Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson NSF Grant Proposal Panel Summary Proposal Number: 1000545 Performing Organization: Stanford University NSF Program: Civil Infrastructure Systems Principal Investigator: Fischer, Martin Proposal Title: Model-based Integrated Heavy Civil Construction Project Monitoring Objectives of the Proposal The PI proposes a formal method for classifying project monitoring measurements. This is proposed as a component of an integrated model-based project monitoring system for forecasting, monitoring, and controlling project progress. The work builds on previous/ongoing research by the PI in the area of modelbased integrated construction, but focuses on the problem of measurement classification. Intellectual Merit The research addresses an important problem: automatic mapping of sensor-based measurements. However, the scope of work and the research plan are lacking in clarity and purpose. The proposal lacks a scientific approach/methodology - it suggests a four-step research work plan without proper explanation of the need, expected outcomes, and connectivity between these steps. There is also no mention of other modeling and mapping approaches (e.g. ontological approaches) that may offer a good solution to this problem of mapping. The PI fails to discuss the work on construction ontologies and its relation to existing classification approaches. In general, the proposal is poorly organized and is not well-written. Given, his expertise in this area, the PI brings strength to the project. However, the chances of success are questionable, since the scope and the proposed methodology are not clear. Broader Impact The PI is proposing the development of model-based project monitoring course material. There is no planning for broadening the participation of underrepresented groups - there is no mention of any intent to involve women or minorities. There is planning for the dissemination of research results through journal publications and conference presentations. The proposer mentions that the categorization of measurements would improve efficiency by 4% to 7% and that this benefits society directly as reduced waste of society's resources. This is a big claim extremely difficult to validate. The broader impact on the society is unclear and poorly justified. Panel Summary Statement The proposal addresses an important problem: automatic mapping of sensor-based measurements. However, the scope of work is unclear, there is a lack of scientific approach/methodology, and the proposal is poorly organized/written. The summary was read by/to the panel and the panel concurred that the summary accurately reflects the panel discussion. Panel Recommendation: Do Not Recommend 2009 - 1000545 1 Rating Intellectual merit 2009 - 1000545 Research Plan Chance for success Review (summarized) Broader impacts The details of the classifying processes are This proposal is not well written, is poorly missing. The proposal is well organized, organized, is confusing and is lacking presenting an excellent description of the scientific rigor. problem with a good bibliographical research of relevant work but misses the work on ontology and its relation to existing approaches. Case and field validation is proposed but does not test against existing approaches, it’s not clear this approach is best. The proposal is full of war stories and graduate student anecdotes, jargon, and is very poorly organized and presented. Even though the proposer argues the he will publish his results, it is not all that clear what the impact of these results will be beyond their use in the CIFE classrooms at Stanford. The objective of the proposed work is to derive a method to classify the measurements taken for model based project monitoring. The proposal argues that such a classification method would address the problem of wasted resources and allow better access of information to the workers through a model based system. While it is proposed to integrate the outcome in course material, the impact on human infrastructure and labs is not clear as stated. However, the proposal describes efforts at building partnerships with other agencies and suggests dissemination through publication. A generic classification for project monitoring measurements would be useful in improving productivity and resource utilization. The PI brings strength to the project based on prior work in this area. However, the chances of success are questionable since the scope and the proposed methodology are not clear. On p12 the PI presents serious doubts about the efficacy of the research. The PI is proposing the development of model-based project monitoring course material, an improvement of efficiency by 4% to 7%, applied to infrastructure benefiting society as reduced waste of society's resources but this is a big claim extremely difficult to validate. A plan for publication is presented. No mention to minorities. The scope of work, the research plan and the While the proposal may enhance the approach for analyzing the collected data understanding of issues, it lacks scientific lack clarity and purpose. The approach is methodology based on a four-step research work plan, questionnaire surveys and case studies. Proper explanation of the need, expected outcomes, and connectivity between the various steps. The research plan is not innovative, substantive, nor scientifically interesting. Parts of the proposal are unreadable, for example, the section "Plans not Used" p12, the page numbers are missing and there are typos. The proposal is lacking in several aspects related to the intellectual merit and broad impact (as described above); and in general, the proposal is not well-organized. The PI intends to promote learning through incorporation of results in coursework and plans to disseminate results through publication. Intent for broadening the participation of underrepresented groups is not discussed nor is justification provided for the claims that auto-classification improves efficiency from 4% to 7% or that reduced waste benefits society. There is no mention of other modeling and mapping approaches (e.g. ontological approaches) that may offer a good solution to this problem. The proposed formal method for classifying project sensor-based measurements, as a component of an integrated model-based project monitoring system for forecasting, monitoring, and controlling project progress, is an important problem. The novelty or intellectual merit of the proposed project is questionable since various formal and informal classification systems exist (e.g., CSI, Revit, RS Means, etc). However, the proposal argues that the feedback of construction project progress is unreliable and a generic classification of project monitoring measurements would be useful. Through a model-based system for classification of measurements, this proposal seeks to improve project forecasting, recording, and progressing, through reduced errors and delays in communicating the information. This is a worthy problem. Good/Fair 4 The proposed work goal is to better understand issues related to automatic mapping of sensor-based measurements. The PI is proposing to develop a formal process for assigning classification to measurements, a model-based classification filter, a modelbased automated classification, and a method for mapping components within the model-based system Fair 3 Poor 2 Very Good/Good Review 1 Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson Summary 2 Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson Review #1 Rating: Multiple Rating: (Very Good/Good) REVIEW: What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? The proposed work goal is to better understand issues related to automatic mapping of sensor-based measurements. The PI is proposing to develop a formal process for assigning classification to measurements, a model-based classification filter, a model-based automated classification, and a method for mapping components within the integrated model-based system What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? The PI is proposing the development of model-based project monitoring course material, an improvement of efficiency by 4% to 7%, applied to infrastructure benefiting society as reduced waste of society's resources but this is a big claim extremely difficult to validate. A plan for publication is presented. No mention to minorities. Summary Statement The PI claims that he has the intuition that the missing piece of the integrated control system, that this research team is competent to address, is a method to classify the measurements but he doesn't clear describes how he intends to do so. He is proposing a manual process, an effective method for automated classification, and an internal mapping process but doesn't describes how he is planning to do this in details. The PI describes the idea of applying Na´ve Bayes, k-nn, Rocchio, and SVM for classification but is not clear that this is the best approach. The proposal is well organized presenting an excellent description of the problem with a good bibliographical research or relevant previous work but misses the work on construction ontology and its relation to existing classification approaches. The PI proposes validation trough case studies and field validation but there is no mention on comparing/testing against other existing approaches. 2009 - 1000545 3 Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson Review #2 Rating: Poor REVIEW: What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? This proposal seeks to improve construction project progress monitoring in order to forecast, improve record keeping, and control project progress so that reduced errors and delays in communicating the information about the progress will results. This is a worthy problem. They seek to develop an integrated model-based project monitoring system for improved classification of measurements. The research plan is comprised of four phases: Phase I: Literature review; Phase II. Questionnaire development; Phase III. Case Studies; Phase IV. Field trials. The research plan is not very innovative, substantive, nor scientifically interesting. Many parts of the proposal are unreadable. For example the following paragraph is presented under the section "Plans not Used"(page 12): In the experimental aspect of the research a pure charrette was not used in favor of including empirical 3rd party results. A quantitative analysis with-out case studies was not used due to the typical small sample sets in construction research trials. Relying only on case studies was not used since this would produce a toy research result." There are not even page numbers in the proposal. There are also typos sprinkled throughout. Finally, there are serious doubts written in the proposal about the efficacy of the research. On page 12, under the heading Proposed activity consideration and organization: "The feedback from the heavy civil industry is that this research is beyond anything they have on their table and is too uncertain to provide significant resources beyond accommodating case studies and field experiments, contingent on nondisruption of business activities." What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? The proposal is full of war stories and graduate student anecdotes, jargon, and is very poorly organized and presented. Even though the proposer argues the he will publish his results, it is not all that clear what the impact of these results will be beyond their use in the CIFE classrooms at Stanford. Summary Statement This proposal is not well written, is poorly organized, is confusing and is lacking scientific rigor. 2009 - 1000545 4 Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson Review #3 Rating: Fair REVIEW: What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? Is the proposed science Novel? The novelty or intellectual merit of the proposed project is questionable since various formal and informal classification systems exist (e.g., CSI, Revit, RS Means, etc). However, the proposal argues that the feedback of construction project progress is unreliable and a generic classification of project monitoring measurements would be useful. Is there a coherent research plan? The scope of work and the research plan are lacking in clarity and purpose. The proposal suggests four step research work plan without proper explanation of the need, expected outcomes, and connectivity between the various steps. What are the technical strengths and weaknesses of the approach? The approach is based on questionnaire surveys and case studies. The approach for analyzing the collected data is not clear as stated. What are the chances the research will succeed? Are the PIs qualified to do the research? The PI brings strength to the project based on his prior work in this area. However, the chances of success are questionable since the scope and the proposed methodology are not clear as stated. What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? Will the work be reflected in education programs? It is proposed to integrate the outcome in CIFE course material and lab assignments. Will it help build human infrastructure, labs and partnerships for research enterprise? The impact on human infrastructure and labs is not clear as stated. However, the proposal describes efforts at building partnerships with other agencies and NIST. Will it be disseminated effectively? The proposal suggests dissemination through standard publication outlets such as journals and conferences. How will the research impact the economy, the environment, social well being and the general evolution if it succeeds? A generic classification for project monitoring measurements would be useful in improving productivity and resource utilization. Summary Statement The objective of the proposed work is to derive a method to classify the measurements taken for model based project monitoring. The proposal argues that such a classification method would address the problem of wasted resources and allow better access of information to the workers through a model based system. 2009 - 1000545 5 Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson Review #4 Rating: Multiple Rating: (Good/Fair) REVIEW: What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? The PI proposes a formal method for classifying project monitoring measurements. This is proposed as a component of an integrated model-based project monitoring system for forecasting, monitoring, and controlling project progress. The work builds on previous/ongoing research by the PI in the area of modelbased integrated construction, but focuses on the problem of measurement classification. The research addresses an important problem: mapping/classifying sensor-based measurements. The proposal may enhance the understanding of issues related to automatic mapping of sensor-based measurements. However, the proposal lacks scientific methodology. There is also no mention of other modeling and mapping approaches (e.g. ontological approaches) that may offer a good solution to this problem. What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? The proposer intends to promote teaching and learning through incorporation of research results in university coursework. There is no planning for broadening the participation of underrepresented groups û there is no mention of any intent at all. There is planning for the dissemination of research results through journal publications and conference presentations. The proposer mentions that the categorization of measurements would improve efficiency by 4% to 7% and that this benefits society directly as reduced waste of society's resources. However, there is no justification for these claims. Summary Statement The proposal is lacking in several aspects related to the intellectual merit and broad impact (as described above); and in general, the proposal is not well-organized. 2009 - 1000545 6 Model-based Heavy Construction Fischer & Peterson Context Statement This year the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation expects to review about 3900 competitive research proposals, and expects to make awards to between 20% and 25% of them. The Division's practice is for programs to seek the advice of several independent reviewers for each proposal, and these reviewers and reviewers for other proposals submitted to the program, comprise a panel to compare and assess the merit of related proposals. The panel prepares a summary of its discussion on each proposal. Your proposal was recently considered by the Civil Infrastructure Systems Unsolicited The Panel Summary and verbatim copies of all completed reviews are available via FastLane. In reading them, please keep in mind that reviewers are addressing their comments primarily to the NSF, not necessarily to you. They sometimes make remarks without giving detailed references or providing specific suggestions for improvement, although many reviewers do provide such helpful information. Some reviews may contain non-substantive, irrelevant or erroneous statements that the Program Director did not use in making a recommendation. Decision about a particular proposal is often very difficult, and factors other than reviewer comments and ratings enter into the decision. Comments by a reviewer must sometimes be considered in the context of other reviews by the same person. A Program Director often has additional information not available to reviewers (such as progress reports on recent projects). Maintaining appropriate balance among subfields, the availability of other funding, the total amount of funds available to the program, and general Foundation policies are also important decision factors. Additional information about the decision on your proposal is provided separately. If more information is needed, please contact the cognizant Program Director. Information about reconsideration of declined proposals is found in NSF's Grant Policy Manual 2009 - 1000545 7