Water Quality Database Database Design and Data Dictionary Prepared For: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III Chesapeake Bay Program Office July 1998 Prepared By: RJO Enterprises, Inc. BACKGROUND Since the formation of the Chesapeake Bay Program in 1983, the Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) has acted as a central repository for environmental data related to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. While this type of data management system has provided some level of control over the timely collection of data and the quality of those data, it also has created problems such as: • • • Data accessibility Database inconsistencies Duplication of effort Data located at the CBPO are physically stored on several different and disparate computing platforms running different operating systems. The data is stored in numerous formats including: • • • • • Semi-relational dBase databases Non-relational and non-normalized SAS data sets ASCII text files Spreadsheets and, Document tables This situation has made it difficult for data analysts to retrieve different types of data required to determine possible cause and effect relationships Throughout the years, State and federal government agencies and several information technology companies have processed the different types of environmental data. Depending upon the type of data and the amount of resources devoted to managing it, at both the State and federal levels, different levels of quality assurance (QA) have been performed on the different types of data. In some cases, QA procedures performed at the CBPO duplicated efforts made at the State level. A distributed data management system, the Chesapeake Information Management System (CIMS), is being developed to combat these problems. In contrast to the existing system in which all Chesapeake Bay environmental data is stored at the CBPO, CIMS will transfer ownership of the data back to the agencies that generate the data. These data generating agencies will in turn provide their own data quality assurance and adhere to mutually agreed upon data standards. These agencies will also have the opportunity to serve their data over the Internet, thereby enabling access to the data to any legitimate user that has access to the Internet. As part of the implementation of CIMS, a relational database structure for managing Chesapeake Bay related environmental data is being developed. The key to the success of a distributed, relational data management system lies in the willingness of the data generators to take ownership of and responsibility for their data and in their adherence to the established data standards for public access to the data. This document will describe in detail the components of this structure. -2Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary The benefits of a distributed data management system over the current, centralized data management system are many. The most obvious benefit is that a distributed system empowers data generators, allowing for easier access to their data and hopefully increasing the utility of the data beyond Chesapeake Bay Program activities. The other key benefits of the proposed CIMS structure relate to the implementation of a relational database structure. In a relational database, data are stored in tables that are related to one another by common fields. These common fields are set as primary and/or foreign keys. The creation of relationships between tables using key fields allows for the enforcement of referential integrity. Referential integrity prohibits the data manager from entering records into a child table containing a foreign key for which there is not an associated primary key in the parent table. While this document is not intended to provide a complete discussion of the concepts of a relational database, it is the intention of the CBPO to provide limited assistance to data managers at distributed data centers. -3Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary INTRODUCTION I. Water Quality Data Water quality data compiled by the Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) is currently processed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) programming language and stored as permanent SAS data sets. Each participating agency submits either a SAS data set or an ASCII delimited text file containing ambient water quality monitoring data associated with samples collected during a particular month or entire year. The data set is then processed using a quality assurance program called MONITOR, which performs a series of checks pertaining to station name, value ranges, method codes, etc. The resulting data sets are then stored in the appropriate subdirectory on the CBPO DEC Alpha. There are currently over 400 SAS data sets comprising all of the Chesapeake Bay and tributary water quality monitoring data from 1983 to the present. A program called BAYSTATS allows users with DEC Alpha accounts to retrieve these data using an input form to narrow the data search. This type of data management system is inefficient both in terms of its structure and its accessibility to users. Each agency’s data are stored as individual monthly data sets with a predefined horizontal structure that precludes the entry of additional parameters and makes quality assurance procedures difficult to execute. Furthermore, there is a significant amount of redundant data. Each record in every data set contains information that pertains solely to the water quality station, not to the samples and resultant parameter values. Access to the data is also limited to those users with DEC alpha accounts. Because of these weaknesses, the Chesapeake Bay Program has decided to develop a relational database management system (RDBMS) for water quality data. Referential integrity will be utilized to enforce “business rules” related to value qualifiers, method codes, problem codes, weather codes, etc. Additionally, the database will be made available via the World Wide Web to anyone with access to Internet browser software (e.g. Netscape, Internet Explorer). II. The Relational Concept Information obtained through water quality monitoring programs is most efficiently grouped into subsets that are related to one another through common elements. In the Chesapeake Bay Program relational database, water quality monitoring information is stored in the WQ_CRUISE, WQ_EVENT, WQ_CHLOROPHYLL, WQ_KD, WQ_DATA_BMDL and WQ_DATA tables. Information related specifically to monitoring stations (e.g. latitude, longitude, basin, etc.) is stored in the WQ_STATIONS table. When an agency collects water quality samples at a group of stations over a period of one or more days, the information related to this “cruise” will be stored in the WQ_CRUISE table. -4Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary Information related to sampling events conducting at individual stations during a cruise will be stored in the WQ_EVENT table. Parameter values obtained either by field measurement or laboratory analysis will be stored in the WQ_CHLOROPHYLL table, the WQ_KD table, the WQ_DATA_BMDL table or the WQ_DATA table depending upon its type. III. The Relational Database Structure The following relational data structure for water quality data contains descriptions of the primary data tables as well as the numerous lookup tables required to define in detail the codes contained in the primary tables. The table columns in this document used to describe the fields in the database tables are described below. • FIELD - This column contains the field name in the database table as well as the designation of the field as either a primary key (PK), a foreign key (FK), a not null (NN) field, or an optional (O) field. Primary key fields, by definition, are not null. Foreign key fields are restricted to a set list of values in a lookup table. If the value is not known, it is null. However, if a foreign key field is also part of a combined primary key, it can’t be null. Fields which are neither primary nor foreign key fields, but which have been designated as not null are those fields deemed essential to certain applications of the database. Optional fields will serve to increase the functionality of the database from a user interface perspective. It will be up to the individual database manger/administrator as to whether or not these fields will be included. • DESCRIPTION - This column contains a description of the database table field. • TYPE (FORMAT) - This column specifies the field type as text, number, small integer, or date/time; it also includes the format of the field or the precision of the numeric value where appropriate (primary tables only). • LENGTH (BYTES) - This column specifies the maximum length, text or numeric, of a field as well as the internal database storage requirement (primary tables only). For text fields, the internal storage requirement is equal to its length. -5Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary III. Water Quality Database Structure Primary Tables Within the proposed design, the primary tables WQ_EVENT and WQ_DATA are used to store the vast majority of the data contained within the database. The WQ_EVENT table contains all sampling event data that are not depth-dependent (i.e. weather parameters). It also contains fields specifying both the type and origin of the data. The WQ_DATA table contains all depth dependent ambient water quality sampling event data as well as secchi depth data (not depth dependent). The Data Management and Acquisition Workgroup (DMAW) requested that secchi depth be included in this table. WQ_CRUISE table FIELD DESCRIPTION AGENCY (PK, FK) CRUISE (PK, FK) BAY_CRUISE PROGRAM (PK, FK) PROJECT (PK, FK) START_DATE Code identifying agency responsible for submitting/serving the data Agency cruise ID (YYYYMMA) CBP cruise ID Agency monitoring program code Agency monitoring project code Starting date of cruise END_DATE Ending date of cruise COMMENTS Comments related to sampling event (e.g. parameters not sampled) TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 10 Text Text Text Text Date/Time (MM/DD/YYYY) Date/Time (MM/DD/YYYY) Memo 8 6 10 10 8 8 No limit The CRUISE table is used to store information pertaining to an agency cruise. The COMMENTS field would be used to store information about the cruise that has historically been submitted as part of the DSDOC file. Stations not sampled during a cruise would be listed in this field along with the reason why samples were not collected. WQ_EVENT table FIELD DESCRIPTION SOURCE (PK, FK) Code identifying agency/contractor that generated the data Code identifying agency responsible for submitting/serving the data Agency monitoring program code Agency monitoring project code Agency cruise ID CBP station name AGENCY (PK, FK) PROGRAM (PK, FK) PROJECT (PK, FK) CRUISE (FK) STATION (PK, FK) TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 10 Text 10 Text Text Text Text 10 10 8 15 -6Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary FIELD DESCRIPTION SAMPLE_DATE (PK) Date on which the sample was collected Time at which the sample was collected Total station depth Depth of upper pycnocline Depth of lower pycnocline Air temperature (degrees Celsius) measured at beginning of sampling event Code identifying wind speed range estimated at beginning of sampling event Code identifying wind direction estimated at beginning of sampling event Code identifying wave height range estimated at beginning of sampling event Code identifying percent cloud cover range estimated at beginning of sampling event Code identifying type of precipitation at beginning of sampling event Code identifying tide stage at the beginning of sampling event Comments related to sampling event (e.g. parameters not sampled) SAMPLE_TIME (PK) TOTAL_DEPTH UPPER_PYCNOCLINE LOWER_PYCNOCLINE AIR_TEMP WIND_SPEED WIND_DIRECTION WAVE_HEIGHT CLOUD_COVER PRECIP_TYPE TIDE_STAGE COMMENTS TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Date/Time (MMDDYYYY) Date/Time (HH24:MM) Number (Single) Number (Single) Number (Single) Number (Single) 8 5,1 (4) 5,1 (4) 5,1 (4) 4,1 (4) Text 2 Text 3 Text 2 Text 2 Text 2 Text 2 Memo No limit TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 10 Text Text Date/Time (MMDDYYYY) Date/Time (HH24:MM) Number (Single) 10 15 8 5,1 (4) Text 5 Text 7 Text 2 8 WQ_DATA table FIELD DESCRIPTION SOURCE (PK, FK) Code identifying agency or contractor that generated the data Agency monitoring project code CBP station name Date on which the sample was collected Time at which the sample was collected Depth at which the sample was collected Code identifying type of sample collected (e.g. D=discrete, C=composite, etc.) Code identifying the sample description and number (e.g. FS1=first subsample of field split sample) Code identifying water column layer at which sample was collected PROJECT (PK, FK) STATION (PK, FK) SAMPLE_DATE (PK) SAMPLE_TIME (PK) DEPTH (PK) SAMPLE_TYPE (PK, FK) SAMPLE_ID LAYER (PK, FK) 8 -7Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Code identifying parameter name Text 8 Parameter value qualifier code (e.g. > = less than) Parameter value Abbreviation for units of parameter value Problem code associated with parameter value Method code identifying field/laboratory test procedure Comments related to sampled parameter value Text 3 Number (Single) Text 12,4 (4) 10 Text 2 Text 5 Memo No limit FIELD DESCRIPTION PARAMETER (PK, FK) QUALIFIER (FK) VALUE UNITS (FK) PROBLEM (FK) METHOD (FK) COMMENTS Both these tables are used to store data which is essential to water quality data analysts in their daily tasks. The tables are linked or related by their five common fields (i.e. SOURCE, PROJECT, STATION, SAMPLE_DATE, and SAMPLE_TIME). Creating this one-to-many relationship between WQ_EVENT and WQ_DATA prevents the data manager from entering parameter values into the WQ_DATA table without first entering the associated sampling event data in the WQ_EVENT table. This provides an automatic layer of quality assurance to the database. WQ_DATA_BMDL table FIELD DESCRIPTION SOURCE (PK, FK) Code identifying agency or contractor that generated the data Agency monitoring project code CBP station name Date on which the sample was collected Time at which the sample was collected Depth at which the sample was collected Code identifying type of sample collected (always D=discrete) Code identifying the sample description and number (e.g. FS1=first subsample of field split sample) Code identifying water column layer at which sample was collected Code identifying parameter name PROJECT (PK, FK) STATION (PK, FK) SAMPLE_DATE (PK) SAMPLE_TIME (PK) DEPTH (PK) SAMPLE_TYPE (PK, FK) SAMPLE_ID LAYER (PK, FK) PARAMETER (PK, FK) VALUE UNITS (FK) Parameter value Abbreviation for units of parameter value TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 10 Text Text Date/Time (MMDDYYYY) Date/Time (HH24:MM) Number (Single) 10 15 8 5,1 (4) Text 5 Text 7 Text 2 Text 8 Number (Single) Text 12,4 (4) 10 8 -8Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary FIELD DESCRIPTION PROBLEM (FK) Problem code associated with parameter value Method code identifying field/laboratory test procedure Comments related to sampled parameter value METHOD (FK) COMMENTS TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 2 Text 5 Memo No limit This table is used to store parameter values below the method detection limit (MDL). Because of their sensitive nature, these data will be available only by request of the Chesapeake Bay Program Water Quality Data Manager. The table structure is identical to that of the WQ_DATA table except that the QUALIFIER field has been eliminated. WQ_CHLA table FIELD SOURCE (PK, FK) PROJECT (PK, FK) STATION (PK, FK) SAMPLE_DATE (PK) SAMPLE_TIME (PK) DEPTH (PK) SAMPLE_TYPE (PK, FK) SAMPLE_ID (PK, FK) LAYER (PK, FK) SAMPLE_VOLUME EXTRACT_VOLUME LIGHT_PATH OD630B OD645B OD647B OD663B TYPE (FORMAT) DESCRIPTION Code identifying agency or contractor that generated the data Agency monitoring project code CBP station name Date on which the sample was collected Time at which the sample was collected Depth at which the sample was collected (meters) Code identifying type of sample collected (D = discrete sample, ISM = in-situ measurement) Code identifying the sample description and number (e.g. S1=first sample, FS1 = first sub-sample of field split sample) Code identifying water column layer at which sample was collected Chlorophyll sample volume (liters) Chlorophyll extract volume (milliliters) Light path used in analysis(centimeters) Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 630 nm, before acidification Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 480 nm, before acidification Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 647 nm, before acidification Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 10 Text Text Date/Time (MM/DD/YYYY) Date/Time (HH24:MM) 10 15 8 Number (Single) 5,1 (4) Text 5 Text 7 Text 3 Number (Single) Number (Single) Integer 4,2 (4) 4,2 (4) 1 (2) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) 8 -9Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary FIELD OD664B OD665A OD750A OD750B PROBLEM (FK) LAB (FK) COMMENTS TYPE (FORMAT) DESCRIPTION taken at a wavelength of 663 nm, before acidification Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 664 nm, before acidification Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 665 nm, after acidification Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 750 nm, after acidification (corrected for turbidity) Optical density reading (uE/m**2/s) taken at a wavelength of 750 nm, before acidification (corrected for turbidity) Problem code associated with chlorophyll analysis Lab code identifying where the analysis was conducted Comments related to chlorophyll analysis LENGTH (BYTES) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Text 2 Text 10 Memo No limit Note: OD480B and OD510B will be added if required. The WQ_CHLA table contains optical density readings used to calculate total chlorophyll-a, active chlorophyll-a, pheophytin, trichromatic chlorophyll-a, trichromatic chlorophyll-b, and trichromatic chlorophyll-c. WQ_KD table FIELD DESCRIPTION SOURCE (PK, FK) Code identifying agency or contractor that measured the data Agency monitoring project code CBP station name Date on which the PAR readings were taken Time at which the PAR readings were taken Depth at which the PAR readings were taken (meters) PAR reading measured from the boat while or just before PAR readings were taken at depth PAR reading taken at depth (up sensor) PAR reading taken at depth (down sensor) Units for PAR (always UM/M**2/S) Method code identifying field PROJECT (PK, FK) STATION (PK, FK) SAMPLE_DATE (PK) SAMPLE_TIME (PK) DEPTH (PK) EPAR_S EPARU_Z EPARD_Z UNITS (FK) METHOD (FK) TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 10 Text Text Date/Time (MM/DD/YYYY) Date/Time (HH24:MM) Number (Single) 10 15 8 5,1 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Number (Single) 6,3 (4) Text Text 10 4 8 - 10 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary FIELD DESCRIPTION COMMENTS measurement procedure Comments related to the collection of PAR readings TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Memo No limit Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) readings are taken in order to calculate a light attenuation coefficient for the water column. Because these data are collected using the same type of meter (i.e. one method for all) and have the same units, they can be stored in one data record. Lookup Tables Primary tables contain many “code” fields that are described or defined in detail in related lookup tables. By creating one-to-many relationships between the many lookup tables and the primary data tables and enforcing referential integrity, data managers are restricted to entering only valid lookup table values into the primary data tables. Again, this provides an automatic layer of quality assurance that will improve the utility of the database for all users. WQ_STATIONS table FIELD DESCRIPTION STATION (PK) LATITUDE (NN) LONGITUDE (NN) CBP station name Latitude of station (decimal degrees) Longitude of station (negative decimal degrees) 8-digit USGS hydrologic unit code Federal Information Processing System code identifying the state and county in which the station is located Zip code in which the station is located Code specifying the 1985 monitoring segment in which the station is located Code specifying the 1998 monitoring segment in which the station is located Water body (e.g. river, bay, creek, run) in which the station is located Chesapeake Bay Program basin in which the station is located Tributary Strategy basin with which the station is associated Largest drainage basin (aside from Chesapeake Bay) with which the station is associated Second largest drainage basin with which the station is associated (some stations will not have this attribute) Third largest drainage basin with which the station is associated (some stations will not HUC8 (NN, FK) FIPS (NN, FK) ZIP (FK) SEG_1985 (FK) SEG_1998 (FK) WATER_BODY (NN) CBP_BASIN (O,FK) TS_BASIN (O, FK) BASIN (O) SUBBASIN (O) SUBBASIN2 (O) TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text Number (Double) Number (Double) 15 9 (8) 10 (8) Text Text 8 5 Text Text 9 6 Text 6 Text 30 Text 25 Text 25 Text 30 Text 30 Text 30 - 11 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary FIELD DESCRIPTION WSM_SEG (O, FK) LL_DATUM (O) FALL_LINE (O) have this attribute) Code specifying the watershed model segment in which the station is located Associated datum of the latitude and longitude values (NAD27 or NAD83) Code specifying whether the station is located above or below the geologic fall line or the zone of tidal influence (river input) (A = above, B = below) TYPE (FORMAT) LENGTH (BYTES) Text 3 Text 5 Text 1 The WQ_STATIONS table contains CBP water quality station names and associated attributes. Its primary use will be to establish common geographic referencing across data types. Because the Chesapeake Bay Program has historically used several “basin” designations (e.g. CBP_BASIN, TS_BASIN) to provide summary information to program participants and the public, these naming conventions must be preserved in order to maintain historical perspectives of the data. The newly proposed “basin” designations (e.g. WATER_BODY, BASIN, SUBASIN, SUBASIN2) are meant to provide the user with a more detailed geographic representation of point data to the subwatershed or local level. By doing so, users will be able to retrieve information for water quality stations located within small creeks possibly in their neighborhoods. They will no longer be restricted to large basins. WQ_STATIONS_AKA table FIELD AGENCY (PK) STATION (PK) AGENCY_NAME DESCRIPTION Agency CBP station name Agency station name TYPE Text Text Text LENGTH 10 15 15 This table contains CBP stations for which at least one collecting agency has a different station name. This table will be provided to the agencies serving their own data. It will be used by the various data generating agencies to provide users accessing the database via the Internet with a consistent set of station references. This table has not yet been finalized. USGS USGS USGS USGS MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR CB1.0 ET5.0 TF1.0 TF2.0 CB1.0 CB3.3C CB5.1W EE3.4 EE3.5 ET5.0 LE1.1 LE1.2 LE1.3 01578310 01491000 01594440 01646580 SUS0109 XHF1373 XCF9575 EE3.1 EE3.2 CHO0626 XDE5339 XDE2792 XDF0407 - 12 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR MDDNR VADEQ VADEQ VADEQ VADEQ VADEQ PADEP PADEP PADEP PADEP PADEP PADEP PADEP PADEP ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU VIMS VIMS LE1.4 RET1.1 RET2.1 RET2.2 RET2.3 RET2.4 TF1.0 TF1.2 TF1.3 TF1.4 TF1.5 TF1.6 TF1.7 TF2.0 TF2.1 TF2.2 TF2.3 TF2.4 TF3.0 TF4.0M TF4.0P TF5.0A TF5.0J WQN0202 WQN0206 WQN0218 WQN0241 WQN0303 WQN0304 WQN0312 WQN0436 CB5.4 CB6.4 CB7.1N CB7.1S CB7.2E CB7.3 CB7.3E CB7.4 CB7.4N CB8.1 CB8.1E LE3.7 LE5.5 WE4.1 WE4.2 WE4.3 WE4.4 EE3.4 EE3.5 XCF8747 XDE9401 XDA4238 XDA1177 XDB3321 XDC1706 PXT0603 WXT0045 PXT0494 PXT0456 PXT0402 XED9490 XED4892 PR01 XFB2470 XFB1433 XEA6596 XEA1840 TF3.1 TF4.3 TF4.1 TF5.4A TF5.1 WQN0201 WQN0204 WQN0217 WQN0214 WQN0302 WQN0303 WQN0311 WQN0426 9A 8 9H 9I 9E 6 7 4 5 2 3 9B 1 9C 9F 9G 9D EE3.1 EE3.2 - 13 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary The WQ_STATIONS_AKA table will be used by grantee agencies and their contractors to ensure that data submitted to the CBPO contain the proper station codes. If an agency has already adopted CBP station names, this table will not need to be included in their database. WQ_EVENT lookup tables The following lookup tables are related exclusively to the WQ_EVENT table (SOURCE and PROJECT can also be related to the WQ_DATA table). They include data origin codes, sampling event weather codes, and agency cruise codes. SOURCES table FIELD SOURCE (PK) DESCRIPTION CONTACT DESCRIPTION Data source code Description/definition of SOURCE Contact person TYPE Text Text Text LENGTH 10 100 50 The SOURCE code provides the agency/company that collected the water quality samples. The following SOURCE codes, taken directly from the SAS data sets in BAYSTATS, are currently in the water quality database. As data from other sources are added, their SOURCE codes must first be added to this table. MDDNR ODU VADEQ VIMS DCDH USGS SRBC MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (FORMERLY VIRGINIA STATE WATER CONTROL BOARD) VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (FORMERLY DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION AGENCIES table FIELD AGENCY (PK) DESCRIPTION CONTACT DESCRIPTION Agency code Description/definition of AGENCY Contact person TYPE Text Text Text LENGTH 10 100 50 The following AGENCY codes were added to the database to identify the agencies that are ultimately responsible for ensuring the proper processing and storage of water quality data. In cases where a particular agency collects, processes, and stores the data, the SOURCE and AGENCY code will be identical. MDDNR MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES - 14 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary VADEQ DCDH USGS SRBC VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (FORMERLY DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION PROGRAMS table FIELD PROGRAM (PK) DESCRIPTION MANAGER DESCRIPTION Agency monitoring program code Description/definition of PROGRAM Program manger TYPE Text Text Text LENGTH 10 100 50 The PROGRAM code was added to the database design because Maryland DNR has adopted a project-oriented approach to water quality data management. This approach relies upon the use of PROGRAM and PROJECT codes. Currently, there is only one PROGRAM code in the water quality database. As other data from programs such as the fall line monitoring program, the citizens monitoring program, etc. are added to the database, new codes will be generated. WQMP WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM PROJECTS table FIELD PROJECT (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Agency monitoring project code Description/definition of PROJECT TYPE Text Text LENGTH 10 100 The PROJECT code is used to distinguish Chesapeake Bay water quality data from tributary water quality data. MAIN TRIB CHESAPEAKE BAY TRIBUTARY WAVE_HEIGHTS table FIELD WAVE_HEIGHT (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Wave height range code Description/definition of WAVE_HEIGHT TYPE Text Text LENGTH 2 20 The WAVE_HEIGHT codes represent the best estimate of the wave conditions experienced during a sampling event. 0 1 2 3 4 0 TO <0.1 METERS 0.1 TO <0.3 METERS 0.3 TO <0.6 METERS 0.6 TO <1.0 METERS 1.0 TO <1.3 METERS - 15 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 5 >1.3 METERS CLOUD_COVERS table FIELD CLOUD_COVER (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Percent cloud cover range code Description/definition of CLOUD_COVER TYPE Text Text LENGTH 2 20 The CLOUD_COVER codes represent the best estimate of the percent cloud cover experienced during a sampling event. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 CLEAR (0-10%) SCATTERED TO PARTLY CLOUDY (10-50%) PARTLY TO BROKEN (50-90%) OVERCAST (>90%) FOGGY HAZY CLOUD (NO PERCENTAGE) WIND_SPEEDS table FIELD WIND_SPEED (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Wind speed range code Description/definition of WIND_SPEED TYPE Text Text LENGTH 2 20 The WIND_SPEED codes represent the best estimate of the wind speed experienced during a sampling event. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 TO 1 KNOT >1 TO 10 KNOTS >10 TO 20 KNOTS >20 TO 30 KNOTS >30 TO 40 KNOTS >40 KNOTS WIND_DIRECTIONS table FIELD WIND_DIRECTION (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Wind direction code Description/definition of WIND_DIRECTION TYPE Text Text LENGTH 3 30 The WIND_DIRECTION codes represent the prevailing wind direction experienced during a sampling event. E ENE ESE FROM THE EAST (90 DEGREES) FROM THE EASTE NORTHEAST (67.5 DEGREES) FROM THE EAST SOUTHEAST (112.5 DEGREES) - 16 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary N NE NNE NNW NW S SE SSE SSW SW W WNW WSW FROM THE NORTH (0 DEGREES) FROM THE NORTHEAST (45 DEGREES) FROM THE NORTH NORTHEAST (22.5 DEGREES) FROM THE NORTH NORTHWEST (337.5 DEGREES) FROM THE NORTHWEST (315 DEGREES) FROM THE SOUTH (180 DEGREES) FROM THE SOUTHEST (135 DEGREES) FROM THE SOUTH SOUTHEAST (157.5 DEGREES) FROM THE SOUTH SOUTHWEST (202.5 DEGREES) FROM THE SOUTHWEST (225 DEGREES) FROM THE WEST (270 DEGREES) FROM THE WEST NORTHWEST (292.5 DEGREES) FROM THE WEST SOUTHWEST (247.5 DEGREES) PRECIP_TYPES table FIELD PRECIP_TYPE (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Precipitation type code Description/definition of PRECIP_TYPE TYPE Text Text LENGTH 2 20 The PRECIP_TYPE codes represent the type of precipitation experienced during a sampling event. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NONE DRIZZLE LIGHT RAIN HEAVY RAIN SQUALLY FROZEN PRECIPITATION MIXED RAIN AND SNOW TIDE_STAGES table FIELD TIDE_STAGE (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Tidal stage code Description/definition of TIDE_STAGE TYPE Text Text LENGTH 2 10 The TIDE_STAGE codes represent the tidal stage experienced during a sampling event. E F H L EBB TIDE FLOOD TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE - 17 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary WQ_DATA lookup tables The following lookup tables are related exclusively to the WQ_DATA table. They include codes related to parameter names, sampling methods and problems encountered during laboratory analysis of water quality samples. PARAMETERS table FIELD PARAMETER (PK) DESCRIPTION UNITS DESCRIPTION Parameter ID Parameter description/definition Parameter Units TYPE Text Text Text LENGTH 8 15 100 The following list of parameters represents those parameters that are either directly measured in the field or analyzed in the laboratory. Calculated parameters will not be included in the database. Users will be able to calculate such parameters themselves or they will be provided through the user interface to the database. Physical parameters COND DO FLOW_AVG FLOW_INS PH SALINITY SECCHI WTEMP CONDUCTIVITY CORRECTED FOR TEMPERATURE (25 DEG C) AND SALINITY DISSOLVED OXYGEN CORRECTED FOR TEMPERATURE (25 DEG C) AND SALINITY STREAM FLOW, MEAN DAILY STREAM FLOW, INSTANTANEOUS PH CORRECTED FOR TEMPERATURE (25 DEG C) SALINITY SECCHI DEPTH WATER TEMPERATURE UMHOS/CM MG/L CFS CFS SU MG/L M DEG C Laboratory parameters BIOSI BOD20F BOD20W BOD5F BOD5W CHL_A CHL_B CHL_C CHLA CHLF COD DOC DON DOP FCOLI FSS HARDNESS IBOD5F IBOD5W NH4F NH4W NO23F NO23W NO2F NO2W NO3F BIOGENIC SILICA 20-DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (FILTERED SAMPLE) 20-DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (WHOLE SAMPLE) 5-DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (FILTERED SAMPLE) WHOLE 5-DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND TRICHROMATIC CHLOROPHYLL-A TRICHROMATIC CHLOROPHYLL-B TRICHROMATIC CHLOROPHYLL-C ACTIVE CHLOROPHYLL-A FLOUROMETRIC CHLOROPHYLL CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON DISSOLVED ORGANIC NITROGEN DISSOLVED ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS FECAL COLIFORMS FIXED SUSPENDED SOLIDS HARDNESS AS CACO3 INHIBITED 5-DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (FILTERED SAMPLE) INHIBITED 5-DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (WHOLE SAMPLE) AMMONIUM NITROGEN AS N (FILTERED SAMPLE) AMMONIUM NITROGEN AS N (WHOLE SAMPLE) NITRITE+NITRATE NITROGEN AS N (FILTERED SAMPLE) NITRITE+NITRATE NITROGEN AS N (WHOLE SAMPLE) NITRITE NITROGEN AS N (FILTERED SAMPLE) NITRITE NITROGEN AS N (WHOLE SAMPLE) NITRATE NITROGEN AS N (FILTERED SAMPLE) MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MPN/100 ML MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L - 18 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary NO3W ORP PC PHEO PIP PN PO4F PO4W PP SIF SIW SO3 SO4 SOD TALK TCOLI TDN TDP TIN TKNF TKNW TOC TON TOP TP TSS TSSED TURB_FTU TURB_JTU TURB_NTU VSS NITRATE NITROGEN AS N (WHOLE SAMPLE) OXIDATION REDUCTION POTENTIAL PARTICULATE CARBON PHEOPHYTIN PARTICULATE INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS PARTICULATE NITROGEN ORTHOPHOSPHATE PHOSPHORUS AS P (FILTERED SAMPLE) ORTHOPHOSPHATE PHOSPHORUS AS P (WHOLE SAMPLE) PARTICULATE PHOSPHORUS SILICA AS SI (FILTERED SAMPLE) SILICA AS SI (WHOLE SAMPLE) TOTAL SULFITE AS SO3 TOTAL SULFATE AS SO4 SEDIMENT OXYGEN DEMAND TOTAL ALKALINITY AS CACO3 TOTAL COLIFORMS TOTAL DISSOLVED NITROGEN TOTAL DISSOLVED PHOSPHORUS TOTAL INORGANIC NITROGEN TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (FILTERED SAMPLE) TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (WHOLE SAMPLE) TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON TOTAL ORGANIC NITROGEN TOTAL ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS TOTAL PHOSPHORUS TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TOTAL SUSPENDED SEDIMENT TURBIDTY, TURBIDIMETER TURBIDITY, JACKSON CANDLE METHOD (FORWARD SCATTER) TURBIDITY, NEPHELOMETRIC METHOD VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS MG/L MG/L MG/L UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L TOTAL SILVER TOTAL ARSENIC TOTAL CADMIUM TOTAL CHROMIUM TOTAL COPPER TOTAL IRON TOTAL MANGANESE TOTAL NICKEL TOTAL LEAD TOTAL SILICON AS SI TOTAL STRONTIUM TOTAL ZINC UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L UG/L MG/L UG/L MG/L MPN/100 ML MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L FTU JTU NTU MG/L Metals AG AS CD CR CU FE MN NI PB SI SN ZN SAMPLE_TYPES table FIELD SAMPLE_TYPE (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Sample type code Description/definition of SAMPLE_TYPE TYPE Text Text LENGTH 5 50 The SAMPLE_TYPE code is used to identify the type of sample collected. The current water quality database contains data associated with field measurements of physical parameters taken at a specified depth and lab analysis of discrete samples collected at a specified depth. D ISM DISCRETE (GRAB) SAMPLE IN-SITU MEASUREMENT, NO SAMPLE COLLECTED - 19 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary SAMPLE_IDS table FIELD SAMPLE_ID (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Sample ID code Description/definition of SAMPLE_ID TYPE Text Text LENGTH 5 100 The SAMPLE_ID code is used to further define the sample collected so that the user will be better able to manipulate the data correctly. Other codes will be added as monitoring protocols changes dictate. M1 M2 S1 S2 S3 FS1 FS2 FS3 FS_AVG LS1 LS2 FIRST FIELD MEASUREMENT SECOND FIELD MEASUREMENT FIRST SAMPLE COLLECTED SECOND SAMPLE COLLECTED THIRD SAMPLE COLLECTED FIRST SUBSAMPLE OF A FIELD SPLIT SAMPLE SECOND SUBSAMPLE OF A FIELD SPLIT SAMPLE THIRD SUBSAMPLE OF A FIELD SPLIT SAMPLE VALUE REPRESENTS THE AVERAGE OF TWO FIELD SPLIT SAMPLES FIRST SUBSAMPLE OF A LAB SPLIT SAMPLE SECOND SUBSAMPLE OF A LAB SPLIT SAMPLE LAYERS table FIELD LAYER (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Water column layer code Description/definition of LAYER TYPE Text Text LENGTH 1 20 The LAYER code defines the water column layer at which the sample was collected. S B AP BP M SURFACE BOTTOM ABOVE PYCNOCLINE BELOW PYCNOCLINE MID-DEPTH UNITS table FIELD UNITS (PK) DESCRIPTION MG/L UG/L SU UMHOS/CM MPN/100 ML CFS DESCRIPTION Units abbreviation Description/definition of UNITS TYPE Text Text LENGTH 10 50 MILLIGRAMS PER LITER MICROGRAMS PER LITER STANDARD UNITS MICROMHOS PER CENTIMETER MOST PROBABLE NUMBER PER 100 MILLILITERS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - 20 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary UM/M**2/S UE/M**2/S DEG C PPT NTU M MICROMOLES PER METER SQUARED PER SECOND MICROEINSTEINS PER METER SQUARED PER SECOND DEGREES CELCIUS PARTS PER THOUSAND NEPHELOMETRIC TURBIDITY UNITS METERS QUALIFIERS table FIELD QUALIFIER (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Parameter value qualifier code Description/definition of QUALIFIER TYPE Text Text LENGTH 1 50 The QUALIFIER code is used to describe the parameter value as less than or greater than the method detection limit. < > LESS THAN THE LOWER METHOD DETECTION LIMIT (MDL) GREATER THAN THE UPPER METHOD DETECTION LIMIT (MDL) METHODS table FIELD PARAMETER (PK) METHOD (PK) TITLE EPA_METHOD DESCRIPTION REFERENCE1 REFERENCE2 REFERENCE3 REFERENCE4 DESCRIPTION Parameter ID Field/lab method code Title of the method EPA method number Description/definition of METHOD METHOD reference #1 METHOD reference #2 METHOD reference #3 METHOD reference #4 TYPE Text Text Text Text Memo Memo Memo Memo Memo LENGTH 15 5 100 20 No limit No limit No limit No limit No limit The METHOD code is used to define the field or lab procedure used to obtain the parameter value. This table is currently being generated and will be distributed to AMQAW and DMAW for review and approval upon its completion. PROBLEMS table FIELD PROBLEM (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Analysis problem code Description/definition of PROBLEM TYPE Text Text LENGTH 2 50 The PROBLEM code is used to define any lab analysis problems that were encountered during measurement of the parameter value. DMAW indicated that this field should be included in the database for parameter values that were retained despite the associated lab analysis problem. - 21 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary The database does not currently contain records that have problem codes because BAYSTATS did not retain them. A B C D E H J R U V X Z BB DD FF GG HH JJ MM NN QQ SS VV WW LABORATORY ACCIDENT CHEMICAL MATRIX INTERFERENCE INSTRUMENT FAILURE INSUFFICIENT SAMPLE SAMPLE RECEIVED AFTER HOLDING TIME ANALYSIS RUN BY ANOTHER LAB INCORRECT SAMPLE FRACTION FOR ANALYSIS SAMPLE CONTAMINATED INCONSISTENT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VARIABLES SAMPLE RESULTS REJECTED DUE TO QC CRITERIA SAMPLE NOT PRESERVED PROPERLY ANALYZED BY METHOD OF STANDARD ADDITIONS TORN FILTER PAD SAMPLE SIZE NOT REPORTED POOR REPLICATION BETWEEN PADS, MEAN REPORTED SAMPLE ANALYZED AFTER HOLDING TIME SAMPLE NOT COLLECTED AMOUNT FILTERED NOT RECORDED OVER 20% OF SAMPLE ADHERED TO POUCH AND OUTSIDE OF PAD PARTICULATES FOUND IN FILTERED SAMPLE VALUE EXCEEDS A THEORETICAL EQUIVALENT YET WITHIN ANALYTICAL PRECISION SAMPLE REJECTED, HIGH SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION STATION WAS NOT SAMPLED DUE TO BAD FIELD CONDITIONS HIGH OPTICAL DENSITY (750 NM); ACTUAL VALUE RECORDED LABS table FIELD LAB (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Code identifying the laboratory at which the sample was analyzed Full description of lab code TYPE Text LENGTH 10 Text 100 The LABS table contains codes that identify the laboratory at which the sample was analyzed. AMRL CBL CRL MDDHMH USGS VADCLS VCU VIMS OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY APPLIED MARINE RESEARCH LABORATORY CHESAPEAKE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY USEPA-CENTRAL REGIONAL LABORATORY MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY VIRGINIA DIVISION OF CONSOLIDATED LABORATORY SERVICES VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE - 22 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary WQ_STATIONS lookup tables The following lookup tables are related exclusively to the WQ_STATIONS table. They include codes related to the various geographic references. Values for several of these fields will be populated using GIS polygon coverages that reside at the CBPO. The GIS Team has agreed to perform ARCINFO overlays for this purpose. FIPS table – contains Federal Information Processing System codes identifying state and county or incorporated city FIELD FIPS (PK) STATE NAME 10001 10003 10005 11001 24001 24003 24005 24009 24011 24013 24015 24017 24019 24021 24023 24025 24027 24029 24031 24033 24035 24037 24039 24041 24043 24045 24047 24510 36003 36007 36011 36015 36017 36023 36025 DE DE DE DC MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD NY NY NY NY NY NY NY DESCRIPTION Federal Information Processing System code Two-letter state abbreviation County/city name TYPE Text LENGTH 5 Text Text 2 25 KENT NEW CASTLE SUSSEX DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALLEGANY ANNE ARUNDEL BALTIMORE CALVERT CAROLINE CARROLL CECIL CHARLES DORCHESTER FREDERICK GARRETT HARFORD HOWARD KENT MONTGOMERY PRINCE GEORGES QUEEN ANNES SAINT MARYS SOMERSET TALBOT WASHINGTON WICOMICO WORCESTER BALTIMORE CITY ALLEGANY BROOME CAYUGA CHEMUNG CHENANGO CORTLAND DELAWARE - 23 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 36043 36051 36053 36065 36067 36069 36077 36095 36097 36101 36107 36109 36123 42001 42009 42011 42013 42015 42021 42023 42025 42027 42029 42033 42035 42037 42041 42043 42047 42055 42057 42061 42063 42065 42067 42069 42071 42075 42079 42081 42083 42087 42093 42097 42099 42105 42107 42109 42111 42113 42115 42117 42119 NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA HERKIMER LIVINGSTON MADISON ONEIDA ONONDAGA ONTARIO OTSEGO SCHOHARIE SCHUYLER STEUBEN TIOGA TOMPKINS YATES ADAMS BEDFORD BERKS BLAIR BRADFORD CAMBRIA CAMERON CARBON CENTRE CHESTER CLEARFIELD CLINTON COLUMBIA CUMBERLAND DAUPHIN ELK FRANKLIN FULTON HUNTINGDON INDIANA JEFFERSON JUNIATA LACKAWANNA LANCASTER LEBANON LUZERNE LYCOMING MCKEAN MIFFLIN MONTOUR NORTHUMBERLAND PERRY POTTER SCHUYLKILL SNYDER SOMERSET SULLIVAN SUSQUEHANNA TIOGA UNION - 24 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 42127 42131 42133 51001 51003 51005 51007 51009 51011 51013 51015 51017 51019 51023 51029 51031 51033 51036 51037 51041 51043 51045 51047 51049 51053 51057 51059 51061 51065 51069 51071 51073 51075 51079 51085 51087 51091 51093 51095 51097 51099 51101 51103 51107 51109 51111 51113 51115 51119 51121 51125 51127 51131 PA PA PA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA WAYNE WYOMING YORK ACCOMACK ALBEMARLE ALLEGHANY AMELIA AMHERST APPOMATTOX ARLINGTON AUGUSTA BATH BEDFORD BOTETOURT BUCKINGHAM CAMPBELL CAROLINE CHARLES CITY CHARLOTTE CHESTERFIELD CLARKE CRAIG CULPEPER CUMBERLAND DINWIDDIE ESSEX FAIRFAX FAUQUIER FLUVANNA FREDERICK GILES GLOUCESTER GOOCHLAND GREENE HANOVER HENRICO HIGHLAND ISLE OF WIGHT JAMES CITY KING AND QUEEN KING GEORGE KING WILLIAM LANCASTER LOUDOUN LOUISA LUNENBURG MADISON MATHEWS MIDDLESEX MONTGOMERY NELSON NEW KENT NORTHAMPTON - 25 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 51133 51135 51137 51139 51145 51147 51149 51153 51157 51159 51161 51163 51165 51171 51177 51179 51181 51187 51193 51199 51510 51530 51540 51550 51560 51570 51580 51600 51610 51630 51650 51660 51670 51678 51680 51683 51685 51700 51710 51730 51735 51740 51760 51790 51800 51810 51820 51830 51840 54003 54023 54027 54031 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA WV WV WV WV NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTOWAY ORANGE PAGE POWHATAN PRINCE EDWARD PRINCE GEORGE PRINCE WILLIAM RAPPAHANNOCK RICHMOND ROANOKE ROCKBRIDGE ROCKINGHAM SHENANDOAH SPOTSYLVANIA STAFFORD SURRY WARREN WESTMORELAND YORK ALEXANDRIA CITY BUENA VISTA CITY CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CHESAPEAKE CITY CLIFTON FORGE CITY COLONIAL HEIGHTS CITY COVINGTON CITY FAIRFAX CITY FALLS CHURCH CITY FREDERICKSBURG CITY HAMPTON CITY HARRISONBURG CITY HOPEWELL CITY LEXINGTON CITY LYNCHBURG CITY MANASSAS CITY MANASSAS PARK CITY NEWPORT NEWS CITY NORFOLK CITY PETERSBURG CITY POQOUSON CITY PORTSMOUTH CITY RICHMOND CITY STAUNTON CITY SUFFOLK CITY VIRGINIA BEACH CITY WAYNESBORO CITY WILLIAMSBURG CITY WINCHESTER CITY BERKELEY GRANT HAMPSHIRE HARDY - 26 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 54037 54057 54063 54065 54071 54077 54093 WV WV WV WV WV WV WV JEFFERSON MINERAL MONROE MORGAN PENDLETON PRESTON TUCKER HUCS8 table FIELD HUC8 (PK) REGION SUBREGION ACCOUNTING_UNIT CATALOGING_UNIT DESCRIPTION 8-digit USGS hydrologic unit code Region associated with the first two digits of HUC8 Sub-region associated with the first four digits of HUC8 Accounting unit associated with the first six digits of HUC8 Cataloging unit associated with HUC8 TYPE Text Text LENGTH 8 25 Text 25 Text 25 Text 35 The HUC8 code is the 8-digit USGS hydrologic unit code in which the station is located. The list that follows contains only the HUC and the associated cataloging unit description. Additional lookup tables related to this table may or may not be included in the final database design. These tables contain specific information related to the REGION, SUBREGION, ACCOUNTING_UNIT, and CATALOGING_UNIT fields (i.e. detailed description, states covered, and area in square miles). 02050101 02050102 02050103 02050104 02050105 02050106 02050107 02050201 02050202 02050203 02050204 02050205 02050206 02050301 02050302 02050303 02050304 02050305 02050306 02060001 02060002 02060003 02060004 UPPER SUSQUEHANNA CHENANGO OWEGO-WAPPASENING TIOGA CHEMUNG UPPER SUSQUEHANNA-TUNKHANNOCK UPPER SUSQUEHANNA-LACKAWANNA UPPER WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA SINNEMAHONING MIDDLE WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA BALD EAGLE PINE LOWER WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA LOWER SUSQUEHANNA-PENNS UPPER JUNIATA RAYSTOWN LOWER JUNIATA LOWER SUSQUEHANNA-SWATARA LOWER SUSQUEHANNA UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY CHESTER-SASSAFRAS GUNPOWDER-PATAPSCO SEVERN - 27 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 02060005 02060006 02060007 02060008 02060009 02070001 02070002 02070003 02070004 02070005 02070006 02070007 02070008 02070009 02070010 02070011 02080101 02080102 02080103 02080104 02080105 02080106 02080107 02080108 02080109 02080201 02080202 02080203 02080204 02080205 02080206 02080207 02080208 CHOPTANK PATUXENT BLACKWATER-WICOMICO NANTICOKE POCOMOKE SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC CACAPON-TOWN CONOCOCHEAGUE-OPEQUON SOUTH FORK SHENANDOAH NORTH FORK SHENANDOAH SHENANDOAH MIDDLE POTOMAC-CATOCTIN MONOCACY MIDDLE POTOMAC-ANACOSTIA-OCCOQUAN LOWER POTOMAC LOWER CHESAPEAKE BAY GREAT WICOMICO-PIANKATANK RAPIDAN-UPPER RAPPAHANNOCK LOWER RAPPAHANNOCK MATTAPONI PAMUNKEY YORK LYNNHAVEN-POQUOSON WESTERN LOWER DELMARVA UPPER JAMES MAURY MIDDLE JAMES-BUFFALO RIVANNA MIDDLE JAMES-WILLIS LOWER JAMES APPOMATTOX HAMPTON ROADS CBP_BASINS table FIELD CBP_BASIN (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Chesapeake Bay Program basin (12 total) Description/definition of CBP_BASIN TYPE Text Text LENGTH 25 50 The CBP_BASIN code provides the Chesapeake Bay Program basin in which the station is located. These basin designations have been used by the Chesapeake bay Program since its inception to summarize watershed model loads from all sources. Point related data naturally fall into one of these basins, so this field has been retained in order to maintain the ability to summarize information using this scheme. For stations located within Chesapeake Bay, the CBP may want to consider assigning the most proximal CBP_BASIN to these stations as a means of providing the ability to determine cause and effect relationships. The CBP_BASIN code OUTSIDE WATERSHED is included because there are point source facilities located outside the watershed that are tracked for modeling purposes. - 28 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary CHESAPEAKE BAY MD EASTERN SHORE MD WESTERN SHORE JAMES RIVER OUTSIDE WATERSHED PATUXENT RIVER POTOMAC RIVER RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER VA WESTERN SHORE VA EASTERN SHORE YORK RIVER LOCATED DIRECTLY IN CHESAPEAKE BAY MARYLAND EAST OF CHESAPEAKE BAY MARYLAND WEST OF CHAESAPEAKE BAY, EXCLUDING THE POTOMAC AND PATUXENT WATERSHEDS JAMES RIVER WATERSHED OUTSIDE OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY WATERSHED PATUXENT RIVER WATERSHED POTOMAC RIVER WATERSHED RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER WATERSHED SUSQUEHANNA RIVER WATERSHED VIRGINIA WEST OF CHESAPEAKE BAY, EXCLUDING THE POTOMAC, JAMES, RAPPAHANNOCK AND YORK WATERSHEDS VIRGINIA EAST OF CHESAPEAKE BAY YORK RIVER WATERSHED TS_BASINS table FIELD TS_BASIN (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION State Tributary Strategy basin Description/definition of TS_BASIN TYPE Text Text LENGTH 25 50 The TS_BASIN code identifies the state tributary strategy in which a particular station is located. The appropriate state abbreviations are included in parentheses for informational purposes only. They are not part of the field value. Although part of Maryland actually drains to the Susquehanna River, these sections were placed in the UPPER EASTERN SHORE and UPPER WESTERN SHORE tributary strategy basins. For stations located within Chesapeake Bay, the CBP may want to consider assigning the most proximal TS_BASIN to these stations as a means of providing the ability to determine cause and effect relationships. CHESAPEAKE BAY CHOPTANK RIVER (MD) JAMES RIVER (VA) LOWER EASTERN SHORE (MD) LOWER POTOMAC RIVER (MD) LOWER WESTERN SHORE (MD) MIDDLE POTOMAC RIVER (MD) PATAPSCO/BACK RIVERS (MD) PATUXENT RIVER (MD) POTOMAC RIVER (PA, VA) RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER (VA) SUSQUEHANNA RIVER (PA) UPPER EASTERN SHORE (MD) UPPER POTOMAC RIVER (MD) UPPER WESTERN SHORE (MD) VA EASTERN SHORE (VA) VA WESTERN SHORE (VA) YORK RIVER (VA) - 29 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary SEGS_1985 table FIELD SEG_1985 (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 1985 monitoring segment Description/definition of SEG_1985 TYPE Text Text LENGTH 5 50 The SEG_1985 code provides the monitoring segment in which the station is located. It is based upon the original 1985 segmentation scheme. AFL CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 CB7 CB8 EE1 EE2 EE3 ET1 ET2 ET3 ET4 ET5 ET6 ET7 ET8 ET9 ET10 LE1 LE2 LE3 LE4 LE5 RET1 RET2 RET3 RET4 RET5 TF1 TF2 TF3 TF4 TF5 WE4 WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 NON-TIDAL AREAS OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY WATERSHED SUSQUEHANNA FLATS UPPER PORTION OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM UPPER-MOST ESTUARINE ZONE IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM UPPER PORTION OF THE CENTRAL CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM CENTRAL PORTION OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM LOWER WEST-CENTRAL PORTION OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM LOWER EAST-CENTRAL PORTION OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM SOUTHERN-MOST PORTION OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY MAINSTEM EASTERN BAY, MILES RIVER, AND WYE RIVER CHOPTANK RIVER WEST OF CASTLE HAVEN, INCLUDING THE TRED AVON RIVER, BROAD CREEK, HARRIS CREEK, AND THE LITTLE CHOPTANK RIVER TANGIER AND POCOMOKE SOUNDS NORTHEST RIVER ELK AND BOHEMIA RIVERS SASSAFRAS RIVER CHESTER RIVER CHOPTANK RIVER, EXCLUDING EE2 NANTICOKE RIVER WICOMICO RIVER MANOKIN RIVER BIG ANNEMESSEX RIVER POCOMOKE RIVER PATUXENT RIVER, LOWER ESTUARINE SEGMENT POTOMAC RIVER, LOWER ESTUARINE SEGMENT RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER, LOWER ESTUARINE SEGMENT YORK RIVER, LOWER ESTUARINE SEGMENT JAMES RIVER, LOWER ESTUARINE SEGMENT PATUXENT RIVER, RIVERINE-ESTUARINE TRANSITION ZONE POTOMAC RIVER, RIVERINE-ESTUARINE TRANSITION ZONE RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER, RIVERINE-ESTUARINE TRANSITION ZONE YORK RIVER, RIVERINE-ESTUARINE TRANSITION ZONE JAMES RIVER, RIVERINE-ESTUARINE TRANSITION ZONE PATUXENT RIVER, TIDAL FRESHWATER SEGMENT POTOMAC RIVER, TIDAL FRESHWATER SEGMENT RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER, TIDAL FRESHWATER SEGMENT YORK RIVER, TIDAL FRESHWATER SEGMENT JAMES RIVER, TIDAL FRESHWATER SEGMENT MOBJACK BAY BUSH RIVER GUNPOWDER RIVER MIDDLE RIVER AND SENECA CREEK BACK RIVER - 30 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary WT5 WT6 WT7 WT8 PATAPSCO RIVER MAGOTHY RIVER SEVERN RIVER SOUTH, RHODE, AND WEST RIVERS SEGS_1998 table FIELD SEG_1998 (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 1998 Chesapeake Bay segment ID Description/definition of SEG_1998 TYPE Text Text LENGTH 6 50 The SEG_1998 code provides the monitoring segment in which the station is located. It is based upon the new 1998 segmentation scheme. APPTF BACOH BIGMH BOHOH BSHOH C&DOH CB1TF CB2OH CB3MH CB4MH CB5MH CB6PH CB7PH CB8PH CHKOH CHOMH1 CHOMH2 CHOOH CHOTF CHSMH CHSOH CHSTF CRRMH EASMH EBEMH ELIMH ELIPH ELKOH FSBMH GUNOH HNGMH JMSMH JMSOH JMSPH JMSTF LAFMH LCHMH APPOMATTOX RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION BACK RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION BIG ANNEMESSEX RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION BOHEMIA RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION BUSH RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION C&D CANAL-OLIGOHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-TIDAL FRESH REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-OLIGOHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-MESOHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-MESOHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-MESOHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-POLYHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-POLYHALINE REGION CHESAPEAKE BAY-POLYHALINE REGION CHICKAHOMINY RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION CHOPTANK RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION 1 CHOPTANK RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION 2 CHOPTANK RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION CHOPTANK RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION CHESTER RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION CHESTER RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION CHESTER RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION CORROTOMAN RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION EASTERN BAY-MESOHALINE REGION EAST BRANCH ELIZABETH RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION ELIZABETH RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION ELIZABETH RIVER-POLYHALINE REGION ELK RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION FISHING BAY-MESOHALINE REGION GUNPOWDER RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION HONGA RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION JAMES RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION JAMES RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION JAMES RIVER-POLYHALINE REGION JAMES RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION LAFAYETTE RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION LITTLE CHOPTANK RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION - 31 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary LYNPH MAGMH MANMH MATTF MIDOH MOBPH MPNOH MPNTF NANMH NANOH NANTF NORTF PATMH PAXMH PAXOH PAXTF PIAMH PISTF PMKOH PMKTF POCMH POCOH POCTF POTMH POTOH POTTF RHDMH RPPMH RPPOH RPPTF SASOH SBEMH SEVMH SOUMH TANMH WBEMH WBRTF WICMH WSTMH YRKMH YRKPH LYNNHAVEN RIVER-POLYHALINE REGION MAGOTHY RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION MANOKIN RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION MATTAWOMAN CREEK-TIDAL FRESH REGION MIDDLE RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION MOBJACK BAY-POLYHALINE REGION MATTAPONI RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION MATTAPONI RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION NANTICOKE RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION NANTICOKE RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION NANTICOKE RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION NORTHEAST RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION PATAPSCO RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION PATUXENT RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION PATUXENT RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION PATUXENT RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION PIANKATANK RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION PISCATAWAY CREEK-TIDAL FRESH REGION PAMUNKEY RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION PAMUNKEY RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION POCOMOKE RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION POCOMOKE RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION POCOMOKE RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION POTOMAC RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION POTOMAC RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION POTOMAC RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION RHODE RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER-TIDAL FRESH REGION SASSAFRAS RIVER-OLIGOHALINE REGION SOUTH BRANCH ELIZABETH RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION SEVERN RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION SOUTH RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION TANGIER SOUND-MESOHALINE REGION WEST BRANCH ELIZABETH RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION WESTERN BRANCH-TIDAL FRESH REGION WICOMICO RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION WEST RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION YORK RIVER-MESOHALINE REGION YORK RIVER-POLYHALINE REGION WSM_SEGS table FIELD WSM_SEGMENT (PK) DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Watershed model segment number Description/definition of WSM_SEGMENT TYPE Text Text LENGTH 3 50 The WSM_SEG code defines the watershed model segment in which the station is located. However, because the watershed model doesn’t include tidal waters in its segmentation scheme, many water quality monitoring stations aren’t located within a model segment. However, the - 32 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary CBP may want to consider assigning the most proximal watershed model segment to these stations as a means of providing the ability to determine cause and effect relationships. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 140 160 170 175 180 190 200 210 220 230 235 250 260 270 280 300 330 340 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 470 480 490 500 510 540 550 560 580 590 600 UPPER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER UPPER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER UPPER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER UPPER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER UPPER WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER LOWER WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER JUNIATA RIVER JUNIATA RIVER LOWER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER LOWER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER UPPER POTOMAC RIVER UPPER POTOMAC RIVER SOUTH BRANCH SHENANDOAH RIVER SHENANDOAH RIVER LOWER POTOMAC RIVER LOWER POTOMAC RIVER UPPER RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER UPPER MATTAPONI RIVER PAMUNKEY RIVER PAMUNKEY RIVER UPPER JAMES RIVER UPPER JAMES RIVER UPPER APPOMATTOX RIVER PATUXENT RIVER PATUXENT RIVER BOHEMIA RIVER CHESTER RIVER WYE RIVER CHOPTANK RIVER NANTICOKE RIVER WICOMICO RIVER POCOMOKE RIVER VA EASTERN SHORE MOUTH OF SUSQUEHANNA RIVER GUNPOWDER RIVER BALTIMORE HARBOR PATAPSCO RIVER PATUXENT RIVER SEVERN RIVER ANACOSTIA RIVER OCCOQUAN RIVER RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER GREAT WICOMICO RIVER YORK RIVER JAMES RIVER - 33 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary 610 620 630 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 800 810 820 830 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 960 970 980 990 CHICKAHOMINY RIVER NANSEMOND RIVER ELIZABETH RIVER UPPER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER LOWER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER LOWER SUSQUEHANNA RIVER UPPER POTOMAC RIVER UPPER POTOMAC RIVER LOWER POTOMAC RIVER BACK RIVER CHOPTANK RIVER UPPER EASTERN SHORE-MD UPPER EASTERN SHORE-MD UPPER EASTERN SHORE-MD UPPER EASTERN SHORE-MD BACK RIVER BACK RIVER BACK RIVER UPPER WESTERN SHORE-MD POTOMAC RIVER POTOMAC RIVER POTOMAC RIVER POTOMAC RIVER MOUTH OF RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER MOUTH OF RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER MOUTH OF JAMES RIVER POTOMAC RIVER POTOMAC RIVER PATUXENT RIVER - 34 Water Quality Database Design and Data Dictionary