of the modified ceramics. This is in agreement to researchers like Bond et. al (1975) and Yamazoe (1991). In conclusion, the Pt-SnO2 ceramics have showed a remarkable electrical property which has satisfactorily sensed methane in air with high sensitivity. 187 9.2 Recommendations It is recommended that the following studies be attempted; 9 perform detection on desired methane concentration using gas blenders, 9 in situ microstructure analysis using built-in heater/temperature controller for temperatures 100-500oC. 188 REFERENCES Abe, J. (1980). 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C. power supply provides the sensor voltage. The flow controller is used to regulate the flow rate of gas up to 500 Standard Cubic Centimeter per Minute (sccm) into the sensor test chamber with a high precision (maximum error of ± 1 sccm) where 1sccm is equivalent to 1 milliliters per minute (ml/min). The rotary valve is used to switch from synthetic air to the various concentrations of CH4 in synthetic air and vise versa when measuring the response characteristics, while the gas injection port is used to inject concentrated CH4 into the flow of synthetic air for other types of experiments. The various gas cylinders contain synthetic air and various concentrations of CH4 in synthetic air from 50 ppm to 25000 ppm. The Gas Sensor Test Chamber (GSTC) The Gas Sensor Test Chamber (GSTC) is the most important and indispensable part of the GSCS. All of the parameters investigated in the study are varied or controlled in this chamber. 229 Figure A2 shows the basic design of the GSTC. The main structure consists of two aluminum blocks and a borosilicate glass tube of inner diameter (ID) 6.3 cm, outer diameter (OD) of 7.0 cm and a height of 13.0 cm, which implies a volume of about 405 cm3, held together in a vertical position. The aluminum blocks are secured to the glass interface by means of gaskets applied to all mating surfaces, while screws via four stainless steel rods tighten these blocks together. The chamber is airtight and on one side of the bottom and top aluminum blocks, gas inlet and outlet ports have been drilled. These are fitted with Swagelok screws for securing a teflon tube of 3 mm inner diameter for conveying gas into the chamber and over the sample. The Reaction Unit Figure A3 shows details of the reaction unit in the GSTC where the sensor elements interact with gas flowing over it at a particular flow rate. Temperature control in the reaction unit is provided by a type K thermocouple that is connected to the temperature controller which regulates a D. C. power supply to a heater coil mounted and secured by screws to the bottom of the chamber. The heater coil consists of a high-wattage molybdenum resistor wire (Aldrich) of about 1.5 meter length and a diameter of 0.5 mm coiled into a compact form that fits inside an alumina tube forming the reaction unit. Synthetic air and premixed concentrations of CH4/air can be introduced into the chamber via a gas inlet port bored into the aluminum block at the bottom of the chamber and out through a similar gas outlet at the top of the chamber. This vertical configuration of the gas sensor test chamber is justified because of the fact that CH4 is lighter than air and, therefore, floats upwards and reduces the possibility of its accumulation at the bottom of the chamber when the experiment is being run. 230 Figure A1: Schematic diagram illustrating the Gas Sensor Characterization System (GSCS). 231 Figure A2: Schematic diagram of the Gas Sensor Test Chamber (GSTC). Reaction unit Gas Figure A3: The Reaction Unit and Sensor Probe. 232 APPENDIX D The Data Acquisition System 233 The Displayed Data 234 Data Obtained (Extracts from Microsoft Excel Sheet) The raw data are in columns 1 and 2. Column 1 displays the time and column 2 are the corresponding load voltage. Column 3, 4 and 5 are calculated values of the sensor resistance Rs, the corresponding conductance and sensitivity respectively. second 3.129375 4.169375 5.209375 6.259375 7.299375 8.339375 9.389375 10.42937 11.47937 12.51937 13.55937 14.60938 15.64937 16.68937 17.73937 18.77938 19.81937 20.86938 21.90937 22.94938 23.99937 25.03938 26.08937 27.12938 28.16937 29.21938 VL(volts) 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.33201 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.33201 0.33201 0.33201 0.33201 Rs 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 41467.4 41467.4 41467.4 41467.4 G 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.41E-05 2.41E-05 2.41E-05 2.41E-05 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.649337 5.649337 5.649337 5.649337 1692.579 1693.619 1694.669 1695.709 1696.749 1697.799 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 0.35154 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 39124.77 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 2.56E-05 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vs = 20V RL=700 ptp5,1000 100 sccm . . . The time for running this experiment was 1698 s or 28 minutes and 3 seconds. 235 APPENDIX E Calculation of FWHM, β The mean crystallite size of the samples can be calculated using Scherrer's equation (Cullity, 1978) , RX = 0.9 λ/β cos θ (4.12) β2 = βm2 - βi2 and where λ is the wavelength of the x-ray radiation, θ is the diffraction angle. βm is the measured FWHM and βi is the FWHM from a Si standard and β is the corrected FWHM. The value of βi is due to the instrument broadening which is just the FWHM value of the Si standard. A plot of FWHM against 2θ is as shown below. FWHM (radians) Graph of FWHM against 2θ SILICON STANDARD 0.160 0.150 0.140 0.130 0.120 0.110 0.100 0.090 0.080 FWHM = 5x10-5(2θ)x2 - 0.0022(2θ)+ 0.1204 0 10 20 30 40 50 2θ (degrees) Thus βi=5x10-5(2θ)2 – 0.0022(2θ) + 0.1204. With known values of βm and βi, the value of β can then be calculated. 60 236 PUBLICATIONS 1. Zuhairi Ibrahim, John Ojur Dennis, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim and Md Rahim Sahar (2001). Development of a sensor characterization system (SCS) for testing semiconductor ceramic material as a gas sensor element. Solid State Science and Technology (2001). 9: 1-8. 2. Zuhairi Ibrahim, John Ojur Dennis, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim and Md Rahim Sahar (2001). Sensitivity, response and recovery time of Pd-SnO2 semiconductor ceramic material for methane sensing. Jurnal Fizik UTM (2001). 8: 23-30. 3. Zuhairi Ibrahim, John Ojur Dennis, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim and Md Rahim Sahar. (2001). Characterization of SnO2-Pd as an active semiconductor ceramic material for methane sensing. Proceedings of National Seminar on Advanced Materials Development in Malaysia-2001. May 15-16. Johor Bahru, Malaysia: FME (UTM), 60-64. 4. Zuhairi Ibrahim, John Ojur Dennis, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim and Md Rahim Sahar. (2002). XRD analysis on pure and platinum doped stannic oxide ceramics produced by dry pressing. Proceedings of Malaysian Science and Technology Congress(MSTC) 2002(Symposium A Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology). September 19-21. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: MSTC, 15-18. 237 5. John Ojur Dennis, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim, Zuhairi Ibrahim, Mohd Khairi Saidin (2002). Hysterisis behaviour of sensitivity in CH4 detection in air using SnO2 with Pd as sensitizing additive. Jurnal Teknologi (2002). 36(C): 55-60. 6. Zuhairi Ibrahim, John Ojur Dennis, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim (2002). SEM analysis on undoped stannic oxide and platinum doped stannic oxide as an active element for gas sensing in air. Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Conference Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia (2002). December 17 & 18. Johor Bahru, Malaysia: EMSM&IMM, 145-148. 7. Zuhairi Ibrahim, Zulkafli Othman and Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim (2003). Morphological examination of undoped stannic oxide and platinum doped stannic oxide for gas sensing in air. Journal of the Institute of Materials Malaysia(JIMM) 2003. 4(2):107-116. 8. Zuhairi Ibrahim, Zulkafli Othman, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim and Mohd Khairi Saidin, Rosli Husin (2003). On optimum composition of platinumdoped stannic oxide as an active element for methane sensing in air via sensitivity measurements. Solid State Science and Technology Letter (2003). 10(2):15-20. 9. Zuhairi Ibrahim, Zulkafli Othman, Mohd Mustamam Abd Karim (2004). The effect of Pt in SnO2 ceramics for methane sensing in air. To be published in Solid State Science and Technology Letters 2004.