Early Plant Succession in Abandoned Pastures in Ecuador R. A. Zahawi; C. K. Augspurger Biotropica, Vol. 31, No. 4. (Dec., 1999), pp. 540-552. Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0006-3606%28199912%2931%3A4%3C540%3AEPSIAP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2 Biotropica is currently published by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.html. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/journals/tropbio.html. 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ABSTRACT We compared early plant succession in four abandoned pastures of differing age since abandonment and a nearby secondary forest site in northwestern Ecuador. Two "Open" pastures had no tree canopy covering, and two "Guava" pastures had a well-developed canopy cover of Psidium guajaua. No site had been seeded with pasture grasses. All pastures were compared in a chronological sequence; nvo were monitored for 18 months. Species richness was consistently higher in Guava sites than in Open sites and it continued to increase over time, whereas it remained static in Open sites. Species richness was highest in secondary forest. Recruitment of tree saplings in Guava sites was lower than in secondary forest; however, it was nearly absent in Open sites. The seed bank contained predominantly herbaceous species at all sites, and was highly dissimilar to aboveground vegetation. Dominance-diversity curves for Guava sites showed a more equitable distribution of species that increased over time. In contrast, dominance-diversity curves for Open sites were static and indicated dominance by a few aggressive species. Soil characteristics among sites were variable; however, a principal components analysis on soils isolated the older Open site from all others. The older Open site had the lowest species richness and was dominated by Baccharis trineruis, an aggressive shrub species. The site appears to be in a state of arrested succession and some form of restorative intervention may be necessary to initiate succession toward a forested condition. Succession in Guava sites appears headed toward secondary forest, whereas it does not in Open sites. RESUMEN La sucesi6n de flora temprana fue comparada en cuatro pasturas abandonadas por el ganado con diferentes periodos de abandono. Tambit-n se realizaron estudios comparativos en una parcela de selva secundaria ubicada en una localidad cercana. La experiencia se efectuo en el noroeste de Ecuador. Dos de las pasturas bajo estudio eran "abiertas", es decir, carecian de cobertura de drboles. El resto de las pasturas eran de "guava" y estaban cubiertas por un canopeo de Psidium guajaua bien desarrollado. No se realizaron prdcticas de resie~nbraen ninguna de las parcelas bajo estudio durante el transcurso del experimento. Todas las pasturas fueron comparadas cronosecuencial~nente y dos de ellas fueron monitoreadas temporariamente durante 18 meses. La riqueza de especies fue consistentemente mayor en las parcelas de "guava" que en las parcelas "abiertas" y continuo incrementando a lo largo del tiempo. Contrariamente, en las parcelas "abiertas" la riqueza de especies se mantuvo constante. La mayor riqueza especifica se encontr6 en las parcelas de selva secundaria. El reclutamiento de plantulas de Brboles en las parcelas de "guava" fue menor que en la selva secundaria y fue despreciable en las parcelas "abiertas". El banco de semillas en codas las parcelas estaba colnpuesto predominantemente de especies herbiceas y era significativamente distinto de la vegetacion presente en estratos superiores. Curvas de dominancia y diversidad en parcelas de "guava" evidenciaron una distribuci6n de especies equitativa que increment6 con el tiempo. Por el contrario, las funciones de dominancia y diversidad calculadas en las parcelas "abiertas" permanecieron estiticas y indicaron el predominio de unas pocas especies agresivas. Las caracteristicas eddficas de las parcelas era variable. Sin embargo, un Analisis de Co~nponentesPrincipales en suelos separ6 la parcela "abierta" Inas antigua del resto de las parcelas bajo estudio. Esta parcela result6 tener la menor riqueza de especies y estaba do~ninadapor Baccharis trineruis, una especie arbustiva sumamente agresiva. Dicha parcela parece estar en un estado de sucesi6n latente y por ende, es necesaria alguna forma de intervention restauradora para iniciar el proceso de sucesi6n hacia una condition forestada. La sucesion en las parcelas de "guava" avanza, aparentemente, hacia un estadio de selva secundaria, aunque no sucede lo ~nismoen las parcelas "abiertas". Kejj words: abandoned cattle pastures; arrested succession; Ecuador; forest recovery; natural regeneration; Psidium guajava; Temnant trees; secondarjj forest; secondary succession; unseededpastures. MUCHDEFORESTATION IN THE NEOTROPICS has taken place to convert land into pastures for cattle grazing (Buschbacher 1986, Fearnside 1989, Aide et al. 1996, Nepstad et al. 1996). Current estimates indicate that ca 20 million ha of Amazonian forest ' Received 27 August 1997; revision accepted 2 June 1998. have been converted into cattle pastures (Nepstad et al. 1996). Pastures are usually abandoned after five to ten years of use due to soil degradation and a corresponding decrease in pasture productivity (Buschbacher 1986, Fearnside 1989, SerrSo & Toledo 1990, Nepstad et al. 1991). As tropical lands increasingly are made up of abandoned pastures, it Succession in Abandoned Pastures 541 is critical to gain a greater understanding of the locally referred to, can establish within ten years. patterns of plant succession and the processes af- Once established, these pastures serve a dual purfecting it. In developing a greater understanding of pose for ranchers as the trees provide shade and these successional processes, we will be able to pre- fruit for the cattle (Somarriba 1985, 1988b). The dict if pastures are on a successional trajectory to- two remaining pastures did not have canopies of I! ward secondary (2") forest. Furthermore, we then guajava. can determine if it is necessary to accelerate the rate The objectives of this study were to (1) docuof recovery of pastures to forest when they are in ment the patterns of plant succession in both a a state of arrested succession. temporal and chronosequential manner; (2) exPrevious studies have shown that forest recovery amine the biotic and abiotic properties of these rates vary depending upon the type, intensity, and sites that might affect the course of succession; (3) duration of disturbance (Uhl 1982, Purata 1986, compare succession in pastures with a canopy cover Uhl et al. 1988, Reiners et al. 1994, Aide et al. to those without cover; and (4) predict whether any 1995, Nepstad et al. 1996). Most studies of succes- of these pastures will revert to 2" forest over time sion in abandoned moist tropical pastures have fo- or will remain in a state of arrested succession. We cused on "seeded pastures (Uhl et al. 1988, SerrCo documented changes in species richness and per& Toledo 1990, Nepstad et al. 1991, Reiners et al. cent cover. Species composition, size of the seed 1994, Nepstad et al. 1996, Quintana-Ascencio et al. bank, and recruitment of tree saplings also were 1996). Seeded pastures are established by clearing determined. Ambient air temperature and several sites of woody vegetation and then seeding them key soil properties were quantified. with often nutrient-demanding Poaceae species, such as Paspalum panicuhtum or Panicum maximum (Uhl METHODS et al. 1988, Nepstad et al. 1990, SerrCo & Toledo 1990, Nepstad et al. 1991). No known studies, STUDYS I T E . - T ~ study ~ site is located in the Rehowever, have focused on successional processes fol- serva Maquipucuna, a mid-elevational forest prelowing abandonment in "unseeded pastures. Re- serve on the western slopes of the Andes, ca 45 krn search on these "unimproved or "natural" pastures northwest of Quito, Ecuador. The reserve comhas focused primarily on their inherent pastoral pro- prises ca 4450 ha, ranging in elevation from ca ductivity, and how it compares to pastoral produc- 1200 to 2600 m. Mean annual rainfall is 3200tivity in seeded pastures (Watson & Whiteman 3500 mm, with a drier season from June through 1981, Somarriba 1988b). In addition, Sarmiento August. Most of the reserve (ca 90%) consists of (1997) has documented seed rain into unseeded pas- relatively undisturbed montane wet forest; the retures. Unseeded pastures are cleared in the same mainder, mostly at lower elevations, was farmed manner as seeded pastures but are not seeded with and/or logged during the last 50 years. Most agria specific forage species; thus the ground cover is cultural practices ceased when the reserve was cremade up primarily of native forb and Poaceae spe- ated in 1989, but a few pastures (including two of cies. Although not the predominant pasture type in the study pastures) continued to be grazed through tropical regions, unseeded pastures are found in July 1994. In June 1995, five sites (four pasture and one small-scale farming communities, and an understanding of their successional processes following 2" forest) were chosen based on their agricultural history and age since abandonment (Table 1). All abandonment is important. This study focused on early patterns of plant pasture sites originally were cleared of all woody succession in four abandoned unseeded pastures of vegetation. Two pasture sites had developed a unidiffering age compared to a nearby 2" forest site. form canopy (mean ca 80% canopy cover) of I? Two of the pastures had well developed canopies guajava trees and were designated as "Guava" pasof Psidium guajava. I!guajava groves are established tures; the remaining two pastures were designated primarily by seed dissemination from cattle, as as "Open" pastures, pastures without a canopy covfarmers often feed the fruits to their herds (So- ering of trees. All pastures had seedlings of I? guamarriba 1985, 1986, Smith et ul. 1992). Because java. It was assumed that seeds of I? guajava were cattle do not eat the vegetative shoots (Somarriba disseminated into these pastures soon after clearing. 1995), I? guajava seedlings can grow to bear fruit Accordingly, we estimated when these areas were within five to eight years of germination (Purseglo- cleared based on the diameter of I? guajava trees in ve 1968, Soetopo 1991, Somarriba 1995). Conse- the pastures (Somarriba 1988a; Table 1). All pasquently, these pastures, or "guayabals" as they are tures are believed to have been subjected to light 542 Zahawi and Augspurger TABLE 1. Area, elevation, estimated number ofyears since clearing and time since abandonment (in j~ears)$rfourpasture sites and one Zo$rest site. Dates ofsurveys are in parentheses; two sites were surveyed three times. Area (ha) Open site Open site Guava site Guava site 2" Forest ca ca ca ca ca 0.10 1.0 0.30 0.15 3.00 Elevation (m) ca ca ca ca ca 1500 1320 1350 1350 1380 grazing intensity (C. Rhoades, pers. comm.). The 2" forest site was cleared ca 25-40 years ago. It may have been farmed briefly; however, it was abandoned soon after clearing and has since been reverting back to forest. No I? guajawa trees were found in the 2" forest site. All pastures were located within 1 km of each other and were generally surrounded by a mosaic of 2" forest. Nearest seed sources were within 100 m of all pasture sites. VEGETATION SAMPLING.-A~ each pasture site, eight 2- X 10-m transects were surveyed in June 1995 for species richness and percent cover. Sixteen transects were sampled in the 2" forest because eight transects could not account for its higher species diversity adequately. Plants were identified to species level whenever possible (Appendix 1). Percent cover for each species in each transect was determined using a modified version of Daubenmire's cover classes (0-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-95 and 95-100%; Daubenmire 1959). Median cover values for each species at each site were then grouped into five relative height classes: ground, vine, shrub, sub-canopy and canopy (sub-canopy was only considered for the 2" forest in which there was often > 1 canopy layer). Thus, tree species at differing life stages were found in all height classes except for the vine "height" category. The two younger pasture sites were surveyed a second time in June 1996 and again in January 1997 using the same transects (Table 1). Therefore, the study included temporal successional sequences (1, 2, and 2.5 yr since abandonment, at the same site), as well as chronological sequences (2.5, 5-8, and 25-40 yr [2" forest] since abandonment, at different sites) for both Open and Guava pastures. Recruitment of tree species was quantified for all sites in June 1996. For each site, thirty 1-m2 quadrats were randomly located and all individuals ranging from 0-180 cm in height were counted. To determine species number and composition of the soil seed bank, ten randomly located soil samples (four subsamples in each sample, mean volume Cleared (611995) 2-5 2-5 12-15 30-40 25-40 1 5-8 1 5-8 25-40 (611996) (111997) 2 2.5 - - 2 2.5 - - - - per sample ca 340 cm3, depth 0-10 cm) were collected from each of the five sites ( N = 50 total) in June 1996. Soil samples were placed in shallow plastic containers and watered daily in a growth chamber programmed to simulate light, temperature, and humidity ranges that were typical of a gap in the 2" forest. All individuals were counted and identified weekly for the first two months and bimonthly thereafter. Samples were stirred three times during the six-month study. Individuals were identified to species level whenever possible, and were removed with tweezers to minimize soil disturbance. SAMPLING.-TOdetermine the average perABIOTIC cent moisture of the soil, ten soil samples per site were collected on the same day ( N = 50). The procedure was repeated twice in July 1996. Samples were weighed, dried at 105°C for 24 hr, and then reweighed. Bulk density was determined for two depths: 0-5 cm and 5-15 cm. Twenty soil sampleslsite (ten at each depth) were collected using three cylindrical aluminum rings of known volume and placed in airtight bags. Due to oven space limitations, two smaller subsamples from each entire bag sample were weighed and dried as indicated above; their mean dry weight was used to estimate the dry weight and bulk density for the entire soil sample in the bag. Additional soil samples (ten samples per site, depth 0-10 cm) were randomly collected and analyzed at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, for texture, percent carbon, and pH. A calibrated p H meter was used to determine the p H of a mixture of soil and distilled water on a 1:l ratio. Texture (percent sand, silt, and clay) was analyzed following the procedure of Gee and Bander (1986). Percent carbon was analyzed using a LECO instrument, model CNS-2000 (LECO, St. Joseph, Michigan). Repeated air temperature readings were taken at 0 cm for all five sites using soil thermometers that were taped to a stick. Measurements were tak- Succession in Abandoned Pastures 12.5 lli I Open sites I I Guava sites 10 Habit 3 Grass v Herb g 7.5 1 543 Vine N Shrub 2.5 Tree 0 1 2 2.5 5-8 2' 1 2 2.5 5-8 2O FIGURE 1. Mean species richness for five habits at each of five sites contrasting Open and Guava pastures and 2" forest. Pastures are arranged in temporal (1, 2, and 2.5 yr since abandonment, same site) and chronological (2.5, 58 yr, and 2" forest, different sites) order. Age represents years since abandonment. Values represent mean i 1 SD. en every hour ( i 1 0 min) between 0700-1200 h on clear days during July 1996. Five replicate temperature readings were taken for each hour at each site. ANALYSIS.-All results were analyzed using SAS (SAS 1995). Repeated measures ANOVAs for species richness of the younger pasture sites (temporal sequence) and soil moisture were done using PROC MIXED. Two-way simple ANOVAs for all other analyses were done using PROC GLM. It is important to note that transects were used as replicates and sites were compared to each other; however, in this case, sites cannot represent treatments (N = 1) and, as such, significant differences among sites can only be interpreted as trends. RESULTS Results of a repeated measures ANOVA on the two younger sites (temporal sequence) indicated that mean species richness changed significantly over time (df = 2, P < 0.001). Mean species richness (mean number of species per transect) increased at the Guava site, most notably for tree and vine species; the Open site showed a decrease in herbaceous species (Fig. 1). A comparison between the two sites of the distribution of habits was also significant (df = 4, P < 0.001), and changed over time (df = 8, P < 0.01; Fig. 1). A LS Means analysis (comparing younger Open and Guava sites) showed that the Guava site had significantly higher numbers of herb and tree species ( P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively), while the Open site had greater numbers of grass and vine species ( P < 0.01 and P < 0.001). For the chronological sequence (2.5 yr, 5-8 yr Open and Guava pastures, 2" forest), mean species richness among sites was significantly different (df = 4, P < 0.001). Mean species richness was highest in the 2" forest and lowest in the 5-8 yr Open site (Fig. 1). A p~iori comparisons between sites indicated that Open sites (both sites combined) had significantly lower mean species richness compared to both 2" forest (df = 1, P < 0.001) and Guava (df = 1, P < 0.001). Mean species richness in Guava sites was not significantly different from 2" forest (df = 1, P = 0.082). In terms of habit, the distribution of species in Guava sites approached that of 2" forest with increasing site age, whereas Open sites showed a strong discontinuity in the older Open site (Fig. 1). Total species richness (sum of species in all transects) for both Guava sites was greater relative to mean species richness values, but remained essentially the same for Open sites. A twofold increase was noted for all habits in Guava sites, except for vine and grass habits which remained the same. As expected, the 2" forest site had a much higher total number of species compared to any pasture site (fourfold increase for all habits except grass), and represented the largest proportion of the total number of species in the study (Appendix 1). Total soecies richness for the 2" forest did not level off, indicating that the number of transects surveyed did not account adequately for the high species richness of the site. Median values for percent cover of different height classes in Guava sites approached those of 2" forest over time (Fig. 2). Although proportionally lower than the 2" forest, sub-canopy and canopy height classes were present in the older Guava site. In contrast, Open sites did not show this trend. The younger Open site appeared static and - 544 Zahawi and Augspurger 100 90 80 $ 70 60 8 40 30 u Height class Ground Vine Shrub 50 61 Sub-Canopy 20 10 ea canopy 0 FIGURE 2. Median percent cover for five height classes and five sites contrasting Open and Guava pastures and 2" forest. Sites are ordered and described as in Figure 1. With the exception of "vine," height classes represent relative height categories and do not necessarily correspond to plant habit. Cover values for Aidium guajava trees in the Guava sites are excluded from the figure. was highly dissimilar to the height class distribution of the older Open site. Sorensen's similarity indices (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg 1974), based on presence and comparing pasture sites to 2" forest, revealed great dissimilarities among communities (Table 2). Few species were shared between the 2" forest and any pasture. Guava sites, however, increased in similarity to 2" forest over time, with the oldest Guava site (5-8 yr) having the highest similarity index. In contrast, the similarity indices of Open sites to 2" forest showed little change over time. Dominance-diversity curves for Guava sites showed an increase in the number of rare species (defined as least-dominant species or species with the lowest percent cover values) over time as well as an increase in the overall number of species (Fig. 3). Open sites were static or possibly regressive. TABLE 2. Species dominance (based on mean percent cover for each species) also became more evenly distributed in Guava sites over time, whereas it again appeared static or regressive in Open sites. In comparison to both pasture types, the 2" forest site had a more equitable dominance distribution of species and a much greater number of rare species. Total number of recruited tree saplings (0-180 cm) was highest in the 2" forest site, especially for the smallest height class (0-30 cm; Fig. 4). Guava sites had a much lower number of tree recruits compared to 2" forest, whereas tree recruits in Open sites were minimal. Therefore, while the number of tree recruits in Guava sites was distinctly lower than the 2" forest, tree species were a component of plant succession in Guava sites and were not in Open sites. Species richness of the seed bank was higher in Similarip indices (coefients of communiq) comparingfour pasture sites (see Table 1) and one Z0forest site using the Sorensen index for species presence. Values range from 0 to I . Higher values indicate more similar species assemblages among sites. k r s indicate time since abandonment. Open Guava 2 Yr 2.5 yr 5-8 yr I Yr 2 Yr 2.5 yr 5-8 yr 2" Forest 0.8986 0.7429 0.7606 - 0.2553 0.2917 0.3673 - 0.4483 0.4407 0.4667 0.3243 0.4474 0.4416 0.4615 0.3273 0.3908 0.3864 0.4494 0.2121 0.475 0.5185 0.5122 0.3729 0.0909 0.1053 0.1194 0.1081 - 0.6364 - 0.5455 0.7789 - 0.5429 0 5455 0.5051 - 0.0656 0.1143 0.1854 0.2778 Open I Yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 5-8 yr Guava 1 Yr 2 Yr 2.5 yr 5-8 yr - Succession in Abandoned Pastures 1 loo open sites - lyr' ------- 2yr ........-. I 2.5~1 ---- 54yr * \- ---- 1 I I Guava sites .-8 40 -,5 30 $G - (----, I 5 I Herb Vine 20 1 10 8 ----------, I Habit Grass aJ Z0 '---, I 0 545 I Shrub El Tree 0 2 yr 5-8 yr 2 yr 5-8 yr I Open sites 2' Guava sites FIGURE 5. Total species richness in the seed bank for five habits at each of five sites. Year is time elapsed since pasture abandonment. o Species rank FIGURE 3. Dominance-diversity curves the log mean percent cover of each species against its rank. Species are arranged from left to right in decreasing rank order of importance. Figure legends are as in Figure 1. 1676), and was lowest for the 2" forest ( N = 84). Similarity indices comparing the species presence of the seed bank to aboveground species were exceedingly low, due mainly to the large number of unknowns in the seed bank. Temperatures were highest for the younger Open site (Fig. 6). The older Open site had lower temperatures than both Guava sites. As expected, temperatures were consistently lowest in the 2" forest. Soil texture values between Guava sites and the 2" forest were not significantly different (Table 3). the pasture sites compared to the 2" forest, and was predominantly herbaceous (Fig. 5). All sites had low tree species richness. The number of seedlings established from the seed bank was highest in the Open sites, especially for the younger site ( N = Height class 0-30 cm 30-60 cm 12.5 60-90 cm 11 90 cm+ 2 yr 5-8 yr 2 yr 5-8 yr 2' Open sites Guava sites FIGURE 4. Total number of recruited tree individuals grouped into four height categories at each of five sites. Year represents time since pasture abandonment. 1 7 8 9 10 12 Time (h) FIGURE 6. Comparisons of mean morning temperatures at 0 cm for five sites in which the open square = 2 yr Open, open circle = 5-8 yr Open, solid square = 2 yr Guava, solid circle = 5-8 yr Guava, and solid diamond = 2' forest. 546 Zahawi and Augspurger TABLE 3. Mean valuesfor soil variables i I SD (N = 10). Results of Least Signzjcant D{fererzce (LSD) arznlyses,6om one-way ANOVAs for each variable are indicated by small letters. Dzffereizt letters denote signzfictirzce values of P < 0.05. BD = Bulk Density /g/cm3); soil moisture has a range Porn 0 to I . 2 yr Open Percent sand Percent silt Percent clay Moisture BD (0-5 cm) BD (5-15 cm) pH Percent carbon 58.92 15.26 16.86 0.68 0.80 0.95 4.97 5.38 6.01" 5.32" i 0.97" i 0.13" i 0.05" i 0.04" i 0.22ab 2 0.95"b k k 5-8 yr Open 58.60 9.09 32.31 0.66 0.67 0.94 5.03 6.00 2 yr Guava 2.38" 64.90 k 3.89b i 2.21b 16.97 -C 4.09"' i 2.6Gb 18.13 -C 1.08" 0.70 2 0.09" i 0.07" 0.74 i 0.08ab i 0.05~ 1.02 i O.Obb i 0.05" i 0.31a 4.53 2 0.13b i 0.59" 5.89 k 0.62ab 2 Overall, the two Open sites were significantly distinct from the remaining sites. The older Open site had the most distinct texture values, perhaps a component of the steeper inclination of the site (ca 15"). Soil moisture values were not significantly different from each other. Bulk density values for the 0 -5 cm depth were variable and showed no distinct patterns, whereas bulk densities for the 5-15 cm depth were highest in the Guava sites (Table 3). In general, Open sites had bulk density values resembling those of the 2" forest, although the reasons for this are not known. Soils were acidic and p H values were similar to each other with the exception of the younger Guava site (pH = 4.53). No clear patterns, however, emerged when p H values of pasture types were compared to each other and to the 2" forest. A principal components analysis (PCA) com- Principal component 1 FIGURE 7. Principal components analysis for all soil variables at five sites. Site symbols are described in Figure 6. 5-8 yr Guava 63.76 19.59 16.65 0.64 0.87 1.08 5.20 5.84 i 3.59b i 3.3lC i 0.6ga 2" Forest 65.09 16.70 18.23 0.67 k 0.06a 0.68 i 0.07' i 0.06~ 0.94 4.87 i 0.97" 5.17 i 0.85"~ k 7.21b i 4.32"' i 3.35" i 0.13" i O.llb 2 0.09" i 0.30ab i l.llb bining all soil variables separated the older Open site from all other sites (Fig. 7). The three main variable loadings that contributed to the first principal component were bulk density at 0-5 cm and 5-15 cm, and percent clay. For the second component, the main variable loadings were percent carbon, soil moisture, and percent clay. The two components explained 31 and 20 percent of the data, respectively. Thus, in terms of overall soil characteristics, the most divergent site was the older Open site. DISCUSSION Species richness in Guava pastures (sites with a canopy cover of I? guajava trees) was consistently greater than in Open pastures (sites with no canopy cover), and this disparity increased over time. Most importantly, the number of tree species in Guava sites increased over time and was much greater than the number encountered in Open sites. The number of individual tree saplings was also much greater in Guava pastures compared to Open pastures. In a previous study, Somarriba (198813) found little difference in floristic composition between shaded (with I? guajava trees) and unshaded, unseeded pastures. These pastures, however, were being grazed by cattle and were manually weeded and sprayed with herbicide on an annual basis. Results from the study also found that growth rates of pasture grasses in shade were 49-63 percent of that in open pastures. A study by Guariguata et al. (1995) comparing recruitment of woody individuals in plantations to pastures in Costa Rica found significantly higher numbers of woody recruits in plantations. Recruits in pastures were essentially absent and the authors concluded that establishment was inhibited by aggressive pasture grasses. Thus, the presence of a canopy cover may give forest species an advantage by reducing competition with grass species. Succession in Abandoned Pastures Purata (1986) determined that proximity to seed source was an important factor affecting the rate of succession in old fields; however, all pasture sites were within 100 m of 2" forest, and distance from seed source was considered to have minimal impact on differences in succession. Studies also have found that the number of seeds of tree soecies dispersed by birds was often much lower in open areas compared to 2" forest, due to the tendency of frugivores to avoid clearings (Aide & Cavelier 1994, Da Silva et al. 1996, Nepstad et al. 1996, Sarmiento 1997). Remnant trees and snags in pastures, however, have been shown to attract birds that forage or perch; the birds then dispersed seeds through defecation or regurgitation (Uhl et al. 1982, Guevara et al. 1986, Aide & Cavelier 1994, Nepstad et al. 1996). A study by Sarmiento (1997) at the same reserve found that seed rain was significantly greater in Guava pastures than in Open pasture. Thus Guava pastures, with a "perch" canopy of I! guajava trees, enhanced representation of bird-dispersed tree species such as Nectandra sp., whereas they were scarce in open sites due to frugivores avoiding open sites. Additionally, seeds may arrive in Open pastures but fail to survive due to the greater abiotic stresses in the pastures. Previous studies have shown that higher temperatures and drought decreased survival of tree seedlings in open pastures, where drought stress was often greater than in 2" forest (Nepstad et al. 1990, Gerhardt 1993, Nepstad et al. 1996). Air temperatures and exposure to direct sunlight were much greater in the younger Open site. Rhoades et al. (1998) found that light intensity passing through I! guajava trees in a nearby pasture was 18 percent of that in the open (at 1 m). Furthermore, tree seedlings transplanted under the shade of those pasture trees had survival rates of over 90 percent compared to almost 100 percent mortality in the open (G. Eckert, pers. comm.). Species diversity was dominated by a few competing grass, vine, and shrub species in the younger Open site and by the shrub Baccharis trinervis in the older Ooen site. In contrast. Guava sites had a much more equitable distribution of species that ranged across all habits. Furthermore, the younger Guava site showed an increase in the number of rare species over time. This change was in part due to a decrease in the abundance of certain extant species, but was also a result of the influx of new species into the site. In contrast, the younger Open site had no net increase in the number of species, although there were more rare species over time due to a decrease in the abundance of certain species. Aide et al. (1996), in a chronosequential study 547 on abandoned pastures in Puerto Rico, found that species equitability increased over time. Dominance-diversity curves for Guava pastures were similar to results found by Aide et al. (1996); however, an increase in equitability was not evident in Open pastures. Similarity indices comparing pastures to the 2" forest were highest for the Guava pastures; these indices increased over time in the younger Guava site. In contrast, a comparison of the younger Open site to the secondary forest showed little change over time, implying that the site was not acquiring 2" forest species. Moreover, a comparison of the younger Open site to its older counterpart showed a trend toward increased similarity over time. This trend suggests that the younger Open site may be headed toward a community assemblage similar to that found in the older Open site; B. trinervic was present in the younger site and its mean percent cover increased from 1.8 percent in the 1 yr survey to 7.5 percent in the 2.5 yr survey. Comparisons of Guava sites to each other showed no distinct change in similarity over time. Soil moisture levels were not significantly different between sites, although the two sampling times may not have accounted for the potential variation expected between Open and Guava sites. Soil properties varied across sites; however, the PCA separated the older Open site from all others. Thus, the older Open site was distinct not only in terms of its aboveground vegetation, but also in terms of its soil properties. This difference in soil properties, most notably in the lower percent silt value and the markedly larger percent clay content of the soil, may be affecting the aboveground vegetation at the site. Results suggest that the older Open site is in a state of arrested succession. The site had the lowest species richness of all sites and ca 85 percent of the site was covered by B. trinervis. Although the site was surveyed only once (summer of 1995), there was no notable visual change in the composition of the plant community in subsequent years. Baccharis trinervis forms a dense 1- to 2-m high shrub cover that appears to inhibit the establishment of other species by means of a dense litter layer (up to 0.5 m) and suppressed light levels. It is not known if the litter has allelopathic properties that may further prevent establishment of other species. The shrub, however, is very shade intolerant; it was present around the open perimeter of Guava sites but not under the I?guajava canopy. When it was found in shade, it was strongly etiolated and was more vine-like in habit (R. Zahawi, pers. obs.). Therefore, it is possible that encroachment of the 548 Zahawi and Augspurger forest from the perimeter of the older Open site may eventually take over the site by shading out B. trinervis; however, that process would take a long time. Cohen et al. (1995) conducted manipulative experiments in abandoned farmlands of Sri Lanka that were dominated by the fern Dicranopteris linearis. D. linearis, much like B. trinervis, forms a dense 1- to 2-m high cover, suppressing the establishment of other species. Removal of D. linearis increased species richness at the site and initiated early succession of herbaceous and grass species, although tree species were poorly represented. Removal of B. trinervis had similar effects (R. Zahawi, pers. obs.). Therefore, it appears that manipulation of such sites may be necessary to accelerate forest succession. Previous studies also have shown that forest regeneration often was spurred by tree sprouts, depending on the prior intensity of pasture use and pasture age (Uhl et al. 1982, 1988; Nepstad et al. 1990); however, all woody material (including tree stumps) appeared to have been removed from these pastures. No tree sprouts were observed at any site, including Open pastures which had short histories of use as pasture prior to abandonment. The soil seed bank also has been shown to play an important role in forest regeneration in the tropics (Young et al. 1987, Ganvood 1989, Quintana-Ascencio et al. 1996). A review by Ganvood (1989), however, concluded that seed banks in pastures tend to be dominated by herbs and grasses with few tree species. A study by Quintana-Ascencio et al. (1996) found similar results in a variety of disturbed habitats ranging from pastures to old fields. Results from this seed bank study concur with those findings, and it appears that the seed bank in these pastures contributes little to the overall woody regeneration of the sites. The time it takes for abandoned pastures to return to a forested state is variable. Aide et al. (1995) found that forest regeneration in abandoned pastures in Puerto Rico was slow for the first 10 to 15 years following abandonment, with sites being dominated by grasses and herbs. Regeneration increased rapidly thereafter, and sites more than 40 years since abandonment were indistinguishable from the surrounding 2" forest. Uhl et al. (1988) estimated that it would take ca 100 years for pastures with a history of light use to return to a forested state, with severely degraded pastures requiring a considerably longer period of time. Results from this study indicate that Guava pastures are on a successional trajectory toward a forested condition, perhaps within the next 20 to 30 years. In contrast, Open sites give little indication that they are headed toward a forested state. It is yet unclear if the younger Open site is developing a community assemblage similar to its older counterpart; as mentioned previously, B. trinervis is present in the younger Open site and the two sites have become more similar. It is possible that the widespread colonization of the older Open site by B. trinervis was a random occurrence under highly favorable conditions, without which this Open site might have taken a different successional course. More monitoring time of Open pastures, however, would be necessary to determine that. Tree seedlings (up to 0.5 m height) of I? guajava were present in both Open sites although they were being outcompeted by B. trinervis and Poaceae species. Therefore, it is possible that Open pastures could have developed into Guava pastures had grazing been continued until I? guajava seedlings were well established-a period of perhaps 10 to 15 years. Once abandoned, the successional trajectory then presumably would have followed that of Guava pastures. Regardless, results of this study strongly support the role of trees in pastures as facilitators to succession following abandonment. 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Family Acanthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaryllidaceae Apiaceae Apocynaceae Aracaceae Araceae Araliaceae Arecaceae Asclepiadaceae Aspleniaceae Asteraceae Begoniaceae Boraginaceae Clusiaceae Cucurbitaceae Cyatheaceae Cyclanthaceae Species Blechzlm pyramidatum Dicliptera sp. Hygrophila gzlianensis Jzlstjcja pectoralis J. secunda Unknown sp. Alternathera porrigens Cyathula achyranthoides Hypoxis decum bens Hydrocogle lez~cocephala Mesechites sp. Geonoma undata Unknown sp. Anthurizlm ochreatum Anthurium sp. 1 Anthurium sp. 2 Anthzlrizlm sp. 3 Dieffenbachia sp. Philodendron ventricosum Oreopanax sp. Sheflera pen tundra Prestoea trichoclada Fischeria sp. 1 Fireheria sp. 2 Diplazium sp. 3 AgeratumiFleischmannia sp. Baccharis trinervis Elephantopus mollis Hebeclinium sp. Heterocondylus vitalbae Mikania cordifolia Aeudelephantopus spicatus Wrnonia patens Begonia parvjjora Cordia cylindrostachya Chrysochlamys dependens Clusia sp. 1 Cltlsia sp. 2 Vismia baccj$ira Callisia gracilis Commelina obliqua Commelina sp. Gipogandra serrulata Melothria pendula Psiguria pedata I? triphylla Cyathea sp. AsplundiaiSphaeradenia sp. Cyclanthus sp. Authority Nees. Jacq. Vahl (Jacq.) Kuntze Moq. DC. L. Chain. & Schl Madison Harms. (Lamarck) Persoon H.B.K. (DC.) King & Rob. (L. f.) Willdenow (Jussieu ex Aubl.) Rohr H.B.K. Poeppig & End. (R. & P.) Roem. & Sch PI. & Tr. (L.) Triana & Planch. Habit Site presence Succession in Abandoned Pastures 551 APPENDIX 1. Continued. Family Cyperaceae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae Lamiaceae Lauraceae Melastomataceae Meliaceae Moraceae Musaceae Myristicaceae Myrsinaceae Myrtaceae Onagraceae Oxalidaceae Piperaceae Species Cyperus dtfSUsus C. hermaphroditus C. lz~zz~lae Kyllingia pz~mila Acalypha diuers@lia Hyeronima cf. duquei Phyllanthz~sniruri Sapium stylare Sapium sp. Tetrorchidizlm andinum Cassia bacillaris Desmodium adscendens D. canum E. megistophy/la lnga denszjora I quaternata lnga sp. Hyptis atrorubens H. obtus$lia Hyptis sp. Salwia macrophylla Nectandra obtzlsa Nectandra sp. 1 Nectandra sp. 2 Ocotea sp. Unknown sp. 1 Unknown sp. 2 Eschweilera sp. Cuphea racemosa Cuphea strigulosa Unknown sp. Pavonia castanaefolia Sida sp. Urena lobata Blakea qzladrzj'lora Conostegia szperba Miconia aeruginosn Ossaea micrantha Tibozlchina IongEfolia 7: ovalzfolit~m Gzlarea sp. Cecropia monostachya Clarisia bzj'lora Firus sp. Morus insignis Sorocea sp. Heliconid sp. Otoba gordonifolia Ardisia zuebsteri Ardisia sp. Weigeltia cf. gozldotiana Unknown sp. Eugenia dibrachiata Myrcia sp. MyrciantheslEugenia sp. Psidium guajava Fzlchsia sp. Oxalis latifolia Peperomia bicolorlangularis Peperomia sp. Piper bzrllost~m Authority Habit S ~ t epresence Vahl (Jacq.) Standl. (L.) Retzius Michaux Jacq. Cuatr. L. Muell. Arg. Muell. Arg. L. f. (Gmelin) Schinz & Thell. Diels Bentham Poeppig Poiteau Benth. T T T (L. f.) Sprengel H.B.K. St. Hilaire & Naudin L. D . Don ex Naud. Naud. (Swartz) Mac. ex Cog. (Vahl) Baillon R. & I? Bureau H H v S S S v 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 1 3 S H H 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 T T T T T T S 3 S S SIT S McVaugh v v v L. T 5 5 5 5 T T T Pipoly 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 H.B.K. HIE H C. DC. v 3 5 5 552 Zahawi and Augspurger APPENDIX 1. Family Poaceae Polygalaceae Ranunculaceae Rubiaceae Scrophulariaceae Selaginellaceae Solanaceae Tiliaceae Ulmaceae Urticaceae Valerianaceae Verbenaceae Vitaceae Zingiberaceae Continued Species I? fiiedrichstahlii I? mareqzlitense I? phytolaccaefolium I? sqzlamuloszlm Piper sp. Andropogon bicornis Axonopus scoparizls Oplismenzls hirtellus Paniczlm polygonatum Panicum sp. Paspalurn conjzlgatum I? panicz~latum L' saccharoides Aeudechinolaena polystachya Setaria sphacelata Sporobolus indiczls Monnina patula Clematis sericea Borreria laevis Faramea eurycarpa H o f i a n n i a sp. Laden bergia macrocarpa Palicozlrea sp. Psychotria brachiata I? gentryi I? racemosa I? steyermarkii Sabicea villosa Unknown sp. Castilleja arvensis Selaginella geniculata Capsicum lycanthoides Cestrzlm megalophyllum C. peruvianzlm Cestrum sp. Solanum acerz~olizz S. oval~oliz~m Triumfetta grandiflora Trema mic~antha Boehmeria cazldata Clibadium laxus Pilea anteocensis I? pu bescenslcostata Urera b a c c ~ r a kleriana scandens Aeg@hila alba Cornutia odorata Lantana camara Stachytarpheta cayennensis Verbena littoralis Cissus sp. Renealmia dilicocalyx Authority C. DC. Habit S S Opiz S SIT S L. G (Fluegge) Kuhl. G (L.) Beauvois G Schrader G G Bergius G L. G Nees. ex Trinius G H.B.K. G (Schumach.) Stapf & C . E. G Hubb (L.) Brown G Chod. S DC. V (L.) Grisebach V S H Vahl T V Swartz S (Dwyer) C. M . Taylor S S S Will. ex Roem. & Sch. V S Schlecht. & Cham. H H S Dunal S S S Dunal S H Vahl S (L.) Blu~ne T Swartz T S. F. Blake S H H (L.) Guadichaud S V Mold. T Poeppig ex Scha. T S L. (Richard) Vahl H H.B.K. H V S Site presence 1 2 3 3 4 5 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 1 3 4 5 1 5 5 3 3 1 4 4 4 5 5 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5