vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS xix LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of Problem 2 1.3 Problem Statement 5 1.4 Research Objectives 6 1.5 Scope of Study 7 1.6 Significant of Findings 8 1.7 Major Contributions of the Research 8 1.8 Conceptual Framework 9 viii 1.8.1 Stochastic Job Shop Scheduling Problems: Assumptions 1.8.2 Problem Representation and Stochastic Precedence Networks 10 1.8.3 Modeling Uncertainty in Scheduling 11 1.8.4 Stochastic Performance measure and Objective Functions 1.8.5 1.9 2 10 12 Stochastic Scheduling Complexity and Optimization 13 1.8.6 Metaheuristics 14 1.8.7 Simulation 15 Outline of the Thesis 16 LITERATURE REVIEW 18 2.1 Introduction 18 2.2 Deterministic Job Shop Scheduling Problem 18 2.2.1 Schedules, Sequences and Timetables 21 2.2.2 Types of Schedules 22 2.2.3 The Disjunctive Graph Representation 24 Representing Scheduling Problems 24 Representing Solutions 25 Schedules Generation Techniques 28 2.3 Stochastic Job Shop Scheduling Problem 30 2.4 PERT Network and Solution Representation 32 2.5 Combining Solution Techniques with Simulation 33 2.6 Solution Methods for Stochastic Scheduling 34 2.6.1 Mathematical Programming Approaches 35 Lagrangian Relaxation 35 Dynamic Programming 35 2.2.4 ix 2.6.2 3 Branch and Bound 36 Heuristics 37 Priority Dispatching Rules 38 Shifting Bottleneck Procedure 40 Simulated Annealing 40 Tabu Search 45 Genetic Algorithms 47 Ant Colony Optimization 48 2.7 Previous Works on SJSSPs 49 2.8 Benchmark Problems 52 2.9 Summary 54 METHODOLOGY 56 3.1 Introduction 56 3.2 Simulated Annealing Background 56 3.2.1 Algorithm’s Parameters and Components 57 Annealing Schedules 58 Initial Temperature 59 Final Temperature 59 Length of Markov Chain 59 Random Number Generator 60 Extension of the algorithm for Stochastic Problems 61 3.3.1 Problem Representation 63 3.3.2 Generating an Initial Solution 64 3.3.3 The Neighborhood Structures 65 3.3 3.3.4 Comparison between Current Solution and Candidate Solution 68 3.3.5 Determination of Best Cost Function Value 69 3.3.6 Sampling Schedule 69 x 3.3.7 3.4 4 Cooling Schedule for SSA Summary 70 70 SIMULATION-BASED SIMULATED ANNEALING FOR JOB SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM WITH RANDOM PROCESSING TIMES 71 4.1 Introduction 71 4.2 Simulation-based Simulated Annealing for SJSSP 72 4.2.1 Objective Function Computation 72 4.2.2 Determination of Sample Size 72 4.2.3 Simple Monte Carlo Sampling 74 4.2.4 Common Random Numbers 74 4.2.5 Descriptive Sampling 75 4.2.6 Evaluation of Statistics 78 Estimation of the Expected Makespan 78 Estimation of the α-quantile of Makespan 79 4.3 5 Cooling Schedules 81 4. 3.1 Conventional Cooling Schedule 81 4.3.2 Adaptive Temperature Schedule 81 4.3.3 Constant Temperature 84 4.4 Simulated Annealing with Confidence Interval 85 4.5 Summary 88 EXPERIMENTS AND ANALYSIS ON EXPECTED MAKESPAN 90 5.1 Introduction 90 5.2 Computational Set Up 90 5.2.1 Problem Generation 92 5.2.2 Initial Solution 93 xi 5.3 5.4 5.2.3 Neighborhood Structure 93 5.2.4 Parameters Tuning 94 The Cooling Schedules 94 Number of Simulation Replications 95 Simulation Results on Expected Makespan 101 5.3.1 Straightforward Implementation of PDSA 101 5.3.2 Makespan Distribution of Various Solution 106 SSA as Planning Tool 110 5.4.1 Impact of Additional Ingredients 116 SSA with Adaptive Temperature Control 116 SSA with Constant Temperature 119 SSA with Confidence Interval 122 Average Performance Comparison 124 5.4.2 6 5.5 Comparison of SSA Variants with other Algorithms 126 5.6 Summary 127 MAKESPAN QUANTILES AND MAKESPAN DISTRIBUTIONS FOR STOCHASTIC JOB SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM 129 6.1 Introduction 129 6.2 Experiments on α-quantile of Makespan 130 6.2.1 130 Results and Analysis 6.3 Correlations Analysis 134 6.4 Makespan Distribution 137 6.4.1 Fitting Distribution 138 6.4.2 Normality Test 139 Choosing between One or More Fitted Distributions 6.5 Summary 140 143 xii 7 SUMMARY AND FUTURE RESEARCH 144 7.1 Summary 144 7.2 Future Research 147 REFERENCES 149 Appendices A-C 156-159 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 An example of 3x3 job shop scheduling problem 20 2.2 6x6 problem instance with exponential processing times 32 2.3 The description of some priority dispatching rules 39 2.4 Muth and Thompson’s 6-by-6 problem (FT06) 53 2.5 Muth and Thompson’s 10-by-10 problem (FT10) 53 2.6 Muth and Thompson’s 10-by-10 problem (FT20) 54 3.1 6x6 problem instance with exponential distributed processing times 63 3.2 A solution to a 6x6 SJSSP 64 4.1 Stored values for a uniform distribution U (1,5) and n = 10 76 4.2 Stored values for an exponential distribution Exp(3) and n = 10 77 5.1 A summary of algorithms for the SJSSP 91 5.2 Summary of experimental factors 93 5.3 Summary of results comparing simple random sampling (SRS) with descriptive sampling (DS) for different simulation with CV =0.144 5.4 97 Summary of results comparing simple random sampling (SRS) with descriptive sampling (DS) for different simulation with CV =1 98 5.5 Summary of Parameters Setting 100 5.6 Computational results of PDSA algorithm initialized from RANDOM dispatching rule 103 xiv 5.7 Performances of the 11 Benchmark Job Shop Scheduling Problems 5.8 Summary statistics on tight and loose sequences for FT06 and FT10 with CV1 5.9 107 Summary statistics on tight and loose sequences for FT06 and FT10 with CV3 5.11 107 Summary statistics on tight and loose sequences for FT06 and FT10 with CV2 5.10 106 108 Summary statistics on tight and loose sequences for FT06 and FT10 with CV4 108 5.12 Computational results of SSA algorithm on FT06 110 5.13 Computational results of SSA algorithm 114 5.14 Computational results of SSA _ADPT 118 5.15 Ten high, low and medium temperature random trials for FT06 120 5.16 Computational results of SSA _CONT 121 5.17 Computational results of variants of SSA with Confidence Interval 122 5.18 Mean performance of SSA variants on 10-by-10 instances 127 6.1 Average qα(Cmax) generated by the SSA in 30 runs 134 6.2 Average coefficients of determination for the relationship between E(Cmax) and qα(Cmax) on FT10, ABZ5, ABZ6 and LA16 instances 136 6.3 Goodness of fit summary FT10 141 6.4 Fitting Results for FT10 142 6.5 Goodness-of-fit for normality on all test instances 142 xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Conceptual Frameworks 9 1.2 Histogram for Makespan of ABZ06 15 2.1 Gantt chart of the feasible solution of the 3x3 problem 22 2.2 Active schedule 23 2.3 Disjunctive Graph for 3x3 instance (Table 2.1) 25 2.4 The example of JSP instance (Table 2.1) with three feasible solutions 26 3.1 An illustration of N1 neighborhood 67 5.1 Estimated expected makespan for different processing time variability as a function of sample size for FT10 5.2 99 Standard deviation of makespan distribution for different processing time variability as a function of sample size for FT10 5.3 Relationship between expected makespan and processing times variability 5.4 104 Relationship between coefficient of variation of the makespan and processing time variability 5.6 104 Relationship between makespan variance and processing time variability 5.5 100 Best sequences generated by SSA algorithm for the FT06 instance with different processing time variability 105 xvi (a) U1 (b) U2 (c) U3 and (d) EX 5.7 111 Relationship between expected makespan and pseudo deterministic makespan for FT06 with different processing time variability (a) U1 (b) U2 (c) U3 and (d) EXP 112 5.8 Mean performance of SSA and PDSA 116 5.9 Mean performance of SSA variants on G1 instances 125 5.10 Mean performance of SSA variants on G2 instances 125 5.11 Mean performance of SSA variants on G3 instances 126 6.1 The best sequence q0.99 (Cmax ) generated by SSA for ABZ6 with data coming from four variability levels (a) CV1, (b) CV2, (c) CV3 and (d) CV 6.2 132 The scatter plots (the mean makespan is plotted on the x-axis and the alpha quantile on the y-axis) of FT10 with four variability levels (a) CV1, (b) CV2, (c) CV3 and (d) CV4 6.3 6.4 135 Histogram of the different makespan realizations of a solution for FT10 with (a) CV1 and (d) CV4 138 Probability Plot for LA16 with four variability levels 140 xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACO - Ant Colony Optimization BB - Branch and Bound CDF - Cumulative Distribution Function CI - Confidence Interval CRN - Common Random Numbers CV - coefficient of variation DJSSP - Deterministic Job Shop Scheduling Problem DP - Dispatching Rules DS - Descriptive Sampling GA - Genetic Algorithm GT - Giffler and Thompson JSSP - Job Shop Scheduling Problem LL - Lower Limit (1 )100% confident limit LPT - Longest Processing Time LR - Lagrangian Relaxation N1 - Neighborhood structure of VanLaarhoven N2 - Neighborhood structure of Dell’Amico and Trubian N3 - Neighborhood structure of Novicki and Smutnicki PD - Priority Dispatching PDF - Probability density function PDSA - Pseudo-deterministic simulated annealing PERT - Project Evaluation and Review Technique RANDOM - Random rule xviii SA - Simulated Annealing SJSSP - Stochastic Job Shop Scheduling Problem SPT - Shortest Processing Time SSA - Simulation-based simulated annealing SSA_ADPT - Simulation-based simulated annealing with adaptive Temperature SSA_ADPT_CI - Simulation-based simulated annealing with adaptive Temperature and confidence interval SSA_CONT_CI - Simulation-based simulated annealing with constant And Confidence Interval SSA_CI - Simulation-based simulated annealing with constant with confidence interval TS - Tabu Search UL - Upper Limit (1 )100% confident limit xix LIST OF SYMBOLS s - A solution of JSSP Jj - Job j Mi - Machine i Oij - An operation of J j on M i Cj - Completion time of J j Sij - The length of the longest path from the start to the completion of Oij Tij - The length of the longest path from the completion of Oij to the sink {Oij } - A sequence of operation of J j on M i Tk - Temperature at kth iteration Tf - Final temperature T0 - Initial temperature - Date line rj - Release time of J j Fj - Flow time of J j Lj - Lateness of J j dj - Due date of J j Tj - Tardiness of J j Ej - Earliness of J j xx F - Total flow time L - Total lateness E - Total earliness T - Total tardiness Lmax - Maximum lateness Tmax - Maximum tardiness SM (Oij ) - Machine successor of Oij SJ (Oij ) - Job successor of Oij PM (Oij ) - Machine predecessor Oij PJ (Oij ) - Job predecessor Oij N (s) - Neighborhood structure of a solution s N1 - Neighborhood structure of VanLaarhoven N2 - Neighborhood structure of Dell’Amico and Trubian N3 - Neighborhood structure of Novicki and Smutnicki Cmax - Makespan Fˆ (C max ( s )) - An estimation of statistic of makespan for s q (C max ) - α-quantile of makespan xxi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A.1 Practical Processing Times Distributions 156 A.1.1 The Uniform Distribution 156 A.1.2 The Exponential Distribution 156 B The Jensen Gap 158 C Conference Papers 159