INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Meas. Sci. Technol. 13 (2002) 1058–1071 PII: S0957-0233(02)31785-5 Some considerations on the accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to particle image velocimetry vector fields J M Foucaut and M Stanislas Ecole Centrale de Lille, LML URA 1441, BP 48, Cité Scientifique, F59651 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France E-mail: Received 11 December 2001, in final form and accepted for publication 27 May 2002 Published 20 June 2002 Online at Abstract This paper concerns the computation of derivatives from particle image velocimetry (PIV) velocity fields with the goal of obtaining the vorticity component normal to the plane. A variety of derivative schemes are characterized by their transfer function, taking into account the truncation and noise amplification. The PIV measurement noise is supposed to be a white one in the Fourier space. A spectral approach is used in order to choose the best filter for turbulent flows. The derivative spectra are discussed. An application is presented on a real turbulent flow with two interrogation window sizes and different derivative schemes. The most significant schemes are also applied to a velocity field containing a single vortex. A comparison of the maximum of vorticity obtained with each scheme and through a least-square fit with an Oseen vortex, allows us to quantify the effect of the band pass filter and to select the best scheme. Keywords: PIV, derivative computation, vorticity, transfer function, accuracy Nomenclature a, ai b c E11 Enoise F11 i, j , l k klc khc n r R RO T Tn Tr coefficients of derivative schemes coefficients of compact derivative schemes coefficients of compact derivative schemes velocity spectrum noise level in Fourier space derivative spectrum index wavenumber low cutoff wavenumber high cutoff wavenumber order of derivative filter radial coordinate non-dimensional cylindrical coordinate radius of an Oseen vortex transfer function of derivative filter transfer function of derivative filter, noise effect 0957-0233/02/071058+14$30.00 © 2002 IOP Publishing Ltd u û u∗ uθ v x, y, z X α β, χ ε x, y σu ω ωc ω0 Printed in the UK transfer function of derivative filter, truncation effect velocity component along x RMS velocity fluctuation characteristic velocity of an Oseen vortex tangential velocity component velocity component along y Cartesian coordinates interrogation window size coefficient of the truncation term parameters of compact difference schemes noise amplification spatial resolution circulation of an Oseen vortex noise level vorticity component normal to the PIV plane estimation of ω by means of a filter vorticity at the centre of an Oseen vortex 1058 The accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to PIV vector fields 1. Introduction Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is a well established measurement technique which allows us to obtain large amounts of data on all kinds of flows. The theory of PIV is now quite extensive (Westerweel 1997) and clearly shows one of the main characteristics of this technique: it provide a discretization of the velocity field with a limited spatial resolution. Nevertheless, through its spatial character and the large number of samples that can be recorded nowadays, PIV allows a lot of new insights into many flows and leads scientists to adapt progressively the processing tools used in CFD. In this development, care should be taken due to the fact that the PIV data are fairly different from CFD data. In PIV the spatial resolution is limited toward the large scales by the length of the field and toward the small scales by the interrogation window size. Moreover, the data carry a measurement noise inherent to the method. This noise is introduced during recording (optical distortion, light sheet non-homogeneity, transfer function of CCD, particle characteristics, speckle) (Allano et al 1998) and during the data processing (peak fitting algorithm, image interpolation, peak deformation) (Westerweel et al 1997). Thus the CFD tools cannot be transposed directly and care should be taken to check their accuracy and reliability. This problem is addressed in the present paper for one specific tool: the computation of derivatives of the field, illustrated by the estimation of the vorticity. Derivatives of the velocity field are important characteristics in fluid dynamics as they appear in the Navier–Stokes equations and in important operators such as the divergence, the vorticity or the stress tensor. These operators are extensively used to understand the physics of the flow under study. These checks are particularly important for turbulence, where the bandwidth of the measurement technique with respect to these operators is fundamental for the interpretation of the results. The PIV spatial bandwidth being limited by nature, a guideline is thus needed to select the best suited estimator of these operators and information must be provided on the spectral response and accuracy of the selected filter. In the present paper, the interest of such an approach will be illustrated with the vorticity operator applied to two types of flow for which it is of particular interest: a turbulent flow (a boundary layer in the present case) and an isolated vortex. The use of such derivative operators implies a certain continuity and smoothness of the measured velocity field which can be put in default by the presence of too many outliers. This implies a preliminary validation and eventual interpolation of the vector field. This problem was addressed by several authors, most recently by Foucaut et al (2000). To obtain derivatives, the literature proposes several techniques. The first one, which is probably the one most used, is based on discrete differential operators applied to neighbouring grid points. Lele (1992), Lourenco and Krothapalli (1995), Kim and Lee (1996), Raffel et al (1998) and Luff et al (1999) have used several schemes of this kind which will be discussed later. Even if a differential approach behaves like a filter, it is evident that, using this technique, the derivative estimate can be disturbed by the measurement noise. Following Lourenco and Krothapalli (2000), it can be assumed that the transfer function of PIV is mainly due to the windowing effect. In the present paper, the measurement noise will be supposed to be white. A second technique to estimate derivatives is based on the fit of an analytic function to the discrete velocity field. The derivative is then obtained by an analytical derivation of the fitted function. This method is proposed by Fouras and Soria (1998) by means of a χ 2 fit of a second-order polynomial and by Abrahamson and Lonnes (1995) who use a least-square approach. In that case, the local velocity is fitted to a model consisting of uniform translation, rigid rotation, a point source and plane shear. The advantage of such methods is to reduce the effect of the noise. The drawback is that a filtering of the data is performed when the fit is applied. A recent paper of Ruan et al (2001) propose a third method to obtain directly the vorticity from the particle images. They use a pattern matching technique to determine the particle displacement due to rotation between both exposures. In this paper, only the differential technique is studied. In the following section the different schemes found in the literature will be presented. Methods to optimize the choice of derivative filter are then proposed in the case of turbulent flows and for an isolated vortical structure. 2. Derivative computation method For the derivative computation, a compromise has to be made between the order of the filter, the number of points used for the derivation, the frequency response and the noise amplification. Generally, for classical finite difference schemes, the order increases with the number of points used for the computation. The frequency response increases when the truncation error decreases, which is directly linked to the order of the filter. On a regular grid, the first derivative at a point j , with a centred scheme of order n, can be estimated by the following equation: ∂u 1 = ai (uj +i − uj −i ) ∂x j ax i=1,n/2 σu x i−1 ∂ i u αi +ε (1) + i i! ∂x j x i=n+1,∞ where x is the grid spacing around point j . A centred scheme implies that the order of a and αi are is even. The values given by a = 2 i=1,n/2 i ai and αi = a2 l=1,n/2 al k i = i l=1,n/2 al k l=1,n/2 al k. The values of ai are obtained by means of limited expansions of the velocity. The second term on the right-hand side is the truncation error and the last term is the noise error estimated here by a probabilistic quadratic approach (Neuilly 1998). σu is the measurement noise level and ε is the noise amplification coefficient obtained by ε2 = 4 2 ai . a 2 i=1,n/2 (2) Lourenco and Krothapalli (1995) have considered that σu can be estimated by the uncertainty in the velocity measurement. This error is random and is characterized in that case by its RMS value. It will be seen that the noise amplification coefficient ε increases with the order of the scheme. In the present study, four standard filters based on centred difference schemes (equation (1)) were first studied with second, fourth, sixth and eighth order of accuracy. The values 1059 J M Foucaut and M Stanislas Table 1. Detailed characteristics of centred difference derivative filters. Order a a1 2 4 6 8 2 12 60 840 1 0 8 −1 45 −9 672 −168 a2 a3 a4 0 0 0 0 1 0 32 −3 αn+1 ε 1 4 36 576 0.71 0.95 1.08 1.17 of a, ai , αn+1 and ε are given in table 1. As expected, the truncation error decreases when the order increases, but ε increases and is even higher than 1 for the sixth- and eighthorder filters. Luff et al (1999) compared three schemes: the second- and fourth-order centred difference and the circulation computed over eight velocity points, following the method of Reuss et al published in 1989. This method gives directly the vorticity while the differential ones provide the gradient field: v −v ui,j +1 −ui,j −1 i+1,j i−1,j − 2x 2y 1 1 vi+1,j +1 −vi−1,j +1 ui+1,j +1 −ui+1,j −1 ω(i, j ) = + 2 − . (3) 2x 2y 4 v −v u −u + i+1,j −12xi−1,j −1 − i−1,j +12yi−1,j −1 As can be seen in equation (3) the method of Reuss et al corresponds to a linear combination of second-order centred difference filters computed at the point of interest and its neighbours. Luff et al used synthetic images computed from an Oseen vortex and experimental ones obtained by a photographic recording technique and an auto-correlation analysis method. They estimated the error on the vorticity field with and without noise added. Without noise, they obtained average errors of 4.3, 2.8 and 0.004%, respectively, for the eight-point circulation second-order and fourth-order schemes. These errors correspond to a truncation effect. With noise, they obtained the opposite behaviour from 9.2 to 18.9% due to the noise amplification coefficient which increases. They discussed the effect of the interrogation window size. They have also tested the effect of a 3 × 3 Gaussian smoothing filter to avoid the noise amplification. In that case, they obtained a global error of the order of 3.8% whatever the filter used. Three compact difference schemes were also studied here. These schemes are presented by Lele (1992) and Kim and Lee (1996). They are implicit and need a matrix inversion. They are given by βuj −2 + χuj −1 + uj + χuj +1 + βuj +2 uj +3 − uj −3 uj +2 − uj −2 uj +1 − uj −1 =c +b +a (4) 6x 4x 2x where β, χ, a, b and c are five parameters which are optimized to obtain the selected order. By the use of Taylor series coefficients of various orders, five relations between these parameters can be solved to cancel the high-order terms. The form of equation (4) allows us to obtain derivative filters up to the tenth order. If c = 0 is imposed, one step of optimization leads to a sixth-order filter family which is given by the following 1060 parameters: 3χ − 1 , a = 29 (8 − 3χ), 12 57χ − 17 b= , c = 0. 18 β= (5) As can be seen equations (4) and (5) show that only four velocity values are necessary and β, a and b depend only on χ . In this case, for each value of χ the truncation terms up to sixth order are cancelled. The choice of β = 0 (χ = 1/3) leads to a sixth-order scheme which necessitates only a tridiagonal matrix resolution. An optimization of χ at a value of 4/9 allows us to find an eighth-order derivative filter. The parameter c can also be optimized. In that case, a eighth-order family is obtained with the following parameters: 8χ − 3 , 20 568χ − 183 , b= 150 β= 12 − 7χ , 6 9χ − 4 c= . 50 a= (6) Here, β, a, b and c depend on χ, six velocity values and a pentadiagonal resolution are necessary. An optimum value of χ = 0.5 can also be found which enables us to get a tenth-order filter. The values of the coefficients of the different compact schemes studied here are presented in table 2. The derivative estimation presents the same types of errors as previously (see equation (1)): ∂u σu x i−1 ∂ i u = uj + αi +ε . (7) i ∂x j i! ∂x x j i=n+1,∞ The compact difference schemes look interesting because ε is smaller for the tenth-order filter than for the fourth-order centred scheme, together with a very small truncation error. For the lowest frequency the noise can become the principal source of error. This is why Lourenco and Krothapalli (1995) recommended using the Richardson extrapolation which takes the values far from the measurement point into account, in order to improve the accuracy by minimizing the noise amplification. In the present contribution, seven filters based on Richardson extrapolation were tested. The principle of this method is to take a linear combination of secondorder centred difference schemes computed with different data spacing x, 2x, 4x and 8x. The coefficients of the combination are adapted in order to minimize the truncation error or the noise error, depending on the objective. The Richardson extrapolation is equivalent to the following equation (Lourenco and Krothapalli 1995): uj +i − uj −i ∂u 1 = ai ∂x a 2ix j + i=1,2,4,8 i=n+1,∞ αi x i−1 ∂ i u σu +ε . (n + 1)! ∂x i x (8) The term (uj +i − uj −i )/2ix is a second-order centred difference scheme with a grid spacing of ix. The coefficients ai are optimized to increase the order by use of Taylor expansions or to minimize ε by a least-square method. Four schemes has been derived with an optimization of the The accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to PIV vector fields Table 2. Detailed characteristics of compact difference derivative filters. Order a b c χ β αn+1 ε 6 8 10 1.5555 1.4814 1.4166 0.1111 0.4630 0.6733 0 0 0.01 0.3333 0.4444 0.5 0 0.0278 0.05 4 16 144 1 0.9 0.84 truncation error (for second, fourth, sixth and eighth orders) and three with a minimization of the noise coefficient ε (for second, fourth and sixth orders). The characteristic coefficients are presented in table 3. The second- and fourth-order filters obtained with truncation error minimization are exactly the same as the corresponding centred difference schemes. The sixth and eighth order with the truncation error minimization also give ε larger than 1. The second-, fourth- and sixth-order filters with a minimization of ε show a truncation error αn+1 (see equation (1)) about 10 times higher than the two other methods. The least-square filter proposed by Raffel et al (1998) is of second order and shows a smaller noise amplification coefficient than the classical centred schemes: −2uj −2 − uj −1 + uj +1 + 2uj +2 ∂u = ∂x j 10x + 3.4 x 2 ∂ 3 u σu . + 0.316 (3)! ∂x 3 x (9) It is obtained from a noise minimization comparable to the Richardson method computed on the four first neighbouring points. Raffel et al (1998) have studied the effect of overlapping higher than 50% on the computation of vorticity. This effect was discussed in Carlier (2001) as far as the velocity is concerned. The conclusion concerning the cutoff frequency for the vorticity is the same as for the velocity. The PIV results present a low and a high cutoff frequency. The low one is due to the field size. The high one depends only on the interrogation window size whatever the overlapping is. However, it is clear that PIV samples the turbulence with a limited range of frequencies. The effect of each derivative filter has thus to be discussed by comparison of the derivative power spectra. Raffel et al (1998) describe the sources of error in differential estimation. These sources are: the measurement uncertainty on velocity vectors, the over-sampled data when an overlapping higher than 50% is used, the interrogation window size which limits the spatial resolution, the truncation of the curvature of the particle motion due to the use of only two pulses in PIV. The main measurement error which can affect the derivative is the measurement noise. In the spectral domain its effect is coupled with the under-sampling and with the windowing effects. The curvature error can be minimized by decreasing the PIV laser pulse delay but, of course, with a loss in accuracy (Raffel et al 1998). 3. Turbulent flows The first case for which derivative filters are characterized is a turbulent flow. The optimization is based on a spectral analysis and on the transfer function of each filter. 3.1. Frequency response of PIV For turbulent flows, the PIV spectral response is characterized from experimental PIV records. The study is based on a series of experiments which allowed us to build a model of the PIV spectrum and to characterize the PIV measurement noise. One of these experiments has been carried out in the configuration shown in figure 1 (Carlier 2001). The flow is a turbulent boundary layer obtained in a specific wind tunnel. The velocity was measured in a plane parallel to the wall. The external velocity was 3 m s−1 , corresponding to a Reynolds number of Rθ = 7800. The camera was a Kodak DCS 460, with a CCD of 3072 × 2048 pixels, the size of which is 9 µm by 9 µm. A 100 mm Nikkor lens was used with an f -stop of 2.8. The magnification was 0.173. These measurements were made at 100 wall units (12 mm). At this wall distance, the mean velocity is about 2 m s−1 . A total of 200 fields were recorded. The PIV delay was optimized in order to obtain a dynamic range of about 15 pixels (400 µs). Such a delay leads to a turbulence intensity of 2.2 pixels. Cross-correlation with symmetrical discrete local shift of both windows was used, in order to measure the velocity with a second-order accuracy. The overlapping was 50%. The analysis was made with 24×24 window size (zero padding into 32 × 32 FFT windows) which gives about 40 000 velocity vectors in the map. Such a flow configuration allows us to use two homogeneity directions to compute a spectrum with a better convergence (this was checked in the present case). For each vector line, the spectrum is computed along x by means of a FFT algorithm. The spectra are then averaged along z and over the 200 fields to obtain convergence. Figures 2 presents the comparison of the PIV spectrum with hot wire anemometry (HWA) results. A Taylor hypothesis (x = U t) is made on the HWA spectrum to convert them into spatial ones to allow comparison. The PIV spectrum is in agreement with HWA up to ks = 500 rad m−1 . The spectrum model, which is also presented in figure 1, is given by 1/2 1/2 E11P I V = (E11H W A + Enoise )2 sin k X/2 k X/2 2 (10) where Enoise is the white noise level which is optimized to fit the PIV spectrum. The value of Enoise varies with the inverse of the window size. The cardinal sine function is the Fourier transform of a gate function which represents the windowing effect (X is the interrogation window size and k is the wavenumber). The model of equation (10) is in good agreement with the PIV spectrum. The value of Enoise is of 2.6 × 10−7 m3 s−2 (0.29 pix3 ) for the above experiment. The sinc function introduces a cutoff wavenumber given by kc = 2.8/X. This cutoff wavenumber is of 2200 rad m−1 , which is larger than ks . The difference is due to the noise level which is high for that window size. 1061 J M Foucaut and M Stanislas Table 3. Detailed characteristics of Richardson extrapolation derivative filters. Order a ai+1 2 4 6 8 2∗ 4∗ 6∗ 1 3 45 2 835 65 1 239 41 895 1 0 4 −1 64 −20 4096 −1344 1 0 272 1 036 714 −14 063 ai+2 ∗ indicates a noise minimization. ai+4 ai+8 αn+1 ε 0 0 1 84 0 0 41 356 0 0 0 −1 −64 −69 13 888 1 4 64 4096 63.03 214.5 3156 0.71 0.95 1.18 1.35 0.088 0.334 0.425 1.E-02 1.E-04 3 2 E11 (m /s ) 1.E-03 1.E-05 HWA spectrum 24 x 24 Equation (10) 1.E-06 1.E-07 kc kmin 1.E-08 1 10 100 500 1000 10000 k (rad/m) Figure 2. Power spectra of velocity along x, 24 × 24 interrogation windows. 1.E-02 An optimization of the interrogation window based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 1 at the cutoff wavenumber is also done. This optimization leads to an interrogation window size of 44 pixels in the present case. Figure 3 shows the power spectrum obtained with this window size, compared to the model of equation (10). The PIV spectrum is now in agreement with HWA up to kc = 1200 rad m−1 . The lower significant wavenumber kmin = 40 rad m−1 is deduced from the length of the velocity field. By this new analysis, the value of Enoise decreases to 1.4 × 10−7 m3 s−2 (0.16 pix3 ). This study allows us to give an estimation of the standard deviation of the noise which was of the order of 1% of the dynamic range in this case. In section 3.3 of the present paper, the spectra of first derivatives computed from both analyses will be presented. 3.2. Transfer function of derivative The spatial character of PIV allows us, after derivative computation, to assess one vorticity component. This section concerns the spatial derivative computation in order to obtain the gradient field. The discrete derivative operator needs to make a compromise between the truncation error, which decreases when the order of the filter increases, and the noise amplification which, in general, increases with this order. The truncation error affects particularly the higher frequencies and the noise, which is white, can disturb all frequencies. The best way to obtain a representation which contains all this information is to use the transfer function of the derivative filter. 1062 1.E-03 1.E-04 E11 (m 3 /s 2) Figure 1. PIV experimental set-up. 1.E-05 HWA spectrum 1.E-06 44 x 44 Equation (10) 1.E-07 kmin kc 1.E-08 1 10 100 1000 10000 k (rad/m) Figure 3. Power spectra of velocity along x, 44 × 44 interrogation window, frequency optimization. The fourth-order centred difference scheme is used as an example to illustrate how the transfer function can be obtained: uj −2 − 8uj −1 + 8uj +1 − uj +2 ∂u = 12x ∂x j +4 x 4 ∂ 5 u σu + 0.95 . 5 (5)! ∂x x (11) In this equation only the first term of the truncation error is kept. The frequency response of this filter can be obtained by several methods. First, the Dirac response can be computed. The input signal is a step function whose derivative gives a Dirac pulse. Due to the discrete character of the signal, the step has a width x and its derivative is a quasi -Dirac function which is 1/x in width. Figure 4 shows the input signal and the response of the fourth-order derivative filter (equation (11)) The accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to PIV vector fields 800 4th order centered difference Cardinal sin wave Input signal x 200 700 600 Step response 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.01 -100 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 -200 -300 x Figure 5. Comparison of transfer functions of the fourth-order centred difference derivative filter. Figure 4. Step response of the fourth-order centred difference derivative filter compared to a sinc function. compared to the response of a centred scheme of infinite order (which is, in fact, a sinc function). The Fourier transform of the step response of the derivative operator, multiplied by the Fourier transform of the digitization gate function, gives the transfer function of the derivative filter. Another method to obtain the transfer function is to use directly a Fourier mode: u = û exp(ikx) in the derivative scheme (Lele 1992), where k is the spatial wavenumber and û can be the turbulence intensity at the considered wavenumber. The transfer function is then directly obtained by Tr = 8 sin(kx) − sin(2kx) . 6kx (12) The comparison between both methods is presented in figure 5, which shows perfect agreement. This figure also shows an estimation of the transfer function given by the truncation error x i−1 ∂ i u (∂u/∂x)est i=n+1,∞ αi i! ∂x i =1− Tr = (∂u/∂x)true (∂u/∂x)true (kx)4 (kx)i−1 =1−4 (13) =1− αi i! 5! i=n+1,∞ where the index ‘est’ means estimated. The variable u is replaced here by the Fourier mode as in equation (12). Figure 5 shows that if only one term of the truncation error ((n + 1)th order of the expansion) is considered (last term of (13)), the transfer function is the same only for the lowest wavenumbers. If three terms of the truncation error are kept, the transfer function obtained is then close to that coming from the direct method. This result shows that, if the noise is not taken into account, a derivative scheme is a low pass filter and that it is also possible to deduce its transfer function from the truncation error. The same approach can be proposed to take into account the measurement noise. If the random error is considered as a white noise, the transfer function of the noise effect can be expressed as Tn = 1− εσu x σu 1 =1−ε û kx (∂u/∂x)true (14) which shows that the noise effect is comparable to a high pass filter. This kind of behaviour was also observed by Lourenco Figure 6. Transfer functions of the fourth-order centred difference derivative filter. and Krothapalli (1995). That expression shows the fact that, due to the noise, when the frequency goes to zero, the error on the derivative can become very important. This error varies also with the inverse of the turbulence intensity. Figure 6 presents an example, for the fourth-order centred difference scheme (equation (11)) of the transfer functions of: • the low pass filter due to the truncation, • the high pass filter due to the noise, • the band pass filter deduced from both: T = T n T r. The local fluctuation rate û and the noise σu are chosen respectively at 40% (local fluctuation of the turbulent field) and 1% corresponding sensibly to the case of section 2. The above method has been generalized for the different schemes presented in section 2. Four filters based on centred difference schemes were first studied with second, fourth, sixth and eighth order. The values of a, ai , αn+1 and ε (see equation (1)) are given in table 1. As expected, the truncation error decreases when the order increases, but ε is higher than 1 for the sixth- and eighth-order filters. The complete transfer functions of the four filters based on centred differences are presented in figure 7. The low pass filter transfer function (without noise) can be generalized by the following equation: i=1,n/2 2ai sin(ikx) Tr = . (15) akx 1063 J M Foucaut and M Stanislas Figure 7. Transfer functions of centred difference derivative filters. The bandwidth and the lower cutoff frequency increase with the order of the filter. A recapitulation of the cutoff frequencies of each filter studied will be given later. Figure 7 shows also an estimation of the transfer function in the case of the eight-point circulation method presented by Luff et al (1999). As this filter gives directly the vorticity, the computation of the transfer function was difficult and needed some hypothesis: the fluctuations are considered isotropic (u = û exp(ikx) exp(iky)) and the resolution along x and y is the same (x = y). The most important hypothesis is that v = 0 everywhere in the field. Consequently, the vorticity becomes identical to a single derivative: ω = 1 ∂v/∂x − ∂u/∂y = − 21 ∂u/∂y. With this last hypothesis 2 the filter becomes ui,j +1 − ui,j −1 ∂u 1 1 ui+1,j +1 − ui+1,j −1 = + ∂y j 2y 2 2 2 2 3 ui−1,j +1 − ui−1,j −1 σu x ∂ u + + 0.433 + . (16) 2 (3)! ∂x 3 y The transfer function is then Tr = sin(kx) (1 + cos(kx)). 2kx (17) For the three compact schemes, the equation for the low pass transfer function is Tr = 1 c sin(3kx) 3 + 21 b sin(2kx) + a sin(kx) . (1 + 2β cos(2kx) + 2χ cos(kx))kx (18) As can be seen, if β and χ are equal to zero, the explicit centred difference scheme is recovered. The compact difference schemes are shown in figure 8 compared to the eighth-order centred difference one. The compact schemes present a bandwidth much wider than the centred one. The most significant transfer functions based on Richardson extrapolation are presented in figure 9. They are compared to the tenth-order compact difference scheme. The noise-minimized Richardson extrapolation filters present a bandwidth smaller than the tenth-order compact filter. The Richardson extrapolation low and high cutoff frequencies are about ten times smaller than for the compact scheme. This decrease of the low cutoff frequency can be very interesting in the case of non-turbulent flow. In fact, the minimization of ε described by Lourenco and Krothapalli (1995) as a minimization of the noise leads us to move the bandwidth 1064 Figure 8. Transfer functions of compact difference derivative filters. Figure 9. Transfer functions of Richardson extrapolation derivative filters. toward the lower frequencies. The consequence is not really a minimization of noise but a strong filtering of the frequency higher than kx = 0.175. Figure 9 also shows the least-square transfer function which is very comparable to the fourth-order Richardson extrapolation. A test of noise minimization, based on compact difference schemes, was made. From equations (5) and (6) χ was optimized in order to minimize the noise. The obtained filter characteristics are not very significant. The bandwidth is only slightly increased for the lower but also for the higher wavenumbers due to the denominator of equation (18). In summary, table 4 presents the low and high cutoff frequencies, respectively kcl and kch in each case. The compact difference schemes present a very large bandwidth, reaching 2.79 which is very close to the ideal value of π . The low cutoff frequencies are, in that case, of the order of 0.07. The lowest cutoff wavenumber is obtained with the second-order Richardson extrapolation filter with a value of 0.0075. However the high cutoff wavenumber of this filter is only 0.175. The second-order centred difference filter shows a cutoff wavenumber of 1.39, which is comparable to that of PIV. Attention will be focused on this filter in the test presented in section 4. 3.3. Power spectra of derivative ∂u In the present section, power spectra of the derivative ∂x are computed from both velocity fields whose spectra are shown in figures 2 and 3. A classical method to obtain the power spectrum of a derivative is to take the power spectrum of the The accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to PIV vector fields Figure 10. Power spectra of white noise derivative with and without windowing effects. Table 4. Frequency characteristics of derivative filters. noise minimization. ∗ indicates a Scheme Order kcl x kch x Centred differences 2 4 6 8 6 8 10 6∗ 8∗ 2 4 6 8 2∗ 4∗ 6∗ 2∗ 2 0.0606 0.0811 0.0924 0.0996 0.0854 0.0768 0.0717 0.0733 0.0682 0.0606 0.0811 0.1007 0.1152 0.0075 0.0285 0.0363 0.0270 0.0370 1.392 1.923 2.163 2.305 2.562 2.718 2.794 2.849 2.911 1.391 1.923 2.050 2.079 0.175 0.814 1.098 0.760 0.897 Compact differences Richardson extrapolation Least squares Eight-point circulation velocity and to multiply it by k 2 in the Fourier domain. Using the model of equation (10), a test can be made with no velocity in such a way that the spectrum is only a white noise convoluted by a squared sinc function. In that case, the derivative spectrum F11 , which should be continuous with a slope of 2 for the derivative of a white noise, gives, due to the sinc function, a squared sine wave: F11 = E11 /k 2 = Enoise sin2 (kx). (19) Figure 10 shows a comparison between the continuous theoretical spectrum with a slope of 2 and the model of equation (19). The noise level Enoise is taken equal to 1. The model follows the slope of 2 up to k0 x = 0.39 as for the velocity power spectrum (with a confidence interval of 95%). For a reduction of −3 dB, a cutoff frequency can be found which is exactly the same as for the velocity power spectra kc x = 1.4. This result gives the limit of the PIV method not only for the velocity measurement but also for the derivative computation . Figure 11 compares the power spectra of derivatives computed from the most significant schemes detailed in Figure 11. Power spectra of derivative of velocity along x, 24 × 24 interrogation windows. section 3, applied to the data of figure 2 obtained from 24 × 24 interrogation windows. The spectra deduced from the PIV and HWA (obtained by multiplying E11 by k 2 ) are also given in this figure. The schemes compared are the tenth- and sixth-order compact differences, the second-order centred differences, the least-square schemes and the secondand fourth-order Richardson extrapolation schemes. The last two are used with a noise minimization. As can be seen, above k1 = 500 rad m−1 , the direct computation of the PIV spectrum shows a very strong amplification of the noise, which leads to an unrealistic evolution of the spectrum close to the cutoff wavenumber. The compact difference scheme spectra are close to the direct computation due to the fact that they present a very weak filtering. The best filters seems to be the fourth-order Richardson extrapolation and the least-square filters whose spectra are superimposed in this figure. The second-order Richardson extrapolation shows a very strong filtering effect which leads the spectrum to leave the HWA one at a wavenumber of about 100 rad m−1 . The value of k1 x is of the order of 0.31, which should be the best cutoff frequency. This value is between the cutoff wavenumbers of the fourth-order Richardson extrapolation (0.81, see table 4) and of the second-order Richardson extrapolation (0.175 in table 4). Concerning the low wavenumbers, the value of kmin x is here of the order of 0.05. Table 4 indicates that the Richardson extrapolation filters are the best suited to resolve such low wavenumbers. Figure 12 presents the same comparison as in figure 11 but with the optimized interrogation windows of 44×44 pixels. In this figure, the derivative power spectra deduced from the PIV velocity spectrum are close to HWA up to k = 700 rad m−1 . The compact difference schemes present the same behaviour. The fourth-order Richardson extrapolation and the least-square filter are always superimposed and show a strong filtering effect. The best filter is the second-order centred difference scheme which presents the same cutoff wavenumber as PIV. The low cutoff wavenumber of this filter is of the order of 0.06 which is not very far from the value of kmin x = 0.05. A derivative computation by means of the sixth-order compact difference scheme was also tested on the velocity data filtered at the PIV cutoff wavenumber. The filter used was a cutoff one. The result, also plotted in figure 12, shows that this approach does not improve the derivative computation. 1065 J M Foucaut and M Stanislas Figure 12. Power spectra of derivative of velocity along x, 44 × 44 interrogation windows. Finally, the derivation in physical space is equivalent to multiplying the velocity spectra by k 2 in the Fourier space. If the velocity field is noisy (the noise appearing mostly in the high frequencies), this noise is strongly amplified. The best filter is the one with a cutoff frequency located where the noise becomes predominant. In that case, the slope of the filter cancels the noise amplification. It is clear that, for the derivative computation, the best way is to use a secondorder centred difference scheme on a velocity field computed from an optimized window size analysis. If the optimization is not possible, it is necessary to look for the higher significant wavenumber and to choose the filter which present a high cutoff as close as possible to this wavenumber. 3.4. Instantaneous fields From the experiments discussed in section 3.1, a region has been extracted and is shown in figures 13(a) and (b) analysed respectively with 24 × 24 and 44 × 44 interrogation windows. It is clear that in figure 13(a) the spatial resolution is better and the noise does not appear visibly. However, if the vorticity is computed the noise is amplified and becomes apparent. To compute the vorticity, a second-order centred difference filter was applied to the velocity fields of figures 13(a) and (b). The results are presented respectively in figures 13(c) and (d). As can be seen, the vorticity of figure 13(c) is very affected by the noise. The result of figure 13(d) is smoother and the noise seems less perceptible. Moreover, the cutoff wavenumber of the second-order centred difference, in the case of a 24 × 24 interrogation window size, is 1100 rad m−1 . This value is twice the wavenumber of about 500 rad m−1 observed in figure 2. This explains the high level of noise observed in figure 13(c). Figure 13(e) presents the vorticity computed from the field of figure 13(a) with a fourth-order Richardson extrapolation scheme. The filtering effect of this scheme allows us to reduce the noise, according to the observation deduced from figure 11. The cutoff wavenumber of the fourthorder Richardson extrapolation is of 650 rad m−1 with the same window size. The second-order centred difference applied to a 44 × 44 window size has a cutoff wavenumber of 610 rad m−1 . Finally the useful bandwidth is not increased by the use of a 24 × 24 window size as far as the vorticity is concerned. Figure 13(f) corresponds to the vorticity computed with a sixthorder compact on filtered data from figure 13(b). The filter is 1066 a cutoff with the same cutoff frequency as PIV (presented in figure 12). The result of figure 13(f) is comparable to the one of figure 13(d). Only the vorticity levels are slightly different, probably due to the shape of the spectra close to the cutoff frequency (figure 12) and to the difference of slope of the filter. The second-order centred filter applied on the field with an optimized interrogation window size seems to give the best results on the instantaneous fields and on the spectra. Theoretically, the spatial resolution being optimized, the accuracy on the vorticity is then the best obtainable. If the results shown in figure 13 allow us clearly to characterize the effect of the noise and spatial resolution on the global shape of the vorticity field, they do not allow any conclusions about the absolute value of the vorticity itself. This would be possible with a known velocity field, for example using synthetic images. 4. Vortex structure Beside turbulent flows, where vorticity is a parameter of prime interest, PIV is often used to study isolated vortices such as those encountered in the wakes of airplanes or helicopter rotors, for example. In that case, vorticity, which is characteristic of the strength of the vortical structure, is also a relevant parameter to be extracted from the instantaneous velocity maps. This is why the filters presented in the previous sections were also applied to a PIV image provided by DLR Göttingen. This image shows a single vortex recorded in the wake of an airplane in the DNW wind tunnel. This flow field is close to that of an Oseen vortex. In the present contribution, a method is proposed to optimize the choice of the filter and different schemes are tested. 4.1. Best choice of a derivative filter for an Oseen vortex As was shown in the previous section, the optimal choice of a derivative filter in a turbulent flow is linked to the frequency response of the PIV record. In the case of an Oseen vortex, the choice should depend a priori on the vortex characteristics, the spatial resolution and the measurement noise. The proposed method of optimization is based on the fact that the vortex is similar to an Oseen one. The limited expansion of the Oseen vortex tangential velocity is given by b2 u∗ −b0 R 2 ) = u∗ b0 R − 0 R 3 + · · · uθ = (1 − e R 2 n b − (−1)n 0 R 2n−1 + · · · (20) n! where R = RrO is the non-dimensional radial coordinate. RO is the Oseen vortex radius taken at the maximum tangential velocity uθmax . The velocity u∗ is given by u∗ = 2πRO , where is the circulation of the vortex. In the case of an Oseen vortex, the parameter b0 is equal to 1.256. In fact, the velocity u∗ can be well estimated by u∗ = 1.4uθmax . Given equation (20), if the vortex is exactly centred on the mesh, the vorticity at the centre is exactly ω0 = uR∗ Ob0 . Using equations (1) and (20), an estimation of the derivatives by a differential method can be obtained. For example, with the fourth-order The accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to PIV vector fields e) f) Figure 13. Velocity field: (a) and (b) analysis by 24 × 24 and 44 × 44 interrogation windows. Vorticity field: (c) and (d) computed by second-order centred difference schemes with, respectively, 24 × 24 and 44 × 44 interrogation windows, (e) computed from fourth-order Richardson extrapolation with 24 × 24 interrogation windows and (f) sixth-order compact difference on filtered data from 44 × 44 interrogation window analysis. 1067 J M Foucaut and M Stanislas 10 ∆ω o /ω o 1 0.1 2nd order Richardson 4th order Richardson Least squares 2nd order centered dif. 6th order compact Dif. 10th order compact Dif. 8 points circulation 0.01 0 5 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Ro/∆x Figure 14. Error estimation on vorticity of an Oseen vortex as a function of the radius for different derivative filters. centred difference (equation (11)) this estimation is ∂uθ = u ∗ + ∂x j (−2x )−8(−x )+8(x )−(2x ) b0 RO 12x 1! 2 3 3 3 3 x ) +8(x ) −(2x ) b0 + (−2x ) −8(− 3 2! RO 12x 5 5 5 5 b3 . (−2x ) −8(−x ) +8(x ) −(2x ) 0 + · · · 5 3! RO 12x 44x b03 u∗ b0 = RO + 0 − R5 3! + · · · O (21) The error on the vorticity value at the centre of the vortex can then be estimated as n/2 ε σu R O x n b0 ω0 − ω c ω0 +√ = = αn+1 RO (n/2 + 1)! ω0 ω0 2 u∗ b0 x (22) where ωc is the vorticity computed with a differential estimator. The parameter αn+1 , ε and σu are the same as in equation (1). The parameter n corresponds to the order of the filter used. Only the most significant term of the truncation is kept. In the case of the vortex studied in the present paper, the value of u∗ is of the order of 13. The noise level in the centre of the vortex is high due to a lack of seeding in the PIV images. It is estimated to be of the order of 0.5 pixel. Figure 14 shows ω0 /ω0 = f RO /x for some of the derivative filters presented in section 2. For each filter, this curve present a minimum. If RO /x is small, the truncation error, given by the first term on the righthand side of equation (22), is preponderant. In that case the compact difference scheme is the best. With this noise level the minimum value to compute vorticity to a good accuracy is RO /x = 1.5. If RO /x is large the noise error is then preponderant and the second-order Richardson extrapolation is the best filter. For the considered vortex the value of RO /x is about 6, which shows that the best filters are the fourth-order Richardson extrapolation and the least-square scheme. These schemes present errors of the order of 9%. The noise level can be the most difficult parameter to estimate. Figure 15 shows the influence of that level on equation (22) in the case of a fourth-order Richardson extrapolation and a tenth-order compact scheme. The comparison is done for noise levels of 0.5, 0.8 and 1.2. As shown in this figure, the choice of the filter is not very sensitive to the noise level. 1068 Figure 15. Same as figure 14, influence of the noise level. 4.2. Instantaneous fields In order to validate the previous optimal choice of derivative filters, different schemes were tested on the field containing the vortex provided by DLR (figure 16(a)). The velocity field is computed with a multi-pass algorithm with a three-point Gaussian peak fitting. A fit of a viscous vortex using the leastsquare method allows us to obtain the value of the maximum of vorticity. This value, which is of the order of 0.168 with a regression coefficient R 2 = 0.986, gives a good idea of the expected result. Figures 16(b) and (c) present the vorticity field computed respectively from the second-order and fourth-order Richardson extrapolation, 16(d) the least-square, 16(e) the second-order centred difference, 16(f) the sixth-order compact difference schemes, 16(g) the same scheme applied on filtered data (the filter was a cutoff at the same frequency as PIV) and 16(h) the eight-point circulation. In figure 16(b) the peak of vorticity is much wider than in the other figures. The maximum values of the vorticity are given in table 5 for each filter tested. These values go from 0.069 for the Richardson extrapolation scheme, which presents a strong filtering effect, to 0.192 for the sixth-order compact difference scheme which present a large bandwidth. The values of vorticity closer to the expected one are given by the fourth-order Richardson extrapolation and by the least-square filters and are of 0.164 and 0.159. These values correspond to errors of the order of 4%, which is smaller than the estimation given in figure 14. This is probably due to the fact that the model is based on a vortex centred on the computation mesh, which is the less favourable case. As can be seen in figures 16(c) and (d) the vorticity given by these filters seems not too affected by the noise. The results given by the filters which present a larger cutoff wavenumber are more noisy and overestimate the vorticity peak. The results obtained with the secondorder centred difference and the eight-point circulation are in agreement with the Luff et al (1999) comparison. In their paper, the error reduces by a few per cent when going from the second-order centred difference to the eight-point circulation scheme. In the present case, the error on the maximum vorticity decreases sensibly from 6 to 5%. This error is located in the centre of the vortex and corresponds to the maximum error on the vorticity field. The average error on the field is probably smaller than 2%. Looking back at figure 9 allows The accuracy and frequency response of some derivative filters applied to PIV vector fields 200 200 10 pix 0.0 25 100 100 0.0 25 0 5 0.02 0.05 0.025 0.0 5 y (pix) 0 0 y (pix) 0.05 -100 -100 0.025 -200 -200 -100 0 100 -200 200 x (pix) a) -100 0 100 200 x (pix) 0 200 0 200 0 0 100 0.0 100 0.0 0 .0 0.1 5 5 5 5 5 25 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.0 0. 02 5 0.0 25 75 -100 0.025 0.1 0.0 7 5 0.0 0.05 0 0.07 y (pix) 0. 12 0. 12 5 0.0 0 0. 10.1 0 .0 5 5 0.1 5 0 25 07 0. 07 0. 0.1 5 5 02 0. 25 0 .0 y (pix) -200 b) 75 -100 0.025 0 0 0 0 -200 -100 0 100 -200 200 x (pix) -200 -100 0 100 200 x (pix) d) 0 c) 0 -200 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0.0 5 75 0.05 25 05 0 . 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 0.07 5 0 0.0 0.1 2 0.0.1 07 5 5 0.1 75 75 0.0 0.025 75 0.0 0.0 25 0. 05 5 y (pix) 0.05 5 0.12 7 0.1 25 0.1 y (pix) 0.0 0.025 0. 0 75 -100 0 -100 0 0 5 0.2 0.025 5 0.0.0 75 0 0 5 15 0. 0.0 5 0 .0 5 17 0 0.07 00 0. 0.075 0. 1 25 0 .0 0.075 5 25 0.1 0.00.1 75 75 0.1 0.1 0.1 12 0. 5 0.02 0 0.1 755 00.1.1 75 0.0 5 0 0. 0 0 0.1 0 5 25 0.025 5 25 0.1 0.0 0 0.15 75 0.0 0.1 0.1 0 0 100 0.02 0 0.05 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -200 -200 -100 0 100 -200 200 x (pix) e) 0 200 -200 -100 0 100 200 x (pix) f) 0 200 0 0 0 0 5 0.1 5 12 07 0. 0. 5 0.0 0.0 5 0.1 0. 02 5 0.0 75 75 0.225 0.2 0.1 y (pix) 5 0.0 5 0.1 25 0.1 0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.125 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.1 5 12 0. 75 0.17 5 0 25 0.0 75 0.15 0.125 25 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.1 0.025 0.1 25 5 0 .0 0.075 25 0 0.0 100 0.0 5 0.0 0. 02 5 100 y (pix) 0 0 25 0 0.02 -100 0 -100 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -200 g) -200 -100 0 x (pix) 100 -200 200 h) -200 -100 0 100 200 x (pix) Figure 16. (a) Velocity field vortex 32 × 32 interrogation windows, vorticity field (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) computed, respectively, by the second- and fourth-order Richardson extrapolation, second-order least-square, second-order centred difference, sixth-order compact difference schemes, (g) sixth-order compact difference from filtered data and eight-point circulation. 1069 J M Foucaut and M Stanislas Table 5. Maximum of the vorticity deduced from different filters. Scheme Vorticity Second-order Richardson extrapolation Fourth-order Richardson extrapolation Least-square Second-order centred differences Sixth-order compact differences Sixth-order compact difference filtered data Eight-point circulation 0.067 0.164 0.159 0.178 0.192 0.187 0.177 us to conclude that the significant wavenumber of the vortex is probably of the order of kc x = 0.8, which corresponds to the cutoff frequency of the optimal derivative filter. A least-square fit of the velocity field has also been tried in order to compute the vorticity from an analytic derivative. The fit was made on 9, 13 and 21 points with a bi-quadratic polynome following the method of Fouras and Soria (1998). The obtained vorticity values are, respectively, 0.187, 0.171 and 0.157. The best result is obtained for a fit with 13 points in that case. It is not possible to generalize this approach. The method proposed by Abrahamson and Lonnes (1995), which consists of fitting with a model representative of the flow, has also been tested and gives exactly the same result as the one from Fouras and Soria. The proposed optimization allows us to select the best filter for a vortex which is close to an Oseen one. The method is based on a limited expansion of the analytic expression of the velocity field. It is possible to use the same approach with another expression for the vortex flow field or for another kind of flow for which an analytical model exists. 5. Conclusions In the present study, a characterization of different derivative schemes with the aim of computing the vorticity component normal to the plane was performed. These schemes are already used in the post-processing of LES or DNS computation. They have to be adapted to the case of PIV, due to the limited spatial resolution and the measurement noise. The present characterization is based on two different applications: a turbulent flow and a single vortex. In the case of a turbulent flow, the characterization is based on the transfer function of each derivative scheme. Ideally, these schemes behave like low pass filters. The cutoff frequencies of these filters depend on the order and thus on the truncation error. With measurement noise, a statistical quadratic approach shows that the noise effect makes them behave as band pass filters, the low cutoff frequency of which increases with the noise level and the noise amplification factor. This low cutoff frequency increases also when the turbulence intensity decreases. Several schemes have been characterized. The transfer functions of all of them were determined. A spectral analysis shows that a second-order centred difference scheme is enough to obtain a good accuracy of the derivative. This result is linked to the fact that PIV presents a cutoff frequency, due to the windowing effect, which is the same as the secondorder centred difference scheme. An analysis of the derivative spectrum shows that the first derivative of the velocity field (and thus the vorticity) have the same cutoff frequency as the 1070 PIV velocity itself. It is not possible to obtain a derivative response with a good accuracy above this frequency. Another problem is the measurement noise. A derivative computation in the spectral domain is equivalent to a multiplication by k 2 . If the high frequency signal is noisy, the derivative effect is to drastically amplify the noise. A solution is then to filter the high frequencies before computing derivatives or to use a derivative scheme which presents the same high cutoff frequency as the PIV. If the interrogation window size is optimized following the method cited in section 3.1, the best filter is the second-order centred difference scheme. In that case the frequency response is optimized but the uncertainty on the effective vorticity level is still to be quantified. The best way is probably to make use of synthetic images computed from DNS (see Lecordier et al (2001)). In this way the exact vorticity will be known a priori and this will allow us to validate definitely the derivative scheme choice. The case of a single vortex has also been studied. In that case, a new method of optimization was proposed based on the limited expansion of an Oseen vortex. This method allows us to choose the filter which gives the best accuracy. The error for each filter can be estimated and is slightly overestimated. It is influenced by the local noise which remains a parameter difficult to determine. The results obtained on the studied vortex are in agreement with the ones of Luff et al (1999). The optimization method can be applied to other kinds of flow if an analytic model is available. If no model or spectrum are available, the second-order centred difference scheme should be used as its transfer function is comparable to the PIV one. The method of the χ 2 fit proposed by Fouras and Soria (1998) seems very interesting because the filtering effect of this fit limits the noise influence. To obtain the transfer function of this method presents real difficulties. The fit is equivalent to a low pass filter whose cutoff frequency depends on the order of the polynome used and the noise attenuation depends on the number of points used for the fit. Fouras and Soria used a bi-quadratic polynome (six parameters to optimize) fitted on 9, 13 or 21 points. This method presents a cost in term of computation time much more important than the differential one. The improvement is not evident. A recent paper by Ruan et al (2001) proposes a method to obtain directly the vorticity from the PIV images. They use a method of matched patterns to determine the particle rotation between both exposures. As a perspective, it could be interesting to compare this method to the present one. Acknowledgments This work has been performed under the EUROPIV2 project. EUROPIV2 (a joint program to improve PIV performance for industry and research) is a collaboration between LML URA CNRS 1441, DASSAULT AVIATION, DASA, ITAP, CIRA, DLR, ISL, NLR, ONERA and the universities of Delft, Madrid, Oldenburg, Rome, Rouen (CORIA URA CNRS 230), St Etienne (TSI URA CNRS 842) and Zaragoza. The project is managed by LML URA CNRS 1441 and is funded by the European Union within the 5th framework (Contract no G4RD-CT-2000-00190). 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