VA ITR/ψ ITR wt AV E1A Late transcription E3 E1B E4 E2A E2B ITR ITR/ψ AV Vector 1st generation ∆Ε1 ∆Ε3 transgene Figure 3. Schematic of the genome for a wild type adenovirus (wt AV) and the first generation of recombinant adenoviral vector (AV vector) that are still used widely. ITR, inverted terminal repeat; Ψ, packaging signal; E1-E4, early viral genes; Late transcription, late viral genes; VA, virusassociated RNA; transgene, gene expression cassette containing the gene of interest; ∆E1 or ∆E3, deleted E1 or E3 gene. The AV vector can be produced through a homologous recombination between a shuttle plasmid containing the transgene expression cassette with genomic AV DNA which has deletions in Ψ, E1 and/or E3. Another method is to clone the expression cassette into a large plasmid containing the whole adenovirus genome, and recombinant adenovirus can be rescued in 293 cells.