THE 1996 FINNEIDFJORD SLIDE; SEAFLOOR FAILURE AND SLIDE DYNAMICS O. LONGVA1, N. JANBU2, L. H. BLIKRA1, R. BØE1 1 NGU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway 2 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway Abstract The 1996 Finneidfjord slide was a combined submarine/subaerial, retrogressive flow/ quick clay slide that mobilized 1 mill. m3 of sediments and killed four people. Interpretation of the morphology of the submarine slide scar and the slide deposits combined with eyewitness observations suggest that the initial failure occurred on the steepest slope of the foreshore platform. Detachment along a weak layer within silty clay caused unloading, oversteepening and erosion and triggered retrogressive sliding. Outrunner blocks from the slide occur up to 1.6 km outside the main debris lobe. Excess hydrostatic pressure related to meteorological and anthropogenic influence is thought to have triggered the slide. Keywords: Submarine slide, weak layer, pore pressure, swath bathymetry, high resolution seismic. 1. Introduction The understanding of failure and slide processes is essential for evaluating the different aspects of slide hazard. Swath bathymetry combined with high-resolution seismics and sidescan-sonar images can contribute significantly to the understanding of failure mechanisms and slide dynamics. The slope failure along the shoreline of Finneidfjord, North Norway in 1996 (Fig. 1), has been used to test these methods (Longva et al. 1998). These data are further compared and discussed with more classical methods including geotechnical investigations and stability modelling. The morphological features formed by the Finneidfjord slide are comparable to what is found in mega slides on the continental slope (Locat & Homa 2002) and provides a unique opportunity to study slide processes independent of scale in shallow and sheltered water. 2. The 1996 Finneidfjord slide Around midnight of June 20, 1996, a shoreline slope failure occurred in Finneidfjord, Northern Norway (Fig. 1). Janbu (1996) reconstructed the sequence of sliding from all available information, including eye witness accounts and sea bottom video investigations. The initial slides started below sea level, before midnight, at the steepest part of the slope some 50 to 70 m from highway E6, which ran along the shore (Fig. 2). Eye witnesses saw waves, bubbles and whirls moving away from the shore some time. 531 532 Longva et al. Figure 1. Index map, 1998 seismic grid and location for figures. before midnight. The slide developed retrogressively towards land. About 25 minutes after midnight a driver felt that his car and the road were shaking violently and stopped The beach below the road was gone. Minutes later he witnessed 250 m of the road breaking in three parts and slumping into the sea. A car with one person also disappeared. Shortly afterwards, the nearest house started to move, then sank into the mud and disappeared into the sea. Three people inside did not manage to escape. All this happened within 5 minutes or less. Several minor mass movements occurred along the edges of the slide, but after 1 hour, no more slide activity was observed. Ground investigations prior to the slide, in connection with the re-alignment of the E6 highway, showed that the beach sediments comprised soft sensitive clay with layers of quick clay and silt, overlain by up to 5 m of sand. Rockhead sloped towards the fjord, with the clay layer therefore thickening downslope towards the shore. At the shoreline, bedrock was encountered at a level of about –15 m (Fig. 2B). Geotechnical properties of the sediments are summarized in Best et al. (2003, this volume). 3. Methods In 1997 the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, on behalf of the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), performed a swath bathymetry survey (Fig. 1) deploying a Simrad EM100 multibeam echosounder. NGU collected a few lines of high resolution seismic in 1997 and a denser grid in 1998. Survey instruments were parasource (TOPAS) and boomer (Geopulse). Niemistoe cores and vibro-cores were collected in 1998 and 2001, but except for parts of one core these data will be published elsewhere. Seafloor failure and slide dynamics 533 Figure 2. A: Slide development defined by Janbu (1996) into 5 phases. B: Profile based on survey in 1984, illustrating slide mechanisms. The failed section involved a cap of Holocene silty clay over late glacial clay with the initial detachment within the Holocene succession. The beach was relatively flat before the failure, with the steepest slope about 18° 5-25 m below sea level. 4. Failure and slide mechanisms The swath bathymetry gives an excellent image of the geomorphic features of the slide (Figs. 1 & 3) and it has been possible to differentiate the event into three main stages (not to be confused with Janbu´s five phases, Fig. 2). 534 Longva et al. 4.1 STAGE 1 – INITIAL SLIDE There are several indications of instability and sliding prior to the main slide event. On the northern slope, outside the main slide scar, sediments have travelled down-slope, leaving an exhumed surface behind and a wedge of compressed sediments at the foot of the slope (Fig. 3). A seismic section down this slope, across the main slide (behind "H", Figure 3. Shaded relief image showing the slide scar and the slide deposits. Sediments mobilized during various slide stages are indicated. Tracks of seismic profiles illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5 are indicated. Fig. 3) and up the southern slope (Fig. 4) shows that the detachment occurred along a well-defined bed, expressed as a band of high-amplitude seismic reflectors. This bed can be identified over the entire area at a depth varying from 1 m to 9 m. The weak layer has not been sampled. However, a study of gassy sediments in the fjord (Best et al. 2003, this volume) indicates that the high-amplitude reflectors may result from free gas trapped in porous sand layers between layers of silty clay. This may have contributed to excess pore pressure and is further discussed below. On the north flank of the main debris lobe of slide stage 2 (Fig. 3) a wedge of sheared sediments with concentric folds is found. On high-resolution seismic data (Fig. 5), the displaced sediments are compressed to a ridge at least 2 m high, are bordered by distinct shear zones on either side and are thrust along the weak layer, which in the section lies at c. 5 m depth. The ridge is in the south partly capped by a thin sheet of debris-flow deposits from the main stage 2 event. It supports the main debris flow lobe Seafloor failure and slide dynamics 535 Figure 4. Sliding along a weak layer expressed as a high-amplitude seismic reflector, probably reflecting alternating beds of sand and silt/silty clay. Failure on the north side of the main lobe occurred during the 1996 Finneidfjord Slide. On the south, failure probably occurred some years earlier. Figure 5. Seismic profile (location Fig. 1) across the outer part of the main debris flow lobe as seen on Fig. 3. Notice debris flow, undisturbed seafloor and thrust along weak layer. and is therefore older. The entire succession above the detachment (Fig. 5) is deformed during the shear, which demonstrates that this wedge is young. The wedge lies in the lowest depression of the pre-slide seafloor in direct continuation of the proposed initial slide of Janbu (1996), but can not be traced upslope because of later slide activity. The "fresh" morphology, young deformation, and similar expression (Fig. 3) of this wedge and the failure along the northern slope, suggest that both are part of the 1996 event. Hence, detachment along a weak layer is thought to represent the initial slide mechanism. This probably "punctured" the quick-clay chamber either by unloading, oversteepening or erosion and triggered the retrogressive slide with development of a typical "bottle neck" slide. There is morphological evidence on the swath of deeply 536 Longva et al. rooted decollement, slumps and hydrostatic "blow outs" (Fig. 3) that might have triggered larger slides given the right soil conditions. Whether such processes were involved during the initial detachment is not known. The slope outside the southern part of the main slide gate is also exhumed along the same bed and the failed sediments lie folded at the base of the slope in a length of more than eight hundred meters. The gentler morphology and seismic indications of a thin sediment drape lead us to conclude that this section failed some years ago. However, it shows that the weak detachment layer controls the stability in the area. Side scan sonar images of the slopes revealed solifluction lobes and slow creep processes may have been important for a destabilisation of the fjord slopes prior to the slide event. 4.2 STAGE 2 – THE MAIN SLIDE Deposits from the main slide – stage 2 – cover large portions of the sea floor, and are characterized by a hummocky surface with shear ridges, lobes and large outrunner blocks (Fig. 3). Video inspection of the slide has revealed structures interpreted to be remnants of the road, c. 100 meters from the old shoreline (Janbu 1996). All debris from houses and constructions were found landward of these remains. Outside this, the Figure 6. Outrunner block that has travelled 1.6 km outside the main debris flow lobe by hydroplaning. A seismic section across the block indicates the depth to the gliding plane. The gliding plane (transition zone) can be observed in an x-ray image of a core through the block and into the underlying sediments. terrain is very rough, with densely stacked ridges, many meters high. These occur up to 300 m offshore. The remains of the road are not easily recognized in the swath bathymetry, but the hummocky terrain is well expressed ("H" – Fig. 3). This part of the main slide has ploughed into older debris, forming low, lateral ridges for a distance of 200–300 m and folded sediments 60 to 70 m in front, before it has come to a halt. The Seafloor failure and slide dynamics 537 video surveyors described the sediments in the inner part of the slide as very soft. The "plug" must obviously consist of more competent material. As it is located southwest of the road, and no debris originating from the landward side of the road has crossed it, the "plug" most likely represents dry crust or sandy sediments from the beach area. This constrains the debris lobe outside the "plug" and the rafted blocks on the surface (Fig. 3) to the submarine part of the slide. The larger blocks are typically elongated, 40–70 m long, 10–20 m wide, 1 m to 2 m thick and oriented transverse to flow direction. This accounts for blocks both on the debris lobe and outrunners in front of the lobe, possibly with one exception ("x" – Fig. 3). The largest block (100 x 50 x 2 m, 15 000 tonnes) has travelled 1.6 km downslope (past the outer margin of the debris lobe) on a slope of only 1º before it has stopped against the flank of a moraine ridge (Fig. 6). In the swath bathymetry, a shallow, linear depression, less than 10 cm deep, marks the slide path. Xray investigation of a core through this block shows layered glaciomarine sediments with ice-dropped gravel, in the lower part of the block, and bioturbated undisturbed sediments below, separated by a sheared interval (Fig. 6). Hydroplaning has been suggested as a mechanism for long-distance transport of blocks like this, across flat or gently sloping surfaces (Elverhøy et al. 2002). Flow tank experiments show that accelerating hydroplaning fronts of debris lobes can detach from the lobe and fly as outrunners (Harbitz et al. 2002). In front of the debris lobe (Fig. 3), there is one lobeshaped outrunner block (x) oriented with its long axis in the flow direction. This block might consist of remolded sediments, but that is not confirmed. 4.3 STAGE 3 – MINOR SLIDES ALONG THE SLIDE SCARP Smaller debris-flow lobes, situated above the stage 2 deposits in the eastern part of the slide scar, reflect the latest instability phase of the Finneidfjord slide (see arrows - Fig. 3). One example is the lobe from south east where the video inspection identified debris from a construction area, which from eyewitness accounts slid out at a late stage. After the interpretation of seafloor morphology and seismic data, Janbu´s (1996) reconstruction (Fig. 2A) still stands except for evidence that the initial slides – phase 1 – involved massive detachment of surface sediments over a larger area of the steepest slope. This demonstrates the value of combining modern technology like swath bathymetry, high-resolution seismics and sidescan-sonar images with more classical methods including geotechnical investigations and stability modelling. 5. Trigger mechanisms A critical evaluation of all available data suggests that excess pore pressure was the fundamental cause for triggering the initial slide. The elevated pore pressure most likely resulted from a combination of climatic and anthropogenic factors (Janbu 1996). There were long periods of heavy rain and a high groundwater table prior to the slide. Incipient water was reported to percolate into open cracks on the surface and perhaps through slits between the steep rock surface and the overlying sediments. There may also have been leakage from the main water pipeline. Ground tremors from heavy traffic on the rough, bumpy road, and detonations from nearby tunnel construction works could have affected the location of the hydrostatic front. These factors together may have led 538 Longva et al. to decreased stability and sliding along the weak layer, which was the most obvious failure surface. Stability analyses showed that the beach slope had a priori low margin of safety, perhaps less than 10 % (i.e. F 1) (Janbu 1996). Thus, any man-made activity, or naturally induced cause, amounting to 10% reduction of safety, could trigger the initial slides. This agrees well with almost all registered cases of quick clay slides and submarine slope failures. The initial slide usually starts without a priori warning, due to minor destabilisation, and develops gradually until the "main event" happens rapidly and often very dramatically. 6. Conclusions Initial sliding during the 1996 Finneidfjord slide event occurred as a detachment along a weak layer due to the introduction of excess pore pressure from a combined influence from weather conditions and human impact. Prior to the slide, the slope had relatively low stability, and the initial slide changed the slope enough to trigger a retrogressive quick clay slide that involved 1 mill. m3 from sub-sea and land areas. Outrunner blocks from the sub-sea debris lobe travelled 1.6 km outside the main debris lobe, probably by hydroplaning. 7. Acknowledgement Colleagues at NGU and NTNU that have participated in field, laboratory or during preparation of the manuscript are thanked. A. Lyså and M. Stoker are acknowledged for constructive reviews of the manuscript. This work forms part of the EC COSTA project (EVK3-CT-1999-00006). 8. References Best, A. I., Clayton, C. R. I., Longva, O. & Szuman, M. 2003. The role of free gas in the activation of submarine slides in Finneidfjord. First International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Meeting. Kluwer, Nice, France. This volume. Janbu, N., 1996. Raset I Finneidfjord – 20. juni 1996. Unpublished expert´s report prepared for the County Sheriff of Nordland. Report Number 1, Revision 1. Elverhøi, A., De Blasio, F, Butt, F.A, Issler, D., Harbitz, C., Engvik, L., Solheim, A. And Marr, J.,2002. Submarine mass-wasting on glacially-influenced continental slopes: processes and dynamics. in: Dowdeswell, J.A. and O'Cofaigh, C., (Editors), Glacier-Influenced Sedimentation on HighLatitude Continental Margins, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 203: 73-87. Harbitz, C.B,. 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