Using this publication This publication is structured as an A4-landscape (sideways) publication so you can scroll through it sequentially from page to page using the normal scroll bars and arrow keys. However, it has additional navigation options to make it easy to use on screen. The tips shown below assume that you are using Adobe Reader; other viewers have similar options but their location might vary. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training 1.Primary navigation buttons to reach individual sections. 4.Adobe Reader navigation options. Supporting the Student 4 3 1 2 3.Click the Bookmarks icon in left navigation pane (or select View > Navigation Panels > Bookmarks), for clickable index to individual sections and programmes. 2.Fullscreen/Menus switch; link to index page; next and previous page arrows; Learning and Development Programmes 2012 – 2013 Forbairt na hEagraíochta agus na gComhaltaí Foirne 2012 – 2013 Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Note Entries in the Index (page 2) are clickable, to allow you to jump direct to specific pages. Information Technology Choose View > Page Display > Continuous to view pages in a vertical column, one page wide. Health and Safety You can also use CTRL+L (Windows) or CMD+L (Macintosh) to view in Full Screen mode – menu bars, etc., are hidden. Press the Esc key to exit (or CTRL/CMD+L again). Index Organisation and Staff Development ................... 3 Induction and Orientation.................................... 5 Induction for All New Staff.........................................................6 Policies and Procedures Training......................... 7 Training Support for PMDS Reviewers . ................................8 Training Support for PMDS Reviewees .................................8 Data Protection Training.............................................................9 Procurement/Financial Policy and Procedures.....................9 Equality & Diversity - LEAD (Living Equality and Diversity) Programme.............................................................. 10 Recruitment and Selection (Interview Techniques)......... 10 Recruitment and Selection Training (Academic staff)..... 11 Writing Effective University Policies and Procedures....... 11 Mentoring Workshop for Mentors........................................ 12 Mentoring Workshop for Mentees........................................ 13 Supporting the Student....................................... 14 Supporting and Responding to Students in Distress (Support staff)............................................................................ 15 Supporting and Responding to Students in Distress (Academic staff)......................................................................... 15 Teaching in a Cross-cultural Environment.......................... 16 An Introduction to Cultural Awareness and Cross-Cultural Communication: Skills for working with International Students........................................................................................ 16 Site Manager End User Training............................................. 32 SharePoint End User Training................................................. 33 Clear Concise Writing for the Web........................................ 33 Life Planning....................................................... 34 Retirement Planning................................................................. 35 Mid-Career Life Planning........................................................ 35 Language Classes................................................. 36 Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge/Diploma in Irish.............................. 37 Ranganna Comhrá /Conversational Classes...................... 37 Information Technology..................................... 39 Office Applications.................................................................... 40 Desktop Publishing.................................................................... 40 Agresso Training (Introductory)............................................ 40 Agresso Training (Web Ordering)......................................... 40 Liquid Nitrogen/Cryogenics Workshop.............................. 52 Management of Biological Laboratories............................... 52 Micro/Biological Safety Cabinets.......................................... 52 Microscope Safety...................................................................... 53 2. Maintenance and Workshop Safety.............................53 Abrasive Wheel Safety.............................................................. 53 Asbestos Awareness Safety....................................................... 53 Electrical Awareness Safety...................................................... 54 PAT Testing – Information Session and Practical Workshop..................................................................................... 54 3. Occupational Care.........................................................55 Back Care...................................................................................... 55 Voice Care.................................................................................... 55 Health and Safety................................................. 41 4. Manual Handling/Ergonomics (Specialist) ...............55 Use of Evacuation Chairs......................................................... 55 People-Handling Training........................................................ 56 Core Health and Safety Training Courses.......................43 5. First Aid (Specialist).....................................................56 Specialist First Aid Training..................................................... 56 Health and Safety....................................................................... 42 1. First Aid..........................................................................43 Occupational First Aid, Initial Training................................ 43 AED/Defibrillator Refresher Training................................. 44 Fieldwork First Aid Training/(REC3) – Rescue Emergency Care......................................................................... 44 6. Radiation Safety............................................................56 Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Research Training................................................ 17 2. Fire Safety......................................................................45 Fire Marshal Training................................................................ 45 Fire Safety Training.................................................................... 45 Career Development Management Development Programme for Support Services Staff......................................... 20 3. Manual Handling/Ergonomic......................................46 Manual Handling Training....................................................... 46 VDU/Workstation Assessor Training................................... 46 Professional Skills Training 4. Safe Pass.........................................................................47 Safe Pass........................................................................................ 47 Web Training Introduction to SPSS................................................................. 18 Introduction to NVivo.............................................................. 18 Management Development Programme for Support Services Staff................................................................................ 21 Supervisory Development Programme................................ 21 Manager Essentials for Support Services Staff.................... 22 Future Leaders Programme for Support Services Staff.... 22 Quality/Customer Service.................................. 24 Communication Skills Training.............................................. 25 Career Development........................................... 26 Curriculum Vitae Preparation................................................. 27 Preparing for the Job Interview............................................... 27 Professional Skills Training................................ 28 Enhancing Your Report Writing Skills.................................. 29 Chairing / Managing Committees and Meetings.............. 29 Project Management Training................................................ 30 Web Training....................................................... 31 Web Editing – How to use the Content Management System (CMS)............................................................................ 32 Organisation and Staff Development 5. Health and Safety Legal Briefings................................47 Health and Safety Legal Briefing ........................................... 47 Life Planning 6. Risk Assessments/Safety Statements..........................48 How to conduct a Risk Assessment....................................... 48 Safety Statement Preparation Workshop............................. 48 Language Classes Specialist Health and Safety Courses...............................49 1. Laboratory.....................................................................49 Autoclave Safety......................................................................... 49 Biological Agents Safety........................................................... 49 GM Safety.................................................................................... 50 Chemical Safety.......................................................................... 50 Confined Space Safety.............................................................. 51 Fume Cupboard Safety............................................................. 51 Handling Compressed Gases.................................................. 51 Information Technology Health and Safety 2 Organisation and Staff Development Welcome Welcome to the 2012/2013 on-line Organisation and Staff Development eBook, your guide to the training and developmental offerings available to you in preparation for your PMDS review. This on-line book provides an easily accessible source of information for staff as well as being a more costeffective method of publicising offerings available to staff. In an environment of great change and economic constraint; there are greater challenges and demands on the University and its staff; staff training and development plays a vital role in equipping staff with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ability to adapt, meet and overcome such challenges. Information for Staff At NUI Galway, the purpose of PMDS is to support staff in realising their maximum potential, to the benefit of both the individual and to the University. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation The performance management framework is designed to facilitate a high performing workforce to deliver NUI Galway’s strategic plan by providing: • Clarity on the work staff are required to do including purpose, quality, output, and timeliness. Policies and Procedures Training • Ongoing support and encouragement to enable staff to do their job and to deliver to a high level. Supporting the Student • A structure for staff in terms of setting, supporting and measuring clear, fair work objectives, linked to University and Unit goals. Research Training The aim of this book is to provide information on the training and developmental offerings available to NUI Galway staff. Staff members will be able to access training via their PMDS review. Training will be focused on individual training needs - supporting staff in their roles and linking into the Unit/School/ College strategic plans and learning objectives. • A framework for dealing with issues of poor performance in a fair, supportive, and consistent manner. We hope you find this book a useful source of information in preparing for your PMDS review. All people managers and other senior staff will receive full training to enable them to carry out performance management meetings to the required standard and to be able to support the work and development of their staff throughout the year. Management Development All staff will be offered training to support them through the performance management process. Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training In addition, policy and process information along with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be made available on the HR web site. Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 3 Course Cancellation and Withdrawals If a training course is cancelled, every effort will be made to contact those scheduled to attend, cancelled courses will be rescheduled where possible at a later date. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation A staff member who decides to withdraw from a course must notify Organisation and Staff Development by e-mail with a copy of the mail to their relevant Head. Policies and Procedures Training Note: Courses will not go ahead unless there is a minimum participation of 8 applicants per course. Supporting the Student Financial Assistance Research Training The costs of courses listed in this book are funded centrally through the Organisation and Staff Development budget and the Training of Trainers, which is funded by the National Development Plan (NDP). We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support of NDP funding. Management Development Quality/Customer Service Contact Details T +353 91 492 812 (Ext 2812) Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 4 Induction and Orientation Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” William Shakespeare Health and Safety 5 Induction and Orientation TD-IND-01 Induction for All New Staff Welcome and Information for Staff A centralised induction event is provided to new staff commencing in NUI Galway, usually at the beginning of the academic year. The centralised induction includes a welcome address from the President, a number of presentations from the University’s Management team with respect to their areas of responsibility followed by a lunch, tour of the James Hardiman Library and a bus tour of the campus. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training For further information, please go to the staff intranet: and browse under Internal Vacancies. Supporting the Student The centralised induction is in addition to the local inductions which take place within the individual School, Support Unit, Research Institute. A local induction coordinator is nominated at post approval stage and new appointees are advised of their local induction coordinator in their offer letter. Research Training Management Development For further details, please refer to web link: checklist.html Quality/Customer Service Career Development Duration: ½ day. Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 6 Policies and Procedures Training Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.” Kahlil Gibran Information Technology Health and Safety 7 Policies and Procedures Training TD-UPP-01 Training Support for PMDS Reviewers NUI Galway’s performance review system is built around three key components: 1. A two-way review of performance and work achievements against the previous year’s objectives. 2. Setting objectives for the forthcoming year 3. A discussion on professional development and career aspirations with agreed objectives Content: • NUI Galway PMDS Policy and Process • Preparing for the Review meeting • The meeting (setting objectives, discussing achievements, and performance) • Applying performance ratings consistently • Providing constructive feedback • Closing review meeting Duration: 1 day. TD-UPP-02 Training Support for PMDS Reviewees Welcome and Information for Staff NUI Galway’s performance review system is built around three key components: 1. A two-way review of performance and work achievements against the previous year objectives. 2. Setting objectives for the forthcoming year 3. A discussion on professional development and career aspirations with agreed objectives Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Content: Supporting the Student • NUI Galway’s New PMDS Policy and Process • Preparing for the Review meeting including writing up self-assessment form • The review meeting (setting objectives, discussing achievements, and performance) • Understanding the PMDS performance ratings • Handling feedback constructively • Closing review meeting Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Duration: ½ day. Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 8 Policies and Procedures Training TD-UPP-03 Data Protection Training Overview: NUI Galway in its role as a centre of education and research holds a great deal of information about the people who study or work here. The way in which the University manages this personal information is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 and 2003. The University has overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection legislation. However, all employees of the University who collect and/ or control the contents and use of personal data are also responsible for compliance with the Data Protection legislation. Objective: • To understand the responsibilities of NUI Galway under the Data Protection Act Designed for: Any staff member of NUI Galway who is involved in the collection, storage or processing of personal data has responsibilities under the legislation. Details of the NUI Galway Data Protection Policy can be found at: TD-UPP-04 Procurement/Financial Policy and Procedures Welcome and Information for Staff It is essential that staff who make purchases on behalf of NUI Galway fully understand the important role they have to ensure that University funds are spent correctly and in a cost effective manner. Because NUI Galway is a public sector body, it is obliged to follow certain National and EU legislation. As the University works on a decentralised budget system, the responsibility rests with the Heads of Departments, Budget Holders and all staff who place orders that will be paid for by the University, to ensure funds are spent correctly. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training To assist staff, the Procurement & Contracts Office have developed a series of training courses that covers all aspects of purchasing, from how to place a Purchase Order, what suppliers should be used, to the more complicated procedures involved in tendering for goods or services. Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Course 1: Buyers Beware Course 2: Writing Specifications Course 3: The Complete Quotation Process Course 4: National Tendering & Award Procedures Course 5: Negotiation Skills Quality/Customer Service Career Development Content: • What is personal and sensitive data under the act? • What are the key provisions of the act? • Why is it important to protect it and what are our obligations? • Ability to identify breaches or potential beaches of data protection law and react appropriately • Storing, handling, retrieval of such data • Destruction of data • Public access to data • Case studies applicable and relevant to a University Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Duration: ½ day sessions x 2. Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 9 Policies and Procedures Training TD-UPP-05 Equality & Diversity - LEAD (Living Equality and Diversity) Programme Overview The LEAD (Living Equality and Diversity) elearning programme is an innovative learning resource developed by six of the Irish University members of the IUA Equality Network: DCU, NUI Galway, TCD, UCC UCD and UL; it is an interactive online resource that aims to provide University staff with an awareness of the key quality and diversity issues across the nine grounds in Irish legislation in a University context. Designed for: All Staff, and is particularly relevant to staff in management or recruitment roles. Content: Module 1: Understanding Diversity Module 2: What’s it got to do with you? Module 3: From compliance to commitment Module 4: Recruitment and Selection Module 5: Dignity and Respect To access the online programme, please go to Register with your own NUI Galway email address and details. TD-UPP-06 Recruitment and Selection (Interview Techniques) Aim(s): To enable participants to act on Interview Boards by providing training on interview skills and techniques. Designed for: Staff members who act or will act on Recruitment Interview boards. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Course Content: Interview Preparation • The Journey from role description to role competencies to interview questions • Panel Interviews: assigning the questions, chairing the interview panel, scoring and note taking in the context of the Freedom of Information Act and Equality legislation. • Interview Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Techniques and Structure • Proxemics • Welcoming and relaxing the candidate • Introduction and description of the selection process including next stage • Checking for understanding • Asking the competency questions, follow-on questions, and getting supportive examples • Inviting questions from the candidate • Bringing the interview to a close Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Questioning and Listening Skills • Open and Closed question techniques • The funnel questioning technique • Active listening and body language • Avoiding hypothetical questions and answers Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Duration: ½ day sessions x 2. Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 10 Policies and Procedures Training TD-UPP-07 Recruitment and Selection Training (Academic staff) TD-UPP-08 Writing Effective University Policies and Procedures Aim(s): Overview: Participants will be given the opportunity to: • Explore issues inherent in selection for ‘meritorious’ staff • Summarise the legislative and policy framework for equal opportunities • Gain experience in the use of competency-based selection and assessment methods. The University has formally adopted a policy for all academic and support service units to create effective University policies and procedures. This course will teach participants how to interpret the University’s policy, to understand the process envisaged and in particular how to write and publish effective policy and procedures documents. Designed for: Objectives: Academic members who act or will act on Recruitment Interview boards. • Understand the University’s policy on Policies and Procedures • Learn about the Process of publishing Policies and Procedures • Write and Publish new and revised Policies and Procedures documents Course Content: • Interviewing as part of legally compliant selection process • The nature and purpose of the interview in the overall selection process • Best practice in interview and selection • NUI Galway Recruitment Policies and Procedures • Equality Duration: ½ day session. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Designed for: All Head of Units and staff with responsibility for writing and processing new and revised University policies and procedures. Management Development Content: Quality/Customer Service • Understanding the University’s new policy on creating University policies and procedures • Learning about the Publishing Process • Writing new and revised policies and procedures documents • Writing Style Guide Career Development Professional Skills Training Duration: 2-hours Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 11 Policies and Procedures Training TD-UPP-09 Mentoring Workshop for Mentors Overview The purpose of Academic Mentoring is to support the professional growth of the individual who is in the early stage of their career and to promote excellence in teaching and learning, research and academic leadership. The role of the mentor is to offer off-line help to a mentee as he/she makes significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking. The mentor may at times be a role model or sounding board and at other times a challenger, advisor or facilitator. Aim(s): This workshop aims to provide future mentors with the skills to develop and retain effective mentoring relationships. The course will be participative and challenging; there will be 4 half-day sessions over 3 – 4 weeks, to provide reflective time for participants to assimilate their learning and become more self-aware. Designed for: • Self awareness/self sabotage • Acting as role model, sharing expertise • Identifying learning opportunities for the mentee • Identifying mentee’s development goals and how to progress them • Supporting the mentee in integrating new knowledge through reflective practice • Skills of giving and receiving feedback • Creating a safe environment for encouraging personal and professional success • Accepting and valuing differences • Managing conflict and disputes • Insights into motives and behavior Duration: Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training ½ day. For further information on the NUI Galway Academic Mentoring Scheme, please refer to: The mentoring programme at NUI Galway is open to all academic staff and all new academic recruits. An academic staff member interested in the mentor role should consult with their College Dean, Head of School and the HR Office to support them through the process. Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training A mentor is an academic who has a proven track record in research, teaching and academic leadership. Web Training All new mentors will be offered mentoring support and training prior to beginning a mentoring relationship. Life Planning Content: • NUI Galway Mentoring Scheme • Contracting the mentoring relationship • Mentoring methodology – managing stages of mentoring relationship • Ground rules and code of ethics • Leadership development • Competencies of mentors • Establishing rapport • Effective listening skills Organisation and Staff Development Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety 12 Policies and Procedures Training TD-UPP-10 Mentoring Workshop for Mentees Overview The purpose of Academic Mentoring is to support the professional growth of the individual who is in the early stage of their career and to promote excellence in teaching and learning, research and academic leadership. Duration: ½ day session. For further information on the NUI Galway Academic Mentoring Scheme, please refer to: The role of the mentee involves taking ownership of the mentoring process and driving the mentoring agenda, being open and honest in discussing with their mentor what they would like to achieve from the relationship, seek to achieve mutual respect and trust with their mentor for the duration of the mentoring relationship, and to be willing to engage in career development opportunities. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Aim(s): This workshop aims to provide future mentees with the skills to develop and retain effective mentoring relationships. The training course will be participative and challenging, the course will be one half-day session. Management Development Quality/Customer Service Designed for: The mentoring programme at NUI Galway is open to all academic staff and all new academic recruits. An academic staff member who is in their early or mid academic career or a new recruit and interested in being mentored as part of the programme should consult with their College Dean, Head of School and the HR Office to support them through the process. Career Development Professional Skills Training A mentee is typically an early or mid career academic or a new recruit to NUI Galway. Web Training All new mentees will be offered mentoring support and training prior to beginning a mentoring relationship. Life Planning Content: Language Classes • NUI Galway Mentoring Scheme • Developing and maintaining the mentoring relationship • Ground rules and code of ethics • Mentee responsibilities • Communication, listening skills, giving and receiving feedback • Potential Challenges • Insights into motives and behavior Organisation and Staff Development Information Technology Health and Safety 13 Supporting the Student Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology “Experience teaches only the teachable.” Aldous Huxley Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 14 Supporting the Student TD-STS-01 Supporting and Responding to Students in Distress (Support staff) A University is a busy and exciting place for students, but also a very demanding one. Staff in all areas are likely to come across students who can be overwhelmed or distressed and not know what to do or where to send the student for help. The health and welfare of students is everyone’s concern. This training is offered to accompany the booklet for staff which offers Guidelines on Supporting Students in Distress. Aim(s): This course will help staff to identify, respond effectively and refer on students in distress. Designed for: Support staff who may become involved with students who are distressed. Objective(s): • Help staff identify distressed students • Explore possible responses to troubled students • Develop skills in dealing with difficult behaviours and attitudes • Gain information about how and where to refer students who may need specific kinds of help. Duration: ½ day. TD-STS-02 Supporting and Responding to Students in Distress (Academic staff) There is a clear link between academic achievement and emotional wellbeing. Academic staff can find that academic difficulties are often linked with underlying emotional distress. Staff are in a unique position to pick up such issues. An appropriate response can prevent such difficulties escalating. A booklet has been produced for all staff on Guidelines for Supporting and Responding to Students in Distress. This training is planned to accompany the booklet. Aim(s): This course will help academic staff to develop confidence in their ability to identify, respond and relate to students in distress. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Designed for: Academic staff whose roles bring them in contact with students in difficulty. Objective(s): • Consider how the changing Higher Education environment can impact on student distress • Help staff identify distressed students • Explore possible responses to troubled students • Explore boundaries between the academic and pastoral aspects within their roles • Develop new skills in dealing with difficult behaviours and attitudes • Develop a framework and procedures for referring students to other services, if necessary. Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Duration: Life Planning ½ day. Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 15 Supporting the Student TD-STS-03 Teaching in a Cross-cultural Environment Introduction When you have non-native English speaking international students in your classroom, there are several important issues and classroom management strategies related to effective communication that you may need to keep in mind to help all students have a positive learning experience. International students bring a broad range of cultural perspectives to the learning environment, and this diversity has the capacity to enrich teaching and learning in the University. The workshop is designed to address the needs of international students as learners. The workshop will introduce issues of cultural awareness to those who teach international students, as well as issues involved in crosscultural communication. Aim(s): To discuss and explore strategies for improving the international student experience in a teaching and learning environment, while simultaneously improving interaction between home and international students. Designed for: Those involved in teaching, tutoring and supervising international students. Objective(s): Teaching in an intercultural setting means using strategies to work creatively with different cultural worldviews, and bringing an international perspective into the curriculum. Therefore, at the end of the course you will be able to: • Review and discuss the literature available on teaching international students; • Plan for and offer better support to international students and those involved in teaching; • Identify the main barriers in terms of teaching, e.g. language awareness, non-verbal behaviour, learning styles, communication skills, academic writing etc; • Identify and solve problems with the help of others in the workshop. TD-STS-04 An Introduction to Cultural Awareness and Cross-Cultural Communication: Skills for working with International Students Introduction The course is designed to introduce issues of cultural awareness to those who work with international students. Cross-cultural communication is important for a wide range of staff who have contact with international students in many different contexts. Cultural awareness as well as an ability to communicate across cultures contributes to the wellbeing of the students and allows those who work with international students to feel more confident when dealing with issues arising from cultural difference. The course will be interactive and will draw on participants own experience. Aim(s): To increase cultural awareness among those working with international students and to provide participants with the skills to engage and communicate more effectively and confidently with international students. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Designed for: A broad range of staff in university units who interact directly with international students, e.g. student advisers, administrators, receptionists, attendants and security staff. Objective(s): At the end of the course you will be able to: • Define the key terms relating to “culture” and apply this knowledge to discuss cultural difference in a positive way • Understand how awareness about other cultures and cultural differences can improve your interaction in a multicultural environment • Identify barriers to effective cross-cultural communication • Use communication skills to engage and interact successfully with international students Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Duration: 1 day. Duration: Health and Safety ½ day. Organisation and Staff Development Welcome and Information for Staff 16 Research Staff Training Programme Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius Information Technology Health and Safety 17 Research Staff Training Programme TD-RES-01 Introduction to SPSS TD-RES-02 Introduction to NVivo Welcome and Information for Staff Overview: Outline This Introductory course covers: • Accessing data entry and import from other media, such as Excel • Manipulating data to create new data fields • Presenting data. Tabular and graphical output for analysis and reporting • Exploratory data analysis The depth and breadth to which these topics will be covered depends on the general level of computer literacy of the group coupled with their experience, if any, of using databases designed for working with qualitative or unstructured data. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data if they have some. Otherwise, tutorial data will be provided on the day. Content: Designed for: On completing this course, you should be confident in leveraging the power of SPSS. This course will enable you to access data and create bespoke, high quality reports and output for monitoring data, thus enabling decision support. Academic and Research staff. Following an overview of the main features of SPSS and an introduction to essential terminology, you will be guided through the following topics: • Data definition and access • Data modification • Data analysis and presentation • Session control and help with SPSS Ireland 1. To equip individuals with enough knowledge to enable them to begin their project using a computer-aided methodology. 2. Understand the advantages and limitations of using a computer for qualitative data analyses. 3. How to set-up a database, import data and how to code data. 4. Understand the potential of NVivo as a tool for organising, questioning and reporting on the data so that they can truly support and defend their findings. Quality/Customer Service Content: Professional Skills Training Designed for: This course targets those with little or no SPSS experience, who wish to become efficient and productive SPSS users. Prerequisites: Keyboard and mouse skills. Experience of working in the Windows environment and an understanding of the key Windows features. Duration: 2 days. Organisation and Staff Development Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Day 1: Setting up your NVivo Database Research Training Objective(s): • Introduction – why use a computer for qualitative analysis? • The theoretical project • Designing, formatting and importing a document • Managing digital data • Linking text using annotations, memos, hyperlinks and see also links • Coding • Reviewing coding • Managing nodes • Using text search to explore data • Recording information about your participants using attributes. • Creating sets for data interrogation • Exploring Relationships • Searching data—analysis techniques. • Modelling ideas generated from data Management Development Career Development Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety 18 Research Staff Training Programme Day 2: Analysing your Data Prerequisite: It is compulsory to have completed day one in order to be able to participate in day two or to be an experienced NVivo user. Objective(s): The objective of this workshop is to conduct a piece of analysis using raw data and a research question. By the end of the session, the participants will have: • Set up a database with a robust architecture • Analysed the data using queries and manual analysis where appropriate • Reported on the findings Open Session Finally, there will be an open session at the end of the workshop to facilitate people who wish to work with their own data which will also provide the opportunity for a question and answer dialogue where all parties to the workshop can learn from each other Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Duration: 2 days. Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Content: Data collection: Mixed method questionnaire collecting demographics along with quantitative and qualitative questions Research Training Management Development Analysis: • Import Questionnaires • Import Quantitative data and match cases • Use coding query (simple) to address part 1 of the research question • Target a participant set and use coding query (advanced) to group them • Auto-code their qualitative responses to a single node • Code on their responses to identify reasons for change • Share information using annotations • Generate preliminary findings using memos (proposition/summary statements) • Further interrogate data by automated coding on by demographic value (gender) using an advanced coding query • Use text search to augment manual coding and integrate results • Use a compound query to refine searches • Test preliminary findings against demographics to further explore/ analyse results using short graphical queries • Create relationship nodes and code data to them • Export results and report graphically on weighting of concerns • Share/report data with non NVivo users using HTML export • Use matrix for deeper integration/exploration of relationships within data • Model findings • Report findings Organisation and Staff Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety 19 Management Development for Support Services Staff Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Management Development Programme for Support Services Staff Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “You learn more quickly under the guidance of experienced teachers. You waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no one to lead you.” W. Somerset Maugham Information Technology Health and Safety 20 Management Development for Support Services Staff Management Development Programme for Support Services Staff The management development programme aims to skill, develop and retain high potential staff who seek to develop their careers as future leaders in NUI Galway; the programme has 3 components/courses which are designed for the different levels of management. • Leading a team including organisation, motivation and co-ordinating skills • Participating in a team task including leadership style, communication and interpersonal skills • Problem solving including setting objectives, decision making and conflict resolution The first course is the supervisory development programme which is designed for the newly appointed supervisors and/or team leaders; the course offers the basic tools and skills to be effective in a supervisory role to those who would have little or no previous experience in management. 2. Assignment: participants must demonstrate an understanding and application of the specific learning outcomes, the assignment must demonstrate the participants’ ability to lead a team in the successful organisation of a project, task or event. The Manager Essential course is at the next level of management and is designed for managers who would have at least 2-3 years experience in supervising; the objective of this course is to provide managers at the coalface in NUI Galway with the essential tools, skills and relevant information to develop and support them in their roles. Middle management can often be a challenging place; managing from the middle, whilst also managing your own performance and career development and that of your team. 3. Learner Record: a reflective account and supporting documentation will be compiled by each participant. It will outline the participant’s practical experiences and application of the learning: • Identification of the key learning points • Description of skills acquired • Challenges and conflicts encountered • Evaluation of own role as a Team Leader • How the learning will be applied The final course in the programme, the Future Leaders Programme is for high potential managers who seek to develop their careers as future leaders of NUI Galway. Aim(s): TD-MDP-01 Supervisory Development Programme The Supervisory Development programme aims to provide new appointees taking on supervisory roles in NUI Galway with the basic tools and skills to be effective. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge with others over the programme. The programme will have 6 sessions over a 6 – 8 week period leading to a FETAC Team Leadership Component Award Level 6. Award: FETAC Team Leadership Component Award Level 6. To attain the award, participants must complete the following: 1. Skills Demonstration: participants will be assessed in each of the following skill areas: Organisation and Staff Development Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service • Create a greater awareness of the importance of effective leadership and teamwork • Provide a clear definition of the role and responsibilities in the area of team leading and team performance • Develop a greater appreciation of the key skills of leadership and motivation • Develop and practise techniques for more effective team building and teamwork • Create a clear understanding of the Supervisors’ role in the legal aspects of people management including, disciplinary procedures, conflict resolution, handling absenteeism and health and safety. • Introduce techniques for more effective time management and personal organisation • Provide a forum for self-critique and role analysis and identify areas for improvement Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Designed for: Newly appointed Supervisors and Team Leaders Welcome and Information for Staff 21 Management Development for Support Services Staff Content: Content: • Developing yourself as a Team Leader • People Management • Maintaining a Healthy and Safe work environment • Managing Yourself • Presentation Skills • Workplace Communication • Developing the Work Team • Leading from the Middle • Performance Management (yours and that of your team) • Communication/Presentation skills • Managing resources and budgets • Project Management • Time Management Duration: 1 day per week over a 6 - 8 week period. TD-MDP-02 Manager Essentials for Support Services Staff The Manager Essentials programme aims to provide managers at the coalface in NUI Galway with the essential tools and relevant information and skills to keep them up-to-date and confident in their roles. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge with others over the programme. The programme will have 6 sessions in total over a 6 – 8 week period. Aims: • To continue and build on the process of engagement with and collaboration between Support Service Units resulting from the BEST programme. • Opportunity to look at your own management style • Discuss the challenges of managing from the middle, whilst managing your own performance and career development and that of your team. • Managing in a changing, challenging and competitive higher education environment. • Improve ability to manage projects and resources • Improve ability to prioritise your time, how to prioritise tasks, manage interruptions, etc. Trainers: This programme will be facilitated by a number of trainers with management expertise from both industry and the public sector. Designed for: Participants must be in a managerial role (grade 4 upwards) and leading a team in Support Services with at least 2-3 years experience in supervising. Organisation and Staff Development Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training TD-MDP-03 Future Leaders Programme for Support Services Staff The Future Leaders Programme aims to develop and retain outstanding and high potential staff who seek to develop their careers as future leaders in NUI Galway. Supporting the Student Research Training Aim(s): • To continue and build on the process of engagement with and collaboration between Support Service Units from the BEST programme. • To cultivate excellence in the Support Service Units by identifying and investing in emerging leaders, to position and prepare them for positions of responsibility. • To recognise leadership as a key driver of organisational performance, one of the objectives of NUI Galway’s strategic plan, in a high performing organisation. • Recognise the importance of both formal and informal methods of leadership development. • Develop leadership through action learning; understanding the key components of leadership development: self awareness, leadership style, communications, strategic thinking, negotiation, feedback, creative problem solving. • Build a cohort of future leaders, while also enhancing collegiality and networks. Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Trainers: Information Technology This programme will be facilitated by a group of experts in the areas of career development, leadership and management. Designed for: Health and Safety This programme is aimed at more experienced staff who would like a deeper understanding of leadership. Nominations will be sought from 22 Management Development for Support Services Staff Senior Managers in Support Service Units. Max 12 participants. Welcome and Information for Staff Content: • 3 one-day sessions, these sessions will be facilitated by experts in the area and contributions will be sought from relevant NUI Galway management. The sessions will aim to build on engagement and collaboration between units, whilst developing leadership capabilities. Participants will be actively encouraged to engage in dialogue about the University’s key challenge. • 5 half-day Action Learning Workshops, these workshops will focus on the practical aspects of leadership, putting the theory into practice. Participants’ at the beginning of the programme will be asked to highlight one challenging issue facing them in their own work area. The workshops will be used to assist in progressing this challenge. The workshops will cover topics such as strategic thinking, negotiations, team building, problem-solving, and giving feedback. • Career Coaching, participants will be provided with 3 sessions of oneto-one career coaching as part of the programme. Experienced career coaches will work with individual participants to build on their learning on the programme and career development goals. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 23 Quality/Customer Service Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Quality/ Customer Service Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology “Knowing is not enough; we must apply!” Goethe Health and Safety 24 Quality/Customer Service TD-QCS-01 Communication Skills Training • The running around dilemma – learn to prioritise and manage your time effectively. Designed for: Duration: A practical and interactive one-day workshop, the course is designed for all staff who work directly with the customer includes customer service, front desk, reception, administration etc. 1 day. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Overall Aim: Policies and Procedures Training The aim of this workshop is to help staff develop a greater understanding of the importance of communicating effectively with customers in a caring and assertive way in order to satisfy customers. Supporting the Student Participants will learn how customers evaluate service, the importance of body language and the necessary skills required to deal with difficult situations - especially when dealing with irate customers. Research Training Workshop Content: Management Development • The importance of customer service & effective communication to meet customer’s expectations. • How customers evaluate service - RATER (reliable, assurance, tangibles, empathy, responsive). • Exceptional service - exceed customer expectations at each stage of the service cycle. • Understand the power of body language in communication. • Apply the right attitude, show empathy, build trust and really listen to customers. • The importance of tone of voice to build confidence and control the conversation. • Understand what customer’s really want - ask the right questions to meet expectations. • The impact of poor customer service and why customers don’t complain. • Encourage and motivate feedback and complaints from customers to improve business. • Deal with the 3 types of human behaviour – assertive, aggressive and submissive. • Measure the severity of complaints to provide the appropriate response required. • Excel in service recovery management - from complaint to satisfaction. Organisation and Staff Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety 25 Career Development Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Career Development Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch Information Technology Health and Safety 26 Career Development Career Development Programme TD-CDP-01 Curriculum Vitae Preparation Aim(s): This workshop identifies the fundamental elements to CV preparation for the 21st Century Workplace. Each participant will have a clear understanding of his/her own skills and achievements and how to align them to his/her workplace environment Objective(s): Participants will learn how to prepare a quality c.v. that highlights pertinent information about skills, experience and achievements. A quality CV is critical in developing confidence in promoting your skill set. You will learn how to convey and document information that will highlight your skills and present your CV for specific positions. Designed for: This workshop is suited to those wishing to prepare an up-to-date curriculum vitae for any existing or pending opportunities that may arise. Content: • Self-Assessment. Skills, Personality and Interest Assessment. • Job Skills Checklist. • Identifying Achievements. • What is a CV? • Preparing a powerful profile and objective. • Creating Bullet Point Statements. • Samples of different CV formats. • CV draft exercise. • Preparing covering letters. • Summary Duration: ½ day. TD-CPD-02 Preparing for the Job Interview Description: Job Interviews can create a certain amount of anxiety for interviewees. Much of this anxiety can be alleviated when you understand the process of interviewing. The quality of your pre-interview research will strongly impact on the success of your interviews. This workshop will help participants to carry out pre-interview research appropriate to the position. You will learn to talk the Interviewer through your c.v., demonstrate your competencies and handle awkward questions. Aim(s): The aim of the workshop is to help you increase your understanding of the interview process and to understand the different types of interviews including competency-based interviews. If you have a thorough understanding of what the interviewers are looking for and prepare appropriately, you will significantly increase your confidence in promoting your skills and experience in the interview situation. Objective(s): Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and apply tried and tested skills in an interview situation. Careful consideration is given to assessing your unique strengths and how to get these across. A valuable part of the workshop is learning about personality and communication and how to apply this knowledge to the interview. How to prepare for the interview, researching the role, different types of interviews, how to answer standard and difficult questions will be addressed. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Content: • Understanding the Interviewing exercise. • How to prepare before the interview. • Interview formats: Structured vs. Unstructured. • Developing your Interview Skills. • Answering interview questions. • Sample questions and possible responses. • Mock interview exercises. • Interview Post-Analysis. Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Duration: ½ day. Organisation and Staff Development Welcome and Information for Staff 27 Professional Skills Training Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Professional Skills Training Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” Abraham Maslow Information Technology Health and Safety 28 Professional Skills Training TD-PST-01 TD-PST-02 Aim(s): Aim(s): It will enhance your ability to write clearly and explore the power of words. To explore, examine and implement styles, techniques and structures for reports to suit your target audience. Chairing/managing a meeting means ensuring that a meeting achieves its aims. The meeting should have been called for a specific purpose and all discussions at the meeting must be steered to this end. This may sound simple in theory but in practice it is a very demanding task. A tactful but assertive chairperson will facilitate an effective meeting. This course will assist staff by identifying the key contributory factors in managing meetings effectively. Content: Designed for: Enhancing Your Report Writing Skills Designed for: Staff who frequently produce reports. Objective(s): • The fundamentals of reports • How to write reports • Types of reports • Readership analysis • Terms of reference • The structure of a report • The key element of a report • Overcoming writer’s block • Graphic devices • Memos, letters and emails • Effective English Duration: 1 day. Chairing / Managing Committees and Meetings Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Chairpersons or Prospective Chairpersons. Research Training Content: • Establish clear objectives and outputs for your meeting • Develop a charter of expectations for meetings • Set a start and finish time for the meeting • Agenda Preparation • Distinguish between the content (the what) and the process(the how) of the meeting • Manage the different personalities at the meeting • Team work with the minute taker • Follow up Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Duration: 1 day. Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 29 Professional Skills Training TD-PST-03 Project Management Training Overview This practically oriented 4-day training programme is designed to give participants an overview of the generic processes involved in managing projects. Through a combination of instructor lead workshop sessions, an interactive learning environment is created where real issues, which arise in projects, are raised and analysed. The fundamentals of project management best practices are integrated throughout the sessions to demonstrate how the benefits of the generic processes can be used to achieve project success. Designed for: Experienced project managers, project team leaders, and those working in specialist disciplines within a project environment. This course will provide the fundamental skills required to adopt a structured approach to managing projects. Aims and Objectives: On completion participants will: • Gain an understanding of project strategies, approaches and methodologies; • Provide an approach to developing a focused project plan to manage implementation; • Develop a results driven project team; • Use the risk management process to manage project uncertainties; • Avoid conflict by establishing roles, responsibilities and communications channels; • Develop effective methods for scheduling and controlling projects; • Establish a dependable project control monitoring system. Content: Block 1 – Day 1 and 2 • Introduction (why Project Management, what is Project Management, its characteristics, people, skill sets, successes and failures), Project Management Frameworks and Processes • Integration Management Concepts and Processes • Scope Management • Scheduling / Time Management, including optimisation techniques • Cost Management Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Block 2 – Day 3 and 4 • Block 1 Recap • Estimating – a different perspective • Risk Management • HR & Project Leadership • Communications Management • Procurement & Contract Management • Final Review Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Duration and Delivery Method: The programme consists of two blocks. The duration of each block is two days. Attendance at Block 1 is a prerequisite to attending Block 2. Between blocks there is a gap of four weeks to allow some application of the techniques after the initial session. Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 30 Web Training Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Web Training Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.” Samuel Johnson Information Technology Health and Safety 31 Web Training TD-WEB-01 Web Editing – How to use the Content Management System (CMS) Course Rationale: The University uses a Content Management System (CMS) to edit Web pages. The CMS uses standard Web page templates; which make it easy to maintain Web content while also creating a consistence and familiar visual theme across the Web site. The CMS is an online editing tool for Web pages. It replaces existing tools used by organisational units, namely (MS FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver and WS-FTP). This tool allows users to quickly, safely, and easily: • Change textual content on their Web pages • Upload and insert images into editable areas of their Web pages • Manage their Web site’s side navigation bar • Edit Meta Tags (used by search engines for page ranking) • Create new Web pages Aims and Objectives: To familiarise University Web administration staff with the capabilities of the University’s CMS and to also introduce concepts of Web marketing. Designed for: TD-WEB-02 Site Manager End User Training Aims and Objectives: To familiarise Web Content Contributors and Web Section Managers with the capabilities of the University’s Public Web site Content Management System (CMS) named Site Manager. Designed for: Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Web Content Contributors of the University’s Public Web site. Web Section Managers of the University’s Public Web site. Supporting the Student Content: • Introduction to Site Manager – Rights and roles • Site Structure – Hierarchy and navigation • Content – Add content • Manage content – History and versions • Media Library – Overview • Mirror and duplicate content – How and when • Approval – When and what • Direct Edit options – Add sections and content Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Duration: Career Development ½ day. Web administrators who have completed the Web Training Course (I): Introduction to Web Editing. Professional Skills Training Prerequisites: • You are a University Web administrator • You are using the CMS to edit your Web site Web Training Content: Life Planning How to use the CMS to create and edit your Web site. Duration: Language Classes ½ day (this course will be scheduled based on demand). Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 32 Web Training TD-WEB-03 SharePoint End User Training TD-WEB-04 Clear Concise Writing for the Web Aims and Objectives: Description: To familiarise University Staff with the capabilities of SharePoint to access and publish documents and information. Attendees will learn to use a SharePoint site, uploading and downloading files, contribute to Lists and Libraries within the site, and publish Web pages. The workshop looks at the web as a communication medium, and the process of planning and writing website content. The session will address three important topics in writing for the web, or other online media. It will include exercises and examples to illustrate the central themes. Designed for: Designed for: All University staff using SharePoint to edit and manage both unit intranet sites and team sites Staff who contribute to University websites.. Content: 1. Audience analysis: • Who is the site for? • How does this influence other choices? • Overview of SharePoint • Capabilities of SharePoint • Collaboration Experience • What is a SharePoint site • Working with Lists, Libraries & Views • Managing Lists • Publish Web pages • My Sites Duration: ½ day. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Content: Research Training 2. Language usage: • Tone, level of formality, register, word choices, genres • Shortening the text: active voice, brevity, completeness • Writing links: clarity, position • Scannability: lists, headings, titles, highlighting Management Development Quality/Customer Service 3. Information design: • White space • Colour • Graphics • Typography • Consistency Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Duration: ½ day. Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 33 Life Planning Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Life Planning Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.” Douglas Adams Information Technology Health and Safety 34 Life Planning TD-LP-01 Retirement Planning TD-LP-02 Mid-Career Life Planning Objective(s): Objective(s): Retirement is one of life’s major changes and every major life change brings its gains and losses. This course will minimise the losses and help capitalise on the gains. It will explore the things that will change and provide knowledge necessary to ensure that the change is positive. The course gives guidance in planning for, and dealing with, the social and operational changes in the workplace. Also addressed are the financial issues that the individual will face i.e. taxation, pensions, insurance, loans, mortgages etc. Designed for: Designed for: Staff who are approaching retirement age. This course is designed specifically for those in mid career. Content: Content: The course will cover: • Health and Diet • Budgeting • Legal and Taxation matters • Security • Money matters • Social Welfare Entitlements • Activities The workshop is composed of individual modules, which address such key issues as: • Life Changes • Health • Taxation & Investments • Legal Matters • Pension Planning Duration: 1 day. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Duration: Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development 1 day. Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 35 Language Classes Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Language Classes Web Training Life Planning Language Classes “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. ” Albert Einstein Information Technology Health and Safety 36 Language Classes Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, Institiúid lán-Ghaeilge de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway’s pioneering Irish medium Institute. This course is suitable for those who wish to gain further knowledge of the language. Applications will be accepted from those who have prior knowledge of the language (gained through the Irish Education System, for example). Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation 3. Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge (Leibhéal A2)/Diploma in Irish (Level A2) TD-LC-01 Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge/Diploma in Irish Tá Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge ag tairiscint an Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge ag leibhéil éagsúla do mhic léinn agus d’fhoireann uile na hOllscoile. Tá na Dioplómaí á dtairiscint ag leibhéal 6 agus 7 d’Údarás Náisiúnta Cáilíochtaí na hÉireann (NQAI). Seo a leanas na leibhéil éagsúla atá á dtairiscint: Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge is now offering the Diploma in Irish at various levels to all students and staff within the National University of Ireland, Galway. The Diplomas correspond to level 6 and 7 of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI). The following are the various levels available: 1. Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge ( Leibhéal C1) Riachtanas iontrala: Beidh an cúrsa seo oiriúnach do dhaoine a bhfuil caighdeán maith Gaeilge acu. Fáilteofar roimh iarratais ó dhaoine a bhfuil leibhéal pas bainte amach acu i scrúdú ardleibhéal Gaeilge na hArdteistiméareachta agus/nó a shásaíonn Coiste an Dioplóma go bhfuil caighdeán sásúil bainte amach acu i labhairt agus i scríobh na Gaeilge 2. Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge (Leibhéal B2) /Diploma in Irish (Level B2) Riachtanas iontrala/Entry Requirements: Beidh an cúrsa seo oiriúnach do dhaoine ar spéis leo cur lena gcuid eolais ar an teanga. Fáilteofar roimh iarratais ó dhaoine a bhfuil eolas áirithe acu ar an teanga cheana féin (de bharr a dtréimhse scolaíochta in Éirinn, mar shampla). Organisation and Staff Development Riachtanas iontrala/Entry Requirements: Policies and Procedures Training Fáilteofar roimh iarratais ó dhaoine ar spéis leo buneolas a chur ar an teanga. Níl aon riachtanais iontrála don chúrsa seo. Supporting the Student Applications will be accepted from those who are interested in gaining a basic knowledge of the language. There is no entry requirement for this course. Research Training Teagmháil / Contact Management Development Áras na Gaeilge, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh. Folíne/Extension 5248 Fón/Phone + 353 91 495248 Quality/Customer Service Career Development TD-LC-02 Ranganna Comhrá /Conversational Classes Tá Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge ag tairiscint ranganna Gaeilge d’fhoireann uile na hOllscoile i rith na bliana acadúla 2011 – 2012. Beidh ranganna comhrá Gaeilge á dtairiscint ag gach uile leibhéal ó bhunranganna go hardranganna. Tá sé i gceist caighdeán Gaeilge na n-iarrthóirí a mheas trí Thriail Socrúcháin Teanga lena chinntiú go mbeidh an caighdeán céanna sna ranganna éagsúla. Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge are offering Irish classes to all University staff during the Academic year 2011 – 2012. Classes will be provided for all levels from beginners to advanced. To ensure that the classes meet the needs of participants, applicants will be invited to do a Placement Test to help us assess their level of fluency and to allocate them to the appropriate class. 37 Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Language Classes Aidhmeanna: • Meon dearfach i leith na Gaeilge a chothú i measc na n-iarrthóirí a rachaidh i bhfeidhm ar a n-iompar agus nósmhaireacht teanga i suíomh dátheangach • Go dtiocfadh feabhas agus forbairt ar chumas na n-iarrthóirí cumarsáid a dhéanamh trí mheán na Gaeilge Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Aims: • To encourage a positive outlook towards the language and to promote a better understanding of language usage in a bilingual environment • To improve and develop the applicants’ ability to communicate through the medium of Irish Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Ábhar an Chúrsa: Research Training Beidh an-bhéim orthu seo a leanas: • Gnáth-chumarsáid laethúil • Úsáid na Gaeilge san ionad oibre • cur chuige machnamhach agus forbairt straitéisí foghlama teanga Management Development Quality/Customer Service Emphasis will be placed on: • Everyday oral communication • The use of Irish in the workplace • Reflective language learning and the development of learning strategies Career Development Teagmháil / Contact: Professional Skills Training Tá an t-eolas a bhaineann le Ranganna Comhrá ceart ach cuir an píosa seo a leanas isteach ag a dheireadh. Web Training Peigí Ní Oibicin Folíne / Extension 3616 Fón / Phone +353 91 493616 Áras na Gaeilge, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh. Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 38 Information Technology Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Information Technology Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology “The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ” Alan Kay Health and Safety 39 Information Technology Information Technology There is an extensive range of IT training courses available, these are offered at three levels, introductory, intermediate and advanced, to NUI Galway staff. The provision of this training at the appropriate level is determined through the completion of a pre-training evaluation form which helps ascertain the training requirement and level of the individual. Office Applications Microsoft Word, Excel Access, PowerPoint Microsoft Outlook, Project, Visio Internet Desktop Publishing Publisher Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, QuarkXPress The Staff Training and Development Unit will: • Issue a pre-training evaluation form to ascertain the individual’s training requirement and level prior to confirming a place on a training course. • Provide a comprehensive training manual to those attending IT training. • If required, customise the IT training to meet the specific requirements of those attending. TD-IT-01 Agresso Training (Introductory) Welcome and Information for Staff Designed for: Complete beginners Induction and Orientation Content: • The log-on process • Standard templates for looking up information • Learning how to check what funds are left in your budget Policies and Procedures Training Presenter(s): Supporting the Student Management Accounts Office. Duration: 1½ hours. Research Training To register, please contact Oifig na gCuntas on Ext. 2184 or e-mail: Management Development TD-IT-02 Quality/Customer Service Agresso Training (Web Ordering) Designed for: Career Development Staff responsible for ordering goods/services and nominees/budget holders responsible for approving orders.. Professional Skills Training Content: • Web requisition entry • Limits and the approval process • Generating goods received notes Web Training Duration: Life Planning 1 hour session (times vary). To register, please contact Oifig na gCuntas on Ext. 2184 or e-mail: Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 40 Health and Safety Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training “Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.” Confucius Organisation and Staff Development Life Planning Health and Safety Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety 41 Health and Safety Health and Safety NUI Galway as the employer must “provide the necessary information, training and supervision” to employees who in turn must “attend such training to ensure their safety, health and welfare at work” (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005). *All safety training (core and specialised) is scheduled on the basis of staff needs, therefore it is very important that each Unit complete and return the Safety Training Needs Assessment form detailing their Unit safety training needs to the Health and Safety office annually. Induction and Orientation The purpose of safety training is to ensure that all employees are informed and capable in the safety aspects of their work. Policies and Procedures Training A Safety Training Needs Assessment is issued annually from the Health and Safety office to each Head of Unit to complete in respect of the safety training needs of the Unit. The Safety Training Needs Assessment is available to download on the Health and Safety office homepage at Supporting the Student Research Training The health and safety training courses are sub-divided into: Management Development 1. Core Health and Safety (CHS) Training courses – standard courses that apply to most Units and staff members, and are categorised as follows: 1.First Aid 2.Fire Safety 3.Manual Handling/Ergonomics 4.Safe Pass 5.Health and Safety Legal Briefings 6.Safety Statements/Risk Assessments Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training 2. Specialist Health and Safety (SHS) Training courses where there is a specific risk to a Unit or work being carried out in the Unit; in this case, the safety training is more specialised. For specialised training courses, please contact the Health and Safety office before completing the Safety Training Needs Assessment form. Web Training Life Planning The Specialised Health and Safety Training courses are categorised as follows: 1. Laboratory 2. Maintenance and Workshop 3. Occupational Care 4. First Aid (specialist) 5. Manual Handling (specialist) 6. Radiation Safety Talk Organisation and Staff Development Welcome and Information for Staff Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety 42 Health and Safety Core Health and Safety Training Courses (Organised by Organisation and Staff Development) Standard courses that apply to most Units and staff members. 1. First Aid CHS-FA-01 Occupational First Aid, Initial Training CHS-FA-02 First Aid Refresher Training This training is to ensure that NUI Galway Occupational First Aiders are updated and recertified in their training as required by the HSA and OFAAA. A review of the Occupational First Aid Initial Training. This course is designed to provide the learner with the knowledge, practical skills and understanding required to provide and coordinate first aid in the workplace in compliance with the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 and the associated Guide to these Regulations. This course is FETAC Approved at Level 5. Designed for: In accordance with FETAC requirements, includes: • Accident Assessment • Scene Management • Primary Survey • First Aid Instruction • Reporting a first aid incident/accident and other NUI Galway policies and procedures Designed for: All staff. Induction and Orientation Content: Aims & Objectives: Content: Welcome and Information for Staff Aim: Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Occupational First Aiders Prerequisites: Occupational First Aid Initial Training. Research Training Duration: 1½ Days Management Development Assessment: Short assessment. Quality/Customer Service Certification: Yes. Career Development Retraining: First Aiders are required to complete a one day refresher course every two years, within three months of it being due, i.e. must be completed within 24 – 27 months. Professional Skills Training Web Training Prerequisites: None. Life Planning Duration: 1 day. Language Classes Assessment: Practial and short written assessment. Information Technology Certification: Valid for 2 years. Health and Safety Retraining: Every 2 years. Organisation and Staff Development 43 Health and Safety CHS-FA-03 AED/Defibrillator Refresher Training Aims & Objectives: To ensure that AED/Defibrillator responders are updated in their CPR skills and the use of an AED. Designed for: Occupational First Aiders. CHS-FA-04 Fieldwork First Aid Training/(REC3) – Rescue Emergency Care Aim: To ensure that relevant staff are trained and competent in the provision of first aid while carrying out fieldwork. Content: Duration: Prescribed Rescue and Emergency Care (REC) Level 3 Syllabus; Accident scene management, bleeding & shock, breathing difficulties, choking & CPR, fractures, sprains & dislocations, unconsciousness & head injuries, spinal injuries, triage, casualty handing and packaging, environmental problems and burns & scalds. Also covers FETAC Level 5 Occupational First Aid syllabus. 2 Hours. Designed for: Retraining: Staff engaged in fieldwork. Every eight months. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Occupational First Aid Initial Training Course. Content: CPR Skills, Use of AED, Updates, Q&A Session. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service REC2 Duration: Career Development 3 Days. Assessment: Professional Skills Training Short assessment. Certification: Rescue and Emergency Care (REC) Level 3 Certification & FETAC Level 5, Occupational First Aid. Retraining: Web Training Life Planning Every 2 years. Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 44 Health and Safety 2. Fire Safety CHS-FS-01 Fire Marshal Training Aim: To ensure that nominated fire marshals are briefed in their role so that they can assist in the effective evacuation of unit without risk to their own safety. Content: Definition of the role and duties of a fire marshal, local fire practices and procedures, organisation and practical aspects. Designed for: Nominated fire marshals. Prerequisites: None. Duration: ½ day. Assessment: None. Certification: No. Retraining: CHS-FS-02 Fire Safety Training Welcome and Information for Staff Aim: To ensure that all NUI Galway staff are aware of the University’s emergency practices and procedures and are prepared to respond and act appropriately in the event of an emergency. Induction and Orientation Content: Policies and Procedures Training Fire Prevention, fire procedures, emergency evacuation, the role of staff, practical training (weather permitting). Supporting the Student Designed for: All staff. Prerequisites: Research Training None. Management Development Duration: ½ day. Quality/Customer Service Assessment: None. Career Development Certification: No. Retraining: Professional Skills Training Every 3 years. Every 3 years. Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 45 Health and Safety 3. Manual Handling/Ergonomic CHS-MH-01 Manual Handling Training Aim: To train staff, engaged with loads at work, on the theory and techniques of safe manual handling for their particular activities and environment. Content: Introduction and Legislation, Theory of handling, Best Practice, Work environment practice and Revision. Designed for: All staff engaged in manual handling at work. Prerequisites: None. Duration: ½ day. Assessment: Short Assessment. Certification: No. Retraining: CHS-MH-02 VDU/Workstation Assessor Training Welcome and Information for Staff (refresher training also available) Aim: To train NUI Galway staff to assess and perform ergonomic evaluations of VDU/workstations in their own area. Content: Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Legislation, Ergonomics, Postural implications of a workstation layout. Designed for: Supporting the Student Nominated VDU/Workstation Assessors. Prerequisites: None. Research Training Duration: Management Development 1 day. Assessment: Quality/Customer Service Short Assessment. Certification: No. Career Development Retraining: Every 3 years. Professional Skills Training Every 3 years, or more frequent if relevant changes in handling tasks. Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 46 Health and Safety 4. Safe Pass 5. Health and Safety Legal Briefings CHS-SP-01 CHS-LB-01 Safe Pass Aims & Objectives: Aims & Objectives: To ensure that all workers involved in construction/maintenance have a basic knowledge of health and safety and are able to work on-site without being a risk to themselves or others (requirement of the Safety, Health and Welfare at work (construction) Regs 2006. This talk is aimed at managers to clarify their legal responsibilities and to help maintain Health and Safety standards. Content: Promoting a Safety Culture, Duties and Responsibilities at Work, Accident Reporting and Prevention, Working at Heights, Excavations and Confined Spaces, Working with Electricity Underground and Overhead Services, Personal Protective Equipment, Use of Hand Held Equipment, Tools and Machinery, Safe Use of Vehicles, Noise and Vibration, Manual Handling and Health and Hygiene. Designed for: Buildings and Maintenance staff or staff who in the course of their work are required to visit a building site. Prerequisites: Welcome and Information for Staff Health and Safety Legal Briefing Induction and Orientation Contents: A comprehensive overview of safety and health law and the specific duties of University Heads in ensuring compliance. Designed for: Heads of Colleges, Schools, Support Services and Research Institutes. Safety Co-ordinators are also invited to attend so that they will be familiar with the role of Heads (they will be assisting in discharging element of these duties but accountability cannot be delegated to them). Prerequisites: None. Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Duration: 2 hours. Career Development None. Professional Skills Training Duration: 1 day. Retraining: Web Training Every 4 years. Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 47 Health and Safety 6. Risk Assessments/Safety Statements CHS-SS-01 How to conduct a Risk Assessment Aims & Objectives: To enable participants to identify and analyse hazards and associated consequences, determine and evaluate associated risks, identify appropriate controls and carry out a practical risk assessment. Content: Legislation, Risk assessment process and techniques, Development of risk assessment strategies, Review of current risk assessment processes and procedures. CHS-SS-02 Safety Statement Preparation Workshop Welcome and Information for Staff Aims & Objectives: To enable staff to perform a systematic risk assessment and accordingly prepare a safety statement. Induction and Orientation A safety statement is a ‘live’ document that all staff are aware of and which is implemented at all levels and integrated into on-going activities and communicated to everyone in the workplace. Content: Relevant staff. Identification of significant workplace hazards and risks, Evaluation of the nature and extent of the risk, Recommendation of practical control measures designed to control risk, Provision of advice on health and safety policies and procedures, Review of your Prerequisites: Designed for: None. Relevant staff. Duration: Prerequisites: 1 Day. None. Designed for: Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Duration: ½ day. Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 48 Health and Safety Specialist Health and Safety Courses (Organised by the Health and Safety Office) Specialist Training courses where there is a specific risk to a Unit or work being carried out in the Unit; in this case, the safety training is more specialised. For specialised training courses, please contact the Health and Safety office before completing the Safety Training Needs Assessment form. 1. Laboratory SHS-LAB-01 Autoclave Safety Aims & Objectives: SHS-LAB-02 Biological Agents Safety Welcome and Information for Staff Aims & Objectives: To inform on safety issues when handling biological agents. Content: Risk assessments, Pathogenic micro-organisms, Cell cultures, Transport of biological materials & Bio-Security Designed for: Relevant staff. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Prerequisites: None. To inform on the mechanisms of action, applications and the safe use of laboratory autoclaves. Duration: Content: Assessment: Autoclave design and operation, safety procedures, maintenance, autoclave housekeeping & trouble-shooting. No. Certification: Designed for: No. Research Training ½ day. Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Relevant staff. Prerequisites: Professional Skills Training None. Duration: ½ day. Web Training Retraining: Every 3 years. Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 49 Health and Safety SHS-LAB-03 GM Safety SHS-LAB-04 Chemical Safety Aims & Objectives: Aims & Objectives: To inform users of genetically modified organisms of the risks associated with their handling and how best to reduce these risks. This course is excellent preparation for an EPA inspection. To inform relevant staff on the safe use and practices while working with chemicals. Content: GM regulation, planning experiments and risk assessment, classification of GMs, containment levels, tools of the trade, worked examples and roundtable discussions on risk assessments. Designed for: Laboratory staff and GM Licensees who are working with GMMs or GMOs. Assessment: Short Assessment Prerequisites: Content: Introduction to chemical safety legislation, hazards, best practices, Safety Data Sheets, storage, signage, labelling, waste disposal & practical aspects. Designed for: Supporting the Student Research Training Prerequisites: None. Management Development Duration: ½ day. Duration: This session is a follow on session to Session 1. Every 3 years. Policies and Procedures Training Laboratory staff. Session 2: Specialist Chemical Safety/The Management of Chemicals Retraining: Induction and Orientation Session 1: Fundamentals of Chemical Safety None. ½ day. Welcome and Information for Staff Quality/Customer Service Career Development Content: • Emergency procedures • Risk Assessments • Carcinogens • Accident investigation • Incident Reporting • Waste Disposal and general management Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Designed for: Laboratory Management and staff. Language Classes Prerequisite: Attendance at Session 1: Fundamentals of Chemical Safety. Information Technology Duration: ½ day. Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 50 Health and Safety SHS-LAB-05 Confined Space Safety SHS-LAB-07 Handling Compressed Gases Aims & Objectives: Aims & Objectives: To ensure that all NUI Galway Staff potentitally working in a confined space are aware of the hazards, the required preventative measures and emergency procedures. This workshop is designed for lecturers, managers, supervisors, technicians and post-graduate students who either already use or supervise personnel working with compressed cylinder gases and associated equipment in a laboratory environment Content: Confined Space Regulations, Special risks and their locations, Preventative Measures, Relevant Equipment (PPE, Monitoring Equipment etc.) & Emergency Procedures. Designed for: Relevant staff. Prerequisites: None. Duration: ½ day. SHS-LAB-06 Fume Cupboard Safety Aims & Objectives: Gas Properties, Identification of Gas Cylinders, Oxygen deficiency and enrichment, Handling and storage of gas cylinders, Piped systems, Emergency procedures, Checking regulators and leak testing, Personal Protective Equipment, Detailed and in-depth practical session on cylinders and their safe use and handling. Research Training Management Development Laboratory and Maintenance staff. Prerequisites: Quality/Customer Service For the practical session, appropriate PPE including protective footwear, suitable hand protection and safety glasses or goggles. Career Development Assessment: Short assessment. Content: Retraining: Types of fume cupboards, sitting, correct use, testing and maintenance. Every 3 years. Designed for: Supporting the Student Designed for: Duration: Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Content: To inform on the types and applications of fume cupboards and their safe use. Welcome and Information for Staff Professional Skills Training ½ day. Web Training Life Planning Laboratory staff. Prerequisites: Language Classes None. Duration: Information Technology ½ day. Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 51 Health and Safety SHS-LAB-08 Liquid Nitrogen/Cryogenics Workshop Designed for: Laboratory Managers and Staff. Aims & Objectives: Prerequisites: To ensure that staff using cryogenic gases and processes, principally liquid nitrogen, are adequately trained to ensure that the hazards are reduced to as low a level as is reasonably possible. None. Content: Cryogenics Safety, Operational Training, Maintenance, Importance of Inspections and Records, Oxygen Deficiency, Emergency Procedures. Designed for: Laboratory staff. Prerequisites: Mandatory PPE, including lab coat, suitable eye and face protection, suitable protective footwear i.e. with steel toe-caps. 1/2 day. Assessment: Retraining: SHS-LAB-10 Research Training Micro/Biological Safety Cabinets Management Development Aims & Objectives: Content: Every 3 years. Supporting the Student Every 3 years. ½ day. Retraining: Policies and Procedures Training Yes. To inform on the correct selection, siting and use of MSC’s. Short Assessment. Induction and Orientation Duration: Duration: Assessment: Welcome and Information for Staff Quality/Customer Service • Types and application of MSC • Installation issues • Maintenance programmes • Disinfection issues and housekeeping Career Development Professional Skills Training Designed for: SHS-LAB-09 Management of Biological Laboratories Relevant staff Prerequisites: Aim & Objectives: None. To equip managers of biological laboratories with the knowledge and skills to ensure a safe working environment for all laboratory staff. Duration: Content: • Classification of Biological agents • Risk Assessment • Containment Methodologies • Laboratory organisation • Health surveillance issues and records • Waste and disinfection strategies • Laboratory design exercises Organisation and Staff Development Web Training Life Planning 1/2 day. Assessment: Language Classes Short assessment. Retraining: Information Technology Every 3 years. Health and Safety 52 Health and Safety SHS-LAB-11 Microscope Safety Aims & Objectives: To improve knowledge and understanding on the risk posed by laboratory microscopes. Content: • Fundamentals of microscopy • Tupes of commonly use microscopes • Ergonomics and proper set-up - musculoskeletal disorders, eye strain • Environment issues - lamp usage and safety • Microscope maintenance (Electrical and Chemical safety) Designed for: Staff using microscopes. Duration: 60/90 minute session. 2. Maintenance and Workshop Safety SHS-MWS-01 Welcome and Information for Staff Abrasive Wheel Safety Aims & Objectives: Induction and Orientation To ensure that all NUI Galway staff using abrasive wheels at work are trained and competent in their safe use and maintenance. Policies and Procedures Training Content: Abrasive wheel Regulations, Hazards of abrasive wheels, Machine guarding and other safety devices, Equipment maintenance and Relevant documentation. Supporting the Student Designed for: Research Training Staff using abrasive wheels, and their managers. Prerequisites: Management Development None. Duration: Quality/Customer Service ½ day. SHS-MWS-02 Career Development Asbestos Awareness Safety Aims & Objectives: Professional Skills Training To provide appropriate training and adequate information for all employees who are, or are likely to be exposed to asbestos dust in the course of their work. The training will cover the knowledge and skills set out in Regulation 17(2) of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Exposure to Asbestos) Regulations, 2006. Web Training Life Planning Content: Legislation, Best Practice and Safe Procedures. Language Classes Designed for: Maintenance/Technical Staff and others who may be exposed to asbestos in the course of their work. Information Technology Prerequisites: None. Health and Safety Duration: 1 hour. Organisation and Staff Development 53 Health and Safety SHS-MWS-03 Electrical Awareness Safety SHS-MWS-04 PAT Testing – Information Session and Practical Workshop Aims & Objectives: Aims & Objectives: To inform on the hazards of electricity in the workplace and best practice and safety procedures. The Information Session objective is to ensure that portable and transportable electricial equipment is maintained in a safe condition and avoid any hazard to person’s or property. A practical workshop follows the information session. Content: The nature of electricity, legislation, how electricity can injure, protection against contact, risk assessment, best practice and procedures. Content: Designed for: Information Session Relevant staff. Legislation, Principles of Electricity, Classification of Equipment, Description of Testing Procedures, Leads, Labeling and Recording. Prerequisites: None. Duration: ½ day. Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Practical Workshop Visual inspections of electrical devices, using PAT Testers on portable electrical appliances, data management and inventory control. Management Development Designed for: Relevant staff. Quality/Customer Service Prerequisites: None. Career Development Duration: 1 day. Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Information Technology Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 54 Health and Safety 3. Occupational Care 4. Manual Handling/Ergonomics (Specialist) SHS-OC-01 SHS-MH-01 Back Care Aims & Objectives: Aim: To provide staff with an introduction to the prevention of back injuries at work and the general management of back problems where they occur. To train nominated staff in the techniques and safe use of an evacuation chair. Content: Content: • Anatomy • Prevention of back problems • Practical problems and their management • Exercises • Q&A session The features of the Evacuation Chair, Practical Use, Demonstration and Practice Sessions. Designed for: All staff Prerequisite: None Duration: 2 hour session SHS-0C-02 Voice Care Welcome and Information for Staff Use of Evacuation Chairs Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Designed for: All staff and/or specifically nominated staff who may be required to assist in an evacuation. Research Training Prerequisites: Management Development None. Duration: Quality/Customer Service ½ day. Assessment: Career Development None. Certification: Professional Skills Training No. Aims & Objectives: Retraining: To provide guidance on the prevention of voice care problems. Every 3 years. Web Training Content: • Voice care issues in teaching • prevention measures • Exercises • Q&A session Life Planning Language Classes Designed for: Information Technology Relevant staff. Prerequisite: None. Health and Safety Duration: 2 hour session. Organisation and Staff Development 55 Health and Safety SHS-MH-02 People-Handling Training Aim: To train staff, engaged in handling people at work, e.g. as part of using EVAC chairs, in the theory and techniques of safe people handling for their particular applications. Content: • Introduction and Legislation • Theory of handling, • Best Practice • Work environment practice and Revision (in accordance with FETAC Level 6 standard) 5. First Aid (Specialist) SHS-FA-01 Aim: To provide first aid training for occupational first aiders working in environments with specialist first aid issues (as set out by the Health and Safety authority - certain toxic substances, corrosive or oxidisng substances, or hazardous substances). Units with such risk have been identified as part of the occupational first aid risk assessment completed in 2010/11. Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Content: All staff engaged in people handling at work. • The purpose of specialist first aid • First aid situations and their management, resources • Review and Q&A session Prerequisites: Designed for: None. Existing occupational first aiders in Units with these risks. Duration: Prerequisites: 1 day. Current Occupational First Aid training. Assessment: Duration: Short practical Assessment. ½ day. Certification: Assessment: No. Short practical and written assessment. Retraining: Retraining: Every 3 years. Every 2 years. Designed for: Welcome and Information for Staff Specialist First Aid Training Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning 6. Radiation Safety Language Classes Contact the University’s Radiation Protection Officer. Information Technology For further details, please refer to the Radiation Safety Website: Health and Safety Organisation and Staff Development 56 Welcome and Information for Staff Induction and Orientation Policies and Procedures Training Supporting the Student Research Training Management Development Quality/Customer Service Career Development Professional Skills Training Web Training Life Planning Language Classes Organisation and Staff Development Forbairt na hEagraíochta agus na gComhaltaí Foirne T +353 91 492 812 / 91 495 800/ 91 493 649 Organisation and Staff Development Information Technology Health and Safety 57