Peer Review Worksheet: Paper #1 (from Ryan Wepler)

Peer Review Worksheet: Paper #1 (from Ryan Wepler)
The final draft of this assignment is due Monday, February 6th in class. Please turn this
sheet in with your final draft. The final draft should be 3-4 pages. You may exceed the
page limit if your paper is formally tight and not redundant.
To be filled out by the workshop group
Summarize the central argument or thesis of the paper of the paper. How does the author
position his or her own views in relation to Limbaugh’s arguments?
If the author’s central argument is unclear, what are some ideas for how it could be
clarified? If it is clear, try to brainstorm a few ways to make the argument more precise
or more convincing. Are there any pieces of evidence cited that are not interpreted as
fully as they could be?
What aspects of the argument are most convincing? How could they be expanded in the
What aspects of the argument are least convincing?
What possible objections (or responses from Limbaugh) has the author not accounted
General comments/suggestions