SOCCER FANTASY LEAGUE CS 8903 – Advanced Internet Applications PROJECT PROPOSAL

CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
CS 8903 – Advanced Internet Applications
CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
There are a number of Web-based services and applications that demonstrate the foundations of the
Web 2.0 concept, and they are already being used to a certain extent in education. These are not
really technologies as such, but services (or user processes) built using the building blocks of the
technologies and open standards that underpin the Internet and the Web. These include blogs,
wikis, and multimedia sharing services, content syndication, podcasting and content tagging
services. Many of these newer technologies are concatenations, i.e. they make use of existing
services. Two such general categories of Web 2.0 services are
1) Social Networking - Professional and social networking sites that facilitate meeting people,
finding like minds, sharing content and uses ideas from harnessing the power of the crowd, network
effect and individual production/user generated content.
2) Data 'mash-ups' - Web services that pull together data from different sources to create a new
service (i.e. aggregation and recombination). It uses, for example, ideas from data on epic scale and
openness of data. Also used to collect and aggregate user data, user attention (what you look at) and
their intentions. It uses ideas from the architecture of participation and power of the crowd.
Our project is one such application that aims at combining these two general categories of web
services into one application.
With the advent of what is popularly called Web 2.0 concept, social networking sites and games
have become more common. These aim at increasing the interactions between users on a global
scale. Interaction games such as Second Life and Super selector for cricket have brought together
users from all over the world and allow them to exchange ideas on a common platform while
providing entertainment. Second Life® is a 3-D virtual world created by its Residents. Since
opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by millions of
Residents from around the globe. Super Selector is again an online interactive game where users
are allowed to create fictional teams and try to make their team win. The team is judged based on
the performance of players in the real world. Mashups have become really popular in aggregating
the data provided by different services and integrating them. Google Maps integrated into web
apps, sites like and others combine data from different sources and
integrate them into their own system using different APIs. Services such as these have motivated
our project of developing a social networking web application game that aims at capturing the
interest of global users and allowing them to interact with each other facilitating an exchange of
knowledge and information. Our main objective is to design a fantasy soccer league that opens
users to the idea of creating their own team with their favorite players, manage their team and use it
to win as many points as possible while interacting with other such users over the net.
CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
A game that allows contestants to register and create their dream teams choosing players from the
Barclays Premier League (BPL). It is also a social network where contestants can search for other
users in his location or search for fans of a club all over the world.
This project mainly consists of 2 types of users:
1. Administrator: The person responsible for all the score changes and resetting the scores.
2. Contestant: The user using this application to create his team.
The first module is the game itself. Some of the features of this module are:
Top 10 contestants of the week
Top 10 players of the week
Compete with users all over the world
Compete with just friends by creating your own league
Modifying the players’ worth depending on the performance in the previous month
Each contestant can keep track of the scores of each player in this team and make changes
accordingly looking at the top players for that week.
7. Each league has its owner who is responsible for managing the people contesting in that
8. Each contestant can choose his own formation for the team.
9. Contestant scores will be updated at the end of each week.
10. Each contestant can choose a captain for the team who value would be doubled at the end of
the week.
11. Scores will be refreshed after the end of a month.
The next module uses Google Earth. Each contestant is mapped on Google Earth and hence each
contestant can use this module to search for other contestants all over the world and helps them
socialize and meet other people with similar interests. Some of the salient features of this module
consist of the following:
1. Each contestant can view other contestants’ location
2. Create leagues with contestants staying nearby
3. Search for contestants with a particular radius
CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
4. Search for fans of the club
5. Provides the opportunity for contestants to meet new people sharing the same interest and
discussing their passion for the game.
Each contestant can have just 1 team
Each team should 11 players with the total player worth not exceeding $100mn
Each contestant is allowed 11 substitutions in a month
Each team cannot have more than 3 players from a club
1. Every goal scored
a. 4 points for an Attacker
b. 6 points for a Mid Fielder
c. 8 points for a Defender
d. 10 points for a Goalkeeper
2. For every clean sheet
a. 3 points for a Defender and a Goalkeeper
b. 1 point for a midfielder
3. For receiving a card
a. -2 points for a yellow card
b. -5 points for a red card
4. For conceding goals
a. -1 point for 2 goals conceded
b. An extra point deducted for every extra goal conceded
5. For each penalty taken
a. 3 points for successful conversion
b. -3 points for a miss
6. -15 points if the captain of the team doesn’t play
Application has three layers
• Presentation Layer
• Business Layer
• Database
CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
The Net Beans IDE
The Net Beans IDE is an open-source integrated development environment written entirely in Java
using the Net Beans Platform. The Net Beans Platform is a reusable framework for simplifying the
development of other desktop applications. Any application can include the Update center module
to allow users of the application to download digitally-signed upgrades and new features directly
into the running application.
Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat is a web container, or application server developed at the Apache Software
Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP)
specifications from Sun Microsystems, providing an environment for Java code to run in
cooperation with a web server.
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a Java technology that allows software developers to dynamically
generate HTML, XML or other types of documents in response to a Web client request. The
technology allows Java code and certain pre-defined actions to be embedded into static content.
CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
Microsoft Office Access
Microsoft Access is a relational database management system from Microsoft which combines the
relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development
Deliverables include the following:
1. Working implementation of the entire project
2. Demonstration of the project in class
3. A final report
The software is developed using JSP and is a web application. The testing platform should have a
browser that supports the latest technologies. Apart from that the system on which the program is
tested should have a server. The server used for this project is Apache Tomcat.
CS 8903 - Advanced Internet Application
Project Proposal
Testing is done to see whether all the functionalities of the project are working. Various error
conditions are also tested.
Some of the basic error conditions include:
1) A user opens a page directly from the URL without logging in.
2) A user opens a page pertaining to the functionality of a different type of users.
3) Referential integrity constraints may be violated.
4) Primary keys may be repeated while insertion is done.
Testing is done to check whether these errors have been successfully taken care of and an error
message is displayed.
As far as the performance testing is concerned, various test plans will be prepared to test the
performance of the system.
1. “What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education” by Paul Anderson,
JISC Technology and Standards Watch, Feb. 2007.
2. “Social Network websites: best practices from leading services”, faberNovel Consulting
3. “End-user Defined Data Mashup”, InetSoft Technology Corporation, 2008.
4. “Data Mashups & Their Applications in Enterprises”, Makki, S.K., Sangtani J, Univ. of
Toledo, Toledo. June 2008.
5. “Developing Web 2.0 Applications for Semantic Web of Trust”, Mahmood, Omer Sch. of
Inf. Technol, Charles Darwin Univ, NT. April 2007.