RASHTRA S,"\.N T T JKAD OJ I IVIAHAR AJ NA $ G PTIR UNI VIIR'SITV No' 513 drted ,,(Established by Covernrnent of Central Frovinces Edutation Departnrent lry l\otifir:ation Act' 1994)" Llniversi'ties State Urii*ttity g"verned by Mahnrashtra tr92"3 & the l,tof August, lilesenttS'$ {},I|F.ICE(}FTHEuIRg,CTCIR,$TLiDENTS'WELFASE Ri']:l1-'fltllenu' g+ZfSoSp2I T*t*rrt o*e No" :- uzt: -iOSfaff, Z+E:zff ,Mot'' shrimant ilunnschirdra Buty sabhngrah,\ridy*pithLibrrrl f 11is: Dated 2/09/2013 No.DSWRTMNU/ 39 Urgent/ToP PrioritY Under Certificate of Posting To The Principal/ Dean,/ Dii'ectcr All Affiliated, Cortducted Cclieges, lrlstitute of Raslrtrasa nt Tu kadoj i [la ha raj N ag pu r L'lniversity, Na gpur Conducted Collegel lnstitutiott Subject:-Formation of Students Cnuncil ai eacS affiliated/ 2013 - 14 are stopped by Rashtrasant excluding 250 colteges r,vhere aclnrissions for the sessio!1 Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University' Dear Sir/ [Vladarn, and functions of the I am enclosing herewith Direction 5 of 1996 i'egareling infOrmation instituticn of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Students council of each affiiiated/ condtlcted collegel the necessarY action" This direction provides Nagpur University, Nagpur fr:r your infornlation and website (see university functions procedui"e for constitl.iticn r.rf $tudents' Cr:uncil and their" wwrv.nagpurun iversitY'org) on behalf of the As per Sec'ilon lC i6l cf the l"4a:',ai'ashtra Univei'sity act' 1994' the foilorving dates for constitution of lv,lenage.rent coun:1, ic^'cle i'lce-chai:cellor has fixed Council for each affillated and conducted Student,s Courc lo; Jrl',,e.s,i,1 Department anC S*.udent's as per Section a0 i3)of unCer Section 40 (2i (a) and (b) and eiection of secretary Coilege/ tni:uiticr-r Act. of Student's council of ZBtd Septerxcber 2fi1"3 as the riate of constitution DuOu"*ents Students' Council" Affiliatec{/conductecl Cnllegeslinstitutir:tts and Univensit'r' Council to 2\ Saturday 2gth $eptemha!', a0:"3 the date af first meeting of the St:udent's elect Secretary froni arnongst the nnmin;:tecj siucjent members' of Secretary' it shall b* decided by a 1n case of any clisp;ute anising frorn ti'lt election nf : committee constiiuted by tI're l-{nn'[:]e Vice-chancellor c*nnprising Wanjani 1) Dr. V.5. DeshpanCe 2i '&di':' Abhiiit 1) Monday 3)Dr'Mrs.ArclranaNerkaranrJDirectclrofstudentsWelfareassecretary Council and hold the Therefcre, yrJU are trere by refiuested i* ':orrstitute the Sfudents tl'r* nanne i:r.f the elected Secretary to election of SecreiaiY L',^, il',1 ahnve mentioned Cate and send 20ts ;;;;;,,"'t welfare rir enc!osetl Fror'rnn*-A gn-er. hgtsrs Mgndau;th -Qqtober deli rrignrds, Thanking \/ou arrcl ilffi;; 'nrith NOTE : 1. 2. 3. eel PIggeilluiilliI"$i]-g g-qiFr t!rrJuJ.j-5q.si: :el-!" u uendilqr:*d:-:+$ -a s pc-L M 4]Fraslrt ra-1;:'r:lveffilie:AgiLj'?94 o n a [T]o u nr 5 lil-I"[44L!-9.!-!lJ]*"u-' tr*I]s' this Non a students Council for Colleges in cnunu*p* ,no gudehiroll Dist. Shouki constitute co n tj u ct 11 Fiu'i: yeans" thircl year cnwards where iourses 31s sf Th'r'*e' Four anrJ are stopped for the Separate circuiar r,.ritl be send to 25(i ci:ll*gr*s in which adnrlssions session 2C13 - 14 f-orTptitilr. Pati{ } Diroctor Student Welfa re RA SHTRASANT TUKAD OJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY "(Established by Government of Central Provinces Education Department by Notification No. 513 dated the l't ofAugust, 1923 & presently a State University governed by l{aharashtra Universities Act, 1994)" OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, STUDENTS' WELFARE Shrimant Purnachadra Buty Sabhagrah,VidyapithLibrary Primise Ramdaspeth Nagpur Telephone No. :- 0712 No.DSWRTMNU/ s3 2053477, 2433286 ,Mob. 9422808227 Dated t3l09/2013 Urgent/Top Priority - To The Principal, Two fifty Affiliated Colleges where admission to Second year onwords is permited by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Subject to decision of High Court Subject:-Formation of College Students Council for second years onward classes for the year 201.3-t4 Subject to decision of High Court Ref:--1) LetterfromDirectorBCUDTwoFiftyCollegeswide letterNo.Coll /1,983DL.7/06/3012 and another letter No. Coll./ 2827 Dl.7/09/201,3 regarding permission for admission to second year onward classes Subject to decision of High Court for 20L3-14 . Dear Sir/ Madam, With reference to above mentioned letters and in continuation letter regarding formation of College Student Council your requested to constitute the college student council for Second year and onward classes Subject to decision of High Court as per the program given below we are enclosing here with the Direction No. 5 of 1996.which gives procedure for formation of college student council . As per Section 40 (6) of the Maharashtra University act, 1994, on behalf of the Management Council, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor has fixed the following dates for constitution of Student's Council of affiliated Colleges underSection a0 (2) (a) and (b) and election of secretary as per Section a0 (3) of Act. 3) Monday 23'd September 2OL3 as the date of constitution of Student's Council of Affiliated College Students' Council. 4) Saturday 28th September, 2Ot3 the date of first meeting of the student's council to elect Secretary from amongst the nominated student members. ln case of any dispute arising from the election of Secretary, it shall be decided by a Committee constituted by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor comprising of : 1) Dr. V.S. Deshpande 2)Adv. Abhijit Wanjari 3) Dr.Mrs. Archana Nerkar and Director of Students Welfare as Secretary Therefore, you are hereby requested to constitute the Students Council and hold the election of Secretary on the above mentioned date and send the name of the elected Secretary to the Director, Student's Welfare in enclosed Proforma-A on or before Mondav.Tth October 2013 preferablv bv hand deliverv between 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working davs. Thanking You and with regards, NOTE : Formation of Students' Council in each affiliated / conducted Colleqe / lnstitution and election of secretarv is mandatorv u/s 40 as per Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994. Non Compliance of this provision amounts to violation of the Act. Yours Sinc Director Student Welfare tl PROFORMA'Tf PROFORMAFOR COMMLTNICATION OF RESULT OF ELECTION OF SECRETA'RY OF STTIDENTS'COUNCIL OF THE COLLEGE i INSTITUTION. by hand delivery irnmediately after the e]ection so as to reach the offrce communicated be To I the Director of Students' Welfare not later than 5 days from the date of election ] ' €1 of To Passport size latest photograph The Director of Students'Welfare, RTN{NUBUS Hail, RTM Nagpur University Library Premises, attested by the Principal/Dean/ Diiector. Ramdaspeth, Nagpur-4400 0. 1 l Sir, This is to inform you that Ski/ Srnt./ Kum. bonafide student ofthis coilege studying in the class . rn the academic session been rluly elected as the Secretary of Students'Council formed undersection 40 t2l tbl 2#\ras at the election held Information in respect of hislher age, sex, residential address, ' J r "....tt , /Lv xfp$i,-.{abt -c---ffir :telephone no., educational background and exta curricular activities etc. is given below r. IJameintuli:--( Ia Capital Lette Ser. : Male i s) ( beginning with Suiname) Female Phone No. (in rvcrds) 3. Date of Birth: t+" S&ether beiongrng to : Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tiitresi 0'B"C' {enclosed an attested copy cfthe certificate. ifappiicable) 5. Residentral Address 6. Educational Background : Preceding Examination Examination l 7 . Extra-curricular Activiries : I Enclose attested copies of certificates ] 1) N.C.C a. Details of the Unit where emolled b. Rank at Present c. No. ofyears lor which he/she has undergone the training ri. Detaiis of the CamPs attended e. Exarrrinahonpassed, f. if any, with grade obtained: Prizes, Awards, Honours, if auY I P.T.O.I ,,,. .'. 121 2) N.S.S a. Narne of the b. No. Unit of Hours Completed c. Details of the camps Attended d. Prizes, Awards, Honours received, ifany, 3) 4) Adult Edueation/ Literacy Programe: a. No. of Hours Completed b. Details of Project, Work, if any c. Any other relevant Infonnation Cultural Activities ? b. c. 5) : Discipiine and year of Participation in Inter-Collegiate Competition rT^*^ r'r^11^^^ f-^* ^f,+L^ the Coilege from ---L^-^ Name of where L .:* : Participated Prizes, Merits, Medals, Awards 'won, if any ( hter-Collegiate llnter-University / State I Inter-National etc) _ Zosali National / Sports: a. Discipline and year of Pa*icipation in b. Inter-Collegrate Toumament Name of the College from where Participated c. Prizes, Merits, Medals, Awards won, if any ( Inter-Collegate I Inter-Uniyersity / State I Zonall National lnter-Natjonal etc) : 6) I Any other Activities / Achievements ( Piease Spe*ifu) lrlote: tr) Stnke out rvhich is not appircable. (2i Submit attesied copies of the necessary documents 8. *f caste and or exka curricular activities. Specimen signature of the elected Secretary to be signed Dean I in presenee of Principal i Director. I certify that the election of,the Secretary to tire Students' Council was held as per the procedure iaid down in Directions of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor issued in accordance with the provisions of the Maharashka Universities Act, 1994. I, furiher certifu that. the detaijs glven above are true and eorrect. PLACE: DaTTJ: Sigrra-tutre of the Pri*cipai I Dean I Head q:f'th* Instiluii+n. i rvith coil:e* Sea{ I 1. L2) i) "Act" means Maharashtra Universities Act,1994. ii) " University Deparbaents' Students' Council" means a Str.rdents' Corurcil consfituted In this Direction, unless the context otherwise requires as per Section a0 Q) (a) of the Act. * Students' Council for edch Institution / Conducted / Affiliated College" iii) means a Students' Council constituted as per Section 40 (2) (b) of the Act. " Department" means a Department established and maintained by the University. "Class" means a body of Students undergoing a course of inskuctions leading to University Examination in a faculty e.g.- Faculty of Arts,. Faculty Science, iv) V) Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Medicine, Faculry of of Engineering and Technology, etc. vi) "Conducted College" means a College maintained and managed by the University. vii) "Affiliated College" means a College which has been granted affiliation by the IUT! T-i-.^-^ir, Y TI SILY . . viii) "Instihrtilo" *r.r. ix) x) an Institute established and mainfained by {he University. " The Academic merit" means aggregated performance of the student on the basis of total marks obtained at the preceding statutory examination having passed it in one and the same attempt. In ease of eqr-ralig of marks in the cmc-erned q.ralify'ing examination amongst more than one itudent, then the " Acadernic Merif'would. be .on considered the basis of total marks obtained in the examination prior to the precedin g statutory examination "Local Managing Committee" meafls a Committee constituted for a cotrlege as per Section 85(1) of the Act. 2. The formation of the University Departments' Students' Council for the Post- Graduate of the University and a Students' Council for each Conducted College, Institution of the Universify and A{filiated College in the University shall be in Deparhnents accordance with the provisions of Section 40 (2) (a) and 40 (2) (b) respectively of the Act. It shall be as follows:- A. TIM UNTVERSITY DEPARTMENTS' STUDENTS' COIINCIL The University Deparfunents' Shrdents' Council for &e Post- Graduate Deparhnents of the Univffsity shall consist of the following members in accordance with Section a0 Q) @) of the Act, namely :Vice- Chancellor, - President 'Welfare, Director of Students' - Chairman Director of Sports & Physical Education, if any, iv) National Service Scheme coordinator, if any, one student of each University Deparfrnent, who has shown academic merit at the preceding degree examination of Nagpur university or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto and is engaged in full time studies in a PostGraduate university Deparfrnents of the university nominated by the viceChancelior, vi) Two lady sfudents, who have passed preceding degree exarnination of Nagpur University or an exarnination recognized as equivalent thereto and are engaged in full time studies in a Departrnent of the Nagpur Urriversity nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor. i) il) iii) v) Provided that the nomnees shall belong to two different faculties. B. STLDENTS' COLINCIL FOR EACH INSTITUTION / CONDUCTED / AFFILIATED COLLEGE IN RTM NAGPUR IINTYERSMY, NAGPUR: The Students' Council for each lnstitution / Conducted / Affiliated College in the RTM Nagpur Universify shall consists of the following :0 krncipal i Dean I Director : Chairman, i, One senior ieacher" nominated by the Principal / Dean / Drector, iii) Teacher in-Cirarge of National Cadet Corps. , if any, p.T.O-3 'I l iv) National Service t.n"*:'rJ"granrme officer, if any, v) one student &om each class, who has shown academic rnent at the preceding 12{' standard examination conducted by the Maharashta st"t" g*ia or Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto OR the examination conducted by the Nagpur University or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto, as the case may be, and who is engaged in full time studies in the said College, to be nominatedby the Principal I Dean / Director, vi) Director of Sports & Physical Education, if any, vii) one student from each of the following activities, who has shown outstanding performance nominaled by the Principal I Dean/ Director, namely :- a) Sports.; c) d) Natronal Service Scheme National Cadet Corps,; Cultural Activrties. b) a) b) c) Fdrreelinn. & iA.drrlt iusrL Lu4v4iivii, G EXPLANATIOI{ : For nominating a studmt mentioned under the head vii (a) "sports" a student shall have represented the College in the previous year or years, in one or more of the competition or toumaments or meers conducted by the Napur Uni.,,ersity. The students shall produoe a certificate to that effect from the Director, Physical Education, Napur Unrversity or Disfict Sports Officer or recognized equivalent officer tlereto oR Principal or Head of the krstitution as the case may be. For nominating a student under the head vii (b) " National Service Scheme & Adult Education" a student shall be a member of N.S.S. for atieast one academic year and who has attended atleast one lnter-Collegiate Camp, or a surdent who has participated in Adult Education programme conducted by the Institute I Conducted / Aifiliated College. He shall produce a certificate to that effect from the National Service Scheme Officer OR a student who has participated in Adult Education Programme conducted by the College or the Principal or Head of the krstitution as the case may be. For nominating under the head vii (c ) "National Cadet corps." A student shall be a member of N.C.C. for atleast one academic year. He shall produce a certificate to that effect from the competent authority or Principal or Head of the Institution as the case may be. d) For nominating under the head vii (d ) "cultural Activifies" a student who has represented the College and who has shown proficiency in the Inter-Collegiate Competition conducted by the Government or University or a college in one or more of the following activities. namely : Debate, Elocution, Drama, Dance and Music , etc. He shall produce a certificate to that effect from the competent authority or ' Principal or Head of the Institution as the case may be. viii) Two lady students who have passed preceding lze Standard examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or an . examinatibn recognized as equivalent thereto OR the examination conducted by the Nagpur University or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto, as the case may be, and who is engaged in fulI tirne studies in the said College, to be nominated by the Principal / Dean / Director. hovided that in case of multi faculty College nominees shall belong to different faculties. l'{ote : In Sub{lause ( vii ) and ( viii ) two students shall be those belonging to the S.C. or S.T. or D.T. or N.T. or O.B.C. (As per new amendments to the Maharashta Universities Act, 1994 ), P.T.04