TENDER NOTICE No. 1/ 2012-13
Sealed tenders are invited by two bid system (Technical and Commercial) from
Dealers/Manufacturers/ Sole Authorized Distributors/ Sole Agents for the supply and installation
of instruments/ equipment to be purchased under FIST –DST as given below:
Tender Code
Name of the Equipment
Research Polarizing Microscope
Heating and Freezing Stage Assembly
Trinocular Biological Research Microscope
Stereo Zoom Research Microscope
Student Grade Polarizing Microscope
Student Grade Biological Microscopes
Student Grade Stereo Zoom Microscope
TOC Analyzer
Laboratory Chamber Furnace
Tender Code
DG/ FIST /10
DG/ FIST /11
DG/ FIST /12
DG/ FIST /13
DG/ FIST /14
DG/ FIST /15
DG/ FIST /16
DG/ FIST /17
DG/ FIST /18
Name of the Equipment
Double Distillation Unit
Mirror Stereoscope
Global Positioning System
Hot Air Oven
Echo Sounder
Sediment Grab Sampler
High Precision Balance
Pocket Stereoscope
Specification of the item terms and conditions and other details are given in tender form.
The tender form can be obtained from the office of the Head, Post Graduate Department of
Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Law College Square, Nagpur 440 001 from 09
February to 01 March 2013 on working days up to 4.00pm on payment of DD or cash of Rs.
1000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) non refundable in favour of Head, Post Graduate Department
of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 001. The sealed tender should be submitted
as per the two bid system i.e. envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid with details like Registration
certificate of the firm, IT Certificate & its clearance, Sale tax registration certificate & its
clearance, VAT registration & clearance, technical specification authorization from the
manufacturers, previous experience etc.) and envelope No.2 (Price Bid/ Commercial). The
envelops 1 and 2 should be packed in envelop 3 along with EMD of 1% of the cost of the items
by DD in favour of Head, Post Graduate Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University,
Nagpur 440 001 shall be accepted on or before 01 March 2013 up to 3.00pm. The tender
opening will be on 02 March 2013 at 03.00 pm in the university office located at the Mahatma
Jyotiba Fule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur in presence of bidders or their
authorized representatives, if present. The tender notice is also available on university website
i.e. www.nagpuruniversity.org. The undersigned reserves all rights to reject any or all tenders in
full or part without assigning any reason thereof.
Post Graduate Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
TENDER NOTICE No. 2/ 2012-13
Sealed tenders are invited by two bid system (Technical and Commercial) from
Dealers/Manufacturers/ Sole Authorized Distributors/ Sole Agents for the supply and installation
of instrument/ equipment to be purchased under the UGC Major Research Project of Prof. D.B.
Malpe as given below:
Tender Code
Name of the Equipment
UV Visible Spectrophotometer
No. of Item
Specification of the item terms and conditions and other details are given in tender form.
The tender form can be obtained from the office of the Head, Post Graduate Department of
Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Law College Square, Nagpur 440 001 from 09
February to 01 March 2013 on working days up to 4.00pm on payment of DD or cash of Rs.
1000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) non refundable in favour of Head, Post Graduate Department
of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 001. The sealed tender should be submitted
as per the two bid system i.e. envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid with details like Registration
certificate of the firm, IT Certificate & its clearance, Sale tax registration certificate & its
clearance, VAT registration & clearance, technical specification authorization from the
manufacturers, previous experience etc.) and envelope No.2 (Price Bid/ Commercial). The
envelops 1 and 2 should be packed in envelop 3 along with EMD of 1% of the cost of the items
by DD in favour of Head, Post Graduate Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University,
Nagpur 440 001 shall be accepted on or before 01 March 2013 up to 3.00pm. The tender
opening will be on 02 March 2013 at 03.00 pm in the university office located at the Mahatma
Jyotiba Fule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur in presence of bidders or their
authorized representatives, if present. The tender notice is also available on university website
i.e. www.nagpuruniversity.org. The undersigned reserves all rights to reject any or all tenders in
full or part without assigning any reason thereof.
Post Graduate Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
TENDER NOTICE No. 2/ 2012-13
Sealed tenders are invited by two bid system (Technical and Commercial) from
Dealers/Manufacturers/ Sole Authorized Distributors/ Sole Agents for the supply and installation
of instrument/ equipment to be purchased under the UGC Major Research Project of Assistant
Professor Dr. (Mrs.) Samaya S. Humane as given below:
Tender Code
Name of the Equipment
Biological Trinocular Research Microscope
No. of Item
01 unit
Specification of the item terms and conditions and other details are given in tender form.
The tender form can be obtained from the office of the Head, Post Graduate Department of
Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Law College Square, Nagpur 440 001 from 09
February to 01 March 2013 on working days up to 4.00pm on payment of DD or cash of Rs.
1000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) non refundable in favour of Head, Post Graduate Department
of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 001. The sealed tender should be submitted
as per the two bid system i.e. envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid with details like Registration
certificate of the firm, IT Certificate & its clearance, Sale tax registration certificate & its
clearance, VAT registration & clearance, technical specification authorization from the
manufacturers, previous experience etc.) and envelope No.2 (Price Bid/ Commercial). The
envelops 1 and 2 should be packed in envelop 3 along with EMD of 1% of the cost of the items
by DD in favour of Head, Post Graduate Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University,
Nagpur 440 001 shall be accepted on or before 01 March 2013 up to 3.00pm. The tender
opening will be on 02 March 2013 at 03.00 pm in the university office located at the Mahatma
Jyotiba Fule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur in presence of bidders or their
authorized representatives, if present. The tender notice is also available on university website
i.e. www.nagpuruniversity.org. The undersigned reserves all rights to reject any or all tenders in
full or part without assigning any reason thereof.
Post Graduate Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Price Rs.1000/-
Tender Form
(Tender Notice No. 1/2012-2013)
Tender Form for supply of
Equipments/Instruments/Machine/Articles etc.
Under DST-FIST Program Level-I
Post Graduate Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Rao Bahadur D. Laxminarayan Campus
Nagpur -440 001
Technical Specifications of Items to be purchased under DST-FIST Level-I
Microscope Stand: Main stand for research pol and petrological application. Built in reflected and
transmitted light 12V/ 1000W illumination. Dovetail for inchangeble stages. Adjustable height knob.
Adjustable height knob. Focus stop and torque adjustment.
Objective Nosepiece: Centrable revolving nosepiece 5 - fold. Objectives should have a centering facility
along with its optical axis.
Stage: Pol rotating stage (360o, 0.1o) with bracket and sub stage.
Condenser: Pol. Universal condenser suitable for bright field, polarization, phase contrast. Centering
keys, for BF, DF, PH, Pol. & Condenser head P 0.90 S1. Condenser head, achromatic, 0.50 S15, for
thicker specimen slides or heating stageapplications, low strain
Light Filters: Stand ground with filter magazine for 3 filters, 40mm switchable daylight Panchromatic
Transmitted light: 12V 100W tungsten halogen lamp
Lamp housing: Lamp housing 107/2, lamp mount for halogen lamp 12V 100W, 1- lens collector, heat
protection filter
Polariser: Polariser L ICT/P for transmitted light, rotatable/ swing out with slot for the compensators
32mm diameter
Analyser: IC/P 180o rotatable for RL/TL
Sample Holder: Object clamp for Pol rotating stage and optional XY stage attachment
Focus knob: Set of focus knobs fine with standard surface
Trinocular Tube: Documentation tube with fixed viewing angle 30o, filed of view 25, variable beam
splitters, 3 beam splitter positions: 100% eyepieces, 50% eyepieces: 50% documentation port, 100%
documentation port
Strain Free Universal Pol Objectives Set:
4x/ 5x: 4x or 5x/ 0.12 POL; 10x: EPI 10x/0.25 POL; 20x: EPI 20x/0.40 OIL POL suitable for DIC;
50x: EPI 50x/0.75 OIL POL DIC compatible; 63x: EPI 63x
Eyepeices: Eyepiece HC PLANs 10x/22Br. M with reticule, pol
Heating Objectives:
20x: H 20x/0.40 1.8qu, 10.6 mod. Suitable for heating Stage;
50x: H 50x/0.50/ Coverglas: 1.8Q/ ICT upright: /ICR: / Thread M25/FWD 7,1: Suitable for heating Stage
Reflected light Attachment:
Reflected light illuminator: Reflected light Pol illuminator with Smith reflector. Built in quartz plate.
Revolving disc with 4 reflector positions (two fix, two variable). Centrable aperture & field diaphragm, 4
filter magazine. Analyser slot.
Lamp housing: Lamp housing 107/2 with lamp mount for halogen lamp 12V 100W, 1-lens collector.
Heat protection filter.
Polarization R/L: Polarizer R/P for incident light with 3 resting positions 0o/45o/90o
Colour Digital Camera with Firewire Interface:
Digital Camera: Digital colour CCD Camera with High resolution – 3.0 Mpixel with built in software
for linear measurements. Chip Size: Progressive 6.55 x 4.92 mm size. Pixel Size: Pixel size 3.2 micron
square. Colour depth: 30 bit colour depth and A to D Conversion 10 bit. Exposure Time: Exposure time
1 milisecond to 2 seconds. Interface: 1394a Firewire PCI interface card with Firewire-cable, 4m. Speed:
15 frames per seconds. Camera Interface: C mount/ video adaptor with a factor of 0.55x 9
suitable for CCD size). Live Measurement S/W: Live measurement software module to do the
measurements by manually drawing on live image. Types of measurements-Linear distance, curved
length, Area, Angle, Count. Multiple line measurements for distance from a defined baseline. Circles can
be defined by diameter or by 3 points. Circles can be defined by diameter or by 3 points. All
measurements shown in real units with user defined number of ecimal places. Width and colour of drawn
lines can be adjusted and labeled with measurements. Drawings can be stored as templates.
Automatic Image Analysis Software with Detection & Counting features:
Measurements: Measures size, shape, position, orientation, intensity parameters for multiple individual
features or particles. Processing: The software must have a capacity to provide the range of grey image
processing methods to enhance image prior to analysis. The software should be perform threshold
detection on colour and monochromatic images. Analysis: Provides range of binary image processing
methods to select features for analysis. The software should allow the user to modify, add and delete
selected features by manual image editing feature. Segmentation: The software should allows the user to
modify, add, and delete selected features by manual image editing feature. Segmentation: The software
must guard frame to be set to prevent errors in objects touching edge of an image. It also should show
alist of selected parameters for all features measured. Distribution: The software must have a capability
of measurement filtering to classify features for measurement. This software should creates histograms to
display the distribution of size and shapes. Results and Data Export: Software should be equipped the
calculation feature for a range of statistics for each parameter and for histograms. There has to be a
facility of exporting data to Excel file to create user defined reports Analyses multiple images &
accumulates data for them uses sequence Wizard to interactively establish setting of analysis
Computer with TFT Monitor: Personal Computer with antivirus to store data. PUC: Intel Core 2 Duo
E7600, 3.06 Ghz, 3 MB, L2 Cache and 1066 Mhz. Chipset: Intel 4 Series/ nVidia, G Force, 7Series or
better on OEM Motherboard. Bus Architecture: Integrated Graphics, @ PCI, 1 PCI Express X1 and PCI
express X1 and I PCI Express X. TFT Monitor -18 inch
Heating (+600) and Freezing (-196) stage attachment
Heating Stage: THMS600 Heating Stage, XY Sample Manipulation „Ambient to +600 oc & -196oc with
liquid nitrogen attach.
Controller & Programmer: Programmer & Controller with temperature range - 196oc to +600oc.
Ramp Rate: Up to 130oc / min heating 32 ramp temperature profile programming stand alone version.
Stability: Temperature stability <0.03oc
Sample holder: 16 mm X, Y sample manipulation. Sample area 22mm dia. Gas tight chamber for
atmospheric control
Microscope holder: Clamps directly to the microscope substage for stability
Sensor: 100ohm platinum resistor sensor. 1/10th Din Class B to 0.1oc. Silver heating block for high thermal
conductivity direct injection of the coolant into the silver block.
Opening Window: Light aperture 2.4 mm Ø single ultra thin lid window 0.17mm
Video Interface Software: Temperature control and analogue video capture software (incl. video fusion
PCI card).
Microscope adaptor: Adapter plate and clamps for a optical polarizing microscope.
Freezing attachment: Liquid nitrogen Freezing Systems (achieves a stage temperature of -196oc).
Video CCD Camera: Camera with 4-port firewire card & firewire cable.
Objective: objective lens working distance 0.1mm to 4.5mm
Condenser: Condenser lens minimum working distance 12.5mm
(3) TRINOCULAR BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH MICROSCOPE (for transmitted light brightfield, dark
field, phase contrast and diffrential interference contrast, led illumination with live measurement software
attached with computer and TFT monitor)
Stand: Power supply external for HAL 100 W lamps, stabilized including lamp sockets with switch.
Should have switchable segment facility and working distance : 60-150 mm. Integrated control panel, Can
bus, Indicator LED‟s for active segment power supply for standalone unit. Rotable polarization set for
Ring Light with Click-stop at crossed polarization to minimize gloss marks, stabilized including lamp
sockets with switch. Built-in filters 6 position filter wheel and grey filter set containing 3 grey filters
0.015, 0.06 and 0.25; 06 position reflector turret for fluorescence filter sets. Built –in variable field
diaphragm for transmitted light illumination. Suitable for transmitted light studies viz. bright field, dark
field, phase contrast and Differential Interference Contrast and Reflected light Fluorescence studies. Anti
fungus treatment. Optics: Infinity Colour Corrected System optics. Binocular Photo Tube: Binocular
photo tube with an Upright Image and 20o inclination and suitable for 23 mm field of view eyepieces and
100: 0/0: 100 ratio for observation and documentation. It should have „Siodentopf‟ design by which we
can have two different viewing heights. Eyepieces: 10x with field of view of not less than 22. Both the
eyepieces should have diopter adjustment of +/- 5. It should capable of accepting reticules. Eyepiece with
eyecups. Nosepiece: 6x revolving nosepiece (capable of accommodation upto 6 objectives) mounted on
ball bearing with highly precise click stops and should have slots for up-gradation for DIC. Mechanical
Stage: Dual layered with hard coat anodized surface with a stage plate of 220 x 170 mm and mechanical
stage of 75 x 50 with right drive. Illumination: Halogen 12V 100 W illuminator with bulb. The
illumination control knob and ON/OFF switch should be low positioned for convenient operation.
Condenser: 0.9/1.25 H; Objectives: A-Plan Objectives and Fluar Objectives of 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x (plan
Semi-Apochromat) and 100x (plan Semi-Apochromat) oil immersion objective with 50 ml bottle of oil.
Suitable objectives for Differntial Interference contrast. Occular Micrometer & Stage micrometer.
Camera Attachment: 0.5x camera adapter. Camera: Camera with 3.0 to5.0 Mega Pixel Camera. Sensor
Resolution: 2560 x 1920 pixels. Pixel size: 2.2 µm x 2.2 µm. Software: Suitable software for variety of
imaging tasks such as annotations, Calibrations and Image measurements. The software should provide
the means to define acquisition preferences by individual Setting Exposure time, Grain and Gamma levels
as well as color depth and size. The results should be Crisp, sharp images which can be saved and
displayed as thumbnails in an integrated gallery and reviewed at any time. All image related information
such as acquisition time, bit depth and calibration is stored which again simplifies the retrieval process.
Computer with TFT Monitor: Personal Computer with antivirus to store data. PUC: Intel Core 2 Duo
E7600, 3.06 Ghz, 3 MB, L2 Cache and 1066 Mhz. Chipset: Intel 4 Series/ nVidia, G Force, 7Series or
better on OEM Motherboard. Bus Architecture: Integrated Graphics, @ PCI, 1 PCI Express X1 and PCI
express X1 and I PCI Express X.
Compact Greenough system with fully Apochromatic light path. Zoom Range/ Ratio: 1x to 8x with a
zoom ratio 8:1. Optical Resolution: 600 lines/ mm at 2x Apochromatic Objective lens. Viewing Angle:
38o. Apochromatic single spindle optic system design. Camera Port/ Trinocular: Switchable 100% for
video or photo and 100% for observation. Compatibility: should have a c-mount adapter to fit existing
digital camera. Depth of field: 70m (70 microns) at 10x/ 23 wide field eyepieces. Total Magnification:
10x- 80x with 10x Eyepieces. Free working Distance: 75 mm. Inter Pupilery Distance: 55mm- 75mm.
Eye Pieces: 10x 23mm FOV Focusable and adjustable. Field of View: 23mm. Polarizer and Analyzer:
Polarizer on glass stage plate, 120 mm for transmitted light with interface 120mm. Analyzer in rotatable
mount, for s series and macroscopes. (interface 58 mm diameter). Transmitted Light: Transmitted light
attachment for transparent specimens with rotatable and moving clear frosted reflector. LED Reflected
Illumination System: LED ring light with bright and uniform illumination having 5600 K colour
temperature. Should have switchable segment facility and working distance : 60-150 mm. Integrated control
panel, Can bus, Indicator LED‟s for active segment power supply for standalone unit. Rotable polarization
set for Ring Light with Click-stop at crossed polarization to minimize gloss marks. Spot Light: Spot Light
Illumination with 2-arm Gooseneck having 300mm length. Hi-Power LEDs with 5600K color temperature
& control panel with separate gooseneck. A suitable adapter for old and new Microscopes between column
and base.
Digital Camera System: Digital camera with sw kit. Colour digital camera for on screen microscope
image display. Resolution: 2048x 1536 with 3.1 M pixels, Exposure Time: 0.1 m sec - 2 sec. A/D
convertor 10 bit, dynamic range > 45dB. Speed maximum 15 frames per sec. Grain 1x-20x, shading
correction. Sensor: CMOS sensor progressive scan. Pixel size: 3.2 µm x 3.2 µm. Colour depth: 30 bis
colour filter RGB (Bayer). Interface: Single cable USB2, supported operating systems PC Win 2000 XP.
Software: Suitable software for variety of imaging tasks such as annotations, Calibrations and Image
measurements. The software should provide the means to define acquisition preferences by individual
Setting Exposure time, Grain and Gamma levels as well as color depth and size. The results should be
Crisp, sharp images which can be saved and displayed as thumbnails in an integrated gallery and
reviewed at any time. All image related information such as acquisition time, bit depth and calibration is
stored which again simplifies the retrieval process.
Computer with TFT Monitor: Personal Computer with antivirus to store the data. PUC: Intel Core 2
Duo E7600, 3.06 Ghz, 3 MB, L2 Cache and 1066 Mhz. Chipset: Intel 4 Series/ nVidia, G Force, 7Series
or better on OEM Motherboard. Bus Architecture: Integrated Graphics, @ PCI, 1 PCI Express X1 and
PCI express X1 and I PCI Express X.
A Binocular Microscope for visualizing objects (thin sections) in transmitted polarized light, used for
petrographic, crystallographic, geological and mineralogical and fine focusing adjustment effected from
both sides with graduated drum, each division equals 2/1000 mm with Ball bearing type self centered
Quadruple revolving nosepiece. Circular Centering rotatable stage with degree calibration, with two lens
aplanatic Abbe condenser with rotatable polarizer mount having 15 degree calibration. Analyser provided in
a slide which can be swung in and out of the Microscope tube. The Polaroids are of high grade German
Make. The Microscope is also equipped with a Bertrand lens, which can be swung in and out, aslot size 12
mm x 4 mm provided in the tube at 45 degree to the polarizer axis for compensators. The microscope has a
built in Halogen lamp (6 V-20 W) illuminator in the base, with collector lens and a low voltage variable
transformer. In put 220 V AC, 50Hz, with adjustable output voltage and on and off switch.
Optics: 4 Objectives (Strain Free) 4x /5x, 10x, 20x & 40x/45x; eyepieces: WF 10x (1 cross hair eyepiece) &
one pair huyghenian eyepieces 15x. Binocular head with adjustable interocular distance.
Optical system UIS2 (Universal Infinity System) optical system
Illumination System Built-in transmitted illumination system 6 V 20 W halogen bulb 100-240 V 50/60 Hz
universal voltage Focusing Stage height movement (coarse movement stroke 20 mm) Fine focus
graduation: 2.5 μm Revolving Nosepiece Fixed quadruple nosepiece Stage Wire movement mechanical
fixed stage: 120x132 mm Traveling range: 76 mm (X) x 30 mm (Y) Single specimen holder Observation
Tube 30° inclined trinocular tube Interpupillary distance adjustment range 48–75 mm Condenser Abbe
type with aperture iris diaphragm N.A.: 1.25 Objective Plan Achromatic objectives (anti-fungus)
4x N.A.: 0.10 W.D.: 18.5 mm; 10x N.A.: 0.25 W.D.: 10.6 mm
40x N.A.: 0.65 W.D.: 0.6 mm; 100x N.A.: 1.25 W.D.: 0.13 mm (option)
Eyepiece (10x) Field Number (F.N.): 20 (anti-fungus)
Digital Camera system complete with SLR digital camera
(above 8 Million Pixels) with rechargeable batteries & charger and with SLR microscope adapter & with
1GB memory card, Standard zoom lens (1) and carry bag
Image Analysis Software for arranging and measuring captured Images, creating databases and
preparing reports.
Optical system UIS2 (Universal Infinity System) optical system
Illumination System Built-in transmitted illumination system 6 V 20 W halogen bulb 100-240 V 50/60 Hz
universal voltage Focusing Stage height movement (coarse movement stroke 20 mm) Fine focus
graduation: 2.5 μm Revolving Nosepiece Fixed quadruple nosepiece Stage Wire movement mechanical
fixed stage: 120x132 mm Traveling range: 76 mm (X) x 30 mm (Y) Single specimen holder Observation
Tube 30° inclined binocular tube Interpupillary distance adjustment range 48–75 mm Condenser Abbe
type with aperture iris diaphragm N.A.: 1.25 Objective Plan Achromatic objectives (anti-fungus)
4x N.A.: 0.10 W.D.: 18.5 mm
10x N.A.: 0.25 W.D.: 10.6 mm
40x N.A.: 0.65 W.D.: 0.6 mm
100x N.A.: 1.25 W.D.: 0.13 mm (option)
Eyepiece (10x) Field Number (F.N.): 20 (anti-fungus)
45 degree inclined having Zoom Ratio 1:7, Objective Zoom Range 0.65 - 4.5x, Paired Wide field
Eyepieces SWF10x/22mm, working distance 100mm, With in-built Light Stand (Incident :6V15W Lamp
/ Transmitted: 5W Fluorescence Lamp) Standard set complete in thermocole packing. (Magnification
Range: 6.5x - 45x with 10x eyepiece).
Variability with a compact shape
The modular system is based on a basic instrument which already includes the main functions:
Automatic dosing and distribution of liquid samples Sparger for stripping of TIC as CO2 or POC High
temperature combustion for oxidation of TC/NPOC or POC (VOC) to CO2 Measuring gas drying and
gas flow regulation CO2 detection in the carrier gas stream Power, control and regulation electronics
Instrument operation, control and measuring value processing shall be done via a connected PC or laptop.
In connection with the basic instrument there are a variety of modules available to achieve various
Selection of liquid sample feeding
Modules shall allow the measurement of liquids either in single mode. The sample can be stirred in each
of the operation modes. Air purging for stripping TIC or POC (VOC) shall be possible. All types of
samplers shall be integrated in the instrument and do not require any additional footprint. Random access
to selected sample positions shall be available in the TOC auto samplers.
Selection of solid sample feeding
Module shall enable the measurement of samples in tin foils or capsules, either in single mode. It should
be suitable for solid samples but can also be used for heavy particulate containing samples, viscous
liquids, semi-solids or liquid samples of very small quantity.
Variable Configuration
Shall be easily and quickly reconfigure in the TOC cube between liquids or solid sampling.
Selection of the detections
Three different NDIR detectors required for the carbon determination. A standard wide range NDIR
detector is suitable for almost all applications A trace version NDIR with double cuvette length for lowest
detection limits. For very high carbon concentrations e.g. in solids, a special optional detector needed.
The content of bound nitrogen (TNb) can be optionally measured with 3 different detection types:
Electrochemical cell (EC) as the most economic detection type Chemiluminescence detector (CLD)
according to DIN 38409 H27 Non dispersive IR detector for largest concentration range from 0.05 to
more than 50,000 ppm.
Analysis method: Catalytic high temperature combustion at 850°-950°C (max. 1200°C)
Oxidation from C to CO2 which is quantitatively determined with a NDIR
Optional detection of the formed NO with NDIR, CLD or EC
Measuring parameters: TC, TOC, DOC, NPOC, TIC, POC, optional TNb
Norms and standards: ISO 8245, EPA 415.1, European standard acc. to EN 1484, ENV 12260,
European Pharmacopoeia 6.0, vol.1 (20244) 2008, p. 71,
U.S.Pharmacopoeia-NF, USP 30 (643) 2007; DIN 38409
Safety standards: CE, IEC 1010, EMV
Measuring range: C 0 – 60,000 mg/l in liquids ; 0 – 100 % in solids
N 0 – 200 mg/l (CLD); 0 – > 50,000 mg/l (NDIR)
Detection limits* (SD): C 6 μg/l (ppb) (3 μg/l (ppb) for trace version)
N 0,02 mg/l (ppm) (NDIR)
Precision* (RSD): < 1% at > 5 mg/l C; Analysis time*: 3-4 min per parameter
Sample quantity*: liquid: <50 – 2,000 μl variable
solid: 1 g soil sample or 10 mg C abs. (optional up to 50 mg C)
Particle size*: exceeds the requirements EN 1484 for 100 μm cellulose standard,
with capsule technique no upper limit
Calibration: Automatic multi point calibration
Sample feeding: • liquid samples manual
• solid sample manual
Instrument control Operation and control via PC under Windows-7;
All instrument functions are digitally controllable, the comprehensive operation
software includes e.g. automatic leak test, extensive error diagnosis, monitoring
of the maintenance cycles, sleep-/wake up function, statistical evaluation
and almost unlimited memory capacity for analysis data incl. graphics.
Integration in data networks like LIMS and the possibility of remote control and diagnosis via the
Cylinder with Gas: Synthetic air (hydrocarbon and CO2 free) or oxygen (4.5), 200 ml/min
Electrical connections: 100/110/200/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.8 kW
Dimensions*: 48 × 55 × 57 cm (w × d × h)
Weight: approx. 60 kg
In full compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 (option)
Rectangular, horizontal, electric Muffle furnace, Working temperature 1150 0C, Maximum temperature
12000C, Digital Temperature Controller cum Indicator with suitable sensor for better accuracy, Indicator
lamps, compensating cable and thermal fuse, high grade Kanthal A1-1 wire heating elements used.
Insulation consisting of Ceramic wool blanket wound on the Muffle, followed by a thick layer of Mineral
Wool thus ensuring minimal skin temperature. Electrically operated on 230 V AC, 50 Hz, Single phase
supply, Outer body: Horizontol Rectangular body made of thick gauge Stainless Steel sheets. Matt
finished with ceramic fibrewool insulation. Digital Temperature Indicating Controller with a suitable
sensor. Working Chamber: 18”x9”x9”; Ext. Dimension: 20”x27”x29”; Rating: 6000 W.
Quartz Double Distiller, Output capacity - 5 litre/hour, Quartz spiral heater, Safety device, Replaceable
silica heater, Quartz boiling chamber Cooling Water Consumption approx. 150 ltrs/ hr. Fuse requirements:
20 Amps-2 and 15 Amps-2
Digital speed indicator. Stepless speed regulator. 0-60 minutes digital countdown timer. Saftey Lid
interlock to prevent cover opening during centrifugation. Imbalance detector. Mx Speed 6900 rpm; Max.
RCF 7350 “g”. Max. Capacity 1200 ml. angle head rotar. WxDxH. 400x500x455 mm. Electric Supply:
220-240 Vplts 50 Hz Single Phase. Additional 06 numbers of plastic tubes along with the 06 original
Standard Specifications – 4X Binoculars. Binocular viewer detachable type and it can be swung in or out
when not required. The interlocular distance between binocular viewer is adjustable from 54 mm to 74 mm.
Eyepieces of the binocular viewer are of individual focusing type with dioptric setting upto + / - dioptres.
The surface aluminized and have a protective coating to and fine optics with Eye Adjustment, very heavy
and modified in wooden box.
Unit dimensions, WxHxD: 2.1”x4.0”x 1.3” (5.4x10.3x3.3cm). Display SizeWxH: 1.4”x 1.7” (3.5x 4.4cm);
2.2” diag. (5.6cm). Display resolution, WxH: 176x 220 pixels. Display tepe: transflective, 65-K color TFT;
Weight: 5 0z (141.7g) with batteries. Battery: 2 AA; Ni MH or Lithium; Battery life rechargeable.
Waterproof: Yes; Data Cards: Micro SDCard. Way points/ locations: 2000, Routes: 200; Track log: 10,000
points, 200 saved tracks. Automatic routing needed with electronic compass. Barometric altimeter: yes;
PC/USB Interface Cable, Lanyard, Bike Clip, Quick Reference Guide, Owner‟s Manual.
Construction: Double walled construction fully made of Stainless Steel inner mirror finished and
exterior matt finished. The gap between the two walls filled with glass wool insulation. A fully insulated
door silicon gasket with brass locks hinges and aluminium ventilator. Supplied with stainless stell wire
mesh shelves.
Heating Elements:
Heating is by specially designed heater made of Nichrome wire fitted at the bottom of the oven.
Temperature Control
Temperature controlled by microprocessor based digital temperature controller with Pt 100 as sensor.
Temp Range - 50oC to + 250oC, Temp Accuracy:+ 1o C; Temp. Resolution- 0.1o C. It should work on
230V A. C. 50Hz Single Phase.
Chamber size: 24”x24”x36”, External Dimension: 30”x31”x52”, Rating:3000 Watt,
No. of shelves – 5 Nos;.
A forced air circulation system with fan for better temperature uniformity fitted on the top side of the oven.
Electronic Digital timer
High resolution color LCD. Hardness of bottom indicated by digit and graph for bathymetric analysis. It
should be operated by internal batteries to use at any place. It should be folded in Brack. Depth Range: 0-3,
0-5, 0-8, 0-10, 0-15, 0-20, 0-30, 0-40, 0-50, 0-80, 0-100, 0-125, 0-150, 0-200. Display: 4.3” TFT Color
LCD. Multi –functions in small body, preferably waterproof and can be used in boats. Rechargeable
Batteries required for Echo sounder with Battery Charger.
Grab area 0.4 sq. M, Height-250mm, suitable for collecting sediment samples from still water e.g. lakes &
ponds. Triggering shall be effected by a brass Go-Devil type messenger that comes with the equipment and
20 meters of 6mm diameter Nylon Wain Rope. All fasteners should be made up of Stainless Steel. The
Grab should be made of Stainless Steel for anti corrosion. All material used in manufacturing should
confirm to Indian Standard of equivalent International Slandered.
Readebility - 0.0001g, Repeatability(+/-): 0.1mg, Linearity(+/-): 0.2mg; Capacity-60g; Pan Size -80 mm.
Balance shall be supplied with Breez shield as standard.
(Folding type) Complete in Case. Fitted with brass slides and superior lenses.
Dealers have to supply Equipments/ Machine/ Instrument/ any articles as per the Order. No alternate
makes of Instruments are accepted. And if any dealer supply any alternate make of Instruments
which has not been ordered these Equipments/ Machine / Instrument / any articles will be returned to
them at their cost.
If the Equipments/Machine/Instrument/ any articles supplied are not found satisfactory, such
Instruments will be return to them at their cost.
The Order should be complied in totality within fifteen days from date of order or to report how the
matter stands.
Bills in Triplicate with Pre-stamped receipt/Invoices affixing with Rs.1 revenue stamp should be sent
to us within fifteen days.
Delivery of Equipments/Machine/Instrument/ any articles are FOR at Head, PG Department of
Geology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
Please note that our Banker is Bank of India, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Extension Counter, University Campus, Nagpur-440 033.
Outside dealers are requested to negotiate all documents through the above mentioned Bank.
While submitting your quotation kindly mentioned terms and condition clearly regarding i) VAT
Tax ii) Sale Tax iii) Octroi iv) Excise Duty and any other tax applicable.
Octroi and Excise duty certificate will be provided if the Proforma Invoice and consignment are
made on the name of Head of the Department of Geology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur
University, Nagpur. In no case the University will pay the Octroi Tax/Excise Duty.
The rates mentioned in the quotations should be valid for six months duration.
A performance guarantee of the instrument / equipment is to be given with minimum validity for 12
months or more from the date of installation.
Blank tender form will be issued after receiving demand draft of any Nationalized/Schedule bank of
Rs. 1000/- in favour of The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur - 440
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of demand draft of any Nationalised/Schedule bank of
Rs. 1000/-/per item drawn in favour of The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur
University, Nagpur- 440 001 should be submitted in Envelope No. 1. This money (EMD) shall be
refunded to the unsuccessful dealer/bidder, within 30 days from the date of the opening of the
tenders. No interest shall be paid on earnest money deposited. In case of successful dealer the EMD
shall be refunded after the official order and successful installation at Department of Geology,
R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS) India. Any offer received without the EMD shall
stand wholly rejected. Nevertheless, Decision of the Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur
University, Nagpur. (MS) India, on such matters shall remain final and binding.
Procedure strictly to be followed for submission of Tender Form:
a) The sealed tender should be submitted as per the two bid system (Technical and Price
b) Envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid): This envelope should contain with details like Registration
certificate of the firm, IT Certificate & its clearance, Sale tax registration certificate & its clearance,
VAT registration & clearance, technical specification authorization from the manufacturers, previous
experience etc.) & the Dealers/ Bidders must sign all pages of the tender form with their stamp.
c) Envelope No.2 (Price Bid/ Commercial): All pages by of the price bid should be signed by the
Dealers/ Bidders with their stamp.
d) Envelop No. 3: This envelope should contain envelops 1 and 2 along with EMD of 1% of the cost
of the items.
The tender form downloaded from www.nagpuruniversity.org should be accompanied by a DD of
Rs. 1000/- as the formal tender form fee.
The supplier shall provide both technical/onsite demonstration /service manual and operation/
installation manual along with the dust cover for the equipment free of cost.
In case of any dispute the jurisdiction shall be Nagpur.
The tender for equipment/instruments must be sent in sealed envelope with the superscription
“Tender for instruments/equipment for DST-FIST Program Level-I” Department of Geology,
R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 and addressed to the Head, Department of Geology,
R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS) India.
19. No correspondence queries or reminders or personal visits regarding quotation position or ordering
action will be entertained or replied. Orders when finalized will be intimated to the parties
concerned only.
20. Outside dealers are requested to quote the mode of dispatch of articles, i.e. by Railway, Post Parcel,
Currier or Goods Transport or Air Mail.
21. Two bid system will be followed. First technical bid (envelope no. 1) will be opened. After the
fulfillment of all the necessary documents along with EMD enclosed in envelope no. 1), then
financial bid (i. e. envelope no. 2) of the required technical specifications will be only opened. It is,
therefore, suggested to submit two independent envelops for technical and financial bids.
22. Kindly mention Sales Tax / Registration number of the firm.
23. Payment: Advance payment will not be made.
24. Any special discount for Educational / Research Institution should be specified.
25. Equipments / Machine / Instrument/ any articles shall be accepted on any working days up to 5-00
26. Schedule of the date is as given below (on working days up to 04.00 pm):
i. Sale of blank tender form: 09-02-2013 to 01-03-2013
ii. Submission of tender form: on or before 01-03-2013 up to 03.00 pm
27. Opening of tender form: 02-03-2013 (3.00 pm) at the university office located at the Mahatma
Jyotiba Fule Educational campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur
28. The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS) India
reserves the right to reject lowest of any tender and to increase or decrease the quantity of or split of
the items of the tender at any time while finalization of the order.
29. The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001(MS) India reserves
the right to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
i. The tender may be accompanied with an undertaking from the party/supplier that the terms and
conditions of the tender are acceptable and binding on the party/ supplier.
ii. Please return this copy of terms and conditions duly signed and stamped along with the tender
iii. The goods must be dispatched on CIF Nagpur basis ONLY.
PG Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University, Nagpur
Name of the Supplier / Firm : ...............................................................................
Whether Sole Proprietor /
: ................................................................................
Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd., Public
Limited under Indian
Company‟s Act, 1956, with
copy of Partnership Public
Ltd., Registration Certificate
Name of Sole Proprietor or : ................................................................................
Managing Partners or Managing
Director and other Directors with ...............................................................................
Address and Telephone numbers
Details of Registered Office and
other Regional Offices
: ................................................................................
Contact Person for the matters
as regard to the present contract
(legal authority may be cited)
: ................................................................................
Signature of the Supplier / Firm
: ................................................................................
Office Stamp / Seal
: ................................................................................
: ................................................................................
: ................................................................................
Price Rs. 500/-
Tender Form
(Tender Notice No. 3/2012-2013)
Tender Form for supply of
Equipments/Instruments/Machine/Articles etc.
Under UGC Major Research Project of
Assistant Professor Dr. Mrs. Samaya S. Humane
Post Graduate Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Rao Bahadur D. Laxminarayan Campus
Nagpur -440 001
Technical Specifications of Biological Trinocular Research Microscope to be
purchased under Major Research Project of Assistant Professor
Dr. Mrs. Samaya S. Humane
Trinocular Phase contrast Research Microscope With Digital Camera Microscope for
Bright field, Dark field and Phase contrast application upgradable for fluorescence.
Microscope with AG treat- Touch points treated to inhibit the growth of bacteria
Trinocular tube- 45oviewing angle, IPD adjustment 50mm-75mm, 360o rotation
Eye piece 10x with eye guard
Objectives- 5 Position objective nosepiece with tamper proof plan Phase contrast objectives
Obj. HI PLAN 4X/0.10 -/ 18
Obj. PLAN 10X/0.25 PH -/ 12.1
Obj. PLAN 40X/0.65 PH2 0.17 -/, 0.36
Obj. PLAN 63X/0.75, 0.31
Obj. PLAN 100X/1.25 Oil PH3-/,0.1
Mechanical stage- Mechanical stage with double plate falt top with stainless steel slide holder
Condenser – Universal turret condenser 0.90/1.25 oil with PH and DF rings.
Illumination- LED Illumination provides cool white light with a life time of over 20 years of
average use. 6000K temp, 25,000h life at full intensity
Facility of auto switch off if untouched for more than 2 hrs.
Focussing- with course and fine focusing tension free
Day light filter, Immersion Oil, Dust cover, Bulb
Digital Imaging System
Digital Camera
High resolution digital camera with 3M Pixel
Power full camera control including shading correction and optional predefined
Illumination settings creates high quality images for use in power point presentation,
Lab report and course related material images can be posted on website or internet for easy
sharing. Camera should be detachable.
Video viewing tube c- mount ( 0.55X) to connect digital camera
Software- Sofrware for automatic calibration, point measurement, annotation, image assembly
Suitable Desktop P C for image viewing with Laser Printer.
30. Dealers have to supply Equipments/ Machine/ Instrument/ any articles as per the Order. No
alternate makes of Instruments are accepted. And if any dealer supply any alternate make of
Instruments which has not been ordered these Equipments/ Machine / Instrument / any
articles will be returned to them at their cost.
31. If the Equipments/Machine/Instrument/ any articles supplied are not found satisfactory, such
Instruments will be return to them at their cost.
32. The Order should be complied in totality within fifteen days from date of order or to report
how the matter stands.
33. Bills in Triplicate with Pre-stamped receipt/Invoices affixing with Rs.1 revenue stamp
should be sent to us within fifteen days.
34. Delivery of Equipments/Machine/Instrument/ any articles are FOR at Head, PG Department
of Geology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
35. Please note that our Banker is Bank of India, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur
University Extension Counter, University Campus, Nagpur-440 033.
36. Outside dealers are requested to negotiate all documents through the above mentioned Bank.
37. While submitting your quotation kindly mentioned terms and condition clearly regarding i)
VAT Tax ii) Sale Tax iii) Octroi iv) Excise Duty and any other tax applicable.
38. Octroi and Excise duty certificate will be provided if the Proforma Invoice and
consignment are made on the name of Head of the Department of Geology Rashtrasant
Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur. In no case the University will pay the
Octroi Tax/Excise Duty.
39. The rates mentioned in the quotations should be valid for six months duration.
40. A performance guarantee of the instrument / equipment is to be given with minimum
validity for 12 months or more from the date of installation.
41. Blank tender form will be issued after receiving demand draft of any Nationalized/Schedule
bank of Rs. 1000/- in favour of The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur
University, Nagpur - 440 001.
42. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of demand draft of any Nationalised/Schedule
bank of Rs. 1000/-/per item drawn in favour of The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M.
Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 should be submitted in Envelope No. 1. This money
(EMD) shall be refunded to the unsuccessful dealer/bidder, within 30 days from the date of
the opening of the tenders. No interest shall be paid on earnest money deposited. In case of
successful dealer the EMD shall be refunded after the official order and successful
installation at Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS)
India. Any offer received without the EMD shall stand wholly rejected. Nevertheless,
Decision of the Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. (MS)
India, on such matters shall remain final and binding.
43. Procedure strictly to be followed for submission of Tender Form:
a) The sealed tender should be submitted as per the two bid system (Technical and Price
b) Envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid): This envelope should contain with details like
Registration certificate of the firm, IT Certificate & its clearance, Sale tax registration
certificate & its clearance, VAT registration & clearance, technical specification
authorization from the manufacturers, previous experience etc.) & the Dealers/ Bidders
must sign all pages of the tender form with their stamp.
c) Envelope No.2 (Price Bid/ Commercial): All pages by of the price bid should be signed
by the Dealers/ Bidders with their stamp.
d) Envelop No. 3: This envelope should contain envelops 1 and 2 along with EMD of 1% of
the cost of the items.
The tender form downloaded from www.nagpuruniversity.org should be accompanied by a
DD of Rs. 1000/- as the formal tender form fee.
The supplier shall provide both technical/onsite demonstration /service manual and
operation/ installation manual along with the dust cover for the equipment free of cost.
In case of any dispute the jurisdiction shall be Nagpur.
The tender for equipment/instruments must be sent in sealed envelope with the
superscription “Tender for instruments/equipment for UGC Major Research Project of
Assistant Professor Dr. Mrs. Samaya S. Humane, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur
University, Nagpur- 440 001 and addressed to the Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M.
Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS) India.
No correspondence queries or reminders or personal visits regarding quotation position or
ordering action will be entertained or replied. Orders when finalized will be intimated to the
parties concerned only.
Outside dealers are requested to quote the mode of dispatch of articles, i.e. by Railway, Post
Parcel, Currier or Goods Transport or Air Mail.
Two bid system will be followed. First technical bid (envelope no. 1) will be opened. After
the fulfillment of all the necessary documents along with EMD enclosed in envelope no. 1),
then financial bid (i. e. envelope no. 2) of the required technical specifications will be only
opened. It is, therefore, suggested to submit two independent envelops for technical and
financial bids.
Kindly mention Sales Tax / Registration number of the firm.
Payment: Advance payment will not be made.
Any special discount for Educational / Research Institution should be specified.
Equipments / Machine / Instrument/ any articles shall be accepted on any working days up
to 5-00 p.m.
Schedule of the date is as given below (on working days up to 04.00 pm):
i. Sale of blank tender form: 09-02-2013 to 01-03-2013
ii. Submission of tender form: on or before 01-03-2013 up to 03.00 pm
Opening of tender form: 02-03-2013 (3.00 pm) at the university office located at the
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Educational campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur
The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS)
India reserves the right to reject lowest of any tender and to increase or decrease the quantity
of or split of the items of the tender at any time while finalization of the order.
58. The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001(MS) India
reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
iv. The tender may be accompanied with an undertaking from the party/supplier that the terms
and conditions of the tender are acceptable and binding on the party/ supplier.
v. Please return this copy of terms and conditions duly signed and stamped along with the
tender documents.
vi. The goods must be dispatched on CIF Nagpur basis ONLY.
PG Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University, Nagpur
Name of the Supplier / Firm : ...............................................................................
Whether Sole Proprietor /
: ................................................................................
Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd., Public
Limited under Indian
Company‟s Act, 1956, with
copy of Partnership Public
Ltd., Registration Certificate
Name of Sole Proprietor or : ................................................................................
Managing Partners or Managing
Director and other Directors with ...............................................................................
Address and Telephone numbers
Details of Registered Office and
other Regional Offices
: ................................................................................
Contact Person for the matters
as regard to the present contract
(legal authority may be cited)
: ................................................................................
Signature of the Supplier / Firm
: ................................................................................
Office Stamp / Seal
: ................................................................................
: ................................................................................
: ................................................................................
Price Rs. 500/-
Tender Form
(Tender Notice No. 2/2012-2013)
Tender Form for supply of
Equipments/Instruments/Machine/Articles etc.
Under UGC Major Research Project of
Professor D. B. Malpe
Post Graduate Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Rao Bahadur D. Laxminarayan Campus
Nagpur -440 001
Details Technical Specifications of UV Visible Spectrophotometer to be purchased under
UGC Major Research Project Sanctioned to Prof. D. B. Malpe
Double Beam UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
True Double beam spectrophotometer with following specification.
Instrument with capabilities like multi wavelength photometric, spectrum,
time scan, kinetics, multi component quantitation, DNA and protein
1. Range : 190nm to 1100nm
2. Monochromator: Blazed holographic grating with Crenzy Turner
3. Spectral Bandwidth: 1nm
4. Wavelength accuracy: +/-0.3nm over entire range
5. Wavelength repeatability: +/- 0.1nm
6. Wavelength scanning rate: from 2nm/min to 3000nm/min
7. Lamp Changeover: Automatic and user selectable lamp changeover
between UV to visible Range.
8. Light source: Separate Deuterium and tungsten lamp for UV and VIS
9. Stray Light: less than 0.02%
10. Photometric accuracy: Minimum +/-0.002 Abs
11. Photometric repeatability: +/-0.001Abs.
12. Baseline Stability: Less than 0.0003Abs/hr after one hour of light source
turn ON.
13. Baseline Flatness: less than +/-0.0006 Abs after one hour after light source
turn ON.
14. Noise level: less than 0.00005Abs.
15. Detector: Silicon Photodiode.
16. Validation: Instrument should have in built validation tests.
Instrument should be provided with at least 4 USB port for data storage
on thumb drive, connectivity to computer and printer directly to instrument.
Data stored in thumb drive should be at least in text format and transferable to
MS Excel. Instrument should have facility to take print outs from instrument
on printers directly.
Instrument should be supplied with latest window based software with
following specification
Software should able to perform spectrum, kinetics and quantitaion with
normalization, peak pick, point peak, area calculation, derivatives, smoothing,
reciprocal, square root, log, Abs to %T, averaging, interpolation, data set and
constant arithmetic, multiple factors and user design equation, display of
standard and sample table simultaneously with calibration and sample curve.
Software should be GLM and GMP compliant with multilevel security and
history. Software should have user design report formatting with various type
of pre defined formatting included including multi page layout
Instrument should be supplied with laser printer and Laptop and
should be quoted separately.
Related additional accessories (like cell, cell holder etc) should also be
quoted separately.
59. Dealers have to supply Equipments/ Machine/ Instrument/ any articles as per the Order. No
alternate makes of Instruments are accepted. And if any dealer supply any alternate make of
Instruments which has not been ordered these Equipments/ Machine / Instrument / any
articles will be returned to them at their cost.
60. If the Equipments/Machine/Instrument/ any articles supplied are not found satisfactory, such
Instruments will be return to them at their cost.
61. The Order should be complied in totality within fifteen days from date of order or to report
how the matter stands.
62. Bills in Triplicate with Pre-stamped receipt/Invoices affixing with Rs.1 revenue stamp
should be sent to us within fifteen days.
63. Delivery of Equipments/Machine/Instrument/ any articles are FOR at Head, PG Department
of Geology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
64. Please note that our Banker is Bank of India, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur
University Extension Counter, University Campus, Nagpur-440 033.
65. Outside dealers are requested to negotiate all documents through the above mentioned Bank.
66. While submitting your quotation kindly mentioned terms and condition clearly regarding i)
VAT Tax ii) Sale Tax iii) Octroi iv) Excise Duty and any other tax applicable.
67. Octroi and Excise duty certificate will be provided if the Proforma Invoice and
consignment are made on the name of Head of the Department of Geology Rashtrasant
Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur. In no case the University will pay the
Octroi Tax/Excise Duty.
68. The rates mentioned in the quotations should be valid for six months duration.
69. A performance guarantee of the instrument / equipment is to be given with minimum
validity for 12 months or more from the date of installation.
70. Blank tender form will be issued after receiving demand draft of any Nationalized/Schedule
bank of Rs. 1000/- in favour of The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur
University, Nagpur - 440 001.
71. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of demand draft of any Nationalised/Schedule
bank of Rs. 1000/-/per item drawn in favour of The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M.
Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 should be submitted in Envelope No. 1. This money
(EMD) shall be refunded to the unsuccessful dealer/bidder, within 30 days from the date of
the opening of the tenders. No interest shall be paid on earnest money deposited. In case of
successful dealer the EMD shall be refunded after the official order and successful
installation at Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS)
India. Any offer received without the EMD shall stand wholly rejected. Nevertheless,
Decision of the Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. (MS)
India, on such matters shall remain final and binding.
72. Procedure strictly to be followed for submission of Tender Form:
a) The sealed tender should be submitted as per the two bid system (Technical and Price
b) Envelope No. 1 (Technical Bid): This envelope should contain with details like
Registration certificate of the firm, IT Certificate & its clearance, Sale tax registration
certificate & its clearance, VAT registration & clearance, technical specification
authorization from the manufacturers, previous experience etc.) & the Dealers/ Bidders
must sign all pages of the tender form with their stamp.
c) Envelope No.2 (Price Bid/ Commercial): All pages by of the price bid should be signed
by the Dealers/ Bidders with their stamp.
d) Envelop No. 3: This envelope should contain envelops 1 and 2 along with EMD of 1% of
the cost of the items.
73. The tender form downloaded from www.nagpuruniversity.org should be accompanied by a
DD of Rs. 1000/- as the formal tender form fee.
74. The supplier shall provide both technical/onsite demonstration /service manual and
operation/ installation manual along with the dust cover for the equipment free of cost.
75. In case of any dispute the jurisdiction shall be Nagpur.
76. The tender for equipment/instruments must be sent in sealed envelope with the
superscription “Tender for instruments/equipment for UGC Major Research Project of
Professor D. B. Malpe, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440
001 and addressed to the Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University,
Nagpur- 440 001 (MS) India.
77. No correspondence queries or reminders or personal visits regarding quotation position or
ordering action will be entertained or replied. Orders when finalized will be intimated to the
parties concerned only.
78. Outside dealers are requested to quote the mode of dispatch of articles, i.e. by Railway, Post
Parcel, Currier or Goods Transport or Air Mail.
79. Two bid system will be followed. First technical bid (envelope no. 1) will be opened. After
the fulfillment of all the necessary documents along with EMD enclosed in envelope no. 1),
then financial bid (i. e. envelope no. 2) of the required technical specifications will be only
opened. It is, therefore, suggested to submit two independent envelops for technical and
financial bids.
80. Kindly mention Sales Tax / Registration number of the firm.
81. Payment: Advance payment will not be made.
82. Any special discount for Educational / Research Institution should be specified.
83. Equipments / Machine / Instrument/ any articles shall be accepted on any working days up
to 5-00 p.m.
84. Schedule of the date is as given below (on working days up to 04.00 pm):
i. Sale of blank tender form: 09-02-2013 to 01-03-2013
ii. Submission of tender form: on or before 01-03-2013 up to 03.00 pm
85. Opening of tender form: 02-03-2013 (3.00 pm) at the university office located at the
Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Educational campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur
86. The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001 (MS)
India reserves the right to reject lowest of any tender and to increase or decrease the quantity
of or split of the items of the tender at any time while finalization of the order.
87. The Head, Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440 001(MS) India
reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
vii. The tender may be accompanied with an undertaking from the party/supplier that the terms
and conditions of the tender are acceptable and binding on the party/ supplier.
viii. Please return this copy of terms and conditions duly signed and stamped along with the
tender documents.
ix. The goods must be dispatched on CIF Nagpur basis ONLY.
PG Department of Geology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University, Nagpur
Name of the Supplier / Firm : ...............................................................................
Whether Sole Proprietor /
: ................................................................................
Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd., Public
Limited under Indian
Company‟s Act, 1956, with
copy of Partnership Public
Ltd., Registration Certificate
Name of Sole Proprietor or : ................................................................................
Managing Partners or Managing
Director and other Directors with ...............................................................................
Address and Telephone numbers
Details of Registered Office and
other Regional Offices
: ................................................................................
Contact Person for the matters
as regard to the present contract
(legal authority may be cited)
: ................................................................................
Signature of the Supplier / Firm
: ................................................................................
Office Stamp / Seal
: ................................................................................
: ................................................................................
: ................................................................................