Saurabh Morchhale, V. Paúl Pauca, Robert J. Plemmons, and Todd C. Torgersen
Wake Forest University
Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
We investigate classification from pixel-level fusion of Hyperspectral (HSI) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
data using convolutional neural networks (CNN). HSI and
LiDAR imaging are complementary modalities increasingly
used together for geospatial data collection in remote sensing. HSI data is used to glean information about material
composition and LiDAR data provides information about the
geometry of objects in the scene. Two key questions relative to classification performance are addressed: the effect of
merging multi-modal data and the effect of uncertainty in the
CNN training data. Two recent co-registered HSI and LiDAR
datasets are used here to characterize performance. One was
collected, over Houston TX, by the University of Houston
National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping with NSF sponsorship, and the other was collected, over Gulfport MS, by
Universities of Florida and Missouri with NGA sponsorship.
Index Terms— LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imaging, Convolutional Neural Networks, Data Fusion.
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) combines the power of digital
imaging and spectroscopy. Imaging spectrometers gather data
over a wide and continuous band of the electromagnetic spectrum, which can be used to accurately determine the composition of objects and ground cover in a scene. When the images
are acquired at high spatial resolution and co-registered, the
resulting data provide a robust and detailed characterization
of the earth’s surface and its constituent elements.
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a remote sensing
method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure
ranges (variable distances) to objects in a scene. These light
pulses combined with other data recorded by the airborne
system generate precise, three-dimensional information about
the elevation and shape of the Earth’s surface characteristics.
In recent years, it has been shown that remote sensing
tasks, such as scene reconstruction, feature enhancement, and
classification of targets, are improved when co-registered HSI
and LiDAR data are used jointly. This has spurred active research into methods that can reliably fuse and extract information from these complementary sensing modalities. A number of feature-level fusion techniques have been developed
that combine features extracted individually to produce a new
feature set that better represents the scene [1, 2, 3, 4]. For
example, Dalponte, Bruzzone, and Gianelle [5] apply the sequential forward floating selection method to extract features
from denoised hyperspectral data. These features are then
integrated with corrected elevation and intensity models derived from the LiDAR data and classified using support vector machines and Gaussian maximum likelihood techniques.
As part of the winning entry for the 2013 GRSS Data Fusion Contest, Debes et al. [1] combined abundance maps obtained through an spectral unmixing procedure with LiDAR
data, providing topological information to the classification
process. A flexible strategy based on morphological features
and subspace multinomial logistic regression was presented
in [2] for jointly classifying HSI and LiDAR data without the
need for regularization parameters.
More recently, the use of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) has been proposed for classification of hyperspectral imagery [6, 7]. In deep learning, neural networks of
three or more layers are used to learn deep features of input
data and can provide better approximations to nonlinear functions than single-layer classifiers, such as linear support vector machines. Inspired by visual mechanisms in living organisms, CNNs consists of layers of neurons whose outputs are
combined through convolution. Some applications of CNNs
include material classification, object detection, and face and
speech recognition.
Here, we are concerned with the classification performance of CNNs when HSI and LiDAR data are combined
at the pixel level [8], that is, before feature extraction in the
classification process. In this type of fusion LiDAR elevation
data is replicated and appended to HSI data for each pixel
in the scene. This combined data is then processed with a
multilayer CNN similar to that proposed in [7] to learn the
filters producing the strongest response to local input patterns. Pixel-level fusion can have an advantage over other
techniques in that it tends to avoid loss of information that
may occur during the feature extraction process [9].
This paper is motivated by the thesis work of Saurabh
Morchhale [10]. We characterize classification performance
by modifying the CNN parameters and investigate robustness
to classification errors in the training data. We apply our
techniques to sample classification problems using two wellknown Hyperspectral and LiDAR datasets that have been recently developed for test purposes.
2.1. Data Fusion
We assume that the LiDAR and HSI datasets are georeferenced and have been pre-processed to have the same
spatial resolution, providing information for the same surface
area over the Earth. Let column vector h(x, y) ∈ RM1 denote
the spectral response over M1 channels and d(x, y) ∈ RM2
denote a column vector of components derived from the LiDAR data, such as elevation and LiDAR intensity, at each
point (x, y) in a regularly spaced grid over the observed surface. Further, each component of d(x, y) is scaled to ensure
balance among the fused data sources.
We define a new data vector for point (x, y) as follows:
h(x, y)
g(x, y) =
d(x, y) ⊗ 1
where ⊗ is the Kronecker product, 1 is a column vector of
ones and hence d(x, y) ⊗ 1 is a repetition of the LiDAR components. The length of vector 1 is an additional parameter that
we include in the characterization of performance of CNN for
fused LiDAR and HSI data. In general, the repetition of LiDAR data, relative to the length of the HSI vector, can be used
as a form of weighting the desired influence of one modality
over the other in the classification procedure.
2.2. Convolutional Neural Networks
A convolutional neural network is a multilayer neural network
inspired by the organization of neurons in the animal visual
cortex [11]. It generally consists of one or more convolutional
layers and intermediate subsampling layers, followed by at
least one fully connected layer.
Here, we consider the CNN architecture recently developed in [7] for processing HSI data. In our case, the input layer consists of the fused vectors g(x, y) from equation (1). For simplicity, we use a single index i to enumerate these vectors in the spatial domain, i.e. gi = g(x, y)
for i ∈ {1, 2, ..., N }, where N is the total number of spatial
points (x, y) in the dataset. The convolution layer consists of
a set of K 1-D filter vectors, {fk }, of fixed length. In this
layer, each of these filters is convolved with gi to produce
ui,k = tanh(gi ? fk ), where ? is the convolution operation.
In the max pooling layer, ui,k are subsampled by taking the
maxima over non-overlapping regions of length 2, producing
vectors usi,k of half the size. Next, the subsampled vectors
usi,k are stacked together as
usi = usi1 , usi2 , · · · , usiK
which is then used as input for the hidden neuron layer, producing output vector yi . This process is expressed as:
yi = f (W(h) usi ) + b(h) ,
where W(h) is the weight matrix associated with the hidden
neuron layer and b(h) is a vector of unit bias. The number
of rows, P , in W(h) corresponds to the number of neurons in
the layer. The function f (·) is the layer’s activation function
defined as f (x) = tanh(x) applied element-wise to the input
vector in equation (2). Finally, yi is passed through the output
layer to produce,
exp (W(o) yi + b(o) ),
ti ,
kti k1
where the softmax function is applied to W(o) yi +b(o) . Here,
W(o) is the weight matrix associated with the output layer,
and b(o) is a vector of unit bias. The number of rows, C, in
W(o) corresponds to the number of labeled classes specified
during the training phase of the CNN. The final output vector
zi contains the estimated class probabilities for the classification of input vector gi .
2.3. Optimization of Class Probabilities
During the training phase of a CNN, an objective function
measuring the classification error for the sample training data
is minimized. Let {gi }N
i=1 denote the set of Nt samples used
for training and let {Lj }C
j=1 denote the set of C classification labels. Further, let x denote a vector of all the trainable
parameters, specifically, {fk }, W(h) , b(h) , W(o) , and b(o) .
Recall that zi in equation (4) is a vector of length C; let zi,j
denote the j th component of vector zi .
We define the following objective function:
J(x) = −
where δij =
Nt X
1 X
δi,j log(zi,j ),
Nt i=1 j=1
if gi belongs to class Lj ,
Equation (5) is the well-known logarithmic loss function
which is used to maximize predictive accuracy by rewarding
correct classifications that are made with a high probability,
i.e., whenever zi,j is close to 1 and sample gi ∈ Lj .
We minimize (5) using a standard gradient descent approach. Starting with an initial guess x0 for a local minimum
of J(x), we compute:
xn+1 = xn − αn ∇J(xn ),
where ∇J(xn ) is the gradient of J. In our implementation
the step size αn is kept constant with αn = 0.08. We stop
iterating when the relative error in the cost function is sufficiently small; this serves as a regularization constraint which
tends to avoid overfitting.
We first employ the 2013 IEEE GRSS DF Contest dataset [12]
to characterize classification performance. This dataset consists of a hyperspectral image of 144 spectral bands and a
Digital Surface Model (DSM) derived from airborne LiDAR
at a 2.5m spatial resolution. There are 1903 × 329 pixels in
the scene and true labels are known for only a small subset
of these pixels. We utilized a total 2832 known (labeled)
pixels spread over all C = 15 classes to form our fused
dataset {gi }, with the LiDAR DSM value repeated 16 times
or 11% relative to the length of the HSI vector. Too small a
recurrence of the LiDAR value yields no improvement while
too large a recurrence tends to decrease overall classification.
We found that 11% to 14% LiDAR recurrence produced best
classification results.
The size of the training dataset relative to that of the test
dataset is an important consideration of practical value. Too
large a training dataset can lead to overfitting and is also unrealistic in most imaging applications. To avoid overfitting,
we adopt the technique proposed in [13]. We partition the
fused dataset {gi } into three subsets: training, validation, and
testing. Specifically we choose 900 observation vectors (60
samples per class) for training, 900 observation vectors for
validation, and 1032 observation vectors for testing, to characterize the classification accuracy of our CNN approach. In
addition, we use K = 40 convolution filters and P = 60
neurons in the fully connected layer.
3.1. Classification Accuracy
Figure 1 compares the classification accuracy obtained with
HSI data alone and with fused HSI and LiDAR data. As can
be observed, the accuracy in the CNN output is roughly 10%
higher for the fused vectors relative to classification via the
HSI data alone. Moreover an accuracy of 80% is reached in
55 iterations (or epochs) compared to 160 for the HSI data.
Table 1 shows the complete error matrix for all classes in the
dataset. Notice that accuracies of over 98% are achieved for
stressed grass, trees, soil, tennis court and running track.
Pixel-level fusion can introduce additional variability
across HSI classes, as can be observed in Figure 2. Notice
Fig. 2. Fused data vectors for pixels with similar hyperspectral response.
how adding the LiDAR component significantly increases
the distinction between commercial buildings and highways
and between residential buildings and parking lot 1 spectral
traces. The complementary nature of HSI and LiDAR enables
this gain in variability across HSI classes.
3.2. Error in the Training Data
In this experiment, we consider the possibility of misclassification error in the training data due to human or preprocessing oversight. To do this we randomly switch the
labels for a percentage of the 900 data vectors gi used for
training of the CNN. We then classify the 1932 testing data
vectors using the so-trained CNN. Table 2 shows the effect
of up to 20% misclassification error in the training data on
the true positive classification. Interestingly, the algorithm
appears, in most cases, to be impervious to such error, except
for classes with relative low true positive classification. Corresponding results are also shown in Table 2 for classification
using HSI data only.
3.3. Overall Image Classification
Fig. 1. Comparison of classification accuracy, HSI vs. fused
HSI-LiDAR, for the 2013 IEEE GRSS DF Contest dataset.
A visual comparison in the classification of all the pixels of
the 2013_IEEE_GRSS_DF_Contest dataset is given in
Figure 3. For these results, 100 known pixels per class were
used for training of the CNN instead of 60 (a ratio of 1.13:1
between training and test datasets). This change in the size of
the training data resulted in approximately 1% improvement
relative to the error matrix results shown in Table 1.
Table 1. The classification accuracies (HSI vs Fused) for 2013 IEEE GRSS DF Contest dataset.
HSI | Fused
Healthy grass
Stressed grass
Synthetic grass
Parking Lot 1
Parking Lot 2
Tennis Court
Running Track
Lot 1
Lot 2
96% | 95%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
6% | 2%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
4% | 5%
100% | 100%
0% | 0%
3% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
98% | 95%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
91% | 98%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
98% | 98%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
2% | 0%
0% | 1%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
6% | 0%
2% | 3%
0% | 0%
0% | 2%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
91% | 93%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
3% | 3%
85% | 90%
1% | 1%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
17% | 9%
2% | 0%
8% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 4%
54% | 87%
2% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 5%
9% | 0%
0% | 1%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 1%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
10% | 0%
52% | 82%
14% | 1%
2% | 0%
32% | 32%
17% | 7%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 1%
0% | 0%
1% | 0%
2% | 0%
0% | 0%
2% | 0%
37% | 3%
62% | 85%
3% | 3%
15% | 3%
5% | 2%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 3%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
4% | 6%
0% | 1%
5% | 7%
7% | 6%
73% | 83%
3% | 1%
0% | 6%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 1%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 2%
7% | 0%
3% | 11%
3% | 2%
17% | 8%
5% | 5%
42% | 52%
11% | 9%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 1%
2% | 2%
1% | 0%
28% | 0%
1% | 4%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 7%
46% | 69%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
2% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 1%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 2%
100% | 99%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
0% | 0%
1% | 2%
0% | 0%
100% | 98%
Table 2. The classification accuracies for 2013 IEEE GRSS DF Contest dataset on introduction of noise.
HSI | Fused
% Error
No Error
10 %
15 %
20 %
Lot 1
Lot 2
96% | 95%
98% | 95%
96% | 96%
97% | 96%
96% | 96%
93% | 97%
100% | 100%
100% | 100%
100% | 100%
100% | 100%
100% | 100%
100% | 100%
98% | 95%
98% | 95%
86% | 96%
98% | 100%
98% | 100%
99% | 100%
91% | 98%
97% | 98%
82% | 99%
95% | 99%
95% | 97%
97% | 98%
98% | 98%
98% | 99%
98% | 100%
99% | 100%
100% | 100%
100% | 100%
91% | 93%
92% | 92%
91% | 93%
93% | 97%
94% | 96%
93% | 95%
85% | 90%
81% | 85%
81% | 91%
71% | 93%
58% | 92%
70% | 91%
54% | 87%
53% | 86%
53% | 86%
47% | 85%
54% | 91%
46% | 92%
52% | 82%
59% | 85%
53% | 85%
68% | 84%
79% | 71%
56% | 65%
62% | 85%
60% | 89%
54% | 82%
53% | 85%
47% | 85%
50% | 79%
73% | 83%
79% | 83%
45% | 75%
69% | 78%
71% | 82%
69% | 75%
42% | 52%
39% | 58%
50% | 44%
38% | 55%
37% | 48%
39% | 40%
46% | 69%
53% | 59%
52% | 61%
49% | 52%
37% | 56%
69% | 59%
100% | 99%
100% | 99%
100% | 99%
100% | 99%
100% | 99%
98% | 100%
100% | 98%
100% | 98%
100% | 98%
100% | 98%
98% | 98%
100% | 98%
Fig. 4. MUUFL Gulfport dataset: CNN using HSI data only
(left) and fused HSI and LiDAR data (middle). Google map
view (right).
Fig. 3. 2013 IEEE GRSS DF Contest dataset: CNN using
HSI data only (top) and fused HSI and LiDAR data (middle).
Google map view (bottom).
3.4. MUUFL Gulfport Dataset
We also applied the algorithm to a subset of the MUUFL
Gulfport dataset [14, 15] which consists of a hyperspectral
image of 58 spectral bands and co-registered LiDAR elevation and intensity data. There are 320 × 360 pixels in this
dataset. For training purposes we selected 60 pixels for 12
known classes and used additional 1620 labeled pixels for
testing. Repetition of the LiDAR elevation and intensity components was set to 5. We use K = 20 convolution filters and
P = 20 neurons in the fully connected layer. Classes labeled
Targets 1-4 correspond to materials placed on the ground.
Our experimental results suggest that pixel-level data fusion
can be an effective approach to improving accuracy of convolutional neural network classifiers, by roughly 10% compared to classification via HSI alone. Similar results have
been found relative to the improvement of classification due
to fusion in non-CNN approaches [16]. Whether CNN provides better results compared to non-CNN methods is a topic
of future research, though our results seem to suggest that
higher accuracies can be achieved.
Future work includes exploitation of the natural correlation among nearby pixels. Nearby pixels may be expected to
be highly correlated in their spectral signatures, their LiDAR
elevations, and in their LiDAR intensities. We believe the results presented here can be extended to use 3-D convolution
to further improve classification accuracy and we plan further
experiments with the MUUFL Gulfport dataset. We will also
consider the question of whether the convolution steps of our
CNN will tolerate some registration errors between the two
The authors would like to thank the Hyperspectral Image Analysis group and the NSF Funded Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) at the University of Houston for providing the data sets used in this study, and the
IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Technical Committee for organizing the 2013 Data Fusion Contest. The authors also thank
P. Gader, A. Zare, R. Close, J. Aitken, G. Tuell, the University of Florida, and the University of Missouri for sharing the
“MUUFL Gulfport Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Collection” acquired with NGA funding. In addition, the authors
thank the reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
This research was supported in part by the U.S. Air
Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under Grant
no. FA9550-15-1-0286.
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