UNIVERSITY of HOUSTON MANUAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SECTION: AREA: Information TechnologySecurity User Guidelines Number:10.03.0305.02 SUBJECT: Information Security Incident Reporting and Investigation Security Violations Reporting I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This policy provides an overview of official University of Houston directives and guidelines in the event a potential security incident involving information resources danger to computer, network or telecommunications security is identifieddiscovered, and the associated reporting obligations and investigative process of various university areas. Illegal activities involving university information resourcescomputers, networks, or telecommunications systems shall be are considered to be a danger to those systems security incidents for the purposes of this policy. II. POLICY STATEMENT The University of Houston relies heavily on computers, computer systems, computer networks, related data files and the information derived from them to meet its operational, financial and information requirements. A system of internal controls exists to safeguard the security, confidentiality, integrity and confidentiality availability of these assets. All users of university information resources, computer account owners, facility supervisors, and system administrators and computer custodians share the responsibility for this security and for reporting potential security incidents involving information resourcesdepending upon their functions, are subject to this policy and the policies and guidelines referenced in this policy. III. DEFINITIONS A. Information resource: Procedures, equipment, and software that are employed, designed, built, operated, and maintained to collect, record, process, store, retrieve, display, and transmit information. B. Security incident: An event which results in accidental or deliberate unauthorized access, loss, disclosure, modification, disruption, or destruction of information resources. Definitions of terms used in this policy may be found in the Glossary of Information Technology Terms located in the Information Technology MAPP section at IV. PROCEDUREPROVISIONS A. All security incidentsThreats to computing, network or telecommunications security, whether actual or potential, or illegal activities involving the use of university information resourcescomputer, network or telecommunications systems, mustshall be reported to the University Information Technology (UIT) Security Department, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO),security officer (or designee) or in his absence, to the Chief Information Officer. Illegal activities may also be reported directly to a law enforcement agency. University employees or students who report suspected criminal activity in good faith are protected against any retaliation by the university for making such a report. July 12, 1996; Revised November 30, 2006 April 29, 2011 Page 1 of 4 Information Security Incident Reporting and InvestigationSecurity Violations Reporting MAPP 10.05.0203.03 B. The CISO willuniversity information security officer shall immediately evaluate the situation and notify the appropriate persons or agencies. Depending upon the type and suspected magnitude of the incident,violation any or all of the following individuals or groups may be notified: AssociateAssistant Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer College/Division Information Security Officer Texas Department of Information Resources Computer Emergency Response Team/Federal Bureau of Investigation Facility Supervisors UH Police Department of Public Safety (UHDPS) UHS Internal Auditing Department Dean of Students U.S. Secret Service The University of Houston Department of Public Safety mustshall also be notified if the university is contacted by the above-listed agencies or any other law enforcement agency in regard to a security incident. CB. Upon receipt of a report or discovery of a suspected security incidentviolations, the CISOinformation security officer or designee will investigate and take immediate action as appropriate to mitigate risk to university information resources. The investigation may include the examination of files, passwords, accounting information, printouts, tapes and other material that may aid investigation. The CISO or designee is responsible for ensuring all items examined during the investigation are properly documented. Examination of files must be authorized by the Chief Information Officer or designee. D. Upon request by an appropriate university official, users are expected to cooperate in any investigation. Failure to do so may be grounds for cancellation or suspension of access privileges or other disciplinary action. Selected access to computing servicesinformation resources may also be temporarily suspended while investigations are being conducted. EC. The owners of any computer accountsinformation resource found to be compromised must be notified and instructed to change their password(s) immediately changed. The owner should scrutinize all files for integrity, providing relevant information about the existence of security violations to the Information Security Officer or other investigating personnelofficer. FE. In accordance with established university policies and applicable local, state and federal laws regarding computer incidentsviolations, a user found to be abusing or misusing university computer information resources is subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the university or termination of employment, and legal action. 1. When disciplinary action regarding a student’s involvement is involved in an information security incidentviolation could potentially be warranted, the Dean of Students will be notifiedprovide additional guidelines for disciplinary actions. 2. When disciplinary action regarding a faculty member’s involvementis involved in an information security incidentviolation could potentially be warranted, the faculty member’s supervisor and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will be notified. Disciplinary decisions resulting from an information security July 12, 1996; Revised November 30, 2006 April 29, 2011 Page 2 of 4 Information Security Incident Reporting and InvestigationSecurity Violations Reporting MAPP 10.05.0203.03 incidentviolations by university faculty will be made in accordance with the Faculty Handbook. 3. V. When disciplinary action regarding an staff employee’s involvement is involved in an information security incidentviolation could potentially be warranted, the employee’s supervisor, the Assistant Vice President Executive Director of Human Resources, and the Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance will be notified. GENERAL PROVISIONS Colleges and divisions will review their procedures annually and update them as appropriate. VI. VII. REVIEW AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible Party: Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Review: Every three years, on or before June 1 APPROVAL John Rudley Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance Donald J. Foss Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Jay Gogue President President’s Date of Approval: Effective Date: November 30, 2006 VIII. REFERENCES UH System Administrative Memorandum 07.A.03 - Notification of Automated System Security Guidelines Index Terms: Abuse of computer equipment and systems Computer equipment and systems Computer user responsibilities Misuse of computer equipment and systems Reporting security violations Security of computer equipment and systems System security July 12, 1996; Revised November 30, 2006 April 29, 2011 Page 3 of 4 Information Security Incident Reporting and InvestigationSecurity Violations Reporting MAPP 10.05.0203.03 REVISION LOG Revision Number Approved Date Description of Changes 1 07/12/1996 Initial version 2 11/30/2006 Applied new MAPP template. The contents were updated with housekeeping changes 3 TBD Applied revised MAPP template and added new Revision Log. Changed document name from Security Violations Reporting to current title, and document number from 10.03.03 to 10.05.02. Removed references and index terms. Other changes were editorial in nature to reflect current operating requirements. July 12, 1996; Revised November 30, 2006 April 29, 2011 Page 4 of 4