INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Meas. Sci. Technol. 13 (2002) R61–R72 PII: S0957-0233(02)31362-6 REVIEW ARTICLE Holographic particle image velocimetry K D Hinsch Applied Optics, FB8, Department of Physics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany Received 10 December 2001, accepted for publication 30 April 2002 Published 20 June 2002 Online at Abstract Holography is truly the key to three dimensions in particle image velocimetry, i.e. the measurement of all spatial components of the velocity vector—and this over a deep measuring field. Sophisticated instruments have been designed that successfully tackle practical problems such as the low scattering efficiency of particles, the inferior depth resolution or the aberrations and distortions in the reconstruction. Furthermore, efficient strategies are introduced to interrogate the holographic storage and process the huge amount of data towards a final flow field representation. Recently, phase-sensitive metrology, familiar in many fields of experimental mechanics, has been examined for use in particle velocimetry. Suitable methods are holographic and speckle interferometry or the optical processing of data for three-dimensional correlation. While in these techniques the power of optics is unrivalled, the practical advantage of video and digital techniques over photographic recording is obvious. The electronic version of speckle interferometry (ESPI/DSPI) is a well-established method used in laser metrology and has received further exploitation for applications in flow analysis recently. Finally, the state-of-the-art of digital particle holography is reviewed to allow estimates of its future in experimental flow analysis. Keywords: fluid flow velocity, holography, holographic interferometry, speckle interferometry, flow diagnostics, particle image velocimetry (PIV) 1. Introduction Today’s challenging problems in fluid dynamics concern complex three-dimensional non-stationary flows. It is generally agreed that there is a considerable developmental need for diagnostic tools that cope with these demands. Thus, extensions of well-established particle imaging techniques towards higher dimensionality are topics of increasing interest. While the supplementation of classical PIV towards a stereoscopic metrology has become standard to obtain three-component (3C) velocity data, the coverage of all of space (3D) requires the specific adaptation of holography to the registration of critical objects such as micron-sized tracer particles. It is interesting to note that some of the very early objects in quantitative holographic metrology were small particles—some 35 years ago (cf the review by Vikram (1990)). However, finding the economic means to extract and process the immense amount of data available in a single hologram of a flow scene has required researchers to wait for the development of sophisticated electrooptic instrumentation and fast digital hard- and software. Holography for particle velocimetry has revived the role of optics in flow diagnostics. Traditional PIV, originally a 0957-0233/02/070061+12$30.00 © 2002 IOP Publishing Ltd predominantly optical method not only in the photographic recording of particle images, but also in large parts of the interrogation procedures, has matured into a robust and efficient method by using CCD-cameras and digital image processing. Pioneers in the field still recall that twodimensional Fourier transformations were performed optically by creating Young’s fringes. A museum of PIV would have to put on display the many ingenious inventions to speed up the production and processing of these fringes. Examples are the purely optical correlation using an optically addressable spatial light modulator (OASLM) (Vogt et al 1994), high-speed automatic processing employing a network of modulators, deflectors and detectors (Mao et al 1993) or the parallel optical processing of a photographic PIV-record introducing a synthetic holographic array of micro-lenses to avoid the time needed to scan the photo sequentially (Arnold and Hinsch 1989). When the pioneers met, there were nostalgic reminiscences of those days. The successful implementation of stereoscopic viewing provides a good example showing that, even today, optics should be exploited to their very best before digital improvements are applied. Good depth resolution requires Printed in the UK R61 K D Hinsch large viewing angles and sets problems regarding the depth of field in the angular viewing set-up. Here, an old principle, the Scheimflug condition with tilted camera back-plane, performed in a superior fashion to all other a posteriori image processing (Hinsch et al 1993, Prasad and Jensen 1995). Recent progress in holographic velocimetry has been truly powered by technological advancements. Sophisticated HPIV apparatus has been set up in different parts of the world to yield impressive results. We will briefly recall features of such successful systems. However, there are still domains for novel optical contributions to the basic challenge and our main concern will be to outline the prospects and status of several optical methods that—like three-dimensional imaging by holography—make use of the phase of light waves. While such techniques are familiar in other disciplines they have found their way into particle velocimetry rather recently. We will recall that the application of short-coherence tomography improves the signal-to-noise ratio in deep measuring volumes. Furthermore, we will show that holographic interferometry (HI) and digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) also provide the metrology for displacement mapping in flow diagnostics, exceeding the performance of ordinary PIV by two orders of magnitude in sensitivity. Similarly, optical interrogation of holographic particle records by so-called object conjugate reconstruction yields much improved accuracy and offers operating parameters suitable for combination with simultaneous rigid body deformation analysis. Even in situations where optical solutions dominate, there is also a trend towards applying more digitization. Obviously, the introduction of any flow-analytical method for industrial use must comply with economy considerations. A hologram, we learned a long time ago, is worth a thousand pictures, as a picture is equivalent to a thousand words—concerning the information content held by each. Yet, design engineers are reserved when results are not available on the spot and when complex procedures such as dark-room work are involved in obtaining them. As an example from standard optical metrology, HI has been available for decades, yet only through its digital version DSPI did it find a way into everyday diagnostics. Full-scale digital holography on CCDsensors, however, still has shortcomings compared to full-field holography of particles on photographic film. Yet, we will also treat current trends in digital holography, where recording of a hologram as well as the reconstruction of object fields are entirely performed by computer. 2. The development of holographic particle image velocimetry Generally, holography is a method used to store the amplitude and phase of a light wave by recording the interference pattern that occurs when a second wave, the so-called reference wave, is superimposed. The processed interference pattern— a hologram—is used to reconstruct the original wave field by illuminating it with a replica of the reference wave (Collier et al 1971). There are several methods used to perform such a recording of particles (Royer 2000). Let us illustrate the situation for the so-called off-axis set-up that has become the predominant version used in HPIV. In R62 (a) (b) Object wave (scattered particle light) Particles Off-axis reference wave Hologram Virtual particle images Original reference wave Photographic plate (c) Hologram Real particle images Conjugate reference wave Figure 1. Schematic of optical off-axis set-ups in particle holography. (a) Recording of a hologram of a particle field; (b) reconstruction of a virtual image; (c) reconstruction of a real image. figure 1 we meet the familiar arrangement where the hologram is recorded by superimposing the scattered particle light— the object wave—with a reference wave on a photographic plate. Later, the developed photo (the hologram) is illuminated with the reference wave and diffraction from the pattern of microscopic interference structures reproduces a wave that seems to originate from a particle field—the virtual image. A startling feature of holography is that by reversing the direction of the reconstructing wave—this is called the conjugate reference wave (for a plane wave this is achieved by rotating the plate through 180◦ )—a real image of the particle field can be produced in space. This lens-less imaging has become the standard configuration in reconstructing particle fields from holograms. Here, the aperture responsible for the accuracy in the particle position is limited only by the area on the hologram that intercepts scattered light from the particles. All efforts connected to large-aperture optics in traditional imaging can be avoided. Real-image reconstruction may also be employed for the successful compensation of aberrations from difficult environments or low-cost relay imaging which is often applied to improve the geometry of the set-up. For this purpose, the aberrating media (like the transparent wall of a circular pipe or an engine head) must be reinserted into the reconstructed object wave (Barnhart et al 1994). In classical light-sheet PIV, lasers are preferred because they provide short pulses of high energy. For holography lasers are definitely needed because interference requires coherence. Any light source is characterized by its coherence length, which is the maximum detour path length of two beams that still provides a good interference pattern, i.e. a satisfactory hologram. This value depends on the number of activated axial resonator modes and is related to the spectral width of the fluorescence line of the laser emission and the resonator length. Intra-cavity etalons reduce this number and thus increase the coherence length. In Nd:YAG lasers the coherence length is increased by injection seeding where a high-energy laser is Holographic particle image velocimetry driven by a low-output laser of high coherence. Usually a long coherence length is required in holography to relax restrictions on the depth of the object and the matching of optical paths. Both ruby and Nd:YAG lasers provide coherence of at least a metre. The ultimate limit, of course, is set by the length equivalent to the pulse duration. For special applications such as light-in-flight holography, coherence can be reduced to a few millimetres either by removing etalons or by switching off the seeder. The shortest coherence length is given when all possible modes radiate—the wider the fluorescence line the smaller this value. This all looks simple. However, there are several basic issues that have influenced all practical realizations and can be encountered throughout the history of HPIV; for earlier overviews see, for example, Rood (1993) and Hinsch (1995). Some of these are tackled by novel methods such as HI, electronic speckle pattern interferometry or optical processing and even digital holography—as will be shown in subsequent sections. 2.1. Light scattering and resolution The useful light in PIV arises from scattering by seeding particles. Here, the essential features are the light scattering efficiency and angular scattering characteristic of the particles. These data are governed by Mie scattering and follow a complicated angular pattern depending on the indices of refraction involved and the ratio of particle size to wavelength λ. Often, much light goes into the forward direction, less backwards and even less at 90◦ viewing. Due to the low photographic speed of holographic recording media and limited laser energy available the forward direction is favoured. Due to basic optics, the accuracy in the determination of the position coordinate of a particle increases with the angular range over which light contributes to the imaging. Resolution in the transverse direction xt and in the longitudinal direction xl are calculated according to xt ≈ λ (1) λ . (2) 2 When = 0.2, we find values of 5λ and 25λ, respectively. Obviously, the longitudinal resolution length is poorer than the transversal resolution length. Thus, should be made as large as possible. Here, the narrow cone of forward scattering in conjunction with the limited dynamic range of the photographic material are disadvantagous. Around 90◦ viewing there is a much larger angular range of almost constant average value—albeit some pronounced lobes in the scattering pattern. In view of these conflicting requirements, many researchers have chosen to maintain the advantage of the superior light efficiency in forward scattering (two to three orders of magnitude more than for perpendicular viewing) in the so-called in-line holography where the spare light of a collimated beam passing the particle field unaffected is used for the reference light (Thompson 1989). This set-up benefits additionally from the simplicity and low requirements with respect to the coherence and film resolution. The small xl ≈ angular range of forward scattering, however, restricts . Furthermore, there is no way for optimum adjustment of the ratio of reference-to-signal light, and the particle number density must not get too high which could result in data holes. Sophisticated set-ups have been designed to cope with this problem (Hussain et al 1993). Simultaneous illumination or observation is made from several directions in multi-beam holographic particle velocimetry or from two perpendicular directions (Bernal and Scherer 1993, Zhang et al 1997) which were recently combined into a robust set-up by introducing a 45◦ -mirror (Sheng et al 2001). To cope with the poor signalto-noise ratio due to speckle formation by the virtual-image light (Meng et al 1993) in-line recording is combined with offaxis viewing (Meng and Hussain 1995), an off-axis reference beam is added to in-line illumination (forward scattering!) and a high-pass spatial filter in this illumination additionally blocks noise (Hussain et al 1993, Zhang et al 1997). All these features have to be carefully balanced in the optical design of the holographic set-up and are responsible for the basically different performance of in-line and offaxis particle holography. Off-axis configurations benefit from a larger effective angular scattering range and thus better resolution, flexibility in the ratio of reference-to-object light and—above all—the possibility to use angular multiplexing of the reference beam to separate a sequence of holographic recordings upon reconstruction. This is important for ambiguity removal (for which purpose holography has already been used long ago in ordinary PIV (Coupland et al 1987)) and for cross-correlation evaluation. When viewing at 90◦ to the illumination light, however, a largely reduced scattering efficiency has to be accepted which may be compensated by large particles as in liquid flows but can become a limiting aspect in air flows. A good way to increase the effective recording aperture and still have sufficient scattering is to record light in two symmetric directions close to forward (Barnhart et al 1994) or on both sides of the light-sheet (Fabry and Sieverding 2000) and use stereoscopic evaluation of the particle positions. Another question concerns spatial resolution, i.e. the smallest flow structures resolvable. The transverse resolution is the same as in two-dimensional PIV. Here, the magnification and size of the interrogation window determine resolution— provided the particle density is sufficient. These parameters must be chosen in accordance with the fluid-dynamical problem. In HPIV the interrogation volume is equivalent to the interrogation area in the two-dimensional case. Most practical work places resolution dimensions of similar size in the transverse and axial directions (typically 1–2 mm). However, we have seen that the imaging resolution in depth (z-direction) is much poorer than in the transverse direction. Thus the particle image is smeared over several times as long a distance and therefore the z-direction pitch in the interrogation is generally set some ten times larger than the pixel size that is usually <10 µm. When all data used in the calculation of the correlation peak originate from inside the interrogation volume its size sets the spatial resolution cell—in all three dimensions. The z-component of the velocity vector, of course, retains its lower accuracy. Another issue related to the poor scattering and small amount of object light available is the diffraction efficiency R63 K D Hinsch of holograms. For each photographic emulsion there is an optimum ratio of object-to-reference light to stay within the linear recording range and to assure high diffraction, i.e. a bright reconstructed image. Usually this value is about 1:5. Even when using today’s high-energy lasers this rule restricts the cross-sectional dimensions of the measuring field to a few centimetres for air flows (µm-particles required). However, when the registration of the reconstructed particle images is performed by using a light-sensitive sensor that has the capability of time-integration it is possible to operate at object-to-reference ratios several orders of magnitudes smaller than what is usually recommended and compensate for the low diffraction efficiency by long-exposure interrogation. Background reconstruction noise mainly originating from the photographic plate is the basic limit to this strategy (Herrmann and Hinsch 2001). As a consequence, the maximum size of measuring volumes can be increased. Another possibility is the repeated use of the illuminating light in a folded lightsheet configuration which has been applied in conjunction with coherence considerations (Hinrichs and Hinsch 1996) or in a specially designed multi-beamsplitter (Arroyo et al 2001). 2.2. Aberrations A reliable holographic image of the object requires an undistorted registration of the hologram and a faithful replica of the reference wave. Problems occur when the hologram is misaligned in the reference beam, when the reconstruction wavelength is different from the recording wavelength or when the photographic emulsion shrinks during the processing. The first large-scale demonstration of HPIV in a flow analysis was largely possible because such problems were mastered (Barnhart et al 1994). Real-image reconstruction compensated optical distortions in the imaging path and careful control of the development procedure reduced shrinkage. Relay optics concentrated particle light to a finite area on the hologram, small enough to avoid effects by large-scale emulsion distortions, yet sufficiently large for resolution requirements—which were further relaxed by stereoscopic registration. In other work the alignment accuracy has been improved by a control grid (Lozano et al 1999). Basic investigations are still dedicated to this field (Chan et al 2000, Sholes and Farrell 2000). 2.3. Noise It has been mentioned that the small-size tracer particles scatter only little light so precautions must be taken to eliminate all background radiation for a good signal-to-noise ratio. While thoughtful prevention of all non-essential scattering sources is a must, the simultaneous illumination of a large volume of particles provides much unavoidable light when concentrating on a certain interrogation region in space. Generally speaking, one tries to gain data on a flow region that is deeply embedded in a surrounding fog. Solutions to this problem make use of the requirement that, for a holographic recording, reference and object light should not differ in optical path by more than the coherence length. A multiple-pass folded lightsheet configuration in combination with several matching reference beams has provided simultaneous recording but separate reconstruction of single light sheets (Hinrichs and R64 Hinsch 1996). Light-in-flight holography in backscattering geometry allows one to interrogate a shell of a few millimetres width in depth from a continuous measuring field (Hinrichs et al 1997, 2000). Here, due to the short coherence length of the laser source it is possible to register all of the object field simultaneously, but reconstruct the particle-image field slice by slice in depth without disturbance from the rest of the volume. The optical set-up is such that any finite sub-aperture on the hologram is only responsible for a certain region in depth. Restrictions as to particle-number density and limits of the field depth are thus relaxed. The true power of this approach will be obvious in very deep fields as predicted by numerical and experimental simulation considerations (Hinrichs et al 1998). A nice experiment still pending will be to turn on or off the Nd:YAG seeder in a light-in-flight set-up and change the coherence length from more than a metre to less than a centimetre. 2.4. Photographic recording Traditionally, holograms are recorded on photographic film. Special fine-grain emulsions have been developed to resolve the microscopic details in the interference patterns of two superimposing waves—typically of the order of a wavelength. A 12×9 cm2 photographic plate of 5000 lines mm−1 resolution is a powerful storage device for the holographically encoded information about thousands of particles in the flow. Still, trends to avoid the delay due to cumbersome darkroom work which led to the replacement of traditional photographic PIV by digital PIV are also observed in HPIV. Several other holographic recording media such as photo-thermoplastics, photo-refractive crystals, photo-polymers or biorhodopsin have been considered or even tried out. Yet, presently there is no equivalent substitute that allows comparable set-ups and competes with film in terms of resolution and sensitivity. However, we will show later that even CCD-recording is possible when severe restrictions are accepted. 2.5. Interrogation and visualization The effort to evaluate a particle field from a deep-volume hologram increases over efforts in ordinary PIV with the new spatial dimension. Real-image fields must be scanned in three dimensions and particles identified in the presence of noise from many out-of-focus particle images from other depth regions. Next, the large amount of data has to be extracted, processed and visualized, which requires large-array CCDs and powerful computer capacity. HPIV benefits greatly from the ever increasing power of digital processing. Since many of the techniques used in data processing are similar to those in planar PIV we will not go into details here. Later, however, we will point out a way to utilize optical processing for these purposes. It should also be mentioned that new visualization methods are needed to handle the multi-dimensional data. 3. State-of-the-art in HPIV We have seen that particle holography can be operated in various schemes for velocimetry. The most advanced is to superimpose holographic recordings from two subsequent Holographic particle image velocimetry states of the flow field but record them with off-axis reference waves at different angles. Typically, a difference in polarization of the two laser pulses can be employed to assign each wave a different path. Upon reconstruction either wave produces the corresponding particle-field image that can be interrogated separately—yielding unambiguous velocity data and allowing superior cross-correlation processing. Once the particle-field image (either real or virtual) has been reconstructed faithfully the challenge is to extract the information on particle positions required to calculate a velocity map. Different philosophies are applied—similar to those from two-dimensional particle velocimetry which largely depend on the number density of particles (correlation versus particle tracking). The particle field is either interrogated plane-wise and the two-dimensional cuts through the flow field are subjected to established PIV interrogation by correlation. Alternatively, single particles are identified, paired and the displacement is determined. Finally, the interrogation could aim directly at a three-dimensional correlation (Barnhart et al 1999) for which an optical solution is presented in a later paragraph. Let us briefly look at the features of several experimental presentations of recently applied HPIV-instrumentation that are good examples to demonstrate the utilization of earliermentioned features and illustrate the state-of-the-art. Later sections will be devoted to additional approaches that utilize novel techniques. • In a version called hybrid HPIV advantages of forward scattering, as in in-line holography, are combined with the flexibility of an off-axis reference wave to study a waterduct flow with 15 µm particles (Zhang et al 1997). An optical high-pass filter (an on-axis stop) is introduced in combination with a relay lens to eliminate a large portion of the annoying background light. The use of a plain doublepulse ruby laser allows only auto-correlation processing. Two such set-ups are combined that observe the measuring volume from perpendicular directions to obtain equally accurate data for all spatial dimensions. A 10% difference between the recording and reconstruction wavelengths (ruby laser to He–Ne laser) can be compensated by correct change in the reconstruction angle of a collimated reference wave; the relay lenses are properly reintroduced into the reconstructed wave to cancel aberrations. • In a recent development this set-up has been modified for a simpler layout by placing a mirror at 45◦ to the illuminating light directly behind the particles. This produces the second observation direction at 90◦ without the need for another illumination branch (Sheng et al 2001). • Lozano et al (1999) study a swirling water flow with a double Nd:YAG-laser set-up that comprised a 90◦ lensless viewing of 16 µm particles and virtual image interrogation. Since the exposures were recorded with different reference wave directions the images could be separated for cross-correlation interrogation. • In another version (Pu and Meng 2000, Pu et al 2000) 5 µm droplets were introduced to study a vortex ring in air. Once more, a dual injection-seeded YAG laser allowed two reference beams to obtain a separate frame for each of the exposures. A sophisticated system of shutters and polarization-sensitive beamsplitters allowed pulse tailoring and adjustment of light intensities. • The challenging task of HPIV measurements within the cylinder of an IC engine is treated in a recent study (Konrath et al 2001). Again, a dual reference beam off-axis configuration is realized with a ruby laser, the illuminating light traverses the cylinder through windows in two directions at 90◦ to each other and is collected via mirrors and relay lenses on a single holographic plate. Realimage reconstruction by conjugate reference beams from a laser diode of the same wavelength eliminates all distortion effects including those of windows and lenses. • In a principally different set-up of backscattering geometry a study is conducted of the onset of turbulence in an air-jet flow with light-in-flight holography (Herrmann et al 2000a, 2000b, Hinsch et al 2000). Light from a ruby laser several millimetres in coherence length allows one to extract sheet-wise information from the deepvolume reconstructed virtual particle-image field—to be interrogated by traditional PIV software. To allow crosscorrelation with this type of light source an electro-optical switching device had to be inserted to change the direction of the reference beam between exposures. The complete volume is assembled from many such sample planes. The quality of results is indeed comparable to light-sheet PIV. • In a reflection-type holographic set-up (Barnhart et al 2000) the reconstructed real-image wave field is used for optical interrogation employing processing towards optical correlation—a system that will be covered in more detail in the final section of this paper. A real challenge is the economic extraction of data from the holograms. In the water-tunnel investigation (Zhang et al 1997) the real-image space was subdivided into depth-wise slices which were sampled in frames by a CCD-target for auto-correlation processing. The whole flow field was then patched together from these data. The enormous amount of data is illustrated by some 800 000 final velocity vectors each for both the observation directions, the accumulation of which took more than 200 h of time. A different approach was taken in the air-jet study (Pu and Meng 2000) where a special processing algorithm was developed that relies initially on particle identification and position determination, and performs the correlation not with images but on the set of position coordinates, termed concise cross-correlation (Sheng and Meng 1998). The aquisition could be achieved in the 10 Hz sequence of the Nd:YAG laser automatically switching between reference beams and traversing the CCD-camera through the real image. Again, hundreds of thousands of vectors were produced in an effort of many hours. It remains a problem to develop improved effective means to display these results in a way that is appropriate for the derivation of conclusions. In either case, impressive data have been presented that fully demonstrate the capability of holographic velocimetry in flows that otherwise could not be analysed quantitatively. So far, the applications have been restricted to sample situations and wait for routine investigations in fluid mechanics. As an example, new mathematical strategies for the classification of turbulence can be extended to spatial data (Geiger et al 2000). Up to now such studies had to rely on time records of the velocity taken at a single location. R65 K D Hinsch where the so-called sensitivity vector K is defined by Particle P(t) ∆ rK ki ∆r P(t+ ∆t) P(t+∆ ko K To observer From laser Figure 2. The sensitivity vector K in HI depends on the illumination and observation directions. 4. Holographic interferometry We have seen that holography obtains its unique properties from storing phase information about a light wave. When the object wave field is reconstructed it is a direct copy of the original version including the phase of the light field. This provides the possibility to reproduce three-dimensional images of objects—a feature that we have exploited so far. However, there is more to the utilization of phase information and that is interferometry. Retardation of a light wave by an optical path of just half a wavelength produces a profound effect when superimposed with the original wave, i.e. the waves cancel and darkness is observed. Bear in mind that it takes less than half a micron of change to impose this effect! Different from classical interferometry where both interfering object states had to be represented by their wave-equivalent at the same time, in HI object states from different instants of time can be compared by superimposing their reconstructed versions. A vast collection of metrological tools to measure object changes with sub-lambda sensitivity has grown and finds application in different fields (Vest 1979). In fluid-mechanical applications HI has been mainly applied in the analysis of transparent fluids to visualize phase changes invoked by temperature, concentration or pressure gradients. For a direct comparison of recordings in particle velocimetry, however, there are only a few early examples restricted to liquid flows at low velocities of some 1 mm s−1 (Ueda et al 1982). The present status of HPIV suggests one should revisit HI since it opens a sub-micron range of sensitivities that is a factor of ten or a hundred better than in particle imaging (Arroyo et al 2000). There are typical situations in 3C flow analysis where one of the velocity components is much smaller than the other (often the outof-plane component), yet all are to be measured with similar relative accuracy. Let us introduce the essential features of a HI measurement of a particle displacement (figure 2). Assume a particle to move within a time interval t from its original position P (t) by a displacement vector r to a new position P (t + t). The displacement produces a phase change ϕ in the scattered light which is measured by interference when superimposing the wave fields from both the particle positions. We characterize the optical situation by wavevectors ki of the illuminating light and ko of the observation light. The resulting phase shift due to the altered path of the light is then given as (3) ϕ = K r R66 K = ko − ki = 2π (uo − ui ) λ (4) with unit vectors uo and ui pointing in the propagation directions of the respective light waves. Obviously, the method responds to the component of the displacement vector r parallel to the bisector between ko and −ki . Take, for example, the common configuration of 90◦ viewing of a light sheet, then the sensitivity vector points at 45◦ backwards to the direction of the illuminating light. Now, there is one important requirement to succeed in this type of interferometry. Necessarily, light from both the particle positions must superimpose during reconstruction which requires that the particle images be smeared by diffraction to such an extent that they overlap. Consequently, a sufficiently small hologram aperture should be used for the reconstruction. We see this requirement counteracts the PIV postulate to make particle images as small as possible by using a large aperture. However, in interferometry we no longer rely on the subtraction of accurate particle positions but rather derive the displacement from an interference of the according waves. It may even happen that, for high particle-number density, particle images are no longer resolved and a speckle pattern occurs—nevertheless, the technique still works. Bear in mind that besides the actual displacement, the illumination direction as well as observation direction enter into the result! We can show this nicely by a basic performance test where the displacement of a block of 10 µm particles embedded in plastic is studied by HI (figure 3). The familiar light-sheet illumination is incident from the left. Between exposures the block as a whole has been displaced horizontally to the right. Figure 4 shows the resulting pattern of vertical interference fringes. The existence of these fringes, of course, does not indicate that the amount of motion has changed along the block. Rather, it demonstrates the changing viewing direction and its influence on the sensitivity vector as is obvious from figure 3 where we have introduced the K -vectors for three different positions. If all particles in a flow had experienced the same displacement, say its average value, we would find a parallel fringe system that represents the sensitivity-vector dependence. In reality, the local displacement fluctuates around the average value and the fringe contours will deviate from straight lines accordingly. A larger displacement will shift the fringe to one side, a smaller to the other. This is indicated schematically by the irregular white line in figure 4. The situation is analogous to the introduction of reference fringes in ordinary HI. At each point this fringe deformation must be evaluated taking into account the geometry of the optical set-up. When the observation distance is much larger than the size of the object the situation is simplified by almost parallel K -vectors such that the absolute fringe order is proportional to the particle displacement. Two important features should be noted. First of all, a given combination of illumination and observation directions renders a single displacement component. For three-dimensional displacement mapping, three such images are required that can be obtained by switching between three illumination set-ups. Secondly, there is ambiguity since the result does not distinguish between increasing and decreasing Holographic particle image velocimetry Particles in plastic block Light sheet Light sheet ki ki K2 K1 K3 ko ko K y x Flow z Cylinder Hologram Observer position Figure 3. Optical set-up and sensitivity vectors for the study of particle displacements in a transparent block by HI. Rigid-body motion is in-plane and to the right. Figure 5. Set-up for a study of the axial velocity component of the vortex-street flow behind a cylinder. The sensitivity vector K is placed parallel to the cylinder axis by proper directions of illumination ki and observation ko (towards the hologram). The irregular fringes shown in figure 6 are evidence of a distinct flow component parallel to the cylinder axis. In this case the underlying parallel fringe pattern can be clearly seen at the upper and lower boundaries of the field of view which are outside the vortex region—the fringes are inclined at about 45◦ and have been extended by white lines. To illustrate the evaluation, take the location indicated by the black ring in the upper left where the dark fringe has been displaced by almost one fringe spacing. This indicates an axial velocity of 50 mm s−1 —which is less than 10% of the mean flow. Fringe deformation by non-uniform displacement Figure 4. Interferometric fringes for constant in-plane displacement of a particle block due to the change of sensitivity vector K for different positions in the block. A similar pattern would occur in a constant-velocity flow. A non-uniform flow field distorts the fringe pattern as schematically shown by the curve; the direction and magnitude of its shift from the original fringe position are used to evaluate the local velocity. phase values. There are, however, techniques to eliminate this dilemma where known external phase shifts are applied on purpose. For details we refer to the basic literature (Jones and Wykes 1983). Generally in any PIV application, classical or holographic, the time separation between exposures is set to produce displacements that are appropriate for the method. Since HI and HPIV may differ in sensitivity by a factor of about 100, the flexibility of particle velocimetry is extended. Moreover, by a combination of techniques and correct geometric layout, flows can be tackled where velocities in the different spatial directions differ considerably in magnitude. HI has been used to supplement PIV results in convective flows and in vortex-street analysis (Andrés et al 1997, 2001a). We present an example to study the irregular axial component of a vortex-street flow behind a cylindrical rod (diameter 6 mm) in a wind tunnel at 0.63 m s−1 mean flow velocity. Ideally this is a two-dimensional problem in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the rod. Usually, however, there are various reasons that this situation is disturbed; for example, by effects from the finite length of the cylinder. Figure 5 shows how the sensitivity vector was aligned parallel to the rod by placing the light sheet at 45◦ to the rod axis. While HPIV required a time interval of 500 µs, a double exposure of 10 µs pulse separation from the ruby laser produced the hologram for HI. 5. Electronic speckle pattern interferometry Today, particle holography is still a technique that requires the handling of a photographic emulsion in a dark-room environment, associated with wet processing and timeconsuming laboratory work. We have mentioned earlier that there are some competing registration media for fairly instantaneous on-the-spot recording which have already been checked for the purpose. The favourite solution, however, would be to take holograms like ordinary images by video sensors and transfer them digitally to computer for further handling. This situation is similar to a certain phase in traditional PIV when researchers looked for electro-optic and computer-based alternatives to the photographic film and the optical processing of PIV records. We will come back to developments for computerized particle holography in the next section. Presently, let us explore the suitability of a technique that has found widespread use in optical metrology called video holography or electronic (or digital) speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI or DSPI) (Jones and Wykes 1983). What are the problems in recording a hologram using a CCD-camera? Primarily, the element size of such a target, some 5–10 µm, is greatly inferior to the resolution properties of the holographic film that allows one to record patterns containing small details corresponding to spatial frequencies of several thousand lines per millimetre. Usually we need this high resolution due to the large angle between the object and reference wave that is the result of the off-axis set-up. The fringe period d generated by two superimposing waves of wavelength λ is determined by the angle θ between their propagation directions d= λ . 2 sin θ (5) R67 K D Hinsch Figure 6. HI of a vortex-street flow behind a cylinder in a wind-tunnel experiment; the flow is from left to right at 0.63 m s−1 . Regular parallel fringes are extrapolated from the pattern along the top and bottom and are due to changing viewing direction. The irregular fringe pattern in the vortex-street region represents the velocity component parallel to the cylinder axis (from Andrés et al 2001a). At the sample point marked by the black ring the fringe is displaced by almost one fringe spacing, which yields a velocity of 50 mm s−1 . For a typical pixel size of 8 µm this restricts angles to values of <2◦ which makes it impossible to take off-axis holograms. Even for an in-line set-up the field width is limited considerably. Furthermore, a hologram existing merely as an array of intensity values in the computer cannot be used to physically reconstruct an object wave. Thus, the unique inversion to object-related coordinates is not directly possible any more. Before computers became sufficiently powerful to tackle such a task digitally, people thought of ESPI as a different solution. When applied to particle holography we obtain a 2D3C-method. Figure 7 presents the basic scheme for this concept. The particles in the light sheet are imaged onto a CCD-chip just as in ordinary video-based PIV. To make the arrangement sensitive to phase, however, a reference wave is introduced via a beam combiner, thus creating an interference pattern on the CCD. The reference wave is introduced in such a way that it is collinear with the object light to avoid large-angle interference which would not be resolved by the coarse pixel structure of the CCD. Furthermore, the aperture of the imaging lens must be stopped down (f -numbers usually are larger than 5.6) to produce structures (speckles) on the CCD that are also large enough to be resolved. The signal on the CCD is called an image-plane hologram since the ordinary image has been superimposed with reference light. As a consequence this image becomes sensitive to small displacements in the object, once more governed by the sensitivity vector K . Any displacement component parallel to K will change the phase of the light in the image plane. In the general case the signal wave is not an image of particles but rather a speckle field. The technique got its name from the interference of this speckle pattern with the reference wave on an electronic detector. Since the data are processed on a computer the method is sometimes termed ‘digital’. We start the measurement by storing an initial image in the computer memory. In the following images, captured at either video rate or laser-firing rate, the scattering particles in the light sheet have moved. The optical situation of the initial image is restored wherever and whenever this motion has caused a phase change of an integer multiple of 2π . The video hologram in this area will resume its original pattern. When R68 Light-sheet ≈45° K Beam combiner CCD-chip ko ki Reference beam Figure 7. The optical set-up of ESPI for the study of particle displacements in a light-sheet. Interferometric sensitivity is achieved by adding the reference beam. The instrument responds to displacements parallel to the sensitivity vector K . the incoming images are continuously subtracted from the start image, dark contour lines in image space will be created, each of which connects locations where ϕ = Nπ for a given evenvalued N—from which equation (1) yields the displacement. At odd multiples of π two uncorrelated speckle patterns are subtracted, rendering some average grey level. Thus, a fringe system is produced that represents iso-lines of the velocity component parallel to K . ESPI has revolutionized many fields of laser metrology because it provides measuring conditions of interferometric sensitivity that can easily be applied even under adverse everyday conditions. Its application for fluid-dynamic purposes promises similar advances. In a test a vortex-street flow in air at 0.5 m s−1 has been studied (Andrés et al 1999, 2001b) utilizing paired pulses from a twin-oscillator Nd:YAG laser separated by 6 µs and repeated at 5 Hz. In the same set-up, digital PIV recordings were obtained—blocking the reference wave and setting the pulse separation to 400 µs. Here, the light-sheet came from above and normal to the axis of the cylinder, and viewing was at 90◦ parallel to the cylinder axis. Therefore, the sensitivity vector pointed at 45◦ to the cylinder axis upwards and towards the observer. Assuming a negligible out-of-plane component we get a set-up that yields mainly the vertical velocity component. Since ESPI is an interferometric method it requires sufficient coherence of the Holographic particle image velocimetry (a) (b) -31.5 -31.5 -31.5 -31.5 -31.5 20 -31.5 20 0 0 -63.0 Z (mm) 15 - .5 31 63.0 10 63.0 94.5 .5 -94 -126 31.5 0 -94.5 31.5 .0 63 15 Z (mm) 25 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 X (mm) 15 20 X (mm) Figure 8. Light-sheet ESPI study of a vortex-street flow behind a cylinder in a wind-tunnel experiment. The optics is set to yield contour lines of the vertical in-plane velocity component vy . (a) Iso-velocity contours for vy obtained from a traditional PIV record. (b) ESPI fringes for a similar situation in the same flow. laser light. In perpendicular light-sheet viewing, the size of the sheet along the propagation direction of the light is therefore limited by the coherence length. In the present case this dimension was little more than a centimetre. However, there are ways to expand this limit by intra-cavity etalons, injection seeding or special optical devices partly delaying the reference wave. Figure 8 demonstrates good agreement of the vy -component as determined from a traditional PIV record with the ESPI contour lines corresponding to a similar situation in the same flow. In summary, an ESPI set-up is a very convenient instrument to improve the performance of a PIV system. In its basic configuration any digital PIV CCD-camera set-up could be modified by adding a reference wave. By turning this on and off one could choose between ordinary and interferometric PIV. Additional equipment can provide for phase-shifted recording to eliminate ambiguity and to provide for automatic evaluation by phase unwrapping (Jones and Wykes). A variety of sophisticated algorithms are available for this purpose. 6. Digital particle holography As mentioned above, ESPI is sometimes called video holography, but as its name implies it is rather a kind of interferometry, in which the interference pattern is recorded electronically. The computer provides useful storage and processing means, but it is not essential to the technique. As a matter of fact, there is a version of ESPI used for studying vibrating objects which has been in operation since long before computer power was available for image processing. In true computer holography, recording of the hologram and reconstruction of the object wave are completely left to the machine (Schnars et al 1994). A beautiful feature of holography, of course, is lost, i.e. the production of a fascinatingly faithful image of the object. The reconstructed object will exist only as a set of sampled intensity data in the computer’s memory. However, there is no need for photographic film—a problem of increasing importance as the number of commercially offered products shrinks—and cumbersome darkroom work can be avoided. Furthermore, in digital particle holography (Murata and Yasuda 2000) the object image is readily available for further processing, and hours and hours of interrogation time can be saved. As an alternative, a traditional hologram could be taken on photographic film to be scanned subsequently for digital reconstruction. At this point it is useful to estimate the amount of information stored in a standard holographic plate. At a resolution of, say, some 3000 line-pairs per millimetre each square millimetre contains roughly 5 Mbyte of data; a 100 × 100 mm2 plate thus contains a total of 50 Gbyte of information. It is no wonder that it may take many hours to extract the data from this powerful storage facility. Furthermore, it is obvious that present electro-optic recording will fall short of such performance. There are three technological limits set in the electrooptic recording of a digital hologram: the size and spacing of the individual pixels as well as the number of pixels in the two-dimensional array, i.e. the CCD-chip. Presently, pixel size is between 5 and 10 µm and—depending on the fill factor—the spacing is similar. Array sizes range typically from squares of 500 to 4000 pixels. In the latter case, the overall dimension of 40 mm becomes comparable to the holographic film size. As already stated in equation (3), present pixel data allow only angles of a few degrees between the object and reference light. This favours in-line set-ups where the reference light is provided by the background light propagating undisturbed through the large empty region between particles. Under such conditions the maximum spatial frequencies that have to be recorded on the hologram can be made to fall within the frequency limit of the CCD-array. Even here, restrictions are put on the distance between the R69 K D Hinsch Hologram Aperture stop CCD Reference wave Hologram Particle Reconstructing wave Real particle image Figure 9. Optical set-up for Bragg-type reflection holography of a particle field. The object and reference waves are incident on the photographic plate from opposite sides. The reconstructing conjugate reference wave is reflected by the interference pattern in the emulsion to form a real particle image. object and holographic plate as well as on transverse object size. The pixel characteristics also impose image resolution as set by the speckle noise produced by the low numerical aperture configurations. Recent developments in solid-state sensor devices such as CMOS active-pixel sensors—where each detector element has an electronic amplifier circuit attached to it—promise novel features in favour of holographic applications (Jaquot et al 2001). The second important component in digital holography is the implementation of algorithms to perform the reconstruction procedure on the hologram data, in our case, to reconstruct digital images of the point-like particles. Here, the propagation of light is modelled by Fresnel diffraction and the according integrals have to be solved for the region of interest in image space. Several approaches have been tried out, some employing Fourier transformations (Kreis and Jüptner 1997, Pan and Meng 2001), others turning to wavelet transforms (Onural 1993, Buraga-Lefebvre et al 2000, Coëtmellec et al 2001). Simulation experiments have been carried out to explore the feasibility of the method on simple model objects consisting of a few ideal particles. An interesting version that improved depth resolution by repeated traversing of the object in different directions has been demonstrated by Adams et al (1997). Here, the various aspect angles of the object region could be extracted from a single hologram as they were found at different distances from the plate. The spatial object distribution was assembled by application of tomographic principles. The basic disadvantage of today’s digital particle holography—noise and the extremely poor resolution due to the small aperture—has been tackled in a promising novel approach by Pan and Meng (2001). It could be shown that the utilization of the complex light amplitude to determine particle positions in the calculated image field relaxes these constraints considerably and also reduces the adverse effects of speckle noise. Generally, the future of digital particle holography will benefit greatly from present technological progress in electronic imaging and digital image processing that is also fuelled by other powerful requirements in addition to those in flow diagnostics. Just as PIV changed with the advent of CCD-sensors and high-performance small computers, so will the prospects grow for a widely applicable digital version of particle holography. R70 fiber Fourier transform lens Optical or digital processor Figure 10. Optical correlation for evaluation of a three-dimensional real-image particle field. The image space is scanned with a fibre-end light source. The hologram generates a converging wave for each particle which superimpose for a three-dimensional fringe system that is processed further. 7. Optical three-dimensional correlation interrogation For quite some time it has been considered a challenge to present a three-dimensional optical correlation technique equivalent to the two-dimensional Young’s fringe correlation of the early PIV age. A method proposed a decade ago by Coupland and Halliwell (1992) has been refined to offer a true alternative to computer-based interrogation of particle images reconstructed from holograms (Coupland and Halliwell 1997, Barnhart et al 1999). It has the advantage that it produces sub-micron accuracy in the position data which is comparable to interferometric results. The present state of the method has been communicated in details (Barnhart et al 2000, 2001), thus it suffices to give a brief idea of the strategy. It is appropriate to use a heuristic model that relates the performance of this correlation to holographic principles (Hinsch 1993). Recall the basic configuration to record a hologram of a single particle (figure 1). Two spherical waves are incident on the photographic plate from the same side: one of them is the light scattered by the particle, the other comes from the reference-source point. In a variation of this arrangement called Bragg-reflection holography (figure 9), the reference wave is incident from the reverse side. This also has the practical advantage that the holographic plate can be placed close to the object. In this geometry, the contour surfaces of equal interference intensity are mainly parallel to the plate and form a stack of reflecting planes in the emulsion which interact with the reconstructing light according to the rules of Bragg reflection. Upon illumination with the complex conjugate of this reference wave, we thus obtain a reflected converging wave focusing into a real particle image. Now, assume that the roles of the waves for reconstruction are interchanged: the reconstruction is done with a wave identical to the original spherical wave from the particle which then produces a conjugate reference wave, i.e. a wave focusing into the former reference-wave focus. When the illuminating light does not come exactly from the particle position but from a location close by, the reconstructed wave will change slightly in direction (if the focus has been displaced transversely) and curvature (if it has moved axially)—but still remain a spherical wave. Since we are performing double-exposure particle velocimetry our hologram has registered particles always in pairs and there will be two such waves for each particle pair, i.e. we will find a pair of focus points in the vicinity of the original reference-source point. When we place a point source at an Holographic particle image velocimetry arbitrary location in the real image region, we thus get a replica of the arrangement of particle pairs in its neighbourhood— located around the reference-source point. Let us now assume that we illuminate such a double exposure particle hologram from the end of a fibre placed at some object position of interest (figure 10). Around the reference-source point we find an ensemble of point foci (crosses) that resemble the particles in the neighbourhood of the fibre probe (dots). By scanning the fibre end through space we can sample the particle field. A small-size aperture defines the interrogation cross-section. A lens is now employed to create the spatial-frequency power spectrum of these point sources which is a system of fringes—usually curved lines determined by the three-dimensional displacement in the double particle field. Here, we have the three-dimensional equivalent to Young’s fringes. Their analysis by Fourier transformation—which in the practical set-up can be done optically or by computer—renders the three-dimensional correlation function. There are more details to this technique that go beyond the scope of this paper. It combines rapid field sampling (by traversing the fibre probe) with fast dedicated analogue processing to provide interferometric accuracy that is beyond the sub-pixel accuracy of time-consuming digital evaluations. Furthermore, it provides for simultaneous displacement analysis of an adjacent rigid body surface. This example shows that there are still areas where optics is very competitive with digital techniques. 8. Conclusions The past years have seen particle holography develop to such a state that it has become a tool to be considered when the fluid-dynamical problem under study requires an extended measuring region to be investigated at a single instant of time. Several impressive applications in flow facilities also illustrate the size of the data set obtained from a single holographic record and the need for economic extraction, processing and visualization of the material. There are constant novel developments improving the performance such as noise suppression by short-coherence recording, to name but one. In view of the unpopular photographic processing involved in present-day high-resolution holography serious efforts are undertaken to turn particle holography into a purely electronic and digital technique. Such work has good chances in the future because it is supported by the constant boom in powerful electro-optic devices and computers. The presently preferred type of holography is still a three-dimensional extension of particle imaging. However, there are approaches to apply otherwise established interferometric methods such as HI and electronic speckle pattern interferometry to the task of measuring particle displacements. At least an order of magnitude in sensitivity can be obtained in this way. Finally, even some schemes for optical processing of the holographic particle data are applied successfully that save time and provide sub-micron sensitivity during interrogation. Acknowledgments The work presented in this paper has benefited from a long period of cooperative contacts with colleagues throughout the world to whom I am very grateful. The mutual exchange with J Kompenhans (DLR Göttingen) deserves special mention. The European dialogue has been promoted considerably by the EU-projects EUROPIV and PIVNET. A working group on Holographic PIV has been established recently to promote and stimulate work in this field. Members can participate in its web-page Sincere thanks are due to Heiko Hinrichs, Christof Surmann and Sven Herrmann for the wealth of ideas that have fertilized the Oldenburg activities in PIV. 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