CS8803: A I A Project Proposal Lucky Mobile Advertisements Muhammad Usman Haider 902289633 Motivation Mobile advertising is an industry that is about to explode. However, there is still some caution due to the fear of invoking adverse reactions from the subscriber resulting from receiving advertisements. Our 'Lucky Mobile Advertising' application aims to address this concern by creating a win-win situation between the subscriber, carrier and advertiser. Subscriber (Lucky) win Carrier (Luck coordinator) win win Advertiser (Luck sponsor) Advertising on mobile devices is the area that is being expected by marketing wizards and telecom/internet giants to play a key role in future marketing strategies and provide additional huge revenue sources for the carriers. Informa Telecoms & Media, a research firm forecasts that annual expenditure on mobile ads will reach $11.4 billion by 2011. Other analysts predict the market will be as big as $20 billion by then. However, there are mixed opinions about the future of mobile advertisements, with cellular operators moving cautiously for the fear of annoying customers. Recent studies are now showing that subscribers are willing to tolerate advertising if they are able to get something in return. Today roughly 75 percent of all mobile subscribers in the U.S. and Western Europe can access the mobile Internet from their mobile devices. And of those people with access, about onethird say they would watch advertising in exchange for free mobile content, according to a study called "Going Mobile" from the Online Publishers Association. This has now laid a healthy foundation for the mobile advertising market. Objective In contrast to the current rigid 'view and get rewarded' approaches offered by Blyk in UK and Virgin Mobile in US, we propose that carriers let the users experience incentives in a controlled and 'lucky' fashion, creating a 'wait-for' attitude amongst them. Surprising the subscriber, that she was lucky to have the call sponsored by XYZ, will be welcomed by her rather than annoy her. Ads from the sponsor will also be conscious of subscriber's preferences and sponsors will be allowed to customize their target customer base. The carriers benefit from obtaining an additional source of revenue and increased network usage. i) ii) iii) iv) Having subscribed to the application, subscribers randomly and luckily begin to receive announcements (short message / data) after disconnecting a normal call (dialed/ received/ sms/ voice/ content) or any charged session from the Lucky-Mobile-Ad application announcing that the call was free and was sponsored by XYZ along with the advertisement message (chosen from the preferences of the subscriber about the luck-sponsor). A subscriber doesn’t know when, how, where she will be experiencing ‘luck’, but this is for sure that she will receive her favorite ads only when the current call was sponsored from anyone within her favorite luck-sponsoring categories. The frequency and relevance of ads varies with each subscriber and initially the frequency is set to minimum threshold and increases only with the behavior, profile and feedback of the subscriber towards the maximum threshold. Subscribers are encouraged to increase their chances of hunting luck by luck enhancement factors like i. Replying to advertisement. ii. Purchasing advertised products or services iii. Choosing diversified luck sponsors. v) But even if the subscriber doesn’t use any of the luck enhancement method, she continues to receive her minimum luck share for the service subscription based on her service plan, subscription age, selected luck-sponsor categories, network utilization, call duration and similar behaviors. The advertisers are also provided with the option of customizing their own preferences regarding the customer base or location that they wish to target. For eg: XYZ advertiser would only wish to advertise to subscribers between the ages of 18-30 or subscribers only within their vicinity. They also have the option to sponsor specific timings in a day or specific days in a week etc. Related work Currently two significant mobile advertising approaches exist that rely on giving subscribers something in return to their agreement to receive or view advertisements. These include Blyk in UK and Sugar Mama by Virgin Mobile in US. Apparently this seems quite natural because without any evident motivation for the subscriber, any form of advertisement on her personal mobile device will be considered spam and therefore rejected. What only can make mobile advertising a success is the interest of mobile subscriber, if it gradually gets developed, with the mild frequency of personalized advertisements. Otherwise the factors like large graphic screen displays or reduction in services cost are less likely to play any important role in boom of mobile marketing. Launch of Blyk in UK and Sugar Mama by Virgin Mobile in US demonstrates, attempts to reveal the hidden potential in giving some incentives to subscribers in return of their acceptance of advertisements. Pitching itself as the world's first advertising-supported phone company, Blyk launched a service last year in Britain that offers subscribers 217 free text messages and 43 free minutes of voice calls per month as long as they agree to receive six advertisements by text message every day. In 2006 America's Virgin Mobile tried something similar with its “Sugar Mama” program, which offers subscribers the choice between receiving an ad via text message or viewing a 45-second advertisement when browsing the internet in exchange for one free minute of talk time. Those who spend five minutes filling out a questionnaire online get five more minutes. Sugar Mama is proving popular: at the end of August 06, the company that manages the scheme reported that Virgin Mobile had given away more than 10m free minutes. Vodafone, a big mobile operator based in Britain, sees mobile advertising as a potentially lucrative source of additional income. For the time being, most of the ads on its network are still text messages, although it has begun displaying ads on Vodafone live!, its mobile internet homepage, through which subscribers access the internet and download videos and music. Sprint launched targeted mobile advertising in 2006 fall. Other similar operators also have initiated or have strong plans to take major steps in this area. AT&T also have launched 1-800YellowPages which has quite a lot potential for mobile advertisements. David Huntley, Senior Vice President for Diversified Businesses at AT&T marks the service as “instrumental in helping us design a world-class business solution, which will enable AT&T to deliver a state-of-the-art, ad-sponsored directory assistance service to our customers." The arrival of a truly mobile Web, offering a new generation of location-based advertising, is set to unleash a "huge revolution," Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt said on January 25, 2008. This LUCK idea is quite different from existing mobile marketing ways in many psychological, business and implementation prospects. Any Advertisement should be fine until it is not disturbing the customer and rather involving the user in the LUCK game. The key to the success of the idea is the “wisely controlled distribution and randomness” of the luck. The already existing ideas present so far do address the concept of free calls/air-time in return of mobile advertisements but they differ in very nature of capturing the user’s interest and revenue generating behavior. Proposed work The Lucky Mobile Application server is to be developed using IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) technology. The beautiful thing about IMS is its ability to interconnect with existing networks like PSTN, circuit switched wireless etc. Obviously, the carriers are not going to replace traditional circuit switched networks within a day after having spent billions of dollars on them. The Lucky Mobile Ad application is to reside on traditional SIP application server. Just like regular IMS applications it can be deployed in All-VOIP networks as well as interfaced with circuit switched networks. The LUCKY AD application is not same as traditional client/server based applications. The application passively receives call information from the network elements and generates luck alerts only to the lucky subscribers. Call Flow The call flow for a subscriber dialing/ receiving calls is exactly the same as a normal call except that after few lucky calls she will receive a text message/data announcing the luck with advertisement. Wannabe-lucky profiles database Luck sponsor ‘s profiles database Subscriber ’s Luck history database INPUT OUTPUT LUCKY AD APPLICATION SERVER event + details about disconnection of any active session (call) involving the subscriber Luck decision + Luck announcement (if lucky) Luck Call Data Records for billing General Description Wanna-be-lucky profile This constitutes all the subscribers to the luck application. This profile includes all the preferences that subscriber can even think in terms of customizing the luck game. Luck-Sponsor profile The profile gives all the choices to sponsors to fully customize the luck sponsorship to meet their business needs. Luck History This includes luck history for both the subscribers and the luck sponsors. On any call involving the subscriber the history is updated, whether the luck was awarded or not. The history helps in luck decision for the subscriber as well as for picking up the sponsor for the lucky call. This includes other records like overall network utilization and average call durations for the subscriber to help the decision. Billing Call Data Records Lucky Server records the Lucky calls in CDRs (call data records) for the billing system to process and make adjustments to let the lucky calls reflected in subscriber billing. Application Input The application takes as input any ‘disconnect’ events for a session within the network that involves the lucky application subscribers along with the location information of the subscriber. Application Output Output of the application depends on the decision of the luck application. If the call was not lucky only the luck history is updated with the details, otherwise if the call was lucky, call data record is logged for billing system and announcement to the subscriber is triggered apart from updating the luck history. Lucky AD Application Server This is the heart of the application. Based on various inputs and preferences of both the subscriber and advertiser, the luck decision decides about the luck of disconnected active sessions. The main components of the application server include i) ii) iii) iv) Luck Logic module. Advertisement Relevance module. Luck History Maintenance module. Billing Information module. Grabbing the subscriber’s interest is the key to success in mobile advertising future. The Luck Game is devised to achieve the same passion. Everybody loves ‘for-free’ and desires to be lucky. The LUCK factor is going to give this simple mobile advertising idea a successful dimension. Plan of action Resources Since the Lucky application server is proposed to be developed in SIP application server and integrated with IP Multimedia Subsystem core, IMS emulator will be used to provide the IMS core functionality. For the location information GT ‘where am I’ service will be used. TimeLine 1. Web Interface (with supporting databases) a. Subscriber profile interface b. Advertiser profile interface Time estimate: 2 weeks 2. SIP application server Time estimate:2-3 weeks 3. Luck Logic Time estimate: 1 week 4. Advertisement Relevancy module Time estimate: 1 week 5. Charging and billing module Time estimate: 1 week 6. Location aware capability Time estimate: 1-3 weeks 7. Mobile Interface of basic user settings for Luck Game Time estimate: 2-3 weeks Evaluation and Testing Method Lucky calls using IMS core will be demonstrated to evaluate the project. Although a lot much functionality and intelligence can be incorporated in the ‘Luck’ decision process but a basic proof of the concept will be completed for demonstration purpose. The subscriber and advertiser correlation based on the profiles from both will be highlighted. Bibliography http://www.economist.com/business/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9912455 http://www.clickz.com/showPage.html?page=3623589 http://www.actionengine.com/images/events/mobileadvertising/advertising .html http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/11/01/yourmoney/mobile.php http://www.apptera.com/SUCCESSES/testimonials.php http://www.att.com/gen/pressroom?pid=4800&cdvn=news&newsarticleid=24950 http://www.news.com/Mobile-advertising-hits-wireless-Web-first/21001039_3-6166957.html http://www.news.com/Google-versus-the-telecoms/2100-1039_36220909.html?tag=st.nl http://www.virginmobileusa.com/stuff/sugarmama.do http://www.blyk.co.uk/about/yourblyk http://www.news.com/Advertising-seeps-into-the-cell-phone/2100-1039_36115617.html?tag=st.nl http://www.news.com/Google-CEO-bullish-on-mobile-Web-advertising/21001024_3-6227730.html?tag=st_lh http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/11/01/yourmoney/mobile.php http://www.mmaglobal.com/ http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/google_inc/index. html?inline=nyt-org http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic &articleId=9061023&intsrc=news_ts_head http://www.mobileindustry.biz/article.php?article_id=1716 http://networks.silicon.com/mobile/0,39024665,39164466,00.htm