Excellence in Extended Day Experiences SPRING 2016 REGISTRATION PACKET AVAILABLE ONLINE BEGINNING DECEMBER 1 TO DOWNLOAD THIS PACKET, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE http://www.houstonisd.org /domain/12282 Registration Info Dates Where (Registration is first come first serve.) Dec 1-Dec 17 1:00 PM-6:00 PM Mail In Registration Dec 18-Dec.28 Late Registration Deadline After Dec. 17 On-Site Registration $25.00 Late Registration Fee will be assessed. Add-Drop Deadline Date Until Jan. 22 After School Office CIASP 2020 SW Freeway, Ste. 310 Houston, Tx 77098 CIASP 2020 SW Freeway, Ste. 310 Houston, Tx 77098 After School Office Payment Due Dates (minimum) Payment #1: at Registration Payment #3: March 4 Payment #2: Feb. 5 Payment #4: April 1 ***Any outstanding balances remaining after November 20 will be rolled over to the Spring 2016 with a $25.00 rollover fee assessed. Any Spring 2016 outstanding balances greater than $100 remaining after April 15 will be rolled over to the Fall 2016 with a $25.00 rollover fee. Program Dates of Program ROE Connections Extended Day Homework Help Early Dismissal – Every Wednesday Enrichment Classes Jan. 5 – May 20 Jan. 5 – May 20 Every Wednesday January 11 – May 20 Questions: Contact Sylvia Ponce de Leon, Director: ciasp2@sbcglobal.net OR 713-529-3507 Contact Monica Nuncio, Coordinator: roecoordinator@sbcglobal.net OR 713-524-8430 Parent Copy Copyright ! 2015 CIASP Excellence in Extended Day Experiences Dear River Oaks Parents, River Oaks Elementary is proud to present ROE CONNECTIONS! We look forward to serving you with "Excellence in Extended Day Experiences" for your child. Enclosed in this packet are the following forms: • Schedule of Dates/deadlines (see front cover page) • Extended Day Schedule of Options, Extended Day Choices & Tuition Schedule • Master Schedule of Enrichment Classes • Optional Homework Help Registration Form • Tuition/Fee Payment Form • Authorization/Emergency Form • Contract Agreement/Safety Plan Dependent upon what you are registering for, please submit the following forms: • Page 6 Extended Day Choices & Tuition Schedule • Page 7 Optional Homework Help Registration Form • Page 8-11 Master Schedule of Enrichment Classes The following forms are REQUIRED to turn in: • Page 12-13 Contract Agreement/Safety Plan • Page 14 Authorization/Emergency Form • Page 15 Tuition Fee Payment Form In addition, submit your payment: Make Checks/Money Orders Payable to: River Oaks Elementary ********Registrations are only valid with submission of all proper forms and payment******** IM PORT A NT I NFO RMA TI ON F OR YOU T O KN OW : 1. • • • REGISTRATION: Registrations are processed as they are received. The date and/or order of registration submission will be recorded on your paperwork. Beginning December 1: Registration forms are available online: http://w ww. houstonisd.org/domain/ 1228 2 Refer to the deadlines listed on the front cover of the registration packet. By December 22: Registrations received by December 22 will receive a statement via U.S. mail during the week of December 28. Beginning January 5: Statements for Registrations received after December 22 will be available for pick up in the ROE CONNECTIONS office beginning January 5. 2. OUTSTANDING BALANCES: Registration cannot be accepted from anyone who has an outstanding balance from any previous semester. Registrations submitted must include a separate check for their outstanding balance in addition to their first payment. In addition, any accounts with outstanding balances remaining after April 1 will be assessed a $25.00 fee which will be rolled over to the Fall 2016 semester. Failure to meet your financial obligations may result in suspension of services to you. 3. PAYMENT: You may either pay the full amount of your bill at the time of registration or you may pay in 4 installments. This is offered as a convenience to you. Please see the Contract Agreement Safety Plan Form for important details including deadlines. 4. SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships based on financial need for ROE CONNECTIONS are available. You must contact the ASP Office for further information at 713-529-3507 or ciasp2@sbcglobal.net 5. Please note the following important details regarding your 1 , 2 , 3 , choices for Enrichment Classes: st nd rd • If the 1 , 2 , AND 3 , choices are filled, you will be sent an email informing you of available classes. You must respond to this email within 2 working days (Mon-Fri) if you wish to select another class. Other classes may fill up quickly. • If you enrolled in an enrichment class and it is canceled due to lack of enrollment, a full refund for that class will be issued. In the event of teacher illness, a substitute will be provided OR students will be contacted as early as possible to inform them of a class cancellation. st nd rd We are looking forward to a successful Spring 2016 Semester of ROE CONNECTIONS! If you have any other concerns and/or questions, please do not hesitate to contact either one of us below. Sincerely, Parent Copy Sylvia Ponce de Leon Director, After-School Program 713-529-3507 email: ciasp2@sbcglobal.net Monica Nuncio Coordinator 713-524-8430 email: roecoordinator@sbcglobal.net 2 Copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s Schedule of Options for Extended Day Spring 2016 OPTION Full-time Half-time DAYS/HOURS Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 3:15 – 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 12:45-6:00 pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 3:15 – 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 12:45-5:00 pm Homework Help: st rd 1 /2nd/3 Grade Monday-Thursday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Homework Help: th th 4 /5 Grade Monday-Thursday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. 4:35 – 5:35 p.m. Friday 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Occasional Day Units: DESCRIPTION • • • • Daily full-time care Tuition decreases depending on the number of enrichment classes taken. Early Dismissal care is included. Homework help included (optional). • • • • Daily part-time care. Tuition decreases depending on the number of enrichment classes taken. Early Dismissal care is included. Homework help included (optional). • • • • Optional No fee for students enrolled in Full-time or Half-time. Fee-based Homework Help offered if not enrolled in Full-time or Half-time Classes will meet based on a minimum of 10 students. • Economical choice for students needing care an average of three days or fewer per week. Sold in packs of 5. One Full-Time unit covers the time from 3:15 to 6:00 p.m. nd One Half-Time unit covers the time from 3:15 to 5:00 pm and a 2 Half-Time Unit covers the time from 5:00-6:00. Note: If you occasionally need to pick up after 4:45, consider purchasing Half-Time Occasional Day units (sold in packs of 5 units). This will save on late fees and give you a cushion until 6:00 p.m. should you need it. Full-Time ………… 3:15 – 6:00 p.m. • • • Half-Time…………. 3:15 – 5:00 p.m. • PLEASE NOTE: Unused Occasional Day units carry over to the Spring Semester, but may not be carried over to the next school year. 12:45 – 3:15 p.m. • • Early Dismissal care is provided from dismissal until 3:15 on Wednesdays. Students will be assigned to groups according to their age/grade levels. Wednesday Early Dismissal (For ROE or additional HISD early dismissal days) BRIDGE TO 4:35 ENRICHMENT CLASS Bridge to 4:35 Enrichment Class Monday- Friday 3:15-4:30 p.m. • • Provides care for students who enroll SOLELY in a 4:35pm Enrichment Class on ANY day and who need care for the hour prior to the 4:35 class. Early Dismissal care is not included. Must be purchased separately. SIBLING DISCOUNTS • • A 10% discount is offered on the Full-time or Half-time options when two or more children are enrolled. There is no discount on Enrichment Classes or Occasional Day units. • • The late pick up fee is $2.00 per minute after 6:00 PM. Late Pickup Fees must be paid at the time of pickup or within 24 hours by check or money order made out to River Oaks Elementary. Please Note: Unpaid Late Pickup Fees double after 1 school day from the day they were assessed. If you are enrolled in Half-time, a 5-unit Occasional Day card will be automatically issued upon the first late pick up. The units will be applied to each late pick up (Up to 5). For anyone picked up after 6:00 p.m. you may be asked to th make other child care arrangements after the 5 late pick-up. We do not provide care after 6:00 p.m. **LATE PICK-UP** • Parent Copy 3 Copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s Contract Agreement/Safety Plan SPRING 2016 By signing below, I understand the contents of this registration packet and agree to the following for the SPRING 2016. Disregard of this contract and/or the contents in the registration packet will result in immediate dismissal from ROE CONNECTIONS. 1. I understand I am presently enrolled for FALL 2015 and SPRING 2016 (as specified in the Fall 2015 Contract Agreement/Safety Plan) unless I have notified in writing to the after school office that my child will not be reporting to Extended Day in Spring 2016. 2. TIMELINES: I have received a copy of the timeline with all important dates, including registration dates, payment due dates, and the dates that Extended Day and Enrichment Classes begin and end. (Timeline is on front cover) 3. CLASS TIMES: I understand the times of Extended Day, Enrichment Classes, and Homework Help according to the Schedule of Extended Day Options, the Master Schedule of Enrichment Classes, and the Homework Help page provided in this registration packet. 4. PAYMENTS: (Plea se initial each item below on the line) _____MUST BE SUBMITTED BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY made out to River Oaks Elementary. Cash is not accepted. _____I will pay at least of ! of my bill for the SPRING 2016 Semester at registration. The next 3 payments are due: Feb. 5, March 4, April 1. _____I will be assessed a monthly late fee of $10.00 after Feb. 12, March 11, April 8. _____I will be assessed a $35.00 charge for each returned check. After 2 returned checks, payment must be made by money order. Upon notification that a check was returned by my bank, I understand that I must submit a money order for the same amount within 48 hrs. Failure to do so will result in suspension of services. _____I understand that after school services may be suspended if I do not pay my bill on time. In addition, any accounts with outstanding balances remaining after April 15, 2016 will be assessed a $25.00 fee which will be rolled over to the Fall 2016 semester. Also, any Spring 2016 outstanding balance I may have in my account after Apr 15 will be rolled over to Fall 2016 with a $25.00 rollover fee. Failure to meet your financial obligations may result in suspension of services to you. 5. ADD/DROP: Only 2 changes are permitted during Add/Drop. No class changes will be made and no refunds or credits will be issued after Jan. 22. 6. PRORATION OF CLASSES: ANY class attended from Jan 11-15 will be prorated. In addition, if you withdraw from a class, your bill will be prorated ONLY if your child is required to attend Tutoring Classes by his/her school teacher or if your child withdraws from River Oaks Elementary School. In addition, no refunds will be assessed in the event of HISD canceling after-school activities for inclement weather or any other extenuating circumstances. 7. OCCASIONAL DAYS: • If I purchase Occasional Days and all units are used, another 5-Unit Occasional Card will be automatically billed to my account. • I understand that any Occasional Day purchases billed after April 8 MUST BE PAID WITHIN IN 24 HOURS OR THERE WILL BE NO SERVICES PROVIDED. Parent Copy 4 copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s Contract Agreement/Safety Plan SPRING 2016 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. SIGNING CHILDREN OUT: Either myself or other individuals authorized to pick up my child must sign my child out from the After School Staff at designated Pickup (i.e. Avalon, San Felipe). Failure to sign the student out will be regarded as an “Incident” and may result in suspension from the program for the remaining school year. SHOWING PHOTO ID IS MANDATORY. ENRICHMENT CLASSES BEGINNING AFTER 3:30 ONLY: I must enroll my child in either a 3:30 enrichment class, Bridge UNTIL class time of Enrichment, or Occasional Extended Day in order for my child to participate in an Enrichment Class after 3:30. LATE PICK UP: • If my child is picked up after 6:00 PM I understand I will be assessed a late pickup fee of $2.00/minute. • When I am late picking up my child from Half-Time or Enrichment I understand I will be automatically issued a 5-Unit Occasional Card, which provides supervision until 6:00 PM. • After the 5th late pick-up I may be asked to make other arrangements for After School Child Care. • The official time for our after school program will be gauged by the clock at the Pickup location. • Please Note: If late pick-up fees are not paid within 24 hours, the fee is automatically doubled (Check or money order only) CHANGES IN HOW A STUDENT GETS HOME: I MUST notify the ASP Coordinator in writing (phone calls not accepted) via faxed or written note dropped off in the ASP Office or in the ASP Box (located in front school office) OR via email (roecoordinator@sbcglobal.net) for ANY changes in how my child gets home. ONLY the adult who registers the child is authorized to make changes in regards to pick up arrangements. Without written permission, my child will not be permitted to leave. BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: The HISD Code of Student Conduct will serve as the basis for all discipline expectations to ensure the safety of all students and staff members. Parents will be notified immediately if their child has violated any portion of the school’s previously communicated Code of Student Conduct. Services will be suspended should disrespectful or unsafe behavior be directed towards a student or staff member, either by a parent of a student or a student enrolled in the program. I understand that it is my responsibility for reading and knowing the expectations of the HISD Code of Conduct. I also understand that the program reserves the right to deny services on a permanent basis if behavior expectations are not being met. SPECIAL NEEDS: We do not provide staff trained to deal with special needs. Please contact the school administration with any questions. TECHNOLOGY DEVICES: No technology devices may be used in the after school program by any student in grades K-5. All such devices must be kept in the student’s backpack. I understand that my email address and/or phone number(s) may be given to the Provider of any Enrichment class in which I have enrolled my child should the Provider find it necessary to contact me. MEDIA PERMISSION: I authorize ROE CONNECTIONS to include my child in photographs used for publicity ____YES ____NO _________________________/_________________________/__________/_______________________ Name of Parent (please print) Parent Signature Date STUDENT NAME _________________________/_________________________/__________/_______________________ Name of Parent (please print) Parent Signature Date STUDENT NAME Parent Copy 5 copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s EXTENDED DAY CHOICES & TUITION SCHEDULE SPRING 2016 NAME OF STUDENT_______________________________________________GRADE________ Option details are listed in the ROE CONNECTIONS Extended Day Schedule Options Form. (Homework Registration page is completely separate.) DAILY OPTIONS (Tuition is per semester) Full-Time: Mon-Fri 3:15-6:00 Place ! on your choice # of Enr. Classes Tuition Course ID (Office Use Only) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $1090 $1050 $1010 $970 $930 $890 $850 $810 $770 $730 $650 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Half-Time: Mon-Fri 3:15–5:00 Place ! on your choice 0 1 2 3 4 5 OCCASIONAL OPTIONS Full-Time 3:15 - 6:00 Place ! on your choice # of Enr. Classes Tuition $775 $735 $695 $655 $615 $575 Course ID (Office Use Only) 211 212 213 214 215 216 - Units are sold in sets of 5 Half-Time 3:15 – 5:00 Units Tuition Course ID (Office Use Only) 5 10 15 20 25 $55 $105 $155 $205 $255 217 218 219 220 221 Place ! on your choice Units Tuition Course ID (Office Use Only) 5 10 15 20 25 $40 $80 $120 $160 $200 222 223 224 225 226 EARLY DISMISSAL OPTION* Tuition is per semester. BRIDGE TO 4:35 CLASS OPTION Tuition is per semester. Wednesdays Only 12:45-3:15 3:15 - 4:35 on days your child is enrolled only in a 4:35 Enrichment Class Place ! on your choice Tuition $205 Course ID (Office Use Only) Place ! on your choice 227 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday * You may also choose to purchase Occasional Units should you only need occasional coverage for Wednesdays (2 units per Early Dismissal day used.) See "Occasional Options" above. Office Copy Day of Week 6 5 Tuition $72 $76 $76 $76 $72 Course ID (Office Use Only) 500 501 502 503 504 Copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s Optional Homework Help Registration Form SPRING 2016 NOTE: Homework Class will only form if a minimum of 10 students register per class. ___________________________________________ ______________ ___________________________________ STUDENT NAME GRADE LEVEL 2015-2016 HOMEROOM TEACHER • *Any student enrolled in full-time or half-time ROE Connections may sign up for OPTIONAL free Homework Help. • **Any student not enrolled in ROE Connections may sign up for OPTIONAL fee-based Homework Help • All homework sessions have a maximum enrollment of 25 so sign up fast! ! • In order to assure adequate staffing for these homework sessions, students will not be allowed to change their homework schedules after the semester begins. • In the Spring Semester, Homework Help begins the 1st week of school. • There will be no Homework Help the last week of school. Please place a checkmark next to each day you would like your child to attend. 1 ST –2 nd GRADE HOMEWORK HELP - NO F EE * Day Monday ______ Tuesday ______ Wednesday ______ Thursday ______ F EE- BASED * * Course # (office use only) 124 ______ $150.00 125 ______ $150.00 126 ______ $150.00 127 ______ $150.00 3RD GRADE HOMEWORK HELP NO F EE * Day Monday ______ Tuesday ______ Wednesday ______ Thursday ______ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Course #(office use only) 300 301 302 303 - Offered from 3:30 – 4:30 Mon-Thur FEE - BA SED * * Course # (office use only) 128 ______ $150.00 129 ______ $150.00 130 ______ $150.00 131 ______ $150.00 4th - 5th GRADE HOMEWORK HELP- Offered from 4 th GR AD E Day Offered from 3:30 – 4:30 Mon-Thur Course # (office use only) 304 305 306 307 3:30 – 4:30 Mon-Fri and/or from 4:35 – 5:35 Mon-Thur 5T H G RAD E NO F EE* FE E-BASE D** Day Course # Course # (office use only) (office use only) Time NO FE E* Course # (office use only) F EE BA SE D** Course # (office use only) ! ! ! ! A -3:30 ______ $0 #132 ______ $150.00 #308 Monday A -3:30 ______ $0 #141 ______ $150.00 B -4:35 ______ $0 #133 ______ $150.00 #309 B -4:35 ______ $0 #142 ______ $150.00 A -3:30 ______ $0 #134 ______ $150.00 #310 Tuesday A -3:30 ______ $0 #143 ______ $150.00 B -4:35 ______ $0 #135 ______ $150.00 #311 B -4:35 ______ $0 #144 ______ $150.00 A -3:30 ______ $0 #136 ______ $150.00 #312 Wednesday A -3:30 ______ $0 #145 ______ $150.00 B -4:35 ______ $0 #137 ______ $150.00 #313 B -4:35 ______ $0 #146 ______ $150.00 A -3:30 ______ $0 #138 ______ $150.00 #314 Thursday A -3:30 ______ $0 #147 ______ $150.00 B -4:35 ______ $0 #139 ______ $150.00 #315 B -4:35 ______ $0 #148 ______ $150.00 A -3:30 ______ $0 #140 ______ $150.00 #316 Friday A -3:30 ______ $0 #149 ______ $150.00 th th nd NOTE: The 4 -5 Grade Homwork 2 hour may be combined if there is low enrollment. th th Homework Help on Fridays at 4:35 is not offered to 4 & 5 Grades. #317 #318 #319 #320 #321 #322 #323 #324 #325 Early Dismissal Homework/Craft Wednesday – 1:15-2:15 – NO Fee Based-Open to students enrolled in Full/Half Time Ext Day ______ I wish for my child to participate in an Indoor Organized Homework/Craft hour (This is offered to students who wish to work on their homework and remain indoors until 2:15 for a craft activity with our after school staff.) Office Copy 7 Copyright © 2015 CIASP Excellence in Extended Day Experiences MASTER SCHEDULE OF ENRICHMENT CLASSES SPRING 2016 NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! 1st/2nd/3rd Choices: Please select 1st/2nd/3rd choices based on per day per time slot as your 1st choice may have reached its maximum enrollment. In the Fall, there are 15 weeks of Enrichment Classes. There are 18 weeks of Enrichment Classes in the Spring Semester. NOTE: ***See course descriptions for important information regarding extra costs. In addition, if there are additional costs, the Providers will notify you. CHOICES 1st 2nd ! 3rd Course Name Time Room Day Grade No Crse# Tuition Fees ArtSmart-Early Childhood Art 3:30-4:30 Mon Ballet/Jazz Combo/1-2*** 3:30-4:30 Mon Become a Geography Bee 3:30-4:30 Camp Einstein: Eng, Science and CSI-Mon K TBA Teacher 02 $255.00 $40.00 City ArtWorks $ 1-2 TBA 03 $275.00 $40.00 DCT-DanceCheerTumbling $ Mon 3-5 TBA 04 $305.00 $0.00 $ 3:30-4:30 Mon K-5 TBA 05 $325.00 $0.00 Camp Einstein $ Cardio Kickboxing 3:30-4:30 Mon K-5 TBA 06 $255.00 $0.00 Tropa Z Fitness $ Chinese Conversation Advanced 3:30-4:30 Mon 1-5 TBA 07 $290.00 $30.00 I Love Chinese $ Fun with Fabric K-5 3:30-4:30 Mon K-5 TBA 08 $255.00 $30.00 Houston Ctr. for Contemp. Crafts $ Lacrosse 3:30-4:30 Mon 3-5 TBA 09 $255.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Model Building 3:30-4:30 Mon 1-5 TBA 10 $240.00 $50.00 Crafty Scraps $ Spanish for Life Part 1 / K-1 3:30-4:30 Mon K-1 TBA 11 $275.00 $25.00 Coloquia Language Arts $ Tennis - Beginner 3:30-4:30 Mon 2-5 TBA 12 $255.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Piano (Private) @ M3:30 closed 3:30-4:00 Mon K-5 TBA 13 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ M3:30 3:30-4:00 Mon K-5 TBA 14 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ M4:05 4:05-4:35 Mon K-5 TBA 15 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ M4:05 4:05-4:35 Mon K-5 TBA 16 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ M4:40 closed 4:40-5:10 Mon K-5 TBA 17 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ M4:40 4:40-5:10 Mon K-5 TBA 18 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Ballet/Jazz Combo/3-5*** 4:35-5:35 Mon 3-5 TBA 19 $275.00 $40.00 DCT-DanceCheerTumbling $ Forever DIY Crafts 4:35-5:35 Mon K-5 TBA 20 $240.00 $50.00 Crafty Scraps $ Tennis - Advanced 4:35-5:35 Mon 2-5 TBA 21 $255.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Piano (Private) @ M5:15 5:15-5:45 Mon K-5 TBA 22 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ M5:15 5:15-5:45 Mon K-5 TBA 23 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ A Taste of French - Beginners /2-5 3:30-4:30 Tue 2-5 TBA 24 $290.00 $25.00 Coloquia Language Arts $ A Taste of French - Beginners /K-2 3:30-4:30 Tue K-2 TBA 25 $290.00 $25.00 Coloquia Language Arts $ An Engineering World II for Kids/3-5 3:30-4:30 Tue 3-5 TBA 26 $345.00 $0.00 Engineering for Kids $ Fashion Drawing and Design 3:30-4:30 Tue 3-5 TBA 27 $290.00 $50.00 NF Designs $ Hoola Hoop/Jump Roping Tricks - NEW 3:30-4:30 Tue 2-5 TBA 28 $270.00 $15.00 Mini Stars $ Origami 3:30-4:30 Tue 2-5 TBA 29 $270.00 $20.00 Houston Ctr. for Contemp. Crafts $ Sculpture Magic 3:30-4:30 Tue K-5 TBA 30 $270.00 $40.00 City ArtWorks $ Soccer Clinics/Footskills 3-5 3:30-4:30 Tue 3-5 TBA 31 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Video Game Creation-The Platform Style Game 3:30-4:30 Tue 2-5 TBA 32 $290.00 $0.00 Active Learning $ Piano (Private) @ Tu3:30 closed Tue K-5 TBA 33 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ 3:30-4:00 Total Student's Name_______________________________________ ASP Office Copy 8 ______/_______ Tuition Fees (B) (C) copyright © 2015 CIASP Excellence in Extended Day Experiences MASTER SCHEDULE OF ENRICHMENT CLASSES SPRING 2016 NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! 1st/2nd/3rd Choices: Please select 1st/2nd/3rd choices based on per day per time slot as your 1st choice may have reached its maximum enrollment. In the Fall, there are 15 weeks of Enrichment Classes. There are 18 weeks of Enrichment Classes in the Spring Semester. NOTE: ***See course descriptions for important information regarding extra costs. In addition, if there are additional costs, the Providers will notify you. CHOICES 1st 2nd ! 3rd Course Name Time Room Day Grade No Crse# Tuition Fees Piano (Private) B @ Tu3:30 closed 3:30-4:00 Tue K-5 TBA 34 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ Tu3:30 3:30-4:00 Tue K-5 TBA 35 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Piano (Private) @ Tu4:05 closed 4:05-4:35 Tue K-5 TBA 36 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ Tu4:05 closed 4:05-4:35 Tue K-5 TBA 37 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ Tu4:05 4:05-4:35 Tue K-5 TBA 38 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Piano (Private) @ Tu4:40 4:40-5:10 Tue K-5 TBA 39 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ Tu4:40 4:40-5:10 Tue K-5 TBA 40 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ Tu4:40 4:40-5:10 Tue K-5 TBA 41 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ An Engineering World I for Kids/K-2 4:35-5:35 Tue K-2 TBA 42 $345.00 $0.00 Engineering for Kids $ Fitness for Kids! 4:35-5:35 Tue K-5 TBA 43 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Piano (Private) @ Tu5:15 5:15-5:45 Tue K-5 TBA 44 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ Tu5:15 5:15-5:45 Tue K-5 TBA 45 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ Tu5:15 5:15-5:45 Tue K-5 TBA 46 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Guitar (Private) @ 1:00 1:00-1:30 Wed K-5 TBA 47 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W1:00 closed 1:00-1:30 Wed K-5 TBA 48 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ W1:00 closed 1:00-1:30 Wed K-5 TBA 49 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Guitar (Private) @ 1:35 1:35-2:05 Wed K-5 TBA 50 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W1:35 closed 1:35-2:05 Wed K-5 TBA 51 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ W1:35 1:35-2:05 Wed K-5 TBA 52 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Guitar (Private) @ 2:10 2:10-2:40 Wed K-5 TBA 53 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W2:10 closed 2:10-2:40 Wed K-5 TBA 54 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) B @ W2:10 closed 2:10-2:40 Wed K-5 TBA 55 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Guitar (Private) @ 2:45 2:45-3:15 Wed K-5 TBA 56 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ B W2:45 closed 2:45-3:15 Wed K-5 TBA 57 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W2:45 closed 2:45-3:15 Wed K-5 TBA 58 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Apprentice Robotics 3:30-4:30 Wed 1-5 TBA 59 $280.00 $0.00 American Robotics Academy $ Baseball for All 3:30-4:30 Wed K-5 TBA 60 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Creative Writing & Storybook Illustration 3:30-4:30 Wed 2-5 TBA 61 $345.00 $0.00 Monart School of Art $ Football Basics/3-5 3:30-4:30 Wed 3-5 TBA 62 $270.00 $0.00 Mini Stars $ Hip-Hop & Break Dance/K-1*** 3:30-4:30 Wed K-1 TBA 63 $290.00 $40.00 DCT-DanceCheerTumbling $ I Am Royalty for BOYS 3:30-4:30 Wed K-5 TBA 64 $255.00 $30.00 Crafty Scraps $ Jewelry Making 3:30-4:30 Wed 3-5 TBA 65 $270.00 $50.00 Houston Ctr. for Contemp. Crafts $ Student's Name_______________________________________ ASP Office Copy 9 Teacher Total ______/_______ Tuition Fees (B) (C) copyright © 2015 CIASP Excellence in Extended Day Experiences MASTER SCHEDULE OF ENRICHMENT CLASSES SPRING 2016 NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! 1st/2nd/3rd Choices: Please select 1st/2nd/3rd choices based on per day per time slot as your 1st choice may have reached its maximum enrollment. In the Fall, there are 15 weeks of Enrichment Classes. There are 18 weeks of Enrichment Classes in the Spring Semester. NOTE: ***See course descriptions for important information regarding extra costs. In addition, if there are additional costs, the Providers will notify you. CHOICES 1st 2nd ! 3rd Course Name Time Room Day Grade No Crse# Tuition Fees Spanish for Life Part 2 / 2-5 3:30-4:30 Wed 2-5 TBA 66 $290.00 $25.00 Coloquia Language Arts $ Spanish for Life Part 2 / K-1 3:30-4:30 Wed K-1 TBA 67 $290.00 $25.00 Coloquia Language Arts $ Treble Clefs 3:30-4:30 Wed 1-3 TBA 68 $250.00 $20.00 Stow $ Yoga for Kids 3:30-4:30 Wed K-5 TBA 69 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Zumba for Kids 3:30-4:30 Wed K-5 TBA 70 $270.00 $0.00 Tropa Z Fitness $ Guitar (Private) @ 3:30 3:30-4:00 Wed K-5 TBA 71 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ B W3:30 3:30-4:00 Wed K-5 TBA 72 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W3:30 closed 3:30-4:00 Wed K-5 TBA 73 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ W3:30 3:30-4:00 Wed K-5 TBA 74 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Guitar (Private) @ 4:05 4:05-4:35 Wed K-5 TBA 75 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ B W4:05 4:05-4:35 Wed K-5 TBA 76 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W4:05 closed 4:05-4:35 Wed K-5 TBA 77 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ W4:05 4:05-4:35 Wed K-5 TBA 78 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Guitar (Private) @ 4:40 4:40-5:10 Wed K-5 TBA 79 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ B W4:40 4:40-5:10 Wed K-5 TBA 80 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W4:40 4:40-5:10 Wed K-5 TBA 81 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ W4:40 4:40-5:10 Wed K-5 TBA 82 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Crazy Action Contraptions 4:35-5:35 Wed 1-5 TBA 83 $280.00 $0.00 American Robotics Academy $ Football Basics/K-2 4:35-5:35 Wed K-2 TBA 84 $270.00 $0.00 Mini Stars $ Hip-Hop & Break Dance/2-5*** 4:35-5:35 Wed 2-5 TBA 85 $290.00 $40.00 DCT-DanceCheerTumbling $ I Am Royalty for GIRLS 4:35-5:35 Wed K-5 TBA 86 $255.00 $30.00 Crafty Scraps $ Track & Field 4:35-5:35 Wed 4-5 TBA 87 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ $ Teacher Working with Clay 4:35-5:35 Wed K-5 TBA 88 $270.00 $50.00 Houston Ctr. for Contemp. Crafts Guitar (Private) @ 5:15 5:15-5:45 Wed K-5 TBA 89 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ B W5:15 5:15-5:45 Wed K-5 TBA 90 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ W5:15 5:15-5:45 Wed K-5 TBA 91 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Voice (Private) @ W5:15 5:15-5:45 Wed K-5 TBA 92 $495.00 $25.00 TBA $ Craft WED - ED Enr 1:15-2:15 Wed K-5 TBA 93 $0.00 Basic Chinese - 1st 3:30-4:30 Thur TBA 94 $305.00 $25.00 I Love Chinese $ Chess Instruction with USA Chess/3-5 3:30-4:30 Thur 3-5 TBA 95 $270.00 $5.00 Active Learning $ Chess Instruction with USA Chess/K-2 3:30-4:30 Thur K-2 TBA 96 $270.00 $5.00 Active Learning $ Clay Pottery 3:30-4:30 Thur K-5 TBA 97 $270.00 $40.00 City ArtWorks $ Student's Name_______________________________________ ASP Office Copy 10 1 $0.00 ASP Staff Total ______/_______ Tuition Fees (B) (C) copyright © 2015 CIASP Excellence in Extended Day Experiences MASTER SCHEDULE OF ENRICHMENT CLASSES SPRING 2016 NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! 1st/2nd/3rd Choices: Please select 1st/2nd/3rd choices based on per day per time slot as your 1st choice may have reached its maximum enrollment. In the Fall, there are 15 weeks of Enrichment Classes. There are 18 weeks of Enrichment Classes in the Spring Semester. NOTE: ***See course descriptions for important information regarding extra costs. In addition, if there are additional costs, the Providers will notify you. CHOICES 1st 2nd ! 3rd Course Name Time Room Day Grade No Crse# Tuition Fees En Guarde: Fence for Fun 3:30-4:30 Thur Imagineers 3:30-4:30 Thur Karate Beginners/Intermediate*** 3:30-4:30 Thur K-5 TBA 100 $255.00 $0.00 Operation Fit $ Life Hackers: Social Skills for Kids 3:30-4:30 Thur K-4 TBA 101 $360.00 $5.00 Common Cents Kids $ Mad Science A/K-2 3:30-4:30 Thur K-2 TBA 102 $285.00 $0.00 Mad Science $ Mad Science B/3-5 3:30-4:30 Thur 3-5 TBA 103 $285.00 $0.00 Mad Science $ Musical Theater 3:30-4:30 Thur K-5 TBA 104 $290.00 $25.00 HITS $ Soccer Clinics/Footskills K-2 3:30-4:30 Thur K-2 TBA 105 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Storybook Science K-1 3:30-4:30 Thur K-1 TBA 106 $345.00 $25.00 STEMology Mobile Science $ Piano (Private) @ Th3:30 closed 3:30-4:00 Thur K-5 TBA 107 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ Th4:05 closed 4:05-4:35 Thur K-5 TBA 108 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ Th4:40 4:40-5:10 Thur K-5 TBA 109 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Basic Chinese - 2nd 4:35-5:35 Thur TBA 110 $305.00 $25.00 I Love Chinese $ Fun with Money 4:35-5:35 Thur 1-5 TBA 111 $360.00 $5.00 Common Cents Kids $ Storybook Science 2-3 4:35-5:35 Thur 2-3 TBA 112 $345.00 $25.00 STEMology Mobile Science $ Volleyball 4:35-5:35 Thur 3-5 TBA 113 $270.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Piano (Private) @ Th5:15 closed 5:15-5:45 Thur K-5 TBA 114 $540.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Archery for Beginners/3:30 3:30-4:30 Fri K-5 TBA 115 $325.00 $10.00 Mini Stars $ Art After School: Multimedia 3:30-4:30 Fri 1-5 TBA 116 $255.00 $20.00 City ArtWorks $ Ballet/Tap/Creative Movement*** 3:30-4:30 Fri Camp Einstein: Eng, Science and CSI-Fri 3:30-4:30 Fri K-5 TBA 118 $325.00 $0.00 Camp Einstein $ Chinese Reading & Writing 3:30-4:30 Fri K-5 TBA 119 $290.00 $30.00 I Love Chinese $ Music Theory Appreciation 3:30-4:30 Fri K-3 TBA 120 $325.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Outdoor Sports 3:30-4:30 Fri K-5 TBA 121 $255.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Piano (Private) @ F3:30 closed 3:30-4:00 Fri K-5 TBA 122 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ F4:05 4:05-4:35 Fri K-5 TBA 123 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Piano (Private) @ F4:40 closed 4:40-5:10 Fri K-5 TBA 124 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Archery for Beginners/4:35 4:35-5:35 Fri K-5 TBA 125 $325.00 $10.00 Mini Stars $ Basketball 4:35-5:35 Fri K-5 TBA 126 $255.00 $5.00 Mini Stars $ Piano (Private) @ F5:15 closed 5:15-5:45 Fri K-5 TBA 127 $510.00 $35.00 Linda Singer Piano Studio $ Student's Name_______________________________________ ASP Office Copy 11 1-5 TBA K 2 K TBA Teacher 98 $305.00 $0.00 Bayou City Fencing $ 99 $280.00 $0.00 American Robotics Academy $ TBA 117 $275.00 $40.00 DCT-DanceCheerTumbling Total ______/_______ Tuition Fees (B) (C) copyright © 2015 CIASP $ E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s Contract Agreement/Safety Plan SPRING 2016 By signing below, I understand the contents of this registration packet and agree to the following for the SPRING 2016. Disregard of this contract and/or the contents in the registration packet will result in immediate dismissal from ROE CONNECTIONS. 1. I understand I am presently enrolled for FALL 2015 and SPRING 2016 (as specified in the Fall 2015 Contract Agreement/Safety Plan) unless I have notified in writing to the after school office that my child will not be reporting to Extended Day in Spring 2016. 2. TIMELINES: I have received a copy of the timeline with all important dates, including registration dates, payment due dates, and the dates that Extended Day and Enrichment Classes begin and end. (Timeline is on front cover) 3. CLASS TIMES: I understand the times of Extended Day, Enrichment Classes, and Homework Help according to the Schedule of Extended Day Options, the Master Schedule of Enrichment Classes, and the Homework Help page provided in this registration packet. 4. PAYMENTS: (Plea se initial each item below on the line) _____MUST BE SUBMITTED BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY made out to River Oaks Elementary. Cash is not accepted. _____I will pay at least of ! of my bill for the SPRING 2016 Semester at registration. The next 3 payments are due: Feb. 5, March 4, April 1. _____I will be assessed a monthly late fee of $10.00 after Feb. 12, March 11, April 8. _____I will be assessed a $35.00 charge for each returned check. After 2 returned checks, payment must be made by money order. Upon notification that a check was returned by my bank, I understand that I must submit a money order for the same amount within 48 hrs. Failure to do so will result in suspension of services. _____I understand that after school services may be suspended if I do not pay my bill on time. In addition, any accounts with outstanding balances remaining after April 15, 2016 will be assessed a $25.00 fee which will be rolled over to the Fall 2016 semester. Also, any Spring 2016 outstanding balance I may have in my account after Apr 15 will be rolled over to Fall 2016 with a $25.00 rollover fee. Failure to meet your financial obligations may result in suspension of services to you. 5. ADD/DROP: Only 2 changes are permitted during Add/Drop. No class changes will be made and no refunds or credits will be issued after Jan. 22. 6. PRORATION OF CLASSES: ANY class attended from Jan 11-15 will be prorated. In addition, if you withdraw from a class, your bill will be prorated ONLY if your child is required to attend Tutoring Classes by his/her school teacher or if your child withdraws from River Oaks Elementary School. In addition, no refunds will be assessed in the event of HISD canceling after-school activities for inclement weather or any other extenuating circumstances. 7. OCCASIONAL DAYS: • If I purchase Occasional Days and all units are used, another 5-Unit Occasional Card will be automatically billed to my account. • I understand that any Occasional Day purchases billed after April 8 MUST BE PAID WITHIN IN 24 HOURS OR THERE WILL BE NO SERVICES PROVIDED. Office Copy 12 copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s Contract Agreement/Safety Plan SPRING 2016 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. SIGNING CHILDREN OUT: Either myself or other individuals authorized to pick up my child must sign my child out from the After School Staff at designated Pickup (i.e. Avalon, San Felipe). Failure to sign the student out will be regarded as an “Incident” and may result in suspension from the program for the remaining school year. SHOWING PHOTO ID IS MANDATORY. ENRICHMENT CLASSES BEGINNING AFTER 3:30 ONLY: I must enroll my child in either a 3:30 enrichment class, Bridge UNTIL class time of Enrichment, or Occasional Extended Day in order for my child to participate in an Enrichment Class after 3:30. LATE PICK UP: • If my child is picked up after 6:00 PM I understand I will be assessed a late pickup fee of $2.00/minute. • When I am late picking up my child from Half-Time or Enrichment I understand I will be automatically issued a 5-Unit Occasional Card, which provides supervision until 6:00 PM. • After the 5th late pick-up I may be asked to make other arrangements for After School Child Care. • The official time for our after school program will be gauged by the clock at the Pickup location. • Please Note: If late pick-up fees are not paid within 24 hours, the fee is automatically doubled (Check or money order only) CHANGES IN HOW A STUDENT GETS HOME: I MUST notify the ASP Coordinator in writing (phone calls not accepted) via faxed or written note dropped off in the ASP Office or in the ASP Box (located in front school office) OR via email (roecoordinator@sbcglobal.net) for ANY changes in how my child gets home. ONLY the adult who registers the child is authorized to make changes in regards to pick up arrangements. Without written permission, my child will not be permitted to leave. BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: The HISD Code of Student Conduct will serve as the basis for all discipline expectations to ensure the safety of all students and staff members. Parents will be notified immediately if their child has violated any portion of the school’s previously communicated Code of Student Conduct. Services will be suspended should disrespectful or unsafe behavior be directed towards a student or staff member, either by a parent of a student or a student enrolled in the program. I understand that it is my responsibility for reading and knowing the expectations of the HISD Code of Conduct. I also understand that the program reserves the right to deny services on a permanent basis if behavior expectations are not being met. SPECIAL NEEDS: We do not provide staff trained to deal with special needs. Please contact the school administration with any questions. TECHNOLOGY DEVICES: No technology devices may be used in the after school program by any student in grades K-5. All such devices must be kept in the student’s backpack. I understand that my email address and/or phone number(s) may be given to the Provider of any Enrichment class in which I have enrolled my child should the Provider find it necessary to contact me. MEDIA PERMISSION: I authorize ROE CONNECTIONS to include my child in photographs used for publicity ____YES ____NO _________________________/_________________________/__________/_______________________ Name of Parent (please print) Parent Signature Date STUDENT NAME _________________________/_________________________/__________/_______________________ Name of Parent (please print) Parent Signature Date STUDENT NAME Office Copy 13 copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s AUTHORIZATION/EMERGENCY FORM SPRING 2016 Only the individuals listed on the Tuition Fee Payment Form are authorized to make any changes to this form. _________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________________ Student Name Grade Level 2015-2016 Homeroom Teacher _________________________________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________________ Mother’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Home Phone# Father’s Work Phone# Father’s Cell Phone# _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Home Phone# Mother’s Work Phone# Mother’s Cell Phone# FOR WEDNESDAY EARLY DISMISSAL: Will your child be a 3:15 Bus Rider? __ YES __ NO Individuals authorized to pick up my child are: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Work Phone # Home Phone# Other Phone# ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Work Phone# Home Phone# Other Phone# ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Work Phone# Home Phone# Other Phone# ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Work Phone# Home Phone# Other Phone# My child is allergic to the following: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note: 1. It is important you notify the After School Program in writing when you have updated information such as an address change, individuals you authorize to pick up your child, foods your child may be allergic to, etc. 2. On any given day someone NOT listed on the ASP Authorization/Emergency Form needs to pick up your child, the After School Office must receive notification in writing (no later than 1:00PM – or 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays) from the parent or the individual registering the student. You MUST notify the After School Office as follows: A. email this notification to: roecoordinator@sbcglobal.net B. Fax it to: 713-942-1463 and address the note to the attention of ROE Connections. C. Drop off a note in the ROE Connections box located in the front school office. D. Drop off a note in the ROE Connections office. 3. Please be aware that we will NOT release your child to anyone unless we have it in writing. We will not make any exceptions. Also: we will not release your child to anyone under the age of 18. Must turn in to ROE Connections Personnel 14 Copyright © 2015 CIASP E x c e l l e n c e i n E x t e n d e d D a y E x p e r i e n c e s TUITION/FEE PAYMENT FORM – SPRING 2016 ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________ Student Name Grade Level 2015/2016 (OFFICE USE ONLY) Homeroom Teacher _________________________________________________ Name of person responsible for account/billing/changes __________________ Relationship to child _________________________________________________ Name of person responsible for account/billing/changes __________________ ____________________________________ Relationship to child Contact Phone Number(s) ____________________________________ Contact Phone Number(s) ________________________________________________________/____________________/___________________/_____________ Billing Street Address / City / State / ZIP _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Contact for person(s) responsible for billing I authorize ROE Connections to disclose any information regarding my account to the following individual(s) (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) • *List the total cost for your first option for Enrichment Classes on ITEM B below. If you do not get your 1st choice, the 2nd payment due by Feb. 5 will be readjusted. If you pay the entire amount NOW based on your first choice, your bill will be adjusted accordingly. • Supply Fee: The Supply Fee helps provide high quality activities, especially on Wednesdays when students have a long period of time during Early Dismissal. • Supply fee does not apply to those enrolled only in Enrichment Class(es). Supply Fees are assessed each semester. A. ROE CONNECTIONS Extended Day Options (Write in the amount(s) for all that apply: Extended Day Option: Tuition: Supply Fee: Total: Full-Time $__________ + $40.00 = $__________ Half-Time $__________ + $40.00 = $__________ Occasional Days $__________ + $40.00 = $__________ Bridge to 4:35 Enrichment $__________ + $40.00 = $__________ Early Dismissal Only $__________ + $40.00 = $__________ Fee-based Homework Help $__________ (supply fee) = $__________ Total for ROE Connections Extended Day Options:…... $_______________(A) B. *Total Tuition for Enrichment Class(es):…...................……………………………… $_______________(B) C. Total Fees for Enrichment Classes (see Enrichment Class descriptions for any additional fees) $_______________(C) D. Any Late Fees incurred…………………………………………………………………. (See timeline on front cover) $_______________(D) $___________(E) Grand Total of A-D: Payment enclosed check#___________ money order#_____________________ (No Credit Cards/ No Cash) $_____________ • Must be at least 1/4 of Grand Total. If purchasing only occasional days, please pay in full. Please Initial: 1. _________Registration in ROE CONNECTIONS Extended Day Program is an acceptance of the ROE CONNECTIONS Contract Agreement/Safety Plan. 2a. ________I am submitting full payment based on my 1st choice for enrichment classes. I understand that the amount due may increase or decrease if my first choice is not met. ROE CONNECTIONS will adjust my account accordingly and I will submit my payment (if necessary) by FEB. 5, 2016. 2b. ________ I am paying ! of the Grand Total based on my 1st choice for Enrichment Classes. I understand that the amount due may increase or decrease if my first choice is not met. My account will be adjusted accordingly and I will submit payment by FEB. 5, 2016. 3. ___________I understand that a late payment fee of $10.00 will be added to my account if I do not submit my 2nd, 3rd and 4th payments by the due dates as specified on the ROE Connections Contract Agreement/Safety Plan. _________________________________ Name (person responsible for bill) ______________________________ _________________________________ Name (person responsible for bill) ______________________________ Office Copy Signature Signature 15 ___________________ Date ___________________ Date Copyright © 2015 c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n.s. Initiatives After School Programs