Brandeis University JEWISH FUTURES PROJECT September 2014


Brandeis University

Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies


The Impact of Taglit-Birthright Israel: Marriage and Family

Technical Appendices

Leonard Saxe

Michelle Shain

Shahar Hecht

Graham Wright

Micha Rieser

Theodore Sasson

September 2014

Table of Contents

Appendix A: Methodology ............................................................................................................... 1

Appendix B: Tables ......................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix C: Survey Instruments .................................................................................................... 62

Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 231

References ................................................................................................................................... 232


Appendix A: Methodology

Study Design

This report discusses findings from the fourth wave of a longitudinal study of a cohort of Jewish young adults who were applicants to Taglit-Birthright Israel, a program that sends 18-26 year olds on a free ten-day educational trip to Israel. This study focuses on the applicants and participants in the first six years of Taglit’s operation (2001-06). These years were chosen as the focus of this study to ensure that sufficient time would have elapsed since application (and trip experience) for individuals to form families and settle into adult communal roles. Applicants to these rounds reflect the diversity of the applicant pool during the life of the program.

The study was designed to achieve its full panel size and composition over the course of three years. The first wave of the study was conducted in 2009 with a sample of individuals who applied to the program in the years 2001-04. In 2010, the original sample was contacted again for the second wave of the study.

In addition, the original sample was expanded to include a new sample from the cohort of individuals who applied to the program in 2005. In 2012, for the third wave of the study, all members of the original sample and 2005 cohort were contacted again, and once more the sample was expanded with inclusion of applicants from 2006. In 2013, for the fourth wave of the study, no new cohorts were added. Hence, the sample for Wave 4 (2013) of the study was the same as the sample used in Wave 3 (2012).

Table 1. Taglit cohorts included in the panel by wave.

Wave 1 (2009) Wave 2(2010) Wave 3 (2012) Wave 4 (2013)

2001-2004 cohorts

2005 cohort

2006 cohort









Sampling frame

The population for this study is comprised of eligible applicants (both participants and nonparticipants) to Taglit in the winter rounds of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. The relative size of the total applicant cohort and percent of the cohort sampled for the current study is detailed in

Table 2 below. The sampling procedure and composition of the initial sampling frame for this study is explained in detail in Appendix 3 of Saxe et al. 2009 (pp. 10-12). Equivalent information for the 2005 and

2006 cohort samples can be found in the methodological appendix of the report corresponding to the wave in which these cohorts were added (Saxe et al 2011 and Saxe et al 2012 respectively).


Table 2. Applicant pool sampling frame.


Total eligible applicants




Pct. of total population in current study

9% 2001











2006 8,870 25%

Total 35,740 100%

Note: Winter 2001 includes only information on participants (nonparticipant information is not available). Winter 2001 applicants with missing information on age and sex were excluded from the sampling frame and treated as ineligible. The sampling frame figures in this table were updated in Wave 4 to reflect newly discovered ineligible applicants and duplicate records in the registration database.


The sample for this study was drawn to represent participants and nonparticipants during specific years of Taglit’s operation and were stratified to over- or under-represent certain subpopulations (such as older participants).


In general, cases were eligible for inclusion in the sample if they had a primary or secondary residence in the United States at the time of most-recent application to the program, had information on date of birth and sex, had some contact information, and were eligible for participation in the program itself.


Cases that were included in samples in previous waves were surveyed again in Wave 4, using the same stratification scheme as previous waves of the study. This includes individuals who applied to the program in rounds 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. Some individuals sampled in previous waves were subsequently found to be ineligible for the study; these individuals were removed from the sample and their survey data from previous waves was removed. Sample members that refused to participate in any previous waves were not contacted again and automatically designated as nonrespondents.

Ineligible cases

Ineligible for the program - The study design focuses on eligible applicants (participants and nonparticipants) to the winter rounds of 2001-06. Initial eligibility to the program (which is recorded in the registration system) is determined by an algorithm that considers the applicant’s answers to a series of questions. Final eligibility is determined later on when individuals are considered for the trip and undergo a personal interview. While the initial eligibility “flag” identifies most applicants correctly, some are discovered to be ineligible for the program later on (usually because they omitted information when completing the registration form or information was recorded in text fields not accounted for in the algorithm). As the number of applicants has always exceeded available slots by a large margin, many applications of those who didn’t go were never considered and their final eligibility was never determined. The underlying assumption on which sample selection was based is that all individuals are only represented once in the registration system and are correctly identified as eligible to the program by the eligibility flag. Because all participants undergo an additional verification of their information, their eligibility to the program was not questioned. For nonparticipants, information that was collected during the survey contributed to the disqualification of a significant number of individuals from the study—as they should have not been considered eligible for the program.


In particular, in Wave 3 a module designed to collect information on all of the respondent’s trips to Israel proved particularly

useful in identifying a number of cases that were ineligible to the program due to prior peer travel to

Israel, but were not identified as such in the registration database. In a few cases, Taglit staff or administrators were incorrectly classified as applicants in the registration system and were also considered to be ineligible once they were discovered.

Out of study time period – There were also cases where an individual was thought to be an eligible nonparticipant but was later found to have been a participant on a later Taglit trip that was not in the scope of the study or had staffed a trip (without participating). Most often this was the result of duplicate entries in the registration database that were not merged together. Although the database was cleaned in an effort to eliminate duplicate entries, some duplicates remain, specifically where a computerized algorithm could not eliminate these duplicates.


Deceased – All individuals who passed away before the study commenced were considered ineligible for the study. Individuals who passed away during the course of the study were considered eligible only for study waves that were administered before they passed away.

In most cases, individuals who were found to be ineligible for the study for the reasons mentioned above were omitted from all weighting and analyses, even if their survey was complete. However, in a few cases an individual who was sampled as a nonparticipant participated in a Taglit trip between two waves of the study (e.g. in 2010 or 2011) or the sampled individual died sometime after the first wave of the study was administered. In both of these situations the individual is considered eligible when analyzing data collected before the event (death, or participation in Taglit) that caused them to become ineligible for subsequent waves of the study (see Table 3).

Table 3. Ineligibles by type.

2001 – 2004 cohorts

2005 cohort

2006 cohort


Not eligible for program

Out of study time period


Not eligible for program

Out of study time period


Not eligible for program

Out of study time period


Not eligible for program

Out of study time period



Ineligible for all waves














Ineligible for wave 2 onward














Ineligible for wave 3 onward














Ineligible for wave 4 onward





























Some individuals refused to participate in the survey, either by indicating their preference to a caller, by sending an email to the study’s email account, or by opting out using an “opt-out” link included in the email invitation. A field operations manager reviewed all refusals in order to determine whether a refusal conversion should be attempted. Individuals who were deemed “hard refusals” were not contacted again for subsequent waves of the study. The majority of refusals were of individuals who were not interested in participating in the study altogether. Over the four years of data collection, 649 individuals have refused to participate in the survey at some point. Of those, 175 completed at least one wave of the survey before refusing to participate in any further waves.


Enhancing quality of contact information

Shortly after data collection for Wave 3 was completed, contact information for both respondents and nonrespondents was reviewed and recorded in the study’s database. All verified contact information was kept (including phone numbers and email addresses) and annotated. All other information was archived. Contact information was then reviewed to determine its quality, and the likelihood of it leading to a successful contact in Wave 4 was determined. In this process, all cases included in Wave 3 of the study were coded with two fields: contact potential (0=none, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high) and search potential (0=no potential, all resources exhausted, 1=not fully searched, should be tried again).

Prior to administration of Wave 4, all cases with potential 0/0, 0/1, 1/0, and 1/1 were searched. The search protocol included trying all contact information on file to verify usability and searching for new contact information if existing information was deemed to lead to dead ends. Paper letters inviting sampled individuals to take part in the study were sent to individuals who did not have any other form of contact information or where no contact was made via phone/email. Searches were conducted between 10/16/2012 – 02/11/2013. The search process included utilizing online sources to obtain additional contact information for either the respondent or a close relative. This included the subscription-based online data service site Accurint, as well as public whitepages directories such as and Searchers also used their own accounts on the social network site and a researcher account on Facebook to locate contact information. In addition, searchers used search engines such as Google to attempt to find any information they could about potential respondents. Sometimes a personal website, wedding announcement, home-business website or page for an event such as a political campaign was located, and any email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses provided were used to try to contact the respondent or any other individual who might know how to reach them. When respondents were reached, they were asked to verify their date of birth and were enlisted to participate in the study. At the end of the process, new potentials were assigned to each case that was searched. In this process 384 cases were searched. Some of these cases were of sample members who were never reached in the past; others were of respondents to an early wave whose contact information did not lead to a successful contact later on.

Contact potential grouping

All eligible sample members were grouped based on their responses to previous surveys and the quality of their contact information. There were 2,206 individuals who had completed one or more previous surveys (Wave 1, Wave 2, or Wave 3). Since good quality contact information of some form existed for these individuals, they were considered as a single group. In addition, since significant demographic information was already known for this group (due to their response to previous surveys), they were administered a separate survey with complex branching logic to ensure they were not asked redundant or non-applicable questions.

Individuals who had not responded to any previous survey, or who had only partially completed a previous survey, were grouped by the predicted likelihood of contact. One hundred and ninety-two individuals had not completed any previous survey, but a subjective overview of the available contact information for these individuals implied a reasonably “high” probability of contact in Wave 4. In addition, 323 eligible individuals had not responded to any prior survey and had a “medium” probability of contact. Finally, 135 individuals were determined to have a relatively “low” probability of contact, meaning that only unconfirmed contact information (i.e., contact information that had not been confirmed to actually belong to the respondent) was available for these cases. An additional 100 cases were determined to have no useable contact information and no potential for subsequent contact.

These cases were not surveyed.


Table 4. Wave 4 sample.


Responded to previous survey (w1, w2, w3)

Non-respondent, “high” contact potential

Non-respondent, “medium” contact potential

Non-respondent, “low” contact potential

Non-respondent, no contact potential

Past refusals

Total W4 Eligible Sample

Non participants n








Participants n


















As in previous waves, respondents were informed that completion of the full survey (either online or over the phone) would earn them a $25 gift certificate. At the end of the instrument respondents were asked to provide an email address to which the gift code could be sent. Respondents were given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving a gift card; 28 respondents did so.



Field Operations

The Web survey was designed using an online instrument, created in LimeSurvey (Schmitz, 2009).


However, the survey was administered as a dual-mode telephone and Web survey, with phone interviewers using the online survey instrument to input the respondents’ answers. The Web survey was designed with multimode use in mind, with the aim of minimizing mode effects (Dillman, 2007). For respondents who participated in the study in previous waves, web survey was the predominate mode of data collection. Over 90 percent of all surveys were collected via the web (see Table 5). Phone interviewers were instructed to attempt to complete an interview whenever they made contact with a respondent. If necessary, callbacks were scheduled. Many respondents, even when contacted by phone, preferred completing the survey online independently and requested that an email containing the unique URL to the survey be sent to them.

Table 5. Interview mode by sample.

Previous respondents

Previous nonrespondents – “high” potential

Previous nonrespondents – “medium” potential

Previous nonrespondents – “low” potential


Web Telephone Total

Completes Partial Completes Partial Completes Partial

1,787 19 118 0 1,905 19

























Survey launch

The survey was launched on March 4, 2013. Contact attempts with respondents were staggered based on their “contact potential” grouping. Survey launch began with phone and email contact with individuals in the “high” contact potential grouping. No mass email was sent. Callers were instructed to either complete a survey over the phone or if no contact was made to leave a VM, and if applicable, send an invitation email that included a unique link to the survey. Calling for the “medium” potential grouping followed on March 7 and calling for the “low” potential group 4 started on March 13.

All respondents from Waves 1 to 3 who had previous email addresses were sent an email invitation to participate in the survey on March 13, 2013. An initial “soft launch” was attempted with emails being sent to 100 respondents. After several respondents had completed the survey the remainder of the emails was sent. Invitations were sent to emails associated with respondents in the study database. The email invitation was followed by two email reminders spaced about one week apart. Invitations and reminders explained the study and included a unique link for completing the survey online (see

Appendix 4). Reminders were only sent to those who had not completed the survey at that point.

Invitations and reminders were worded slightly differently to target previous respondents and those who did not previously participate in the study. Two days after the second email reminder was sent, callers began to contact all nonrespondents by phone.



Callers made every effort to locate potential respondents or any individual who could provide up-todate contact information. If a potential respondent was busy but wished to complete the survey at a different time, or was temporarily unavailable, a callback was scheduled. Respondents were also given the phone number of a Cohen Center researcher who they could call at their convenience to complete the survey. If a caller received additional contact information from a parent, roommate, friend, or other acquaintance of the respondent, that information was updated into the survey management system

(SMS) and used for follow up. If a new email address was obtained, the caller sent a customized email with a link to the survey to that address via the SMS interface. If an answering machine was reached, a voicemail was left and if an email addresses was listed on file, a follow-up email was sent as well. Phone numbers were called multiple times over a period of about four months and multiple voice mails were left if the number could potentially be linked to the respondent. Most calling was done between the hours of 7pm and 9:30 pm EST, but callers also tried to reach respondents during the day, specifically when the known contact number was a work number or if respondents were known to live overseas and a time difference needed to be taken into consideration when calling. A series of scripts and scenarios were provided to callers to cover most calling scenarios (see Appendix 4). However, callers were advised to use their judgment when they reached a person and to make appropriate adjustments to the script.

Calling was carried out at the Cohen Center by a group of callers predominantly comprised of Brandeis

University undergraduate and graduate students. All callers attended a training session led by a Cohen

Center staff member. A calling supervisor was present at each calling shift and fielded questions and monitored the quality of interviews. Several of the most skilled callers were tasked with attempting refusal conversions. In general, the standard of interviewing was very high.

In cases where a Russian-speaking parent was reached, interviewers transferred the case to one of several native speakers of Russian on the interviewing staff. In addition, respondents with Russian names were allocated, where possible, to native Russian-speaking interviewers.

Searching and additional efforts

In some cases, callers failed to make contact with potential respondents or to verify contact information contained in the SMS. If the individuals in these cases were not included in the pre-survey searching effort, they were designated as “search” cases and a search procedure (previously described) was carried out to obtain new contact information. If new contact information was found, additional attempts were made to contact the respondent or an individual who might have additional contact information.

In an effort to reduce sample attrition, previous respondents who did not respond to the survey after three email invitations and four calling attempts were sent a paper letter asking them to take part in the survey. Paper letters were also sent to sample members who were searched for additional contact information. Mailing addresses were obtained through Accurint and letters were only sent to respondents if the address seemed to match other information in the SMS. All letters were mailed in envelopes with handwritten addresses. A total of 473 letters were sent. An additional round of calls was made to all individuals in this group who did not respond to the survey.

End of data collection

Data collection ended on September 3, 2013.


Final dispositions and outcome rates

Final dispositions for each case were coded by two independent coders using a scheme based on

AAPOR’s standard definitions for email and phone surveys. The agreement rate between coders was very high (99%). Disagreements were resolved by discussion between the coders. Attempts were made to contact 2,859 individuals in the course of data collection for Wave 4 of the study. Interviews were conducted with 2,076 eligible respondents. One hundred and eleven individuals who were contacted in

Wave 4 explicitly refused to take the survey. The overall response rate calculations consider all eligible sample members, even those for whom no attempt at contact was made. Response Rate 3 (RR3) estimates what proportion of cases with unknown eligibility is actually eligible and includes them in the denominator. Response rate 4 (RR4), reported here, allocates cases of unknown eligibility as in RR3 but also includes partial interviews (AAPOR, 2009). The overall response rate (AAPOR RR4) was 65.6 percent.

Response rate calculations treat eligible individuals who were not surveyed in Wave 4 (because they had previously refused or had no potential for contact) as nonrespondents.


The final dispositions and outcome rates for Wave 4 are detailed in the table below:

Table 6. Final dispositions and outcome rates for respondent interviews Wave 4.

Nonparticipants Participants Ineligible Overall


Interview n


Pct. n Pct.

47.5% 1,416 67.1% n n Pct.

2,073 54.7%

Partial interview












16 0.8%

300 14.2%

246 11.7%

3 0.1%




648 17.1%

449 11.9%




Column Total

165 11.93% 129 6.1%

- - - -

1,384 100% 2,110 100%

294 7.8%

293 293 7.7%

3787 100%

Estimate of Unknown Eligibility .916

AAPOR Response Rate 3 64.8%

AAPOR Response Rate 4 65.5%

AAPOR Cooperation Rate 2 76.2%

AAPOR Refusal Rate 2 20.3%

AAPOR Contact Rate 2 86.0%


By considering the participation status of each ineligible individual as it was recorded in the Taglit registration database, it is possible to estimate the proportion of cases of unknown eligibility that are eligible within the nonparticipant and participant categories. The estimate is 81.4 percent for nonparticipants and 99.3 percent for participants. Therefore, AAPOR Response Rate 3 is 53.9 percent for nonparticipants and 71.5 percent for participants.


Design weights

The design weights for a stratified survey are simply the inverse of the probability of selection:

(3) where is the achieved sample in stratum h and is the population size of stratum h. Thus, each case is assigned a weight equal to the number of elements in the population of the frame it “represents.”

However, as in previous studies, the large number of strata proved problematic, as strata were sometimes represented by a single sampling unit in analyses, thereby preventing the calculation of the standard error. Therefore, strata were collapsed by gender to alleviate this problem. This resulted in 18 exhaustive and mutually exclusive weighting strata ( ) based on round, age and participant status. Thus design weights ( ) were calculated as:


One unfortunate side effect of the decision to collapse strata by gender is that it renders design weights unable to correct for any over- or under-sampling of gender within rounds. This is not an issue for the

2005 or 2006 cohorts, but in the original sample (years 2001 to 2004) gender was not balanced within rounds. Gender was, however, balanced in the overall in the original sample. Consequently, the design weights alone do not produce correct estimates for the proportion of males and females within the first four waves. However, the post-stratification raking (discussed below) resolves this issue and produces accurate estimates of gender (and all other stratification variables) for every round.

As in previous years, during the course of data collection, it was found that some cases that had been assigned to nonparticipant strata were actually participants. While this often led to cases being declared ineligible, in other situations the case remained eligible, where the case had a participation status other than the sampling strata to which it was assigned. The goal of design weights is to compare the achieved sample to the frame population it represents. Thus, a new stratum variable was created with the same criteria as the old stratum variable, using the “updated” participation variable to assign cases to strata.

This ensured that cases were given a weight corresponding to the frame subpopulation to which they actually belong.

Poststratification weights

Having defined the design weights, poststratification weights were then calculated in order to adjust for any differences between the distribution of known characteristics of the sample and known characteristics of the frame (which were derived from the Taglit registration database). Post

10 stratification raking forces weighted marginals for respondents on selected variables to equal the appropriate “target” values in the registration database. In addition to the characteristics used in initial stratification (participant status, year of birth, and sex), information on denomination at time of application to the trip was available for the 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 rounds and for part of the 2002 round. Post-stratification weights were calculated separately for each round, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, raking each round separately allows for correction of over- or under-sampling of males or females in a given round, which was unaddressed by the design weights due to the need to collapse strata by gender. Secondly, since the availability of contact varies by round, each round can be raked only on variables that exist for applicants in that round.

Poststratification weights ( was set to remain constant.


) were created by raking within each round, where the sum of the weights

Unlike design weights, which remain constant within weighting stratum, poststratification weights can vary across cases within weighting stratum. For the 2001 round (weighting strata 1 and 2), raking took place on year of birth and sex. Since all 2001 cases were participants, participation status was not included. For the 2002 round (weighting strata 3, 4, 5, and 6), marginal frequencies were raked to population frequencies for year of birth, sex, participation status, and denomination at time of trip, where cases with unknown denomination were treated as a separate category. The remaining rounds (2003-06) were raked separately on year of birth, sex, participation status, and denomination. These raked weights were the final weights used in all analyses.

Table 7. Characteristics of weights.



Design weights

Final raked weights n Mean Std. Min Max

2100 1.0 0.0 1.0

2100 17.0 14.2 5.5



2100 17.0 15.3 3.3 137.6

Calculation of Confidence Intervals

Max:Min ratio




Confidence intervals in this report were calculated at the 95 percent level using Stata’s (2011) survey commands. These were set up for a stratified survey (where the strata are defined as the weighting strata) with simple random sampling within strata. Any re-estimation of these survey data that does not take into account the complex survey design will result in incorrect calculation of confidence intervals (in general, the degree of error will be underestimated). Unweighted re-analyses will result in incorrect point estimates and confidence intervals.


Appendix B: Tables

The regression models and estimated margins that support the analyses in the report are presented below. Table 1 describes the variables found in the output below.

Table 1. Description of variables.

Variable name Variable label age_w4 inmarpar marriage3_w4


Inmarried parents

(1) Unmarried

(2) Intermarried [omitted category]

(3) Inmarried participant_w4 Taglit participant agemarc_w4 Age at marriage centered around the mean age at marriage for the sample (age 27).


The regression models and estimated margins that support the analyses in the “Marriage” section of the report are presented here. For the analysis of inmarriage, two-way tables of frequencies are also presented.

Table 2. Multinomial logistic regression of marital and cohabitation status on age and Taglit participation.

Note: Parental inmarriage omitted from model because not significantly related to marital and cohabitation status.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2083

Number of PSUs = 2083 Population size = 35468.08

Subpop. no. of obs = 1770

Subpop. size = 30342.261

Design df = 2061

F( 4, 2058) = 21.71

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

cohab_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


Married_civil_union |

age_w4 | .1888784 .0231114 8.17 0.000 .1435542 .2342026

participant_w4 | -.3624796 .1483923 -2.44 0.015 -.653494 -.0714651

_cons | -5.412624 .7337956 -7.38 0.000 -6.851683 -3.973566


Cohabiting |

age_w4 | -.003186 .0321743 -0.10 0.921 -.0662835 .0599116

participant_w4 | -.1023108 .2052682 -0.50 0.618 -.5048654 .3002438

_cons | -.85507 1.011957 -0.84 0.398 -2.839636 1.129496


Not_cohabiting | (base outcome)


Table 3. Estimated margins based on Table 2.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2083

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(cohab_w4==Married_civil_union), predict(outcome(Married_civil_union))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .4817461 .0289349 16.65 0.000 .4250346 .5384575

2 | .3993811 .0201371 19.83 0.000 .3599131 .4388492


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2083

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(cohab_w4==Cohabiting), predict(outcome(Cohabiting))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1444655 .0194286 7.44 0.000 .1063861 .1825449

2 | .1553543 .0139964 11.10 0.000 .1279219 .1827867


Table 4. Ordered logistic regression of importance of being married on age and parental inmarriage.

Note: Unmarried panelists only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2090

Number of PSUs = 2090 Population size = 35605.483

Subpop. no. of obs = 866

Subpop. size = 16744.274

Design df = 2068

F( 2, 2067) = 8.17

Prob > F = 0.0003


| Linearized lgmarried_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9511245 .023485 -2.03 0.043 .9061651 .9983147

inmarpar | 2.073637 .4507892 3.35 0.001 1.353883 3.176028


/cut1 | -3.17931 .811908 -3.92 0.000 -4.771552 -1.587067

/cut2 | -1.599522 .7968728 -2.01 0.045 -3.162279 -.0367653

/cut3 | -.020283 .7919811 -0.03 0.980 -1.573447 1.532881



Table 5. Inmarriage by Taglit participation (two-way table of frequencies).

Note: Married panelists only.

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1165

Number of PSUs = 1165 Population size = 18117.827

Subpop. no. of obs = 852

Subpop. size = 12992.008

Design df = 1143


W4 Spouse |

Jewish IF | married | W4 Birthright participant after BRI | 0, No 1, Yes Total


0, No | .5031 .2879 .3663

| [.4295,.5765] [.2399,.3413] [.3247,.41]

| 137 175 312


1, Yes | .4969 .7121 .6337

| [.4235,.5705] [.6587,.7601] [.59,.6753]

| 142 398 540


Total | 1 1 1


| 279 573 852


Key: column proportions

[95% confidence intervals for column proportions]

number of observations


Uncorrected chi2(1) = 53.8030

Design-based F(1, 1143) = 22.2233 P = 0.0000

Table 6. Inmarriage by Taglit participation for panelists with intermarried parents (two-way table of frequencies).

Note: Married panelists with intermarried parents only.

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1901

Number of PSUs = 1901 Population size = 32213.151

Subpop. no. of obs = 163

Subpop. size = 2662.703

Design df = 1879


W4 Spouse |

Jewish IF | married | W4 Birthright participant after BRI | 0, No 1, Yes Total


0, No | .7869 .4518 .5966

| [.6316,.8882] [.3275,.5825] [.4915,.6936]

| 48 54 102


1, Yes | .2131 .5482 .4034

| [.1118,.3684] [.4175,.6725] [.3064,.5085]

| 12 49 61


Total | 1 1 1


| 60 103 163


Key: column proportions

[95% confidence intervals for column proportions]

number of observations


Uncorrected chi2(1) = 217.5709

Design-based F(1, 1879) = 10.6417 P = 0.0011


Table 7. Inmarriage by Taglit participation for panelists with inmarried parents (two-way table of frequencies).

Note: Married panelists with inmarried parents only.

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1361

Number of PSUs = 1361 Population size = 21619.329

Subpop. no. of obs = 689

Subpop. size = 10329.305

Design df = 1339


W4 Spouse |

Jewish IF | married | W4 Birthright participant after BRI | 0, No 1, Yes Total


0, No | .4119 .2512 .307

| [.3316,.4972] [.2002,.3102] [.2623,.3555]

| 89 121 210


1, Yes | .5881 .7488 .693

| [.5028,.6684] [.6898,.7998] [.6445,.7377]

| 130 349 479


Total | 1 1 1


| 219 470 689


Key: column proportions

[95% confidence intervals for column proportions]

number of observations


Uncorrected chi2(1) = 37.4403

Design-based F(1, 1339) = 10.3617 P = 0.0013

Table 8. Logistic regression of inmarriage on age, parental inmarriage, Taglit participation, and an interaction between parental inmarriage and Taglit participation.

Note: Married panelists only. Interaction between parental inmarriage and Taglit participation is not significant.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1165

Number of PSUs = 1165 Population size = 18117.827

Subpop. no. of obs = 852

Subpop. size = 12992.008

Design df = 1143

F( 4, 1140) = 9.71

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

spjewafterbri_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9823157 .0346676 -0.51 0.613 .9165979 1.052745

1.inmarpar | 5.378926 2.317985 3.90 0.000 2.309359 12.52852

1.participant_w4 | 4.524857 2.142644 3.19 0.001 1.786941 11.45775

| inmarpar#participant_w4 |

1 1 | .4515921 .237171 -1.51 0.130 .1611502 1.265498


_cons | .4703459 .5485098 -0.65 0.518 .0477208 4.635825



Table 9. Estimated margins based on Table 8.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1158

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participant_w4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participant_w4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participant_w4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participant_w4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .2159266 .0665937 3.24 0.001 .0854055 .3464478

2 | .5547847 .0681488 8.14 0.000 .4212154 .688354

3 | .5969866 .0486487 12.27 0.000 .5016369 .6923363

4 | .7516692 .0309918 24.25 0.000 .6909264 .8124121


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1158

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict() at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = .7950507

participan~4 = 1

paxinmarpar = .7950507


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_cons | .7161898 .0307586 23.28 0.000 .6559042 .7764755


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1158

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict() at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = .7950507

participan~4 = 0

paxinmarpar = 0


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_cons | .5120227 .0460409 11.12 0.000 .4217841 .6022612



Table 10. Logistic regression of inmarriage on age, parental inmarriage and Taglit participation

Note: Married panelists only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1165

Number of PSUs = 1165 Population size = 18117.827

Subpop. no. of obs = 852

Subpop. size = 12992.008

Design df = 1143

F( 3, 1141) = 14.57

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized spjewafterbri_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9894408 .0347766 -0.30 0.763 .9235073 1.060082

inmarpar | 3.266452 .7741442 4.99 0.000 2.051771 5.200242

participant_w4 | 2.429027 .4894661 4.40 0.000 1.635789 3.606926

_cons | .5577169 .6417595 -0.51 0.612 .0583319 5.332386


Table 11. Estimated margins based on Table 10.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1158

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .2885651 .0514508 5.61 0.000 .1877234 .3894069

2 | .496282 .0586157 8.47 0.000 .3813973 .6111667

3 | .569875 .0452732 12.59 0.000 .4811412 .6586089

4 | .7629338 .0301867 25.27 0.000 .703769 .8220987



Table 12. Logistic regression of inmarriage on age and parental inmarriage for panelists with intermarried parents.

Note: Married panelists with intermarried parents only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1901

Number of PSUs = 1901 Population size = 32213.151

Subpop. no. of obs = 163

Subpop. size = 2662.703

Design df = 1879

F( 2, 1878) = 5.17

Prob > F = 0.0058


| Linearized spjewafterbri_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .8587196 .075549 -1.73 0.084 .7226293 1.020439

participant_w4 | 5.119609 2.621575 3.19 0.001 1.875361 13.97619

_cons | 28.93262 76.85117 1.27 0.205 .1581099 5294.397


Table 13. Estimated margins based on Table 12.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1901

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict() at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 0


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_cons | .230691 .0710841 3.25 0.001 .0913687 .3700132


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1901

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict() at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_cons | .6055547 .0764154 7.92 0.000 .4557832 .7553261




Table 14. Logistic regression of inmarriage on age and parental inmarriage for panelists with inmarried parents.

Note: Married panelists with inmarried parents only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1361

Number of PSUs = 1361 Population size = 21619.329

Subpop. no. of obs = 689

Subpop. size = 10329.305

Design df = 1339

F( 2, 1338) = 5.41

Prob > F = 0.0046


| Linearized spjewafterbri_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | 1.010958 .0390258 0.28 0.778 .9372265 1.090489

participant_w4 | 2.116609 .4827472 3.29 0.001 1.35309 3.310966

_cons | 1.006646 1.289111 0.01 0.996 .0816285 12.41401


Table 15. Estimated margins based on Table 14.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1361

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict() at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 0


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_cons | .5826275 .0499153 11.67 0.000 .4847953 .6804597


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1361

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(spjewafterbri_w4), predict() at : age_w4 = 30

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_cons | .7471339 .0312335 23.92 0.000 .6859174 .8083504


Table 16. Spouse went on Taglit by Taglit participation (two-way table of frequencies).

Note: Married panelists only.

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1211

Number of PSUs = 1211 Population size = 18614.078

Subpop. no. of obs = 898

Subpop. size = 13488.259

Design df = 1189


| W4 Birthright participant

Spouse went on Taglit | 0, No 1, Yes Total


No or not asked | .9006 .7372 .7967

| [.8563,.9323] [.6827,.7853] [.7584,.8302]

| 259 467 726


Yes | .0937 .26 .1995

| [.0629,.1374] [.212,.3145] [.1661,.2376]

| 33 135 168


Don't know | .0057 .0028 .0039

| [.0014,.0225] [7.1e-04,.0111] [.0014,.0103]

| 2 2 4


Total | 1 1 1


| 294 604 898


Key: column proportions

[95% confidence intervals for column proportions]

number of observations


Uncorrected chi2(2) = 48.8475

Design-based F(1.87, 2220.15)= 15.4300 P = 0.0000

Table 17. Logistic regression of cohabiting partner Jewish on age, parental inmarriage, and Taglit participation.

Note: Cohabiting panelists only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2091

Number of PSUs = 2091 Population size = 35631.196

Subpop. no. of obs = 240

Subpop. size = 4344.472

Design df = 2069

F( 3, 2067) = 4.85

Prob > F = 0.0023


| Linearized

nspjew_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9798615 .0578749 -0.34 0.731 .8726892 1.100195

inmarpar | 4.865468 2.264064 3.40 0.001 1.953441 12.1185 participant_w4 | 2.126402 .8652412 1.85 0.064 .9573826 4.722863

_cons | .1698187 .2972573 -1.01 0.311 .0054845 5.258166



Table 18. Estimated margins based on Table 10.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2084

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(nspjew_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0844516 .0429618 1.97 0.049 .0002481 .1686551

2 | .1639792 .0599643 2.73 0.006 .0464513 .2815072

3 | .3097727 .0775594 3.99 0.000 .1577591 .4617863

4 | .4883144 .0514627 9.49 0.000 .3874494 .5891795


Table 19. Logistic regression of inmarriage on parental inmarriage, Taglit participation, age at marriage, and an interaction between Taglit participation and age at marriage.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1155

Number of PSUs = 1155 Population size = 17906.569

Subpop. no. of obs = 842

Subpop. size = 12780.75

Design df = 1133

F( 4, 1130) = 12.77

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

spjewafterbri_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


inmarpar | 3.378308 .7876997 5.22 0.000 2.138048 5.33803

1.participant_w4 | 3.085309 .7630039 4.56 0.000 1.899195 5.012193

agemarc_w4 | 1.003803 .0571493 0.07 0.947 .897709 1.122436

| participant_w4#c.agemarc_w4 |

1 | .8090418 .0588377 -2.91 0.004 .7014569 .9331273


_cons | .3777616 .0958352 -3.84 0.000 .2296379 .6214297



Table 20. Ordinal logistic regression of importance of marrying someone Jewish on age, parental inmarriage, and Taglit participation.

Note: Unmarried panelists only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 985

Number of PSUs = 985 Population size = 18567.801

Subpop. no. of obs = 672

Subpop. size = 13441.982

Design df = 963

F( 3, 961) = 7.97

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized recimpmrryjew_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9490689 .0276152 -1.80 0.073 .8963943 1.004839

inmarpar | 2.355979 .514761 3.92 0.000 1.534466 3.617309

participant_w4 | 1.393062 .2684844 1.72 0.086 .95436 2.033427


/cut1 | -2.100913 .9434128 -2.23 0.026 -3.952294 -.2495306

/cut2 | -1.031491 .934293 -1.10 0.270 -2.864976 .8019938

/cut3 | .2730091 .9323775 0.29 0.770 -1.556717 2.102735



Table 21. Estimated margins based on Table 20.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 978

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recimpmrryjew_w4==4), predict(outcome(4))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1369065 .0288052 4.75 0.000 .0804493 .1933638

2 | .1809802 .0321833 5.62 0.000 .1179021 .2440584

3 | .2720457 .0378626 7.19 0.000 .1978364 .346255

4 | .3423669 .0291103 11.76 0.000 .2853117 .3994221


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 978

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recimpmrryjew_w4==3), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .2320434 .0304894 7.61 0.000 .1722852 .2918015

2 | .267894 .0290693 9.22 0.000 .2109193 .3248688

3 | .3073351 .0259701 11.83 0.000 .2564347 .3582355

4 | .3150347 .0259274 12.15 0.000 .2642179 .3658515





The regression models and estimated margins that support the analyses in the “Children” section of the report are presented here.

Table 22. Ordered logistic regression of importance of being a parent on age and Taglit participation.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2077

Number of PSUs = 2077 Population size = 35347.228

Subpop. no. of obs = 1148

Subpop. size = 21576.304

Design df = 2055

F( 3, 2053) = 11.93

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

lgparent_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9144931 .0207973 -3.93 0.000 .8746033 .9562022

| marriage3_w4 |

1 | .8537767 .1909236 -0.71 0.480 .5506611 1.323745

3 | 2.169817 .5877856 2.86 0.004 1.275568 3.690987


/cut1 | -4.953514 .7668594 -6.46 0.000 -6.457416 -3.449611

/cut2 | -3.733181 .7635359 -4.89 0.000 -5.230566 -2.235797

/cut3 | -2.365071 .759855 -3.11 0.002 -3.855237 -.8749051


Table 23. Logistic regression of having a child on age, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Survey: Logistic regression

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2066

Number of PSUs = 2066 Population size = 35218.991

Subpop. no. of obs = 1753

Subpop. size = 30093.172

Design df = 2044

F( 4, 2041) = 54.95

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

haschild_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | 1.220613 .0387446 6.28 0.000 1.146946 1.29901


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .0587852 .0159985 -10.41 0.000 .0344727 .1002447

3 | 2.348818 .4725182 4.24 0.000 1.583104 3.484893

| participant_w4 | .546329 .1073852 -3.08 0.002 .3715736 .803274

_cons | .0023478 .0024256 -5.86 0.000 .0003096 .017807


Table 24. Estimated margins based on Table 23.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2056

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(haschild_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0517813 .0135697 3.82 0.000 .0251851 .0783774

2 | .0289702 .0069991 4.14 0.000 .0152522 .0426881

3 | .4815852 .0485611 9.92 0.000 .3864072 .5767632

4 | .3366573 .0410747 8.20 0.000 .2561523 .4171623

5 | .6857275 .0451894 15.17 0.000 .5971579 .7742971

6 | .5438089 .0365663 14.87 0.000 .4721403 .6154774



Table 25. Logistic regression of raising oldest child Jewish on age, parental inmarriage, and


Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 903

Number of PSUs = 903 Population size = 13432.301

Subpop. no. of obs = 590

Subpop. size = 8306.482

Design df = 881

F( 4, 878) = 18.71

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

jewchild_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .8731611 .0541181 -2.19 0.029 .7731518 .9861069

inmarpar | 5.070788 2.164189 3.80 0.000 2.194254 11.71829

| marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.481473 .7858814 0.74 0.459 .5230382 4.196182

3 | 18.8081 8.186469 6.74 0.000 8.004583 44.19276


_cons | 21.20459 45.09475 1.44 0.151 .3263859 1377.617


Table 26. Estimated margins based on Table 18.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 890

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(jewchild_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .2660341 .0859201 3.10 0.002 .0976339 .4344343

2 | .872077 .0698656 12.48 0.000 .7351429 1.009011

3 | .6476346 .0672965 9.62 0.000 .515736 .7795333

4 | .9718853 .0124281 78.20 0.000 .9475266 .996244



Table 27. Logistic regression of giving oldest child a Hebrew or Jewish name on age, parental intermarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 900

Number of PSUs = 900 Population size = 13395.08

Subpop. no. of obs = 587

Subpop. size = 8269.261

Design df = 878

F( 4, 875) = 17.80

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized childjewname_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9359441 .0447963 -1.38 0.167 .8520269 1.028126

inmarpar | 4.415097 1.594832 4.11 0.000 2.172915 8.970938


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 2.340463 1.316835 1.51 0.131 .7757499 7.061256

3 | 7.151515 2.322211 6.06 0.000 3.781097 13.52628


_cons | 3.361588 5.523697 0.74 0.461 .1336397 84.55774


Table 28. Estimated margins based on Table 27.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 887

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(childjewname_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .3157068 .0785623 4.02 0.000 .1617274 .4696862

2 | .7674114 .0775115 9.90 0.000 .6154916 .9193311

3 | .6707231 .0606279 11.06 0.000 .5518945 .7895516

4 | .9357629 .0171274 54.64 0.000 .9021938 .969332




Table 29. Logistic regression of having a Jewish naming ceremony for the oldest child on age, parental intermarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children whose oldest child was female only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 589

Number of PSUs = 589 Population size = 8781.875

Subpop. no. of obs = 276

Subpop. size = 3656.056

Design df = 567

F( 4, 564) = 10.17

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized girljewcer_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .8991863 .0613928 -1.56 0.120 .786337 1.028231

inmarpar | 3.810401 1.79687 2.84 0.005 1.509076 9.621223


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 8.171537 5.359604 3.20 0.001 2.253292 29.63398

3 | 6.222656 2.487899 4.57 0.000 2.837438 13.64662


_cons | 4.309537 9.904047 0.64 0.525 .0472107 393.3876


Table 30. Estimated margins based on Table 29.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 576

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(girljewcer_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1509563 .0648516 2.33 0.020 .0238495 .278063

2 | .5252476 .1275423 4.12 0.000 .2752692 .775226

3 | .4038651 .1029076 3.92 0.000 .2021699 .6055603

4 | .8082704 .0472949 17.09 0.000 .715574 .9009668



Table 31. Logistic regression of having a brit milah or medical circumcision for the oldest child on age, parental inmarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children whose oldest child was male only.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 612

Number of PSUs = 612 Population size = 9604.874

Subpop. no. of obs = 299

Subpop. size = 4479.055

Design df = 590

F( 8, 583) = 5.77

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

circ3_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


Jewish_ritual_circ_ |

age_w4 | -.0996294 .0684494 -1.46 0.146 -.2340636 .0348048

inmarpar | 1.659551 .4535192 3.66 0.000 .7688426 2.55026


marriage3_w4 |

1 | -.7241965 .6263429 -1.16 0.248 -1.95433 .5059365

3 | 2.326083 .5095302 4.57 0.000 1.325369 3.326797


_cons | 2.377554 2.24981 1.06 0.291 -2.041057 6.796165


Medical_circ_ | (base outcome)


No_ritual__no_circ_ |

age_w4 | -.0801153 .1282511 -0.62 0.532 -.3319995 .1717689

inmarpar | .197549 .7520924 0.26 0.793 -1.279555 1.674653


marriage3_w4 |

1 | -1.323762 .9859349 -1.34 0.180 -3.260131 .612607

3 | -1.460218 1.193837 -1.22 0.222 -3.804906 .8844689


_cons | 1.3249 4.240903 0.31 0.755 -7.004204 9.654004


Table 32. Estimated margins based on Table 31.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 599

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(circ3_w4==Jewish_ritual_circ_), predict(outcome(1))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .2882167 .0930907 3.10 0.002 .1057623 .4706711

2 | .8373655 .0664157 12.61 0.000 .7071931 .9675379

3 | .6685299 .0834137 8.01 0.000 .5050421 .8320177

4 | .9638218 .0177634 54.26 0.000 .9290061 .9986374


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 599

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(circ3_w4==Medical_circ_), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .5311478 .1119004 4.75 0.000 .3118271 .7504685

2 | .1507323 .0646516 2.33 0.020 .0240174 .2774472

3 | .2343598 .0633794 3.70 0.000 .1101386 .3585811

4 | .033003 .0174246 1.89 0.058 -.0011486 .0671547



Table 33. Ordinal logistic regression of importance of raising children Jewish on age, parental inmarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 1419

Number of PSUs = 1419 Population size = 26047.906

Subpop. no. of obs = 1106

Subpop. size = 20922.087

Design df = 1397

F( 5, 1393) = 17.25

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized recfutchild_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9629167 .0225253 -1.62 0.106 .9197282 1.008133

inmarpar | 2.665099 .504162 5.18 0.000 1.838866 3.86257


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.60283 .3618592 2.09 0.037 1.029322 2.495879

3 | 6.979638 2.481671 5.46 0.000 3.474708 14.01998

| participant_w4 | 1.412544 .237233 2.06 0.040 1.016064 1.963735


/cut1 | -2.013242 .8166971 -2.47 0.014 -3.615327 -.4111567

/cut2 | -.7774074 .8103241 -0.96 0.338 -2.366991 .8121758

/cut3 | .312094 .8094069 0.39 0.700 -1.27569 1.899878


Table 34. Estimated margins based on Table 33.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1406

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recfutchild_w4==4), predict(outcome(4))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1


participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .274089 .0395375 6.93 0.000 .1965969 .351581

2 | .347832 .0417239 8.34 0.000 .2660546 .4296093

3 | .1906572 .0400005 4.77 0.000 .1122578 .2690567

4 | .2496737 .0451079 5.54 0.000 .1612638 .3380837

5 | .6218133 .0834582 7.45 0.000 .4582382 .7853884

6 | .6990217 .0741958 9.42 0.000 .5536006 .8444428

7 | .5015666 .0397128 12.63 0.000 .4237309 .5794022

8 | .5870197 .0271136 21.65 0.000 .5338779 .6401614

9 | .3856809 .0612383 6.30 0.000 .265656 .5057058

10 | .470008 .0559868 8.39 0.000 .3602759 .5797402

11 | .8141936 .0462604 17.60 0.000 .7235249 .9048622

12 | .8609119 .0348806 24.68 0.000 .7925472 .9292767


. margins, predict(outcome(3)) at(age_w4=30 inmarpar=(0(1)1) participant_w4=(0(1)1) marriage3_w4=(1(1)3)

> )

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 1406

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recfutchild_w4==3), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30


inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .2547606 .020951 12.16 0.000 .2136973 .2958239

2 | .2654001 .0195759 13.56 0.000 .2270321 .3037681

3 | .2212119 .0270465 8.18 0.000 .1682017 .274222

4 | .2476134 .0231782 10.68 0.000 .202185 .2930417

5 | .2083455 .0371701 5.61 0.000 .1354936 .2811975

6 | .1744649 .0376581 4.63 0.000 .1006565 .2482734

7 | .2478997 .0194948 12.72 0.000 .2096906 .2861087

8 | .2216145 .0170055 13.03 0.000 .1882844 .2549446

9 | .2654462 .0194867 13.62 0.000 .227253 .3036395

10 | .2549897 .0209476 12.17 0.000 .2139332 .2960463

11 | .1145134 .0270749 4.23 0.000 .0614475 .1675792

12 | .0875434 .0213214 4.11 0.000 .0457542 .1293326



Jewish Practice in the Home

The regression models and estimated margins that support the analyses in the “Jewish Practice in the

Home” section of the report are presented here.

Table 35. Ordinal logistic regression of frequency of having or attending a Shabbat meal on age, parental inmarriage, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2085

Number of PSUs = 2085 Population size = 35488.143

Subpop. no. of obs = 1156

Subpop. size = 21717.219

Design df = 2063

F( 5, 2059) = 7.04

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

shabmeal_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9766151 .0238682 -0.97 0.333 .9309109 1.024563

inmarpar | 1.647237 .324575 2.53 0.011 1.11927 2.424248


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.376264 .2901713 1.51 0.130 .9101836 2.081011

3 | 3.229718 .9070635 4.17 0.000 1.861937 5.602271

| participant_w4 | 1.393594 .2266295 2.04 0.041 1.01305 1.917088


/cut1 | -.0479591 .8108684 -0.06 0.953 -1.638165 1.542247

/cut2 | 2.338805 .8156633 2.87 0.004 .7391961 3.938415

/cut3 | 3.189542 .8302249 3.84 0.000 1.561376 4.817709


Table 36. Estimated margins based on Table 35.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2056

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(shabmeal_w4==4), predict(outcome(4))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0


marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0271184 .0068701 3.95 0.000 .0136532 .0405836

2 | .0373929 .0086375 4.33 0.000 .0204637 .0543222

3 | .0198515 .0055999 3.54 0.000 .0088759 .0308272

4 | .0274505 .0074312 3.69 0.000 .0128856 .0420154

5 | .0613972 .0175453 3.50 0.000 .027009 .0957854

6 | .0835439 .0229766 3.64 0.000 .0385107 .1285772

7 | .0438999 .0096215 4.56 0.000 .0250421 .0627577

8 | .0601395 .0100267 6.00 0.000 .0404875 .0797915

9 | .0322854 .0086923 3.71 0.000 .0152488 .049322

10 | .0444281 .0105025 4.23 0.000 .0238437 .0650126

11 | .0972704 .0234889 4.14 0.000 .0512331 .1433077

12 | .1305571 .0273517 4.77 0.000 .0769487 .1841655


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2056

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(shabmeal_w4==3), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1


participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0341473 .0082124 4.16 0.000 .0180512 .0502433

2 | .0459762 .0101143 4.55 0.000 .0261525 .0657999

3 | .0254227 .0068815 3.69 0.000 .0119352 .0389102

4 | .0345388 .0089654 3.85 0.000 .0169669 .0521108

5 | .0714183 .0184665 3.87 0.000 .0352246 .107612

6 | .092352 .0223588 4.13 0.000 .0485296 .1361744

7 | .05317 .010153 5.24 0.000 .0332705 .0730695

8 | .0701584 .0102485 6.85 0.000 .0500718 .090245

9 | .0401689 .0097147 4.13 0.000 .0211284 .0592095

10 | .0537441 .0113022 4.76 0.000 .0315923 .075896

11 | .1041901 .020839 5.00 0.000 .0633464 .1450338

12 | .1295706 .0223304 5.80 0.000 .0858039 .1733373



Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2056

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(shabmeal_w4==2), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1



| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .3539249 .0384813 9.20 0.000 .278503 .4293468

2 | .4139653 .0368723 11.23 0.000 .341697 .4862337

3 | .295034 .0453492 6.51 0.000 .2061511 .3839169

4 | .3562429 .0482927 7.38 0.000 .261591 .4508948

5 | .4921021 .0387287 12.71 0.000 .4161953 .5680088

6 | .5230661 .0294229 17.78 0.000 .4653984 .5807339

7 | .4419881 .028074 15.74 0.000 .386964 .4970122

8 | .4894403 .0222156 22.03 0.000 .4458984 .5329821

9 | .38693 .043636 8.87 0.000 .301405 .472455

10 | .4439935 .0381487 11.64 0.000 .3692234 .5187637

11 | .5314761 .0234424 22.67 0.000 .4855299 .5774224

12 | .5326022 .0224752 23.70 0.000 .4885515 .5766528


Table 37. Ordinal logistic regression of frequency of lighting Shabbat candles on age, parental inmarriage, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2079

Number of PSUs = 2079 Population size = 35295.068

Subpop. no. of obs = 1150

Subpop. size = 21524.144

Design df = 2057

F( 5, 2053) = 4.96

Prob > F = 0.0002


| Linearized

shabcndls_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9791533 .0247571 -0.83 0.405 .9317858 1.028929

inmarpar | 1.528466 .3124684 2.08 0.038 1.023623 2.282294


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.208984 .2802171 0.82 0.413 .7673856 1.904703

3 | 2.969949 .9222667 3.51 0.000 1.615352 5.460478

| participant_w4 | 1.384604 .2325898 1.94 0.053 .995988 1.924851


/cut1 | .2532796 .8522287 0.30 0.766 -1.418041 1.924601

/cut2 | 2.784825 .8667177 3.21 0.001 1.08509 4.484561

/cut3 | 3.618825 .8974352 4.03 0.000 1.858848 5.378801



Table 38. Ordinal logistic regression of frequency of having or attending a Shabbat meal on age, parental intermarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2079

Number of PSUs = 2079 Population size = 35502.948

Subpop. no. of obs = 583

Subpop. size = 8204.613

Design df = 2057

F( 4, 2054) = 15.36

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

shabmeal_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .8992375 .0376784 -2.53 0.011 .8283 .9762501

inmarpar | 1.97479 .7415079 1.81 0.070 .9456219 4.124052

| marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.834791 .8955668 1.24 0.214 .7044791 4.778649

3 | 4.371874 1.205627 5.35 0.000 2.545625 7.508285


/cut1 | -2.772468 1.454452 -1.91 0.057 -5.624819 .0798835

/cut2 | -.8926342 1.451657 -0.61 0.539 -3.739504 1.954236

/cut3 | -.3358111 1.45796 -0.23 0.818 -3.195042 2.52342


Table 39. Estimated margins based on Table 38.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2050

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(shabmeal_w4==4), predict(outcome(4))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0546589 .0185353 2.95 0.003 .0183305 .0909874

2 | .2017743 .0670896 3.01 0.003 .0702811 .3332676

3 | .1024797 .0279451 3.67 0.000 .0477083 .157251

4 | .3329707 .0453498 7.34 0.000 .2440868 .4218546



. margins, predict(outcome(3)) at(age_w4=30 inmarpar=(0(1)1) marriage3_w4=(2(1)3))

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2050

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(shabmeal_w4==3), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0369946 .0133046 2.78 0.005 .0109181 .0630711

2 | .1043252 .0290665 3.59 0.000 .0473558 .1612946

3 | .0636723 .0157398 4.05 0.000 .0328229 .0945217

4 | .1325948 .0215359 6.16 0.000 .0903853 .1748043


. margins, predict(outcome(2)) at(age_w4=30 inmarpar=(0(1)1) marriage3_w4=(2(1)3))

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2050

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(shabmeal_w4==2), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .3063533 .0609798 5.02 0.000 .1868351 .4258716

2 | .4368613 .0296453 14.74 0.000 .3787576 .4949651

3 | .400127 .0359093 11.14 0.000 .3297461 .4705079

4 | .3853598 .0338487 11.38 0.000 .3190176 .451702



Table 40. Ordinal logistic regression of frequency of lighting Shabbat candles on age, parental inmarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Ordered logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2078

Number of PSUs = 2078 Population size = 35489.454

Subpop. no. of obs = 582

Subpop. size = 8191.119

Design df = 2056

F( 4, 2053) = 12.31

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized shabcndls_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9459222 .0429862 -1.22 0.221 .8652684 1.034094

inmarpar | 1.950166 .6517535 2.00 0.046 1.012579 3.755902

| marriage3_w4 |

1 | 2.638287 1.313739 1.95 0.052 .9936089 7.005332

3 | 3.903165 1.002668 5.30 0.000 2.358449 6.459625


/cut1 | -.8934266 1.52471 -0.59 0.558 -3.883563 2.09671

/cut2 | .6292717 1.518156 0.41 0.679 -2.348011 3.606555

/cut3 | 1.249083 1.531187 0.82 0.415 -1.753755 4.251922


Table 41. Linear regression of Jewish holiday scale score on age, Taglit participation, parental inmarriage, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Linear regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2086

Number of PSUs = 2086 Population size = 35496.836

Subpop. no. of obs = 1157

Subpop. size = 21725.912

Design df = 2064

F( 5, 2060) = 11.65

Prob > F = 0.0000

R-squared = 0.0663


| Linearized

jhol_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | -.0596309 .0306724 -1.94 0.052 -.119783 .0005212

inmarpar | .7057944 .2483871 2.84 0.005 .218679 1.19291


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .7728671 .2478647 3.12 0.002 .2867761 1.258958

3 | 1.693066 .3332303 5.08 0.000 1.039564 2.346569

| participant_w4 | .547916 .2073208 2.64 0.008 .1413362 .9544957

_cons | 4.123058 1.028434 4.01 0.000 2.106181 6.139934



Table 42. Estimated margins based on Table 41.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2057

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Linear prediction, predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1



| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | 3.106998 .260601 11.92 0.000 2.59623 3.617767

2 | 3.654914 .2442129 14.97 0.000 3.176266 4.133563

3 | 2.334131 .2974731 7.85 0.000 1.751095 2.917168

4 | 2.882047 .2971397 9.70 0.000 2.299664 3.46443

5 | 4.027197 .3595064 11.20 0.000 3.322578 4.731817

6 | 4.575113 .3463591 13.21 0.000 3.896262 5.253965

7 | 3.812793 .1984065 19.22 0.000 3.423923 4.201662

8 | 4.360709 .1322147 32.98 0.000 4.101572 4.619845

9 | 3.039926 .2692874 11.29 0.000 2.512132 3.567719

10 | 3.587841 .2422933 14.81 0.000 3.112955 4.062728

11 | 4.732992 .294412 16.08 0.000 4.155955 5.310028

12 | 5.280908 .2525604 20.91 0.000 4.785898 5.775917


Table 43. Linear regression of Jewish holiday scale score on age, parental inmarriage, and


Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Linear regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2083

Number of PSUs = 2083 Population size = 35529.9

Subpop. no. of obs = 587

Subpop. size = 8231.565

Design df = 2061

F( 4, 2058) = 45.77

Prob > F = 0.0000

R-squared = 0.2614


| Linearized

jhol_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | -.0291074 .0470498 -0.62 0.536 -.1213775 .0631626

inmarpar | 1.254688 .3604177 3.48 0.001 .5478672 1.961509

| marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.313526 .7806811 1.68 0.093 -.2174801 2.844532

3 | 2.713722 .2764191 9.82 0.000 2.171632 3.255812


_cons | 3.270942 1.560433 2.10 0.036 .2107521 6.331132



Table 44. Estimated margins based on Table 43.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2054

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Linear prediction, predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | 2.397719 .3069082 7.81 0.000 1.79619 2.999248

2 | 5.111441 .3851505 13.27 0.000 4.35656 5.866322

3 | 3.652407 .2837654 12.87 0.000 3.096237 4.208577

4 | 6.366129 .2045532 31.12 0.000 5.965212 6.767046


Table 45. Logistic regression of having a Christmas tree on age and parental inmarriage.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2096

Number of PSUs = 2096 Population size = 35707.736

Subpop. no. of obs = 321

Subpop. size = 4844.708

Design df = 2074

F( 2, 2073) = 2.06

Prob > F = 0.1276


| Linearized

xmastree_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9946075 .0522744 -0.10 0.918 .8971979 1.102593

inmarpar | .5187984 .1685223 -2.02 0.043 .2743719 .9809742

_cons | 2.410025 4.165368 0.51 0.611 .0812808 71.45873




Table 46. Multinomial logistic regression of importance of keeping kosher on age, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2084

Number of PSUs = 2084 Population size = 35436.921

Subpop. no. of obs = 1155

Subpop. size = 21665.997

Design df = 2062

F( 8, 2055) = 6.31

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

kosher_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


Not_important | (base outcome)


Somewhat_important |

age_w4 | .0030228 .0364509 0.08 0.934 -.0684616 .0745072


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .8543361 .3532469 2.42 0.016 .1615782 1.547094

3 | .9048657 .4119918 2.20 0.028 .0969024 1.712829


participant_w4 | .4424007 .2405847 1.84 0.066 -.0294136 .9142149

_cons | -2.75604 1.199105 -2.30 0.022 -5.107624 -.4044562


Very_important_Essential |

age_w4 | -.0317362 .0507754 -0.63 0.532 -.1313126 .0678402


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 3.37899 1.020781 3.31 0.001 1.377121 5.380858

3 | 4.640273 1.040778 4.46 0.000 2.599188 6.681358


participant_w4 | 1.364652 .3918977 3.48 0.001 .5960958 2.133209

_cons | -6.008816 1.868043 -3.22 0.001 -9.672264 -2.345368


Table 47. Estimated margins based on Table 46.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2058

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(kosher_w4==Very_important_Essential), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0233545 .0084125 2.78 0.006 .0068662 .0398428

2 | .0798811 .0127508 6.26 0.000 .0548899 .1048723

3 | .0008858 .0009334 0.95 0.343 -.0009436 .0027152

4 | .0033379 .0033609 0.99 0.321 -.0032493 .0099251

5 | .0773216 .0305376 2.53 0.011 .0174689 .1371743

6 | .2326981 .0451048 5.16 0.000 .1442944 .3211017


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2058

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(kosher_w4==Somewhat_important), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1372333 .0253818 5.41 0.000 .0874858 .1869808

2 | .1866398 .0217837 8.57 0.000 .1439444 .2293351

3 | .0649912 .0243973 2.66 0.008 .0171734 .1128091

4 | .0973818 .0290402 3.35 0.001 .0404642 .1542995

5 | .1353837 .0348608 3.88 0.000 .0670578 .2037095

6 | .1620054 .0330225 4.91 0.000 .0972824 .2267283



Table 48. Multinomial logistic regression of importance of keeping kosher on age and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2080

Number of PSUs = 2080 Population size = 35488.655

Subpop. no. of obs = 584

Subpop. size = 8190.32

Design df = 2058

F( 6, 2053) = 7.88

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

kosher_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


Not_important | (base outcome)


Somewhat_important |

age_w4 | .0059558 .0616881 0.10 0.923 -.1150217 .1269333


marriage3_w4 |

1 | -.2842822 .6558901 -0.43 0.665 -1.57056 1.001995

3 | .9917828 .3896126 2.55 0.011 .2277067 1.755859


_cons | -2.260313 2.156841 -1.05 0.295 -6.490132 1.969507


Very_important_Essential |

age_w4 | -.1100397 .057946 -1.90 0.058 -.2236787 .0035993


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 2.543406 .9251592 2.75 0.006 .7290602 4.357752

3 | 4.009374 .6671667 6.01 0.000 2.700982 5.317766


_cons | -.9475629 1.934085 -0.49 0.624 -4.74053 2.845404



Table 49. Estimated margins based on Table 48.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2054

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(kosher_w4==Very_important_Essential), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .012539 .0080795 1.55 0.121 -.0032965 .0283745

2 | .3706902 .0479676 7.73 0.000 .2766754 .464705


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2054

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(kosher_w4==Somewhat_important), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1095037 .0410562 2.67 0.008 .0290351 .1899724

2 | .1583628 .0328308 4.82 0.000 .0940157 .22271


Table 50. Logistic regression of PJ Library participation on age and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 906

Number of PSUs = 906 Population size = 13449.793

Subpop. no. of obs = 593

Subpop. size = 8323.974

Design df = 884

F( 3, 882) = 5.50

Prob > F = 0.0010


| Linearized

pjlib_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | 1.11764 .0539509 2.30 0.021 1.016614 1.228705

| marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.301031 .873746 0.39 0.695 .3482205 4.860949

3 | 3.210801 1.000343 3.74 0.000 1.74202 5.91798


_cons | .0071506 .0120061 -2.94 0.003 .000265 .1929688



Table 51. Estimated margins based on Table 50.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 896

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(pjlib_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1674258 .0466401 3.59 0.000 .076013 .2588387

2 | .392346 .0452885 8.66 0.000 .3035822 .4811098


Table 52. Multinomial logistic regression of proportion of close friends who are Jewish on age, parental inmarriage, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2072

Number of PSUs = 2072 Population size = 35284.017

Subpop. no. of obs = 1759

Subpop. size = 30158.198

Design df = 2050

F( 10, 2041) = 16.10

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

recjwfrnd_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


A_few_or_none | (base outcome)


Half |

age_w4 | -.055899 .0269201 -2.08 0.038 -.1086926 -.0031054

inmarpar | .5612129 .2046447 2.74 0.006 .1598796 .9625462


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .2084788 .2224576 0.94 0.349 -.2277877 .6447454

3 | .8976957 .2563954 3.50 0.000 .3948731 1.400518

| participant_w4 | .3010633 .1702727 1.77 0.077 -.0328622 .6349888

_cons | .1523848 .9014168 0.17 0.866 -1.615403 1.920173


Most_of_all |

age_w4 | -.0710602 .0262262 -2.71 0.007 -.122493 -.0196274

inmarpar | .9345037 .2461891 3.80 0.000 .4516969 1.41731


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .8843946 .2877876 3.07 0.002 .320008 1.448781

3 | 2.772885 .299099 9.27 0.000 2.186316 3.359455

| participant_w4 | .4997025 .174847 2.86 0.004 .1568062 .8425989

_cons | -.5832843 .947483 -0.62 0.538 -2.441414 1.274845



Table 53. Estimated margins based on Table 52.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2059

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recjwfrnd_w4==Most_of_all), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1



| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1122187 .0269555 4.16 0.000 .0593869 .1650504

2 | .1624337 .0321733 5.05 0.000 .0993752 .2254921

3 | .0515605 .0184151 2.80 0.005 .0154674 .0876535

4 | .0777531 .024425 3.18 0.001 .029881 .1256253

5 | .4084814 .067495 6.05 0.000 .2761937 .5407691

6 | .503513 .0633891 7.94 0.000 .3792726 .6277534

7 | .2172958 .0278756 7.80 0.000 .1626606 .271931

8 | .2914715 .0244308 11.93 0.000 .243588 .339355

9 | .108725 .02906 3.74 0.000 .0517685 .1656816

10 | .1548923 .0346069 4.48 0.000 .087064 .2227206

11 | .5821125 .043217 13.47 0.000 .4974088 .6668162

12 | .6624545 .0305337 21.70 0.000 .6026096 .7222994


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2059

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recjwfrnd_w4==Half), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

9._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0


10._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

11._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

12._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1877362 .0328007 5.72 0.000 .1234481 .2520244

2 | .2227876 .0341553 6.52 0.000 .1558445 .2897308

3 | .1695689 .0331102 5.12 0.000 .104674 .2344638

4 | .2096426 .0415203 5.05 0.000 .1282642 .2910209

5 | .2059763 .0464902 4.43 0.000 .1148572 .2970953

6 | .2081554 .0437028 4.76 0.000 .1224994 .2938114

7 | .2502743 .0300406 8.33 0.000 .1913958 .3091527

8 | .2752282 .0236063 11.66 0.000 .2289607 .3214957

9 | .2461732 .038902 6.33 0.000 .1699266 .3224198

10 | .2875234 .0447775 6.42 0.000 .1997611 .3752857

11 | .2020848 .0341199 5.92 0.000 .135211 .2689587

12 | .1885449 .0235619 8.00 0.000 .1423646 .2347253



Jewish Communal Engagement

The regression models and estimated margins that support the analyses in the “Jewish Communal

Engagement” section of the report are presented here.

Table 54. Multinomial logistic regression of religious service attendance on age, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2086

Number of PSUs = 2086 Population size = 35496.836

Subpop. no. of obs = 1157

Subpop. size = 21725.912

Design df = 2064

F( 8, 2057) = 4.66

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

recrelserv_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


Never__1_3_times | (base outcome)


Every_few_months_Once_a_month |

age_w4 | -.0416906 .037366 -1.12 0.265 -.1149696 .0315884


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .7183155 .4081333 1.76 0.079 -.0820804 1.518711

3 | 1.147696 .455553 2.52 0.012 .2543042 2.041087


participant_w4 | 1.028231 .2317783 4.44 0.000 .5736872 1.482775

_cons | -1.768156 1.266717 -1.40 0.163 -4.252332 .7160201


More_than_once_a_month |

age_w4 | -.0269569 .0553147 -0.49 0.626 -.1354354 .0815215


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.493985 1.014181 1.47 0.141 -.4949393 3.48291

3 | 2.387441 1.040174 2.30 0.022 .3475413 4.42734


participant_w4 | .4255825 .3864696 1.10 0.271 -.3323285 1.183493

_cons | -3.533681 2.066491 -1.71 0.087 -7.586306 .5189446


Table 55. Estimated margins based on Table 54.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2060

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recrelserv_w4==More_than_once_a_month), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0


4._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0500257 .0164686 3.04 0.002 .0177478 .0823037

2 | .0647779 .0122831 5.27 0.000 .0407034 .0888523

3 | .0122478 .0135938 0.90 0.368 -.0143956 .0388911

4 | .0172109 .0165482 1.04 0.298 -.015223 .0496447

5 | .1092785 .0423734 2.58 0.010 .0262282 .1923289

6 | .1315472 .0309315 4.25 0.000 .0709225 .1921719


. margins, predict(outcome(2)) at(age_w4=30 participant_w4=(0(1)1) marriage3_w4=(1(1)3))

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2060

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recrelserv_w4==Every_few_months_Once_a_month), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0865206 .0164154 5.27 0.000 .0543471 .1186941

2 | .2046819 .0218769 9.36 0.000 .1618041 .2475598

3 | .04601 .0182148 2.53 0.012 .0103096 .0817104

4 | .1181204 .0406732 2.90 0.004 .0384023 .1978384

5 | .1188271 .0321853 3.69 0.000 .055745 .1819092

6 | .26133 .0461214 5.67 0.000 .1709337 .3517264




Table 56. Logistic regression of synagogue membership on age, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2083

Number of PSUs = 2083 Population size = 35439.735

Subpop. no. of obs = 1154

Subpop. size = 21668.811

Design df = 2061

F( 4, 2058) = 5.95

Prob > F = 0.0001


| Linearized

syn_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9101776 .0315796 -2.71 0.007 .8503065 .9742645


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 2.088107 .863548 1.78 0.075 .9279553 4.69871

3 | 4.327367 1.937797 3.27 0.001 1.798172 10.41397

| participant_w4 | 1.462369 .3235919 1.72 0.086 .9475305 2.256945

_cons | 1.411039 1.626169 0.30 0.765 .147226 13.52363


Table 57. Logistic regression of synagogue membership on age, parental intermarriage, Taglit participation, and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2083

Number of PSUs = 2083 Population size = 35523.335

Subpop. no. of obs = 587

Subpop. size = 8225

Design df = 2061

F( 5, 2057) = 7.98

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

syn_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9549286 .0415507 -1.06 0.289 .8768226 1.039992

inmarpar | 2.15513 .8208722 2.02 0.044 1.021097 4.548624


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 4.798382 2.521984 2.98 0.003 1.711782 13.45058

3 | 5.021681 1.670809 4.85 0.000 2.615 9.643319

| participant_w4 | 1.899714 .4912106 2.48 0.013 1.144098 3.154376

_cons | .3413077 .5224457 -0.70 0.483 .0169602 6.868481


Table 58. Estimated margins based on Table 57.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2054

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(syn_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

7._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

8._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0788168 .035978 2.19 0.028 .0083012 .1493323

2 | .1398147 .0529602 2.64 0.008 .0360146 .2436149

3 | .3005315 .0965779 3.11 0.002 .1112423 .4898206

4 | .4494075 .092928 4.84 0.000 .2672719 .6315431

5 | .1556862 .0483558 3.22 0.001 .0609105 .2504619

6 | .2594213 .0699536 3.71 0.000 .1223148 .3965279

7 | .4807802 .0624071 7.70 0.000 .3584644 .6030959

8 | .6375593 .04699 13.57 0.000 .5454606 .729658



Table 59. Multinomial logistic regression of religious service attendance on age and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists with children only.

Survey: Multinomial logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2079

Number of PSUs = 2079 Population size = 35499.988

Subpop. no. of obs = 583

Subpop. size = 8201.653

Design df = 2057

F( 6, 2052) = 7.61

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized

recrelserv_w4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


Never__1_3_times | (base outcome)


Every_few_months_Once_a_month |

age_w4 | -.0601955 .057162 -1.05 0.292 -.1722969 .0519059


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .6466384 .5927801 1.09 0.275 -.5158733 1.80915

3 | 1.127077 .3494902 3.22 0.001 .4416855 1.812469


_cons | .4083296 1.924182 0.21 0.832 -3.365219 4.181878


More_than_once_a_month |

age_w4 | -.0766003 .051874 -1.48 0.140 -.1783314 .0251308


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 2.837406 .9275623 3.06 0.002 1.018347 4.656465

3 | 3.577227 .578168 6.19 0.000 2.443371 4.711082


_cons | -1.785273 1.720695 -1.04 0.300 -5.159759 1.589214



Table 60. Estimated margins based on Table 59 .

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2053

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recrelserv_w4==More_than_once_a_month), predict(outcome(3))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0133317 .0072895 1.83 0.067 -.0009555 .027619

2 | .2548161 .0404219 6.30 0.000 .1755907 .3340416


Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2053

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(recrelserv_w4==Every_few_months_Once_a_month), predict(outcome(2))

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1955651 .055548 3.52 0.000 .0866929 .3044372

2 | .3225116 .0460851 7.00 0.000 .2321863 .4128368


Table 61. Binary logistic regression of volunteering under Jewish sponsorship on age, Taglit participation and (in)marriage.

Note: Panelists without children only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 2081

Number of PSUs = 2081 Population size = 35427.093

Subpop. no. of obs = 1152

Subpop. size = 21656.169

Design df = 2059

F( 4, 2056) = 2.15

Prob > F = 0.0720


| Linearized

anyvoljew_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | .9927855 .0317536 -0.23 0.821 .9324258 1.057053


marriage3_w4 |

1 | 1.756424 .6400431 1.55 0.122 .8595435 3.589143

3 | 2.34402 .9716359 2.06 0.040 1.03972 5.284529

| participant_w4 | 1.481685 .3169004 1.84 0.066 .9740811 2.253806

_cons | .1405148 .1469336 -1.88 0.061 .0180765 1.092271



Table 62. Estimated margins based on Table 61.

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 2055

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(anyvoljew_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 0

2._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 1

participan~4 = 1

3._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 0

4._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 2

participan~4 = 1

5._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 0

6._at : age_w4 = 30

marriage3_w4 = 3

participan~4 = 1


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .1657046 .0261003 6.35 0.000 .114549 .2168603

2 | .2273737 .0221305 10.27 0.000 .1839986 .2707487

3 | .1015919 .0349554 2.91 0.004 .0330807 .1701032

4 | .1435048 .0435143 3.30 0.001 .0582184 .2287912

5 | .2095247 .0485484 4.32 0.000 .1143716 .3046778

6 | .2819898 .04455 6.33 0.000 .1946734 .3693062



Table 63. Binary logistic regression of Jewish daycare or school on age, parental inmarriage and


Note: Panelists with children whose oldest child attends a daycare, nursery school or preschool only.

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 22 Number of obs = 773

Number of PSUs = 773 Population size = 11838.853

Subpop. no. of obs = 460

Subpop. size = 6713.034

Design df = 751

F( 4, 748) = 8.17

Prob > F = 0.0000


| Linearized jewpreschool_w4 | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


age_w4 | 1.032995 .068194 0.49 0.623 .9074339 1.175931

inmarpar | 3.165569 1.592191 2.29 0.022 1.179317 8.497147


marriage3_w4 |

1 | .9731839 .8326415 -0.03 0.975 .1814446 5.219702

3 | 5.963321 3.008286 3.54 0.000 2.215102 16.05398


_cons | .0132517 .0293988 -1.95 0.052 .0001702 1.032063


Table 64. Estimated margins based on Table 63 .

Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 760

Model VCE : Linearized

Expression : Pr(jewpreschool_w4), predict()

1._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 2

2._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 0

marriage3_w4 = 3

3._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 2

4._at : age_w4 = 30

inmarpar = 1

marriage3_w4 = 3


| Delta-method

| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


_at |

1 | .0339035 .0190008 1.78 0.074 -.0033374 .0711444

2 | .1730566 .0689334 2.51 0.012 .0379496 .3081635

3 | .0999831 .0497264 2.01 0.044 .0025211 .197445

4 | .3984842 .0559757 7.12 0.000 .2887738 .5081946



Appendix C: Survey Instruments

See the following pages for the OLD respondents survey and NEW respondents survey.




Thank you for your continued participating in Brandeis University's study of {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_9}. We're looking forward to learing about what is new in your life since you last completed the survey.

This short follow-up survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. When you are done you will receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time!

Your responses are very valuable - they help us understand the interests and choices of people like you.

This survey is conducted by the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University. Your individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.

To begin the survey click on the "Next" button below.

If you have any questions or difficulty accessing the survey, email us at

or call Dina Bleckman at 781-736-3821.

Thank you,

Leonard Saxe, PhD


Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies

Brandeis University

There are 179 questions in this survey

About You

1 [AYboiler]We will start off by asking you a few questions about yourself.

2 [country]Do you currently live in...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

The United States



Another country (please specify):

1 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



3 [ZIP]What is the ZIP code where you currently live?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'The United States' at question '2 [country]' (Do you currently live in...?)

Please write your answer here:

4 [CANzip]What is the postal code where you currently live?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Canada' at question '2 [country]' (Do you currently live in...?)

Please write your answer here:

5 [ownhome]Thinking about the home you live in, do you…?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


Pay rent

Live in the home of relatives or friends without paying rent


6 [Phone]In your home do you have...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Land line/s

Cell phone/s

Yes No

7 [student]Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?

Please choose only one of the following:



2 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



8 [schooltype]What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '7 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)

Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)

Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)

Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)


9 [schoolyr]Are you currently a...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '7 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?) and Answer was 2'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

First year (Freshman)

Second year (Sophomore)

Third year (Junior)

Fourth year (Senior)

Other (please specify):

3 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



10 [degree]What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

High school or less

Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)

Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)

Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)

Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)

Other. Please explain

4 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



11 [undrgradjewact]As an undergraduate, how active were you in...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 1'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was -oth-'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 3'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree

(JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 4'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA,

MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 5'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree

(PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was

6'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or

'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?)

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


Not at all A little Somewhat

Very much

Don't remember


A Jewish fraternity or sorority (e.g., AEPi)

Another campus-based Jewish group

5 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



12 [sponsorattendpothtxt]What was this other campus-based Jewish group?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Somewhat' or 'A little' or 'Very much' at question '11 [undrgradjewact]' (As an undergraduate, how active were you in...? (Another campus-based Jewish group

)) and Answer was 3'Somewhat' or 'A little' or 'Very much' at question '11 [undrgradjewact]' (As an undergraduate, how active were you in...? (Another campus-based Jewish group

)) and Answer was 4'Somewhat' or 'A little' or 'Very much' at question '11 [undrgradjewact]' (As an undergraduate, how active were you in...? (Another campus-based Jewish group


Please write your answer here:

13 [jwstcourse]As an undergraduate, how many courses did you take specifically focusing on Israel or on Jewish subjects such as Jewish history, the Holocaust, or


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was -oth-'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 3'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree

(JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 4'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA,

MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 5'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree

(PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was

6'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or

'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 1'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')




5 or more

6 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



14 [SchoolReturn]Do you ever plan to return to school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '7 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?)

Please choose only one of the following:



15 [FurtherSchool]How much further in school do you plan to go?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '14 [SchoolReturn]' (Do you ever plan to return to school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)

Bachelors degree(BA, BS, etc.)

Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)

Doctoral degree (Phd, etc)


16 [WhyNoSchool]Which of the following is the MOST important reason you don't plan to return to school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '14 [SchoolReturn]' (Do you ever plan to return to school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

You don't need more education right now

You can't afford school right now

You couldn't get into the school you wanted to attend

You don't have time to be in school right now


7 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



17 [Employ]Are you now...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Employed full-time

Employed part-time

Not employed

18 [LookWork]Are you currently looking for work?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Not employed' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?)

Please choose only one of the following:



19 [Occupation]Please briefly describe your work. Include the field/industry you're in.

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?) and Answer was

2'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?)

Please write your answer here:

20 [Career]Do you think of your current job as...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?) and Answer was

2'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

A career

A stepping stone to a career

Just a job to get you by

8 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



21 [Livestandard]Which of the following words or phrases best describes your current standard of living?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


Living very comfortably

Living reasonably comfortably

Just getting along

Nearly poor


22 [Futmoney]How confident are you that you will have enough money in the future to lead the kind of life you want?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very confident

Somewhat confident

A little confident

Not at all confident

9 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



23 [Income]In 2012, was your (gross) annual household income...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

$30,000 or less







$150,000 or more

10 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



People in Your Life

24 [PLboiler]The next section will ask questions about you and people in your life.

25 [friends]How many of your close friends are Jewish?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


A few




26 [LGBTQ]Do you consider yourself...?

Please choose all that apply:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


Gay or lesbian





11 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



27 [married]What is your marital status?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Never Married

Engaged to be married

Living with a life partner


In a civil union

Separated / divorced


28 [StillMar]Are you still married to the person you were married to in ?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 1'Married' at question '27

[married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



29 [MarToEngage]Are you married to the person you were engaged to in ?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



30 [NewSpBoiler]We will now ask you some questions about your current spouse.

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


12 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



31 [mardate]In what year did you and your spouse get married?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]'

(What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Your marwave1234 is 1 and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:








1998 or earlier









13 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



32 [fspmardate]In what year did you and your former spouse get married?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








14 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



33 [cohabit]Prior to marrying your spouse, did you live together for any length of time?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]'

(What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



15 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



34 [cohabityr]In what year did you and your spouse start living together?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '33 [cohabit]' (Prior to marrying your spouse, did you live together for any length of time?)

Please choose only one of the following:







1998 or earlier










16 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



35 [rabbi]Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

A rabbi or cantor

Yes No

A non-Jewish clergy member

A non-religious officiant, such as a justice of the peace or a friend

Another type of officiant

36 [RabbiWhat]What type of officiant was that?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '35 [rabbi]' (Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony? (Another type of officiant


Please write your answer here:

37 [spgender]Is your spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



17 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



38 [spjewpars]Was your spouse raised by.....

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

18 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



39 [spjewraised]Was your spouse raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


40 [spjew]Is your spouse currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


19 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



41 [spconvert]Did your spouse formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was -oth-'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 2'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 4'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was -oth-'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 2'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39

[spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 4'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was -oth-'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 2'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 4'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '39 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 4 --------

Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Your sprrelnojew is 1 and Answer was

1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 5 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Your sprrelnojew is 1 and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in


Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



20 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



42 [spconvertyr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '41 [spconvert]' (Did your spouse formally convert to Judaism?)

Please choose only one of the following:







1998 or earlier










43 [Sprelobserv]Is your spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' or

'Christian' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '40 [spjew]'

(Is your spouse currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

21 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



44 [spBRI]Has your spouse ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '38 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '38 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '38 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '38 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '38 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '38 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....)

-------- or Scenario 4 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '40 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



22 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



45 [spMeet]Thinking back to when you first met your spouse, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 1 and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 4 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

23 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



46 [spMeet2]How did you first meet your spouse?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in


-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 1 and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '28 [StillMar]' (Are you still married to the person you were married to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 4 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was N'No' at question '29 [MarToEngage]' (Are you married to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please write your answer here:

24 of 81

47 [spmarsatisfy]Taking things all together, how would you describe your marriage?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not at all happy

4/23/2013 11:03 AM



48 [spreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your spouse?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

49 [fspdivyr]In what year did you and your former spouse separate?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:








1998 or earlier









25 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



50 [dspyear]In what year did your spouse pass away?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your dspouse is 0 and Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:











1998 or earlier






51 [StillEng]Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in ?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



52 [fncgender]Is your fiancé/fiancée...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



26 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



53 [fncjewpars]Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was N'No' at question '51 [StillEng]' (Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

54 [fncjewraised]Was your fiancé/fiancée raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was N'No' at question '51 [StillEng]' (Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


27 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



55 [fncjew]Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


56 [Fncrelobserv]Is your fiancé/fiancée...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '55 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '55 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '55

[fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

28 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



57 [fncBRI]Has your fiancé/fiancée ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '55 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '55 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...) and Answer was

N'No' at question '51 [StillEng]' (Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

-------- or Scenario 3 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '53 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and

Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '53 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '53 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...)

-------- or Scenario 4 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '53 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '53 [fncjewpars]'

(Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '53

[fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and Answer was N'No' at question '51 [StillEng]' (Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_3}?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Don't know

29 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM


58 [fncmeet]Thinking back to when you first met your fiancé/fiancée, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and

Answer was N'No' at question '51 [StillEng]' (Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in


Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

59 [fncmeet2]How did you first meet your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Your marwave1234 is 0 and Your marwave1234 is 1 and Your marwave1234 is 2 and Your marwave1234 is 3 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Your marwave1234 is 4 and Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and

Answer was N'No' at question '51 [StillEng]' (Are you still engaged to the person you were engaged to in


Please write your answer here:

30 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



60 [fnccohabit]Are you currently living with your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



61 [fnccohabityr]In what year did you and your fiancé/fiancée start living together?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Yes' at question '60 [fnccohabit]' (Are you currently living with your fiancé/fiancée?)

Please choose only one of the following:












1998 or earlier





31 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



62 [fncrelsatisf]Taking things all together, how would you describe your relationship with your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not happy

63 [fncreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

32 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM


64 [lpcohabityr]In what year did you and your life partner start living together?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:







1998 or earlier










65 [lpgender]Is your life partner...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



33 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



66 [lpjewpars]Was your life partner raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

67 [lpjewraised]Was your life partner raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


68 [lpjew]Is your life partner currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


34 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



69 [Lprelobserv]Is your life partner...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '68 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' or

'Christian' at question '68 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '68 [lpjew]'

(Is your life partner currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

70 [lpconvert]Did your life partner formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '67 [lpjewraised]' (Was your life partner raised...) and Answer was

2'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '67 [lpjewraised]' (Was your life partner raised...) and Answer was 4'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '67 [lpjewraised]' (Was your life partner raised...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '68 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:



35 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



71 [lpconvertyr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '70 [lpconvert]' (Did your life partner formally convert to Judaism?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')








1998 or ealier









36 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



72 [lpBRI]Has your partner ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '68 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '66 [lpjewpars]' (Was your life partner raised by...) and Answer was 2'Two

Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '66 [lpjewpars]' (Was your life partner raised by...) and Answer was

4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '66 [lpjewpars]' (Was your life partner raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Don't know

73 [lpmeet]Thinking back to when you first met your life partner, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

37 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



74 [lpmeet2]How did you first meet your life partner?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please write your answer here:

75 [lprelsatisfy]Taking things all together, how would you describe your relationship with your life partner?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not at all happy

38 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



76 [lpreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your life partner?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

77 [partner]Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 6'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 7'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



78 [sogender]Is your significant other...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:



39 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



79 [sojewpars]Was your significant other raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

80 [sojewraised]Was your significant other raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


81 [sojew]Is your significant other currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion


40 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



82 [Sorelobserv]Is your significant other...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '81 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '81 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question

'81 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

83 [soBRI]Has your significant other ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?) and Answer was

1'Jewish' at question '81 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?) and Answer was

1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '79 [sojewpars]' (Was your significant other raised by...) and

Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '79 [sojewpars]' (Was your significant other raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '79 [sojewpars]' (Was your significant other raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Don't know

41 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



84 [soMeet]Thinking back to when you first met your significant other, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

85 [soMeet2]How did you first meet your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please write your answer here:

42 of 81

86 [socohabit]Are you currently living with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



4/23/2013 11:03 AM



87 [socohabityr]In what year did you start living with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?) and Answer was

1'Yes' at question '86 [socohabit]' (Are you currently living with your significant other?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








88 [sorelsatisfy]Taking things all together, how would you describe your relationship with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not at all happy

43 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



89 [soreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

90 [dates]In the past year, how many of the people that you dated were Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 6'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 7'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'No' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Did not date


A few




44 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



91 [datesite]In the past year have you used any online dating websites?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 6'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 7'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'No' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



92 [datesitetxt]Which websites?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '91 [datesite]' (In the past year have you used any online dating websites?)

Please write your answer here:

93 [impdatejew]How important is it to you to date other Jews?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'No' at question '77 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

45 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



94 [impReMrryJew]How important is it to you to marry someone Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

6'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

I don't plan on getting re-married

95 [impMrryJew]How important is it to you to marry someone Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 7'Never Married' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

I don't plan to marry

46 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



96 [kids]How many children do you have, if any?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


Expecting first child




4 or more

97 [kidyr]In what year was your oldest child born?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:









2000 or before






47 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



98 [kidgender]Is your oldest child...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:



99 [relkid]Are you raising your oldest child...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



No religion

Have not decided yet


100 [KidJewName]Did you give your oldest child a Hebrew or Jewish name?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:



48 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



101 [boycirc]Is your oldest son circumcised?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was M'Male' at question '98 [kidgender]' (Is your oldest child...)

Please choose only one of the following:



102 [boycirchow]Was your oldest son's circumcision a...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '101 [boycirc]' (Is your oldest son circumcised?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Jewish ritual circumcision (brit milah/bris)

Medical circumcision (e.g., in a hospital)


103 [boyjewcerm]Did you have a Jewish naming ceremony for you oldest son?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was -oth-'Medical circumcision (e.g., in a hospital)' at question '102 [boycirchow]' (Was your oldest son's circumcision a...) and Answer was 2'Medical circumcision (e.g., in a hospital)' at question '102 [boycirchow]' (Was your oldest son's circumcision a...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '101 [boycirc]' (Is your oldest son circumcised?)

Please choose only one of the following:



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104 [girljewcer]Did you have a Jewish naming ceremony for her?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was F'Female' at question '98 [kidgender]' (Is your oldest child...)

Please choose only one of the following:



105 [kidcare]This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a (full or part-time) daycare, nursery school or preschool?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 10'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or

'2013' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 11'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 12'2008' or '2009' or

'2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 13'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 14'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 9'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose only one of the following:



106 [KidHomecare]Is your oldest child's primary care giver a...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '105 [kidcare]' (This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a (full or part-time) daycare, nursery school or preschool?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Stay at home parent

Nanny/Au pair



50 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



107 [kidjewcare]Is this a Jewish daycare, nursery school, or preschool?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '105 [kidcare]' (This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a (full or part-time) daycare, nursery school or preschool?)

Please choose only one of the following:



108 [kidjewschl]This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 1'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or

'2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 2'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 3'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97

[kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 4'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or

'2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 5'2000 or before' or

'2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 6'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 7'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or

'2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 8'2000 or before' or '2001' or

'2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Jewish day school?

Yes No

Jewish supplementary school, like Hebrew or Sunday school?

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109 [kidcamp]In summer 2012, did your oldest child attend a residential

(overnight) camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 1'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or

'2004' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 2'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or

'2003' or '2004' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 3'2000 or before' or '2001' or

'2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 4'2000 or before' or

'2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 5'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose only one of the following:



110 [kidjewcamp]Is this a Jewish camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '109 [kidcamp]' (In summer

2012, did your oldest child attend a residential (overnight) camp?)

Please choose only one of the following:



52 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



111 [kiddaycamp]In summer 2012, did your child attend a day camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 1'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or

'2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and

Answer was 10'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question

'97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 2'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or

'2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was

3'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 4'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or

'2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 5'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 6'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or

'2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 7'2000 or before' or

'2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 8'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 9'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '97 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose only one of the following:



112 [kidjewdaycamp]Is this a Jewish camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '111 [kiddaycamp]' (In summer 2012, did your child attend a day camp?)

Please choose only one of the following:



53 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



113 [PJLibHear]Before today, had you ever heard about the PJ Library? The PJ

Library mails free Jewish children's literature and music to families with young children every month.

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or

'4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:



114 [PJLibGet]Did your child/ren ever receive a book, CD or DVD from the PJ Library in the mail?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or

'4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '113 [PJLibHear]' (Before today, had you ever heard about the PJ Library? The PJ Library mails free Jewish children's literature and music to families with young children every month.)

Please choose only one of the following:



115 [impjewkid]Thinking about the future, how important is it to you to raise your children Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 0'Expecting first child' or 'None' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

5'Expecting first child' or 'None' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

I don't plan on having children

54 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



Parent support

116 [ParentsAlive]Do you have a living parent or step-parent?

Please choose only one of the following:



117 [ParentsFinHelp]To what extent do you depend on your parents or step-parents for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '116 [ParentsAlive]' (Do you have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

118 [ParentsBabysit]In the past year, how often if at all, did your parents or step-parents provide direct childcare to your child/ren?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or

'4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '116 [ParentsAlive]' (Do you have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





55 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



119 [HelpFinParents]To what extent do your parents or step-parents depend on you for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '116 [ParentsAlive]' (Do you have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

120 [InlawAlive]Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '27 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



121 [InlawsFinHelp]To what extent do you depend on your SPOUSE's parents or step-parents for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '120 [InlawAlive]' (Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

56 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



122 [InlawsBabysit]In the past year, how often if at all, did your SPOUSE's parents or step-parents provide direct childcare to your child/ren?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was

2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or

'4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '96 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '120 [InlawAlive]' (Does your

SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





123 [HelpFinInlaws]To what extent do your SPOUSE's parents or step-parents depend on you for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '120 [InlawAlive]' (Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

57 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



Your Upbringing

124 [Sibs]How many brothers and sisters do you have? Please include half-siblings and step-siblings.

Please choose only one of the following:











10 or more

125 [SibFU]Thinking about the siblings you mentioned above, how many...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 0'None' at question '124 [Sibs]' (How many brothers and sisters do you have? Please include half-siblings and step-siblings.)

Please enter a number between 1 and 10 for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Are older than you

Lived with you when you were growing up

Went on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip

126 [YUboiler]Now we will ask you a few questions about your upbringing.

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 1 and Your misvar is 2 and Your misvar is 3

58 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



127 [birthcountry]In what country were you born?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 1 and Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

The United States



The Former Soviet Union


128 [language]What languages were spoken in your home while you were growing up (check all that apply)?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose all that apply:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')







59 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



129 [JRaised]Were you raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Secular/Culturally Jewish

Just Jewish





No religion


130 [ParIntmar]Were you raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 2 and Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

131 [Onejewpar]Was the Jewish person who raised you...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '130 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was 4'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '130 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:



60 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



132 [HSritual]During your high school years, did...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Someone in your home regularly light Shabbat candles?

Yes No

Your family regularly have a special Shabbat meal?

Your family hold or attend a Seder?

Your family celebrate Hannukah?

Your family keep kosher at home?

133 [SunSChoolYN]During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a supplementary Jewish school, like Hebrew or Sunday school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:



61 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



134 [SunSchoolYrs]For how many years did you attend such a school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '133 [SunSChoolYN]' (During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a supplementary Jewish school, like Hebrew or Sunday school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





1 or less







12 or more

135 [DaySchoolYN]During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a full time Jewish day school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:



62 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



136 [DaySChoolYrs]For how many years did you attend such a school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '135 [DaySchoolYN]' (During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a full time Jewish day school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





1 or less







12 or more

137 [HSfriends]During your high school years, how many of your close friends were


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 1 and Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


A few




63 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



138 [Bmitz]Did you have a bar/bat mitzvah ceremony?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 1 and Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Yes, at age 12 or 13

Yes, at age 14 or later


139 [Camp]While growing up, did you attend an overnight camp that had Shabbat services or a Jewish educational program?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:



140 [campyrs]For how many years did you attend such a camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '139 [Camp]' (While growing up, did you attend an overnight camp that had Shabbat services or a Jewish educational program?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

1 or less







8 or more years

64 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



141 [YouthGroup]During your high school years, were you a member of a Jewish youth group?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your misvar is 3

Please choose only one of the following:



142 [YouthGroupList]What group was that?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '141 [YouthGroup]' (During your high school years, were you a member of a Jewish youth group?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

BBYO (Formerly the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization)

NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth)

USY (United Synagogue Youth)

NCSY (Formerly the National Conference of Synagogue Youth)

Young Judaea


143 [Convert]Did you formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 3'Two non-Jews' or 'A non-Jew' at question '130 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was 5'Two non-Jews' or 'A non-Jew' at question '130 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 2'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '130 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was 4'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '130 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was M'Male' at question '131

[Onejewpar]' (Was the Jewish person who raised you...)

Please choose only one of the following:



65 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



144 [Convertyr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '143 [Convert]' (Did you formally convert to Judaism?)

Please write your answer here:

66 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



Your Views

145 [YV boiler]Next, we will ask you some questions about your views.

146 [LifeGoals]Below are some goals that people have in their lives. To you personally, how important is...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not important

Somewhat important

Very important but not the most

One of the most important things in your life

Being successful in your career or profession

Being married

Living a religious life

Being a parent

Having lots of free time to relax or do things you want to do

Helping other people who are in need

Owning your own home

Being part of a Jewish community

Making the world a better place

Being very well off financially

147 [poliscale]In terms of political views, people often classify themselves as

"liberal" or "conservative." Where would you place yourself on this scale?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Extremely liberal Liberal

Slightly liberal Moderate

Slightly conservative Conservative

Extremely conservative

67 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



148 [connection]To what extent do you...

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Feel a connection to Jewish history?

Not at all A little Somewhat

Very much

Feel a connection to Israel?

Feel part of a worldwide Jewish community?

Feel a connection to the Jewish community where you live?

Feel a connection to Jewish customs and traditions?

149 [ConvertOld]Did you formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your potconv is 1

Please choose only one of the following:



150 [ConvertOldYr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '149 [ConvertOld]' (Did you formally convert to Judaism?)

Please write your answer here:

68 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



151 [jnow]Do you consider yourself to be...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Secular/Culturally Jewish

Just Jewish





No religion


152 [relobserve]Do you consider yourself...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

69 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM




153 [Actboiler]Now, we will ask you a few questions about your activities.

154 [Shabbat]In the past year, how often have you had or attended a special meal on Shabbat?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





155 [ShabCndls]In the past year, how often have you lit (or participated in lighting)

Shabbat candles?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





70 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



156 [Service]In the past year, how often, if at all, have you attended some type of organized Jewish religious service?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Two or three times

Every few months

About once a month

Two or three times a month

Once a week or more

157 [jewrelservice]To what extent do you feel confident that you can follow along in a Jewish religious service?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all

A little


Very much

158 [hebrew]If you were asked to read a text in Hebrew, how much would you understand?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Don't know Hebrew alphabet at all

Can read the letters, but not understand the words

Some of what I read

Most of what I read

Everything I read

71 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



159 [Xmastree]Last December, did you have a Christmas tree in your home?

Please choose only one of the following:



160 [jewholi]In the past year, did you do anything to celebrate...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Rosh Hashanah

Yes No


Simchat Torah


Tu B'Shevat



Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence day)


161 [JewMileStones]In the past year, did you...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Attend a brit or Jewish naming ceremony

Yes No

Attend a bar/bat mitzvah celebration

Attend a Jewish wedding

Make a shivah call

72 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



162 [Kosher]How important is it to you to keep kosher?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not important

Somewhat important

Very important


163 [mezuza]Do you have a mezuzah on a doorway in your home?

Please choose only one of the following:



164 [Donate]In the past year, did you make any charitable contributions to any cause or organization?

Please choose only one of the following:



165 [DonateJew]In the past year, what portion of your charitable giving was to

Jewish or Israeli organizations or causes?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '164 [Donate]' (In the past year, did you make any charitable contributions to any cause or organization?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


Less than half

About half



73 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



166 [Vol]In the past year, how often have you done any volunteer activities? For example, things like coaching, political organizing, or working in a soup kitchen.

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



2-3 times

Every few months

Once a month

More than once a month

167 [Voljew]In the past year, what portion of your volunteer work was under

Jewish sponsorship?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Once' at question '166 [Vol]' (In the past year, how often have you done any volunteer activities? For example, things like coaching, political organizing, or working in a soup kitchen.)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')


A little

About half



168 [syn]Do you belong to a synagogue, temple, minyan, havurah, or other Jewish congregation where you currently live?

Please choose only one of the following:



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Thinking About Israel

169 [TAIboiler]The following section will ask you a few questions about your thoughts on Israel.

170 [News]In the past MONTH, how often have you actively sought news about


Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Once a week

Every few days

Once a day

Several times a day

171 [SocMediaNews]In the past MONTH, how often did your Facebook, Google+ or

Twitter feed include stories about Israel?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')





Don't use Facebook, Google+ or Twitter

75 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM


172 [isrlconfid]If someone asked you about the current situation in Israel, how confident do you feel in your ability to give a good explanation?


Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Not at all confident

A little confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

173 [westbank]As part of a permanent settlement with the Palestinians, should

Israel be willing to...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Dismantle all of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Dismantle some of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Dismantle none of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Don't know

174 [Jerusalem]In the framework of a permanent peace with the Palestinians, should Israel be willing to compromise on the status of Jerusalem as a united city under Israeli jurisdiction?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



Don't know

76 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



175 [whatisisrl]How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')

Strongly disagree Disagree

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree Agree

Strongly agree

Israel is a world center of high tech innovation

Israel is part of God's plan for the Jewish people

Israel is under constant threat from hostile neighbors who seek its destruction

Israel is guilty of violating the human rights of the

Palestinian people

Israel was established as a refuge for persecuted Jews

Israel upholds the social and political equality of all its citizens

77 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



176 [isrlgo]Over the course of your life, how many times total have you visited


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your marsurveydate is 99

Please choose only one of the following:











10 or more

177 [isrlrtrn]Have you returned to Israel after your Taglit-Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your marsurveydate is 99

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



78 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM



178 [isrlrtrn2]How many times have you returned to Israel after your Taglit-

Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Yes' at question '177 [isrlrtrn]' (Have you returned to Israel after your Taglit-Birthright Israel trip?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 (' ')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 (' ')



3 or more

79 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM




179 [trigger]Thinking about the past year, what was your most memorable Jewish experience?

Please write your answer here:

80 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM

LimeSurvey -

31.12.1969 – 19:00

Please fax your completed survey to: Submit your survey.

Thank you for completing this survey.


81 of 81 4/23/2013 11:03 AM


Thank you for participating in Brandeis University's study of {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_4}. This short survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. When you are done you will receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your time!

Your responses are very valuable - they will help Jewish organizations better understand the interests of people like you.

This survey is conducted by the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University. Your individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.

To begin the survey click on the "Next" button below.

If you have any questions or difficulty accessing the survey, email us at

or call Dina Bleckman at 781-


Thank you,

Leonard Saxe, PhD


Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies

Brandeis University

There are 184 questions in this survey

About You

1 [AYboiler]We will start off by asking you a few questions about yourself.

2 [country]Do you currently live in...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

The United States



Another country (please specify):

3 [ZIP]What is the ZIP code where you currently live?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'The United States' at question '2 [country]' (Do you currently live in...?)

Please write your answer here:

4 [CANzip]What is the postal code where you currently live?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Canada' at question '2 [country]' (Do you currently live in...?)

Please write your answer here:

5 [ownhome]Thinking about the home you live in, do you…?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


Pay rent

Live in the home of relatives or friends without paying rent




6 [Phone]In your home do you have...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Land line/s

Cell phone/s

Yes No

7 [student]Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?

Please choose only one of the following:



8 [schooltype]What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '7 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)

Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)

Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)

Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)



9 [schoolyr]Are you currently a...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '7 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?) and Answer was 2'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

First year (Freshman)

Second year (Sophomore)

Third year (Junior)

Fourth year (Senior)

Other (please specify):

10 [degree]What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

High school or less

Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)

Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)

Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)

Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)

Other. Please explain


11 [undrgradjewact]As an undergraduate, how active were you in...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 1'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was -oth-'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA,

MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or

'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or

'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 3'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10

[degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 4'Associates degree

(AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree

(JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 5'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10

[degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 6'Associates degree

(AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree

(JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?)

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all A little Somewhat

Very much

Don't remember



A Jewish fraternity or sorority (e.g.,


Another campus-based Jewish group


12 [sponsorattendpothtxt]What was this other campus-based Jewish group?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Somewhat' or 'A little' or 'Very much' at question '11 [undrgradjewact]' (As an undergraduate, how active were you in...? (Another campus-based Jewish group

)) and Answer was 3'Somewhat' or 'A little' or 'Very much' at question '11 [undrgradjewact]' (As an undergraduate, how active were you in...? (Another campus-based Jewish group

)) and Answer was 4'Somewhat' or 'A little' or 'Very much' at question '11 [undrgradjewact]' (As an undergraduate, how active were you in...? (Another campus-based Jewish group


Please write your answer here:


13 [jwstcourse]As an undergraduate, how many courses did you take specifically focusing on Israel or on Jewish subjects such as Jewish history, the Holocaust, or


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was -oth-'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA,

MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or

'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or

'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 3'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10

[degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 4'Associates degree

(AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree

(JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 5'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10

[degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?) and Answer was 6'Associates degree

(AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' or 'Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)' or 'Professional degree

(JD, MD, etc.)' or 'Doctoral degree (PhD, etc.)' at question '10 [degree]' (What is the last grade or level of schooling you have completed?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 1'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?) and Answer was 2'Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)' or 'Bachelors degree (BA, BS, etc.)' at question '8 [schooltype]' (What level of schooling are you currently enrolled in?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')




5 or more

14 [SchoolReturn]Do you ever plan to return to school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '7 [student]' (Are you currently a student in a degree-granting program at a college or university?)

Please choose only one of the following:



15 [FurtherSchool]How much further in school do you plan to go?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '14 [SchoolReturn]' (Do you ever plan to return to school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Associates degree (AA, AN, etc.)

Bachelors degree(BA, BS, etc.)

Masters degree (MA, MBA, MSW, etc.)

Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)

Doctoral degree (Phd, etc)


16 [WhyNoSchool]Which of the following is the MOST important reason you don't plan to return to school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '14 [SchoolReturn]' (Do you ever plan to return to school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

You don't need more education right now

You can't afford school right now

You couldn't get into the school you wanted to attend

You don't have time to be in school right now




17 [Employ]Are you now...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Employed full-time

Employed part-time

Not employed

18 [Occupation]Please briefly describe your work. Include the field/industry you're in.

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?) and Answer was 2'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?)

Please write your answer here:

19 [Career]Do you think of your current job as...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?) and Answer was 2'Employed full-time' or 'Employed part-time' at question '17 [Employ]' (Are you now...?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

A career

A stepping stone to a career

Just a job to get you by


20 [Livestandard]Which of the following words or phrases best describes your current standard of living?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


Living very comfortably

Living reasonably comfortably

Just getting along

Nearly poor


21 [Futmoney]How confident are you that you will have enough money in the future to lead the kind of life you want?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very confident

Somewhat confident

A little confident

Not at all confident

22 [Income]In 2012, was your (gross) annual household income...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

$30,000 or less







$150,000 or more



People in Your Life

23 [PLboiler]The next section will ask questions about you and people in your life.

24 [friends]How many of your close friends are Jewish?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


A few




25 [LGBTQ]Do you consider yourself...?

Please choose all that apply:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


Gay or lesbian






26 [married]What is your marital status?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Never Married

Engaged to be married

Living with a life partner


In a civil union

Separated / divorced


27 [mardate]In what year did you and your spouse get married?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and

Answer was 2'Married' or 'In a civil union' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and

Answer was 6'Married' or 'In a civil union' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








28 [fspmardate]In what year did you and your former spouse get married?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








29 [cohabit]Prior to marrying your spouse, did you live together for any length of time?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



30 [cohabityr]In what year did you and your spouse start living together?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '29 [cohabit]' (Prior to marrying your spouse, did you live together for any length of time?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








31 [rabbi]Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

A rabbi or cantor

Yes No

A non-Jewish clergy member

A non-religious officiant, such as a justice of the peace or a friend

Another type of officiant


32 [RabbiWhat]What type of officiant was that?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '31 [rabbi]' (Did any of the following officiate at your wedding ceremony? (Another type of officiant


Please write your answer here:

33 [spgender]Is your spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



34 [spjewpars]Was your spouse raised by.....

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew


35 [spjewraised]Was your spouse raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion


36 [spjew]Is your spouse currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'In a civil union' or 'Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion



37 [Sprelobserv]Is your spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '36 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was

1'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '36 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '36 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

38 [spconvert]Did your spouse formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '35 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 2'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '35 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was

4'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '35 [spjewraised]' (Was your spouse raised...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '36 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



39 [spconvertyr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '38 [spconvert]' (Did your spouse formally convert to Judaism?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier










40 [spBRI]Has your spouse ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '34 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '34 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '34 [spjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by.....)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '36 [spjew]' (Is your spouse currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



41 [spMeet]Thinking back to when you first met your spouse, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember


42 [spMeet2]How did you first meet your spouse?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please write your answer here:

43 [spmarsatisfy]Taking things all together, how would you describe your marriage?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not at all happy


44 [spreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your spouse?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much

45 [fspdivyr]In what year did you and your former spouse separate?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:








1998 or earlier









46 [fsgender]Is your former spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



47 [fspjewpars]Was your former spouse raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

48 [fspjewraised]Was your former spouse raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion




49 [fspjew]Before you separated, was your former spouse...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion


50 [fspouseBRI]Has your former spouse ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

1'Jewish' at question '49 [fspjew]' (Before you separated, was your former spouse...?)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Two

Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '47 [fspjewpars]' (Was your former spouse raised by...) and

Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '47 [fspjewpars]' (Was your former spouse raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '47 [fspjewpars]' (Was your former spouse raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Don't know


51 [fspmeet]Thinking back to when you first met your former spouse, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

52 [fspmeet2]How did you first meet your former spouse?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please write your answer here:

53 [dspyear]In what year did your spouse pass away?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








54 [dsgender]Was your spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:




55 [dspjewpars]Was your spouse raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

56 [dspjewraised]Was your spouse raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion




57 [dspjew]As an adult, was your spouse...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion


58 [dspouseBRI]Did your spouse ever go on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '57 [dspjew]' (As an adult, was your spouse...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A

Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '55 [dspjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by...) and Answer was 2'Two

Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '55 [dspjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '55 [dspjewpars]' (Was your spouse raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Don't know


59 [dspemeet]Thinking back to when you first met your spouse, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

60 [dspmeet2]How did you first meet your spouse?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 6'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please write your answer here:

61 [fncgender]Is your fiancé/fiancée...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



62 [fncjewpars]Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

63 [fncjewraised]Was your fiancé/fiancée raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion




64 [fncjew]Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion


65 [Fncrelobserv]Is your fiancé/fiancée...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '64 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...) and Answer was

1'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '64 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or

'Christian' at question '64 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant


66 [fncBRI]Has your fiancé/fiancée ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

1'Jewish' at question '64 [fncjew]' (Is your fiancé/fiancée currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Two

Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '62 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and

Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '62 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '62 [fncjewpars]' (Was your fiancé/fiancée raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Don't know

67 [fncmeet]Thinking back to when you first met your fiancé/fiancée, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

68 [fncmeet2]How did you first meet your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please write your answer here:


69 [fnccohabit]Are you currently living with your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



70 [fnccohabityr]In what year did you and your fiancé/fiancée start living together?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

1'Yes' at question '69 [fnccohabit]' (Are you currently living with your fiancé/fiancée?)

Please choose only one of the following:







1998 or earlier










71 [fncrelsatisf]Taking things all together, how would you describe your relationship with your fiancé/fiancée?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not happy

72 [fncreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your fiancé/fiancée?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 3'Engaged to be married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much

73 [lpcohabityr]In what year did you and your life partner start living together?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








74 [lpgender]Is your life partner...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:



75 [lpjewpars]Was your life partner raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

76 [lpjewraised]Was your life partner raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion




77 [lpjew]Is your life partner currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion


78 [Lprelobserv]Is your life partner...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '77 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...) and Answer was

1'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '77 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '77 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

79 [lpconvert]Did your life partner formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '76 [lpjewraised]' (Was your life partner raised...) and Answer was 2'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '76 [lpjewraised]' (Was your life partner raised...) and Answer was

4'Christian' or 'No religion' at question '76 [lpjewraised]' (Was your life partner raised...) and Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '77 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:



80 [lpconvertyr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '79 [lpconvert]' (Did your life partner formally convert to Judaism?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')









1998 or ealier










81 [lpBRI]Has your partner ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

1'Jewish' at question '77 [lpjew]' (Is your life partner currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 1'Two

Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '75 [lpjewpars]' (Was your life partner raised by...) and Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '75 [lpjewpars]' (Was your life partner raised by...) and

Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '75 [lpjewpars]' (Was your life partner raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Don't know

82 [lpmeet]Thinking back to when you first met your life partner, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

83 [lpmeet2]How did you first meet your life partner?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please write your answer here:


84 [lprelsatisfy]Taking things all together, how would you describe your relationship with your life partner?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not at all happy

85 [lpreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your life partner?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 4'Living with a life partner' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much


86 [partner]Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 6'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 7'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]'

(What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



87 [sogender]Is your significant other...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:



88 [sojewpars]Was your significant other raised by...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

89 [sojewraised]Was your significant other raised...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion


90 [sojew]Is your significant other currently...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')




No religion


91 [Sorelobserv]Is your significant other...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was -oth-'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '90 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...) and Answer was

1'Jewish' or 'Christian' at question '90 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...) and Answer was 2'Jewish' or

'Christian' at question '90 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant

92 [soBRI]Has your significant other ever gone on a Birthright Israel trip?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?) and

Answer was 1'Jewish' at question '90 [sojew]' (Is your significant other currently...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?) and

Answer was 1'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '88 [sojewpars]' (Was your significant other raised by...) and Answer was 2'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '88 [sojewpars]' (Was your significant other raised by...) and Answer was 4'Two Jews' or 'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '88

[sojewpars]' (Was your significant other raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Don't know

93 [soMeet]Thinking back to when you first met your significant other, would you say that the two of you met in a Jewish setting?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Unsure if Jewish setting

Don't remember

94 [soMeet2]How did you first meet your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please write your answer here:


95 [socohabit]Are you currently living with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')




96 [socohabityr]In what year did you start living with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?) and

Answer was 1'Yes' at question '95 [socohabit]' (Are you currently living with your significant other?)

Please choose only one of the following:









1998 or earlier








97 [sorelsatisfy]Taking things all together, how would you describe your relationship with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very happy

Pretty happy

Somewhat happy

Not at all happy

98 [soreldif]To what extent do religious differences cause tension in your relationship with your significant other?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


Not at all

A little


Very much

99 [dates]In the past year, how many of the people that you dated were Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 6'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 7'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]'

(What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'No' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Did not date


A few





100 [datesite]In the past year have you used any online dating websites?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 6'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was 7'Never Married' or 'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]'

(What is your marital status?) and Answer was 2'No' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



101 [datesitetxt]Which websites?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Yes' at question '100 [datesite]' (In the past year have you used any online dating websites?)

Please write your answer here:

102 [impdatejew]How important is it to you to date other Jews?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'No' at question '86 [partner]' (Do you have a significant other (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend)?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

103 [impReMrryJew]How important is it to you to marry someone Jewish?


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 5'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and

Answer was 6'Separated / divorced' or 'Widowed' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

I don't plan on getting re-married

104 [impMrryJew]How important is it to you to marry someone Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 7'Never Married' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

I don't plan to marry


105 [kids]How many children do you have, if any?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')




Expecting first child


4 or more

106 [kidyr]In what year was your oldest child born?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:






2000 or before










107 [kidgender]Is your oldest child...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:



108 [relkid]Are you raising your oldest child...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



No religion

Have not decided yet


109 [KidJewName]Did you give your oldest child a Hebrew or Jewish name?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:




110 [boycirc]Is your oldest son circumcised?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was M'Male' at question '107 [kidgender]' (Is your oldest child...)

Please choose only one of the following:



111 [boycirchow]Was your oldest son's circumcision a...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '110 [boycirc]' (Is your oldest son circumcised?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Jewish ritual circumcision (brit milah/bris)

Medical circumcision (e.g., in a hospital)


112 [boyjewcerm]Did you have a Jewish naming ceremony for you oldest son?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was -oth-'Medical circumcision (e.g., in a hospital)' at question '111 [boycirchow]' (Was your oldest son's circumcision a...) and Answer was 2'Medical circumcision (e.g., in a hospital)' at question '111 [boycirchow]' (Was your oldest son's circumcision a...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was N'No' at question '110 [boycirc]' (Is your oldest son circumcised?)

Please choose only one of the following:




113 [girljewcer]Did you have a Jewish naming ceremony for her?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was F'Female' at question '107 [kidgender]' (Is your oldest child...)

Please choose only one of the following:



114 [kidcare]This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a (full or part-time) daycare, nursery school or preschool?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 10'2008' or

'2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and

Answer was 11'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 12'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 13'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 14'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 9'2008' or '2009' or '2010' or '2011' or '2012' or '2013' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose only one of the following:




115 [KidHomecare]Is your oldest child's primary care giver a...?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was N'No' at question '114 [kidcare]' (This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a (full or part-time) daycare, nursery school or preschool?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Stay at home parent

Nanny/Au pair



116 [kidjewcare]Is this a Jewish daycare, nursery school, or preschool?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '114 [kidcare]' (This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a (full or part-time) daycare, nursery school or preschool?)

Please choose only one of the following:




117 [kidjewschl]This school year (2012/2013), is your oldest child attending a...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 1'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 2'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 3'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and

Answer was 4'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]'

(In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 5'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or

'2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 6'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 7'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 8'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Jewish day school?

Yes No

Jewish supplementary school, like Hebrew or Sunday school?

118 [kidcamp]In summer 2012, did your oldest child attend a residential

(overnight) camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 1'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and

Answer was 2'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 3'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 4'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 5'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or

'2003' or '2004' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose only one of the following:




119 [kidjewcamp]Is this a Jewish camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '118 [kidcamp]' (In summer 2012, did your oldest child attend a residential (overnight) camp?)

Please choose only one of the following:



120 [kiddaycamp]In summer 2012, did your child attend a day camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 1'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 10'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or

'2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and

Answer was 2'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 3'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or

'2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 4'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or

'2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 5'2000 or before' or

'2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 6'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 7'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and Answer was 8'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or

'2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?) and

Answer was 9'2000 or before' or '2001' or '2002' or '2003' or '2004' or '2005' or '2006' or '2007' or '2008' or '2009' at question '106 [kidyr]' (In what year was your oldest child born?)

Please choose only one of the following:




121 [kidjewdaycamp]Is this a Jewish camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'4 or more' or '1' or '2' or '3' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '120 [kiddaycamp]' (In summer 2012, did your child attend a day camp?)

Please choose only one of the following:



122 [PJLibHear]Have you ever heard about the PJ Library? The PJ Library mails free Jewish children's literature and music to families with young children every month.

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:



123 [PJLibGet]Did your child/ren ever receive a book, CD or DVD from the PJ

Library in the mail?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '122 [PJLibHear]' (Have you ever heard about the PJ Library? The PJ Library mails free Jewish children's literature and music to families with young children every month.)

Please choose only one of the following:




124 [impjewkid]Thinking about the future, how important is it to you to raise your children Jewish?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 0'Expecting first child' or 'None' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 5'Expecting first child' or 'None' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

I don't plan on having children


Parent support

125 [ParentsAlive]Do you have a living parent or step-parent?

Please choose only one of the following:



126 [ParentsFinHelp]To what extent do you depend on your parents or stepparents for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '125 [ParentsAlive]' (Do you have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much


127 [ParentsBabysit]In the past year, how often if at all, did your parents or step-parents provide direct childcare to your child/ren?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '125 [ParentsAlive]' (Do you have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')





128 [HelpFinParents]To what extent do your parents or step-parents depend on you for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '125 [ParentsAlive]' (Do you have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much

129 [InlawAlive]Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?) and Answer was

2'Married' or 'In a civil union' at question '26 [married]' (What is your marital status?)

Please choose only one of the following:




130 [InlawsFinHelp]To what extent do you depend on your SPOUSE's parents or step-parents for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '129 [InlawAlive]' (Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much

131 [InlawsBabysit]In the past year, how often if at all, did your SPOUSE's parents or step-parents provide direct childcare to your child/ren?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 1'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and

Answer was 2'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 3'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was 4'1' or '2' or '3' or '4 or more' at question '105 [kids]' (How many children do you have, if any?) and Answer was Y'Yes' at question '129 [InlawAlive]' (Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')






132 [HelpFinInlaws]To what extent do your SPOUSE's parents or step-parents depend on you for financial assistance?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '129 [InlawAlive]' (Does your SPOUSE have a living parent or step-parent?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much

Your Upbringing

133 [YUboiler]Now we will ask you a few questions about your upbringing.


134 [birthcountry]In what country were you born?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

The United States



The Former Soviet Union


135 [language]What languages were spoken in your home while you were growing up (check all that apply)?

Please choose all that apply:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')








136 [JRaised]Were you raised...

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Secular/Culturally Jewish

Just Jewish





No religion


137 [ParIntmar]Were you raised by...

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Two Jews

A Jew and a non-Jew

Two non-Jews

A Jew

A non-Jew

138 [Onejewpar]Was the Jewish person who raised you...

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '137 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was

4'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '137 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...)

Please choose only one of the following:




139 [HSritual]During your high school years, did...

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Someone in your home regularly light Shabbat candles?

Yes No

Your family regularly have a special Shabbat meal?

Your family hold or attend a Seder?

Your family celebrate Hannukah?

Your family keep kosher at home?

140 [SunSChoolYN]During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a supplementary

Jewish school, like Hebrew or Sunday school?

Please choose only one of the following:




141 [SunSchoolYrs]For how many years did you attend such a school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '140 [SunSChoolYN]' (During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a supplementary

Jewish school, like Hebrew or Sunday school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')







1 or less





12 or more

142 [DaySchoolYN]During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a full time Jewish day school?

Please choose only one of the following:




143 [DaySChoolYrs]For how many years did you attend such a school?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '142 [DaySchoolYN]' (During grades 1-12, did you ever attend a full time Jewish day school?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')







1 or less





12 or more

144 [HSfriends]During your high school years, how many of your close friends were Jewish?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


A few





145 [Bmitz]Did you have a bar/bat mitzvah ceremony?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Yes, at age 12 or 13

Yes, at age 14 or later


146 [Camp]While growing up, did you attend an overnight camp that had

Shabbat services or a Jewish educational program?

Please choose only one of the following:



147 [campyrs]For how many years did you attend such a camp?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '146 [Camp]' (While growing up, did you attend an overnight camp that had Shabbat services or a Jewish educational program?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



1 or less





8 or more years


148 [YouthGroup]During your high school years, were you a member of a Jewish youth group?

Please choose only one of the following:



149 [YouthGroupList]What group was that?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '148 [YouthGroup]' (During your high school years, were you a member of a Jewish youth group?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

BBYO (Formerly the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization)

NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth)

USY (United Synagogue Youth)

NCSY (Formerly the National Conference of Synagogue Youth)

Young Judaea


150 [Convert]Did you formally convert to Judaism?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:


-------- Scenario 1 --------

Answer was 3'Two non-Jews' or 'A non-Jew' at question '137 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was

5'Two non-Jews' or 'A non-Jew' at question '137 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...)

-------- or Scenario 2 --------

Answer was 2'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '137 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was

4'A Jew and a non-Jew' or 'A Jew' at question '137 [ParIntmar]' (Were you raised by...) and Answer was M'Male' at question '138 [Onejewpar]' (Was the Jewish person who raised you...)

Please choose only one of the following:



151 [Convertyr]What year did that conversion take place?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '150 [Convert]' (Did you formally convert to Judaism?)

Please write your answer here:



Your Views

152 [YV boiler]Next, we will ask you some questions about your views.

153 [LifeGoals]Below are some goals that people have in their lives. To you personally, how important is...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not important

Somewhat important

Very important but not the most

One of the most important things in your life

Being successful in your career or profession

Being married

Living a religious life

Being a parent

Having lots of free time to relax or do things you want to do

Helping other people who are in need

Owning your own home

Being part of a Jewish community

Making the world a better place

Being very well off financially


154 [poliscale]In terms of political views, people often classify themselves as

"liberal" or "conservative." Where would you place yourself on this scale?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Extremely liberal Liberal

Slightly liberal Moderate

Slightly conservative Conservative

Extremely conservative

155 [connection]To what extent do you...

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Feel a connection to Jewish history?

Feel a connection to Israel?

Feel part of a worldwide Jewish community?

Feel a connection to the Jewish community where you live?

Feel a connection to Jewish customs and traditions?

Not at all A little Somewhat

Very much

156 [jnow]Do you consider yourself to be...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Secular/Culturally Jewish

Just Jewish





No religion


157 [relobserve]Do you consider yourself...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Very religiously observant

Somewhat religiously observant

A little religiously observant

Not at all religiously observant



158 [Actboiler]Now, we will ask you a few questions about your activities.


159 [Shabbat]In the past year, how often have you had or attended a special meal on Shabbat?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')





160 [ShabCndls]In the past year, how often have you lit (or participated in lighting) Shabbat candles?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')






161 [Service]In the past year, how often, if at all, have you attended some type of organized Jewish religious service?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Two or three times

Every few months

About once a month

Two or three times a month

Once a week or more

162 [jewrelservice]To what extent do you feel confident that you can follow along in a Jewish religious service?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all

A little


Very much


163 [hebrew]If you were asked to read a text in Hebrew, how much would you understand?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Don't know Hebrew alphabet at all

Can read the letters, but not understand the words

Some of what I read

Most of what I read

Everything I read

164 [Xmastree]Last December, did you have a Christmas tree in your home?

Please choose only one of the following:



165 [jewholi]In the past year, did you do anything to celebrate...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Rosh Hashanah

Yes No


Simchat Torah


Tu B'Shevat



Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence day)


166 [JewMileStones]In the past year, did you...?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Attend a brit or Jewish naming ceremony

Yes No

Attend a bar/bat mitzvah celebration

Attend a Jewish wedding

Make a shivah call



167 [Kosher]How important is it to you to keep kosher?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not important

Somewhat important

Very important


168 [mezuza]Do you have a mezuzah on a doorway in your home?

Please choose only one of the following:



169 [Donate]In the past year, did you make any charitable contributions to any cause or organization?

Please choose only one of the following:




170 [DonateJew]In the past year, what portion of your charitable giving was to

Jewish or Israeli organizations or causes?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was Y'Yes' at question '169 [Donate]' (In the past year, did you make any charitable contributions to any cause or organization?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


Less than half

About half



171 [Vol]In the past year, how often have you done any volunteer activities? For example, things like coaching, political organizing, or working in a soup kitchen.

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



2-3 times

Every few months

Once a month

More than once a month


172 [Voljew]In the past year, what portion of your volunteer work was under

Jewish sponsorship?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Once' at question '171 [Vol]' (In the past year, how often have you done any volunteer activities? For example, things like coaching, political organizing, or working in a soup kitchen.)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')


A little

About half



173 [syn]Do you belong to a synagogue, temple, minyan, havurah, or other

Jewish congregation where you currently live?

Please choose only one of the following:




Thinking About Israel

174 [TAIboiler]The following section will ask you a few questions about your thoughts on Israel.

175 [News]In the past MONTH, how often have you actively sought news about


Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Once a week

Every few days

Once a day

Several times a day

176 [SocMediaNews]In the past MONTH, how often did your Facebook, Google+ or Twitter feed include stories about Israel?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')





Don't use Facebook, Google+ or Twitter


177 [isrlconfid]If someone asked you about the current situation in Israel, how confident do you feel in your ability to give a good explanation?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Not at all confident

A little confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

178 [westbank]As part of a permanent settlement with the Palestinians, should

Israel be willing to...?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Dismantle all of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Dismantle some of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Dismantle none of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Don't know

179 [Jerusalem]In the framework of a permanent peace with the Palestinians, should Israel be willing to compromise on the status of Jerusalem as a united city under Israeli jurisdiction?

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



Don't know


180 [whatisisrl]How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')

Strongly disagree Disagree

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agree Agree

Israel is a world center of high tech innovation

Strongly agree

Israel is part of God's plan for the Jewish people

Israel is under constant threat from hostile neighbors who seek its destruction

Israel is guilty of violating the human rights of the

Palestinian people

Israel was established as a refuge for persecuted


Israel upholds the social and political equality of all its citizens


181 [isrlgo]Over the course of your life, how many times total have you visited


Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your P/NP 01 is 0

Please choose only one of the following:











10 or more

182 [isrlrtrn]Have you returned to Israel after your Taglit-Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Your P/NP 01 is 1

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')




183 [isrlrtrn2]How many times have you returned to Israel after your Taglit-

Birthright Israel trip?

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:

° Answer was 2'Yes' at question '182 [isrlrtrn]' (Have you returned to Israel after your Taglit-Birthright Israel trip?)

Please choose only one of the following:

Only answer this question for the items you selected in question 0 ('')

Only answer this question for the items you did not select in question 0 ('')



3 or more


184 [trigger]Thinking about the past year, what was your most memorable

Jewish experience?

Please write your answer here:


31.12.1969 – 19:00

Please fax your completed survey to: Submit your survey.

Thank you for completing this survey.




i Methodological appendices (Saxe et al., 2009) contain in-depth discussion on the sampling and stratification schemes for these cohorts. ii The criteria for eligibility to the program for the 2001-2006 trips were: Being 18-26 years old at time of trip, being Jewish, not having participated in a peer trip to Israel or a study abroad program in Israel, and not studying in a Yeshiva, seminary or other Jewish studies program prior to application to Taglit. iii Taglit applicants in this study were eligible to participate in the program if they considered themselves to be Jewish, were between 18 and 26 years of age, had not previously gone to

Israel on a “peer educational trip” and were not enrolled in a full-time Jewish studies program. iv An additional 11 cases were initially in the group to be surveyed in Wave 4, but after the survey was launched it was determined that they were ineligible for the study. These cases are not included in these figures. v Cohen Center staff made some modifications to the source code of Lime Survey before using it for this study (LimeSurvey is open-source software released under the terms of the GNU

General Public License v. 2). These modifications were mainly to allow greater compatibility between Lime Survey and the in-house CATI and bulk-email sending systems. vi In previous waves of the study final dispositions were calculated only for those individuals for whom contact attempts were made. These calculations therefore did not include individuals who had previously refused to take the survey, or were did not have sufficient contact information to warrant contact attempts. Consequently, response rates reported in previous waves reflect the rate of response for those for whom actual attempts at contact were made.

This report considers all eligible sample members when calculating the response rate. vii Raking was carried out using QBAL (Werner, 2003).



AAPOR. (2009).

Standard definitions: Final dispositions of case codes and outcome rates for surveys

. Lenexa, KS: American Association for Public Opinion Research.

Dillman, D. A. (2007).

Mail and Internet Surveys: The Tailored Design Method

(2nd ed.).

Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Saxe, L., Phillips, B., Sasson, T., Hecht, S., Shain, M., Wright, G., & Kadushin, C. (2009).

Generation Birthright Israel: The impact of an Israel experience on Jewish identity and choices

. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

Saxe, L., Sasson, T., Hecht, S., Phillips, B., Shain, M., Wright, G., & Kadushin, C. (2011).


Futures Project: The impact of Taglit-Birthright Israel, 2010 update

. Waltham, MA:

Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

Saxe, L., Shain, M., Wright, G., Hecht, S., Fishman, S., & Sasson, T. (2012).

Jewish Futures

Project: The impact of Taglit-Birthright Israel: 2012 Update

. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies.

Schmitz, C. (2009). LimeSurvey (Version 1.80RC3) [computer program].

The Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University is a multi-disciplinary research institute dedicated to the study of American Jewry and religious and cultural identity.

The Steinhardt Social Research Institute, hosted at CMJS, is committed to the development and application of innovative approaches to socio-demographic research for the study of Jewish, religious and cultural identity.

Brandeis University
