Texas A&M University, Department of Oceanography, College Station, Texas, USA
Numerous sediment failures have contributed to the morphology of the flanks of the
intraslope basins of the northwestern continental slope of Gulf of Mexico. The main
cause of slope instabilities is the oversteepening of the flanks by halokinetic processes.
High-resolution seismic information (3.5 kHz profiles and side-scan sonar imageries),
long sediment cores, and high-resolution bathymetric maps, acquired from the Bryant
Canyon area, northwest Gulf of Mexico, are presented in this paper. They provide an
excellent example, and better insight into the morphology, generation, and evolution of
slope instability processes in a complex deep-water environment.
Keywords: Submarine slide, debris flow, halokinetic processes
1. Introduction
Submarine slope stability came to the focus of research mainly during the last two
decades due to the seaward expansion of human activities, for energy resources
exploration. The hummocky topography of the northwest continental slope of Gulf of
Mexico, originated by coupled sedimentological and halokinetic processes, offers an
excellent example of slope instabilities in complex deep-sea environments. The
morphology of Texas-Louisiana continental slope (Fig. 1) is characterized by numerous
intraslope-interlobal and intraslope-supralobal basins with a relief in excess of 150 m,
divided by sills and plateaus that represent shallow salt structures (Bryant et al., 1990;
Lee, 1990). Intraslope-interlobal basins are usually of higher relief with steeper flanks,
and formed by coalescing salt-lobes, whereas supralobal basins are subsiding basins on
a salt sheet or nappe (Bouma, 1981; Bouma et al., 1990; Bryant et al., 1990; Lee, 1990).
Beaumont and Calcasieu basins are located along the pathway of the unconfined Bryant
Canyon, and at the terminal end of the confined Eastern Canyon, respectively. Both
basins are characterized by a rectangular shape, high relief (400 to 700 m) and highly
varying gradients, ranging between 4º and 14º (Fig. 1). The floors of the basins are salt
free or covered by very thick clastic deposits, whereas the salt is almost exposed on
their flanks (Bryant et al., 1990, 1991; Lee, 1990).
The evolutionary model of Bryant Canyon is very complex, combining features of both
confined and unconfined canyon systems. Its origin is due to the building of an oxygen
isotope stage 6 Mississippi River Delta on the outer shelf (Lee et al., 1996; Tripsanas et
al., 2001). Extensive slope instabilities and gravity flows, triggered on the delta
Tripsanas et al.
front/upper continental slope, initially created a small upper-slope canyon. Later gravity
flows, through coupled depositional/erosional processes, deposited sediments in the
prominent intraslope basins and cut through the structural saddles between them,
creating a downdip pathway (canyon/valley system) to the Gulf of Mexico abyssal plain
(Lee et al., 1996; Twichell et al., 2000). The well-developed deep-sea fan system at the
mouth of the canyon indicates that at some time, during isotope stage 6, Bryant Canyon
evolved into an unconfined river-sourced canyon system acting as a conduit for
Mississippi River sediments into the deep Gulf of Mexico. A similar evolutionary model
is assumed for the Eastern Canyon as well, although probably due to a less significant
sediment supply, it has remained confined to the upper/middle continental slope
throughout its active lifespan (Twichell et al., 2000).
Figure 1. Geomorphologic maps of Bryant Canyon area, Beaumont Basin and Calcasieu Basin, displaying the
core locations. The white lines indicate the locations of the 3.5 kHz seismic profiles and side-scan scan sonar
images displayed in the text. LCT= landslide canyon-like trough, AT= Amphitheater-shaped terrace, AF=
Amphitheater-shaped field.
The blocked basin-sill morphology of the canyons and the development of Beaumont
and Calcasieu basins resulted from two processes: 1) subsidence on the underlying salt
nappe of the prominent infilled basins (canyon depocenters) that the canyon systems
used to create their downdip pathway, and 2) the blockage of the canyons by uplifting
salt diapirs, after their abandonment during interglacial isotope stage 5 (Lee, 1990; Lee
et al., 1996; Twichell et al., 2000). Studies of deep-seismic data concluded that the
collapsed flanks of the basins and the thick mass-transport deposits on their floors have
originated by the oversteepening of their flanks, due to the above two processes (Lee,
Interplay between salt tectonics and slope instabilities
1990; Twichell et al., 2000). However, no systematic and detailed study of slope
instabilities in intralobal basins has been made in the past. Thus the main purpose of this
paper is to offer better insight into the origin and evolution of sediment failures and their
relationship to halokinetic processes.
2. Results
Based on detailed bathymetric maps and high-resolution seismic information, three
types of slopes have been defined.
Slope Type 1 is characterized by uniform and high gradients (about 9º) with indistinct
morphologic features of low relief (< 50 m). This type of slope is mainly observed on
the northern and northeastern flanks of Beaumont Basin (Fig. 1). Acoustic data reveal
that these areas are characterized by the development of retrograde slump complexes, up
to and in some cases exceeding 50 m in depth, through which large slices of the basin
flanks collapsed (Fig. 2a). The exfoliated nature of the flanks and the absence of
extensive mass-transport deposits indicate that most of the failures transformed into
debris flows (Hampton, 1972; Iverson and LaHusen, 1989; Iverson et al., 1997).
Slope type 2 is characterized by highly inclined flanks of a bimodal nature represented
by multiple superimposed spoon-like, bowl-shaped, and elongated landslide depressions
of high relief with highly variable inclinations (4º to 5º) producing a step-like
morphology on their upper parts, and steep inclinations (8º to 15º) with morphologic
features of low relief (< 50 m) on their lower reaches (Fig. 1). In some cases, the slump
complexes on the upper flanks are observed to penetrate significantly into the plateaus,
developing characteristic amphitheater-shaped terraces. High-resolution seismic
information reveals two sets of sediment failures (Fig. 2b). The first is expressed by the
evacuation zones of two, deep (exceeding 100 m), overlapped, rotational slumps, on the
upper reaches of the flank, that probably resulted from the development of deep slump
complexes on highly inclined and unstable slopes. The second generation of slope
instabilities is represented by shallow (~ 30 m) retrograde slides/slumps that evolved
into debris flow deposits, resting on the middle and lower parts of the flanks. The highrelief morphologic landslide features on the upper reaches of the flanks and the
propagation of the sediment failures on the plateaus are best developed along
topographic bulges (related to uplifting salt diapirs), developed on the rims of the flanks.
The western, northern, and northeastern flanks of Calcasieu basin belong in this
Slope type 3 has relatively steep slopes dissected by large canyon-like landslide troughs
(Fig. 1). Acoustic data (Figs. 1 and 2c) reveal that canyon-like landslide troughs
developed by retrograde channelized rotational slumps translated into debris flows,
developing lobes/aprons of debris flow deposits at the foot of the flanks (Fisher, 1983;
Piper et al., 1999). The intertrough areas are characterized by shallow skin failures
(rotated blocks and slides) with a few isolated rotational slumps developing low relief
bowl-shaped to elongated depressions. This slope category preferentially develops on
Tripsanas et al.
the southern flanks of Beaumont and Calcasieu basins. However, landslide troughs are
best developed in Calcasieu Basin, where they have regressed significantly into the
southern sill and southwest plateau. Inversely, on the southern flanks of Beaumont
Basin are mainly expressed on the middle and upper reaches with limited regression of
the failures on the plateau. In most of the cases, canyon-like landslide troughs appear to
be connected upslope on the plateau with topographic bulges related to uplift of the
underlying salt diapirs.
Figure 2. Image illustrating 3.5 kHz seismic profiles from Beaumont and Calcasieu basins displaying: a) an
exfoliated slide-plane on the upper flank, covered by a thin drape of hemipelagic sediments and debris flow
deposits, which downslope are disturbed by a younger set of retrograde failures, b) evacuation zones
penetrating (retrograded) into the plateau, and the development of a younger set of retrogressive slides at the
head of a large slump on the lower flank, c) seismic line crossing the foot of a large canyon-like landslide
trough and moving upslope along the thalweg of a secondary trough developed on the walls of the larger
trough (note how the upper evacuation zones cut the heads of the lower ones). The locations of the seismic
lines are displayed in Figure 1.
The collapsed basin walls have contributed to the infilling of the basins with thick masstransport deposits. The investigation of the basin floors will be entirely based on
Interplay between salt tectonics and slope instabilities
Beaumont Basin, due to the limited acoustic data acquired from the floor of Calcasieu
Basin. Three geomorphologic areas have been defined (Fig. 3):
Geomorphologic area I is located adjacent to the basin flanks and is characterized by
smooth morphology that in places reveals a buried to partially buried hummocky
paleotopography. High-resolution acoustic data reveal that area I consists of deposits of
low-viscosity debris/mud flows spread over the basin floor and preferentially deposited
in topographic depressions of amalgamated blocky debris flow deposits.
Figure 3. Image displaying a typical 3.5 kHz seismic profile and side-scan sonar image of the three
geomorphologic areas occurring on the floor of Beaumont Basin. The location of the seismic line is displayed
in Figure 1.
Geomorphologic area II is characterized by a highly hummocky relief and consists of
amalgamated blocky debris flow deposits. Huge sediment blocks (exceeding 150 m in
diameter and 25 m thick) reveal the catastrophic nature of those flows. Geomorphologic
area II is located on the lobate southern and western part of the basin floor and appears
to be related to the canyon-like landslide troughs, observed on the southern and western
flanks of Beaumont Basin.
Geomorphologic area III occupies the deeper parts of the basin and is characterized by a
very smooth and flat morphology. Two layers/seismic facies are represented in this area
in the 3.5 kHz profiles: 1) a lower chaotic lenticular layer representing low-viscosity
debris/mud flow deposits, and 2) an upper transparent layer with an average thickness of
6 to 9 m that drapes the entirety of area III and thins towards its edges. The overlying
transparent layer is interpreted as deposits of ponded mud turbidites (Behrens, 1984).
All sediment cores (Fig. 1) acquired from those two basins consist of various gravity
flow deposits, which are overlain by a thin veneer of hemipelagic sediments that in
some cases are interbedded by sandy to muddy thin-bedded turbidites. The interbedded
turbidites appear to be more abundant and dominant downcore. There are two prevailing
types of gravity flow deposits: 1) clast-dominated debris-flow deposits, mainly observed
in geomorphologic area II, and 2) mud-matrix dominated debris-flow and mud-flow
deposits, mainly observed in geomorphologic area I. The thin-bedded turbidites,
interbedded in the overlying hemipelagic sediments, are interpreted as deposits of
overridden turbulent clouds of debris flows, originated by local isolated failures on the
flanks of the basins (Hampton, 1972; Hart et al., 1992; Mohrig et al., 1998).
The veneer of hemipelagic sediments never achieves ages older than that of oxygen
isotope stage 4 (last glacial episode), whereas in most cases they are no older than stage
2 (last glacial maximum). This information reveals that most slope instabilities
Tripsanas et al.
developed during the last glacial episode. The very thin veneer of hemipelagic
sediments in LGC-52 and LGC-57 and its total absence in JPC-07 and JPC-15 reveal
that sediment failures occurred during the Holocene and continue to occur even at the
present time, but of a local, infrequent, and isolated character.
3. Discussion
Lee (1990) and Twichell et al. (2000) state that the collapsing of the basin flanks
occurred during the beginning of interglacial oxygen isotope stage 5, right after the
abandonment of the Bryant and Eastern Canyon (Tripsanas et al., 2001). However,
sediment cores reveal that most failures occurred during the last glacial episode (Stages
2, 3, and 4). The contradiction in the two observations is most probably answered by the
development of two episodes of highly active halokinetic processes. The first episode
occurred during the early or just prior to, interglacial stage 5 and led to the deformation
of Bryant and Eastern canyon systems by salt adjustment to the erosional/depositional
canyon environments. The second episode of halokinetic processes took place during
the last glacial episode due to differential loading caused by the extensive deposition of
clastic sediments on the upper continental slope and outer shelf of the Gulf of Mexico
(Lee, 1990; Lee et al., 1996).
The present morphology and shaping of basin flanks, and most of the observed sediment
failures in this study have probably developed during the second episode of highly
active halokinetic processes. The main cause of slope instabilities is assumed to be the
‘over-steepening’ of the basin flanks by the subsidence of the basins themselves and the
concomitant uplift of the surrounding salt diapirs (Lee et al., 1996; Twichell et al., 2000;
Tripsanas et al., 2001). The preferential development of type 1 and 2 slopes on the
northern flanks of the basins, and type 3 slopes on the southern flanks of the basins is
very interesting. A possible answer to this issue is that different halokinetic processes
have acted on the northern and southern flanks. Previous studies revealed that the
northern slopes of the basins are usually characterized by shallow, almost exposed,
uplifted salt diapirs, whereas on the southern slopes salt diapirs appear to be uplifted
further south of the basin boundaries (Lee, 1990; Lee et al., 1996). These salt structures
most probably developed during the second halokinetic episode, when thick sediment
deposits on the upper slope pushed the underlying salt diapirs seaward (Lee, 1990).
Seaward moving/uplifted diapirs resulted in significant over-steepening of the northern
flanks leading to the development of extensive and widespread slump complexes (type 1
and 2) (Fig. 4). Inversely, the southward propagation of the salt diapirs would have
caused limited disturbance to the inclination of the southern flanks, mainly local bulges
on the plateaus and crests of the flanks. The formation of the bulges on the
plateaus/crests by the uplift of salt diapirs would have caused the development of locally
unstable conditions in the sediments of the middle/upper southern flanks of the basins
that in turn would have initiated the development of the canyon-like troughs (type 3)
(Fig. 4). The complicated nature of the eastern and western flanks of the basins are
interpreted as side effects of the salt diapirs that tend to over-steepen the flanks by
expanding themselves towards the topographic depressions and uplifting the adjacent
Interplay between salt tectonics and slope instabilities
Figure 4. Cartoon of the evolution of the basins during the second episode of high salt tectonic activity: a)
initial basin morphology, b) the seaward mobilization of the salt masses leads to the large increase of the
flanks gradients contributing to the development of deep rotational slump complexes (note that the
inclinations of the southern flanks are only locally increased by isolated bulges developed by the uplifting of
salt diapirs), c) deposition of mass-transport deposits at the foot and lower parts of flanks leads, through the
increased pore-fluid pressures and reduced shear strength of the underlying sediments, to the development of
successive sets of retrogressive translational slumps/slides, d) present morphology of the intraslope basins that
during the holocene achieved stability, due to the deceleration of the salt masses mobility. Note that the
majority of the failures translated into debris flows, resulting in the latest infilling of the basin floors.
The morphological structures of type 1 and 2 slopes indicate that their development
occurred in two stages. Initially, the increased gradients of the flanks (due to the
seaward mobilization of the salt masses) led to significantly increased shear stresses,
and subsequently resulted in the development of deep (up to, or even exceeding 100 m
in thickness) rotational retrogressive slump/slide complexes. The evacuation zones of
such failures are observed on the middle and upper parts of the flanks of Calcasieu
Basin (high-relief landslide depressions) (Fig. 2b). The preferential accumulation of
blocky debris flow deposits adjacent to flanks characterized by high-relief landslide
structures indicates that it was mainly the first generation failures that contributed to
their genesis. The passage of the mass-transport flows, of the first generation failures,
over the flanks, and their deposition at the foot and lower parts of the flanks, led to the
sudden increase of the overburden pressure of the underlying sediments of the flanks.
That, in combination with the alternating sand/silt and mud layers/laminae of which the
flank sediments (canyon sediments) consist, resulted in the escalation of the pore-fluid
pressures in the noncohesive layers (silt/sand) of the sediments, with the impermeable
mud layers acting as seals and sustaining them under undrained conditions. This led to
the significant reduction of the shear strength of those ‘weak layers’, and the
development of a second generation of retrogressive translational slump/slide
complexes (30 to 50 m thick); through such failures, large slices of the flanks collapsed
(Keney, 1984; Prior and Coleman, 1984; Allen, 1985; Papatheodorou and Ferentinos,
Tripsanas et al.
1993, 1996). Parallel to the slopes, exfoliated slide planes and retrogressive
slumps/slides, produced by second generation failures, are observed on type 1 and the
lower parts of type 2 basin flanks (Figs. 2a and 2b). The younger smooth debris/mud
flow deposits on the basin floors are interpreted to have resulted from the more readily
liquefied slumping masses of the second generation failures (Iverson and LaHusen,
1989; Iverson et al., 1997).
A two-stage model is also proposed for the evolution of the canyon-like landslide
troughs. In the first stage, elongated landslide troughs of high relief are formed by the
development of large, isolated, rotational, retrograde, channelized slumps translated into
debris flows. Those slumps were probably related to extra sediment loading produced
by the bulging of the neighboring plateaus due to the uplift of the underlying salt
diapirs. The landslide troughs on the southern flanks of Beaumont Basin represent
troughs of this first stage. In a later second stage, the troughs penetrate further into the
plateaus by a series of retrograde failures. The subsequent transformation of those
failures into debris flows and turbidity currents led to the excavation and downslope
evolution of canyon-like troughs (Prior and Doyle, 1985, Klaus and Taylor, 1990).
The transition, on the basin floor, from blocky debris flow to younger smooth
debris/mud flow deposits to Holocene hemipelagic sediments interbedded with a few
turbidites indicates a gradual tendency of the basins flanks to achieve stability. This
tendency is also recorded in the spatial-time distribution of the different types of gravity
flow deposits over the floors of the basins; the debris flow deposits gradually retreat and
become limited to the flanks of the basins and the deposition of their overridden
turbidity currents and hemipelagic sediments gradually prevail. In addition, the absence
of turbidites in the upper part of the hemipelagic sediment sections reveals that the
basins have become relatively stable at the present time. However, the presence of
gravity flow deposits on the top of a few sediment cores reveals that slope instability
processes are still developing in the basins but of a local, infrequent, and isolated
4. Acknowledgments
This project was sponsored by a National Science Foundation grant to Texas A&M (No.
BES-9530370) with supplemental support from Chevron, Mobil, Texaco, Phillips,
Marathon, and MARSCO Inc.
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