Monte Carlo Applications in Radiation Therapy Outline • What is Monte Carlo? • Why is Monte Carlo needed for radiation therapy C-M Charlie Ma, Ph.D. Department of Radiation Oncology Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, PA 19111, USA • Accelerator simulation • Radiation detector simulation • Treatment planning dose calculation • Beam delivery and dosimetry verification What is Monte Carlo ? Why call it Monte Carlo? • The originators : Von Neumann and Ulam 1949 • The method : Random sampling from pdf’ pdf’s to construct solutions to problems. John Von Neumann Stanislow M. Ulam (1903-1957) (1909-1984) After the city in the Monaco principality ... 1 A simple example: Calculation of Results of computer simulation (I) Nc/Ns= Nc/Ns= r2/(2r)2 = /4 =4Nc/Ns =4Nc/Ns Statistical uncertainty ! Courtesy: SB Jiang Results of computer simulation (II) Calculated 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 values (3.1416) 4.0000 2.8000 3.1280 3.1144 3.1431 3.1412 3.1420 3.1416 2 Photons What is Monte Carlo Radiation Transport? • Random sampling of particle interactions a good supply of random numbers e- probability distributions governing the physics processes e+ • Information obtained by simulating large number of histories Applications of M-C in radiotherapy • • • • • • • Fluence and spectrum calculations Dosimetric parameters (stopping powers, etc.) Correction factors (BSF, HS, PS, P/S ratio...) Dosimeter response simulations Treatment head simulations Treatment planning dose calculations Beam delivery and dosimetry verification 3 Accelerator Geometry Accelerator Simulation Target C-M Ma and SB Jiang Phys Med Biol (1999) Flattening filter F Verhaegen and J Seuntjens Phys Med Biol (2003) Wave guide Bending magnet Electron gun Monitor chamber Multileaf collimator Jaws Monte Carlo Linac simulations Depth Dose Curves (25 x 25 cm2) ( EGS4/BEAM, NRCC, Canada ) 6 MeV 9 MeV 12 MeV 16 MeV 20 MeV VARIAN THERAC Relative Dose 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 SCANDITRONIX 2 4 6 8 10 12 Depth [cm] PHILIPS MC Lee Ph.D.Thesis (2002) 4 Depth Dose Curves (6 x 6 cm2) 6 MeV 9 MeV 12 MeV 16 MeV 20 MeV 0.8 6x6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 15x15 25x25 10 12 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -16 -12 Depth [cm] -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 Lateral Position [cm] MC Lee Ph.D.Thesis (2002) MC Lee Ph.D.Thesis (2002) Transverse Profiles (20 MeV) 6x6 10x10 15x15 Summary of Linac Simulation 25x25 • Monte Carlo simulations have been commissioned for different clinical accelerators for Monte Carlo RTP 1.0 Relative Dose 10x10 1.0 Relative Dose 1.0 Relative Dose Transverse Profiles (6 MeV) 0.8 • In principle, knowledge of treatment head geometry and source information allows accurate simulation 0.6 0.4 • In practice, the required data on a clinical accelerator may not be known in full, so free parameters should extend to source geometry and head geometry 0.2 0.0 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 Lateral Position [cm] 8 12 16 • Measurement-based source models could be a practical solution! MC Lee Ph.D.Thesis (2002) 5 Why Detector Simulation Detector Simulation A Nahum Phys Med Biol 1998 • Dosimeter design studies energy response angular response geometry design material selection • Perturbation effect studies E/ photon and electron fluence perturbations energy and angular response corrections Cavity Theory Fricke wall effect (cylindrical glass vessels at NRCC, PTB and NPL) The BraggBragg-Gray (small) cavity theory Dw = Dair sw,air Pu Dw is dose to water Dair is dose to the cavity air sw,air is the stopping power ratio for water to air Pu is the fluence perturbation correction factor (difficult to measure or derive theoretically but easy for Monte Carlo) 6 Wall correction factors (for NRCC glass vessels in highhigh-energy photon beams) Summary of Fricke wall study • Up to 2% changes in Frike dosimetry standards using glassglass-walled vessels • Good agreement between Monte Carlo and experiments (within 3%)! • Correlated sampling is necessary for efficiency and accuracy • Good test for electron transport Ma et al Med Phys (1994) Waterproofing sleeve effect Waterproofing sleeve effect (cylindrical chamber in mediummedium-energy photon beams) (cylindrical chamber in mediummedium-energy photon beams) Ma and Seuntjens Med Phys (1997) 7 Summary of Sleeve Study • A significant effect at low energies for PMMA, nylon and polystyrene Monte Carlo Treatment Planning • Good agreement between Monte Carlo and experiment (within 0.2%) • Correlated sampling is necessary for efficiency • A good test of photon transport Pinnacle3 BEAM/DOSXYZ Isodose Comparison for Lung Cancer: Clarkson versus Monte Carlo 80% 95% Clarkson w/ density correction 95% Monte Carlo EGS4/MCDOSE Achterberg et al (ESTRO 1999) Courtesy: T Pawlicki 8 Target Dose and Regions of Recurrence CORVUS Monte Carlo PTV MC (95%) Recurrent tumor PTV EPL (100%) MC (100%) EPL (95%) recurrence Courtesy: Indrin Chetty Pawlicki and Ma Med Dosimetry (2001) Dose Volume Histogram (H&N) 100 Target Volume (%) 80 60 Beam Delivery and Dosimetry Verification for IMRT RT Optic nerve Pencil beam RT Eye Monte Carlo 40 Spinal cord 20 0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Dose (cGy) 9 DIRECTION OF BEAM Effect of Beam Delivery Systems Y2 JAW Effect of leaf leakage and scatter Y1 JAW X1 JAW X2 JAW leaf size leaf shape collimator jaw position Effect of leaf sequence MLC dynamic vs step-and-shoot CARRIAGE B CARRIAGE A leaf synchronization x ISOCENTER NX = 1 MLC LEAVES SIDE VIEW ROUNDED ENDS NX = 2 Film vs Monte Carlo NX = 3 MC Lee Ph.D.Thesis (2002) LEAF A LEAF B X Z MLC CARRIAGE FRONT VIEW - NON DIVERGENT ENDS 1.2 1 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …. N 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 A Kapur Ph.D. Thesis (1999) 10 One field intensity map comparison DVH comparison between prostate plans with and without tongue-and-groove effect considered 100 Lines: without T&G (plan 1) • Fuzzy • T&G Line-and-symbols: with T&G (plan 2) By shifting doses of plan 2 horizontally by 1.6%, two plans matches 80 Seminal Vesicle Volume (%) • Sharp • No T&G Prostate 60 Bladder 40 Skin Rectum 20 Lymph Node 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Dose (Gy) J Deng et al PMB (2001) T&G J Deng et al PMB (2001) Quantitative comparison of EPID images Calculations vs. Measurements (a) Measured Energy 4 MV CORVUS Meas M-C 2.177 Gy 2.177 Gy 2.201 Gy 15 MV 2.146 Gy 2.161 Gy 2.276 Gy (b) MC Computed Courtesy: Jeff Siebers 11 External diodes derived target motion Fiducial Motion & Correlation Error • rms motion = 4.72 mm • residual rms after robot feedback = 1.33 mm Courtesy: T Guerrero Effect of RealReal-Time Chest Wall Motion Feedback on Delivered Dose transaxial view planned EGS4/MCDOSE DVH Tumor & Lung Residual loss of tumor coverage w/ motion delivered 12 Conclusions • Monte Carlo is becoming a practical tool for radiotherapy dose calculation and treatment verification (home (home--grown vs commercial) commercial) • Monte Carlo is ideal for designing and validating new hardware/software and treatment techniques • Monte Carlo is being widely used in other areas such as brachytherapy, brachytherapy, proton therapy, radiology and outcome studies Acknowledgments Alan Nahum Pedro Andreo Bruce Faddegon Frank Verhaegen Steve B Jiang Jinsheng Li Ajay Kapur Jeff Siebers Dave Rogers Alex Bielajew Jan Seuntjens Iwan Kawrakow Todd Pawlicki Jun Deng Michael Lee Indrin Chetty 13