Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry (DSPI) as a holographic velocimetry technique. J. Lobera, N. Andrés and M. P. Arroyo Dpto. Física Aplicada. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Zaragoza C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50009 – Zaragoza. SPAIN e-mail: Tel. +34 976 762441 Fax. +34 976 761233 Abstract Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) can be studied as digital image plane holography (DIPH), but to be able to reconstruct the object phase and intensity an offaxis setup has to be used. The three velocity components in a fluid plane could be measured, since the phase maps detect an out-of-plane velocity component while the intensity data can be analysed with standard PIV methods to detect the two in-plane components. Several fluid planes can be simultaneously recorded but independently reconstructed using an angular multiplexing setup. Some preliminary results from a convective flow with a He-Ne laser illustrate these features. Introduction Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) is a technique well known in solid mechanics, but as a velocimetry technique was first reported quite recently1. DSPI shares with digital PIV the optical set-up for illuminating a fluid plane and the video recording using CCD cameras. However, in DSPI, the light scattered by the fluid plane is recorded simultaneously with a reference beam, being the stored image known as specklegram. When the reference beam is smooth, the specklegram can be viewed as a hologram of a diffuse object, being the illuminated fluid plane the diffuse object and the CCD sensor the hologram plane. Since in DSPI the image of the fluid plane is on the CCD sensor, the digital specklegrams are in fact digital image plane holograms. DSPI, in its basic set-up, is similar to in-line digital image plane holography (DIPH). The introduction of spatial phase shifting (SPS)2 techniques in the DSPI set-up allows determining both the phase and the intensity of the recorded object wave from each SPS-specklegram. The object wave intensity is a particle image field that allows obtaining in-plane velocity fields using a standard PIV analysis. The object wave phase allows obtaining the out-of-plane velocity. In both cases, the velocity is obtained from comparing two object waves recorded at different instants. The SPS-DSPI setup requires to introduce an appropriate angle between the reference and the object beams and, thus, it can be viewed as an off-axis DIPH setup. When a divergent reference beam originating from the same plane as the lens aperture is used, the SPS-specklegrams will behave as lensless Fourier Transform holograms of the aperture3. This is the SPS-DPSI setup we will analyse in this paper. After describing the SPS-DSPI recording setup, we will present a theoretical study of SPS-DSPI where a comparison of the analysis of the recorded images from the two points of view (as SPSspecklegrams or as digital holograms) will be presented. It must be emphasized that the output of this analysis is the amplitude and the phase of the object. We will then show how DIPH can be used to simultaneously record but independently reconstruct several fluid planes. This will demonstrate the full potential of DIPH as a holographic velocimetry technique. 53 2. SPS-DSPI recording setup The SPS-DSPI setup used in this work is show in figure 1. The object wave is obtained by illuminating the fluid with a sheetlike beam and focusing the light scattered by the small particles inside the fluid onto a CCD detector using a convergent lens. The reference beam is obtained by diverting a small amount of the main laser beam and guiding it through an optical fibre, whose end is at the same distance from the CCD sensor than the lens aperture. The object and reference beams are brought together by means of a non-polarizing cube beam splitter. Figure 2 shows a typical SPS-specklegram where the spatial modulation is apparent. It also shows the random changes in intensity due to the random position and brightness of the particle images. x Flow y ui uo Laser sheet K Object beam Object beam Beam splitter Lens Beam splitter Reference beam Reference beam a) CCD camera Specklegram CCD b) Fig. 1. SPS-DSPI recording setup: a) optical layout; b) detail on the reference and object beam arrangement. Fig. 2. 128x128 region of a typical specklegram with SPS modulation. 3. Theoretical analysis 3.1 SPS-specklegram intensity The CCD sensor records the interference between the object wave o(x,y) and the reference wave r(x,y) at the sensor plane (x,y) which is located in z=0. These waves can be written as complex functions such that o (x, y ) = A o (x, y ) exp [iφ o (x, y )] (1) r (x, y ) = A r (x, y ) exp[iφr (x, y )] where A is the amplitude and φ the phase. The specklegram intensity can be written in the usual way as I(x, y ) = A o + A r + 2A o A r cos(φo − φ r ) 2 (2) 2 For a smooth reference beam Ar is approximately constant while φr changes continuously over the sensor plane. However, Ao and φo are random because they depend on the particle position and size, which are random parameters. For a divergent reference beam with its focus at (xr, yr, zr), φr=k (x - x r ) + (y - y r ) + z r k=2π/λ. In the Fresnel region (xr, yr <<z r), φr can be written as 2 2 2 x r + yr φ r (x, y ) = k z r + 2z r x x + yr y x 2 + y2 −k r + k zr 2z r 54 2 2 with (3) The second term in φr is the one responsible for the SPS modulation. For this modulation to be seen, φo has to be constant over at least three pixels. This means that the lens aperture has to be small enough so that particle images are 3 pixels in diameter. For the sensor to resolve the modulation frequency, a maximum phase change of 2π over 3 pixels has to occur. For a pixel diameter of 6.7 µm and a wavelength of 633nm, xr=3.1mm when zr=100mm. For bigger xr/zr, the modulation will be undersampled by the sensor and it may not be seen. For smaller xr/zr the modulation will not be seen because it will give not even one fringe inside each particle image. The specklegram intensity can be also written, as it is usual in holography, as I(x, y ) = r (x, y ) + o(x, y ) + r * (x, y )o(x, y ) + r (x, y )o * (x, y ) 2 (4) 2 A divergent reference beam, in the Fresnel region, can be written as r (x, y ) = [ ] k A r exp(jkz r ) (x − x r )2 + ( y − y r )2 exp j jλ z r 2z r (5) For convenience o(x,y) can be written as a function of the object wave on the aperture plane oA(xA,yA), such as o(x, y ) = [ k exp(jkz A ) ∞ ∞ (x − x A ) 2 + ( y − y A ) 2 o A (x A , y A ) exp j ∫ ∫ jλ z A −∞−∞ 2z A ]dx A dy A (6) where zA is the distance between the aperture plane and the CCD sensor. oA(xA,yA) can be written as ( ) k 2 2 o A (x A , y A ) = P(x A , y A )exp - j x A + y A ∑ Fn (x A , y A ) 2f n (7) where P(xA,yA) is the pupil function of the aperture, which is centred at (xA=0,yA=0), and Fn is the divergent wave emanating from the n-particle on the illuminated fluid plane. The phase quadratic term is introduced by the convergent lens with focal length f. 3.2 SPS-DSPI analysis Although different SPS algorithms can be used to obtain Ao and φo, the Fourier transform method (FTM)4,5 results in less noisy phase maps and intensity fields6. This method relies on the different frequency spectrum of the four terms of Eq. 4. In the first step the FTM calculates the Fourier transform ℑ of the specklegram, which can be written as ~ 2 2~ (8) ℑ{I(x, y )} = I (f x , f y ) = A r δ (0,0) + A o S(f x , f y ) + ℑ{r * o} + ℑ{ro *} The first term gives a very bright spot in the centre. The second term is the speckle spectrum, which is also centred in (fx=0,fy=0). The third term defined as ~ ℑ{r * o} = I3 (f x , f y ) = ∞ ∞ ∫ ∫ r *(x, y )o(x, y ) exp[- i2π(f −∞−∞ can be expressed as 55 x ] x + f y y ) dxdy (9) ∞ ∞ k A exp( jk(z A - z r ) ) ~ 2 2 I3 (f x , f y ) = r exp j x y + r r ∫ ∫ dx A dy A o A (x A , y A ) λ2 zrzA 2z r −∞−∞ ( ) ∞ ∞ k 1 k 1 2 2 − exp j x A + y A ∫ ∫ dxdy exp j 2z A −∞−∞ 2 zA zr 2 x + y 2 x x y y exp- i2π f x + A − r x + f y + A − r y λz A λz r λ z A λ z r ( ) ( ) (10) For zA=zr, Eq. 10 becomes into ( ) ( ) k A k ~ 2 2 2 2 I3 (f x , f y ) = 2 r 2 exp - j x r + y r o A (x 1 , y1 ) exp j x 1 + y1 λ zr 2z r 2z r (11) where x1=xr-λzrfx and y1=yr-λzrfy. In the same way the fourth term of Eq. 8 can be written for zA=zr as ( k A ~ 2 2 I4 (f x , f y ) = 2 r 2 exp j x r + yr λ zr 2z r )o A ( ) k 2 2 * (x 2 , y 2 )exp - j x 2 + y2 2z A (12) ~ with x2=xr+λzrfx and y2=yr+λzrfy. Figure 3 shows the amplitude of I (f x , f y ), where the ~ separation of the different terms is evident. According to Eq.11 and 12, I3 (f x , f y ) is the virtual image of the object wave in the aperture plane centred at fx=xr/λzr, fy=yr/λzr, ~ while I4 (f x , f y ) is the real image, which is centred at fx=-xr/λzr, fy=-yr/λzr. Figure 3 ~ ~ shows that the lens aperture has an heptagon shape. For zA≠ zr, I3 and I4 will show unfocused images of the lens aperture (Fig. 3b). The second step of the FTM is to remove all the information outside the aperture image ~ corresponding to I3 and calculate its inverse Fourier transform. The complex wave r*o is thus recovered. The FTM can also work with zA≠ zr, as far as the aperture images do not overlap. 3.3 DIPH analysis The analysis of the SPS-specklegrams as digital holograms involves the numerical reconstruction of the complex wave at any plane (x’,y’) using the Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction7,8. For planes far enough from the hologram, the reconstructed wavefield u(x’,y’) at a plane located at a distance z’ can be calculated with a Fresnel approximation such that u (x' , y') = [ ∞ ∞ exp(jkz' ) k (x'− x )2 + (y'− y )2 c(x, y )I(x, y ) exp j ∫ ∫ jλ z' −∞−∞ 2z' ]dxdy (13) where c(x,y) is the reconstructing wavefront at the hologram plane. In general, the plane (x’,y’) is taken as the best focused object plane. In a DIPH hologram, it is not necessary to propagate the reconstructed wave because the object is focused in the hologram plane. However both the virtual and the real images of the object plus the dc term are overlapped in the hologram plane. To filter out the dc component some algorithms can be used9 but to filter out one of the images it is necessary to find a plane where the different contributions to the global wavefield are well separated10,11. When c(x,y) is 56 taken as a divergent wavefront emanating from the point source (xc,yc,zc), Eq. 13 can be expressed as u (x' , y') = ( jk x c 2 + y c 2 - A c exp(jk(z c + z' )) exp 2z c λ2 zcz k1 1 exp j + x 2 + y 2 2 z' z c ( When z’=-zc u (x' , y') = ( jk x c 2 + y c 2 exp 2z c Ac λ 2 zc ) exp- jk x'z' + xz 2 c c ) exp jk(x' + y' ) 2 2 2z' ∞ ∞ ∫ ∫ I(x, y ) −∞−∞ y' y x + + c y dxdy z' z c ) exp - jk (x' + y' ) ~I x 2 2 2z c c - x' y c - y' , z z λ λ c c (14) (15) ~ For zA=zr, I gives well separated terms as already seen in the previous section. The ~ contribution of I3 to u(x’,y’) can be written as u 3 (x' , y') = Ac 2 ( Ar 2 2 λ zc λ zr ( k 2 2 exp- j x r + yr 2z r 2 )o ) ( ) jk x c 2 + y c 2 jk x' 2 + y'2 exp exp− 2z c 2z c A ( ) k 2 2 x 1 + y1 2z r (x 1 , y1 ) exp j (16) y - y' x c - x' , y1=yr-zr c . zc zc ~ The contribution of I4 to u(x’,y’) can be written as where x1=xr-zr ( ) ( ) jk x c 2 + y c 2 jk x' 2 + y'2 exp exp − 2 2 2z c 2z c λ2 zc λ2 zr k k 2 2 2 2 exp j x r + y r oA * (x 2 , y 2 ) exp- j x 2 + y2 2z r 2z r u 4 (x' , y') = ( Ac Ar ) ( ) (17) y - y' x c - x' , y2=yr+zr c . Thus, the virtual image of the lens aperture is zc zc now centred at x1’=xc- xrzc/zr, y1’=yc- yrzc/zr, while the real image is centred at x2’=xc+ xrzc/zr, y2’=yc+ yrzc/zr. For (xc,yc,zc)= (xr,yr,zr), i.e. c(x,y)=r(x,y), the virtual image of the aperture will be in the centre of the image, while the real image will be at a distance (2xr,2yr) as figure 4 shows. For (xc,yc,zc)= (-xr,-yr,-zr), i.e. c(x,y)=r*(x,y), the real image of the aperture will be in the centre while the virtual image will be at (-2xr,-2yr). The second step of this DIPH analysis is to select the information on the centred aperture image and propagate the wave back to the sensor plane. For c(x,y)=r(x,y) we will obtain o(x,y), which will directly give the Ao and φo values. where x2=xr+zr 57 a) b) ~ ( Fig. 3. a) Amplitude of the FT of a SPS-specklegram, I f x , f y for a) zA= zr ; b) zA=0.9zr. ) Fig. 4 Amplitude of the reconstructed wavefield, u(x’,y’) for zc=zr, z’=-zc and zA=zr. 3.4 SPS-DSPI vs. DIPH analysis SPS-DSPI with FTM analysis is a particular case of holographic reconstruction. It works perfectly for zA=zr and when the image of the fluid plane is on the CCD sensor. When zA≠ zr, the FT plane will show blurred images but as far as the real and virtual aperture images are separated, the SPS-DSPI analysis will still work. Thus the condition zA=zr is not very critical, both distances should be matched within 10%. There is also some degree of freedom about the position of the image plane. Its separation from the CCD sensor is more critical for the intensity field than for the phase field. The effect on the intensity field is to produce unfocused particle images. If we set a limit in the degree of unfocusing such that particle images are double in size as compared with perfectly focused particles, the image plane can be about 1 mm from the CCD sensor for f#=16 and M=0.3. The SPS-DSPI analysis allows to obtain r*o . The mean intensity and the linear part of the phase φr only need to be known more accurately if propagation to other planes for focusing the particle images is to be done. The intensity needs to be corrected for in any case. For a reference beam fed through a fibre, the intensity can be taken as a constant if the fibre optic numerical aperture is big enough. However, for a reference beam sent directly without any fibre optic, the reference beam intensity will show all the spatial inhomogeneities of the laser beam, and it will need to be corrected for. However, at the points with too low Ar (black spots), the information on Ao will be too noisy. The same will happen if Ar is bright enough to saturate the CCD sensor. The DIPH analysis allows calculating o(x,y) directly, but it needs to know r(x,y). Thus the same problem we just mentioned for SPS-DSPI will be common to DIPH. However, the DIPH analysis gives us more information on how to improve the o(x,y) calculation. First of all, Eq. 15 shows that the reconstruction wave c(x,y) fixes where the FT of the hologram will be located. We also know that the aperture image will not be focused if zA≠ zr (Fig 5a). However DIPH tell us in which plane the virtual (Fig 5b) or the real (Fig 5c) images are focused. By substituting I(x,y) by r*o in Eq (14) we obtain that 2 2 x c 2 + y c 2 - A r A c exp(jk(z'+ z A + z c − z r )) x r + y r x' 2 + y'2 + u 3 (x' , y') = exp jk 2z c 2z' 2z r λ 4 z r z c z A z' ∞ ∞ x A2 + yA2 ∞ ∞ k1 1 1 1 2 2 ( ) + + − + dx dy o x , y exp dxdy exp j x y A A A A ∫∫ ∫ ∫ 2z A − ∞− ∞ −∞−∞ 2 z' z A z c z r x' x y' y y x x y exp- jk + A + c − r x + + A + c − r y (18) z' z A z c z r z' z A z c z r ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( 58 ) u3(x’,y’) will give a focused aperture image when 1 1 1 1 =0 + − − z' z c z r z A (19) 1 1 1 giving an image of zc into z’. Thus, = − f zr zA leaving zA≠ zr is equivalent to introduce a lens on the hologram plane, whose effect is a shift on the position of the aperture image. In the same way u4(x’,y’) will give the focused image where Eq. 19 correspond to a lens with 1 1 1 1 + − − z' z c z A z r = 0 (20) 1 1 1 = − . As consequence, the virtual (Fig. 5b) and the real f zA zr (Fig. 5c) images of the aperture will be focused at different distances. Thus, by using a DIPH analysis we can calculate u(x’,y’) where the virtual image is focused and then propagate after selecting only the focused aperture, back to the plane where the particle images are focused. Thus the DIPH analysis gives much more flexibility than the FTM method. Thus corresponding to a) b) c) Fig. 5 Amplitude of the reconstructed wavefield, u(x’,y’) for zc=zr, zA=0.9zr, and a) z’=-zc; b) z’=-0.9zc; z’=-1.1zc 4. 3D holographic recording with DIPH Since DIPH allows obtaining focused particle image fields even when the fluid plane is not focused on the CCD sensor, DIPH can be extended to the recording of 3D areas. Although a whole volume could be illuminated, a much better use of the laser energy is obtained with a multiple light-sheet illumination and thus much bigger volumes can be recorded whit the appropriate sampling by properly selecting the light sheet geometry. From the DIPH analysis, it can also be deduced that the lens aperture position on the FT plane depends on the position of the reference beam. Thus multiple aperture images can be reconstructed by using multiple reference beams12. Furthermore, each reference can be made interfere only with one of the fluid planes by an adequate control on the optical path length or in some cases on the polarization state of the beams. In this way, multiple holograms, each corresponding to one fluid plane, will be multiplexed in the same recording. Each plane will be reconstructed from each of the aperture lens images independently of the other planes. 59 Figure 6a shows the optical arrangement for a doubly multiplexed DIPH recording. The same zr distance is used for the two reference beams but different (xr,yr). Figure 6b presents the amplitude of the reconstructed wavefield at z’=-zr, using the coordinates of the FTM method for a better visualization. It shows that there are two multiplexed holograms but it is not possible to deduce if each hologram has recorded one or the two planes. In order to know it a DIPH recording with one of the light-sheets blocked has to be taken. If the coherence control is appropriate, only two aperture image will be seen and we will also be able of deducing which aperture corresponds to each plane. If the coherence control is not appropriate, the four images will still be seen. In the second step of the DIPH analysis, the complex wave at z’=-zr will be propagate independently for each aperture image up to the z’ value where particle image are better focused. Widely separate fluid planes can be recorded in this way. Figure 7 shows the results for four fluid planes with different degree of unfocusing. They have been carried out in a Rayleigh-Bénard convective flow13. The planes z=12mm and z=1mm were recorded simultaneously while the other two planes were recorded later. The image position ranges from 2.31 mm in front to 1.47 mm behind the CCD sensor. For the z=1mm plane, the best focused particle images are reconstructed at 1-2 mm from the CCD sensor. The reconstruction on the CCD sensor is good enough for other three planes. Flow Laser sheet 2 Laser sheet 1 Lens Beam splitter Reference beam 1 Reference beam 2 CCD camera a) b) Fig. 6 3D DIPH: a) Optical setup for a multiplexed recording of two fluid planes; b) Amplitude of the reconstructed wavefield u(x’,y’) for z’=-zc=-zA=-zr. z=1mm z=6mm z=12mm z=19mm Fig. 7 DIPH results from the recording of two fluid planes. Upper row: wrapped phase difference; lower row Io1. The focused plane corresponds to z=12mm. 60 6. Conclusions A theoretical analysis of SPS-DSPI as a holographic velocimetry technique has been presented. The DIPH analysis has been shown to give more information than the SPSDSPI analysis. The feasibility of DIPH as a quasi-3D technique has been shown. 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