Advanced Materials Research Vol. 689 (2013) pp 180-183 Online available since 2013/May/14 at © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/ Importance of a View Window in Rating Green Office Buildings Yakubu Aminu Dodo1, a, Mohd Zin Kandar2, b, Dilshan Remaz Ossen3, c, Jibril Dan’azimi Jibril4, d, Aisha Haladu Bornoma5, e and Alkali Ibrahim Abubakar6, f 123&6 4 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor Malaysia. Centre for Real Estate Studies, Faculty of Geo-information & Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor Malaysia. 5 Department of Architecture, School of Environmental Science, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, P.M.B. 2076 Yola, Nigeria. a,,, d,, Keywords: Green rating; Office buildings; Sustainability; View window; Window Abstract. The essence of a view window (VW) in an office building is not only to bring an optimal balance between daylight and electric light, but also for psychological and health purpose. VW does not only allow the admittance of light and views, but indirectly affects the productivity and psychological wellbeing of office occupants; it has a link to the sustainability in both conventional and green buildings. This paper defines the function of a view window as it relates to green office building. Through literature review and an experiment conducted in room 432-01 located at B11 Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The function of VW in a green office building is highlighted; and the findings show that a VW would enhance sustainability in an office setting and has a dimension greater than 750mm above a finish floor level and less or equal to 2300mm above a finish floor level and with a wall to window ratio (WWR) of 25% to 40%. Introduction Window openings are associated with several thermal and visual liabilities. Window preference is based on; function, ventilation, light, vision, sound, psychological and health purpose and may add psychological and economic value to an office building [1]. In an office environment, diffuse daylight, direct daylight entrance, and a view to the outside environment are three fundamental functions of a window [2]. Several parameters from the built environment have an impact on the path of daylight and the view to outside [3, 4, 5 & 6]. It can be distinguished between permanent parameters and dynamic parameters. The view out of a window contributes to the perceptual performance and this has been established in several scientific studies [7, 4 & 8]. People like to sit near a window and find it pleasant to look outside [9]. The acceptability of a view is mainly related to the view type [10], view quality [11] size and shape of window [13] and position of window [14]. The amount of daylight in a room at any time of the day and the year depends on the orientation of the window and the geographical position on Earth. Orientation of the window plays a significant role for diffused daylight, sunlight and partly in view out. The orientation of a window can play a critical role in determining the balance between desirable and undesirable thermal effects [5]. Façade design. The amount and distribution of daylight in the space depends on; the facade design, position and size of the windows. Similarly, amount of daylight and view out through a window opening depends on the size of a window [4]. The window position is an important factor for the daylight distribution, amount of diffuse and direct daylight into the space, and the type of view [15]. All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of TTP, (ID:, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia-30/03/14,05:14:25) Advanced Materials Research Vol. 689 181 Window sizes and height. [13, 16], tried to investigate People preferences for view and window sizes that leads to an optimum occupant’s satisfaction. The result shows that window distance and height affected the subject’s judgements of acceptable size and satisfaction. Method The study was conducted through literature review, case studies and an experimental study of a single occupant office room . After an extensive literature review, case studies of; a conventional building, a retrofitted building as well as a green office building all located in Malaysia were conducted. This was followed by an experimental study in room 432-01 located at B11 Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The amount of lux received at various task areas were measured with regard to the VW. An illuminance level of (300 to 400) lux was set as the bench mark for determining the amount of daylit in each task area. Occupants were asked to determine which part they would prefer to sit in the office in reference to the VW. \ Fig.1. Rule of thumb for Fig.2. Plan of the experimental Fig.3. Axonometric view of the penetration of daylight study to determine seating plan of the experimental study from a VW preference in relationship to a VW (Fig. 1) shows the daylight zone, source; [12], while (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) shows the experimental study carried out in office room 432-01 for a single occupant measured 2900mm by 4400mm by 3200mm located at B11, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: to determine occupant’s perception on choice to seat in a location in relationship to a VW as a source of daylight and view. Using the rule of thumb as shown in (Fig. 1) the VW height was determine as 1500mm multiply by (d) the height of the VW from the finished floor level which was 2100mm and the result is 3150mm from the VW would be the day lighted zone. Result and Discussion Views are measured by drawing a line of sight from a location in the building to any exterior windows; if the line of sight to the exterior window is unbroken, that location has a view. The line of sight must be drawn at the appropriate height for occupants; for instance, typical office workers or students are usually sitting, with eye level assumed to be 42" (1100mm) above finished floor level. In order to be considered a view, the window must provide a reasonable vantage point outside the building. From (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3), there is the tendency that occupants sat close to the view window due to higher lux level recorded within the VW zone as the distance from the view window to the task area increase the availability of daylight decrease. Most of the occupants prefer to sit near the VW, which is the window located opposite the door in (Fig. 2). The size of a window determines how much light comes into a room, but the position and shape of a window decides the 182 Green Building Technologies and Materials II light distribution in a room and which part of the external environment can be seen (ground, landscape, and/or the sky). An opening in the upper part of the facade provides deep daylight entrance into the space. The spatial daylight distribution is also better when the window is placed in the upper part of the wall. However, a window positioned at the bottom or middle part of the façade provides a lower daylight level, but creates a better line of sight to view outside. Defining a view window. One rule of thumb considers VWs ("vision glazing") to be any glazing above 30" (750mm) and below 90" (2300mm) from the finished floor in a room. Skylights and very high windows don’t count and the WWR should be around 25% to 40%. Skylight and very high windows do not count in defining a VW as exemplified in (Fig. 4). Fig.4. Diagrammatical representation of the definition of a VW in a room setting Furthermore, other findings demonstrate the importance of lighting quality for productivity. Given that costs for people’s salaries and benefits are typically 100 times a building’s energy costs, even a small gain in productivity can be the equivalent of paying the energy bill several times over [17]. Summary Sitting close to a VW can be psychologically and physiologically beneficial, especially if the view contains natural features [3]. Visual contact with nature through windows reduced employees’ stress and promotes their quality of life by providing them with restorative experiences. In addition, rating green office buildings be it new constructions or retrofitting existing ones, the choice of appropriate view window would enhance sustainability as the right size of opening would be designed. The required amount of lux level occupants in an office space required to perform various tasks would be generated and a healthy and comfortable environment that saves energy would be achieve base on a region required amount of lux level. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the International Doctorial Fellowship (IDF) UTM and The Educational Trust Fund (ETF) Nigeria for contributing to this research. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 689 183 References [1] K. M. J. farley and J. A. Veitch, “A room with a view: a review of the effects of windows on work and Well-being,” IRC 136, 2001. [2] J. H. 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Green Building Technologies and Materials II 10.4028/ Importance of a View Window in Rating Green Office Buildings 10.4028/