
Reading Comprehension
Strategy: Story mapping
Appropriate Grade Level: elementary
Step 1 students read a narrative story [can be read to them, shared reading etc]
Step 2 students retold the story.
Step 3 Five part story map part worksheet. [1 main character, 2 setting, 3 problem,
4 story outcome, 5 major events] is handed out and discussed.
Step 4 Instructor models how to use the map, defines story elements.
Step 5 Instructor leads students through guided practice reviewing story elements
form previous stories.
Step 6 independent practice students work the map with only minimal instruction
for teacher.
Comments and/or tips:
Materials- reading text, story maps, Five part story map worksheets
Story mapping provides students with a structured means of retelling stories
Babyak, A. E., Koorland, M. & Mathes, P. G. (2000). The effects of story
mapping instruction on the reading comprehension of students with
behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorder, 25, 239-258.