Physics 712 Solutions to Chapter 11 Problems

Physics 712
Solutions to Chapter 11 Problems
5. Consider a line of charge with linear charge density  arranged, in a primed frame,
along the y'-axis at rest. Write the electric field at all points in Cartesian coordinates in
the primed frame. Now, consider a line of charge with the same linear charge density,
parallel to the y-axis, but this time moving in the +x direction at velocity v. Find the
electric and magnetic fields everywhere in the unprimed frame.
For a line of charge along the y'-axis, we can draw a cylinder of radius r' and length L
around the linear charge density. The charge enclosed will be  L . Symmetry argues that the
electric field will point directly out of the cylinder on the lateral surface, and will depend only on
the distance away, so that E  E   r  rˆ , where r̂ is a unit vector pointing away from the y'-axis.
We then use Gauss’s Law to conclude that the electric field everywhere is
  E  nˆ da  2 r LE   r   , so E   r   
2 0 r 
We therefore have
E  E   r  rˆ 
  xxˆ  z zˆ 
2 0 r  2 0 r 
2 0  x2  z2 
where we recall that in this context r' is the distance of the point from the y'-axis. Of course, in
the primed frame, there is no magnetic field at all.
To solve the “harder” problem, we now simply perform a Lorentz boost by speed –v in
the x-direction. There is one (apparent) subtlety here – are we sure the linear charge density  is
the same in both frames? We know that charge is Lorentz-invariant, and a boost in the xdirection does not affect distances in the y-direction, and since linear charge density is the charge
per unit length (in the y-direction), the linear charge density should be unchanged.
The Lorentz transformations for the fields for this Lorentz boost will be
E  E 
 xxˆ
2 0  x2  z 2 
, E    E  v  B  
B  B  0, B     B  v  E c 2  
 z zˆ
2 0  x2  z 2 
0  z yˆ
 vxˆ   zzˆ
2 0 c  x  z   2  x2  z 2 
The coordinates are related by
t     t  vx c 2  , x    x  vt  ,
y   y , z   z.
Substituting this into the previous expressions, we have
  x  vt  xˆ  zzˆ 
2 0  2  x  vt   z 2 
, B
0  zyˆ
2  2  x  vt   z 2 
, where  
1  v2 c2