Strategy: Appropriate Grade Level: Procedures/Steps:

Reading Word Recognition
Strategy: Word of the Day
Appropriate Grade Level: K-12
Choose a word that you feel is important for the students to learn because it is a
sight word, is connected to the text, or will expand students’ vocabulary.
Present the word at the beginning of each day. The teacher can give the definition
of the word and give examples of how the word can be used in context or the
students can be asked to define the word and give examples.
Place the words on a bulletin board and review them at the end of each week or
Monday – there
Monday – there
There are four birds.
Can we go there too?
Sally is over there.
Monday – there
Tuesday – their
Wednesday – they’re
Thursday – them
Friday – they
Comments and/or tips:
At the elementary level, the teacher can introduce the word and talk about the
parts and sounds of the word with the students.
At the middle and high school level, the students can be asked to define the word
themselves and use it in context.
The teacher can also have pairs of students come up a word of the day and it
explains it to the class.
Watts, S.M., & Graves, M.F. (1996). Expanding vocabulary instruction to foster the
development of word consciousness. WSRA Journal, 19-24.