1 P003 OPERATIVE ESTIMATION TECHNIQUE OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING EFFECTS A.A. POZDNYAKOV & I.A. VINOGRADOVA ООО «РНТЦ», Россия, 625000, г.Тюмень, ул.Республики 41 LS “Regional Scientific and Technological Centre” , Respubliki st. 41, 625000, Tyumen, Russia Abstract The calculation procedure for operative estimating of the fracture geometry and its influence on well productivity is presented. It uses the data of the basic technological and geological parameters for specific hydraulic fracturing treatment. The mathematical model of hydraulic fracturing process is the base of the technique, which is simple enough to provide convenience and calculation rapidity. The possibility of such model creation is caused by quasistatic property of hydraulic fracturing process, which allows receiving the finite (not differential) coupling between governing variables and parameters for each current condition. The mathematical model has three main components: balance ratio; physical relations for the fracture characteristics resulted from the known elastic theory solutions; new representation of the fracture net pressure as the function of the main governing parameters (taking into account the similarity and dimensionality theory). The γ-coefficients are used in the model which efficiency is proved by M.P.Cleary. The manner is offered to determine these coefficients. The relationship between the productivity increasing after hydraulic fracturing and geometrical and the conducting fracture characteristics is determined with using the model of M.Prats. The opportunities and examples of the concerned technique practical application are presented. 1. The design model of hydraulic fracture and balance ratio The vertical crack created at a hydraulically fractured well is considered. The crack is symmetric as regard to a well and a median plane of a pay zone, which is modelled as a horizontal layer of constant thickness h0. The geometry of the created crack is schematically pictured on fig.1, where hm, Lm are the maximal height and length of a crack wing, an axis z coincides with a well axis. In the same figure the crack area filling with proppant and adjoining to a z hm /2 h0 /2 0 L Lm x -h0 /2 -hm /2 Fig. 1. The geometry of the one wing of the crack 9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 2 well is shown. Its size L will termed the depth of proppant penetration in a crack. The proppant filled volume of a crack at the moment of the injection shut-in can be calculated as V = γV wm hm L (1) where wm is the maximal width of the created crack wm << h0 (2) γV - a numerical multiplier, taking into account the fracture geometry integrally (including presence of two wings). An efficiency of using of such generalized γ factors is proved in work [1]. It supposed, that after fixing a crack at proppant its length coincides with L, and the maximal height and width accept values h and w. Thus the volume of the fixed crack becomes equal Vf = γV w h L (3) The same as in (4) value of the factor γV is used here with the assumption of similarity of the corresponding crack configurations (initial and fixed). Volumes V and Vf are expressed through characteristics of the proppant contained in a crack V = m / (c ρ) (4) Vf = m / (cf ρ) (5) where m is the weight, ρ is the mineral density, c, cf are the initial and final slurry average volumetric concentrations of the proppant. From (4), (5) follows cf Vf = c V (6) Concentration c is expressed through used in practice parameter M - the average proppant mass fraction in a fluid - by representation of volume V as the sum of proppant volume Vp and carrying it fluid volume Vl V = Vp + Vl = m / ρ + m / M = m (1 / ρ + 1 / M) (7) c = (M / ρ) / (1 + M / ρ) (8) Comparing with (4), we receive Let's notice, that the leakoff volume doesn't appear in the balance ratio used above. In particular, the value of M in (7) may be calculated directly as a time average proppant mass fraction using the actual proppant transport diagram, since the leakoff intensity being proportional t-1/2 is considerably reduced at last stage of process in a root zone of the crack, where the subsequent proppant fixing occur. 2. Mechanical ratio Maximal values of a crack width and height are defined by net pressure ∆p at the created crack inlet. According to classical solutions of elastic theory problems [2], [3] the following ratio are: 3 h0 π ∆p = cos( ) 2 σ hm wm = γ E ∆p hm E′ (10) (11) where σ is the difference in stress between the pay zone and the surrounding barrier layers, E’ = E / (1 - ν2) is the plane strain modulus of the central layer, expressing through Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν, γE is the numerical factor describing the form of a crack crosssection. With entering a designation for nondimencional pressure Ψ = π ∆p / (2 σ) (12) hm = h0 / cos Ψ (13) wm = 2 γE (σ / E’) h0 Ψ / (π cos Ψ) (14) these formulas are presented as The expression for the fixed crack length follows from (1), (4): L= 1 m cρ γ V wm hm (15) and after substitution (13), (14) becomes L= π 2γ V γ E m E ′ cos 2 Ψ Ψ cρ h02 σ (16) Thus, the fracture geometrical characteristics are expressed through key parameters of hydraulic fracturing technology and the environment elastic properties. 3. Net pressure in a crack The development of net pressure ∆p is the most challenge problem in the modelling of hydraulic fracturing process. For the model accepted in this work we use the approach similar to one offered in [4]. As the hydraulic fracturing experience demonstrates, the value ∆p is approximately constant at the basic stage of the fracture created quasistatic process, therefore it can be represented as function of the basic governing parameters: ∆p = f (E’, σ, µQ, h0) (17) where Q is the fluid injection rate , µ is the fluid viscosity. The type of function f can be established, using the methods of the similarity and dimensionality theory [5]. In (17) there are 5 dimensional values and 2 independent dimensions (lengths and pressure). Therefore for the dimensionless form of a ratio (17) it is possible to set three independent dimensionless variables λ, ε and pressure, which kinds are chosen from physical reasons: 9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 4 λ= E ′h03 , µQ ε= σ E′ ∆p / σ = y (λ, ε) (18) (19) Similary, according to physics of process, it is possible to set function y, for example, as: y = γP / (1 + λα εβ) (20) where γP , α, β are some positive values. The choice of such structure of the function (19) is caused by the following reasons. Net pressure ∆p in a fracture shouldn't exceed the barrier stress: y < 1 according to (10). It should grow with "injection power" µQ increasing (at the fixed values of other parameters) till approach to asymptote: ∆p → σ. On the contrary, at µQ → 0 it is required that ∆p → 0. The rate of respective ∆p alterations should be the lower, the more σ. 4. Determination of free model parameters The mathematical model of hydraulic fracturing (12) - (14), (16), (18) - (20) contains 5 free parameters (γV, γE, γP, α, β) and uses the minimal data set of geological and physical layer properties (h0, E, ν, σ) and technological characteristics (m, ρ, M, µQ) of a fracturing process (the parameter (12) is calculated from known function (19), which has, for example, a kind (20)). The model makes possible to estimate the basic sizes of the fixed crack (the formula (13), (14), (16)). However, the free parameters of the model remain uncertain. Generally speaking, their values for each specific well depend on the number of factors, which are not taken into account in the model. Therefore the following procedure of determination of values γV, γE, γP, α, β is suggested for the model becomes full closing. Hydraulic fracturing treatments are now accomplish industrially, so there are enough data about process including results of fracture design at the majority of operational objects (reservoirs). Therefore for each object where representative sample of such data is realized it is possible to carry out the proper statistical processing. So, after building the diagram of a kind (1) for the group of wells, i.e. the dependence of known for them values of complexes m (1 / ρ + 1/M) versus (wm hm L), it is possible to receive with the aid of the least squares method an average slope of this dependence, which is interpreted as value of parameter γV for conditions of the object exploited by this group. Similarly, γE is determined on the diagram wm versus ∆phm/E’ (see (11)), and parameters γP, α, β of basic function (20) are determined on the diagram ∆p / σ versus µQ / (E'h03) (see (18), (19)). After an ascertainment of free parameters values (an adjustment for object) the model is ready completely for the calculations predicting the fracture sizes of the treatment projects. 5. An estimation of a well productivity after hydraulic fracturing The conducting properties of a crack are characterized by dimensionless conductivity [6]: FD = kf w h / (k L h0) (21) 5 where k is a layer permeability, kf is an average permeability of a crack cavity. In (24) it is taken into account, that the fixed crack height exceeds the layer thickness (see fig. 1). The permeability kf of fixing packing can be estimated through specific proppant conductivity A and its mass m kf = mA / Vf (22) FD = m A / (k h0) / (γV L2) (23) From (3), (21), (22) follows i.e. dimensionless fracture conductivity is expressed through conducting characteristics of a layer (kh0), the technological parameters (mA) and a crack geometry. According to the model of M.Prats [7] the performance of a vertical crack of finite conductivity, which drains the confined homogeneous layer of constant height, is characterized by effective radius ref which is defined by universal function of parameter a : a = π / (2 FD) (24) ref / L = α (a) (25) Further it is convenient to use the complex parameter la , entered in [8]: ⎛ 2 mA ⎞ ⎟⎟ l a = ⎜⎜ ⎝ πγ V kh0 ⎠ 1/ 2 (26) which assumes some characteristic length. With the account (23), (26) the Prats’ parameter (24) and the dependence (25) become a = (L / la)2 (27) ref / la = Ra (a) (28) Ra (a) = a1/2 α (a) (29) where is the universal function, which is shown on fig. 2. It is approximated at the interval 10-2 ≤ a ≤ 102.5 by the dependence Ra = 0.02398 + 0.1855 u – 0.2006 lg u, u = a / 1.3839, which has an inaccuracy less than 1% at 10-1 ≤ a ≤ 10 and about 7% at the interval borders. Thus, with the known function (29), length L and parameter la of the fracture, it is possible to determine its effective radius via (28), and then to calculate the fractured well productivity index (PI): J = 2πkh0 1 µ g B ln( R / ref ) (30) where R is the drainage radius, µg is the reservoir fluids viscosity, B is the volumetric factor. 9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 6 0.25 0.2 ref / l a 0.15 0.1 0.05 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 lg(a) Fig. 2. The schedule of function Ra (lg (a)) One of the basic parameters of technological efficiency is the multiplicity of a well PI increasing after fracturing, which is designated further by symbol N. The most objective base value for this characteristic calculation is the productivity index of an ideal unfractured well. It is calculated with the well known Dupuit’s formula, similarly to (30) by substituting ref for a well radius rW. Then N= ln( R / rW ) ln( R / ref ) (31) Thus, determined the value of N assesses the "pure" fracturing efficiency received only due to the main crack creation. An additional effect received due to the skin-factor removing, the well performance optimization etc., is calculated via standard techniques. 6. An application of the operative estimation technique of hydraulic fracturing effects Thus, the suggested technique for an individual well uses the described model which is preliminary adjusted to reservoir conditions on a representative sample of the actual hydraulic fracturing treatments. If such sample is absent, the adjustments received for the analogues objects are used. With obtained values of the projected fracturing basic technological parameters the crack sizes are predicted, the fracture conducting characteristics and the multiplicity of a well productivity index increasing after fracturing are determined (see example in the table). Varying values of these parameters, it is possible to estimate a degree of their influence on the hydraulic fracturing result, to find their optimum set, which providing achievement of the maximal value of N. The wells most suitable for hydraulic fracturing treatment are selected by testing the well fund with the aid of this procedure. Example Parameter Input data h0 k E ν σ 2 rW R ρ A M m µ Q Output Unit Layer & Well m mD MPa MPa mm m Proppant kg/m3 mD/(kg/m3) kg/m3 kg Fracturing fluid cp m3/min Value 10 15 1.8×104 0.25 4 88.9 250 2904.6 150 300 10000 250 3 Fracture hm w L ref N m mm m m 31.4 4.6 82.1 8.76 2.58 The offered technique has been tested in practice. Some results of its applying in the Western Siberia are described in [9]. Also this technique is the base for calculation of hydraulic fracturing cost efficiency [10]. 7 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cleary M.P. Comprehensive design formulae for hydraulic Fracturing // SPE 9259, 1980, 16 p. Желтов Ю.П. 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