Area: Strategy: Appropriate Grade Level:

Area: Addition
Strategy: Counting
Appropriate Grade Level: K – 2
Count all – Student counts all of the numbers in the problem one unit at a time.
Count on – Student starts with the first number in the problem and counts on the
number of units the second number specifies.
 Maximum addend – First, student determines the smaller number in the problem.
Second, the student starts with the smaller number and counts on the number of
units the larger number specifies.
 Minimum addend – First, student determines the larger number in the problem.
Second, the student starts with the larger number and counts on the number of
units the smaller number specifies.
Name of Strategy
Maximum Addend
Minimum Addend
Count all numbers in the
problem one unit at a time.
Count on from the first number
in the problem.
Count on from the smaller
number in the problem.
Count on from the Larger
number in the problem.
3+5, start from 1 and count up to
8 one unit at a time.
2+3, start at 2 and add 3 more
units, counting one by one.
6+4, start at 4 and add 6 more
units, counting one by one.
4+8, start at 8 and add 4 more
units, counting one by one.
Comments and/or tips: All of the counting strategies should be used for simple
addition problems that are of the type A+B=__. The minimum addend counting strategy is
the most frequently used out of the four. It is also considered to be the most efficient
counting strategy for students in grades k – 2. All of the counting strategies should be
taught as an alternative to the “drill and practice” approach.
Tournaki, N. (2003). The Differential Effects of Teaching Addition Through Strategy
Instruction Versus Drill and Practice to Students With and Without Learning
Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36(5), 449-458.