Reading Second Grade November 18-22, 2013 This week we will ask students, What does it mean to be creative? Classrooms are reading different versions of the Three Little Pigs. We are reading to find the author’s purpose. Students will identify verbs in sentences they write and read. HFW: guess, pretty, science, shoe, village, watch, won Math Spelling pattern: long e; ee, ea, ey Classes are working on mental math addition and subtraction. Students are using their knowledge of how to make ten to add double digit numbers together. Classes are focusing on subtraction this week. Vocabulary: sum, difference, greater than, less than, equal to Notes Social Studies Science Classes are looking systems. Students will explore what happens when a piece is missing from a system. Vocabulary: system, function, parts 2nd grade has started our first IB planner, How We Express Ourselves. Our planner will look how struggle has inspired creative expression. Students are identifying what struggle is. Students will inquire into how culture perspectives are influenced by art. How art provides insight into a culture. Students will explore how people express themselves in artistic ways. Classes are also reading and creative maps. Students will identify cardinal direction and a map key. 2nd grade is going on a field trip on Nov. 21st and 22nd. Ms. Baldwin, Mrs. Gary, and Ms. Hartzog are going on November 21st. Mrs. Garza, Mr. Castro and Mrs. Baylon will go on Friday, the 22nd. Classes will leave from 9:30am-12:30pm. Please send your child with a sack lunch. Permission slips are going home in your child’s Monday folder. Early dismissal is November 20th at 12:45pm. Thanksgiving holiday is November 27-29th.