Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan Konteks strategi IS/IT • IS strategy deals with what to do with information, systems and technology, and how to manage the applications from a business point of view. • IT strategy designates how technology is to be applied in delivering information and how the technology resources are managed to meet the range of business needs. Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan Corporate strategy IS/IT industry and business impact Buseiness unit strategies Corporate and business unit IS strategies How can it be delivered? What is required? IT strategy(s) Figure.3.6. IS/IT strategy in context Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan • The Strategic Business Unit (SBU) @ In a large organization, where there are likely to be a number of distinct business unit, it is probable that each should have its own IS/IT strategy. @ A single IS/IT strategy may be appropriate for the whole organizations, especially if there is centralization of other corporate functions. On the other hand, it may be more effective to focus IT support at divisional, regional or even unit level in a diverse and highly distributed enterprise (see figure 3.6) Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan • Implications of focusing IS/IT strategy formulation on the SBU @ Most cases histories of the attemps of large companies to develop an overall, comprehensive ‘corporate IS/IT’ strategy from the centre show that lengthy planning blights descend on the units and then nothing results. Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan @ In conglomerates, where the buying and selling of businesses is a key part of yhe corporate strategy, it obviously makes most sense to align the strategy to each business unit, and it is probably impossible, in reality, to do much else. Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan • Memilih langkah awal @ While the scope may be obvious when there is only one SBU under consideration, it may be more difficult when there are several. Choosing an SBU where: a. Strong management commitment and involvement are assured; b. Clear business plans and direction are known and available; c. The role of IS/IT is already respected d. Strategic business planning is well established Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan • SASARAN The objectives for IS strategy development and planning are primarily derived from the business objectives and drivers for change. It is necessary to ensure that these objectives are sensible and achievable given the current situation and available resources. See table 3.5 Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan • HARAPAN A set of common scenarios that reflect varied expectations are given in box 3.2. @ Gaining management understanding @ gradual evolution of IS/IT strategy @ gaining a competitive edge @ determining priorities for allocation of budget and resources @ etc. Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan Pert. 10. Lingkup, sasaran dan harapan Pert. 10. Kerangka kerja strategi IS/IT dan pendekatannya GAMBARAN MODEL KERANGKA KERJA Input: @ the internal business environment @ the external business environment @ the internal IS/IT environment @ the external IS/IT environment Pert. 10. Kerangka kerja strategi IS/IT dan pendekatannya GAMBARAN MODEL (lanj…) Output: @ IS/IT management strategy @ Business IS strategies @ IT strategies Pert. 10. Kerangka kerja strategi IS/IT dan pendekatannya • Gambar 3.8 model strategis IS/IT External business environment External IS/IT environment Internal business environment Internal IS/IT environment Current application portfolio IS/IT STRATEGY PROCESS Business IS strategies IS/IT management strategy IT strategy Future application portfolio Figure.3.8. The IS/IT strategic model Pert. 10. Kerangka kerja strategi IS/IT dan pendekatannya • Gambar 3.9. Kerangka kerja perumusan strategi dan proses perencanaan. Business and technical environments Previous IS/IT strategy Initiate strategy process Understand the current situation and interpret business needs Define/Update information and systems architecture Determine business IS strategy Formulate IT strategy Prepare migration plans and business case Business strategy and proposed development programme Other planning activities IS/IT strategy and proposed plans Figure.3.9. Framework for IS/IT strategy formulation and planning process Pert. 10. Kerangka kerja strategi IS/IT dan pendekatannya