The Design Process Lecture 23 Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD

Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The Design Process
Lecture 23
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 1
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The Design Process
Overview of the process
Design versus other aspects of engineering
Steps in the design process
Communication skills
References: BTG, Chapter 14
Section 1.2.2, Tools and Tactics of Design,
Dominick, et al, Wiley, 2001
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 2
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The Design Process
• “Design is the most
creative part of the total
engineering process.”
• Engineers will typically
engage in a variety of
activities in their careers.
Autumn Quarter
• They may include:
– Research
– Development
– Testing
– Manufacturing
– Technical Service
– Construction
– Sales
– Management
– Design
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 3
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
Engineering Design
• Engineering design
– sometimes is the creation of an original
– typically is the refinement or modification of an
REF: Technical Graphics,p664
existing product
Engineering Activities
Design 25%
Development 10%
Research 10%
Management 8%
Sales 10%
Technical Service 12%
Construction 10%
Manufacturing 15%
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 4
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The Design Process
• Starts with recognition of the need for the
• Both design and redesign require knowledge of
the intended use of the product, plus information
on the
– Market
– Technical data
– Materials and production
• For any product design you are part of a team !
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 5
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The steps in the design process.
• Determine the need
– Starts with recognition of a need
– Sketching of the solution (product) is very
useful during this step.
• Establish Known Information
– Includes gathering information on aspects of
the products such as possible materials,
market analysis, ability to manufacture, cost to
manufacture, etc.
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 6
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The steps (continued)
• Stimulate Design Concepts
– Consider the various aspects in the
manufacture of the product such as material,
shape, etc.
• Investigate Design Concepts with Analytical Tools
– Use modern methods and tools to analyze
design alternatives.
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 7
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
The steps (continued)
• Gather all information and review
– Gather together all information and design
alternatives and review so that decisions can
be made.
• Test the design that appears best.
• Accept, Modify, or Reject
• Optimize the design by iteration
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 8
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
Design in the today environment
• Engineering design has undergone significant
change when compared to 20 years ago.
• Teamwork is paramount in the modern workplace.
• Computer applications for analysis of a design
are essential.
• Other major concerns in the modern design
– Safety and environmental protection
– Product reliability
– Engineering Ethics
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 9
Engineering H191 - Drafting / CAD
Technical communications
• As engineers work as a part of a team,
communication skills are very important
• In the engineering field, one is rarely judged on
the quality of ones technical work alone. The
ability to communicate your ideas and what you
have done is crucial.
• Good communication skills (both oral and
written) take practice
– This include skills such as writing, sketching,
using CAD tools, etc.
– Giving presentations
Autumn Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 23
P. 10