vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATION xviii LIST OF APPENDICES xix INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem statement 3 1.3 Research objectives 5 1.4 Scope of work 5 1.5 Contributions to knowledge 6 1.6 Structure of the study work 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Meteorological radar overview 9 2.3 Regression coefficient for radar reflectivity 12 2.4 Radar rainfall rate conversion 13 viii 3 2.5 Rain attenuation equation 14 2.6 Characteristics of wireless radio propagation 17 2.7 LMDS layout configuration 18 2.7.1 System deployment 19 2.7.2 Frequency reuse 20 2.7.3 Dual polarizations 21 2.7.4 LMDS cell planning 22 2.7.5 Co-channel interference 23 2.7.6 Inter-cell interference 25 2.7.7 Systems interference protection Criterion 27 2.8 Link budget 28 2.9 LMDS cellular architectures 29 2.9.1 Relaying protocol 31 2.10 Dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) 33 2.11 Effects of rain cell over LMDS system 37 2.12 LMDS cell coverage efficiency 38 2.13 Previous LMDS results 39 2.14 Summary 43 METHODOLOGY 44 3.1 Introduction 44 3.2 Filtering and decoding radar data 46 3.3 Permanent echo verification and data availability 47 3.3.1 Radar echo test 47 3.3.1 Data availability 48 3.4 Rain rate inferred from radar data 49 3.5 Determination of rain length along radar azimuths 51 3.6 Rain attenuation extracted from radar data 56 3.7 LMDS applied architecture 60 3.7.1 Conventional architecture 3.7.2 61 Conventional with 4 frequency reuse architecture 62 3.7.3 Simplex ring relay architecture 63 3.7.4 Dual ring relay architecture 63 ix 4 5 3.8 LMDS antenna specification 64 3.9 Obtain C/I in LMDS system 66 3.10 Summary 66 RAIN INTENSITY PROFILE AND RAIN ATTENUATION DISTRIBUTION EXTRACTED FROM WEATHER RADAR DATA 67 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 Rain intensity 68 4.3 rain length in study area 75 4.4 Specific rain attenuation 78 4.5 Rain attenuation for terrestrial path length 79 4.6 Summary 83 EVALUATION OF LMDS ARCHITECTURES 84 5.1 Introduction 84 5.2 C/I for different LMDS architectures in clear sky 85 5.3 Precipitation effects on different LMDS architectures 5.4 LMDS architectures coverage 89 94 5.5 Optimum LMDS cell size for different architectures 6 98 5.6 Summary 104 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 106 6.1 Conclusions 106 6.2 Future work 108 REFERENCES 110 Appendices A - J 120-158 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Kluang Radar Specifications 11 2.2 Modulation methods (Ahamed, 2009) 34 2.3 modulation scheme efficiency and required carrier to noise ratio (Lee et al., 1998) 2.4 35 The minimum required carrier to interference ratio for LMDS (Lee et al., 1998) 37 3.1 The sixteen characters that define absolute levels 46 3.2 The forty-nine characters that define the deviation encoding 46 3.3 The UTM selected point locations from radar data 50 3.4 Radar signal strength thresholds and the corresponding rain rates using MP relation 50 3.5 The number of hypothetical links for every azimuth 57 3.6 LMDS parameters link budget calculations for selected antenna (Lee et al., 1998; Chu and Chen, 2005) 4.1 One year CDF radar rain events data located at UTM area 4.2 65 70 The CDF rainfall rates for all Rain Gauge Stations RGN- UTM (Khamis, 2005) 73 4.3 CDF of rain length along radar azimuths from radar data 75 4.4 Rain length for 0.01% of time for different rain rates 77 4.5 CDF of one year radar specific rain attenuation distribution (Dec 2006 – Nov 2007) for 28 GHz using ITU-R P.838-3 regression coefficients 78 xi 4.6 Equivalent time percentage to the selected core values 5.1 Optimum cell sizes for each conducted LMDS architectures 81 104 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 2.1 Radar Simplified Block Diagram 2.2 Thunderstorm line viewed in (dBZ) on a PPI scan 2.3 PAGE 10 12 Scattering and absorbing caused by raindrops in high frequency (Ishimaru, 1997) 17 2.4 RF band arrangement based on MCMC licence 20 2.5 Cell with different reuse factors 21 2.6 Twelve-sector cell using alternating polarity method (Roman, 1999) 2.7 22 Typical cell planning in LMDS (Chen and Chu, 2007) 23 2.8 Illustration of (a) inter-cell and (b) intra-cell CCI 24 2.9 Dual polarization with frequency plan of (a) 1 Frequency, 2 polarization 90o sectors, and (b) 2 Frequency, 2 polarization 90o sectors 25 2.10 Inter-cell Interference in LMDS 27 2.11 Interference protection criterion 27 2.12 Relaying protocol 31 2.13 Relay-assisted transmission model 32 2.14 Effective of ICI on LMDS using ring relay Model 2.15 33 Description criteria for slow adaptive modulation systems BER= 10-2 35 2.16 Dynamic modulation scheme for LMDS 36 2.17 C/I Contour curves (Lee et al., 1998) 39 xiii 2.18 Desire signal for 6-km cell-size terminal in clear days (Chu and Chen, 2005) 2.19 Desire signal for 6-km cell-size terminal in rainy days (Chu and Chen, 2005) 2.20 40 41 Total downstream CIR(x, y) sector distribution over a sector of a TDMA-based LMDS system operating in Athens, Greece, at 25 GHz under the specification AIP = 0.001%, cell radius D = 3 km (Panagopoulos et al., 2007) 2.21 42 Upstream CIR(x, y) sector distribution for the same LMDS system as in Fig. 4 under the specification AIP = 0.001%. Interference originates from a diagonal IS 42 3.1 Flowchart of the research methodology 45 3.2 UTM location inside the study sector from Kluang radar station 3.3 49 Radar view of the selected locations at UTM- Skudai 50 3.4 Radar view of the chosen sector 52 3.5 Rain length distributions at single PPI scan 52 3.6 Separating cores level from radar data 53 3.7 Core level path length per azimuth 54 3.8 Rain path length distribution for each level 55 3.9 The adopted method for obtaining rain rate to every 1 km range 3.10 56 Convert from levels to equivalent rain rate for study area 58 3.11 Attenuation analysis 59 3.12 Co-Channel interference of Conventional architecture for LMDS 3.13 The high-level interference edges in a Conventional scheme 3.14 61 61 LMDS cell planning with 4 frequency reuse (Chen and Chu, 2007) 62 xiv 3.15 Simplex ring relay 63 3.16 Dual ring relay 65 4.1 Monthly CDF occurrences of rain rate from radar data at B-C 4.2 69 Rain rate at three different locations in UTM using ITU-R P.837-6 70 4.3 One year CDF Radar rain rate at UTM area 71 4.4 The locations of rain rate study at UTMSkudai campus 4.5 72 Comparison of CDF rain rate obtained from radar data with UTM-RGN at E01 and ITUR 837-6 at B-C 4.6 73 CDF rain rate obtained from radar data compared with UTM RGN along with Singaporean RGN and ITUR 837-6 at BC 4.7 CDF of rain length probability corresponding to different core intensity 4.8 74 76 Specific attenuation from Radar data compare with ITUR data at 28 GHz for horizontal polarization 4.9 79 CDF of rain attenuation from radar data at different path lengths at 28 GHz for horizontal polarization 4.10 80 The horizontal rain attenuation at 28 GHz to different time percentage based on ITUR530-14 and radar versus different path lengths 5.1 Clear sky CIR contour of Conventional architecture scheme 5.2 5.4 85 Clear sky CIR Contour of Conventional with 4 frequency reuse architecture 5.3 82 86 Clear sky CIR Contour of Simplex relay architecture 87 Clear sky CIR Contour of Dual relay architecture 87 xv 5.5 Clear sky CIR worst case scenario for different LMDS architectures 5.6 88 CIR based on extracted radar data information at different path lengths from terminal stations using conventional architecture scheme 5.7 89 CIR based on extracted radar data and ITUR database at different path lengths from terminal stations using conventional architecture scheme 5.8 90 CIR based on extracted radar data information at different path lengths from terminal stations using conventional with 4 frequency reuse architecture 5.9 91 CIR based on extracted radar data and ITUR database at different path lengths from terminal stations using conventional with 4 frequency reuse architecture 5.10 92 CIR based on extracted radar data information at different path lengths from terminal stations using simplex ring relay architecture scheme 5.11 93 CIR base on extracted radar data information at different path lengths from terminal stations using dual ring relay architecture scheme 5.12 Proposed dynamic modulation scheme distribution for LMDS 5.13 97 The CIR of 4 km LMDS cell size planning terminal station at different rain rates 5.17 96 LMDS architectures coverage ratio for 64-QAM modulation 5.16 96 LMDS architectures coverage ratio for 16-QAM modulation 5.15 95 LMDS architectures coverage ratio for QPSK modulation 5.14 94 The CIR of 3 km LMDS cell size planning 98 xvi terminal station at different rain situation 5.18 The CIR of 2 km LMDS cell size planning terminal station at different rain situation 5.19 99 100 The CIR of 4 km conventional with 4 frequency reuse architecture cell size planning terminal station at different rain rates 5.20 101 The CIR of 4.5 km simplex ring relay architecture cell size planning terminal station at different rain rates 5.21 102 The CIR of 4.8 km dual ring relay architecture cell size planning terminal station at different rain rates 103 xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS A - Rain Attenuation ACI - Adjacent channel interference AIP - Acceptance interference probability Ar0.01 - Attenuation at 0.01 of time BS - Base Station C - Area coverage CCI - co-channel interference C/I - Carrier to Interference ratio CIR - Carrier to Interference ratio C/N - Carrier to noise ratio CNR - Carrier to noise ratio dB - Decibel unit Fr - Frequency reuse HS - Hub Station I/N - Interference to Noise Ratio ICI - Inter-cell Interference ISI - Inter-symbol interference km - Kilometer PL - Path Loss R - Rain Rate Rth - Rain Rate threshold R0.01 - Rain Rate at 0.01 percentage of time RF - Radio Frequency γs - Specific Attenuation TS - Terminal Station xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BWA - Broadband wireless access CDF - Cumulative Distribution Function CPE - Customer Premise Equipment DBA - Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation EIRP - Effective Isotropic Radiating Power FBWA - Fixed broadband wireless access FCC - Federal Communications Commission FSL - Free Space Path Loss GHz - Giga hertz LAN - Local Area Network LMDS - Local Multipoint Distribution Services LOS Line of sight - MCMC- Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission mm/hr - Millimetre per hour PDF Probability Density Function - ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union - Radio communications IEEE Std - International of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Standard P-MP - Point to Multipoint Fixed Service P-P - Point to Point Fixed Service PPI - Plan Position Indicator QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QPSK - Quadrature Phase Shift Keying RHI - Range Height Indicator Z - Radar Reflectivity Factor xix LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A List if author's related publications 120 B Radar measurement and calibration 122 C Radar range height indicator 123 D Filtering and decoding radar data 126 E Permanent echo chick 130 F Rain rate flow charts 132 G LMDS antenna aspects 136 H LMDS performance 144 I Rainfall and rain attenuation analysis 147 J Coverage performance in each architecture to different modulation 155