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ilm measurements of a 10-strip test pattern. The linac (a Varian 2100 C/D) was instructed to deliver 1 MU per strip with the step-and-shoot delivery mode for a total of 10 MU. The delivery sequence is from left to right. - + $% O$ '! # & %1 ' 0 N' Film measurements of a 10-strip test pattern. The linac (a Varian 2100 C/D) was instructed to deliver 2 MU per strip with the step-and-shoot delivery mode for a total of 20 MU. The delivery sequence is from left to right. % '5 1 $ ! P EFFEQA6KCE .5 5 L! 1 $ ! P EFFHQH6BKH:B ? $ N' 6 E O 0 0 3 ' ? 1 Two log files are generated by MLC controller for each field delivery Each log file records cumulative dose fraction, beam status, and leaf position data for all leaves in the bank. Segment MU Log file data has been validated by our group at the University Of Florida ' ' $ & # + % O N ? & % CIIKBF@P EFF6Q ' * ! " # $% & & ' % # $% & #( # ) & ( ' ( ( * ( + & % ' ( # & - Methodology: 4 ' & Varian 2100 C/D accelerator Millenium 120 MLC 91 IMRT patient treatment plans delivered Plans delivered at dose rates of 3 1 = 100, 300, & 600 MU/min. For details see: Stell et al., H@I6KHAFE P EFF:Q 1 # 4 $ ! 3 ! ? # :F 1 $ EF7 HF $ '$8$ A@ % HA ,' ,. ,/ % % % %! % 1 & ! @KC1 1 & %- 6FF % IMRT treatment plans statistics 1 9 #1 91 clinical IMRT cases Represents 635 field deliveries for a single dose rate 34,212 subfield deliveries including all three dose rates (11,404 (11,404 at each dose rate) #1 Subfield MU Error (MU) Subfield MU Error (MU) . ! . Subfield MU Error (MU) 5 1 AFF # 1 N 9 # 1 & 1 .5 5 1 O & + 1 1 & 1 1 HF #1 . ! ' # #= 0 ' # #= ' ! 300 MU/min. 600 MU/min. ! Data for recalculated plans… The recalculation process… Table I. Relative and absolute plan delivery errors for each of the plans selected for ADAC recalculation. relative error (%) Plan fields subfields total absolute error (MU) 300 MU/min. 600 MU/min. 300 MU/min. 600 MU/min. 3.78 8.27 41.31 90.5 1 14 271 2 12 264 3.4 7.01 42.07 86.67 3 12 311 3.63 8.63 60.99 145.16 Obtain actual monitor unit distribution from loglog-file Generate Varian shaper (.d60) file that combines monitor unit information with planned leaf positions (one file for each field) Combine shaper files and convert into an ADAC format (.Trial file) Import .Trial files into ADAC and recalculate dose distribution Export RTOG files and compare in Matlab 6 ?* E Comparison of absolute dose distributions for Plan 1 original plan 600 MU/min. E 6 ' # # 1 1 N+ ! 5 O 1 1 < 1 + 67 = & 7 ' $ ' ' ? # & ' 0 10 1 HF ' ' &9' # ' 1 J@ - & L & ' = & ' . 9 1 AFF 5 9 / 8 # 1 ! . 8 . & 2$ # ' !K & P #Q # & < !! ! # " P # HFFQ Camera System Characterization How do we know that the imaging device is capable of measuring the fluence distributions that we seek? SignalSignal-toto-Noise Spatial Resolution Fluence Uniformity and Linearity Linac Pulse Rate Dependence We used a 66-MV photon beam delivered from Varian 21000C\ 21000C\D at the nominal dose rate of 600MU/min for all measurements in this this work Imaging System Setup Spatial Resolution Varian 2100C\ 2100C\D + Millennium 120120-leaf MLC Fluoroscopic Material: Gd2O2S:Tb (0.411 g/cm2) glued to a stainless steel plate (1.24 g/cm2) Sony CCD-TRV16 camcorder: 30 FPS 280 × 320 pixels CCD chip Radial & Transverse profiles of square fields were measured and camera field size determined by the 50% penumbra. Measure slopes What can we learn from this simple imaging system? Fluence Uniformity and Linearity Image intensity information should be directly proportional to incident incident beam fluence. Uniformity Spatial resolution of ~ 0.9 mm at field of view focus of 25 × 30 cm2 Pulse Rate Dependence Two square fields of 10 × 10 cm2 were delivered at two dose rates and at 5 MU/field. The data were digitized and intensity information/frame were extracted. Linearity with Field Size The frameframe-toto-frame intensity variation is attributed to a combination of an aliasing aliasing effect and variation in the output intensity of the linac itself. Total area under both profiles agrees to within 1% Slope values differences within 2% 9 Linac/Camera Pulse Sequences At this dose rate, the gun signal rate matches Klystron signal rate at 360 pps The camcorder is not an ideal imaging system. It has several hardware limitations, but it produced very interesting results … A schematic of the linac gun signal pulse sequence at two dose rates rates with respect to the camera frame capture sequence. The diagram depicts the ideal case where the two sequences are not aliased. The SMLC Delivery (Raw Movie Data) Vendor A SMLC IMRT Delivery ? Movie Analysis Procedure CORVUS 4.0 Leaf Sequence File (shaper) The SMLC Delivery (Raw Movie Data) 8# ' ! The Movie: again in detail Raw Image Data on 8 mm video tape MLC Workstation Video Capture NTSC => AVI ~ 55 ms cycle reports DynaLog Files Frame Grapping Software AVI => BMP images ~ 0.6 GByte of uncompressed image data (mostly useless) Matlab 6.5 10 Feedback Treatment Planning Based on the Movie Camera Based Reconstruction Imaged MLC delivery errors are accounted for in a recalculated treatment plan Dose volume histograms of the targets and critical structures for for the reconstructed plans based on the leaf sequence files from the treatment planning system system (solid lines) and those from the MLC log files (dotted line) . The reconstruction was done in using the Pinnacle treatment planning system with the same patient geometry geometry and dose grid. Sudden OutOut-ofof-Tolerance Leaf Movement "E Comparison of the dose distributions in an axial plane between those those from the TPS (Plan Dose) and those reconstructed based on the information from the MLC log log files at 600 MU/min (MLC log dose) and their percentage dose difference. SMLC Delivery 38# E# ! 6F HFFF 3 !! ! ! #! The FMU for a given segment was extracted from the ratio of that segment fluence to the total fluence of all segments. 1 ' #' ! The Discrepancy Pattern Fluence Map Comparison ? '! - An oscillatory behavior about zero is observed, consistent with a predictorpredictor-corrector control algorithm attempting to repair the initial overshoot by repeated over compensation. Results consistent with previous studies*. The segment MUs are redistributed. redistributed. * P. Xia et al., Med. Phys. 29, 412412-423 (2002) * G. A. Ezzell et al., J. Appl. Appl. Clin. Clin. Med. Phys. 2, 412412-423 (2002) 11 What Did We Learn so far? A High Speed Digital Imaging System Features: The camera system agrees with log file to within 5%. The validated log files can be used as a QA tool for IMRT plan verification. CMOS camera Fire Wire I/O rates of 400 MBits/s Up to 512 × 512 pixels 10 µs Shutter Speed Up to 1000 FPS Found three types of delivery errors: 1. 2. 3. FMU delivery errors (FMU redistribution) Leaf positioning errors: leaf moving while beam is on Segment dropping (skipping)(skipping)- only for very small MU segments Camera hardware limitations prevent us from pursuing further offline offline verification of MLC deliveries. We need a faster imaging system ( hundreds of FPS) with more controls: controls: external strobing, strobing, frame rate, shutter speed, …etc 6 GB onboard memory ~$25K Redlake MotionPro 500 ! 6AF # 1 1 ' . Linac/Camera Pulse Sequences * # Linac/Camera Pulse Sequences ! * 1 Very Fast MLC Motions: 72 FPS from 360 FPS Data * # ! # ! $ ' *#! *#! *#! & '! & 12 - $1 # " '! 1 Log file < > @ & J6 % 1 & ' #(!! Sup Post Ant 2 cm Inf jaws Overlay Overlay Dose differences (log-dva) 110 MU dose distribution '! '! # Leaf sequence file 110 MU Dose differences (log-dva) Timing / communication errors 55 MU 2X Is there an analogous problem for DMLC? !"# $$%& '(% )* ++,& !+ + - !+ 14 MU 8X 28 MU 4X Yes, if • leaf sequencers actively utilize the beam hold-off to control leaf speed • if leaves can not maintain their rated speed 2$L Motor replacement history MLC installed 1st MLC Tx - 1st dMLC Tx 90 Room 445 245 442 444 241 441 80 70 60 # 50 40 30 20 Mark 1 Mark 2 Mark 2 Millennium Millennium Millennium # # 10 0 Ja 2 n-9 n-9 Ja 3 n-9 Ja 4 n-9 Ja 5 n-9 Ja 6 n Ja -97 n Ja -98 Ja n-9 9 Ja n-0 0 Ja n-0 1 Ja n-0 2 Ja n-0 3 Ja n-0 4 Ja 5 n-0 . 1 ' 2$0 # # 2$. 0 ! . ' !K8 #' ! ' ! Date 13 ' ! ! 8 5 # 3. E CAX Cross Profiles: 5.0 cm depth, shift = 1.0 cm. Transmission dose is subtracted. •Radiographic meas. of accuracy of leaf travel/ offset And Integral Fluence Maps •Absolute vs. Relative LS LE '# EFFHR EBP HHQ 3 EEFIKEEHI 8 # '!2$ # '! . 3. E ' . How is the superposition changing with distance between LE profiles? 0.5 mm 1.5 mm 1.0 mm 2.0 mm S HFK S M 9 & M 1 S$ & ' !2$ . S & ' ! K % S M & < S$ M % % Suggested Confidence Limit and Action Level Values for IMRT Planning Region Confidence Limit* (P=0.05) Action Level δ1 (high dose, small dose gradient) 3% 5% δ1 (high dose, large dose gradient) 10% or 2 mm DTA 15% or 3 mm DTA δ1 (low dose, small dose gradient) 4% 7% δ90-50% (dose fall off) 2 mm DTA 3 mm DTA & '& P EFFHQC@EKC@A * Mean deviation used in the calculation of confidence limit for all regions is expressed As a percentage of the prescribed dose according to the formula, δi = 100% X (Dcalc – Dmeas./D prescribed) 14 Segmental Multileaf Collimator (SMLC) Delivery System Tolerance Limit Action Level 1 mm 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 2 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.75 mm radius 1.00 mm radius 2% 2% 3% 3% MLC* Leaf position accuracy Leaf position reproducibility Gap width reproducibility Gantry, MLC, and Table Isocenter Beam Stability Low MU Output (<2MU) Low MU Symmetry (<2MU) Dynamic Multileaf Collimator (DMLC) Delivery System Leaf position accuracy Leaf position reproducibility Gap width reproducibility Leaf speed Low MU Output (<2MU) Low MU Symmetry (<2MU) '!1 = 1 K 1 + * FH!$HFFA6A$& ! 1 1 ' !2$ $% & + 3% 2% 1.00 mm radius 5% 3% 1 # # 1 1 # 1 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm ±0.2 mm/s # = + 0.5 mm 0.2 mm 0.2 mm ±0.1 mm/s 0.75 mm radius Gantry, MLC, and Table Isocenter Beam Stability # < Action Level MLC* * Measured at all four cardinal gantry angles . 1 Tolerance Limit #' ! '! = % , $ 1 # ? % # + 15