vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE THESIS TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS xix GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The Problem Statement 4 1.3 Research Hypothesis 5 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Research Gap 6 1.6 Research Objectives 8 1.7 Scope and Limitations 9 1.8 Importance of the Research 12 viii 1.9 2 Thesis Organization 13 URBAN PLANNING CODES, COLONNADE AND LOW-RISE STREET CANYON MICROCLIMATE 16 2.1 Urban Canopy Layer Microclimate 17 2.1.1 Energy Balance of an Urban Canyon Layer 19 2.1.2 Effects of Urban Features to the Energy Balance 22 2.1.3 Strategies to Improve Microclimate of Tropical Urban Canopy Layer 2.2 2.3 Low-Rise Street Canyon Microclimate 28 2.2.1 Air Temperature 28 2.2.2 Relative Humidity 30 2.2.3 Thermal Comfort 30 2.2.4 Wind Flow 31 2.2.5 Urban Heat Island 31 Low-Rise Street Canyon Design Strategies 32 2.3.1 Street Orientation 33 2.3.2 Overhead Shading 33 Overhangs 34 2.3.3 Urban Form 2.4 2.5 26 36 Solar Angle Induced Models 37 Courtyard 39 2.3.4 Ventilative Cooling 40 2.3.5 Vegetation and Green Area 41 2.3.6 Solar Reflectivity (Albedo) 41 Colonnade 42 2.4.1 Rationale of Strategy 43 2.4.2 Envelope Ratio 44 2.4.3 Thermal Performance 46 2.4.4 Overhead Shading 47 Urban Canyon Layer of Commercial Street in Johor Bahru 48 ix 2.5.1 Urban Planning Codes 51 2.5.2 Colonnade 54 Summary 55 METHODOLOGY 57 3.1 The Need for the Experiment 58 3.2 Qualitative Analysis of Current Urban Planning 2.6 3 3.3 3.4 Codes 58 Development of Colonnade and Street Configurations 59 3.3.1 Street Aspect Ratio 60 3.3.2 Street Orientation 60 3.3.3 Colonnade Depth to Height Ratio 60 3.3.4 Colonnade to Street Width Ratio 61 3.3.5 Envelope Ratio 62 Shading Analysis 63 3.4.1 Methods of Shading Analysis 64 Manual Calculation Method 64 Computer Simulation 65 3.4.2 Selection of Shading Simulation Software 66 3.4.3 Ecotect Simulation Procedure 67 Step I: Data Requirement 68 Step II: Preparation of the Models 69 Step III: Detailed Interface – Selecting Simulation Parameters and Perform Simulation Step IV: Review Simulation Results 3.5 70 72 3.4.4 Simulation Limitations 73 Urban Canyon Layer Air Temperature Prediction 73 3.5.1 Methods of Air Temperature Prediction 74 Field Experiment 74 Physical Model Method 75 CFD 76 Statistical Model 76 x Digital Elevation Models 77 Computer Simulation 77 Calculation Method 78 3.5.2 Selection of Air Temperature Prediction Model 78 3.5.3 The Cluster Thermal Time Constant (CTTC) Model 3.6 4 78 Envelope Ratio 88 3.6.1 Calculation Procedure 91 Step I: Data Requirement 91 Step II: Preparation of the Models 93 Step III: Calculation 93 Step IV: Review Simulation Results 94 3.6.2 Simulation Assumptions & Limitations 94 3.7 Simulation Analysis Criteria 95 3.8 Conclusion 98 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 99 4.1 Shading Analysis on Colonnade 100 4.1.1 North-South Oriented Street 100 4.1.2 East-West Oriented Street 105 4.1.3 Influence of Colonnade Depth to Height on Shade Percentage 109 4.1.4 Influence of Street Aspect Ratio on Shade Percentage 110 4.1.5 Influence of Street Orientation on Shade Percentage 111 4.1.6 Impact of Current Urban Planning Codes on Shade Percentage 112 4.1.7 Summary of Colonnade Depth to Colonnade Height Ratio (Dc/Hc) 4.2 Solar Radiation Absorption, βπ!"#$% (K) 114 115 4.2.1 Influence of Envelope Ration to the Solar Radiation Absorption 118 xi 4.2.2 Impact of Current Urban Planning Codes on Solar Irradiation Absorption 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 120 Net Long-Wave Radiation, βπ!"#$ 121 4.3.1 Influence of Sky View Factor in Heat Release 123 Air Temperature 125 4.4.1 Envelope Ratio Effect 127 Summary of Colonnade Depth to Street Width Ratio (C/W) 129 Summary 130 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION 132 5.1 Review of Thesis Objectives and Research Questions 132 5.2 Thesis Conclusion 134 5.2.1 Colonnade and Shading 135 5.2.2 Colonnade Depth and Envelope Ratio 135 5.2.3 Envelope Ratio and Air Temperature 136 5.2.4 Sky View Factor and Air Temperature 137 5.2.5 Influence of Existing Urban Planning Codes 138 5.3 Envelope Ratio and CTTC 138 5.4 Suggestions for Further Research 139 REFERENCE 140 APPENDIX 150 A 150 B C Example of CTTC Calculation Spreadsheet A1. Solar radiation absorption, βπ!"#$% calculation 151 A2. Net long-wave radiation loss, βπ!"#$ calculation 152 Conference Paper: Effect of Urban Geometry on Solar Insolation Threat In JSNAC (Pilot Study) 153 Conference Poster: Colonnade in Cooling Urban Canopy Layer 154 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Summary of previous research related to tropical urban street design, colonnade and urban canopy layer microclimate 7 2.1 Climatic scales in an urban area 17 2.2 Thermal properties of materials 21 2.3 Radiative properties of materials 24 2.4 Effects of urban features to the energy balance 26 2.5 Simulated colonnade effects in canyon streets and closed courtyards at 15:00, July data, Tel Aviv 45 Roles and functions of authorities in different level regarding town and country planning in Malaysia 51 Town and country planning regulations in Johor Bahru City Centre 53 Commercial Projects in Johor Bahru and the Built-up Geometry Analysis. Average H/W= 0.51 54 2.9 Microclimate of low-rise street canyon 55 3.1 Colonnade depth to height ratio (D/H) and colonnade depth To street width ratio (C/W) 59 3.2 Envelope ratio for the research 62 3.3 Design variables for shading analysis 66 2.6 2.7 2.8 xiii 3.4 The variables and parameters which are included in the CTTC model 79 3.5 Cluster Thermal Time Constant (CTTC) values 84 3.6 Comparison of sky view factor by using calculation method and Ecotect simulation 87 3.7 Climatological element and their relation to urban features 88 3.8 Temperature and solar insolation on 18 August 2009 91 3.9 Urban variables and input parameters to the CTTC model 92 3.10 Independent variables, dependent variables and constants of the CTTC model 94 3.11 Data analysis indicators and their interpretation 96 4.1 Depth of shaded area, x on colonnade ground of east facing facade (H/W= 0.25, colonnade height = 4m) 110 Difference between north-south oriented street and east -west oriented street 112 4.3 Simulated colonnade effect at 14:00, 18 August 127 4.4 Colonnade depths (in meter) in various street aspect ratios 130 4.5 Colonnade depths (in meter) in various colonnade heights 131 4.2 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Sectional diagram of a typical commercial street in Malaysia 5 Main variables for heat stress reduction analysis – Street aspect ratio (H/W) and Colonnade depth to street width ratio (C/W) 11 Main variables for shading analysis – Colonnade depth to colonnade height ratio (Dc/Hc) 11 1.4 Requirement of colonnade design chart 12 1.5 The flow of research process and thesis structure 15 2.1 Climatic scales in urban areas: meso, local and micro-scale 18 The urban street canyon and the energy balance in equation 2.1 20 2.3 Sky view factor. Source: Sebastian Wypych 25 2.4 Overhang in a street canyon 34 2.5 Adjustable vertical and horizontal shading device 35 2.6 Building types: (a) pavilions (b) courts 36 2.7 Urban block design using shadow umbrella theory 37 2.8 Self-shading building by Capeluto 38 2.9 Courtyards in various ratios 39 2.10 The relationship between the surface-air temperature difference (βT) and the albedo of selected paints and roofing materials facing the sun 42 Colonnades at both sides of the street 42 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.11 xv 2.12 Map of Johor Bahru city 49 2.13 Air Temperature and Solar Radiation of Johor Bahru on a Typical Clear Day (18 August 2009) 50 Illustration of shophouse and urban planning codes in Malaysia 52 3.1 Investigated colonnade depth to its height ratios 61 3.2 Investigated colonnade depth to the street width ratios 62 3.3 The calculation of shadow points on a flat ground given the azimuth and altitude of the sun 65 3.4 Colonnade shading simulation procedures in Ecotect 68 3.5 Formulated 3D simulation models in Sketchup 69 3.6 Simulated plane line (in orange) representing the 2D section of the ground for infinite canyon length simulation 70 3.7 Site location and time zone input in Ecotect 71 3.8 Overshadowing percentage simulation under sun-path diagram window 71 3.9 Shading simulation results 72 3.10 Selection of desired simulation date 73 3.11 Variables in net solar π!"#$% exchanges 81 3.12 Variables in Partial Shaded Area (PSA) equation 82 3.13 Typical vertical cross-section of a symmetrical urban street canyon showing open space area external wall area and plot area 83 Site obstructions projected back onto an imaginary hemisphere centred at the point of interest 86 Projected site obstructions shown in a sun-path diagram centred at the point of interest 86 3.16 Envelope ratio 89 3.17 Overall simulation procedures with design variables and performance variables 97 2.14 3.14 3.15 xvi 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Shading percentage on colonnade ground for east-facing façade in (a) H/W 0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 streets on 21 June. 101 Shading type: (a) overhead shading on a colonnade with D/H 0.5 (colonnade depth = 2m, height = 4m), (b) mutual shading effect on a colonnade with Dc/Hc 0.5, (c) overhead shading on a colonnade with Dc/Hc 0.5 (colonnade depth = 2m, height = 4m) 102 Shading percentage for west-facing façade in (a) H/W 0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 streets on 21 June 104 Shading percentage for north-facing façade in (a) H/W 0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 streets on 21 June 105 Monthly shading percentage on colonnade ground of north facing façade in east-west oriented street in H/W 0.25 street 107 Shading percentage for south-facing façade in (a) H/W 0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 streets on 21 December 108 Shading percentage on colonnade ground of (a) D/H 0.5 and (b) D/H 2.5 in various street aspect ratios from 17:30 to 14:00 on 21 June 111 Overhead shading from 11:00 to 16:00 in various D/H ratios for north-south oriented street 113 Overhead shading from 11:00 to 16:00 in various D/H ratios for east-west oriented street 113 Simulated solar radiation absorption in various colonnade depth to street width ratios, in (a) H/W0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 streets on 18 August 115 The effect of colonnade depth to street width ratio (C/W) and aspect ratio on absorbed solar radiation (K) on 14:00, 18 August 117 Envelope ratio of various colonnade depth to street width ratio (C/W) in low-rise street aspect ratio 118 Envelope ratio and colonnade effect on solar radiation absorption at 14:00, 18 August 119 Current urban planning code (C/W0.15) and the solar radiation absorption reduction (K) 120 xvii 4.15 Simulated net long-wave radiation on (a) H/W 0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 street by various SVF 121 Sky view factor of various colonnade depth to street width ratio (C/W) in low-rise street aspect ratio 123 Effect of SVF in net long-wave radiation loss in (a) 15:00, (b) 20:00 124 Simulated air temperature by various colonnade depth to street width ratio in (a) H/W 0.25, (b) H/W 0.5, (c) H/W 1, (d) H/W 2 streets on 18 August 125 4.19 Simulated air temperature reduction (K) 128 5.1 Colonnade depth and various variables 134 5.2 Simulated air temperature rise by colonnade depth in various street aspect ratio 137 4.16 4.17 4.18 xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 2D - Two-dimensional 3D - Three-dimensional CBD - Central business district CFD - Computational fluid dynamic CTTC - Cluster Thermal Time Constant DEM - Digital elevation model E - East GIS - Geographic information system H/W - Aspect ratio HSA - Horizontal shading angle N - North NE - North-east NLWR Net long-wave radiation loss NW - North-west PET - Physiological Equivalent Temperature RH - Relative humidity RMT - Radiant mean temperature S - South SE - South-east SVF - Sky view factor SW - South-west UCL - Urban canopy layer UHI - Urban heat island VSA - Vertical shading angle W - West xix LIST OF SYMBOLS ∝ - Reflectivity of short-wave radiation πΌ - Albedo π½! - Sun altitude angle (°) at time π‘ Br - Brunt number C - Heat capacity (J m-3 K-1 x 106) C/W - Colonnade depth to street width ratio D - Diffuse-beam radiation (W/m2) D - Depth of building (m) Dc/Hc - Colonnade depth to colonnade height ratio dx - Offset from the shading point dy - The depth of the shade π! - Solar azimuth angle (°) measured from the south, at time π‘ π - Emissivity for long-wave radiation at the surface FA - Plan area of building roofs in cluster (m2) GA - Ground area (m2) h - Overall heat transfer coefficient at surface (W/m2 K) H - Building height h roof - Overall heat transfer coefficient at roof surface (W/m2 K) πΌ!"#$%# !"# (π‘) - Solar radiation intensity on rooftop (W/m2) πΌ! - Solar radiation intensity on the ground (W/m2) πΌ!"# - The total absorbed solar irradiation on surface (W/m2) πΌ!"#$ - Net long wave radiation loss from an unobstructed xx black surface πΌπ£! - Solar radiation intensity on the sunny part of the ith wall (W/m2) K - Temperature degree Kelvin k - Thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) πΎ∗ - Incoming short-wave radiation (W/m2) πΎ↑ - Reflected radiation (W/m2) πΎ↓ - Incoming global radiation (W/m2) πΏ∗ - Incoming long-wave radiation (W/m2) πΏ↑ - Outgoing long-wave radiation (W/m2) πΏ↓ - Incoming long-wave radiation (W/m2) m - Surface solar radiation absorptivity mg - Ground surface solar radiation absorptivity mH - Wall surface solar radiation absorptivity π - Stefan-Boltzmann constant PSA! - Walls’ partial shaded areas on the ground PSA - Partial shaded area π - Density (in kg m-3 x 103) βπ! - Net advection through the sides of the volume βπ! - Net heat storage π! - Latent heat π! - Anthropogenic heat π! - Sensible heat S - Direct-beam radiation (W/m2) S - Total investigated area (m2) SVF roof - Sky view factor of the roof surfaces t - Time (h) t min - Minimum value a time t π! - Base temperature (°C) π! - Air temperature variation (K) π!"# - Ambient air temperature (K) π!"#$ - Contribution of net long-wave radiation exchange to air temperature (K) xxi π!"#$% - Contribution of solar radiation absorption to air temperature (K) Ts - Temperature of the surface π’ - mean wind speed (m/s) π - Thermal admittance (J m-2 S-1/2 K-1) V - Envelope ratio V - Envelope ratio WA - Wall area (m2) X! - Shaded strip width (m) at time π‘ λ - Time (h) of indexing