History Timetable Final Year 2015/16 Semester 1 Seminars (10 ects. Continuous Assessment) Module No Title Lecturer HI3115 Poverty, Crime and Institutions, Europe 1780-1914 Caitríona Clear HI571 Law & Society in Early Medieval Ireland, c. AD500 - c. AD 800 Dáibhí Ó Cróinín Aristocratic Women in Medieval Society Kimberly LoPrete Vichy France Gearóid Barry Children & the State in Ireland, 1838-2011 Sarah Ann Buckley HI165 Life in Urban Galway from the Act of Union to the Anglo-Irish Treaty John Cunningham HI3101 Of Rice & Men: Aid and Humanitarianism since 1945 Kevin O'Sullivan HI3102 The Irish and Colonial Australasia Laurence Marley HI484 Slavery and Emancipation in the American South Enrico Dal Lago HI3113 Poland in the Modern European Imagination Róisin Healy HI167 Power & Conflict in Northern Ireland, 1963-1972 Mary Harris HI569 HI439 HI578 Time & Venue Tues 9-11 TB303 Friday 10-12 AM112 Tues 9-11 AMB-G043 Thurs 4-6 IT203 Tues 9-11 Tower 2, Floor 1, TB304 Tues 9-11 IT206 Tues 9-11 AM104 Tues 9-11 Tower 2, Floor 1, TB302 Tues 9-11 CA002 Tues 9-11 Tower 1, Floor 1, 310 Thurs 4-6 IT206 Possible clashes Legal Science, Psych, BAC Human Rights, Fillm Studies, Womens Studies Soc & Pol, IT, Soc & Pol, IT, Lecture Modules (5 ects. Coursework + Written Exam) HI407 Catholic Identity in Early Modern Europe Alison Forrestal HI579 From Beveridge to Thatcher: Politics, Society, Economy and Welfare in Britain, 1948-1992 Sarah Anne Buckley HI376 Popular Culture in Pre-Industrial Europe Niall Ó Ciosáin Final Year, Semester 1, 2015/6 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Tues 4-5 McMunn Mon 1-2 McMunn Tues 3-4 Dillon Wed 1-2 CA116a Thurs 1-2 McMunn Thurs 3-4 Larmor Possible Clashes Classics, Geog, German, Irish Studies Soc & Pol, IT, Theatre & Performance 14/08/2015 History Timetable Final Year 2015/16 Semester 2 Seminars (10 ects. Continuous Assessment) Mod No Title Lecturer HI3110 European Warfare 1618-1714: Theory and Practice Pádraig Lenihan HI3103 Before the Book of Kells: Manuscripts and Scribes Dáibhí Ó Cróinín HI443 State and People in Ireland, 1820-45 Niall Ó Ciosáin HI479 Irish Political Thought in the 1930s Mary Harris HI444 Civil War and Society in France, 1572-1598 Alison Forrestal HI3121 The Famine in Ireland, 1845-50 Niall Ó Ciosáin HI3114 Decolonisation and its Consequences: Africa, 1957-80 Kevin O'Sullivan HI3112 The First World War: Transnational Perspectives Gearóid Barry HI3119 Reign of Henry VIII Steven Ellis HI168 Coming to Terms with the Nazi Past Róisín Healy Time & Venue Tues 9-11 TB307 Tues 9-11 AC203 Thurs 4-6 AC216 Tues 9-11 Tower 2, Floor 1, 302 Tues 9-11 CA003 Tues 9-11 Tower 2, Floor 2, 303 Thurs 4-6 AM108 Tues 9-11 CA001 Tues 1-3 316 Tues 9-11 316 Possible Clashes Soc & Pol, IT, Theatre & Drama Soc & Pol, IT, Theatre & Drama Arch, French, Irish, Italian, Phil Lecture Modules (5 ects. Coursework + Written Exam) HI488 Labour in Irish Society and Politics, 1760-1960 John Cunningham HI362 Party & Power in 19th Century British History Laurence Marley HI585 Debates and Controversies in European Women's History, 1780-1939 Caitríona Clear Final Year, Semester 2, 2015/6 Lecture 1 Mon 3-4 Dillon Mon 1-2 Dillon Mon 2-3 IT125 Lecture 2 Thurs 2-3 AC201 Thurs 1-2 AC201 Wed 1-2 McMunn Possible Clashes Legal Sci, Psych, Human Rights, Film Studies, Women's Studies Classics, Geog, German, Irish Studies 14/08/2015