Classified Personnel BP 4231(a) STAFF DEVELOPMENT Classified staff shall have opportunities to participate in staff development activities in order to improve job skills, retrain to meet changing conditions in the district, and/or enhance personal growth. (cf. 4261.3 - Professional Leaves) The Superintendent or designee shall develop a program of ongoing staff development which may include, but not be limited to, activities related to: 1. General workplace skills and/or skills and knowledge specific to the duties of each classified position (cf. 1340 - Access to District Records) (cf. 3515.3 - District Police/Security Department) (cf. 3542 - School Bus Drivers) (cf. 4200 - Classified Personnel) (cf. 4222 - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 6300 - Preschool/Early Childhood Education) 2. The role of classified staff in achieving district goals and promoting student achievement (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) 3. The use of technologies to improve job performance (cf. 0440 - District Technology Plan) 4. Effective communication and interaction with other staff, students, parents/guardians, and community members (cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs) 5. Topics related to student health, safety, and welfare (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan) (cf. 3515.5 - Sex Offender Notification) (cf. 5131.6 - Alcohol and Other Drugs) (cf. 5131.63 - Steroids) (cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting) (cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment) (cf. 5146.9 - Hate-Motivated Behavior) (cf. 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment) (cf. 5149 - At-Risk Students) BP 4231(b) STAFF DEVELOPMENT (continued) 6. Topics related to employee health, safety, and security (cf. 4119.11/4219.11/4319.11 - Sexual Harassment) (cf. 4119.43/4219.43/4319.43 - Universal Precautions) (cf. 4157/4257/4357 - Employee Safety) (cf. 4158/4258/4358 - Employee Security) 7. For classroom instructional aides, staff development activities may also include academic content of the core curriculum; teaching strategies; classroom management; or other training designed to improve student performance, conflict resolution, and intolerance and hatred prevention (cf. 4131 - Staff Development) The Superintendent or designee shall involve classified staff, site and district administrators, and others, as appropriate, in the development of the district’s staff development program. He/she shall ensure that the district’s staff development program is aligned with district goals, school improvement objectives, and school plans. (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf. 0420.1 - School-Based Program Coordination) (cf. 0520.1 - High Priority Schools Grant Program) (cf. 0520.2 - Title I Program Improvement Schools) (cf. 0520.3 - Title I Program Improvement Districts) The district’s staff evaluation process may be used to recommend additional staff development for individual employees. (cf. 4215 - Evaluation/Supervision) The Board of Trustees may budget for actual and reasonable expenses incurred by classified staff who participate in staff development activities. (cf. 3350 - Travel Expenses) The Superintendent or designee shall provide a means for continual evaluation of the benefit of staff development activities to staff and the district and shall regularly report to the Board regarding the effectiveness of the staff development program. (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 9000 - Role of the Board) Legal Reference: (see next page) BP 4231(c) STAFF DEVELOPMENT (continued) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 41530-41532 Professional Development Block Grant 44032 Travel expense payment 44390-44393 California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program 45380-45387 Retraining and study leave (classified) 56240-56245 Staff development; service to persons with disabilities REPEALED EDUCATION CODE FOR CATEGORICAL PROGRAMS 44579-44579.6 Instructional Time and Staff Development Reform Program GOVERNMENT CODE 3543.2 Scope of representation of employee organization PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD DECISIONS United Faculty of Contra Costa Community College District v. Contra Costa Community College District, (1990) PERB Order No. 804, 14 PERC P21, 085 Management Resources: WEB SITES California Association of School Business Officials: California School Employees Association: Policy NORTHERN HUMBOLDT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: February 9, 2010 McKinleyville, California