FINAL Minutes of the General Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2014 MD Anderson Library, Room 306 Members Present/Absent: See the December 2014 Attendance Report Guest List is in the Staff Council Office Call to Order: Staff Council President Martha Hayes called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. Minutes: The minutes of the November 6, 2014, General Meeting were approved without correction Guest Speakers Antoine Bryant, METRO community liaison for Southeast light rail line • Rail line set to open 4/1/2015; everything complete between UH and eastern edge of downtown (EaDo); work continuing downtown • Trains on Southeast line will run until 2 a.m. every evening, like Main Street line • METRO running extensive safety campaign for residential and school areas adjacent to Southeast line; be conscientious; can’t outrun the train, unplug from devices • METRO will have an emergency exercise at Scott/Wheeler along rail line in latter part of January 2015; will include street closure and emergency simulation (bodies in road, etc.) Ryan Palma, TDECU • TDECU offering free checking/savings accounts to UH staff, faculty, and students with partial direct deposit from paycheck (at least $100), with $150 bonus at sign-up • Can sign up online, but best to sign up at University Center bank location for $150 bonus promotion Human Resources Updates: Connie Kemp, HR Manager, introduced Melissa Abram-Jackson, Manager, Talent Acquisition & Management Staff Council Officer Reports President: Martha Hayes • Provost Group on Staff/Faculty Raises: Dr. Carlucci to provide additional data on current staff salaries • TRAM Rounding: per Joan Nelson, rounding benefits UH, not employees; announcement of end to rounding expected for January 2015 • UCW Scholarships: Martha checking on current status with Rick Olenchak; Rebecca mentioned that in the past few years, one committee selected recipients for both UCW and Staff Council scholarships; could be the same this year • Staff Forum, Spring 2015: will have proposed date and back-up date for Rockwell Pavilion to fit President Khator’s schedule since the Texas Legislature will be in session • FY2015 Strategic Plan: will be ready by 12/8; goal of building up infrastructure; added initiative of creating transitional materials for all committees • Student Center: University Center now known as Student Center, will have grand opening 1/21 • Spring Egg Hunt: Events Committee met with Sports & Entertainment regarding holding Egg Hunt in UH Stadium 1 FINAL • 2013-2014 Staff Council Accomplishments: Martha reported letter to be sent to UH President Renu Khator by Staff Council Immediate Past President Pam Muscarello; requested that Council members review letter and provide any changes before end of meeting Immediate Past President: Pam Muscarello no report President-Elect: Elsie Myers • See the submitted President-Elect’s Reports • Postdoc certification: problem with current hiring since official certification of Ph.D. can take 1-2 months from issuing institution; guideline to be revised to allow contingency letter until certification is available; revised guidelines to be drafted by HR Secretary: Troy Christensen • November 2014 minutes submitted and approved • Previous general meeting minutes and reported uploaded to website once approved by Staff Council Treasurer: Kimberly Williams • See the submitted Treasurer’s Report • Draft budget to be submitted and CFI budget currently being drafted • Question regarding additional $5000 for scholarships last year; 10 $1000 scholarships awarded rather than 10 $500 scholarships Parliamentarian: Wendy Gary • See the submitted Parliamentarian’s Report • November 2014 Attendance Report submitted • Sent 3 forfeiture warning letters; explained appeal process in case of forfeiture Historian: Robert Torres-Torres Robert reported that he now has the Staff Council camera and proper cables; currently taking individual photos for the Why I Serve campaign, will take photos for Finals Mania, 12/8, 8:30 p.m. Staff Council Standing Committee Reports Appointments: Karl Hearne and Chris Foster • See the submitted Appointments Committee Report • Chris thanked those who are using the University-wide Standing Committees SharePoint form for reports • Provided additional guidance for SharePoint report and committee work o If something reported for Staff Council discussion, should also let Martha know o If on the Traffic Appeals committee, put down work done for the month o If committee didn’t meet, put that on report o If committee not communicating with you, let Karl or Chris know o Discussed trainings for Appellate Board and University Hearing Board Communications: Bill Ashley and Andy Moon • See the submitted Communications Committee Report • Andy reported that the committee is working on the next newsletter and needs a wrap-up of the Conversations with Staff Council event from Staff Affairs Cougar First Impressions (CFI): Tommie Trevino and Andy Moon • See the submitted CFI Committee Report • Andy mentioned that the next meeting is 12/5 morning 2 FINAL Events: Keri Myrick and Jennifer Potocki • Andy reported that the Sock & Blanket Drive was completed with 375 bags of clothes and other items delivered to beneficiaries; gave kudos to Dr. Simon Bott, who offered incentives for student donations that filled Fleming • Martha reported that the Staff Council Holiday Potluck will be 12/18 in the Honors College; online potluck registration available to sign up to bring dishes; meal at 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.; space available 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Membership and Elections: Sawsan Shatleh Sawsan reported that she has contacted all staff members who stood for election but did not win to fill current Council vacancies; now contacting DBAs/CBAs for Academic Affairs recommendations (such as from Law and Engineering) Staff Affairs: Matthew Castillo and Alison Wells • See the submitted Staff Affairs Committee Report and associated documents • Alison reported that the Conversations with Staff Council event was held 11/11; lower turnout than past events; committee has ideas for increasing participation at future events • Matthew thanked Alison for hosting Conversations event since he was not able to participate • Sawsan asked about MAPP reviews since these have not been done for over a year; Martha mentioned that MAPP review has been on hold due to personnel shortage, but can continue now that a new person is overseeing review process; Elsie mentioned that MAPP review is also on Faculty Senate’s radar Staff Council Ad Hoc Committees Professional Development • Rebecca reported that the committee met and finalized the three new scholarship / professional development stipend applications; will need to be approved by the Executive Board over email prior to the January 2015 general meeting • Rebecca met with Sandy Coltharp, HR, to discuss Professional Development issues, Spring Egg Hunt o Should have links to all scholarships available to staff members on one web page o Department/group excellence award: would need to determine funding source, but to start, can award certificate, and later a plaque; HR will not be responsible for award management, but would have representative on selection committee o McElhinney Award: in past, all Staff Excellence Award winners eligible, but currently only those who have won in past three years are eligible; Sandy recommended formal proposal from Staff Council to change McElhinney or Staff Excellence guidelines o Staff Award funding: award amounts have been same or reduced over time, but faculty award amounts keep increasing; Sandy recommended formal proposal from Staff Council for increased award amounts o Spring Egg Hunt: Sandy mentioned that Keith Kowalka is working on details for Family Day lunch o Sandy agreed that incorporating service to university into the existing Professional Development MAPP and producing a Professional Development Guide were good ideas • Kimberly mentioned that the status of previous advising excellence awards is still unknown Research Advisory Martha mentioned that the next meeting has been scheduled Program Manager Mentoring • Martha reported that 20+ boxes have been taken from Cassandra’s office to ERP; Rebecca and Bill are to determine what should be archived or shredded • Office will be painted and ceiling tiles fixed • Cassandra will be learning the UH website content management system (CMS) for website updates 3 FINAL Unfinished Business • 2013-2014 Staff Council Accomplishments: discussed draft letter to be sent to UH President Renu Khator by Staff Council Immediate Past President Pam Muscarello, with suggested changes • Responses to questions from Conversation with Staff Council event: Martha will send responses by email to all members to consider new initiatives based on responses New Business/Open Discussion • Economy Parking o Matthew addressed proposal currently being deliberated by TPAC o Economy parking would be available only at ERP, with other existing economy lots converted to other lot types o TPAC will discuss proposal by email so that Parking and Transportation can take it to the Board of Regents at their next meeting Announcements: none Adjournment: motion to adjourn was made; meeting was adjourned at 3:09 p.m. Minutes submitted by Staff Council Secretary Troy Christensen 4 General Meeting Agenda Thursday, December 4, 2014 M. D. Anderson Library Rm 306 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. I. II. Call to Order III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Approval of the November 2014 General Meeting Minutes Guest Speakers • Antoine Bryant, METRO • Ryan Palma, TDECU Officer and Committee Reports • President • Immediate Past President • President-­‐Elect • Secretary • Treasurer • Parliamentarian • Historian • Staff Council Standing Committees o Appointments o Communications o Cougar First Impressions o Events o Membership and Elections o Staff Affairs • Staff Council Ad Hoc Committees o Professional Development o Research Advisory o Program Manager Mentoring Unfinished Business • Review Responses to Conversations with Staff Questions New Business/Open Discussion • Economy Parking • Committee Participation Announcements Adjournment Note: Please sign in. The next scheduled general meeting is January 8, 2015. 2014-­‐2015 Staff Council General Meeting Attendance Roster Council Member Ashley, Bill Baccam, MyTrang Barras, Kim Castillo, Matthew Chee, Jacqueline Christensen, Troy Diaz, Gabriela Edwards, Jeremy Ephriam, Princess Foster, Chris Gary, Wendy Giannukos, Nalan Hayes, Martha Hearne, Karl Johnson, Andrea Martinez, Dia Moon, Andy Moses, Pamela Muscarello, Pam Myers, Elsie Myrick, Keri Ness, Anne Oilvarez, Dan Olmedo, Cynthia Padovan, Dina Parks, Jay Parrish, Reuben Pearce, Sheree Plosko, Allyson Potocki, Jennifer Robinson, Carmen Samuels, Juanita Shatleh, Sawsan Szwarc, Rebecca Taylor, Robin Tisby, Carla Torres-­‐Torres, Robert Turner, Terence Vasquez, Stella Wells, Alison Williams, Kimberly Winters, Tonya Zorola, Jessica 9/11 P X P P P P X P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P X P P X P X P P * P X X X X * P P P X * P 10/16** P P P X X P P P P P P P P P P P P X X P P P P P P 11/6 P P P P X P P P P X P P P P P P P X X P X P P P X 12/4 X P P P X P X P X P P X P X P X P P X P P P P P X 1/8 2/5 3/5 4/2 5/7 6/4 7/2 8/6 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES P P X P P X RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES P * P P P P * P P P X X P P P RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES X * P P * P X P P RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES X P * P X P * P P P P X Legend: (P) Present; (X) Absent; (*) Not on Council at time; (RES) Resigned; (REI) Reinstated This Attendance Roster reflects the signatures on the Sign-­‐In Sheet available at every General Meeting. Always sign in. Review this Attendance Roster. Corrections: Wendy E. Gary, 2014-­‐2015 Staff Council Parliamentarian, For more information about meeting attendance requirements, reference Staff Council Bylaw 2.6 ( ** Date changed from original scheduled date Meting with Joan Nelson on 11/10/14 Attendance: Martha Hayes, Elsie Myers, and Joan Nelson • Bonus Status: • Complaints from CBA's included lack of notification regarding debt and HR not providing time to have it cleared before the stipend. HR and Admin will begin to send out emails to staff to review their PASS to keep up with any possible debts. • Merit, those who received merits on 9/1/13 were not qualified (200 staff/faculty) being impacted per this guideline. There is not enough funding to cover this group but HR will present this to Dr. Carlucci to determine if this group should be added to the bonus/stipend pool. 1.3 million was the original budget for the stipends, if this group is included, the budget will need to be increased. • Program Manager Onboard: • Informed Joan that Cassandra Millhouse has been hired to replace B. Milton's position. • Pay Raise Task Force: • Info from the Provost regarding staff and faculty historical increases did not come from HR, it is not a true reflection of all increases per HR. We need to have the info broken down per college/division, rank/job category. Martha will reach out to Dr. Carlucci and request that we meet with him and HR to review the info he received from Joan, before we meet again as a committee. • TRAM Assessment/Audit: • Rounding was the issue and will be eliminated in January, communication will be sent some time in November. Date to be determined. • Postdoctoral Official Certification • According to the UH guidelines, "official certification from the individuals home institute is required"; my Chair would like to know how faculty are to proceed with a hire since it can take 2 months to receive official documentation after the dissertation has been approved. ◦ Per Joan, this will be updated to be contingent on the receipt of official certification to be received in 3 months. The contingent offer letter should be used for these research hires. Staff Council Treasurer Report Reporter: Kimberly Williams Date: November 18, 2014 Duty: Maintain Financial Records for Staff Council ● A meeting was held on Monday, November 10th with Martha, Elsie, Cassandra, TaShawna Wilson, Director, College/Division Business Operations and Nisho Khan, Department Business Administrator. I was unable to attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict. I have a scheduled meeting with Cassandra on Monday, November 24th at 11am to discuss what I missed from the November 10th meeting and “next steps.” There will be more information given after that meeting. If you have questions concerning budget, please direct them to me and I will forward to the appropriate person if I am unable to handle. Kimberly Williams – Staff Council Treasurer Phone: (713) 743-2932 Email: To: Troy Christensen, Secretary From: Wendy E. Gary, Parliamentarian RE: Monthly Attendance Report Attendance through November General Meeting 2014 There are four members who have missed two consecutive meetings this year. I will be sending those members a reminder that per the by-­‐laws, missing three consecutive meetings means a forfeiture of the position in the hopes that they will make their best effort to attend the meeting on December 4, 2014. Staff Council Historian Report & Questions Submitted by Robert Torres-­‐Torres 1) Photos were taken by me at the Conversations with Staff Council event. Should they be uploaded to our webpage? Is there anywhere else that they need to be posted, such as a Staff Council Facebook page, or a Staff Council Pinterest or Instagram site? How do I acquire the “rights” to do so? 2) The camera I used was a small personal digital camera, as the one provided to me is severely outdated and missing crucial parts. How do we go about acquiring a proper camera with the necessary accessories? 3) How will I be notified of all upcoming events? I want to ensure that I notify my supervisors with plenty of time to spare, in the case I need to go somewhere and take photographs of the event. 4) If travel to one of the UH satellite sites is needed, is there a process by which I can be reimbursed for mileage? Staff Council Appointments Committee Report November 20, 2014 As of today, no new vacancies in the Staff Council have been reported to the Appointments Committee, so there are no new appointment nominations to consider. The members of the university standing committees have started submitting their meeting reports. See attached for the first reports received. We are very optimistic that this system will work well as we go forward, as they are archived and sortable. We are also reaching out to the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Services to inquire as to the status of the Financial Aid Advisory Committee at the request of Kimberly Williams, as she has not gotten any response about the committee’s ever having a meeting. Submitted, Chris Foster & Karl Hearne Standing Committee Reports November 20, 2014 Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Pending decisions Items to discuss Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Pending decisions Items to discuss Jessica Zorola, Bill Ashley University Hearing Board 10/17/2014 JZ Received the University's hearing board training. Discussed the role and responsibility of members, the discipline process, the hearing process, sanctioning, and appeals. The November 2014 hearing boad case. Princess Ephriam University Center Policy Board 10/24/2014 Princess Ephriam, Troy Christensen Announcements: 1) Student Life Holiday Potluck - End of year celebration to be held 12/03/14, UC Ballroom # 210 at 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. All are invited to attend. 2) Stress Free Finals Week- December 1-10 Tobacco-free campus policy and campus initatitves to reduce smoking and tobacco use including e-cigarettes. Campus policy (to include designated smoking areas, etc.) is reviewed every 3 years and is up for review agian in 2015. Note: Tobacco-free Campus Committee headed by Floyd Robinson Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Pending decisions Items to discuss Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Pending decisions Items to discuss Troy Christensen Campus Recreation Advisory Board 10/22/2014 none Troy Christensen (unable to attend due to urgent work in office) 1) Presentation on Outdoor Adventure program: teambuilding program available to UH departments for staff teambuilding; generally 2-4 hours, but could be full day or None. None. Jessica Zorola Bookstore Advisory Committee 9/30/2014 JZ, Dia Martinez Discussed the role and responsibilities for advising administration and finance, campus constituencies, bookstore services and program goals. SGA chair was requested - Dr. FY 15 meeting dates and Chair of Bookstore Advisory Standing Committee Reports November 20, 2014 Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Alison Wells Campus Facilities Planning Committee 11/7/2014 unknown Pending decisions Items to discuss Alison Wells first meeting inOctober was cancelled, I was unable to attend this meeting in November. I requested another member for SC to attend, I did not receive a none none Reporting party Committee Items to discuss Elsie Myers Sustainability Task Force We have not meet in several months Reporting party Committee Committee actions Kimberly Williams Financial Aid Advisory Committee Committee did not meet and there has not been a scheduled meeting. Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Anne Ness Children's Learning Centers Advisory Board 11/18/2014 Anne Ness, Juanita Samuels Pending decisions Items to discuss Reviewed and approved minutes, discussed NAEYC Parent Feedback Survey, discussed CLC Strategic Initiatives Reporting party Committee Committee Meeting Date SC representatives in attendance SC representatives absent Committee actions Bill Ashley Transportation & Parking Advisory Board Pending decisions Items to discuss Further discussion of elimination of economy parking. Proposal by PTS to eliminate economy parking. Reporting party Committee Items to discuss Andy Moon Food Services Advisory Committee FSAC has not met, I have not received an invitation to any meetings. Reporting party Committee Items to discuss Andy Moon Appelate Board Committee has not met, I have not received any invitations. Dan Olivares and Matthew Castillo Bill Ashley Reviewed role and scope of TPAC committee; put off election of new committee officers until Nov. meeting; review of some PTS policies and procedures. Biggest discussion item was proposal to eliminate economy parking for students/faculty/staff. Committee Reports COMMITTEE REPORT Name of Committee: Communication Committee Members Present: Andy Moon, Jessica Zorola, Troy Christensen, Cassandra Millhouse, Dan Olivarez Committee Members Absent: (A sign-sheet can be used for attendance) Date and location of meeting: Tuesday, November 18th, 2014, Hilton, CE wing, room 103 Action Items Completed: None Action Items Pending: The SC newsletter will be going out in mid-December and will include… Wrap-up of the Sock and Blanket drive as well as Conversations with Staff Council Results of the previous Pulse Poll as well as a New PP question (not 100%) Note from the SC President and a “Why I Serve” The Spring CFI call for volunteers will be going out this week We’re working on a revamped system for recognizing the efforts of peers, rebranded as “Coudos.” Anyone who would like to help flesh out the system is welcome to participate, contact Andy Moon for details or simply add an item in the Coudos list in SharePoint. We will be creating an “Events” page to summarize the events that Staff Council sponsors or participates in throughout the year. Expenses incurred: None Questions for the Board/Larger Group: Does anyone have any stories they would like to see published in the newsletter? If so, please forward those to Andy Moon and Bill Ashley. Summary of other items: Website updates: Adding SPIFFs Revised 09/13/2013 Creating a Coudos page Adding a newsletter archive New Pulse Poll question Remove Conversations blurb, to be replaced by a wrap-up blurb Action Recommended: Please sign up on the potluck website created by the Events committee to indicate your preference for items to bring to the event. Date and location of next Meeting: Tuesday, December 16th, Hilton, CE wing, room TBA Announcements: Note Taker: Andy Moon Committee Co-chair (s): Andy Moon, Bill Ashley Revised 09/13/2013 Subject: Spring CFI 11.14.14 Auto forwarded by a Rule Attendees: Cassandra, Elsie, Dan, Andy, Dia, Tommie Work Requests: Tables and chairs. Martha will book meeting with A&F. 5 tents, 6 tables, 12 chairs. Cassandra will get quotes for meeting with Emily. Volunteer call outs: Will go out next week via Andy and Martha Hayes will add digital signage. Mid Nov, Mid Dec, Early week of Jan (depending on volunteers) Drinks for volunteers: K-cups/Keurig Machine reach out to Amy Ma from our budget Cassandra will buy coffee, tea and hot cocoa. Elsie will follow up with Martha for inkind for some danishes. Table Locations: Maybe move Eric table to Lynn Eusan/maybe a tent or not One at Bauer right in front 9 One at UC stays One at PGH Move Sandy to Moores School of Music SR1 Andy will update MAP with new table locations for SPRING 2015 Binders: We will need them along with clickers. Elsie will work on binders. Box for each table, supplies, maps Update binders in early January. Flash Drives: Still would like to distribute in SPRING. Elsie is working on acquiring 6000 total Radios, Golf Carts: Borrow radio from ITAC, Golf Cart may need to be asked from A&F Next Meetings: December 5th and 19th January 9th and 16th Same Times Amy Ma, Gloria Robinson, Zach Staff Affairs Committee Report Submitted by Alison Wells -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Staff Affairs committee meeting was scheduled for Tuesday November 18th, due to extenuating circumstances this meeting was cancelled. Committee meetings will occur the third Tuesday of every month (late afternoon). Matthew will send meeting requests/information to SC for the rest of the academic year. Alison scheduled an “executive staff affairs committee” meeting on Nov. 5th to discuss the logistics of Conversations with Staff Council Event o In attendance: Alison Wells, Matthew Castillo, Martha Hayes, Cassandra Millhouse o Discussed set-­‐up, agenda, and finalized questions for event § Determined that Matthew would gather notecards with finalized questions, send out reminder email to all staff on Monday § Cassandra will order food, confirm room set-­‐up and supplies, and email RSVP list a reminder § Alison will update agenda and presentation and create language for email reminders (will send on Monday morning to Cassandra and Matthew ) Conversations with Staff Council Summary Report-­‐ 2014 Summary -­‐ Hosted Tuesday November 11th from 10:00-­‐12:00pm in Rockwell Pavilion -­‐ Decreased attendance from approximately 65 participants in 2013 to 35 participants in 2014 -­‐ 3 questions focused on monetary incentives/raises, campus facilities, and initiatives from SC -­‐ Did not include President Khator or a key-­‐note speaker Successes -­‐ Utilized online RSVP format on invitations o Reminder email sent to all those that RSVP’d -­‐ Created a “take-­‐away” for participants with the SC flyer -­‐ Assigned moderators and note-­‐takers for each table (pending availability) -­‐ Catered food and beverages were greatly appreciated -­‐ Created summary of event and thematic questions to use as platform for next year’s planning Challenges -­‐ Little to no marketing for the event resulted in a low turnout of participants o The email reminder that was to have gone out to all staff was never sent -­‐ There was no training or transitional materials to help plan this event o Difficult to assess how we can improve/change each year if there’s nothing to review -­‐ 3 moderators cancelled the night before the event o Had to restructure format, some facilitators had to play dual roles and also take notes o Only 3 people submitted notes from event -­‐ Notecards were not utilized, participants did not submit any notes o The pre-­‐printed notecards with the questions were not included Recommendations for Next Year -­‐ Planning must occur earlier and incorporate a comprehensive marketing plan o Multiple email reminders must be sent out to all staff o Information in SC brochure and within newsletter o Information on UH calendar and department calendars o Encourage SC reps to announce/push event with their divisions/departments -­‐ Create a file/folder of tasks, roles, procedures, etc. for this event so that each year, regardless of who is on SC, this program can be seamlessly implemented -­‐ Update PowerPoint to make it more effective -­‐ Reassess purpose and need of notecards -­‐ Asses event time; an afternoon time may allow more participants to attend Conversations with Staff Council Summary of Questions-­‐ 2014 How could the next pay increase be distributed that would be fairest to all staff members? For instance: Would you prefer a small increase every year; a larger increase less often; some other form of compensation -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Consensus for smaller pay increases each year o Can help offset cost of living expenses § Cost of working at UH has increased, yet salaries have not § Cost of living could be across the board 3% or salaries could be adjusted upward based on rate of national inflation. o Provide bonuses in between (as budget permits) § Smaller regular bonuses over time boost morale as there is some incentive § All employees should be included in any bonus program • Those staff members that received a promotion should still be eligible for merit raises or bonuses • Staff members that have received a promotion have exhibited exemplary work and therefore should not be denied the opportunity to earn further compensation Significant issue with communication and lack there-­‐of o Communication of $1,500 bonus for staff members has not been communicated effectively-­‐ people are confused on process and if they are eligible to receive this one-­‐time bonus o Often staff members are unaware they have debt to the university, thus lose out on opportunities for merit increase § Communicate a directive for business officers to run a debt report for their employees beforehand so that any debt can be cleared up § SC ask administration to change MAPP policy regarding debt, staff that have tuition should still be allowed to receive bonuses Other forms of compensation o Reduced fees for on-­‐campus parking o Staff members who achieve a certain “merit” can be rewarded by receiving an upgrade to better parking option (i.e. the garage) o Flex schedule during the summer o Insurance rebates (i.e. vision) What Staff Council Initiative makes the biggest impact on you as a staff member? What are some new initiatives you would like to see from Staff Council in the future? -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Overall appreciation for staff scholarships and Cougar First Impressions (CFI) o Assess if staff scholarships can be available system-­‐wide o Continue to expand on CFI as this event has a huge impact on students and staff alike by bringing staff together to provide up front service to the students and allows students to interact with staff that they may never see otherwise Increase communication/awareness regarding Staff Council o Provide SC information for new hires o Reminders to join the monthly general SC open meetings and to attend SC events Additional appreciation and recognition events o Increased recognition and acknowledgement of staff on campus, specifically in President’s addresses o Encourage departments to work together, on a smaller scale, to interact with each other; give each department a respective budget to work within o Additional professional development opportunities within departments § MAPP policy has info. related to staff development o Change the time of annual staff appreciation to late fall or early spring when weather is more conducive for outdoor space to be used § It would beneficial to find a bigger venue o Discounted tuition for children of staff members Create additional opportunities for socialization o Reinstall SC mixers, offering some at lunch time and some after work o Potential of picnic at McGregor Park o Host tailgate for staff member o Create a specific day (or two) to promote bringing your children to work Strengthen on-­‐boarding process for new staff members o HR templates for the on-­‐boarding process o Create a formal on-­‐boarding process within each college/division/department and assign a mentor for the first few weeks. Have them check in with their mentor at specific times during the year followed with an evaluation and goal-­‐ setting Implement “work-­‐site wellness” that encourage healthy behaviors o Discount for campus recreation membership o Staff members are allowed to work out 30minutes a day during their workday What are some ideas to help improve campus facilities and grounds? -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Make it a priority to improve outdated office space before improving outdoor green spaces. While the aesthetics of the University’s outward appearance are important; the internal functions that staff provide are equally important. Staff “live” in their respective work spaces for 8 hours (or more) a day. Part of the key to good functionality is an equally decent working environment. Beautification program for older buildings on camps that just requires some elbow grease like: removing old broken furniture and equipment, cleaning the floors, replacing ceiling tiles, clean the vents to improve air quality, heavy trash day to get old equipment removed from campus that is not tagged or capital. o Work to better regulate the temperature in each building; many older buildings are entirely too cold or hot for individuals to function comfortably o Replace HVAC systems in old buildings o Broken pipes and other items are temporality fixed (with bandages/tape), rather than fixed for the long-­‐term o ERP has extremely poor facility maintenance; people are working with holes in their walls, rodents, heating issues, and lack of seating/space o Replace the fountains that don’t work well with gardens (ex. Student Service Ctr.) o Replace pebble walkways with smooth surface Additional seating and walkways throughout campus o Specifically, Lynn Eusan Park should have a variety of picnic tables and seating o Construct covered walk ways or sky walks (where feasible) to connect building that are close together. § Sky walks have the ability to improve safety by giving a safe crossing from one building to the next, especially during late evening hours § Covered walk ways will not only provide protection from some of the elements, such as sun and rain, but can also encourage staff (and faculty) to walk more in-­‐between buildings Improve communication with facility requests o Consistent notification system where communication where the person who made a facility request is notified on the status of the repair Assess potential of a centralized staff lounge on campus o Currently the availability of break rooms or lounges for staff is very unequally distributed among departments o Ideally there could be two medium sized lounges: One on south campus and one on north campus to serve the staff populations on either side of the campus -­‐ -­‐ Encourage healthy behaviors on campus o Enforce tobacco-­‐free policy o Set-­‐up mileage markers on campus for those that walk/run o Map out walking paths utilizing existing walk ways and place mile markers § Mile markers could include words of encouragement to promote motivation. This initiative could also have a name such as “Cougar Tracks” or “Cougar Pathways” Address potential safety issues on campus o Gate around Metro Rail needs to be higher because we have seen students jumping the fence. o Add mechanisms to help pedestrians cross some of the high traffic streets, such as flashing lights or pedestrian overpasses