Enhancements, Chapter 9 E9.1 Continuum Background Modeling Kramers Equation According to the Kramers equations, the number of photons NE in the energy interval from E to E + E per incident electron is given by (E9.1-1) where E0 is the incident electron energy in keV, E is the x-ray photon energy in keV, Z is the specimen average atomic number, and kE is a constant, often called Kramers' constant, which is supposedly independent of Z, E0, and (E0 - E). Lifshin (1974) empirically tested the Kramers equation based on EDS spectra from known standards. He found a better fit of the experimental data could be achieved through the use of a more general relation for N(E): (E9.1-2) in which a and b are fitting factors, where fE and PE refer to absorption in the sample and the efficiency of the detector while a and b are constants. Fiori et al., (1976) found that it is possible to determine a and b for any target by measuring N(E) at two or more separate photon energies and solving the resulting equations in n unknowns. This procedure presumes that both fE and PE in Equation (E9.1-2) are known. Since the determination of N(E) is made from measurements on the target of interest only, the inaccuracies of Kramers' law with respect to atomic number do not affect the method. The points chosen for measurement of N(E) must be free of peak interference and detector artifacts (incomplete charge collection, pulse pileup, double-energy peaks, and escape peaks). Since a and b are determined for each spectrum being fitted the quadratic term adds great "robustness" to the quality of the fit. Even equation E9.1-2 can break down at low energy and over the years further refinements had to be added to commercial analyzer systems. For characteristic primary x-ray photons, the absorption within the target is taken into account by a factor called f(). (See Section E9.6) The factor f() can be calculated from Equation (E9.6-7) (PDH equation), or a simpler form due to Yakowitz et al., (1973) can be used: (E9.1-3) where is E0 EC the excitation potential in keV for the shell of interest, and = ()icsc. The term ()i is the mass absorption coefficient of the element of 1.65 401253795 EC1.65. 1 06/21/16 interest in the target, and is the x-ray take-off angle. The values for the coefficients a1 and a2 are a1 = 2.4 • 10-6 gcm-2keV-1.65, a2 = 1.44 • 10-12 g2cm-4keV-3.3. If it is assumed that the generation of the continuum has the same depth distribution as that of characteristic radiation and if E ~ EC, then Equation (E9.1-3) can be modified to (E9.1-4) where C = The term is the mass absorption coefficient for continuum photons of energy E in the target and fE is the absorption factor for these photons. Similar assumptions and expressions have been used by other authors. As pointed out by Ware and Reed (1973), the absorption term fE is dependent upon the composition of the target. Consequently, when the composition of the target is unknown, it is necessary to include Equation (E9.1-2) in an iteration loop when the ZAF method is being applied. ()Ecsc. ()E E 9.2 Background Filtering The “averaging” used in the background filtering method is done in the following manner. The filter, Figure E9.2-1, is divided into three sections: a central section, or positive lobe, and two side sections, or negative lobes. The central lobe is a group of adjacent channels in the original spectrum from which the contents are summed together and the sum divided by the number of channels in the central lobe. The side lobes, similarly, are two groups of adjacent channels from which the contents are summed together and the sum divided by the total number of channels in both lobes. The “average” of the side lobes is then subtracted from the “average” of the upper lobe. This quantity is then placed in a new spectrum into a channel which corresponds to the center channel of the filter. The effect of this particular averaging procedure is as follows. If the original spectrum is straight, across the width of the filter, then the “average” will be zero. If the original spectrum is curved concave upward, across the width of the filter, the “average” will be negative. Similarly, if the spectrum is curved convex upward the “average” will be positive. The greater the curvature, the greater will be the “average.” The above effects can be observed, for a Gaussian superposed on a linear background, in Figure E9.2-1. In order for the filter to respond with the greatest measure to the curvature found in spectral peaks, and with the least measure to the curvature found in the spectral background, the width of the filter must be carefully chosen. For a detailed treatment of the subject see Schamber (1978) and Statham (1977). In general, the width of the filter for any given spectrometer system is chosen to be twice the full width at half the maximum amplitude (FWHM) of the Mn K peak, with the number of channels in the upper lobe equal to or slightly more than the combined number of channels in the side lobes. 401253795 2 06/21/16 Because the top hat filter “averages” a number of adjacent channels, the effects of counting statistics in any one channel are strongly suppressed. Consequently, in addition to suppressing the background under spectral peaks, the digital filter also “smooths” a spectrum. Note that in Figure E9.2-1, the top hat filter converts the sloped background into a flat background. E9.3 The Atomic Number Correction, Z – R and S Factors The atomic number effect arises from two phenomena, namely, electron backscattering, R, and electron retardation, S, both of which depend upon the average atomic number of the target. Therefore, if there is a difference between the average atomic number of the specimen given by Z = CjZj (E9.3-1) j and that of the standard, an atomic number correction is required. For example in an Al-3 wt% Cu alloy, the value of Z is 13.3, so a somewhat larger atomic number effect for a Cu (Z = 29) analysis would be expected than for an Al (Z = 13) analysis if pure element standards are used. In general, unless this effect is corrected for, analyses of heavy elements in a light element matrix generally yield values which are too low, while analyses of light elements in a heavy matrix usually yield values which are too high. The most accurate formulation of the atomic number correction, Zi, for element i appears to be that given by Duncumb and Reed (1968); E0 Ri (Q/S)dE Ec Zi = E0 R i* (Q/S*)dE Ec (E9.3-2) where Ri and Ri* are the backscattering correction factors of element i for standard and specimen respectively: Ri = total number of photons actually generated in the sample / total number of photons generated if there were no backscatter Q is the ionization cross section and defined as the probability per unit path length of an electron with a given energy causing ionization of a particular inner electron shell 401253795 3 06/21/16 of an atom in the target (see Chapter 3), and S is the electron stopping power — (1/)(dE/dX) (see Chapter 3) in the region l < E < 50 kV. The stopping power Si given by Bethe (1930) is S i = (const) Z 1 ln C1 E AE J (E9.3-3) where C1 is a constant and J is the so-called mean ionization potential. To calculate the term (C1E/J), the units commonly used are C1 equal to 1.166 when E and J are given in kilovolts. (1) R Factor The R factor represents the fraction of ionization remaining in a target after the loss due to the backscattering of beam electrons. Values of R lie in the range 0.5-1.0 and approach l at low atomic numbers. The backscattering correction factor varies not only with atomic number but also with the overvoltage U = E0/Ec. Figure E9.31 shows this variation. As the overvoltage decreases towards l, fewer electrons are backscattered from the specimen with voltages greater than Ec, and consequently less of a loss of ionization results from such backscattered electrons. There are several tabulations of R values as a function of the pure element atomic number and the overvoltage U (Duncumb and Reed, 1968; Green, 1963; Springer, 1966). The tabulation given by Duncumb and Reed very nearly agrees with experimental determinations where comparisons can be made. The electron backscattering correction factors R from Duncumb and Reed (1968) were fitted by Yakowitz et al. (1973) with respect to overvoltage U and atomic number Z as follows: Rij = R1' - R2' ln(R3'Zj + 25) (E9.3-4) where R 1' = 8.73 x 10-3 U 3 - 0.1669U 2 + 0.9662U + 0.4523 R 2' = 2.703 x 10-3 U 3 - 5.182 x 10-2 U 2 + 0.302U - 0.1836 R 3' = (0.887U 3 - 3.44U 2 + 9.33U - 6.43)/U 3 The term i represents the element i which is measured and the term j represents each of the elements present in the standard or specimen including element i. The term Rij then gives the backscattering correction for element i as influenced by element j in the specimen. Duncumb and Reed (1968) have postulated that 401253795 4 06/21/16 R i = Cj R ij (E9.3-5a) j for the standard, and R i* = CjR ij (E9.3-5b) j for the sample. To evaluate Ri, one must obtain from the Duncumb-Reed tabulations, as given in the data base of the Enhancements, Fitting Parameter or by Equation (E9.34), the value of Rij for each element in the specimen or standard. (2) S Factor There are several relations for Q as discussed in Chapter 3. Despite the fact that Q values differ by several percent depending on the value of the constants, Heinrich and Yakowitz (1970) have shown that discrepancies in Q values have only a negligible effect on the final value of the concentration. A simplifying assumption is often made that Q is constant and therefore cancels in the expression for Zi, equation (E9.3-2). With the advent of fast laboratory computers, the integration can be done directly. The value of J to be used in Equation (E9.3-3) for the value of Si is a matter of controversy since J is not measured directly but is a derived value from experiments done in the MeV range. The original Bethe expression was developed for hydrogen only. Present J values allow the expression to be used for other elements. The most complete discussion of the value of J is given by Berger and Seltzer (1964). These authors postulate, after weighing all available evidence, that a “best” J vs. Z curve is given by J = 9.76Z + 58.8Z -0.19 (eV) (E9.3-6) The Berger and Seltzer J values as a function of Z are listed in the data base of the Enhancements. In order to avoid the integration in Equation (E9.3-2), Thomas (1964) proposed that an average energy E may be taken as 0.5(E0 + Ec), where Ec is the critical excitation energy for element i. The average energy is substituted for E in equation (E9.3-3) for Si with little loss in accuracy. Hence S ij = 2(const) Zj ln 583 E0 +Ec A E +E Jj 222(const) j 0 c (E9.3-7) where i represents the element i which is measured and j represents each of the elements 401253795 5 06/21/16 present in the standard or specimen including element i. The constant in Equation (E9.37) need not be evaluated since the constant will cancel out when the stopping power for the sample and standard are compared, equation (E9.3-9). To evaluate Si and Si*, there is experimental evidence that a weighted average of Sij and Sij*, respectively, can be used, namely, S i = CjS ij (E9.3-8a) j for the standard and S i* = CjS ij* (E9.3-8b) j for the specimen. The final values of Si and Si* are obtained using equation (E9.3-8). If the integration in Equation (E9.3-2) is avoided and Q is constant, we have the final form of Zi, namely Zi = Ri /Ri* S i*/S i (E9.3- 9) The major variable which influences the atomic number factor Zi is the difference between the average atomic number of the specimen and the standard. A sample calculation of the atomic number correction for this alloy is given in Table E9.3-1. The atomic number correction ZCu and ZAl is obtained for an operating energy, E0, of 15 keV. The values of JCu and JAl are obtained from equation (E9.3-6). The values of SCu and SA1 for either Cu K radiation (Ec = 8.98 keV) or Al K radiation (Ec = 1.56 keV) are calculated using equation (E9.3-7). The constant in equation (E9.3-7) is set equal to l since it eventually drops out in later calculations. The backscattering corrections RCu and RAl for either Cu K or Al K are obtained using equation (E9.3-4). The Si , S*i and Ri , R*i terms are calculated using equations (E9.3-5) and (E9.3-8). The final corrections ZCu and ZAl are obtained from Equation (E9.3-9) and are 1.16 and 0.998. For 30 keV, ZCu and ZAl are 1.11 and 0.999. It is interesting to note that the ZCu correction is decreased by ~50% from 1.16 to 1.08 at 15 keV when a lower atomic number standard of phase, CuAl2 (Z = 21.6) is used in favor of pure Cu (Z = 29). The ZCu correction is also decreased from 1.11 to 1.05 when operating at a higher E0 of 30 keV. 401253795 6 06/21/16 Table E9.3-1 Atomic Number Correction for an Al-3 wt % Cu Alloy (a) Input data Al-3 wt % Cu alloy ______________________________________ Al Cu ______________________________________ Z 13 29 A 26.98 63.55 Ec (keV) 1.56 8.98 ______________________________________ (b) Output data Al-3 wt % Cu alloy _______________________________________________________________________ Operating conditions: E0 = 15 keV For Cu K: UCu = 1.67 JCu = 314.05 JA1 = 163.0 SCuCu = 0.144 SCuAl = 0.179 R1' = 1.641 R2' = 0.189 R3' = 0.792 RCuCu = 0.910 RCuAl = 0.968 Si* = 0.178 Ri* = 0.966 using a Cu standard: Si = 0.144 ZCu = 1.16 Ri = 0.910 For Al K: using an Al standard: 401253795 UAl = 9.62 SAlAl = 0.238 SAlCu=0.189 R1' = 2.073 R2' = 0.332 R3' = 0.623 RAlAl = 0.910 RAlCu = 0.823 Si*= 0.236 Ri* = 0.907 Si = 0.238 ZAl = 0.997 Ri = 0.910 7 06/21/16 Heinrich and Yakowitz (1970) have investigated error propagation in the Zi term. In general, the magnitude of Zi decreases as the overvoltage U = E0/Ec increases, but very slowly (5% for a tenfold increase in U). The uncertainty in Zi remains remarkably constant as a function of U since the uncertainties in R and S tend to counterbalance one another. Thus, no increase in the error of Zi is to be expected at low U (U > 1.5) values and hence the choice of operating with low U to minimize errors in the absorption correction is still valid for obtaining the highest accuracy. 401253795 8 06/21/16 E9.4 z) Technique Introduction The z) method uses calculated z) curves for the determination of the atomic number, Z, and absorption, A, in the microchemical analysis of specimens in the SEM - EPMA using Equation 9.4 in Chapter 9. The concept of z) curves was introduced in Chapter 9 along with a description of how the curves can be used to calculate the atomic number and absorption corrections. The atomic number correction for a given element i is obtained by calculating the area under the z) curve, which represents the total number of x-rays of element i generated in the specimen, divided by the area under the z) curve for element i in a standard for the same operating conditions (Figure 9.1 in Chapter 9). Zi can be expressed as i (z)d(z) Zi = 0 * i (z)d(z) (E9.4-1) 0 where the specimen is noted by an asterisk and the standard is left unmarked. The z) curves Definition Figure E9.4-1 shows the scheme for defining the depth distribution of the generated x-rays, z). The x-ray generation volume in the specimen is divided into 10 to 20 or more thin layers of equal mass thickness, (z). We can calculate or measure the number of x-rays generated for a given x-ray line of interest in each layer, (z), z in mass depth from the specimen surface and z) in mass thickness, for a given number of beam electrons. For normalization purposes we can also calculate or measure the number of x-rays generated for the same x-ray line in a thin film of the specimen (same composition) with the same mass thickness, z), isolated in space (See Figure E9.4-1b), again for the same number of beam electrons. We define the x-ray intensity in the isolated thin film as I(z). The depth distribution of generated x-rays, z), at a mass depthz, is then the ratio of I(z) divided by I(z). Thez) term varies with mass depth, z, and with depth, z, from the specimen surface z = z = 0, to the position where x-rays are no longer generated, z = Rx, z = Rx . 401253795 9 06/21/16 Figure E9.4-2 shows, schematically, the variation of I(z) with mass depth, z, using 20 layers of equal mass thickness, z). The depth distribution of generated x-rays, z) generated, obtained by dividing the intensities I(z) in Figure E9.4-1 by I(z). The total generated intensity , Igen , can be obtained by adding together the contributions ofz) from each layer z) in mass thickness, that is, taking the area under the z) curve and multiplying that area by the x-ray intensity of the isolated thin film, I(z). The total generated intensity, Igen , can be determined for a specific x-ray line, specimen, and initial electron beam energy and can also be used to calculate the atomic number effect. The general shape of the depth distribution of the generated x-rays, the z) vsz curve (Figure 9.11 in Chapter 9), provides information on the effect of Z, and also on the effect of E0. For convenience, we define the intersection of the z) curve with the surface,z = 0, as 0, the maximum in thez) curve as m at z equalsRm, and the ultimate depth of x-ray generation where z) = 0 at z equalsRx (See Figure 9.11). The major reason that 0 is larger than 1.0 in solid samples is the effect of the backscattered electrons. The backscattered electrons excite x-rays in solid samples as they leave the sample. In a thin film specimen of z) in mass thickness, beam electrons are not able to backscatter as in the solid specimen. Therefore the ratio of the intensities from the top layer in the solid sample to the isolated thin film, 0 is > 1.0. The value increases as backscattering increases, that is, it increases with the atomic number of the specimen. Measurement of z) curves Numerous z) curves have been measured experimentally. The experimental set up first proposed and used by Castaing (1951), called the tracer technique, to obtain z) curves is shown in Figure E9.4-3. We illustrate the experiment by the measurement of z) for Cu K A thin film, z) in thickness, of Zn, the tracer, is deposited on a substrate and is coated by a number of successive layers of Cu (matrix), each z) in mass thickness. The emitted intensity of Zn K radiation from the tracer is measured by placing the beam on each successive deposit above the tracer (Figure E9.4-3a) . The intensity from the thin film Zn tracer itself serves as the isolated film in space (Figure E9.4-3b). The generated z) curve can be calculated after correction for the absorption of ZnK from the tracer in the overlying matrix layers. Zn was selected as the tracer in this case because it is of similar atomic number to Cu and the Zn K xray line has a similar but higher energy to that of Cu K, so that it is not fluoresced by Cu K. The measured Cu Kz) curve, using Zn K as a tracer, at 25 keV (Brown and Parobek, 1972) is shown in Figure E9.4-4 and illustrates the type of z) vs z curve that can be measured. The general shape of thez) curve and the variation of the curve with atomic number and initial 401253795 10 06/21/16 electron beam energy were discussed in some detail in Chapter 9, Section 9.6.1. During the last 30 years considerable effort has been made to increase the number of measured z) curves so that generalized expressions can be obtained for z). Once these generalized expressions became available, the quantitative analysis scheme using the z) method was developed. The next section considers the development of generalized expressions for the x-ray generation function. Calculation of z) curves Numerous researchers have attempted to accurately model z) curves, for example Wittry (1957), Kyser (1972), and Parobek and Brown (1978). A key observation was made by Packwood and Brown (1981) with regard to the functionality of the z) curves. They showed that by plotting ln z) versus z)2, straight line variations were obtained (Figure E9.4-5), at least beyond the maxima, m, in the z) curves. This variation implies that the z) curves are Gaussian in character centered at the surface of the sample. However, there is also a loss of intensity near the surface. In general the z) curves can be represented by the following equation as given by Packwood and Brown (1981) z) = exp - 2(z)2 { 1- [( - (0)) exp - z ] / } (E9.4-2) The four parameters, , and ), describe the modified Gaussian curve and are a function of E0, absorption edge energy, and matrix atomic number and atomic weight. The functional behavior of the terms in the Packwood Brown z) equation is shown in Figure E9.4-6. In equation E9.4-2, the Gaussian expression for the z) curve as a function of mass depthz is given by exp - (2 (z)2) (E9.4-3) in which 1) can be regarded as a scaling factor or surface intensity for the basic surface centered Gaussian and 2) represents the decay rate of the Gaussian and describes the electron beam penetration to Ec for a given x-ray line. The basic surface centered Gaussian function is modified in the near surface regions by a transient function 401253795 11 06/21/16 -(-(0))exp (-2(z)2 -z) (E9.4-4) which reduces the x-ray intensity at the surface. The term (0) or 0 is the relative x-ray intensity generated at the sample surface and is the same as 0 for the z) curve. The term describes the transition process by which the collimated electron probe which enters the specimen changes to scattering in random directions in the specimen. Once the four parameters are determined for a sample and standard for each element i present in the sample, Zi and Ai can be determined by integration of Equation E9.4-1. One advantage of the Packwood Brown equation is that it is possible to directly integrate the equation in order to obtain the corrections for atomic number and absorption. The performance of the equation E9.4-2 in the z) approach for matrix correction is, of course, largely dependent upon the successful parameterization of the , and (0) terms. Packwood and Brown (1981) fit equation E9.4-2 to an extensive array of experimental z) data using an optimization method. Improvements were also made by considering, theoretically, electron interactions with the specimen. Since the initial Packwood Brown method was proposed, numerous investigators, for example Brown and Packwood (1982), Bastin et al, (1984), and Bastin and Heijligers (1986), have proposed newer values for the 4 terms in the z) equation. Most of these improvements were due to the availability of new experimental z) data, and new k ratio measurements on well characterized specimens, particularly samples containing the light elements. Another approach to the calculation of z) curves has been developed by Pouchou and Pichoir (1984). They use a polynomial expression forz), the coefficients of which are given by four parameters, the surface ionization(0) or 0, the depth of maximum ionization, Rm, the maximum depth of ionization, Rx, and the integral F of the z) distribution. The 0, Rm and Rx parameters are shown in Figure 9.11, Chapter 9. The integral F is equal to i (z)dz (E9.4-4) 0 which is equivalent to the generated intensity, Ii gen , divided by Ii (z). The integral F of z) is calculated theoretically by an evaluation of the atomic number correction Ri / Si. The atomic number correction of Pouchou and Pichoir 401253795 12 06/21/16 (1987, 1991) differs in detail from that of Duncumb and Reed (1968) which is discussed in Section E9.3. Bastin and Heijligers (1990, 1991) have adopted the Pouchou and Pichoir method of calculating the integral F of z). They use the calculation of F to obtain a more correct value of the parameter in the Packwood - Brown equation (E9.4-2). Using this procedure, the values of m and Rm in the z) curve, Figure 9.11, Chapter 9, are more accurately described. This improvement in the z) procedure has been incorporated in a new calculation scheme called PROZA. The PROZA method is used to calculate the examples discussed later in this section and the z) curves shown in Chapter 9. The detailed equations for F, and the parameters , and (0) in the Packwood - Brown equation are given by Bastin and Heijligers (1990, 1991a,b). E9.5 Atomic Number Correction - Zi , z) Approach Equation E9.4-1 gives the formulation of the atomic number correction Zi. The Packwood - Brown equation for z), equation E9.4-2, can be integrated for specimen and standard in closed form as indicated by Brown and Packwood (1982). According to Bastin et al (1984), the atomic number correction Zi is { - [ - (0)] R (} / Zi = ------------------------------------ (E9.5-1) { - [ - (0)] R (* where R represents the value of the fifth-order polynomial in the approximation for the complementary error function for the argument in parentheses. In the PAP and PROZA approaches to the calculation of z) discussed in the previous section, E9.4, the integral F of z) is calculated theoretically and Zi = F/F* 401253795 (E9.5-1) 13 06/21/16 E 9.6 The Absorption Correction, A – PDH Formulation Formulation Since the x-rays produced by the primary beam are created at some non - zero depth in the specimen, they must pass through the specimen on their way to the detector. On this journey, some of the x-rays undergo photoelectric absorption due to interactions with the atoms of the various elements in the sample, as discussed in Chapter 6. Therefore, the intensity of the x-ray radiation finally reaching the detector is reduced in magnitude. Following the initial formulation of Castaing (1951), the intensity, dIi, of characteristic radiation, without absorption, generated from element i in a layer of thickness dz having density at some depth z below the specimen surface is dIi = Ii ( z)(z)d(z) (E9.6-1) where iz) is defined as the distribution of characteristic x-ray production of element i with depth and Ii (zis the x-ray intensity of an isolated thin film (See Chapter 9, Section 9.6.1 for a description of z)). In the absence of absorption, the total flux generated, for element i, Ii gen , is Ii gen = Ii ( z) i (z)d(z) 0 (E9.6-2) Considering absorption of the generated x-rays, the total flux emitted, Ii em , is Ii em = Ii ( z) i (z)exp - /) i csc(z) d(z) 0 (E9.6-3) where u/i is the x-ray mass attentuation coefficient of the specimen for i, the characteristic x-ray line of element i, is the take-off angle, the angle between the direction of the measured x-ray and the sample surface (See figure 9.16 in Chapter 9). The path length over which absorption takes place is z csc (See figure 9.18 in Chapter 9). The quantity )i csc is called . Philibert (1963) referred to the generated intensity, Ii gen , as F(0), when is zero. He also referred to the emitted intensity Ii em as F(). Using these terms, the ratio F()/F(0) is called f(), which is equivalent to 401253795 14 06/21/16 i (z)exp - /) i csc(z) d( z) f( ) = 0 i (z)d(z) 0 (E9.6-4) The ratio f() is called the standard absorption term, Philibert (1963). For the determination of the absorption correction, Ai, for any element i in a composite specimen, we use the equation Ai = f()std/f( )spec (E9.6-5a) where std and spec refer to standard and specimen, respectively. An alternative nomenclature, found in the literature, gives Ai = f()/f( ) * (E9.6-5b) where the specimen alloy is noted by an asterisk and the standard is left unmarked. Expressions for f() The absorption correction factor, f() of a specific characteristic line of element i, depends upon the respective mass absorption coefficient , the x-ray emergence angle , the initial energy of the electron beam, E, the critical excitation energy Ec for K, L, or M radiation from element i, and the mean atomic number and mean atomic weight of the specimen. Hence we can write f( ) = f / csc,E0,Ec,Z,A (E9.6-6) There have been a number of experimental measurements of the z) for pure elements starting with those of Castaing (1951). Direct measurements of z) curves was discussed in the Enhancements, E9.4. If measured z) curves are available, f() and f()* can be obtained directly using equations E9.6-2 and E9.6-3. Another approach to obtaining f() and f()* is by using equations which describe z) curves for various elements, x-ray lines and initial electron beam energies, E0. This approach is now called the z) method and is described in Chapter 9. The most commonly used absorption correction, that of Philibert-Duncumb-Heinrich, was developed however by using an empirical expression for z). Thus the "ZAF" and the "z)" methods are in many cases interrelated. 401253795 15 06/21/16 Philibert (1963) developed an equation for the functionality of z) using a simplified equation to fit the form of experimental z) curves available at that time. In order to simplify the calculations of f(), he chose a z) equation in which 0, the intersection of the z) curve with the surface,z = 0, was set equal to 0. As discussed in Chapter 9 and as shown in Figure E9.4-2, 0 is always > 1.0 due to the effect of backscattered electrons. The equation for f() developed by Philibert (1963) is; 1 = 1 + f( ) 1+ h 1+h (E9.6-7) where (E9.6-8) h = 1.2A/Z 2 and A and Z are, respectively, the atomic weight and number of element i. The absorption parameter equals csc , where is the mass absorption coefficient of element i in itself. The parameter (the Lenard coefficent) is a factor which accounts for the voltage dependence of the absorption or loss of the primary electrons. Duncumb and Shields (1966) proposed that the dependence of Ec should be taken into account in the formulation of in equation (E9.6-7). Later Heinrich (1969), after critical examination of existing experimental f() data, suggested a formula for , namely, 5 = 4.5 x 1 0 E01.65 - Ec1.65 (E9.6-9) This development of the absorption effect [Equations (E9.6-7 to E9.6-9)] is known as the Philibert-Duncumb-Heinrich (PDH) equation and is currently the most popular expression for f(). Accordingly, the PDH equation is commonly used in microprobe correction schemes to calculate f(). In using the PDH equation to calculate f() or f()* of element i in multicomponent samples, the effect of other elements in the sample or standard must be 401253795 16 06/21/16 considered. These elements have an effect on the values of h, and . After h is evaluated for each element in the specimen, an average h value is obtained using h = Cjhj (E9.6-10) j where j represents the various elements present in the sample including element i and Cj is the mass fraction of each element j. To obtain the mass absorption coefficient for element i in the sample, ()ispec, must be calculated. The mass absorption coefficient is given by i (/)spec = (/)ji Cj j (E9.6-11) where ()ij is the mass absorption coefficient for radiation from element i in element j and Cj is the weight fraction of each element in the specimen including i. The value is obtained from Equation (9.20) using the Ec value of element i. Practical Considerations The effects of the errors in input parameters (, , E0) have been considered in detail by Yakowitz and Heinrich (1968). The major conclusions of their study are: 1. Serious analytical errors can result from input parameter uncertainties. Mass absorption coefficients for the light elements are a particular problem. 2. In order to reduce the effects of these input parameter uncertainties, the value of the absorption function f() should be 0.7 or greater. 3. To maximize f(), the path length for absorption in the sample should be minimized. Samples should be run at low overvoltage ratios and instruments should have high x-ray emergence angles. The PDH absorption correction is particularly sensitive to errors when the amount of absorption is high and the majority of the emitted signal comes from regions close to the sample surface. Typical examples of this situation include measurements of the light element x-rays (C, N, O) in metal matrices (Ti, Fe, Cu). In this analytical case, the functionality of the z) curve assumed by Philibert (1963), close to the sample surface, is particularly in error. In such cases, the calculation of f()* may have rather substantial errors. 401253795 17 06/21/16 Calculations of the Absorption Factor, A The three major variables which influence the absorption factor Ai are the operating voltage E0, the take-off angle , and the mass absorption coefficient for the element of interest i in the specimen, ()ispec. Since Ai is determined by the ratio f(x)/f(x)*, both terms should be similar if the absorption factor Ai is to approach l. As Ai approaches l, the measured intensity ratio becomes a better approximation for the concentration ratio of element i from sample to standard. The significance of the absorption factor can be illustrated by considering two binary systems, Fe-Ni and Al-Mg. In both binaries the atomic numbers of the two elements are so close that no atomic number Zi correction need be made. We will consider Ni K absorption in Fe and Al K absorption in Mg. In both cases secondary fluorescence (Ni K by Fe or Al K by Mg) does not occur so that a Fi correction need not be made. Calculations of Ai = f(x)/f(x)* were made for both systems using the PDH correction, Equations (E9.6-5), (E9.6-7)—(E9.6-10). Tables E9.6-1 and E9.6-2 contain the input data for the absorption calculation and also list the various terms X, h which are evaluated in the calculation. In the case of Fe-Ni, a 10 wt% Ni alloy was considered (Table E9.6-1). Calculations were performed for two operating voltages, 30 and 15 keV, and two take-off angles, 15.5° and 52.5°. The case of E0 = 30 keV, = 52.50 is illustrated in Figure 9.9, Chapter 9 with experimental data. The smallest f() and f() * factors are calculated at E0 = 15 keV and = 52.5°. The amount of absorption is minimized because x-rays are generated close to the surface and the absorption path length is smaller at high take-off angles. In this case the ANi factor is 1.05, requiring only a 5% correction. On the other hand at 30 keV, and a low take-off angle of 15.5°, the absorption factor is 1.60, requiring almost a 60% correction. It is clear that Ai will be minimized at low overvoltage and high take-off angles. Table E9.6-2 illustrates the absorption corrections necessary for Al K in a Mgl0wt% Al alloy. At E0=l5 and 30 keV,the f(x) * values are so low that corrections of over 200% are necessary. The very high (/) value of Al K in Mg (4376.5 cm2/g) is responsible for the large absorption correction. Since Ec for Al is only 1.56 keV, it is possible to perform an x-ray microanalysis at a lower operating voltage than 15 keV. The excitation region will be closer to the surface and the absorption path length will be decreased. At an operating voltage of 7.5 keV, and a take-off angle of 52.5° (note Table E9.6-2) the absorption factor is only 1.306. In this case a reasonably small correction can be applied. It is clear from these calculations that the analyst should be wary of large (/) values and operation at high overvoltages and low take-off angles.. Clearly a reasoned choice of SEM operating conditions and x-ray lines with small mass absorption coefficients can help minimize the corrections needed in the ZAF procedure. Alternatively, the analyst could turn to the (z) method which incorporates a more 401253795 18 06/21/16 advanced absoprtion correction specifically devised to consider the high absorption situations, which often cannot be avoided in practical analysis situations. Table E9.6-1 Absorption of Ni K in a Fe-Ni Binary (a) Input data Fe-Ni binary ___________________________________________________ Ni Fe ___________________________________________________ / Ni K (cm2/g) absorber 58.9 379.6 Z 28 26 Ec(keV) 8.332 7.111 A 58.71 55.85 (b) Output data Ni-Fe binary ________________________________________________________________________ E0 Ni-Fe Sample (keV) (deg) h f( ) f( )* ANi ________________________________________________________________________ Fe- 10% Ni Sample 438 1870 0.0982 — 0.794 30 52.5 1.21 Ni Standard 74.2 1870 0.0899 0.959 — Fe-10% Ni Sample Ni Standard 1300 1870 220.4 1870 0.0982 0.0899 — 0.886 0.555 — Fe-10% Ni Sample Ni Standard 438 74.2 8310 8310 0.0982 0.0899 — 0.990 0.945 __ Fe-10% Ni Sample Ni Standard 1300 8310 220.4 8310 0.0982 0.0899 — 0.972 0.853 — Fe-50% Ni Sample 820.4 8310 0.0945 — 0.902 Ni Standard 220.4 8310 0.0899 0.972 — _______________________________________________________________________ 401253795 19 06/21/16 Table E9.6-2. Absorption of Al K in a Al-Mg Binary (a) Input data Al-Mg binary ___________________________________________________ Al Mg ___________________________________________________ / Al K (cm2/g) absorbera 385.7 4376.5 A 26.98 24.305 Z 13 12 Ec(keV) 1.56 1.303 (b) Output data Al-Mg binary ________________________________________________________________________ E0 Al-Mg Sample (kV) (deg) h f( ) f( )* AAl ________________________________________________________________________ Sample Mg-10% Al Al Standard 5,013 486 1,657 1.657 0.201 0.192 0.165 Sample Mg-10% Al Al Standard 14,884 1,443 1,657 1,657 0.201 0.192 Sample Mg-10% Al 5,013 5,286 0.201 Sample Mg-10% Al Al Standard 14,884 1,443 5,286 5,286 0.201 0.192 0.753 Sample Mg-50% Al Al Standard 8,910 1,443 5,286 5,286 0.197 0.192 0.753 Sample Mg-l0% Al 5,013 17,506 0.201 0.738 0.04 0.469 0.443 0. 178 0.291 0.742 7.5 52.5 1.306 Al Standard 486 17,500 0.192 0.969 ________________________________________________________________________ 401253795 20 06/21/16 E 9.7 Absorption correction, Ai – The absorption correction, Ai, can be expressed in terms of z) using Equation E9.6-4 for both f() and f()*. In this case i (z)exp - /)i csc(z) dz 0 i (z)dz 0 Ai = * i (z)exp - /)i csc(z) dz 0 * i (z)dz 0 (E9.7-1) We can calculate the emitted intensity, Iem, for element i, which results when the generated intensity, Igen, for element i is absorbed within the specimen, in a several step process. In the first step, the value of z) for each layer, z, in mass depth from the surface of the specimen and z in mass thickness, is multiplied by exp - [u )i csc (z)]. Figure 9.16 in Chapter 9 shows the geometrical relationships within the specimen that are considered for the calculation of the x-ray intensity for one x-ray line and for one layerz) in mass thickness, z in mass depth from the surface. These calculations yield a z) vsz curve called z) emitted (See Figure 9.9). In the second step, the area under the z) vsz emitted curve is obtained. We call this areaz)em Area. Finally the area under the z) vs z emitted curve (z)em Area) for element i is multiplied by the x-ray intensity from element i in the isolated thin film, I(z). The value of Iem which is obtained contains the combined effects of atomic number, through the z) vsz curve, and absorption. Figure E9.7-1 shows the z) vsz (emitted) curves for Cu K in pure Cu and Al K in pure Al calculated at an initial electron beam energy of 15 keV. A 400 take off angle was assumed and the calculation was made using the PROZA program (Bastin and Heijligers, 1990, 1991). The Cu Kz) emitted curve falls essentially on the z) generated curve since the mass absorption coefficient is so small, 52 cm2/g. The Al K z) emitted curve for pure Al falls below that of 401253795 21 06/21/16 z) generated curve and the position of the maximum x-ray production, Rm , is somewhat closer to the surface. Both of these changes to thez) generated curves are due to the much higher Al K mass absorption coeffecient, and the increasing amount of absorption with mass depth. The values of 0 are not changed because absorption at the surface is limited. Figure E9.7-1 also shows the Cu Kand Al K z) generated and emitted curves in an Al - 3 wt% Cu alloy. As previously shown, (Figure 9.13 in Chapter 9), the generated z) curve for Cu K in the Al - 3 wt% Cu alloy has a lower0 value and a lowerRm value due to the smaller amount of electron backscattering in the lower atomic number specimen. As in the pure element case, the Cu K emitted curve (Figure E9.7-1) shows little effect of absorption and parallels the generated curve. The Al K z) generated and emitted curves for the alloy parallel those of pure Al since the atomic number of the Al - 3 wt% Cu specimen is almost the same as pure Al. The Al K emitted curve in the alloy is slightly lower than the Al Kemitted curve in pure Al because the presence of Cu increases the Al K mass absorption coefficient in the alloy. E 9.8 The Characteristic Fluorescence Correction, F If the energy of a characteristic x-ray peak E from element j in a specimen is greater than Ec of element i, then parasitic fluorescence must be accounted for in the correction procedure for element i. Such a fluorescence correction is necessitated because the energy of the x-ray peak from element j is sufficient to excite x-rays secondarily from element i. Thus, more x-rays from element i are generated than would have been produced by electron excitation alone. The correction becomes negligible, however, if (E — Ec ) is greater than 5 keV. Electrons are attenuated more strongly than x-rays of comparable energy. Thus, fluorescent radiation can originate at greater distances from the point of impact of the electron beam than primary radiation. (Note Figure 6.18, Chapter 6.) Hence, the mean depth of production of fluorescent radiation is greater than that of primary radiation. Therefore, the intensity of fluorescent emission that can be measured by the x-ray detector relative to that of primary emission increases with increasing x-ray emergence angle. Since x-ray fluorescence always adds intensity for element i, an equation of the following form can be used: * f f I I Fi = 1 + ij 1 + ij Ii Ii j j (E9.8-1) / 401253795 22 06/21/16 f The correction factor Iij /Ij relates the intensity of radiation of element i produced by f fluorescence by element j, Iij , to the electron-generated intensity of radiation from element i, Ii. The total correction factor is the summation of the fluorescence of element i f by all the elements j in the sample. The most popular version of the correction factor Iij /Ij was derived by Castaing (1951) and modified by Reed (1965). For element i fluoresced by element j in a specimen containing these or additional elements, we have Iijf /Ij = Cj Y 0Y 1Y 2Y 3Pij (E9.8-2) Cj is the concentration of the element causing the parasitic fluorescence, i.e., the fluorescer; Y0 is given by Y 0 = 0.5 ri r- 1 j A i i Aj where ri is the absorption edge jump ratio for element i--for a K line (ri - 1)/ri is 0.88 and for an L line (ri - 1)/ri is 0.75 although each term has a small atomic number dependence (Armstrong, 1988); j is the fluorescent yield for element j (see Enhancements, Data Base); Ai is the atomic weight of the element of interest and Aj is the atomic weight of the element causing the parasitic fluorescence; Y1 = [(Uj- 1)/(Ui1)]1.67 where U = E0/Ec . The term Y2 = (/ji)/(/)jspec where (/)ji is the mass absorption coefficient of element i for radiation from element j, and (/)jspec is the mass absorption coefficient of the specimen for radiation from element j. The values of , A, and (/) are given in the Enhancements data base. The other term Y3 accounts for absorption: Y3 = ln(1+ u) ln(1+ v) + u v with i /(/) j u = (/)spec spec csc where (/)ispec is the mass absorption coefficient of the specimen for radiation from element i, Equation (E9.6-11) and v= 401253795 E01.65 3.3 x 10 5 j - Ec1.65 (/)spec 23 06/21/16 where Ec is evaluated for element i. Finally Pij is a factor for the type of fluorescence occurring. If KK (a K line fluoresces a K line) or LL fluorescence occurs, Pij = l. If LK or KL fluorescence occurs, Pij = 4.76 for LK and 0.24 for KL. In the Y3 factor, an exponential function was used to represent the z) curve, assuming a point source at the surface. The Reed relation is used in most computer-based schemes for correction. Heinrich and Yakowitz (1968) tested the Reed model for its response to input parameter uncertainties. They found that j produces the worst uncertainties; the other variables f produce negligible errors. The extension of Iij /Ij ,to fluorescence of element i by more f than one element j is given by Equation (E9.8-1). The term Iij /Ij , is calculated by Equation (E9.8-2) for each element j which fluoresces element i. The effects of all these elements are summed as shown in Equation (E9.8-1). If the standard is a pure element or element i is not fluoresced by other elements present in a multicomponent standard, Equation (E9.8-1) for Fi can be written in the more standard form: * f I Fi = 1 / 1 + ij Ii j (E9.8-3) The fluorescence factor Fi is usually the least important factor in the ZAF correction, since secondary fluorescence may not occur or the concentration Cj in Equation (E9.8-2) may be small. The significance of the fluorescence correction Fi can be illustrated by considering the binary system Fe—Ni. In this system, the Ni K characteristic energy, 7.478 keV, is greater than the energy for excitation of Fe K radiation, Ec = 7.11 keV. Therefore an additional amount of Fe K radiation is produced. In this system the atomic number correction Zi is < 1% and can be ignored. Calculations of FFe in a 10 wt% Fe90 wt% Ni alloy were made using the expression given in Equation (E9.8-3). Table E9.8-1 contains the input data used for the Fi calculation. Calculations of FFe were performed for two operating voltages, 30 and 15 keV, and two take-off angles, 15.5° and 52.5°. 401253795 24 06/21/16 Table E9.8-1 Fluorescence of Fe K in a l0 wt% Fe-90 wt%Ni Alloy ______________________________________________________ (a) Input data for Fe-Ni binary ____________________________________________________ Fe Ni ____________________________________________________ / Fe K (cm2/g) absorber / Ni K (cm2/g) absorber A Ec (keV) C(wt fraction) 71.4 379.6 ---55.847 7.11 0.1 90 58.9 0.37 58.71 8.332 0.9 (b) Output data for l0 wt %Fe-90 wt %Ni binary _____________________________________________________ E0 f IFe-Ni IFe (deg) (keV) FFe AFe ANi _____________________________________________________ 52.5 15 0.263 0.792 1.002 15.5 15 0.168 0.856 1.008 52.5 30 0.346 0.743 1.011 15.5 30 0.271 0.787 1.030 ______________________________________________ 1.005 1.015 1.023 1.065 f The amount of Fe fluoresence given by IFe-Ni /IFe , is listed in Table E9.8-1 and ranges from 16.8% to 34.6%. It increases with increasing take-off angle and operating voltage. To minimize the amount of the fluorescence correction, low kilovoltage operation is suggested. Low-kilovoltage operation will also minimize the absorption correction AFe and ANi (Table E9.8-1). Although the fluorescence correction is minimized at low angles, the error associated with the term Fi does not increase with the take-off angle (Heinrich and Yakowitz, 1968). Therefore low E0 , high operation, which is recommended to minimize Ai , is satisfactory even in cases requiring large fluorescence corrections. 401253795 25 06/21/16 If the concentration of Cj , equation (E9.8-2), decreases the amount of f fluorescence, Iij /Ii , also decreases. For example if the Ni content changes in a binary FeNi alloy from 90 wt % to 50 wt %, a 50 wt % Fe-50 wt % Ni alloy, the amount of fluorescence at E0 = 15 keV, = 15.5° decreases by over a factor of 2 from 16.8% to 6.5%. Clearly the relative effect of fluorescence increases markedly as Ci decreases and Cj increases. Figure 9.9 in Chapter 9 gives experimental data on the effect of fluorescence at E0 = 30 keV and = 52.50. Reed (1990) reviewed the approximations used in the derivation of the characteristic fluorescence correction as well as the constants used in the calculations. More recent data for fluorescence yields and absorption edge ratios are preferred. In addition, it is suggested to replace the (U - 1)1.67 term in the equation for Y1 by (UlnU U + 1). The effect of these changes is generally small when the correction is large for high atomic numbers (Zi > 20). For low atomic numbers (Zi < 20) where the absolute size of the correction is small, the relative difference is greater and is caused mainly by using more recent values of the fluorescence yield. E 9.9 Calculation of ZAF Corrections For the traditional ZAF formulation, calculations of Z, A, and F are obtained from fundamental equations describing the physical phenomena occurring in the sample (Sections E9.3, E9.6, and E9.8 for Z, A, and F respectively). The three correction factors are multiplied by each other as given in Equation 9.4, Chapter 9. For the ZAF formulation based on the z) approach, the combination of Zi and Ai is given by the equation i (z)exp - /)i csc(z) dz Zi Ai = 0 * i (z)exp - /)i csc(z) dz 0 (E9.9-1) and these terms are often considered together in the correction procedure. Combining the characteristic fluorescence correction, Fi, as given in Section E9.8, we have the complete correction, ZAFi, which can be used along with the measured 401253795 26 06/21/16 intensity ratio, ki, to calculate the concentration of element i, Ci (See Equation 9.4, Chapter 9). Equation E9.9-1 gives the formulation of the atomic number and absorption correction ZiAi. The absorption correction, equation E9.7-1, is obtained by dividing the ZiAi correction by the atomic number correction, Zi, as discussed in the previous section. The Packwood - Brown equation for z), equation E9.4-2, can be integrated for specimen and standard in closed form as indicated by Brown and Packwood (1982). According to Bastin et al (1984), the combined ZiAi correction is [ R() - ( (0)) R(( ) / 2 ZiAi = -------------------------------------------------[ R() - ( (0)) R(( ) / 2* (E9.9-2) where R represents the value of the fifth-order polynomial in the approximation for the error function which comes in when the integrals are solved in closed form. The term is u )i csc as defined in Section E9.6 for the absorption correction. E9.10 Detector Efficiency As discussed in Chapter 7, the radiation emitted from the target toward the detector penetrates several layers of "window" material before it arrives in the "active" part of the detector. The nominal purpose of the first "window" is to protect the cooled detector chip from the relatively poor vacuum in the specimen chamber. The first window is made from a variety of materials. Historically, a beryllium window, typically about 7.6 m thick (0.3 mils) has been used. During the last several years window materials with considerably less mass-thickness have been gaining wide popularity. These window materials are either boron or silicon nitride, diamond, or are organic. The second "window" material is a surface-barrier contact (about 20 nm thick and usually made of gold). The purpose of this window is to provide an electrical contact to the diode. The gold is not uniform in thickness and tends to form islands. The third "window" is an inactive layer of silicon extending 200 nm or less into the detector. This layer is also not uniform and is often called the "dead layer" or "silicon dead zone". The radiation then enters the active (intrinsic) region of the detector which has a thickness typically between 2 and 5 mm. 401253795 27 06/21/16 As an example of how we would "model" the transmission through these various "windows" we will provide an expression for the "traditional" beryllium window detector. The absorption losses in the beryllium window, the gold, the silicon dead layer, and the transmission through the active silicon zone can be calculated from the linear combination of Beer's Law applied to each material separately: E E E E D PE = exp- tBe + tAu + tSi 1-exp- tSi Be Si Au Si (E9.10-1) In equation (E9.10-1), tSiD and tSi are the thicknesses (g/cm2) of the silicon dead layer and of the active detector region, respectively. The mass attenuation coefficients of beryllium and silicon at the energy E, ()BeE and ()AuE and ()SiE are calculated as described by Myklebust et al. (1979). Since sufficiently accurate values are not usually available from the manufacturer, estimates of the thicknesses can be adjusted to optimize the fit between the calculated and the experimental. E 9.11 Sample Homogeneity A more exacting determination of the range (wt%) and level (%) of homogeneity involves the use of (1) the standard deviation Sc of the measured values and (2) the degree of statistical confidence in the determination of N . The standard deviation includes effects arising from the variability of the experiment, e.g., instrument drift, x-ray focusing errors, and x-ray production. The degree of confidence used in the measurement states that we wish to avoid a risk, , of rejecting a good result a large percentage (say 95% or 99%) of the time. The degree of confidence is given as l- and is usually chosen as 0.95 or 0.99, that is 95% or 99%. The use of a degree of confidence means that we can define a range of homogeneity, in wt%, for which we expect, on the average, only 5% or 1% of the repeated random points to be outside this range.The range of homogeneity in wt% for a degree of confidence l- is W1- = C t1- n-1 Sc n1/2 N (E9.11-1) where C is the true weight fraction of the element of interest, n is the number of measurements, N is the average number of counts accumulated at each 1- measurement and tn-1 is the Student t value for a l- confidence level and for n-l 95 99 degrees of freedom. Student's t values for tn-1 and tn-1 for various degrees of freedom, 401253795 28 06/21/16 n-1 are given in Table E9.11-1 (Bauer, 1971). At least four individual measurements, n = 4, should be made to establish the range of homogeneity. If fewer than four measurements are made, the value of W1-will be too large. The level of homogeneity, or homogeneity level, for a given confidence level, l-, in percent is given by W1- = C t1- n-1 Sc (100) (%) n1/2 N (E9.11-2) It is more difficult to measure the same level of homogeneity as the concentration, present in the sample, decreases. Although W1- is directly proportional to C, the value of Sc/N will increase as C and the number of x-ray counts per point decreases. To obtain the same number of x-ray counts per point, the time of the analysis must be increased. More sophisticated studies of homogeneity can be performed by making several measurements on each of the n analysis points on the sample. This type of analysis includes the difference between analysis points and the error due to counting statistics. In addition, differences in homogeneity between individual samples can be considered using a statistical analysis. The appropriate analysis procedures for these studies are given by Marinenko et al. (1979, 1981). Table E9.11-1 Values of Student t Distribution for 95% and 99% Degrees of Confidencea ____________________________________________ n n-1 t95 n-1 t99 n-1 3 2 4.304 9.92 4 3 3.182 5.841 8 7 2.365 3.499 12 11 2.201 3.106 16 15 2.131 2.947 30 29 2.042 2.750 ∞ ∞ 1.960 2.576 ____________________________________________ aBauer (1971). 401253795 29 06/21/16 E 9.12 Analytical Sensitivity Analytical sensitivity is the ability to distinguish, for a given element, between two concentrations C and C' that are nearly equal. X-ray counts N and N' for both concentrations therefore have a similar statistical variation. If one determines two concentrations C and C' by n repetitions of each measurement, taken for the same fixed time interval, then these two values are significantly different at a certain degree of confidence, l-, if 1/2 N - N 21/2 (t1- n-1 )Sc/n (E9.12-1) and C = C-C 21/2 C(t1- n-1 )Sc n1/2 (N - NB) (E9.12-2) in which C is the concentration of one element in the sample, N and NB are the average number of x-ray counts of the element of interest for the sample and the 1- continuum background on the sample, respectively, tn-1 is the “Student factor” dependent on the confidence level l- (Table E9.11-1), and n is the number of measurements. Ziebold (1967) has shown that the analytical sensitivity for a 95% degree of confidence can be approximated by C = C-C 2.33 Cc n1/2 (N - NB) (E9.11-3) The above equation represents an estimate of the maximum sensitivity that can be achieved when signals from both concentrations have their own errors but instrumental errors are disregarded. Since the actual standard deviation SC is usually about two times larger than C, C is in practice approximately twice that given in Equation (E9.11-3). 401253795 30 06/21/16 E 9.13 Analytical Sensitivity, Trace Element Analysis By analogy with Equation (E9.12-1) we can also define the detectability limit DL as (N - N B )DL for trace analysis as 1/2 (N - NB)DL 21/2 (t1- n-1 )Sc/n (E9.13-1) where Sc is essentially the same for both the sample and background measurement. In this case we can define the detectability limit at a confidence level l- (Table E9.11-1) that the analyst chooses. The 95% or 99% confidence level is usually chosen in practice. 401253795 31 06/21/16 Chapter 9, Enhancements - References Armstrong, J. T. (1988). In Microbeam Analysis – 1988 (D. E. Newbury, ed.) (San FranciscoPress, San Francisco), p. 469. Bastin, G. F. and H. J. M. Heijligers (1990). In Proc. 12th Intl. Cong. Electron. Micros. (L. Peachey and D. B. Williams, eds.) 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Figure E9.4-2 Initial measurement of intensity versus mass-depth to derive a z) curve for a solid. Figure E9.4-3 Experimental setup for the measurement of z) curves by the tracer technique. (a) Tracer. (b) Isolated thin film. Figure E9.4-4 Measured Cu K z) curve using a Zn K tracer for 25 keV (Brown and Parobek, 1972). Figure E9.4-5 Plot of ln z) vs (z)2 showing that the z) curves are Gaussian in character (Packwood and Brown, 1981). Figure E9.4-6 Example of a z) curve showing the functional behavior of the four Gaussian parameters, , and (0) in the Packwood-Brown z) equation. Figure E9.7-1 Calculated zgenerated and emitted, versus z curves for Al K and Cu K radiation in Al, Cu, and Al-3 wt% Cu at 15 keV. The take-off angle is 400. 401253795 35 06/21/16