vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLE xi LIST OF FIGURE xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvi LIST OF APPENDICES xviii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Research discipline 1 1.3.Background of building assessment tools 3 1.4.Problems associated with building assessment tools 5 1.5.Aim and Objectives 9 1.6.Scope of Study 10 1.7.Research Methodology 14 1.8.Significance of Study 19 1.9.Thesis Outline 20 LITERATURE REVIEW 23 2.1.Introduction 23 2.2.Sustainable Building Design 23 2.3.Definition of Energy Efficient Building 25 2.3.1.Definition of Energy Efficiency 25 viii 2.3.2.Definition of Energy Efficiency in Building 27 2.3.3.Definition of Energy Efficient Building in Current Study 28 2.4.Taxonomy of Research in Energy Efficient Building Design Studies 29 2.5.Effect of User‘s Satisfaction from Adaptive Behavior in Energy Consumption of Building 31 2.5.1.Definition of User‘s Adaptive Behavior in Energy Efficient Building Studies 31 2.5.2.User‘s Satisfaction from Adaptive Behavior in Energy Consumption of Building 33 2.5.3.Summary of Review on Effect of User‘s Satisfaction from Adaptive Behavior in Energy Consumption of Building 36 2.6.Building User‘s Adaptive Behavior in Energy Efficient Indoor Environment 37 2.6.1.Adaptive Behaviors in Response to Indoor Environmental Conditions Provided by Cooling Systems 38 2.6.2.Adaptive Behavior in Response to Indoor Environmental Conditions Provided by Lighting Systems 47 2.7.Characteristics of Building Assessment Framework 56 2.8.User-satisfaction Index Analysis Frameworks 60 2.8.1.Performance-based Building User- satisfaction Measurement 61 2.8.2.Perception-based Building User-satisfaction Measurement 68 User Satisfaction Measurement Model 3 70 2.9.Summary of Chapter 73 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 74 3.1 Introduction 74 3.2 Research Design 74 3.3.Techniques and Methods to Conduct the Research 102 ix 3.3.1.Techniques and Methods on Data Collection 102 Literature Review 103 Decision Making Methods 104 Close Group Discussion 106 Sampling in Group Decision Making 107 3.3.2.Techniques and Methods on Data Analysis 108 Group Decision Making (GGDM) 108 Sum Method (WSM) 111 statistics 112 Questionnaires Design, Data Analysis and Reliability 4 114 3.4.Summary of Chapter 116 DATA ANALYSIS 117 4.1.Introduction 117 4.2.Data Analysis of First Research Phase 117 4.2.1.Data Analysis of Hypothesis Testing Survey 4.2.2 Data Analysis on Expert 118 Input Corresponding to the First Objective 4.3 Data Analysis of Third Research Phase 125 129 4.3.1.Data Analysis of Expert Input Corresponding to the Second objective 129 4.3.2.Data Analysis of Expert Input Corresponding to the Third Objective 135 4.3.3.Data Analysis of Expert Input Corresponding to the Fourth Objective 5 138 4.4.Summary of Chapter 141 FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT 142 5.1.Introduction 142 5.2 Framework Development 142 5.3 User input 146 5.4 Summary of chapter 148 x 6 CASE STUDY 149 6.1.Introduction 149 6.2 Case Study Site Selection 149 6.2.1.Data analysis and result of expert input in case selection criteria 150 6.2.2.Data analysis and result of expert input in case study selection 7 8 151 6.3.Case study and framework user input 153 6.4.Summary of chapter 159 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 160 7.1.Introduction 160 7.2 Discussion on the findings of the first objective 160 7.3 Discussion on the findings of the second objectives 163 7.4 Discussion on the findings of the third objective 167 7.5 Discussion on the findings of the fourth objectives 170 7.6 Discussion on the findings of the fifth objectives 173 7.7 Discussion on the findings of the sixth objectives 176 7.8 Summary of chapter 178 CONCLUSION 179 8.1 Introduction 179 8.2 Conclusion of study 179 8.3 Recommendations 181 8.4 Limitations of Study 182 8.5 Further Research 182 REFERENCES Appendices A –L 184 206-290 xi LIST OF TABLES TITLE TABLE NO. 2.1 PAGE Summery of review on users‘ adaptive behaviors in response to indoor conditions provided by energy efficient cooling system 2.2 42 Summery of review on user‘s adaptive behavior in response to indoor conditions provided by energy efficient lighting system 2.3 Characteristic-based 50 classification of building assessment framework 3.1 Description of different possible observations used in interview questionnaire 3.2 122 Correlation analysis corresponding to hypothesis testing in building facilities 4.8 121 Coefficients of equation modeled corresponding to hypothesis testing in lighting system 4.7 121 Correlation analysis corresponding to hypothesis testing in lighting system 4.6 120 Coefficient of equation modeled corresponding to hypothesis testing in cooling system 4.5 119 Correlation analysis corresponding to hypothesis testing in cooling system 4.4 119 Summary of Variable Values for section C of survey interview questionnaire 4.3 82 Summary of data collected in section C of survey interview questionnaire 4.2 81 Matrix used to record the observations in interview questionnaires sheet 4.1 59 Correlation analysis corresponding to hypothesis testing 123 xii in working equipment 4.9 GGDM analysis process in the validation of case study for hypotheis testing 4.10 127 WSM analysis process in the validation of case study for hypotheis testing 4.11 124 128 GGDM analysis process on validation of definition of adaptive behavior and selection of Energy Efficient builing Indoor environment as scope of framework 4.12 130 WSM analysis process on validation of definition of adaptive behavior and selection of Energy Efficient builing Indoor environment as scope of framework 4.13 131 The result of brainstorming on building users‘ adaptive behavior in response to indoor conditions provided by energy efficient cooling system 4.14 133 The result of brainstorming on building users‘ adaptive behavior in response to indoor conditions provided by energy efficient lighting system 4.15 GGDM analysis process in the perception of expert on the selected framework charecteristics 4.16 136 WSM analysis process in the perception of expert on the selected framework charecteristics 4.17 134 137 GGDM analysis process in the validation of each usersatsifaction index analysis frameworks to be used in this study 4.18 139 WSM analysis process in the validation of each usersatsifaction index analysis framwork to be used in this study 5.1 The result of brainstorming on the stages of framework developement 5.2 151 WSM analysis process in the case study selection of framework validation 6.3 147 The result of brainstorming on the factors to be considered in case selection of framework validation 6.2 144 WSM analysis process in the preliminary validation in the overal feasibility of the framework 6.1 140 WSM analysis process in the feasibility validation of 152 xiii 1st stage of the framework by framework useres 6.4 WSM analysis process in the feasibility validation of 2nd stage of the framework by framework useres 7.1 155 156 Building user‘s adaptive behaviors in response to Energy Efficient cooling and lighting system 166 xiv LIST OF FIGURES TITLE FIGURE NO. 1.1 PAGE HDI versus Energy consumption within various countries (Adopted from Dias et al., 2006) 11 1.2 Research flow diagram 15 1.3 Comparison of consideration of user satisfaction in Building Project Life Cycle, traditional approach verses proposed approach 20 2.1 An overview on Literature Review 23 2.2 Relationships of environmental, social, and economic principles in sustainable design, and benefits related to each principle (Adopted from US EPA, 2010). 2.3 Taxonomies of researches in user satisfaction index analysis frameworks 2.4 24 61 Kano model on user-satisfaction measurement in three categories of Needs (i.e. Must Be there), Satisfier (i.e. One-dimensional), and Happiness (i.e. attractive) criteria (Adopted from Kano et al., 1984; Cohen, 1995) st 71 3.1 Flow of systematic review to address 1 Step 76 3.2 Variables selected in survey instrumental design 78 3.3 Human thermal satisfaction assessment cycle 80 3.4 th Flow of systematic review to address 4 step th 87 3.5 Flow of systematic review to address the 5 step 88 3.6 Flow of systematic review to address the 6th step 89 3.7 Research flow diagram 101 3.8 Techniques and Methods used to conduct the Research 102 3.9 Flow of systematic review used in this study 104 3.10 Grounded Group Desicion Making (GGDM) Model process adopted from Lamit et al. (2012) 111 xv 3.11 Sampling distribution to reject the null hypothesis 5.1 Initial framework proposed by researcher in ‗Intro.‘ 113 section of brainstorming 143 5.2 Framework resulted from ‗Round 1‘ of brainstorming 143 5.3 Framework resulted from ‗Round 2‘ of brainstorming 145 6.1 The LEO building 153 6.2 Illustration of changing coding of the questionnaires sheet from (a) to (b) to minimize the transferring error 6.3 157 Sample of results presented in report sheet of the developed framework based on the LEO building case study 158 xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABSI Adaptive Behavior Satisfaction Index ACEM Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia AEUI Annual Area Energy Use Index AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process ANN Artificial-Neural-Network ANSI American National Standards Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and AirConditioning Engineers ASMI Athena Sustainable Material Institute BEMS Building Energy Management System BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method BUS Building Use Studies BRE Building Research Establishment CAD Computer Aided Design CBE Center for the Built Environment CGD Close Group Discussion COPE Cost-effective Open-Plan Environments CRISP Construction Related Sustainability Indicators Project EI Energy Intensity EN European Standards EPI Energy Performance Indicators EUI Energy Use Intensities GBC Green Building Challenges GBI Green Building Index GEO Green Energy Office GGDM Grounded Group Decision Making xvii HK-BEAM Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method HDI Human Development Index HTM Human Thermal Model HVAC Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning iiSBE international initiative for Sustainable Built Environment IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality ISO International Organization for Standardization IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature LEED Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design- LEO Low Energy Office MEWC Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication MS Malaysian Standard NEMA National Electrical Manufacturing Association NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NRCC National Research Council of Canada PAM Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia PLEA Passive and Low Energy Architecture POE Post Occupancy Evaluation PTM Persatuan Tenaga Malaysia SBtool Sustainable Building tool SIRIM Standards & Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia TNB Tenaga Nasional Berhad UNCHE United Nations Conference on the Human Environment UNWCED UN World Commission an Environment and Development UNWCED Nation World Commission on Environment and Development UNMDG United Nations Millennium Development Goals UNEP-SBCI United Nations Environmental Programme for Sustainable Buildings and Construction Initiatives USGBC US Green Building Council US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency WSM Weighed Sum Method WCED World Commission on Environment and Development ZEB Zero Energy Building xviii LIST OF APPENDICES TITLE APPENDIX PAGE A Questionnaire Survey for the First Objective 206 B Expert Input Questionnaire for the First Objective 210 C Expert Input Questionnaire for the Second Objective 214 D Expert Input Questionnaire for the Third Objective 225 E Expert Input Questionnaire for the Fourth Objective 230 F Brainstorming Form for the Fifth Objective 235 G User Input Questionnaire for the Fifth Objective 239 H Introduction on Case Study 244 I Expert Input Questionnaire for the Sixth Objective 263 J Adaptive Behavior Satisfaction Index Excel File Used In Case Study 269 K User Input Questionnaire for the Sixth Objective 284 L List of Publications 290