Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee Minutes from November 20, 2009 Meeting

Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee
Minutes from November 20, 2009 Meeting
Attendees: Fidel Ramirez, Bob Browand, Robert Walker, Joe Papick, Alpa Vaghani,
Linda Steber, Paul Lozano, Jaesub Lee, Sean Tarver, Prince Wilson, Carlos Reyes, Emily
Messa, Ron Singer, Carlos Pedemonte, AFC staff
I. Minutes from October 16 minutes approved
II. ZimRide Demo by Whit Gaither
A. About ZimRide: similar to AlterNate Rides, it is an organizer of carpooling for
campuses nationwide
1. Offers new approach and commercial push through creating a ride share
through social networking
2. Signed over 1500 folks at USC in 72 hours
3. Way to save, sustainable and use of network
B. Cons from Carpooling
1. Lack of trust, hard to use, limited awareness
C. ZimRide Approach: Leverage Trust, build critical mass and new form of
1. Leverage trust: email verified sign up with privacy controls and making
social profiles and feedback system readily available
2. Marketing: emails, posters, cards, web, facebook, cross promotions
D. Savings: ZimRide cost 9,000 a year/ 3 yr deal would be 27,000 with a 950 dollar
set up fee
1. Service free to students
2. Three Year Deal? Not in stone, willing to negotiate
3. Fast fact: it costs close to 11,000 per garage
4. Different from Van Pooling, Van Pooling is a system where folks can rent a
van and share it with the folks they’re driving
III. AFC Transportation
A. Introduction: President of AFC John Ferrari, Paul Gague and Kay Horace
B. Policy- No cell phone, only use a radio system for communication on the job
1. Issue with Driver? Send comments to or Paul Gague and
get the Bus Number and Time of Day
2. Security Cams on every bus!
3. Each Bus has a security cam, there is a zero tolerance policy for
misbehaving drivers
4. Process: when there is a case reported, it is investigated and AFC evaluates
the situation for proper discipline
C. New look website for AFC in Jan 2010, feel free to communicate with them on
what you’re seeing
D. Bus- mechanical buses tend to break down often, but working to make sure the
buses are repaired
1. NextBus GPS system for Cougar Line- fully executed and ready to go in late
IV. Temporary Parking on Cullen Blvd
A. Construction Vision- new Stadium Parking Garage on the corner of Cullen and
Holman will be coming soon, RFP has been sent out
1. Number of spots lost during the construction period: 650 spots
B. Creating a temporary solution: There is an estimated 270 spots that can be created
right when you exit off of 45 and go on Cullen
1. Currently a grassy area and students park on the sidewalks over there
C. Committee voted on this proposal and it passed
V. Update on Shelters
A. Shelter for Bus stops review
1. One style has an all around glass and sitting area with maps
2. Another style does not have all around glass and sitting area with maps
3. Concern- visibility? The maps would be on the side panel, so you would be
Able to see behind
B. Committee voted to approve the continuing forward with the shelters
VI. E. Cullen/ MD Anderson Library Circle
A. Debate over the no parking zone at the E. Cullen Circle
1. Students currently receive tickets for parking around the circle during the
evening time
2. E Cullen parking lot next to library currently have reserved spots, which
means the person who the spot is reserved to can still call and tow away car
3. E Cullen parking lot next to the library can fit about 27 cars
4. E Cullen Circle can fit about 20 cars
5. Gate goes up at 9pm
B. Pros of allowing students to park at the E Cullen Circle: closer to the 24 hour
lounge and library, more convenient for students in the library, don’t have to walk
late at night across campus
C. Cons: car isn’t moved and the center entrance to E Cullen Circle could be blocked
by a car in a busy place on campus during the day
1. Car would be towed
D. Issue of Safety: good to work on Micah Kenfield plan, “Safe Walk” where
students help by walking in groups
E. Discussion is tabled and will be brought up again at the next TPAC meeting
VII. Sub-committee talk is also tabled
VIII. Adjourned