OPTIMUM OVERHANG GEOMETRY FOR HIGH RISE OFFICE BUILDING ENERGY SAVING IN TROPICAL CLIMATES DILSHAN REMAZ OSSEN UNIVERSITY TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara _______________________ dengan _______________________ Disahkan oleh : ……………………………………………………………………… Tandatangan : …………………………………. Nama : ………………………………… Tarikh : Jawatan : ………………………………… (Cop rasmi) * Jika penyediaan tesis/projek melibatkan kerjasama. . . BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam : Nama Penyelia Lain (jika ada) : Asst. Prof. Dr. Noor Hanita Bt Abdul Majid Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design International Islamic University Malaysia JalanGombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Rashid Bin Embi Department of Architecture Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Skudai, Johor Bahru ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Disahkan oleh Penolong Pendaftar di SPS: Tandatangan : …………………………………… Nama : GANESAN A/L ANDIMUTHU Tarikh : …………….. OPTIMUM OVERHANG GEOMETRY FOR HIGH RISE OFFICE BUILDING ENERGY SAVING IN TROPICAL CLIMATES DILSHAN REMAZ OSSEN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia SEPTEMBER, 2005 ii iii To: My Beloved Father, Mother and Brother iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My deepest gratitude goes to my main thesis supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hamdan Ahmad for his valuable and close supervision, guidance, comments, resources, encouragement, motivation, inspirations and friendship rendered throughout the study. I am also very thankful to my co-supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Haliza Madros for her critics advice, guidance, motivation and friendship. Without their continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. The author wishes to acknowledge the Public Service Department, Malaysia and the Malaysian Government for the scholarship. I also acknowledge the Malaysia’s High Commissioner and the staff (year 2001-2002) of the Malaysian High Commission in Sri Lanka for offering the opportunity and information regarding the Malaysian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan. My thanks also go to Mr. T. K. Azoor and the steering committee members of COSLAM for their encouragement and support in obtaining the scholarship. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the Department of Architecture for accepting me as one of their doctorate students. A special thanks to Mdm. Halimah Yahya for her assistance in obtaining the required weather data and also for her friendship and support. Many thanks also go to Agung Murti for helping with the graphics and Roshida with the translations. My sincere gratitude also goes to those who have provided assistance in many ways at various occasions: Dr. R. Emmanuel from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; Prof. Dr. Najib Ibrahim, Assoc. Prof. Syed Zainol Abidin Idid and family and Dr. Mohd. Tetsu Kubota from UTM. Thank also due to Shahzarimin and his family, Azril and his family, Dr. M. Mukhlis, Dr. Monzurul Alam, Kamarudzaman, Syed Hossin, Adil, Asif, Ashiq, Rumi, Jami, Kayser and Arif for their brotherhood and friendship. I am also grateful to Tilak and family, Praveena and her family, my cousins Suzaniya & Remano and Mr. & Mrs. Ramzan for their constant concern and moral support. My heartiest and utmost gratitude goes to my dear father, mother and brother for their patience, sacrifices, understanding, constant concern, moral support and prayers during the course of my study. Finally, I thank Almighty Allah for giving me patience, courage, strength, mercy, guidance and blessings to face all challenges in life and to complete this thesis successfully. v ABSTRACT Intercepting the radiant heat wave using external solar shading before penetrating to the internal environment through the envelope openings is the main criterion to prevent solar heat gains into the building. In hot and humid climates, one draw back of using the external shading device is the risk of reducing daylight level in the interior space, which in turn increases the use of artificial lighting. Therefore, it is important to understand the magnitude of energy consumption for cooling and lighting when shading devices are adapted in order to propose optimum external horizontal shading device strategies as design solutions in hot and humid climates. This study investigates the effect of six different depths of external horizontal shading device on incident solar radiation, transmitted solar heat gains, natural-light penetration, building cooling and energy consumption. The experiment was carried out using a standard, single fenestration perimeter office room in a typical high-rise office building. The investigation is conducted using the eQUEST-3 dynamic energy simulation program supported by the DOE2.2 calculation engine. The results showed that overhang ratios of 1.2, 1.6, 0.6 and 0.8 reduced the incident direct solar radiation more than 80% on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. The target illuminance of 500lux for internal lighting was obtained for overhang ratios of 1.0, 1.3, 0.2 and 1.0 on respective orientations. Further, findings indicated that deeper natural light penetration can be achieved through the bare window under Malaysian sky conditions compared to the common rule of thumb of 2.5 times the window height on all orientations considered. The findings also revealed that optimum energy savings of 14%, 11%, 6% and 8% were achieved by optimum overhang ratios of 1.3, 1.2 and 1.0 on the east, west and north, south orientations respectively. This study concludes, considering the trade off between total heat gain and natural-light penetration to optimize the total energy consumption as the best option in designing external solar shading in hot and humid climates. vi ABSTRAK Pemintasan pancaran haba dari matahari menggunakan alat redupan luaran sebelum menembusi persekitaran dalaman melalui bukaan adalah ciri-ciri utama bagi mengelakkan pertambahan haba solar di dalam bangunan. Dalam iklim panas dan lembap, satu kelemahan menggunakan alat redupan adalah risiko terhadap pengurangan kadar cahaya siang yang mana boleh sebaliknya meningkatkan penggunaan cahaya buatan pula. Oleh itu adalah penting bagi memahami magnitud penggunaan tenaga untuk penyejukan dan pencahayaan apabila alat redupan digunakan bagi mencadangkan strategi menggunakan alat redupan mendatar luaran yang optimum sebagai penyelesaian rekabentuk dalam iklim panas dan lembap. Kajian ini juga menilai kesan enam perbezaan lebar alat redupan mendatar luaran terhadap insiden gelombang suria, penambahan transmisi kepanasan suria, kemasukan cahaya semulajadi, penyejukan bangunan dan penggunaan tenaga. Kajian ini dijalankan melalui simulasi fenestrasi sebuah bilik pejabat dalam bangunan tinggi yang dianggap tipikal. Penilaian ini dikendalikan menggunakan eQUEST – 3, satu program simulasi tenaga yang dinamik berbantukan mesin pengiraan DOE2.2. Keputusan menunjukkan nisbah unjuran 1.2, 1.6, 0.6 dan 0.8 dapat mengurangkan penerimaan pancaran haba terus matahari lebih daripada 80% pada arah timur, barat, utara dan selatan. Sasaran illuminasi 500lux untuk pengcahayaan dalaman dicapai pada nisbah unjuran 1.0, 1.3, 0.2 dan 1.0 pada arah yang sama. Seterusnya, penemuan mendapati kemasukan cahaya semulajadi melalui tingkap yang terdedah di bawah keadaan awan Malaysia adalah lebih jauh berbanding dengan 2.5 kali ketinggian tingkap ygmenjadi kebiasaan pada semua arah yang diambil kira. Penemuan juga mendedahkan bahawa penjimatan tenaga yang optima pada 14%, 11%, 65 dan 8% dapat dicapai dengan nisbah unjuran yang optima 1.3 dan 1.2 untuk 1.0 pada timur dan barat untuk utara dan selatan. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa penggunaan alat redupan dengan mengambil kira imbangan jumlah penambahan haba dan pancaran cahaya semulajadi bagi mencapai jumlah penggunaan tenaga yang optima adalah pilihan terbaik bagi rekabentuk redupan luaran dalam iklim panas dan lembap. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE THESIS TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) v ABSTRAK (BAHASA MELAYU) vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xvi LIST OF FIGURES xxi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xxx LIST OF SYMBOLS xxxiii LIST OF APPENDIXES xxxix GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The Problem Statement 4 1.3 Research Hypothesis 5 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Research Gap 6 1.6 Research Objective 9 1.7 Scope and Limitations 10 1.8 Importance of the Research 12 viii 1.9 Thesis Organization 2 SOLAR RADIATION AND ANALYSIS OF MALAYSIAN SKY CONDITIONS 2.1 Solar Radiation: Source of Heat and Light 17 2.2 Solar Geometry 18 2.3 Solar Distribution 19 2.3.1 Solar Intensity 20 2.3.2 Components of Solar Radiation: Direct, Diffuse and Reflected Radiation 20 2.4 Solar Radiation Calculation 2.5 2.6 3 13 22 2.4.1 Calculation of Clear Sky Solar Radiation 23 2.4.2 Solar Radiation Calculations on Horizontal Surfaces 24 2.4.3 Solar Radiation Calculations on Vertical Surfaces 25 Analysis of Kuala Lumpur Sky Conditions 26 2.5.1 Sky Condition 27 2.5.2 Solar Radiation Analysis 30 2.5.3 Outdoor Design Temperature Analysis 37 2.5.4 Exterior Illuminance Analysis 40 Summary 47 ENERGY USE IN HIGH-RISE BUILDING, HEAT GAIN AND SOLAR SHADING 3.1 Energy Consumption Pattern in Malaysia 3.1.1 Energy Consumption in Buildings Energy Efficient Building Codes and Standards 50 51 52 ix 3.1.2 Basic Principles of Energy Efficiency in High-rise Buildings 54 Climate Rejecting Building 55 Climate Adapted Building 56 Combination of Climate Adapted and Climate Rejected Building 57 3.1.3 Review Related Research on High-Rise Office Building 59 High-rise Building Form and Orientation 60 High-Rise Building Core 62 The Floor Plan 64 Building Envelope 66 Court Yards, Atria, Wind Scoops and Open Corridors 68 3.2 Heat Gains 3.2.1 Modes of Heat Transfer in Buildings 69 69 Conduction 69 Convection 70 Radiation 70 3.2.2 Types of Heat Transfer in Buildings 71 Heat Transfer through Building Fabric 71 Heat Gain through Window 72 Infiltration 78 Impact of Electric Lighting 79 Occupants Heat Gains 81 Equipment Heat Gains 81 3.3 Solar Shading 82 x 3.3.1 Analysis of Types of Shading Devices 84 Orientation 84 Vegetation 85 Internal Devices 86 External Devices 88 3.3.2 Method of Designing a Shading Device 90 Shadow Angles 90 Shading Mask and Sun-Path Diagram 91 Awning Geometry 94 3.3.3 Heat Gain through Externally Shaded Window 96 3.3.4 Effectiveness of External Shading Device 98 3.3.5 Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Shading Device 99 Geometry of External Shading Device 99 Surface Properties and Color 103 Location of Shading Device 104 Effectiveness of Different External Horizontal Shading Methods 105 Shading Device Optical Properties 105 3.3.6 External Shading Device and Side-lit Daylight Concept 109 Adequate Illuminance on the Work Surface 111 Daylight Factor and Sun Illuminance Ratio 112 Daylight –Electric Light Integration 116 3.3.7 Research on Solar Shading 119 xi Shading Strategies and Solar Radiation 119 Shading Strategies and Daylight 121 Solar Shading and Energy Related Experiments 124 Solar Shading Design Methods 127 Solar Shading and Human Perception 128 3.4 Summary 4 129 METHODOLOGY 4.1 The Need for the Experiment 132 4.2 Development of Simplified Office Room Configuration 133 4.2.1 Office Room Geometry 134 4.2.2 Window Size and Work Plane Height 134 4.2.3 External Overhang 135 4.2.4 Office Room Characteristics 137 4.3 Methods of Energy Evaluation 137 4.3.1 Simplified Energy Calculation Methods 138 4.3.2 Detailed Energy Calculation Methods 139 4.4 Methods of Studying Energy in Buildings 141 4.4.1 Manual Calculation Methods 142 4.4.2 Field Experiment or Full Scale Method 142 4.4.3 Computer Simulation 143 4.5 Selection of Computer Program 144 4.5.1 Experimental Requirement 145 4.5.2 Review of Energy Simulation Programs 146 xii 4.6 The eQUEST-3 Computer Simulation Program 4.6.1 Simulation Procedure 5 147 148 Step I: Data Requirement 149 Step II: Preparation of the Models 149 Step III: Detailed Interface-Selecting Simulation Parameters and Perform Simulation 155 Step IV: Review Simulation Results 157 4.6.2 Simulation Limitations 158 4.6.3 Simulation Design Conditions 160 Office Room Characteristics 160 Indoor Design Conditions 160 Internal Load 162 Operating Schedules 163 Outdoor Design Conditions 163 4.7 Simulation Analysis Criteria 165 4.8 Summary 169 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: SOLAR RADIATION AND WORK PLANE ILLUMINANCE 5.1 Incident and Transmitted Solar Radiation 171 5.1.1 East Orientation 172 5.1.2 West orientation 175 5.1.3 North Orientation 179 5.1.4 South Orientation 182 5.1.5 Influence of Solar Radiation Components on Base Case Model 184 xiii 5.1.6 Impact of Overhang on Direct Solar Radiation Incident on Window 188 5.1.7 Impact of Overhang on Diffuse Solar Radiation Incident on Window 190 5.1.8 Impact of Overhang on Transmitted and ReTransmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window System 191 Hourly Variation of Transmitted and Re-Transmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window System 5.2 Absolute Work Plane Illuminance 5.2.1 East Orientation Window Height to Room Depth RatioEast Orientation 5.2.2 West Orientation Window Height to Room Depth RatioWest Orientation 5.2.3 North Orientation Window Height to Room Depth RatioNorth Orientation 5.2.4 South Orientation Window Height to Room Depth RatioSouth Orientation 193 197 198 203 206 211 213 218 219 224 5.2.5 Hourly Variation of Work Plane Illuminance 226 5.2.6 External Horizontal Overhang and Work Plane Illuminance 229 Impact of Overhang on Target Illuminance Level (500lux) 229 Window Height to Room Depth Ratio 231 5.3 Summary 232 xiv 6 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: ENERGY PERFORMANCE 6.1 Energy Evaluation 234 6.2. Building Component Cooling Loads 235 6.2.1 Base Case Generic Office Room and Building Component Cooling Loads 235 6.2.2 Influence of External Horizontal Overhang on Building Component Cooling Loads 237 6.3 Electricity Consumption 6.3.1 Annual Electricity Consumption- Base Case Influence of Orientation on Annual Electricity Consumption- Base Case 6.3.2 External Horizontal Overhang and Annual Electricity Consumption 245 248 250 Incremental Electricity Use 254 Influence of External Horizontal Overhang on Annual Electricity Consumption 266 6.4 Summary 7 245 269 CONCLUSION 7.1 Review of Thesis Objectives and Research Questions 271 7.2 Thesis Conclusion 272 7.2.1 External Horizontal Overhang and Solar Radiation 273 7.2.2 External Horizontal Overhang and Work Plane Illuminance 275 7.2.3 Base-case Generic Office Room: Building Component Cooling Loads 277 7.2.4 External Horizontal Overhang and Building Component Cooling Loads 278 xv 7.2.5 Base-case Generic Office Room and Energy Consumption 280 7.2.6 External Horizontal Overhang and Building Energy Consumption 281 7.2.7 Optimum Overhang Ratios for Hot Humid Tropical Climate 283 7.3 Application of the eQUEST-3 (DOE 2.2) Energy Simulation in Malaysian Conditions 285 7.4 Suggestions for Further Research 286 BIBLIOGRAPHY 289 APPENDICES 305 A Summary of Energy Related Research 306 C Summary of High-rise Office Building and Energy Use Review C1 Office Buildings Energy Database, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 309 C2 South East Asian Office Buildings Information 312 C3 Design of Shading Device Considering the Windows Solar Angle Dependent Properties: With Special Reference to Kuala Lumpur Hot Humid Tropical Climate 315 D Review of Computer Simulation Programs E Simulation Data and Results F 329 E1 Sample of Input Data 333 E2 Summary: Direct and Diffused Incident Solar Radiation and Transmitted Heat Gains 338 E3 Summary: Work Plane Illuminance at Ref.Pt:01 and Ref.Pt:02 344 F1 Summary: Building Cooling Load Data 347 F2 Summary: End Use Energy Consumption Data with Natural-light utilization 350 xvi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Summary of previous research related to solar shading, daylight and energy use 8 2.1 ASHRAE (1999) clear sky model data for 21 day of each month 24 2.2 Different Sky types according to Nebulosity Index, Subang Jaya Malaysia 29 2.3 Comparison of measured SMS and DOE-weather file data for hourly horizontal solar radiation for Kuala Lumpur (2001) (Latitude: 3.120 , Longitude: +101.60,Time zone: +7) 31 2.4 Monthly mean global horizontal solar radiations (W/m2) and MBE & RMSE values for SMS and DOE.wf (Kuala Lumpur) 32 2.5 Hourly direct normal solar radiations (x cloud cover) and diffuse horizontal solar radiation (x cloud cover) - DOE. wf. (Kuala Lumpur); (W/m2) 34 2.6 Percentage of direct normal solar radiation and diffused horizontal solar radiation, DOE.wf for Kuala Lumpur (2001) 34 2.7 Monthly mean values of DBT, WBT and DewPT and correspondence Mean Bias Error (MBE) values 40 2.8 Horizontal exterior diffuse illuminance values (clear sky & overcast sky) on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE.wf (Kuala Lumpur) 45 2.9 Hourly maximum global exterior illuminance for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE.wf. (Kuala Lumpur) 45 xvii 2.10 Monthly maximum exterior illuminance values from clear sky, overcast sky and direct sun, DOE.wf, (Kuala Lumpur) 46 3.1 Electricity intensity averages for ASEAN countries 52 3.2 Electricity consumption percentages by building components for ASEAN countries 52 3.3 Optimum overhang ratio to intercept maximum direct incident solar radiation; Latitude: 3.120, Longitude: + 101.60- East, West, North and South 101 3.4 Recommended average illuminance levels for office buildings 112 3.5 Standard lowest exterior diffuse illuminance (lux) from Sky for different climatic regions 114 4.1 Description of tested overhang depths of the experiment 136 4.2 Summary of shading strategy with design variables and performance variables 151 4.3 Variables and constants of the study 165 4.4 Data analysis indicators and their interpretation 166 5.1 Summary of cumulative direct and diffuse solar radiation incident and total transmitted heat gain for base case model with percentage values compared to total incident solar radiation on bare window 185 5.2 Summary of maximum intensity of direct and diffuse solar radiation incident and total transmitted heat gain through bare window on east, west, north and south orientations 187 5.3a Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, East orientation 202 5.3b Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, East orientation 203 5.4a Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, West orientation 209 xviii 5.4b Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, West orientation 210 5.5a Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, North orientation 216 5.5b Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, North orientation 217 5.6a Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, South orientation 223 5.6b Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, South orientation 224 5.7 Reduction percentages of cumulative direct, diffuse and transmitted solar radiation for optimum overhang ratio for target work plane illuminance level 231 5.8 Summary of optimum overhang ratio for incident solar radiations, transmitted heat gains and work plane illuminance 232 6.1 Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-East orientation 238 6.2 Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-West orientation 239 6.3 Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-North orientation 240 6.4 Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-South orientation 240 6.5 Summary of building cooling loads and reduction percentages for optimum overhang ratio compared to basecase model, East, West, North and South orientations 242 xix 6.6 The annual total cooling load (MWh) with and without natural-light utilization for base-case model and maximum overhang option, East, West, North and South orientations 245 6.7 The annual electricity consumption for base case (w/o shading devices) model, with and without natural-light utilization, East, West, North and South orientations 247 6.8 Summary of impact of artificial lighting on space cooling energy consumption for base-case generic office room, East, West, North and South orientations 250 6.9 Regression coefficients as a function of overhang ratio for incremental electricity use for area lighting (IEULt) - East, West, North and South orientations 259 6.10 Regression coefficients as a function of overhang ratio for incremental electricity use for space cooling (IEUCL) East, West, North and South orientations 260 6.11 Regression coefficients as a function of overhang ratio for total incremental electricity use (IEUTOT) - East, West, North and South orientations 261 6.12 Comparison of simulated (e-QUEST-3) to interpolated (regression equation) IEUCL (kWh/m2, yr) for tested overhang ratio 262 6.13 Comparison of simulated (e-QUEST-3) to interpolated (regression equation) IEULt (kWh/m2, yr) for tested overhang ratio 262 6.14 Comparison of simulated (e-QUEST-3) to interpolated (regression equation) IEUTOT (kWh/m2, yr) for tested overhang ratio 263 6.15 Summary of total energy saving and respective work plane illuminance for optimum overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations 267 6.16 Summary of energy saving for space cooling and respective work plane illuminance for optimum overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations 268 6.17 Summary of lighting energy consumption for optimum overhang ratio for space cooling, East, West, North and South orientations 269 xx 6.18 Summary of lighting energy consumption for optimum overhang ratio for total energy consumption, East, West, North and South orientations 269 7.1 Influence of maximum overhang ratio on direct, diffused solar radiation and total transmitted heat gain, East, West, North and South orientations 274 7.2 Trade-Off between optimum overhang ratios and performance variables for direct incident solar radiation, transmittance heat gain and mean work plane illuminance, East, West, North and South orientations 277 7.3 Trade-Off between optimum overhang ratio and building cooling load components, East, West, North and South orientations 279 7.4 Summary of optimum overhang ratio for total energy consumption and space cooling energy consumption 282 7.5 Summary of optimum overhang ratio for various performance variables on east, west, north and south orientations for tropical climate 283 xxi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 1.1 The Problem: A typical fully glazed office space section 5 1.2 The Proposition: Optimum shading during over heated period to reduce total heat gain and obtain target illuminance 5 1.3 User requirements for solar shading systems 13 1.4 The flow of research process and thesis structure 16 2.1 Comparison of global horizontal solar radiation between SMS (measured) and DOE-wf (simulated) for Kuala Lumpur- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December 33 2.2 Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffuse) on vertical surface on 21 March 35 2.3 Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffuse) on vertical surface on 22 June 35 2.4 Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffuse) on vertical surface on 24 September 36 2.5 Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffuse) on vertical surface on 21 December 36 2.6 Hourly variations of dry bulb temperature (DBT) for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE. wf. for Kuala Lumpur 37 2.7 Hourly variations of wet bulb temperature (WBT) for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE. wf. for Kuala Lumpur 38 2.8 Comparison of monthly mean DBT (0C) data from SMS and DOE.wf 38 xxii 2.9 Comparison of monthly mean WBT (0C) data from SMS and DOE.wf 39 2.10 Monthly variation of Dew Point Temperatures (0C) data from SMS and DOE.wf 39 2.11 Exterior horizontal illuminance for 21 March, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 41 2.12 Exterior horizontal illuminance for 22 June, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 42 2.13 Exterior horizontal illuminance for 24 September, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 42 2.14 Exterior horizontal illuminance for 21 December, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 43 2.15 Total exterior horizontal illuminance, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 44 2.16 Calculated global luminous efficacies (lm/W), DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 44 2.17 Monthly maximum exterior illuminance values from clear sky, overcast sky and direct sun, DOE.wf (Kuala Lumpur) 46 3.1 Examples of climate rejecting high-rise buildings in Malaysia 56 3.2 Example of climate adapted building: Public Works Department (PWD or JKR) building, Kuala Lumpur 57 3.3 Combination of climate adapted and rejected buildings in Malaysia 58 3.4 Optimum high-rise building form according to climatic zones 61 3.5 Arrangement of vertical core according to climatic zones 63 3.6 Core plan and annual cooling loads 63 3.7 Instantaneous heat balances through sunlit glazing material 73 3.8 External solar shading devices horizontal overhang, vertical shading devices and egg-crate devices 89 3.9 Horizontal shadow angle (HSA) 90 xxiii 3.10 Vertical shadow angle (VSA) 91 3.11 The shadow angle protractor 92 3.12 Stereographic projections for Kuala Lumpur (Latitude 3.120, Longitude +101.60, and Time zone 7) 92 3.13 Relationship between horizontal shading depth, window height and vertical shadow angle (VSA) 93 3.14 Sideway extension of external horizontal shading device 94 3.15 Relationship between vertical fin’s depth, window width and horizontal shadow angle (HSA) 94 3.16 Awning geometry 95 3.17 Relationship between external overhang depth, window height and overhang ratio 100 3.18 Overhang ratio for side extension of horizontal shading device 102 3.19 Effect of overhang on daylight distribution in a room 110 4.1 Base case office room configuration 135 4.2 Office room with overhang design 136 4.3 Sequential simulation approach 140 4.4 Simultaneous simulation approach 141 4.5 DOE 2.2 Simulation engine structure 148 4.6 Calculation procedure of loads from heat gains 149 4.7 Typical eQUEST-3 building wizard screen 150 4.8 The eQUEST-3 exterior window shades and blinds wizard screen 152 4.9 The eQUEST-3 daylight zoning wizard screen 153 4.10 The eQUEST-3 HVAC system wizard screen 154 4.11 The eQUEST-3 detail interface screen 156 4.12 The eQUEST-3 hourly results selection screen 156 xxiv 4.13 The eQUEST-3 results screen of annual end use energy consumption 157 4.14 The eQUEST-3 simulation procedures 157 4.15 Daylight photo sensor positions in office room model 161 4.16 Overall simulation procedures with design variables and performance variables 168 5.1 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, East orientation 173 5.2 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, East orientation 173 5.3 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, East Orientation 174 5.4 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, East Orientation 174 5.5 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, West orientation 176 5.6 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, West orientation 177 5.7 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, West orientation 177 5.8 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, West orientation 178 5.9 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, North orientation 179 5.10 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, North orientation 180 xxv 5.11 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, North orientation 180 5.12 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, North orientation 181 5.13 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, South orientation 182 5.14 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, South orientation 183 5.15 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, South orientation 183 5.16 Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, South orientation 184 5.17 Cumulative direct, diffuse and total incident solar radiation and total transmitted heat gains for base-case model with bare window on east, west, north and south orientations 186 5.18 Maximum intensity of direct and diffuse incident solar radiation and total transmitted heat gain for base-case modelEast, West, North and South orientations 188 5.19 Reduction percentage (%) of cumulative amount of direct solar radiation incident on window surface as function of horizontal overhang ratio- East, West, North and South 189 5.20 Reduction percentage (%) of cumulative amount of diffuse solar radiation incident on window surface as function of horizontal overhang ratio- East, West, North and South 191 5.21 Reduction percentage (%) of cumulative transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain in an office room space as function of horizontal overhang ratio- East, West, North and South 192 5.22 Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratios- East orientation 193 5.23 Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratios- West orientation 194 xxvi 5.24 Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratios- North orientation 194 5.25 Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratios- South orientation 195 5.26 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 March, East orientation 198 5.27 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio22 June, East orientation. 198 5.28 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio24 September, East orientation 199 5.29 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 December, East orientation 199 5.30 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December- East orientation. 204 5.31 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December- East orientation 204 5.32 Effect of overhang on natural light distribution in perimeter office room- East orientation 205 5.33 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 March, West orientation 206 5.34 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio22 June, West orientation 206 5.35 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio24 September, West orientation 207 5.36 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 December, West orientation 207 xxvii 5.37 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December for West orientation. 211 5.38 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December for West orientation 212 5.39 Effect of overhangs on natural light distribution in perimeter office room- West orientation 212 5.40 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 March, North orientation 213 5.41 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio22 June, North orientation 213 5.42 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio24 September, North orientation 214 5.43 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 December, North orientation 214 5.44 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for North orientation 218 5.45 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December for North orientation. 218 5.46 Effect of overhangs on natural-light distribution in perimeter office room- North orientation 219 5.47 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 March, South orientation 221 5.48 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio22 June, South orientation. 221 5.49 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio24 September, South orientation 222 xxviii 5.50 Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio21 December, South orientation. 222 5.51 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December for South orientation. 225 5.52 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December for South orientation. 225 5.53 Effect of overhangs on natural-light distribution in perimeter office room- South orientation 226 5.54 Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at reference point 02, East orientation 227 5.55 Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at reference point 02, West orientation 227 5.56 Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at reference point 02, North orientation 228 5.57 Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at reference point 02, South orientation 228 6.1 Breakdown of annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and without natural-light for a base-case generic office room- East, West, North and South orientations 236 6.2 Total envelop and internal component cooling loads (MWh) for tested external horizontal overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations 241 6.3 Total building space cooling load (MWh) for tested external horizontal overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations 242 6.4 Breakdown of annual cooling load (MWh) without naturallight utilization; for base-case model and maximum overhang option, East, West, North and South orientations 243 6.5 The annual total cooling load (MWh) with and without natural-light utilization for base-case model and maximum overhang option, East, West, North and South orientations 244 6.6 Breakdown of annual electricity consumption for base case model, with and without natural-light utilization- East, West, North and South orientations 246 xxix Total energy consumption with and without natural-light scheme for base case model, East, West, North and South orientations 247 6.8 (a & b) Electricity consumption (kWh/m2, yr) for space cooling, area lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios, East & West orientations 251 6.8 (c & d) Electricity consumption (kWh/m2, yr) for space cooling, area lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios, North & South orientations 252 6.9 Total annual electricity consumption for space cooling and annual electricity consumption for cooling to remove the heat gain from artificial lighting for different overhang ratio tested- East, West, North and South orientations 253 6.10 (a & b) Incremental energy use (kWh/m2, yr) for cooling, lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios- East and West orientations 256 6.10 (c & d) Incremental energy uses (kWh/m2, yr) for cooling, lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios- North and South orientations 257 6.11 Energy saving percentage for space cooling and area lighting incremental energy use as a function of overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations 264 6.12 Energy saving percentage for total incremental energy use as a function of overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations 265 7.1 Several design option of external horizontal overhang shading device 284 6.7 xxx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations ASEAM - A Simplified Energy Analysis Method ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers BC - Base Case BDL - Building Description Language BLAST - Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics CAD - Computer Aided Design CBIP - Commercial Building Incentive Program CIBS - Charted Institute of Building Service CIBSE - Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers CIE - International Illumination Commission COSLAM - Conference of Sri Lankan Malays CTBUH - Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat DBT - Dry Bulb Temperature DDM - Degree-Day Method DewPT - Dew Point Temperature DEU CL - Differential Energy Use (cooling) DOE - Department of Energy (United States) DOE.wf - Department of Energy weather file EC LT - Energy Consumption (lighting) EC CL - Energy Consumption (cooling) EC TOT - Energy Consumption (total) EEM - Energy Efficient Measures eQUEST - Quick Energy Simulation Tool GFA - Gross Floor Area GIA - Gross Internal Area xxxi HVAC - Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning HSA - Horizontal Shadow Angle IB - Intelligent Building IES - Illuminating engineers society of North America IES - International Energy Standards IES - Integrated environmental Solutions IEU - Incremental Energy Use IEUCL - Incremental Energy Use (cooling) IEULT - Incremental Energy Use (lighting) IEUTOT - Incremental Energy Use (total) LEO - Low Energy Office LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design MBE - Mean Bias Error MDD - Modified Degree-Day method MECM - Ministry of Energy, Communications & Multimedia (Malaysia) MEWC - Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication (Malaysia) MS - Malaysian Standards NFRC - National Fenestration Rating Council NI - Nebulosity Index NRA - Net Rentable Area OHR - Overhang Ratio OHRé - Overhang Ratio (Side extension é) OHRfin - Overhang Ratio vertical fins ORI - Façade Orientation OTTV - Overall Thermal Transfer Value PC - Personal Computer PF - Projection Factor PSALI - Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors PWD - Public Works Department RMSE - Root Mean Square Error SHGF - Solar Heat Gain Factor SHGFv - Solar Heat Gain Factor vertical surface xxxii SHGFsh - Solar Heat Gain Factor shaded window SMS - Subang Meteorological Station SIR - Sun Illuminance Ratio TMY - Typical Metrological Year THG - Total Heat Gain TRY - Test Reference Year UMNO - United Malaya National Organization USAID - Unite States Agency for International Development UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia VE - Virtual Environment VSA - Vertical Shadow Angle WBT - Wet Bulb Temperature WWR - Window-to-Wall Ratio WYEC - Weather Year for Energy Calculations xxxiii LIST OF SYMBOLS A - Surface Area (m2) α - Absorptance (dimensionless) A1, A2, A3 - Coefficients of absorptions (constants) A4, A5, A6 - Coefficients of absorptions (constants) Acog - Projected area center of glass (m2) Aeog - Projected area edge of glass (m2) Aframe - Projected area of frame (m2) AG - Fraction of window area exposed to the sun (m2) Ar - Rayleigh scattering coefficient Asun - Area of window exposed to the sun (m2) αb - Absorptance of reference glazing for direct beam αdiff - Absorptance of reference glazing for diffuse radiation B - Atmospheric extinction coefficient (dimensionless) β - Solar altitude angle above the horizontal (0) C - Diffuse sky factor C1, C2, C3 - Coefficients of transmission (constants) C4, C5, C6 - Coefficients of transmission (constants) Cd - Compensation factor for window dirt (DF calculation) Cf - Compensation factor for frame (DF calculation) Cg - Compensation factor for glazing (DF calculation) Cn - Clearness number of the atmosphere (dimensionless) CR - Cloud Ratio D - Depth of the horizontal projection (m) δ - Solar declination angle (0) d - Horizontal projection of the distance between the awning’s lower corner and its shadow on the vertical wall (m) DF - Daylight Factor xxxiv Ėdiff,cl - Clear sky diffuse illuminance (lux) Edsky - Direct illuminance from sky (lux) Er(ext)sky - External reflected component from sky illuminance (lux) Er(int)sky - Internal reflected component from sky illuminance (lux) d sun - Internal direct illuminance from sunlight (lux) Eirsun - Internal reflected illuminance from sunlight (lux) Eo,sun - Exterior illuminance from sunlight (lux) Eo,sky - Exterior illuminance from sky (lux) Ei - Interior illuminance (lux) Eo - Exterior illuminance (lux) Et - Equation of time e - Projection side ways from the window vertical edge (m) e1 - Length of the shading device over the window (m) é - Awning width exceeding window width on each side (m) φ - Latitude of the location (0) Ffl - Flue loss factor, equipment Fra - Radiation factor, equipment Fs - Lighting special allowance factor Fsg - Angle factor between the surface and the sky Fss - Angle factor between the surface and the sky Fu - Light use factor, lighting Fua - Use factor, equipment f - Depth of the vertical fin (m) fr - Fraction of diffuse radiation obstructed by the shading device γ - Surface solar azimuth (0) G-value - Gref - Total fraction of incident solar energy transmitted (dimensionless) Reflectance of the ground Gsunshade - G-value for corresponding shading device (dimensionless) Gsystem - Gwindow - G-value for corresponding window system with shading (dimensionless) G-value for window (dimensionless) η1, η2 - Regression coefficients for total energy (dimensionless) Hfen - Height of fenestration (m) Hi - Inside air enthalpy, (kJ/kg) (dry air) Ei xxxv Ho - Outside air enthalpy, (kJ/kg) (dry air) h - Horizontal projection of the awning (m) hi - Heat transfer coefficient, inside glazing surface (W/m2 K) ho - Heat transfer coefficient, outside glazing surface(W/m2 K) Isc - Solar constant Io - Extraterrestrial solar radiation (W/m2) Ibn - Direct beam normal solar radiation (W/m2) Ibh - Direct beam solar radiation on horizontal surface (W/m2) Ibv - Direct beam solar radiation on vertical surface (W/m2) Idiff,h - Diffused solar radiation on horizontal surface (W/m2) Idiff,v - Diffused sky radiation on vertical surface (W/m2) IGh - Global irradiance horizontal surface (W/m2) IGv - Global irradiance vertical surface (W/m2) Ir - Ground reflected radiation (W/m2) It,θ - Total horizontal radiation strikes the ground surface (W/m2) Itot,h - Total solar radiation on horizontal surface (W/m2) Itot,v - Total solar radiation on vertical surface Icl,diff - Diffused solar radiation clear sky (W/m2) İdv - Diffused & reflected radiation on vertical glazing (W/m2) İbv - Direct beam radiation on vertical plane (W/m2) Ї - Apparent extraterrestrial irradiance (W/m2) Ídr - Direct solar radiation transmitted through standard 3mm clear glass Ídf - Diffused solar radiation transmitted through standard 3mm clear glass Ítot - Total (direct + diffused) solar radiation transmitted through standard 3mm clear glass ϕ - Awning slope (0) K - Luminous efficacy (lm/W) KB - Beam luminous efficacy (lm/W) Kcc - Cloud cover ratio KD - Diffused luminous efficacy (lm/W) KG - Global luminous efficacy (lm/W) k - Fraction of diffuse radiation obstructed by the shading device xxxvi L - Awning length (m) λ1 - Regression coefficient for lighting energy (dimensionless) L edge - Length of window frame edge (m) Lloc - Longitude of the location (in degree) Lstd - Ltot - Standard meridian for the local time zone (Longitude of the time zone) Total Length (m) m - Optical air mass µ1, µ2 - Regression coefficients for cooling energy (dimensionless) N - Cloud amount Ni - Inward flowing fraction of the absorbed radiation No - Number of people Nt - Cloud type n - Daily sunshine duration no - Maximum possible sunshine duration pa - Atmospheric pressure Q - Ventilation air flow (L/s) θ - Incident angle (0) θh - Angle of incidence on horizontal surface (0) θv - Angle of incidence on vertical surface (0) Qc - Conduction heat flow rate (w) Qcl - Cooling energy use (W/m2) Qel - Heat gain from electric lighting (w) Qeq - Appliances heat gain (w) Qi - Occupants heat gain (w) Qs,win - Total solar heat gain flow rate, window (w) Qv - Convection heat flow rate (w) Qwin - Thermal heat gain, window (W/m2K) ρ - Reflectance (dimensionless) Rgap - Thermal resistance of gap between panes (m2K/W) Rgl - Thermal resistance of glass pane (m2K/W) Rsi - Internal surface resistance (m2K/W) Rse - External surface resistance (m2K/W) Rtot - Total thermal resistance (m2K/W) xxxvii R2 - Coefficient of determination S - Relative sunshine duration SC - Shading coefficient SC clearglass - Shading coefficient of clear glass SCshadingdevice - Shading coefficient of shading device SC net - Net shading coefficient for partially shaded window Sdf - Sky diffusive factor Sec - Solar extinction coefficient ∆T - Temperature difference (0C) τ - Τransmittance (dimensionless) Td - Dew point temperature (0C) Tdt - Out door dry-bulb temperature (0C) Tsol - Local solar time Tstd - Local standard time Twt - Out door wet-bulb temperature (0C) τa - Secondary heat transmittance (dimensionless) τb - Transmittance of reference glazing for direct beam (dimensionless) τdiff - Transmittance of reference glazing for diffuse radiation ti - Daily mean indoor temperature (0C) to - Daily mean out door temperature (0C) U - Thermal transmittance value (W/m2K) Ucog - Thermal transmittance center of glass (W/m2K) Ueog - Thermal transmittance edge of glass (W/m2K) Uframe - Thermal transmittance frame (W/m2K) UPD - Average lighting unit power density (W/m2) Uwin - Thermal transmittance of window (W/m2K) Vd - Wind direction Vs - Wind speed v - W - Vertical projection of the awning/ horizontal shading device (m) Total light wattage ω - Solar hour angle (0) Wawn - Width of the awning (m) xxxviii Wfen - Width of fenestration (m) Wo - Outside humidity ratio, kg (water)/ kg (dry air) Wi - Inside humidity ratio, kg (water)/ kg (dry air) ψedge - Linear heat transmittance coefficient (W/mK) ζ - Surface tilt angle (0) xxxix LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A Summary of Energy Related Research C Summary of High-Rise Office Building and Energy Use Review PAGE 306 C1. Office Buildings Energy Data Base Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 309 C2. South East Asian Office Building Information 312 C3. Design of Shading Device Considering the Windows Solar Angle Dependent Properties: With Special Reference to Kuala Lumpur Hot and Humid Tropical Climates 315 D Review of Computer Simulation Programs 329 E Simulation Data and Results F E1. Sample of Input Data 333 E2. Summary: Direct and Diffused Incident Solar Radiation and Transmitted Heat Gains 338 E3. Summary: Work Plane Illuminance at Ref.Pt:01 and Ref.Pt:02 344 Summary Building Energy Use F1. Summary: Building Cooling Load Data 347 F2. Summary: End Use Energy Consumption Data with Natural-light utilization 350 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Protection of buildings against the influences of the climate and its forces had been a challenging task throughout history. In modern scenario the task has been more challenging by the fact that this protection should not categorically eliminate all climatic influences, thus rendering the interior space independent from the external environment. The most important facet of a building's internal environment is the control of the physical conditions- light, temperature, humidity, airflow and noise within the building (Codella et al, 1981). Unbalancing any of these conditions will prevent the proper functioning of the building, as the comfort level for people engage in the type of activity that the building is intended will be affected. However, rapid pace of urbanization and development of technology played a part in neglecting valuable experience of climate adopted building technology and often controlled by artificial means. This is evident by the fact that intensive use of electricity for lighting and air-conditioning to improve comfort levels has been major consuming issues in high-rise office buildings. The intensity of solar radiation in hot and humid climates such as Malaysia is generally high and consistent throughout the year. Records of hourly solar radiation data for altitude 3.70 north and latitude 101.30 east (Subang Jaya Meteorological Station), received a maximum of 1055 W/m2 for the year 2001. This is about 7580% of the solar radiation intensity outside the earth’s atmosphere. Further, annual maximum intensity of solar radiation falling on horizontal is about 1000 W/m2 and 2 on vertical surface is about 850 W/m2 for east and west facing surfaces. Thus, in tropical hot and humid climates, solar radiation prevention is one of the crucial factors in climate design criteria. Daylight is one of the passive design strategies that architects and designers can utilize in building design. What makes daylight utilization so interesting is that it can be used to replace artificial lighting. Thus, it has two advantages in terms of building energy use; firstly it reduces the electricity consumption for lighting and secondly reduces the cooling demand through reduction of internal heat load from lights. Other than energy saving and economical benefits, there are other advantages and also potential drawbacks in daylight utilization. Use of daylight implies the presence of windows in the immediate surrounding which has psychological and physiological benefits. The quality of natural illumination may also be highly desirable. According to Nor Haliza (2002), Azni Zain-Ahmed (2002a) and Hamdan (1996) the abundance of daylight in the tropics that has not been utilized to the maximum, nor has it been considered as design criterion. The main drawback is maximum daylight availability is usually concurrent with intense solar heat gain, especially in hot and humid climates, like in Malaysia. Further, the sky conditions in Malaysia can vary significantly throughout the day from overcast to clear sky, due to formation of clouds (Hamdan, 1996). Therefore, availability of sunlight and daylight can fluctuate significantly throughout the day. In this context, top lit concept for daylight is not desirable and side lighting is the main source of daylight into the building. The side daylight system produces a non-uniform light contribution from window to wall at deep end of the room. Steep depth in ‘plan form’ also creates gloomy interior where daylight penetration is limited. Another main concern is glare caused by extreme contrasts or unsuitable distribution of luminance. In order to avoid unbalanced conditions, artificial lighting is used to create a brighter internal environment. The high-rise buildings have significantly larger façade and fenestration area than their low building counter part. The building vertical surface area is a major 3 variable in determining the impact of the climate forces, practically which cannot be covered by a roof. The roof plays a significant role in controlling the climatic forces in low rise buildings. Hence, high-rise buildings are more exposed to the full impact of external temperatures, radiant heat and wind forces. Consequently by nature the high rise buildings are energy intensive. The necessity to reduce energy use is further challenged by the use of large glazing area for office buildings. Whether this is the result of improvement in the glazing technology or to increase daylight levels of the interior or aesthetic trend remains to be determined (Dubois, 2001c). Glass facades create problems of overheating and high air-conditioning cost, excessive brightness and discomforting glare problems. Daylight and solar heat are two components directly affecting building fenestration design. The main climate and energy conscious design initiatives in hot and humid climates is to achieve a balance between solar radiation prevention and daylight utilization (Lam and Li, 1999; Lee et al, 1998). The solutions remain in thermal resistance of building envelope, preventing solar radiation falling on the façade and allowing beneficial daylight in. Although use of tiny windows and tinted glazing reduce heat gain through fenestration, they also cut off the view from the window and tend to reduce the penetration of daylight into the space. Studies also have shown that reducing window sizes do not prevent glare, but reduce amount of daylight in the interior (Chauvel et al, 1982). But, heat reduction is best achieved by excluding unwanted heat rather than removing it later, often by air-conditioning. Previous researches (Dubois, 2000; Givoni, 1981; Harkness, 1978; Olgyay, 1957) suggest that the use of appropriate solar shading devices can give better solutions to solve the overheating, lack of daylight and glare problems in modern offices. External shading devices also have a few advantages over other options like different glazing types and reduction of window sizes. They can improve the light distribution in the room and reduce the discomfort glare problem. Further, use of shading devices are often more attractive to the architect than reducing the glazing area or using reflective or tinted glazing, which may alter the architectural character intended for the building (Dubois, 2001c). 4 Review by Abdul Majid (1996) and Nor Haliza (2002) of solar shading designs in high-rise buildings in two major cities in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Latitude 3.70 N) and Johor Bahru (Latitude 1.380 N), showed that inappropriate attentions given to the shading and daylight problems. According to Hassan, KAKU (1996) most designers incorporate shading devices as an aesthetic element rather than a useful climatic design element. The reasons may be of little knowledge on solar radiation and daylight penetration and the energy implication often used to achieve internal thermal and visual comforts. In this context it can be argued that the role of external shading strategies required a rethinking in terms of reducing the impact of solar radiation, obtain a better daylight distribution and energy consumption for cooling and lighting. 1.2 The Problem Statement Local climatic conditions affect the energy consumed by a building. In Malaysia, buildings are subject to significant cooling requirements due to high intensity of solar radiation penetration through fenestration. Previous works on energy audits and surveys of office buildings for Malaysia indicated that the energy consumed to cool the building is about 68% of the total electricity use (Loewen, J.M et al 1992). The external solar shading devices can substantially reduce the cooling load of buildings and large energy savings can be achieved. However, a total shading to cut off unwanted solar radiation may reduce the daylight level in buildings. A reduction in the use of daylight will increase in the use of artificial lighting. This again results in the cooling load to remove the internal heat gains from light as well as consume electricity on artificial lighting. Apart from energy consumption, oversized shading devices reduce view out through building which is a primary function of a window. In hot and humid climates, the problem is emphasized by the fact that it is important to understand the magnitude of solar heat gain, daylight penetration and high energy consumption in high-rise office buildings in order to determine energy efficient shading strategy. 5 17.00 pm 09.00 am Direct sunlight & Diffused light Direct sunlight & Diffused light Over heating Increase in cooling load High energy use Over lighting θ2 θ1 Glare Figure 1.1: The Problem: A Typical Fully Glazed Office Space Section. 1.3 Research Hypothesis The hypothesis of this study is that an optimum depth of a horizontal shading device will achieve the following: i. Reduction of solar heat gain into the building ii. Obtain adequate daylight quantity at deep end of the interior space. iii. Thus reduce the total energy consumption from cooling and lighting and predict an optimum energy saving. Direct sunlight is blocked during the over heated period 9.00 am -17.00pm Optimum shading depth Reduction in cooling load Reduction Solar heat gain Total work plane illuminance θ Optimum Energy Increase artificial illuminance 500lux Natural-light illuminance Figure 1.2: The Proposition: Optimum shading during over heated period to reduce total heat gain and obtain target illuminance 6 The term “optimum depth” refers to the external horizontal shading device depth which will reduce maximum heat gain and provide target illuminance to obtain an optimum energy saving, by correlating between them. 1.4 Research Questions The following questions will be addressed in this thesis: 1. Does the orientation of the fenestration influence the solar heat gain and daylight penetration into the building and the depth of the shading device? 2. What are the effective overhang ratios to intercept the maximum direct and diffuse incident solar radiations during the over heated period from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm? 3. What is the effective overhang ratios for the maximum reduction of transmitted heat gains during the over heated period from 9.00 am to 17.00 pm? 4. What is the effective overhang ratio to obtain adequate work plane illuminance at deep end of the space considered? 5. Does the effective depth obtained at (2), reduce the work plane illuminance below the target level? 6. What is the trade off between the transmitted heat gain and the shading depth to achieve target work plane illuminance? 7. What is the optimum shading geometry to obtain an optimum energy saving in relation to cardinal orientations? 1.5 Research Gap Previous researches on solar shading were reviewed in order to get a clear understanding of the state-of –art knowledge in the field and identify the areas which had not been covered in the past. The review revealed that research on solar shading 7 had been focused mainly on five issues: impact on solar radiation, impact on daylight quality and distribution, impact on energy use, shading design methods, and impact on human comfort and perception. Few studies during the summer time and under hot humid tropical climate suggested that use of external shading strategies significantly reduce impinging solar radiation on the fenestration than the internal shading devices (Olgyay and Olgyay, 1957; Givoni, 1998; Hassan KAKU, 1996). Previous studies on external shading devices in hot and humid tropical climates (Hassan KAKU, 1996; Sharifah and Sia, 2001) only concentrated on the incident solar radiation (direct, diffused and reflected) and expressed the capacity of shading device to cut out the impinging solar radiation. Yet they do not indicate amount of solar heat gain transmitted into the space when different external shading strategies were applied in order to understand the energy implication of employing such strategies. Though it was stated in many research works and publication that the external solar shading reduces daylight distribution into the space, there were only few researches done on this aspect in hot and humid tropical climate conditions (Sharifah and Sia, 2004 Hamdan, 1996). Also, little is known about the relationship between external shading device geometry and the daylight distribution, especially under high illuminance global sky conditions like in Malaysia. Review also suggested that shading strategies have a significant impact on the energy consumption for cooling, heating and lighting. Few studies have looked into this aspect under different climate conditions and with different shading strategies (Bojic et al, 2002; Bülow-Hübe, 2001; Dubois, 1999; Huang et al 1992; Bordart et al, 2002; Li & Lam, 1999; Lee, E. S et al, 1998). Studies by Huang et al (1992) in office buildings in Singapore, were dependent on other variables (different illuminance levels, lighting power requirements, window-to-wall ratio) as well, therefore it is difficult to derive clear conclusion on the effect of solar shading on total energy consumption. Further they do not indicate an optimal shading strategy for any particular climate. Hence, there is room for further research on relationship between external shading device geometry and on the electric consumption for cooling and lighting. 8 Table 1.1: Summary of previous research related to solar shading, daylight and energy use T * T * T * HH * HH * HA * * * Robbins (1986) T * Chirarttanano n (1996) HH * HH Present Study HH * * * * * * * T = Temperate climate climate Others Design Meth Energy Glare Uniformity * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * √ * * * * HH Bojic (2002) * * HA HH * Visual * * HH Al-Shareef (2001) Dinapradipta (2003) Huang (1992) * * Temperature * * Solar transmit * Color T Thermal Solar radiation * Angle * Depth * Width HH Geometry Window-to-wall * Glazing Build. orientation vegetation * Blinds Egg-crate * Screens Vertical T Internal Awnings Horizontal Olgyay (1957) Hassan, KAKU (1996) Givoni (1981/1998) Dubois (1999) Dubois (1998) Dubois (2001c) Sharifah & Sia (2001) Sharifah & Sia (2004) Raeissi & Taheri (1997) Azni ZainAhmad (2002) Climate zone Research External Performance Variable Natural Illuminance Design Variables * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * √ HA = Hot and arid climate √ √ √ √ HH = Hot and humid Table 1.1 gives a summary of related research work and their variables. Thus, the above review suggest that effect of solar shading on solar heat gain, internal daylight level and on energy consumptions have been dealt as separate 9 issues. There is no specific research done to study the relationship between external shading devices and the correspondence solar heat gain, daylight level and energy consumptions. Therefore, this thesis attempts to focus on the application of external horizontal solar shading device and to asses their performance with respect to the impact of solar radiation, internal daylight illuminance level and the optimal energy saving. 1.6 Research Objective The main objective of this study is to assess and evaluate the impact of external horizontal shading devices in reducing the unwanted solar heat gain and the amount of daylight penetration into the building. Thereby, to determine the geometry of horizontal shading device to optimize the energy savings for cooling and lighting for buildings in hot and humid climates. Other specific objectives of the study are as follows: 1. To determine the amount of direct, diffuse and reflected solar radiation incident on the window pane and transmitted solar radiation through window. 2. To determine the depth of external horizontal shading device considering the window solar angle dependent properties. 3. To determine the direct, diffuse and reflected solar radiation incident on the window pane and transmitted solar radiation through the window for the proposed external horizontal shading devices described in (2). 4. To determine the work plane illuminance for the proposed external horizontal shading devices described in (2). 5. To determine the potential trade-offs involved between the solar heat gain and daylight penetration into the interior space to optimize the depth of the external horizontal shading devices described in (2). 6. To determine the energy performance of proposed external horizontal shading devices described in (2). 10 7. To compare the energy performances of proposed external horizontal shading devices with a base-case model (without shading device) and results obtained from (3), (4) and (6) for determining the optimum overhang depth to achieve optimum energy saving. 8. To determine the influence of building orientation on the external horizontal shading strategy. 1.7 Scope and Limitations There are several necessities for using shading systems in buildings, ranging from individual level (better thermal and visual comforts, low energy bills) to national or global levels (reducing energy consumptions). However, scope of this study is to evaluate the solar heat gain and daylight penetration in order to optimize the energy consumption for cooling and artificial lighting when external solar shadings are applied. The thermal performance of a building largely depends on two parameters: unsteady climatic parameters and building design variables (Bouchlaghem, 2000). The thermal analysis is mainly focused on the amount of direct, diffuse solar radiation and transmitted and retransmitted solar heat gain through fenestration. Although, there are other means of solar heat gain into the building such as, conduction through wall and infiltration, assumptions are made that heat gain from these modes are constant for all the tested shading strategies. Further, relative humidity and wind flow also can effect on the building thermal performances, but these parameters were not considered in this experiment. The thermal comfort aspect is not dealt within this thesis as a major issue. This is because there are other parameters effecting thermal comfort, for e.g. air temperature, humidity, air velocity, clothing and metabolic heat production (Givoni, 1981; Sharifah, 1995). It is assumed that by setting the indoor temperature at recommended comfort value, will provide the required thermal quality for that space. 11 The daylight evaluation is limited to determining the work plane illuminance at 0.9 meter from the ground level. Uniformity of daylight distribution, luminance ratio between the surfaces of the space, effects on color rendering and effect on glare, which contribute to the determining the qualities of daylight of a space are not dealt in this thesis. Although evaluation of daylight quality is not within the scope of this study, assumptions were made, by providing an optimum shading strategy so that these criteria were acknowledged, thus provide appropriate visual comfort for the user. The energy performance of a building largely depends on three parameters; building design variables, mechanical and technical system efficiency and efficient management of systems. An approach focusing on architectural form and envelope are directly under the control of the architect and also provides a visual picture of the impact of environment on people and architecture. In this study energy analysis is carried out for different external horizontal shading geometry only. Other building design parameters such as, properties of building materials, location and size of fenestration, surface treatment and insulation were kept as constant to all shading cases tested. Mechanical and technical system operating conditions were also kept identical to all experiments tested. The working schedule for the office is considered from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm. A standard office room with a single fenestration was selected for the experiment, with a typical room configuration capturing the variety of solar heat gains and lighting distributions found in typical high-rise office buildings in Malaysia. Therefore, analysis of data and energy is performed and discussed as reference to the base case model and as a ratio to the base case values. The base case office room is developed to comply with the Malaysian MS 1525 Standards. Due to above stated reasons; no comparisons were made with any existing building energy estimates. 12 This study is entirely carried out by using computer simulation program eQUEST-3 DOE 2.2 (Version 3) and thus bears the limitations of the simulation tool used. In chapter 4, a review on common research methods used by previous researches and justification for the selection of the present tool are discussed. Finally, the simulation is performed under clear sky conditions and the main cardinal orientations, East, West, North and South, were considered. The following days were chosen for hourly analysis; 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December. Since Malaysia receives similar climatic condition throughout the year, the selected dates do not represent extreme days or average days, but suggest the position of the sun related to certain façades at certain orientations. During 21 March and 24 September the sun is within the plane of the equator and in tropical regions, a high amount of solar radiation is received on these dates. In 22 June and 21 December the sun is in the equinox and it is at farthest point from the tropical region. Therefore it is assumed the impact of solar radiation is less on these two dates compared to other dates of the year. 1.8 Importance of the Research The out come of the study is expected to show that, the effectiveness of the solar shading system depends on the relative balance between solar heat gain reduction and adequate daylight in the building. The study also expect to suggest that appropriate design decisions on solar shading systems can significantly reduce the high energy consumption in office buildings in Malaysia. Apart from the protection against harsh solar radiation and energy conservation, the use of solar shading has benefit on various other aspects as shown in figure 1.3. The most important aspect is the thermal and visual comforts, which determines the human behavior. Hence, findings of this study will enable and provide the building designer with wider range of options in selecting an appropriate 13 shading strategy for achieving the balance between desired daylight level and optimum energy consumptions for space cooling and lighting. Requirements on Solar shading systems Thermal comfort Aesthetic requirement -Protection from unwanted solar heat gains -Induce internal air flow Visual comfort -Provide adequate daylight - Uniform illuminance in the room - Glare protection - Provide adequate privacy and view out - Provide visual quality Figure 1.3: Low cost Reduce energy consumption -Reduce cooling load -Reduce lighting energy consumption -Reduce total electricity demand Reliability and compliance with technical aspects Protection against: fire, noise, weather, burglary User requirements for solar shading systems 1.9 Thesis Organization The thesis is organized into eight chapters as summarized bellow. Chapter one introduces the main issue of this research. This chapter also contains the proposed hypothesis of the study, research questions, and objectives of the study. Further, the research gap, scope and limitations of the study and the overall thesis structure are also presented in this chapter. Chapter two reviews the theory of solar radiation and the sky conditions of Malaysia, particular to Kuala Lumpur (Latitude: 3.120; Longitude: +101.60; Time zone: +7). Review on solar radiation includes the geometry of solar movement, solar intensity and its computations for different radiation types in order to understand their influence on the building. Also, a critical evaluation is carried out 14 between measured weather statistics for the location considered and data obtained from the simulation weather file in order to clarify the validity of the latter to be used in the study. Chapter three is divided into three sections. Section one reviews the energy consumption patterns in Malaysia in general and in office buildings in particular. The building standards for energy control in commercial buildings are also reviewed to understand the energy scenario in Malaysia. The high-rise office building and basic principles of energy efficient high-rise building are discussed. Based on the review initial design conditions for the present study are also presented. Section two reviews the principles of heat gains, types of heat transfer and factors influencing heat gains in the building. A method to compute the solar heat gains are explored. Finally, in section three, different shading devices are analyzed to understand their implication as a shading element. Their basic functions as a solar radiation control device are discussed to get a clear understanding of the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field. Aspects determining the effectiveness of the shading are presented in order to find a suitable energy efficient shading strategy. Methods for designing shading device are reviewed and a new method is proposed to determine the shading depth in hot and humid climate conditions. Chapter four discuss the methodology implemented in this present study. Initially, the energy evaluation methods and common research methodologies used by previous researchers are reviewed. Thus, an appropriate methodology to be employed in this thesis is formulated. Further, development of the base model, experimental procedures, assumptions, limitations and the overall sequence of the selected experiment method are described. Finally, the data analysis criterions are discussed, which is used to analyze the results of the experiment. Chapter five presents the results and analysis of the incident solar radiation transmitted solar heat gain and work plane illuminance for the tested external horizontal shading strategies. The principle findings of the simulation are also summarized. The results of the simulation are analyzed as follows: 15 o Assess the impact of shading strategies on incident solar radiation (direct & diffused). o Assess the impact of shading strategies on transmitted solar heat gain into building. o Assess the influence of shading strategies on target illuminance level at deep end of the room to determine the optimum shading strategy for natural-lighting. o Assess the relationship between natural-light penetration and the office room geometry. Chapter six investigates the influence of the external horizontal overhang strategies on building cooling load and energy consumptions. The results of the experiments are analyzed as follows: o Assess the impact of shading strategy on annual building cooling load. o Assess the impact of shading strategy on annual energy consumption for cooling, lighting and on total consumption to determine the optimum energy consumption. o Assess the natural-light level and annual energy consumption to determine the optimum shading strategy. Chapter seven presents the overall review of the thesis objectives and research questions, followed by the conclusion remarks of the major findings of the experiment. Finally, suggests further works to complement with the thesis findings. 16 Thesis Problem Literature Review Solar Radiation and Malaysian Sky Condition Chapter 2 Energy use in High-rise Office Buildings and Solar Shading Chapter 3 Methodology Chapter 4 (Computer Simulation) Results and Analysis Chapter 5 & 6 Conclusion Chapter 7 Figure 1.4 The flow of research process and thesis structure CHAPTER 2 SOLAR RADIATION AND ANALYSIS OF MALAYSIAN SKY CONDITIONS This chapter reviews the solar radiation and analyses the Malaysian sky conditions, which is divided into two parts. The first part includes sub sections from 2.1 to 2.4; while part two consist of sub section 2.5. The part one briefly reviews the characteristic of the solar energy, definitions and models developed to predict the impinging solar radiation on the earth’s surface. The second part analyses the Malaysian sky conditions with measured and calculated data. Initial information on Malaysian sky conditions were gathered from previous studies and data obtained from the local meteorological stations. The calculated data for Kuala Lumpur are obtained from the DOE 2.2 (Department Of Energy) weather processor and is considered as the corresponding location of the present study. Accurate climatic data is important in many applications. These include determining the design of the building, mechanical system and evaluation of indoor climatic performance for a better energy efficient approach. Under-estimating climatic impacts would result on occupant’s well being and the performance of the task. In contrast, overcautious approach may result in oversize of plants and high energy consumptions. 2.1 Solar Radiation: Source of Heat and Light The sun emits energy to space in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Practically it is the only source of energy that influences atmospheric motions, 18 various processes in the atmosphere and on the surface layer of the earth. The electromagnetic radiation that intercepts at earth's atmosphere is converted to form of 'heat' or 'entropy' and to 'spectrum' energy. Depending on the aspect of radiation field; either entropy or the spectrum system, the quantitative characteristics of solar radiation are defined. In thermodynamic field, studying the 'entropy' effects of the radiation field involves the interest on consideration of the heat released per unit time in full absorption of the radiant flux (Kondratyev, 1969). In the spectrum field, light is the visual manifestation of the radiant energy. The visible radiant energy is measured by the rate of energy transfer evaluated in terms of its effect on the average human eye (Kondratyev, 1969). Hence, it is intimately related to the human sensation. However, by defining light in purely physical terms, it can distinctively differentiate the physical quantity without the aid of the human eye (Hopkinson, 1966). Practically the spectrum effect also connected with transfer of a certain amount of radiant entropy to the receiver. Therefore, both systems are interrelated, but the quantitative characteristics of a radiation field can be differentiated between heat energy and the photometric effect. 2.2 Solar Geometry The sun is the source of energy that influences the atmospheric motion and the earth's climate. Evidently, the intensity of solar radiation received at the earth surface varies significantly with the seasons and over the course of the day. Therefore to understand the trigonometric relationship between earth and the sun is an important factor in determining the intensity of the solar radiation incident on earth surface. The sun's apparent position in the imaginary sky dome is given by the altitude and azimuth angles. Altitude is defined as the angle between the horizontal plane and the solar direct beam, while azimuth give the solar position measured from the north direction towards east or west. Solar altitude varies with latitude, as the earth is spherical. Solar altitude also influences the interaction between insolation and the atmosphere. Decrease in solar altitude angle increases the distance of solar path through atmosphere. As solar path lengthens, the radiation interact more with aerosols of the atmosphere and its intensity diminishes. 19 The ecliptic orbital plane of the earth and the angle between the earth’s equator and ecliptic plane causes unequal effects of the solar radiation at different orientations. During 21 March and 24 September the sun rotates above the equator. These days are known as equinox days as the day and night are of equal length. Further, on 21 March and 24 September, areas along the equator receive the maximum intensity on a surface normal to the direction of radiation. However, due to the tilted position (tilt of 23.50 from the normal) the area receiving the maximum intensity moves north and south between tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.50 N) and the tropic of Capricorn (latitude 23.50 S). On 22 June, the sun is in the north solstice and on 21 December it is in the southern solstice. During solstice periods the sun location is farthest from the equator. Thus, areas along latitude 23.50 N and 23.50 S experiences the longest daylight period on respective correspondence days. At the same time 23.50 towards south and 23.50 towards north receives the minimum radiation and experiences the shortest days respectively. 2.3 Solar Distribution Electromagnetic radiation travels as waves, which are described in terms of wavelength frequency. The spectrum of the solar radiation extends from 290nm to 2500nm. The division of the radiation spectrum from 290- 380nm is known as the ultraviolet radiation, characterized by the fact of producing photochemical effects, bleaching and sunburns. The human eye is sensitive to radiation of 380- 700nm, which is the visible spectral region. Radiant heat with photochemical effect is generated by short infrared radiation spectrum from 700- 2500nm (Koenigsberger, et al 1973). Further investigations has indicated that, practically all the radiant energy of direct, diffuse and reflected radiation falls in the region of short wavelengths. The thermal radiation of the earth surface and the atmosphere has on the contrary a long wave characteristic. The long wave radiation of the earth surface is often called 'terrestrial radiation' (Kondratyev, 1969). 20 2.3.1 Solar Intensity The intensity of radiation is the main quantitative characteristic of the radiation field. By definition, solar constant (Isc) is the intensity of radiation of a surface, which depends on the wavelength of radiation, on a unit surface area and on the solar altitude. Maximum intensity occurs when the surface is normal to the sun's rays. The value measured for solar constant varies from a maximum of 1414 W/m2 to a minimum of 1323 W/m2. The extraterrestrial solar radiation (Io) is the intensity of solar radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere on a surface perpendicular to the sun’s ray. The direct and diffuse radiation on earth surface under clear sky conditions are derived from the extraterrestrial solar radiation. The extraterrestrial solar radiation is calculated using ASHRAE (1999) model: Io = [1+ 0.033 cos {360 0 x n / 365}] x Isc (2.1) Where ‘n’ is the day of the year. The ASHRAE (1999) value 1367 W/m2 is taken as solar constant (Isc). The main dependent parameter is the day of the year (n) and it is independent of solar position (or solar hour angle) and latitude of the site. Hence, any location on the earth surface will receive the same amount of extraterrestrial solar radiation. 2.3.2 Components of Solar Radiation: Direct, Diffuse and Reflected Radiation The radiant energy of the sun undergoes complicated transformations as it passes through the atmosphere. 'Absorption' and 'scattering' of radiant energy take place when travelling from the outer boundary to the earth surface. These transformations of radiant energy create 'direct solar radiation' and 'diffuse radiation', falling from every point of the sky. The direct solar radiation and diffuse radiation comprise 'global radiation'. On reaching the earth, the global radiation is partly 21 reflected by the earth's surface and a flux of 'reflected radiation' thus appears. The unreflected part of the direct solar radiation and diffuse radiation is absorbed by the earth's surface; natural and man made elements, and thus constitutes as 'absorb radiation'. The heat released in the absorption of the global radiation becomes a source of ‘thermal radiation' of the earth surface directed to the atmosphere. In contrary, atmospheric radiation emits thermal radiation surface ward (downwards). Therefore, the value of radiative heat exchange between earth's surface and the atmosphere is characterized by the concept of 'effective radiation'. In other words it is the difference between the thermal radiation of the earth's surface and the downward atmospheric radiation. When solar radiation wave strikes a particle (aerosol) in atmosphere, it changes the direction of incoming radiation. This scattered energy is call diffused radiation. This diffuse radiation in turn strikes other molecules and particles and thus the scattering process continues. The frequency and the energy of the scattered component do not change, but the change in direction leads to changes in the intensity of the light. The scattering of the particles and the wavelength of the striking beam is differentiated into two distinct effects. The scattering from molecules are in two forms. The air molecules smaller than the wavelength are known as Rayleigh scattering (This was first identified by Rayleigh in 1871). Likewise, when the particle size is in order or larger than the wavelength of the incident radiation, a Mie scattering occurs. Hence, the densities of the aerosols create an air mass in the atmosphere. The scattering depends strongly upon the frequency of the radiation. The spectral energy distribution varies with solar altitude, due to the filtering effect of the atmosphere. The lower the solar altitude angles the longer the path of radiation through the atmosphere. However, the maximum intensity is received on a plane normal to the direction of radiation. The cosine law is applicable when the intensity on a tilted surface equals the normal intensity times the cosine of the angle of incidence (Koenigsberger et al, 1973). Depending on the direct solar radiation, diffused solar radiation and global radiation, several solar radiation models were developed to calculate the solar intensity on a horizontal surface and a vertical surface under different sky conditions (Wong & Chow, 2001). 22 2.4 Solar Radiation Calculation Solar radiation availability depends on two factors. Firstly, the suns position in the sky which is given in terms of solar altitude and azimuth angles. Secondly, the sky conditions which is predicted in terms of sky clearness or on the amount of air mass. Knowledge of the local solar radiation is essential for proper design of building energy systems and evaluation of thermal environment within buildings. According to the acquired information, solar radiation calculation models can be categorized into two models (Wong, 2001). They are ‘parametric model’ and ‘decomposition model’. The parametric model requires detail information of atmospheric conditions, such as, cloud type, cloud amount, cloud distribution, fractional sunshine, atmospheric turbidity and water contents (Iqbal, 1983; ASHRAE, 1999). In decomposition model information on global radiation is used to predict the beam, diffused and sky components (Liu et.al, 1960; Lam et.al, 1996). As reviewed by Wong and Chow (2001), the parametric model would provide accurate predictions of solar radiation for good evaluations of thermal environment in buildings than the decomposition model. However, if precise atmospheric information is not available, decomposition model based on measured hourly global radiation would be a good choice. Further details of the methods used to calculate the solar radiation are described in various publications and text books written by Iqbal, 1983; Liu et.al, 1960; Lam et.al, 1996; Al-Riahi M, et.al, 1998; Muneer et.al, 1998 and ASHRAE, 1999. In the field of architecture and engineering the model adopted in ASHRAE (1999) is widely used. The following calculations of the solar radiation on horizontal and vertical surfaces are based on the ASHRAE clear sky model. 23 2.4.1 Calculation of Clear Sky Solar Radiation a. The direct beam normal solar radiation (Ibn) is given by: Ibn = (Cn) (Io) e (-B/ sinβ) (2.2) Where Cn (dimensionless) is the clearness number of the atmosphere. Io is apparent extraterrestrial irradiance (W/m2), B (dimensionless) is atmospheric extinction coefficient and β is the solar altitude angle above the horizontal. The value of sinβ is calculated from: Sinβ = sinφ.sinδ + cosφ.cosδ.cosω (2.3) The latitude of the location is φ, δ is the solar declination angle and ω is the solar hour angle. The solar hour angle ω (in degrees) given by the local solar time (Tsol) as: ω = 15 (12:00 - Tsol) (2.4) The solar noon is assumed to be as zero mark and each hour equivalent to 150 of longitude where as morning (+) and afternoon (-). The local solar time (Tsol) is calculated from the local standard time (Tstd) and the equation of time (Et), is given by: (Tsol) = Tstd + Et + 4( Lstd-Lloc) (2.5) where Lstd is the standard meridian for the local time zone (longitude of the time zone) and Lloc is the longitude of the location in degree (00 < Lloc < 3600). The ASHRAE (1999) model solar data for clear sky for each month are given in Table 2.1. It specifies values for nine parameters; Ї, B, C, Et, δ, φ, Lstd, Lloc and Tstd. 24 Table 2.1: ASHRAE (1999) clear sky model data for 21st day of each month Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ї (W/m2) (W/m2) B C Equation time (minutes) Et Declination (degrees) δ 1416 1401 1381 1356 1336 1326 1326 1338 1359 1380 1405 1417 1230 1215 1186 1136 1104 1088 1085 1107 1151 1192 1221 1233 0.142 0.144 0.156 0.18 0.196 0.205 0.207 0.201 0.177 0.16 0.149 0.142 0.058 0.06 0.071 0.097 0.121 0.134 0.136 0.122 0.092 0.073 0.063 0.057 -11.2 -13.9 -7.5 1.1 3.3 -1.4 -6.2 -2.4 7.5 15.4 13.8 1.6 -20 -10.8 0 11.6 20 23.45 20.6 12.3 0 -10.5 -19.8 -23.45 Io 2.4.2 Solar Radiation Calculations on Horizontal Surfaces a. Beam (direct) radiation (Ibh) is given by: Ibh = Ibn cos θ (2.6) b. Diffuse radiation (Idiff) is given by: Idiff = C(Ibn) (2.7) Where for horizontal surface C is the sky diffusive factor c. The total solar radiation (Itot,h) on horizontal surface is: Itot,h = Ibn cos (θh) + C(Ibn) (2.8) The incident angle θ is related to solar altitude (β), surface solar azimuth (γ) and surface tilt angle (ζ). Cos (θ) = cosβ cos γ sinζ + sinβ cosζ (2.9) 25 When the surface is horizontal; (ζ) = 00 Cos θh = sin β For vertical surface; (ζ) = 900 Cos θv = cosβ cos γ Where, θh and θv are the angles of incidence on horizontal and vertical surfaces respectively. 2.4.3 Solar Radiation Calculations on Vertical Surface a. Beam (direct) radiation (Ibv) is given by: Ibv = Ibn cos (cosβ cos γ ) (2.10) b. Diffuse sky radiation (Idiff,v) given by: Idiff,v = C (Ibn) Fss (2.11) Where Fss is the angle factor between the surface and the sky, is given by Fss = (1+cosζ)/ 2 For vertical surface cos (ζ) = 0 c. Ground reflected radiation (Ir) given by: Ir = It, θ Gref. Fsg (2.12) Where It, θ is the total horizontal radiation strikes the ground surface (θ=00). Gref is reflectance of the ground and Fsg is the angle factor between the surface and the sky is given by: 26 Fsg = (1-cosζ)/ 2 d. The total global radiation on vertical surface is (Itot, v) given by: Itot, v = Ibv + Idiff, v + Ir = I’BN cos (cosβ cos γ ) + C (Ibn) Fss + It, θ Gref Fsg (2.13) 2.5 Analysis of Kuala Lumpur Sky Conditions A major draw back in using meteorological parameters is that of its scarcity and unavailable data except at limited geographical locations. Obtaining daily measurements are also time consuming and disperse location wise. Therefore in simulation models, average values, spatial interpolation, estimates from remote sensing and estimates obtained from models based on available climatic data have been suggested (Al-Sanea, 2004). As an alternative, numbers of climate prediction models have been recommended to estimate different climatic parameters with varying degree of details and accuracy. Relevant data of weather elements were extracted from the DOE-2 weather processor; Asian-sp files, for Kuala Lumpur; Latitude: 3.120, Longitude: +101.60 and Time zone: +7. The weather data is derived from weather tapes supplied by the national climatic centres of particular country or region. These weather tapes are generated based on monthly mean climatic variables; out door dry-bulb temperature (Tdt), out door wet-bulb temperature (Twt), atmospheric pressure (pa), cloud amount (N), wind speed (Vs), cloud type (Nt) and wind direction (Vd). When information is missing for one or more hours, Tdt, Twt, pa, N and Vs are linearly interpolated from previous available value to next available value. The other variables are calculated using mathematical formulas. Possible comparisons are made with measured data collected from the “Subang Meteorological Station” (SMS), in Kuala Lumpur and simulated data obtained from the DOE-2 weather processor to validate the latter in order to be used in hourly energy simulations. 27 2.5.1 Sky Condition The earth's atmosphere considerably changes the physical state of solar radiation and the exterior illuminance which arrives at the surface of the earth. Different molecules (aerosols absorbed and scattered part of it) and influence of cloud cover affect the flux of solar radiation. This implies that different types of sky result from different types of climate and geographical location. The intensity of the solar radiation varies for different sky conditions, namely clear sky (blue sky), overcast sky, intermediate overcast sky, intermediated mean sky and intermediate blue sky. Different methods are being used in predicting different sky conditions. The most commonly used methods are based on using cloud cover ratio (Muneer, 2000; Ramli Rahim et al, 2004), sunshine duration data (Ramli Rahim et al, 2004) and calculating the nebulosity index (NI) (Azni Zain-Ahmed et al, 2002). As reviewed by Muneer (2000), previous studies indicated 70-85% of models are based on the sunshine duration and 50% are based on the cloud cover. Relative sunshine duration (S) is the most extensively used weather parameter for estimating radiation flux. It is defined as the ratio of daily sunshine duration (n) to maximum possible sunshine duration (no) or day-length. S = (n) / (no) (2.14) The cloud cover ratio (Kcc) emphasises the amount of sky covered with clouds. Also the definition of cloud ratio is taken as proportion of the diffused irradiance (Idiff,h) to global irradiance (IGh) (Ramli Rahim et al, 2004). A similar approach is used in daylight experiments as the ratio of the diffuse illuminance to the global illuminance is adopted as cloud ratio. Theoretically the range of cloud ratio is considered as 0-10, representing 0 cloud ratio indicates a clear sky and cloud ratio 10 indicates an overcast sky. A similar bench mark is created in daylight experiments, where cloudiness factor ranges from 0 for overcast sky to 1.0 for clear sky. Kcc = (Idiff,h) / (IGh) (2.15) 28 The Nebulosity Index NI is calculated using solar geometry, diffused radiation (Idiff,h), global radiation (IGh) and diffused illuminance (Azni Zain-Ahmed et al, 2002). NI = {1-Idiff, h / IGh} (2.16) (1-CR) The cloud ratio CR can be calculated using: CR = Ėdiff,cl / { Ėdiff,cl + exp(-4mAr) sinβ} (2.17) Where, Ėdiff,cl is clear sky diffuse illuminance given by: Ėdiff,cl = 0.0065 + (0.255-0.138 sinβ) sinβ (2.18) m = [sinβ +0.50572 exp {-1.6364 In (β+6.07995)}]-1 (2.19) Ar = {55.4729+m [3.0312+m {-0.6329+m (0.091-0.00512m)}]}-1 (2.20) Where ‘Ar’ is the Rayleigh scattering coefficient, ‘m’ is the optical air mass and β is the solar altitude. Azni Zain-Ahmed et al (2002) used the nebulosity index (NI) to determine sky conditions and to calculate the irradiances in Malaysia. According to different NI values, the sky conditions are categorized as shown in table 2.2 below. Based on the occurrences of sky types, the study concluded that the Malaysian sky is predominantly an intermediate sky. This was justified by the calculated mean NI value for Malaysian as 0.52, which lies between the range of intermediate sky 0.20 and 0.70. The definition of intermediate implies that the sky is neither clear nor overcast (Azni Zain-Ahmed et al, 2002). The ratio between irradiance (W/m2) and illuminance (lux) predicts the luminous efficacy (lm/W) which differs depending on the sky type. The respective values of beam, diffuse and global efficacies were calculated using equations (2.22), 29 (2.23) and (2.24) respectively for measured and empirical model (Muneer, 1997; Littlefair, 1988; Azni Zain-Ahmed et al, 2002). Table 2.2: Different Sky types according to Nebulosity Index, Subang Jaya Malaysia. Source: Azni Zain-Ahmed et al. (2002) Type of Sky Nebulosity Index (NI) Frequency (%) Overcast Sky 0.00<0.05 14.0 Intermediate overcast 0.05<0.20 2.3 Intermediate mean 0.20<0.70 66.0 Intermediate Blue 0.70<0.95 17.3 Blue / Clear Sky 0.95<1.00 0 The calculated annual average values of global diffused and beam efficacy for Subang area are 112 lm/W, 120 lm/W and 104 lm/W respectively (Azni ZainAhmed et al, 2002). Further, the mean global efficacy based on measured irradiance and illuminance values for Shah Alam and Bangi (in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia) indicated 119+ 2% lm/W and 133 + 2% lm/W respectively. K (luminous efficacy) = Beam luminous efficacy (KB) = Diffuse luminous efficacy (KD) = Global luminous efficacy (KG) = Illuminance Irradiance Illuminance from sunlight (Eo,sun) Beam Irradiance (Ibh) Diffuse Illuminance (Eo,sky) Diffuse Irradiance (Idiff, h) Global Illuminance (Eo) Global Irradiance (IG) (lm/W) (2.21) (lm/W) (2.22) (lm/W) (2.23) (lm/W) (2.24) However, in broad terms, sky conditions can be divided into three types (CIE- International Illumination Commission); clear sky, overcast sky and 30 intermediate sky. As reviewed by Hamdan (1996), characteristics of hot and humid equatorial climates like in Malaysia vary significantly through out the day. This condition is mainly due to the formation of clouds creating sky patches and resulting in obstruction of the sun. Therefore, the solar radiation penetration is not constant and the intensity of the solar radiation from the sky vault is a combination of direct sun, clear sky portion and from the cloudy portion. However, Azni Zain-Ahmed et al (2002) concluded by evaluating long term meteorological data, that impact of direct solar radiation is predominant and global exterior illuminances may exceed 100,000 lux during brightest months and 60,000 lux under cloudy sky conditions in Malaysia. 2.5.2 Solar Radiation Analysis Comparison between the SMS measured and the DOE weather file (DOE.wf) data indicates a closer and a similar pattern for horizontal solar radiation for the location Kuala Lumpur. However, the DOE weather data indicated higher solar radiation intensity on 21 March, 24 September and 21 December during the peak hours (11:00 -15:00 hours) (table 2.3). The DOE.wf data indicated 22%, 20% and 5% of mean daily solar radiation value increment on respective days (21 March, 24 September & 21 December) compared to the SMS data. On 22 June measured data at the SMS indicated a higher value. The measurements indicated a 10% increase in mean daily solar radiation for June 22, compared to the SMS data. The measured maximum hourly horizontal solar radiation value reported for 21 March was 927 W/m2 at 12:00 noon, while simulated value indicated a maximum value of 967 W/m2 at 13:00 hour. On 22 June, maximum value reported at the SMS is about 713 W/m2 at 12:00 noon and 586 W/m2 was indicated by the DOE.wf at 14:00 hour. The maximum value on 24 September was obtained at 11:00 and 13:00 hours which indicated 855 W/m2 and 989 W/m2 for the SMS and the DOE.wf respectively. December 22 received maximum values of 738 W/m2 and 863 W/m2 for the SMS and the DOE.wf respectively. Hence, it can be concluded that Malaysian skies radiate high solar radiation intensity (table 2.3). 31 Table 2.3: Comparison of measured SMS and DOE-weather file data for hourly horizontal solar radiation for Kuala Lumpur (2001) (Latitude: 3.120, Longitude: +101.60 & Time zone: +7) Hour 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21-Mar SMS KL measure DOE.wf W/m2 W/m2 63.88 0 277.72 148.144 527.67 305.744 624.88 409.76 891.49 734.416 927.59 955.056 344.38 967.664 372.15 939.296 505.46 788 566.55 690.288 241.62 475.952 72.21 220.64 0 18.912 22-Jun SMS KL measure DOE.wf W/m2 W/m2 36.10 0 244.40 226.94 352.71 293.13 441.58 409.76 405.48 532.68 713.75 447.58 649.87 387.69 449.91 586.27 394.37 485.40 336.04 264.76 163.86 138.68 77.76 34.67 0 3.15 24-Sep SMS KL measure DOE.wf W/m2 W/m2 8.33 0 91.65 75.64 263.84 252.16 461.02 469.64 855.39 614.64 802.62 932.99 722.08 989.72 441.58 806.91 211.07 412.91 488.79 403.45 86.09 286.83 30.55 148.14 0 0 21-Dec SMS KL measure DOE.wf W/m2 W/m2 8.33 0 63.88 148.14 241.62 371.93 413.81 576.81 738.74 721.80 605.44 863.64 822.06 535.84 608.21 561.05 380.48 375.08 341.60 302.59 247.17 195.42 0 53.58 0 9.45 Horizontal Solar radiation data from both weather files were also evaluated by employing a statistical analysis. The ‘mean bias error’ (MBE) and the ‘root mean square error’ (RMSE) are most commonly used indicators in examining the model’s performances (Muneer, 1998; Robledo et.al, 2001). The MBE indicates whether the trend under predict or over predict its modelled values. The result is expressed as a percentage. As reviewed by Muneer (1998) on the work done by Drummond (1965) and Coulson (1975), suggests that accuracies of the order of 2-3% (MBE) are acceptable for daily summations of radiation and hourly summations may have error of 5%- 11% (MBE) at lower solar elevations. MBE = RMSE = Σ (estimated value – measured value) No. of measurements Σ (estimated value – measured value) 2 No. of measurements (W h/m2) (2.25) (W h/m2) (2.26) 32 Table.2.4 shows the results of MBE and RMSE calculated for data measured at the Subang Meteorological Station (SMS) and estimated values obtained from the DOE weather file. The results yield MBE and RMSE in the range 0.4%- 6.8% and 1.5%- 23.7% respectively. In both cases, 28 January, 24 July and 28 August indicate higher values. Values on January and July suggests that the DOE.wf values over predicts than the SMS data, while on August the DOE.wf under predicts the values compared to the SMS data. However, in other months, the MBE values ranged between 0.4% and 1.9% which is within the acceptable range. In view of the above accuracy criterion, it is assumed that the DOE.wf data provide relatively similar climatic conditions of hot and humid climates. Table 2.4: Monthly mean global horizontal solar radiations (W/m2) and MBE & RMSE values for SMS and DOE.wf (Kuala Lumpur) Day DOE.wf Subang MS (SMS) MBE RMSE Month Mean estimated value(W/m2) Mean measured value(W/m2) % % 28-Jan 23-Feb 21-Mar 16-Apr 21-May 22-Jun 24-Jul 28-Aug 24-Sep 20-Oct 22-Nov 21-Dec 5995.1 5226.0 6653.9 4103.9 4816.3 3810.8 5159.8 2036.2 5393.1 4144.9 3621.6 4705.9 4015.9 4943.5 5415.6 4449.1 5235.1 4265.8 2832.8 4335.3 4454.7 5240.6 4193.6 4471.3 4.1 0.5 1.9 -0.6 -0.7 -0.9 6.8 -4.4 1.9 -1.7 -1.1 0.4 14.2 1.6 6.6 2.2 2.3 3.1 23.7 15.3 6.4 6.0 3.9 1.5 33 2 Global Horizontal Solar Radiation (W/m ) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 32 1 32 7 1 32 9 11 32 1 11 32 3 11 32 5 11 32 7 11 62 9 2 62 7 2 62 9 21 62 1 21 62 3 21 62 5 21 62 7 21 92 9 4 92 7 4 92 9 41 92 1 41 92 3 41 92 5 41 92 7 4 12 19 21 12 7 2 12 1 9 21 12 11 21 12 13 21 12 15 21 12 17 21 19 0 Month/ Day/ Hour Measured-subang MS DOE.WF-KL Figure 2.1: Comparison of global horizontal solar radiation between SMS (measured) and DOE-wf (simulated) for Kuala Lumpur- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December Direct normal solar radiations (In) and diffuse radiations (Idiff) are obtained for clear sky conditions. The required variables and measurements are as follows; the solar constant (Isc), clearness number for the hour (Cn), solar extinction coefficient (Sec) and sky diffusive factor (Sdf). If the solar tapes are available, measured data were considered in order to derive the direct normal radiation and diffuse radiation. If the simulation uses a non-solar weather tape, the following methods are used to calculate the direct and diffuse solar radiations. Direct normal Solar radiation Clear day direct normal solar radiation = X Cloud cover (2.27) And, Diffuse horizontal solar radiation from sky = Clear day diffuse horizontal solar radiation X Cloud cover (2.28) 34 Table 2.5: Hourly direct normal solar radiations (x cloud cover) and diffuse horizontal solar radiation (x cloud cover) - DOE. wf. (Kuala Lumpur); (W/m2) 21-Mar Hour 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Direct (W/m2) 368.78 337.26 277.38 510.62 715.50 690.29 674.53 583.12 583.12 475.95 302.59 110.32 Diffuce (W/m2) 38.77 126.08 206.46 283.05 258.15 278.95 295.97 295.66 295.03 254.68 154.13 13.87 22-Jun Direct (W/m2) 472.80 151.30 144.99 249.01 173.36 91.41 308.90 330.96 189.12 107.17 44.13 0.00 24-Sep Diffuce (W/m2) 78.17 213.08 307.00 323.08 288.09 302.28 311.73 226.00 146.25 92.98 25.85 3.15 Direct (W/m2) 75.65 132.38 223.79 296.29 709.20 724.96 450.74 132.38 201.73 223.79 220.64 0.00 21-Dec Diffuce (W/m2) 48.54 174.31 295.97 344.51 233.88 270.44 387.07 306.06 277.06 196.37 114.10 0.00 Direct (W/m2) 460.19 665.07 683.98 665.07 775.39 378.24 378.24 230.10 75.65 144.99 50.43 59.89 Diffuce (W/m2) 16.71 40.35 114.10 185.65 181.24 198.26 242.70 206.46 259.41 141.52 46.33 8.83 According to table 2.6, on 21 March, 24 September and 21 December, the impact of the direct normal solar radiation is high except on 22 June, where the diffused component is high. The ratio between diffuse to direct solar radiations is calculated. A lower ratio on 21 March and 21 December indicates a clear sky on above days and higher ratio values suggest a cloudy sky on 22 June and 24 September. Thus, this implies that the correspondence characteristic of partly clear and partly cloudy sky is evident. Table 2.6: Percentage of direct normal solar radiation and diffuse horizontal solar radiation, DOE.wf for Kuala Lumpur (2001) 21-March % Ratio 22-June 24-September 21-December Direct (W/m2) Diffuce (W/m2) Direct (W/m2) Diffuce (W/m2) Direct (W/m2) Diffuce (W/m2) Direct (W/m2) Diffuce (W/m2) 69% 30.70% 53% 55% 56% 43.80% 73% 26% 0.44 1.02 0.78 0.36 The hourly total solar radiation on vertical surface were simulated and shown in fig 2.2 to fig 2.5. The data indicates, on 21 March and 24 September the west surface received higher solar radiation than the east oriented surface. On 21 March east façade obtained a maximum of over 500 W/m2, while the west received over 700W/m2 on the same day (figure 2.2). When compared to the north and south, 35 impact of solar radiation on the east and west surfaces are higher. On 24 September maximum intensity was recorded on the west oriented vertical plane which is about 450 W/m2 and on the east it is about 350W/m2 (figure 2.4). 800 600 2 Solar Radiation (W/m ) 700 500 400 300 200 100 0 6 7 8 9 10 North Figure 2.2: 21 March 11 12 13 Hour 14 East 15 16 17 South 18 19 20 West Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffused) on vertical surface on 600 Solar Radiation (W/m2) 500 400 300 200 100 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hour North Figure 2.3: on 22 June East South West Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffused) on vertical surface 36 On 22 June, the north and east surface received a considerably higher amount of radiation. On this day, the east obtained solar radiation intensity of about 450 W/m2 and the north and west indicated a maximum intensity of just about 300 W/m2 (figure 2.3). 500 450 2 Solar Radiation (W/m ) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 North 12 13 Hour 14 East 15 16 17 South 18 19 20 West Figure 2.4: Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffused) on vertical surface on 24 September 700 2 Solar Radiation (W/m ) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hour North East South West Figure 2.5: Hourly total solar radiations (direct & diffused) on vertical surface on 21 December During 21 December the impact of solar radiation were strong on the east and the south surfaces. As shown in figure 2.5, the east surface received about 450 W/m2 37 while the west surface received just about 300 W/m2. The south façade also received considerable amount of solar radiation of about 300 W/m2. 2.5.3 Outdoor Design Temperature Analysis Hourly outdoor temperatures were obtained in dry-bulb (DBT) and wet-bulb (WBT) scale (figure 2.6 & 2.7). The highest temperature in DBT (36.1 0C) was recorded on 22 June and in WBT (26.1 0C) in 21 March. Monthly mean values of both DBT and WBT were shown in figure 2.8 and 2.9. A comparison between the SMS data and the DOE.wf data indicated that the SMS data had a maximum of 1.3 0 C differences for WBT on the month of January and a range between 0.08 0C to 0.86 0C differences on other months except on February than the DOE.wf data. In February, the DOE.wf data measured a 0.2 0C temperature difference than the SMS DBT-oC data. 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Outdoor design temperature DBT 330C(MS1525:2001) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 2.6: Hourly variations of dry bulb temperature (DBT) for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE. wf. for Kuala Lumpur 38 30 29 Outdoor design temperature 0C WBT 27.2 (MS 1525:2001) 28 27 WBT- oC 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 2.7: Hourly variations of wet bulb temperature (WBT) for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE. wf. for Kuala Lumpur The SMS and DOE.wf measurements difference for DBT showed a range between 0.04 0C to 1.04 0C. The month of April indicated a 1.04 0C difference between DOE.wf and SMS measurements. Comparing the monthly mean readings of DBT, the DOE.wf data emphasized a higher value on April, May, July, August, 0 Mean Drybulb Temperature ( C) September, October and November than any other months. 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Measured-Subang MS Figure 2.8: DOE.WF-KL Temperature Difference Comparison of monthly mean DBT (0C) data from SMS and DOE.wf Mean Wetbulb Temperature (0C) 39 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Measured-Subang MS Figure 2.9: DOE.WF-KL Temperature Difference Comparison of monthly mean WBT (0C) data from SMS and DOE.wf The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated at constant pressure is called the dew-point temperature (Td, also DewPT). The monthly mean dew point temperatures from both weather data were plotted as shown in fig. 2.10. The differences ranged between 1.7 0C and 0.06 0C. The maximum difference of 1.7 0 C was emphasized during the month of January and on other months the difference Dew Point Temperature (0C) was less than 1 0C. 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Measured-Subang MS DOE.WF-KL Temperature Difference Figure 2.10: Monthly variation of Dew Point Temperatures (0C) data from SMS and DOE.wf 40 Table 2.7 shows the monthly mean values of the DBT, WBT and dew-point temperatures and correspondence mean bias error (MBE) values. The MBE for DBT ranged between 0.17% and 3.65%; for WBT indicated the range between 0.31% and 5.31% and DewPT ranged between 0.00% and 7.41%. The statistics indicated that all the values were within an acceptable error range (less than 11%). The MBE value for DBT also suggests more accuracy with the measured temperature. Table 2.7: Monthly mean values of DBT, WBT and DewPT and correspondence Mean Bias Error (MBE) values Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Dry-bulb Temperature (oC) DOE. MBE SMS wf % 26.90 26.94 0.17 27.20 27.22 0.08 27.30 27.56 0.94 28.60 27.56 -3.65 27.80 27.39 -1.48 28.10 28.17 0.24 27.80 27.17 -2.28 27.50 27.33 -0.61 27.20 26.89 -1.14 27.00 26.67 -1.23 27.10 26.28 -3.03 27.00 27.06 0.21 Wet-bulb Temperature (oC) DOE. MBE SMS wf % 24.70 23.39 -5.31 24.30 24.50 0.82 24.80 24.72 -0.31 25.30 24.94 -1.41 25.10 24.83 -1.06 24.80 23.94 -3.45 24.40 23.89 -2.09 24.50 23.94 -2.27 24.40 24.00 -1.64 24.60 24.17 -1.76 24.70 24.33 -1.48 24.40 24.17 -0.96 Dew point Temperature (oC) DOE. MBE SMS wf % 23.70 21.94 -7.41 23.00 23.56 2.42 23.80 23.44 -1.49 24.00 24.06 0.23 24.00 24.00 0.00 23.30 22.33 -4.15 22.90 22.67 -1.02 23.20 22.72 -2.06 23.30 22.94 -1.53 23.50 23.22 -1.18 23.70 23.61 -0.38 23.40 23.06 -1.47 2.5.4 Exterior Illuminance Analysis It is reported by Azni Zain-Ahmed et al (2002) and Hamdan (1996) that there is no long term daylight data for Malaysian climate. In this study the daylight hourly availability has been simulated for Malaysian conditions using daylight modelling techniques based on empirical and measured solar irradiance, using the DOE-2 simulation engine. Then, the data were compared with findings of Azni Zain Ahmed et al (2002) for validation. Current hour exterior horizontal illuminance in the DOE program were calculated by using current hour sun position, cloud cover and measured or calculated horizontal solar radiation. The daylight calculations were performed for standard clear and overcast sky conditions for a series of 20 different 41 solar altitudes and azimuth angles covering the annual range of sun positions at correspondence location. The calculated hourly exterior illuminances were obtained from three different sources; illuminances from clear part of the sky, overcast part of the sky and from direct sun. The exterior illuminance for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and Ext: Illuminance (Lux) 21 December were shown in figure 2.11 to 2.14. 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hour Clear sky Overcast sky Direct Sun Total Illuminance Figure 2.11: Exterior horizontal illuminance for 21 March, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur The direct sun component is the main contributor on the exterior illuminance for 21 March, 24 September and 21 December. Contribution of the clear sky and the overcast sky create the diffuse component of the illumination. Illuminance from overcast part of the sky was dominant during 22 June. The respective total exterior illuminance for each respective day was found to be; 114,346 lux, 68,412 lux, 116,089 lux and 100,143 lux as illustrated in table.2.9 and fig 2.15. Table 2.9 shows the monthly maximum contribution of each sky type (clear and overcast) and direct sun on the exterior illuminance. 42 80,000 Exterior Illuminance (lux) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hour Clear sky Figure 2.12: Lumpur Overcast sky Direct sun Total Illuminance Exterior horizontal illuminance for 22 June, DOE.wf data for Kuala 140,000 Exterior Illuminance (lux) 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 8 9 10 Clear sky 11 12 13 14 Hour Overcast sky Direct sun 15 16 17 18 Total Illuminance Figure 2.13: Exterior horizontal illuminance for 24 September, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 43 110,000 Exterior Illuminance (lux) 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hour Clear sky Overcast sky Direct sun Total Illuminance Figure 2.14: Exterior horizontal illuminance for 21 December, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur The calculated results showed that mean average total diffuse exterior illuminance (clear + overcast sky) as 67,927 lux and the mean average total exterior illuminance (diffuse + direct) as 163,885 lux. These values showed close relationship with measured values for total illuminance which exceeds 100,000 lux in Shah Alam (which is closer to Subang MS) and 140,000 lux in Bangi (Azni ZainAhmed et al, 2002). A set of hourly global irradiance and illuminance data were obtained for each month simulated for Kuala Lumpur from the DOE.wf. The calculated mean global luminous efficacy indicated a value of 118 lm/W (figure 2.16) which is very close to the established value by measured data for Shah Alam. 44 Exterior Illuminance (lux) 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 8 9 10 11 21-Mar 12 13 14 15 Hour 22-Jun 24-Sep 16 17 18 19 21-Dec Figure 2.15: Total exterior horizontal illuminance, DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 140,000 Global Illuminance (Lux) 120,000 y = 118.4x - 338.57 2 R = 0.9979 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 2 Global Irradiance (W/m ) Figure 2.16: Calculated global luminous efficacies (lm/W) from DOE.wf data for Kuala Lumpur 45 Table 2.8: Horizontal exterior diffuse illuminance values (clear sky & overcast sky) on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE.wf (Kuala Lumpur) Time (Hour) 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 Horizontal exterior diffused illuminance from sky (Lux) 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec 4874.28 15806.44 25888.56 35508 32376.84 34980.76 37132.76 37078.96 37014.4 31957.2 19314.2 1743.12 9791.6 26717.08 38499.28 40511.4 36153.6 37907.48 39091.08 28363.36 18345.8 11642.32 3228 387.36 6090.16 21875.08 37122 43212.16 29353.28 33915.52 48570.64 38402.44 34744.04 24618.88 14300.04 - 2087.44 5046.44 14321.56 23263.12 22746.64 24887.88 30418.52 25888.56 32527.48 17743.24 5799.64 1097.52 Table 2.9: Hourly maximum global exterior illuminance for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December, DOE.wf. (Kuala Lumpur) Day/ Month 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec GLOBAL EXTERNAL ILLUMINANCE (hourly maximum- Lux) DOE.wf Clear Overcast Diffused Direct Sky Sky Total Sun Total (Cl.sky+ Sky Sky Ove.sky) Illuminance 17,754 32,495 79,484 114,346 37,132 30,386 14,439 29,321 68,412 40,511 6,068 42,502 82,174 116,089 48,570 4,067 28,460 77,396 100,143 32,527 Diffused Direct Illuminance % 32.47 59.22 41.84 32.48 % 69.51 42.86 70.79 77.29 Table 2.10 and figure 2.17 show the monthly maximum exterior illuminance obtained by each part of sky conditions. Months of January and November indicated the lowest direct sunlight illuminance, while the maximum amount was reported on April. Generally, the maximum sunlight mean value was about 95,000 lux. 46 Exterior global illuminance (Lux) 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Clear Sky Overcast Sky Direct Sun Figure 2.17: Monthly maximum exterior illuminance values from clear sky, overcast sky and direct sun, DOE.wf (Kuala Lumpur) The overcast sky had an average maximum value of about 46,000 lux and the monthly maximum was indicated on June and July. During this time, the sun location was farthest from the equator. The lowest illuminance from the overcast sky was indicated on March. Under clear sky conditions, the maximum illuminance was received on January and July, which is about 35,000 lux. The lowest illuminance was indicated on August, October, November and December. Table 2.10: Monthly maximum exterior illuminance values from clear sky, overcast sky and direct sun, DOE.wf, (Kuala Lumpur) GLOBAL EXTERNAL ILLUMINANCE (Monthly maximum) Month Clear Sky (lux) Overcast Sky (lux) Direct Sun (lux) January February March April May June July August September October November December mean average 36,423 20,487 22,166 14,881 19,185 31,989 35,669 7,016 14,375 6,703 6,833 7,177 21,563 47,893 49,055 39,801 51,723 48,248 52,928 52,670 49,119 42,502 46,924 47,796 50,238 46,365 88,544 109,451 99,465 105,297 100,412 99,777 94,344 100,154 101,187 97,733 82,465 93,128 95,958 47 The annual contribution of mean average values of the diffused illuminance (clear sky + overcast sky) and direct sun illuminance showed 41% and 58% respectively compared to the mean average total illuminance value. The illuminance from the overcast sky consists of 68% of the diffuse illuminance. However, respective percentages of each illuminance component were evaluated as 13% from clear sky, 28% from overcast sky and 58% from direct sun. This implies that impact of direct sun on exterior illuminance is predominant. 2.6 Summary The distinct difference between heat and light of solar spectrum were discussed. A brief outline of the solar geometry, sun’s position related to altitude and azimuth angles, factors affecting on the distribution of solar radiation components were also discussed. Further, a brief review of different models and commonly used procedures for solar radiation calculation method were also presented. Weather data from two different sources for the same location were analysed to validate their compatibility to be used in energy calculations. Comparisons were carried out on solar radiation, out door temperature and exterior global illuminance with measured data and simulated DOE wf data for 2001, as a representative year. A statistical evaluation was carried out to determine the tendency of simulated data compared to measured data. The low MBE value range between 0.4% and 1.9% revealed that solar radiation data from the DOE weather processor presented relatively similar to measured data. The predicted ratio between diffuse and direct solar radiation indicated combination of clear and cloudy sky conditions. This was evident on the illuminance values obtained on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December. For example, diffuse to direct radiation ratio on 22 June indicated a higher ratio than other months, thus predicted a low exterior illuminance level. The correspondence exterior illuminance values established with the measured data were determined on the availability of the solar radiation. Therefore, based on these assumptions, resultant interior illuminance will largely depend on the corresponding 48 outdoor illuminances. The calculated global luminous efficacy also has been confirmed by the measured data. The WBT, DBT and DewPT were statistically evaluated and the low MBE values confirmed the accuracy of the calculated data with the measured data. Review also revealed that solar intensity and the natural-light availability in Malaysian sky was very high. The high solar radiation conditions and natural-light availability may well influence on the building internal thermal, visual performances and on the energy consumption. With this background, the problem of the impact of solar radiation and daylight on building energy use were discussed and appropriate solutions were proposed for further analysis in chapter 3 and 4. Although the DOE weather processor was developed based on monthly data and on calculation for clear sky conditions, the comparison of results indicated a similar atmospheric and solar radiation data to the existing conditions of a hot and humid climate. Therefore assumptions are made for the following: o The characteristic of sky is of a clear sky condition. o Impact of the direct solar radiation is dominants in most months o High daylight availability Thereby, it is assumed that using the DOE weather processor data may provide relevant climatic data for accurate solar radiation, daylight and energy calculations which represents the hot and humid climates like in Malaysia. CHAPTER 3 ENERGY USE IN HIGH-RISE OFFICE BUILDINGS, HEAT GAIN AND SOLAR SHADING This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section reviews the energy scenario and the building energy consumption in Malaysian context. This is to get an overall view on the present development in energy efficiency measures in Malaysia. It further discuses building design considerations to achieve energy efficiency in buildings and the factors influencing on the energy consumption in high-rise office buildings to determine appropriate building configuration for the experiment. Related review on high-rise office buildings and energy related issues in Malaysia were derived from secondary data obtained from three forms of sources. The first review was from the survey conducted under the ASEAN-USAID building energy conservation project in 1992 (Loewen, et al, 1992). The survey comprised two hundred (200) numbers of commercial buildings in South East Asian region including twenty six (26) numbers of office buildings in Malaysia. Details obtained from this survey were summarized in Appendix C1. The second source of information was obtained from survey conducted by Harrison et al (1998) on intelligent buildings in South East Asia. The survey was carried out on fifteen (15) office buildings, including two (2) office buildings from Malaysia. Summary of the buildings and data obtained from the survey were presented in Appendix C2. The term intelligent building is used to determine the intelligent building infrastructure that serves effective organizational performances. The third form of information was obtained from previous research work carried out on this field by various researches and publications. 50 The second section reviews the modes of heat transmission and different types of heat transmission in buildings. This is mainly to understand the variables that affect on thermal performance of a building. Finally, third section discuses the shading device with the aspect of manipulating the solar radiation penetration into the building. Different shading devices are analyzed to understand the implication and their basic functions as a solar radiation control device. Major factors affecting the solar energy transmittance are also discussed. Aspects in determining the effectiveness of the shading are presented in order to find a suitable energy efficient shading strategy. 3.1 Energy Consumption Pattern in Malaysia Energy conservation and energy efficiency has been a great concern in Malaysia after the oil crisis in year1980 (Ramatha, 1994). Statistics from National energy balance report for the year 2002 shows that primary energy supplies and final energy demand had rapid growth between year 1990 and 2002 compared to the growth from year 1980 to 1990. The energy demand increased by about two times in year 1990 compared to 1980, while the increase in year 2002 was about three times than in year 1990. The growth in energy supply and demand increased tremendously after the economic crisis in 1997-1998 periods. The commercial and residential sectors in Malaysia consumed about 29% and 20% of the total electricity usage for the year 2002 (MECM, 2002). This was about 7.5% increment for both sectors compared to the electricity consumption for the year 2001. The industrial sector consumed the highest amount of electricity energy which was about 51% of total electricity usage. The total electricity consumption in year 2001 recorded 63,043 GWh and 66,991.4 GWh in 2002, which was about 6.3% growth. Further, the annual growth rate for electricity demand has increased to 5.8% in year 2002 from 4.5% in year 2001. The growth in electrical demand was due to the economic recovery in the industrial sector and in commercial sector. The total final commercial energy demand was at 33,290 ktoe (kilotons of oil equivalent) in year 2002 compared with 31,515 ktoe in year 2001. Thus, it is important to promote 51 energy conservation and efficiency in every energy consumption sectors in the country in turn to reduce the energy demand in the future. 3.1.1 Energy Consumption in Buildings Building construction and operation consume vast amount of natural energy resources and material. They have an impact on the environment by contributing directly and indirectly to pollution. The use of energy in buildings accounts for about 40% and 37% of the total primary energy use in European Union countries and in United States respectively. Energy studies of commercial buildings in south-east Asia, comprising Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, were initiated under the ASEAN-USAID Building Energy Conservation project in 1992. The energy audit survey was conducted for several building types; offices, hotels, hospitals, retails and supermarkets. All surveyed data were related to electricity consumption as electricity is the prime energy scalar and it is exclusively used in ASEAN countries. The summary of results obtained for office building electricity consumption for each country is shown in table 3.1. The results showed that the office buildings in this region have an electricity consumption of 233 kWh/m2/yr on average. Comparison among the five countries revealed that Malaysia has the highest electricity consumption of 269 kWh/m2/yr among the office buildings surveyed in year 1992. In another study by Ramatha (1994), reported that energy consumption for air-conditioning is about 52% and lighting 42% in office buildings in Malaysia (based on 1985 statistic). Compared to other South East Asian countries, the energy consumption for air-conditioning was still high in Malaysia, while Singapore reported the highest lighting consumption. 52 Table 3.1: Electricity intensity averages for ASEAN countries. Source: ASEAN-USAID Building Energy Conservation Project Final report (Loewen et al, 1992) Country No. of Buildings Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand ASEAN 4 26 26 65 7 128 Average Consumption (kWh/m2/yr) 147 269 235 222 237 233 The breakdown of electric use by component for office building in different South East Asian countries as calculated using the ASEAM-2 simulation was shown in table 3.2. According to the results in Malaysian offices, energy consumption for air-conditioning and fans was about 68.8% and electric lighting was about 23% of total electricity use. Table3.2: Electricity consumption percentages by building components for ASEAN countries. Source: ASEAN-USAID Building Energy Conservation Project Final report (Loewen et al, 1992) Country Consumption by Component (%) Air-condition Fans Lighting Miscellaneous Indonesia 36.6 43.5 11.8 8.1 Malaysia 60.1 8.7 23.1 8.1 Philippines 45 16.2 22.5 5.6 Singapore 36.6 13.2 24.2 26 ASEAN* 46 15.6 22.5 15.5 DOE-2 Simulation 40 18 23 18 Energy Efficient Building Codes and Standards Few countries in the world have adopted mandatory requirements on energy conservation for buildings. In broad, evaluating energy performances of buildings 53 can be classified in terms of consumption and building envelop performances (including its elements; window glazing, shading devices, building materials etc.). There are number of different standards for calculating thermal transmittance values (U-values), light and solar transmittance etc. Some examples include, the ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1999 Standard for building envelop and NFRC standards for windows (Bulow-Hübe, 2001). In 1997, the commercial building incentive program (CBIP) suggested an average energy performance for commercial buildings to be at least 100kWh/m2/yr or better (Larsson, 2003). In year 2001, the department of standards Malaysia introduced a new code of practice for non-residential buildings on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy (MS 1525:2001), as a guidance on the effective use of energy. According to this new code of practice, non-residential building should comply with an annual energy consumption of less than 135kWh/m2/yr. Similar standards were formulated considering the heat gain across the building envelop for cooling dominated buildings. This included the determination of heat gain through the building envelop using the ‘overall thermal transfer values’ (OTTV) (ASHRAE Standard 90A, 1980; Kannan, 1991; Chan and Chow, 1998; Chirarattananon and Taveekun, 2004). In Malaysia, the required OTTV of building envelop for a building with air-conditioned load of above100kW and area exceeding 4000m2 should not be more than 45W/m2 (MS 1525:2001). However, one of the main constrain in the OTTV calculations is that it only can be used for simple geometrical shapes. This provides difficulty in calculating complex and circular building forms. Apart from architectural and passive design strategies, the MS 1525: 2001 also include descriptions and specifications on the following applications: lighting requirements, electric power and distribution, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems and on energy management control systems. Nevertheless it is important to understand that building energy code usually lays down the bottom line for energy efficiency. 54 3.1.2 Basic Principles of Energy Efficiency in High-Rise Buildings Cooling, heating, lighting and ventilation adjustments are made in response to user needs. The design of a building represents a choice of how these needs and desires are met. These same design choices also dictate how much non-renewable energy is necessary to provide these services. Numerous approaches have been developed to limit the non-renewable energy needs of commercial and institutional buildings. In general there are three basic approaches to achieve energy efficiency in buildings, which can be underline as: i. Use of architectural form and envelope as elements of environmental control ii. Development of mechanical and technical system efficiency iii. Efficient management of systems First approach encourages for maximum utilization of natural and environmental conditions prevailing at place where the building is constructed. This system enables a designer to identify the purpose of a particular type of environmental control solution and contribution of individual elements. Further, focus on architectural form and envelope provides a visual picture of the impact of environmental control alternatives on the users and as well as on built environment. This study is based on the use of architectural form and envelope as elements of environmental control in buildings to achieve energy efficiency. The second approach is to improve the mechanical systems for effective utilization of energy. The main objectives of using this method are to permit the most efficient utilization of energy and maximum reduction of energy consuming loads (Kannan, 1991). Although it is more of a technical aspect, the building envelopes can be designed to reduce the peak loads. This may result in reducing the size and cost of the mechanical system. 55 The third approach is managing the building energy utilities by controlling the runtime and excessive usage. This may be accomplished by manual control or using technologies such as automatic sensors to response to the interior design conditions. Management systems can be set and operated according to the time of the day, seasonal variations and depending on various functional requirements. However, any system cannot independently provide satisfactory results and need to be combined at various degrees. To obtain maximum effects, they must be adopted in coordinated combinations in the stage of planning and design of the building. Whilst observed from the aspect of energy efficiency and use of architectural form and envelope, building can be classified into three environmental control alternatives: i. Climate rejecting buildings ii. Climate adapted buildings iii. Combination of climate adapted and climate rejected buildings Climate Rejecting Building Climate rejecting buildings can be defined as buildings that use the form and envelope to reduce climate imposed loads. Thus, the form and envelope options isolate occupied spaces from the influence of climate. The envelope options include strategies such as reflective glazing, external shading and additional insulations. The energy effectiveness of the form is improved by limiting the skin-to-floor area ratio that contains the smallest volume of a cube like shape. In such buildings the environmental control strategies are handled by artificial means, such as electric lighting, air-conditioning and ventilation systems. Therefore, the energy consumption in climate rejecting buildings is very high and such buildings are also described as ‘internal load dominated buildings’. The energy needs of a climate rejecting building can be reduced by both making the form and envelope a better barrier to climate or by improving the effectiveness of internal systems. 56 Some examples of climate rejecting high-rise buildings in Malaysia are: LUTH building in Kuala Lumpur and the Komtar tower in Penang (figure 3.1). The LUTH Building in Kuala Lumpur The KOMTAR Building in Penang Figure 3.1: Examples of climate rejecting high-rise buildings in Malaysia Source: Voon Fee (1998) Climate Adapted Building Climate adaptive buildings can be defined as buildings that selectively filter and balance the positive and negative influences of the climate to provide internal environmental control. Thus, external climatic energy sources are filtered and distributed to occupied spaces via the building envelope for end uses such as lighting, thermal comforts and ventilation. The depth of a climate adapted building is generally narrow as dictated by the limits of the penetration of natural light and air. The envelope options of climate adapted buildings include large openings with appropriate solar shading, light-shelf and appropriate insulations. However, the building form and envelope configurations largely depend on the location and the prevailing climatic conditions. In these building types, the energy use pattern is dominated by the heat gains through the building envelope or the building skin and such buildings are described as ‘skin-dominated buildings’. 57 One of the best examples in Malaysia is the PWD standard office buildings design by W.Ivor Shipley, which was only 3 storey high, with a single corridor and was naturally ventilated (Voon Fee, 1998) (figure 3.2). The design was later adapted for high-rise buildings, with the use of air-conditioning and additional row of offices (Abdul Majid, 1996). Typical floor plan of a PWD office block Figure 3.2: Example of climate adapted building: Public Works Department (PWD or JKR) building, Kuala Lumpur. Source: Voon Fee (1998) Combination of Climate Adapted and Climate Rejected Building The contradictory design principles of the above two approaches were combined to the best advantage of both climate adaptive techniques and internal system technology as environmental control alternative. The environmental control equipment in a climate adapted building is required for two reasons. First, very few climates and building configurations will permit the exclusive use of direct climatic forces to meet all needs of the users. Secondly, climatic energies are typically transient sources of energy, changing hourly, daily and seasonally. These changes seldom match with the need of energy in most buildings. For instance, forced ventilation can cool a building during the periods when natural air is ineffective. Similarly, reducing solar heat gain may be a better trade off than use of daylight to reduce artificial lighting in buildings in high solar radiation intensity regions. Thus choice of environmental control in the climate adapted building can influence the form and envelop design of the building. Further, the use of environment control 58 equipment in climate adapted building defines the trade offs that must be made to achieve a successful hybrid solution. Most buildings design by Ken Yeang can be categorized as combination of climate adapted and rejected buildings, e.g. 21 storeys high Menara UMNO, 27 storeys high Central Plaza, Menara Mesiniaga and 37 storeys high Budaya Tower (figure 3.3). Abdul Majid (1996) summarized common architectural features of climate adapted and rejected combined building into four forms: Buildings dominated by external solar shading devices, buildings with double layer walls and external screen walls, building with articulated facades and buildings with intermediate spaces. 1). Menara Mesiniaga, Subang Jaya, Kuala Lumpur. 2). Menara UMNO, Penang Figure 3.3: Combination of climate adapted and rejected buildings in Malaysia However, two common methods can be identified in combining the climate adapted features and climate rejected features: 1) Dividing the building spaces into portions to get the full benefit of the natural resources and partial benefits. In other words, lift lobbies, toilets, stairwells were designed to take the full advantage of the natural ventilation and daylight, thus the occupied spaces to be operated by mechanical means; e.g. Menara Mesiniaga, Subang Jaya, Kuala Lumpur. 59 2) Designing the building that can be adopted for both conditions. Meaning that the building is design for air-conditioning but if required it can be naturally ventilated and day-lit; e.g. Menara UMNO, Penang. Energy consumption is climate dependent. Any energy efficient strategy should respond to the prevailing climatic conditions than only complying with the standards. Another important aspect is that energy reduction strategy should consider comfort of the user as well. Therefore, reducing the energy consumption in buildings is far more challenging task than just fulfilling the proposed standards. These standards have been implemented for mechanical system controls, management systems and architectural design strategies to achieve the target energy consumption levels. However, there are more potential to develop more integrating solutions such as minimizing solar heat gains and maximizing daylight utilization through climate responsive design strategies. The review on the selected existing buildings also suggested that space loads and lighting loads are the main contributors on high energy consumption in buildings. Thus, the following section discusses the principles and the factors influencing high energy consumption in buildings. 3.1.3 Review Related Research on High-Rise Office Building The main aim of this review is to understand the overall architectural design features of the existing high-rise office buildings in tropical climatic regions. From the literature review it was found that there are five main architectural design influences on high-rise configuration: building form and orientation, core plan, floor plan, building envelope and articulated spaces (Kannan, 1991; Yeang, 1994; Hamdan, 1996; Abdul Majid, 1996; Hassan, KAKU 1996; Azni Zain-Ahmed, 2002). 60 High-Rise Building Form and Orientation Physically building configuration can be defined as the scale and the shape of the form. This can be further elaborated as the nature, size and location of structural and non-structural elements of a building. These include elements such as walls, service core, floor, columns, partitions and the perforation of exterior wall for light and air. Articulation of the physical elements and components according to internal spatial requirement create the essential built form of the high-rise building structure. Markus (1980) developed a theoretical method to determine the optimum size for thermal performance by using surface area to volume ratio of a building. The finding suggested two important parameters: optimum form that gives the lowest value of ‘surface area to volume ratio’ (the cube form) and lowest thermal performance was obtained for higher surface to volume ratio. These findings were based on thermal heat losses, which is relevant to buildings in temperate climates where the building heat loses are critical during the winter. In hot and humid climates like Malaysia, the relationship between the shape of the building and solar heat gains are more critical. This implies that minimizing the surface exposed to the sun is the main design criterion. a) Building Form, Width, Length and Height Yeang (1994) established the high-rise building form according to the influence from the climate. The optimum building forms for each climatic zone were given as ratio of the length and the width of the building, as shown in figure 3.4. The optimum building form for hot and humid tropical climate conditions is 1:3 ratios, where the length is three times the width. The preferred orientation is to face the longitudinal façade towards the north and south. Yet, the method does not determine the height of the building as well as on the amount of energy consumed. Review suggests that there are no definite conclusions being made in specific terms of height of high-rise building with energy consumption. Influence of high- 61 rise building form on its energy use was studied by Kannan (1991). His study was limited to three foot print ratios and two window options. The results were compared with the air-condition loads for various orientations depending on the foot print ratio. The study showed square plan option with 1:1 ratio and windows facing the north and south had the lowest cooling load and for the same orientation with 4:1 ratio and two window options indicated higher value. Building arranged longitudinally along north and south had 10% more energy consumption than building arranged longitudinally along east to west, regardless of building form. However, the study does not consider the total energy consumption including the energy consumed for lighting. COOL TEMPERATE ARID TROPICAL Figure 3.4: Optimum high-rise building form according to climatic zones. Source: Yeang, K (1994) Olgyay (1963) suggested a series of building’s width to length ratio depending on different climatic zones. Based on the environmental criterion, the study also established an optimum ratio factor. The hot and humid region adopted a ratio ranged between 1:1.7 and 1:3, where 1:1.7 was considered the optimum shape that can be applied. Several methods have been employed to determine the height of the high rise buildings (ASHRAE, 1997; Dowrick, 1977; Abdul Majid, 1996) that were developed for wind flow studies. The actual height of high-rise buildings in Malaysia is 62 between 5 and 88 storeys (Abdul Majid, 1996; Loewen et.al, 1992). The average height of typical office building in Malaysia is about 25 floors (Abdul Majid, 1996). b) Sectional Height The floor to ceiling height or the floor-to-slab height also influence on the overall building height. Yet in an environmental point of view, the height is conducive for accessibility of daylight and natural ventilation into the floor plate. Though it might penetrate unwanted heat inside, the floor to ceiling height is an important factor in configuration of the building form. According to Harrison (1998), recommended height for standard intelligent building is about 20-25 floors, with a floor-to-ceiling height of 2.8 meters and floor-to-slab height of 3.8 meters. High-Rise Building Core Core is the physical mean for vertical movement within a high-rise building. It contains with elevators, staircases, dumbwaiters, and all means of vertical access and services in the building. Often the elevator shaft is used as a structural component, creating an enclosed space. In a climate adaptive high-rise buildings there are three possible core positions: central core, double core at sides and single side core (Yeang, 1994) (figure 3.5). Thus, core can be used as thermal buffer zones to the internal space as well as preventing heat gain through direct solar radiation. Similar results were obtained by Larasati et al (2003), where lowest energy consumptions (lighting and cooling) were reported for core positioned on the east and west orientations. Further, low energy consumption was indicated for square shape with central core option. This could be acceptable because of daylight utilization, which reduces the electricity consumption for artificial lighting. Therefore, from energy point of view, it is assumed that square foot print with central core and rectangular foot print with double core on either side are preferable options for tropical climatic condition like Malaysia. 63 Cool Temperate Arid Tropical Figure 3.5: Arrangement of vertical core according to climatic zones Source: Yeang, K (1994) In another study by Kannan (1991) showed that there was a direct influence between core position and the building cooling loads (figure 3.6). According to the study, the maximum cooling loads were reported for center core option and minimum cooling loads were obtained for double core positioned on the east and west orientations respectively. Figure 3.6: Core plan and annual cooling loads. Source: Kannan, K.S (1991) 64 The Floor Plan The floor area is the most commercially decisive element in terms of- net rentable area (NRA) and gross floor area (GFA) in a high-rise building. The market values for the floor plate sizes changes according to building types such as office, commercial, and hotel. It also depends on the city and country in which the building is located. In other words, consideration of occupant’s quality of life, responding to the local cultural patterns and the local climate should be the primary design decisions. Design interpretations are manifold in climate responsive options such as to allow natural ventilation, penetration of daylight into the floor plate and access for views. Response to climatic forces may determine on the size of the floor plate. Thus, the maximum distance from periphery is a determinant factor in which case the resultant floor plates become either small or deep in depth. There is no literature found which determines the depth of the floor plate as an effect on the building energy use. However, plan ratio and plan shape are directly influenced by the building form. Therefore, in an energy and environmental aspect, the depth of the floor plate can be determined by the width to depth ratio factor (Yeang, 1994). Overview of existing office buildings by Harrison et al (1998) and the ASEAN-USAID (Loewen et al,1992) revealed important details on gross internal floor area, density of occupation per person, size of cellular office room, and depth of the floor plate. These details were set out to determine a simplified high-rise building configuration in South Asian region. a) Gross Internal Floor Area The analysis concluded that gross area for internal floor plate range between 650m2 and 2000m2. However, according to the analysis by Harrison et al (1998) typical internal floor area ranges between 900m2 and 1100m2. 65 b) Cellular Office Room The density of occupation per person varied from a gross internal area (GIA) of 9.5m2 to 36m2 (Harrison et al, 1998). The range changes according to the activities involved in the occupied area. The basic office depth is determined by the perimeter depth of the correspondence office buildings. The standard dimensions for a office room is 3 meters wide by 4.5 meters deep (based upon 1.5 meters grid) (Harrison et al, 1998). However, Robbins (1986) suggested some important factors to determine the office room geometry from a daylight point of view. The study was performed based on the ‘lumen method’ daylight analysis. The analysis showed, that maximum values were reported for coefficient representing the proportional relationship for ceiling height, room width and wall reflectance. This condition happened when the ceiling height is above 2.4 meters and room width is 6 meters. This indicates a ratio of 1:2.5 between the ceiling height and room width. In another experiment Littlefair (1999) suggested a minimum ratio for a daylit room to be 1:2:2 (ceiling height x width x depth). The findings were based on the daylight factor recommended by the CIBSE manual for non-domestic buildings. c) Perimeter Depth The findings by Harrison et al (1998) revealed that mean percentages of 59% of office spaces were located within 0 to 6 meters perimeter-zone, 36% within 6-12 meters and only 5% had a space depth more than 12 meters. This indicates that office work space distribution is determined by climatic responsive criterions. Hence, office building users demand for fresh air and natural light. Based on these findings the intelligent building (IB) study for South East Asia recommended following options for office building planning: 66 i. Net internal area within 6 meters of external or atrium walls are suitable for cellular office accommodation or open plan offices. ii. Net internal area within 6-12 meters of external or atrium walls are suitable for open plan offices and closed offices. iii. Net internal area deeper than 12 meters is suitable for computer rooms and presentation suits. According to the data obtained from the ASEAN-USAID (Loewen et al, 1992) the mean average of the air-conditioned space in high-rise office buildings in Malaysia was about 80% of the gross floor area. The core area of the building was considered as non-conditioned area. This indicates a high amount of energy consumption for cooling the building. Thus, these buildings were not meant to incorporate the climatic benefits to reduce the building energy consumption. Building Envelope Physically high-rise buildings have a greater perimeter wall area exposed to the external climatic conditions. The adverse environmental conditions of solar radiation, glare, temperature, humidity, wind, noise, rain, insects, dust and smoke makes the role of high-rise building envelope a complex one. Objectives of a building envelope remains on its contribution to the reduction in energy consumption, protecting from direct solar radiation penetrating to the interior, glare reduction, minimization of water penetration, providing natural ventilation, reduction of external reflection, providing view and to act as a thermal barrier. Depending on the climatic zones and particular site conditions, the intensity of the environmental force changes. The design parameters related to the envelope that determine its thermal response to the climatic conditions include: thermo-physical properties of the building material, window-to-wall ratio, location of the windows and sizes, glazing 67 properties, shading of window and envelope, insulation system and the surface treatment of the enclosing envelope (Kannan, 1991). a) Window In an energy point of view, different climates indicated different values of window-to-wall ratio (WWR) to optimize the energy savings. According to the LT method (Baker & Steemer, 2000), the optimum energy can be achieved between 20% and 40% of WWR depending on the orientation. The daylight illuminance suggested by the above study at work stations was estimated as 500lux. Hamdan (1996) reported that window for light and ventilation according to ‘The Malaysian Uniform Building By-laws’, for commercial buildings requirement as 10% of the floor area. However, an experiment carried out by Azni Zain-Ahmad et al. (2002) suggested that the optimum window opening for adequate daylight and minimum solar heat gains in an office space is about 25% from the wall area. However, this experiment was carried out for room depth of 2.75meters. The average window size of the office buildings in Malaysia is about 50-60% of the wall area (Kannan, 1991). The high WWR may be due to development in glazing products or extensive use of glazing as an architectural design style or for maximum daylight utilization is yet to be decided. Huang (1992) revealed that the optimum lighting energy savings can be achieved with daylight aperture ratio (glazing light transmittance x window-to-wall ratio) between 1.5 and 2.0 for a 500lux internal target illuminance, under clear sky conditions. b) Building Envelope Treatment Reviews on shading strategies and building envelopes on existing buildings in Malaysia were conducted by several authors; Stewart (1977), Hassan, KAKU (1996) and Abdul Majid (1996). According to Abdul Majid (1996) building envelope treatments in high-rise office buildings in Malaysia can be classified into five major categories: external solar shading devices, perforated screens, articulated 68 facades, dual skin envelopes and glass curtain walls. Hassan KAKU (1996) reported that although shading strategies are prime criteria in reducing the impact of solar radiation, in most cases the selected devices do not meet the minimum shading requirement. Review on solar shading strategies, design variables and the effectiveness of shading strategy are discussed in section 3.3. Court Yards, Atria, Wind Scoops and Open Corridors Court yards, atria, wind scoops and open corridors are required for deep plan office buildings for the provision of natural ventilation and daylight. Large multi storey transitional spaces can be introduced in the central and peripheral parts of the buildings (Yeang, 1994). Introduction of these elements reduces the plan depth of floor plate while increasing the surface area. This enables to take benefit of natural ventilation and daylight, which will eventually affect the total building energy consumption. Abdul Majid (1996) states, according to the Malaysian Uniform Building ByLaws (1984), the required minimum size of an air well for a 2 to 7 storey building is 7m2 and for buildings more than 8 storey high is 15m2. The width of such air-well is about 2.5 meters. Although these articulated spaces were extensively used in modern high-rise buildings, there is no literature found on configuration of such spaces related with the height of the building or other design variables. From the above analysis, it is clear that configuration of a high-rise office building involves large number of inter-related design parameters. Therefore it is difficult to simplify the high-rise office building into a single configuration, in order to represent the climatically interactive high-rise buildings in hot and humid climatic regions. However, the above analysis is used to determine the characteristics of the base model for a ‘typical office room’ to investigate the influence of external shading strategies on solar heat gain, daylight distribution and energy consumption. 69 The review on office buildings indicated that energy consumption for cooling and lighting are high in Malaysian and other South East Asian countries. Therefore, it is important to understand the variables affecting the cooling load and lighting energy consumptions. Thus, the basic principles of heat gains and types of heat transfers are discussed in following section. 3.2 Heat Gains Space heat gain is the rate which instantaneous heat enters into or generated within the space at a given instance. Heat gain is classified by the mode in which it enters the space. The unit of heat is the ‘Joule’ (J) and unit of heat flow rate is the ‘watt’ (w). 3.2.1 Modes of Heat Transfer in Buildings Heat flows from one body to another or from one surface to the other when ever there is temperature difference. In other words, heat transfer from a higher temperature towards a lower temperature occurs with respond to temperature gradient. Hence, heat can be transported, yet neither heat nor energy can be created or destroyed, which characterizes the principal of conservation of energy. Heat transfer occurs in three modes, conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction In conduction, heat is transferred within a substance or between substances that are in direct physical contact. All materials vary according to their ability to conduct heat (Kannan, 1991). Thermal conduction in buildings is thus the process of heat transfer through solid materials such as walls and roofs from the hotter side to cooler side of the building elements. The thermal conductivity of the material and 70 the thickness of the element determine the effectiveness of the conductive heat flow rate of the correspondence element (Givoni, 1998). Convection Convection heat is transported within the substances it self. The driving force of the process is associated with the flow of matter, for example motion of the fluids or from the temperature differences. The rate of convection heat transfer depends mainly on the air speed next to the correspondence building surface. Radiation Radiation consists of electromagnetic wave traveling at the speed of light. But unlike conduction and convection, radiation requires no medium for its propagation (Kannan, 1991). It is stated in the field of thermodynamics that all matters continuously emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation unless its temperature is absolute zero (Eastop & McConkey; 1993). In response to temperature gradient, if an object absorbs more than it emits, then the temperature rises and vice versa. An equilibrium state occurs when absorption and emission of radiation are equal and when the object temperature is constant. According to the wavelength, two distinct radiant energy types occur; long wave radiation and short wave radiation. Intensity of short wave solar radiations is higher than the long wave thermal radiation, which is emitted by surfaces with higher temperature than surrounding temperature. Surface properties; emisivity, absorptivity and reflectivity are determining factors of long wave radiation (Givoni, 1998). In practice heat may be transferred in combination of the above stated modes. But the phenomenal characteristics of each mode enable to determine the effect of each mode separately. Radiation is the principal means, where the earth and 71 atmosphere gains heat from the sun. Radiation is also the principal means of heat escape from the surface to space. The thermal performances of buildings depend on the amount of heat gain from two kinds of parameters: through building design variables and internal heat gains. Effects of these variables on the thermal performance will not be the same. Some may have more influence than the other on the thermal response due to their physical characteristics and mode of heat transmission. In that sense, solar heat gain through the window has a significant impact on the building thermal performance than other building design variables. In order to compute these heat gains through the windows, thermal properties and configuration of heat transmission through the window need to be understood. 3.2.2 Types of Heat Transfer in Buildings Buildings are subjected to periodic variations of temperature and heat gains. Thus depending on the heat sources, heat gains can be categorized into two types: heat gain through building design variables and heat gain through internal sources. Heat gain through building design variables includes: conduction heat gain, solar radiation through fenestrations, sky lights and infiltration. The internal sources of heat gains are from: artificial lights, occupants and equipments. Heat Transfer through Building Fabric Heat gain occurs through solid surfaces, such as exterior walls and roofs, interior walls, exterior windows, interior windows and surfaces in-contact with the ground. For surfaces in contact with outside air, conduction is determined by out side conditions (air temperature, ground surface temperature, wind speed, wind direction and the solar radiation intensity), inside conditions (room air temperature), orientation and the material properties of the wall and window (surface conductance, 72 surface resistance, thermal transmittance). Heat gain through surface contact with ground is determined by ground temperature, room air-temperature and the material properties of the wall or floor (Givoni, 1998). Conduction heat flow rate through the building fabric can be described by the equation: Qc = UA (∆T) (3.1) Qc; Conduction heat flow rate, W U; Transmittance value, W/m2K A; Surface area, m2 ∆T; Temperature difference, 0C Heat Gain through Window Heat gain through the window occurs via two methods; direct solar radiation transmission through the glazed area and absorbed radiation transmission into the space. Heat gain through the fenestration has high influence on building cooling load (Lam and Li, 1999). The amount of solar gain through the window depends on several factors; the intensity of solar radiation on the window and the incident angle, the transmittance and conductance of window glazing and the associated mounting frames, and the thickness of the glass pane (Bülow-Hübe, 2002). The impinging solar radiation on a window glass is divided into three fractions; radiation that is reflected outward, radiation that is absorbed within the glass and radiation that is transmitted through the window system (figure 3.7). Other than the reflected fraction to the outward of the building, absorbed and transmitted fraction of the radiation effect on the building temperature which need to be eliminated actively. The optical properties of concern for a glazing type are reflectance (ρ), absorptance (α) and transmittance (τ), which correspond to the 73 reflected, absorbed and transmitted solar radiation respectively. The sum of the reflectance, absorptance and transmittance of a glazing layer thus stated as (ASHRAE 1993): ρ+α+τ=1 (3.2) Heat exchange through the window occurs via three physical effects: i. Conductive and convective heat transfer: given as U-value or overall coefficient of heat transfer. ii. Short wave solar radiation incident on the window: direct from the sun, after scattering from the atmosphere and after reflection from ground or adjacent objects. iii. Long wave solar radiation which is absorbed and reradiate to the atmosphere. This can be expressed by (ASHRAE, 1993): Total heat admission through glazing = Heat flow due to outdoorindoor temperature difference + Total Incident Solar Radiation Radiation transmitted through glazing + Inward flow of (3.3) absorbed solar radiation Absorption (α) Transmittance (τ) Glazing Reflection (ρ) Figure 3.7: Instantaneous heat balances through sunlit glazing material 74 a) Thermal Transmittance The thermal performance of a window device is described by the U-value. This is the heat flux through the window per unit surface area (A) and degree temperature difference between the out side (to) and the inside (ti) of the window, (W/m2K or Btu/Hr.ft2-F) (Koenigsberger et al. 1975). Qwin = UA (to – ti) (W/m2K) (3.4) The total U-value is usually applied to the whole window, including sash and frame. But in general, center-of-glass U-value is stated and recommended to state the total U-value of the window (Bülow-Hübe, 2001). Uwin = Uglass . Aglass + Uframe . Aframe + Uedge . Aedge (W/m2K) (3.5) Aglass + Aframe + Aedge Where Uglass, Uframe, and Uedge are the U-values of the respective zones, Aedge, Aglass, and Aframe are the respective areas. In another method, a linear heat transmittance coefficient ψedge (W/mK) is being used to calculate the edge effects. The total window U-value then becomes (Bülow-Hübe, 2001): Uwin = Uglass .Aglass + Uframe .Aframe + ψedge .L edge (W/m2K) (3.6) Aglass + Aframe Where Ledge is the length of the edge between the frame and the glass. In this case the total thermal performance depends on the different parts of the window. The main difference between the basic principles of heat transfer through thermal conductance and thermal transmittance is important. In thermal conductance 75 the heat flow rate is considered from one surface to the other surface, while thermal transmittance occurs from air on one side to the air on other side through the building section (walls, window, roof, floor etc). Therefore thermal transmittance or U-value of a window system (including frame, sash, shading devices) depend on the following factors; number of air spaces between glazing and the type of gas, size of the window, properties and treatment of the glazing material, and the materials and detail of window frame (Givoni, 1998; Bülow-Hübe, 2001). The heat transfer through glazing with air gaps occurs basically through long wave radiation exchange and convection in the air gaps of the glazing (Bülow-Hübe, 2001). The air gaps add to the thermal resistance of the glazing, thus reducing its overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value). Therefore the thermal resistance of the glazing (Rtot) can be expressed as the sum of the resistances of different gaps (Rgap), individual glass pane (Rgl), internal (Rsi) and external (Rse) surface resistances. Rtot = ΣRgap + ΣRgl + Rsi + Rse (m2K/W) (3.7) The U-value is the inverse of the total thermal resistance (Bülow-Hübe, 2001): Ucenter of glass = 1/ Rtot (W/m2K) (3.8) Increase of thermal resistance of layers gives a lower U-value. Thus, the lower U-value, create better insulation. b) Radiation Transmittance The solar radiation transmitted through a window pane consists of two parts. The direct transmittance of solar energy or the primary solar transmittance (τ) and secondary heat transfer process. The secondary internal heat transfer factor is the absorbed heat (α) transported inwards to the room. The total solar energy transmittance specifies the total fraction of incidence solar energy that is transmitted 76 through a building component. The common term used to define the solar energy transmittance in building components is the ‘solar heat gain factor’ (SHGF). The hourly solar heat gain factor for the horizontal surface is derived using the ASHRAE (1997) clear sky model, which is given by: SHGFh = Ibh (τb + Ni αb) + Idiff,h (τdiff + Ni αdiff ) (3.9) Ibh : Hourly direct beam radiation on horizontal glazing (W/m2) Idiff,h : Hourly horizontal diffuse radiation (W/m2) τb & τdiff: Transmittance of reference glazing for direct beam and diffuse radiation αb & αdiff: Absorptance of reference glazing for direct beam and diffuse radiation Ni : Inward flowing fraction of the absorbed radiation Ibh and Idiff,h can be calculated using corresponding measured hourly horizontal global radiation, IGh. For the vertical surface, hourly SHGFv (W/m2) is expressed as: SHGFv = Ibv (τb + Ni αb) + Idiff,v (τdiff + Ni αdiff ) (3.10) Where, Idiff,v : the sum of hourly diffuse and reflected radiation on the plane of vertical glazing, (W/m2). Ibv : direct beam radiation on vertical plane, (W/m2) The vertical components, Ibv & Idiff,v can be determined as follows: Ibv = (Ibh / sinβ)∗ cosθ (3.11) 77 Idiff,v = IGv - Ibv (3.12) Where, β: solar altitude (degree) θ: angle of incidence (degree) IGv: hourly global solar radiation on vertical plane (W/m2) The transmittance and absorptance for direct radiation are a function of the incident angle of the solar beam relative to the surface. Fifth order polynomials to express these properties in terms of angle of incidence have been used. τ = C1 + C2Cos (θ) + C3Cos2 (θ) + C4Cos3 (θ) + C5Cos4 (θ) + C6Cos5 (θ) (3.13) And α = A1 + A2Cos (θ) + A3Cos2 (θ) + A4Cos3 (θ) + A5Cos4 (θ) + A6Cos5 (θ) (3.14) For diffuse radiation, Stephenson (1965) calculated τdiff and αdiff to be 0.799 and 0.0544 respectively. Values of the constants C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 & C6 and A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 & A6 depends on the glass type and the number of panes. Referred values were obtained from the DOE-2 Engineering manual (1982). The inward flowing fraction Ni of the absorbed radiation can be expressed as: Ni = hi / (hi + ho) (3.15) Where hi and ho are the heat transfer coefficients of the inside and out side glazing surfaces respectively, given in W/m2 K. Inward flowing fraction for single glazing is 0.268, reference to the ASHRAE fundamentals (1993). This value is used for the present calculations. 78 Hence, the secondary heat transmission from the absorbed solar radiation can be given as: τa = Ni α = 0.268 * α (3.16) The total heat gain (THG) through window is given as (Kannan, 1991): T.H.G (Qs,win) = SHGFv + UA (to – ti) (W/m2) (3.17) For a particular window, solar heat gain is proportional to the amount of solar radiation incident on its exposed window pane. The geographical variations in solar radiation availability depend on two factors (Li and Lam, 2001). i. The latitude related variations due to changes in the solar position in the sky ii. Climate related variations, such as factors affecting the sky condition, e.g. air mass, cloud cover, atmospheric turbidity etc. These two factors are essential variables for the SHGF analysis. Therefore it is important to determine the appropriate SHGF for that particular location of the building study. Infiltration Infiltration is due to outside air entering the space through the wall cracks and gaps between external windows and doors. The heat gains through infiltration depend on wind speed, opening area and out side temperature difference (ASHRAE, 1993). Opening of internal or external window or door for various reasons also affect the infiltration of heat gains or losses. The sensible heat component depends on the outside-inside air temperature difference and the latent heat component depends on the outside and inside humidity ratio difference. 79 Heat gain due to infiltration is calculated as (ASHRAE, 1993) Qv (sensible) = 1.23Q (to – ti) (3.18) Qv (latent) = 3010Q (Wo – Wi) (3.19) Qv (total) = 1.20Q (Ho – Hi) (3.20) Q: ventilation air flow (L/s) to, ti: outside, inside air temperature, oC Wo, Wi: outside, inside humidity ratio, kg (water)/ kg (dry air) Ho, Hi: outside, inside air enthalpy, (kJ/kg)(dry air) Impact of Electric Lighting The heat gain from electric lighting depends on the intensity of lighting in the space, type of lighting (incandescent, fluorescent, etc.) and the lighting schedule. However, when daylight is incorporated with artificial lighting system, the lighting heat gain depends on the availability of daylight in the space. According to Lam and Li (1999) the electric lighting is often the largest cooling load component, especially in the core (towards interior from the perimeter space) of the building. Effectiveness of the heat gain on the cooling load depends on several factors; the amount of light energy emitted into a room, the internal mass and furniture and the room temperature. Robbins (1986) explains that lighting energy emitted into a room as radiation is affected on the cooling load after it has been absorbed by the interior mass of the building and re-radiate as heat energy. Therefore, the rate of heat gained to a room’s air from the lighting system can be different from the rate to the power supplied to the system. The instantaneous rate of heat gain from electric lighting can be calculated from (ASHRAE, 1993): Qel = 3.41. W. Fu.. Fs (3.21) 80 Qel (Watt): Heat gain from electric lighting W: total light wattage Fu: Light use factor Fs: Lighting special allowance factor The cooling load is equal to the lighting load multiplied by a cooling load factor or by a weighting factor depending on the cooling load calculation method. A simplified method to determine the impact of daylight on cooling load when integrated with the artificial lighting system was introduced by Robbins (1986). The method implies the electricity energy use on space cooling due to daylight utilization can be determined by function of differential cooling energy use in identical daylight and non-daylight rooms or buildings. The total energy use for cooling can be expressed (in W/m2) as a function of average unit power density in the following quadratic equation (Robbins, 1986): Qcl = 7.29 + (0.34 UPD) + (0.005 UPD2) (3.22) Qcl: cooling energy use UPD: average lighting unit power density for the room or building (W/m2) The differential energy use (DEU) for cooling with daylight and non-daylight room (or building) would be: ∆DEU CL = EUcl, daylight - EUcl, non-daylight (3.23) If ∆ DEU CL is a positive value, an increase in cooling energy use occurs because of the use of daylight as an interior illuminant. Vis-à-vis a negative value indicates decrease in total cooling energy use. The energy analysis of daylight and non-daylight building can be very useful in calculating the energy saving potentials and establishing a well balanced daylight system. 81 Occupants Heat Gains Occupants produce both sensible and latent heat gains. The occupancy pattern is defined by the density of users and the character of the activities they carry out in a given building. Generally there are four basic types of occupancy patterns identified (Chavez, 1989): variable occupation (e.g. Design offices), full occupation (e.g. Clerical offices), intermittent scheduled occupation (e.g. in schools classroom) and intermittent occupation (e.g. Store rooms & warehouse spaces). It is reasonable to expect especially in office spaces that these occupancy types (variable and full occupation type) overlap at times. The internal heat gain from occupants is determined from (ASHRAE, 1993): Qi (sensible) = No x Sensible heat gain (W) (3.24) Qi (latent) = No x Latent heat gain (W) (3.25) No is number of people in space Equipment Heat Gains Equipment heat gains are produced by the electrical equipments such as computers, photo copy machines, hot water heaters and other machineries. These equipments can produce both sensible and latent heat components which depend on the kW power of the equipment and on the schedule they have been using. The internal heat gain from appliances is determined from (ASHRAE, 1993): Qeq (sensible) = (qis . Fua . Fra) / Ffl (w) (3.26) Qeq (latent) = (qil . Fua) (3.27) (w) qis: sensible heat gain from appliances qil: latent heat gain from appliances 82 Fua: use factor Fra: radiation factor Ffl: flue loss factor Predicting the thermal performance of a building involves the handling of a large number of interrelated parameters. Not all the variables affect the thermal performance of the building in the same way. Some may have more influence over the building thermal response than others. However, it should be recognized that it is impossible to optimize all criteria simultaneously. In this study it argues that heat entering through the fenestration has a significant impact on the building thermal performance than other variables. Also, the fenestration has direct influence on daylight level in the building, which also again influences the use of artificial lighting at inadequate daylight illuminances. Thus, it can be argued that heat gain through fenestration, daylight level and heat gain from artificial lighting are interrelated, while others are independent from fenestration design. In other words, fenestration may affect on building energy use by means of thermal heat transfer, solar heat gains, air leakages and daylight. Hence, it can be argued that the role of solar shading required a re-thinking in terms of balancing the positive and negative influences of the climate. 3.3 Solar Shading The solar radiation received by the earth is categorized into three main divisions; direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. The solar energy that enters the building through external wall apertures can cause serious performance problems such as over heating and high air-conditioning cost, increase internal air temperature which affect on occupants thermal comforts, cause glare and create visual discomforts. With this back ground to the problem, the basic principle of the sun control or shading is to regulate heat by intercepting radiant heat wave penetrating into the 83 internal space (Olgyay, 1957). The solar shading devices favoured the solution to solve the overheating problem than reducing the glazing area, which may reduce the amount of natural lighting into the building (Chauvel et al, 1982). Further, the use of solar shading became more attractive to architects than reducing the window area, which may provide an alternative to the design character of the building. Shading devices also have the advantage of improving the light distribution into the interior. To increase the use of daylight, light shelf shading systems have been developed which are capable of redirecting direct or diffuse light into the interior (Chavez, 1989; McHugh, 1995; Abdullah-Abdulmohsen, 1995; Dubois, 2001). However, total prevention of solar radiation may decrease the daylight penetration into the deep end of the room, thus increasing the use of artificial lighting to illuminate the interior. The use of solar shading is one of the solutions to solve the glare problems in modern office buildings. The variable of consequence in glare discomfort appears to be the luminance of the sky as seen through the window. Thus, limiting the daylight glare index is best achieved by limiting the luminance or the visibility of the sky seen through the window by means of external or internal solar shading devices (Chauvel et.al, 1982; Abdullah-Abdulmohsen, 1995). External projections on windows also tend to create strong pressure gradients between openings in a room. This results in providing good ventilation conditions and increase in air flow through the correspondence room (Givoni, 1998; Malsiah, 2001). Further, experiments have indicated solar shading as an influential element in manipulating the energy consumption in buildings. Impact of solar shading on cooling loads, heating loads and daylight contribute directly to the building energy consumption (Bojic et al, 2002; Bulow-Hube, 2001; Dubois, 1998; Lee et al, 1998; Abdullah-Abdulmohsen, 1995; Busch, 1992; Harkness, 1988). Thereby solar shading has become a design alternative for architects not only as an aesthetic 84 element or to protect from adverse environmental conditions (sun, wind, rain and glare) but also to regulate energy consumption in buildings. Although the primary function of the solar shading device is to block direct sun, the solar heat gain and energy utilization is large with shading devices. Shading devices also have the risk of reducing the potential for daylight which in turn increases the use of artificial lighting. Therefore it can be argued that the solar shading design strategies required to be rethinking in light of energy efficiency. 3.3.1 Analysis of Types of Shading Devices Climate conscious design in the tropics must be attempted in order to prevent solar heat gain into the building. The primary design strategy implies that exploration of the shading potentials is to reduce the total heat gain through the wall openings. These strategies in broad term can be achieved by two means; natural devices and sun control devices. The natural shading strategies are the means of shading the building with orientation of the sun and by the use of vegetation. Apart from the natural devices, sun control devices are used to exclude the unwanted solar radiation penetration into the building. The design, fixing location, effectiveness in terminating the direct sun and operational systems are attributes of the sun control devices. They can broadly divided into two; internal and external devices Orientation The orientation has a great relationship from the aspect of self shading of a building façade from the incident solar radiation. According to the sun path, proper orientation is the primary aspect in reducing the solar heat gain. In the region of equatorial tropics (between 00-120 latitudes north), the most preferred orientation for 85 self shading is between 00-800 from the north (Emmanuel, 1993). Further, the above study suggested for 00-40 latitudes, the preferred orientation for self shading is between 3500-3600 from the north. The three dimensional form of the building can be used to perform a self shading on its façade or adjacent facades if proper orientation is considered in the building design. The energy calculations in commercial buildings often neglect the impact of the urban setting and the effect of nearby buildings (Lam, 2000). A study by the same author on the shading effects due to nearby buildings in Hong Kong revealed a 1.2% increase in annual building energy budget. Emmanuel (1993) explored the design strategies of urban masses for potential shading in an urban setting, thus creating a “shadow umbrella” to enhance the comfort potentials in urban outdoors. The main determining factors were the orientation of the location and the solar altitude. The study identified set of generic patterns of building massing by the shadow umbrella concept developed for latitude between 50 and 90 north. Vegetation The landscape and plants around buildings offer the possibility of reducing the undesirable effect of high solar radiation. According to Papadakis et.al (2001) the application of plants to shading buildings proved to be an efficient passive method of solar control. The radiative and thermal loads in the shaded area proved to be significantly lower relative to the un-shaded area. Further, the same study revealed the evaporative cooling effect of the plants resulted in lower air temperature around the shaded wall. Depending on the density of the vegetation, trees reduced solar radiation transmittance from 60% to 20% compared to solar radiation transmitted through a normal glazing without shade (Brown et.al, 2001). However, locating and selecting the plant type should consider the orientation of the building and the effect on daylight. Apart from the energy saving, plants also add to the aesthetic and affect the ventilation pattern of the building (Boutet, 1987). 86 Internal Devices Internal devices to control solar radiation can be categorized into two types; firstly, solar shading using blinds, louvers, drapers and screens which are other than the window glazing pane. Secondly, the use of special glazing without the use of external or internal shading devices. Compared to external devices, the internal solar shading devices are less effective, as they allow solar radiation to strike on the vertical surface of the building. They also permit the heat into the building. a) Solar shading by louvers, blinds and drapes Louvers can be fixed externally or internally of the window. Venetian blinds and drapes are fixed internally only. Louvers and blinds can be adjusted to exclude direct sunlight and to control daylight and glare. Effectiveness of these shading systems depend on the geometry of the slat, spacing between slats, the shadow lineangle and thermal and optical properties of the slat material. Surface colours also play a significant role in reflecting the incoming solar radiation and daylight. Detail experiments on louvers, blinds and impact on energy were carried out by Lee et.al. (1998) and Al-Shareef et.al (2001). Dubois (2001) discussed about internal shading devices and their impact on daylight quality. Klems et.al (1997) studied the performance of fenestration with venetian blind for different slat angles and solar heat gain. The findings revealed, solar heat gain factor for fenestrations incorporating venetian blinds depend strongly on the incident direction of beam solar radiation. b) Glazing The window glazing material has been extensively experimented and modified in order to regulate external climatic effects of solar radiation, solar heat transfer and daylight transmittance (Roos, A. 1998; Karlsson, J et.al, 2000; BulowHube, 2001). Different types of glazing are manufactured according to the specific 87 treatment degree on the optical properties (reflectance, absorptance and transmittance). Solar control in glass was achieved by adding a metal oxide to the glass, which has a tinted surface that re-radiates the heat to the out side. However this kind of tinted glazing reduces daylight penetration. Combination of solar control properties with energy efficiency in glazing enables to let large part of daylight and intercept unwanted heat gains into the building. Such glazing is manufactured based on special type of spectral selective coatings. Most common types of glazing are; clear glass, heat absorbing glass, heat reflecting glass, low-emissivity glass, super insulating glass, grey and coloured glass (Givoni, 1998). Glazing should be selected based on the external climate conditions and expected building’s internal environment. For heat dominated buildings in cold climate, the glazing should have a high transmittance which admits most solar radiation heat and a high reflectivity in the long wave part of the spectrum. This implies, having a low emittance (Low-e) in the same wave-length region suppresses the radiation out wards, resulting in long-wave radiation being reflected back into the interior (Bulow-Hube, 2001). This results in the “greenhouse” effect. In cooling dominated building, glazing should eliminate all UV (ultra-violet) and IR (infrared) radiation transmittance out side the visible spectrum. In other words, the total solar heat gain is reduced without significant loss of light transmission. Many research works has been carried out to understand the effect of different glazing types on energy consumption. Further, researches were carried out to establish a system for energy labeling, energy rating of windows compared to a standard window (Sekhar et.al, 1998; Karlsson, J et.al, 2000; Citherlet S. et.al, 2000; Bulow-Hube, 2001; Bodart et.al 2002; Bojic et.al 2002). External glazing types such as heat absorbing, heat reflecting and low-e are used to reduce solar heat gains into the building. Yet, the trapped solar heat inside the building due to re-radiation may affect on overall energy consumption. Further, controlling the high glare problem in hot and humid climates is less favorable with glazing types. Also, the impact of innovative glazing types on overall energy use 88 need to be experimented under tropical climate conditions before they were applied in buildings. External Devices External devices are projections attached to the building skin or an extension of the skin to eliminate unwanted solar heat. They are more effective as they intercept the solar radiation before it reaches the vertical surface of the building envelope. The obstructed heat is dissipated to the out side air. Thus, heat reduction is best achieved by excluding unwanted heat rather than removing it later. The horizontal (overhang) and vertical (fins) devices are the two basic forms of external shading devices. The egg crate devices are combinations of the horizontal and vertical devices (figure 3.8). Based on these basic forms, configuration of the external shading devices varies from structural projections in the form of cantilevered floor, recessed walls and shading devices using light weight materials. The form of horizontal and vertical fins and light shelves perform a similar function. Use of lightweight materials enabled to give more flexibility in operating solar shading. Configurations of operable shading device were able to change or adjusted to the changing patterns of sun’s motion and the shading needs. Therefore, the performance of an operable device in eliminating the unwanted heat is better than a fixed device (Givoni, 1998). The fixed device needs no handling by the occupant and free of maintenance, while operable devices need frequent maintenance to keep them in good condition. Operable system is more useful in temperate and cold climates as it can be adjusted to get more favored solar heat during winter but obstruct the heat gains during summer. In the tropics, it can be useful to control glare, daylight and solar heat gains. Advent of technology has enabled development of automatically controlled operable devices with solar sensors for efficient use. Canopy and awnings are another form of external horizontal solar shading device, mostly used for high solar altitudes. Effectiveness of the canopy and the 89 awning depends on; material used (thermal and optical transmittance, colour), geometry and fixing position and details (Dubois, 1999). Studies done by the same author indicated that the canopy or awning angles (to vertical surface) are also an important aspect in reducing building energy consumptions. However, there are structural and architectural limits in designing external projections (Kannan, 1991). Excessively long projections can be alternated with number of smaller projections at different heights and widths to obtain the same solar protection (Olgyay, 1957). In most cases, limitations were imposed based on structural and architectural reasons, than concerning on the energy implication. Daylight distribution, solar heat gain, solar heat loses and ventilation distribution can be regulated by the solar shading devices. Separate studies are being carried out to understand the implication of solar shading on each parameter. However, little is known about the relationship between energy use and shading device geometry, especially under tropical climate conditions. Horizontal Vertical Egg-crate Figure 3.8: External solar shading devices, horizontal overhang, vertical shading devices and egg-crate devices. Source: Olgyay, V and Olgyay, A (1957) 90 3.3.2 Method of Designing a Shading Device Shadow Angles Determining external shading device geometry depend on two shadow angles; horizontal shadow angle (HSA) and vertical shadow angle (VSA). Shadow angles express the sun’s position in relation to the building façade of given orientation which describes the shading mask produces by a given device. Also specifies a device required to shade from the direct solar radiation at that particular time and orientation. Horizontal shadow angle (HSA) is the difference in azimuth between the sun’s position and the orientation of the building façade considered, when the edge of the shadow falls on the point considered (figure 3.9). The horizontal shadow angle describes the performance of a vertical shading device. Figure 3.9: Horizontal shadow angle (HSA) HSA = AZIMUTH-ORI (façade orientation) (3.28) (+HSA when sun is clockwise, Azimuth > Orientation; -HSA when sun is anti clockwise, Azimuth < Orientation) Similarly, the vertical shadow angle (VSA) is measured on a plane perpendicular to the building façade. Thus vertical shadow angle can be considered as the angle between a line perpendicular to the wall and the projection of the tilted 91 plane which contains the sun or the edge of the shading device (figure 3.10). The existence of the VSA depends on the HAS when the latter is between -900 and +900. In other words when the sun is behind the considered façade (VSA > 900), the façade itself is self shaded. The VSA determines the horizontal shading projection geometry. VSA = ATAN {Tan (ALT) / Cos (HSA)} Figure 3.10: (3.29) Vertical shadow angle (VSA) Shading Mask and Sun-Path Diagram The sun-path diagram is a two dimensional graphical presentation of the three dimensional sky vault. The relationship of solar time, day of year, solar azimuth angle, solar altitude angle, are present in sun-path diagram for correspondence latitude. According to the projection method of the sky hemisphere, different sunpath diagrams were developed. The equidistant projection, orthographic projection, and stereographic projections are the most widely used methods (Olgyay, 1957; Mazria, 1979; Szokolay, 1996; OH, K.W 2000). The shadow angle protractor represents the cut-off line due to the horizontal shadow angle and for vertical shadow angle. The radial lines indicate the horizontal shadow angle (HSA) and arc lines indicate the vertical shadow angle (VSA) respectively (figure 3.11). When the shadow angle protractor is superimposed on the 92 sun-path diagram, the required shadow mask of respective shading device (horizontal projection or vertical fins or egg-crate) can be traced. Thus, according to the orientation of the façade considered, this will indicate the dates and hours under shade when the shading is effective. Horizontal shadow angle Figure 3.11: Vertical shadow angle The shadow angle protractor Figure 3.12: Stereographic projections for Kuala Lumpur (Latitude 3.120, Longitude +101.60, and Time zone 7) 93 The depth of a horizontal shading device depends on the window height and the shading angle requirement (VSA). The shadow angle is determined by the latitude and the orientation (figure 3.13). D h2 Incident solar radiation Hfen h1 VSA Figure 3.13: Relationship between horizontal shading depth, window height and vertical shadow angle (VSA) Depth of shading device (D) = net opening height (Hfen) (3.30) Tan (VSA) Hfen = h1 + h2 (3.31) The length of a horizontal device is defined according to the correspondence horizontal shadow angle (HSA) as follows (Szokolay, 1996; Harkness and Mehta, 1978): e = D*Tan (HSA) (3.32) Where ‘e’ is the projection side ways from the window vertical edge. If the length of the shading device over the window is e1, then the total length (L) of the device will be (figure 3.14): L = 2e + e1 (3.33) 94 L e1 e e Horizontal overhang Glazing Wfen Figure 3.14: Sideway extension of external horizontal shading device The depth of the vertical fin (f) depends on the window width (Wfen) and the horizontal shadow angle (figure 3.15). Depth of fin (f) = net opening width (Wfen) (3.34) Tan (HSA) Incident solar radiation f HSA2 HSA1 Vertical fins Glazing Wfen Window in Plan Figure 3.15: Relationship between vertical fin’s depth, window width and horizontal shadow angle (HSA) Awning Geometry The geometry of awnings and angular horizontal shading devices depends on the angle of the device to the vertical plane, which cannot be determine using shading mask and sun path diagram. The length (L) and the width (Wawn) of the angular shading device were determined according to solar altitude and azimuth 95 angle of the correspondence location of the shading device. Hence, the length (L) and width (Wawn) were determined using the following equations (Dubois, 1999): L= Hfen. Cos (VSA) . (3.35) [(Tanϕ. Tan β ) + Cos (VSA)] Cosϕ Wawn = 2 [L. Sinϕ. Tan (VSA)] + Wfen Wawn é Wfen é (3.36) Awning h =Lsinϕ v L Fh ϕ L (Fh -v) Fh d Shado β VSA Window ELEVATION Figure 3.16: SECTION Awning geometry. Source: Dubois, Marie- Claude (1999) Equation (3.35) and (3.36) were derived from the following; L = v/ Cos (ϕ) (3.37) v = Hfen - d Tan (β ) (3.38) d = h/ Cos (VSA) (3.39) h = L Sin (ϕ) (3.40) é = L Sin (ϕ).Tan (VSA) (3.41) 96 L: awning length (m) v: vertical projection of the awning (m) h: horizontal projection of the awning (m) ϕ: awning, slope (0) d: horizontal projection of the distance between the awning’s lower corner and its shadow on the vertical wall (m) 0 β: lowest solar altitude for the period considered ( ) é: awning width exceeding the window width on each side (m) The design of the external shading devices depend on the changing sun path at different times of the year, for given latitude and the orientation considered. Therefore, the geometry of the shading device also needs to change depending on the required shading area. When determining a full shading of the window we need to establish three basic principles; "when" the sun should intercepted, "where" the specific position of the sun during the overheated period and "how" it should be done (Olgyay, 1957). Thus interpretation of above principles implies the time of the day during when the maximum solar shading is required, solar altitude which corresponds the incident angles of solar radiation and the shadow angles when the maximum shading is required and finally determining the appropriate shading device for total shade and the correspondence shading geometry respectively. However, considering incident solar radiation attribute to all angles of incidence to be covered will invariably yield the shading devices larger than necessary (Dubois, 2000). 3.3.3 Heat Gain through Externally Shaded Window The solar heat gain through window with external shading devices like, ‘horizontal, vertical and egg-crate devices’ will vary according to the percentage of glass area under shade and exposed to the sun. Therefore, it is required to determine, the percentage of the shaded and sunlit areas and the correspondence solar heat gain 97 through each part of the window, in order to evaluate on the performance of fixed shading devices, for different orientations. The fraction of window area exposed to the sun (AG) at any time for a given orientation can be determined by following formula (Kannan, 1991). a) Continuous Horizontal Projection, fixed at window height level. AG = [1- OHR (tan VSA)] (3.42) b) Continuous Vertical fins fixed at the side of the window AG = [1- OHRfin (tan HAS)] (3.43) c) Egg-crate type AG =[1-OHR(tan VSA) -OHRfin (tan HAS) + OHR. OHRfin(tan VSA)(tan HAS)] (3.44) OHR: is the ratio of the horizontal projection depth (D) and the window height (Hfen) OHR = (D)/ (Hfen) OHRfin: is the ratio of the vertical projection (f) and the window width (Wfen) OHRfin = (f)/ (Wfen) Thus, equation (3.10) can be altered to obtain the SHGF for externally shaded window as follows: SHGFsh = Ibv (τb + Ni αb) (AG) + k Idiff, v (τdiff + Ni αdiff ) (AG) (W/m2) (3.45) 98 k is the fraction of diffuse radiation obstructed by the shading device. Hence, the total heat gain (THG) through window is given as: T.H.Gsh = SHGFsh + U (A) (to – ti) (W/m2) (3.46) A detail analysis of hourly solar heat gain through a 3mm thick normal glass and for different external overhang depths is discussed in Chapter 5. 3.3.4 Effectiveness of External Shading Device The primary design principle of the shading device is to eliminate unwanted solar radiation penetration into the building. The external shading devices are used to eliminate the beam component and reduce the diffuse component (sky & reflected) of the solar radiation. Total prevention of solar radiation approaching the building may cause in reducing amount of daylight intensity inside a building in tropical climate. But in equatorial tropical climate, effectiveness of shading device depends on the shading performance during over heated period and on amount of daylight penetration into the building. Therefore, efficiency of a shading device should be judged on its relative balance between “shading performance” and the “daylight efficiency”. Reduction in solar radiation penetration and on daylight, directly affect on the energy consumption for cooling and lighting respectively. In this respect it can be argued that the effectiveness of shading device can be best determined by its energy performances. Olgyay (1963) suggested that colour, material, location of the shading protection and specific shading methods influenced the effectiveness of a shading device. This general classification was made to all types of shading strategies (glazing, internal and external). Hassan, KAKU (1996) added depth of shading projection as another aspect that determines the effectiveness of the external shading strategies. Olgyay (1963) also used shading coefficient (defined in following paragraphs) as a measurement to determine the effectiveness of different shading devices. 99 Based on above classification and on further literature review, the factors affecting on the effectiveness of external horizontal shading devices are discussed as follows: geometry of the external shading device, surface properties and colour, location of the external shading projection, effectiveness of different shading methods and shading device optical properties. 3.3.5 Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Shading Device Geometry of External Shading Device The geometry of external horizontal shading device depends on three dimensions namely; the depth, width and the angle of the shading device (Jorge et al, 1993). Each of these parameters depends on the amount of solar radiation incident on the fenestration, angle of incident, on how much shade is required on the fenestration and also on size of the fenestration. a) Depth The depth of a shading device is a function of the window height and angle requirements of incident radiation which in turn are determined by the latitude and orientation of particular location. The depth of external shading device is an effective measure to eliminate solar radiation penetration in low latitudinal locations, between the tropics. The depth of the device is often described as dimensionless proportional relationship to the fenestration height (from sill to top plate), which is defined as ‘overhang ratio’ (OHR). This also defined as ‘projection factor’ (PF) for the particular window (figure 3.17). Hassan, KAKU (1996) experimented the effect of depth of the horizontal, vertical and egg-crate devices on the incident solar radiation (direct, diffused and ground reflected). Raeissi and Taheri (1997) also experimented on the effect of overhang ratio (overhang depth to window height) on the cooling and heating energy 100 consumptions. The experiment by Raeissi and Taheri (1997) determined an optimum overhang ratio 0.6 on the north window and 1.0 on the east and west which balances the cooling and heating loads for both orientations during winter and summer. Depending on the location, many countries have adapted the shading coefficient as a measurement of solar energy transmission for different overhang ratios. Overhang Ratio (OHR) = Depth of overhang (D) / Fenestration height (Hfen) OHR = D / Hfen (3.47) D h2 Hfen h1 Figure 3.17: Relationship between external overhang depth, window height and overhang ratio Literature review also indicated (Olgyay, 1957; Harkness, 1978; Sharifah 2001) depth of the shading device is determined by the incident angle of the direct solar radiation. This inevitably resulted in large overhang depths. It is important to understand that only fraction of incident radiation is transmitted through the fenestration system (shading and glazing) and the other part of it reflects back to the out side atmosphere (Dubois, 2000; Kuhn, 2000). Therefore it is important to determine the overhang depth considering the total transmittance radiation according to specific times of the year. Robbins (1986) also argued that increase in overhang depth may reduce the daylight penetration through the aperture. However, there is 101 no literature found determining the overhang depth based on daylight availability and their effect on cooling and lighting energy consumption. A range of overhang depths were selected to determine which of the shading hypothesis was optimum in terms of terminating the maximum solar heat gain from direct solar radiation. The depth of the overhang was determined based on the solar transmittance property of glazing and the incident angle of direct solar radiation with special reference to Kuala Lumpur hot and humid tropical climate (Appendix C3). The critical time period when shading is required was assumed as from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm. Table 3.3 summarizes the correspondence optimum overhang ratio obtained for main cardinal orientations. These overhang ratios were assumed as to provide maximum shading by preventing maximum amount of solar heat gain from direct solar radiation into the building under Malaysian sky conditions. Table 3.3: Optimum overhang ratio to intercept maximum direct incident solar radiation; Latitude: 3.120, Longitude: + 101.60- East, West, North and South b) Orientation Overhang Ratio (OHR=D/ Hfen) East 1.6 West 2.04>OHR>1.9 North 0.8>OHR>0.7 South 0.6>OHR>0.5 Width The width of shading device is a function of the window width and angle requirements of incident radiation. Harkness (1978) and Szokolay (1996) showed a direct relationship between the overhang depth and the width using correspondence horizontal shadow angles (HSA) for that particular moment. The lateral extension on the width of the device is often described as a dimensionless proportional relationship to the fenestration width (figure 3.18). 102 Givoni (1998) found that increasing the side projection of the overhang reduced the solar heat gain through the fenestration compared to the overhang just above the window opening. Raeissi and Taheri (1997) also showed an optimum side ratio of 0.2 were able to balance the cooling and heating loads for both winter and summer on south facing window. Overhang Ratio (extension) = Side extension of overhang (e)/ Window width (Wfen) OHRe = e/ Wfen (3.48) e D e HSA Horizontal overhang projection HSA Glazing Wfen Window in Plan Figure 3.18: Overhang ratio for side extension of horizontal shading device However, there is no literature found on the effect of lateral extension of overhang on daylight penetration and on the effect on both cooling and lighting energy consumption. c) Angle Angle refers to the tilt of the external horizontal shading device relative to the plane of the fenestration. Larger overhang depths were required to terminate direct solar radiation penetration from low solar altitudes. A similar shading mask can be achieved with shorter overhang depth by tilting the overhang from the horizontal plane to a specific angle for that particular moment. This geometrical option is 103 mostly used in adjustable overhang and in awnings (Dubois, 1999). In most cases sensors are being used to determine the intensity of the solar radiation and the sun position to effectively eliminate the unwanted solar radiation penetration and encourage daylight penetration during the under heated period. Tilting the overhang to reduce the solar heat gain may also reduce the daylight penetration. Therefore, it is important to determine the optimum angle to achieve balance between solar heat gain and daylight penetration in order to reduce the annual energy consumption for cooling and lighting. Dubois (1999) showed that changing the angle of an awning of a south facing window in Sweden, had significant effect on the cooling and heating loads during summer and winter. The results showed by increasing the awning slope from 00 -750 reduced the annual heating demand by 0.8% and increase the annual cooling demand by 33%. However, there is no literature found on the effect of overhang tilt angle on solar radiation penetration or on daylight penetration with reference to hot and humid tropical climates. Surface Properties and Colour The surface finish and colour of the shading projection have an impact on the solar transmittance into the building (Olgyay, 1963; Hassan KAKU, 1996; Givoni, 1998; Dubois, 1999). The absorptivity and reflectivity of the shading device depends on the colour of the surface. According to literature, many authors agree that light colour on shading device reflect and increase solar transmittance than dark colour devices. Studies by Dubois (1999) showed that the dark colour (low solar transmittance) yield a lower annual energy than the light colour awning. The reason has been that heat transmittance largely affects the cooling load more than on heating load. 104 In another study, Kapur (2003) demonstrated that there is a temperature variation on the surface of an externally shaded window glazing. The results also showed that the dark colour sunshades caused an increase of 30-70C while light colour sunshade caused an increase of 20-50C in the glass surface temperature during the day. Apart from heat transmittance, the surface properties and colour of a shading device are significant factors for daylight reflectance (Dubois, 2001; Chavez, 1989). The reflectivity of a surface determines its response to daylight striking on it and the amount of daylight being reflected. Location of Shading Device The fixing methods of an external shading device can be categorized as; attached or detached to the building skin, just over the window (or vertical frame for vertical fins), leaving a gap between the edge of the window and the shading device. With an attached shading device, the absorbed heat by the shade may be trapped between the shading projection and the window surface which may transfer back into the building. In contrast, detached shading will provide free air movement between the shading device and the window. Thus the effect of trapped heat can be reduced. This may have a significant effect on the cooling load reduction. Adding a vertical gap between the window top edge and the bottom of the overhang location (h2) will effect on the shading depth of the device (figure 3.17). Thus the gap will be added to the window height, which will also shade part of the wall above the window. The advantage of such a gap is that it will give a larger view of the sky component which is a determinant factor for daylight distribution inside the building. However, the gap between window edges to shading device will result in deeper shading projection than a fixed just above window, in order to obtain the same effectiveness of the external horizontal shading. 105 Experiment by Raeissi and Taheri (1997) found that vertical spacing between top of the window and the overhang had no significant impact on the annual cooling and heating energy. The study also suggests that overhang spacing are more beneficial in higher latitudes than lower latitudes. Effectiveness of Different External Horizontal Shading Methods The shading mask provides information about the distinctive shading pattern required to eliminate the unwanted solar radiation during the overheated period. However the same shading mask pattern can be obtained with different design options of shading device. This implies that there is no unique solution for the design of sun breakers. Olgyay (1957) illustrated various characteristics of typical devices. The same shading effect of solid horizontal overhang can be illustrated using; overhang partially solid - partially louvered, louvers parallel to wall, horizontal louvers, etc. In practice the shading device is determined by the cut off line to eliminate direct solar radiation. However the amount of solar transmittance may change depending on the amount of diffuse and reflective solar radiation transmittance. Therefore the effectiveness of different shading devices is determined by the shading method. Uses of different methods are influenced by orientation and the solar altitude. Also it is important to consider the daylight transmittance for various shading types which may have adverse effects or support daylight distribution into the interior. Effect on glare control and view out are other dependent factors that need attention before deciding on the shading device method. Applications of various types of shading device have different implication on the amount of solar heat gain into the building. The thermal and optical properties of solar radiation are wavelength and angle dependent. Therefore, with different shading systems amount of solar radiation transmitted varies. 106 Shading Device Optical Properties a) Shading Coefficient Shading coefficient (SC) concept has been a well established method used to compare the effectiveness of different solar shading systems (Olgyay, 1963; Kannan, 1991). The ratio of the solar heat gain due to transmittance as well as retransmitted part of the absorbed radiation of a given window system (glass & shading) to that of solar heat gain by an un-shaded single pane clear glass (3 mm thick standard) window is defined as the shading coefficient of that window system (Kannan, 1991). SC = Solar heat gain of any glass and shading combination (3.49) Solar heat gain through a 3mm un-shaded clear glass In case of different glazing types are being used other than the standard 3mm thick clear glass or/ and the window is combined with internal or external shading devices, the respective solar heat gain through each component of the system need to be determined. Thus, the net shading coefficient for the system (window glazing & shading device) can be obtained by multiplying the shading coefficients of each component. SC system = SC clearglass x SC shadingdevice (3.50) Where SC clearglass is the shading coefficient for standard 3 mm thick clear glass and SC shadingdevice is the shading coefficient of the correspondence shading device. The integrated shading coefficient values were obtained for near normal angle of incidence, but in real context the SC vary with the incident angle of the solar radiation impinge on a vertical surface. The SC values for fixed shading devices like ‘horizontal, vertical and eggcrate devices’ will vary according to the percentage of glass area under shade and 107 exposed to the sun. Therefore it is required to determine, the percentage of the shaded and sunlit areas and the corresponding solar heat gain through each part of the window, in order to evaluate on the performance of fixed shading devices, for different orientations. The fraction of window area exposed to the sun at any time for a given orientation can be obtained from equations (3.42), (3.43), and (3.44). Once the fraction of exposed area was determined, the net shading coefficient for a particular shaded window (SC’) can easily be obtained by the formula (Kannan, 1991): SC’ = (AG * Ídr ) + fr (A * Ídf) (3.51) A x Ítot SC’: Net shading coefficient for partially shaded window. Ítot: Total (direct + diffuse) solar radiation transmitted through standard 3mm clear glass for particular orientation. Ídr: Direct solar radiation transmitted through standard 3mm clear glass for particular orientation. Ídf: Diffuse solar radiation transmitted through standard 3mm clear glass for particular orientation. Asun: Area of window exposed to the sun A: Total window area fr: Fraction of diffuse radiation obstructed by the shading device. One of the main draw back in calculating the shading coefficient of a shading device is that comparison was done to heat gain already inside the building. Also, only the radiative heat is considered and the thermal heat transmission is not added in the calculation. Further, the amount of solar radiation transmitted and retransmitted through window do not take into consideration the amount of heat gain and lose due to the window frames and edges. Therefore it may be argued that a total shading coefficient value of the window system needs to incorporate thermal transmittance of the frames and edges as well. Although, shading coefficient values for external solar 108 shading were specified in the MS 1525:2001 (code of practice for non-residential buildings on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy), there is a need for further research in the study of shading devices under Malaysian climatic conditions. b) Optical Transmittance Optical transmittance of a shaded window can be defined as the fraction of incident solar radiation which passes through an entire window system at a specified angle. The ratio value is expressed as ‘solar heat gain coefficient’ (SHGC) or Gvalue (g-for gain) for that specific component. The word “system” is used to define the window and the shading device if applicable as one unit. The total transmittance of the window glass and the shading device can be expressed as (Dubois, 2000): Gsys Gsys = Total Solar Energy Transmittance Incidence Solar Radiation on the facade (3.52) = Ítot IG* Aw (3.53) Hence the total solar energy transmittance of the system (window glazing & shading device) is a product of the transmittance of each component of the system, the net G value for the system can be obtained by multiplying the G-value for each component. Thus it may be expressed as below: Gsystem = Gwindow x Gsunshade (3.54) Gwindow is the G-value for window and Gsunshade is the G-value for the corresponding shading device. Effectiveness of the G-value depends on how much solar radiation is transmitted into the building. Similar to the shading coefficient concept, a shading device with a high G-value is considered to be a ‘poor’ shading device, since a large proportion of the incidence radiance is transmitted into the building. Similarly a low G-value indicates a ‘good’ shading device, since a small portion of incidence radiation is transmitted and retransmitted into the building. 109 Surfaces also emit long wave solar radiant energy according to its emissivity. This particular surface property is independent of the colour of the surface. The specula surfaces have very low emissivity than the diffuse matt surfaces. Also review shows that use of incident angle to determine the shading geometry yield unrealistically large devices (Dubois, 2000; Olgyay, 1957). Therefore, a method is developed to determine the external solar shading geometry depending on the solar transmittance property of glazing and the incident angle of direct solar radiation with special reference to Kuala Lumpur hot and humid tropical climates (Appendix C3). Predicting the effectiveness of a shading device involves in handling of all parameters that was discussed above. Furthermore, it is not possible to optimize all criteria simultaneously. As was suggested by literature review, the depth of the shading device was selected for further experiment. This design variable will look into the aspects of its influence on solar radiation penetration, daylight penetration and consequently on the building energy consumption. 3.3.6 External Shading Device and Side-lit Daylight Concept Several studies have explored the impact of overhang on daylight (Olgyay, 1957; Robbins, 1986; Dubois, 2001b & 2001c; Sharifah, 2004). Main criterion to use overhang on the window is to limit the unwanted solar gains into the building, but they also reduce the view of the sky from the room and thus reduce interior daylight illumination (Olgyay, 1957; Robbins, 1986). Above studies emphasized, depth of the overhang, surface texture and colour, and position of the overhang fixed to the window influence the daylight penetration into the building. Robbins (1986) and Moor (1993) suggested that when overhang is applied, the depth of the room begins at the edge of the overhang and the location of the window wall merely defines the usable portion of the space below the roof (figure 3.19). 110 Figure 3.19: Effect of overhang on daylight distribution in a room The side-lit strategy for filtering the daylight into the building manipulates the vertical wall of the envelope of the building. Side-lit produces a strong directional lighting and non-uniform daylight distribution from the vertical opening of the exterior envelope to the deeper end of the building (Robbins, 1986). The penetration of daylight into a room through wall opening depict a relative change in the quantity of light as it moves deeper into the correspondence space. The daylight distribution pattern illuminates the horizontal plane of a room as well as the vertical planes of the correspondence space. The position of the vertical opening enables us to determine the illuminance distribution along the horizontal and vertical surfaces. According to Robbins (1986) and Gon (1996) the successful performance of side-lit concept depends on: o the amount of daylight distribution o the room geometry; floor-to-ceiling height, depth of the room and width of the room o the size of the window o the internal surface properties and colour o the control of direct sunlight penetration onto the work plane and minimize heat gains o the control of brightness contrast within the occupant visual field 111 o minimize impact of glare on work plane resulting from high window placement The amount of natural light entering the building through window is attributed from different sources such as, the sky, the ground, exterior and interior reflecting surfaces. Contribution of each component is more or less important depending on the sky condition and surrounding exterior environment. In daylight designs, direct sunlight has been avoided as source of light in building. This is mainly due to visual discomfort resulting from over illumination, inappropriate distribution of light into the space and also as a means of energy saving in cooling loads especially in tropical climates. In this respect, the common design solutions to control solar heat gain are use of smaller glazing areas and use of shading devices. However, the smaller glazing reduces view out as well as the light levels (Dubois, 2001c). Also extensive use of solar shading may reduce the daylight penetration which will increase the use of artificial lighting (Abdullah-Abdulmohsen, 1995; Robbins, 1986). Hence, it is important to point out that geometry of the external solar shading is a crucial consideration in energy saving in buildings due to daylight utilization. Adequate Illuminance on the Work Surface The lighting quantity is a major requirement to ensure good visibility and visual performance. The minimum level of indoor illuminance depends primarily on the nature of the task or interior location. The illuminating engineers society of North America (IES, 1993) recommends to maintain illuminance level at/or below 500 lux on the horizontal work plain, for offices containing computer screens. The study of Berrutto et.al (1997) indicated an average preferred horizontal illuminance of 325 lux for computer work and 425-500 lux for general office work. The Malaysian standards-MS 1525 (2001) recommended a horizontal illuminance of 300-400 lux for reading, writing and drawing in general offices. For 112 infrequent reading and writing the standard requirement is 200 lux. According to this standard, the illuminance should not be below 200 lux at any point in the room. Further, for task work like proof reading recommended illuminance level is 500 lux while for exact drawing, and detail work the standards were 1000 lux and 2000 lux respectively. But, the first government low energy office (MEWC-LEO 2004) building in Putrajaya, Malaysia, reduced the target indoor illuminance from 500lux to 335 lux as a measure of energy efficient feature (Kristensen, 2003). As the building is still under experiment it is difficult to determine the effect of reducing the illuminance level on overall energy saving. Table3.4: Recommended average illuminance levels for office buildings Source Illuminating Engineers Society of North America (IES, 1993) Berrutto et.al (1997) MS 1525 (2001) Dubois (2001c) Illuminance (lux) 500 325 425-500 200 300-400 300-400 500 <100 100-300 300-500 >500 MEWC-LEO Building Putra-Jaya (2004) 335 Example of Application - General reading and writting - Ideal for computer work - General office work - Infrequent reading and writting - General reading and wrtting - Drawing office - Proof reading - Too dark for paper and computer work - Too dark for paper work/acceptable for computer work - Acceptable for paper work/ideal for computer work - Ideal for paper work/ too bright for computer work - General reading Daylight Factor (DF) and Sun Illuminance Ratio (SIR) The daylight factor (DF) and sun illuminance ratio (SIR) are two primary dependent variables related to interior illuminance level. However, most techniques for evaluating the potential of a building design to provide adequate internal illuminance using natural lighting are based on the calculation of daylight factors. A daylight factor is defined as the ratio between interior illuminance (Ei) and the 113 exterior illuminance (Eo) on a horizontal surface simultaneously available out doors from an overcast sky (Robbins, 1986). Daylight Factor (DF) = Ei/Eo x 100 (3.55) Daylight factor technique calculates three components of illuminance: the light direct from the sky vault (Edsky), external reflected component (Er(ext)sky) and internal reflected component (Er(int)sky). Daylight Factor (DF) = (Edsky + Er(ext)sky + Er(int)sky ) x Cg x Cf x Cd (3.56) These three components are multiplied by compensation factors for glazing type (Cg), window framing (Cf) and window dirt (Cd), to represent the reduction in interior illuminance due to the above factors (Robbins, 1986). Then DF in equation (3.55) can be re-written as: Daylight Factor (DF) = {Eidsky + Eir(int)sky} x 100 (3.57) Eo,sky The DF can be used to indicate the potential for daylight utilization of a building or space. Since the DF is the ratio of indoor to outdoor illuminance, the ideal approach is to obtain the DF for the desired illuminance when the sky is at lowest brightness. According to Bremen (1969) the lowest exterior horizontal diffuse illuminance from sky for humid tropical climate is around 10,000 lux (table 3.5). Hence, to obtain a 200 lux minimum illuminance, a daylight factor of at least 2% is required. To provide sufficient work plain illuminance of 500 lux as recommended by the Malaysian standards (MS 1525:2001) a daylight factor of 5% must be obtained. These values are considered as the desirable daylight factor (DF) target range. 114 Table 3.5: Standard lowest exterior diffuse illuminance (lux) from Sky for different climatic regions. Source: Bremen, H. van (1969) Standard Lowest Exterior Diffuse Illuminance from Sky (lux) 5000 lux 10,000 lux 20,000 lux Climate Region Temperate & Cold Climate Humid Tropic Hot/ Arid The sun illuminance ratio (SIR) is thus defined as, the internal total illuminance, from the direct sunlight and the reflected illuminance from sunlight on a horizontal surface to the exterior sunlight illuminance. Sun Illuminance Ratio (SIR) = Direct Illuminance Sun + Reflected Illuminance Sun Exterior Illuminance Sun Sun Illuminance Ratio (SIR) = Eidsun + Eirsun (3.58) Eo,sun Although use of DF to determine the interior lighting level has been well established, according to Hamdan (1996) it is questionable to use the DF under overcast skies in hot humid tropical conditions like in Malaysia. The other major limitation is that it does not take into account of the direct component of the sunlight. The internal total illuminance on correspondence station point is a major influence in reducing the energy for artificial lighting. The internal total illuminance is the sum of direct illuminance from sky, reflected illuminance from sky, direct illuminance from sun and reflected illuminance from sun on an interior horizontal surface. If the required daylight factor (DF) and sun illuminance ratio (SIR) and the exterior illuminance conditions for a particular location are known, then the internal absolute illuminance can be obtained as follows: From equation 3.57 Eidsky + Eir(int)sky = (DF) x Eo,sky (3.59) 115 From equation 3.58 Eidsun + Eirsun = (SIR) x Eo,sun (3.60) Hence, absolute illuminance at interior will be the addition of equation 3.59 and 3.60: (Eidsky + Eir(int)sky )+ (Eidsun + Eirsun ) = {(DF) x Eo,sky}+{(SIR) x Eo,sun} (3.61) Where, Eo,sky and Eo,sun are exterior horizontal illuminance due to diffuse light from sky and external horizontal illuminance due to direct sunlight respectively. Hence, DF and SIR are expressed as a ratio of the interior and the exterior illuminances, thus they are relative measures and not an absolute measure of illuminance. The relative internal illuminance striking at a given station point consists of four components of natural lighting illuminances (LBNL, 2003b): o Direct illuminance of the sky (Eidsky): the light which originates in the sky and reaches the reference point without reflection from the interior surfaces of the space. In addition this includes the reflection of sky light from exterior building shades, sky light reflected from the ground and sky light reflected from exterior obstructions. o Reflected illuminance of the sky (Eir(int)sky): the daylight which originates in the sky and reaches the reference point after reflecting from the interior surfaces of the space. o Direct illuminance of the sun (Eidsun): the light from the sun reaching the reference point without reflection from the interior surfaces of the space. o Reflected illuminance of the sun (Eirsun): the sunlight which reflects from interior surfaces before reaching the reference point. 116 Daylight –Electric Light Integration CIBS Code (1984) for interior lighting underline three basic fundamental decisions for integration between daylight and electric lighting in the building design: i. To rely on daylight during daytime and to design the electric lighting only for night time conditions ii. To use daylight as available and supplement it as required by electric lighting iii. To ignore daylight and operate the building on electric light only The first method appears to be the best way to achieve energy saving for lighting, but it depends on the amount of daylight throughout the day-time. This is not possible all the time as it is difficult to obtain constant daylight level throughout the day, where daylight level fluctuates depending on various other factors. On the other hand, total depend on electric lighting may cause on high energy consumption for lighting as well for cooling due to the heat generated by the artificial lighting system. In this case introduction of energy efficient light sources may be an option to achieve low energy consumptions. As for the second method, more daylight in interior spaces only leads to electrical energy savings if the artificial lighting is controlled according to the amount of daylight penetrating into the room. In order to establish a suitable electrical lighting control system for a day-lit building, three aspects need to be analyzed: the lighting zone to be controlled, occupancy pattern of the space and control strategy for each zone (Chavez, 1989). a) Lighting Control Zones As with side-lit concept, daylight illuminance decreases with the increase distance from the opening towards the deep end of the space considered. Therefore supplementary lighting is required to provide required task, background or general 117 illuminance. The criteria to establish the integrated lighting control zone need to be based on consideration of user activities, position of work station compared to location of the aperture through which daylight is available. A similar approach was developed through ‘PSALI’ or permanent supplementary artificial lighting of interiors, which provides additional lighting at the back of a space to balance the brightness of a given aperture (Hopkinson and Kay, 1969). b) Occupancy Pattern The occupancy pattern is defined by the density of users and the character of the activities they carry out in a given building. As discussed in section, generally there are four basic types of occupancy patterns. Occupancy schedules are major determinant factor of lighting, equipment and air-conditioning loads. In developing occupancy schedules, it can be useful to group together individual spaces with similar occupancy characteristics (Moore, 1993). An energy management system can be used to control lighting on pre-determined occupancy schedule. c) Control Strategy Principally there are two different ways of controlling the artificial lighting: manual control system and automatic control strategy. In general lighting control systems can be operated based on different parameters of the lighting installation: amount of light level (either in illuminance or luminance), light distribution and on spectral distribution. In manual control system the user switch on the artificial lighting when the daylight is inadequate to perform particular visual tasks (e.g. reading, writing, drawing or any typical office work) or when the interior looks gloomy and switch off when the required daylight level is adequate (Chavez, 1989). In this instance, the occupants’ knowledge on daylight levels and energy implications are important aspects (Crisp, V. 1977). One major draw back in using the manual control systems 118 is that getting the user into the habit of switching the lights off when not required is not easy. It is required in order to save unnecessary energy consumption for lighting. The automatic lighting control strategy is classified into two control systems: Automatic switching and dimming system. The automatic switching on/off is made by means of sensing the presence of occupants and by photoelectric sensing of available daylight level. This system is also called two-step switching and the light output varies in discrete and equally spaced steps (Robbins, 1986). The control action by photoelectric dimming system can be explained as the electric output decrease continuously as the daylight illuminance increases. Two basic automated dimming systems exist: linear continuous dimming and continuous/off dimming system. In linear continuous dimming system, after achieving the required illuminance level, the electric power output remains constant as the daylight illuminance increases. Similarly, in continuous/ off strategy, the lights turn off completely when the total illuminance (electric illuminance and daylight illuminance) exceeds the required interior illuminance level. The energy saving potentials (minimum use of electric light, reduce the lighting load and cooling load) of the continuous/ off dimming strategy is greater than the other options discussed and more likely acceptable to occupants (Chavez, 1989). Also, the electric lighting in the room is changed in direct response to the level of interior daylight illuminance. Yet, the complex electronic control system, high installation and maintenance cost are a major hindrance. In this respect the continuous/ off control system is suggested as a better daylight –electric light control strategy to implement as energy efficient measures. Further, same author suggests that suitable control option should be chosen as a function of daylight availability. Thus explained as follows: o When daylight level is inadequate to meet the required level, dimming is suggested o If daylight level exceeds the amount required, switching off and dimming system is recommended 119 o If enough daylight is available on most hours of the day, switching off or continuous/off system is recommended Hence, the review suggests that the interplay of daylight availability and the occupancy pattern are determinant factors in selecting an appropriate lighting control system. 3.3.7 Research on Solar Shading Many researches and experiments on solar shading have been carried out under different climate conditions and on its performance as a building element. From review it is found that researches on shading strategies can be categorize into: I. Shading strategies and solar radiation II. Shading strategies and daylight III. Solar shading and energy related experiments IV. Solar shading design methods V. Solar shading and human perception Shading Strategies and Solar Radiation Studies on impact of solar shading strategies on solar radiation penetration have been expressed in terms of incident radiation, solar transmittance, reflectance, solar heat gain factor (SHGF) and shading coefficient (SC) (Dubois, 2000). Initial experiments done by Olgyay and Olgyay (1957) have been a very important literature on the subject of shading device. The study involved in different glazing types ( ordinary clear glass, dark and light color plate glasses, double pane glasses), internal shades and external shades and their impact on the heat gains. The results showed that different glazing types reduced the heat gain by 25-50%, internal 120 shades and blinds reduced 50% and external shades by 59% compared to heat gain through ordinary clear glazing. The study indicated a broad classification of shading devices in respect to their shading coefficient. Hassan KAKU (1996) experimented on the effect of external shading devices for buildings in Malaysia. Key findings indicated horizontal devices generally are more effective against high sun at east and west orientations, while egg-crate devices for all orientations. According to results the egg-crate device eliminated 57% of the solar input at west orientation as compared to 46% and 10% by the horizontal and vertical shading devices respectively. The study emphasized further that the shading performance of each device with respect to different solar radiation components; direct, diffuse and reflected. The study also concluded that the contribution of diffused and reflected radiations with respect to the total solar gain was proportionally significant in hot-humid conditions. Similar studies by Givoni (1998) indicated external solar shading devices can eliminate 90% of striking solar radiation and more effective than internal shading devices. The provision of ground reflectivity and effect of colors on shading devices were also considered as important aspects in determining the effectiveness of the shading device (Hassan KAKU, 1996). Several works (Bülow-Hübe, 2002; Dubois, 2000 and Kuhun et al, 2000) on defining solar shading devices considering the total solar energy transmittance (gvalue or solar heat gain coefficient) were carried out. This method provides a more realistic approach to evaluate the effectiveness of internal and external shading devices in combination with glazing of the correspondent window (Kuhun et al, 2000). Bülow-Hübe (2002), studied the transmittance value (g-value) based on actual measurements taken for external devices (awnings, Venetian blinds, screen fabric, horizontal slatted baffle and solar control films), inter-pane devices (Venetian blind, pleated curtains, roller blind and screen fabric) and internal devices (Venetian blinds, pleated curtains, roller blinds, screen fabric and solar control films). The results showed an average g-value of 0.3 which indicated only 30% of incident solar radiation was transmitted through external devices. Similarly g-value of 0.5 and 0.6 indicated that 50% and 60% of incident solar radiation was transmitted through inter- 121 pane devices and internal devices respectively. This value explains that low transmittance value shading devices had better shading strategy while high transmittance values had a poor shading strategy. However, the experiments were carried out under temperate climate, in Sweden. A study by Sharifah and Sia (2001), with reference to Penang (Latitude 5.30 N & Longitude 100.30 E) suggested the provision of horizontal solar shading devices on the window opening for main cardinal and other related orientations. The calculations were made corresponding to critical hour interval between 10.00 hr and 15.00hr of the day, in order to eliminate the direct solar radiation incident on the vertical surface, (window panes). Also the study concludes that the orientation of the window is a deciding factor on the shading device geometry. However, the study did not calculate the reduction of striking solar radiation. Shading Strategies and Daylight Olgyay and Olgyay (1957) introduced a method to calculate the daylight efficiency when external shading devices were applied. The daylight efficiency was determined by the ratio between the daylight amount entering through an opening with and without a shading device. According to the calculations for a horizontal device overhang ratio (horizontal projection / window height) of value 1 reduced 60% of daylight penetration. The calculations were made based on several assumptions; the sky has equal luminance of radiation, no reflection were considered and projections were assumed to be long that light entering from sides were neglected. Further, the above method did not calculate any daylight distribution and only suggest how much light is cutoff by the shading device. Sharifah and Sia (2004) showed that use of appropriate shading depths to reduce the direct sunlight penetrations reduce the daylight factor by 50%. Further, without shading, daylight factor of the interior ranges between 6% and 2% from the aperture to deep end of the space. This was obtained under a bright sunny day. 122 However the study did not give a clear indication of amount of solar heat gain and daylight distribution when sunlight control strategies were applied. Studies carried out by Azni Zain-Ahmed et al. (2002) on daylight and window to wall ratio (WWR) indicated an optimum WWR for appropriate daylight for Malaysian climate. The findings indicated the optimum window opening for daylight was 25% of window to wall ratio. The same window to wall ratio received solar heat of about 1460 W/m2. The study was done using a computer simulation program called the NORMA. Yet the experiment did not explore the impact between shading devices (and their corresponding shading coefficients) and daylight distributions under Malaysian climatic conditions. Hamdan (1996) experimented daylight distribution on side lit atria in hot humid tropical sky conditions. The results yield a significant reduction in daylight level within the side lit atrium space compared to top lit concept. But the resultant daylight was adequately provided on the optimum distance between the clerestory walls for the purpose intended of the space. This enabled on saving energy by minimizing the use of artificial lighting. Thus, cooling load was minimized as heat from direct sunlight was blocked. Relationship between the shading device, daylight quality and energy use were investigated by Dubois (2001c). The experiments were carried out using two methods. Firstly, actual field measurements were taken using an actual size office room and secondly, using a computer simulation program. The selected shading devices for the first experiment were mainly solar screens with color variations of black, brown and white including one Venetian blind. The second experiment used Venetian blind (00 & 450 slat angle), awnings, screens and a single overhang with slats to evaluate the daylight quality. The comparison between the two methods yields almost similar results for the screen and Venetian blinds (white color). Yet the experiment was carried out under temperate climate conditions in Denmark and for a single orientation (south). Results indicated grey screens and 450 slats for Venetian blind yield too little daylight (less than 300lux). The bare window, white awning, overhang and 00 slats for Venetian blind provided high illuminance value for 123 computer work and were recommended for paper works. Also the same group of shading devices generated luminance values above 500cd/m2. Further, dark colored devices resulted in unacceptably low work plane illuminance (about 100 lux) even under clear sky of 65-95klux global illuminance. Likewise, results on daylight factor appeared to be well below 1%, thus indicated that artificial lighting may even be required even under sunny conditions in Denmark. The simulations were performed using the ‘radiance computer simulation program’ for the sunny sky conditions. Also the implication on the energy is limited to a manual switch on probability. Hence the study did not determine the absolute energy saving. Robbins (1986) graphically illustrated the impact on daylight penetration and distribution in a room for different overhang ratios and light shelf configurations. The overall findings showed that increase in shading depth reduced the daylight penetration into the deep end of the room. The study gave a conceptual idea and general knowledge on daylight related issues, which can be applied as basics in daylight designs. But the study did not indicate an optimal shading strategy for minimum daylight level for any particular climate. Al-Shareef (2001) studied the daylight performance using a parallel shading system for hot and arid climates. The results indicated the impact of shading system, especially the slat reflectance and the slat angle on the daylight quantity. A reduction of 50% reflectance caused 70% to 80% of illuminance reduction. Further, the slat angle 150 gave a better daylight distribution than other angles considered. However the conclusions did not predict results on solar heat gain effect and energy utilization. Studies by Perera et al (2001) on the impact of different glazing types on daylight distribution under diffuse sky for hot and humid climate conditions in Sri Lanka showed almost 90% reduction in illuminance level occurred with reflected glazing compared to clear glass. Similar studies by Dinapradipta et al (2003) in Indonesia concluded, those effective room depths for tinted and reflective glazing for minimum daylight illuminance respectively to be 4.6 and 3.1meters. 124 Garcia-Chavez (1989) and Abdullah Abdulmohsen (1995) experimented with the potential of light shelf on daylight distribution and energy consumption for hot and arid climate. Experiment by Garcia-Chavez (1989) explained some valuable findings and developed a guideline for beam core day-lighting application in hot and arid region of Mexico. The study concluded that the internal light shelf can distribute daylight deeper than the external light shelf. Also the study found that combined light shelf with double openings can reflect the light 10 to 12 meters away from the external aperture. Similarly, Abdullah Abdulmohsen (1995) concluded that a combined light shelf system provides adequate illuminance levels, and uniform distribution illuminance as well reduced the glare through the window. According to his results, the optimum light shelf depth for a south facing window had an external light shelf depth of three times the height of view aperture and internal device was twice the height of the view aperture. The energy calculation also confirmed that best energy savings were obtained for the above stated light shelf configurations. The experiment by Garcia-Chavez (1989) was done in an actual building while Abdullah Abdulmohsen (1995) used a scale model. Solar Shading and Energy Related Experiments Parametric studies on energy use were investigated by using solar protective glazing and seasonal awnings, in two separate experiments done by Dubois (1998 & 1999). The experiments were carried out in Sweden where solar heat is a favorable aspect to reduce energy consumption for heating during the cold seasons. Impact of glazing u-value on thermal gains and losses were investigated. The study predicted the annual energy use in terms of cooling and heating loads. With a glazing-towindow area of 30% on the south façade indicated a lower energy use with clear and low-e coated glazing, than on other orientations. Further, changes of orientation reduced cooling load by 58% and heating load was reduced by 23%. Yet, changes of glazing types from shading coefficient 0.86 to 0.16 reduced the cooling load by 86% and heating load by 27%. This implied that glazing type was more significant than the orientation especially for cooling load. Further, higher transmittance glazing showed a low annual energy, while low-emissivity coated glazing yielded the lowest 125 annual energy use. But no relative comparison was done between the two load consumptions. In another study by Dubois (1999) on seasonal awning showed a large energy saving on the cooling load. The results showed 81% reduction of the cooling load and increase the heating load by 6%. Further, use of awning decreased the annual energy use by 14%, compared with clear glazing option. The finding also concluded that the awning depth of 1.25 meters, 300 awning slope and 3.96 meters awning width obtained an optimum energy saving for cooling and heating. The study further showed awning colour had a moderate effect on the cooling demand. The results indicated light coloured fabrics resulted in higher cooling load than dark colour awnings. Both experiments were done using dynamic energy simulation program DROB-LTH. Lee E.S et al (1998) tried to obtain a relationship between the optimum cooling/ lighting energy and the envelope, using an automated "dynamic" venetian blind in two side-by-side full scale office rooms in, California, under temperate climate conditions. The results were tested for static blind angles of 00, 150 and 450. The average peak cooling load reduction of 6%-15% (for 450 tilt angle) and 18%32% (00 tilt angles) were achieved by the dynamic blind compared to static blind. Further, compared to the static blind (at any angle) with no daylight control model, 22%-86% of daily lighting energy savings were obtained by the dynamic blinds. The impact of different glazing types on cooling load were investigated by Bojic et al (2002) for two high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong. The findings showed yearly cooling load reduction of 10% and peak cooling load reduction of 11% when clear glass was replaced by reflective-tinted glasses with shading coefficient of 0.25 on the west orientation. Analysis on orientation showed, the yearly cooling load and peak cooling loads reduced by 7% and 11% when the clear glass façade facing north and south orientations, compared to the west. Further, difference in cooling load and peak cooling loads showed 13% and 16% reductions when the building with reflective-tinted glazing was facing the south compared to the same building facing the west with clear glazing. Thus the findings emphasized that 126 glazing with lower shading coefficients and building orientation significantly effect on the building cooling and peak loads. Raeissi and Taheri (1998) studied the optimum overhang dimensions for cooling and heating dominant buildings, under hot and arid climates in Iran. The main variables were the overhang depth, overhang side extensions and the overhang spacing between the bottom of overhang and the top window frame. The experiment was able to determine an optimum overhang ratio of 0.6 on the north window and 1.0 on east and west which balanced the cooling and heating loads for both during winter and summer. Further, side extension ratio of 0.2 indicated an optimum energy saving for the south oriented window. Apart from that vertical distance between the top of window and the overhang had a negligible effect on the energy saving. Huang et al (1992) investigated overall energy consumption on lighting load and cooling load, based on climatic data obtained for Singapore weather conditions. The study was experimented for prototype office buildings developed for Singapore comprising a square shape building plan, 'L' shape building plan and rectangular building plan. The experiment was limited to overhang shading devices (0.33 and 1 overhang ratio-OHR) and different window-to-wall ratio (solar aperture) as the main variable of daylight and energy consumption. The test was carried out for perimeter depth of 3.7 meter, 6.1meter and 9.1meter for internal required lighting levels of 323 lux and 528 lux. The results indicated a minimum total energy used was obtained at solar aperture 20% (WWR x SC). Solar aperture is defined as the window-to-wall ratio times shading coefficient of the window glass (Huang et.al, 1992). Further increase of solar aperture progressively reduced the lighting energy saving, while the cooling energy consumption continued in linear fashion, thus the total energy use increased. The results were acquired for 6.1meter deep office building with 21.5 W/m2 lighting power for a required lighting level of 538 lux. Similar patterns were found for 3.7 and 9.1meter deep zones, the minimum energy range rely between 10% and 20% solar apertures. The experiments did not explore the daylight distribution and the corresponding heat gains through the window. Also the energy results were depended on other variables (different illuminance levels, lighting power 127 requirements, window-to-wall ratio) as well, therefore it was difficult to derive clear conclusion on the effect of solar shading on total energy consumption. Solar Shading Design Methods Olgyay (1957) and Mazria (1979) developed a shading mask that can be used to determine the external solar shading device geometry. Mazria’s shading mask is a rectilinear mask, which coincides with a Cartesian sun-path diagram. Olgyay developed a hemispherical mask, which coincides with polar coordinate sun-path plot. Since then the shading mask has been developed into computer based tool and models that can be used to determine the shading geometry (Shaviv, E, 1975; Jorge et al, 1993; Arumi-Noe, 1996; Kallblad, K, 1999). Major limitation of these tools is that they only consider the solar radiation incident on the window and do not consider the transmitted solar radiation through the window. Dubois (2000) developed a solar chart using the incident angle dependent properties and total solar energy transmittance (also called the g-value). She super imposed the solar transmittance values on Mazria’s solar path, for the temperate climate. However, this study only considers the south orientation. One of the limitations of this chart is that for each orientation, we need to prepare corresponding charts. Further, the study only considered the direct solar radiation to define the shading device. Oh, K.W (2000) developed a computer model to calculate the solar radiation transmittance through an un-shaded window. The model was superimposed on a solar path diagram in order to determine effective shading device based on the solar heat transmittance. However these tools need to be validated to be used under any climatic conditions. Further experiments need to be developed to calculate the impact of shading devices on daylight and allow prediction of heating, cooling and lighting. Lack of computer models considering the movable shading devices and relative calculation methods was considered as disadvantages in his study. 128 Solar Shading and Human Perception Several studies were concerned with occupant’s response on solar shading and the aesthetic expression of shadow casting. A pilot study was carried out by Bülow-Hübe (2000) on office workers preferences on exterior shading devices. The shading devices used in this study was awning and venetian blinds. Results indicated that shading devices were used frequently to avoid glare from the window. Also a weaker occupant’s response was indicated on the amount of interior illuminance level, the sunlight patches and how much the shading devices were pulled down or vice versa. Belakehal et al (1996) studied the aesthetic expressions of façade created by solar control shading. The façade surface was divided into different volumes of projections according to a grid pattern. Each projection was given a mathematical codification. The study derived a coordinate system for each projection of the façade for different orientations. There were no literatures found on aspect such as visual comfort and thermal comfort when shading strategies were adopted. Comfort is the main issue in any energy saving approach (Holz et al 1998). Though it was mentioned in many research works and publication that solar shading reduces the effect of glare on occupant's perception, there were no clear conclusions made between solar shading and glare indices. Also review indicated lack of research on relationship between behavioral studies and the shading device strategies. 129 3.4 Summary This chapter has discussed the energy pattern and energy related issues in Malaysian context (in general South East Asian region) to get an overview on the energy consumption in office buildings. Literature review on energy consumption pattern in Malaysia revealed energy demand in general has increased almost thrice in year 2002 compared to year 1990. Thus, it is important to promote energy conservation and efficiency in every energy consumption sectors in the country in order to reduce the energy demand in the future. The survey on energy consumption in non-residential buildings in South East Asian countries revealed that energy consumption in Malaysia and Singapore commercial buildings were high compared to other countries in the region. According to the surveyed results, the energy consumption for air-conditioning and fans was about 68.8% and for electric lighting is about 23% of the total electricity use, in Malaysian office buildings. As an energy efficient measure, standards and codes were introduced to determine the baseline to obtain energy efficiency mainly in non-residential buildings. These standards underline the minimum requirements to achieve energy savings in buildings. Review of the related design and theoretical considerations on high-rise office buildings enable to understand the factors influencing the building energy consumption. The principles of energy efficiency evaluation of existing buildings were reviewed by considering the influence of architectural design form and their interaction with the climatic design parameters, especially with respect to solar radiation and daylight aspects. Analysis of the theoretical and design consideration suggested that the representative tropical high-rise build forms included plan configuration, service core position, floor-to-floor sectional height and building envelope design options. However, review also revealed that each of these aspects influence in building energy consumption at various degrees. Since the main focus of the study was on the effects of external shading strategy on building energy use, it was recognized the limitation to optimize all design variables simultaneously. Thus, the study emphasized the complexity of developing a single configuration of high- 130 rise office building to represent the climatically interactive high-rise buildings in hot and humid climates. The principles of heat gains, types of heat transfer and factors influencing heat gains in the building were also reviewed. According to the heat source, heat gains in building can be categorized into two; heat gain through building design variables and internal sources. The building design variable influenced the conduction heat gains, heat gains through fenestration and infiltration. Heat gains from artificial lighting, occupancy heat gains and heat gains from equipment were the major internal heat sources. Methods to calculate the impact of daylight and electric light on cooling load due to daylight-electric light integration were presented. The review will be useful in determining the energy saving potentials due to daylight utilization in buildings. Influence of solar heat gain through fenestration on building thermal performance was discussed. Variables affecting on determining the solar heat gain factor were emphasized. The review revealed influence of fenestration had a significant impact on the building thermal performances. The heat gain through fenestration was determined by the intensity of the incident solar radiation, incident angle and windows thermal as well as their optical properties. Review also stresses the importance of obtaining SHGF under local climatic conditions for better energy calculations. Influences of window’s thermal and optical properties on SHGF were discussed and SHGF calculations methods were reviewed. Applications of various types of solar shading devices reduced the impact of the solar heat gain into the building. Different solar shading devices and factors influencing the reduction of solar radiation penetration into the building were reviewed. Thus, the review suggested that external shading strategies give a better solution for tropical climate condition to eliminate solar radiation penetration than the internal shading strategies. Designing of solar shading geometry were presented and limitation of the traditional methods still used in tropical climate regions were discussed. Factors influencing the effectiveness of the shading device were reviewed 131 and a new definition for effectiveness of a shading device was proposed with respect to solar heat gain reduction, daylight distribution and energy consumption for cooling and lighting. However, the depth of shading device was selected for further experiment on its impact on the solar radiation and heat gain, daylight penetration and on energy consumption. CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part briefly outlines the need for the study and development of initial model for the study is discussed (section 4.1 and 4.2). Part two (section 4.3 to 4.8) reviews the energy evaluation methods and common research methodologies used by previous researchers in order to formulate an appropriate methodology to be employed in this study. Further, the study procedures, assumptions, limitations and the overall sequence of the selected methods are described. Finally, the data analysis criterions are discussed that will be used to analyze the results of the study. 4.1 The Need for the Experiment The external horizontal shading device is an important climatic design element in the tropical climate. According to the review, little is known about the influence of external horizontal shading device on reducing the solar heat gains, daylight penetration and the building energy consumption. Another important aspect is that the review on energy audits indicated a high intensity of energy consumption (an average of 269kWh/m2) for office buildings in Malaysia. However, significant energy savings can be achieved in buildings if they are properly design and operated. Therefore, it is important to investigate the above interrelated issues to determine appropriate solar shading design strategies for the correspondence climate conditions. Also, early design decisions are the most effective than making changes at later stages after construction, which is time consuming and costly. 133 4.2 Development of Simplified Office Room Configuration According to the literature review, energy performance of high-rise building is influenced by several design variables. The best option to optimize the total building energy consumption is to test the number of design alternatives, which is time consuming and laborious approach. The other way of dealing with the problem is by varying one variable at a time and keeping the others fixed at reasonable practical values in order to determine the effect of the particular variable on the energy performance of the building. Therefore, it is necessary to find a compromise that best matches the priorities and objectives of the study. As stated in Chapter 1, the main aims of the research are: a. To assess and compare the impact of external horizontal shading device geometry in reducing the unwanted solar heat gain and the amount of daylight penetration into the building. b. To compare the potential trade-off involved between the solar heat gain and daylight penetration for determining the optimum overhang depth to achieve optimum energy consumptions. Hence, to answer the research questions and to achieve the research objectives (as stated in Chapter 1) a single zone primary unit office room is selected for the study. The geometry and characteristics of the typical office room model is developed based on the analysis of the high-rise office buildings in Malaysia with following assumptions: a. The typical office room is in the perimeter zone with a single window. Hence, assumptions are made that heat gain through the window system is significant compared to the heat gain through wall, floor and roof area in high-rise office buildings. b. Heat transfer from internal walls, ceiling and the floor are constant for all tested cases. 134 c. The prototype office room can be accumulated to create perimeter office buildings facing the main cardinal orientations. d. Further, use of perimeter office room will avoid the calculations of the energy consumed by the building’s deeper spaces and core spaces, which are largely depending on artificial means for cooling and lighting. These spaces are also independent from the effects of solar radiation and shading strategies. 4.2.1 Office Room Geometry The base-case office room geometrical configuration for the present study is taken as; the height from floor to ceiling to be 2.8 meter (9ft) and width and depth of the room as 6.0 meter (20ft) (figure 4.1). These measurements are taken in order to comply with the gross internal area (GIA) of 36m2. The ratio between height, width and depth is almost 1:2:2, which is the minimum ratio recommended for a day-lit room, (Littlefair, 1999). 4.2.2 Window Size and Work Plane Height In this study, the maximum limit of the window area is assumed as 50% of the internal wall area between the floor and ceiling height. The aperture above the height of the work plane is assumed to be effective in distributing natural light, while the area below the window sill has no effect on light distribution on the work plane. Therefore the window sill height and the work plane height are assumed to be equal. The window extends from one side of the wall to the other and upward to the ceiling line (figure 4.1). Hence, the size of the window is 1.82 meter in height (above the sill up to ceiling line) and 4.4 meter in width. 135 6.0 m (20 ft) 6.0 m (20 ft) 0.9 m (3 ft) 1.82 m (6 ft) 0.9 m (3 ft) External Wall Floor to ceiling 2.8 m height (9 ft) 4.4 m (14 ft) External Window Internal Wall Figure 4.1: Base case office room configurations 4.2.3 External Overhang The external horizontal shading device is the primary independent variable in this study. The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of external horizontal shading device in terms of reducing solar heat gain and achieving target illuminance level in order to obtain optimum annual energy use. Thus, the following assumptions are made to determine the shading strategy: a. Critical over heated period during the day time is considered as from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm. b. More than 80% reduction in incident direct solar radiation is considered as maximum shading. (For most ordinary glazing about 80% of the incident solar radiation is transmittanced around the normal to the window) c. The overhang is extended on either side of the window (figure 4.2). Therefore solar radiation and daylight entering from the side of window is neglected. d. Overhang depths is calculated for the window height of 1.82 meter. 136 e. Effect of the overhang surfaces, internal and external, on solar radiation and natural light distribution are negligible. f. Bare window without overhang is considered as the base-case model. Table 4.1 presents the overhang configuration to be tested and the respective overhang ratio (OHR) or projection factors (PF), in the study. Table 4.1: Description of overhang depths of the experiment Overhang Ratio Overhang Depth OHR = D/ Hfen In Meters In Feet 0 (Base Case) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.73 1.09 1.46 1.82 2.55 2.92 0 2.4 3.6 4.8 6 8.4 9.6 6.0 m (20 ft) 0.9 m (3 ft) External Horizontal Shading device 1.82 m (6 ft) 0.9 m (3 ft) External Wall 6.0 m (20 ft) 2.8 m (9 ft) 4.4 m (14 ft) Internal Wall External Window Figure 4.2: Office room with overhang design 137 4.2.4 Office Room Characteristics Characteristics of the building materials, external surface colours and component sizes are determined based on previous studies by Kannan (1991). The building specifications for the simulation are as follows: 1) The building’s external wall construction is 200mm thick medium weight concrete blocks with 50mm cement plaster. The total U value is about 0.5 W/m2 K, which is a similar to the value of common brick wall with insulation (Kannan, 1991). 2) The total U value for the internal walls is about 2.8 W/m2K. Inside visible reflectance from the wall surface is 0.5. The ceiling and the floor U values are about 2.0 W/m2K and 0.5 W/m2K respectively. Reflectance values for ceiling and floor are taken as 0.7 and 0.2 respectively. 3) Single clear glazing with 3mm thickness was used for the window. The properties of the existing glazing are as follows: 0.89 visible transmittance, 0.83 solar transmittance, 1.0 shading coefficient and U value is 0.5 W/m2K. The base office room and the modified office room configurations with different external horizontal overhang depths will be used to investigate the objectives of the study. Further, the characteristics of the models will be determined based on the types of variables to be investigated and the study procedure. 4.3 Methods of Energy Evaluation Different interrelated issues influence the energy consumption in buildings. Awareness in energy issues and energy management are important measures that can play a significant role in the building design process. According to Al-Homoud (2001), energy analysis in buildings is important to achieve the following: 138 o To determine the alternative energy efficient design options, systems, subsystems and equipments o To allocate an annual energy budget o Compliance with energy standards o Economic optimization The procedures for estimating energy requirements vary considerably based on the complexity of the analysis. In general they can be categorized as simplified energy calculation methods and detailed energy calculations methods. 4.3.1 Simplified Energy Calculation Methods The most commonly used simplified energy estimating methods are degreeday method (DDM), modified degree-day methods (MDD), variable based degreeday methods, bin-method and modified bin methods (ASHRAE, 1989). The degree-day and modified degree-day were single measure steady state methods that can be used only for heating calculation in small buildings. The results were based on the average conditions and out door weather variation were not accounted. Also, these methods cannot be used for cooling load calculations therefore not applicable for building energy calculation under the tropical climate conditions. The variable based degree-day method uses the same concept of DDM, but counts the degree-day based on the balance point temperature for the building. According to the ASHRAE (1989), the balance point is the average out door temperature at which the building requires neither heating nor cooling. The variable based degree-day method considers all factors that influence the balance temperatures, such as indoor temperatures, thermal properties of building elements, heat gain from appliances and solar radiations. Although this method can be used for both heating and cooling load calculation, generally the cooling load calculation are difficult compared to heating load calculations (Al- Homoud, 2001). This is mainly 139 due to the complexity of heat gains in buildings, infiltration and the effects of humidity. The bin-method and the modified bin-methods consist of performing instantaneous heating and cooling energy calculations at many different outdoor dry bulb temperature conditions. This method involves making instantaneous energy calculations at several different outdoor temperatures. The bin method only uses peak loads to establish a load profile. It accounts on hourly weather data rather than daily averages. The modified-bin method allows off-design conditions which calculate diversified load values rather than peak loads. The diversified load profile is characterized by average solar gains, average internal loads profile, secondary systems and plant equipment effects. Some of the constraints in using the bin methods are: not reliable for buildings with complex high solar radiation effects and with high thermal mass loads and also the building size is limited between 5002500m2 (Al- Homoud, 2001). 4.3.2 Detailed Energy Calculation Methods Assessing building energy performance is a complex process. Each system is (building design and envelope, mechanical system and management system) interrelated and each set constraints on one or more of the others. Furthermore, each system may consist of several subsystems, for example the building design and envelope designs relate in minimizing heat gains, maximize daylight utilization, achieving high thermal comfort satisfaction, controlling air movement. The unsteady climatic excitation is another major parameter affecting the building energy performance. Therefore, building energy performance is inherently a dynamic as well as a complex process in which many parameters change over time and at different rates (Clarke, 1993; Hong et al, 2000; Bouchlaghem, 2000). These complex processes of the real system is abstracted and implemented in a detailed simulation model with reasonable assumptions. Simulation models are 140 flexible performance tools used to produce a set of selected measures that reflect the performance of the simulated system (Al- Homoud, 2001). A series of mathematical models are developed for building and its energy system representing the following: a. Thermal behavior of the building structure b. Thermodynamic behavior of the air-conditioning delivery system c. Mathematical relationship between loads and energy requirements of primary equipments d. Relationship between the daylight and artificial lighting energy requirements These models are logically linked with each other to obtain an overall energy performance of the correspondence system or in the building design. Al- Homoud, (2001) points out that there are two modeling strategies being used in evaluating the building energy performance. They are the sequential approach and simultaneous solution approach. In the sequential approach, the loads are calculated in step by step in following order. First the space loads, then the secondary system loads followed by the primary system loads and finally the energy cost (figure 4.3). The output of each step is used to execute the next step. According to Al- Homoud, (2001) this approach lacks interaction between the loads, system and plants which may produce questionable results. For instance, when the equipment capacities cannot meet the required load, this will effect on the ultimate result. Hourly system Loads Peak Loads Weather Data Space Load Analysis Building Characteristics & Operating profile Secondary System Analysis System Characteristics & Operating profile Energy Use Primary System (Plant) Analysis Economic Analysis Life Cycle Costing Economic Data Equipment Characteristics Figure 4.3: Sequential simulation approach. Source: Al- Homoud (2001) 141 In the simultaneous approach, the loads, systems and plant models are solved simultaneously at each time step as shown in figure 4.4 (Al- Homoud, 2001). This provides more accurate results compared to sequential approach, but the simulation process is a complex mechanism. Hourly system Loads Peak Loads Weather Data Space Load Analysis Building Characteristics & Operating profile Secondary System Analysis System Characteristics & Operating profile Energy Use Primary System (Plant) Analysis Economic Analysis Life Cycle Costing Economic Data Equipment Characteristics Figure 4.4: Simultaneous simulation approach. Source: Al- Homoud (2001) Due to the complexity, detailed energy evaluation methods are incorporated in computer programs to conduct the calculations. This enables to effectively analyze the building energy performances with accuracy and faster. However, single measure simplified calculation methods can be carried out by hand. 4.4 Methods of Studying Energy in Buildings A literature survey of previous work suggested that solar shading has a direct impact on building cooling load, heating load, electric lighting load and daylight distribution. Various experiments have been carried out to analyze and evaluate the impact of solar shading on above aspects separately. Previous works suggested three types of experimental methods commonly used in energy related research on shading devices. They are actual building measurements, simulation studies and use of simple calculation methods. A detail description of methods used in recent research on energy evaluation is given in Appendix A. Choosing the appropriate method to 142 meet the objective of the studies and the expected outcome of the research will save a great deal of time and effort (Hamdan, 1996). Intended primary objective of the present study is to determine the cooling and lighting energy balance due to daylight utilization as a function of external solar shading device. To consider the correlation between above parameters in the design of shading devices is to study their impact on building energy use (Reinhart, 2001; Dubois, 2000; Shaviv, 1999; Lee, 1998). 4.4.1 Manual Calculation Methods Traditionally manual calculations using pre-selected design conditions and ‘rule of thumb’ were applied throughout the design process (Hong et al, 2000). Most manual calculations are based on steady state conditions, where factors influencing the heat transfer are considered under constant state. Therefore, manual calculation approaches frequently led to oversized plant and system capacities and poor energy performances. Also, it is based on average conditions and does not account for dayto-day weather variations. Another constrain in manual calculations is the difficulty to evaluate the effects of natural lighting and artificial light integration. 4.4.2 Field Study or Full Scale Method The main constraints to carry out experiment in real building or using scale model are complex and comprehensive procedure in methodology, limitation in available equipment, limited budget, time consuming and limited man power. Moreover, to obtain approval to use the building and to obtain information takes longer time and persuasion due to the attitude of the building owner, architect and the builder (Hamdan, 1996). Also at present there is no building built for low energy performance except for the Multimedia Low Energy Office (MEWC-LEO) building in Putrajaya. It is the first building which integrates comprehensive features of 143 energy efficient features, built in Malaysia. The building was under construction during the present study. Hence, the performance of the MEWC-LEO building is still under investigation and thus the results are still limited during the present study was conducted. Well equipped research laboratory or full scale mockup experimental rooms for energy experiments are not yet available in any architectural school or in any other research institutes in Malaysia. However, combined experiments were carried out to overcome the shortcoming from any particular methods stated above and to verify the findings (Dubois, 2001; Abdullah-Abdulmohsen, 1995; Chavez, 1989). Since each method uses different techniques and uses various equipments, the combined research methods are costly, time consuming and only appropriate in well resourced programs (Hamdan, 1996). 4.4.3 Computer Simulation Due to above stated complex process of building energy performances, limitations and constraints, the only alternative method that is possible to explore is to depend on computer simulations. The advantage of using a dynamic energy simulation is that complex daylight, thermal and radiative processes between the building, shading device and the out door environment are considered in the calculations. Thereby any design short comings can be reviewed before finalizing the design. Another advantage is that the detailed energy simulation programs can provide hour-by-hour extensive out-put data. However, they require some time in learning how to use them, preparing the input, running them and interpreting the results to the requirement of the research. The accuracy of the programs depends on the accuracy of modeling building components and on the program input assumptions. 144 The MEWC-LEO building also optimized the effects of applying the main energy saving features using the Energy-10 computer software before they were implemented in the actual design and construction (Kristensen, 2003). This indicates that optimizing the energy saving features and calculating the energy balance of the building using computer simulation is an acceptable method in designing energy efficient buildings. 4.5 Selection of Computer Program Energy simulation in buildings offer a valuable tool for architects and engineers to evaluate building energy consumption before the building is built. In recognition of the significance of energy use in buildings, large and complex energy simulation programs have evolved. At the core of all simulation models is a mathematical representation of the thermal and optical transfer processes occurring within the building and plant systems (Clarke, 1993). Though there are more than one simulation programs that meet the requirement for any given problem, there is no single program that can perform all kind of simulation (Hong et al, 2000; Hamdan, 1996). According to Hong et al (2000) there are three important factors to consider in selecting an appropriate simulation program: a. Purpose of the study: Understanding the nature of the problem expected to solve with the use of the simulation program. b. In terms of cost: Includes software cost, cost of the computer platform, user training cost should be within the study budget and period. c. Available facilities: Selected program should be able to run on existing computer facilities, especially in personal computer (PC). Balcomb (1998) describes that the following factors should be part of the simulation program to make the program easy and faster to use: 145 a. The building should be described graphically using CAD tools or user friendly interfaces. b. Automatically modifying the design description to effect the application of energy efficient strategies. c. Estimating the size of the HVAC equipment requirement to meet design day loads. d. Option of evaluating various parametric schemes. e. Displaying results in an understandable way either graphically or in spread sheets (tabulated). 4.5.1 Requirement of the Study The purpose of the study is to understand the interaction between the solar shading, solar heat gain, daylight and energy needs of high-rise office building. Therefore, any simulation program chosen should be able to analyze effect of building design features on solar radiation, daylight, cooling load, lighting load and calculate saving due to daylight utilization. Thus, the software must have following criteria: a. Provide required climate condition and weather data for specified location of the study being carried out; e.g. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; tropical climate; latitude: 3.120, longitude: +101.600; time-zone: +7 b. Estimate the incident solar radiation, heat transmission and resultant daylight levels. c. Provide daylight/ electric light control strategies and estimate the electric lighting trade off due to daylight utilization. d. Provision for parametric evaluation, e.g. options in creating different geometry of external solar shading devices e. Provision and easy construction of the required building configuration, operating schedules, HVAC system and plant sizing etc. f. Simulate hourly values of required parameters and annual energy calculations to evaluate the trade off between cooling load, lighting load and the total 146 energy consumptions due to daylight utilization as an effect of external solar shading system. 4.5.2 Review of Energy Simulation Programs Kristensen (2003), Marsh (2002), Hittle (2001), Crawley (2001), Hong (2000), Balcomb (1998), James J. Hirsch (2000), Pasqualetto (1997) and McHugh (1995) have investigated some available commercial energy simulation software. However, the following simulation programs enable to fulfill the required criteria of research and was further reviewed; Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics (BLAST), BSim 2002, ECOTECT, Energy-10, Ener-Win, Energy Plus, IES Virtual Environment, Power DOE and eQUEST-3 DOE 2.2 (See Appendix D for detail summary of the review). According to the review, the Radiance-IES module in the IES Virtual Environment (IES VE) simulation program creates a better daylight modeling capabilities with photo-realistic pictures and contour of illuminance than other programs discussed. The Energy-10 and DOE 2.2 includes the daylight calculations simply to estimate the savings due to dimming and capture the thermal effects of the natural lighting for energy calculations. It is important to understand that Energy-10 or DOE 2.2 is not daylight design tools but structured for complex energy calculations. The DOE 2.2 calculation engine incorporates the daylight results directly into the control schedule for lighting, thus models cooling loads reduction or gains and demand savings in lighting, cooling and total energy consumption. The DOE 2.2 program also provides a larger range of simulation variables. Apart from above capabilities, the required criteria of the research and considering the financial constraints, the eQUEST-3 user interface of the DOE 2.2 is chosen in order to analyze the impact of solar shading integrated with daylight on the building energy performance. 147 4.6 The eQUEST-3 Computer Simulation Program The simulation “engine” within eQUEST-3 is derived from the latest official version of the DOE-2.2. However, eQUEST-3’s engine DOE-2.2 extends and expands the previous version of DOE-2 capabilities in several ways. This include HVAC plant operations, interactive operation between daylight and thermal loads, dynamic default calculations and selection of energy conserving or peak demand reduction alternatives. The eQUEST-3 energy simulation program is in the process of being submitted for certification as Title-24 (California's Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings) compliance software (Shank and Lunneberg, 2003). Shank and Lunneberg, (2003) and Brown et al (2003) reported that this software is proven reliable and validated for evaluation of energy efficiency measures of typical building forms. The DOE-2 program for building energy use analysis provides the building construction and research communities with an up-to-date, unbiased, welldocumented computer program for building energy analysis. The DOE-2 is a portable FORTRAN program that can be used on a large variety of computers, including PC's. Developments and updates of the DOE-2 program have continued since the first version. Each new version of the program is denoted by appending numbers and letters for major and minor changes, respectively (Al-Homoud, 2001). Since its first release in late 1970’s the DOE-2 has been widely reviewed and validated in the public domain{Meldem, R. & Winkelmann,1998; Holz et.al, 1996 (DOE-2); Kannan, 1991(DOE 2.1C); Reilly et al,1995; Pasqualetto et al., 1998; Lam & Li, 1998 and Carriere et al., 1999 (DOE2.1E)}. Based on the DOE-2 engine there are several interfaces developed by the resellers. The main difference between each interface depend on their licensee and simulation cost. The freely available programs only provide access to selected modeling capabilities. 148 4.6.1 Simulation Procedure This section will outline the sequence of the simulation approach, from acquiring the required data and the construction of the model to the output of the results. Figure 4.5 illustrates the flowchart of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used in the eQUEST-3 program. According to the program description, the DOE-2.2 has one subprogram for translation of input data (BDL processor) and three simulation subprograms (Loads, HVAC, and Economics). Standard Library User Input BDL Processor User Library Building Description Simulation Weather Data Loads Output Report HVAC Economic Figure 4.5: DOE 2.2 Simulation engine structure. Source: DOE 2.2 Building Energy Use and Cost Analysis Program. Vol.1: Basics The loads simulation subprogram calculates the sensible and latent components of the hourly cooling or heating loads for the each user design spaces in the building. The loads program sums the loads from each type of heat gain into a total load, which it passes to the HVAC program (figure 4.6). The building cooling/heating load is responsive to weather and solar conditions, lighting and equipment, schedule of people, infiltration, heat transfers from building envelope elements and to the effects of buildings shades on solar radiation. Daylight calculation of the program is incorporated with the specific lighting load calculations. The calculations were performed by applying a room weighting factor 149 to the heat gains to determine the loads. The overall simulation procedure is performed in four steps. The detail explanations of the steps are as follows: Heat Gains Weighting Factor Conduction gain Solar gain Lights gain People gain Equipment gain Source gain Infiltration gain Conduction WFs Solar WFs Lighting WFs People WFs Equipment WFs Sources WFs Infiltration WFs Loads Conduction Load Solar Load Lighting Load People Load Equipment Load Source Load Infiltration Load HVAC program Total Loads Thermal equation Air Temperature WF Figure 4.6: Calculation procedure of loads from heat gains. Source: DOE 2.2 Building Energy Use and Cost Analysis Program. Vol. 3: Topics Step I: Data Requirement Initial step involves preparation and gathering the required data to develop the simulation model. The approach has to focus on the design questions intended to solve using the simulation model. The data required for the simulation (with possible assumptions) were obtained based on the literature review discussed in chapter three (3). Step II: Preparation of the Models The required building model can be created using eQUEST-3’s building wizard (figure 4.7). This wizard allows all the data gathered prior to the simulation under specified dialog boxes to be incorporated. The models were generated for six horizontal overhang options on the east and west orientations, five horizontal 150 overhang options for the north and south and for two natural-light design criteria (table 4.2). The following details are required by the wizard to generate the specific models for simulation: a) General information This section includes building type, weather file coverage, overall size of the building, utility rates, cooling equipment and option of daylight utilization. Depending on the building type, set defaults for the HVAC system, construction materials, operation schedules and loads will be selected by the program. These default values are derived from the up to date simulation program library. These values are based on the ASHRAE supported research projects. However, these values are tested and validated for temperate climate conditions, e.g. HVAC system details, construction materials and operation schedules. In such cases the program allows for user input values and set up the simulation conditions to represent the corresponding simulation conditions. Figure 4.7 Typical eQUEST-3 building wizard screen The weather file coverage, region and city option enables the user to specify the required climatic weather file for a specific location. The program allows three choices of climatic data; 16 California climate zones, several other cities in United 151 States and from the standard DOE-2 weather files which includes weather data for Kuala Lumpur. Having the option of selecting required climatic data and the HVAC system detail (cooling/heating) as well as the option of daylight utilization, enables the program to be used in any climatic condition for load calculations. In the tropics, the cooling and daylight components are more important than heating. Table 4.2: variables Summary of shading strategy with design variables and performance Design Variable Orientation East External overhang Projection Factor (Depth in meters) 0 (0) Base case 0.4(0.73m) West 0.6(1.09m) North 0.8(1.46m) South 1.0(1.82m) 1.4(2.55m) Daylight Design Criteria With Naturallight Utilization Without Natural-light utilization Performance Variables * Incident Solar Radiation * Solar Heat Gain * Work Plane Illuminance * Cooling Load * Electricity Consumption 1.6(2.92m) b) Building Description The building description section allows establishing the building foot print, building orientation, building construction and door-window detail options. Shape and size of the building model is created using the data input of building foot print dimensions. However, the program allows creating custom made building shapes using a Cartesian co-ordinate’s screen. Default values are given for exterior and interior surface constructions (roof, wall ceiling finishes and colour) based on the building type. The program also allows adiabatic wall surfaces to be created if necessary. The detail section provides flexibility to incorporate user define values if necessary. 152 The doors and windows are selected according to the orientations of the wall surface. For each orientation, required number of door and window elements can be selected based on the length and height of the wall. A percentage value can be suggested for the window as compared to external wall surface or internal wall surface (within floor-to-ceiling of the wall with the window). Two options of windows are generated; identical windows divided within the wall space and a single window to cover the entire window area specified. Materials and glass types are selected from the default library or user can create his/her own library of materials. This screen also includes external shading device dimension for relevant windows. Only two types of external shading devices are included in the program; horizontal overhangs and vertical fins (figure 4.8). Additional requirements if necessary such as changing length, width and angle of correspondence devices can be adjusted in the detail section. Figure 4.8: The eQUEST-3 exterior window shades and blinds wizard screen c) Daylight Utilization The daylight input screen is displayed if only the daylight option in general information screen was selected (figure 4.9). Two daylight concepts are allowed in the daylight modeling; sky light and side light options. For multistory buildings, three daylight zones were allowed, ground floor, typical middle floor (all middle 153 floor zones were summarized into one typical floor) and top floor zone. In non daylight utilization option, internal illuminance is provided by artificial means. Hence, the building will be converted into a daylight-rejecting building type. Figure 4.9: d) The eQUEST-3 daylight zoning wizard screen Activity Area and Occupied Internal Loads Heat gains from internal loads (people, lighting, equipment) contribute significantly both from their direct power requirement and indirect effect on cooling/heating requirement. Internal loads are specified based on user input for activity area. The program load schedules are based on two levels of activities, during occupied and unoccupied hours. According to the type of building being analyzed, the activity areas are allocated by percentage value. Preferred occupancy density and out side ventilation rate (per person) were also included to the program. Then the program allocates these loads to each HVAC zone for calculations. e) Building Operations and Schedules The program permits up to two building usage schedules, a main schedule and an alternate schedule. The alternate schedule is to be used if there is different schedule for a second season. Apart from two schedules, it also gives the option of 154 three day types; five week days, two weekend days and a holiday. This enables to specify usage of building for three different activity patterns, if required. f) System and Plant Information Zone cooling, heating and ventilation loads are transferred to the HVAC module to model the performance of the loads. The transfers of energy to these systems are dynamic in nature and the loads are calculated in hourly basis. Undersized equipment may affect the zone temperature and thereby affect the load calculations (Hittle, 2001). Therefore, proper control modeling is an essential part for arriving at better simulation and correct system loads. However, default system types are based on the building type and the coil types selected under general information screen (figure 4.10). Figure 4.10: The eQUEST-3 HVAC system wizard screen Primary equipments such as chillers, cooling towers and boilers also influence the energy consumption of the building. General understandings of their functions are required. Selecting a plant type and the capacity is based on survey done on buildings and chosen from most commonly used system. 155 Step III: Detailed Interface-Selecting Simulation Parameters and Perform Simulation The detail interface option allows you to further refine and edit the input data to suit the requirement of the study. The energy efficiency measures (EEM) wizard in detail inter face allows to select ten design alternatives to the base building description. However, alteration to the building made in the detail interface will not be communicated back to the ‘building wizard’. Therefore, the EEM wizard can be used only for buildings described by the ‘building wizard’. The detail interface also allows monitoring the building in three-dimensional form. Modifications in detail interface allows for alterations in two methods: using “spreadsheets” and “detail tabbed dialogue box” (figure 4.11). These spreadsheets and dialogue boxes can be used to review, input or modify general features related to the respective components. Buildings with alterations and modification in detail interface enables design alternatives to be analyzed and simulated for energy consumption to the base case model only. Within detail interface, user is permitted to select simulation parameters up to 60 variables from the following tables; global weather data, building loads, space loads, external wall loads, window loads, zone loads, system loads, and plant loads (figure 4.12). Based on the selected variables the hourly reports were calculated for every hour of the day, daily summary, monthly summary and yearly summary for the correspondence year. These reports can be used for detail analysis of the expected out come or results of the simulation. 156 (i) Component tree Figure 4.11: Figure 4.12: (ii) Window properties screen The eQUEST-3 detail interface screen The eQUEST-3 hourly results selection screen Once the descriptions of the preferred building are completed, the simulation can be performed by pressing the run simulation button. The simulation is performed for the designated annual year. Overall numbers of simulations permitted to be performed were 52. 157 Step IV: Review Simulation Results The program provides a graphical simulation output in two forms; single run report and comparison report. These results only present monthly and annual energy consumption by endues, utility bills and peak demands (figure 4.13). The hourly values are written in text form; therefore the required data need to be transferred to excel work sheets to obtain graphical descriptions. Figure 4.13: The eQUEST-3 results screen of annual end use energy consumption Overhang Hypothesis: Seven Options Orientation: East, West, North & South Daylight design criteria: With daylight & non daylight utilization Figure 4.14: Step I Data Requirement Step II Preparation of the Models Step III Detailed Interface-Selecting Simulation Parameters and Perform simulation Step IV Review Simulation Results The eQUEST-3 simulation procedures 158 4.6.2 Simulation Limitations The performance of the simulation program is bound to have few limitations as discussed bellow: 1) Weather files with measured solar radiation data need to be used for accurate daylight simulation results. Use of non-solar weather files will not produce accurate daylight results. 2) The program considers three sources of incident solar radiation on the windows and walls; directly from the sun, directly from the sky and reflected from the ground. Reflection from other external surfaces, like neighboring buildings is not considered in the calculations. Also, external shading surfaces only block but do not reflect solar radiation. Solar radiation calculations are based on global horizontal and beam radiation. Radiations falling on vertical surfaces were calculated based on above radiation data. 3) The built in daylight illuminance calculation works best when most of the illuminance reaches the reference point directly from the window without reflection from room surfaces. Following are the limitations in daylight calculations: o Program cannot simulate interior or exterior light shelves, light scoops, skylight with deep wells and rooms with internal obstructions (partitions etc.) that block light from window. o The computer model allows maximum of two reference points to predict the illuminance and luminance values of daylight penetration at a single run of the simulation. o Reference points located at a distance more than three times floor-toceiling height for a side lit room will create error in daylight calculations. Also, a reference point too near to the window will over predict the lighting savings. 159 o Light reaching the reference point from another window of an adjacent space is not calculated in the simulation. o The sunlight illuminance ratio (SIR) and the daylight factor (DF) are calculated for standard clear and overcast sky conditions for a series of 20 different solar altitude and azimuth values covering the annual range of solar position. However, the overcast sky condition is considered only for one sun position (solar altitude 10 and azimuth angle 290) therefore it can be assumed that the daylight calculations are performed for clear sky conditions. The hourly internal illuminance at reference points were obtained as total illuminance sum of: o direct sunlight o light from sky and ground Since, daylight factor and sun illuminance ratio are relative measures and are not absolute measures of illuminance, the internal illuminance is referred as work plane illuminance, which is given in lux values. Also, the total illuminance is a combination of direct sunlight and daylight, the term natural-light is being used instead of daylight when such clarification is required. 4) The main limitation of the program is that the selected foot print shape applies to all floors of the building. Hence, there cannot be two different floor arrangements for the specified building. 5) Attached shades are limited to overhangs and vertical fins only. Horizontal fins and egg-crate shading devices are not included in the program. For daylight calculations, attached shades are treated as “opaque” and “black”, hence they neither transmit nor reflect incident light. A horizontal over hang models the natural-light by blocking direct and diffuse light from sun and sky respectively and does not consider any reflected lighting from the ground. 160 Simulation design conditions of typical office room were discussed in the following section, complying with the above limitations. 4.6.3 Simulation Design Conditions This section discusses the preparation of the basic conditions of different variables for the simulation. The design conditions to conduct the simulation were adjusted based on literature review (Azni Zain-Ahmed, 2002; MS 1525:2001; Dubois, 2000 & 2001; Bülow-Hübe, 2001; Lee et al, 1998; Harrison et al, 1998; Abdullah-Abdulmohsen, 1995; Kannan, 1991; ASHRAE, 1989 and Robbins, 1986). Required assumptions were made to accommodate the limitations of the computer program as discussed in previous section (4.6.2). Office Room Characteristics The geometry of the base model office room and the tested overhang models were developed using the building wizard. The descriptions of the models are according to the details discussed in section 4.2. In order to minimize the heat transfer from the interior surfaces such as internal walls, ceiling and floor were constructed as adiabatic wall surfaces. Adiabatic walls can have reflective and absorptive properties, as well as the ability to store heat. They do not, however, allow heat to be transferred between spaces. This gives the option of minimizing the impact of heat transfer of the adjacent spaces. Indoor Design Conditions a) The desired design lighting level is an important input data. The program presumes this lighting level to calculate the supplemented artificial lighting to achieve the required illuminance level when natural light is inadequate. In 161 this study the internal illuminance is described as the “work plane illuminance”, and the target illuminance level was considered as 500lux. b) As discussed in section 4.6.2 the daylight photo sensors were limited to two and their locations were determined by two input data; height above floor and percentage depth of the zone from external vertical window wall. The height is selected as work plane height of 0.9 meter. The location for reference points were selected as 50% and 90% of the zone depth. Thus reference points were positioned at 3.0 meter and at 5.7 meter from the window pane (figure 4.15). The two positions were selected to represent the mid zone value and back edge value of the considered room. Also, the sensor points were aligned in the center of the length of the window pane. 6.0m 3.0m Ref pt 01 3.0m Ref pt 02 5.7m 3.0m Plan D H Work plane height 2.8m Ref pt 01 Ref pt 02 0.9m Section Figure 4.15: Daylight photo sensor positions in office room model 162 c) Decrease in natural-light level will be supplemented with artificial lighting to maintain the required illuminance level in the space. Vis-à-vis when adequate natural-light is available, the artificial lights should be switched off. The continuous/off light control strategy was adopted in this study as it gives the best energy efficient control option (Chavez, 1989; Robbins, 1986). d) The indoor design temperature is set to 240C (75.2 0F). The value was determined based on the Malaysian Standard (MS 1525:2001). Internal Load a) The maximum light power requirement is determined as recommended by The Malaysian Standard (MS 1525:2001), which is 20 W/m2 (1.8 W/ft2) for office buildings. b) The equipment load installed capacity is, 14 W/m2 (1.3 W/ft2). This value is based on commonly used office buildings equipment loads. c) The modeled office room is assumed to be used by a single person, thus, minimize the occupants load in energy calculations. Heat gains from internal loads (people, lighting, equipment) contribute significantly both from their direct power requirement and the indirect effect on cooling/heating requirement. Internal loads were specified based on user input (discussed above) for activity area, which were allocated as a percentage value. Preferred occupancy density and out side ventilation rate (15 CFM/person) were specified to the program. Then the program allocates these loads to each HVAC zone for calculations. 163 Operating Schedules Schedules of operations indicate how the building is being used. The information includes; when the building occupancy begins and ends (time, days of the week and seasonal variations), occupied indoor thermostat set points and internal equipment operational schedules. Most office buildings have similar pattern of use where they are typically occupied during regular day time working hours, from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm. Working days are considered to be from Monday to Friday and weekends were assumed as holidays. During the night and weekends it is considered as unoccupied or partially occupied. Based on above assumption the default values of operating schedules for the HVAC and internal equipment operation schedules are used in the program. Outdoor Design Conditions a) Weather data is a primary requirement for any energy simulation program or any energy calculation method. Building thermal loads depends on the variation of outdoor weather conditions. Accuracy of any simulation program depends on incorporating this dynamic nature of external weather conditions for energy calculations. These data consists mainly of the following hourly data; the dry and wet bulb temperatures, humidity ratio, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, cloud cover and sky condition data of a specific location. Depending on the available weather data, (hourly or monthly average values) the program is developed to generate their own binary files to be used during the simulation The DOE-2 weather processor accepts following weather data types: TRY, TMY2 and WYEC2. The weather variables used by the program are the variables measured at weather stations. When information is missing for one or more hours, data is filled in by linear interpolation from previous available value to next available value. Hourly solar values are obtained from measured weather tapes for specific location. In the case of files without 164 solar data, the program calculates solar values using the ASHRAE clear sky model, clearness number, cloud amount and cloud type from the program weather file. The solar weather file contains; total horizontal solar radiation and direct normal solar radiation (DOE-2 engineering manuals, 1982). As discussed in Chapter 2, it is assumed that use of required weather data for Kuala Lumpur; Latitude: 3.120, Longitude: +101.60 and Time zone: +7 from the DOE-2 weather, Asian-sp files for international locations, will provide accurate results in the simulation intended. b) Site data includes information of the specific location, such as the ground temperature (330C), atmospheric moisture (1.3 inches of water in the atmosphere recommended for humid climates), atmospheric turbidity (0.12, the amount of particle in the atmosphere recommended for urban setting) and weather station height is taken as 16.0 meter from sea level. However, the site terrain for the office room is considered as exposed, thereby to minimize the effects of adjacent buildings on internal lighting and thermal loads. c) The fenestration of the office space is tested for the north, east, south and west orientations. Although north and south orientations are recommended for low energy consumptions for buildings located closer to the equator, there is no clear conclusion made on energy saving when solar shading were applied. Therefore, the impacts of the main cardinal orientations on energy consumptions were considered for the above selected overhang depths. This section discussed the selected eQUEST-3 dynamic energy simulation program, construction of the base model, characteristics of the base model, tested overhang ratios, simulation limitations and the simulation design conditions. Table 4.3 illustrates the primary independent variables, dependent variables and the details set for constant in this study. 165 Table 4.3: Variables and constants of the study Independent Variables 1. External overhang depth 2. Fenestration orientation Dependent Variables 1. Incident direct solar radiation 2. Incident diffused solar radiation 3. Solar heat gain 4. Work plane illuminance 5. Building cooling loads 6. Building energy consumptions Constants 1. Office room geometry 2. Office room characteristics: • Fenestration glazing size • Internal and external surface characteristics 3. Internal design conditions: • Thermostat set point • Equipment loads • Lighting loads 4. HVAC system and plants 5. Activity area 6. Operational schedules 4.7 Simulation Analysis Criteria The analysis of the study is based on the output data obtained from the simulation for the tested overhang options. The output results were obtained in two forms: the hourly values for the designated year and the annual energy consumption by end use. The hourly results were obtained for the following performance variables: i. Direct incident solar radiation ii. Diffused incident solar radiation iii. Total transmitted heat gains iv. Work plane illuminances at both reference points (Ref.Pt.01 & 02) The hourly data for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December were chosen at four times within general office working hours (9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00 hours) for analysis. The selected time was based on different position of the sun within the working schedule from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm. The results of the incident direct and diffused solar radiation and transmitted heat gains were combined into a single graph on respective dates and orientations. Likewise, the work plane 166 illuminance and the transmitted heat gains were also illustrated in a single graph on respective dates and orientations. This is to get a better understanding of the influence of horizontal over hand on the performance variables. The maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance and transmitted heat gain values are used to describe general performance of the models tested. The annual energy consumptions by endues are analyzed for the following performance variables: i. Building cooling loads ii. Electricity consumption for cooling iii. Electricity consumption for lighting iv. Total electricity consumption Design variables and criterions for evaluation of data were determined from the literature review presented in chapter three. The overall assessments of results of the simulation were analyzed as in table 4.4. Table 4.4: Data analysis indicators and their interpretation Data Analysis Interpretation and Performance Variables 1 Assess the impact of shading strategies on incident solar radiation o o Direct solar radiation Diffuse solar radiation 2 Assess the impact of shading strategies on transmitted solar heat gain Assess the impact of shading strategies 3 on target work plane illuminance 4 Assess the relationship between natural-light penetration and geometry of the correspondence room. o Solar Heat Gain Assess the impact of shading strategy on annual building cooling load Assess the impact of shading strategy on annual energy consumption for 6 cooling, lighting and on total consumption Determine the optimum shading 7 strategy 5 500lux Ideal for paper work 300-400lux Drawing offices Ratio between room depth (Drm ) and window height (H) to obtain a mean work plane illuminance of 500lux at deep end of the room (room depth is calculated from the edge of the overhang to opposite wall to the window wall) o With natural light o Without natural light o o With natural light Without natural light Analyzing results in (1), (2), (3), (5) and (6) 167 The suggested energy standard for non-residential buildings is 135 kWh/m2 and it is used as a bench mark in describing the energy consumption of the respective tested overhang models. The analysis of the each tested overhang models will be evaluated with the correspondence performance variables values for base-case model (without overhang). Also, all the performance variables were correlated with overhang ratio (OHR) of the tested overhang models. This gives the designer more flexibility in determining a shading strategy than fixed depth of an overhang. Also, for better understanding of the optimum energy consumption due to the solar heat gains and natural-light utilization, the incremental energy use (IEU) was correlated with shading overhang ratio. The incremental energy use (IEU) is the difference between electricity consumption (EC) for base-case model with the tested overhang model. ∆IEU = ECwith shade – ECbase-case (4.1) The incremental energy use (IEU) is calculated for electricity consumption for space cooling, area lighting and for the total energy as follows: IEU for space cooling; ∆IEUCL = EC CL (with shade) – ECCL (base-case) (4.2) IEU for area lighting; ∆IEULT = EC LT (with shade) – ECLT (base-case) (4.3) IEU for total energy consumption; ∆IEUTOT = EC TOT (with shade) – ECTOT (base-case) (4.4) If the ∆IEU is a positive value, an increase in energy consumption occurs due to the use of shading strategy. Similarly, if the ∆IEU is a negative value, a decrease 168 in energy consumption occurs due to the use of shading strategy. Simple trend analysis techniques are adapted to determine the proportions of variation between dependent and the independent variables. The predicted values obtained from the regression equations are compared with simulated values to determine the appropriateness of using the predicted values for analysis. Office Room Configuration Computer Model Construction BASE CASE Overhang Shading Types OHR: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.4 & 1.6 Orientation East, West, North & South Simulation Without Natural Light Annual Building Energy Consumption: Lighting Space Cooling Total Annual Building Cooling Load With Natural Light Incident Solar Radiation Direct Diffuse Solar Heat Gain Factor Work Plane Illuminance: 500lux Predicted values from Regression equation Optimum Overhang Projection Factors and Optimum Energy Consumption Analysis Figure 4.16: Overall simulation procedures with design variables and performance variables 169 4.8 Summary This chapter has discussed the methodologies employed in this study. The need for the study and the assumptions made for the selection of the base model were discussed. The main focus of the study was on the effects of the external shading strategy on building energy use, hence it was recognized the limitation to optimize all criteria simultaneously. Therefore, a simple perimeter office room from a basic square modular was generated, (6.0 meter, width x 6.0 meter, depth x 2.8 meter, floor-to-ceiling height) which could be plugged into any simplified building form or shape. This designated high-rise office room model was used for further study. In section two, energy evaluation methods were analyzed to determine a suitable methodology to study the impact of horizontal shading strategy on solar radiation, natural-lighting, and energy consumption. The use of computer simulation was recommended to evaluate different interrelated issues influencing on the building design and the energy consumption. The eQUEST-3 (DOE 2.2) dynamic energy simulation program was chosen as the main tool based on following capabilities; availability of the program at no cost, capability of daylight/ solar radiation/ heat gain and correspondence energy calculations, option of required shading strategies, flexibility and easy to use in terms of data input and output, accuracy in calculations and validity, rapid run time, reliability and compatibility to be used in different climate conditions. Further, thorough documentation, extensive data availability and support the ASHRAE standard 90.1 (1999) and the LEED rating (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) indicates the reliability of the program to perform energy analysis. The structure of the simulation program was thoroughly examined, which included four stages. The main independent variables of the study were different depths of external horizontal shading devices, orientation of the window façade (east, west, north and south), external daylight and solar radiation availability. The tested overhang depths were indicated as a ratio to the window height, which was termed as overhang ratio (OHR) or projection factor (PF); 0 (base-case model), 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.4 and 1.6. Use of overhang ratio gives a proportional relationship between 170 window height and the overhang projection. Also, the correlation between overhang ratio and performance variables (work plane illuminance level, incident solar radiations, heat gains and building energy use) will give more flexibility to the designer to determine appropriate shading strategies to achieve energy efficiency in buildings. Finally, the simulation analysis criterions were setup for the data analysis in next chapter. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: SOLAR RADIATION AND WORK PLANE ILLUMINANCE This chapter evaluates the simulation results obtained for both solar radiation and work plane illuminance for the tested overhang ratios (or projection factor). The evaluation on solar radiation is based on the incident and transmitted solar radiation values from the simulation. The lighting analysis is based on the work plane illuminance which includes both direct sunlight and daylight. Further, in order to find the correlation between the illuminance and solar heat gain component, the natural light and solar heat gain results are presented in the same graph as a function of overhang ratio. The overhang ratio of the external horizontal overhang device is established based on the proportional relationship between overhang depth and the aperture height. Finally, the interpretations of the results on the impact of horizontal shading device on solar heat gain and internal illuminance level are discussed. 5.1 Incident and Transmitted Solar Radiation The primary purpose of the external solar shading is to reduce the unwanted solar radiations penetration into the building through the wall aperture. The direct and diffuse (including reflected solar radiation) solar radiation incident on window was obtained for four days (21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December), at four times within general office working hours (9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00 hours). The correspondence transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gains are also presented for better understanding of the impact of horizontal overhang on solar heat gain 172 through the window when solar shading is applied. Both incident radiations [direct and diffuse (including reflected)] and the transmitted solar heat gain were analyzed as a function of horizontal overhang ratio, for the four main cardinal orientations (East, West, North and South). The results are presented in figure 5.1 to 5.16. 5.1.1 East Orientation The direct solar radiation impinge is maximum between 9:00 in the morning to 12:00 noon on the aperture facing the east orientation. The intensity of direct solar radiation incident on the bare window (without overhang) is higher at 9:00 hour than at 12:00 noon on 21 March, 22 June, and 21 December at east orientation (figure.5.1 to 5.4). The reason can be explained as at 9:00 the sun is at the lower altitude angle than at 12:00 noon. Therefore the intensity of direct solar radiation on a vertical surface is high at low altitudes, even though the global solar radiation data reveal higher value at high solar altitudes. But on 24 September the intensity of direct solar radiation indicates almost the same value at 9:00 and 12:00 hours. This is because the global solar radiation on horizontal surface obtains lower amount of radiation during the morning hours than at 12:00 noon. Further, overhang ratio at 1.4 gives the maximum shade from direct sun at 9:00 hour on the east aperture on all orientations. Similarly, at 12:00 noon, an overhang ratio of 0.4 can obstruct direct solar radiation impinge through the aperture on respective orientations. The diffuse solar radiation incident on window showed a similar pattern throughout the day for each hour. This indicates application of solar shading devices had a lesser impact on reducing the diffuse radiation. However, on 22 June and 24 September, intensity of diffuse solar radiation is higher than the direct solar radiation incident on window. Also results showed that the maximum diffuse solar intensity is at 12:00 noon on 21 March, 24 September, and 21 December. This is because the scattering of the diffuse solar radiation, which strongly influenced by the atmospheric factors and air mass. At low solar altitudes the radiation passes through a large depth of atmosphere than at higher solar altitudes. Hence at lower solar 173 altitudes, the scattering effect would be distinct and comparatively smaller amount will be available than at higher solar altitudes. 2 W/m 450 9:00 12:00 375 15:00 17:00 300 225 150 75 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.1: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, East orientation 2 W/m 300 9:00 12:00 250 15:00 17:00 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.2: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, East orientation 174 2 W/m 240 9:00 210 12:00 180 15:00 17:00 150 120 90 60 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.3: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, East orientation 2 W/m 600 9:00 525 12:00 15:00 450 17:00 375 300 225 150 75 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.4: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, East orientation The results of the total transmitted and re-conducted (direct and diffuse) solar heat gain into the space showed that higher heat gains are obtained during the 175 morning hour than at noon (figure 5.1 to 5.4). This is mainly due to the direct solar radiation penetration. Lower values of solar heat gain were indicated at 15:00 and 17:00 hours which were caused by the diffuse component of solar radiation. The figures 5.1 to 5.4 exhibited a higher gradient curve with the increase in overhang ratio for 9:00 and 12:00 hours than at 15:00 and 17:00 hours. This indicates that by reducing heat gain from direct solar radiation reduced the total heat gain into the space significantly. 5.1.2 West Orientation Figures 5.5 to 5.8 illustrate that direct solar radiation incident on the west oriented bare window is higher on 21 March and 24 September (420 W/m2 & 210 W/m2 respectively), than on 22 June and 21 December, (90 W/m2 & 120 W/m2). This is mainly due to the position of the sun related to the location of the study. Hence, during 21 March and 24 September the sun rotates closer to the tropical region while on 22 June and 21 December the sun rotates furthest from the tropical region. Also the hourly direct solar radiation is high at 17:00 hour than at 15:00 hour when the sun is above the equator and at low solar altitudes. Further on 22 June and 21 December, the intensity of the direct solar radiation incident on the west oriented window is higher at 15:00 than at 17:00 hours. This implies that when the sun is in equinox the solar altitude angle is an important aspect in determining the direct solar intensity than the amount of solar radiation available. In other words, when the sun is at the equinox the distance is closer to the earth surface, thus the solar intensity is high. However, the direct radiation incident on the vertical surface (window) depends on the solar altitude and azimuth angle as to the cosine- law. When the sun is in the solstices the path of radiation through atmosphere is longer. Thus, lower the solar altitude angle, the longer the path of solar radiation through the atmosphere. This results in reducing the amount of radiation reaching the surface due to the momentary state of the atmosphere. 176 2 W/m 700 9:00 600 12:00 15:00 500 17:00 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.5: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, West orientation The profile of the direct solar radiation incident on the window when the solar shadings were applied, exhibited a steep gradient on 21 March and 24 September than in 22 June and 21 December (at 17:00 hour). Hence, when the sun is over the equator, the horizontal shading devices eliminated the direct component of solar radiation more effectively compared to the sun is at the solstices. Also at 15:00 hour, overhang ratio of 0.6 and 0.8 are required to block the direct solar radiation on the equinox days (21 March and 24 September) and solstices days (22 June and 21 December) respectively, from penetrating into the space. Further, overhang ratio of 1.6 achieved a maximum of 50 W/m2 and a minimum of 16 W/m2 compared to 420 W/m2 and 168 W/m2 direct radiation incident on the bare window respectively. Thus, this reduced the maximum and minimum intensity of the direct solar radiation incident on window by 88% and 90%, on west oriented window. The profile of the diffuse solar radiation incident on the window exhibited a lower gradient. During 21 March and 24 September, diffuse solar radiation incident on the window is high at 17:00 hour (figure 5.5 and 5.7). Consequently, on 22 June and 21 December, amount of diffuse radiation incident on the window is high at 15:00 hour, without shading device (figure 5.6 and 5.8). 177 2 W/m 350 9:00 12:00 300 15:00 250 17:00 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.6: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, West orientation W/m2 450 9:00 400 12:00 350 15:00 300 17:00 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.7: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, West orientation 178 2 W/m 270 9:00 240 12:00 210 15:00 17:00 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.8: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, West orientation The values obtained for transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain on the west orientation indicated a higher heat gains at 17:00 and 15:00 hours of the day. The profile of the heat gain into the space indicated a reduction when the overhang ratio is increased. However, the profile gradient is high at 17:00 and 15:00 hours than at 9:00 and 12:00 hours, which clearly indicates the impact of the direct solar radiation on the total heat gain into the space, through the west oriented window. The maximum and minimum transmitted solar heat gain values obtained on bare window were 502 W/m2 and 44 W/m2 for east orientation and 620 W/m2 and 52 W/m2 for west orientation. With maximum overhang ratio of 1.6, the maximum and minimum values of heat gain indicated as 104 W/m2 and 21 W/m2 on the east orientation and 156 W/m2 and 37 W/m2 on west orientation. These results signify that the window oriented towards the west gain more heat than the east oriented window. 179 5.1.3 North Orientation The direct solar radiation affect on the north façade only on 22 June. During 21 March, 24 September and 21 December, the façade is self shaded from the direct solar radiation (figure 5.9 to 5.12). This is understandable as the sun is at the north hemisphere from May to August. Amount of direct solar radiation incident on the bare window is high during 15:00 hours than at 12:00 hours, where the sun is at a lower altitude at 15:00 than at 12:00 hour. Also at 9:00 and 17:00 the incident radiation values are low as the global solar radiation values are low due to the atmospheric depletion. Further, when the solar altitude angle is lower, the path of radiation through atmosphere becomes longer. Hence, smaller part of solar radiation reaches the earth’s surface. 2 W/m 210 9:00 180 12:00 15:00 150 17:00 120 90 60 No direct solar radiation incident on window 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.9: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, North orientation At 12:00 noon and 15:00 hour, incoming direct solar radiation on the north window is blocked by a horizontal overhang ratio of 0.4 (figure 5.10). The profile also indicates at 9:00 and 17:00 hours, increase in overhang ratio beyond 0.6 does 180 not reduce the incoming direct solar radiation. This means maximum reduction of incident direct solar radiation can be achieved by overhang ratio of 0.6 on the north window. 2 W/m 240 9:00 210 12:00 180 15:00 17:00 150 120 90 60 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.10: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, North orientation 2 W/m 180 9:00 12:00 150 15:00 17:00 120 90 60 No direct solar radiation incident on window 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.11: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, North orientation 181 2 W/m 160 9:00 140 12:00 120 15:00 17:00 100 80 60 40 No direct solar radiation incident on window 20 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.12: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, North orientation The diffuse solar radiation indicated a higher value compared to the direct solar radiation incident on window, on north orientation. The profile pattern of radiation reduction with the increase of horizontal overhang ratio had a similar pattern during all four hours considered. However, the maximum amount of diffuse solar radiation was received during 12:00 and 15:00 hours. This implies that on north facing façade, the impact of diffuse solar radiation is the main source of insolation. Also this is clearly evident that higher amount of diffuse radiation is received when the sun is at higher altitudes and when the direct sunlight is totally blocked. The fundamental principles remain the same for the solar heat gain into the building, where the higher heat gains were indicated during 12:00 and 15:00 hours. The profile pattern of heat gain reduction with the increase of horizontal overhang ratio had similar pattern with diffuse solar insolation. But on 22 June, the profile of heat gain for 9:00, 12:00, and 15:00 hours exhibited deeper curve than on the other three days. This is mainly due to the impact of heat gain from the direct solar radiation incident on the window. 182 5.1.4 South Orientation Direct solar radiation incident on the window is evident on 21 March, 24 September and 21 December on south oriented façade (figure 5.13 to 5.16). A high amount of direct solar radiation incident on the window surface occurs at 12:00 on the correspondence dates. However, on 21 December, it exhibits the maximum incident values as the sun is at the south equinox. A horizontal overhang ratio of 0.4 can block the direct solar radiation from further penetrating into the building on 21 March and 24 September. On 21 December the graph exhibits that, a horizontal overhang ratio of 0.6 can cut-off the direct solar radiation at 12:00 and 15:00 hours when the sun is at higher altitudes. Further, increasing the overhang ratio beyond 0.8 had lesser effect in reducing the direct solar radiation incident on the window for lower solar altitudes (9:00 and 17:00 hours). The reduction pattern of the diffuse radiation with the increase of horizontal overhang ratio had a similar profile on all four hours considered (figure 5.13 to 5.16). The maximum values were obtained during 12:00 and 15:00 hour of the day. 2 W/m 240 9:00 210 12:00 180 15:00 17:00 150 120 90 60 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.13: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, South orientation 183 2 W/m 180 9:00 12:00 150 15:00 17:00 120 90 No direct solar radiation incident on window 60 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.14: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, South orientation 2 W/m 210 9:00 12:00 180 15:00 17:00 150 120 90 60 30 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.15: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, South orientation 184 2 W/m 450 9:00 12:00 375 15:00 17:00 300 225 150 75 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Direct solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Diffuse solar radiation incident on window 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain through window Overhang ratio Figure 5.16: Direct, diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, South orientation The profile pattern of solar heat gain reduction with the increase of horizontal overhang ratio had a similar pattern with diffuse solar insolation for 21 March, 22 June and 24 September. The lesser curve pattern indicated that the horizontal over hang had lesser impact in reducing the heat gain from diffuse solar radiation. On 21 December the heat gain profile indicated significant decrease at overhang ratio of 0.4 (figure 5.16). Increase in horizontal overhang ratio beyond 0.6 (12:00 hour) and 0.8 (9:00, 15:00, and 17:00 hour) reduced the heat gain gradually in south orientated office room. 5.1.5 Influence of Solar Radiation Components on Base Case Model The direct and diffuse incident solar radiation and the transmitted solar heat gain through the window glass pane are evaluated for the base case model on respective orientations. This enables to understand the contribution of each solar radiation component on the overall heat transmittance into the building. The analysis 185 is done based on one year of the cumulative sum of the direct, diffuse and transmitted heat gains obtained from the simulation ( table 5.1& figure 5.17). Each solar radiation component (direct, diffuse and transmitted heat gain) was compared with total incident solar radiation (direct + diffuse) on respective facades. The results showed that influence of the diffuse component is high on all orientations than the direct component of solar radiation incident on the window pane. Although the west orientation received the highest amount of diffuse solar radiation (560.73 kW/m2, 62.7%), the north orientation indicated a higher percentage (75.9%) of diffuse solar radiation compared to total incident solar radiation. However, the north orientation received the lowest amount of diffuse solar radiation (477.25 kW/m2). In comparison, the amount of diffuse solar radiation on the east, north and south received 7.3%, 14.8% and 10.4% less than the west orientation. This indicates that the influence of the diffuse incident solar radiation had little effect on the window orientation. Table 5.1: Summary of cumulative direct and diffuse solar radiation incident and total transmitted heat gain for base case model with percentage values compared to total incident solar radiation on bare window Incident Direct Solar Radiation % kW/m2 Incident Diffuse Solar Radiation kW/m2 % East 370.36 41.6 519.43 58.4 677.54 76.1 West 333.57 37.3 560.73 62.7 680.77 76.1 North 151.40 24.1 477.25 75.9 444.61 70.7 South 191.59 27.6 501.91 72.4 494.86 71.4 Orientation Total Transmitted Solar Heat Gain kW/m2 % The total amount of direct solar radiation received on the east is higher than other orientations (370.36 kW/m2). This is about 41.6% of the total incident solar radiation on the east window surface. In comparison, the amount of direct solar radiation on the west, north and south received 9.9%, 59.1% and 48.3% less than the east orientation. The influence of the direct solar radiation on the north is about 21% less than the south orientation. This indicates that the effect of direct solar radiation is high on the east and west orientations than on the north and south window pane. 186 The total incident solar radiation on respective orientations showed that the west (894.3 kW/m2) and east (889.79 kW/m2) received the highest amount of solar radiation than north (628.64 kW/m2) and south (693.50 kW/m2) window panes (figure 5.17). In comparison, the east and west oriented window pane transmitted about 76.1% while north and south transmitted 70.7% and 71.4% of the total incident radiation, respectively. However, the west and east received the highest amount of transmitted heat than north and south orientations. The transmitted heat gains on the north and south oriented window were 34.6% and 27.3% less than the east and west orientations. Hence, the orientation of the window effect the amount of heat 2 Cumulative Solar Radiation W/m X 1000 transmitted into the building. 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 East West Direct Incident Solar Radiation Total Incident Solar Radiation Orientation North South Diffused incident Solar Radiation Total Transmitted Heat Gain Figure 5.17: Cumulative direct, diffuse and total incident solar radiation and total transmitted heat gains for base-case model with bare window- East, West, North and South orientations The intensity of direct solar radiation incident on the bare window is high on east orientation, while the north received the minimum intensity of direct solar radiation on the bare window (figure 5.18). Comparatively, the west, north and south received 16%, 76%, and 44% less intensity of direct solar radiation than on the east window. Also the results indicated that the intensity of incident direct radiation is high during morning hours on the east orientation than in the evening hours on the west orientation. 187 The west window received the maximum intensity of diffuse solar radiation compared to other orientations (figure 5.18). The results also showed that the east and south obtained similar values and north window had the least impact of diffuse solar radiation on the base case model. Further, the intensity of diffuse solar radiation is generally high when the intensity of direct component is low and vice versa. However, the intensity of the diffuse solar radiation is high during the evening hours on the west than in the morning on the east oriented aperture (which is about 330 W/m2). Table 5.2 illustrates the percent of the direct and diffuse solar radiation intensity on the base case aperture. Although north indicated the maximum percentage, the intensity of diffuse solar radiation received was low, which is about 198 W/m2. Table 5.2: Summary of maximum intensity of direct and diffuse solar radiation incident and total transmitted heat gain through bare window on east, west, north and south orientations % Total transmitted heat gain Orientation % Direct incident radiation % Diffuse incident radiation East 70 (502.7 W/m2) 30 (214.9 W/m2) 70 (501.7 W/m2) West 56 (421.1 W/m2) 44 (328.4 W/m2) 83 (619.6 W/m2) North 37.5 (118.2 W/m2) 62.5 (197.6 W/m2) 71 (223.3 W/m2) South 57 (282.4 W/m2) 43 (211.5 W/m2) 87 (427.5 W/m2) The maximum intensity of transmitted and re-conducted heat gains through base case window pane were obtained on the west than on the east orientation, while north window transmitted the least amount of heat (figure 5.18). The transmitted heat gains were compared with intensity of total incident solar radiation (direct + diffuse) (table 5.2). The results indicated 87% of the incident solar radiation was transmitted through the south window, while the west window transmitted 83% of incident solar radiation. However, west obtained the highest intensity, while north indicated the lowest intensity for transmitted heat gains (table 5.2). In comparison, the east, north and south indicated 19%, 63% and 31% less than the west in terms of heat gain through the base case window. It is mainly due to two reasons. First, the north façade only receives direct solar radiation between May and August when the sun is in the north hemisphere. Secondly, the intensity of the solar radiation is low 188 during this period as the distance between the earth and the sun is farthest. Therefore, the path of the radiation through the atmosphere is long, thus the solar radiation intensity is reduced due the atmospheric depletion. 2 Solar Radiation Intensity (W/m ) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 East West North South Orientation Direct Incident Solar Radiation Diffuse Incident Solar radiation Total Incident Solar Radiation Total Transmitted Heat Gain Figure 5.18: Maximum intensity of direct and diffuse incident solar radiation and total transmitted heat gain for base-case model- East, West, North and South orientations 5.1.6 Impact of Overhang on Direct Solar Radiation Incident on Window Figure 5.19 illustrates effectiveness of each horizontal overhang ratio in reducing the amount direct solar radiation incident on the window surface for the respective orientations. The calculations were compared to incident direct solar radiation on the bare window on respective orientations. The east and west orientations had similar profile of the relationship between the overhang ratio and the reduction percentage. In both cases, increase in overhang ratio indicated reduction of incident direct solar radiation. According to the east profile, an overhang ratio of 1.0 reduced the incident direct solar radiation by about 77% and maximum of about 90% reduction can be achieved with an overhang ratio of 1.6. Increase in overhang ratio beyond 1.6 had lesser impact on reducing the direct solar radiation incident on the east window pane. 189 The west orientation profile indicates a lower gradient than the east profile. This implies that on the west orientation, the increase of horizontal overhang ratio had a lesser impact on the amount of incident direct solar radiation than on the east orientation. The west profile in figure 5.19 illustrates that horizontal overhang ratios of 1.0 and 1.6 reduced 70% and 81% of incident direct solar radiation respectively. Incident direct solar radiation reduction profile indicated a similar profile for the north and south orientations (figure 5.19). The profile value for both north and south oriented overhang ratio of 0.6 and 0.8 indicated about 84% reduction of incident direct solar radiation. Also an increase in horizontal overhang beyond the above ratio (OHR 0.6 on north and 0.8 on south) indicated no further impact on reduction of the direct solar radiation incident on window. However, the south profile showed a lesser gradient than the north, which means that north oriented Cumulative Incident Direct Solar Radiation Reduction (%) window blocked more incident direct solar radiation than the south oriented window. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Overhang ratio East West North South Figure 5.19: Reduction percentage (%) of cumulative amount of direct solar radiation incident on window surface as function of horizontal overhang ratio- East, West, North and South orientations The analysis indicated that the east (OHR 1.2) and west (OHR 1.6) orientations needed larger horizontal overhang ratios in order to reduce direct solar 190 radiation incident on the window pane by more than 80%. For north and south orientations the maximum shading from direct solar radiation can be achieved by overhang ratios of 0.6 and 0.8 respectively. This implies that horizontal overhang depth in order to cut-off the maximum amount of direct solar radiation incident on the window surface largely depends on the orientation of the correspondence window surface. Further, the west oriented window received maximum amount of direct solar radiation on the window pane even when solar shading were applied compared to all other orientations considered. On the other hand, the north orientation had the minimum impact of direct solar radiation incident on the window. 5.1.7 Impact of Overhang on Diffuse Solar Radiation Incident on Window Figure 5.20 illustrates the reduction percentages of cumulative diffuse solar radiation incident on the window when horizontal solar shading devices were applied. The west orientation indicated the highest reduction percentage for all tested overhangs. Initially, at horizontal overhang ratio of 0.4 indicated, 22.7%, 23.5%, 21.8% and 22.4% reduction on the east, west, north and south orientations compared to the bare window. For horizontal overhang ratio 1.0 were able to cut off almost about 38.8%, 40.1%, 37.2% and 38.2% on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Increase in horizontal overhang ratio from 1.0 to 1.4 on the north and south orientations could only reduced 5% of the incident diffuse solar radiation. Increase of horizontal overhang ratio from 1.0 to 1.6 could reduce about 7% of diffuse solar radiation on both east and west orientations. Further increase in overhang ratio had a lesser impact on the amount of diffuse solar radiation received on the window pane. Hence, the results indicated that use of maximum overhang ratios (east/ west OHR of 1.6 and north/ south OHR of 1.4) on all orientations could reduce less than 50% of the incident diffuse solar radiation on the bare window. 191 Cumulative Incident Diffused Solar Radiation Reduction (%) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Overhang ratio East West North South Figure 5.20: Reduction percentage (%) of cumulative amount of diffuse solar radiation incident on window surface as function of horizontal overhang ratio- East, West, North and South orientations 5.1.8 Impact of Overhang on Transmitted and Re-Transmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window System The reduction percentage of transmitted and re-conducted heat gain is calculated and compared to the total incident (direct and diffuse) solar radiation on the bare window. The profile showed a similar pattern for all orientations considered (figure 5.21). Initially the bare window indicated heat gain reduction between 23.9% and 29.3% on the east, west, north and south orientations compared to the total incident solar radiation on the window surface. In other words, more than 76% to 70% of incident energy was transmitted through the glazing of the bare window. When the horizontal over hang ratio is of 1.0, the total heat gain reduction was about 41.4%, 38.7%, 33% and 35.4% on the east, west, north and south orientations compared to heat gain through the bare window. Horizontal overhang ratio of 1.4 for the north and south indicated 35.9% and 38.3% of total heat gain reduction respectively compared to heat gain through the bare window. Similarly, the overhang 192 ratio of 1.6 on the east and west indicated 48.9% and 45.4% of total heat gain reduction compared to without overhang base case model. When horizontal overhang is applied, the orientation of the window had lesser impact on the total heat gain into the space considered. The reason can be stated as mainly due to the obstruction of direct solar radiation incident on the window surface by the external shading device, which indicated different intensity levels for different orientations. Also the horizontal overhang had lesser impact on diffuse solar radiation incident on the window surface, except on the west orientation. Therefore, the heat gain from direct solar radiation reduced significantly while heat gain from diffuse solar radiation had lesser reduction. Hence heat gain from diffuse solar radiation dominated compared to the heat gain from direct solar radiation into the space, when the window was shaded with horizontal overhang. This was evident in the profile patterns of diffuse solar radiation incident on the window and total heat gain, which exhibited a similar profile for the east, west, north Cumulative Transmitted Solar Radiation Reduction (%) and south orientations. 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Overhang ratio East West North South Figure 5.21: Reduction percentage (%) of cumulative transmitted and reconducted solar heat gain in an office room space as function of horizontal overhang ratio- East, West, North and South orientations 193 Hourly Variation of Transmitted and Re-Transmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window System The effects of hourly variations of each shading device on the total solar heat gain were assessed with respect to the main cardinal orientations. The maximum total solar heat gains were obtained for each hour on the selected design days (21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December) (figure 5.22 to 5.25). Figure 5.22 illustrates that, significant amount of heat gain was obtained in the morning hours between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon for the east orientation (for the base-case bare window option). During these hours, the direct sunlight incident was on the east façade and after 13:00 hour, the sun is behind the window pane, thus the heat gains were very low in the afternoon hours. The maximum heat gain was indicated at 9:00 hour, but when overhangs were applied two variations can be observed. Firstly, the peak hour point shifts from 9:00 hour towards 8:00 hour. Secondly, as the overhang ratio increases, the intensity of the peak solar heat gain was reduced. 500 2 Solar Heat Gain Factor (W/m ) 600 400 300 200 100 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 ohr 1.6 Figure 5.22: Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratiosEast orientation 194 700 2 Solar Heat Gain Factor (W/m ) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 ohr 1.6 Figure 5.23: Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratiosWest orientation 300 2 Solar Heat Gain Factor (W/m ) 250 200 150 100 50 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 Figure 5.24: Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratiosNorth orientation 195 450 2 Solar Heat Gain Factor (W/m ) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 Figure 5.25: Maximum hourly total solar heat gains for tested overhang ratiosSouth orientation According to figure 5.23, heat gain pattern on the west is similar to east orientation but on the opposite direction. The maximum solar heat gains were obtained during afternoon between 14:00 and 18:00 hours. As overhang ratio was increased from of 0.4 to 1.0, the peak hour shifts from 16:00 hour towards 18:00 hour and also reduced the intensity of the heat gain at peak hour. These patterns are mainly due to the effects of heat gains from direct solar radiation. Increasing the overhang depth reduces the optimum incident angle for maximum solar radiation transmittance, thus shifts the solar position to lower solar altitudes. As a result the amounts of solar radiation received at optimum incident angle were also reduced. North and south orientation illustrated two different profiles of hourly total solar heat gains compared to the east and west orientations (figure 5.24 & 5.25). According to figure 5.24, the north orientation obtained a constant amount of heat gain for considerable number of hours; 9:00 to 16:00 hours, for overhang ratios between 0.4 and 1.4. This profile was maintained even when different shading depths were applied. Also, the solar heat gain intensity is reduced with the increase of overhang ratio. This profile pattern is due to the effects of diffuse solar radiation, while direct solar radiation has little effect on the north façade. 196 Figure 5.25 illustrates the total solar heat gain profile for the south oriented window. The results indicated that the peak heat gains through the bare window occur at noon time, when the sun is at higher altitude. Thus, maximum amount of direct solar radiation penetrates through the window pane at high incident angle. Therefore, introduction of overhang with smaller projections (with overhang ratio 0.4), were able to terminate considerable amount of direct solar radiation incident on the window (which also reflects in the changing patterns of solar heat gain profiles). On the south façade, application of horizontal overhang, terminates the peak solar heat gain and changes into constant heat gains profile throughout the day, between 9:00 and 16:00 hours, for overhang ratios between 0.6 and 1.4. Therefore, the north and south oriented office room has a constant thermal performance on most hours of the day. The effects of external horizontal shading devices on hourly total solar heat gains for different orientations illustrated three profile patterns of solar heat gains: o The peak hour of heat gain shift outside the working hour time (9:00 to 17:00) on the east and west orientations. o Application of overhang maintained a constant amount of heat gain for considerable number of hours (9:00 to 16:00) for respective overhang ratios on the north and south orientations. o Increase of overhang depth reduced the intensity of the maximum heat gain. On east and west orientations, the peak heat gain hour shift beyond the working hour time frame and reduced the intensity of the heat gains with the increase of overhang ratio (or increase of overhang depth). For instance, on the east oriented office room, application of the shading device with a depth similar to the height of the window (overhang ratio 1.0) shifts the peak heat gain from 9:00 hour to 8:00 hour. Similar overhang projection on the west façade shifts the peak heat gain from 16:00 hour to 18:00 hour, compared to the maximum heat gain through the bare window on the respective orientation. Thereby it can be suggested, as energy efficient measures, the working hours can be adjusted based on the overhang depth. For instance, on the east and west oriented office rooms, their respective working 197 hours can be adjusted from 10:00 to18:00 hours and 8:00 to 16:00 for overhang ratio of 1.0. Even if the air-conditioning system is switched on one hour before and switched off one hour after the working hours, this will avoid the peak heat gain hour of the day. As a result it may reduce the building cooling loads considerably as well as the initial start-up loads in the morning on the east oriented office rooms. 5.2 Absolute Work Plane Illuminance The horizontal solar shading is used to reduce the heat gain into the building and cut down the cooling load of the space. However, this may have an adverse effect on the amount of natural light penetrating into the building, which may result in use of artificial lighting. The absolute work plane illuminance (direct sunlight + sky light) were calculated for the correspondence external horizontal overhangs. The results were obtained for four days (21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December), at four times within general office working hours (9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00 hours) and on the main cardinal orientations (East, West, North and South). The two correspondence reference points; reference point 01 (Ref.Pt 01) at 3.0 meter and reference point 02 (Ref.Pt 02) at 5.7 meter, were positioned along the center of the 6.0 meter deep office room at the work plane height of 0.9 meter. The evaluation of natural-light quantity is based on the target absolute work plane illuminance at 500lux. The correspondence transmitted and re-conducted solar heat gains were also presented for better understanding of the relationship between the illuminance level and heat gains, when horizontal shading devices were applied. The analysis is based on the maximum, minimum and mean values calculated for both absolute work plane illuminance at the two reference points and the correspondence transmitted solar heat gain. 198 5.2.1 East Orientation Solar heat gain (W/m2) Illuminance(lux) 6500 450 9:00 6000 400 5500 5000 4500 12:00 350 15:00 300 17:00 4000 3500 250 3000 200 2500 150 2000 1500 100 1000 500 50 Target Illuminance 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 Light Reference Pt. 02 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio Figure 5.26: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, East orientation 2 Illuminance(lux) Solar heat gain (W/m ) 6000 300 5500 275 5000 250 4500 225 4000 200 3500 175 3000 150 2500 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 125 Target Illuminance 2000 100 1500 75 1000 50 500 25 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.27: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, East orientation 199 Illuminance(lux) Solar heat gain (W/m2) 2500 240 9:00 2250 210 12:00 180 15:00 2000 1750 17:00 150 1500 1250 120 1000 90 750 60 500 Target Illuminance 30 250 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.28: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, East orientation Illuminance (lux) 2 Solar heat gain (W/m ) 11000 550 10000 500 9000 450 8000 400 7000 350 6000 300 5000 250 4000 200 9:00 12:00 15:00 3000 2000 17:00 150 Target Illuminance 100 1000 50 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 Light Reference Pt. 02 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio Figure 5.29: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, East orientation 200 The maximum illuminance was obtained at 9:00 hour at both reference points except in September, when the window is facing the east (figure 5.26 to 5.29). The results indicated a significant difference between illuminance values obtained at 9:00 and 12:00 hours at reference point 01 for all horizontal overhang ratios on 21 March, 22 June, and 21 December. This is mainly due to the direct sunlight penetration into the building during the respective hours. At 12:00 hour, increase of horizontal overhang ratio reduced the amount of direct sunlight penetrating into the space as the sun is at a higher altitude at that particular hour. At reference point 02 the illuminance profile indicated a similar pattern on all three days except on 24 September, which means that increase in horizontal overhang ratio reduces the direct sun light patches at the back of the space. The comparison results between illuminance values and correspondence heat gains showed a direct correlation between the two components, where maximum heat gains and illuminance indicated similar pattern during the same hours (figure 5.26 to 5.29). On 24 September, the maximum illuminance was obtained at 12:00 noon at both reference points (figure 5.28). This is due to an effect on the external illuminance at that particular time. At 9:00 hour, the external diffuse illuminance is dominant, while at 12:00 noon the illuminance by the direct sun is dominant (see figure 2.13, Chapter 2). Hence, the direct sunlight had higher illuminance than the diffuse component of the sky. Therefore, the illuminance profile indicated a similar pattern for all hours at correspondence reference points on 24 September. At reference point 01, the profile showed a steeper gradient with the increase of horizontal overhang ratio, while at reference point 02 indicated a lesser gradient. However at 9:00 maximum heat gain was indicated when solar shading is not applied (bare window). Table 5.3a & b, shows the maximum, minimum and mean values obtained for illuminances at each reference points and correspondence solar heat gains. On 22 June and 21 December, reference point 01 obtained the minimum illuminance that is below the target level (500 lux), for overhang ratio of 0.4 and 0.8 and above respectively. Reference point 02 obtained minimum illuminance below the target level on 22 June and 21 December, for all correspondence overhang ratios. On the 201 above two days, the sun is in the solstice and less direct sunlight penetrates into the space. On 21 March and 24 September, deep end of the office room obtained a minimum illuminance below the target level for overhang ratio of 1.4 and 0.4 and above respectively. Increase of horizontal overhang ratio from 1.0 to 1.4 on 21 March reduced the minimum illuminance level by about 5%, compared to the target illuminance level (500 lux) at reference point 02. The correspondence minimum solar heat gain indicated 41% reduction compared to the base case heat gain (window without external shading device), at overhang ratio of 1.4. Hence, when the illuminance is 477 lux, the correspondence heat gain was 61 W/m2. On 24 September, overhang ratio of 0.4 received a minimum illuminance of 491 lux and the heat gain obtained was 60 W/m2. The minimum solar heat gain (22 W/m2) and illuminance level (166 lux) were indicated for overhang ratio of 1.6 on 22 June. The mean work plane illuminance below 500 lux was indicated for overhang ratio of 1.0 and 1.6 at reference point 02, on 24 September and 21 December respectively (table 5.3 b). The correspondence maximum heat gains for overhang ratio of 1.0 indicated 59%, 58%, 53% and 68% reduction compared to the base case option on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively. However, increase of overhang ratio up to 1.6 indicated 73%, 73%, 56% and 82% reduction of the maximum solar heat gain compared to the base case model on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively. Thus, the mean work plane illuminance values were reduced up to 697 lux, 534 lux, 371 lux, and 485 lux for overhang ratio 1.6 at reference point 02 on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively (table 5.3 a & b). In general, an overhang ratio of 1.6 on the east orientated window may still provide over 300 lux of illuminance which is adequate for general lighting of an office space. 202 Table 5.3a: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, East orientation OHR (PF) Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 6015 0 1693 0 2299 0 5249 0 638 0 2153 5254 13 1206 29 1556 32 4202 20 477 25 1528 0.4 0.6 5076 16 1147 32 1478 36 4054 23 459 28 1454 0.8 4701 22 937 45 1248 46 3545 32 381 40 1208 1 4536 25 898 47 1204 48 3409 35 368 42 1165 1.4 4222 30 751 56 1042 55 2982 43 309 52 979 1.6 4146 31 712 58 999 57 2865 45 293 54 925 OHR Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt.02 (PF) 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 1942 0 826 0 1342 0 1893 0 308 0 1092 0.4 1590 18 696 16 994 26 1595 16 265 14 861 0.6 1414 27 636 23 916 32 1448 23 246 20 787 0.8 1207 38 568 31 841 37 1246 34 218 29 701 1 1044 46 529 36 798 41 1109 41 206 33 658 912 52 182 41 586 1.4 853 56 477 42 740 45 1.6 778 60 438 47 697 48 797 58 166 46 534 OHR Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) (PF) 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 392 0 104 0 248 0 267 0 44 0 156 0.4 287 27 82 21 184 26 190 29 33 25 111 0.6 242 38 75 28 158 36 160 40 30 33 95 0.8 201 49 70 33 135 45 134 50 27 39 80 66 36 114 54 25 43 68 1 162 59 111 58 75 72 23 49 49 1.4 107 73 61 41 84 66 104 73 59 43 82 67 1.6 71 73 22 51 46 % 0 29 32 44 46 55 57 % 0 21 28 36 40 46 51 % 0 29 39 48 56 69 70 203 Table 5.3b: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, East orientation OHR (PF) Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 2179 0 1263 0 1912 0 10460 0 905 0 1608 0.4 1419 35 888 30 1361 29 9939 5 634 30 1086 0.6 1351 38 841 33 1273 33 9713 7 600 34 1034 1156 47 679 46 1032 46 9457 10 483 47 868 0.8 1 1119 49 649 49 966 49 9248 12 461 49 833 1.4 982 55 535 58 795 58 9067 13 379 58 720 1.6 946 57 504 60 754 61 9016 14 357 61 691 OHR Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt.02 (PF) 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 1370 0 592 0 916 0 2418 0 420 0 947 0.4 948 31 491 17 733 20 1967 19 348 17 701 0.6 881 36 444 25 647 29 1742 28 314 25 649 0.8 818 40 392 34 551 40 1515 37 275 34 591 781 43 362 39 485 47 1305 46 254 39 556 1 1.4 734 46 321 46 412 55 1144 53 225 46 515 697 49 291 51 371 59 1092 55 202 52 485 1.6 OHR Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) (PF) 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 226 0 79 0 152 0 502 0 59 0 280 0.4 161 29 60 24 111 27 361 28 45 25 203 0.6 136 40 54 31 95 38 294 41 40 33 167 0.8 114 49 50 37 82 46 227 55 37 38 132 47 41 77 50 34 42 98 1 106 53 162 68 1.4 100 56 43 46 71 53 94 81 31 48 62 1.6 98 56 41 48 70 54 92 82 30 50 61 % 0 32 36 46 48 55 57 % 0 26 32 38 41 46 49 % 0 28 41 53 65 78 78 Window Height to Room Depth Ratio-East Orientation The mean work plane illuminance values were plotted against overhang ratio to determine a general distribution profile of illuminance levels received at respective reference points for the tested overhang ratios (figure 5.30 and 5.31). The maximum mean work plane illuminance was received on 21 March. This is mainly due to the 204 higher global exterior illuminance by direct sunlight received during morning hours (8:00 to 11:00 hour) on this day, than on other three design days considered (refer Chapter 2). The lowest mean values were received on 21 December at reference point 01. Hence, internal illuminance level at reference point 01 was affected by the amount of direct sunlight received. Mean work plane illuminance (lux) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.30: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December- East orientation. Mean work plane illuminanceat (lux) 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.31: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December- East orientation. 205 The lowest mean work plane illuminances were indicated on the 24 September, at reference point 02. At overhang ratio 1.0, the illuminance level reached the target level of 500 lux for general office work (figure 5.31). Figure 5.32: Effect of overhang on natural light distribution in perimeter office room- East orientation. Based on above data, the relationship between head height of the window and natural-light penetration into the room were determined. Assuming the depth of the overhang is added to the depth (the distance from back of the wall to window wall) of the room to establish an equivalent room, where the outer edge of the overhang was treated as the plane of the window wall (figure 5.32). Hence, overhang ratio 1.0 (1.82 meter or 6 ft) gives a total depth of 7.9 meter (26 ft) to the back of the room. Thus, the ratio between the height of the aperture (1.82 meter or 6 ft from top of the sill to ceiling) and the depth of the equivalent room (7.9 meter or 26 ft) is 1: 4.3. Therefore, it can be assumed that the minimum work plane illuminance of 500 lux is achieved at depth of 4.3 times the head height of the aperture on the east orientation, under clear sky condition. Although it is a simplified assumption, this gives an idea that the natural-light penetrates more than the common rule of thumb of about 2.5 times the head height of the aperture, when higher amount of exterior natural-light is available. 206 5.2.2 West Orientation Solar heat gain (W/m2) Illuminance(lux) 12000 650 11000 600 10000 550 12:00 500 15:00 9000 450 8000 9:00 17:00 400 7000 350 6000 300 5000 250 4000 200 3000 150 Target Illuminance 2000 100 1000 50 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 Light Reference Pt. 01 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.33: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, West orientation Solar heat gain (W/m2) Illuminance(lux) 325 4000 300 3500 3000 2500 9:00 275 12:00 250 15:00 225 17:00 200 175 2000 150 125 1500 100 1000 75 Target Illuminance 500 50 25 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.34: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, West orientation 207 Illuminance(lux) 2 Solar heat gain (W/m ) 7000 425 400 375 350 6000 12:00 325 300 275 5000 15:00 17:00 250 225 200 175 4000 3000 2000 9:00 150 125 100 Target Illuminance 75 50 25 1000 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 Light Reference Pt. 02 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio Figure 5.35: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, West orientation Illuminance(lux) 2 Solar heat gain (W/m ) 255 4500 240 4000 3500 3000 210 12:00 195 180 15:00 165 150 2500 2000 9:00 225 17:00 135 120 105 Target Illuminance 90 1500 75 60 1000 45 30 500 15 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Light Reference Pt. 01 Light Reference Pt. 02 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio Figure 5.36: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, West orientation Work plane illuminance values and solar heat gain results for 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December for the west oriented window are shown in 208 figure 5.33 to 5.36. The maximum illuminance was obtained at 17:00 hour at reference point 01 for all overhang depths considered. Results at reference point 02 obtained maximum illuminance at different hours of the day; 21 March and 24 September at 17:00 hour, while on 22 June at 15:00 hour. On 21 December almost similar illuminance values were indicated at 17:00 and 12:00 hours at reference point 02. In the morning, at 9:00 hour, illuminance value resulted below the target level (500 lux) on 21 March, 24 September and 21 December for all overhang depths at reference point 02. Overhang ratio of 0.8 and above (up to overhang ratio 1.6) indicated illuminance value below 500 lux on 22 June. The illuminance profiles showed a similar pattern on 21 March, 24 September and 21 December (figure 5.33, 5.35 and 5.36) at each reference points. The results showed a significant difference between illuminance values obtained at 17:00 hour and 15:00 hour at reference point 01 for all overhang depths. The reason can be explained that the penetration of the direct sunlight into the space occur at low solar altitudes. Initially, the illuminance level showed sudden reduction with the introduction of overhang ratio of 0.4 at 15:00 and 12:00 hours and the illuminance profile had lesser gradient with the increase of overhang ratios at reference point 01 (figure 5.33, 5.35, and 5.36). The reason is that, increase of horizontal overhang ratio reduced the amount of direct sunlight penetration significantly, but had little impact on the diffuse component of illuminance. However, based on the profiles for 22 June, the maximum illuminance was shown for the base case model at 15:00 than at 17:00 hour (figure 5.34). This is an effect of the external illuminance conditions, where at 15:00 hour illuminance by the direct sun is dominant while at 17:00 hour the diffuse sky illuminance (clear sky + overcast sky) is dominant (see figure 2.12 in Chapter 2). Hence, increase of overhang ratio resulted in a deeper gradient illuminance profile pattern at 15:00 hour than at 17:00 hour. Illuminance profile at reference point 02 showed a similar pattern with lesser gradient on 21 March, 24 September and 21 December for all four hours considered. However, the illuminance profile at 15:00 hour on 22 June indicated a curve pattern with higher gradients, which means that the direct sun penetrates deep into the room during this hour and gradually cut-off with the increment of the overhang ratios. 209 Table 5.4 a & b, shows the maximum, minimum and mean values obtained for illuminances at reference point 01, reference point 02, and correspondence solar heat gains for the west oriented office room. Increase of overhang ratio from ‘0’ to 1.6 reduced the maximum total solar heat gain by 75%, 73%, 69% and 62% compared to the heat gain through the base case model wall opening, on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively. The minimum work plane illuminance at reference point 02 for overhang ratio of 0.8 indicated below 500 lux on 22 June. Table 5.4a: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, West orientation OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 11147 0 909 0 2599 0 3624 0 1416 0 2636 10241 8 707 22 1734 33 3106 14 1073 24 1895 10021 10 685 25 1610 38 3044 16 1036 27 1775 9600 14 585 36 1335 49 2834 22 866 39 1445 9405 16 569 37 1254 52 2774 23 839 41 1355 9035 19 492 46 1059 59 2585 29 707 50 1091 8935 20 470 48 1015 61 2528 30 669 53 1026 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt.02 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 1940 0 686 0 2787 0 481 0 1611 0 945 2338 16 428 11 1154 28 1434 26 596 13 818 2119 24 406 16 1030 36 1243 36 560 18 762 1881 33 368 23 916 43 1046 46 496 28 680 1686 39 352 27 834 48 898 54 468 32 633 1445 48 321 33 748 54 712 63 415 39 553 1344 52 299 38 704 56 631 67 378 45 502 Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 620 0 68 0 344 0 291 0 86 0 189 468 25 54 22 261 24 170 42 65 24 118 405 35 49 28 227 34 117 60 59 32 88 349 44 46 33 197 43 98 66 54 38 76 298 52 43 37 170 50 91 69 50 42 71 202 40 42 121 65 81 45 47 63 67 72 156 75 38 44 97 72 73 49 78 44 61 % 0 28 33 45 49 59 61 % 0 13 19 28 33 42 47 % 0 38 53 60 63 66 68 210 The mean work plane illuminance for overhang ratio 1.4 on 21 December indicated below the 500 lux value (table 5.4b). The correspondence maximum solar heat gain were reduced by 67%, 72%, 63% and 58% compared to base case option for the overhang ratio of 1.4 on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively. Hence, 21 December indicated lesser reduction compared to other days. Thus, when the sun is in the south solstice (on 21 December) had lesser impact on the west oriented window. Table 5.4b: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, West orientation OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 6447 0 1104 0 2127 0 4272 0 427 0 1722 5864 9 775 30 1499 30 3878 9 351 18 1223 5752 11 734 34 1413 34 3807 11 341 20 1142 5483 15 592 46 1161 45 3624 15 309 28 939 5389 16 566 49 1103 48 3567 16 302 29 877 5157 20 467 58 926 56 3420 20 280 35 748 5088 21 440 60 882 59 3375 21 273 36 717 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt.02 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 1577 0 520 0 1137 0 1128 0 292 0 951 1345 15 430 17 922 19 858 24 271 7 809 1233 22 391 25 836 26 787 30 261 10 727 1106 30 344 34 746 34 711 37 251 14 637 1011 36 317 39 688 39 683 39 244 16 560 879 44 283 46 620 46 647 43 237 19 488 811 49 256 51 576 49 620 45 230 21 448 Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 386 0 76 0 231 0 229 0 52 0 140 288 25 57 25 173 25 172 25 45 15 108 251 35 51 32 151 34 152 33 42 19 97 220 43 47 38 133 42 135 41 40 22 88 192 50 44 42 118 49 121 47 39 25 80 142 39 48 91 61 28 63 95 58 37 66 119 69 38 50 79 66 86 62 37 29 61 % 0 29 34 45 49 57 58 % 0 15 24 33 41 49 53 % 0 23 31 37 43 53 56 211 Window Height to Room Depth Ratio-West Orientation The mean work plane illuminance at reference point 01 for the west orientation indicated well over the 500 lux illuminance levels for all overhang ratios tested (figure 5.37). The highest illuminance levels were shown on 21 March and 22 June, while 21 December indicated lower illuminance values with the increase of overhang ratio. Figure 5.38 illustrates that 21 December received the minimum mean work plane illuminance for all overhang tested at reference point 02. Further, at overhang ratio 1.3 and above, the illuminance level falls below the 500 lux illuminance level. When overhang ratio of 1.3 (2.3 meter or 7.5 ft) is added to the depth of the room (6.0 meter or 20 ft) it gives a total depth of 8.3 meter (27.5 ft) to the back of the room (figure 5.39). Thus, the ratio between the height of the aperture (1.82 meter or 6 ft, from top of the sill to ceiling) and the depth of the equivalent room (8.3 meter or 27.5 ft) is about 1: 4.5. In other words, required natural-light penetrates into the room to a depth of 4.5 times the height of the aperture on the west orientation. Mean work plane illuminance (lux) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.37: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for West orientation. 212 1750 Mean work illuminance (lux) 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.38: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at reference point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for West orientation Figure 5.39: Effect of overhangs on natural light distribution in perimeter office room- West orientation 213 5.2.3 North Orientation Solar heat gain (W/m2) Illuminance(lux) 2500 165 2250 150 2000 135 12:00 120 15:00 1750 105 1500 9:00 17:00 90 1250 75 1000 60 750 500 45 30 Target Illuminance 250 15 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 Light Reference Pt. 01 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.40: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, North orientation 2 Illuminance(lux) Solar heat gain (W/m ) 2500 240 225 2250 210 195 2000 180 1750 9:00 12:00 15:00 165 150 1500 17:00 135 1250 120 105 1000 90 75 750 Target Illuminance 60 500 45 30 250 15 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Light Reference Pt. 01 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.41: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, North orientation 214 Illuminance(lux) 2 Solar heat gain (W/m ) 2250 150 2000 135 9:00 12:00 120 1750 15:00 105 1500 17:00 90 1250 75 1000 60 750 45 500 30 Target Illuminance 250 15 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 Light Reference Pt. 01 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.42: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, North orientation 2 Illuminance(lux) Solar heat gain (W/m ) 135 1750 9:00 120 1500 12:00 105 15:00 1250 90 17:00 1000 75 750 60 45 500 30 250 15 Target Illuminance 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Light Reference Pt. 01 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.43: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, North orientation 215 Figures 5.40 to 5.43 illustrate that the maximum work plane illuminance are obtained during 12:00 and 15:00 hours on four correspondence dates, at both reference points, when the office space is facing towards the north. During the mid day hours the sun is at higher altitudes and the amount of diffuse sky illuminance is high. Generally, there were less illuminance in the morning 9:00 and evening 17:00 hours. However, on 21 March and 22 June, illuminance at 9:00 and 17:00 hours indicated a higher value respectively, similar to illuminance obtained during the mid day. This can be explained thus on March the north façade do not receive direct sunlight but the external horizontal illuminances are high at 9:00 than at 17:00 hour. But on 22 June, the façade receives direct sunlight; therefore the illuminance values are high (figure 5.41). The illuminance profile also showed a high gradient at reference point 01 than at reference point 02. This indicates, with the increase of overhang depth, the illuminance levels were reduced significantly at the center of the office room than at back of the room compared to base case illuminance values at respective locations. Table 5.5 a & b, shows the maximum, minimum and mean illuminance values at correspondence reference points on all four days, at the north oriented office room. On 21 March, all overhang ratios indicated minimum work plane illuminance above 500 lux, at reference point 01. Overhang ratios of 1.0 and 0.8, indicated minimum illuminance of less than 500 lux at reference point 01 and reference point 02, on 22 June and 21 March respectively. But on 22 June, all overhang options indicated the minimum work plane illuminance below 500 lux at reference point 02 (table 5.5a). Similarly, overhang ratio 1.4 and bare window indicated less than 500lux for minimum illuminance on 24 September and 21 December respectively at reference point 01 (table 5.5b). At reference point 02, overhang ratio of 0.4 obtained below 500 lux on 24 September and 21 December (table 5.5b). However, the best minimum illuminance below 500 lux was indicated at reference point 02 (358 lux) on 21 December for base case option, on the north orientated office space. On the above date, the main source of illuminance and solar heat were obtained from external diffuse sky light and diffuse solar radiation. The correspondence maximum heat gain values of 151 216 W/m2, 223 W/m2, 133 W/m2 and 118 W/m2 were indicated on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively, for the base case options in order to maintain 358 lux illuminance level on 21 December. Table 5.5a: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, North orientation OHR (PF) Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 21-Mar 22-Jun Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 2239 0 1230 0 2046 0 2168 0 879 0 1994 0.4 1554 31 887 28 1473 28 1562 28 642 27 1424 0.6 1477 34 843 31 1401 32 1495 31 609 31 1354 0.8 1242 45 716 42 1177 42 1234 43 506 42 1120 1203 46 694 44 1132 45 1190 45 489 44 1082 1 1.4 1054 53 604 51 971 53 996 54 416 53 913 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt.02 OHR 21-Mar 22-Jun (PF) Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 1231 0 724 0 1163 0 1104 0 476 0 1028 0.4 996 19 561 23 936 20 872 21 385 19 816 0.6 936 24 518 29 855 26 802 27 353 26 746 710 36 311 35 656 0.8 867 30 466 36 775 33 1 829 33 445 38 730 37 665 40 294 38 619 1.4 776 37 409 44 673 42 590 47 265 44 550 Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) OHR 21-Mar 22-Jun (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Maxm 151 121 112 107 103 98 % 0 29 32 44 46 54 % 0 21 27 36 40 47 % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean % 0 77 0 114 0 223 0 97 0 160 0 60 23 90 21 64 34 89 44 20 114 49 26 54 30 83 27 102 54 53 45 77 52 93 58 45 53 69 57 29 50 35 79 31 31 47 39 75 34 86 61 42 56 64 60 35 43 45 71 38 77 66 38 61 57 64 Comparison of the mean work plane illuminance on respective days indicated that overhang ratio of 0.4 obtained the best minimum illuminance (459 lux) below 500 lux level at reference point 02 for 21 December (table 5.5b). According to table 5.6a and b, the correspondence maximum heat gains for the above overhang ratio (0.4) indicated 20%, 49%, 15% and 14% reduction compared to the base case option on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively. Hence, 22 June 217 showed a significant reduction than on other days, which means low overhang ratio is adequate to obstruct the direct sun penetrating into the office space. Increase of overhang ratio up to 1.4 reduced the maximum solar heat gain by 35%, 66%, 29% and 28% respectively on all four days considered. This indicates that the solar heat gain from the direct sun as well as from the diffuse radiation can be significantly reduced by the external horizontal overhangs. However, overhang ratio of 1.4 reduced the correspondence minimum work plane illuminance at reference point 02 up to 409 lux, 265 lux, 296 lux and 239 lux on respective days. This is about 18%, 47%, 40.8% and 52% reduction from the target illuminance value (500 lux) at reference points 02. Table 5.5b: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, North orientation OHR (PF) Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 24-Sep 21-Dec 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 OHR (PF) Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 1987 0 1194 0 1650 0 1490 0 495 0 1139 1386 30 811 32 1189 28 1148 23 388 22 804 1330 33 765 36 1122 32 1106 26 374 24 761 1139 43 617 48 908 45 960 36 340 31 619 1104 44 590 51 867 47 933 37 332 33 592 832 44 310 37 492 971 51 486 59 720 56 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt.02 24-Sep 21-Dec % 0 29 33 46 48 57 Maxm 1066 929 873 811 776 730 % 0 17 24 33 37 42 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Maxm 133 113 107 102 99 94 % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 587 0 890 0 358 0 849 0 551 798 10 308 14 459 13 455 23 679 20 18 409 30 612 28 755 15 294 18 417 24 359 39 540 36 709 20 282 21 370 27 332 43 499 41 681 23 268 25 346 32 296 50 447 47 646 27 239 33 322 Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) 24-Sep 21-Dec % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean % 0 82 0 108 0 118 0 52 0 85 0 45 15 73 14 15 61 25 87 19 102 14 20 55 33 81 25 96 19 40 23 68 20 23 50 39 76 29 92 22 37 30 65 24 26 47 43 73 32 90 24 34 34 62 27 86 28 31 41 58 32 29 42 49 68 37 218 Window Height to Room Depth Ratio-North Orientation The mean work plane illuminance at reference point 01 illustrated well above target illuminance level for all overhang tested (figure 5.44). As the overhang ratio increases, the mean work plane illuminance were gradually reduced at both reference points. But on 21 December overhang ratio 0.2 indicated the illuminance value as 500 lux at reference point 02 and further reduced with the increase of the overhang ratio (figure 5.45). Mean work plane illuminance (lux) 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.44: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at ref. point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for North orientation Mean work plane illuminance (lux) 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.45: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at ref. point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for North orientation 219 Hence, when overhang ratio of 0.2 (0.36 meter or 1.2 ft) is added to the depth of the room (6.0 meter or 20 ft), it gives a total depth of 6.4 meter (21.2 ft) to the back of the room (figure 5.46). Similar to the west oriented aperture, it can be assumed that the required natural light is penetrated into the room to depth of 3.5 times, the height of the aperture on the north orientation as well. Figure 5.46: Effect of overhangs on natural light distribution in perimeter office room- North orientation 5.2.4 South Orientation Figures 5.47 to 5.50 show that the maximum work plane illuminance was obtained during 12:00 hours, for both reference points, when the office space is facing towards the south, on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December. The illuminance profile at 12:00 and 15:00 hours had a similar pattern at reference point 01 on 21 March, 22 June and 24 September. An overhang ratio of 1.0 indicated work plane illuminance below 500 lux level at reference point 02, on 21 March (figure 5.47). Simultaneously, reference point 01 indicated an illuminance value of 770 lux and maximum solar heat gain 111W/m2 (31% reduction compared to the base case model) for the correspondence overhang ratio of 1.0. Similarly, overhang ratios of 0.4, 1.4 and 0.8 obtained illuminance values below 500 lux level at reference point 01 on 22 June and 24 September, and at reference point 02 on 21 220 December, respectively. The maximum solar heat gain resulted for the above correspondence overhang ratios showed reduction of 23%, 29% and 73% compared to the base case model without overhang (Table 5.6a & b). The profile of the chart indicated a higher gradient with the increase of overhang ratios. This implies that introduction of overhang had a significant impact on reducing the illuminance level at first reference point. However, on 21 December the profile at 12:00 hour showed more curved pattern than on other days. Also, an introduction of an overhang, reduced the illuminance value by 43% at reference point 01, compared to the base case model (table. 5.6 b). This is mainly due to the interruption of the direct sunlight penetration into the space. The illuminance profile at reference point 02 illustrated a low gradient pattern compared to the reference point 01 on 21 March, 22 June and 24 September respectively (figure 5.47, 5.48 and 5.49). Hence, illuminance at reference point 02 is mainly from the diffuse sky illuminance, thus increase of overhang depth had a lesser effect on the internal illuminance level. However, on 21 December the profile at reference point 02 showed a curved profile during 12:00 hour compared to other hours (figure 5.50). This initial high illuminance value (at overhang ratio ‘0’) is due to the direct sun patch received at the back of the room. Table 5.6 a & b, show the maximum, minimum and mean illuminance and solar heat gain values obtained at reference point 01 and 02 for the south oriented office room. An overhang ratio of 0.4 indicated the minimum work plane illuminance below 500 lux at reference point 01, while all overhang options showed work plane illuminance below the target level at reference point 02, on 22 June (table 5.6 a). Compared with other three days, 22 June indicated lower values for minimum work plane illuminance at reference point 02. According to table 5.6 a & b, overhang ratio of 1.4 indicated the mean work plane illuminance below 500 lux at reference point 02 on 22 June and 24 September. Application of overhang ratio 1.4 resulted in reducing the maximum solar heat gain by 37%, 45%, 29% and 76% compared to the base case option, on 21 March, 22 June, 24 September and 21 December respectively. A higher percentage reduction on 21 December is due to the 221 obstruction of direct sunlight penetration into the space. Also, the sun is on the south solstice and the influence of direct sunlight is higher on the south oriented window on the above date. However, on 21 March, 22 June and 24 September, influence of the diffuse radiation is higher than the direct sunlight. Therefore, a lesser percentage reduction for maximum heat gain was indicated on above dates, on the south oriented room. Solar heat gain (W/m2) Illuminance(lux) 2500 180 2250 165 2000 1750 9:00 150 12:00 135 15:00 120 1500 105 1250 90 1000 75 17:00 60 750 45 500 30 Target Illuminance 250 15 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 Light Reference Pt. 01 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.47: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 March, South orientation Illuminance(lux) Solar heat gain (W/m2) 2000 135 1750 120 9:00 1500 1250 12:00 105 15:00 90 17:00 75 1000 60 750 45 Target Illuminance 500 30 250 15 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Light Reference Pt. 01 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.48: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 22 June, South orientation 222 Illuminance(lux) Solar heat gain (W/m2) 2250 180 2000 160 1750 140 1500 120 1250 100 1000 80 750 60 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 500 40 Target Illuminance 250 20 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 Light Reference Pt. 01 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.49: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 24 September, South orientation. Illuminance(lux) 2 Solar heat gain (W/m ) 2750 450 2500 420 9:00 390 12:00 2250 360 2000 330 300 1750 17:00 270 1500 240 1250 210 180 1000 750 15:00 150 120 Target Illuminance 90 500 60 250 30 0 0 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Light Reference Pt. 01 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Light Reference Pt. 02 Overhang ratio Figure 5.50: Absolute work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.pt:01, ref.pt:02, and solar heat gain (W/m2), as a function of overhang ratio- 21 December, South orientation. 223 Table 5.6a: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 21 March and 22 June, South orientation OHR (PF) Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 21-Mar 22-Jun 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 OHR (PF) Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 2367 0 1347 0 2177 0 1853 0 629 0 1482 1608 32 1001 26 1552 29 1389 25 466 26 1126 1507 36 929 31 1465 33 1332 28 447 29 1082 1256 47 770 43 1223 44 1114 40 369 41 908 1216 49 746 45 1173 46 1078 42 356 43 880 1064 55 642 52 1001 54 912 51 298 53 749 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:02 21-Mar 22-Jun % 0 24 27 39 41 49 Maxm 1347 1035 944 873 833 779 % 0 13 19 28 31 38 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 OHR (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Maxm 162 125 117 111 107 101 % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 811 0 1278 0 926 0 305 0 751 23 655 19 1009 21 796 14 260 14 653 30 583 28 918 28 738 20 241 21 610 35 507 38 816 36 660 29 213 30 544 623 33 200 34 516 38 482 41 766 40 42 435 46 698 45 557 40 178 42 463 Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) 21-Mar 22-Jun % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean % 0 81 0 121 0 115 0 44 0 80 0 22 62 24 93 23 88 23 33 25 61 24 28 56 31 86 29 80 30 30 33 55 31 31 51 37 81 33 74 36 27 39 50 37 69 40 25 43 47 41 34 48 40 78 36 44 46 73 40 23 49 43 46 37 63 45 224 Table 5.6b: Maximum, minimum and mean work plane illuminance values at ref. pt: 01, ref. pt: 02, and total solar heat gain- 24 September and 21 December, South orientation OHR (PF) Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:01 24-Sep 21-Dec Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 2042 0 1238 0 1754 0 2520 0 1268 0 1724 0.4 1398 32 851 31 1243 29 1426 43 922 27 1202 0.6 1341 34 790 36 1166 34 1243 51 862 32 1059 0.8 1147 44 627 49 940 46 1058 58 713 44 873 1 1112 46 599 52 897 49 1007 60 680 46 833 866 66 574 55 727 1.4 976 52 494 60 742 58 Total Illuminance (Sunlight & Daylight)(lux) at Reference Pt:02 OHR 24-Sep 21-Dec (PF) Maxm % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean 0 1189 0 621 0 900 0 1853 0 731 0 1263 0.4 934 21 489 21 724 20 1141 38 601 18 880 0.6 877 26 427 31 647 28 971 48 541 26 731 815 31 366 41 566 37 0.8 848 54 479 34 642 1 778 35 338 46 523 42 811 56 447 39 597 732 38 300 52 464 48 756 59 398 46 535 1.4 Total solar heat gain (Transmitted & re-conducted) (W/m2) OHR 24-Sep 21-Dec (PF) 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 Maxm 153 129 122 117 113 108 % 0 30 39 49 52 58 % 0 30 42 49 53 58 % Minm % mean % Maxm % Minm % mean % 0 86 0 119 0 428 0 136 0 282 0 15 64 25 97 19 168 61 95 30 132 53 20 57 33 90 25 123 71 81 41 102 64 23 52 39 85 29 116 73 70 48 93 67 26 49 43 81 32 110 74 63 54 87 69 44 49 76 37 56 59 79 72 29 103 76 Window Height to Room Depth Ratio-South Orientation The mean work plane illuminance at reference point 01 illustrated well above target illuminance level for all overhang tested and on 22 June received the lowest illuminance levels (figure 5.51). During this date (22 June) the sun is on the north solstice, thus diffuse light is received through the south oriented aperture. As the overhang ratio increases, mean work plane illuminance were gradually reduced at both reference points. 225 Mean work plane illuminance (lux) 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.51: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at ref. point 01 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for South orientation Mean work plane illuminance (lux) 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio 21-Mar 22-Jun 24-Sep 21-Dec Figure 5.52: Mean work plane illuminance (lux) at ref. point 02 for tested overhang ratio- 21 March, 22 June, 24 September, and 21 December for South orientation. On 22 June, overhang ratio of 1.0 indicated the illuminance value as 500 lux at reference point 02 and further reduced with increase of overhang ratio (figure 5.52). Hence, when overhang ratio of 1.0 (1.82 meter or 6 ft) is added to the depth of the room (6.0 meter or 20 ft), it gives a total depth of 7.9 meter (26 ft) to the back of 226 the room (figure 5.53). Therefore, the ratio between aperture height and total depth of the equivalent room is 1: 4.3. Similar to the north oriented aperture, it can be assumed that the required natural light is penetrated into the room to a depth of 4.3 times as the height of the aperture on south orientated office room. Figure 5.53: Effect of overhangs on natural light distribution in perimeter office room- South orientation 5.2.5 Hourly Variation of Work Plane Illuminance Figure 5.54 to 5.57 show the minimum work plane illuminances obtained for each hour during the office operation for the east, west, north and south oriented office room. The minimum level of illuminance at reference point 02 is assumed as the dullest interior natural light conditions for the chosen shading strategy obtained. If the minimum illuminance level is inadequate to provide amount of light required then the artificial lighting will be supplemented. According to illuminance results on figure 5.54, the peak illuminance were indicated between 10:00 and 11:00 hours for bare window, on the east oriented office room. However, overhang ratio of 0.8 and above indicated a shift in the peak illuminance hour toward 12:00 hour for the correspondence overhangs. Increase of overhang ratio also reduced the number of hours that are above the 500 lux 227 illuminance level. When maximum overhang was applied (overhang ratio 1.6), only three hours received above the 500 lux illuminance level. However, overhang ratio 0.6 on the east orientation, maintained the required work plane illuminance for about seven hours (from 9:00 to 16:00 hour). Work Plane Illuminance (lux) 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 ohr 1.6 Figure 5.54: Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at ref. pt: 02, East orientation Work plane illuminance (lux) 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 ohr 1.6 Figure 5.55: Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at ref. pt: 02, West orientation The peak illuminance level for the west oriented bare window was achieved between 14:00 and 15:00 hours (figure 5.55). Increase of overhang ratios shift the 228 peak illuminance hour between 12:00 and 14:00 hours. However, during evening hours on the east and morning hours on the west oriented office rooms may require artificial lighting as the work plane illuminance fall below the required lighting level. Overhang ratio of 0.6 on the west orientation can maintain the required work plane illuminances for about seven hours (from 10:00 to 17:00 hour). Work plane illuminance (lux) 1000 750 500 250 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 Figure 5.56: Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at ref. pt: 02, North orientation Work Plane Illuminance (Lux) 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hour ohr 0 Figure 5.57: orientation ohr 0.4 ohr 0.6 ohr 0.8 ohr 1.0 ohr 1.4 Minimum hourly work plane illuminance at ref. pt: 02, South 229 As shown in figure 5.56 and 5.57, the work plane illuminance profiles are almost similar, for the north and south orientations. Hence, the peak illuminance levels are obtained during the noon hours. Increase in overhang ratio reduced the peak illuminance as well as the number of hours above the target illuminance level (500 lux). Overhang ratio above 0.6 (0.6, 0.4 & bare window) maintained the required illuminance level for about six hours, while for overhang ratio of 0.4 and above (0.4 & bare window) the illuminance was above the target level for seven hours on the south orientation. In other words, 75% and 87% of working hours constantly received work plane illuminance more than 500 lux, on north and south orientations respectively. 5.2.6 External Horizontal Overhang and Work Plane Illuminance The work plane illuminance at two reference points along the median axis were evaluated for tested overhang ratios. These two points were positioned in such away to get a general illuminance at center and at back of the office room considered. The work plane illuminance values obtained were from three light sources; the direct sunlight, diffuse sky light and reflected light. The maximum, minimum and mean values were calculated for better understanding of the illuminance levels obtained at reference points. Impact of Overhang on Target Illuminance Level (500lux) The orientations of the window affect significantly on work plane illuminance levels for different hours during the day. The maximum illuminance values were received on east in the morning (9:00 & 12:00 hours) and on west in the evening (15:00 & 17:00 hours) hours respectively. The highest illuminance levels were indicated at low altitude sun positions for the east and west orientations. However, north and south orientations received higher illuminances at early noon and early evening hours (12:00 and 15:00 hours) when the sun is at higher altitudes. 230 Low illuminance values were indicated at early morning hours (9:00 hour) and late evening hours (17:00 hour) when the sun is furthest from the equator, on the north and south orientations respectively. The results also indicated that different days of the year received different illuminance levels based on the orientation of the window. This is best explained by the mean work plane illuminance values obtained. According to the results, east orientation received the maximum illuminance on 21 March at both reference points, while minimum values were indicated on 21 December at reference point 01 and 21 December and 24 September at reference point 02. The maximum work plane illuminance values were received on 22 June and 21 March at respective reference points and minimum illuminance values were received on 21 December and 22 June through the west window. For north and south orientations, the maximum natural light occurred on 21 March, whereas 21 December and 22 June received the minimum amount of illuminance, respectively. Hence, the maximum natural light was obtained when the sun is over the equator (on 21 March) on all orientations respectively. On 22 June and 21 December, the sun is at the furthest from the equator, which resulted in low illuminance values. Further, mean target illuminance value of 500 lux at reference point two was achieved by overhang ratio of 1.0, 1.3, 0.2 and 1.0 on east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Further increase in overhang depth may require artificial lighting to achieve the target illuminance level. This indicates that in natural light point of view, deep overhang can be used on the west orientation, while on the north window the shading depth is limited to very small overhang projections. The impact of above overhang ratios on the incident and transmitted solar radiations was illustrated on table 5.7 (see figure 5.19, 5.20 & 5.21). The results indicated over 64% of heat gain reduction compared to total incident solar radiation on base case option, for correspondence overhang ratio for east, west and south orientations. The north orientation has a low reduction percentage on incident solar radiation and heat gains for the correspondence overhang ratio (OHR 0.2) compared to other orientations. 231 Table 5.7: Reduction percentages of cumulative direct, diffuse and transmitted solar radiation for optimum overhang ratio for target work plane illuminance level East Optimum OHR for target work plane illuminance (500 lux) 1.0 West 1.3 76% 44% Over 65% North 0.2 52% 12% Over 40% South 1.0 85% 38% Over 64% Orientation Reduction % Direct incident solar radiation Reduction % Diffuse incident solar radiation Reduction % transmitted heat gain 77% 38% Over 65% Window Height to Room Depth Ratio The proportional relationship between natural light penetration into the room and height of the window were derived: Natural light penetration; East 4.3 time’s height of aperture West 4.5 times height of aperture North 3.5 times height of aperture South 4.3 times height of aperture. This indicates that natural light can penetrate more than 2.5 times the window height (which is commonly used by architects and engineers as rule of thumb) in tropical climate with ample natural light in the sky. However, for a lower target illuminance of 300 lux, the natural lighting range would be penetrating into deeper area. 232 5.3 Summary The results, analysis and findings of the simulation exercise to determine the influence of the external horizontal shading depth on incident solar radiation, transmitted heat gains and on work plane illuminance were presented in this chapter. The analysis of the above performance variables were carried out for the base-case model and overhang ratios of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.4 and 1.6 for east, west, north and south orientations (north and south orientations up to OHR 1.4). The results of direct and diffuse incident solar radiation and transmitted solar heat gains were plotted against overhang ratio in the same graph. Similarly, work plane illuminance and solar heat gains were also plotted against overhang ratio in the same graph. It enabled to understand the influence of overhang depth (given as ratio) on each component on the correspondence orientations, dates and hours. The hourly maximum results for transmitted heat gains and hourly minimum work plane illuminances were also analyzed for the respective orientations. This gave overall view of the influence of overhang on the patterns of heat and work plane illuminance variation throughout the day. Table 5.8 illustrates the summary of the findings. Table 5.8: Summary of optimum overhang ratio for incident solar radiations, transmitted heat gains and work plane illuminance Optimum OHR for maximum Orientation reduction of incident direct solar radiation East West North South 1.2 1.6 0.6 0.8 Optimum OHR for maximum reduction of incident diffuse solar radiation 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 Optimum Optimum OHR for OHR for maximum target reduction work plane of illuminance transmitted (500lux) heat gain 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.3 0.2 1.0 CHAPTER 6 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: ENERGY PERFORMANCE In the previous chapter, section 5.1 specifically evaluates the impact of the external horizontal solar shading on the direct and diffuse solar radiation incident on window, and the transmitted heat gains into the building. The results indicated a significant reduction on solar heat gains into the building when external solar shading was applied. Section 5.2 discussed the impacts of the external horizontal solar shading on the internal work plane illuminance and the correspondence solar heat gains. The results showed that increase in shading device depth reduced the natural-light penetration in the deep end of the room. Hence, the main drawback of using shading device in tropical climate is the risk of reducing useful natural-light into the building, which requires the use of artificial lighting. Further, usages of artificial lighting consumed more energy as well as contribute to the higher cooling load. Therefore, it is important to consider both the cooling load and lighting load in the design of shading device in order to determine an energy efficient shading system. In this chapter, the simulation results of energy evaluation are discussed in two sections. Section one, investigates the application of external horizontal solar shading on office space cooling loads. In section two, the energy consumptions of the office space are analyzed to determine the influence of correspondence external overhang devices. 234 6.1 Energy Evaluation The purpose of the energy consumption evaluation is to investigate the relationship between the optimum energy use and different horizontal overhang ratios. The simulation study assesses the effect of the external horizontal shading device depth configurations on reducing the annual energy consumption for cooling, lighting and total usage. The energy evaluations are based on the comparison of the energy performance of the base case model (BC) with no overhang, with naturallight and without natural-light utilization and the respective tested overhang options. Breakdown of the cooling loads (MWh) for the office space also being considered based on the each tested external overhang device configuration. To better understand the electricity consumption due to solar heat gain and the natural-light, the incremental electricity consumption is correlated with the external overhang device configurations. The incremental electricity use due to solar heat gain is the difference between the energy consumption with shading device and without shading device. Similarly, the incremental electricity consumption due to natural lighting is determined by the difference between the electricity consumption with natural-light and consumption without natural-light (see section in Chapter 3). The energy evaluation is carried out in two categories: 1. Evaluation of the building components and their contribution into the building cooling loads. 2. Annual electric consumption for space cooling, artificial lighting and total usage. 235 6.2. Building Component Cooling Loads Space cooling load is the rate at which heat must be removed by mechanical means from the space to maintain the space air temperature at the desired condition. The simulation results obtained for the generic office room model from the eQUEST-3, DOE 2.2, are analyzed and discussed in two sections. Section one; discusses the building cooling load performance of the base case generic office room. In section two, influence of the external horizontal overhang on the building cooling loads were analyzed. 6.2.1 Base Case Generic Office Room and Building Component Cooling Loads Building cooling energy performance of the base case generic office rooms for the four main cardinal orientations (east, west, north & south) are investigated to understand the main sources of heat gains and the building parameters of the model. Figure 6.1 shows the breakdown of the cooling load for the base case generic office space, with natural-light utilization and without natural-light utilization. According to figure 6.1 and table 6.1 to 6.4, that 87%, 87%, 83% and 84% of the building’s total cooling loads are envelop loads and 13%, 13%, 17% and 16% are internal loads for the base case generic office room with natural-light utilization, for east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Further, as expected the west (8.02 MWh) and east (7.99 MWh) orientation had the maximum contribution and north (6.26 MWh) had the least contribution on the cooling loads. The solar heat gain and conduction heat gain through the window are the largest components of the building envelope cooling loads. The base-case cooling loads due to window conduction and solar radiation had similar contribution of 22% and 57%, on the east and west orientations, while 27% and 48%, 26% and 50% on the north and south orientations respectively, compared to the base-case total building cooling loads. The loads due to conduction through the exterior and internal 236 wall, had little impact on the total cooling loads than the solar radiation through the 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 With Natural-light Cooling Load (MWh) 2.5 Equipment 2.5 Internal Lighting 3.0 Occupant 3.0 Window conduction Window Sol.radiation 3.5 Infiltration 3.5 Wall Conduction 4.0 Equipment 4.0 Internal Lighting 4.5 Occupant 4.5 Window conduction Window Sol.radiation 5.0 Infiltration 5.0 Wall Conduction Cooling Load (MWh) window on the four orientations. Without Natural-light Building Components East West North South Figure 6.1: Breakdown of annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and without natural-light for a base-case generic office room- East, West, North and South orientations The cooling loads from the equipment had the maximum impact on the internal cooling loads. However, the equipment and number of occupants were kept constant in the simulation study; therefore their contribution remains the same for all orientations and for the tested overhang ratios. But impact from internal lighting changed with the office room orientation and introduction of the horizontal shading devices. Hence, base-case internal lighting loads contributed annually, 0.29 MWh on the east, and 0.31 MWh on other three orientations respectively. This means utilization of natural-light minimize the internal lighting cooling loads. When natural-light is not utilized, annually 1.44 MWh cooling load is required to remove the heat gain from internal lighting, in the office room considered (figure 6.1). This increased the total building cooling and internal loads by 14% on the east and west orientations, while 18% and 17% on the north and south orientations compared to the base-case with natural-light total cooling load respectively. In other words, natural- 237 light utilization reduces the cooling load by 14% on both east & west, 18% and 17% on the north and south orientations respectively. However, the envelop loads remains the same for without natural-light scheme, hence, utilizing natural-light in the building reduced the internal loads considerably. Also heat gain from internal lighting is very low compared to the solar heat gain as the office room considered is within the 6 meter deep perimeter zone. Therefore the use of artificial lighting is less due to the natural-light availability. Analysis of the simulation results of the base case generic office room indicated that limiting the excessive solar heat gain is the crucial factor while use of beneficial natural-light as an important energy saving potential in hot and humid tropical climates. The analysis also indicated that the orientation of the building has a significant impact on the building cooling load, where the west and east resulted in high cooling load consumption than, south and north orientations. The north orientation had the lowest impact on total cooling load. When compared with west orientation, the total cooling load on north and south orientations showed 22% and 17% reduction respectively. Therefore, based on the above cooling load analysis, it can be concluded that for location latitude 3.10 north and longitude 101.70 east, the worst heat gains were obtained from the west and east orientations. 6.2.2 Influence of External Horizontal Overhang on Building Component Cooling Loads Table 6.1 to 6.4 show the break down of each building component with respect to different overhang ratios and their impact on building cooling loads for east, west, north and south orientations respectively. The building cooling loads were classified and discussed in two categories based on the sources of heat gain into the building; envelope and internal cooling loads. The comparison of the building envelope, internal cooling loads and total cooling loads were made with the basecase generic office room, with natural-light and without natural-light utilization. 238 Introduction of horizontal overhang and increase of overhang ratio from 0.4 to 1.6 (east & west) and 1.4 (north & south) indicated 37%, 33%, 23% and 26% reduction in the total building cooling loads compared to the base-case model, on east, west, north and south orientations respectively (table 6.1 to 6.4). The total building envelop load reduced by 45.0%, 40.4%, 30.3% and 33.6% and total internal loads increased by 14.3%, 17.5%, 14.6% and 14.3% compared to the base-case loads on east, west, north and south orientations respectively. The solar heat gain through the window, when maximum overhang ratio is applied indicated 64.0%, 59.0%, 51.0% and 54.0% reduction on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. The internal lighting loads showed 47.2%, 52.7%, 49.3% and 47.9% increment, compared to the base-case cooling loads on main cardinal orientations respectively (table 6.1 to 6.4). Although cooling load from window solar heat gains resulted in significant reduction, cooling load from window conduction indicated only 7.0%, 3.5%, 1.2% and 2.7% reduction compared to the base-case cooling load, when the maximum overhang ratio is applied on respective orientations. Table 6.1: Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-East orientation Internal load (MWh) Envelop load (MWh) Overhang ratio Wall conduction % Infiltration Window conduction % Window solar radiation % Total Load % Occupants Internal lighting % Equipment Total Load % Total building load(MWh) % 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0.37 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.0 5.2 7.7 9.8 11.6 14.7 15.8 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 1.80 1.73 1.71 1.70 1.69 1.68 1.67 0.0 3.7 4.8 5.6 6.1 6.9 7.0 4.59 3.17 2.70 2.33 2.09 1.75 1.64 0.0 31.0 41.0 49.0 54.0 62.0 64.0 6.96 5.46 4.96 4.57 4.32 3.94 3.83 0.0 21.6 28.7 34.3 38.0 43.4 45.0 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.29 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.42 0.44 0.0 10.2 14.4 23.4 28.6 42.0 47.2 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 1.03 1.06 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.16 1.18 0.0 2.9 4.1 6.6 8.1 12.0 14.3 7.99 6.52 6.03 5.67 5.43 5.10 5.01 0.0 18.0 25.0 29.0 32.0 36.0 37.0 239 Table 6.2: Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-West orientation Internal load (MWh) Envelop load (MWh) Overhang ratio Wall conduction % Infiltration Window conduction % Window solar radiation % Total Load % Occupants Internal lighting % Equipment Total Load % Total building load(MWh) % 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.0 4.8 6.9 8.9 10.6 13.2 12.6 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 1.80 1.74 1.73 1.72 1.71 1.70 1.73 0.0 3.0 3.9 4.5 4.9 5.4 3.5 4.60 3.27 2.82 2.51 2.27 1.96 1.90 0.0 29.0 39.0 46.0 51.0 57.0 59.0 6.97 5.57 5.10 4.76 4.51 4.18 4.16 0.0 20.1 26.9 31.7 35.4 40.0 40.4 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.31 0.35 0.36 0.39 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.0 10.3 14.8 24.1 29.1 41.9 52.7 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.62 1.05 1.09 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.19 1.24 0.0 3.1 4.4 7.2 8.7 12.5 17.5 8.02 6.65 6.20 5.89 5.65 5.37 5.39 0.0 17.0 23.0 27.0 30.0 33.0 33.0 Influence of heat gain through the window conduction varies with the increase of overhang ratio. Even though the impact of the window conduction is less effective compared to the solar radiation heat gains, accumulation of conduction heat on to the overall building envelope cooling load may affect on large cooling load energy consumption. It is interesting to note that beyond overhang ratio of 1.4 on east and west, 1.0 on north and 0.6 on south orientation, the window conduction cooling load remained at constant value (table 6.1 to 6.4). This was mainly due to the increase of heat trapped between the horizontal overhang and the window pane. Hence, the horizontal shading device is effective in terminating the solar radiation than controlling the conduction heat gains. Therefore, the trapped heat need to be removed to reduced the conduction cooling load. This implies that introduction of a gap between the overhang and the wall surface may create room for the heated air to be released and reduce the surface temperature on the glazing façade. 240 Internal load (MWh) Envelop load (MWh) Table 6.3: Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-North orientation Overhang ratio Wall conduction % Infiltration Window conduction % Window solar radiation % Total Load % Occupants Internal lighting % Equipment Total Load % Total building load(MWh) % 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.0 5.4 7.7 8.8 9.3 10.2 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 1.68 1.64 1.65 1.65 1.66 1.66 0.0 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.2 3.01 2.02 1.82 1.69 1.60 1.48 0.0 33.0 39.0 44.0 47.0 51.0 5.21 4.16 3.96 3.84 3.75 3.63 0.0 20.0 23.9 26.3 28.0 30.3 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.31 0.36 0.37 0.41 0.43 0.46 0.0 14.2 20.2 31.4 37.1 49.3 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 1.05 1.09 1.11 1.15 1.17 1.20 0.0 4.2 6.0 9.3 11.0 14.6 6.26 5.26 5.08 4.98 4.91 4.83 0.0 16.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 23.0 Table 6.4: Annual cooling load (MWh) with natural-light utilization and reduction percentage values as compared to base-case model, for tested OHR-South orientation Internal load (MWh) Envelop load (MWh) Overhang ratio Wall conduction % Infiltration Window conduction % Window solar radiation % Total Load % Occupants Internal lighting % Equipment Total Load % Total building load(MWh) % 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.0 5.1 7.8 9.7 10.6 11.7 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 1.72 1.67 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.67 0.0 2.9 3.3 3.1 3.0 2.7 3.35 2.22 1.94 1.78 1.68 1.55 0.0 34.0 42.0 47.0 50.0 54.0 5.59 4.40 4.10 3.95 3.85 3.71 0.0 21.4 26.7 29.5 31.3 33.6 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.31 0.35 0.37 0.41 0.42 0.46 0.0 12.3 18.2 29.5 35.0 47.9 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 1.05 1.09 1.11 1.14 1.16 1.20 0.0 3.7 5.4 8.8 10.4 14.3 6.65 5.49 5.21 5.09 5.01 4.91 0.0 17.0 22.0 23.0 25.0 26.0 241 The results indicated all orientations had significant reduction on building envelop cooling loads when solar shadings are applied (figure 6.2). However, the horizontal shading devices were effective on the east and west orientations which reduced more than half of the cooling loads, compared to the base-case model without solar shading. Hence, eliminating the direct solar radiation before reaching the window pane is the crucial factor in reducing the cooling loads. Although introduction of external overhang had little impact on internal lighting cooling loads, increment of overhang ratio increased the amount of heat generated by artificial lighting that needed to be removed from the space to maintain a constant air 8.0 1.25 7.0 1.20 6.0 1.15 5.0 1.10 4.0 1.05 3.0 Internal cooling load (MWh) Envelop cooling loads (MWh) temperature. 1.00 0 0.2 0.4 East env ld East int ld 0.6 0.8 1 Overhang ratio West env ld West int ld 1.2 North env ld North int ld 1.4 1.6 1.8 South env ld South int ld Figure 6.2: Total envelop and internal component cooling loads (MWh) for tested external horizontal overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations The results indicated little reduction in overall envelope cooling loads for overhang ratio beyond 1.4 on the east and west orientations. Similar pattern were obtained for overhang ratio beyond 1.0 for the north and south orientations. Further, similar results were shown for overall total cooling load (figure 6.3). The maximum total cooling load reductions on the east and west orientations were obtained for overhang ratio of 1.4 and overhang ratio of 1.0 for the north and south orientations. Comparison of cooling loads for each orientation showed that the west orientation indicated higher envelope and total cooling load than other orientations. The east 242 orientation also showed high cooling load compared to the south and north orientations, while north had the lowest for both envelope and total cooling loads (table 6.5). The results thus suggested that overhang ratios of 1.4 on the east and west; overhang ratio of 1.0 on the north and south orientations can be recommended for maximum reduction of total heat gain from transmitted and re-conducted solar radiation into the building. Further, above overhang ratios indicated more than 60% reductions in total transmittance heat gains for the above stated overhang ratios on respective orientations (see figure 5.21 in Chapter 5). 8.5 Total Cooling Load (MWh) 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Overhang ratio East West North South Figure 6.3: Total building space cooling load (MWh) for tested external horizontal overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations Table 6.5: Summary of building cooling loads and reduction percentages for optimum overhang ratio compared to base-case model, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation East West North South Optimum Building envelope overhang cooling load & ratio reduction % 1.4 3.94 MWh (43.4%) 1.4 4.18 MWh (40.0%) 1.0 3.75 MWh (28.0%) 1.0 3.85 MWh (31.0%) Internal cooling load & reduction % 1.16 MWh (12.0%) 1.19 MWh (12.5%) 1.17 MWh (11.0%) 1.16 MWh (10.4%) Total cooling load & reduction % 5.1 MWh (36.0%) 5.37 MWh (33.0%) 4.91 MWh (21.0%) 5.01 MWh (25.0%) As discussed in chapter 5, the optimum overhang ratio for target illuminance (500 lux) is 1.0, 1.3, 0.2 and 1.0 on the east, west, north and south orientations 243 respectively. If these overhang ratios were increased to reduce the overall cooling loads, effect of the lighting cooling load due to required electricity lighting were negligible compared to the reduction of envelope cooling loads. Figure 6.4 illustrates the comparison of cooling loads between two extreme options; the base-case without overhang and maximum overhang, when the natural light is not utilized to illuminate the space. Application of the maximum overhang ratios (1.6-east and west; 1.4-north and south) reduced the solar radiation from window up to 1.64 MWh, 1.86 MWh, 1.48 MWh, and 1.55 MWh, on respective orientations. The above results indicated 64.0%, 60.0%, 50.0% and 54.0% reduction compared with the natural-light base-case option, for the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. However, the conduction heat gain and lighting heat gain had a lesser impact. This implies even though natural-light is not utilized as energy efficient measure in buildings, use of the external shading device still can Without Natural-light and Without Overhang Cooling Load (MWh) Equipment Internal Lighting Occupant Window conduction Window Sol.radiation Infiltration Wall Conduction Equipment Internal Lighting Occupant Window conduction Window Sol.radiation 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 Infiltration 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 Wall Conduction Cooling Load (MWh) significantly reduce the cooling loads. Without Natural-light and with Maximum Overhang Building Components East West North South Figure 6.4: Breakdown of annual cooling load (MWh) without natural-light utilization; for base-case model and maximum overhang option, East, West, North and South orientations 244 Figure 6.5 and Table 6.6 indicates that shading with natural-light utilization obtained lowest cooling loads, while without both; natural-light and shading device obtained the maximum cooling load, for all orientations. The cooling load reduction percentages are calculated compared to the base-case office room option with natural-light utilization. Positive values indicated savings and the negative value indicated loses in cooling loads. The maximum shading with natural light utilization reduced the total cooling load by 37%, 33%, 23% and 26% compared to the base case (with natural-light) option on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. East and west orientations had the maximum reduction percentage values as the application of maximum overhang cut-off the direct solar radiation penetration into the space considered. The north orientation indicated the lowest reduction percentage value as the increment of overhang depth had little effect on the diffuse component of solar radiation which is the main source of heat gain through the north fenestration. 10.0 Total Cooling Load (MWh) 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 No Overhang (Base-case) Maximum Overhang No Overhang With Natural-light Maximum Overhang Without Natural-light Overhang Variable East West North South Figure 6.5: The annual total cooling load (MWh) with and without natural-light utilization for base-case model and maximum overhang option, East, West, North and South orientations According to table 6.6, when the room was not shaded from solar radiation and natural-light was not utilized for interior illuminance, the total cooling load increase by 14% on the east and west, 18% and 17% on the north and south compared to the base-case with natural-light scheme. In other words, natural-light 245 utilization reduces the total cooling load by 14% on both east and west, 18% and 17% on the north and south orientations respectively. The correspondence office room with maximum shading and without natural light utilization reduced the total cooling load by only 25%, 22%, 7% and 11% on east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Therefore this indicates that in order to obtain maximum cooling load savings, both natural-light and overhang shading need to be applied on respective orientations. Total climate rejection building option, without natural-light and external shading consumed more energy than the base-case option. Table 6.6: The annual total cooling load (MWh) with and without natural-light utilization for base-case model and maximum overhang option, East, West, North and South orientations With Natural-light East West North South Without Natural-light No Overhang (MWh) Maximum Overhang (MWh) Reduction % No Overhang (MWh) Reduction % Maximum Overhang (MWh) Reduction % 7.99 8.02 6.26 6.65 5.01 5.39 4.83 4.91 37 33 23 26 9.135 9.146 7.382 7.770 -14 -14 -18 -17 6.01 6.25 5.80 5.89 25 22 7 11 6.3 Electricity Consumption The energy analysis of the simulation results are investigated in-terms of annual electricity consumption under two sections. First section, discusses the annual electricity consumption of the base case generic office room. In section two, the influence of the external horizontal overhang on annual electricity consumption were analyzed and discussed. 6.3.1 Annual Electricity Consumption- Base Case Figure 6.6 shows the annual electricity consumption for the base-case generic office room obtained on east, west, north and south orientations under tropical 246 climate conditions. Four components, namely, space cooling, area lighting, miscellaneous equipment and ventilation fans contributed to the total office room electricity consumption. In this study miscellaneous equipment and ventilation fans are set to a constant value for all the shading devices tested. However, it can be seen that energy use related to the HVAC system (for space cooling and ventilation fans) dominated the electricity consumption on all four orientations. The east and west orientations had the highest effect (55.1% & 54.4%) while north and south (49.7% & 50.7%) had the least effect on electricity consumption for space cooling of total energy use. As expected, under tropical climate with ample natural-light, relatively electricity consumed for area lighting is insignificant, which accounted only 7.5%, 8%, 8.8% and 8.6% of the total energy use on east, west, north and south orientations 80 60 70 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 2 70 Annual electricity consumption (kWh/m , yr) 2 Annual electricity consumption (kWh/m , yr) respectively (table 6.7). 0 Space Cool Vent. Fans Misc. Equip. Area Lights With Natural-light utilization East West Space Cool Vent. Fans Misc. Equip. Area Lights Without Natural-light utilization North South Figure 6.6: Breakdown of annual electricity consumption for base case model, with and without natural-light utilization- East, West, North and South orientations The computed results without natural-light utilization showed significant increments in electricity consumption for area lighting accounting, 27% on the east and west orientations while 29% on the north and south orientations, of the total energy use respectively. Hence, the results indicated the importance of natural-light utilization and impact of solar heat gains in cooling dominated office room. But the space cooling energy consumption without natural light utilization indicated higher 247 values compared with natural-light scheme (table 6.7). Increment of the space cooling loads without natural-light utilization is about 13.2%, 13.1%, 16.7% and 15.7% compared with natural-light scheme on respective orientations. This indicates that, when natural lighting is not utilized the orientation of the office room has less impact on the energy consumption for space cooling. Total Energy Consumption (kWh/m2) 180 Malaysian Energy Standard for non residential building (135 kWh/m 2 ) 165 150 135 120 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 0 East West Orientation With Natural-light North South Without Natural-light Figure 6.7: Total energy consumption with and without natural-light scheme for base case model, East, West, North and South orientations Table 6.7: The annual electricity consumption for base case model, with and without natural-light utilization, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation East West North South Electricity Energy consumption Base-case Generic office Room (kWh/m2) With Natural-light Total Energy Space Area % Use Cooling lighting 116.0 115.6 104.6 107.0 Total Energy Use East West North South 158.2 156.9 146.5 148.6 63.9 62.8 52.0 54.3 55.1 54.4 49.7 50.7 8.6 9.3 9.2 9.2 Without Natural-light Space Area % Cooling lighting 72.4 71.1 60.6 62.8 45.7 45.3 41.4 42.2 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 % 7.5 8.0 8.8 8.6 % 26.8 27.0 28.9 28.5 248 As illustrated in table 6.7, total energy consumption with natural-light scheme yielded, below the Malaysian energy standard (135 kWh/m2) for non-residential buildings (figure 6.7). The results indicated 14% reduction on east and west, 22% reduction on north and 21% reduction on south oriented office rooms. But total climate rejecting design option without shading and natural-light utilization, yielded 17%, 16%, 8.5% and 10% more than the energy standards, on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Influence of Orientation on Annual Electricity Consumption- Base Case The annual building electricity consumption was obtained for four components, namely; space cooling, ventilation fans, miscellaneous equipment and area lighting. The results indicated that energy use related to the HVAC system are the most important components (space cooling and vent fan) in all four orientations considered. Electricity consumption for area lighting had the least energy usage in a perimeter generic office room with natural-light utilization. The principle findings are as follows: a) Base-case Generic Office Room: Total Electricity Consumption The results are obtained for two lighting schemes; with natural-light utilization and without natural-light utilization for better understanding of the effects of the natural-light and solar heat gain in the building energy consumption. The results showed that the designated generic office room energy consumption with natural-light use for interior illuminance maintained well below the Malaysian Standard. However, the total energy consumption for climate rejecting office room, without natural-light and shading option resulted in high electricity consumptions. The comparison of results between with and without natural-light options showed that without natural-lighting, the total energy use significantly increased by 36% on the east and west, 40% on north and 39% on south orientations respectively. Effects of orientation on the total energy use with natural light were also investigated and the results were as follows; 249 i. East and west had almost similar amount of energy consumption ii. North indicated 10% reduction compared to east and west orientations iii. South indicated 8% reduction compared to east and west orientations b) Base-case Generic Office Room: Electricity Consumption for Space Cooling Comparison of space cooling energy consumption for different orientation showed that the east and west orientations consumed more energy than the north and south orientations. The following illustrates the percentage difference of space cooling energy consumption between different orientations: i. West orientation is 1.7% less than east orientation ii. North orientation is 19% less than east orientation iii. South orientation is 15% less than east orientation iv. North orientation is 17% less than west orientation v. South orientation is 14% less than west orientation vi. North Orientation is 4% less than south orientation As indicated above, energy consumption for space cooling on the east orientation was little higher than the west orientation. This is due to the start-up load of the HVAC system that required removing the unwanted heat at initial hour of the day, where the solar heat gain is high on the east oriented office room during morning hours. When natural-light is not utilized the energy consumption for space cooling increased by 13% on the east and west orientation, 17% on the north orientation and 16% on the south orientation (table 6.8). Almost the same results were obtained for lighting cooling load, when compared to, with and without naturallight utilization options for the base-case model. Therefore, it can be argued that increment in cooling energy consumption is due to the impact of heat gain from the artificial lighting into the space. 250 Table 6.8: Summary of impact of artificial lighting on space cooling energy consumption for base-case model, East, West, North and South orientations Electricity Use for Space Cooling (kWh/m2) Base-case generic office room Orientation East West North South With natural-light utilization Without naturallight utilization 63.897297 62.818919 51.972973 54.254054 72.351351 71.064865 60.635135 62.762162 Increment percentage (%) compared to basecase with naturallight scheme 13% 13% 17% 16% c) Base-case Generic Office Room: Electricity Consumption for Area Lighting The maximum electricity consumption for area lighting, without natural-light utilization revealed 27% on the east and west orientation, while 29 % on the north and south orientation, compared to the total energy consumption of the base-case model (see table 6.7). These figures indicated that high energy consumption for lighting in buildings occurs when benefit of natural-light is not taken into consideration. The effect of natural-light on energy consumption was compared with artificially lit generic office room. The use of natural-light reduced the lighting energy consumption by 80% on the east orientation, and 78% on the west, north and south orientations respectively. However, in perimeter office room, the orientation of the window façade has little effect on energy consumption for lighting. 6.3.2 External Horizontal Overhang and Annual Electricity Consumption Effects of the horizontal overhang depths on annual energy consumptions for space cooling, area lighting and on total energy consumption are investigated using the e-QUEST-3 dynamic energy simulation program. Incremental energy consumptions are calculated and compared with the base-case office room energy consumption to determine the energy consumption by different shading options. 251 Figure 6.8 (a), (b), (c) and (d) illustrate the annual electricity consumption for space cooling, area lighting and the total (cooling + lighting) of the generic office room for different overhang ratios’ tested on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Electricity Consumption (kWh/m2,yr) 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio cooling lighting total a) East orientation. Electricity Consumption (kWh/m2,yr) 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio cooling lighting total b) West Orientation Figure 6.8 (a & b): Electricity consumption (kWh/m2, yr) for space cooling, area lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios, East & West orientations. Electricity Consumption (kWh/m2,yr) 252 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio cooling lighting total c) North Orientation Electricity Consumption (kWh/m2,yr) 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio cooling lighting total d) South Orientation Figure 6.8 (c & d): Electricity consumption (kWh/m2, yr) for space cooling, area lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios, North & South orientations The energy consumption for space cooling exhibited inverse curve profile, while a linear relationship can be observed between the overhang ratio and energy use for artificial lighting on all orientations (figures 6.8: a, b, c, d). According to the figures 6.8 (a, b, c, d), increase in overhang ratio resulted in use of artificial lights. 253 The electricity use for space cooling is reduced with the increase of overhang ratio on all orientations. In other words, the amount of solar heat gains from direct sunlight and daylight penetration is reduced by the external horizontal shading devices. The profile for total energy consumption showed an inverse curve with the increase of overhang ratio on all four orientations. As the overhang ratio increases, the total energy consumption reduced gradually and at overhang ratio of 1.0, 1.2, and 0.6 the curve showed diminishing return, on east, west and north /south orientations respectively. Hence, this indicates that optimum energy use can be achieved by Space cooling consumption (lighting) 14 65 12 60 10 55 8 50 6 45 4 40 35 2 70 2 Electricity consumption(kWh/m ,yr) Total Space cooling Electricity consumption(kWh/m ,yr) control of overhang ratio or else by the shading depth. 2 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio East CL East(Lt cooling)) West CL West(Lt cooling) North CL North(Lt cooling) south CL South(Lt cooling) Figure 6.9: Total annual electricity consumption for space cooling and annual electricity consumption for cooling to remove the heat gain from artificial lighting for different overhang ratio tested- East, West, North and South orientations Figure 6.9 illustrates the electricity consumed for space cooling. Further, with the increment of overhang ratio, the heat gain from artificial lighting increased, while total cooling energy consumption decreased. Initially, at the base case option, over 8 kWh/m2,yr energy is consumed to remove the lighting heat, which is about 13% (east & west) and 16% (north & south) compared to the total space cooling energy consumption. This is not surprising, since amount of artificial lighting is being used to replace the reducing natural-light level. Increasing the overhang ratio from 0 to 254 1.6 and 1.4 on the east/west and north/south orientations indicated almost 13kWh/m2, yr of the cooling energy was consumed to remove the lighting heat gains. The above amount is about 30% of cooling energy compared to the total cooling energy consumption for the same overhang ratios. The total energy consumption exhibited an inverse curved profile with the increase of the overhang ratio. Introduction of the external horizontal shading devices indicated a reduction in total energy use. However, increase of overhang ratio for maximum reduction of direct solar radiation penetration through the window, resulted in increasing the total energy consumption. This was evident in figure 6.8 a, b, c, & d, where increase in overhang ratio from 1.0 to 1.6 on the east and west orientations, from 0.8 to 1.4 on the north and south orientations, resulted in an increment of the total energy consumption. Incremental Electricity Use The incremental energy use (IEU) was correlated with shading overhang ratio for better understand of the optimum energy consumption due to solar heat gains and natural-light utilization. In this case the IEU of an externally shaded office room is calculated compared to the electricity consumed by the base-case generic office room without an external shading device. Figure 6.10 a, b, c, & d illustrate the correlation between the incremental energy use (kWh/m2, yr) for space cooling, area lighting and total energy, with overhang ratios. Trend analysis techniques were used to confirm the effects of overhang ratio on building energy performance. The technique was used to build up regression equations correlating the dependent variable with independent variables. A positive value means more energy is consumed with shading office room compared to base case generic office room and vice versa. The incremental electricity use for area lighting (IEU Lt) displayed a linear relationship with increase of overhang ratio (OHR), on all four orientations. This can be explained as artificial lighting is significantly displaced by the natural-light. This 255 is expectable as in the tropics there is ample natural-light and for a perimeter zone office room the required natural-light levels can be easily acquired. Therefore less electricity is consumed for artificial lighting. However, as the overhang ratio increases, the capacity of natural-light to replace artificial lighting was reduced gradually. The correlation between incremental electricity use for space cooling (IEU CL) and total electricity use (IEU Tot) with overhang ratio (OHR) indicated a deeper curve profile compared to incremental electricity use for lighting (IEU Lt). This implies that the external horizontal shading device has significant impact on space cooling load and the total energy use. Initial introduction of overhang ratio of 0.4 (overhang depth 0.73meter) increased the electricity consumption for lighting by 0.9 kWh/m2, yr (10%), 1.0 kWh/m2, yr (10%), 1.3 kWh/m2, yr (14%) and 1.1 kWh/m2, yr (12%) on east, west, north and south orientations respectively. At the same time, it also reduced the incremental electricity use for cooling by 10 kWh/m2, yr (16%); 8.9 kWh/m2,yr (14%); 6.8 kWh/m2, yr (13%) and 7.8 kWh/m2, yr (14%) on respective orientations. Further, the maximum OHR of 1.6 for all orientations, increased the lighting energy use by 4.3 kWh/m2, yr (50%); 4.6 kWh/m2, yr (49%); 5.3 kWh/m2, yr (57%) and 5.1 kWh/m2, yr (56%), while reduced the IEUCL by 20 kWh/m2, yr (31%); 15.1 kWh/m2, yr (24%); 9.6 kWh/m2, yr (18%) and 11.7 kWh/m2, yr (22%) compared to the base case generic office room, on east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Relatively high percentage values of IEULt were indicated on the north and south, which basically received a low natural-light level than the east and west oriented perimeter zone office rooms. The IEUCL indicated a low percentage of reduction on north, which received less direct radiation and more diffuse radiation. The east, west and south perimeter zones received more direct sunlight, thus eliminated solar heat gains from direct solar radiation than on the north perimeter zone. 256 4 2 2 Incremental Energy Use (kWh/m ,yr) 6 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 IEU CL 0.8 1 Overhang ratio 1.2 IEU Lt 1.4 1.6 IEU Tot a) East orientation Incremental Energy Use (kWh/m2,yr) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 0 0.2 IEU CL 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Overhang ratio IEU Lt 1.2 1.4 1.6 IEU Tot b) West orientation Figure 6.10 (a & b): Incremental energy use (kWh/m2, yr) for cooling, lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios- East and West orientations 257 Incremental Energy Use (kWh/m2,yr) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio IEU CL IEU LT IEU Tot c) North orientation Incremental Energy Use (kWh/m2,yr) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Overhang ratio IEU CL IEU Lt IEU Tot d) South orientation Figure 6.10 (c & d): Incremental energy uses (kWh/m2, yr) for cooling, lighting and total energy for tested overhang ratios- North and South orientations Figure 6.10 (a, b, c, & d) illustrate that, IEUCL reach to an optimum value at overhang ratio between 1.2 and 1.4 on the east and west; between 0.8 and 1.2 on the north and south orientations, respectively. This can be argued as increase of overhang ratio reduced the solar heat gains thus reduced the IEUCL, however further 258 increase on overhang ratio have lesser impact on the solar heat gains. At the same time it can be noticed that increase in overhang ratio reduced the natural-light level inside the room thus increased the IEULT considerably, which also generated heat that adds to the space cooling loads. Thus, increase in overhang ratio beyond the optimum levels indicated an increase on the IEUCL due to the replacement of external heat gains by the heat gain from artificial lighting. A similar profile pattern as the IEUCL, was exhibited for the total incremental electricity use (IEU Tot) (figure 6.10 a, b, c, d). The results indicated a significant reduction in incremental electricity use with the increase of overhang ratio from 0 to 1.0 on the east and west and 0 to 0.8 on the north and south orientations respectively. Further increase on overhang ratio indicated an optimum value for IEUTot between overhang ratios of 1.0 and 1.4 on the east and west orientations, while between overhang ratios of 0.8 and 1.2 on the north and south orientations. In other words, within this range the IEUTot lessens the reduction rate and started to increase. But beyond the above stated range, further increment of the overhang ratio increased the total incremental electricity use. Trend analyses were performed to determine the correlation between the incremental electricity uses and the overhang ratio. Regression equations were derived from the respective trend analysis’s of incremental electricity use. The regression analysis has suggested that IEU for lighting can be expressed as a linear function of the overhang ratio and table 6.9 shows the coefficients obtained for respective orientations. IEULt = λ1(OHR) IEULt: Incremental electricity use for area lighting (kWh/m2, yr) OHR: Overhang ratio (dimensionless) λ1,: Regression coefficient (7.1) 259 Table 6.9: Regression coefficients as a function of overhang ratio for incremental electricity use for area lighting (IEULt) - East, West, North and South orientations Orientation R2 East West North South 0.9878 0.9919 0.9953 0.9946 IEU Lt = λ1(OHR) λ1 2.5807 2.7551 3.3031 3.1891 The R2 values obtained for all orientations indicated a value above 0.99, meaning that 99% of the variations in IEU (Lt) can be explained by the variations of shading overhang ratio. This can be expected since internal natural-light level through side lighting concept is directly proportional to both the window height and overhang depth, which is a major component of the lighting load. Although all four orientations displayed linear correlations, the magnitude of IEULt and the rate of increase vary, thus the effects of orientation can be observed. As expected, relatively higher values of regression coefficients were obtained for the north and south orientations, which basically received low natural-light illuminance due to introduction of external horizontal shading devices. Table 6.10 shows the regression coefficients obtained for incremental electricity use for cooling (IEUCL) on respective orientations. The regression analysis thus suggests that IEUCL can be expressed as square root function of overhang ratio (OHR) as follows: IEUCL = µ1(OHR)2 + µ2(OHR) (7.2) IEUCL: Incremental electricity use for space cooling (kWh/m2, yr) OHR: Overhang ratio (dimensionless) µ1, µ2,: Regression coefficients The R2 values indicated above 0.96 on all orientations, emphasizing that 96% of the variations in IEUCL can be explained by the variations of overhang ratio (table 6.10). This is acceptable, since solar heat gain through the window is directly 260 proportional to both the window height and overhang depth, which is a major component of the cooling load. Further, as expected the regression coefficients on the west and east orientations have similar coefficient values, while the south indicated higher values than the north orientation. The reason can be explained as; the influence of the solar heat gain is high on the east and west orientations than on the north and south orientations. In other words, for a particular overhang ratio, the amount of energy consumed for space cooling is high on the east and west orientations than on the north and south orientations. Table 6.10: Regression coefficients as a function of overhang ratio for incremental electricity use for space cooling (IEUCL) - East, West, North and South orientations Orientation East West North South IEU CL = µ1(OHR)2 + µ2(OHR) R2 µ2 µ1 0.9952 9.5791 -27.576 0.9949 9.9748 -25.664 0.9585 6.8876 -16.663 0.9716 8.1597 -20.003 Through regression analysis, it has been found that the incremental electricity use for total energy consumption (cooling + lighting) can be correlated with horizontal overhang ratio (OHR) as follows: IEU TOT =η1(OHR)2 + η2(OHR) (7.3) IEU TOT: Incremental electricity use for total energy consumption (cooling + lighting) (kWh/m2, yr) OHR: Overhang ratio (dimensionless) η1, η2 : Regression coefficients Table 6.11 shows the coefficient of determination or the R2 values and regression coefficient values for respective orientations obtained from regression analysis. The R2 values for east and west indicated 0.99, while south and north orientations obtained 0.93 and 0.88 respectively. The R2 value for north (0.88) is much smaller than the correlation for the IEU Lt and IEU CL. Although cooling 261 penalty due to the solar heat gain exceeds the natural-light benefit, the north facing windows have relatively smaller heat gains from diffuse solar radiation. Similar to the IEUCL regression coefficients, the IEU (TOT) has higher values on the west and east orientations as expected. Table 6.11: Regression coefficients as a function of overhang ratio for total incremental electricity use (IEUTOT) - East, West, North and South orientations. 2 Orientation R East West North South 0.992 0.9896 0.8715 0.922 IEU Tot =η1(OHR)2 + η2(OHR) η1 η2 9.9981 -25.539 10.279 -23.302 6.7698 -13.205 8.2553 -16.937 According to the interpolated energy saving curve, the total incremental electricity use for optimum energy consumptions were indicated between overhang ratios of 1.2 to 1.4 on the east, 1.0 to 1.4 on the west, and 0.8 to 1.2 on the north and south orientations (figure 6.10: a, b, c, & d). The incremental electricity consumptions were calculated using regression analysis and compared with the eQUEST-3 simulated results, for the tested overhang ratios. Tables 6.12 to 6.14 give the results of the comparison and the difference is given as a percentage of the eQUEST-3 simulated results. The maximum differences of IEUCL indicated 15.3% and 12.1% on the north and south orientations for the overhang ratio 0.4. This can be argued as, overhang ratio 0.4 on north and south orientations eliminated direct solar radiation by 80% and 70% respectively (see figure. 5.19 Chapter 5). This initial reduction of direct solar radiation causes significant reduction in cooling energy consumption compared to other tested overhang ratios. However, the results for other overhang ratios showed less than 10% difference on all four orientations, which is an acceptable accuracy. Further, the interpolated values indicated almost no error for the IEULt except for 17.4% (east), 15.7% (west) and 11.6% (south) differences on 0.6 overhang ratio. All other overhang ratios resulted in less than 10% difference. 262 Table 6.12: Comparison of simulated (e-QUEST-3) to interpolated (regression equation) IEUCL (kWh/m2, yr) for tested overhang ratio. East West North South OH ratio Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % 0 -0,3 0,0 0,3 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,2 -5,3 nil nil nil -4,8 nil nil nil -3,4 nil nil nil -4,0 nil nil nil 0,4 -9,6 -10,1 -0,5 5,3 -8,7 -8,9 -0,2 2,1 -5,7 -6,8 -1,0 15,3 -6,9 -7,8 -0,9 12,1 0,6 -13,1 -13,5 -0,4 2,6 -11,8 -11,9 -0,1 0,6 -7,6 -7,9 -0,4 5,0 -9,1 -9,6 -0,5 5,5 0,8 -15,9 -15,9 0,0 0,3 -14,1 -13,8 0,3 -2,1 -8,9 -8,5 0,3 -4,1 -10,7 -10,4 0,3 -3,3 1 -17,9 -17,3 0,7 -3,9 -15,7 -15,4 0,3 -1,8 -9,7 -9,0 0,7 -7,9 -11,8 -11,0 0,7 -6,7 1,2 -19,2 nil nil nil -16,4 nil nil nil -10,0 nil nil nil -12,2 nil nil nil 1,4 -19,8 -19,5 0,3 -1,6 -16,4 -17,2 -0,8 4,7 -9,8 -9,5 0,3 -3,3 -12,0 -11,6 0,4 -3,3 1,6 -19,6 -20,0 -0,4 2,1 -15,5 -15,1 0,5 -3,0 -9,1 -9,6 -0,5 5,1 -11,2 -11,7 -0,5 4,6 1,8 -18,7 nil nil nil -13,9 nil nil nil -7,9 nil nil nil -9,8 nil nil nil 2 -17,1 nil nil nil -11,5 nil nil nil -6,2 nil nil nil -7,7 nil nil nil Table 6.13: Comparison of simulated (e-QUEST-3) to interpolated (regression equation) IEULt (kWh/m2, yr) for tested overhang ratio East West North South OH ratio Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % 0 -0,2 0,0 0,2 0,0 -0,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 -0,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,2 0,4 nil nil nil 0,4 nil nil nil 0,7 nil nil nil 0,6 nil nil nil 0,4 0,9 0,9 0,0 -3,6 1,0 1,0 0,0 -4,9 1,3 1,3 0,0 -2,8 1,2 1,1 -0,1 -7,5 0,6 1,5 1,2 -0,2 -17,5 1,6 1,4 -0,2 -15,7 2,0 1,9 -0,1 -7,6 1,9 1,7 -0,2 -11,7 0,8 2,0 2,0 0,0 0,5 2,2 2,2 0,1 3,4 2,6 2,9 0,2 8,1 2,5 2,7 0,2 7,3 1 2,6 2,5 -0,1 -2,9 2,7 2,7 0,0 -1,3 3,3 3,4 0,1 2,6 3,2 3,2 0,1 1,6 1,2 3,1 nil nil nil 3,3 nil nil nil 4,0 nil nil nil 3,8 nil nil nil 1,4 3,7 3,6 0,0 -0,3 3,9 3,9 0,0 -0,3 4,6 4,5 -0,1 -2,2 4,5 4,4 -0,1 -1,2 1,6 4,2 4,3 0,1 3,2 4,5 4,6 0,1 1,9 5,3 5,3 0,0 -0,5 5,1 5,1 0,0 0,2 1,8 4,7 nil nil nil 5,0 nil nil nil 5,9 nil nil nil 5,8 nil nil nil 2 5,3 nil nil nil 5,6 nil nil nil 6,6 nil nil nil 6,4 nil nil nil The east and west orientations showed almost no error for the total incremental electricity use (IEUTot) compared to simulated results (table 6.14). In both cases, an average of 3.2% and 3.6% differences were shown for the total incremental electricity use. However, the north orientation indicated the highest difference of 20% for the overhang ratio 0.4 and more than 10% difference was 263 resulted for the overhang ratio of 1.0 and 1.6. The difference value exceeded 10% for overhang ratio of 0.4 and 1.0 on the south orientation. Hence, values calculated using simplified regression method can be accepted to provide design guidance to determine appropriate overhang ratio for the optimum energy consumption. Table 6.14: Comparison of simulated (e-QUEST-3) to interpolated (regression equation) IEUTOT (kWh/m2, yr) for tested overhang ratio East West North South OH ratio 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % Reg.eq DOE-2 Delta % -0,4 0,0 0,4 0,0 -0,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 -0,6 0,0 0,6 0,0 -0,6 0,0 0,6 0,0 -4,9 nil nil nil -4,3 nil nil nil -2,7 nil nil nil -3,4 nil nil nil -8,7 -9,3 -0,5 5,7 -7,7 -7,9 -0,2 2,7 -4,4 -5,5 -1,1 19,9 -5,6 -6,7 -1,0 15,4 -11,7 -12,2 -0,5 4,0 -10,3 -10,5 -0,2 2,2 -5,5 -6,1 -0,6 9,4 -7,2 -7,9 -0,7 9,1 -14,0 -13,9 0,1 -0,6 -12,1 -11,6 0,4 -3,8 -6,2 -5,6 0,5 -9,5 -8,2 -7,7 0,5 -7,2 -15,5 -14,8 0,7 -4,7 -13,0 -12,7 0,3 -2,4 -6,3 -5,6 0,8 -13,7 -8,6 -7,8 0,8 -10,3 -16,2 nil nil nil -13,2 nil nil nil -6,0 nil nil nil -8,3 nil nil nil -16,1 -15,9 0,3 -1,8 -12,5 -13,3 -0,8 6,2 -5,2 -5,0 0,2 -4,6 -7,5 -7,2 0,3 -4,6 -15,3 -15,7 -0,4 2,6 -11,0 -10,5 0,4 -4,3 -3,9 -4,3 -0,5 10,6 -6,0 -6,6 -0,5 8,2 -13,7 nil nil nil -8,7 nil nil nil -2,0 nil nil nil -4,0 nil nil nil -11,3 nil nil nil -5,5 nil nil nil 0,3 nil nil nil -1,3 nil nil nil Based on above assumptions, energy savings for cooling, lighting and total electricity use were calculated as a percentage, compared to the base case generic office room energy consumptions (figure 6.11). As shown in figure 6.11, with the increase of overhang ratio, energy saving for cooling progressively increased and optimum energy saving of 31%, 26%, 19% and 22% were indicated at overhang ratio between 1.4, 1.3, and 1.2 on the east, west and north/ south orientations respectively. This is almost acceptable as discussed in chapter five (5), where more than 80% to 85% of the direct solar radiation and more than 45% of the diffuse solar radiation on the west and east orientations were terminated with the overhang ratio of 1.4. Similarly, more than 80% of direct solar radiation and more than 40% of diffuse solar radiation were terminated with the overhang ratio of 1.2 on the north and south orientations. However, the cooling energy saving starts degrading with further increment of overhang ratio. 264 70 60 50 Energy saving % 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Overhang ratio East CL East Lt West CL West Lt North CL North Lt South CL South Lt Figure 6.11: Energy saving percentage for space cooling and area lighting incremental energy use as a function of overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations Simultaneously, when cooling energy saving reach the optimum range, the lighting energy use increased significantly at the respective overhang ratios by 42%, 39%, 43% and 41%, compared to the lighting energy use for the base case generic office room. As discussed in chapter five (5), at overhang ratio 1.4 (405 lux), 1.3 (390 lux), 1.2 (350 lux) and 1.2 (360 lux), the mean work plane illuminance indicated bellow 500 lux on respective orientations. Thus, it suggests the need for electric lighting. Hence, an optimum cooling and lighting energy balance need to be determined by analyzing the total energy consumption. The characteristic shape of the total energy saving due to the energy balance between the overhang ratio and, lighting and cooling energy use is an inverse polynomial curve (figure 6.12). As the overhang ratio increases, total energy saving curve progressively degrades up to the overhang ratio of 1.0 (east and west), 0.6 (north) and 0.8 (south) and show very small additional energy saving on further increase of overhang ratios. Further, when the overhang ratio is at 1.4 (east and west), 1.2 (north) and 1.3 (south) the energy saving curve starts increasing. Hence, the optimum energy saving were indicated between overhang ratio of 1.0 to 1.4 on the east and west, 0.6 to 1.2 on the north and 0.8 to 1.3 on the south orientations 265 respectively. As shown in figure 6.12, about 14%, 11%, 6% and 8% of the total energy saving were obtained compared to the base case generic office room total energy consumption on east, west, north and south orientations respectively. Increasing the overhang ratio to the maximum limit of 2.0 (east and west) and 1.6 (north and south) reduced the total energy saving by about 10% on the east, 4.4% on the west, 3.6% on the north and 5.6% on the south compared to the base case total energy consumption, respectively. Therefore, the energy saving values of 14%, 11%, 6% and 8% were determined as optimum savings. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 -2 Energy saving % -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 Overhang ratio East Tot West Tot North Tot South Tot Figure 6.12: Energy saving percentage for total incremental energy use as a function of overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations The above analysis show that increasing the overhang ratio (by increasing the overhang depth) had larger impact on the cooling energy saving than the lighting energy saving. Hence, the external horizontal overhang successfully terminates maximum amount of solar heat gains through the aperture, while reducing the natural-light level in the deep end of the room. This reduced the cooling energy significantly, but artificial lighting was required to maintain the interior lighting levels. However, the heat gain from lighting is negligible as the room temperature needs to be exceeded before the lighting heat gain to be affected. Further, the results 266 emphasized that the optimum energy saving can be achieved by manipulating the external horizontal overhang depth in hot and humid tropical climates like Malaysia. Influence of External Horizontal Overhang on Annual Electricity Consumption The energy evaluation was conducted to identify the precision of the optimum shading geometry and compare it with the solar radiation and natural-light results obtained in chapter 5. The following section discuses the findings of the simulation study. a) External Horizontal Overhang Ratio: Total Electricity Consumption The results revealed that the depth of the external overhang influenced the total energy consumption in perimeter office room. The total energy consumption exhibited an inverse curved profile with a diminishing return as the depth of the overhang increased or with the increment of overhang ratio. As observed, respective optimum energy consumption ranged between overhang ratio of 1.0 and 1.4 on the east and west orientations, while on north and south between overhang ratio of 0.8 and 1.2, respectively. Regression analyses were performed to determine the correspondence optimum overhang ratio for optimum energy consumption and to determine the potential energy savings. In conclusion, the results thus revealed, that overhang ratio of 1.0 on the north and south, 1.2 on the west and 1.3 on the east suggested optimum energy savings for respective orientations. The following table 6.15 illustrates the relationship between optimum overhang ratio and the correspondence optimum energy saving percentages for each orientation compared to the base-case model. The correspondence mean work plane illuminance at reference point 2 indicated that the west and south orientations receive above the 500 lux value. But, on east and north orientations received a lower natural-light illuminance value for the optimum overhang ratio. Therefore, the required illuminance level on the east and north oriented perimeter office room was achieved by means of artificial lighting. The balance between lighting and cooling energy consumptions were 267 attained by the overhang shading depth for an optimum energy reduction. In other words, an optimum energy reduction can be achieved by having a suitable overhang shading depth. Table 6.15: Summary of total energy saving and respective work plane illuminance for optimum overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations b) Orientation Optimum overhang ratio Percentage of total energy saving Mean work plane illuminance(lux) at reference point 2 East West North South 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 14%(16 kWh/m2,yr) 11% (13.2kWh/m2yr) 6% (6.3 kWh/m2, yr) 8% (8.6 kWh/m2, yr) 423 530 346 516 External Horizontal Overhang Ratio: Electricity Consumption for Space Cooling The influence of the overhang ratio on the space cooling load was assessed in order to determine the optimum overhang depth for optimum energy consumption for space cooling. The results indicated that the optimum energy savings for space cooling were obtained for overhang ratio of 1.4, 1.3, and 1.2 on east, west and north/ south orientations respectively. Simultaneously, when cooling energy saving reaches the optimum range, respective mean work plane illuminance indicated below the target illuminance (500 lux) on all four orientations. The following table 6.16 illustrates the optimum overhang ratio, their respective energy savings and work plane illuminance obtained. As indicated, the east orientation has higher cooling energy saving compared to all other three orientations. This can be explained that the east orientation has a deep overhang compared to all other three orientations (which is about 1.4 times the window height). Further, the amounts of work plane illuminance received were higher on the east and west oriented office room than on the other orientations for the respective overhang ratios (table 6.16). The results also showed that work plane illuminance level influenced the cooling energy saving considerably. For instance, when the work plane illuminance level was decreased, the energy saving for cooling resulted in high energy saving. But, beyond the optimum overhang ratio for cooling energy saving (table 6.16), further reduction of 268 work plane illuminance result in reducing the cooling energy saving. This is mainly due to natural-light is being replaced by artificial lighting. Heat generated from artificial lighting affect on the cooling energy consumption. Table 6.16: Summary of energy saving for space cooling and respective work plane illuminances for optimum overhang ratio, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation Optimum overhang ratio East West North South 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 Percentage of energy saving for space cooling 31% (19.8 kWh/m2) 26% (16.5 kWh/m2) 19% (10 kWh/m2) 22% (12.2 kWh/m2) Mean work plane illuminance(lux) at reference point two 412 505 334 489 Influence of orientation on the optimum overhang depth for optimum energy saving for space cooling were also assessed. The results showed that the north orientation obtained the lowest energy saving compared to the south, west and east orientations. Compared to the north, 22%, 65% and 98% cooling energy savings were obtained for south, west and east orientations respectively. Similarly, compared to the west, the east orientation obtained 20% energy saving for space cooling. This implies that the application of an external horizontal overhang saved more energy on the east than on the west orientation. In other words, the west consumed more energy for cooling the space than the east. c) External Horizontal Overhang Ratio: Electricity Consumption for Area Lighting Lighting energy consumption showed a linear relationship with the increase of overhang ratio. Increase of overhang ratio reduced the work plane illuminance thus resulted in increase of energy consumption for artificial lighting. Effects of optimum overhang ratios for space cooling and total energy consumption on the lighting energy consumption were also assessed (table 6.17 and 6.18). The results are illustrated below: 269 Table 6.17: Summary of lighting energy consumption for optimum overhang ratio for space cooling, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation Optimum overhang ratio for space cooling East West North South 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 Lighting energy consumption percentage 42% (3.65 kWh/m2) 39% (3.6 kWh/m2) 43% (3.96 kWh/m2) 41% (3.8 kWh/m2) Table 6.18: Summary of lighting energy consumption for optimum overhang ratio for total energy consumption, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation Optimum overhang ratio for total energy consumption East West North South 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 Lighting energy consumption percentage 39% (3.38 kWh/m2) 37% (3.31 kWh/m2) 36% (3.39 kWh/m2) 35% (3.18kWh/m2) Above figures showed that low lighting energy consumption were indicated for the optimum overhang ratio for total energy consumption compared to optimum overhang ratio for cooling energy consumption. The reason can be stated that the optimum overhang ratios for space cooling are larger than that for the total energy consumption. Therefore the amount of natural-light received into the space is more for optimum overhang ratios for total energy consumption than for the space cooling. Thus, the energy consumption for artificial lighting is less for the latter option of overhang ratios. This indicates that it is important to compare lighting, cooling and total energy consumption to determine the optimum overhang ratio for optimum energy consumption. 6.4 Summary This chapter analyzed the results obtained for the correspondence office room cooling loads and energy consumptions for the tested overhang depths (given as overhang ratio). The cooling load analysis on the base case model enabled to understand the influence of the building components on the overall heat gains. The 270 results showed that heat gains from window solar radiation and window conduction were main contributors on the cooling loads. The influences of natural-light utilization on cooling loads were also analyzed. The results revealed that use of natural-light and application of shading strategies were two important aspects in building’s cooling load reduction. The optimum overhang ratios were determined based on the values obtained for optimum total cooling load on respective orientations. Influences of orientations on the cooling loads were also discussed. The results and analyses of the annual electricity consumption were discussed in three stages. First, the base case model energy consumptions were analyzed with and without natural-light utilization. The results emphasized the significance of using natural-light to reduce the building energy consumption. Secondly, influences of tested overhang on energy consumption were investigated. The analyses were carried out by calculating the incremental electricity use as function of overhang ratio. The results emphasized the increment (or decline) of the energy consumption for the tested overhang solutions, compared to the base-case model. In third section, regression techniques were used to determine the optimum overhang ratio for optimum energy consumptions. Mainly, three energy components were analyzed to understand the correlation between each component when the external shading strategies were applied; electricity consumption for space cooling, area lighting and total energy consumption. Energy consumption of the generic office room was largely influenced by the natural-light utilization. Use of natural-light, reduced the energy consumption for lighting. It also increased the energy consumption for space cooling. High energy was consumed for space cooling in both lighting schemes. Impact of artificial lighting on energy consumption for space cooling is very low compared to the effect of natural-light on space cooling energy consumption. Therefore the main criterion for reducing the energy consumption for cooling is to eliminate the unwanted heat gain from the building envelope in a perimeter office room while encouraging natural-light in to the building, in hot and humid climates like in Malaysia. The overall conclusions of the findings from chapter five (5) and six (6) are presented in the final chapter. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION This chapter concludes by summarizing the overall thesis development and findings from previous Chapters. The application of the research findings are also discussed in relation to the aims and objectives of the thesis as set in Chapter 1. Finally, further investigations related to this study are suggested. 7.1 Review of Thesis Objectives and Research Questions As stated in Chapter 1, the main aim of this thesis was to investigate and evaluate the impact of the horizontal shading device on the incident solar radiations, transmitted heat gain and the amount of natural light penetration into the building; thereby to determine the geometry of horizontal shading device to optimize the energy savings for cooling and lighting for office buildings in hot and humid climates. This objective was achieved by using the eQUEST-3, DOE 2.2 dynamic energy computer simulation program. This thesis hypothesised that an optimum depth of the horizontal shading device will provide a balance between solar heat gains and provides adequate natural light and predicts an optimum energy saving in office buildings under tropical climate conditions. 272 The following questions were addressed in order to achieve the main objectives of the thesis: 1. Does the orientation of the fenestration influence the solar heat gain and daylight penetration into the building and the depth of the shading device? 2. What are the effective overhang ratios to intercept maximum direct and diffuse incident solar radiations during the over heated period from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm? 3. What is the effective overhang ratios for maximum reduction of transmitted heat gains during the over heated period from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm? 4. What is the effective overhang ratio to obtain adequate work plane illuminance at deep end of the space considered? 5. Does the effective depth obtained at (2) that reduced the work plane illuminance below the target level? 6. What is the trade off between the transmitted heat gain and the shading depth to achieve target work plane illuminance? 7. What is the optimum shading geometry to obtain an optimum energy saving in relation to cardinal orientations? 7.2 Thesis Conclusion This section attempts to conclude the research by summarizing the major findings of the research and answering the research questions as stated. They are as follows: 273 7.2.1 External Horizontal Overhang and Solar Radiation 1) The maximum total incident solar radiation (direct and diffuse) on the base case model demonstrated that the west orientation received the highest and the north received the least amount of total incident solar radiation. In comparison, the east, north and south received 4%, 57% and 34% less total incident solar radiation than the west orientation. Therefore, it is important to consider the direct and diffuse solar radiation in thermal design decisions especially in high availability of diffuse solar radiation under clear sky conditions. This indicates that building facades without any external environmental protections should be oriented towards the north-south and avoid east-west orientations. 2) The incident direct solar radiation is high on the east orientation and the north received the minimum direct solar radiation on the bare window. The results were compared on each orientation. The west, north and south received 16%, 76%, and 44% less direct solar radiation than on the east window. Also the results indicated that intensity of incident direct radiation is high during morning hours on the east orientation than in the evening hours on the west orientation. The following overhang ratios were required for each orientation to reduce the incident direct solar radiation more than 80 percent: 3) o Overhang ratio 1.2, East orientation o Overhang ratio 1.6, West orientation o Overhang ratio 0.6, North orientation o Overhang ratio 0.8, South orientation Increase in overhang depth had lesser impact on the amount of diffuse solar radiation received on the window pane. Hence, the results indicated that use of maximum overhang ratio (east/ west OHR of 1.6 and north/ south OHR of 1.4) on all orientations could only reduce less than 50% of the incident diffused solar radiation on the bare window. Therefore determining the overhang depth based on diffuse solar radiation may result in deeper overhang depths; as well this might reduce beneficial natural light into the space. 274 4) Application of overhang ratio of 1.4 on the north and south indicated 35.9% and 38.3% total heat gain reduction respectively compared to heat gain through the bare window. Similarly, the east and west indicated 48.9% and 45.4% total heat gain reduction when overhang ratio is 1.6 compared to the base case option. Further increment of above stated overhang ratios had little effect on the transmitted heat gains. Influence of overhang ratios of 1.4 and 1.6 on different solar radiation components indicated that the external horizontal overhang have significant impact on the direct solar radiation than on other solar radiation components under tropical sky conditions (table 7.1). Table 7.1: Influence of maximum overhang ratio on direct, diffused solar radiation and total transmitted heat gain, East, West, North and South orientations 5) Diffuse incident solar radiation (% of reduction) Total transmitted heat gain (% of reduction) Orientation Overhang ratio Direct incident solar radiation (% of reduction) East 1.6 90.0% 46.0% 49.0% West 1.6 80.0% 47.5% 45.4% North 1.4 85.3% 42.3% 36.0% South 1.4 85.4% 43.4% 38.3% Application of the external horizontal overhang shifted the peak heat gain hour outside the working hour time on the east and west orientations. Increase of overhang depth reduced the intensity on all orientations. These variations can be combined with operation time as an energy efficient measure. 6) Simple graphs were developed to determine the influence of horizontal shading strategies on different solar radiation components; the direct and diffuse incident solar radiation, and transmitted heat gains, for perimeter office buildings under tropical climatic conditions (figure 5.19, 5.20 and 5.21 in chapter 5). These graphs can be used to determine the appropriate external horizontal shading configurations at early design stage. 275 7.2.2 External Horizontal Overhang and Work Plane Illuminance 1) The absolute work plane illuminance at reference points were determined by three natural light sources; the direct sunlight, diffuse sky light and reflected light. The relationship between the external overhang depth and the work plane illuminance levels demonstrated that when the depth of external overhang increases, the illuminance level decreased. The mean work plane illuminances were calculated for each orientation to determine the optimum overhang ratios in order to achieve the target illuminance level of 500 lux. The results were as follows: o Overhang ratio 1.0, East orientation o Overhang ratio 1.3, West orientation o Overhang ratio 0.2, North orientation o Overhang ratio 1.0, South orientation 2) The relationship between the natural light penetration depth and the window height were determined based on the assumptions of, that the depth of the room begins at the outer edge of the overhang and the influence of window sill was disregarded. The expected illuminance level at deep end was set as 500 lux. Thus, the results suggested that the natural light penetration reached up to following depths of the room considered on respective orientations: o East 4.3 time’s height of aperture o West 4.5 times height of aperture o North 3.5 times height of aperture o South 4.3 times height of aperture. This indicates when considering only the natural illuminance, the east, west and south orientations can have deep plan office spaces. All orientations illustrated deeper natural light penetration under Malaysian sky conditions compared to the common rule of thumb of 2.5 times height of the window. 276 4) Hourly influence of the minimum work plane illuminance were observed at reference point two, which is located at the deep end of the room opposite to the window pane. Increase of overhang ratio shift the peak illuminance and also reduced the intensity of the illuminance on the east and west orientations. However, this pattern was not illustrated on the north and south orientations, but the illuminance hours above target level decreased with the increase of overhang ratio. This implies that the overhang depth reduced the brightness of the work plane illuminance by obstructing the direct sunlight and maintains a constant illuminance level at respective reference point. These patterns can be combined with work operation or building operation schedules to obtain the maximum advantage of the natural light into the buildings. 5) The study revealed following external overhang ratios with respect to influence of the direct solar radiation, total heat gain and target work plane illuminance level (table 7.2). Considering the optimum overhang ratio for maximum reduction of the direct solar radiation indicated as a better shading strategy on the east, west and south orientations, under tropical sky conditions. These shading options reduced more than 80% of the direct solar radiation, and maintained adequate level of work plane illuminance (between 448 lux and 545 lux) compared to other two overhang ratio options, for respective orientations. However, on north orientation, design of external horizontal overhang depends on the amount of natural light penetration than reducing solar heat gains into the space. Yet, the optimum overhang depth for maximum reduction of transmitted heat gain only received mean illuminance level above 300 lux, which still provides adequate natural lighting for general reading and writing at the back of the perimeter office space. 277 Table 7.2: Trade-Off between optimum overhang ratios and performance variables for direct incident solar radiation, transmittance heat gain and mean work plane illuminance, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation Optimum OHR for maximum obstruction of direct incident solar radiation Direct incident solar radiation(% of reduction) Total transmitted heat gain (% of reduction) Mean minimum work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.point 02 East West North South 1.2 1.6 0.6 0.8 82.0% 81.4% 84.0% 84.6% 44.0% 45.4% 27.9% 33.3% 448 448 417 545 Orientation Optimum OHR for maximum reduction of total heat gain Direct incident solar radiation(% of reduction) Total transmitted heat gain (% of reduction) Mean minimum work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.point 02 East West North South 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 90.0% 80.0% 85.3% 85.4% 48.9% 45.4% 35.9% 38.3% 370 448 322 464 Orientation Optimum OHR for mean target work plane illuminance Direct incident solar radiation(% of reduction) Total transmitted heat gain (% of reduction) Mean minimum work plane illuminance (lux) at ref.point 02 East West North South 1.0 1.3 0.2 1.0 77.6% 76.7% 52.2% 85.3% 41.4% 42.4% 14.1% 35.4% 500 500 500 500 7.2.3 Base-case Generic Office Room and Building Component Cooling Loads 1) The investigation of the base-case model showed that window solar radiation and window conduction heat gains were prime sources of building envelope heat gains for both with and without natural-light utilization schemes. The contribution of window conduction and solar heat gains (with natural-light utilization) on respective orientation was given as a percentage of total envelope cooling loads and presented as following: o On east and west: window conduction 22% and solar radiation heat gain 57% 278 2) o On north: window conduction 27% and solar radiation heat gain 48% o On south: window conduction 26% and solar radiation heat gain 50% The internal cooling loads were determined by the heat gains from the internal lighting, occupancy heat gains and heat gains from equipments. The impact of natural light on building cooling load was determined by comparing without natural-light base-case model. The results obtained for without natural light utilization option showed increase of internal cooling loads by 14% on the east and west orientations, while 18% and 17% on the north and south orientations compared to the base-case with natural-light. Hence, it can be concluded, that for a perimeter office room, impact of the internal lighting on building cooling load was low compared to the cooling loads due to solar heat gain with natural-light utilization. However, when natural-light was not utilized, a significant amount of heat was released by the internal lighting system which needs to be removed by the HVAC system. The effect of internal lighting heat gain may increase in deep plan office buildings where natural-light cannot be reached to the deep end of the space. Also, the amount of heat released by internal lighting system may differ depending on different light sources, e.g. Fluorescent lamps may generate less heat compared to incandescent lamps. Hence, total rejection of beneficial climatic forces such as natural-lighting increases the cooling loads in perimeter office buildings. 7.2.4 External Horizontal Overhang and Building Component Cooling Loads 1) Application of the external horizontal overhang had an influenced on window solar heat gain, window conduction and on lighting heat gains. Results revealed that an increase in overhang ratio significantly reduced the window solar cooling loads, while the lighting cooling load was increased. However, application of maximum shading illustrated an increase in window conduction cooling loads on all orientations. Optimum total cooling loads were obtained for the following overhang ratios on each orientation: 279 2) o Overhang ratio 1.4, east and west orientations o Overhang ratio 1.0, north and south orientations Comparison of cooling loads for window conduction, window solar radiation and internal lighting on each orientation illustrated that the west oriented office room had high cooling load, while the north indicated low cooling load reduction compared to other orientation for optimum overhang ratios (table 7.3). Overall, the impact of shading device depth had significant impact on the east and west orientations than on the north and south orientations. Table 7.3: Trade-Off between optimum overhang ratio and building cooling load components, East, West, North and South orientations Orientation Optimum overhang ratio East 1.4 West 1.4 North 1.0 South 1.0 3) Window conduction cooling load & reduction percentage 1.68 MWh (6.9%) 1.7 MWh (5.4%) 1.66 MWh (1.6%) 1.66 MWh (3.0%) Solar radiation cooling load & reduction percentage 1.75 MWh (62%) 1.96 MWh (57%) 1.60 MWh (47%) 1.68 MWh (50%) Internal lighting cooling load & reduction percentage 0.42 MWh (42%) 0.45 MWh (41.9%) 0.43 MWh (37%) 0.42 MWh (35%) Total cooling load & reduction percentage 5.1 MWh (36%) 5.37 MWh (33%) 4.91 MWh (21%) 5.01 MWh (25%) Comparison between building cooling loads with and without natural-light utilization when shading strategies were applied, suggested that both shading and natural-light utilization were required to reduce annual building cooling loads. However, in case of either one option is being applied, use of shading strategy revealed better saving in cooling load reduction than use of natural-light in perimeter office buildings. Thus, this suggests that the use of shading device is more effective in reducing the building cooling load than use of natural-light in hot and humid tropical climates. However, neglecting both solar radiation and natural-light eventually resulted in high building cooling loads. 280 7.2.5 Base-case Generic Office Room and Energy Consumption 1) Total energy consumption for the designated generic office room was well below the Malaysian Standard (135 kWh/m2) for all orientations. This implies that application of Malaysian Standard (MS1525: 2001) generally resulted in energy consumption within the energy efficient range with natural-light utilization. However, when natural-light was not utilized for internal illuminance, the results indicated that energy consumption for a perimeter office exceeded the standard range, by 17.2%, 16.2%, 8.5% and 10.0% on the east, west, north and south orientations respectively. 2) When natural light is not utilized, the total energy consumption was increased by 36% on the east and west, 40% on the north and 39% on the south compared to the base case energy consumptions with natural light utilization. Hence, natural-light utilization is an important factor in energy efficient building design for Malaysia. 3) The results indicated that, energy use related to the HVAC system were the most important components (space cooling and vent fan) in all four orientations considered. Energy consumption for space cooling was high with natural-light utilization compared to without natural-light utilization. Hence, natural-light utilization also increased energy consumption for space cooling. This is mainly due to the heat generated from the direct sunlight. The east and west oriented office rooms consumed more energy for space cooling compared to the north and south orientations in Malaysia. 4) Electricity consumption for area lighting had the least energy usage in a perimeter generic office room with natural-light utilization. The results showed, when natural-light was not used for internal lighting, electricity consumption for area lighting resulted in an increase of 27% on the east and west, while 29% on the north and south of the total energy use respectively. 281 5) The investigation also revealed that the orientation of the office room influenced the energy consumption for space cooling, but had no effect on the lighting energy consumption. The east and west orientations indicated high electricity consumption for space cooling than the north and south orientations. The north orientation indicated the lowest energy consumption for space cooling. In perimeter office rooms, adequate natural illumination were received irrespective of the orientation, which accounts for about 80% of the lighting energy saving in all orientations considered. 7.2.6 External Horizontal Overhang and Building Energy Consumption 1) Optimum total energy savings were obtained for the following overhang ratios on respective orientations: o Overhang ratio 1.3, obtained 14% energy saving on east orientation o Overhang ratio 1.2, obtained 11% energy saving on west orientation o Overhang ratio 1.0, obtained 6% energy saving on north orientation o Overhang ratio 1.0, obtained 8% energy saving on south orientation 2) The maximum cooling energy savings were obtained on the east while north orientations showed the minimum energy saving for space cooling. Optimum energy consumptions for space cooling were obtained for the following overhang ratios: o Overhang ratio 1.4 obtained 31% cooling energy saving on east orientation. o Overhang ratio 1.3 obtained 26% cooling energy saving on west orientation. o Overhang ratio 1.2 obtained 19% and 22% cooling energy saving on north and south orientation respectively. 3) Increase in overhang depth consequently increases the lighting energy consumption. This is due to the reduction in natural lighting to perform the required tasks in the particular room. The lighting energy consumption with the optimum 282 overhang ratio revealed low percentage of the total energy saving compared to the optimum overhang ratio for space cooling (table 7.4). 4) Observations on the internal mean illuminance level revealed that optimum overhang depths for total energy consumption received more natural light than optimum overhang depths for space cooling (table 7.4). The results showed that the west and south oriented office room received the required level of illuminance (above 500 lux), while the east and north oriented spaces received below the target illuminance level. However, for both optimum overhang options, the mean illuminance was adequate for general illuminance of office space (above 300 lux) on all orientations. Optimum OHR for Total Energy consumpt ion East 1.3 West 1.2 North 1.0 South 1.0 Orientation Orientation Table 7.4: Summary of optimum overhang ratio for total energy consumption and space cooling energy consumption Optimum OHR for Space cooling Energy consumpt ion East 1.4 West 1.3 North 1.2 South 1.2 Percentage of total energy saving Energy saving % for space cooling Lighting energy consumption % 14% (16 kWh/m2,yr) 11% (13.2kWh/m2yr 6% (6.3 kWh/m2yr) 8% (8.6 kWh/m2yr) 30.7% (19.5kWh/m2,yr) 26% (16.4kWh/m2,yr) 19% (9.7 kWh/m2,yr) 22% (11.8kWh/m2,yr) 39% (3.38 kWh/m2) 37% (3.31 kWh/m2) 36% (3.39 kWh/m2) 35% (3.18kWh/m2) Percentage of total energy saving Energy saving % for space cooling Lighting energy consumption % 13.9% (16.1 kWh/m2) 11% (12.8 kWh/m2) 5.8% (6.1 kWh/m2) 7.8% (8.4 kWh/m2) 31% (19.8 kWh/m2) 26% (16.5 kWh/m2) 19.3% (10 kWh/m2) 22.5% (12.2 kWh/m2) 42% (3.65 kWh/m2) 39% (3.6 kWh/m2) 43% (3.96 kWh/m2) 41% (3.8 kWh/m2) Mean minimum WPI (lux) at ref.pt 02 423 530 346 516 Mean minimum WPI(lux) at ref. pt 02 412 505 334 489 283 Application of the external horizontal shading strategies on the east and west orientations resulted in better energy saving than on the north and south orientations. This is mainly due to the high energy saving on space cooling and adequate natural lighting levels obtained on east and west orientations. Although work plane illuminance on the south office room was over 500 lux, energy saving for space cooling indicated low percentage value compared to the east and west orientations (table 7.4). 5) Simple graphs were developed to determine the optimum energy savings for typical perimeter office building based on different horizontal overhang ratios under tropical climatic conditions (figure 6.11 and 6.12 in Chapter 6). 7.2.7 Optimum Overhang Ratios for Hot Humid Tropical Climate 1) As discussed in chapter 5 and 6, the optimum overhang ratio for the following performance variables were experimented; incident solar radiation, total transmitted heat gains, work plane illuminance, building cooling loads, electrical consumption for cooling and total energy consumption. The study indicated that the depth of simple external horizontal overhang can be manipulated to control the internal thermal and lighting conditions of building. Thus, it allows us to determine the buildings energy use. The finding suggested several optimum solutions for respective performance variables as illustrated bellow (table 7.5). 2) According to table 7.5, values suggested by the simulation results indicated lesser overhang ratios compared to overhang ratio predicted by the incident angle on the east and west orientations. Considering the incident angle attributes to all angles of incidence; therefore larger overhang ratio is required to intercept all angles of incident direct solar radiation. However, overhang ratios on the north and south orientations indicated almost within the same rage on both methods (OHR between minimum of 0.6 and maximum of 1.2). The reason can be stated as due to the 284 influence of diffuse solar radiation is high on the north and south orientations compared to the direct solar radiation. Table 7.5: Summary of optimum overhang ratio for various performance variables on east, west, north and south orientations for tropical climate Overhang Description East West North South Optimum OHR for incident solar radiation Optimum OHR for target work plane illuminance Optimum OHR for building cooling load Optimum OHR for energy consumption for space cooling Optimum OHR for total energy consumption Overhang ratio predicted based on incident angles of direct solar radiation 3) 1.2 1.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.3 0.2 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.5 0.8 0.6 Use of overhang ratio (or Projection Factor - PF) give several options for the architect to design the shading strategies and also provides a visual picture of the impact of environmental control alternatives on the built environment; for e.g. an overhang ratio of 0.8 (south orientation) can be designed as horizontal louvers maintaining the same overhang ratio (figure 7.1). However, it is important to note that impact of solar radiation and natural light penetration may change due to the reflection from the louver surfaces. As a result it may affect on the overall energy consumptions of the building considered. 0.8x 0.8x 0.8x x x x x x x Figure 7.1: Several design option of external horizontal overhang shading device 285 7.3 Application of The eQUEST-3 (DOE 2.2) Energy Simulation in Malaysian Conditions 1) The conclusions of this study are based on the results obtained with the computer simulation eQUEST-3, which is supported by the DOE 2.2 calculation engines. Therefore the results bear the limitations and accuracy of the computer program used. These limitations have been acknowledged and discussed in the methodology (Chapter 4). Other limitations encountered during the experiments are as follows: o External shading more than 3 meters deep is not acceptable for daylight calculations o Absolute work plane illuminance includes both the direct sunlight and the diffuse light, which limited in calculating the daylight factor for each hour. o Work plane illuminance values were evaluated assuming the office room is empty or without internal partitions and furniture. Therefore when internal elements are incorporated the illuminance level may reduce. o For accurate daylight calculation, the weather data need to be formatted in TMY2 files with measured solar radiation 2) The eQUEST-3 program was tested for Malaysian conditions to study on the interaction between the building (and elements), system operations, occupancy schedules and climatic influences to determine the thermal exchange, natural light and energy performance of the correspondence office room. The provisions for following data input suggested the acceptability to use the program in hot and humid tropical climate conditions: o Selection of location with required weather data (recommended format) for the specific location, atmospheric turbidity, sky clearness number, external ground temperature o Selection of required function of the building 286 o Selection of daylight utilization option and blocking the heat load calculations 3) o Selection of analysis year o Selection of different orientations o Adjustments on thermostat set points o Selection of required HVAC system o Selection of materials and recommended thermo physical properties o Selection of operation schedules Comparison of the weather data from the weather files (DOE. Weather file for Kula Lumpur) with measured data obtained for Subang Meteorological Station, showed relatively similar conditions. Therefore, these input data has given great confidence in the application of the model in Malaysian conditions for thermal, natural-light and building energy performances. 4) The eQUEST-3 is a free available tool which can be successfully use to analyze building performances, with respect to natural-light, solar heat gains, HVAC system analysis, lighting, cooling and heating energy consumption. This program is well equipped with updated information and provides self study manuals to operate the program. Although it may take time to understand the program and laborious in operation, it still provides accurate and detail analysis of state-of –art building technology. These free software tools (including Radiance developed by Greg Ward) provide information which can be used to do detail analysis of building performances with reliable accuracy. Hence, use of the eQUEST-3 dynamic energy simulation tool with respect to the performance of the external shading strategy has been proved useful in this study. 7.4 Suggestions for Further Research This study has suggested how a simple external horizontal shading system can be effectively used to optimize the reduction of the solar heat gains, optimize 287 internal natural lighting and to optimize energy savings. In other words little had been known about the relationship between the energy use and the external horizontal shading device geometry. Therefore, the solar shading design strategies require a rethinking in light of energy efficiency. However, several areas of study need further investigation, to develop the knowledge of the shading strategies in Malaysia and regions with similar climates. The following are some suggestions: 1) Investigation on the effectiveness of the geometry. Apart from the depth of the overhang, the other factors need to be investigated are; the impact of angle and the width of the overhang with respect to, daylight, solar heat gain and overall energy consumption. 2) Investigation on the effectiveness of surface material and colour of shading devices on energy consumption. Effectiveness of shading device also depends on the material and surface colours as they affect on thermal and daylight reflection. Therefore, these aspects need to be studied in terms of surface texture, light and dark colours etc. It may also contribute to the aesthetics of the shading device. 3) Further investigations are required to determine the effects of external shading strategy on deep plan office buildings and on various building forms. 4) In terms of daylight, the influence of energy efficient shading strategy on daylight quality and glare need to be explored. In hot and humid tropics, glare from window create visual discomforts on the inhabitants and quality of daylight is not incorporated as design criteria in buildings. Therefore, information on relationship between shading strategies, daylight quality, glare and energy consumption are very important. 5) Investigation of other different external shading devices and their influence on energy consumption. A detail study should be carried out to look into the impact of horizontal fins, vertical and egg-crate external shading devices on daylight penetration, solar heat gain and on energy consumption. 288 6) Further studies need to be carried out to develop a method to define shading devices by considering the total solar energy transmittance. In hot and humid tropics influence of diffuse component of solar radiation on thermal effects are significant. Therefore, considering the total solar energy transmittance may be an important aspect in determining different shading strategies. Considering the total solar energy transmittance may also be a better replacement for defining shading devices rather than based on shading coefficient. Studies on solar transmittance properties can be used to develop a design method to determine different shading strategies for the tropics. 7) Investigation on the influence of solar shading strategies on the OTTV (overall thermal transfer value) standards. The standard design criterion for nonresidential building envelope is determined by the OTTV, which is developed based on solar heat gain through the building envelope. The scope may extend to determine the influence of solar shading strategy on building OTTV and on the overall energy consumption of the building. By investigating this aspect, it would alleviate the problem of trade off between daylight, solar heat gain, use of artificial lighting and overall energy consumptions. 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Office Buildings Energy Data Base Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia C2. South East Asian Office Building Information C3. Design of Shading Device Considering the Windows Solar Angle Dependent Properties: With Special Reference to Kuala Lumpur Hot and Humid Tropical Climates D Review of Computer Simulation Programs E Simulation Data and Results E1. Sample of Input Data E2. Summary: Direct and Diffused Incident Solar Radiation and Transmitted Heat Gains E3. Summary: Work Plane Illuminance at Ref.Pt:01 and Ref.Pt:02 F F1 Summary: Building Cooling Load Data F2 Summary: End Use Energy Consumption Data (with natural light) 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Appendix C3 Design of Shading Device Considering the Windows Solar Angle Dependent Properties: With Special Reference to Kuala Lumpur Hot Humid Tropical Climate 1.0 Introduction Use of solar path diagram and shading mask to determine the shading device geometry only consider the direct incident solar radiation. Thus, shading is generally design to exclude direct solar radiation penetration in to the building. Due to the fact they only indicate as a fraction to direct solar radiation, “unshaded” or “shaded”. However, the above methods do not determine the amount of solar energy transmitted in to the interior through the fenestration. This implies both short wave and long wave radiation transmission need to be considered in determining shading devices. The phenomenon of g-value was deployed by Dubois (2000) and Kuhn et.al (2000) as a reference to determine effectiveness of the shading devices. Dubois (2000) developed a method using the g-values of the window glass to determine the shading depth for temperate climate condition and for latitude 590 north. The analysis was tested only for south and west orientations. The developed chart was based on Mazria’s solar path projection. 1.1 Objective The main objective of this study is to determine shading device geometry using incidence angle and direct beam solar radiation transmittance for east, west, north and south orientations under tropical climate conditions. A normal 3mm thick single pane glass is being used as the reference glazing. 316 2.0 Definition 2.1 g-Value as a measure of solar gain To assess the solar thermal gains through fenestration, the total solar energy transmittance was used as a measurement. The total solar energy transmittance (gvalue) specifies the total fraction of incident solar energy that is transmitted through the fenestration system. The fenestration system implies both the shading device and the window system. The g-value can be expressed (Dubois, 2000): Gsys = Total Solar Energy Transmittance Incidence Solar Radiation on the facade (1) Gsys = Qsun IG* Aw (2) Defining the shading device is made according to the direct radiation. This assumption was made since direct radiation is dominant on clear days when shading is needed and diffuse radiation is desirable as a source of daylight in the building. However, the diffuse component should also be considered when the shading device is mainly used for glare control. 3.0 Method 3.1 The incident angle Intensity of direct solar radiation on any surface for a given atmospheric condition can be determined from the value of intensity of direct normal radiation. If Ibv denotes the direct solar intensity on a given window surface and the angle between normal to the surface and solar beam is (θ), then Ii is given by; Ibv = Idn x Cos (θ ) (3) 317 Idn is the intensity of the direct normal radiation. Assuming for a given incident angle of (θ ), the relationship between Ibv and Idn is a constant (Kθ). Thus, it can be expressed as; Cos (θ ) = Ibv / Idn = Kθ (4) 3.2 The window g-value The solar heat transmission through a glazing is higher when the solar radiation incident perpendicular on the glazing surface. The energy received by the surface decreases when the solar beam moves away from the window normal. The window g-value indicates which portion of the incident solar radiation is transmitted and absorbed by the window and become heat in building. The solar heat gain is expressed by the transmission and absorption coefficients as polynomials in the cosine of the solar incidence angle (figure 1). Transmittance and absorptance properties for glazing are developed by Roos and Karlsson (1998). 1 0.9 Solar Transmittance 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° Angle of Incidence Solar transmittance Visible transmittance Solar absorptance Figure 1. The solar transmittance (g-value), visible transmittance and solar absorptance for single clear glass window as a function of the angle of incidence Transmission (τ) and absorptance (α) coefficients were determined for direct and diffuse solar radiation as follows: 318 Hourly solar heat gain on a vertical window surface, Qsolv (W/m2) is given by: Qsolv = Ibv (τb +Niαb) + İdv (τd +Ni αd) (5) Since only direct solar radiation is considered, Direct Radiation: Qsol, b = Ibv (τb +Niαb) (6) Where, gb = (τb +Niαb) (7) τ = C1 + C2Cos (θ) + C3Cos2 (θ) + C4Cos3 (θ) + C5Cos4 (θ) + C6Cos5 (θ) (8) And α = A1 + A2Cos (θ) + A3Cos2 (θ) + A4Cos3 (θ) + A5Cos4 (θ) + A6Cos5 (θ) (9) For diffuse radiation, Stephenson (1965) calculated τdif and αdif to be 0.799 and 0.0544 respectively. Values of the constants C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 & C6 and A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 & A6 depends on the glass type and the number of panes. Referred values were obtained from the DOE 2.2 Engineering manual. The inward flowing fraction Ni of the absorbed radiation can be expressed as: Ni = hi / (hi + ho) (10) Where hi and ho are the heat transfer coefficients of the inside and out side glazing surfaces respectively, given in W/m2 K. Inward flowing fraction for single glazing is 0.268, reference to ASHRAE fundamentals, (1993). This value is used for present calculations. Hence, the secondary heat transmission from the absorbed solar radiation can be given as: 319 τa = Ni α = 0.268 * α (11) Based on the above theoretical assumptions hourly values were derived from the simulation. Then correspondent g-values were determined for each set of solar altitude (β) and azimuth (φ) angles using the fundamental solar geometrical relationship. However g-values for direct solar radiation is taken into consideration as the diffuse component of radiations are independent of the sun position. Cos (θ ) = Cos (β)* Cos (φ -ψ) (12) Where (ψ), is the orientation of the façade from the same reference direction as the solar azimuth. If the sun is behind the façade (φ -ψ) >90 or –ve value is indicated. The gθ − values obtain from the above method is the g-value for the reference window. By normalizing the gθ values with g0 base value, (which is the maximum transmittance for any given angle, means when the angle of incidence is zero) and the new g value can be plotted according to the solar projection and super impose on a solar path diagram. G = gθ / g 0 (13) The nomenclature for G is represented by ‘g-value’, which implies the fraction of incidence direct solar radiation (Ibv) transmitted into the interior through the corresponding glass window. The plotted normalized g value is represented by a concentric circle. The inner most circle encompasses the solar position for the g>0.9 value, the second innermost circle for g>0.8 and the third g>0.7 so on. Hence, g>0.7 value implies that 70% of solar radiation from g0 value is transmitted into the interior through the window pane. 320 3.3 GCos-value Values obtain for Κθ (Eq. 4) and g (θ) (Eq.12) from step one and two can be combined into one single value and define it as GCos-value. This also can be called as cosine weighted solar angle dependent g-value, Duboi (2000). Hence, for a given incident angle (x), it can be stated as: G(x) Cos(x) = g (x)*K (x) (14) The GCos-value thus specifies the fraction of direct normal solar radiation (Idn) that is transmitted in to the building through the window opening. The calculated GCos values using Subang Jaya Meteorological data for east, west, north and south orientations were shown in the following tables (1a, 1b, 1c & 1d). For East and West orientations values were obtain on all twelve months. North orientation data were tabulated for April, May, June, July and August as the direct solar radiation falls on this façade only during these months. South orientation data were collected during the months of January, February, March, September, October, November and December. One day is selected for each month to understand the correlation between each parameter described in above steps. These dates were assumed to be the maximum solar radiation received for respective months. However, for further analysis, months with highest GCos values, maximum incident and transmitted values were selected. The obtained G(x)Cos(x) values were normalized with G(0)Cos(0) base value, (which is the maximum value for any given angle, when the angle of incidence is zero) and the new GCos- value can be plotted according to the solar projection and super impose on a solar path diagram as for g-value in step two. Similar to g-value, each GCos value encompasses solar position at given altitude and azimuth angle. E.g. Maximum values of GCos>0.9 delimits the inner most circle, GCos>0.8 next inner most circle and GCos>0.7 third inner circle so forth. 321 3.4 Direct solar gain The intensity of the solar radiation varies throughout the day and the year depending on the location and the atmospheric conditions. The intensity direct solar radiation (Ibv) can be calculated on any surface for given atmospheric conditions using equation, (Eq. 3). Hence, total solar gain due to direct solar radiation can be obtained by; Qsol = Idn . GCos. A (15) Where A is the window area. The values of Qsol is calculated using solar radiation data obtained from Subang Meteorological Station, in Kuala Lumpur and compared with window GCosvalues for the main cardinal orientations, (Table 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d). Table 1a: East Orientation Day/ Month 2801 2302 2103 Hour Sol.Alt Incid.Ang VSA OHR gvalue GCosvalue SMS sol.rad (W/m2) Qsol (W/m2) 8 14 24.1 14.8 3.77 1.00 0.91 269 246 9 28 35.5 30.0 1.74 0.99 0.81 453 367 10 41.5 48.6 45.1 1.00 0.97 0.64 553 354 11 54.2 62.5 60.4 0.57 0.88 0.41 580 236 12 64.4 76.6 75.6 0.26 0.61 0.14 647 91 8 14.8 18.5 15.1 3.71 1.00 0.95 25 24 9 29.5 32.1 30.2 1.72 1.00 0.84 325 274 10 43.9 46.5 45.2 0.99 0.98 0.67 628 422 11 58 61.2 60.4 0.57 0.89 0.43 678 292 12 70.6 75.9 75.5 0.26 0.63 0.15 714 109 8 17.2 17.2 17.2 3.23 1.00 0.96 278 265 9 32.2 32.3 32.2 1.59 1.00 0.84 528 444 10 47.2 47.3 47.3 0.92 0.97 0.66 625 413 11 62.1 62.3 62.2 0.53 0.88 0.41 891 366 12 76.9 77.3 77.2 0.23 0.59 0.13 928 120 322 Table 1b: West Orientation Day/ Month Hour Sol.Alt VSA OHR Incid. Ang gvalue Gcosvalue SMS sol.rad (W/m2) (W/m2) 13 86.2 87.8 0.04 87.8 0.14 0.01 344 2 14 72.5 72.7 0.31 72.8 0.71 0.21 372 78 15 57.6 57.7 0.63 57.7 0.92 0.49 505 249 16 42.7 42.7 1.08 42.8 0.98 0.72 567 409 17 27.7 27.7 1.90 27.7 1.00 0.88 242 213 18 12.7 12.7 4.44 12.7 1.00 0.98 72 70 13 72.5 85.2 0.08 85.4 0.26 0.02 505 11 14 64.3 70.4 0.36 71.3 0.74 0.24 708 168 15 52 55.7 0.68 57.5 0.93 0.50 572 285 16 38.5 40.9 1.16 44.0 0.98 0.71 508 359 17 24.6 26.1 2.04 31.7 1.00 0.85 392 332 18 10.5 11.1 5.08 22.2 1.00 0.93 128 118 13 82.8 83.9 0.11 83.9 0.33 0.03 722 25 14 68.6 68.9 0.39 68.9 0.79 0.28 442 125 15 53.8 53.9 0.73 54.0 0.95 0.56 211 118 16 38.8 38.8 1.24 38.9 0.99 0.77 489 377 17 23.9 23.9 2.26 24.0 1.00 0.91 86 79 18 8.9 8.9 6.38 9.0 1.00 0.99 31 30 13 74.4 82.0 0.14 82.2 0.41 0.05 808 44 14 63.5 66.8 0.43 67.5 0.81 0.31 625 194 15 49.9 51.7 0.79 52.8 0.95 0.58 189 109 16 35.6 36.6 1.35 38.3 0.99 0.78 305 238 17 21.1 21.6 2.53 24.3 1.00 0.91 133 121 18 6.9 7.0 8.11 12.9 1.00 0.98 44 43 2103 2105 2409 2010 Qsol Table 1c: North orientation Day/ Month Hour Sol.Alt VSA OHR Incid.Ang gvalue Gcosvalue 2206 9 32 55.0 0.70 68.3 0.80 0.35 SMS sol.rad (W/m2) 353 10 45.2 63.0 0.51 68.9 0.79 0.33 442 147 11 57.4 67.2 0.42 69.3 0.78 0.32 405 131 12 66.8 69.1 0.38 69.5 0.78 0.32 714 226 13 69.3 69.6 0.37 69.6 0.78 0.31 650 205 14 62.7 68.4 0.40 69.4 0.78 0.32 450 143 15 51.6 65.5 0.46 69.1 0.79 0.33 394 129 16 38.8 59.7 0.58 68.5 0.80 0.34 336 114 17 25.3 48.6 0.88 67.9 0.81 0.35 164 58 Qsol (W/m2) 122 323 Table 1d: South orientation Day/ Month Hour Sol.Alt VSA OHR Incid.Ang gvalue Gcosvalue 2112 9 29.9 49.60 0.85 64.90 0.80 0.34 SMS sol.rad (W/m2) 242 10 42.6 57.35 0.64 64.30 0.81 0.35 414 146 11 53.7 61.29 0.55 63.81 0.82 0.36 739 267 12 61.6 63.12 0.51 63.53 0.82 0.37 605 222 13 63.1 63.41 0.50 63.49 0.82 0.37 822 302 14 57.4 62.29 0.53 63.74 0.82 0.36 608 220 15 47.1 59.15 0.60 64.05 0.81 0.36 380 135 16 34.9 53.17 0.75 64.63 0.80 0.34 342 118 17 21.8 41.67 1.12 65.34 0.79 0.33 247 81 Sol.Alt: Solar altitude OHR : Overhang ratio VSA : Vertical shadow angle Incid. Ang: Incident angle Qsol (W/m2) 82 SMS sol.rad : Global solar radiation at Subang Meteorological Station (Kuala Lumpur) Qsol : Solar gain due to direct solar radiation through window (W/m2) 4.0 Discussion of Results The shading depth depends on the required period of the day, where the solar transmission is high. Assuming the building is occupied from 09:00 AM-17:00PM and this period can be accepted as the maximum shading is required. Since the working period is asymmetrical with respect to solar path, critical hours of solar radiation transmission for each orientation differed. The lowest horizontal shadow angle (HSA -2.30) is selected from all cardinal orientations to determine the shading length. Depth of the device is given as a proportion to the window height, (1.82 meter or 6 feet). This dimensionless ratio; external horizontal shading depth to window glazing height, is defined as ‘overhang ratio’ (OHR). The following procedure was used to determine the overhang ratio or the projection factor: 324 1. Determine the critical overheating period of the day, depending on the orientation of the fenestration. E.g. east 9:00- 12:00 hours, west 13:00- 17:00 hours, north and south between 9:00 AM and 17.00 PM hours. 2. From the tables (1a, 1b, 1c & 1d) maximum GCos values were identified for respective orientations. 3. Compare the solar radiation intensities obtain for the correspondence GCos values at (2). 4. Select the highest solar intensity and the correspondence GCos value and the correspondence overhang ratio. 4.1 East and West Orientation Impact of solar radiation incidence on the east façade is critical from 09:0012:00 hours and 13:00-17:00 hours for the west oriented facades. Beyond this limit the building itself give shade as the sun position is behind the respective facades. Window angle dependent g-values and GCos-values are high (>0.9) for east orientation in the morning hours with lowest solar altitude angles and gradually decreased when sun reaches toward noon position. This implies that between 8:00 and 9:00 hours in the morning, most of the incident radiation transmits through the fenestration system (more than 90%). However, solar gain due to direct solar radiation incidence on the vertical surface is low between 8:00 and 9:00 hours compared to higher solar altitude. Vise-versa, although there is high intensity of global solar radiation (> 600 W/m2) around noon the fraction of radiation transmitted is lower (less than 40%) than at low solar altitude solar positions. Among all the months, January, February and March (table 2) indicated a high g-value (>0.9) and GCos (>0.8) values for east orientation. This implies that over 90% of g0-value was transmitted into the building. Also, it could be stated as 10% of solar radiation transmittance was reduced from g0-value for that respective solar altitude and azimuth angles. Correspondence overhang ratios for all three days were indicated as 1.74, 1.72 & 1.59 for January, February and March respectively. But the direct solar gain is high on March 21st, compared to January and February. This indicates that only overhang ratio of 1.59 is required to terminate maximum amount of direct solar radiation impinging on the east façade compared to overhang ratios at other low solar 325 altitude angles. This is about 8% reduction compared to the overhang ratio at lowest solar altitude (1.74). Therefore, it can be assumed that an external horizontal shading device with an overhang ratio 1.6 (~1.59) as optimum depth for east facing fenestration. The lowest overhang ratio of less than 0.2 were reported on April, May, June, August, September, October, November and December at 12.00 noon, for east facing fenestration. The overhang ratios for fenestration on east façade range from 0.13 to 1.74 during critical hours (9:00-12:00). Similarly, for west orientation a high g-value (>0.9) and GCos-values (>0.9) are indicated for the month of September and October at 17:00 hours (table 2). Also the correspondence overhang ratios were 2.26 and 2.53 which suggested a very deep horizontal overhang. But on these two days and at the particular hour (17:00), the direct solar gain is very low. From all the months March and May indicated high direct solar gain on the west façade. Hence, the results indicated an overhang ratio of between 2.04 and 1.90 is sufficient to eliminate maximum amount of direct solar radiation incident on the west façade during the critical hour (17:00) of the overheated period. The overhang ratio range varies from >0.1 to >2.53 for west orientation. Table 2: Summary of maximum g-value and GCos-value obtain for East and West orientations. Orientation/ Day/Month Hour Sol.Alt Sol. Azi VSA OHR Incid. Ang gvalue GCosvalue Qsol (W/m2) E-2801 9 28 112.7 30.0 1.74 35.5 0.99 0.81 367 E-2302 9 29.5 103.4 30.2 1.72 32.1 1.00 0.84 274 E-2103 9 32.2 92 32.2 1.59 32.3 1.00 0.84 444 W-2103 17 27.7 268.4 27.7 1.90 27.7 1.00 0.88 213 W-2105 17 24.6 290.6 26.1 2.04 31.7 1.00 0.85 332 W-2409 17 23.9 267.9 23.9 2.26 24.0 1.00 0.91 79 W-2010 17 21.1 257.6 21.6 2.53 24.3 1.00 0.91 121 This implies that considering the glass solar radiation transmittance or the gvalue, GCos-value and the solar gain due to direct solar radiation incident on the glazing are important factor in determining the solar shading depth. 326 4.2 North and South Orientation The g-value and GCos value for North and South indicated lower values than east and west orientations. During the month of May, June and July high g-value (>0.7) and Gcos-values (>0.2, >0.3 &>0.2 respectively) were obtained for north orientation. Month of June indicated high values than other months, (Table C.3). Hence the GCos value is never higher than 0.4, meaning that the window orientation itself reduces the incident radiation by 60% during the month of June. Evaluating gvalues for the date 22 June, at 09.00 hrs and 17.00 hours (>0.8) indicated higher than other values. But a constant value (>0.7) is indicated during the shading period, 09.00-17.00. This implies that the solar radiation transmittance is symmetrical during the maximum shading period. Direct solar gain through south window were obtained on January, February, March, September, October, November and December. Among these months November, December and January obtained a high g-value (>0.8) and GCos-values (>0.3) than other months. As in north orientation, GCos-value is never exceeding 0.4. Thus orientation of the window itself reduces the intensity of the incident radiation by 60% during the months where the impact of solar radiation is maximum. Month of December indicated a highest g and Gcos values for south orientation and values remain constant (g>0.8, GCos>0.34) throughout the required shading period. Note that during the month of June and December the sun position is in the north solstice and south solstice respectively. Table 3: Summary of maximum g-value and GCos-value obtain for North and South orientations. Orientation/ Day/month Hour Sol.Alt Sol.Azi VSA OHR Incid. Ang gvalue Gcosvalue Qsol (W/m2) N-2206 9 32 64.1 55.0 0.70 68.3 0.80 0.35 122 N-2206 17 25.3 294.6 48.6 0.88 67.9 0.81 0.35 58 S-2112 11 53.7 138.2 61.29 0.55 63.81 0.82 0.36 267 S-2112 13 63.1 189.4 63.41 0.50 63.49 0.82 0.37 302 Projection factor differs from a minimum >0.1 to a maximum >0.8 for north orientation, while range for south orientation is >0.2 to >1.2. But as for the north and 327 south orientation maximum g-value and Gcos values and their corresponding overhang ratios were shown in table 3. According to the above table C.3, best options of overhang ratios for north and south are respectively 0.8>OHR>0.7 and 0.6>OHR>0.5. 5.0 Conclusion The results showed that window’s solar angle dependent properties and its geometrical relationship to the direct solar radiation provide information to make meaningful hypothesis about the external overhang depths. Comparison between the window properties and the amount of solar energy transmitted, enable to predict more realistic shading hypothesis than shading device calculations based on incident angle only. It can be argued that, the obtained values can be defined as optimum geometry of a shading device, compared to the direct solar radiation transmittance. The above results suggested optimum overhang ratio of 1.6 (~1.59) for east orientation, overhang ratio between 1.90 and 2.04 for west orientation, overhang ratio between 0.8 and 0.7 for north orientation and between 0.6-0.5 for south orientation. These optimum values were obtained for the building occupied period that is from 9:00 am in the morning to 17:00 pm in the evening. A design method to define the optimum solar shading geometry was presented. Compared to shading mask method to define shading geometry, this method provide additional information on intensity of solar radiation, window solar angle dependent property and the geometrical relationship to the direct solar radiation. These additional information assists to determine the critical overheated periods affecting on a building façade at a given location and orientation. However, energy simulations need to be carried out to justify the shading hypothesis obtained from this experiment. Another benefit of this method is that it gives a series of options of different shading strategies internal or external, to decide based on shading device gcos-value (or solar heat gain coefficient-SHGC) for different orientations. For example, a 328 shading device (internal or external) with gcos-value with 0.4>gcos>0.3 on south window can be used to get maximum protection from solar heat gains. The present study was conducted only considering the effect of direct solar radiation. This may give more reasonable results under clear sky conditions. However, considering the diffuse component might give more precise information on the total heat transmittance. Further, in this study, the solar radiation calculations were based on data obtained for horizontal surface. Data obtained on vertical surface will provide more accurate results on overheating period and on shading geometry. Reference ASHRAE (1993) ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta Dubois, Marie- Claude (2000) "A Method to define shading devices considering the ideal total solar energy transmittance". Eurosun 2000 conference, June 19-22, Copenhagen, Denmark. Kuhun, Tilmann E; Bühler, Christopher and Platzer, Werner J (2000) "Evaluation of overheating protection with sun-shading systems". Solar Energy,69(1-6): 5974. Roos, A and Karlsson, B (1998) “Optical and thermal characterization of multiple glazed windows with low u-values”. Solar Energy, 52(4):315-325 Stephenson, D.G (1965) “Equations for solar heat gain through windows”. Solar Energy; 9(2):81-6 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 APPENDIX E2: DIRECT & DIFFUSED INCIDENT SOLAR RADIATION AND TRANSMITTED HEAT GAIN DATA Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Direct Solar Radiation Incident on Window (W/m2) East Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 285.26 210.55 173.36 135.85 98.66 23.96 157.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.36 81.01 63.67 46.65 29.31 0.00 31.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107.17 76.28 60.83 45.39 29.94 0.00 110.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 502.74 354.92 280.84 207.09 133.01 9.77 128.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Direct Solar Radiation Incident on Window (W/m2) West Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 311.42 106.85 4.73 0.00 0.00 421.11 329.38 283.68 237.66 191.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168.32 65.25 13.55 0.00 0.00 87.94 69.97 60.83 52.01 42.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.85 30.57 6.93 0.00 0.00 204.56 163.59 143.10 122.61 102.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 119.78 54.53 21.75 0.00 0.00 120.09 99.60 89.52 79.12 68.71 APPENDIX E2: cont. Date Hour Direct Solar Radiation on Window (W/m2) 1.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.86 1.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.72 339 North Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 6.30 0.00 0.95 9.46 6.30 0.00 0.95 9.46 No Direct Solar radiation 56.11 60.52 118.20 40.35 19.86 0.00 0.95 21.12 6.30 0.00 0.95 14.18 6.30 0.00 0.95 9.46 No Direct Solar radiation No Direct Solar radiation Direct Solar Radiation on Window (W/m2) South Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 9.77 1.58 1.58 1.58 37.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.98 2.52 2.52 2.52 1 1.58 0.00 0.00 2.52 1.4 1.58 0.00 0.00 2.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.41 0.00 1.89 20.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.41 0.00 1.89 18.91 No Direct Solar radiation 5.99 46.65 7.56 7.56 282.42 345.14 100.55 60.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133.01 45.70 28.37 39.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.60 0.00 1.89 30.89 APPENDIX E2 cont. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.41 0.00 1.89 24.59 340 Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Diffused Solar Radiation Incident on Window (W/m2) East Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 1.6 189.75 136.48 120.09 107.80 98.97 87.00 82.58 211.81 173.04 161.07 152.24 145.62 136.80 133.64 177.46 144.68 134.28 126.71 121.35 113.79 110.95 132.07 104.02 95.19 88.57 83.84 77.54 75.33 214.97 153.19 133.64 119.46 109.37 94.88 89.83 177.77 133.64 119.78 109.37 102.12 91.72 88.26 132.70 104.65 95.82 89.52 84.79 78.17 75.96 57.05 42.55 38.14 34.67 32.47 29.00 28.05 171.47 122.61 107.48 96.14 88.26 76.91 72.81 191.64 158.86 148.46 140.89 135.54 127.97 125.45 155.08 117.25 105.28 96.77 90.46 81.64 78.48 100.23 76.59 69.03 63.67 59.57 53.90 52.01 95.51 76.28 69.97 65.56 62.41 58.00 56.42 178.72 147.83 138.06 131.12 126.08 118.83 116.62 119.15 92.04 83.53 77.22 72.81 66.51 64.30 76.28 57.37 51.38 46.96 43.81 39.72 38.14 Diffused Solar Radiation Incident on Window (W/m2) West Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 87.31 68.40 62.41 58.31 55.16 50.75 170.21 145.31 137.43 131.75 127.66 121.98 280.84 213.39 192.27 176.83 165.80 150.35 328.44 234.82 205.51 184.08 168.63 146.88 109.37 82.90 74.39 68.40 63.99 57.68 152.24 116.31 105.28 97.08 91.09 82.90 208.98 155.71 138.69 126.71 117.57 105.28 126.08 88.57 76.91 68.40 62.09 53.58 96.45 72.81 65.25 59.89 55.79 50.43 164.22 140.58 133.33 127.97 123.87 118.52 223.16 162.64 143.73 129.86 119.78 105.59 266.97 187.54 162.64 144.36 131.44 112.84 66.19 56.42 53.58 51.38 49.80 47.60 156.34 133.01 125.76 120.41 116.31 110.95 171.47 126.71 112.84 102.76 95.19 84.79 161.07 113.79 98.97 88.26 80.38 69.66 1.6 49.17 119.78 144.68 139.32 55.48 79.75 100.86 50.43 48.54 116.62 100.86 106.54 46.65 109.06 81.32 65.56 341 APPENDIX E2 cont. Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Diffused Solar Radiation on Window (W/m2) North Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 98.66 75.96 69.03 63.67 181.24 152.56 143.73 137.11 194.16 155.71 143.73 134.91 153.50 118.20 107.17 98.97 161.07 116.94 103.39 93.30 197.63 146.57 130.81 119.15 186.60 140.58 126.08 115.68 88.57 63.67 55.79 50.12 104.65 78.17 69.66 63.67 170.21 144.68 136.48 130.81 164.85 123.56 110.64 101.18 117.25 87.63 78.48 71.55 66.19 56.42 53.58 51.38 150.67 129.23 122.30 117.57 119.15 92.04 83.53 77.22 76.28 57.37 51.38 46.96 Diffused Solar Radiation on Window (W/m2) South Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 102.12 78.48 70.92 65.56 191.33 159.18 149.40 142.16 202.99 161.70 148.77 139.32 158.86 121.67 110.32 101.81 109.69 82.90 74.70 68.40 147.51 113.16 102.44 94.56 133.01 104.96 96.14 89.52 57.05 42.55 38.14 34.99 108.43 80.69 72.18 65.88 181.87 152.24 143.10 136.17 171.15 127.97 114.42 104.33 123.24 91.72 81.95 74.70 82.58 67.45 62.72 59.26 211.50 169.58 156.65 147.20 163.27 121.35 108.11 98.66 118.83 85.73 75.33 67.77 1 1.4 54.84 125.76 119.78 85.10 75.96 98.97 97.40 40.35 53.27 120.41 85.10 59.89 47.60 109.06 66.51 39.72 1 1.4 55.79 129.23 122.61 87.00 57.68 81.01 78.48 29.31 54.84 124.50 87.31 62.09 53.27 130.49 81.95 54.53 59.89 132.38 128.60 93.30 86.05 110.64 108.11 46.02 59.26 126.40 94.56 66.82 49.80 114.10 72.81 43.81 61.46 136.80 132.38 95.51 63.99 88.89 85.10 32.47 61.15 131.44 97.08 69.34 56.74 140.26 91.72 62.41 342 APPENDIX E2 cont. Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Transmitted Heat Gain through Window (W/m2) East Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 392.10 286.92 242.09 200.77 162.06 247.45 135.29 125.78 118.85 113.82 137.94 112.37 104.37 98.53 94.29 103.97 81.82 74.87 69.80 66.13 267.47 189.51 159.64 133.88 111.19 152.69 104.01 93.19 85.29 79.56 102.73 81.01 74.21 69.25 65.66 44.27 33.11 29.61 27.06 25.21 225.75 161.21 136.11 114.25 94.79 195.20 124.44 116.40 110.53 106.28 120.32 90.89 81.69 74.96 70.08 79.01 60.18 54.29 50.00 46.88 501.71 361.10 293.63 227.44 162.19 196.35 116.49 108.90 103.36 99.35 93.18 71.88 65.22 60.35 56.82 59.19 44.52 39.93 36.58 34.15 1.4 88.76 106.81 88.38 60.99 74.94 71.56 60.63 22.63 60.38 100.34 63.27 42.53 53.76 93.74 51.90 30.75 1.6 64.80 104.33 86.29 59.18 70.98 68.74 58.86 21.72 57.26 98.24 60.87 40.99 52.48 91.77 50.16 29.56 Transmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window (W/m2) West Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.4 68.47 53.63 48.98 45.59 43.14 39.70 132.99 113.52 107.43 102.98 99.76 95.25 462.78 249.77 152.96 137.25 128.61 116.52 619.59 467.53 405.24 349.17 297.74 201.89 86.17 65.13 58.55 53.74 50.26 45.39 118.48 90.59 81.87 75.50 70.88 64.43 291.09 170.19 117.47 97.60 90.77 81.22 172.05 127.78 111.08 96.82 84.39 62.43 75.53 56.93 51.11 46.87 43.79 39.49 129.00 110.39 104.57 100.32 97.25 92.94 236.34 151.13 117.29 100.84 93.04 82.13 385.92 288.39 251.31 219.50 191.65 141.92 52.13 44.52 42.15 40.41 39.15 37.39 122.86 104.54 98.81 94.62 91.59 87.35 228.70 142.00 105.23 80.21 74.43 66.35 226.33 172.43 152.30 135.27 120.53 95.20 1.6 38.49 93.66 112.26 156.43 43.67 62.15 77.85 52.92 37.97 91.42 78.29 119.19 36.77 85.86 63.50 84.40 343 APPENDIX E2 cont. Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Date 21st March 22nd June 24th September 22nd December Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Hour 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00 Transmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window (W/m2) North Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 77.42 59.59 54.02 49.95 46.99 141.59 119.25 112.26 107.16 103.46 150.99 121.07 111.71 104.87 99.92 120.74 93.02 84.32 77.97 73.37 166.04 106.01 85.86 77.96 72.23 194.73 114.18 101.76 92.69 86.12 223.27 108.95 97.85 89.74 83.87 96.73 64.07 53.18 45.43 42.23 81.89 61.17 54.69 49.96 46.53 133.44 113.32 107.02 102.43 99.10 127.70 95.81 85.84 78.55 73.27 92.45 69.13 61.85 56.53 52.68 52.13 44.52 42.15 40.41 39.15 118.39 101.56 96.30 92.45 89.66 93.18 71.88 65.22 60.35 56.82 59.19 44.52 39.93 36.58 34.15 Transmitted Solar Heat Gain through Window (W/m2) South Orientation Overhang Ratio 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 81.32 61.64 55.78 51.49 48.39 156.07 124.48 116.68 110.98 106.85 161.57 125.34 115.29 107.95 102.63 126.52 96.36 87.23 80.52 75.66 86.54 65.39 58.78 53.94 50.44 114.79 88.14 79.80 73.72 69.30 103.07 81.23 74.40 69.42 65.80 44.37 33.17 29.67 27.10 25.25 86.08 64.28 57.45 52.47 48.86 152.56 129.37 122.12 116.83 112.99 134.28 100.67 90.15 82.47 76.91 98.03 73.20 65.42 59.75 55.63 274.81 152.00 101.80 71.42 69.44 427.51 168.39 123.43 115.92 110.49 202.35 115.86 85.83 78.35 72.94 136.04 94.85 80.81 70.38 63.00 1.4 42.87 98.29 92.99 66.94 64.24 76.94 75.66 37.75 41.74 94.44 65.88 47.30 37.39 85.77 51.90 30.75 1.4 44.05 101.08 95.20 68.88 45.55 63.14 60.75 22.66 43.82 107.64 69.13 49.89 66.67 102.89 65.36 56.05 344 345 346 347 348 349 350