Item No. 1 :Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Education In The Subject – Education – July- 2012 Faculty : Education Date of Presentation : 9.1.2013 at 11.00 a.m. From Sr. No. 1 to 35 candidates Date of Presentation :10.1.2013 at 11.00 a.m. From Sr. No. 36 to 80 candidates Subject : Education (lq/kkfjr vkjk[kMk (Revised Synopsis) vkf.k iquZukans .khlkBh (Re-registration) vtZ dsysY;k la’kks/kdkauk lknjhdj.kklkBh lferhleksj mifLFkr jkg.;kph vko’;drk ukgh-) Sr. No . Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepanci s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Gen ofj’B egkfo|ky;krhy lsV@usV vgrkZ izkIr ch-,M- izf”k{khr vkf.k vizf”kf{kr vf/kO;k[;krkph v/;kiu vfHko`Rrh] v/;kiu vfHk#ph] v/;kiu ifj.kkedkjdrk & ,d rqyukRed vH;kl Dr. P.G. Bhoyar, Supervisor, Principal. Jiwan Vikas Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Thugaodeo, TahNarkhed, DisttNagpur. Prof.&Head, P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Hkkf’kd v{kerk ( Dyslexia) vl.kk&;k fo|kF;kZe/;s Hkkf’kd {kerkapk fodkl dj.;kdfjrk mipkjkRed v/;kiu ra= + fodflr d#u R;k ra=kP;k ifj.kkedkjdrspk vH;kl Dr. Pravin S.Mohite Supervisor, Lecturer, Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol, Distt-Nagpur Prof.&Head, P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. 1. Shri Pankaj S. Butoliya Ghode, Plot Ward No.6, Katol, Tah-Katol, Distt- Nagpur-441302 M.Ed.64% 2011, Pet Passed Pet Passed Result Sheet Not Submitted Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &Lak”kks/ku leL;sph l|kfLFkrh Li’V ukgh&iwoZla”kks/ku vk<kok fo’k;kuq#i v|kor o lqLi’V ukgh&la”kks/ku i}rh Li’V ukghÞ vekU; ß Date of Application13.7.2012 2. Shri Meghraj K. Bhad At+Post- Yenwa, Tah-Katol Distt-Nagpur-441302 M.Ed. 60% 2008 Pet Passed OBC Date of Application13.7.2012 1 &izLrkouk lqLi’V ukgh&iwoZla”kks/ku vk<kokv|kor ukgh&ueqU;kckcr Li’Vrk ukghÞ vekU; ß Sr. No . Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepanci es any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SC A Study of the Impact of Vipassana Meditation on Student”s Moral Behaviour and Academic Achievement Dr. Swati S. Raut Supervisor, Lecturer, Central India College of Education, Godhani, Nagpur Prof & Head P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. SC ukxiwj ftYg;krhy ek/;fed Lrjkojhy ewY;f”k{k.k fo’k;kP;k lanHkkZr f”k{kd o fo|kF;kZaP;k lkekftd lek;kstu] yksd”kkgh ewY;fo’k;d vfHko`Rrhpk o O;fDreRokpk fo”ys’k.kkRed vH;kl Dr. K.U. Ghormode Supervisor, 11, Meeramohan Apatt. Flat No- 102, Juna Subhedar Layout, Sharda Chowk, Nagpur-440024 Prof & Head, P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. 3. Shri Gopal K. Janbandhu C/o 18, Dilip Dive, Ramabai Nagar, Vishwakarmanagar, (Bhagwannagar), Nagpur. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &Lak”kks/ku fo’k;kph izLrkouk Li’V ukgh&iwoZla”kks/ku lqLi’V ukgh- o fo’k;k”kh lqlaxr ukgh&la”kks/ku i}rh vLi’V ukghÞ vekU; ß M.Ed. 54% 2012, Pet Passed Date of Application19.7.2012 4. Shri Vinod D. Wankhede At- Mahajanwadi, Ward No-6, Post Wanadongri, Tah-Hingna, Distt-Nagpur. M.Ed.-54%- 2011 Pet Passed Date of Application3.8.2012 2 Pet Passed Result Sheet Not Submitted &izLrkouk o iwoZla”kks/ku vk<kok ;k fo’k;k”kh lcaf/kr fnlwu ;sr ukghÞ vekU; ß Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 1. 2. 3. 4. SC ,p-,l-lh- Ogksds’kuy ¼,e-lh-Ogh-lh½ vH;kldzekrhy fo|kF;kZe/;s fuekZ.k gks.kkjs O;kolkf;d dkS’kY; o R;kauk feG.kkjk Lo;ajkstxkj vkf.k R;kaph vkfFkZd Lo;aiw.kZrk & ,d fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. Achala P.Wankhede Supervisor, Asstt. Professor, Priyadarshini College of Education , Nagpur. ek/;fed Lrjkojhy ‘kkys; fo|kF;kaZuk gk fo”k; ikjaikfjd o lacks/k lk/;rk ¼ Concept attainment½izfrekuk|kjs v/;kiu d#u R;kaph ifj.kkedkjdrk rikl.ks Prof. Dr. D.B. Punse Supervisor, Swawlambi College of Education, Dhantoli, Wardha. 5. Smt. Archana D. Gourkhede Opp. Dick Dispensary, VIP Road, Dharampeth, Nagpur-440010 M.Ed. 63%-2010 Pet Passed Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 5. 6. 7. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &O;olk; dkS”kY; dls ekiu dj.kkj \ gs Li’V ukgh& la”kks/kukps m}s”k Li’V ukgh& Lak”kks/ku lk/kus Li’V ukghß vekU; Þ Date of Application16.7.2012 6. Ku. Alpha K. Jain C/o Dr. P.R. Rokade Sadhana Surgical Care Centre, Digras, Distt-Yeotmal Jain M.Ed. 61% - 2012 Pet Passed Date of Application8.8.2012 3 Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee vkosnui= la’kks/ku LFkGkekQZr vxzsf”kr ukgh- &la”kks/kukps m}s”k vf/kd Li’V dj.ks vko”;d vkgs&iwuZlknjhdj.k djkos- Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OBC Ekgkfo|ky;ks es i<usokys Nk=ks ij] ,ulh-lh- ¼N.C.C.½ xfrfof/k;ksa dk] izsj.kk izkIrh ¼Achivement Motivation ½O;fDrRo fodkl lkgl lqj{kk& vlqj{kk dh Hkkouk ij i<usokys izHkko dk& ,d v/;;u Dr. Ushoshi Guha Supervisor, Principal, Central India College of Education, Godhani Road, Nagpur-444111 Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &fo’k;kps mfn’Vs o mfn’V izkIrhlkBhph lk/kus folaxr vkgs&iwoZla”kks/ku vk<kok v|kor ukgh&mfn’Vkuwlkj eqY;ekiu dls dj.kkj \gs Li’V gksr ukgh&fo’k; lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß -- ‘kkys; okrkoj.k] ‘kS{kf.kd fHkarh o Lo&vkRefo’okl ;kapk ek/;fed Lrjkojhy fo|kF;kZaP;k ekufld LokLF; o ‘kS{kf.kd laikn.kqdhoj gks.kk&;k ifj.kkekpk vH;kl Dr. Pravin S. Mohite Supervisor,Lecturer, Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol, Distt- Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &fo’k;kps lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukgh- rlsp rs viw.kZ vkgsÞ vekU; ß 7. Ku. Minakshi M. Bhujade 59, Shrikrishna Nagar, Godhni Road, Zingabai Takli, Nagpur-440030 M.Ed. 61%-2011 Pet Passed Date of Application16.7.2012 8. Shri Amol A. Jadhav At+Post- Honali Tah-Deoni, Distt- Latur M.Ed. 78%- 2009 DBAMU, Aurangabad Set Passed Exampted from Pet Date of Application 16.7.2012 4 Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee Sr. No. 1. 9. Name, Address and Qualification 2. Ku. Nitu B. Pathane Tirupati Bhavan, IIIrd Floor, C/o Rajesh M. Shivankar, Zenda Square, Mahal, Nagpur. Caste Topic & Research 3. 4. SC A Study of Relationship Between Environmental Awareness and EcoFriendly Behaviour of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to Their Personality. Name of Supervisor 5. Dr. S.G. Wanjari Supervisor, Associate Professor, Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. M.Ed. 64% - 2011 Net Passed Place of Research Discrepancie s any 6. 7. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &O;fDreRokpk Eco friendly Behaviour o Environmental Awareness “kh laca/k Li’V dsyk ukgh- &f”k{kdkaps Ecofriendly Behaviour dls Date of Application 16.7.2012 ekiu dj.kkj Li’V ukgh Þ vekU; ß 5 10. Shri Avish V. Satpute Peth Budhawar, Katol, Distt- Nagpur-441302 OBC M.Ed. 70% - 2007 Net Passed Construction and Standardization of Snap Study School Supervision Technique to Test Teachers Teaching Efficiency Dr. Pravin S. Mohite Supervisor,Lecturer, Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol, Distt- Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &iwoZla”kks/ku vk<kok v|kor ukgh&U;kn”kZ o la”kks/kukph lk/kus LkqLi’V ukgh& Snap vH;kl lqLi’V gksr ukghÞ vekU; ß Date of Application 13 .7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6 Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 11. Ku. Shubhangi H. Wankhede 35, Mitranagar, Manewada Road, Near Gajanan Temple, Post- Parwatinagar, Nagpur. OBC xzkeh.k vkf.k ‘kgjh Hkkxkrhy ek?;fed ‘kkGsrhy fo|kF;kZaph ‘kS{kf.kd fpark] egRodka{kk vkf.k R;kaps ‘kS{kf.kd laiknu& ,d lglaca/kkRed vH;kl Dr. P.G. Bhoyar, Supervisor, Principal, Jiwan Vikas Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Thugaondeo, TahNarkhed, Distt-Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Pet Passed Result Sheet Not Submitted M.Ed. 63% - 2011 Pet Passed Þ vekU; ß Date of Application 16.7.2012 12. Ku. Mamta B. Shahare C/o 140, Sachin Chaple, Old Subhedar Layout, Nagpur. &la”kks/ku laca/khr lkfgR; v|kor ukgh&lanHkZxzaFklwph v|kor ukgh&fo’k;kps lknjhdj.k Li’V ukgh- OBC ukxiwj ftYg;krhy ek/;fed o mPp ek/;fed Lrjkojhy ‘kkldh;] fue’kkldh; o [kktxh ‘kkGkae/;s ekfgrh ra=Kku (Information and Computer Technology)gk fo”k; f’kdfo.;kdfjrk ‘kkGsr miyC/k lks;h lqfo/kkapk rqyukRed vH;kl Dr. P.G. Bhoyar, Supervisor, Principal, Jiwan Vikas Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Thugaondeo, TahNarkhed, Distt-Nagpur. Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor M.Ed. 56% - 2010 Pet Passed Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &vkpk;Z inohdfjrk gk fo’k; ;Fkk;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß Date of Application 16.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification 7 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 13. 2. Shri Shaikh Irafan Ikabal 76/A. Salarnagar, Near Ajanta Chowk, Jalgaon, TalDistt-Jalgaon 3. -- 4. 5. A Study of Relationship between Teacher Effectiveness and Creativity of the Teacher Educators, Teaching in B.Ed. Colleges. Dr. Subrahmanya Rao Y Supervisor, Principal, KCESS, College of Education, Jalgaon. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. 6. 7. &la'kks/ku laca/khr lkfgR; v|kor ukgh&lanHkZ xzaFk lwph v|kor ukgh&fo”k;kps lknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß A Study of Construction and Standardlization of A Test of Ecological Intelligence Dr. Shashi Agrawal Supervisor, Associate Professor, Janta College of Education, Chandrapur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. -Ecological Intelligence not definal properly - Objective not clear M.Ed. 69% - 2008 Pune University. Pet Passed Date of Application 2.7.2012 14. Ku. Sangita N. Turale C/o Sanjay S. Bodhe Dwarkanagri, Anandwan Square, Warora, Distt-Chandrapur. NT &“kks/kfof/k ;Fkk;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß M.Ed. 57% - 2010 Pet Passed Date of Application 12.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 15. Ku. Roshni R. Satramwar C/o C.U. Sulbhewar, Butai Darwaja, Dasera Road, Mahal, Nagpur. SC M.Ed. 63% - 2012 Pet Passed ckY;koLFksrhy eqyk&eqyhaP;k orZu leL;kapk (Behaviour Problems) vkbZ&oMhyka’kh vlysY;k laca/kkP;k (Family Pathology)lanHkkZr rqyukRed vH;kl Dr.(Sau) Sartaj A. Kazi Supervisor, ExPrincipal, Janta College of Education, Chandrapur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. if'pe fonHkkZrhy catkjk lektkrhy eqyhaph f’k{k.kkizrhph vfHk#p, mPp f’k{k.kkrhy xGrh o eqyhaP;k mPp f’k{k.kkc}y ikydkaP;k n``f”Vdksukpk fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. Pravin S. Mohite Supervisor,Lecturer, Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol, Distt- Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. -Topic Modified as below:- Sek/;fed ‘kkGsrhy fo|kF;kZaP;k orZu leL;k o R;kaP;k vkbZoMhyka’kh vlysY;k lac/a kkpk (Family Pathology) rqyukRed vH;kl ß& ojhyizek.ks fo”k; nq#Lrhlg ekU; Date of Application 12.7.2012 16. Ku. Rajani B. Rathod E/106, Vidarbha Housing Colony, Bajoriyanagar, Yeotmal, Distt-Yeotmal VJ M.Ed. 60% - 2010 SRTMU,Nanded Pet Passed Eligibility Certificate Not Submitted &iwoZla”kks/ku vk<kok v|kor ukgh&fo’k; lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukgh&lk/kus lqLi’V ukghÞ vekU; ß Date of Application 13.7.2012 Sr. Name, Address and Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 9 Place of Research Discrepancie Decision of the Research No. 1. 17. Qualification 2. Ku. Shilpa P. Patkotwar Anjana Niwas, Ganj Ward, Chandrapur-442402(M.S) s any 3. 4. 5. SC fd'kksjkoLFksrhy fo|kF;kZaph HkkokRed orZu oSf’k”Vs] lektferh; fLFkrh vkf.k vH;klkrhy lejlrspk lglaca/kkRed vH;kl Dr.(Sau) Sartaj A. Kazi Supervisor, ExPrincipal, Janta College of Education, Chandrapur. 6. and Recognitition committee 7. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &fo’k; lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukgh&iwoZla”kks/ku lkfgR;] lanHkZlkfgR; o la”kks/ku lk/kus Li’V ukgh- M.Ed. 64% - 2011 Pet Passed Þ vekU; ß Date of Application 12.7.2012 18. Ku. Vibhawari K. Nakhate C/o”Moreshwar Plaza” K.K.Nakhate, Near Yemunabai D.Ed. College, Onkarnagar, Nagpur-440027. OBC Jh okfYedh jkek;k.k o egkHkkjr ;k xzaFkkrhy L=h pfj=krwu vfo”d`r gks.kk&;k ‘kS{kf.kd ewY;kaps foospu&,d v/;;u Dr.(Sau) Kalpana P. Kapse, Supervisor, Principal, Late Shri Madhuribai Deshmukh B.Ed,.College, Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. &”kS{kf.kd ewY;klaca/kh Li’Vhdj.k lqLi’V ukgh&fo’k; lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß M.Ed. 58% - 2004 Pet Passed Date of Application 10.7.2012 Sr. Name, Address and Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 10 Place of Research Discrepancie Decision of the Research No. 1. 19 Qualification 2. Ku. Pradnya R. Rode Ayodhyanagart, Navin Morewadi, Near Gurudev High School, Ambajogai, Distt-Beed-431117 s any 3. 4. SC ejkBokM;krhy erhean fo|ky;kr dk;Zjr vl.kk&;k f’k{kdkaP;k leL;k] R;k lanHkkZrhy fo|kF;kZaps izfrlkn o ;ke/kqu izkIr gks.kkjs O;kolk;hd lek/kku ;kapk fpfdRld vH;kl Dr Sushma Sharma Supervisor, Lecturer, Br. S.K.Wankhede College of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. 5. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. 6. OBC mPp ek/;fed Lrjkojhy foKku ‘kk[ksrhy fo”k; f’kd.kk&;k fo|kF;kZalkBh fofo/k ra=s o midzek}kjs xf.krh; vfHko`Rrhpk fodkl & ,d v/;;u Dr.Achala P.Wankhede Supervisor, Asstt. Professor, Priyadarshini College of Education, Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. and Recognitition committee 7. Absent M.Ed. 74% - 2010 DBAMU, Aurangabad Net & Pet Passed Date of Application 26.7.2012 20. Shri Nandkishor N. Bondre C/O N.Y.Bondre, Dalwi Hospital Road, Telephone Exchnge, Nagpur-440008 &ewG fofo/k ra= o fofo/k midzes lqLi’V ukgh&lk/kus ;Fkk;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß M.Ed. 65% - 2009 Pet Passed Date of Application 16.7.2012 11 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 21. Ku. Sneha N. Dhange 683, Ward No.3 Athwadi Bazar Road, Vijay 90 Par, Tah- Deori, Distt-Wardha. OBC fonHkkZrhy ek/;fed ‘kkGk xq.koRrko/kZukP;k n`f”Vus fofo/k lwtukRed midzekph ifj.kkedkjdrk ,d izk;kfxd vH;kl M.Ed. 68% - 2011 Pet Passed Dr. Sau.Kiran K.Nagtode, Supervisor, Lecturer, Swawlambi Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Wardha. Prof. & Head, P.G..Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &fofo/k l`tukRed midzekps lknjhdj.k Li’V dsys ukgh& fonHkkZrhy ek/;fed “kkGkaP;k xq.koRrsP;k Lrjkpk mYys[k ukgh- Date of Application 13.8.2012 Þ vekU; ß 22. Shri Amit V. Deotale 33, Old Subhedar Layout, Near Indira Gandhi Highschool, Ayodhyanagar Post Office, Nagpur-24 OBC ek/;fed Lrjkoj ejkBh O;kdj.kkP;k n`<hdj.kklkBh izxr lax.kd lkgkf¸;r Hkk”kk vuqns’ku dk;Zdzekps fodlu o R;kph ifj.kkedkjdrk Dr. Pravin S. Mohite Supervisor,Lecturer, Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol, Distt- Nagpur. Head, P.G.T.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Pet Passed Result Sheet Not Submitted &fo’k;kps lknjhdj.k vkpk;Z inoh lkBh ;ksX; ukghÞ vekU; ß M.Ed. 64% - 2008 Pet Passed Date of Application 13.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 12 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 2. 3. 23. Ku. Namrata P. Saliganjewar 163, Gurudeonagar, Opp. Basketball Ground, Nandanvan Area, Nagpur. OBC 4. bafnjk xka/kh jk”Vªh; eqDr fo|kihBkP;k fofo/k vH;kldze iqrZrslkBh bZ&cgqizlkj ek/;ekP;k ifj.kkedkjdrspk vH;kl 5. Dr. Kalyani Indurkar Supervisor, Principal, Suyash College of Education, Nagpur. 6. Prof. & Head, P.G..Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. 7. &bZ&cgqizlkj ek/;ekph ifj.kkedkjdrk d”kh rikl.kkj \ gs Li’V gksr ukgh M.Ed. -62% -2010 Pet Passed ß vekU; Þ Date of Application 27.7.2012 24. Smt. Mamta R. Lanjewar Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Talodhi(BA), Tah-Nagbhid, Distt-Chandrapur-441221 M.Ed. 71% - 1995 Pet Passed SC A Study of the Impact of Adjustment, Creativity,Leadership, Problem Solving and job Satisfaction in Relation to the Performance Appraisal of Alumni of Jawahar Navdaya Vidyalayas and Kendriya Vidyalaya in different Jobs. Dr. Miss.Ushoshi Guha Supervisor, Central India College of Education,Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Appraisal of Alumni Jawahar Vidyalaya & Kendriya Vidyalayas not Justified - Date of Application 13.7.2012 13 Hence Rejected Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 25. Ku. Amrapali S. Walke 106, Shrinagar, KDK Engineering College, New Nandanvan, Nagpur-440009. SC A Study of Challenges faced by Students with disabilities in accessing all inclusive educational services Name of Supervisor 5. Place of Research Discrepancie s any 6. 7. Dr Swati Raut Supervisor, Lecturer, Central India College of Education, Godhni, Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Dr. Kalyani Indurkar Supervisor, Principal, Rama Narayan Apartment Matamandir Road, Dharampeth, Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &fo”k; f’k”kZd o mfn”Vs ;kr Qjd fnlwu ;srks &fo”k; lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukghß vekU; Þ M.Ed. 65% - 2011 Pet Passed Date of Application 13.7.2012 26. Shri Ravindra R. Dharamthok 172, Shriramnagar, Post-Shivajinagar,Amravati. OBC M.Ed. 65% - 2010 YCMOU.Nashik Pet Passed Dfu”B egkfo|ky;hu f’k{kd vkf.k f’kf{kdkae/khy O;fDreRo xjtk] vkf.k lek;kstu ;kapk fo’ys”k.kkRed vH;kl Eligibility Certificate Not Submitted &iwolZ a’kks/ku lkfgR; o fo”k;kps m}s’k folaxr vkgs&lanHkZxzaFklwph v|kor ukghßvekU; Þ Date of Application 27.7.2012 Sr. Name, Address and Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 14 Place of Research Discrepancie Decision of the Research No. Qualification s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 27. Ku. Shilpa R. Belkhonde C/o 97, Sanjay Mahakalkar Chota Tajbagh,Raghujinagar, Nagpur. OBC Dfu”B vk.k ofj”B egkfo|ky;krhy f’k{kdkaP;k O;kolk;hd dk;kZrhy rk.kd R;kauk feG.kkjk lkekftd ikBhack vkf.k ykHk.kk&;k lqLokLF;kpk rqyukRed vH;kl Dr. Kalyani Indurkar Supervisor, Principal, Rama Narayan Apartment Matamandir Road, Dharampeth, Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. ek/;fed Lrjkojhy fo|kF;kZaph vfHk#ph] ltZu’khyrk vkf.k lek;kstu g;kapk lglca/kkRed vH;kl Dr. Asha M. Dharaskar (Bhawsar), Supervisor, Asstt. Professor, Govt. B.Ed. College, Ramdaspeth, Akola, Distt-Akola-444001 Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Name of Supervisor Place of Research M.Ed. 62% - 2008 Pet Passed 6. and Recognitition committee 7. ekU; Date of Application 27.7.2012 28. Shri Jitendra V. Kathole 49 A, Hatekar Layout, Behind Hotel Holiday, Umari Big, Akola-444005. NT M.Ed. 63% - 2010 Pet Passed &fo”k;kps lknjhdj.k lqLi”V ukghß vekU; Þ Date of Application 11.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 15 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 29. 2. Shri Rahul D. Lambe Hindnagar, Near Kailash Mandir, Wardha-442001 3. SC M.Ed. 70% - 2010 Pet Passed 4. 5. 6. baxzth fo”k;kP;k v/;kiukr ikjaikfjd v/;kiu i}rh vkf.k Le`rh izfrekuk}kjs ( Memory Model) v/;kiukpk ;k fo”k;krhy laiknukoj gks.kkjk ifj.kke& ,d izk;ksfxd v/;;u Dr. R.G. Bhende Supervisor, Principal, Shiv-Vaibhav Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Wardha. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. v/;kid infodk izf’k{k.kkF;kZapk lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkrhpk R;kaP;k lkekftd vfHk{kersoj vkf.k jk”Vªh; ,dkRersP;k Hkkousoj gks.kkjk ifj.kkekpk vH;kl Dr. K.M. Bhandarkar Supervisor, Principal, P.P.College of Education, Gondia. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. 7. ekU; Date of Application 16/7/2012 30. Smt Supriya S. Bhute 163, Shastrinagar, Bhandara441904 OBC M.Ed. 64% - 2009 Pet Passed vkosnui= Bjkfod la’kks/ku LFkGkekQZr vxzsf”kr ukgh- &lkekftd vkfFkZd fLFkrhpk jk”Vªh; ,dkRersP;k Hkkousoj dlk ifj.kke gks.kkj o R;kaps dls ekiu dj.kkj \ ;kaps lknjhdj.k ukgh&iwuZlknj djkos- Date of Application 13/7/2012 Sr. Name, Address and Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 16 Place of Research Discrepancie Decision of the Research No. Qualification s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 31 Ku. Priti A. Dange C/o Vipin M. Kamavisdar Matoshri Sufalkrupa Colony, Malkapur Road, Akola-444005. -- mPp ek/;fed Lrjkojhy fo|kF;kZaps ekufld LokLFk] HkkofudifjiDork o O;fDreRo ;kaP;k lglca/kkapk fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. Asha M. Dharaskar (Bhawsar), Supervisor, Asstt. Professor, Govt. B.Ed. College, Ramdaspeth, Akola, Distt-Akola-444001 Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. 6. MhVh,M vH;kldzekrhy rkfRod Hkkxk O;frfjDr vH;kliwjd dk;Zdzekph ,d fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. P.G.Bhoyar Supervisor, Principal, Jivan Vikas Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Thugaondeo, TahNarkhed, Distt-Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. and Recognitition committee 7. Eligibility Certificate Not Submitted. &fo”k; lknjhdj.k ;ksX; ukghß vekU; Þ M.Ed. 64% - 2010 YCMOU, Nashik Pet Passed Date of Application 12.7.2012 32 Shri Ravindra M. Ramatkar C/o 62, Nitin Bele, Vivekanandnagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur-440015 M.Ed. 61% - 1999 Pet Passed OBC Date of Application 1.8.2012 17 &f’k”kZd o mfn”Vs ;ke/;s lqLi”Vrk vk<Gwu ;sr ukgh&fo”k; lknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukghß vekU; Þ Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 33 Shri Sumit S. Kamble 1, Block “C” Pahune Layout Pilinadi, Kamptee Road, Nagpur-440026. SC Utility of Physical Infrastructure Available for Children with Special Needsin inclusive Schools and Its impact on Education. Dr. C.P. Allewar Supervisor, Associate Professor, Janta College of Education, Chandrapur. M.Ed. 61% - 2010 Pet Passed Principal, P.G.T.D.Education Janta College of Education, Centre for Higher Learning Research, Chandrapur. Date of Application 16.7.2012 34 Ku. Megha M. Mankar C/o 28, Sujit M. Butle Ulhasnagar, Manewada Road, Nagpur-440026. vkosnui= Bjkohd la’kks/kuLFkGiz eq[kkekQZr vxzsf”kr dj.;kr vkysys ukgh- Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee Absent Result Sheet Not Submitted OBC fonHkkZrhy xzkeh.k Hkkxkrhy mPp izkFkfed Lrjkojhy oxZ&7 fo|kF;kZaP;k fo”k;kr gks.kk&;k pqdk o R;kojhy mik;;kstuk & ,d fpfdRld vH;kl M.Ed. 63% - 2011 Pet Passed vkosnui= la’kks/kuLFkGk ekQZr vxzfs ”kr dj.;kr vkysys ukgh- Prof. Dr. Waman M. Lonkar, Supervisor, Principal, Shri Vasant College of Education, & PG Department, New Nandanvan, Nagpur. Topic is not suitable for Ph.D Hence Rejected Date of Application 16.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 18 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 35 2. Ku. Yogita G. Sarode C/o 10, Pran V. Rokde, Radhe Apartment Telecomnagar, Khamla Ramkrishnanagar, Nagpur. 3. 4. OBC Study of Home environment as a Major Factor for errnt behavior of children between the age group of 14 to 18 5. 6. Dr. Ushoshi Guha Supervisor, Principal, Central India College of Education Godhani Nagpur Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Dr. Prashant Patil, Supervisor, Asstts. Professor, Bar. S.K.Wankhede College of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Head, P.G.T.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Name of Supervisor Place of Research 7. &fo”k;kps lknjhdj.k o fo”k;kps m}s’k o lk/kus ;ksX; ukghß vekU; ß M.Ed. 62% -2006 Pet Passed Date of Application 16.7.2012 36 Ku. Amrita S. Munshi C-402, Rachana Sayantara, Hajari Pahad, Near Vayusenanagar, Nagpur440007. -- A Comparative Study of the Value Pattern of Students in Higher Primary Schools in Nagpur Distrtict M.Ed. 60% - 2010 Pet Passed Result Sheet Not Attached &mfn”Vs o lk/kus ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh&fo”k;kps lknjhdj.k] m}s’k vkf.k lk/kus ;ksX; ukghß vekU; ß Date of Application 13.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 19 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 2. 3. 37 Ku.Ratnamala N. Korde Behind Telephone Exchange, Ward No-14, Mul, Tah-Mul Distt-Chandrapur. OBC 4. xzkeh.k ‘kgjh foHkkxkrhy izkFkfed ‘kkdZP;k f’kf{kdkaP;k vk/kqfudhdj.k vkf.k efgyk l’kfDrdj.k fopkjkapk Hkkofud cqf}eRrsP;k lanHkkZr vH;kl 5. Dr.(Mrs). Sartaj A. Kazi, Supervisor, Sartaj House, Opp Akashwani Civil Lines, Chandrapur. 6. 7. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. &Hkkofud cq}heRrk o vk/kqfudhdj.kpk lac/a k Li”V ukgh&Hkkofud cq}heRrk o efgyk l’kfDrdj.kkpk lac/a k Li”V ukgh- M.Ed. 63% - 1997 M.Phill Passed Hence Exampted from Pet ß vekU; ß Date of Application 5.7.2012 38 Ku. Kumudini N. Bhagat 106, Kumudini Building, Sadhankarwadi, Chikhalgaon Wani, Tah-Wani, DisttYeotmal-445304 SC fonHkkZrhy loZ f’k{kk vfHk;ku varxZr eqyhaps f’k{k.k o fyaxleHkko n`f”Vdksu fufeZrhlkBh jkcfo.;kr ;s.kk&;k midzekph ifj.kkedkjdrk ,d fpfdRld v/;;u Dr. Vidya S. Bharambe Supervisor, Assistant Professor, Bar. S.K.Wankhede College of Education , RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Topic & Research Name of Supervisor M.Ed. 60% - 2011 YCMOU,Nashik Pet Passed Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. &la’kks/ku dk;Zi}rh o uequk lk/kukckcr lqLi”Vrk ukghß vekU; ß Date of Application 20.72012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste 20 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 39 2. Ku. Komal B. Gajbhiye 17, Velekar-Layout, Manewada Road, Nagpur-440027 3. 4. 5. -- fonHkkZrhy fL=;kae/;s R;kaP;kc}y vl.kkjs dk;ns o vf/kdkjkfo”k;hph tkx#drk rikl.ks o R;kaPkk lkekftd o vkfFkZd Lrj vH;kl.ks Dr. Sushma D. Sharma Supervisor, Lecturer, Bar. S.K.Wankhede College of Education, Nagpur. 6. 7. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. &vkpk;Z inohlkBh gk fo”k; ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh- M.Ed. 45% - 2009 KKKSU,Ramtek Pet Passed ß vekU; ß Date of Application 16.7.2012 40 Ku. Anju B. Parkhi C/o 114, P.B. Waghmare Naiknagar. Manewada Road, Nagpur. OBC i;kZoj.k f’k{k.k ;k fo”k;kP;k v/;kiukr vk/kqfud n`dJkO; lk/kuk}kjs oSf’od rkieku izfdz;sP;k lanHkkZr i;kZoj.k tkx`rh&,d izk;ksfxd vH;kl Dr. Sau. Rama Fuke Supervisor, Associate Professor.Priyadarshani College of Education, Sonegaon,Nagpur. Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Absent M.Ed-70%-2009 Pet Passed Date of Application 16/7/2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste 21 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 41 2. Shri Vinayak S. Bhele At-Post-Kelzar, Tah- Seloo, Distt-Wardha-442113 3. 4. 5. OBC egkjk"Vªkrhy f’k{k.k vf/kdk&;kaP;k iz’kkldh; tckcnkjhP;k n`”Vhus fdz;k’khyrk] O;fDreRo o ewY;s ;kaP;k lglca/kkpk vH;kl Prof. Dr. (Sau) Kiran Nagtode, Supervisor, Assistant Lecturer, Swawalambi College of Education, Wardha. M.Ed. 59% - 2006 YCMOU, Nashik M.Phill Passed Exampted from Pet 6. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. 7. &la’kks/ku fo”k;kr fdz;kf’kyrk ikg.;kdfjrk ;Fkk;ksX; lk/ku Li”V ukghß vekU; Þ Date of Application 13/9/2012 42 Shri Chandraprakash P. Bankar, At+Post- Khamari, Tah+Distt-Gondia. M.Ed. 61% -2011 Pet Passed OBC Dfu”B egkfo|ky;hu fo|kF;kZaph laiknu izjs .kk] leL;k fujkdj.k {kerk vkf.k R;kaP;k vH;kl lo;hapk (Achievement Motivation, Problem Solving Ability & Study Habits) lglca/kkRed vH;kl Dr. B.R. Sharma Supervisor, Asstt. Professor, Pujabhai Patel Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Gondia. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. ß fonHkkZrhy dfu”B egkfo|ky;hu fo|kF;kaph laiknu izsj.kk] leL;k fujkdj.k {kerk vkf.k R;kaP;k vH;kl lo;hpk (Achievement Motivation, Problem Solving Ability & Study Habits) lglca/kkRed vH;kl Þ Date of Application 4.9.2012 ;k fo”k; f’k”kZd nq#Lrhlg ß ekU; ß 22 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principal, Pujabhai Patel College of Education(MS) vkosnui= Bjkfod la’kks/kuLFkGk ekQZr vxzfs ”kr dj.;kr vkysys ukgh- 43 Smt. Sunita G. Pramar C/o Uday Kumar Pramar Indira Gandhi Ward Rail Toli, Gondia. -- dfu"B egkfo|ky;hu fon;kfFkZ;ks dh ifj{kk nqf’prk (Exam Anxiety) ,ao HkkokRed cqf} (Emotinal Intelligence) ds lanHkZ es mudh ‘kSf{kd miyC/kh(Scholastic Achievement) ,d v/;;u Dr. K.M.Bhandarkar, Supervisor, Principal, Pujabhai Patel College of Education, Gondia(MS) OBC A Study of Role of English Creative Writing Skill on Academic Performance of CBSC and State Board School Children( Standard IV to VIII) Dr.Mrs. Sarita C. Deshpande, Supervisor, Principal, G.H.Raisoni International Academic for Creative Teaching Nagpur. M.Ed.64%-2011 Pet Passed Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &ifj{kk nqf’park o HkkokRed cq}h ;kaP;kr lca/kkckcr lknjhdj.k djrk vkys ukgh& ifj{kk nqf’park ifj{ksuarj R;kpsekiu dls gks.kkj gs Li”V dsys ukgh& iwuZlknj djkok- Date of Application 17/9/2012 44 Smt. Aparna D. Dalvi 46, Sai-Mansion LIC Colony, RPTS, Road, Nagpur-440015 M.Ed.-62%-2011 Pet Passed Date of Application 16/7/2012 23 vkosnui= la’kks/kuLFkGk ekQZr vxzfs ”kr dj.;kr vkysys ukgh- ekU; Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 45 Ku. Lucky H. Sadrani Lucky Collection, Hotel Ayodhya, In front of Jain Sweet Mart, Kasturba Road, Chandrapur. -- Analytical Study of Life Skills Education Programme at Secondary Level in CBSC School Dr.(Mrs). Shashi G. Wanjari, Supervisor, Associate Professor, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee -Life Skill Education programme for teacher”s is not explained properly -Research Methodology not properly explained. - M.Ed. -64%-2012 Pet Passed Hence not Accepted Date of Application 20.7.2012 46 Shri Subhash R. Bawankule At+Post, Near Kumar Petrol Pump, Main Road, Lakhani, Tah-Lakhani, DisttBhandara-441804 OBC M.Ed. 58%-2012 Pet Passed ckydkapk eksQr o lDrhP;k f”k{k.kkpk gDd vf/kfu;e]2009¼RTE Act 2009½ P;k varxZr HkaMkjk ftYg;krhy izkFkfed “kkGke/;s >kysyh] R;kaph l|fLFkrh o ifj.kke % ,d vH;kl Dr. Prashant N. Patil Assist Professor, Bar. S.K.Wankhede College of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Name of Supervisor Place of Research &fo”k;kps lknjhdj.k vkpk;Z inohlkBh ;ksX; ukghß vekU; ß Date of Application 21.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 24 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 2. 3. 47 Ku. Kanchan K. Sonwane RH-57, Dnyansarita Society, Front Side of Model College, Dombiwali(East) Distt-Thane OBC 5. 6. ÞvkfFkZdn`”V;k nqcZy fo|kF;kZaP;k f’k{k.kklkBh ukxjh lgdkjh cWadkaps foRrh; ;ksxnku ,d fpfdRld vH;kl ¼ukxiwj ‘kgj½Þ& ¼dky[kaM 2005&2010½ 4. Dr. Gaurishankar Parasher Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Traditional Method for Teaching Key concepts in Physics at Secondary Level. Dr. K.M. Bhandarkar Supervisor, Principal, Punjabhai Patel Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Gondia. Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research 7. Absent M.Ed. 56% - 2007 SNDTU, Mumbai Set & Net Passed Exampted from Pet Date of Application 15.7.2010 48 Ku. Aparna P. Solat C/o Gajanan Mane, Zuni, Vazsti, Zingabai Takli, Nagpur. Open M.Ed 66%-2008 Pet Passed fo"k;kps lknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukghß vekU; ß Date of Application 11.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste 25 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 49 2. Shri Homeshwar S. Dangore C/o Principal, Bhartiya Adhyapak Vidhyalaya, AtPost –Aroli, Tah- Mouda, Distt- Nagpur-44 3. 4. -- ejkBh ek/;ekaP;k ‘kkGsrhy ‘kS{kf.kd l|fLFkrh o lq/kkjkRed mik;kapk ‘kks/k ?ks.ks % ,d v/;;u 5. Dr. R.N.Dhore Supervisor, Professor, Shri Vasant College of Education, New Nandanwan, Nagpur-24 6. 7. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur &la’kks/ku fo”k;kr ‘kS{kf.kd l|kfLFkrh lqLi”V ukgh&lanHkZ lkfgR; iwjsls ukgh&la’kks/ku i|rh ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh- M.Ed. 56%-1995 Pet Passed ß vekU; ß Date of Application 8-7-2010 50 Ku. Renu U. Naise C/o 6, Mr. Abhay Shende Saiee Apartment, Kaslulba Layout, Jaitala- Ambazari Road, Nagpur. OBC /kuxj lektkP;k] lkekftd dkSVqfa cd o vkfFkZd ifjfLFkrhpk R;kaP;k ‘kS{kf.kd fodklkoj gks.kk&;k ifj.kkekapk fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. Sau. Anchala Wankhede, Supervisor Priyadarshani Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Sonegaon Nagpur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Name of Supervisor Place of Research &vkpk;Z inohlkBh fo”k; ;Fkk;ksX; ukghß vekU; ß M.Ed. 56%-2011 Pet Passed Date of Application 13.7.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 26 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 2. 3. 51 Shri Prasad N. Waykule C/o Yogesh Pundlik Gorle 20, Sainagar, Zingabai Takli, Godhi Road, Near Gokwdham, Nepali Kirana Store, Nagpur. NT 4. A Study of Effectiveness of Learning Package for Communication Skill in English for B.Ed,. Trainees 5. 6. Dr. G.P.Dhatrak Asso. Prof. Govt. College of Education, Bhandara. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur 7. &vkpk;Z inohdjhrk fo”k; ;ksX; ukgh- Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur &vkpk;Z inohdjhrk fo”k; ;ksX; ukgh- ß vekU; ß M.Ed. 67%-2007 Pune University M.Phill Passed-2010 Exampted from Pet Date of Application 10-7-2010 52 Mrs. Mrinal S. Undale 5, Laxmi Park Apartment Opposite Chavan Chawk Vishrantwadi, Pune-411015 M.Ed. 66%-2006 Pune University Pet Passed -- b;Rrk vkBohP;k fo|kF;kZoj Hkwxksy fo”k;krhy izkd¤frd o [kxksy ?kVdkaoj lax.kd lgkf;r vuqns’ku dk;Zdze okijkpk i;; vfHko¤Rrh o laikn.kwdhojhy ifj.kkedkjdrspk vH;kl Dr. Prabhakar R. Borgaonkar, Supervisor Adarsha Comprehensive College of Education & Research Karve Road, Pune-4 Date of Application 14.6.2012 27 ß vekU; ß Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 53 Ku. Shubhada Arun Gadkari 28, Ravindra Nagar, PMG Colony, Near Telecom Nagar, Nagpur-440022 -- A Comparative Study of Strategy in Teching Mathematics to Higher Secondary Schools and Tuition Classes Dr. Bhimrao Gote Supervisor & Associate Professor, PGTD, Education,RTM, Nagpur University. Nagpur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur B.M.Ed. 67%-1985 Pet Passed Result Sheet Not Submitted Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee Absent B.M.Ed. fg inO;qRrj fMxzh vkgs dk Date of Application 13.6.2012 54 Smt. Sheela D. Wankhede 28, Shahane Layout, Near Bhagwati Lawn, Trimurti Nagar, Nagpur M.Ed. 64%-2005 YCMV,Nashik-2005 Pet Passed OBC fofo/k midzekaP;k ek/;ekrwu ek/;fed ‘kkGsr v/;;u dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZe/khy oSKkfud n¤”Vhdksukpk fodkl& ,d izk;ksfxd vH;kl Dr. P.G. Bhoyar Supervisor & Principal, Jiwan Vikas Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Thugaondeo, TahNarkhed, Distt-Nagpur. Date of Application 13.7.2012 28 Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Result Sheet , Eligibility Original, Residence Certificate & Name Change Notification RTM, Nagpur University, Not Submitted &midzekph ;knh ukgh&uequk la[;k uewn ukgh &lanHkZ lkfgR; iwjsls ukgh&lanHkZ xzaFk lwph ;Fkk;ksX; ukghß vekU; ß Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 55. Shri Babu Chudaman Jogdand C/o Avish Vitthalrao Satpute Peth Budhwar, Katol, Distt-Nagpur. SC Development and Effectiveness of Anglo-positivity Mind Instillation Programme(APMIP) in Relation to Students Interest, Attitude and Achievement of English Subject Dr. Pravin S. Mohite Supervisor & Lecturer Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol, Distt-Nagpur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur MkW-ckcklkgkc vacsMdj ,ao egkRek T;ksfrck Qqyd fd f’k{kk n’kZu dk vk/kqfud f’k{kk iz.kkyh ij izHkko dk fpfdRld v/;;u Dr. Devendra R. Bhagat Supervisor & Principal Kisanrao Khobragade Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Armori Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee Absent M.Ed. 68%-2007 M.Phill & Net Passed Date of Application 13.7. 2012 56. Shri Prakash Hemraj Shahare At+Post- Bhugaon, Tah+ Lakhani, Distt-Bhandara M.Ed. 56%-2009 PRSSU- 2009 Pet Passed SC &;k fo’k;k’kh laca/khr vusd “kks/kizca/k >kys vkgsrß vekU; ß Date of Application 21.11.2012 29 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 57. Ku. Sangita C. Tagde Govt. Qu.No.B-15/1, Ravinagar, Nagpur. SC fonHkkZrhy fu;fer o nwjLFk f’k{k.kk}kjs ch-,M dj.kk&;k fon;kF;kZaP;k v/;kiu vfHk{kerk o vfHko`Rrhpk rqyukRed vH;kl Dr. G.V. Jain, Supervisor Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur fonHkkZrhy viax fo|ky;krhy fon;kF;kZaP;k laiknu izjs .kspk O;fDreRokoj gks.kkjk ifj.kke& ,d vH;kl Dr. Vidya S. Bharambe RTM, Nagpur University”s , Bar. S.K.Wankhede College of Education, Nagpur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur M.Ed. 68%-2012 Asstt. Teacher Exampted from Pet Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee ekU; Date of Application 20.10. 2012 58. Smt. Neeta Sachinrao Sagole Near Hindu Girls High School, Ogale Road, Mahal, Nagpur-440032 OBC M.Ed. 55%-2011 Pet Passed Date of Application 18.10.2012 30 Name Change Certificate Not Submitted &ekiu ifjiw.kZ ukgh- o fo”k;kps Lkknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh ß vekU; ß Sr. No. 1. 59. Name, Address and Qualification 2. Shri Vinod Donuji Wanjari At+Post-Rajola, Tah-Kuhi Distt-Nagpur-441202 Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 3. 4. 5. OBC ‘kS{kf.kd ik=rsr fHkUurk vlysY;k ikyd oxkZrhy fo|kF;kZaP;k ltZuf’kyrk o vH;klo;kapk rqyukRed vH;kl Dr. Sau. Rama Ramesh Fuke, Supervisor & Associate Professor Priyadarshani College of Education, Manish Nagar, Nagpur. M.Ed. 62%-2008 M.Phill(Marathi)-2008 Place of Research Discrepancie s any 6. 7. Prof. & Head M.Phill in P.G.Department of Marathi Education, RTM, Subject Nagpur University, Nagpur Date of Application 10.7. 2012 60. Ku. Neetu Chhotelal Rahangdale C/o Deonathji Rahangdale, Panchsheel Ward, Ramabai Ambedkar Chowk, Sakoli, Tah+ Sakoli, Distt-Bhandara. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &f’k”kZdkrhy ’kS{kf.kd ik=rkckcr lqLi”Vrk Ukkgh&fo”k; lknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh&lanHkZ lkfgR; iwjsls ukgh&fuEu o mPp ‘kS{kf.kd Lrj uewn ukghß vekU; ß OBC lkdksyh o yk[kuh rkyqD;krhy iwoZ ek/;fed ‘kkGsr jkcfoY;k tk.kk&;k lkrR;iq.kZ loZd”k ewY;ekiu i}rhpk fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. Shubhangi A. Rode, Supervisor M.Ed. 65%-2009 YCMOU,Nashik Pet Passed Date of Application 23.8.2012 31 Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Result Sheet, Residence & Eligibility Certificate Not Submitted &mf}”V Li”V d# ‘kdys ukgh&lanHkZ lkfgR; o lk/kus ifjiw.kZ ukghß vekU; ß Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. vuqnkuhr vkf.k foukvuqnkuhr ‘kkGke/khy ek/;fed Lrjkojhy f’k{kdkaph v/;kiu {kerk o l`tu’khyrk ;kapk R;kaP;k O;olk;larq”VhP;k lanHkkZr vH;kl Dr. Sau. Ujwala Sadaphal Supervisor & (Assistant Professor), Swavalambi College of Education, Wardha Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur &fo”k;kps lknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh- Ek/;fed ‘kkGsrhy f’k{kdkaP;k cny izo.krspk (Teachers Change Proneness), Lo&ladYiuk o O;kolkf;d rk.k ;kaP;k lanHkkZr fpfdRld vH;kl Dr. Sau. Ujwala Sadaphal Supervisor & (Assistant Professor), Swavalambi College of Education, Wardha Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur fo"k; f”k’kZdkrhy iw<hy nq#Lrhlg ekU; 61. Shri Amol Nayanprakash Ghumade Karla Road, Nandanwan Colony, Post-Manasmandir, Wardha-442001 OBC Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee ß vekU; ß M.Ed. 67%-2010 Pet Passed Date of Application 31.8. 2012 62. Shri Prafullakumar S. Mene Vidhyanagar, Vivek Colony, Bramhapuri, DisttChandrapur-441206 -- M.Ed. 60%-2008 Pet Passed ß fonHkkZrhy ek/;fed “kkGsrhy f”k{kdkaP;k c}y iz.kors (Aeacher Change Proneness ) Lo&ladYiukP;k o O;olkf;d rk.k ;kaP;k lanHkkZr fpfdRld vH;kl-ß Date of Application 9.10.2012 32 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. -- mPp ek/;fed Lrjkojhy f’kd.kk&;k fo|kF;kZe/;s oSKkfud vfHk#ph #tfo.;klkBh oSKkfud vfHko`Rrh fodkl dk;Zdze o midzekph ifj.kkedkjdrk vH;kl.ks Dr. Sau. Kiran K. Nagtode Supervisor & Asstt. Lecturer, Swalambi Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Wardha. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Dr. R.N.Dhore Supervisor & Principal S.K.W. College of Education, Sindewahi, Distt-Chandrapur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur 63. Ku. Vasundhara R. Makode Matanagar, Thodge Layout, AT+Post+Tah= Ralegaon, Distt-Yavatmal-445402 M.Ed. 73%-2011 SGAU, Amt. Pet Passed Eligibility & Residence Certificate Not Submitted. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee &oSKkfud vfHk#ph #tfo.;klkBh midze o fodkl dk;Zdze lqLi”V dsys ukgh&iwuZlknj djkos- Date of Application 10.10. 2012 64. Ku. Bela Vinodkumar Tibdewal C/o Vishal Kirana Bhandar, Astrabhuja Chowk, Dhantoli, Bachelor Road, Wardha-442001 -- A Study of Value Patterns of Star and Isolates in Educational System in Nagpur University. _Value of patterns of star & Isolates not Properly explained. _Research Methodology not Justified. Hence Rejected. M.Ed. 68%-2010 Pet Passed Date of Application 15.1.2011 33 Sr. No. 1. 65. Name, Address and Qualification 2. Smt. Mrunal Anil Makde Dr. Mukhharji Ward, behind Old Town Post Office, Distt-Bhandara Caste 3. OBC Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 4. 5. Dfu”B egkfo|ky;hu fo|kF;kZph Hkkofud cqf/neRrk Dr. Sumedha S. Thakur Supervisor o ifjfLFkrh izfrfdz;k {kerk ;ke/khy lglca/kkps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u Place of Research Discrepancie s any 6. 7. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Name Change Notification RTM, Nagpur Uniersity, Not Submitted. M.Ed. 63%-1997 M.Phill & Pet Passed Shri Vinod Kumar Walmik Gedam B/o Roshan Gedam A/P Ekodi T/D – Gondia &ifjfLFkrh izfrfdz;k {kerk ;kckcr lanHkZ lkfgR;kr mYys[k ukgh&ifjfLFkrh izfrfdz;k {kerk vkf.k Hkkofud cq}heRrk ;ke/;s lac/a k ;kckcr iw.kZla’kks/kukRed mYys[k ukghßvekU; ß Date of Application 4.7. 2012 66. Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee SC M.Ed. 55%-2008 Pet Passed fonHkkZrhy ek/;fed Lrjkojhy vkfnoklh o xSjvkfnoklh fo|kF;kZaph ek/;fed cqf}eRrk ¼ Emotional Intelligence½ “kS{kf.kd vfHko`Rrh ¼ Education Attitude½ o R;kaP;k “kS{kf.kd laiknukps (Scholastic Achevemment½ rqyukRed v/;;u Dr. R.L. Nikose Supervisor & Asst. Professor (Sr. Grade) P.P. College of Education Gondia Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Hkkofud cq}heRrk o “kS{kf.kd vfHk#ph ;kaP;k “kS{kf.kd laiknusr lglca/k ;Fkk;ksX; Li’V dsyk ukgh&iwuZlknjhdj.k djkos Date of Application 13/12/2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste 34 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 67. 2. Ku. Vandana L. Mathankar C/o P.J. Datarkar 612/C, New Subhedar Layout, Nagpur-24 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OBC Egkuxjikfydk o ftYgkifj”kn ‘kkGsrhy ek/;fed Lrjkojhy fo|kF;kZaph cqf}eRrk] laiknu izsj.kk] ‘kS{kf.kd fpark] lkekftd&vkfFkZd ifjfLFkrh o xq.klaiknukpk rqyukRed vH;kl Dr. Rajashree Vaishnav Supervisor & Principal Chirayou K.C. Bajaj College of Education, Jaripatka, Nagpur. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur OBC f’k{k.k egkfo|ky;krhy fo|kF;kZaP;k usr`Rokps xq.k, Dr. Chandrashekhar V. Bhusari. Supervisor & vfHk#ph o vfHko`Rrh ;kapk lglca/k rikl.ks Name Change Notification, RTM, Nagpaur University, Not Submitted ekU; Principal, Swawlambi Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Wardha. Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition ekU; M.Ed. 68%-2011 Set Passed Date of Application 8.11. 2012 68. Smt. Sangeeta S. Dhanadhya Near Sarasvati Learning Point Bus Depot Road, Ramnagar Square, Wardha. M.Ed. 60%-1993 M.Phill Passed Date of Application 20.11.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 35 committee 1. 2. 3. 69 Shri Dhananjay B. Kadam 204, Tuljai Apartment, 21/22, Reghe Layout, Talmale Estate, Trimurtinagar, Nagpur-440022. OBC fonHkkZrhy foukvuqnkfur o dk;e foukvuqnkfur f’k{k.k egkfo|ky;kr dk;Zjr vf/kO;k[;kR;kaP;k lsosrhy vlqjf{krrspk R;kaP;k v/;kiu {kerkoj gks.kkjk ifj.kke 4. Dr. K.U. Ghormode Retd. Principal, 11,Meera Mohan Apartment, Flat No. 102, Near Bank Of Maharashtra, Adjacent to Dr. Kalinkar Hospital,Old Subhedar Layout, Nagpur440024 OBC Occupational Stress Among Teachers with Reference to Their Personality, Achievement and Family Environment- A Study Dr. Rajshree Vaishnav Supervisor & Principal, Chirayu K.C. Bajaj College of Education Nagpur. . Prof. & Head P.G.Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research M.Ed. 56% - 1999 YCMOU, Nashik M.Phill Passed-2009 Exampted from Pet 5. 6. 7. Absent Date of Application 15.1.2012 70 Smt. Priti S. Pendharkar 559, “Yashoharsh” Hiwari Layout, Near “Inox” Bog. Bazar, Nagpur. ekU; M.Ed-62%-2010 Pet Passed Date of Application 6.12.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification 36 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 71 2. Shri Dhammpal Annaji Gajbhiye Lala Lajapat Rai Ward New Santaji Nagar Bhandara-441904 Ta. – Dist. – Bhandara 3. 4. 5. 6. S.C. ßdkSek;kZoLFksrhy fo|kF;kZaph v/;;u&fopkj 'kSyh ¼Style of Learning and Thinking½] Lo&vkdyu ¼Self-Actualization½ o vH;kl lo;hapk ¼Study Habit½ R;kaP;k 'kS{kf.kd laiknukoj gks.kkjk ifj.kke & ,d fo’ys"k.kkRed v/;;uÞ Dr. R.L. Nikose, Supervisor & Asst. Professor P.P. College of Education Gondia – 441 601 Head, P.G. Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. OBC loZ f’k{kk vfHk;kukvarxZr viax lekosf’kr f’k{k.k dk;Zdze&,d fpfdRldh; leh{k.k Dr. C.P.Allewar Supervisor & Reader, Janta College of Education, Chandrapur. Head, P.G. Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Residence Certificate Not Submitted Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancie s any M.Ed. -65%-2009 Pet Passed 72 Smt. Pratibha Sunil Patil C/o 4, Pramila Shantaram Choudhari Bardenagar, Borgaon, Gorewada Road, Nagpur-13 7. fo|kF;kZps v/;;u fopkj”kSyh vkf.k Lovkdyu ;kapse/;s lglca/k vkgs-vls Li’V dsys ukgh- o fo’k;kps lknjhdj.k ;Fkk;ksX; ukgh- ßvekU; ß ekU; M.Ed-69%-2012 NMU, Jalgaon Pet Passed Date of Application 12.12.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification 37 Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 73 2. Ku. Jayashree Anandrao Bhagat, C/o Dr. S.P.Yelkar, Qu.No.9-24, Teacher”s Quarter, LIT Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur-33 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OBC. Development of E-Learning Module fort Teaching Science- A Study Dr. Rajashree Vaishnav, Supervisor & Principal, K.C. Bajaj College of Education, Nagpur. Head, P.G. Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. ekU; SC Effectiveness of Social Networking Site (Edublog) For Teaching and Learning” – A Study Dr. Rajashree Vaishnav, Supervisor & Principal, K.C. Bajaj College of Education, Nagpur. Head, P.G. Department of Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. ekU; Name of Supervisor Place of Research M.Ed. -70%-2011 Set Passed Exampted from Pet Date of Application 14.12.2012 74 Ku. Vandana Haridas Ramteke, 893,C/o Indrajeet Ramteke, Near Mudliar Square, Shantinagar, Itwari, Nagpur. M.Ed-60%-2011 Pet Passed Date of Application 17.12.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research 38 Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 2. 3. 75 Ku. Sangita R. Wankhade C/o 57, Shri Ashok Chapekar In front Bharat Petrol Pump, Godhani Rly, Nagpur-441111 OBC 4. egkuqHkko rRoKku vkf.k vktph f’k{k.kiz.kkyh ;kapk lglac/a kkRed vH;kl 5. Dr.Sumedha S. Thakur. Supervisor & Principal Central India College of Education, Gondhani Rly. Nagpur. 6. Principal Central India College of Education, Gondhani Rly. Nagpur. M.Ed. 61%-2010 SNDTU,Mumbai Pet Passed Ku.Vidya Hiraman Sudame 66, Panchsheelnagar, Nagpur-44017 Absent vkosnui=klksc r jfgoklh ukgh- Date of Application 15.1.2011 76 7. vkosnui= Bjkfod la”kks/ku LFkGkekQZr vxzsf’kr ukgh- SC M.Ed. 61%-2004 Set & Net Passed Exampted from Pet fo|kFkZkaps iz{ksfir O;fDreRo] Hkkofud cq}/kheRrk o lkekftd ifjiDork ;kaP;krhy lglca/kkps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u Dr. Suparna Murkute Supervisor & Assistant Prfessor, 32, Reshimbag, Umred Road, Nagpur-440009 Head, P.G.T.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. Absent Date of Application 27.12.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 39 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 77 2. Yogesh Manohar Bansod C/o B.D. Gondane Somwari Quarters, Qu.No.200/4, Post Hanumannagar, Nagpur440009. 3. 4. 5. SC A Comparative Study of the Evaluation Pattern of the CBSC And SSC Boards with Reference To the Educational Objectives Dr. Bhimrao Gote Associate Professor, PGTD, Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Kalar f'k{kdkph v/;kiu vfHk;ksX;rk vkf.k lek;kstu {kerk ;kaP;krhy varjlaca/kkph fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u & ,d fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u Dr. K.M. Bhandarkar Principal, Punjabhai Patel Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Gondia. Caste Topic & Research Name of Supervisor 6. 7. Head, P.G.T.D.Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur . ekU; M.Ed. 72% - 2010 Net,Set Passed Exampted from Pet Date of Application 15.1.2012 Revised Synopsis Application Dt/-12/12/2012 78. Shri Dinesh M. Tidke Ramnager Singal Toli Ward Near Muncipal High School, Ramnager, Gondia-441814 ekU; Re-Registration Date of Registration 30/7/2005 Date of Application 22.2.2012 Sr. No. Name, Address and Qualification 40 Place of Research Discrepancie s any Decision of the Research and Recognitition committee 1. 79 2. Shri Sanjay Sukhdeoji Bombatkar “Sukhchandra” 14 Sadbhavananagar, Manewada,Nagpur-440027. 3. OBC 4. 5. 6. A Comparative Study of Object Perception of Children Taking Elementery Education Belonging to Different At Mosphere Dr. Mrs. Vidya S. Bharambe Assistant Professor, Bar. S.K.Wankhede College of Education, Nagpur University, Nagpur Head, P.G.T.Department of Education, R.T.M.Nagpur University, Nagpur. A Study of Quality Management Process of Colleges of Education in Khandesh region of Maharashtra State. Supervisor Dr. Y.S. Rao, Supervisor & Principal, K.C. S. College of Education, Jalgaon. Co-supervisor Dr. Rajashree Vaishnav, Supervisor & Principal, K.C. Bajaj College of Education, Nagpur. 7. ekU; M.Ed. 55% - 1993 Pet Passed Date of Application 15.1.2012 Revised Synopsis Application Dt/-6.12.2012 80. Ranjana W/O Rajesh Sonawane, R/O-C/O Post Nalwadi, AtPost Mahasal, Shivajinagar, Ward No- 1 Bhoyar Layout, Mahasala, Wardha. Date of Registration 23.12.2008 Application of Ranjana R. Sonawane on Dated 8.1.2013 for changing co-guide -- Consideration for Application of Ms. R.R. Sonawane on dated 8.1.2013 for changing Co-Guide Application Accepted Instead of Dr. Vandana Manapure, Nagpur. Co-Guide, Statement of Application received for change of Topic in the Subject Education under the faculty of Education – July- 2012 41 Sr.No. 1. 1. Name and Qualification 2. Shri Rajesh B. Swan 44, Vidarbha Housing Board Colony, Ramnagar, Chandrapur. Date of Registration 15.7.2010 Topic of Research 3. From :- A Study of Teachers” Reaction to Frustrations in School Situations and its impact on Teachers” Freezing To :- “A Study of Teachers” Burnoutness and It”s Impact on Professional Commitment Name of Supervisor 4. Dr. Shashi Agrawal, Supervisor Discrepancies any 5. Request not accepted As the propose topic is absolutely new Topic. Hence advise to submit fresh application for New Registration Application of Shri Rajesh B. Swan Dated 13.8.2012 (Forwarded by Prof. & Head, P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. For Modification of the Title and Plan of Research work Statement of Application received for change of Topic/Medium in the Subject Education under the faculty of Education – 42 July- 2012 Sr.No. 1. 1. Name and Qualification 2. A. Sajid A. Hak Kazi 21, Aman Palace, S-2 Ahebab Colony, Near Anantnagar Bus Stop, Nagpur440013 Date of Registration 24.5.2011 Topic of Research 3. From :- egkjk”Vªkrhy f’k{k.kkr /kkfeZd o Hkkf”kd vYila[;kad laLFkkps ;ksxnku & ,d vH;kl To :- egkjk’Vª dh f”k{kk es /kkfeZd ,ao Hkkf’kd vYila[;kad laLFkkvks dk ;ksaxnku& ,d v/;;u Application of A. Sajid A. Hak Kazi Dated 27.7.2012 (Forwarded by Dr. G.S. Parasher,Supervisor & Head, P.G.Department of Education RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur.) For Medium Change of the Title and Plan of Research work 43 Name of Supervisor 4. Dr. G.S. Parasher, Supervisor & Head, PGTD Education, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Discrepancies any 5. ekU;