Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur- 440033 (Maharashtra State) Tender Notice Sealed Tenders (Two Bid System) are invited for Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur from Dealers/Manufacturer/Sole authorized Distributors for the supply and installation of Instruments/Equipments given below. 1. 2. 3. Up-Right Trinocular Metallurgical Research Microscope with Image Analysis Software. High Precision LCR Meter Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope along with compatible software. The Tender Form containing terms & conditions with complete Specifications of the above Equipments are available on or can be obtained personally from the Director’s Office of the Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Amravati Road, Nagpur – 440033 (M.S.) from 7th May 2013 to 24th May 2013 between 11.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. Completed tender accompanied with Demand Draft of Rs. 500.00 (Five hundred only, non refundable) against the cost of tender application & E.M.D. of Rs.1% of the cost of the item by Demand Draft in favour of Director, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur, payable at Nagpur shall be accepted on or before 24th May 2013 up to 11.30 A.M. Tender shall be opened, as per the rules & regulations of account Code framed by the University in presence of tenderer or their authorized representatives. Director Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur Important Instructions To Tenderer Submitting Offer Against Tender Enquiry Published By Director, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Instructions for submission of Tender and its accompaniments: The Tenderer shall submit the Tender and documents in TWO separate sealed Envelopes as follows: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE VALIDITY OF THE TENDER MUST BE 120 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF OPENING OF THE TENDER (A) Envelope No.1: Technical Bid The first envelope shall be clearly marked as “Envelope NO.1” Technical Bid. It shall contain strictly the following documents in the serial order given below: 1. Payment of the Tender Form: Copy of Receipt for the purchased Tender Documents (Payment by Demand Draft only) from Director’s office or If the tender form is down loaded from the website it must be submitted with Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Director, LIT Nagpur” payable at Nagpur for value of price of tender documents. 2. Earnest Money Deposit: Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Director, LIT Nagpur” payable at Nagpur 2% of Total value of stores offered (if it is found that the E.M.D. submitted is less than 2% of total value of the stores offered, the offer of the tenderer shall be rejected) as and Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) or valid certificates as registered supplier with Central Store Purchase Organisation (CSPO) and a attested copy of Certificate of Exemption of Payment of Earnest Money Deposit issued by Directorate of Industries, Govt. of Maharashtra (CSPO), Mumbai or valid S.S.I. Certificate only for the items manufactured by them and registered with Directorate of Industry, Government of Maharashtra, Name of the firm and tender number should be written on the back side of the Demand Draft. 3. Income Tax Clearance Certificate: A Certificate showing remittance of Income Tax from Income Tax Officer valid up to last date of submission of Tender (True copy must be attested by Gazetted Officer and original copy should be produced for verification at the time of opening of tender) 4. Sales Tax Registration & Clearance Certificate: Copy of Sales Tax Registration Certificate along with certificate showing that Sales Tax is paid up to last December from concerned Sales Tax Officer / or Exemption Certificate. (True copy must be attested by Gazetted Officer and original copy should be produced for verification at the time of opening of tender) Copy of Rate Contract: Copy of Rate Contract if awarded, for the items by DGS&D New Delhi. If 5. not awarded to be mentioned clearly. Authorization Certificate: Recent authorization from manufacturer that he will supply the 6. equipment through the supplier and will attend all service calls during warranty period. (Authorization letter should be in original and from manufacturer directly. It should be addressed to the Director, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur clearly authorizing the tenderer to participate in this tender by quoting tender No.) Standard Mark Certificates: If equipment is I.S.I. marked, valid copy of license issued by B.I.S. 7. should be enclosed otherwise same is to be indicated in offer as “NOT I.S.I. Mark” 8. Turn over of the Supplier: The tenderer is required to submit the turnover of the company for last three years certified by the chartered accountant of the company. List of Users for past experience: List of users other than this Department regarding quality of 9. the equipment supplied and after sales service rendered by the supplier sating the years in which rendered Certificate from respective consignee should be provided by the supplier. Minimum three recent certificates are required to be produced. And / or 10. Performance of Supplier: Past experience of Tenderer with this Department regarding equipment supplied to this Department – Information to be submitted in proforma giving Order No., date, name of equipment, name of consignee. Latest certificate regarding after sales service should be provided by the supplier. Minimum three recent certificates are required to be produced. PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE OF SUPPLIER Certified that performance of the equipment supplied and after sales service provided by M/s. _____________________________________ for last 3 years is as given below : Sr. Name of Equipment No. 1 2 Supply Order No.& Date for 3 recent years 3 Date of Delivery 4 No.of failures during warranty period (Please Give details) 5 No.of failures after expiry of warranty period (Please Give details) 6 After sales service provided by supplier ** Unsatisfactory /Satisfactory/ Good 7 ** Specific remarks only to be given in words specified. Signature of Head of Institute/Organization/Office (With name and seal of the Office) Remark Please attach service reports of the supplier. 8 11. Technical Literature/Relevant Leaflet of the equipment: Relevant leaflet /Technical literature / Maintenance manual /Catalogue highlighting products features offered in the Tender must be enclosed in original. The offer shall be considered only if the original leaflets/literature is enclosed. All the technical information about the equipment required for checking whether the equipment offered as per Tender Specification or not should be available in the Technical literature enclosed. The literature should be corresponding to the Model and Make offered in the commercial Bid. Declaration by the tenderer: Copy of Declaration duly signed by tenderer regarding, penalty 12. clause, Risk purchase clause, fall clause. No Deviation Statement: No Deviation statement of specification of the equipment offered giving 13. details of specification in following proforma only (No other formats will be accepted): Specification of equipment stated in Tender Enquiry step by step Specification of equipment offered by Tenderer step by step 1 Whether there are deviation from the tender specification Yes / No 2 3 If yes, indicate clearly which are the deviations. 4 Signature of Tenderer with Seal 14. Covering Letter for Enclosure: A covering letter stating the list of enclosure should be attached in the offer along with the checklist. (B) Envelope No.2: (Commercial Bid) The Second Envelope clearly marked, as “Envelope No.2” Commercial Bid shall contain the following: 1. Main Priced Tender form (Price to be quoted only on this Tender form with signature & Seal of Tenderer. 2. The rate should be quoted only for the items specified in the list of requirement and should be for items of given specification / Mark /Model/ Manufacture and be as follows: i) Free delivery at destination basis including cost of Training to the minimum 3 staffs (if required to be given) of consignee for operation and maintenance of equipment. ii) Break up of price giving basic price and price of standard Accessories. iii) Percentage of Excise Duty iv) Sales Tax / C.S.T. v) Installation Charges, if any vi) The charges for Installation, plumbing foundation, electrification as recommended by manufacturer etc. if any should be mentioned separately by the tenderer. vii) Normally the inspection will be at the consignee’s place. If the inspection is at the factory or at the site then the TA/DA of the inspectors will have to be borne by the supplier. viii) Inspection charges if any are to be borne by the supplier. The supplier shall arrange all the materials/facilities required for the inspection. Total cost free door delivery basis (i to viii) [If imported items are valued in foreign currency the exact exchange rate for Indian Currency, should be mentioned] 3. Details of specifications, relevant leaflets, highlighting technical features if available shall be quoted 4. Make and name along with recent address of the manufacturer must be given. ISI marked equipment if available shall be quoted. 5. Free training for operation and preventive & breakdown maintenance of the equipment is to be arranged by the supplier / manufacturer immediately after delivery to minimum of 3 staff members from each of the consignee. 6. Delivery is to be effected within twelve weeks from the date of final order. If the quoted delivery period is more than 12 weeks justify it with specific reasons. Purchaser’s decision will be final in deciding the delivery period. Stores should be delivered to the consignee on working days during office hours only. 7. Free rigorous working trial with derived results should be given at consignee’s place immediately after delivery. 8. Maintenance Manual and operation manual should be supplied along with the equipment free of cost. (C) Submission of Tender: The two sealed Envelopes No.1 & 2 shall be put again together in one common cover and sealed. The sealed cover shall be marked on the left hand top corner. “ Tender for _______________________Tender No._____________ Date of Closing ____________Date of Opening _____________ “ The full name and address of the Tenderer and the name of the authorised agent delivering the sealed cover containing tender shall be written on the bottom left hand corner. The Tenderer should ensure that their tender is received by Director, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur before the last date & time of the closing the tender. The tender received after closing date and time will not be accepted at all. All the tenders should put their tender in the “Tender Box” kept in Central Stores of Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur. (D) Opening of Tender: On the date specified in the tender notice the tender will be opened in meeting hall of Laxminarayan Institute of Technology , Nagpur at 3.00 PM. The supplier/representative can attend the tender opening. The date of Commercial Opening shall be displayed on the notice board. IMPORTANT NOTE: (1) All the papers in Envelope No.1 and No.2 should be serially numbered for e.g. if there are ten (10) pages in Envelope No.1 the pages should be numbered as 1/10,2/10,……10/10 and pages should be firmly attached in form of a booklet. (2) All true copies must be attested by Gazetted Officer. (3) Shortcomings, if any, in Envelope no.1 and 2 are not completed within given time limit, will result in rejecting tender. (4) The supply order will be placed in the name mentioned in cash-receipt, income tax, Sales Tax statement and for any reason change in name of supplier will not be accepted. (5) Discount, if any will be taken on basic price and accordingly excise duty, Sales tax etc will be calculated. (6) Shortcomings, if any will not be informed to the tenderer by post. (7) Authorisation letter should be in original and from manufacturer directly. It should be addressed to the Director, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur clearly authorising the tenderer to participate in this tender. (8) Tenderer may quote for all items in each schedule or may quote for one or more items included in each schedule separately, otherwise tender will be rejected. (9) Tenderer should quote for AMC after warranty period for a period of 5years in case of items costing more than Rupees 1.5 Lacs. (10) If required identical equipment/machinery/instruments should be offered for inspection/working trial with eight days notice. The right to accept or reject any or all tenders in part or whole without assigning any reason thereof is reserved with Director, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur and his decision(s) on this matter will be final and binding to all. Tender Cost : Rs. 500/- Tender Form For the supply of Equipments / Instruments Under UGC - Major Research Project [F. No. 41-900/2012 (SR) , dated 26 July 2012] CONTACT Principal Investigator UGC-MRP Dept. of Applied Physics Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Nagpur-440 033. Phone No. 0712-2561151 Cell No. : + 91-9970657084 Director Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Nagpur-440 033. Phone No. : 0712-2531659 2013 - 2014 Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Amravati Road, Nagpur 440 033 (Maharashtra State) Specifications of Equipment to be purchase: Sr. No. Code No. Name of the Equipment Make & Model 1 LIT / PHY / UGC- MRP / 1 Up-Right Trinocular Metallurgical Research Microscope with Image Analysis Software Dewinter (DMI-Prime) 2 LIT / PHY / UGC- MRP / 2 High Precision LCR Meter (For Research) Gwinstek (LCR-821) Specifications 1. Determination of parameters such as grain size, phase transitions, identification of domains with orientation, density, volume, area, porosity etc. 2. Objective: 10X, 20X, 40X, 40X,50X. 3. Live Image Analysis. 4. Magnifications: 50X, 100X, 150X, 200X , 300X, 400X, 600X ,. 5. Imported 3 or 5 megapixel CMOS camera. 6. Storage facility in PC or Pen Drive through USB port. 7. Reflection & Transmission facility. 8. Heating Facility upto 500⁰C. 9. Illumination Unit : 6V 20 W halogen lamp, adjustable brightness. 10. Polarizing facility Measurement of Capacitance as well as Resistance with respect to temp. & electric field at different constant frequency. 1. L: 0.01 µH - 99999 H 2. C: 0.01 pF - 99999 µF 3. R: 0.1 mΩ - 999.99 MΩ 4. Test frequency: 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 100 kHz, 120MHz. 5. Test parameter: L-Q, C-D, RQ, |Z|-Q 6. Basic accuracy: ± 0.1 % 3 LIT / PHY / UGC- MRP / 3 Dual Channel Digital Aplab/Agilent Storage Oscilloscope along with compatible software. Principal Investigator UGC-MRP Dept. of Applied Physics Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Nagpur-440 033. 1. Bandwidth : 25MHz to 200MHz per channel 2. Built-in USB and RS232 Interface 3. USB Host to store waveform on USB drive (Pen Drive) 4. Automatic Calibration 5. Built-in FFT 6. Frequency Counter 7. TFT LCD Display Director Laxminarayan Institute of Technology Nagpur-440 033. Phone No. : 0712-2531659