Dates to Remember .................................................................... Back Cover
Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
Aims and Outcomes of Second-Year History................................................2
How does Second-Year Work?................. ................................................... 4
Colloquium Modules ................................................................................... 7
Module Descriptions First Semester ...................................................... 9-12
Module Descriptions Second Semester ............................................... 13-15
Submitting Coursework ....................................................................... 16-17
Writing Essays ..................................................................................... 18-21
Stylesheet and Guidelines for Written Assignments .............................. 21-26
Essay Checklist ......................................................................................... 27
Policy on Late Submission of Assignments ................................................ 28
Repeating and compensating failed modules ............................................ 29
What to do if things start to go wrong ...................................................... 30
Appendix 1: NUI Galway Marking Scale and Assessment Criteria .............. 31
Timetables are available online from mid- August on the Final Year undergraduate page
at www.nuigalway.ie/history
or in the History Open Area, Tower 1, Floor 2
Welcome back to NUI Galway, we’re delighted you’ve decided to continue with History for Second
Year. This Handbook is designed to provide you with the necessary information to choose your
modules and explains the requirements for completing the year. It offers guidance on submitting
your work for assessment, and should be read in conjunction with the various documents
available on the History Department website: www.nuigalway.ie/history
Throughout the year, the Head of Second Year and individual lecturers will contact you from time
to time on your NUI Galway e-mail. It’s important that you check this e-mail account regularly.
They will also use Blackboard to provide you with up-to-date information on assignments and
deadlines. Useful notices will also be posted from time to time in the Department, particularly on
the Second-Year notice board. If these sources do not provide an answer to your query, you can
contact the History administrative assistants, Ms. Helena Condon, in Room 405, and Ms. Maura
Walsh in Room 404. You can also e-mail them at history@nuigalway.ie
You can also approach a member of the History teaching staff. Staff members post up office
hours on their door, when they are available to answer any questions you might have. Please
try to call on staff during these specified hours, or email the staff member to make an
appointment at another time. If you do email History teaching staff with queries about the
modules they are teaching, please remember to include your full name, year of study and
module name in your message. If you have queries concerning your progress in the Second Year
Programme that are not answered in this handbook or by the Secretary, contact the Head of
Second Year:
Until 31 Dec. 2015
Dr. Sarah-Anne Buckley, Rm 408
E-mail: sarahanne.buckley@nuigalway.ie
From 1 Jan. 2016
Dr Niall Ó Ciosáin, Room 410
E-mail: niall.ociosain@nuigalway.ie
But for now, we really hope you enjoy second year and look forward to working with you over the
coming months.
Keep up to date with information on your modules by consulting Blackboard
You may also like to follow History on Facebook and Twitter
https://www.facebook.com/NUIGalwayHistory @historyatgalway
Aims and outcomes of 2nd year History
Reminder about 1st year outcomes
By the end of 1st year, you should have learned to:
Take accurate and meaningful notes on lectures
Read, and summarise the key points of, material from the past
Deploy the knowledge you have gained to write an essay in an examination
Explain how the time and place of a document’s origin influence its meaning
Define the difference between primary and secondary historical sources
Recognise some links between Irish and European history
Identify key themes in the relationship between war and society
Express your opinion about historical material orally
Write a short analysis of historical sources
If you feel you can’t do all of these things, you should seek assistance from one of the sources
of skills mentioned below. These sources will also help you develop new skills during your
Second Year.
Gaining new skills
During your Second Year, you will need to become more familiar with the contents of the James
Hardiman Library. You will need to be able to locate reading recommended by your lecturer, as
well as using the electronic catalogue and databases for independent research. You will need to
learn how to use the Library’s e-resources, which include electronic editions of scholarly journals
and reference works, searchable databases of scholarly journal articles (e.g. JSTOR), and electronic
archives and editions of primary source material. You can access this material through the Library
portal, on campus and (with a login) at home. Unlike much of the content of the world wide web,
the Library’s e- resources are all reliable and reputable sources that we would be happy for you to
use and cite in your history essays. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the free
training sessions that the Library offers through the LARK scheme – see the Library website:
You will also need to develop a variety of transferable skills (e.g. written communication skills,
oral presentation skills) as well as discipline-specific skills (compiling a bibliography, using
footnotes properly). This is one of the purposes of the colloquium modules (see later). In addition,
the Career Development Centre runs a variety of other workshops on skills that might be relevant
to your future employer (but might also help you with your degree)
2nd year learning outcomes
By the end of Second Year, you will be able to:
• Locate recommended reading material in the library
• Find relevant reading material in the library, both printed and online, for a
particular historical topic
• Communicate information about a historical issue orally
• Present written work which is well-organised and well-presented (word processed)
• Avoid plagiarism through careful note-taking and citation Carry out a short
independent research project
• Construct coherent and well-informed arguments about the past, both in
coursework and in examinations
• Recognise differences between the medieval, early modern and modern periods
These objectives will be assessed in different parts of your Second Year programme
Outcome assessed in…
Locate recommended reading material in the library
Find relevant additional material
Oral communication
Well-presented written work
Avoid plagiarism
Independent research project
Coherent, well informed arguments – coursework
– examination
Recognise differences between time periods
How does 2nd year work?
Second-Year History builds on First Year by introducing you to more times and places, and more
styles of doing History. It also helps you develop the sophisticated historical skills that you will
need in Final Year. By contrast with First Year, you have a great deal of choice in Second Year.
There are some regulations about the type of modules you may select (so that you experience a
range of teaching and assessment methods), and we insist that you take courses from three
different historical periods (to give you a broader sense of History). But beyond that, you have
free choice (timetable clashes allowing).
The rules
• You must take modules totaling 15 ECTS each semester, making 30 ECTS for the year.
• You must take one colloquium module (10 ECTS) and four lecture modules (5
ECTS each).
• You must take at least one lecture module from each of our three time periods:
medieval, early modern and modern.
Further explanations of the differences between colloquium and lecture modules, and the
different assessment methods, are given in the following sections, along with lists of the
modules on offer in 2015-16
Programme structure
Since you may take your colloquium in either semester 1 or 2 (depending on which module you
choose), your colloquium choice will affect everything else. Your semesters will be structured in
one of the following ways:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Lecture [Early Modern]
(10 ECTS, coursework)
(5 ECTS, examined)
Lecture [either Medieval or Lecture [Modern]
(5 ECTS, examined)
(5 ECTS, examined)
Lecture [Medieval]
(5 ECTS, examined)
Semester 1
Lecture [Medieval]
(5 ECTS, examined)
Lecture [Modern]
(5 ECTS, examined)
Lecture [Early Modern]
(5 ECTS, examined)
Semester 2
(10 ECTS, coursework)
Lecture [either Early
Modern or Modern] (5
ECTS, examined)
Registration and choosing modules
When choosing your modules, you will need to consider the module lists in this handbook at the
same time as consulting the 2015-2016 timetable since there will be timetable clashes between a
few History modules, and there may be clashes between certain History modules and your other
BA Subject.
• You can register your module choices through the university’s system. You can do this
online http://www.nuigalway.ie/registration/ (if you have paid your fees). Choose your
preferred colloquium module, if this is full then choose another module. Choose your
lecture modules, to fit one of the structures described above. You will not be able to
access the Blackboard pages for your modules until you have registered, so we
recommend you do it as soon as possible. Registration will open Thursday 20th August
Q: What does ECTS mean?
A: The European Credit Transfer System is a standardised method of allocating credit to modules
across the EU. It helps students who spend a year abroad, and it also ensures that an NUI Galway
degree is not more difficult (or easier) than one from any other European university. The system is
based upon the amount of time/effort a student has to put in to complete a module. It assumes
students are studying full-time (9-5pm, 5 days a week), and are taking 60 ECTS each year. A 5 ECTS
module should typically involve at least 100 hours of work, including attending lectures, reading,
writing coursework, preparing for,
and sitting, exams. That’s about 7 hours a week, on average.
BA Connect programmes
If you are taking one of the BA Connect programmes, there are some slight differences to the
rules for module choices, but all the deadlines listed above are the same.
The Rules for Connects
• You must take History modules totalling 25 ECTS during the year.
• In one of the semesters, you must take one colloquium module (10 ECTS).
• In the other semester, you must take three lecture modules (5 ECTS each). Those
modules must include one from each of our three time periods: medieval, early modern
and modern.
• Combining your History options, your other subject options, and your Connect
programme, you should aim to have a balanced load of 30 ECTS in each semester.
The History department does not mind which semester you take your colloquium in – so you
can theoretically choose between the full range of colloquium modules – BUT your other
subject may have restrictions on which of their modules you must drop (to make room for your
Connect module), and these restrictions may impact on your History choices. It is essential that
you find out how your other subject treats Connect programmes before you make your
colloquium choices.
Further explanations of the differences between colloquium and lecture modules, and the
different assessment methods, are given in the following sections, along with lists of the
modules on offer in 2015-16.
Programme structure
Your semesters will be structured as follows – but which semester is before or after
Christmas will depend on your colloquium choice:
(10 ECTS, coursework)
Your other subject
(15 ECTS)
Connect module
(5 ECTS)
Lecture [Early Modern]
(5 ECTS)
Lecture [Modern]
(5 ECTS)
Lecture [Medieval]
(5 ECTS)
Your other subject
(10 ECTS)
Connect module
(5 ECTS)
Colloquium modules
Colloquium modules offer somewhat different styles of teaching, learning and assessment from
what you experienced in First Year. The number of students taking each module is capped (at
around 20-25, depending how many students are taking History in any given year), so you will
enjoy a small-group experience quite different from your First-Year History modules. The small
numbers enable you to get to know your fellow students and the lecturer, and they facilitate
more interactive learning (particularly oral communication skills).
Colloquium modules last for 12 weeks (they start in week 1). Each week, you will meet your
lecturer for two one-hour sessions: the first session will be as part of the whole group (and might
be more like a traditional lecture); the second session will be as part of a smaller discussion
group. The lecturer will divide the class into two discussion groups at the first meeting: you will
get a chance to choose which discussion time suits your timetable. This format is designed to
allow a particular focus on historical and generic academic skills.
Note: on the History timetable, there are three times/rooms given for each colloquium module.
You will only have to attend two of these: the “lecture” and one of the “discussion groups”.
Q: The colloquium is worth 10 ECTS, which is twice as much as a regular lecture module. Why are
there only two contact hours per week?
A: ECTS is based upon student workload, not staff-student contact hours. A colloquium has the
same contact hours as a lecture module, but you are expected to do twice as much independent
work, and this is why you get more credit for the colloquium. Total workload for a colloquium
should be about 14 hours a week.
Colloquia are assessed as follows:
40% Final essay
35% Coursework
15% Oral Presentation
10% Participation in class discussion and activities
Final Essay: the essay of 3,000 to 4,000 words is the most substantial piece of assessment for the
colloquium. It is an independent research project, and will require you to use a range of
secondary sources and at least one primary source. It must be presented according to the
scholarly conventions (see History Style Sheet, later in this handbook). You will choose your topic
early in the semester in conjunction with the lecturer. We realise that this is a substantial piece of
work, which you will be trying to complete at the same time as doing examinations in other
modules, but we have set the deadline as late as the university regulations will allow us if you are
to proceed to the next semester. Your colloquium lecturer will inform you of this deadline in
class. You will have to submit the essay in two copies: one hard-copy and one electronic copy
submitted through the Turnitin software (an anti-plagiarism device) on Blackboard. Your lecturer
will explain how to do this.
Coursework: this varies between modules, to suit the subject matter. Lecturers will set a
number of small written assignments over the course of the semester. More information will
be provided in class.
Oral Presentation: each student will make an oral presentation to the class, on a topic agreed
with the lecturer. You will be assessed on your communication skills as well as on the content of
your presentation. Training in presentation skills will be provided as part of the Skills session.
Class Participation: students are obliged to attend all sessions and are expected to contribute to
the discussions. Lecturers award students marks each week according to the following scale
from 0-4:
0 for no contribution, whether in attendance or not
1 for insignificant contributions (e.g. short answers in response to questions)
2 for basic contributions (e.g. describing content of readings)
3 for substantial contributions (e.g. evaluating the reading material)
4 for excellent contributions
These marks will be added up at the end of the semester, and students who attend at least 8
sessions will gain a bonus of 40%. This bonus rewards students who participate fully in the course,
because we believe that the class activities and discussions are a key part of the outcomes. It
means that if you are absent (without sufficient excuse) on more than 3 occasions, you will fail this
element of the colloquium.
Choosing a colloquium module
To ensure that the colloquia really are small-group modules, we cap the number of students
allowed to take each module. We try to make the groups as small as possible, depending on how
many people enter Second Year History and how many colloquia are on offer: it is usually 20-25.
Module Descriptions
COLLOQUIA (10 ects)
HI166: Ireland in the 1950s
Dr Tomás Finn
This colloquium examines perceptions of the 1950s in Ireland as a lost decade. It considers the economic
stagnation from which the country suffered but also looks at the emergence of a culture of inquiry and
many of the policies that shaped contemporary Ireland.
HI2119: Studies in Medieval History I
Dr Chris Doyle
This module explores internal disunity as a central cause of the decline and fall of the Western Roman
Empire. From the late third-century political reforms and geographical division of the empire between
east and west, to the removal of the last western emperor in 476, there were more than forty civil
insurrections, the majority of which occurred in the west. Rome became locked into a cycle of disorder,
from which it proved unable to extricate itself. Internal disunity seriously undermined Rome’s ability to
deal effectively with the later fourth and fifth century barbarian invasions that engulfed the west,
eventually establishing the early medieval European kingdoms.
Lectures and tutorials will examine and discuss a range of primary sources (texts, laws, coinage,
art, epigraphy and archaeology) and secondary readings. Knowledge of Latin and Greek is not
necessary, as translations of original sources will be given.
HI295: The American Civil War: Causes and Developments
Dr Enrico Dal Lago
This course will introduce students to the American Civil War, which between 1861 and 1865 caused
more than 600,000 dead, destroyed the lives of an entire generation, and led to the emancipation of
4,000,000 African American slaves. Through the analysis of key documents –ranging from South
Carolina’s Declaration of the Causes of Secession to Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation – and
through the reading of writings by key historians, students will familiarize with the main issues of
contention in the American Civil War and with the different scholarly interpretations of them.
Michael Perman, eds., Major problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction (New York:
Houghton Mifflin, 2nd edition 1998).
HI429.I: The Mid-Tudor Crisis, 1547-60
Prof. Steven Ellis
The module focuses on the English state in the period from the death of Henry VIII (1509-47) through
the reigns of Edward VI (1547-53) and Mary I (1553-8) to the start of the reign of Elizabeth I (15581603). At a time when kings were expected to rule as well as reign, King Henry was succeeded by his
young son, Edward, and on the latter’s death, aged only 15, by the two half-sisters, Mary (who defeated
an attempt by Lady Jane Grey to pervert the Tudor succession) and then Elizabeth. The absence of a
male ruler was thus a major part of the ‘crisis’, but in addition Edward’s reign saw a lurch towards
Protestantism, with a Catholic reaction under Mary, and then more Protestantism under Elizabeth.
These religious changes sparked popular unrest and rebellion and this was also fuelled by social unrest
arising out of inflation and demographic growth. The module will thus assess the nature of the ‘crisis’,
with particular reference to politics, religious developments, socio-economic change, and popular
HI465 European Encounters with the Mongols
Dr Kimberly LoPrete
This Colloquium examines Europeans’ encounters with the Mongols from the initial shock and
outrageous rumours after the Mongols’ destructive attacks on central European cities in the 1240s to
the studied attempts--through ‘fact-finding’ and other diplomatic embassies--both to acquire accurate
knowledge of the Mongols’ way of life and to forge alliances with some of them against the Muslim
powers of the middle east. Emphasis will be on the considered discussion of contemporary reports,
most notably those by the papal envoy John of 'Planus Carpinus' and by William of Rubruck, sent by the
French king Louis IX, in attempts to see how knowledge of the Mongols and central Asia affected
Europeans’ views of themselves and their wider world.
LECTURES (5ects)
HI211: Medieval Ireland 5th-9th century
Prof. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín
This module comprises a survey of the history, politics, culture, literature and society of Ireland in the
Early Middle Ages (from c. AD 400 to c. AD 800). It traces the transition from a so-called 'tribal' society to
one in which 'dynastic' politics are the norm, and explains how that change is reflected in society. It ends
with an assessment of the Viking impact in Ireland.
The lectures cover such themes as Early Irish (Brehon) law and institutions; politics and society; the
origins of Irish artistic and literary culture; the beginnings of Christianity and the later evolution of the
Irish Church; the Irish abroad, and the Vikings. Students are introduced to some of the original
documentary material used by historians.
HI2111: Ireland Under the Union: 1801-1922
Dr Laurence Marley
This module provides a survey of Anglo-Irish relations in the long nineteenth century, addressing the
main themes of faith, land and political identity and control. Against the backdrop of the British policy of
assimilating Ireland under the Union, it examines the great popular campaigns for Catholic
emanicipation, repeal of the Union/defence of the Union, and agrarian rights. It examines the 'modern'
emergence of the ideologies of nationalism and unionism and the ultimate undoing of the Union .
HI2116: Religion and Irish Life in 20th-century Ireland
Dr Mary Harris
How significant was religion in twentieth-century Ireland? What do terms and slogans such as ‘Catholic
Ireland’, ‘Rome Rule’ and ‘For God and Ulster’ mean? What role did churches play in shaping modern
Ireland? What was the fate of religious minorities after partition? Why did the roles and influence of
churches change in the course of the century?
This module explores the impact of religious issues on twentieth-century Irish politics, culture and
society. Religious questions and church figures featured prominently in political, cultural and social
debates prior to partition. After the formation of the Irish Free State, the Catholic Church exercised a
profound and sometimes controversial influence on Irish society, but this was not an insular society;
many Irish Catholics had a strong sense of being part of a wider Catholic World. In Northern Ireland,
religion and identity remained intertwined and the significance of religion as a factor in the Northern
Ireland conflict has been the subject of some debate. More recently churches have been involved in
attempts to promote reconciliation. Towards the end of the twentieth century globalisation and
immigration raised new questions about religion and Irish identity.
HI267: Reformation Europe
Dr Alison Forrestal
At the beginning of the sixteenth century, western Europeans shared a common religious identity as
members of the catholic church. By 1563, European society had altered irrevocably, with the unity
wrought by religious affiliation replaced by an array of conflicting churches and sects. This period,
commonly known as the Reformation, was an era of unprecedented change in European history, with
enormous and enduring significance for the political and cultural development of Europe. ‘Reformation
Europe’ will trace the inauspicious beginnings of the Reformation in 1517, when the scholarly monk
Martin Luther defied pope and emperor by refusing to retract his criticisms of catholic doctrines and
devotions, such as indulgences. It will examine the origins of the protest, asking what longer term
political, cultural and social trends contributed to its outbreak, and transformed an isolated intellectual
debate into a revolution. It will also trace the rapid growth of support for dissent and reform, followed
by the radicalisation and fragmentation of the new movement as it spread across the German lands, and
into England and Scotland, Switzerland and France. The political and social implications of the
Reformation were thrashed out in revolts and wars, such as the Peasants’ Revolt (1524), and the French
civil wars (1562), which will form case studies in the module.
HI292: Central Europe, 1867-1918
Dr Róisín Healy
Definitions of Central Europe vary, but for the purposes of this course, the term refers to the German
and Austro-Hungarian Empires. Together these two empires covered vast territories from the Baltic Sea
in the north to the Adriatic in the south, from which many of the recent EU-accession states emerged.
These empires experienced similar tensions to states in western Europe, for instance, over the
relationship between church and state, the social consequences of industrialization, and the acquisition
of overseas colonies. Their ethnic heterogeneity, however, gave rise to other, more serious divisions.
German nationalism clashed with the nationalisms ofPoles, Slovaks, Magyars and others. This course
examines both the ‘normal’ problems of Central Europeans at this time and those that derived from the
clash of nationalisms in these two empires. Figures familiar to western Europeans, such as Bismarck,
William II and Francis Joseph I, all make appearances, as do others who are better known to central
Europeans, such as Józef Pilsudski, Tomas Masaryk, and Rosa Luxemburg.
HI459: The Tudors: Religion, State and Society
Prof. Steven Ellis
The Tudors were the first Welsh dynasty on the English throne, and after recovering from a shaky start,
shortage of male heirs led to the accession of a Scottish king, James VI, on the death of the last Tudor,
Elizabeth I, in 1603. By then, however, the nature of the Tudor state had been substantially transformed
from the medieval patrimony acquired by Henry Tudor in 1485. Central control of outlying territories,
Ireland, Wales, and the English north, had been extended and consolidated; the monarch had replaced
the pope as ‘supreme governor’ of what was now a state church organized on broadly Protestant lines;
and a more law-abiding, gentry-dominated, ‘civil’ society had gradually developed even in outlying parts
to challenge the territorial magnates, armed retainers, and their numerous tenantry. Aspects of these
changes – particularly life at court – are familiar to the general public through popular works by David
Starkey and TV series like ‘The Tudors’; but what was life really like under the Tudors in not-so-merry
England? This module attempts to address that question.
HI2103: Monarchy and Society in Early Seventeenth-Century France
Dr Alison Forrestal
The beginning of the seventeenth century heralded a new era for the kingdom of France: after four
decades of civil war a new dynasty of Bourbon kings took power, and wielded it until the French
Revolution. This module examines the reigns of Louis XVI’s predecessors, Louis XIII and his son Louis XIV
(the ‘Sun King of Versailles’) from 1610 to 1661. It focuses on the political and social challenges involved
in asserting the ‘absolute’ authority of the new regime, and examines the claim that the political and
social roots of the French Revolution lay in these periods of rule. Knowledge of the French language is
not required, since readings (documents and secondary sources) on the workings of the royal court,
popular revolts, noble faction and rebellion, etc. will be provided in translation.
HI2113: Making and Breaking of Britain in the Twentieth Century
Dr Tomás Finn
This module asks what it means to be British. The twentieth century ended with the opening of the
National Assembly of Wales and a parliament in Scotland. These were in many ways unexpected and
unlikely events. It was Scotland’s first parliament for 300 years and the first in Wales for almost 600
years. This module considers the factors that led to their establishment and may in turn lead to the
break-up of Britain, along with the ties that continue to unite the country. It examines not just the
question of national identity especially for the Scots and Welsh, but also the phenomenon of English
nationalism. Topics include the impact of two world wars, the decline of the British Empire, economic
challenges, the European Union and the political awakening of both women and the working classes. By
considering the long and short term factors that led to devolution, this module helps us to understand
what it is to be English, Welsh and Scottish within a British context.
HI2115: Post-primary Education in Ireland, c. 1878-1973
Dr John Cunningham
This module traces the development of Irish primary education from the 1870s, when it was an elitist
redoubt in the educational system, to the 1970s, when the great mass of young people availed of it.
Beginning with the important Intermediate Education Act (1878), a compromise between state and
Catholic church, the module will trace the early expansion of the system of so-called Intermediate
education, and consider whether the charge that it became a ‘murder machine’ was justified.
HI572: Irish Ideologies and Activists, 1905-1916
Dr Mary Harris
This colloquium focuses on prominent Irish nationalist, republican, unionist, feminist and socialist figures
of the period. It examines their writings, relating them to their Irish and international contexts. It
considers their use of the mosquito press, demonstrations, agitprop and other means of conveying their
message and assesses their impact.
HI170: Europe, 1919-89
Dr Gearóid Barry
This is a survey course of politics and society across Europe since the First World War. It will pay special
attention to key states such as Germany, France and the Soviet Union and key themes such as the role
of political ideology, ethnic conflict, decolonization and the process of European integration. Students
will be exposed to a broad range of historiographical interpretations, seeking to a give a holistic
overview that does not excessively privilege Western Europe or the totalitarian states.
HI2100: Ireland in a Global Context, 1922-2002
Dr Kevin O'Sullivan
What does Irish history look like when told as part of a much broader European and global narrative?
This module examines the major themes in Irish history -state-building and economic crisis in the 1920s
and the 1930s, neutrality in the Second World War, economic liberalisation, globalisation, social, cultural
and political evolution -all as part of a global narrative of change. It concludes with a question: where
should we locate Irish history in the twentieth century?
HI2102: The Modern United States, 1865-2008
Dr Enrico Dal Lago
This course will introduce students to the history and historiography of the United States between the
end of the Civil War and the last presidential elections. Specific themes will include racial politics in the
U.S. South, expansion into the West, industrialization, imperialism, the two world wars and the making
of the U.S. global power, the Cold War, the 1960s with the Civil Rights Movement, the student protest,
and Vietnam, and finally the long conservative backlash from Nixon to Bush, Jr.
HI2110 Making Ireland English: 1580-1665
Dr Mark Empey
This is a survey course designed to introduce students to debates and interpretations surrounding the
formative political, economic, military and social events and themes of early modern Ireland. The survey
takes as its organizing grand narrative the multifaceted conflicts between a centralizing Tudor and Stuart
state and local or native elites be they Gaelic, Old English, Irish, or ‘English of Ireland’.
HI262: Medieval Europe c. 1050-1250
Dr Kimberly LoPrete
This survey introduces students to key actors, events and ideas that shaped culture, politics and religious
affairs in the central middle ages—a period that saw great experimentation and expansion followed by
the development of legal and administrative structures to centralise monarchs’ powers in both ‘church’
and ‘states’. Topics treated in lectures include how lordship shaped knightly, clerical, peasant and
burgess communities; papal reform and Christian kingship; the Norman impact in England and south
Italy; ‘reconquista’ and the first crusade; new religious movements, both orthodox and heterodox; the
rise of universities. Lectures are complemented by the discussion in tutorials of primary sources devoted
to such themes as medieval warfare; the relations of kings and prelates; the charismatic religious figures
Peter Waldo and Francis of Assisi; the purpose and reach of inquisitors; and legal compiliations like the
canons of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), Magna Carta (1215) and the Constitutions of Melfi (1231).
HI493: Economy and Society in early Modern Europe
Dr Niall Ó Ciosáin
This is a course in the economic and social history of western Europe in the period immediately
preceding the industrial revolution. It is organised around four elements: the material conditions and
economic activities of pre-industrial Europe; the relationship between economic activity and politics, in
particular the development of states as revenue-raising mechanisms; the relationship between material
developments and culture, including topics such as changes in communication, the development of
literacy and printing; and the growing European dominance of the world which was fully established by
the late eighteenth century.
Submitting coursework
During your Second Year, you will have to submit a range of types of coursework to your
different lecturers. Each lecturer will give you clear instructions about what you have to submit,
in what format, where and when. The following are general guidelines.
What and how to submit
Coursework should be submitted in two copies. The lecturer will tell you whether they wish to have
one hard-copy and one electronic copy, or two hard copies. The two copies should be identical, and
should have your name, ID, module ID and assignment title clearly marked.
The hard copy (or one of them, if two are submitted) should have a History Assignment Appraisal
Sheet attached. This is a form that allows lecturers to provide feedback quickly but efficiently. You
can get copies of this form in the reception area of History, Floor 2, Tower 1. Your lecturer will tell you
where to deliver the hard copy, usually to Helena Condon or Maura Walsh. There are also course
submission boxes outside the secretaries’ offices on Floor 2. Do not put essays under lecturers’ doors
or email essays unless explicitly stated by the lecturer.
Electronic copies are usually submitted via Blackboard and may be processed by the Turnitin antiplagiarism software (in the case of major pieces of coursework, such as coloquium essays, they will
be processed by Turnitin). They should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc), or in Rich
Text Format (.rtf). If you are using a university computer which has Microsoft Works (but not Word),
please save the file as RTF (not .wps) before submitting it.
The reason we ask for two copies is so that we can give one of them back to you with feedback and
keep a copy for our files. The file copy would be needed if, once all the assessment is complete, you
are on a grade boundary and your work is given to the external examiner to make a final decision on
your grade. The file copy would also be needed if you appeal your grade.
We always recommend that you keep a copy of your assignment, just in case the submitted copy is
Your lecturer will tell you what the requirements for your assignment are (e.g. length, type of
assignment, topics to be addressed).
All written assignments should be word-processed. They should have your name, ID, module ID and
assignment title clearly marked on a cover page. They should have page numbers. They should use
footnotes to acknowledge sources of information and of direct quotation (your word-processor can
insert footnotes automatically; if you don’t know how to do this, please learn). They should have a
bibliography listing the sources you have consulted. See the Essay Checklist later in this handbook.
For further information (including guidelines on writing essays, formatting footnotes and
bibliographies, and avoiding plagiarism) always consult the History Style Sheet (included later in this
Deadlines for coursework are set by the individual lecturers, and they will inform you well in advance.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to coordinate deadlines for History modules, let alone History
deadlines with those in other disciplines, and this means that there will be some weeks when you are
much busier than others. Find out from your lecturers when their deadlines will be, and make a list of
all your deadlines, so that you can plan to spread your work appropriately and avoid an essay crisis.
We expect you to submit your work on time. Given the number of assignments required over the
course of the semester, it is in your own interest not to fall behind. It is also essential for academic
staff, because they have their own busy workloads and will have scheduled a period for assignment
marking. If you do not submit on time, you cannot expect the lecturer to mark it until they have time
to do so, and lecturers are not obliged to mark work submitted more than 2 weeks late.
If you have medical or other reasons for thinking that you might find it difficult to meet the deadline,
contact the lecturer as soon as possible to discuss your options. If the delay is due to medical
problems, please keep medical certificates and show them to the lecturer(s) concerned.
Students who fail to submit coursework without sufficient explanation will lose 2% of the mark
awarded the assignment for every working day the essay is late. The Departmental Policy on Late
Essays is included later in this handbook.
When the lecturer has marked all the assignments (which may take a few weeks for large classes),
they will hand back the marked hard-copy, along with the Appraisal Sheet. You may also have the
opportunity to have a personal meeting with the lecturer to discuss your work. Whether oral or
written, the lecturer’s comments will give you valuable guidance on the topic at hand, and on essaywriting generally. They may help you with subsequent assessment for the module, and also with
assessment on other modules. We spend a lot of time writing feedback for you, so please pay
attention to it!
Marking Scale and Assessment Criteria
See Appendix 1: NUI Galway Marking Scale and Assessment Criteria (p 28) for brief descriptions of
the standard of work expected for each grade. It would be a good idea to study this before submitting
your assignment. You may like to look at it again when trying to understand your mark. This is the NUI
Galway standard assessment information and can also be referred to online at:
Writing Essays
The website of the School of Geography at Birkbeck, University of London, provides a useful short
http://www.bbk.ac.uk/geog/current/study_skills/essay_writing/ So too do several books available in
the University Library, such as:
John Peck and Martin Coyle, The Student’s Guide to Writing (London, 1999)
Brian Greetham, How to Write Better Essays (London, 2001)
In a History essay you will attempt to convey to the reader your own ideas about a specific subject, in
the form of a reasoned argument that is based on evidence from the past. History as a discipline
involves understanding that there are many valid perspectives on any one issue. Part of the task of
the historian is to exercise powers of empathy and reflect the diversity of those past perspectives.
Thus you must write a balanced essay which discusses a range of different viewpoints, as conveyed in
evidence from the past. However, at the same time the historian must acknowledge that she is
writing from her own particular viewpoint. Thus in your essay you must make it clear what your own
viewpoint is, and argue the case for why this is the most useful way of seeing the subject.
Module Convenors will generally set specific titles for essays, designed to encourage you to argue a
case on a particular issue. Titles will often take the form of a question, and may focus on controversial
or difficult aspects of a topic. It is thus vital that you take the title and use it exactly as it has been
set by the Module Convenor. You should aim to answer the question, or address the issues raised
by the title, as explicitly as possible.
At all times, your essay should focus on analysis and argument – NOT on description or narrative or a
simple chronology of events. Your essay should include three substantive parts: Introduction, Body
and Conclusion.
In the Introduction you need to set out your own arguments and show how you will develop them
over the course of the essay. You should ensure that your arguments directly answer the specific
question that has been set. You may also wish to use your introduction to define any terms or
phrases which are integral to the essay and which may require clarification.
The Body of your essay will be composed of multiple paragraphs and will develop the ideas set down
in your introduction. Each paragraph should in general deal with one main point, which is clearly and
logically connected with the paragraphs and points that precede it and follow it and thus contributes
to the overall flow of your argument.
The Conclusion of your essay must show how you have fulfilled the promise of the introduction, how
you have supported your arguments, and how you have answered the specific question that was set.
You may also use the conclusion to acknowledge any ambiguities or points of debate that must
remain unresolved, although no ideas or information that you have not previously mentioned should
be included.
You should aim for a clear, concise and accurate writing style. You should avoid using overly complex
language, and make sure that you know the meaning of all the words that you use. Short sentences
are often better than long ones. Grammar and style are important criteria for gaining marks in history
Only include material that is relevant to your argument. Avoid vague, general statements, and include
only points and ideas that help you answer the question. Use enough evidence (examples, quotations
from primary sources, case studies, statistics) to back up your argument, but do not fall into the trap
of providing evidence merely for its own sake.
History policy on plagiarism
All work submitted by students for assessment purposes is accepted on the understanding that it is
their own work and written in their own words, except where explicitly referenced using the accepted
norms and formats of the appropriate academic discipline.
Plagiarism (as understood in the University’s Code of Practice) is the act of copying, including
paraphrasing or directly quoting from, the work of another without adequate acknowledgement.
The submission of plagiarised materials for assessment purposes is fraudulent and all suspected cases
will be investigated and dealt with appropriately by the University according to the ‘Code of Practice
for Dealing with Plagiarism’. Whilst some cases of plagiarism can arise through poor academic
practice and with no deliberate intent to cheat, this still constitutes a breach of acceptable practice
and requires to be appropriately investigated and acted upon.
Cases in which students knowingly permit others to copy their work are considered offences and
shall also be subject to the procedures outlined in the Code of Practice.
Avoiding plagiarism
There are two key elements to avoiding plagiarism:
1. Acknowledge your sources
2. Use your own words as much as possible
Acknowledging your sources means using footnotes to indicate where you got a piece of information
(e.g. a statistic), or an interpretation of a document, or a quotation. This is part of the scholarly
convention of acknowledging the work of earlier scholars, and assisting future scholars who want to
follow up the fascinating fact/quotation that you have used.
It is a common misunderstanding that inserting lots of footnotes (and quotation marks around direct
quotations) is all you need to do to avoid plagiarism. But footnotes and quotation marks alone won’t
make a good essay if the bulk of it is written in somebody else’s words.
Imagine an essay which is entirely stitched together from paragraphs copied from books or articles
(or cut-and-pasted from the web). If you try to pass this off as your own work, you are clearly
cheating. But what if you put quotation marks around all the paragraphs which you’ve copied wordfor-word, and then insert a footnote to the original source? You are acknowledging your sources,
aren’t you? But what you haven’t done is fulfill the requirements of the assignment, because you
haven’t demonstrated that you know anything about the topic or that you can write a coherent
argument. When we mark your assignments, we need to be able to find out what you know, what
you think, and how well you can express this. If you have used substantial quantities of other people’s
words (no matter how correctly acknowledged), we cannot do this, and so we cannot give you a
Therefore: use your own words as much as possible.
Here are some tips on how to do that:
Avoid long quotations. Do not use too many quotations, certainly no more than one quotation from
another scholar in each paragraph. Instead, paraphrase the words of historians wherever possible.
According to Diana Hacker, ‘A paraphrase reports information in roughly the same number of words
used by the source, [but does not borrow] extensive language from a source [...] you must restate the
source’s meaning in your own words.’ 1 So you should change the structure of the sentence, as well
as the words being used. When you paraphrase, you MUST also include a footnote and an entry in
your bibliography, just as you would for a quotation. Ideas borrowed from other people should still
be acknowledged, even if expressed in your own words.
Here are some examples:
Original Quotation: ‘With his treasury overflowing with American silver, the King of Spain could
credibly aspire to world domination. What else was all that money for, but to enhance his glory?’ 2
Unacceptable Paraphrase: According to Ferguson, with a treasury overflowing with American
precious metals, the King of Spain could reasonably hope for world domination. Why else did he want
all that money, but to give him more glory?
This is unacceptable as a paraphrase, because a) there is no footnote reference to the original source,
b) it uses too many of the same words used by the original author, and c) it adopts much the same
sentence structure. Using Ferguson’s words and ideas in this way would amount to plagiarism.
Acceptable Paraphrase 1: According to Ferguson, the Spanish King hoped for glory and world
domination, as he had grown rich on silver from the Americas. 3
This is an acceptable paraphrase, as when you compare it with the original you can see that it uses
both different wording and a different sentence structure. It also includes a footnote reference to the
original source.
Acceptable Paraphrase 2: The Spanish King had grown rich on American silver, which he saw as a
means to increase his political power in Europe and overseas.4
This is also acceptable. Although it is not such a close paraphrase as paraphrase 1, it is clearly coming
from the same source and thus needs the footnote.
Good referencing will improve your grade. Bad referencing may lose you marks. If in doubt, insert a
You may find yourself discussing an assignment with another student. If you do so, ensure that when
it comes to the writing stage, you work alone and use your own ideas and words. Do not allow
another student to copy your work. Replicating the work of another student, or allowing your work
to be so replicated, is an offence under the University’s Code of Practice and will be punished
Diana Hacker, A Pocket Style Manual (Boston, 1993), pp. 84-85.
Niall Ferguson, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World (London: Penguin, 2003), p. 7.
Niall Ferguson, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World (London: Penguin, 2003), p. 7.
Niall Ferguson, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World (London: Penguin, 2003), p. 7.
Be extremely wary if using non-academic websites, including Wikipedia. They may contain
information plagiarised from other sources. This might inadvertently lead you to commit an act of
plagiarism yourself. In general, remember that non-academic sources, both print and on the internet,
can be unreliable. Think about who put the information on the net, what their credentials are, and
what their purpose was. Prior to publication, scholarly books and articles (including those available
through databases like JSTOR) are read by other historians to assess their accuracy and
interpretation. Non-academic internet sources usually are not. They can be posted by anyone and
may include serious errors. They should thus be avoided.
Stylesheet and Guidelines for Written Assignments
This document sets out guidelines for the presentation of written assignments in History. Failure to
follow these guidelines may result in a loss of marks. You should make sure you submit all written
assignments required.
Presentation and Layout
All written assignments must be typed or word-processed
Al written assignments must be 1.5 or double-spaced and in 12 point font
Insert page numbers, beginning with the first page of text, not the title page
Every written assignment should have a title page including the following:
Title of Essay
Name of Student
Student ID
Course Name and Number
Name of Course Covenor
Word Count
Date of Submission
For every written assignment also fill in one copy of the official History Assignment
Appraisal Sheet and staple it to the front. Some course convenors may ask for two copies.
Staple the pages of your assignment together. It is not necessary to use any expensive form
of binding
Always proof-read your essay, complete a spelling and grammar check
Always keep a hardcopy of your assignment as well as an electronic copy
Always back up your work
Follow any specific guidelines given by your Module Convenor, particularly relating to
assignment submission
Late Submission on Assignments
If you submit and assignment late you may be penalised. For details, see the History Department
Policy on Late Submission of Assignments. If you think you are going to miss a deadline contact the
Module Convenor before the deadline to discuss your options.
Footnotes and Bibliography – general rules
References should be made in the form of numbered footnotes. They should be numbered
consecutively throughout an essay. Information in references should tally with that in the
Italics are used for the titles of published works; normal type and quotation marks are used for
individual parts of published works and for unpublished works. So, the titles of books, journals,
government publications, pamphlets, newspapers and magazines should be in italics, while the titles
of chapters, articles (whether in books or journals), unpublished theses and unpublished papers
should be in normal type and quotation marks. Manuscript collections should also be in normal type
but without quotation marks.
To insert footnotes, using programmes after Microsoft 2003, go to Toolbar, hit ‘References’, hit
‘Insert Footnote’. With other programmes, go to Toolbar, hit ‘Paragraph’ and scroll down to ‘Insert
Referencing Secondary Sources – Footnotes and the short-title system
There are a number of different methods of referring to sources. The most commonly used in history
is the short-title system. In this system, the following information is provided when reference is made
to the work.
1) Book (whether used as a primary or secondary source)
The first reference comprises:
- First name (or initials) and surname of author or editor of the book
- Title of the book in italics
- Edition number (if other than first)
- Name of publisher and/or place of publication
- Date of publication
- Page number (s)
The second and subsequent references to a book comprise:
- Author’s surname
- Short title of the book
- Page number
Charles Townshend, Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion (London: Penguin, 2005), p. 64.
Townshend, Easter 1916, p. 53.
For a multi-authored or co-edited book, include all names in alphabetical order.
John Horne and Alan Kramer, German Atrocities, 1914: a history of denial (New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Press, 2001), p. 112.
Horne and Kramer, German Atrocities, p. 112.
2) Article/Chapter in an edited book; includes translated primary sources published in an
anthology or other book
The first reference to an article in a book comprises:
First name (or initials) and surname of author or editor of the book
Title of the article in quotation marks/inverted commas
First name (or initials) and surname of the editor of the book/translator
Title of book in italics
Edition number (if other than first)
- Name of publisher and/or place of publication
- Date of publication
- Page number (s)
The second and subsequent references to a book comprise:
- Author’s surname
- Short title of the article/primary source
- Page number (s)
J.J. Lee, ‘In Search of Patrick Pearse’ in Theo Dorgan and Máirín Ní Dhonnchadha (eds), Revising the
Rising (Derry: Field Day, 1991), pp. 122-38.
Lee, ‘In search of Pearse’, p. 122.
3) Article in a Scholarly Journal (whether used as a primary or secondary source)
The first reference to an article in a journal comprises
First name (or initials) and surname of the author of the article
Title of the article in quotation marks/inverted commas
Title of the journal in italics
Volume number
Issue number
Page number (s)
The second and subsequent references to an article in a journal comprise:
Author’s surname
Short title of the article
Page number (s)
Michael Foy, ‘Ulster Unionist Propaganda against Home Rule 1912-14’, History Ireland, Vol. 4, No. 1
(Spring, 1996), pp. 49-53.
Foy, ‘Ulster Unionist Propaganda’, p. 53.
For anonymous works
The Annals of Ulster, Seán Mac Airt and Gearóid Mac Niocaill (eds.), Dublin, Dublin Institute
for Advanced Studies, 1983.
Use of Ibid
Ibid. (which is short for ibidem meaning ‘in the same place’) is used to refer only to the immediately
preceding reference. It is best avoided. Use the short form of reference instead.
Referencing Printed Official Records
Include all essential information, that is, the title of publication, vol. and column numbers and date or
Dáil Debates, vol.3, col.2024 (15 June 1923)
Referencing Archival Sources
Provide the name of the archive, the collection in which the document is found, collection and/or
document number where available and the title and date of the document. You can use abbreviations
in subsequent references. Whether you examined the document in the archive or online is
National Archives of Ireland (hereafter NAI), Department of the Taoiseach (hereafter DT), 98/6/404,
‘Address by Mr. Seán Lemass, Taoiseach, at Luncheon of National Press Club, Washington, DC,
Wednesday, 16th October, 1963’.
Newspapers and magazines
For a news item, the reference should give the title of newspaper and the date. For a signed article,
the reference should include the name of the author and the title of the article. If you use the
electronic database to find articles, you still reference as follows:
Examples: Irish Press, 17 February 1934.
Fintan O’Toole, ‘Our Second World War finally comes to an end’, Irish Times, 10 February
Citing electronic sources
If you are citing a source that originally appeared in print and is reproduced in the exact same form on
JSTOR or Project Muse or another website, cite it as you would the print version (i.e. no URL
If you are citing a source that exists online only or appears in a special online format, provide the
reader with as much information as would be helpful: the author [if known], the title of the piece in
inverted commas, the url and the date accessed, e.g.
- Tomás
http://multitext.ucc.ie/d/Countess_Constance_Markievicz, accessed 14 September 2011.
- Pearse, Pádraic H. ‘O’Donovan Rossa Graveside Panegyric’, UCC Celt
http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/E900007-008/index.html, accessed 5 August 2015.
Short versions
O’Riordan, ‘Countess Markievicz’, p. 16.
Pearse, ‘O’Donovan Rossa’, p. 22.
Website material with named author
Dr Dan Todman, ‘World War One: Misrepresentation of a Conflict’, BBC History Series,
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwone/perceptions_01.shtml, accessed 23/08/2012.
Website material without named author
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/britain_wwone/, accessed 23/08/2012.
Compiling a Bibliography
A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all sources you consulted in the course of your research. It is
placed at the end of your essay with authors’ surnames in alphabetical order. If no author is available,
alphabetise by title. Do no use bullet points or numbers for the sources.
Dorgan, Theo, and Ní Dhonnchadha, Máirín (eds), Revising the Rising (Derry: Field Day, 1991).
Foy, Michael, ‘Ulster Unionist Propaganda against Home Rule 1912-14’, History Ireland, Vol. 4,
No. 1 (Spring, 1996), pp. 49-53.
Lee, J.J., ‘In Search of Patrick Pearse’ in Theo Dorgan and Máirín Ní Dhonnchadha (eds)
Revising the Rising (Derry: Field Day, 1991), pp. 122-38.
Pearse, Pádraic H. ‘O’Donovan Rossa Graveside Panegyric’, UCC Celt
Townshend, Charles, Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion (London: Penguin, 2005).
History essay checklist
Content - Have you:
Included an introductory paragraph? This should avoid vague general statements and
instead show the reader how you intend to answer the specific question set, and what
your overall arguments are.
Made sure that every paragraph of your essay is directly relevant to the specific question
set, and that you explicitly tell the reader how the material in that paragraph relates to
your overall arguments?
Either paraphrased in entirely your own words the ideas you are citing from books and
articles, or used quotation marks whenever you have included direct quotes from these
books and articles?
Included full footnote references both for paraphrased ideas cited from books and
articles and for direct quotes from books and articles? And a bibliography at the end?
Finished with a full concluding paragraph that explicitly answers the specific question set,
summarises your own overall arguments, and points to any further important issues that
you think your essay has raised?
Presentation – Have you:
Printed a title page for your essay including the question exactly as set as the title for
your essay?
Proofread your essay thoroughly and eliminated all typos?
Printed out your essay double-spaced?
Printed your name on and numbered all sheets, and stapled all sheets together?
Formatted your footnotes and bibliography correctly, as set down in the History
Department Stylesheet?
Stapled a signed official History Department Assignment Appraisal Sheet to the front of
one copy of your essay?
Submitted an electronic copy of the essay, if requested?
Policy on Late Submission of Assignments
1. Assignments, both in written and in other forms, are a normal aspect of the examination process
for modules offered by the Department of History. The Department will at its discretion set specific
deadlines for the submission of such assignments.
2. Students are required to submit assignments by the due deadline set by the Department, using
the submission procedure specified for that assignment.
3. The Department may at its discretion and for good cause sanction a one-week extension to
individual students, provided that in advance of the deadline the student submits a written request
(by e-mail or letter) for such an extension and that this extension is agreed in writing (by e-mail or
4. On a discretionary basis, the department may allow further extensions. In such cases students will
normally be required to present a medical certificate or other evidence of a compelling reason for
late submission. Again, this must be agreed in writing.
5. In the first instance, students seeking an extension shall contact the staff member who is convenor
of the relevant module. On submission, the written authority for an extension shall be attached to any
such late assignments.
6. Where an extension has not been agreed in advance, or where a student submits an essay after
agreed extensions have expired, the Department may impose a penalty for late submission. For each
day that elapses between the expiration of the deadline and the receipt of the work by the
Department, 2 percentage points will normally be deducted from the student’s mark for that
7. Extensions will not normally be granted for extended essays, research papers or dissertations,
whether for lecture modules, colloquia or colloquium modules. Extended essays, research papers
or dissertations for such modules that are received late may attract a mark of zero.
8. Assignments must be submitted in sufficient time to allow them to be marked in accordance with
Departmental, Faculty and University deadlines for the return of marks. Assignments that are not
submitted sufficiently in advance of these deadlines may not be accepted for marking.
Repeating and compensating failed modules
The university has a process known as ‘compensation’ which allows you to complete the academic
year even if you have failed a module. This is why you might see a failed module on your exam
transcript, yet also see the word ‘Pass’ at the bottom. You can compensate for a failed module if:
• You have failed no more than 15 ECTS overall (in the entire year, in both your subjects), and no
more than 10 ECTS in either subject
AND you got at least 35% in the modules concerned
AND you got enough marks in your other modules to ensure that your average mark is above
the 40% pass level.
If you got less than 35%, you cannot compensate and must repeat the module. If you have more than
15 ECTS worth of modules with marks of 35-39%, you cannot compensate and will have to repeat the
Repeating Modules
You may not normally carry forward marks from the first sitting to the second sitting. Thus, in
the case of a lecture module, you must submit a new mid-term essay in response to a new
question and repeat the exam, whether you passed either element at the first sitting. In the
case of a colloquium module, you need to consult the lecturer.
There is a cap of 40% on repeat marks as of the 2015-16 session. (This does not apply to
deferred modules. See page 31 for information on deferring modules)
All repeat coursework must be submitted by the first day of the repeat exams in August, i.e. Tues.,
2 August 2016. Coursework, and essays in particular, submitted during study, examination or
vacation periods that follow a semester’s teaching weeks normally will be marked as repeat
Lecture Modules:
Check Blackboard for a new mid-term question and check the repeat exam schedule to find out when
the second sitting of the exam takes place.
Colloquium Modules:
If you need to repeat your colloquium module, you may submit any missing coursework, including
your final essay. The marks you were awarded for class participation during the semester will stand. If
you missed or failed the oral presentation, the lecturer will arrange for you to do the presentation to
him/her. If you need to repeat an assignment that you previously failed, you will normally be set a
new topic or question. If you fail in August, you must take a colloquium module, whether on the
original topic or another, in the next academic year. We cannot guarantee that the same choice of
colloquium module topics will be available.
What to do if things start to go wrong…
Obviously, we hope you don’t need to know this, but just in case…
Look for Help
If you feel you’re going to have trouble fulfilling the requirements for a module (whether
participation, coursework or examination), the best thing to do is talk to the member of staff in
charge of that module. All members of staff have office hours when they’re available to talk to
anyone who drops in (check your course syllabus, or look on their office door), or you can email to
make an appointment. If you discuss your issues with the lecturer before they become serious (e.g.
before you have actually missed any deadlines), they may be able to help you work out a way to
complete the module.
If you have good reasons for needing an extension to the deadline for a piece of coursework, you
should contact the lecturer before the deadline and explain your problems. Remember that the
lecturer is likely to be less sympathetic if you leave it until 5 minutes before the deadline. And
remember that the university’s examination structure places some absolute limits on the length of
extension that might be possible: for instance, you are unlikely to be able to have an extension
beyond the examination period for a semester.
If you have problems which involve more than one module, you might want to talk to the Head of
Final Year. They cannot grant extensions on coursework, but can discuss your options and help you
decide what to do next.
Head of Final Year:
Until 31 Dec. 2015
Dr. Sarah-Anne Buckley
Rm. 408, Floor 2, Tower 1
From 1 Jan. 2016
Dr. Niall Ó Ciosáin
Rm. 410, Floor 2, Tower 1
If things get really seriously difficult, you might want to talk to the Head of Department or the Head of
School. You should do this only if your module lecturer and the Head of Second Year have been
unable to help you.
Deferring modules
If you are considering deferring modules or taking a leave of absence, talk to the Dean of Arts in the
College of Arts, Sociology & Politics and Celtic Studies. Only the College of Arts can grant a deferral.
The College will communicate the decision to the Department and to the individual lecturers. If you
do defer, you will sit the exam during the Autumn exam session (in August) and/or complete the
coursework before then. Initial contact is made through the Administrative Office of the College of
Arts in the Arts Millennium Building.
Module Grade Descriptors for Undergraduate Degree Programmes
A module may have a number of different assessment elements, such as an end-of-module written
examination, a mid-term in-class test, a multiple-choice type test, an essay, weekly homework,
practice assessment, laboratory assessment, or an oral examination. Each of the module assessment
elements contributes, in a pre-defined structured manner, towards the overall mark of the module as a
The award of an overall mark to a module is a matter of academic judgement against agreed criteria
(the module learning outcomes and agreed grade descriptors) and should not be simply a
mathematical exercise.
In the module grade descriptor system, as described over the following pages,
• an A grade corresponds to a H1 level of performance;
• a B grade corresponds to a H2.1 level of performance;
• a C grade corresponds to a H2.2 level of performance;
• a D grade corresponds to a H3 performance in the final undergraduate or a Pass performance
in the earlier years;
• an E grade corresponds to a compensatable performance, if the module is compensatable,
otherwise a fail performance;
• F and G grades correspond to fail performances.
Grade descriptors act as guidelines for students and academic staff. The grade descriptors following
are provided as general guidance and may be adapted for particular modules.
Page 1 of 5
Grade Criteria relevant to modules in
1st Year and in the 2nd Year of 4 year
Additional criteria more relevant to
modules in the later programme years
70 – 100
Excellent A comprehensive,
highly-structured, focused and concise
response to the assessment tasks, consistently
demonstrating some or all, as appropriate, of
the following:
• an extensive and detailed knowledge of
the subject matter
• a highly-developed ability to apply this
knowledge to the task set
• evidence of extensive background
• clear, fluent, stimulating and original
• excellent presentation (spelling,
grammar, graphical) with minimal or no
presentation errors
Very Good A thorough and well-organised
response to the assessment tasks,
demonstrating some or all, as appropriate, of
the following:
• a broad knowledge of the subject matter
• considerable strength in applying that
knowledge to the task set
• evidence of substantial background
• clear and fluent expression
• quality presentation with few
presentation errors
Good An adequate and competent response
to the assessment tasks, demonstrating some
or all, as appropriate, of the following:
• adequate but not complete knowledge of
the subject matter
• omission of some important subject
matter or the appearance of several minor
• capacity to apply knowledge
appropriately to the task albeit with some
• evidence of some background reading
• clear expression with few areas of
• writing of sufficient quality to convey
meaning but some lack of fluency and
command of suitable vocabulary
• good presentation with some presentation
A deep and systematic engagement with the
assessment task, with consistently impressive
demonstration of a comprehensive mastery of
the subject matter, reflecting;
• a deep and broad knowledge and critical
insight as well as extensive reading;
• a critical and comprehensive appreciation of
the relevant literature or theoretical,
technical or professional framework
• an exceptional ability to organise, analyse
and present arguments fluently and lucidly
with a high level of critical analysis, amply
supported by evidence, citation or quotation;
• a highly-developed capacity for original,
creative and logical thinking
60 – 69
A substantial engagement with the assessment
task, demonstrating
• a thorough familiarity with the relevant
literature or theoretical, technical or
professional framework
• well-developed capacity to analyse issues,
organise material, present arguments clearly
and cogently well supported by evidence,
citation or quotation;
• some original insights and capacity for
creative and logical thinking
An intellectually competent and factually sound
answer, marked by,
• evidence of a reasonable familiarity with the
relevant literature or theoretical, technical or
professional framework
• good developed arguments, but more
statements of ideas, arguments or statements
adequately but not well supported by
evidence, citation or quotation
• some critical awareness and analytical
• some evidence of capacity for original and
logical thinking
Page 2 of 5
Grade Criteria relevant to modules in
1st Year and in the 2nd Year of 4 year
Additional criteria more relevant to
modules in the later programme years
45 – 50
Satisfactory An acceptable response to the
assessment tasks with
• basic grasp of subject matter, but
somewhat lacking in focus and structure
• main points covered but insufficient
• some effort to apply knowledge to the
task but only a basic capacity or
understanding displayed
• little or no evidence of background
• several minor errors or one major error
• satisfactory presentation with an
acceptable level of presentation errors
Acceptable The minimum acceptable
standard of response to the assessment tasks
• shows a basic grasp of subject matter but
may be poorly focussed or badly
structured or contain irrelevant material
• has one major error and some minor
• demonstrates the capacity to complete
only moderately difficult tasks related to
the subject material
• no evidence of background reading
• displays the minimum acceptable
standard of presentation (spelling,
grammar, graphical)
Marginal A response to the assessment tasks
which fails to meet the minimum acceptable
standards yet
• engages with the subject matter or
problem set, despite major deficiencies in
structure, relevance or focus
• has two major error and some minor
• demonstrates the capacity to complete
only part of, or the simpler elements of,
the task
• an incomplete or rushed answer e.g. the
use of bullet points through part/all of
An acceptable level of intellectual engagement
with the assessment task showing
• some familiarity with the relevant literature
or theoretical, technical or professional
• mostly statements of ideas, with limited
development of argument
• limited use of evidence, citation or quotation
• limited critical awareness displayed
• limited evidence of capacity for original and
logical thinking
40 – 44
35 - 39
The minimum acceptable level of intellectual
engagement with the assessment task with
• the minimum acceptable appreciation of the
relevant literature or theoretical, technical or
professional framework
• ideas largely expressed as statements, with
little or no developed or structured argument
• minimum acceptable use of evidence,
citation or quotation
• little or no analysis or critical awareness
displayed or is only partially successful
• little or no demonstrated capacity for
original and logical thinking
A factually sound answer with a partially
successful, but not entirely acceptable, attempt
• integrate factual knowledge into a broader
literature or theoretical, technical or
professional framework
• develop arguments
• support ideas or arguments with evidence,
citation or quotation
Page 3 of 5
Grade Criteria relevant to modules in
1st Year and in the 2nd Year of 4 year
Additional criteria more relevant to
modules in the later programme years
20 – 34
Unacceptable A response to the assessment
tasks which is unacceptable, with
• a failure to address the subject matter
resulting in a largely irrelevant answer or
material of marginal relevance
• a display of some knowledge of material
relative to the question posed, but with
very serious omissions/errors and/or
major inaccuracies included in answer
• solutions offered to a very limited
portion of the problem set
• an answer unacceptably incomplete
(e.g. for lack of time)
• a random and undisciplined
development, layout or presentation
• unacceptable standards of presentation,
such as grammar, spelling or graphical
Wholly unacceptable
• complete failure to address the subject
matter resulting in an entirely irrelevant
• little or no knowledge displayed relative
to the question posed
• little or no solution offered for the
problem set
An unacceptable level of intellectual
engagement with the assessment task, with
• no appreciation of the relevant literature or
theoretical, technical or professional
• no developed or structured argument
• no use of evidence, citation or quotation
• no analysis or critical awareness displayed
or is only partially successful
• no demonstrated capacity for original and
logical thinking
0 – 19
No intellectual engagement with the assessment
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Sub-Grade Marks Bands
Sub-Grade marks bands are defined according to the following table in the case of modules where
the pass mark is set at 40%.
Note that
• the A, B, C, F and G grade bands are sub-divided into three sub-bands each,
• the D grade band is sub-divided into two sub-bands, and
• the E-grade band has no sub-band structure.
Sub-Grade Band
Marks Range
77 – 100
73 – 76
70 – 72
67 – 69
63 - 66
60 – 62
57 - 59
53 – 56
50- 52
45 - 49
40 - 44
35 - 39
30 – 34
25 – 29
20 – 24
14 – 19
7 - 13
No Grade
Use of Sub-Grade Marks Bands where three sub-grades exist:
The standard sub-grade marks band for performance within a grade is the mid sub-grade marks
band, e.g. performance at H2.1 level in a module, which is neither a marginal H2.1 performance nor
one tending towards H1, would be allocated a mark in the B range, 63 – 66.
Superior performance at a major grade - that tending towards the next higher major grade - would be
allocated a mark in the upper sub-grade marks band, e.g. performance tending towards, but not
reaching H1 standard, would be allocated a mark in the B+ range, 67 – 69.
Marginal performance at a major grade - that tending towards the next lower major grade - would be
allocated a mark in the lower sub-grade marks band, e.g. performance better, but not significantly
better, than H2.2 level would be allocated a mark in the B- range, 60 – 62.
Page 5 of 5
Thurs. 20 Aug. 2015
Online Registration for Colloquium and
Lecture Modules Opens
Mon. 7 Sept. 2015
Teaching Starts
Wed. 30 Sept. 2015
Final deadline for university registration
Fri. 27 Nov. 2015
Teaching ends
Mon. 30 Nov. – Fri. 4 Dec.
Study Week
Mon. 7 – Fri. 18 Dec. 2015
Fri. 8 Jan. 2016
Colloquia essays due
Mon. 11 Jan. 2016
Teaching starts
Mon. 21 March – Fri. 1 April
Easter Break
Mon. 4 April – Fri. 15 April
Teaching continues
Mon. 18 April – Fri. 22 April
Study Week
Mon. 25 April – Wed. 11
May 2016
Colloquium essays due (date to be announced)
Tues. 2 Aug. 2016
Deadline for submission of repeat assignments
Tues. 2 August – Fri. 12
August 2016
Autumn exams (for those who had to defer a
semester 1 or 2 exam or who failed a semester 1 or
2 exam)