October 2, 2015 Volume 110 - Issue 5 CALVIN.EDU/CHIMES CALVIN CONSIDERS ITS PHOTO BY ANNA DELPH BY ANNA DELPH, KATELYN BOSCH AND JOSH PARKS Head Editorial Team Following an email announcement on Friday, September 25, of recommendations to eliminate six academic programs and five faculty members in order to cut costs in the academic division, many students and alumni have challenged Calvin’s commitment to the liberal arts. The programs included in the announcement are the architecture minor, the art history major, the German major, the Latin major, the Greek major and the theater major. Except for architecture, minors in all these fields, as well as the Calvin Theatre Company, will be retained. After receiving the email, students and alumni reacted almost immediately. Many were concerned with the loss of the theater major and a perceived threat to the humanities. Letters directed to the provost and administration went viral on Facebook, and several social media hashtags began trending, including #defendtheliberalarts, #wearecalvintheatre, #mycalvinstor y and #whataboutyourmajor. Though six programs have been recommended for elimination, none garnered more defenders than the theater department. Students voiced concerns that removing two faculty members from the theater department was too much. As one alumnus commented, “We’re losing two of our three faculty members. Who do you think directs the productions?” Students whose majors could soon be disappearing were also worried that the quality of their programs would be reduced after faculty positions were cut. Though Calvin remains contractually obligated to teach these programs to their completion, it remains to be seen how educational workloads will be spread among fewer faculty. St ude nt se nate orga n i zed a forum on Tuesday, September 29, in which students were given the opportunity to ask questions of President Le Roy, Provost Brandsen and professor Kevin de n D u l k, a member of t he task force. Because most of the proposed cuts were in the humanities, and in light of previous reductions to humanities programs like the voluntary buyouts offered to faculty in May, there has been a growing concern among students and alumni about Calvin’s commitment to teaching the liberal arts. Some students saw these recommendations as the latest development in a long history of Calvin failing to adequately support the liberal arts, and some fear that further cuts will follow or that cutting programs would become a new “default” solution to financial problems. Le Roy explained that, far from being a “default,” cutting programs is extremely painful and has been the college’s last resort: “It’s the last thing we’ve done, [because] it’s the hardest thing to do,” he said. “It’s why a lot of institutions in higher ed don’t do it, and it’s why a lot of [them] are in deep economic trouble now.” Music professor Tim Steele, a member of the task force that made the recommendations, said that regardless of necessary downsizing, Calvin remains committed to giving students a well-rounded foundation in the humanities. “I think, in context, it will become clear that claims about ‘abandoning the liberal arts’ can’t be sustained,” he said. “But it is also clear that much needs to be done to attract more students to Calvin who want to major and minor in the liberal arts.” At the forum, Le Roy also explained that Calvin’s commitment to the liberal arts remains evident in the way it educates its students as a whole. He emphasized the difference between having an especially wide range of avai lable prog rams and having an intentionally diverse core curriculum. “The liberal arts ideal has never been about the majors offered by a college,” he said, “rather it has always been about the discourses that are at the core of every student’s learning.” According to Provost Cheryl Brandsen, Calvin is “doing more with less” by increasing class sizes while decreasing the number of sections offered. In fall 2015, the college has 262 full-time faculty, down 50 from 312 faculty in the fall of 2011. At the same time, the number of credit hours taken by students has remained steady. Brandsen also asked students and others to “be mindful of what we didn’t cut.” Calvin is still set apart from its competitors, Brandsen said, by a wide variety of language options and strong programs in music, the social sciences, English, mathematics and other disciplines. But with the phrase “low student demand” being blamed so frequently, one student openly questioned whether that demand could be influenced. Joy Christopher, a junior majoring in biochemistry, elicited resounding applause in Tuesday’s town hall with a question concerning Calvin’s support of “disciplines that may not be as celebrated by society as others.” She said incoming students might be more interested in traditionally under-enrolled programs if Calvin was more proactive in publicly promoting them. “I think we should be trying to counter that shift of only valuing ‘practical’ things.” “It’s very obvious that some disciplines are supported more than others,” she added. “I don’t think this is on purpose ... I think we just need to be more intentional about supporting the programs that are less known or less celebrated.” As the forum drew to a close, students expressed a desire to have t hei r voices hea rd and opportunity for more questionand-answer time. Le Roy agreed to stay, and spoke with students individually for an hour and 15 minutes after the town hall had ended. “I am deeply moved by our students’ passion for the liberal arts and their ability to articulate its purpose and place in their education,” he said afterward. The recommendations are the result of a long and arduous process that began in 2012 to increase revenue, raise funds and reprioritize resources in order to make the school financially sustainable. In January 2014, the planning and priorities committee published an initial prioritization document, part of which identified programs across campus which were “vulnerable” and in need of restructuring. In April 2015, the provost selected nine faculty members to form a new academic prioritization task force (APTF). The task force included three representatives from each of Calvin’s academic divisions. After years of restructuring, fundraising and cutting faculty and staff, the college still needed to cut $800,000 out of the academic budget in order to become financially stable by July 2017. The APTF was charged with finding this $800,000. The APTF looked at programs from the original prioritization document and used measures such as FTIAC (first time in any college) student interest, declared majors or minors by Day 10, graduates coming out of the program, student-faculty ratios and a complicated efficiency metric to measure student demand. “Numbers are the star t of a conversation,” said Brandsen. “That’s how we identify who we’re talking about.” The APTF i nte nded to u lt i mately ba se their decisions on measures of demand, quality, finances and opportunity. Over the summer, the APTF split into groups and met with representatives from every department on the list and discussed the qualities, histories and future possibilities that were unique to each program. “Much of the work of the task force was to dig into what these data could tell us about individual programs, to identify areas in which student demand, efficiency and program costs were out of alignment and to work with departmental representatives to understand what was going on,” said Steele. Fellow APTF member Kevin den Dulk echoed this: “Numbers tell one story, but we wanted to get some narratives.” After these discussions, the APTF reconvened to go over the data and came to a consensus. Their recommendations and rationale have been submitted to the provost, who will now send a final list to the planning and priorities committee, which the president chairs. The president will then take them to the board of trustees for final approval. When asked what he would want students to know about the process, Steele emphasized that the task was taken seriously by every member of the APTF, and the most impor tant task now is to “make sure students have what they need to complete their programs.” “The news is grim, and the pain is real. But the work was necessary,” he said. “The circumstances that led to the college’s budget problems are in the past. Now we want to focus on sustained investment in the future.” Assuming enrollment remains steady, Brandsen said, these cuts are the end of the prioritization process for the academic division. With these cuts, the academic division will have met their goal T H E O F F I C I A L S T U D E N T N E W S P A P E R O F C A LV I N C O L L E G E S I N C E 19 07 of $800,000 to remove from the budget. The next steps include a new visioning process of exploring how to further incorporate the programs and areas that have been hit by cuts. The administration has expressed a commitment to “restructuring” and “re-investing” in programs that were cut, specifically in art programs. Finding new and better facilities to house programs, creating more synergy and involvement between similar programs, and finding a “compelling vision” to support the arts more fully have all been brought up as possibilities. Le Roy stressed the need for more concrete plans in order to bring in the necessary funding to make restructuring possible. “Donor’s don’t give to need,” he said, “they give to compelling vision.” He added that part of that vision could mean a redesign of art spaces on campus. “Being in the basement of Spoelhof is not the way to grow a program and draw students to it,” he said, and later reiterated, “we’ve got to get the art department out of the basement.” Brandsen acknowledged that a lack of a concrete proposals at the time of the cut announcements could understandably leave students feeling a bit uncertain. “I know that you’re looking for a ‘compelling vision’ right now,” she said, “and we don’t have that.” However, Brandsen said she hopes to begin the revisioning work by the end of the October, and already has some key players identified to assist in the process. Now that the college is on a trajectory to meets its debt payments and is done making recommendations for critical academic cuts, she said they can now begin to focus on rebuilding. Steele also remains optimistic about Calvin’s future: “There is amazing richness and vitality here. At the end of this process, I am more than ever convinced that Calvin is a great place to learn.” Decisions regarding the finalization of recommended cuts are not projected to be finalized until next week at the earliest. Mandi Hutchins, a Calvin theater alumna, began a GoFundMe campaign in an attempt to “re-open discussion on the future of the theatre program at Calvin College.” The goal of the campaign is to raise $50,000 in five days. In its first nine hours, the campaign had received over $4,000. Chimes 2015-2016 Campus News New rehabilitation clinic to open on the East Beltline Editor in Chief Anna Delph Print Editor Josh Parks Online Editor Katelyn Bosch Head Copy Editor Becky Jen Arts & Entertainment Nate Hunt Campus Jon Gorter Maddie Hughey Features Hannah Fertich Local Sophie VanSickle Science & Technology Natasha Strydhorst Opinion & Editorial Kelsey Powers Religion Eckhart Chan Sports Mark Peless Advisor Jennifer Hoag The clinic brings physical, occupational and speech therapy together into one building BY JON GORTER Campus Co-Editor Four years ago, faculty and staff of the speech pathology and audiology department (SPAUD) began dreaming of a new facility in which they could expand their program. On September 8, that dream became a reality as Calvin—in conjunction with Western Michigan University (WMU) and Grand Valley State University (GVSU)—opened a new clinic just north of campus off the East Beltline. “This has been a long time coming. This is our baby,” said Jill Bates, the clinical director of the SPAUD department. In recent years, the department has been growing and has needed space to grow. This year, with 192 students majoring across the five-year program, the SPAUD department is larger than it has ever been. But the inf lux of students was not the only reason SPAUD ne ed ed a ne w s pa c e. Si nc e Calvin’s SPAUD department is so highly regarded in the Grand Rapids community, it serves as the continuum for the therapy programs of Spectrum Health and Mary Free Bed. Due to this close connection, Calvin’s SPAUD program had an overf low of patients and not enough space to serve them. “Since Calvin’s SPAUD department is so highly regarded in the Grand Rapids community, it serves as the continuum for the therapy programs of Spectrum Health and Mary Free Bed.” Chimes Calvin College 3201 Burton Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 “On Campus Pediatric and Adult Neuro Clinic served approximately 150 clients, pediatric and adult, every week for individual group speech treatment,” said Bates. But having this many clients was difficult to manage. Now, with the additional space at the new facility, the old location will concentrate its attention on fewer clients. “We feel that we can PHOTO COURTESY NOAH PREFONTAINE After four years of preparation, the new SPAUD clinic has opened on September 8. better manage 100 clients each week with the first-year graduate program academic load,” said Bates. Ac c o rd i n g to s o pho mo r e Jordyn Stromback, the new location will provide a professional setting for them to use their newfound knowledge and help the community. “The clinic looks just like any other professional clinic out there and it gives us a feeling that we are very close to our goal, it will make us step up our game a bit more,” said Stromback. “Being able to say we worked in a professional clinic like this will definitely help our job prospects.” In the past, it was difficult to provide care for clients that required more intensive speech services and multi-disciplined services. “Our clients needed more than just speech therapy,” said Bates. “They needed physical therapy, occupational therapy and neurotherapy.” Now, in collaboration with GVSU and WMU, the new facility will provide a space for multitreatment approaches, including occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT). For two and a half days of the week, GVSU will provide PT services in the new facility; WMU currently provides OT services in the facility five days per week. WMU graduate students will begin in January. In addition to these therapies, the Calvin social work department provides services in the facility 12 hours per week. “We anticipate that the Calvin College Rehabilitation Services (CCRS) will provide approximately 200 clinical sessions per week across the multiple disciplines,” said Bates. Previously, the SPAUD department operated in conjunction with the communications arts and sciences (CAS) department; however, with the considerable growth in the SPAUD department, the two have now split to become separate departments. “This split allows SPAUD to concentrate their needs,” said Jack Bosmeijer, chief engineer of Devos Communications Center with the CAS department. “This will allow them to focus their efforts more.” Anna Mijal, a first-year graduate student in the SPAUD program, also commented on the departmental split. “Breaking free from CAS is a great expansion. The new space provides a great opportunity to collabo- rate with other st udents and professionals in the field, too.” Through the CCRS, 30 percent of services help fund the program, while 70 percent of the services are considered pro-bono. This community-focused service is necessary, as many clients do not have the financial means to afford service. At the same time, this generous practice echoes the department’s Christian philosophy. “There are many students who are seeking this program because of the quality and the intentional inclusion of our faith in academic and clinical training,” said Bates. “There are ver y few speechlanguage pathology undergraduate and graduate programs who do this.” T houg h t he faci lit y has officially opened, there is still work to be done. Cur rent ly, t he pa rk i n g lot out side t he facility is under construction. Last Tuesday, the CCRS celebrated the opening of the new facility. Builders, computer technicians, first and second year SPAUD students and SPAUD professors f illed the building, recognizing the culmination of the last four years’ efforts and looking forward to a promising serviceoriented future. chimes@calvin.edu advertise@calvin.edu Phone: (616) 526-6578 Chimes is the official student newspaper of Calvin College. The mission of Chimes is to serve the community of Calvin College in a variety of ways: we aim to reform, review, challenge and foster dialogue within the community. The official Student Newspaper of Calvin College Since 1907 PHOTO COURTESY NOAH PREFONTAINE The new facility is located at 1310 East Beltline Ave SE, just north of the East Beltine and Lake Drive. October 2, 2015 Campus News 3 Sexuality series event addresses pornography “Fight The New Drug” challenges students’ conceptions of pornography in modern culture BY JOSIAH KINNEY AND MADDIE HUGHEY Guest Writer and Campus Co-Editor “Pornography is harmful and research is proving it,” said Clay Olsen, during an address to a group of around 200 Calvin students last Tuesday. Olsen is the co-founder of Fight The New Drug (FTND), a non-profit without any religious or political affiliations. According to their website, they “simply want to educate people on the harm that pornography can cause and then allow them to make an educated choice for themselves.” Currently, por nography is of ten considered a casua l habit; however, FTND wants to change the culture around por nog raphy, f rom t he connotation of something society i s apat he t ic about to something people understand as a harmful drug. “It rewires your brain, destroys your relationships and even degrades society as a whole,” said Olsen.As Olsen explained, porn hijacks the reward pathw ay a nd r e w i r e s t he b r a i n for addiction. I n a world where expl icit pornography is accessible anytime anywhere, Fight The New Drug is one of ma ny orga n izations t r yi ng to shed lig ht on the matter and help those addicted, who can be kids even a s you n g a s se ve n or e ig ht years old. Their use of a non-religious pedagogy is something that students, like sophomore Matthew Meyle, appreciated: “That was really refreshing because usually the Christian speakers at the sexuality series events don’t present many arguments you could use for non-Christians.” Olsen and co-founder Ryan Werner started FTND in 2009 in response to research that they found stating the negative effects of pornography on individuals, relationships and society as a whole. “We couldn’t believe that all this was happening and nobody was talking about it,” they say on their website. “We are the first generation in the history of the world to face the issue of pornography to this intensity and scale.” The founders explain that by fighting pornography, people can change their lives for the better, but by perpetuating the information, they can change the future. Olsen explained how addiction to porn is comparable to any other hard drug addiction, but with additional effects such as dissatisfaction in relationships, sexual dysfunction and physical aggression toward women. “For the first time in this antiporn argument, we’re starting to have concrete and undeniable facts about the negative affects of porn,” said Meyle. “Por n is wa r pi ng ou r collective ideas about sex and fueling the sex trafficking industry,” said Olsen. He also gave the statistic that porn users showed they had 88 percent physical aggression toward women. “We h ave to s top s wee p ing this under the rug,” Olsen said, “t h is a f fec ts ever yone in society.” On campus, we have many such groups through the Broene counseling center to help men and women who are struggling with pornography. Fo r mo r e i n f o r m a t io n : Men, contact Dan Vandersteen, d v 2 3 @ c a l v i n . e d u ; Wo m e n , contact Cindy Kok, ckok @calvin.edu Knollcrest East apartments hosts field day Residents participate in a series of outdoor activites to celebrate fall BY ALICIA DEJONG Guest Writer Last Saturday, residents of the K E apar tments celebrated the warm fall weather by ded ic at i n g a n a f te r noon to activities such as basketball, vol leyba l l, beanbag toss, water bal loon games and a slip-n-slide. W h i le K E Field Day h a s t rad it iona l ly ta ken place i n the spring, it came early this ye a r i n h o p e s o f f o s t e r i n g a spirit of community. The orchestrators of Field Day events, members of the programming activities council, were originally hoping to host these games tournament-style. Howeve r, due to l i mited response from reside nt s, it bec a me more of a join-when-you-have-time type of afternoon. “A lot of col lege st udents are pret t y spontaneous anyway,” said K at her i ne Rya n, programming activities coordinator (PAC), as she prepared to run down hallways and announce the day’s events. Although both are on camp u s, d o r m c o m mu n it y a nd apa r t ment com mun it y a re very different. Accord i ng to se n ior P h i l Ste p nowsk i, one cont r i b uting factor is that, unlike in the dorms where residents are encouraged to leave their doors open, “Doors in the apartments are closed, so the community is not naturally so open. It takes a bit more intentionality to be communal.” Senior Valerie Tan has been living in the K E apar tments for three years: “You have to come out and meet people. Once you do, there is a strong sense of community.” That’s what events such as K E Field Day, the MudBowl Tou r n a me nt, Supe r Su nd ae Monday, pancake breakfasts, cookouts, weekly worship and Bible st udies a re for — getting people out of their apartments and into fellowship with their neighbors. According to Bethany Love, a junior and PAC, leadership in the apartments has changed to be more l i ke t he dor m s. Positions include PACs, resident a ssi s t a nt s ( R A s) a nd me mbe r s of t he K nol lc res t Ea s t Serving Others team (KESOs). “More people are in leadership positions, so there’s more involvement,” Love explained. After a day of activities in the sun, Love’s fellow PAC, junior Abigail Brinks, reported, “We didn’t have a huge turn out number wise, but ever yone who was there had a really great time!” So if you’re living in t he K E apa r t me nt s a nd m i ssed Field Day, don’t worry. There a r e mo r e a c t iv it ie s he a d e d your way. student organization spolight: BY MORGAN ANDERSON Guest Writer The Environmental Stewardship Coalition (ESC) is a student-led organization at Calvin that focuses on “discussing, learning and acting upon environmental concerns on campus and beyond.” Having been around since the 1990s, the ESC is a veteran organization. Years ago, they started the community garden and recently expanded it next to the Spoelhof Fieldhouse, where the garden now produces food for the dining halls. The ESC is also in charge of designing and providing CUPPS (Cannot Use Paper, Plastic or Styrofoam) mugs, which students can bring in and out of the dining halls and get a discount at the Fish House. If you’re a first-year student and don’t have one of these cups yet, don’t worry; this year’s batch of CUPPS mugs are on their way. Last spring break, the group went to Washington, D.C. to get some hands-on experience working with an environmental lobbyist group, the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Various ESC events that occur throughout the year include dumpster diving, attending showings of environmental films, as well as the annual spring Helmets and Hummus event. The faculty advisor of ESC, Gail Heffner, is one of the principal leaders of the Plaster Creek Stewards, so it’s no wonder that the ESC has close ties to this unique organization as well. “ESC exists because we, as Christians, believe that caring for the world around is an essential part of loving God and building the k ingdom,” said Annaka Scheeres, the president of the club. The ESC meets every other Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the Hekman Library lobby to hang out and discuss environmental topics. If you’re not able to stop by a meeting, check out the ESC Facebook page for some more information at Calvin Environmental Stewardship Coalition. PHOTO COURTESY CALVIN.EDU The KE apartments are hoping to foster a greater sense of community through events such as Field Day. Environment Stewardship Coalition PHOTO COURTESY FRIENDS COMMITEE ON NATIONAL LEGISLATION Students involved in ESC meet with congresswoman Debbie Stabenow over spring break. 4 “ LO C A L A N D WO R L D Q Commons addresses GR issues We’re really working at the same thing, using our own passions in different ways to achieve the same vision. Dave Warners “Q Commons” ” National and World News BY KATELYN BOSCH Online Editor The third Q Commons tap-in hosted by Calvin College addressed local issues of the Plaster Creek watershed, improving the Grand Rapids Public School system and rebuilding the infrastructure of Grand Rapids in a way that supports jobs and communities. Q C o m mo n s i s a n e ve n t hosted around the world. It is formatted with a broadcast that features two speakers and a panel to address global issues and three local speakers to address local issues. More information about Q Commons can be found in a previous Chimes article found on the Chimes website. The global issues included Oz Guinness, grandson of Arthur Guinness, answering the question, “How do we live with our deep differences?”, Dr. Caroline Leaf discussing the question, “Can the mind change the brain?” and a panel dealing with issues of racial division in the United States, the refugee crisis, Planned Parenthood and Ebola. The local speakers inc l u d e d Te r e s a We a t h e r a l l Nea l, M i ke Va n Gessel a nd Dave Warners. Neal, the superintendent of Grand Rapids Public schools, s p ok e a b o u t h e r e f f o r t s t o improve t he educational system and not abandon kids. Van Gessel, CEO of Rockford Construction, spoke about the company’s efforts to strategically build structures in a way to attract other business, increase employment and generally benefit the community. Warners, a Calvin professor who spoke about the Plaster Creek watershed and the work of the Plaster Creek Stewards, said that one of the best parts of the event was meeting the other two speakers who share a passion with him for the Grand Rapids community. “I realized, ‘Wow, we’re really working at the same thing, PHOTO BY KATELYN BOSCH u s i n g o u r ow n pa s s io n s i n different ways to achieve the same vision,’” he said. As he went to sit down, Neal was on her phone; she assured him that she was listening — she was just looking up where her watershed was. To War ners, this demonstrated the impact Q Commons can have. Warners believes these talks are “great discussion starters.” He went out with a group to discuss the topics addressed in greater length and believes that is a great way to process the issues addressed. K r ist i Pot ter, who helped organize the event as a member of the January Series staff, hoped that the event would help people in the community to take what they learn and continue to explore the topic. This Q Commons saw a smaller attendance than previous ones, but Potter believed that “the people in the room were the ones who needed to be here.” When looking at which speakers and topics to highlight, they looked for “a hidden story we want people to know more about.” Fo r e x a mple, Pot t e r w a s excited and pleased with the story told by Neal and the work she has been doing for Grand Rapids: “It’s inspiring; I don’t think people realize how much she has done for these schools.” Pot te r ho p e s to or g a n i ze more Q Commons events and continue to bring impor tant questions to the forefront of t he G r a nd R ap id s c o m mu n it y. “O u r hope,” she sa id, “is to continue to bring this event and audience and make a difference in the community.” Congress approves bill to keep government open (Al Jazeera English) “Just hours before a midnight deadline, a bitterly divided Congress approved a stopgap spending bill Wednesday to keep the federal government open -- but with no assurance there won’t be yet another shutdown showdown in December.” Russia launches first airstrikes in Syria (CNN) “Claiming to target ISIS, Russian conducted its first airstrikes in Syria, while U.S. officials expressed serious doubts Wednesday about what the true intentions behind the move may be. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, warplanes targeted eight ISIS positions, including arms, transportation, communications and control positions. Hurricane Joaquin poised to hit Bahamas, could target U.S. next (CNN) “Joaquin strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane in the Atlantic on Wednesday morning and is poised to pount the cnetral Bahamas with heavy rain and dangerous storm surges in the next day. Its move after that -- still hard to forecast -- could have flooding implications for an already drenched eastern United States.” House GOP ‘beats up’ on Planned Parenthood president -- and her salary (Al Jazeera English) “Some of the first questions asked of Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards during her first appearance before Congress since the women’s health organization became embroiled in controversy, were not in fact about the health care provider’s practices but about its boss’s salary. Grand Rapids Solar Reuse project Project regarding renewable energy sources now in action BY SOPHIE VANSICKLE Local Editor PHOTO BY KATELYN BOSCH The community gathers for the Q Commons event. Accordi ng to t he Grand Rapids Information Network, Grand Rapids is putting further planning into taking advantage of alternative power sources. In 2013, the Grand Rapids City Commission determined which site(s) in Grand Rapids would be most appropriate for utilizing alternative power, and now, the plans are being further set in stone for installing solar panels by the former Butterworth landfill along I-196. Cit y administ rators are negotiating with a company from Lawrence, Mass., about an array of solar panels that would g e n e r a t e 3. 8 m i l l i o n k i l o wat t hours of elect r icit y each year. After evaluating several options of other power sources, it was determined that these future solar panels, spreading 20 acres, would most likely add up to be lower than the city’s current average power costs and would save the city $200,000 to 300,000 per year in electricity costs. Env i ron menta l ser v ices manager Mike Lunn said that this particular solar project, titled “Butterworth Solar project” due to its location at the former Butterworth landfill, “represents a fantastic opportunity to use renewable energy to reduce the cost of turning wastewater into clean water.” The solar panels will be installed by American Capital Energy (ACE), and the panels will send electricity across the cit y to the cit y’s wastewater treatment plant in order to meet some of their electricity demands. Sending the electricty to this plant was determined to be the best and most cost-effective option after much discussion by the Grand Rapids City Commission. T h r e e ye a r s a g o, G r a n d R ap id s i n s t a l le d 4 29 s ol a r panels on the roof of the Water and Environmental Ser vices Facility, a project that began to nudge t he cit y towards a rather ambitious goal of having all their electricity be powered by renewable sources by the year 2020. T houg h t h is may seem to be a fa r-fetched goa l, Mayor-elect Rosalynn Bliss, who will enter her role as mayor of Grand Rapids beginning in January of 2016, is confident that Grand Rapids will succeed. She sees that the city has options and recognizes that being committed to the job is likely to end in environmental success if Grand Rapids is able to learnabout what this city is capable of in terms of enironmental sustainability and cost effectiveness of this solar project. PHOTO COURTESY: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS “ Players came and went. Coaches came and went. Doug Wentworth stayed. Aaron Winkle, “Remembering” s p o rt s ” Remembering the voice of men’s basketball Doug Wentworth pants and unfor t unately his game shorts came off with them. This is something Fletcher liked to deny, but Wentworth assured For five decades the voice Bareman that it was the truth. of Calvin men’s basketball was Wentworth also reminisced that of a firm yet kind Doug on the memories he had of great Wentworth, who passed away Ca lv i n teams i ncludi ng t he t wo weeks ago. Went wor th 1992 and 2000 championship devoted his life to the people men’s basketball teams. Aaron around him, and his voice in the Winkle, an associate chaplain Calvin community went beyond at Calvin, led that 2000 team. the waves of the radio. He mentioned fond memories Whether you listen to forof Went wor th and glowingmer players or his own colly spoke of his impact on the leag ue Gregg Bareman, Calvin community: Wentworth’s legacy of love and “I first met Doug during my st rong fait h is expressed freshman year, in the fall of in droves. 1996. Even then it seemed like he had been doi ng Calvin games forever. His voice became synonymous with Calvin basketball for many.” “He was k ind, f u n ny, a nd had a n i ncredible memor y for Calvin history,” cont i nued Wi n k le. “For many of us who played at Calvin he linked us with previous generations of Calvin men’s basketba l l. Player s ca me and went. Coaches came and went. Doug Wentworth stayed.” After his retirement PHOTO COURTESY CALVIN SPORTS INFORMATION in 2014, Wentworth Doug Wentworth was the voice of men’s basketball for nearly five decades. h a d no i l l w i l l to wa rd t he re perc usAccording to an interview more than sitting by your side at sions of his declining health. earlier this year in February, the ballgames and sharing a few He was simply appreciative of it all began with a Christian stats, has been our rides back and the time he was able to spend upbr i ng i ng f rom si m i la rly forth to the games. I’ve learned behind the microphone and devout parents. a lot about you in that time that remained faithful: We nt wor t h wa s bor n i n doesn’t come out in the course of “Jesus is your savior, the most Sturgeon Bay, Wis., so he un- doing a ballgame. One of those important thing that you can derstandably grew up as a Green things is that you are certainly a have and also along with that as Bay Packers fan. He also, how- man of faith, a devoted husband you well know too, it’s a wonderever, was a big fan of the New and family man.” ful thing to be raised by Christian York Yankees because of Hall H e w e n t o n t o s a y t h a t parents. That is so important.” of Fame Yankees radio broad- Wentworth was a man who en“So many great things have caster Mel Allen. dured much in life, including happened and I’ve met so many Foreshadowing? Perhaps. For the death of his daughter, Susan. g r e a t p e o ple,” We n t wo r t h Wentworth it seemed as though Despite that tragic loss he con- cont i nued. “It ’s b ee n s u c h he was destined for a life in tinued to live the life of a man a blessing.” broadcasting. In high school his determined to love and be comHe f inished the inter view speech teacher told him that he mitted to the people around him, with a send off to fans. Though had a good voice for radio. including grandchildren and at the time it was in the wake His father drew attention to great-grandchildren. of his retirement, it is also a fita small Christian school: John Ta l k i n g w i t h B a r e m a n , ting goodbye for a man who for Brown University in Siloam Wentworth maintained a posi- 50 years was the voice listeners Springs, Ark. It was there that tive attitude and even joked about tuned in to hear. he developed his skills as an an- an incident with star play Ken “I just wanna say thank you. nouncer while working at an on- Fletcher in 1965. Fletcher at- God bless you all. I miss you. campus and local radio station. tempted to take off his warmup Go Knights.” BY MARK PELESS Sports Editor In 1960 Wentworth came to West Michigan and began a 25 year stint at WJBL in Holland. In 1964 he would enter the Calvin community and announce men’s basketball games on the radio, being the voice that illuminated the court for many years to come. During his time in the booth, Wentworth was able to create many memories with colleagues, players and fans. Dur ing an inter view wit h Wentworth’s friend, neighbor and longtime radio partner, Bareman had this to say: “One thing that I’ve appreciated over the years in tagging along with you, maybe even Women’s soccer adds to winning streak with defeat of Olivet BY ANNA GERNANT Guest Writer The Calvin women’s soccer team won their ninth straight game after beating Olivet 3-1 on Tuesday. They are now 6-0 in the MIAA and 9-2 overall. Last year the team won seven of their 19 games and players believed this season will be one of growth for the team. The team has been training hard during the offseason preparing for this year, and it seems as though their hard work is paying off. Senior midfielder Sydney Kinney thinks the biggest change from last year to this year is the team’s mentality. “This year our team is more knowledgeable about the game, each other and what it means to be part of Calvin women’s soccer,” she said. “During the first few times we played together, the atmosphere was different with a higher competitive mindset coming from every player.” The biggest thing the K n ig hts have been work i ng on is remaining diligent, as Kinney explained: “[We have to stay] focused du r i ng a ga me or p ra c t ice, and hold each other accountable year round.” As a captain, Kinney believes it’s important to continue pushing the team to play their best for each other and God. The team has been working on being a single unit offensively and defensively and being selfless for each other. “[We have] to play well and purposefully; we have to sacrifice for each other,” said senior Taylor Ten Harmsel. “We have to give 110 percent every game for the good of our team, even if it’s not rewarding individually.” Ten Ha r m sel bel ieves t he Knights need to capitalize on the opportunities given to them as they begin to play more competitive teams, despite how rare and small they may be. As the Knights progress through the rest of the season they will continue to work well as a unit and be efficient. Senior Jaime Verbal wants to make sure that her team is always work ing on communication, defensive shaping, accuracy of passes and efficiency of scoring. “We can’t be getting ahead of o u r s e lve s,” Ve r b a l s a id . “ We a r e n o p e r f e c t t e a m ; t he r e a r e a lw ay s t h i n g s t o work on.” Te n Ha r m sel, Ve rba l a nd Kinney want their team to make it to the National Tournament, but according to Ten Harmsel, that is not something to worry about just yet. The players want to grow closer and improve as a team, and Verbal stressed this importance, saying they need to “become a team with limited breakdowns functioning as a single unit.” This Saturday the Knights will take on Hope at 2:30 at Calvin. Both teams are tied for first in the MIAA which will make for an exciting game. ATHLETE HIGHLIGHT Zach Nowicki PHOTO COURTESY CALVIN SPORTS INFORMATION Junior Zach Nowicki was named MIAA men’s cross country runner of the week 5 E DITOR’ S N F L PIC K S (12 -2 L A S T W E E K ) : WEEK 4 Jets (2-1) 17 at Dolphins (1-2) 6 Jaguars (1-2) 13 at Colts (1-2) 23 Giants (1-2) 14 at Bills (2-1) 23 Panthers (3-0) 33 at Buccaneers (1-2) 16 Eagles (1-2) 10 at Redskins (1-2) 12 Raiders 28 (2-1) at Bears (0-3) 3 Texans (1-2) 18 at Falcons (3-0) 34 Cheifs (1-2) 7 at Bengals (3-0) 42 Browns (1-2) 9 at Chargers (1-2) 45 Packers (3-0) 35 at 49ers (2-0) 14 Rams (1-2) 6 at Cardinals (3-0) 28 Cowboys (1-1) 20 at Saints (1-1) 17 Lions (0-2) 0 at Seahawks (0-2) 27 Upset of the Week Vikings (2-1) 22 at Broncos (3-0) 17 Week 3 Notes: QB Michael Vick steps in for hurt Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger. RBs Joseph Randle and Devonta Freeman have fantasy break out. Controversial Vikings RB Adrian Peterson scored first touchdown in nearly two years. Oakland hires MLB’s first female coach “I’m really honored by this,’’ Siegal said. “Beane was the first to say yes to me throwing batting practice, and I’m honored The Oakland Athletics, re- the A’s will go out on a limb. I do vered as one of baseball’s most feel qualified.’’ progressive organizations, Her reach in the game of basebecame the first major league ball has already been far extendteam to hire a female coach ed, and she has been a leader in on Tuesday. sports equality in recent years. The team announced that As the founder of Baseball For 40-year-old Justine Siegal will All, Siegal runs a nonprofit orjoin the coaching staff for their ganization with an ambitious Instructional League team in mission statement. October. Siegal has a Ph.D. “Baseball For A ll empowin sport and exercise psychol- ers, educates, instills leaderogy from Springfield College, ship and creates opportunities where she also served as an for girls to play baseball. We assistant f rom empower others to 2008 to 2010, and begin or extend their an M.A. in sports baseball programs studies from Kent to girls around State University. the world.” Breaking barSiega l is now riers in baseball t he t h i rd woma n is nothing new to to make headlines Siegal. She was for her involvement the first woman with major sports to throw batting or g a n i zat ion s i n practice to major the past year. Becky league teams as Hammon was a well as the first full time assistant woman to coach for the NBA’s San professional base- PHOTO COURTESY BRETT FARMILOE A n t o n i o S p u r s ball when she did Oakland GM Billy Beane. l a s t s e a s o n , a nd so for the indeJen Welter served pendent Brockton Rox in 2009. as an assistant coaching inHer qualifications for the te r n for t he N F L’s A r i zona job are evident, and Oakland Cardinals during this season’s is eager for her arrival, as training camp. r e p o r t e d b y M L B . c o m’s Her determination to fill hisAlyson Footer. torically male roles in sports has “ We ’ r e t h r i l l e d t h a t been fueled for many years by Justine will be joining us for the doubts of others, according Instructional League,” said to Footer. Oakland’s assistant general “I was 16 when I told my coach manager David Forst. “She I wanted to be a college baseball brings with her a wealth of coach,” Siegal said. “He laughed knowledge and expertise from at me and said a man would never years of playing, coaching and listen to a woman on a baseball teaching the game, and all of field. That’s when I decided I our young players stand to was going to get a Ph.D., prove benefit greatly from her time them wrong.” in camp.” Siegal not only fulfilled her Siegal feels conf ident in dreams of coaching college baseher ability to coach in a male ball, but she has joined the prodominated arena as well, per fessional and now major league San Jose Mercury News. ranks as well. BY MARK PELESS Sports Editor 6 F E AT U R E S UN LEARN BY HANNAH FERTICH Features Editor UnLearn Week can be defined a few different ways. According to Mar tin Avila, Calvin’s coordinator of multicultural student programming in the intercultural student development office,“UnLearn Week provides a safe, campus wide forum for panel discussions, lectures, presentations and workshops that aim to increase self-awareness of deep-seated prejudices and stereotypes of cultures, race and gender,” Avila said. “Unlearn Week encourages personal evaluation of attitudes and actions toward those with different cultural values and increases knowledge of different cultures.” Sophomore Kimo Cox defined it a slightly different way: “It is a week set aside by Calvin College and the MSDO (Multicultural Student Development Office) to kind of unlear n some of the stigmas and stereotypes and beliefs that we have about other cultures, particularly minority cultures, and to wreally engage in understanding.” Heading into the week, Cox is “looking forward to people who wouldn’t normally engage in conversation about race and class issues and gender issues and things of that nature, to truly engage and at least try to understand.” Despite general optimism, Cox demonstrated there remains a few reservations in his statement: “I’m apprehensive about people not coming to learn but to prove themselves right about stuff.” E s t h e r Kw a k , p r o g r a m coordinator for international student development, voiced her concerns. “I’m worried that our community may miss the point of UnLearn Week,” she said. “This is not about ‘others’ who are supposedly ‘ignorant’ to learn something; it is about ‘me’ discerning and learning about myself, my pre-conceived thoughts and beliefs.” “From my experience here at Calvin,” said Avila, “some people in the Calvin community have called Unlearn Week, ‘a week to blame the majority students.’ I don’t believe UnLearn Week is a week to blame others for what has happened in history. I see UnLearn Week as a place where we, as a Calvin community, could have the difficult and uncomfortable discussion, be informed on what steps to take toward racial reconciliation, move beyond racial biases and become allies and advocates for each other.” UnLearn Week is an important part of building a more welcoming and culturally competent community at Calvin. KHvR dorm president Erin Boersma thinks it is important that we have UnLearn week but is not sure how much impact it will have because the people who attend are typically those that are already more aware and the people who have the most to learn aren’t always inclined to attend. However, desired impact will eventually be made. UnLearn Week can have the effect it is designed to have. Cox agreed, saying, “I honestly wish it was longer and I wish that it was spread out and not necessarily a week because when it’s things like that, I feel like people tend to ignore it like they do black history month where we only learn about the same three black people.” This view was repeated by Kwak: “It is important but I hope this is not something we do just during UnLearn Week but to have constant conversations and discussions throughout the year.” For Cox, the week can also reshape the way Calvin students view cultural issues. “I feel that it can wake people up to the injustices we face and why UnLearn Week October 5th-9th we feel the way we do and why we react to certain situations the way we react to certain situations and vice versa.” He continued, saying, “Racism is just a very emotionally laden topic on both sides of the spectrum. So I find it very important that people have an open dialogue and safe environments and actually try to understand one another’s viewpoints. It doesn’t take a person who’s fundamentally racist to do something that is racist.” “Racism will most likely never go away,” said sophomore Patrick Haywood, “we just have to learn how to adapt to it and grow as people and learn to accept those who are racist but also help them along a better path.” In closing, Avila offers a challenge: “Christians (or nonChristians) here at Calvin, we are called to live a vocation that is pleasing to God and to embody the Calvin mission of ‘thinking deeply, acting justly, living wholeheartedly as Christ’s agents of renewal.’ Racism is the complete opposite of what God wants us to be, and it doesn’t embody Calvin’s mission. Embodying Calvin’s mission is one of many ways we can start to become a culturally competent community and welcoming community.” “ 7 A RT S A N D Helen Groothuis, “The Intern” E N T E RTA I N M E N T “The Intern” a feel-good comedy with wide audience appeal Looking ahead to Oscar season “The Intern” is one of the best feel-good comedies in recent memory. BY HELEN GROOTHUIS Staff Writer It seems as though great, feelgood comedies are in short supply these days, but this fall brings us “The Intern” from director Nancy Meyers. It’s not just good – it’ll make you feel a lot better when you leave the theater. “The Inter n” stars Rober t De Niro as Ben W hitaker, a 70-year-old widower and former phonebook company executive who finds that retirement is too slow for him. Itching to get back ” lenting optimism to a cast full of stressed-out characters. Hathaway is also ver y likable as Jules, though she does sometimes veer off into manic territory. The two characters together make for some of the best moments in the film, especially when Jules expresses her insecurities about herself as a businesswoman. There is not a hint of romance between them, and it is very refreshing to see a great portrayal of a male/female best friend relationship. The supporting cast is serviceable in the film and really shines Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway star in “The Interview.” to work, he applies to a senior when it interacts with Hathaway citizen intern program at About and De Niro. the Fit, a fashion e-commerce Adam Devi ne and Zack site run by founder and CEO Pearlman are great as two of the Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway). younger employees working at Along the way, he learns to get About the Fit. Devine’s character along with the younger employees is pretty much the same as the and discovers that, despite the other characters he plays (“Pitch age gap, they actually have a lot Perfect,” anyone?), but it works in common. well here. Their mentor-mentee A large part of why this movie relationship with Ben is one of the works is the chemistry between its most entertaining aspects of this two leads. De Niro, who is more movie. Other characters, such as known for his dramatic roles in Jules’s assistant, Becky (Christina films such as “Taxi Driver” and Scherer), and business partner, “Raging Bull,” lends an unre- Cameron (Andrew Rannells), are somewhat glossed over and, while enjoyable, would have benefited from more screen time. There are a few elements that hold the movie back, however. Although it mostly revolves around its two leads, there are a couple of times when the plot dictates what the characters do rather than the other way around. These instances made the film drag just a bit before it continues on with the main story, and as a result the film felt slightly longer than it should have been. If these elements had been cut, the pacing would have been much smoother. A couple of plot t h reads are tied up a bit too nicely at the end of the f i l m, t houg h that on its own is typical of director Meyers’ previous fare such as “The Parent Trap” (19 9 8) a nd “Something’s G ot t a G ive” (2003). It’s not necessar i ly a drawback, but it does feel a bit unrealistic. Is “The I nt e r n” t he FILE PHOTO t y p e of f i l m that will earn unanimous praise? Not exactly. However, it is great to see a female-directed f ilm in theaters again, and the film itself does a great job of illustrating the ideological generation gap between millennials and older people. De Niro and Hathaway are the main reason that the movie works and they also have a good cast to support them. Overall, “The Intern” is one of the best feel-good comedies in recent memory, and it will leave you hungry for more. BY NATE HUNT Arts & Entertainment Editor Ah, Oscar season. Can you smell it? That time of the year between November and the end of December where the films destined to win Academy Awards make their theatrical debuts. Many of the films destined to win the coveted award of Best Picture have already been seen by critics and are now waiting to be appreciated by the public eye. This year, Oscar season is getting started a little earlier than usual, with some much anticipated films hitting theaters within the next few weeks. T he big gest contender to watch out for is Danny Boyle’s “Steve Jobs,” which stars Michael Fassbender as the former head of Apple. Boyle has had great success at the Oscar’s in the past, most notably for his recognition for “Slumdog Millionaire.” I wouldn’t put it past the director to sweep the awards show yet again with this biopic. Other films to be released in October include the Netflix and IMAX exclusive “Beasts of No Nation” about child soldiers in Africa; Steven Spielberg’s “Bridge of Spies” which is set during the Cold War, starring Tom Hanks and written by the Coen brothers; and “Room,” an indie film which has picked up decent buzz at recent film festivals. November’s slate is f illed with films that tackle important, yet potentially controversial subject matter. First out of the gate is “Spotlight,” a movie based on a true story which stars Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams as the Boston Globe repor ters who brought public attention to the Catholic sex abuse scandal. The buzz around this film has been intriguing and is sure to strike a nerve in the Catholic community. Rounding out the month are two films with narratives focusing on LGBTQ characters. The first film is “Carol,” which stars Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara. The film tells the story of a young female photographer who develops a relationship with an older married woman. Following is “T he Dan ish Gi rl,” directed by Tom Hooper (“The King’s Speech”) and starring Eddie Redmayne, last year’s Academy Award winner for Best Actor, who portrays Lili Elbe, the first recipient of sex reassignment surgery. December is set to round out the season with three heavy hitters. Amid the hype surrounding the new “Star Wars” film comes “The Revenant,” a revenge tale which stars Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hardy as fur trappers who run into trouble in the uncharted American wilderness. The film is directed by last year’s Best Director winner Alejandro G. Iñárritu and is sure to garner attention at the Oscars. The other two films are Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hatef ul Eight” and David O. Russell’s “Joy.” Tarantino needs no introduction and even Russell has become recognized as a prestigious filmmaker following his nomination for Best Director a few years ago for “Silver Linings Playbook.” Both these films come out on Christmas day and are sure to draw huge crowds over the holiday season. If the above list is anything to go off, it is going to be a tight race for Best Picture nominees this year. So grab your friends, grab your family and make sure you get out to the theaters and experience some of the madness and wonder of Oscar season for yourself. Sylvan Esso steals hearts with genre-bending pop In the song “Hey Mami,” Meath seemed to act as a spokesGuest Writer person for those who long to stand up against the catcallers on the On Fr iday, September 25, streets, singing, “Sooner or later Durham, N.C. duo Sylvan Esso the dudes at bodegas will hold played to over 1,000 concertgotheir lips and own this s--t.” ers in Calvin’s auditorium. Not I n “Dress” she quoted only did Sylvan Esso perform a Beyonce, singing, “I woke up spectacular and seamless set, they like dis” as the crowd joined in. exceeded expectations and proThey also treated the audience to vided their listeners with a new, some brand new songs that have deeper perspective on pop music. not yet been recorded. For the traditional conversaWa t c h i n g S a n b o r n m a tion before the show, band memn ipu late sou nds on h is lap bers Amelia Meath and Nick top and synthesizers was like Sanborn came dressed casually watch i ng a c ross be t wee n in jeans and sneakers. a conductor and The small crowd DJ. Sa nbor n conset t led i n as Ken stantly adjusted and Heffner, the student looped live vocals, activities director, inpre-recorded samtroduced the concept ples and synth beats of a pre-concert conand pads. He created versation: “The goal seamless transitions for these conversations live by taking fracis for us as an audience tions of sound from to learn more about Meath’s voice in the their art, to ask quesprevious song, looptions. It’s not very ofing them and slowten we get to have an ing them down or unmediated converspeeding them up to sation with an artist. Sylvan Esso performs in the CFAC. PHOTO BY KENDRA KAMP match the tempo and Ask about their work key of the next song. so you understand their work each song, turning the CFAC into His orchestration was intrigubetter and try to move away from a club for the night. ing, and the obvious connection the cult of celebrity, which the Meath exuded a fabulous between Meath and Sanborn industry loves to reinforce.” confidence. She both empowered was fascinating to watch as they Both Meath and Sanborn were and inspired concert-goers with worked together to create a symdown to earth and hilarious, her stage presence. Her constant phony, seemingly, out of thin air. and they very eloquently and dance moves were powerf ul, SAO has many upcoming thoughtfully addressed questions graceful and unique, mirroring concerts for this fall including concerning their songwriting the sounds Sanborn created as he, Colony House, Nate Reuss, process, how they respond to too, moved to the music. and Over the Rhine. Get your criticism, Meath’s love of dancing Those in attendance crowded tickets to these and many more and the current state of popular together at the front in the pit shows and movies at the Calvin music and the radio in America. and danced. Box Office. BY NATALIE HENDERSON They are a duo who, at the heart of their music, aims to speak to current social issues and the human condition with intelligence. When Meath and Sanborn walked out on stage Friday night, there seemed to be a shift in the room; the air was suddenly charged with the palpable energy of anticipation. The bare stage housed a minimalist light structure composed of outward-facing pairs of arrows, which corresponded with Meath and Sanborn’s matching tattoos. The colored lights illuminated and synchronized to the beats of BECAUSE YOU DONATE PLASMA, I CAN BRING MY ART TO LIFE! THREE WEST MICHIGAN LOCATIONS! ª+ENOWAª!VEª37ªsª'RANDVILLEªsª ª#ENTERª$Rªsª7ALKERªsª NEW LOCATION: ª%ASTª0ARISª!VEª3%ªsª'RANDª2APIDSªsª VISIT BIOLIFEPLASMA.COM TO SCHEDULE YOUR DONATION $110 NEW DONORS OR DONORS WHO HAVEN’T DONATED IN SIX MONTHS OR MORE, PRESENT THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE $110 IN JUST THREE DONATIONS. Must present this coupon prior to the initial donation to receive a total of $30 on your first, a total of $40 on your second and a total of $40 on your third successful donation. Initial donation must be completed by 11.14.15 and subsequent donations within 30 days. Coupon redeemable only upon completing successful donations. May not be combined with any other offer. Only at participating locations. 8 SCIENCE AND TEC H N O LOGY O B S E RVATO RY CO R N E R By Christopher Spedden Hello everyone, and welcome back for another exciting edition of Observatory Corner for Friday, Oct. 2! Weather forecasts for the coming week look very poor, with clouds and rain storms predicted Monday through Thursday. However, Michigan weather is very changeable, so rather than take my word for it, look for yourself at www.wunderground.com. The observatory is now open by 8 p.m., giving a solid three hours to come up and take a look at the starry sky. The Summer Triangle is still high in the sky, and M45, also known as the Pleiades, an open star cluster comprised of several thousand stars, is now visible and is the most easily visible star cluster in the night sky. My personal favorite constellation, Cygnus the Swan, currently sits directly overhead, and its flight path traces out the galactic equator. Now is also a great time to catch a view the Ring Nebula, M57. A hop, skip and a jump up from the body of the constellation Pegasus is the core of Andromeda, our galactic neighbor. This week’s featured Calvin astronomy image of the Sunset times for Oct. 2 to Oct. 9 7:23 p.m. — 7:10 p.m. week is of NGC 2024, the Flame Nebula, taken by Calvin alumna Brittany Lally in 2011. It is an emission nebula, meaning that the young, massive and extremely bright star just beyond the right side of the image, Alnitak, is releasing ultraviolet radiation into the surrounding gas, ionizing it and causing it to glow. It is between 900 and 1,500 light-years away, and houses an estimated 800 stars. It is a region of active new star formation, which is indicated by the presence of pinkish clouds, which are ionized clouds of hydrogen. The cycle of birth, death and rebirth in stars is not unlike that of a phoenix, with the new phoenix rising from the ashes of the old one, just as stars do. It is truly a remarkable sight to see. If you want to know more, you can read up on the Flame Nebula at Calvin’s observatory webpage Remember, dear audience, space is a very big place, filled with awe-inspiring sights and truly humbling constructs, and there’s always more to see. Be sure to join us again next time on Observatory Corner! “ Through rain gardens, we could actually mimic the drainage effects of pre-settlement Grand Rapids. Nicole Reenders, “Plaster Creek Stewards” ” Plaster Creek Stewards event assists Alger Heights Dave Warners) of the Plaster Creek Stewa rd s ( PCS), wa s excited about participation in Saturday’s event. “This was a wonderful event because all kinds of people came, ranging in age from a 3-monthold to several retirees, including some Calvin professors,” said Heffner. “Middle school, high school kids came, young parents with families, Calvin students; it’s really encouraging to see senter] remarked that we don’t always think about the people we On-Call Writer affect downstream.” Luke Tilma, a junior who worked with PCS this summer as This past Saturday, Calvin stuan employee of the Calvin biology dents, professors and community department and helped lead rain members came together to learn garden construction on Saturday, about the environmental chalalso emphasized the idea of conlenges facing the Plaster Creek nections between community and Watershed and to volunteer their the environment. time to address these problems. “Calvin’s existence within this During this event, dubbed watershed implies a twofold re“Alger Heights vs. ‘The Flash,’” sponsibility: to the around 75 people gathcreek itself, as well ered at Calvin’s Bunker as everybody else Interpretive Center for who resides downan educational presenstream of us. Our tation about the Plaster ways of life that inCreek Watershed and f luence the stream conce r n s w it h f la sh have a direct impact flooding, and then headon the lives of those ed out into different sites downstream, just in Alger Heights to plant as those who reside rain gardens. upstream of us can Plaster Creek is nohave a direct imtorious for high levels pact on our lives,” of bacterial contaminasaid Tilma. tion, which get worse “By working to af ter heav y rain fal l, restore the creek, at tendees lear ned in we serve our creSaturday’s presentation. ator God — who This is because the waPHOTO BY GAIL HEFFNER cha rged us to be ter runs off impermeable A generational effort, the rain garden planting stewards over his surfaces like streets and c reat ion — and parking lots and into the event attracted volunteers of many different ages. creek instead of being absorbed the variety of people that are we serve the community and getting involved.” people wit h whom we share naturally by the ground. Nicole Reenders, a senior the watershed.” One way to deal with this Heffner added that volunteerproblem is to make rain gardens, French major at Calvin, appreciwhich are intentionally plant- ated both the chance to learn and ing with Plaster Creek can also ed gardens consisting of native the chance to put that knowledge link students with the greater Grand Rapids area: plants that mimic the effect of to work. “I thought it was really surpris“Events like this can give colthe natural ground in absorbing water. This way, bacteria levels ing that, through rain gardens, lege students the chance to meet in Plaster Creek don’t rise every we could actually mimic the people in the surrounding comtime there is a heavy rainfall be- drainage effects of pre-settlement munities and understand what cause rain gardens are helping the Grand Rapids,” said Reenders. some of their concerns are, what ground absorb this extra water “The chance to plant in these they’re excited about.” neighborhoods with such a diHeffner explained that the more slowly. A f t e r t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n , verse group of people was some- Plaster Creek Stewards strive for a holistic volunteer model that t he volunteers split i nto si x thing I really enjoyed as well.” Senior Angela Dieleman, a combines learning with doing, g roups and headed to A lger like the event this Saturday. H e i g h t s n e i g h b o r h o o d s t o music education major, agreed. “I was really glad to be part “We try to explain how our begin planting. Gail Heffner, Calvin’s direc- of this event. ... My favorite con- actions are going to help, but we tor of community engagement cept from the meeting at the don’t want to just educate without and the co-founder (along with beginning was when [the pre- giving people a chance to act.” BY BETHANY COK Apple brand electric car to hit streets in 2019 PHOTO COURTESY BRITTANY LALLY NGC 2024, more colloquially known as the Flame Nebula, contains an estimated 900 stars. XKCD BY RANDALL MUNROE “The place I’d least like to live is the farm in the background of those diagrams showing how tornadoes form.” ever, shows never to count Apple out. Apple has consistently been able to infiltrate and become a leading player in many markets, revolutionizing the worlds of music players, laptops and cellphones. The company name itself now wields unprecedented power in the tech market, as the demand for the new iPhone 6S, released this September, would suggest. In the past, Apple has been accused of charging more for the market today cost around $30,000. In order to perform a Guest Writer just comparison, additional factors must be accounted for: with The rumors are coming true: self-driving technology adding Apple — the company, not the an estimated $10,000 in cost and fruit — is working on an electric inf lation averaging 2 percent car that is reported to be released each year, the market cost of a in 2019. The company that can non-Apple autonomous car in shape the tech world at will has 2019 would be roughly $43,300, found another market to invade. making the Apple car 27 percent Is Apple finally reaching too more expensive. far? The auto industry is subject Apple products sell to strict regulations, and because of their userentire supply and profriendly interface, sleek duction lines would need design, excellence of core to be created in order to functionality and loyal roll out tens of thousands customer base. A similar of cars per year. To acstrategy may also yield complish such a task and success with selling a car; become a major market after all, Apple wouldn’t player in only four years try if they didn’t think it would require extensive would likely be profitable planning, abundance of in the long run. resources and a marketBy r ele a si n g t he i r able brand. Enter Apple. plans to develop a car, Safe bets about the Apple may be helping Apple car include that t o d r i ve i n n o v a t i o n it will be electric, will i n t he auto i ndust r y. have Siri built in and Established auto comwill be able to connect panies will strive to innoPHOTO BY PIXABAY USER AFRDNZ with other Apple devate at a faster pace in the Apple’s electric car (not pictured) is set to be vices. Recent news also next four years in order indicates that Apple is released in 2019. to not be beaten out by sinking large amounts of money their products than their com- the Apple car when it is released. into research about making the petitors do for products with By 2019, the Apple car may sell car autonomous. similar specifications. Loyalists not because of its innovations None of these features would argue that Apple products have but because of its brand name be new: Google, Tesla and Uber a superior interface and aesthetic and sleekness. have already invested in self- quality, while detractors hold this If you were initially taken driving cars, with some proto- to be a matter of opinion and aback by the idea of an Apple car, types already on the roads. Many credit Apple’s success to con- consider the possibilities. Jobs manufacturers already have voice sumers with blind loyalty to the will be created as Apple prepares assistants in place in their newer Apple name. for production, and the advent models. Apple’s own CarPlay The new Apple car is rumored of self-driving cars will lead to a system is becoming widespread. to have a price tag of $55,000, safer future on the roadways. 2019 A quick history lesson, how- wh i le most elec t r ic c a r s on is on its way. BY PAUL BROUWER “ Good art will force you to have more questions than answers. Nabil Mousa, “Controversial” 9 ” RELIGION Controversial artwork rejected by ArtPrize officials Artist’s rendition of 9/11 memorial includes burned pages from the Qur’an, Torah, and the Bible PHOTO COURTESY FLICKR USER STEVEN DEPOLO Passerbys stop to look at one of the many artworks on display during ArtPrize. BY TRENT GROENHOUT Guest Writer This year’s annual ArtPrize contest held in downtown Grand Rapids will be without a piece of controversial art, which was recently rejected by the city’s Arts Advisory Committee. The artist, Nabil Mousa, originally had his sculpture, “Paradise Built on the Bones of the Slaughtered,” approved by the City Hall ArtPrize curator back in May, but is no longer allowed to display the piece in a city-approved venue after a lastminute vote by the Arts Advisory Committee. The sculpture depicts the Twin Towers covered in partially burned pages of the Quran, Torah and Bible. The decision made by the city means that Mousa’s sculpture is not allowed in any of the 10 public venues that require city approval, but is still allowed to be displayed in one of the 162 private venues if he can find a business owner willing to host it. Mousa says his work was influenced by his upbringing, “Being born in Syria I grew up around all three religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism.” The artist had hoped that his controversial piece would open up a dialogue between the religions. “We could make a difference,” he said to the open venues in the city. “Let’s do it. Why couldn’t we bring together the Jewish community, the Muslim community, the Christian community here in Grand Rapids to start this off, and actually open up dialogue about what it is that we have in common?” Mousa wanted to make it clear that “There’s a reason behind it. I didn’t burn them because I’m pissed off or I’m angry or I just wanted to do it just to do it.” He says his work wasn’t made to express anger against religion; rather, it’s a statement of how people of different religions sometimes don’t apply basic teachings in daily life. “There’s a message behind it. And that message is that people of different religions are not really applying what those holy books tell them.” Mousa expected some people to take offense at the sculpture, but didn’t think it should have been banned outright. “When you look at 9/11 and you look at this sculpture, you have to think, how can someone com- mit these atrocities in the name of God and think that God is on their side?” he said.Raised as a Christian, he said the sculpture is meant to question what people do in the name of religion. Mousa believes that Islam, Judaism and Christianity all share the same God, and profess to preach tolerance and mutual respect. For Mousa, the three faiths seem that “they’re more notable today for their mutual antagonism, ill will and violent acts. My answer to that is these burned tomes that enact a kind of cleansing ritual, in which self-reflection about faith and mutual responsibility is the hopeful end result.” ArtPrize officials worked with Mousa to try to find a replacement venue, but were unable to do so by the deadline. This was a great disappointment to the artist, who had hoped that people could have a chance to look at the sculpture and decide what they think for themselves. “I tell viewers that before you make a judgment, go look at it, go study the piece, ask yourself, why would an artist create this piece, what is the reason behind it?” he said. Mousa believes that his piece is something that everyone should consider, regardless of their religion. “Good art will force you to have more questions than answers. How can you possibly deny us of what is right, which is to be able to express ourselves in art?” Crowds of pilgrims cause massive stampede at the Hajj Reports announce that 863 pilgrims are left injured, with 717 dead at Mina BY MARISA HEULE On-Call Writer Last week Thursday, Muslims around the world met to celebrate the culmination of the Hajj pilgrimage in the Saudi city of Mina, just outside of Mecca. Here, during the Feast of Sacrifice, Eid al-Adha, a procession of worshippers gather around three stone columns where the prophet Abraham is believed to have once stood. Tradition holds that throwing pebbles at the pillars drives out evil, symbolic of stoning out the Evil One. What was meant to be, for many, the completion of a religious journey, turned into a tragedy of some 700 deaths.As pilgrims circulated to and from the Jamarat Bridge, where the three pillars stand, large groups of pilgrims collided. Although the Jamarat Bridge was designed to ease the pressure of the crowds, the mass of moving people caused a chaotic situation. According to the Saudi Civil Defense Directorate, 863 pilgrims were injured and 717 were killed in the collision of the oncoming crowds. King Salman, former leader of Saudi Arabia, stated in a televised speech that he would tell authorities to review all arrangements and accommodations for pilgrims. Following the crash of a crane two weeks ago on worshippers in Mecca, this disaster has raised criticism toward the Saudi government and their poor management of the masses that travel to Mecca. Crispin Hawes, the managing director of Teneo Intelligence, highlighted questions of account- A typical view of the Kabba at the Al-Masjid al-Haram during a Hajj. ability and considered the tragedy not only a “political firestorm” but an “egregious failure.” In an interview between Saudi reporter Aya Batrawy and NPR host Kelly McEvers, Batrawy highlights the discrepancy between the provision of over 100,000 security forces to regulate the crowds and the stampede. She also remembers the past tragedies at Mecca, including the incident of 2006 in which 360 were killed, as well as the deadliest stampede of 1990 that killed 1,426 pilgrims. Batrawy questions the efforts of the Saudi government toward preventing the disaster from occurring again as they have failed to do so in the past. Hawes was correct in predicting intense political tensions arising from the sad event. Saudi Arabia’s primar y regional rival, Iran, ordered three days of national mourning after 95 Iranians were confirmed dead. Moreover, more t han 4 0 0 Muslims died after Iranian Shiite Muslims and Saudi policemen broke out in riots last Friday. Not only does this violence further exacerbate the situation in Saudi Arabia, but also in Iran. Enraged Iranians have stormed the Saudi and Kuwaiti embassies in Teheran, smashing furniture and starting fires. This outbreak of tension may lead to further political implications such as open conf lict bet ween Shiite Muslim forces and Sunni Muslim regimes. Tragedy within the context of the Islamic pilgrimage harbors PHOTO COURTESY WIKIPEDIA sensitive political repercussions, suggesting further unrest within the Middle East and Saudi gover nment. Many off icials are still pushing for further regulations of the tradition of the Hajj in order to avoid f uture catastrophes at such a major religious site. In his prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, Pope Francis commented on the grief of the situation as he told the global Muslim community, “I unite myself with you all.” 10 opinion and e d i to r i a l Loss of language BY JANAYA CREVIER Guest Writer I understand the difficulty and weig ht of t he decisions made that were communicated to students on Friday (September 25) via email, and I understand the necessity behind those decisions. Nevertheless, I hope that my small piece of the story can at least be heard and taken into consideration. Calvin’s German program was the primary reason I chose to study here. Perhaps there are few people who know right off the bat what they want to study, but for me, it was German. I found the study abroad options connected with the program especially attractive. The Calvin German Interim abroad, for example, goes back more than 40 years. At a time when hardly anyone was attempting study abroad programs, Calvin German professors were organizing stays with host families and city visits— even in communist East Germany. The elimination of the German major would necessarily put this historically rich tradition in peril, both due to faculty limitations and the expected decrease in student enrollment in a minoronly program. Language study facilitates depth of study with its engagement in study abroad, in literature and in culture. To learn another language is to open up — to open up your mind to the intricacies of another grammar and thought structure, to open up your eyes to new possibilities in careers and experiences, to open up your ears to new sounds and stories. To study another language is to love your neighbor, to enter into her native tongue and seek to understand her on her own terms. If Calvin is to continue to educate students how to be better servants of Christ, contemporary foreign languages must remain a priority. My frustration is not, however, just about the threat to my major. The cuts, if carried out as recommended, would severely hollow out the promises of liberal arts that Calvin so proudly holds forth to new students. Where does a student turn when they realize that engineering, nursing or speech pathology isn’t for them, when the specialized program with loud promises of a secure future turns out to be the wrong fit? What keeps students like that at Calvin? It is meaningful liberal arts offerings. We ask you to prayerfully reconsider these cuts. If they must be made, we deserve to know of Calvin’s plans to reinvest in the affected programs in the future. To that end, “reinvention” must not sacrifice depth of content on the altar of easily marketable “innovations” and “interdisciplinary collaboratives.” When I was a freshman, engineering students outright mocked me for choosing to study German. I petition you, as I did them, not to make a mockery of this and other courses of study — not just for my sake or the sake of my colleagues, but for the sake of Calvin as an institution. As the world around us grows ever more interconnected, the tightening of our budget should not necessitate the narrowing of our own microcosm here at Calvin. O/O’s Needed! Great Pay! Dedicated Routes out of Ionia, MI. CDL-A, 12mo exp. B&W Insterstate. Tabitha: 800-325-7884 x4 “ If there is anything Calvin has taught me, it has been the art — and the importance — of arguing well. Anna Delph, “From the Editor” ” From the Editor My family used to eat out a lot. Or at least, part of me remembers that. I know that at some point, a long time ago in a state far, far away, we were living in a time of plenty. But I remember the day when my dad told us that we wouldn’t be able to eat out as much anymore because we couldn’t afford it. To sixth-grade me, that didn’t really matter very much. To senior college student me, it still doesn’t matter very much. What did matter was what came afterwards. No one talked about money directly, but the implication was clear: it was tight. The big people on TV said the economy had gone bad. No one could get a job. The words “budget,” “funding,” “debt,” “cuts,” “loss,” “deficit” and “crisis” became annoying hitchhikers on our everyday conversation until we grew so numb to their meaning that we accepted them as the new reality of our lives. Many, if not most, students at Calvin grew up in “economic recession America.” We were raised being told that there wasn’t enough of anything to go around, because some past generation had messed things up for us. We went through high school, and there wasn’t enough money for our sports clubs, science projects or school plays, and it felt like there wasn’t a single thing we could do about it. And then we came to Calvin. We are a unique group of students. We have spent most of our lives in a time where there were less resources than there needed to be, and this has left a lot of us jaded. And then after years of losses in almost every department due to a debt we had nothing to do with but inherited anyway, we are now faced with the prospect of losing programs a lot of us are deeply invested in. And after living in a shrinking world for the better part of our lives, this week’s events could understandably feel like the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and these cuts might feel more like slashes than snips. I’m very proud that I am part of a student body that cares. We all know our generation gets labeled as apathetic far too often, so seeing people speak up about the things they love and truly care about is renewing my faith in all of us. There are people who are now almost literally throwing money at the situation in a fierce determination to show that they can help. Many have spoken out in grief and in disagreement, and I have had the privilege of seeing people write, organize and act in unison to defend what they think is right. But if there is anything Calvin has taught me, it has been the art — and the importance — of arguing well. As truth-seekers we should aim to pursue, study and value truth over all. So it is only natural that I should lament when I see my fellow students being hateful, calling people names, perpetuating misinformation, attributing false blame a nd s t r e t c h i n g t he t r u t h to make it sound more drastic than it is. These things do not seek t r ut h; t hey s e e k ve n g e a n c e . I n s t e a d of f ig hti ng for real and honest understanding, ma ny have chosen t he easier route of uniting against a common enemy. To use a quote that has already been used this week, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” We have some serious trials to face, and we’re going to need to work as a community to figure this out, but our community cannot rebuild until we can have constructive conversations about our problems. That means listening, arguing well, telling the tr uth and e x p r e s s i n g ou r e mot io n s i n a way t h at d o e s n’t involve scapegoats. Grief, frustration and anger are appropriate and warranted in times of loss. There is value and healing in being sad together, and there is growth to be found in questioning our authorities. My argument here is not for silence, complacence or giving up without a fight. My call is simply for compassion. No story is simple; giving the benefit of the doubt to those who stand to deserve it can go a long way. ~acd The opinions expressed in articles on this page are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Chimes, Calvin College or the Christian Reformed Church. On theater cuts BY EMILY WETZEL Guest Writer The minute that I joined the Calvin Theatre Company in the fall of 2012 was the moment that my life took a significant, beautiful, messy, wonderful turn. I did not know that this would be the case at the time. But since then, I have seen God’s plan and love for me unfold in ways that would not have been possible without the support of my theater family. I thought I would join the company in a club capacity; it would be a great way to make friends, be involved in the Calvin community and try something new. As I found myself cast in a show two weeks into my freshman year, I also found myself enveloped in a group of people who cared deeply for each other, for their art, for their love of creativity. They, quite literally, received me with open arms. So I decided to declare a theater major at the beginning of my sophomore year. It was a decision that I have never regretted. Theatre has taught me to work hard. It has taught me to persevere through unforeseen circumstances. It has taught me to manage my time well, to offer help, to dive into group projects. I have learned how to communicate effectively in front of crowds, to collaborate with other artists, to show up on time, to build and draw and paint and sew. Theater has taught me how to relate to others, whether that be through silence, through conversation over a mug of tea, through dinners at professors’ homes. It has taught me that hospitality is important and that relationships are the most wonderful thing upon which one can focus one’s attention. It has, in short, taught me how to love well and that I am loved unconditionally. Theater has taught me that strong mentorship is essential to creative success. I have learned more in the conversations with my dear professors than I have in many of my classes. They encourage me, hold me in times of grief, trust me to do my best, give me opportunities to do what I love, and lead me in prayer and meditation. Theater has taught me to be still, that stasis and the act of staying quiet can cause more impact that constant chatter and noise. Theater has taught me to embody empathy on the stage. It has taught me that everyone has a story. Theater has taught me to stand tall with my feet planted firmly on the ground. Heart and head held high. Hands open. Eyes closed. Receptive to God’s blessings and the challenges that he chooses to present to me. Theater changed my life. It has shaped me into a human being who is ready to take on the world and embrace grace and peace and love by examining life and humanity and suffering all at once. I don’t know of many other programs or fields of studies who offer this. Theater is a major that takes a college degree to another level. It says, “Now that you have the tools to create, create. Do something. You have the power to follow God’s leading and make art that is impactful and true.” Please don’t cut the theater major. You have the opportunity to invest in something wonderful. Don’t waste it. Compassion at Calvin BY KATY GERBER Staff Writer I could, very easily, be cast as a stereotypical liberal arts student. I’m a double major in the sciences, I studied African studies abroad and I decided this September to learn a third language “just for fun.” This year, on my first day of French class, my professor sat before us after reviewing the syllabus and told the class that the primary lesson he wants us to take away from a semester speaking French is a renewed sense of empathy. “More and more of the world,” he argued, “is made of people forced to live in a place where their culture and language are not primary. They may feel as you feel when I speak to you in French: confused and yearning for the comfort they knew at home.” He reminded us of the current migrant situation in the Mediterranean and the concern last winter over the growing number of Latin American children who were crossing the border alone. “Though we won’t talk of this every day,” he continued, “I hope that you may never forget a crucial piece of learning a foreign language is learning empathy and compassion. That is what this is all about.” I fully understand the complexity and difficulty associated with the prioritization committee’s decision to remove majors in three languages. I carry the deepest respect for Provost Brandsen and the faculty on the decision board. Ensuring that Calvin tuition remains affordable is crucial, and I know that the eliminations they suggested come from the great conviction that the Calvin community should be available to students diverse ethnically, culturally and socioeconomically. I agree with that wholeheartedly. However, I can’t help but lament the departure of three majors that, like French, intrinsically teach empathy and compassion for people across the globe. I can’t help but be disappointed in the loss of professors like my own who are gracefully skilled in the art of cross-culture communication. I can’t help but feel mournful about the downsizing of departments on campus that teach us, as Deuteronomy commanded, to show fierce love for the foreigners among us. But I also believe in Calvin College and its dedication to ref lecting the person of Christ in every corner of our education. I know this, from my four years here, to be a place that continually hopes in restoration and action and justice throughout its education model. Many of my fellow students feel Friday’s announcement is fundamentally shaking their faith in Calvin’s adherence to the liberal arts. I hope that it does not begin to shake our compassion as a community. Now, more than ever, we need to remember the deepest lesson our language classes taught us: empathy and understanding. Empathy and understanding for our professors, for our peers and for our school alike, despite all the hurt. Because that, as my French professor so profoundly reminded me this year, is what it is all about. That is what Calvin is all about, and I pray that even with the loss of these majors, compassion may continue to f lourish here as I know it does well. opinion and e d i to r i a l 11 An open letter to Calvin College BY JON DEVRIES Guest Writer Last Friday night I sat down to write a paper for my macroeconomics class on how gross domestic product, a measurement drawn from production, output and numbers, is not an accurate measurement of “quality of life.” It was with an unhealthy dose of irony that I found an email waiting for me, telling me that my theater major, among others, was being cut from the college program with the singular reason being a lack of numbers. Numbers. I was assured that none of these programs were being eliminated “because of quality concerns” and they most certainly are not thought of as “unimportant.” But that’s what I don’t understand. If it had been a quality issue, I would have disagreed, but I would have understood. Instead the decision is based on numbers. But Calvin College, you know as well as I that numbers, output and productivity, are not and have never been accurate measures of “quality.” So this leads me to a troubling scenario. If you are telling me the truth, and my program is equal in “quality” and “importance” to any other program, why is there such a uniformity in the program cuts? Why are my program and about a dozen other programs in the humanities, languages and arts, consistently affected by program cuts? I can believe that our programs are still quality, but how can I believe that the humanities are important to Calvin College anymore? Don’t tel l me, “Ca lv i n College is committed to re- taining the liberal arts as central to its identity.” You can’t be committed to the liberal arts if you aren’t committed to the humanities as well. These actions show that Calvin College has liberal arts education as a secondary or even tertiary goal at this moment. These actions show that everything is worth studying, but only a few things are worth studying to a higher degree. I don’t have it in for the various sciences at Calvin. However, if Calvin were truly dedicated to liberal arts education now, shouldn’t we be seeing more program cuts across the board? As a double major, I know that there is “fat” that could be trimmed in the science programs as well. What do these program cuts tell me about Calvin’s goals right now? The real goal is numbers. Enrollment. Money. I don’t think this goal fits with Calvin’s vision. I think you’re going to be sacrificing an incredible amount of Calvin College students’ “quality of life” with your continual cuts to the humanities. But beyond that, the negligence with which some of the cuts are being made is hard to swallow. For example, it’s a nice thought, trying to preserve the theater minor and Calvin’s Theatre Company. However, cutting two of the three theater professors will cause the company to crumble. Theater professors do far more than you think. They are already overwhelmed with the work they have to do for each show and all of their classes, and now you’re expecting one professor to do the work of three who are doing the work of six. Or maybe you’re not expecting them to do all that work. Maybe you’re imagining hiring on adjunct faculty, guest directors and guest designers. But is this just? How much money will this save? Does the amount of money being saved justify the impression the public will receive of how Calvin values its professors who have sacrificed their lives to this school, their program and their students? Have you bothered to sit down with the staff and faculty remaining to see if they think their programs will be sustainable moving forward? Most importantly, after the town hall meeting, I have been assured that no actual plans for the “reinvention and innovation” of these program cuts currently exist. Yes, I’ve been told that plans will be talked about in the years to come, but can’t you understand the frustration and fear this leaves in our hearts? For programs that have already felt forgotten by the college for years, this seems like the final straw. Cutting majors takes the lifeblood out of the programs. What are your plans for drawing in truly dedicated students to these programs now? How will these programs be sustained until reinvention time occurs? How can we trust that our programs will come back when we have already seen our programs suffer under Calvin year after year after year? Calvin should have concrete plans for how reinvention of these programs will happen before declaring the program cuts. W hat do I wa nt, C a lv i n College? I want better reasoning. I want concrete plans. I want an apology. Give me a better reason than numbers for why it’s okay to target cuts specifically at the humanities. Give me concrete plans now, before cuts are decided on, about how these programs will be nurtured at Calvin. And please, give the students in these programs and the students of Calvin College an apology. We are not at fault for this college’s debt. A heartfelt, simple apology can go a long way. It’s the least you can do. Letter to the editor: indie music Last week there was an article published in the op-ed section of Chimes which observed that the Calvin student activities office (SAO) seems to only invite/book/care about “indie” musical artists for the yearly concert series. The term “indie” is never defined in the article. This can be problematic because “indie” has several definitions and connotations. One common use of indie is to refer to “artists on an independent label/unsigned artists.” Yes, for the most part, Calvin generally does book artists who are not signed to a major label. But this def inition doesn’t necessarily indicate anything about a particular artist’s popularity, sound or style. For example, Jack W hite/The White Stripes, Macklemore, Ja son A ldea n, Adele a nd Taylor Swift are a few “top 40” artists that fit into this definition of indie, yet I don’t think many Calvin students would categor ize these as indie artists. Indie can also mean a particular genre — that is, a particular sound/style or lyric themes that many SAO artists have in common. This is equally difficult to claim. Indie can sound like many things to many people and is actually more often a combination of genres than an actual genre itself (pop-rock, folk/countryrock, electro-punk, jazz/bluegrass-influenced pop, etc). It is easy to classify music as indie because many artists transcend basic genre boundaries. Indie is a mixed breed. Indie often becomes a synonym for obscure, unknown and new — all of which carry their own negative connotation in various degrees. Genres, in general, give listeners an easy way to place an artist in a category, in a box. This can be limiting. Once an artist is placed in a category, it’s easier to think of them uncritically and harder to engage and learn from them. It’s easier, but less wholesome than choosing to interact with new, unfamiliar and (potentially) difficult art. SAO was established as a way to express Calvin’s mission to engage and discern a wide swathe of pop culture. The office of Ken Heffner and John Williamson is headquarters to both the dorm cultural discerners (CD) and the campus-wide concert and film series programming. In both of these faculties, SAO seeks to empower and equip students to engage with pop culture — to hear and discern the good, to mute and discard the bad. To be clear, SAO does not exist to provide weekend entertainment for Calvin students — although that is often a welcome and natural side effect. SAO is not concerned with entertainment. SAO is concerned with engagement. Understanding this distinction is the key to understanding why Calvin is a host to many artists that students may not recognize. Certainly, SAO wants to host artists that students care about, but the main goal of SAO is to give students the opportunity to engage with artists who are doing interesting things musically, interesting things lyrically and interesting things socially. At Calvin concerts, this engagement typically involves a conversation with the artists and an attentive and caref ul audience during the show. SAO is continually looking to book a diverse array of artists from all over the country (and the world). While this isn’t always done perfectly, it’s usually done well. SAO is not merely student programming, it is student programming with a discerning, engaging intention. SAO is looking for artists that are pushing the musical envelope of genre, invading the lyrical and thematic comfort of their listeners (or even, in some cases, their label), and driving a Calvin audience to experience something new. Regardless of the popularity of an artist, or the genre, the biggest reason SAO chooses to book someone is because they believe listening to that artists will be enriching for students — will maybe give them a glimpse of truth, a glimpse of the gospel. The student activities board (SAB) meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Commons Annex to discuss upcoming events and compile a “dream list” of artists to pursue. If you feel like you know of an artist that fits into this fundamental goal, attend the meeting and let your voice be heard! Michael Lentz, ‘17 12 Photo essay Art Prize Seven Photos by Caitlin Smits Photo editor wanted: passionate about photography and graphic desgin, dedicated, has organizational capabilites. Paid position. Contact chimes@calvin.edu October 2, 2015